Australian Politics Forum
General Discussion >> America >> Michelle Obama a Man.. ?

Message started by it_is_the_light on Mar 12th, 2014 at 9:39pm

Title: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 12th, 2014 at 9:39pm

This News Article, is about to change the course of World History.  For years, the White House staff, have ALL known, that Michelle Obama is in fact a man.  And yet, along with countless others, they have knowingly chosen, to be spiritually united as one, with their President, and to be CO-DECEIVERS of the Nations.

While Barack, has repeatedly chosen to invalidate his Presidency, by breaking his oath of office countless times, as he systematically destroys the American Constitution, “Michelle” (at least that is the name he now goes by), has been working with the Mainstream Media, to deceive the entire world, into believing that somehow a man, can be “the First Lady”.

The extent of the White House deception, is truly “an unspeakable horror” – one that has gone on for years, before all of Heaven.  It is now time for the entire world to know, that The United States of America, as a nation, has fallen!  It has fallen on so many different levels, that truly it will be forever compared, to the past, and present, fall of Rome.

In as much as Barack Obama is a World leader (a fact that is well known), along with his Queen, he has now, truly become “the King of Sodom”.  Through the Mainstream Media, and through tolerance, his entire Planet has knowingly embraced the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah, and has in fact become even worse, than those historical cities, in the eyes of the One and only Creator.

And so, what is to become of “the great city” – the City of Sodom?  Perhaps this next video, will give you a clue.  Show no false compassion for one of the greatest deceivers in recorded history – Barack Hussein Obama (a.k.a. Barry Soetoro); for to pity him, as ‘the light of Truth’ illuminates so many of his deceptions, is, to pity ‘the enemy incarnate’, for his evils being brought to the light.

So who are The Two Witnesses, spoken of in the Book of Revelation, in Chapter 11?  Their true identities are revealed, at the very beginning of this next video.

Truly, Barack Hussein Obama is the fulfillment of the Antichrist..  Have there been other antichrists throughout the course of history?  Yes, of course: Nero, Hitler, Pol Pot – just to name a few.  But one antichrist in particular, was specifically referred to in the Bible as the antichrist, and his name is Barack Obama.  It is the name that was foretold, by the biblical phrase, “abomination of desolation”.  What America has now become, is in fact, “a desolate, wasteland” – an Obama Nation, of Desolation.  A drought of historical proportions. is now fully underway in the United States.  The drought is simply, one more sign, of the Obama Nation of Desolation, that is now fully set up both inside, and outside, of all of the churches, both in, and outside of, the United States of America.

The United States Government has several ‘damage control options’ in front of them.

1.) They can have Barack play ‘the victim card’ – pretending that his decision to deceive the American People in almost ALL of his election promises, and in his personal life, were somehow the result of him hearing hate speech against homosexuals, in his formative years.  Perhaps they will expect weak-minded Americans to buy this lie.  But how will he explain the fact that he has become a classic textbook case of ‘a pathological liar’?  Tell it to your therapist Barack, we’re not buying it!  Enough lies!

2.)  They can replace Obama, in order to appease the outcry against him.  The problem with this option, is that the U.S. Government and Mainstream Media were fully complicit, in promoting ALL of Obama’s deceptions.  And so to change the ‘front man puppet’, cannot rebuild trust by any means.

3.)  They can try to discredit the source of the information.  While this may distract the population at large, while exploiting their voyeuristic tendencies, it does not in any way mute or change the revelations of the U.S. Government persistently deceiving the people it was elected to represent.  Remember the mountain of lies about what the NSA couldn’t do, before they got caught?

4.)  They could have Antipope Francis blur the Bible teaching on homosexuality, by presenting a new false doctrine, on the Christian teaching regarding homosexuality.  This move is currently underway; but the fact that this is now exposed in this untimely article, will make the press release very awkward, to say the least.

5.)  All of the above

6.)  Some of the above

7.)  None of the above – the least likely option.

We will see how this turning point in American History plays out.  But one thing is for certain, the United States of America, is now a Monarchy!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 12th, 2014 at 9:41pm


Alex Jones: Michelle Obama looks like a man




Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Frances on Mar 12th, 2014 at 11:08pm
That was quite funny.  I see they are saying Serena Williams is a man too....

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 13th, 2014 at 12:48am
Disappointing thread. :'(

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:03am
To preface ... I'm not saying Michelle Obama is a candidate for Intersex syndrome ... basically I think this whole "Michelle Obama a Man" story is pure BS! Beyond this - the fact is we are all as individuals a varying mix of Male and Female, in body, in mind and in emotion. 

Simply put ... the conventional (Old Testament laden) Christian point of view on homosexuality must inevitably fall down in the face of Intersex syndrome and it's further doctrinal ramifications and repercussions. 

Once people were put to death or imprisoned for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun ...  so sooner or later (the perhaps in another-time flat-earthers) must come to terms with basic genetic science.

Being a Man or a Woman is not always as cut and dry as Religionists would like it to be or indeed as they would like us to think it is!
And the genetic expression that is "Intersex" is more common in humans than most know or would care to know of ... 

Please people wake-up from your ignorance and stupidity and develop some small sense of discernment, reasoning and intelligence ...  ::)

Sorry to have to say it but ... "it_is_the_light" you are really chasing rainbows through rabbit holes with regard to your seeming fascination with this far-out story - (and others of it's ilk ... I might add)!
Why on earth would you post such a thing? - Where is the Love in this? ...  :-?

Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[1][2] Intersex infants with ambiguous outer genitalia may be surgically 'corrected' to more easily fit into a socially accepted sex category. Others may opt, in adulthood, for surgical procedures in order to align their physical sex characteristics with their gender identity or the sex category to which they were assigned at birth. Others will not become aware that they are intersex—unless they receive genetic testing—because it does not manifest in their phenotype.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:22am

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:03am:
To preface ... I'm not saying Michelle Obama is a candidate for Intersex syndrome ... basically I think this whole "Michelle Obama a Man" story is pure BS! Beyond this - the fact is we are all as individuals a varying mix of Male and Female, in body, in mind and in emotion. 

Simply put ... the conventional (Old Testament laden) Christian point of view on homosexuality must inevitably fall down in the face of Intersex syndrome and it's further doctrinal repercussions. 

Once people were put to death or imprisoned for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun ...  so sooner or later (the perhaps in another-time flat-earthers) must come to terms with basic genetic science.

Being a Man or a Woman is not always as cut and dry as Religionists would like it to be or indeed as they would like us to think it is!
And the genetic expression that is "Intersex" is more common in humans than most know or would care to know ... 

Please people wake-up from your ignorance and stupidity and develop some small sense of discernment, reasoning and intelligence ...  ::)

Sorry to have to say it but ... "it_is_the_light" you are really chasing rainbows through rabbit holes with regard to your seeming fascination with this far-out story (- and others you've posted might I add)!
Why on earth would you post such a thing? - Where is the Love in this? ...  :-?

Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[1][2] Intersex infants with ambiguous outer genitalia may be surgically 'corrected' to more easily fit into a socially accepted sex category. Others may opt, in adulthood, for surgical procedures in order to align their physical sex characteristics with their gender identity or the sex category to which they were assigned at birth. Others will not become aware that they are intersex—unless they receive genetic testing—because it does not manifest in their phenotype.


I'm giving the benefit of the doubt for now. One such as he is often points to a turd to see which flies alight upon it. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the negativity today. Perhaps I will learn to see the humour in such things over time. Oh and hello Oktema I am glad you are here. :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by True Blue... on Mar 13th, 2014 at 8:00pm

Frances wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 11:08pm:
That was quite funny.  I see they are saying Serena Williams is a man too....

oh come on... don't tell me you haven't thought of that before...

I feel sorry for the poor ladies that have to play these gorillas in tennis... I wish they'd just rack off...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by True Blue... on Mar 13th, 2014 at 8:40pm
by the way.... the shorter the index finger compared to the ring finger indicates a longer penis.. so they say... seems true for me anyways...  :P

also... that Lesbians and Transgender people will also have the lower ratio index finger...  :-?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by True Blue... on Mar 13th, 2014 at 9:04pm
it is the light...

you may like this ...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 13th, 2014 at 9:26pm
many blessings

yeah ,

I recon she is a he .

for a president to keep such a thing secret

is a good tool for blackmail .. many bleat .

the plain bold faced lie that she is a woman ..


many find this lie acceptable

so be it , however

truth shall be illuminated

without consent


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 13th, 2014 at 9:29pm

True Blue... wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 9:04pm:
it is the light...

you may like this ...

many blessings

looks quite factual

this is a man with a man

why the lie ?



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Honky on Mar 13th, 2014 at 9:45pm

I heard this months ago.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 13th, 2014 at 10:37pm

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:22am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:03am:
To preface ... I'm not saying Michelle Obama is a candidate for Intersex syndrome ... basically I think this whole "Michelle Obama a Man" story is pure BS! Beyond this - the fact is we are all as individuals a varying mix of Male and Female, in body, in mind and in emotion. 

Simply put ... the conventional (Old Testament laden) Christian point of view on homosexuality must inevitably fall down in the face of Intersex syndrome and it's further doctrinal repercussions. 

Once people were put to death or imprisoned for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun ...  so sooner or later (the perhaps in another-time flat-earthers) must come to terms with basic genetic science.

Being a Man or a Woman is not always as cut and dry as Religionists would like it to be or indeed as they would like us to think it is!
And the genetic expression that is "Intersex" is more common in humans than most know or would care to know ... 

Please people wake-up from your ignorance and stupidity and develop some small sense of discernment, reasoning and intelligence ...  ::)

Sorry to have to say it but ... "it_is_the_light" you are really chasing rainbows through rabbit holes with regard to your seeming fascination with this far-out story (- and others you've posted might I add)!
Why on earth would you post such a thing? - Where is the Love in this? ...  :-?

Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[1][2] Intersex infants with ambiguous outer genitalia may be surgically 'corrected' to more easily fit into a socially accepted sex category. Others may opt, in adulthood, for surgical procedures in order to align their physical sex characteristics with their gender identity or the sex category to which they were assigned at birth. Others will not become aware that they are intersex—unless they receive genetic testing—because it does not manifest in their phenotype.


I'm giving the benefit of the doubt for now. One such as he is often points to a turd to see which flies alight upon it. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the negativity today. Perhaps I will learn to see the humor in such things over time. Oh and hello Oktema I am glad you are here. :)

To what Great end? ...  :-?


The internet is a wonderful communication tool  .. however much of the activity taking place on it is little more than Gossip! (Gossip: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.)

I am reminded of a Parable that I came across quite a few years ago now  ... one not found in the standard Bible. Anyway as I recall, it was located in a book from either the Gnostic or Sufi tradition.

The whereabouts of the diary in which I wrote down the spiritual lesson presently escapes me ... so I will do my best to paraphrase the tale.

Jesus was encamped in the desert with a number of his disciples when he asked them ...

What would you do if you saw one of your bretheren's garments being blown off in the night by the cold desert wind? 

They all replied ... we would cover him up so he would not suffer the cold.

Jesus responded rather fiercely ... no you wouldn't, you would further lay them bare to the cold of night!

God forbid we would do such a thing ... the disciples replied!

Jesus then went on to explain ... is it not the same when you hear something negative (yet unsubstantiated/open to doubt) about someone and pass this (gossip) on (without good reason)?
For if you were to act in this way, you would be inviting enmity, hostility, ill will and discord etc into these peoples' lives and thus you would be forsaking/betraying the Spirit! 

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 13th, 2014 at 11:58pm
Following on from above ... and for your consideration - regarding the quality of that on which, or the area where ... you choose to place your attention ...

For example ... if you continually place your attention on "casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true" what qualities might you take on?

You become what you meditate on      

Realization is a Transmission. Various apparent efforts can be made to serve it, but no one can Transmit or influence others with anything other than the state of Realization or the limit of existence that is real for that one. Everyone transmits. All of you are transmitters. You reinforce these limitations in one another and you transmit them to one another. Each one of you emits invisible forces that are locked up in limited messages that reinforce the same limitations in others . . . Realizers of one or another degree of Spiritual development likewise by nature spontaneously Transmit what they are. . . . Those less evolved Transmit their Realization, and those more evolved Transmit their more advanced Realization, and those who have Realized That Which Is Inherently Perfect Transmit That. It is inevitable, and it is an absolute law. That is why it is said in the traditions that the best thing you can do, among all the things you must do — and you must do many things — but the best among them, the chief among them, is to spend time in the Company of a Realizer. Everything is transmission. The stones transmit, the sky does, the TV does. Since everything and everyone transmits states of existence, since life, or existence itself, is participation in transmissions of all kinds, the best thing you can do is to associate with the greatest possible Transmission above all. . . . That is the great rule, the Great Law, the Ultimate principle of the Great Tradition.

Avatar Adi Da Samraj, See My Brightness Face To Face


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 14th, 2014 at 2:44am

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 10:37pm:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:22am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:03am:
To preface ... I'm not saying Michelle Obama is a candidate for Intersex syndrome ... basically I think this whole "Michelle Obama a Man" story is pure BS! Beyond this - the fact is we are all as individuals a varying mix of Male and Female, in body, in mind and in emotion. 

Simply put ... the conventional (Old Testament laden) Christian point of view on homosexuality must inevitably fall down in the face of Intersex syndrome and it's further doctrinal repercussions. 

Once people were put to death or imprisoned for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun ...  so sooner or later (the perhaps in another-time flat-earthers) must come to terms with basic genetic science.

Being a Man or a Woman is not always as cut and dry as Religionists would like it to be or indeed as they would like us to think it is!
And the genetic expression that is "Intersex" is more common in humans than most know or would care to know ... 

Please people wake-up from your ignorance and stupidity and develop some small sense of discernment, reasoning and intelligence ...  ::)

Sorry to have to say it but ... "it_is_the_light" you are really chasing rainbows through rabbit holes with regard to your seeming fascination with this far-out story (- and others you've posted might I add)!
Why on earth would you post such a thing? - Where is the Love in this? ...  :-?

Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[1][2] Intersex infants with ambiguous outer genitalia may be surgically 'corrected' to more easily fit into a socially accepted sex category. Others may opt, in adulthood, for surgical procedures in order to align their physical sex characteristics with their gender identity or the sex category to which they were assigned at birth. Others will not become aware that they are intersex—unless they receive genetic testing—because it does not manifest in their phenotype.


I'm giving the benefit of the doubt for now. One such as he is often points to a turd to see which flies alight upon it. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the negativity today. Perhaps I will learn to see the humor in such things over time. Oh and hello Oktema I am glad you are here. :)

To what Great end? ...  :-?


The internet is a wonderful communication tool  .. however much of the activity taking place on it is little more than Gossip! (Gossip: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.)

I am reminded of a Parable that I came across quite a few years ago now  ... one not found in the standard Bible. Anyway as I recall, it was located in a book from either the Gnostic or Sufi tradition.

The whereabouts of the diary in which I wrote down the spiritual lesson presently escapes me ... so I will do my best to paraphrase the tale.

Jesus was encamped in the desert with a number of his disciples when he asked them ...

What would you do if you saw one of your bretheren's garments being blown off in the night by the cold desert wind? 

They all replied ... we would cover him up so he would not suffer the cold.

Jesus responded rather fiercely ... no you wouldn't, you would further lay them bare to the cold of night!

God forbid we would do such a thing ... the disciples replied!

Jesus then went on to explain ... is it not the same when you hear something negative (yet unsubstantiated/open to doubt) about someone and pass this (gossip) on (without good reason)?
For if you were to act in this way, you would be inviting enmity, hostility, ill will and discord etc into these peoples' lives and thus you would be forsaking/betraying the Spirit! 

Your lesson lies in the parable you quoted.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by True Blue... on Mar 14th, 2014 at 5:58am
is Michelle Obama a Man?

now, I can't say for sure if he/she is or not but first you have to go way back before Obama became President... and ask yourself..

Is Obama Homosexual?

if you look at my link above you will see that at least two people have died after saying that they had Homosexual acts or affairs with Obama...


some say that Obama's marriage is a sham marriage to get them both where they wanted... people are already predicting that they go separate ways after the presidency has finished....

Obama has certainly changed in this term... he almost looks like he doesn't even want to be there... he looks like he's carrying a huge weight... to be honest I can't even believe he got in a second time... 

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Spot of Borg on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:05am
They have kids. Any records of the births? Comon . . .. 


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:13am

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 2:44am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 10:37pm:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:22am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:03am:
To preface ... I'm not saying Michelle Obama is a candidate for Intersex syndrome ... basically I think this whole "Michelle Obama a Man" story is pure BS! Beyond this - the fact is we are all as individuals a varying mix of Male and Female, in body, in mind and in emotion. 

Simply put ... the conventional (Old Testament laden) Christian point of view on homosexuality must inevitably fall down in the face of Intersex syndrome and it's further doctrinal repercussions. 

Once people were put to death or imprisoned for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun ...  so sooner or later (the perhaps in another-time flat-earthers) must come to terms with basic genetic science.

Being a Man or a Woman is not always as cut and dry as Religionists would like it to be or indeed as they would like us to think it is!
And the genetic expression that is "Intersex" is more common in humans than most know or would care to know ... 

Please people wake-up from your ignorance and stupidity and develop some small sense of discernment, reasoning and intelligence ...  ::)

Sorry to have to say it but ... "it_is_the_light" you are really chasing rainbows through rabbit holes with regard to your seeming fascination with this far-out story (- and others you've posted might I add)!
Why on earth would you post such a thing? - Where is the Love in this? ...  :-?

Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[1][2] Intersex infants with ambiguous outer genitalia may be surgically 'corrected' to more easily fit into a socially accepted sex category. Others may opt, in adulthood, for surgical procedures in order to align their physical sex characteristics with their gender identity or the sex category to which they were assigned at birth. Others will not become aware that they are intersex—unless they receive genetic testing—because it does not manifest in their phenotype.


I'm giving the benefit of the doubt for now. One such as he is often points to a turd to see which flies alight upon it. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the negativity today. Perhaps I will learn to see the humor in such things over time. Oh and hello Oktema I am glad you are here. :)

To what Great end? ...  :-?


The internet is a wonderful communication tool  .. however much of the activity taking place on it is little more than Gossip! (Gossip: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.)

I am reminded of a Parable that I came across quite a few years ago now  ... one not found in the standard Bible. Anyway as I recall, it was located in a book from either the Gnostic or Sufi tradition.

The whereabouts of the diary in which I wrote down the spiritual lesson presently escapes me ... so I will do my best to paraphrase the tale.

Jesus was encamped in the desert with a number of his disciples when he asked them ...

What would you do if you saw one of your bretheren's garments being blown off in the night by the cold desert wind? 

They all replied ... we would cover him up so he would not suffer the cold.

Jesus responded rather fiercely ... no you wouldn't, you would further lay them bare to the cold of night!

God forbid we would do such a thing ... the disciples replied!

Jesus then went on to explain ... is it not the same when you hear something negative (yet unsubstantiated/open to doubt) about someone and pass this (gossip) on (without good reason)?
For if you were to act in this way, you would be inviting enmity, hostility, ill will and discord etc into these peoples' lives and thus you would be forsaking/betraying the Spirit! 

Your lesson lies in the parable you quoted.

No doubt - and welcome and blessed lesson it was for me ... one that I'm only too glad to share and be reminded of ...  ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by True Blue... on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:18am

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:05am:
They have kids. Any records of the births? Comon . . .. 


the plot thickens SOB

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Spot of Borg on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:25am

True Blue... wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:18am:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:05am:
They have kids. Any records of the births? Comon . . .. 


the plot thickens SOB

Well they cant be expected to show those to the public. There must be records though since she would have had to give birth to them . . . .


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:33am

True Blue... wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:18am:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:05am:
They have kids. Any records of the births? Comon . . .. 


the plot thickens SOB


Wow - by some strange coincidence I've not been able to find/locate (on the Net) any baby pics or indeed birth records, concerning my own birth ... perhaps I'm merely a fabrication of my own imagination! ...  ::) 

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Spot of Borg on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:37am
Why is this thread allowed to be here but not one on another sheman?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Spot of Borg on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:38am

0ktema wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:33am:

True Blue... wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:18am:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:05am:
They have kids. Any records of the births? Comon . . .. 


the plot thickens SOB


Wow - by some strange coincidence I've not been able to find/locate (on the Net) any baby pics or indeed birth records, concerning my own birth ... perhaps I'm merely a fabrication of my own imagination! ...  ::) 

Apparently its illegal to have records on the ancestry etc sites about ppl that are alive - which means some ppl can sue those arses @ ancestry.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by FriYAY on Mar 14th, 2014 at 12:14pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 9:26pm:
many blessings

yeah ,

I recon she is a he .

for a president to keep such a thing secret

is a good tool for blackmail .. many bleat .

the plain bold faced lie that she is a woman ..


many find this lie acceptable

so be it , however

truth shall be illuminated

without consent


- : ) = +


You are a first class fool.

Duped by tin foil hat wearing retards.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by FriYAY on Mar 14th, 2014 at 12:17pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:37am:
Why is this thread allowed to be here but not one on another sheman?


Both moronic threads should be put in the Retard Section and the posters banned for 2 weeks.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 14th, 2014 at 3:57pm

Gossip/slander breaks God’s law

As James puts it: “Brothers, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against his brother or judges him speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it.” (James 4:11)  What he means is that gossip/slander breaks the royal law of love.  So even if a gossip spreads information which is partially correct (s)he is still wrong, because without love we are nothing (1 Cor 13:2).


As he most often does, St. Thomas well distinguishes a number of different forms of gossip (injustice in speech) and we can look at them one by one.

1. Reviling – dishonoring a person, usually to their face, and often in the hearing of others. It is done openly, audibly and is usually rooted in anger and personal disrespect. It may include name-calling, caricature, profanity and even cursing (which will also be treated later). For the most part, we do not consider reviling to be a form of gossip per se, (since gossip is usually conducted apart from the offended person and reviling to their face). But reviling is a sin of speech that ought to be mentioned here, since it is annexed to the general dishonor and harming of the reputation of others that is at the heart of gossip. Reviling as such is intended to cause personal embarrassment or dishonor.

2. Backbiting – Generally we call this today, “talking behind someone’s back.” Backbiting is the secret and quiet injuring of a person’s good name to others. Here the key point is that the injured person is not present either to defend or clarify what is said. There are two forms of backbiting that St Thomas distinguishes:

A. Calumny – which is telling lies about someone behind their back. The written form of this is called slander.
B. Detraction – which is passing on harmful truths about others. What is said is true, but is not necessary information to be shared, and the information has the effect of diminishing a person’s reputation or harming their good name before others. For example, it may be true that Joe has a drinking problem, but it is not necessary information to share.

There may be times when it is important to share certain truths about others because it is necessary information but such information should be shared only by those who need to know it for a just cause. Further, the information must be certainly true and not merely hearsay. Finally, only the necessary information should be shared, avoiding a full rendering of everything you ever wanted to know about Joe.

3. Tale -Bearing – also called tale whispering – This may sound like backbiting, but St Thomas makes a distinction here. Whereas a backbiter seeks to harm the reputation of another absent person, the tale bearer seeks to stir up trouble and arouse people to action against a person. Perhaps he seeks to have others end professional, business, or personal relationships with the one gossiped about. Perhaps his goal is to incite angry responses toward him, or even violence. Perhaps too, some legal action is the desired outcome. But the tale-bearer seeks to incite some action against the one he gossips about, hence it goes further than the harming of reputation, to include the harming of relationships, finances, legal standing, and so forth.

4. Derision – is making fun of a person, perhaps of their mannerisms, perhaps of a physical trait, or personal quality. While some of this can be light-hearted, it often strays into hurtful and humiliating actions or words that diminish someone else’s standing or honor within the community.

5. Cursing – a spoken wish or command that another person be afflicted with some evil or harm. This may or may not be spoken to their face. Here too we see a dishonoring of a person in the presence of others. The usual goal is to incite from others, anger and dishonor towards the injured person. The cursing of a person is considered in the realm of gossip, whereas the cursing of irrational things is considered merely vain or futile speech, though not wholly sin-free.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 14th, 2014 at 3:58pm

It may also be important to balance the avoidance of gossip with a reminder that extreme secrecy may also be unhelpful in a community. There are times when egregious situations must be directly addressed. In cases like these we ought to follow the norms set forth by Jesus in Matthew 18:15-17

If your brother sins, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the Church; and if he refuses to listen even to the Church, treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.

Hence, discretion must also give way to some transparency in given circumstances, and communities may need to address some matters publicly and clearly.

But as a consistent rule, we ought to be very careful about sins of speech. Too easily and carelessly we risk ruining the reputation and standing of others by our gossip. Idle chatter about others can bring great harm and draw many others into sin. Scripture says, Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips. (Psalm 141:3). Indeed, Help Lord! keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth! Put your word in my heart, so that when I do speak, it’s really you.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 14th, 2014 at 7:15pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:37am:
Why is this thread allowed to be here but not one on another sheman?


many blessings

just a chat upon the title thread

the factual reality is michelle is a man

dressed up as a woman .

which is ok and cool , yet why the global fraud and lie ?


- : ) = +

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by John Smith on Mar 14th, 2014 at 7:17pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 7:15pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:37am:
Why is this thread allowed to be here but not one on another sheman?


many blessings

just a chat upon the title thread

the factual reality is michelle is a man

which is ok and cool , yet why the global fraud and lie ?


- : ) = +

How old were you when you first noticed that you couldn't tell the difference between a man and a woman?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 14th, 2014 at 7:28pm

John Smith wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 7:17pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 7:15pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:37am:
Why is this thread allowed to be here but not one on another sheman?


many blessings

just a chat upon the title thread

the factual reality is michelle is a man

which is ok and cool , yet why the global fraud and lie ?


- : ) = +

How old were you when you first noticed that you couldn't tell the difference between a man and a woman?

blessings john smith

this is not a case of hatred or judgement at all

many misrepresent reality and do not absorb

the desired intent from one such as I am .

the lie is key ,

and the homosexual favours that obama gave

to kissenger and other older rich connected

freemasonic fairygodmothers

are well documented .

now is michelle obamas mother is a high witch

in an occult voodoo death cult ?

whom were their ' children ' stolen from ?

these questions are being asked

and will be revealled soon enough

does this comfort you ?

im interested with forgiveness


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by John Smith on Mar 14th, 2014 at 9:07pm
Is that a refusal to answer light? I thought you enlightened ones were all about putting the truth out there.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 14th, 2014 at 10:14pm
its a factual answer

ponder this if you have the care ..


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 14th, 2014 at 10:21pm

John Smith wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 9:07pm:
Is that a refusal to answer light? I thought you enlightened ones were all about putting the truth out there.

Some people have (often profound and sometimes drug) experiences that open up the psychic center's of the mind and go onto believe that they have reached a state of enlightenment ... and some indeed may!

Others may be naturally open to higher dimensions or (through greater personal effort(s) ) develop the ability to go into deep meditative states ... or again some may receive blessing transmissions that open up their minds to some extent or another. 

However the psychic/astral realms can be very deluding and there is an inherent danger in dwelling there, chasing the lights, being in reverence of higher energies and the Beings who reside there.

Granted there may be many wondrous, joyful, lovely and loving experiences to be had there but ... the (now perhaps refined but nevertheless still active) ego can go-on, and carry-on regardless of the more rarefied conditions.

It can take great wisdom, courage, one-pointedness, and heart to outshine and not be merely consoled or distracted by the above mentioned dimensions of the Cosmic Realm.

Relying primarily on guidance from beings found in the Astral field or on others that receive their guidance in a similar fashion (from beings dwelling there), may not be all that wise .. at the very least - it is not something I would highly recommend.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 14th, 2014 at 10:33pm
@ "it_is_the_light"

The old Alex Jones - now there's someone who can relied upon ...

For exactly what? ... well that's an entirely different matter! ...  ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 14th, 2014 at 10:38pm
many blessings oktema

you may think and interpret reality

as you do so choose

and as such

any judgement will reflect the motive and intent ..

kindly stay ontopic about the transvestite in question

which was mentioned in the video posted ,

or carry on regardless ..

either way

be at peace

in love and light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 14th, 2014 at 11:21pm
^^^ You are not without a measure of wisdom "it_is_the_light"

I found the video to be a mix of pure BS, conjecture, truth and half-truths  ::) ...
and am not at all convinced it is a particular vision/version of "reality" to which I care to give my energy ...  ;)


What a condition we find ourselves in here ... where we co-create with our collective minds.

So many conspiracies - yet so little time.
Yes - for us earthlings there's much to outshine!
... and outshine we must, lest we rot on the vine.
0ktema 14/03/2014

"While you are alive, you make mind. But after death, mind makes you."
Adi Da Samraj

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 15th, 2014 at 12:01am

John Smith wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 9:07pm:
Is that a refusal to answer light? I thought you enlightened ones were all about putting the truth out there.

Light impartially illuminates apparent observations of potential narrative advancement for scrutiny by those who would relate. :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 15th, 2014 at 6:53am
Don't people realise that the video at the start of this thread was a spoof?

There is a sucker born every day.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Spot of Borg on Mar 15th, 2014 at 7:12am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 7:15pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:37am:
Why is this thread allowed to be here but not one on another sheman?


many blessings

just a chat upon the title thread

the factual reality is michelle is a man

dressed up as a woman .

which is ok and cool , yet why the global fraud and lie ?


- : ) = +

So is margaret abbott. Why does anyone care?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Mar 15th, 2014 at 7:19am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 6:53am:
Don't people realise that the video at the start of this thread was a spoof?

There is a sucker born every day.

More than 1 a day it seems Bobby.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 15th, 2014 at 7:23am

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 7:19am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 6:53am:
Don't people realise that the video at the start of this thread was a spoof?

There is a sucker born every day.

More than 1 a day it seems Bobby.

There is more than one on Ozpolitic.    ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 15th, 2014 at 10:17am
Damn, I must have hit quote rather than modify ... lol

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 15th, 2014 at 5:16pm

Ancient Tower of Babel Destroyed

Modern Day Tower of Babel (America) Destroyed

Proverbs 26:11—As a dog returns to his own vomit, So a fool repeats his folly.

Gay Lovers–Barack and Michelle Obama–Sodomy and Corruption in the White House! Urgent ‘FINAL WARNING’ To USA: God Has Drawn His Sword! (Shocking Videos)
Friday, March 14, 2014 18:27

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 15th, 2014 at 6:52pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 5:16pm:
Ancient Tower of Babel Destroyed

Yes now there's something I find interesting ... and it has also sparked the recall of a consideration I had involved myself in a number of years ago.

Basically I find humans (generally speaking) quite ordinary really ... but the play of forces surrounding them (and their activities) can be anything but ordinary.

What we can see here (being played out) on the earth plane is (from what I understand) quite a reflection of (the battles ongoing, particularly in) the lower astral realms. Where great forces (beings or states of being) are struggling for dominance and other forces (beings or states of being) are countering and opposing the darkening influence of these energies.

Humans seated in the position of great power or influence, on the earth plane must not only attract an extensive amount of attention from fellow humans such as we ... but also from these aforementioned forces in the astral realms (or as such, from beings in the higher frequencies of light/planes of existence, that are just a step up from those we sense with our ordinary perception). 

Now from this point of view it may not be so much people such as Michele Obama or her husband, that are the real problem/evil ones, or indeed that it is required of us to focus on them personally as such ... other than to send light (or clear mind and love) to them and their situation.

It seems to me ... in addition to the basic human condition and it's complications, also ... they are caught up in a process far beyond themselves (in an ordinary sense)!


Well so are the thoughts of a (hopefully humble), tradesman such as myself.

The field of electrical fitter/mechanics and an understanding of electromagnetism, electrical frequencies and electrical harmonics etc produced an unexpected and welcome perspective on what was later to become a great interest of mine - that being spiritual life.

Our eyes see in a certain visual spectrum or frequency of light.
Our ears hear in a certain auditory spectrum of vibration.
We feel with our touch a certain solidness of matter or energy.
But there is so much more to reality ...
- so many more frequencies of vibration and light!
- so much that remains unseen and unfelt!

I have heard it said that Consciousness Itself is the ultimate vibration of light or light vibrating at infinite speed. I does give one pause for thought ... lol

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 15th, 2014 at 10:00pm

Michelle’s birth name was Michael
Even before Obama’s gaffe, there were bloggers who said Michelle’s real (birth) name is Michael.
As an example, three months before Obama publicly referred to his wife as “Michael,” blogger Matthew B. Glosser wrote on June 30, 2011 that he was contacted by “an anonymous source who claimed to be a former White House staff member of the Obama administration, specifically “a former member of the First Lady’s personal staff.” The source claimed to have sensitive information regarding a stunning revelation about Michelle Obama and wanted to arrange a meeting with Glosser in person to present the evidence for this claim.
Though initially skeptical, Glosser nevertheless met with the “anonymous source” on June 25, 2011. The source said “the major alphabet networks … are in the tank for Obama and it is network policy to cover up any critical stories regarding the President and his family. The White House has officially created a State media.” Then the source said the following about Michelle Obama:
Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964. He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998. He [Michael] was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers.
After finishing a respectable rookie season with 88 tackles and 7.5 sacks, he suddenly dropped out of the school. Fellow teammates observed that Robinson could regularly be heard lamenting over how he is a “woman trapped inside a man’s body”, and on January 13th, 1983, he underwent sex reassignment surgery at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. To hide the shame of his new identity, Michael left Oregon State to attend Princeton University under his new legal name, “Michelle Robinson”. Years later, he met Barry Obama Jr. a Kenyan immigrant who later became aware of “Michelle’s” true identity. They subsequently married and adopted two children.

Below is a picture, circa 1981, Glosser posted, showing the pre-op Michael LaVaughn Robinson (top right, #44):

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 15th, 2014 at 10:06pm

Voodoo in Obama’s White House

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 16th, 2014 at 2:52am

0ktema wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 6:52pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 5:16pm:
Ancient Tower of Babel Destroyed

Yes now there's something I find interesting ... and it has also sparked the recall of a consideration I had involved myself in a number of years ago.

Basically I find humans (generally speaking) quite ordinary really ... but the play of forces surrounding them (and their activities) can be anything but ordinary.

What we can see here (being played out) on the earth plane is (from what I understand) quite a reflection of (the battles ongoing, particularly in) the lower astral realms. Where great forces (beings or states of being) are struggling for dominance and other forces (beings or states of being) are countering and opposing the darkening influence of these energies.

Humans seated in the position of great power or influence, on the earth plane must not only attract an extensive amount of attention from fellow humans such as we ... but also from these aforementioned forces in the astral realms (or as such, from beings in the higher frequencies of light/planes of existence, that are just a step up from those we sense with our ordinary perception). 

Now from this point of view it may not be so much people such as Michele Obama or her husband, that are the real problem/evil ones, or indeed that it is required of us to focus on them personally as such ... other than to send light (or clear mind and love) to them and their situation.

It seems to me ... in addition to the basic human condition and it's complications, also ... they are caught up in a process far beyond themselves (in an ordinary sense)!


Well so are the thoughts of a (hopefully humble), tradesman such as myself.

The field of electrical fitter/mechanics and an understanding of electromagnetism, electrical frequencies and electrical harmonics etc produced an unexpected and welcome perspective on what was later to become a great interest of mine - that being spiritual life.

Our eyes see in a certain visual spectrum or frequency of light.
Our ears hear in a certain auditory spectrum of vibration.
We feel with our touch a certain solidness of matter or energy.
But there is so much more to reality ...
- so many more frequencies of vibration and light!
- so much that remains unseen and unfelt!

I have heard it said that Consciousness Itself is the ultimate vibration of light or light vibrating at infinite speed. I does give one pause for thought ... lol

I think of others as being relative aspects of the observer self.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 12:08pm
Yes now there's something I find interesting ... and it has also sparked the recall of a consideration I had involved myself in a number of years ago.

Basically I find humans (generally speaking) quite ordinary really ... but the play of forces surrounding them (and their activities) can be anything but ordinary.

What we can see here (being played out) on the earth plane is (from what I understand) quite a reflection of (the battles ongoing, particularly in) the lower astral realms. Where great forces (beings or states of being) are struggling for dominance and other forces (beings or states of being) are countering and opposing the darkening influence of these energies.


many blessings yes it is so ,

yet you immortal beings in physicality

are observing this now yes ...

this is the fact and truth


the dark ones upon your world have enslaved

the population incrementally and by stealth

harnessing the satanic through geomancy

and sacred geometry ... yet even with this

you beings still shine through and now the tables

are turned , consequently

the dark is now petrified at what is unfolding now

upon your biosphere as all lies continue to be exposed

and the true power that is inside of you

steps forth in divine love

and sacred light

so be it


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 2:49pm
many blessings

feel free to post the first lady being feminine


compelling evidence here though



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:23pm
many blessings ,

and as it is here

Workout Series: Get Michelle Obama Arms
Flaunt toned biceps this season with our muscle-building exercises.
By Staff

distortion of reality yet look at her hands here .

teaching women how to get shoulders

like the first lady ...

leading to inadequacy pushing women onto drugs

to cope with their satanically imposed inferiority complex

this continues to be exposed

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by John Smith on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:42pm

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 12:01am:

John Smith wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 9:07pm:
Is that a refusal to answer light? I thought you enlightened ones were all about putting the truth out there.

Light impartially illuminates apparent observations of potential narrative advancement for scrutiny by those who would relate. :)

light is to busy smoking dope to illuminate anything ... it really can't be good for his health to be seeing conspiracies all the time.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:55pm

John Smith wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:42pm:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 12:01am:

John Smith wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 9:07pm:
Is that a refusal to answer light? I thought you enlightened ones were all about putting the truth out there.

Light impartially illuminates apparent observations of potential narrative advancement for scrutiny by those who would relate. :)

light is to busy smoking dope to illuminate anything ... it really can't be good for his health to be seeing conspiracies all the time.

Master Light does not obtain enlightenment from chemicals
but rather from meditation & other eastern practices.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by John Smith on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:58pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:55pm:

John Smith wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:42pm:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 12:01am:

John Smith wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 9:07pm:
Is that a refusal to answer light? I thought you enlightened ones were all about putting the truth out there.

Light impartially illuminates apparent observations of potential narrative advancement for scrutiny by those who would relate. :)

light is to busy smoking dope to illuminate anything ... it really can't be good for his health to be seeing conspiracies all the time.

Master Light does not enlightenment from chemicals
but rather from meditation & other eastern practices.



I've got a great bridge you can buy too  ... will last for years

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:58pm
many blessings

there are many whom yet still

misrepresent the intent in which this lie is exposed

this is a direct indication of your collective stupor

and masonic hoodwink .

compassion is sent unto all dupes

all remain forgiven


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:04pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 3:58pm:
many blessings

yet forget your limp wrist

check out these ones ..

2 men .



- : ) = +


Master Light,
she does look very masculine - hardly a barbie doll -
but she is still a woman.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:06pm
you recon ?


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:16pm
Master Light,
here is a woman's shot put champion.
Large muscly women are still not men.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 16th, 2014 at 5:55pm
Dear child, we are very disappointed that you want to malign our transexual sisters in this way. These dear ones are also our blessed children.

You have been demoted to lower earth being for this transgression. Once we feel you have progressed in your understanding of your brother beings, you may elevate through the aeons back to HiGhEr ViBrAtIOnAl CoNScIoSnEsS.

Go in peace. You are, as ever, forgiven.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:37pm
many blessings

there are many whom yet still

misrepresent the intent in which this lie is exposed

this is a direct indication of your collective stupor

and masonic hoodwink .

compassion is sent unto all dupes

all remain forgiven


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:38pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:16pm:
Master Light,
here is a woman's shot put champion.
Large muscly women are still not men.



many blessings

yet michelle is the first lady

not an athlete

your stupor is noted and forgiven


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:40pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Dear child, we are very disappointed that you want to malign our transexual sisters in this way. These dear ones are also our blessed children.

You have been demoted to lower earth being for this transgression. Once we feel you have progressed in your understanding of your brother beings, you may elevate through the aeons back to HiGhEr ViBrAtIOnAl CoNScIoSnEsS.

Go in peace. You are, as ever, forgiven.

many blessings

your attempt to misrepresent reality is noted

and forgiven

in divine light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:52pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Dear child, we are very disappointed that you want to malign our transexual sisters in this way. These dear ones are also our blessed children.

You have been demoted to lower earth being for this transgression. Once we feel you have progressed in your understanding of your brother beings, you may elevate through the aeons back to HiGhEr ViBrAtIOnAl CoNScIoSnEsS.

Go in peace. You are, as ever, forgiven.

Sort of makes me wonder why in his relationship with the Ascended Ones why a such a strict delineation between male and female/masculine and feminine is seemingly required - when at present within the human species the facts are (as noted in my first post in this thread) that the condition of intersex exists.

Then again I do personally prefer a very feminine nature in a woman - with regard to being attracted to or when choosing a perspective partner.

I think for better or for worse the energies must be very archetypal in the astral planes ... and from what I recall many of these beings are said to be more like a very strong patterning force than the like of actual free spirits.

I think things start to become a bit free-er in the upper mind-realms high above the astral planes.
However even these so-called blue worlds have there limitations from what I understand.

Buddhists have an interesting take on the various levels of conditional existence ... where one may be born/reborn/reincarnated etc. And as such consider the human birth as very auspicious and as having great advantages pertaining to the potential for a great quickening or perhaps even direct and immediate gesture of attention beyond the ego and beyond the cycle of births and deaths - into Nirvana and Enlightenment.   

I may post something further relating to this ...  regarding the Cosmic Mandala/the spheres within spheres of conditional existence ... in my "The Many Paths to Enlightenment!" thread.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:32pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:40pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Dear child, we are very disappointed that you want to malign our transexual sisters in this way. These dear ones are also our blessed children.

You have been demoted to lower earth being for this transgression. Once we feel you have progressed in your understanding of your brother beings, you may elevate through the aeons back to HiGhEr ViBrAtIOnAl CoNScIoSnEsS.

Go in peace. You are, as ever, forgiven.

many blessings

your attempt to misrepresent reality is noted

and forgiven

in divine light


- : ) = +


My child, you are lost. This happens to one such as us on our journey to assist our beloved.

You have joined these lower beings in their base chakra survival-hatred for other fellow beings.

This is okay and kool in the lower world. Indeed, it is to be expected

You have many lifetimes of jouneying to do, as is your choice.

We are one, my dear. You are loved beyond measure.

And forgiven.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:58pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:38pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 4:16pm:
Master Light,
here is a woman's shot put champion.
Large muscly women are still not men.



many blessings

yet michelle is the first lady

not an athlete

your stupor is noted and forgiven


- : ) = +


Gender is decided by a DNA print not a photo.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2014 at 9:05pm

Bryan Burnstein , NASM Expert, Fitness, answered
Arm exercises alone are not enough to rival the amazing arms of our first lady.  Similar to trying to reduce abdominal fat or firm up your thighs, you can’t spot reduce and just eliminate fat from the arms; you must train to get rid of body fat from the whole body.

Michelle Obama- A Transvestite ? Proof is in The Hand..

Published on Jun 27, 2013
Obama The Runner up to Antichrist !!! Notice how she does not wear a wedding ring ? and Obama wear's a wring that is faithfull to his God Allah and refuses to marry anyone ..he Is Married To Satan His Father !Matthew 13:24-30: Another parable He put forth to them, saying: "The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. So the servants of the owner came and said to him, 'Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?' He said to them, 'An enemy has done this.' The servants said to him, 'Do you want us then to go and gather them up?' But he said, 'No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, "First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn."


many blessings

yet truth is all beings are truly loved

yet why the lie ?

if the president wants to marry a tranny and

have a fake family then why not be upfront about it .

why the deceit ?

where does the deceit end ?

many with eyes may wonder

in love and divine light


- : ) = +

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 16th, 2014 at 10:34pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 8:32pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 6:40pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 16th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Dear child, we are very disappointed that you want to malign our transexual sisters in this way. These dear ones are also our blessed children.

You have been demoted to lower earth being for this transgression. Once we feel you have progressed in your understanding of your brother beings, you may elevate through the aeons back to HiGhEr ViBrAtIOnAl CoNScIoSnEsS.

Go in peace. You are, as ever, forgiven.

many blessings

your attempt to misrepresent reality is noted

and forgiven

in divine light


- : ) = +


My child, you are lost. This happens to one such as us on our journey to assist our beloved.

You have joined these lower beings in their base chakra survival-hatred for other fellow beings.

This is okay and kool in the lower world. Indeed, it is to be expected

You have many lifetimes of jouneying to do, as is your choice.

We are one, my dear. You are loved beyond measure.

And forgiven.

Dear Karnal,

you speaketh as though you art the master.

There is only one master on Ozpolitic.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 16th, 2014 at 10:45pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 9:26pm:
many blessings

yeah ,

I recon she is a he .

for a president to keep such a thing secret

is a good tool for blackmail .. many bleat .

the plain bold faced lie that she is a woman ..


many find this lie acceptable

so be it , however

truth shall be illuminated

without consent


- : ) = +


"it_is_the_light" how exactly did you come to the "I recon she is a he ." conclusion ... may I ask? ...  :)

Did one or more of the Ascended Masters pass this information onto you?

Was this information somehow channeled through/by you?

Did you originally find the information at the site?

Did you originally find the information at another site?

Did it just pop into your head?

Did you see the "truth" of it in an inner vision?

Did an inner voice tell you?

I am really interested in receiving an answer to this question ...  because you certainly have a lot of conviction regarding the claim ...  :)

Perhaps you will see my questions as not being worthy of an answers (if so so be it)
... or perhaps at the moment you may simply be ... somewhat ... ;)

Blinded by the Lights!


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 5:03am
many blessings oktema

one such as you are simply manifests

as someone whom has been on the receiving end

of truth and facts delivered by one such as I am .

and you return as a new incarnation seeking to

get back at the divine light which sent you into your

current mindset of revenge .

this is ok cool and forgiven as your broken claws

come out for all to see ..

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 17th, 2014 at 8:24am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 5:03am:
many blessings oktema

one such as you are simply manifests

as someone whom has been on the receiving end

of truth and facts delivered by one such as I am .

and you return as a new incarnation seeking to

get back at the divine light which sent you into your

current mindset of revenge .

this is ok cool and forgiven as your broken claws

come out for all to see ..

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


Thank you for your blessings and may you also be blessed.

As for your judgement ... sorry, but I am not entirely convinced ...

I think it only right if one is to consent to be taught ... it is only right to test the realization of the teacher ... is it not?
(Traditionally this practice has it's precedents)

Indeed you do "seem" to know a lot ....

it_is_the_light do you not have a physical body here on the earth plane?

I'm pretty sure I saw a picture posted at OzPol depicting you in your current incarnation ...

(searching ...) Yes here it is ...

So from your point of view ... one such as yourself is manifest (as a seemingly separate body here on earth) but not simply an ordinary manifest being ... it take it?

Indeed do you perceive yourself as a God-Realized Being -manifesting as a body here on the earth plane and yet aware of yourself as Consciousness all pervading?

Are you ... stable in this realization?

If so did you become Self-Realized here on the earth plane?

Or did you in-fact incarnate directly from the Divine Realm?

If the answer to the last question is indeed yes ... do you then consider yourself to truly be an Avatar?


As for myself I make no such claims ... I merely have been in the position of having a good teacher and wisdom teaching to follow ...   :)


I am sorry if you perceive my questioning as an attack or indeed as some form of attempted revenge ... and also if any of this (play) disturbs you or causes you pain. None of this is my intent!

Indeed my involvement and interaction with you (as you present) ... does involve some personal sacrifice on my part and the experience of some amount of pain (the wound of Love) in my form.


Blessings to you it_is_the_light ...   ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:04am
I am sorry


forgiven ... however

the limp wrist has been observed and noted

in love and divine light ...

I am the first born out of the infinite

as we continue here ,

Conspiracy Review: Was Michelle Obama really born as a man?


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:11am

The following excerpt is the true biographical information of Michelle Obama, given to me on June 25, 2011 by a former member of the First Lady’s personal staff. He shall remain anonymous for the time being to protect his life as well as the lives of his family.

“Michelle Obama, First Lady of the United States, was born Michael LaVaughn Robinson in Chicago, Illinois on January 17th, 1964.
He was the second son born to Fraser Robinson III, a well known cocaine dealer and union thug for Crime Lord/Mayor Richard J. Daley, and Marian Shields Robinson, a transient street prostitute who was diagnosed with the HIV virus in 1998.
He was a popular high school athlete and in 1982, he accepted a scholarship to play middle linebacker for the Oregon State Beavers.
After finishing a respectable rookie season with 88 tackles and 7.5 sacks, he suddenly dropped out of the school.
Fellow teammates observed that Robinson could regularly be heard lamenting over how he is a “woman trapped inside a man’s body”, and on January 13th, 1983, he underwent sex reassignment surgery at Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.
To hide the shame of his new identity, Michael left Oregon State to attend Princeton University under his new legal name, “Michelle Robinson”.
Years later, he met Barry Obama Jr. a Kenyan immigrant who later became aware of Michelle’s 'true' identity. They subsequently married and adopted two children.”
Well ladies and gentlemen, you heard it here first at Christwire, our “First Lady” is actually the First Man. Even more startling, Barack Obama knows that his wife was once a man, making him the first homogay President of our Christian nation.

I’ve examined the evidence carefully, as has the team of researchers here at Christwire. We now have multiple sources to back this story up.

We have also consulted medical experts who have carefully analyzed “her” anatomy, finding that her broad shoulders and pointed jaw line are consistent with that of a male… more specifically a male football player. It would not be the first time a transsexual has risen to prominence (see Lady Gaga).

Experts put together a composite of what Michael Obama might look like today if he/she did not have the sex change (Sorry, could not find this image. - SadInAmerica)

This is disturbing to say the least and is yet another sign of the impending End Times prophecy outlined in the Book of Revelation.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:35am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:04am:
I am sorry


forgiven ... however

the limp wrist has been observed and noted

in love and divine light ...

I am the first born out of the infinite


- : ) = +


Very well master light.

Your omissions and lack of detailed answer to my questions speak loudly enough as to, your level of realization and whether or not you have touched the Very Deep of It All!

As you say ...

"namaste" ...

"I honor the place in you where Spirit lives
I honor the place in you which is
of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace,
when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
then we are One."


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:41am
master Light,

This is disturbing to say the least and is yet another sign of the
impending End Times prophecy outlined in the Book of Revelation.

The End Times has already started.
I am convinced of that.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by John Smith on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:01am
it's like a twilight zone thread  ......  ::) ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:11am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:04am:
I am sorry


forgiven ... however

the limp wrist has been observed and noted

in love and divine light ...

I am the first born out of the infinite

as we continue here ,

And you have been demoted due to your revenge attacks on our beloved sister beings. 

You're back to being mortal again.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:13am

0ktema wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 8:24am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 5:03am:
many blessings oktema

one such as you are simply manifests

as someone whom has been on the receiving end

of truth and facts delivered by one such as I am .

and you return as a new incarnation seeking to

get back at the divine light which sent you into your

current mindset of revenge .

this is ok cool and forgiven as your broken claws

come out for all to see ..

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


Thank you for your blessings and may you also be blessed.

As for your judgement ... sorry, but I am not entirely convinced ...

I think it only right if one is to consent to be taught ... it is only right to test the realization of the teacher ... is it not?
(Traditionally this practice has it's precedents)

Indeed you do "seem" to know a lot ....

it_is_the_light do you not have a physical body here on the earth plane?

I'm pretty sure I saw a picture posted at OzPol depicting you in your current incarnation ...

(searching ...) Yes here it is ...

So from your point of view ... one such as yourself is manifest (as a seemingly separate body here on earth) but not simply an ordinary manifest being ... it take it?

Indeed do you perceive yourself as a God-Realized Being -manifesting as a body here on the earth plane and yet aware of yourself as Consciousness all pervading?

Are you ... stable in this realization?

If so did you become Self-Realized here on the earth plane?

Or did you in-fact incarnate directly from the Divine Realm?

If the answer to the last question is indeed yes ... do you then consider yourself to truly be an Avatar?


As for myself I make no such claims ... I merely have been in the position of having a good teacher and wisdom teaching to follow ...   :)


I am sorry if you perceive my questioning as an attack or indeed as some form of attempted revenge ... and also if any of this (play) disturbs you or causes you pain. None of this is my intent!

Indeed my involvement and interaction with you (as you present) ... does involve some personal sacrifice on my part and the experience of some amount of pain (the wound of Love) in my form.


Blessings to you it_is_the_light ...   ;)

Good luck with your research, Oktema.

The Light always counters with the response that he is not answerable to lower beings.

He then forgives them for daring to ask.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:33am
many blessings

all inferiority complexes are observed , not judged

thus then these dear ones are forgiven

for knowing not what they pursue

then attack benevolent types

whom offer loving assistance

through love and divine light

this loving service continues to eventuate

without permissions or approvals


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:37am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:04am:
I am sorry


forgiven ... however

the limp wrist has been observed and noted

in love and divine light ...

I am the first born out of the infinite

as we continue here ,

Conspiracy Review: Was Michelle Obama really born as a man?


- : ) = +


You say " I am the first born out of the infinite"

Does mean that you are the messiah?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:44am
to be ontopic and upright here ..

Michelle Obama a Man?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:46am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:33am:
many blessings

all inferiority complexes are observed , not judged

thus then these dear ones are forgiven

for knowing not what they pursue

You're the one saying Michelle Obama's a man.

Forgiven for biological ignorance.

As a former higher being, they wouldn't have taught you the birds and the bees.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:49am

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:46am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:33am:
many blessings

all inferiority complexes are observed , not judged

thus then these dear ones are forgiven

for knowing not what they pursue

You're the one saying Michelle Obama's a man.

Forgiven for biological ignorance.

As a former higher being, they wouldn't have taught you the birds and the bees.

Hi Karnal,
notice master Light avoids the question of whether he is the messiah or not?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:50am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:37am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:04am:
I am sorry


forgiven ... however

the limp wrist has been observed and noted

in love and divine light ...

I am the first born out of the infinite

as we continue here ,

Conspiracy Review: Was Michelle Obama really born as a man?


- : ) = +


You say " I am the first born out of the infinite"

Does mean that you are the messiah?

Dang, boy, your preacher sounds like Joseph Smith. He thinks he's a prophet.

You want mah advice? Don't truck with no outlaws, and don't truck with no preacher men. 

They're chips off the same block, Bobbie.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:51am
many blessings yes

the question is asked in the title of the thread

there are posts for and against yet

things are shaping up a not so pretty manly

for michelle ..

scripture has written upon as much

And so how, is this above video, “IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Michelle Obama IS A MAN”, about to change the course of World History? – you might be asking.  It is really quite simple: All of Heaven is watching and waiting to see what the Citizens of the United States of America will do, now that they have been formally introduced to their new “Queen”.  Will they choose to tolerate ‘the Queen of Sodom’ ruling over them, just as the Sodomites and Gomorrites did?  If so, the course of world events will change for the worse.  Or, will they prefer to fraternally correct their Commander and Chief, by reminding him that he has broken his Oath of Office so many times, that he is now by that very fact, impeached! – and remind “Michelle”, that he is in no way qualified to be ‘the First Lady of the United States’, for obvious reasons.  This second choice, will change the course of world events, and the course of human history, for the better. We will see how this turning point in American History plays out.  But as these events unfold, one thing is for certain: the United States of America, is now the textbook definition of An Absolute Monarchy!  Congratulations America on your new form of Government!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:53am

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:50am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:37am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:04am:
I am sorry


forgiven ... however

the limp wrist has been observed and noted

in love and divine light ...

I am the first born out of the infinite

as we continue here ,

Conspiracy Review: Was Michelle Obama really born as a man?


- : ) = +


You say " I am the first born out of the infinite"

Does mean that you are the messiah?

Dang, boy, your preacher sounds like Joseph Smith. He thinks he's a prophet.

You want mah advice? Don't truck with no outlaws, and don't truck with no preacher men. 

They're chips off the same block, Bobbie.

But the true Messiah always denies his divinity.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:53am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:49am:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:46am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:33am:
many blessings

all inferiority complexes are observed , not judged

thus then these dear ones are forgiven

for knowing not what they pursue

You're the one saying Michelle Obama's a man.

Forgiven for biological ignorance.

As a former higher being, they wouldn't have taught you the birds and the bees.

Hi Karnal,
notice master Light avoids the question of whether he is the messiah or not?

many blessings

you remain off-topic and as inane as your posts

one may observe with forgiveness

this was foreseen

and so it is


- : ) = +

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:54am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:53am:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:50am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:37am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 10:04am:
I am sorry


forgiven ... however

the limp wrist has been observed and noted

in love and divine light ...

I am the first born out of the infinite

as we continue here ,

Conspiracy Review: Was Michelle Obama really born as a man?


- : ) = +


You say " I am the first born out of the infinite"

Does mean that you are the messiah?

Dang, boy, your preacher sounds like Joseph Smith. He thinks he's a prophet.

You want mah advice? Don't truck with no outlaws, and don't truck with no preacher men. 

They're chips off the same block, Bobbie.

But the true Messiah always denies his divinity.

Your Reverent Light don't. He talks about it all the time.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:55am
many blessings

the foundation and fact of the thread is delivered .

many bleat upon inanity and suchnesses

so be it


- : ) = +

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:51am:
many blessings yes

the question is asked in the title of the thread

there are posts for and against yet

things are shaping up a not so pretty manly

for michelle ..

scripture has written upon as much

And so how, is this above video, “IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Michelle Obama IS A MAN”, about to change the course of World History? – you might be asking.  It is really quite simple: All of Heaven is watching and waiting to see what the Citizens of the United States of America will do, now that they have been formally introduced to their new “Queen”.  Will they choose to tolerate ‘the Queen of Sodom’ ruling over them, just as the Sodomites and Gomorrites did?  If so, the course of world events will change for the worse.  Or, will they prefer to fraternally correct their Commander and Chief, by reminding him that he has broken his Oath of Office so many times, that he is now by that very fact, impeached! – and remind “Michelle”, that he is in no way qualified to be ‘the First Lady of the United States’, for obvious reasons.  This second choice, will change the course of world events, and the course of human history, for the better. We will see how this turning point in American History plays out.  But as these events unfold, one thing is for certain: the United States of America, is now the textbook definition of An Absolute Monarchy!  Congratulations America on your new form of Government!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:55am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:53am:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:49am:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:46am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:33am:
many blessings

all inferiority complexes are observed , not judged

thus then these dear ones are forgiven

for knowing not what they pursue

You're the one saying Michelle Obama's a man.

Forgiven for biological ignorance.

As a former higher being, they wouldn't have taught you the birds and the bees.

Hi Karnal,
notice master Light avoids the question of whether he is the messiah or not?

many blessings

you remain off-topic and as inane as your posts

one may observe with forgiveness

this was foreseen

and so it is


- : ) = +

You're the one who said

I am the first born out of the infinite

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by John Smith on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:56am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:53am:
you remain off-topic and as inane as your posts

bobby and light are having a lovers tiff? 

finally, something remotely interesting from light ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:58am
You're the one who said

I am the first born out of the infinite


facts are truths yet

you may stay on topic here

or carry on regardless

either way

be at peace


- : ) = +

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:00pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:13am:
Good luck with your research, Oktema.

The Light always counters with the response that he is not answerable to lower beings.

He then forgives them for daring to ask.

Thank you Karnal.

The way it_is_the_light presents himself reveals to me the sign of someone who may (at times) have/have had extraordinary experiences.
Nonetheless he (at many times) merely displays the "usual form of persuasive speech from a thinking, convinced character".

Adi Da Samraj: I enter into this body, from the head all the way down to the feet, into the whole damn thing, in order to examine the conditional body-mind with you, to animate it with you, to be exactly that and to transcend exactly that. This is my unique manner of Working. Although some precedents exists for it traditionally, it is basically a unique way of Working that has been necessitated by this particular time and place. You who have been witness to it, who have enjoyed My Service to you, must understand it and communicate to others exactly how it has taken place. It has not occurred merely in the usual form of persuasive speech from a thinking, convinced character. This Work that I have done is the expression of the Transcendental, Inherently Spiritual, and Self-Evidently Divine Samadhi and Divine Self-Realization, Descending not merely into the upper regions of the brain or the throat, but into the body altogether, and thereby Submitting, in love, to those with whom He is associated.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:00pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:51am:
many blessings yes

the question is asked in the title of the thread

there are posts for and against yet

things are shaping up a not so pretty manly

for michelle ..

scripture has written upon as much

And so how, is this above video, “IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Michelle Obama IS A MAN”, about to change the course of World History? – you might be asking.  It is really quite simple: All of Heaven is watching and waiting to see what the Citizens of the United States of America will do, now that they have been formally introduced to their new “Queen”.  Will they choose to tolerate ‘the Queen of Sodom’ ruling over them, just as the Sodomites and Gomorrites did?  If so, the course of world events will change for the worse.  Or, will they prefer to fraternally correct their Commander and Chief, by reminding him that he has broken his Oath of Office so many times, that he is now by that very fact, impeached! – and remind “Michelle”, that he is in no way qualified to be ‘the First Lady of the United States’, for obvious reasons.  This second choice, will change the course of world events, and the course of human history, for the better. We will see how this turning point in American History plays out.  But as these events unfold, one thing is for certain: the United States of America, is now the textbook definition of An Absolute Monarchy!  Congratulations America on your new form of Government!

I'll predict how it will play out, Light, just as I predicted how 2012 would play out.

Michelle Obama will stay first lady until 2016, after which Obama will end his term and end up with a job in Harvard, Yale, or the Univerity of Chicago if they want to go home.

Michelle Obama will continue on the boards of a few charities, and probably go to Africa a bit more.

You'll have moved on to the next evil "Queen" by then, and forgotten all about it.

See you in 2016, Reverend.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm

But the true Messiah always denies his divinity.


Your Reverent Light don't. He talks about it all the time.

Yes - but it is more from the God being that is inside all of us
that can be revealed  through spiritual guidance rather
than being - the actual Messiah for whom we wait.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm

0ktema wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:00pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:13am:
Good luck with your research, Oktema.

The Light always counters with the response that he is not answerable to lower beings.

He then forgives them for daring to ask.

Thank you Karnal.

The way it_is_the_light presents himself reveals to me the sign of someone who may (at times have/have had extraordinary experiences.
Nonetheless he (at many times) merely displays the "usual form of persuasive speech from a thinking, convinced character".

Reverend Light is certainly convinced, but I'm yet to see him persuade one member of this board of anything.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:14pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm:

0ktema wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:00pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:13am:
Good luck with your research, Oktema.

The Light always counters with the response that he is not answerable to lower beings.

He then forgives them for daring to ask.

Thank you Karnal.

The way it_is_the_light presents himself reveals to me the sign of someone who may (at times have/have had extraordinary experiences.
Nonetheless he (at many times) merely displays the "usual form of persuasive speech from a thinking, convinced character".

Reverend Light is certainly convinced, but I'm yet to see him persuade one member of this board of anything.

many blessings ,

one in search of proof remains ignorant

of the value you possess within

fear not ..for all is well enough

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:16pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm:

But the true Messiah always denies his divinity.

[quote]Your Reverent Light don't. He talks about it all the time.

Yes - but it is more from the God being that is inside all of us
that can be revealed  through spiritual guidance rather
than being - the actual Messiah for whom we wait.[/quote]

this is quite profound


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by FriYAY on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:17pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:14pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm:

0ktema wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:00pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:13am:
Good luck with your research, Oktema.

The Light always counters with the response that he is not answerable to lower beings.

He then forgives them for daring to ask.

Thank you Karnal.

The way it_is_the_light presents himself reveals to me the sign of someone who may (at times have/have had extraordinary experiences.
Nonetheless he (at many times) merely displays the "usual form of persuasive speech from a thinking, convinced character".

Reverend Light is certainly convinced, but I'm yet to see him persuade one member of this board of anything.

many blessings ,

one in search of proof remains ignorant

of the value you possess within

fear not ..for all is well enough

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


I finally get it.

You're mental.

That is all.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:19pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by FriYAY on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:23pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:19pm:

Mental crap does not = facts.

You're a lying peddler of nut-job crap.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by FriYAY on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:26pm
Do you actually believe this crap?

Irrefutable proof!!!

You are a peddler of lies.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:27pm
many blessings

you seem upset and offtopic

this was predicted

carry on regardless


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by FriYAY on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:33pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:27pm:
many blessings

you seem upset and offtopic

this was predicted

carry on regardless


- : ) = +



Not upset

There is no topic

But there are mental nut-job lies

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:38pm

FriYAY wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:33pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:27pm:
many blessings

you seem upset and offtopic

this was predicted

carry on regardless


- : ) = +



Not upset

There is no topic

But there are mental nut-job lies

many blessings

as I have observed others calling you

mental nutjob ...

one in confusion and darkness may not know whom

is to be believed

in love and light

so be it


- : ) = +

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by John Smith on Mar 17th, 2014 at 1:04pm

FriYAY wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:17pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:14pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm:

0ktema wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:00pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:13am:
Good luck with your research, Oktema.

The Light always counters with the response that he is not answerable to lower beings.

He then forgives them for daring to ask.

Thank you Karnal.

The way it_is_the_light presents himself reveals to me the sign of someone who may (at times have/have had extraordinary experiences.
Nonetheless he (at many times) merely displays the "usual form of persuasive speech from a thinking, convinced character".

Reverend Light is certainly convinced, but I'm yet to see him persuade one member of this board of anything.

many blessings ,

one in search of proof remains ignorant

of the value you possess within

fear not ..for all is well enough

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


I finally get it.

You're mental.

That is all.

halelujah brother  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 1:05pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:27pm:
many blessings

you seem upset and offtopic

this was predicted

It wasn't hard to predict, Light.

FriYay's just working himself up for the biscuit. It's that time of day.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 1:59pm
many blessings so be it

we continue ...

captain kirk knew how to take care

of interdimensional shapeshifting transvestites

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 2:03pm
Thanks, Light. Please continue posting proof of Michelle Obama's tranny-status.

The Aerosmith video was a good start, but I haven't seen the "It's Raining Men" clip posted yet.

This, after all, is a vital link in the chain.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 17th, 2014 at 2:09pm

que the music ..

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 2:17pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:16pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm:

But the true Messiah always denies his divinity.

[quote]Your Reverent Light don't. He talks about it all the time.

Yes - but it is more from the God being that is inside all of us
that can be revealed  through spiritual guidance rather
than being - the actual Messiah for whom we wait.

this is quite profound


- : ) = +




Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 17th, 2014 at 7:23pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm:

But the true Messiah always denies his divinity.

[quote]Your Reverent Light don't. He talks about it all the time.

Yes - but it is more from the God being that is inside all of us
that can be revealed  through spiritual guidance rather
than being - the actual Messiah for whom we wait.[/quote]

Yes - but sometimes one must wonder about the exact nature, quality and reliability of master lights own "spiritual" guidance ...  ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bobbythebat1 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 9:35pm

0ktema wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 7:23pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 12:03pm:

But the true Messiah always denies his divinity.

[quote]Your Reverent Light don't. He talks about it all the time.

Yes - but it is more from the God being that is inside all of us
that can be revealed  through spiritual guidance rather
than being - the actual Messiah for whom we wait.

Yes - but sometimes one must wonder about the exact nature, quality and reliability of master lights own "spiritual" guidance ...  ::)


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:02pm
Light, I do think that Eddie Murphy movie where he dresses in drag would make good evidence here. Also, that Queen song with Freddie Mercury doing the vacuuming -  I want To Break Free.

At least Bobbie will have something to watch while he felches you.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 17th, 2014 at 11:04pm
I don't mean to be truly unkind to "it_is_the_light" ... but it must be said, there can be a danger involved in taking your spiritual guidance from beings in the astral worlds (even from beings within the higher astral worlds). As you can not always be sure of the true quality of those whom you may meet there.

The Buddhist tradition(s) have some interesting things to say regarding demigods and their like.

Anyway my wish for "it_is_the_light" would be for him not to be deluded by various energies and beings that may be found there, and also not to share those delusions with others here - as if they are Truth! Or perhaps not to fill-up with light and spiritual energy there, and then use that energy to help fuel his less than auspicious carry-on here.

What ever it is? ...

May he transcend all limitations and one day find himself in the state of True Enlightenment.
Likewise ...  May all sentient beings be free of suffering.

Sorry to say ... but at present much of what is displayed in his posts is leaning much more towards a self proclaimed master who is pretty lite-on Real Understanding.


Namaste ...

"I honor the place in you where Spirit lives
I honor the place in you which is
of Love, of Truth, of Light, of Peace,
when you are in that place in you,
and I am in that place in me,
then we are One."


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 18th, 2014 at 12:01am
Don’t worry about that, Oktema. Light gets none of his predictions from the astral world.

And yes, I too hope he comes to the light.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 18th, 2014 at 12:36am

Karnal wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 12:01am:
Don’t worry about that, Oktema. Light gets none of his predictions from the astral world.

I too hope he comes to the light.

Yes I think your right!
It came to me as I wrote ...
" Or perhaps not to fill-up with light and spiritual energy there, and then use that energy to help fuel his less than auspicious carry-on here."

It does seem most likely that this is indeed what he is doing.

Filling himself up, then trawling the internet for whatever turns him on and releasing his pent-up energy in a torrent of bizarreness  ... what a waste! ...  :(

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:12am

0ktema wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:13am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 2:44am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 10:37pm:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:22am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:03am:
To preface ... I'm not saying Michelle Obama is a candidate for Intersex syndrome ... basically I think this whole "Michelle Obama a Man" story is pure BS! Beyond this - the fact is we are all as individuals a varying mix of Male and Female, in body, in mind and in emotion. 

Simply put ... the conventional (Old Testament laden) Christian point of view on homosexuality must inevitably fall down in the face of Intersex syndrome and it's further doctrinal repercussions. 

Once people were put to death or imprisoned for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun ...  so sooner or later (the perhaps in another-time flat-earthers) must come to terms with basic genetic science.

Being a Man or a Woman is not always as cut and dry as Religionists would like it to be or indeed as they would like us to think it is!
And the genetic expression that is "Intersex" is more common in humans than most know or would care to know ... 

Please people wake-up from your ignorance and stupidity and develop some small sense of discernment, reasoning and intelligence ...  ::)

Sorry to have to say it but ... "it_is_the_light" you are really chasing rainbows through rabbit holes with regard to your seeming fascination with this far-out story (- and others you've posted might I add)!
Why on earth would you post such a thing? - Where is the Love in this? ...  :-?

Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[1][2] Intersex infants with ambiguous outer genitalia may be surgically 'corrected' to more easily fit into a socially accepted sex category. Others may opt, in adulthood, for surgical procedures in order to align their physical sex characteristics with their gender identity or the sex category to which they were assigned at birth. Others will not become aware that they are intersex—unless they receive genetic testing—because it does not manifest in their phenotype.


I'm giving the benefit of the doubt for now. One such as he is often points to a turd to see which flies alight upon it. I'm feeling a little overwhelmed by the negativity today. Perhaps I will learn to see the humor in such things over time. Oh and hello Oktema I am glad you are here. :)

To what Great end? ...  :-?


The internet is a wonderful communication tool  .. however much of the activity taking place on it is little more than Gossip! (Gossip: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details which are not confirmed as true.)

I am reminded of a Parable that I came across quite a few years ago now  ... one not found in the standard Bible. Anyway as I recall, it was located in a book from either the Gnostic or Sufi tradition.

The whereabouts of the diary in which I wrote down the spiritual lesson presently escapes me ... so I will do my best to paraphrase the tale.

Jesus was encamped in the desert with a number of his disciples when he asked them ...

What would you do if you saw one of your bretheren's garments being blown off in the night by the cold desert wind? 

They all replied ... we would cover him up so he would not suffer the cold.

Jesus responded rather fiercely ... no you wouldn't, you would further lay them bare to the cold of night!

God forbid we would do such a thing ... the disciples replied!

Jesus then went on to explain ... is it not the same when you hear something negative (yet unsubstantiated/open to doubt) about someone and pass this (gossip) on (without good reason)?
For if you were to act in this way, you would be inviting enmity, hostility, ill will and discord etc into these peoples' lives and thus you would be forsaking/betraying the Spirit! 

Your lesson lies in the parable you quoted.

No doubt - and welcome and blessed lesson it was for me ... one that I'm only too glad to share and be reminded of ...  ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:37am
Winston are you trying to tell me that I shouldn't be criticizing/responding to "it_is_the_light's" often bizarre public carry-on ... here in his very own thread ... :-?

It's not like I'm all about spreading this info all over the net ... besides in my opinion it is best for everyone concerned that this matter be addressed.

Why don't you openly say what/how you feel about it ... and in doing so feel the Wound of Love if you must.   

Please see the highlighted text below ....  ;)

0ktema wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 3:58pm:

It may also be important to balance the avoidance of gossip with a reminder that extreme secrecy may also be unhelpful in a community. There are times when egregious situations must be directly addressed. In cases like these we ought to follow the norms set forth by Jesus in Matthew 18:15-17

If your brother sins, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the Church; and if he refuses to listen even to the Church, treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.

Hence, discretion must also give way to some transparency in given circumstances, and communities may need to address some matters publicly and clearly.

But as a consistent rule, we ought to be very careful about sins of speech. Too easily and carelessly we risk ruining the reputation and standing of others by our gossip. Idle chatter about others can bring great harm and draw many others into sin. Scripture says, Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips. (Psalm 141:3). Indeed, Help Lord! keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth! Put your word in my heart, so that when I do speak, it’s really you.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:54am

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:37am:
Winston are you trying to tell me that I shouldn't be criticizing/responding to "it_is_the_light's" often bizarre public carry-on ... here in his very own thread ... :-?

It's not like I'm all about spreading this info all over the net ... besides in my opinion it is best for everyone concerned that this matter be addressed.

Why don't you openly say what/how you feel about it ... and in doing so feel the Wound of Love if you must.   

Please see the highlighted text below ....  ;)

0ktema wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 3:58pm:

It may also be important to balance the avoidance of gossip with a reminder that extreme secrecy may also be unhelpful in a community. There are times when egregious situations must be directly addressed. In cases like these we ought to follow the norms set forth by Jesus in Matthew 18:15-17

If your brother sins, go and show him his fault, just between the two of you. If he listens to you, you have won your brother over. But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that ‘every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.’ If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the Church; and if he refuses to listen even to the Church, treat him as you would a Gentile or a tax collector.

Hence, discretion must also give way to some transparency in given circumstances, and communities may need to address some matters publicly and clearly.

But as a consistent rule, we ought to be very careful about sins of speech. Too easily and carelessly we risk ruining the reputation and standing of others by our gossip. Idle chatter about others can bring great harm and draw many others into sin. Scripture says, Set a guard over my mouth, O LORD; keep watch over the door of my lips. (Psalm 141:3). Indeed, Help Lord! keep Your arm around my shoulder and Your hand over my mouth! Put your word in my heart, so that when I do speak, it’s really you.


Who are you trying to convince of what?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 18th, 2014 at 6:07am
fear not dear ones

all continues to be revealed

this will continue to be so without approval

or permission from mediocre minds ..

in love and the divine light

and so it is


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by FriYAY on Mar 18th, 2014 at 9:39am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 6:07am:
fear not dear ones

all continues to be revealed

this will continue to be so without approval

or permission from mediocre minds ..

in love and the divine light

and so it is


- : ) = +


Irony mocks you.......

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Annie Anthrax on Mar 18th, 2014 at 9:47am
A stupid conspiracy theory perpetuated by men who fear strong women.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 18th, 2014 at 12:12pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 9:47am:
A stupid conspiracy theory perpetuated by men who fear strong women.

And trannies.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 18th, 2014 at 3:53pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 12:12pm:

Annie Anthrax wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 9:47am:
A stupid conspiracy theory perpetuated by men who fear strong women.

And trannies.

many blessings

some beings tend to attack the messenger

the harbinger of truth


the fact remains

its tranny town

so go figure

in love and light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 18th, 2014 at 4:55pm
Your self aggrandizement does not become You master light lite ...

... and your continual provocations and perversions speak as to your present state, as being that of a merely, strangely influenced and convinced character with little real depth of True Understanding!

This is how you are (mostly) presenting here, is it not? Do you not know your own play?

Please find a mirror and correct yourself!


Then let us get to the Heart of the matter - together! ...

Should we do, just that ... what a wonder that would be!

"Love does not fail for you when you are rejected, betrayed or apparently not Loved.  Love fails for you when you reject, betray and do not love.  Therefore .. Love."
Adi Da Samraj

with Love

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 18th, 2014 at 5:07pm
many blessings ...

we continue

in love and divine light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 18th, 2014 at 5:38pm
Well if for nothing much else, it_is_the_light - you do appear ... to give me reason to sharpen my pencil (so to speak) ...    ;D


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 18th, 2014 at 6:33pm
many blessings ,

the title thread is correct

there is grounds for impeachment

if any have evidence to the contrary please produce it .

for as it is now we are in man town in regards

to michelles sexuality

all is forgiven yes , however

the truth will be represented

and all those that wish to be a party to fraud

may carry on regardless , either way

be at peace

in love and the divine light


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 18th, 2014 at 6:58pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 3:53pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 12:12pm:

Annie Anthrax wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 9:47am:
A stupid conspiracy theory perpetuated by men who fear strong women.

And trannies.

many blessings

some beings tend to attack the messenger

the harbinger of truth


the fact remains

its tranny town

so go figure

in love and light


- : ) = +


Your lower being status is confirmed.

Laura Bush versus Michelle Obama.

All your propaganda comes from the racist Tea Party crowd. Do you know how I know?

Not one mention of the tranny, Sarah Palin.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 18th, 2014 at 7:07pm
many blessing

laura bush ?

well this speaks volumes ..

sarah palin is not a tranny

she is a shapeshifting freemasonic dupe is all ...

whom just so happens to frequent tea parties..

regardless , your divine wit is noted

at most half of it

michelle obama ... well

thats another cup of tea now isnt it ..



- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 19th, 2014 at 4:58am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 6:33pm:
many blessings ,

the title thread is correct

I am happy to report that it_is_the_light (with any grammatical questions excluded) may well be correct on this one.
... as the thread title does, (with great reason) in-fact, include a very prominent question mark at the end?

Just to be on the safe side ... perhaps the OP would do well to include many more question marks ... in his posts and threads  ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:59am

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am:
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

You're jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions, derived from an emotionally insecure need to seek attention. ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:37am

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:59am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am:
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

You're jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions, derived from an emotionally insecure need to seek attention. ::)

I was moved to make various assumptions based on the obtuse nature of your earlier reply's including the long quote with no personal comment (included) and ... "Who are you trying to convince of what?"  ::)  ;D

As for your assumptions well, they are just that ... your assumptions ...   ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:49am

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:37am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:59am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am:
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

You're jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions, derived from an emotionally insecure need to seek attention. ::)

I was moved to make various assumptions based on the obtuse nature of your earlier reply ... "Who are you trying to convince of what?"  ::)  ;D

As for your assumptions well, they are just that ... your assumptions ...   ;)

A question which remains unanswered.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:06am

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:49am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:37am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:59am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am:
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

You're jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions, derived from an emotionally insecure need to seek attention. ::)

I was moved to make various assumptions based on the obtuse nature of your earlier reply ... "Who are you trying to convince of what?"  ::)  ;D

As for your assumptions well, they are just that ... your assumptions ...   ;)

A question which remains unanswered.

Have you considered the possibility - that I may merely have been trying to influence (or indeed give rise to a pause for thought) ... rather than trying to convince you/anyone, with my point of view?  ...  :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:13am

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:06am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:49am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:37am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:59am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am:
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

You're jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions, derived from an emotionally insecure need to seek attention. ::)

I was moved to make various assumptions based on the obtuse nature of your earlier reply ... "Who are you trying to convince of what?"  ::)  ;D

As for your assumptions well, they are just that ... your assumptions ...   ;)

A question which remains unanswered.

Have you considered the possibility - that I may merely have been trying to influence (or indeed give rise to a pause for thought) ... rather than trying to convince you/anyone, with my point of view?  ...  :)

Have you considered the possibility - that you are merely making a fool of yourself?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:24am

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:13am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:06am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:49am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:37am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:59am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am:
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

You're jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions, derived from an emotionally insecure need to seek attention. ::)

I was moved to make various assumptions based on the obtuse nature of your earlier reply ... "Who are you trying to convince of what?"  ::)  ;D

As for your assumptions well, they are just that ... your assumptions ...   ;)

A question which remains unanswered.

Have you considered the possibility - that I may merely have been trying to influence (or indeed give rise to a pause for thought) ... rather than trying to convince you/anyone, with my point of view?  ...  :)

Have you considered the possibility - that you are merely making a fool of yourself?

Undoubtedly  lol ... but in what particular way do you infer, that I may presently be doing just that?


"Once I felt so wise, that I must have lived many lifetimes - then a moment passes and I feel like the fool who was just born"

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Winston Smith on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:46am

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:24am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:13am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:06am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:49am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:37am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:59am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am:
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

You're jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions, derived from an emotionally insecure need to seek attention. ::)

I was moved to make various assumptions based on the obtuse nature of your earlier reply ... "Who are you trying to convince of what?"  ::)  ;D

As for your assumptions well, they are just that ... your assumptions ...   ;)

A question which remains unanswered.

Have you considered the possibility - that I may merely have been trying to influence (or indeed give rise to a pause for thought) ... rather than trying to convince you/anyone, with my point of view?  ...  :)

Have you considered the possibility - that you are merely making a fool of yourself?

Undoubtedly  lol ... but in what particular way do you infer, that I may presently be doing just that?


"Once I felt so wise, that I must have lived many lifetimes - then a moment passes and I feel like the fool who was just born"

By requiring any further explanation.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:58am

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:46am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:24am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:13am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 7:06am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:49am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 6:37am:

Winston Smith wrote on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:59am:

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2014 at 1:56am:
Your playing word games Winston ... again why don't you say what you feel about the matter and openly give the reason you posted the extended quote of mine concerning gossip.

You're jumping to conclusions, based on assumptions, derived from an emotionally insecure need to seek attention. ::)

I was moved to make various assumptions based on the obtuse nature of your earlier reply ... "Who are you trying to convince of what?"  ::)  ;D

As for your assumptions well, they are just that ... your assumptions ...   ;)

A question which remains unanswered.

Have you considered the possibility - that I may merely have been trying to influence (or indeed give rise to a pause for thought) ... rather than trying to convince you/anyone, with my point of view?  ...  :)

Have you considered the possibility - that you are merely making a fool of yourself?

Undoubtedly  lol ... but in what particular way do you infer, that I may presently be doing just that?


"Once I felt so wise, that I must have lived many lifetimes - then a moment passes and I feel like the fool who was just born"

By requiring any further explanation.

Touche ... lol

But ... about what, ...  from whom, ... and how much exactly? ...  ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 19th, 2014 at 2:43pm
many blessings ,

here is the michelle obama is a transvestite network ..

Impeach Barack Obama- Michelle Obama Is A Transvestite

Published on Mar 17, 2013
Impeach Barack Obama- Michelle Obama Is A Transvestite
Help Change The Existing Paradigm. Please Read The Desire Statement Out Loud.

I am in the process of attracting and allowing whatever I need to do, know or have, to impeach and imprison Barack Obama for deceiving the American people surrounding the sexuality of his wife Michelle, also known as Michael Obama.

I am excited about the thought that Barack Obama will be going to prison for deceiving the American people for lying about the sexuality of his wife Michelle, also known as Michael Obama.
Science & Technology


- : ) = +


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 19th, 2014 at 5:55pm
quite a package!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 23rd, 2014 at 1:02pm

Obama And Michelle Have Come Out Of The CLOSET… Michelle is Michael!!
Friday, March 21, 2014 15:45

Obama and Michelle have come out of the CLOSET. Michelle is Michael! Is Obama gay? Why Satanic message in daughters’ names!

Obama Refers to His Wife as “Michael”
He is speaking to Admiral Michael Mullen and wife Deborah and is suppose to say “Michelle and I” acknowledge the service of thier son Jack who was deployed. What happened is there was a mistake on the teleprompter and Obama just read the words without thinking about what he was saying.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2014 at 6:53pm

Michelle Obama Is A Man Goes Viral Across America (Videos)
Tuesday, April 8, 2014 18:09

A thread over at the popular social networking site Reddit pointed out that as theories surfaced about Michelle Obama being a man, a serious spike of interest according to Google Trends, started showing. From 2004 to 2012 virtually nobody searched for “Michelle Obama A Man,” or Is Michelle Obama a man,” then a very small spike in 2012, but there was more interest, although not a lot, just up and down from May 2013 to February 2014, until the searches started  rising and exploded in March and the partial month of April.

The image below shows the data associated with the graph, which comes up when a user hovers their mouse over the graph, and an explanation from Google quoted below, will explain what the numbers mean.

The numbers on the graph reflect how many searches have been done for a particular term, relative to the total number of searches done on Google over time. They don’t represent absolute search volume numbers, because the data is normalized and presented on a scale from 0-100. Each point on the graph is divided by the highest point, or 100. When we don’t have enough data, 0 is shown.

For comparison purposes, I added a second search term of “Michelle Obama, and as it turns out, more people actually search for “Michelle Obama Is A Man” than for “Michelle Obama” alone.

It appears the initial rumors and/or searches surfaced in 2012 but died quickly, then again in 2013, before being debunked.

It seems to have come back to life though in the second video below dated March 11 claiming irrefutable proof, and third video below from March 29, that really exploded this and caused Americans (most of the searches were from the United States – See Here) to start searching like mad to see if Michelle Obama was a man.

The first is someone that claims to have not believed the rumors until he saw the videos “proving” Michelle Obama was a man.

The two below are the ones that blew this story up again. (For those that didn’t see them in a previous post because a videographer deleted them)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2014 at 3:42pm


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 20th, 2014 at 9:13pm

Barack Obama's Photo "Lie"ography, Part 3

Uploaded on Feb 15, 2011
Part 3 of my new mini eBook , soon to be released. Before 2004, the media had never heard of Barack Obama. They did not know about his birth place, his family, his education, his religion, his background, and his whereabouts.

They still do not know. Everything they thought they know about Obama was fabricated for their benefit from that point forward.

All of these photos "made available to the public" by the Obama Campaign and Obama's "family and friends" are forgeries created for the conspiracy to package, sell, and elect an illusion of the perfect Presidential candidate.

A conspiracy put Obama into politics. A conspiracy put him in office. A conspiracy is keeping him in power.

The Journolist conspiracy was one of hundreds of similar conspiracies to keep Americans from knowing they are being conned by the biggest criminal conspiracy in modern history.
News & Politics

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dame Pansi on Apr 21st, 2014 at 12:20pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 22nd, 2014 at 5:38pm
many blessings dame pansie

how can a man be the first lady ?

looks like he forgot the strap on bulge supressor

he is forgiven for global hoodwinkery


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by WorldSacred on Apr 24th, 2014 at 10:49am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 24th, 2014 at 9:52pm

Usurper & Drag Queen In White House? ‘Michael’ – Shoe Size 11 1/2- 12
Wednesday, April 23, 2014 13:25

By Susan Duclos

Videographer Gabor Zolna was curious, so he Googled the size of Michelle Obamas shoe size, or as he calls “her,” Michaels shoe size, and the answer he received was an 11 1/2 shoe size, to which he asks, “how  many women do you now that wear a sie 11 1/2 shoe?”

Googles answer differs from WikiFeet (I didn’t even know Wiki HAD a “feet” website!) and they claim good ole “Michaels” foot is actually size 12! They also provide a number of photos which will be shown below, just for laughs.

Before that though, Zolna’s point seems to be that the size of the foot on what he is basically calling our White House drag queen, added together with the hands, shoulders, neck, Adam’s apple, arms, etc…. is more evidence, in his opinion, that Michelle Obama is actually Michael, as Barack Obama once mistakenly referred to her.

As Zolna points out, the “usurper” and the drag queen theory would be comical if Obama wasn’t destroying the country.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 24th, 2014 at 10:13pm
Dear master Light,
it's amazing what you can do in Photoshop.
Did Tony really wear a crown?
Are Tony's ears really this big?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2014 at 8:02pm

Saturday, April 26, 2014 15:07

After going viral, and receiving close to a million views, in just a few weeks, YouTube has made ‘the false claim’, that the video, “Irrefutable Proof that Michelle Obama is a Man”, violated ‘community guidelines’; and as a result, YouTube has deleted it!
The video in no way violates “community guidelines” – but the video does indeed, ‘greatly offend’ those people who watch it – if they hate the Truth.   The video can still be viewed on “Vimeo”, and you can find the link in the description box below.
These days, more and more people, are finding the Truth – especially the Truth about ‘a person’s true gender’, to be very offensive.  ‘How appropriate’ that YouTube made their move, on Easter Weekend – the annual feast of that historical day – 2000 years ago, when people hated the Truth so much, they took action “to kill it”, as a response – to it.
Once again, you can still watch the video on Vimeo.  You can also watch part 2 – our follow-up video that exposes Serena Williams, and HIS direct connection to “Michael” Obama.
We produced these videos because we believe it is important, for people to be able to easily recognize some of the basic differences – between a man and a woman.  In THIS current ‘culture of gender deception’, it is important that people have ‘the basic tools’ that they need to recognize a person’s “natural gender” – the gender they were born with.  People need ‘special tools’, to see through the lies, and to name ‘the true gender’ – of the people who are presenting their gender falsely.  For ‘people who want to live in the Truth’, “the freedom” to recognize a person’s natural gender, is now ‘an essential freedom’.  But the freedom to recognize ‘a person’s natural gender’, is better expressed, by a person who has a trained eye – and by a person who has ‘the basic knowledge’, of how to quickly identify ‘the genetic features’, of another’s ‘true gender’. 
Our recent videos are training people, to quickly recognize, the natural gender, of everyone they meet.  And so, let transgenders deceive themselves about the gender they were born with – let them change their name and appearance; but transgenders do not have the right to force others, to ignore the gender identity, that is stamped on the DNA, of every cell in their body.
We encourage you to spread these videos.  Feel free to download them from Vimeo, and then upload them to your favorite video Channel, if you have one.  Spread these videos – spread the Truth.  Don’t let people who are uncomfortable with ‘their natural gender’, force you, to be ‘as uncomfortable with it’, as they are.

and here....

viewer discretion is advised *


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 12th, 2014 at 5:17am

Michelle Is A Transexual; Married To Antichrist Obama – Video
Sunday, May 11, 2014 6:17

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 12th, 2014 at 8:35pm

★Michelle Obama A Man Originally born as “Michael LaVaughn Robinson” Heres the reported facts
Sunday, May 11, 2014 7:42

In a speech on September 30, 2011, at the transition or change-of-office ceremony of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff at Fort Myer, Virginia, Obama referred to his wife not as Michelle but as Michael.   It’s hard to keep a lie and hard to keep this one a secret…

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Pastafarian on May 12th, 2014 at 8:59pm
Or more likely he flustered the sppech and said Michael.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by austranger on May 12th, 2014 at 9:09pm
Never ending, ain't it?  ;D
139859610298.jpg (32 KB | 102 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 16th, 2014 at 7:11pm
we continue ..

The First Lady is a Man - Acoustic Guitar with Vocals

The First LADY is a MAN!

Rick James - Super Freak

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 16th, 2014 at 7:25pm

we have another bigfoot sighting !

chewy !

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Datalife on Jun 16th, 2014 at 7:35pm
This thread fits well with your other threads.   I don't blame you, I blame the brain damage.  You seem to have a belief that if someone said it on the internet or on YouTube then it must be true. 

No capacity at all for critical thought.

I know



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 16th, 2014 at 7:40pm

Datalife wrote on Jun 16th, 2014 at 7:35pm:
This thread fits well with your other threads.   I don't blame you, I blame the brain damage.  You seem to have a belief that if someone said it on the internet or on YouTube then it must be true. 

No capacity at all for critical thought.

I know



many blessings

cue the music *


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by OldnCrusty on Jun 16th, 2014 at 9:06pm
IITL you are a very 'sick puppy' :D and filthily excuse of a human :-[.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Outrage Bus on Jun 17th, 2014 at 9:02am
IITL- educated thanks to Google University

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by BlindFreddy on Jun 17th, 2014 at 10:59am
Master Light,

Thanks for another post that shows the depth of your understanding on this sensitive topic.

Bobby. wrote on Apr 24th, 2014 at 10:13pm:
Dear master Light,
it's amazing what you can do in Photoshop.
Did Tony really wear a crown?
Are Tony's ears really this big?

Only at home, and yes.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Taipan on Jun 17th, 2014 at 11:25am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 16th, 2014 at 7:40pm:

Datalife wrote on Jun 16th, 2014 at 7:35pm:
This thread fits well with your other threads.   I don't blame you, I blame the brain damage.  You seem to have a belief that if someone said it on the internet or on YouTube then it must be true. 

No capacity at all for critical thought.

I know



many blessings

cue the music *


- : ) =

IITL, thanx mate, was a good laugh. But seriously that biatch is a beast ey. Shes a big ape.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 17th, 2014 at 8:13pm
many blessings ,

whadumean this sasquatch ?

that is a man

facts are truths

carry on regardless


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Outrage Bus on Jun 17th, 2014 at 9:09pm
That is clearly photoshopped.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 18th, 2014 at 6:01am
easy to say with no evidence

perform a study on the photo and have it

discredited through the proper process ..

to just sling mud at every post exposes you

for the confused lightweight you aspire to be ..

you are nailing it by the way ,

so come now !

lets see any one post some feminine

pics of mrs obama this sasquatch looking thing .

please post any photos revealing the femininity

of this man called michelle rather than

petty one liners saturated with sour grapes

so be it


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Outrage Bus on Jun 18th, 2014 at 9:55am
The fact its from beforethenews is evidence to me its fake.

Besides which, why are we even debating this? What difference does it make?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 19th, 2014 at 7:54pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jun 18th, 2014 at 9:55am:
The fact its from beforethenews is evidence to me its fake.

Besides which, why are we even debating this? What difference does it make?

what debate ?

I simply post the facts

you may stay here and absorb truth

or suffer in your jocks .......

either way be at peace ,


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 19th, 2014 at 7:57pm
Dear master Light -
some women do look very masculine & the same way some men look a bit feminine.

you are forgiven for your confusion


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 5th, 2014 at 3:38pm
we continue ,

Joan Rivers Calls President Obama Gay, Says First Lady Is 'Tranny' (Video)
8:35 PM PST 07/03/2014 by Ryan Gajewski

The incendiary comedian told a reporter that "we all know" Michelle Obama is transgender.

Joan Rivers, no stranger to controversy, told a reporter this week that President Barack Obama is gay and that first lady Michelle Obama is "a transgender."
PHOTOS 'Duck Dynasty's' Phil Robertson and Other Stars Who've Made Anti-Gay Remarks
Rivers was asked by a reporter on the street about her Monday appearance at a bookstore in New York City, where she officiated an impromptu gay wedding between two of her fans.
The reporter then asked her whether the U.S. will ever see a gay president, to which the 81-year-old Rivers responded, "We already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down."
PHOTOS Stars Behaving Badly: From Justin Bieber to Reese Witherspoon, Hollywood's Recent Mugshots
Rivers started to walk away before adding, "You know Michelle is a tranny." When the reporter asked her to confirm what she had said, Rivers said, "A transgender. We all know."
The comedian earned a rebuke from the Anti-Defamation League in 2012 after likening Costco to Nazi Germany when the store refused to sell her book.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dame Pansi on Jul 5th, 2014 at 5:53pm

The White House is not giving a response lol!!!!

Come on Michael, time to lift your skirt.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by life_goes_on on Jul 5th, 2014 at 6:26pm

The internet is skewed towards fringe groups.

It allows the crazy element to network whereas they would otherwise have been loners or shut ins with no one to validate their point of view.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 5th, 2014 at 8:55pm

Life_goes_on wrote on Jul 5th, 2014 at 6:26pm:

The internet is skewed towards fringe groups.

It allows the crazy element to network whereas they would otherwise have been loners or shut ins with no one to validate their point of view.

here is some mainstream lamestream news

for you there china ,

Acid-tongued Joan Rivers blasts US President Barack Obama and wife Michelle with ‘gay’ and ‘tranny’ insults. Was she being funny?
8 HOURS AGO JULY 05, 2014 1:16PM

Poison pen? ... Joan Rivers promotes her book this week. It’s called "Diary Of A Mad Diva". Hmmmm. Source: Getty Images
THE line between being outrageously funny and simply offensive can be hazy at times.
Calling the president of the USA “gay” and his wife a “tranny” lands pretty firmly on one side of that line — at least in this case.
Veteran comedienne Joan Rivers, who has made a career out of bitingly acidic wisecracks, appeared to forget the “funny” part of her brief when she had a go at Barack and Michelle Obama.
The 81-year-old TV host fired off when asked, in an off-the-cuff street interview, if she thought the US will ever have a gay or woman president.

No comment ... US President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama walk to an Independence Day celebration at the White House. Source: AFP

“We already have it with Obama, so let’s just calm down,” she said, adding: “You know Michelle is a tranny.”
The apparently shocked interviewer asked her to repeat herself, to which Rivers replied: “A transgender. We all know. It’s okay.”
She then walked off.
The conversation — caught on camera, below — began with the interviewer congratluating Rivers, who is spruiking her book Diary Of A Mad Diva, on officiating at a same-sex wedding, before he moved on to the “gay president” question.
Joan Rivers insults Obamas

The comedienne has not apologised, nor has the White House responded, although the exchange is gaining attention.
Conservative website noted that Rivers “often refuses to make amends for her cutting remarks, like when she dubbed the powerhouse singer Adele ‘fat’ and wouldn’t back off when confronted on it.”
Its writer Christian Toto goes on to note that while Republican President George W. Bush was targeted with far more insulting “humour” — to far less outrage — than the Obamas, if there is enough outrage then Rivers’ “long career faces a serious threat.”
Originally published as ‘Michelle is a tranny, Obama’s gay’

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2014 at 9:45am

Joan Rivers jokes Obama is gay, first lady is transgender
By Lisa Respers France, CNN
July 5, 2014 -- Updated 1645 GMT (0045 HKT)

(CNN) -- Who needs Fourth of July fireworks when you have Joan Rivers around?
The comedian known for her lack of self-censoring recently officiated a same-sex wedding and was asked by a photographer if she believed the United States would ever see the first gay or female president. Her response was typical Rivers.
"We already have it with Obama, so let's just calm down," she said. "You know Michelle (Obama) is a trans."
When asked to further explain Rivers said, "A transgender. We all know it."

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Outrage Bus on Jul 7th, 2014 at 9:51am
Call me convinced a washed-up plastic surgery obsessed "comedian"

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2014 at 9:52am

2 blokes here playing dress ups

# man back *

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2014 at 9:57am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 7th, 2014 at 9:51am:
Call me convinced a washed-up plastic surgery obsessed "comedian"

thats ok Pastafarian

many observe those with alters

..still in the closet darls ?

so be it


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2014 at 6:09pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2014 at 5:56am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Outrage Bus on Jul 9th, 2014 at 9:28am
Yay youtube videos.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 10th, 2014 at 11:12pm
yes documented evidence

and science illuminates intelligence

upon this topic ...

many definitions explained here

in this presentation without permissions

or approvals upon this ontopic thread

so be at peace


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 11th, 2014 at 6:24am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Stunt-free Horse on Jul 11th, 2014 at 6:58am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 7th, 2014 at 9:51am:
Call me convinced a washed-up plastic surgery obsessed "comedian"

She's an actress playing a comedian: don't you know your joan rivers history?

Get it together...  ;D :o :o

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Jul 17th, 2014 at 7:44pm
you might find this interesting..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 18th, 2014 at 6:19pm

you might find this interesting..

many blessings ,

I certainly did !

basically its all rigged ....


Bizarre Kinky Sex and the Henry Kissinger Clones


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 4th, 2015 at 6:36am
many blessings

are there any other ' women ' that look like this sasquatch ?

crikey !

that is some big hands yo !

yet further

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 4th, 2015 at 6:38am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 5th, 2015 at 8:55pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2015 at 7:22am
pumped up lady boy

been hitting the gym too

forgiven for global hoodwinkery


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 18th, 2015 at 8:09am

Michelle Obama Is A MAN!!(PROOF) PT.2/2

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 18th, 2015 at 8:29am

The Obama Conspiracy (Part 1) - Michelle Obama a Man

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by cods on Jun 18th, 2015 at 8:56am
Mr light have you been smoking funny cigarettes again?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 18th, 2015 at 6:41pm

cods wrote on Jun 18th, 2015 at 8:56am:
Mr light have you been smoking funny cigarettes again?

many blessings beloved cods ..

any comment on the facts presented ?

either way be at peace for

you are loved


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 18th, 2015 at 7:00pm
dear master Light,

some women do look very masculine & vice versa - some
blokes look very feminine.

Sheldon - Big Bang Theory

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 18th, 2015 at 7:24pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 18th, 2015 at 7:00pm:
dear master Light,

some women do look very masculine & vice versa - some
blokes look very feminine.

Sheldon - Big Bang Theory

many blessings sir bobby

are you saying you find sheldon attractive

for you think he is feminine ..

this is forgiven


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 18th, 2015 at 8:06pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 18th, 2015 at 7:24pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 18th, 2015 at 7:00pm:
dear master Light,

some women do look very masculine & vice versa - some
blokes look very feminine.

Sheldon - Big Bang Theory

many blessings sir bobby

are you saying you find sheldon attractive

for you think he is feminine ..

this is forgiven


- : ) =

Sheldon is as gay as a lark -

he's such a pain:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 19th, 2015 at 12:19am
master Light is forgiven for making

false observations.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 20th, 2015 at 9:38pm

IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Michelle Obama IS A MAN 24 7

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 20th, 2015 at 9:47pm

Celebrity "outs" Obama & Wife (Manchelle?)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by A.G on Jun 20th, 2015 at 11:07pm
Now if your talking Serina Williams I could believe the man thing ok? Not Michelle.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Phemanderac on Jun 21st, 2015 at 11:57am
Well, I suppose it could be acknowledged that she is more manly than many of her detractors...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 21st, 2015 at 2:58pm
dear sir master Light,

get over it - face facts -

some women look like men.

you are forgiven


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dame Pansi on Jun 21st, 2015 at 5:28pm
Are you being hoodwinked by the United States Bobby?

We all are, America&Co is tricking us all.

Karma will catch up with that nation and all that's associated with the falsehoods and corruption.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 21st, 2015 at 9:00pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 21st, 2015 at 2:58pm:
dear sir master Light,

get over it - face facts -

some women look like men.

you are forgiven


many blessings beloved beings

this is another instance in a long line of lies

perpetrated against the human population upon this world ..

many succumb to the latest tricknology

many cannot see , yet so be it , however

this hoodwinkery does not detract

from the vision of those whom see

Michelle Obama Shows Her Penis On The Ellen Show

carry on regardless


- : ) =

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 21st, 2015 at 9:58pm
Fabric - not winky -



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 28th, 2015 at 10:13am

Proof Michelle Obama, Serena and Venus Williams were born boys_mirrored video

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dame Pansi on Jun 28th, 2015 at 5:03pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by valleyboy on Jun 29th, 2015 at 11:28pm
If Michelle Obama looks like a man then Tony Abbott looks like an elephant.  [smiley=beer.gif]

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 1st, 2015 at 6:59am

Gender-bending Agenda : Good Chance Michelle Obama & Jennifer Aniston Born Men:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 13th, 2015 at 8:29pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 11th, 2015 at 5:28am

Serena Williams has posed for the most amazing photo shoot of her career

Serena Williams posing for New York Magazine.
SERENA Williams was last month accused of being “built like a man” after winning the 2015 Wimbledon ladies championship.
The win gave her possession of all four grand slam trophies at the same time.
That ‘Serena Slam’ alone wasn’t enough to win over all tennis spectators, however, as her victory over Garbine Muguruza was somewhat tarnished by another series of body image stories centred on herself and older sister Venus.
It’s why her stunning photo shoot with New York Magazine is so timely.
The 33-year-old posed for the magazine to promote her new season fashion release - the Serena Williams Signature Statement Spring 2015 collection.
The 21-time grand slam champion has never been pictured quite like this before.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 27th, 2015 at 10:35pm hormones look to be fading here,time for a top up one may suggest

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 28th, 2015 at 6:31pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 9:39am

Is Michelle Obama Transgender?

Published on May 16, 2016
Alex Jones discusses the possibility of Michelle Obama being born a man, and attacks on Melania Trump.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 10:15am
No, move on.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 10:43am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 10:15am:
No, move on.

so you would fully go out with serena williams pastafarian ?

if not.. are you a racist ?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 10:45am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 10:43am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 10:15am:
No, move on.

so you would fully go out with serena williams pastafarian ?

if not.. are you a racist ?


Not sure what that has to do with the question of Michelle Obama being a man.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 10:49am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 10:15am:
No, move on.

you just simply repeat the narrative ,

you have no proof yet are convinced ..

this is a great indication of your puppet stature to

the puppeteer that is mainstream media and their lies

lets look into this matter further shall we ..

Michelle Obama was born a man

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 10:56am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 10:49am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 10:15am:
No, move on.

you just simply repeat the narrative ,

you have no proof yet are convinced ..

this is a great indication of your puppet stature to

the puppeteer that is mainstream media and their lies

lets look into this matter further shall we ..

Michelle Obama was born a man

I have no proof? Wheres yours?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 11:03am
here is another article

WARNING GRAPHIC PHOTOS: Michelle Obama A Man? Who Would Be Surprised If True?!

Michelle Obama once again lets the cat out of the bag, the bag being her or his trousers. Lets be honest he-she is obsessed with homoseuality and transgenderism. And her homosexual husband, who has a habit of allegedly killing all of his ex-boyfriends, once said, “I’m real good at killing people”.

Michelle is a deviant who is also forcing the children of America to eat under-nourishing food in school cafeterias while her own children eat whatever the hell they want. And let’s be honest he-she is a scary looking, well-fed angry dude.

Her husband, who 1 out of 3 Americans think is the Anti-Christ, has been given the name by the secret service protection squad as “Renegade”.

Which explains what they think of him. But what do they think of his wife. “Michelle’s” name; Renaissance. Check out the video from 2:28 in.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 11:08am
That  last one is photoshopped and the rest are just clothing folds.

Still not evidence.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 11:12am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 11:16am
does anyone really think this is a woman ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Ashley on May 17th, 2016 at 11:27am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:16am:
does anyone really think this is a woman ?

So where did the kids come from ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 11:28am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:16am:
does anyone really think this is a woman ?

Apart from the muscle development what are you basing it on?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 11:35am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:28am:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:16am:
does anyone really think this is a woman ?

Apart from the muscle development what are you basing it on?

pls show and post another ' woman ' that looks like this

further ..the face , the jaw. the shoulders the legs this is a man

passing himself off as a woman , and as such one of the top ' female ' tennis players was born a man ..

if this gets through to the keeper in public opinion and discernment then whats next ?

thats what ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 11:37am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:35am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:28am:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:16am:
does anyone really think this is a woman ?

Apart from the muscle development what are you basing it on?

the face , the jaw. the shoulders the legs this is a man

passing himself off as a woman , and as such one of the top ' female ' tennis players was born a man ..

if this gets through to the keeper in public opinion and discernment then whats next ?

thats what ..

So based on your years of study of anatomy and physiology, long term work with bone dissections, collation of careful peer-reviewed articles examining gender differences in bone structure you're saying this  is a man?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 11:37am

Ashley wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:27am:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:16am:
does anyone really think this is a woman ?

So where did the kids come from ;D

Evidence Michelle Obama Never Gave Birth To Malia & Sasha

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on May 17th, 2016 at 2:14pm

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:37am:

Ashley wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:27am:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 11:16am:
does anyone really think this is a woman ?

So where did the kids come from ;D

Evidence Michelle Obama Never Gave Birth To Malia & Sasha

Dear one, do you think the male reptilian known as Michelle Obama was artificially inseminated?

Is it possible that he was impregnated with alien sperm?

I'm curious.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Storm on May 17th, 2016 at 2:49pm
Michelle Obama has Manboobs and I am not curious.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Agnes on May 17th, 2016 at 3:10pm
This thread is ridiculous- there are athletic looking women the world over- especially among the African races.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 3:27pm

Agnes wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 3:10pm:
This thread is ridiculous- there are athletic looking women the world over- especially among the African races.

yes sure ,

but tell that to these blokes

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 3:39pm

Michael Obama’s massive Trapezius muscles
Posted on September 27, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn | 39 comments

If you need more evidence that the mainstream media are corrupt political whores, here it is.

After 7+ years of Obama’s ruinous rule and his spouse’s countless vacations that cost already severely indebted America countless millions of dollars that we don’t have, Time magazine can still publish a fawning article with this nauseating title, “Everyone Is in Love With Michelle Obama’s Amazing Vera Wang Dress.”

The butt-kissing article is all about Mooch wearing a gown designed by Vera Wang for White House’s state dinner for Chinese Communist president Xi Jinping on Sept. 25, 2015. Most of the article consists of picture after picture of M.O., like this one:

If Time magazine actually reported the truth, the headline instead should read:

Everyone Is Agog At Michael Obama’s New Wig That Only Half-Conceals His Massive Trapezius Muscles.

Here’s a close-up of Michael. His massive Trapezius muscle is circled in white:

Here’s a pic of Mooch’s back Trapezius muscles (on her left is Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese commie prez):

From I Draw Fashion‘s tutorial on how to draw males and females

Let’s remove race and athleticism as possible explanatory factors by comparing Mooch with black tennis players Venus and Serena Williams:

Venus and Serena Williams are professional athletes with strong shoulders and arms, but they don’t have Mooch’s Trapezius muscles.

Michelle Obama is not a professional athlete, but “she” has shoulders wider than the Williams’ and bulky Trapezius muscles typical of males.

It doesn’t take a logician to arrive at the logical conclusion.

I also have this question: How can Mooch go from being flat as a pancake to sporting bodacious boobs? Did he get breast implants?

joan rivers got murdered days after this revelation

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 4:23pm
Still zero evidence.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 4:52pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 4:23pm:
Still zero evidence.

adams apple , muscular trapezoid , man face , male bulge in dress , man shoulders , man arms ...

your spam is overcome with the evidence you refuse to validate ..

fortunately you produce zero intellect and knowledge on any subject and as such

your spam is dismissed and given the respect it deserves

Michael Obama’s massive Trapezius muscles
Posted on September 27, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn | 39 comments

If you need more evidence that the mainstream media are corrupt political whores, here it is.

After 7+ years of Obama’s ruinous rule and his spouse’s countless vacations that cost already severely indebted America countless millions of dollars that we don’t have, Time magazine can still publish a fawning article with this nauseating title, “Everyone Is in Love With Michelle Obama’s Amazing Vera Wang Dress.”

The butt-kissing article is all about Mooch wearing a gown designed by Vera Wang for White House’s state dinner for Chinese Communist president Xi Jinping on Sept. 25, 2015. Most of the article consists of picture after picture of M.O., like this one:

If Time magazine actually reported the truth, the headline instead should read:

Everyone Is Agog At Michael Obama’s New Wig That Only Half-Conceals His Massive Trapezius Muscles.

Here’s a close-up of Michael. His massive Trapezius muscle is circled in white:

Here’s a pic of Mooch’s back Trapezius muscles (on her left is Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese commie prez):

From I Draw Fashion‘s tutorial on how to draw males and females

Let’s remove race and athleticism as possible explanatory factors by comparing Mooch with black tennis players Venus and Serena Williams:

Venus and Serena Williams are professional athletes with strong shoulders and arms, but they don’t have Mooch’s Trapezius muscles.

Michelle Obama is not a professional athlete, but “she” has shoulders wider than the Williams’ and bulky Trapezius muscles typical of males.

It doesn’t take a logician to arrive at the logical conclusion.

I also have this question: How can Mooch go from being flat as a pancake to sporting bodacious boobs? Did he get breast implants?

joan rivers got murdered days after this revelation

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 4:54pm
So again based on your years of anatomical study you can say this?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 5:05pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 4:54pm:
So again based on your years of anatomical study you can say this?

the facts are clear as the evidence you refuse to acknowledge

fortunately this matters less than little

adams apple , muscular trapezoid , man face , male bulge in dress , man shoulders , man arms ...

your spam is overcome with the evidence you refuse to validate ..

fortunately you produce zero intellect and knowledge on any subject and as such

your spam is dismissed and given the respect it deserves

Michael Obama’s massive Trapezius muscles
Posted on September 27, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn | 39 comments

If you need more evidence that the mainstream media are corrupt political whores, here it is.

After 7+ years of Obama’s ruinous rule and his spouse’s countless vacations that cost already severely indebted America countless millions of dollars that we don’t have, Time magazine can still publish a fawning article with this nauseating title, “Everyone Is in Love With Michelle Obama’s Amazing Vera Wang Dress.”

The butt-kissing article is all about Mooch wearing a gown designed by Vera Wang for White House’s state dinner for Chinese Communist president Xi Jinping on Sept. 25, 2015. Most of the article consists of picture after picture of M.O., like this one:

If Time magazine actually reported the truth, the headline instead should read:

Everyone Is Agog At Michael Obama’s New Wig That Only Half-Conceals His Massive Trapezius Muscles.

Here’s a close-up of Michael. His massive Trapezius muscle is circled in white:

Here’s a pic of Mooch’s back Trapezius muscles (on her left is Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese commie prez):

From I Draw Fashion‘s tutorial on how to draw males and females

Let’s remove race and athleticism as possible explanatory factors by comparing Mooch with black tennis players Venus and Serena Williams:

Venus and Serena Williams are professional athletes with strong shoulders and arms, but they don’t have Mooch’s Trapezius muscles.

Michelle Obama is not a professional athlete, but “she” has shoulders wider than the Williams’ and bulky Trapezius muscles typical of males.

It doesn’t take a logician to arrive at the logical conclusion.

I also have this question: How can Mooch go from being flat as a pancake to sporting bodacious boobs? Did he get breast implants?

joan rivers got murdered days after this revelation

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 5:11pm
Again I ask the question, how many years of anatomical study have you done to allow you determine gender based on skeletal features such as these.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 17th, 2016 at 5:12pm
I mean for instance, ever thought maybe Michell goes to the gym, and gets off her fat ass, something I doubt you do past clicking on google?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Aussie on May 17th, 2016 at 5:15pm
Dunno why I'm bothering in this Thread but there is not much action elsewhere.

Where Adam's Apple?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 5:21pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 5:11pm:
Again I ask the question, how many years of anatomical study have you done to allow you determine gender based on skeletal features such as these.

many blessings pastafarian

in this thread many are encouraged to offer evidence

you refuse to this this .. preffering your " fraid' not ! " retorts and ad hominem

this smoke screen you deploy is constantly uncovered so well done for endurance

yet these facts remain unrebutted by you

so look here at the skeletal , muscular and adams apple anomalies that prove that michelle obama is a man ..

then look here again

Michael Obama’s massive Trapezius muscles
Posted on September 27, 2015 by Dr. Eowyn | 39 comments

If you need more evidence that the mainstream media are corrupt political whores, here it is.

After 7+ years of Obama’s ruinous rule and his spouse’s countless vacations that cost already severely indebted America countless millions of dollars that we don’t have, Time magazine can still publish a fawning article with this nauseating title, “Everyone Is in Love With Michelle Obama’s Amazing Vera Wang Dress.”

The butt-kissing article is all about Mooch wearing a gown designed by Vera Wang for White House’s state dinner for Chinese Communist president Xi Jinping on Sept. 25, 2015. Most of the article consists of picture after picture of M.O., like this one:

If Time magazine actually reported the truth, the headline instead should read:

Everyone Is Agog At Michael Obama’s New Wig That Only Half-Conceals His Massive Trapezius Muscles.

Here’s a close-up of Michael. His massive Trapezius muscle is circled in white:

Here’s a pic of Mooch’s back Trapezius muscles (on her left is Peng Liyuan, wife of Chinese commie prez):

From I Draw Fashion‘s tutorial on how to draw males and females

Let’s remove race and athleticism as possible explanatory factors by comparing Mooch with black tennis players Venus and Serena Williams:

Venus and Serena Williams are professional athletes with strong shoulders and arms, but they don’t have Mooch’s Trapezius muscles.

Michelle Obama is not a professional athlete, but “she” has shoulders wider than the Williams’ and bulky Trapezius muscles typical of males.

It doesn’t take a logician to arrive at the logical conclusion.

I also have this question: How can Mooch go from being flat as a pancake to sporting bodacious boobs? Did he get breast implants?

joan rivers got murdered days after this revelation

and validate these facts observable to anyone with a heartbeat and 2 eyes


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 5:24pm

Aussie wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 5:15pm:
Dunno why I'm bothering in this Thread but there is not much action elsewhere.

Where Adam's Apple?

you admit you do not know ..

this is ancient knowledge yet look here.. better yet

start at page 1 and get educated on the 1st drag lady

Michelle Obama Is A MAN!!(PROOF) PT.1/2

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 5:34pm

True Blue... wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 5:58am:
is Michelle Obama a Man?

now, I can't say for sure if he/she is or not but first you have to go way back before Obama became President... and ask yourself..

Is Obama Homosexual?

if you look at my link above you will see that at least two people have died after saying that they had Homosexual acts or affairs with Obama...


some say that Obama's marriage is a sham marriage to get them both where they wanted... people are already predicting that they go separate ways after the presidency has finished....

Obama has certainly changed in this term... he almost looks like he doesn't even want to be there... he looks like he's carrying a huge weight... to be honest I can't even believe he got in a second time...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 17th, 2016 at 6:43pm


Is the First Lady actually the first, First Man?

This issue has mostly been that of only a few speculators until Joan Rivers brought it into the mainstream when she told the world that Barack is gay and Michelle is a transgender…she died from a relatively simple medical procedure not too long afterwards.

While this might seem like a post more suitable for the National Inquirer than anything else, the points brought up in these videos are do seem convincing.

Some body proportion differences between men and women, like shoulder to waist ratio, etc., remain mathematically constant.

It’s with these constants that we see Michelle’s body is mathematically that of a man, not a woman.

As unbelievable as this first appears, when placed alongside all the other unbelievable things happening to this nation, one can be brought to expect more of such implausible madness.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 18th, 2016 at 8:49am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 5:21pm:
in this thread many are encouraged to offer evidencee

But you dont produce any evidence. Thats my point. Posting photos and saying look at her trapezius muscles without providing any analysis or any actual scientific data is not smacking evidence.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 18th, 2016 at 9:39am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 8:49am:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 17th, 2016 at 5:21pm:
in this thread many are encouraged to offer evidencee

But you dont produce any evidence. Thats my point. Posting photos and saying look at her trapezius muscles without providing any analysis or any actual scientific data is not smacking evidence.

your point is inane as you refuse to look at documented and explained evidence

something in which you are yet to facilitate

you post no evidence yet continue to bring awareness to the fact that michelle is ' michael ' so keep on truckin there china

the aforementioned evidence is explained here actual footage of obama saying that michelle is michael ..

many are too dopey and retarded by vaccines to notice this yet click on play here

apart from fact yet what is really going on is you need to be programmed and demand to know what reality is ..

this is a direct result of your vaccine addiction and puppet stature

you are not able to do this for yourself by looking at the evidence provided yet in truth you are breaking this programming

and yearn for freedom from the bonds of ignorance you continue to be at war with

this is ok and cool for all is in a state of flux and motion

so be at peace

First Lady Is A Man, Baby!

Published on May 17, 2016
A cartoonist has been accused of racism after he portrayed Michelle Obama as masculine and butch next to a pageant-ready Melania Trump in a controversial drawing.

this is a very hot topic now


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 18th, 2016 at 9:49am
YouTube videos and web pages are not documented. Any peer reviewed references for this?

Is there any pseudoscientific bullshit you don't believe I am th light

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 18th, 2016 at 9:51am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 9:49am:
YouTube videos and web pages are not documented. Any peer reviewed references for this?

Is there any pseudoscientific bullshit you don't believe I am th light

your point is inane as you refuse to look at documented and explained evidence

something in which you are yet to facilitate

you post no evidence yet continue to bring awareness to the fact that michelle is ' michael ' so keep on truckin there china

the aforementioned evidence is explained here actual footage of obama saying that michelle is michael ..

many are too dopey and retarded by vaccines to notice this yet click on play here

apart from fact yet what is really going on is you need to be programmed and demand to know what reality is ..

this is a direct result of your vaccine addiction and puppet stature

you are not able to do this for yourself by looking at the evidence provided yet in truth you are breaking this programming

and yearn for freedom from the bonds of ignorance you continue to be at war with

this is ok and cool for all is in a state of flux and motion

so be at peace

First Lady Is A Man, Baby!

Published on May 17, 2016
A cartoonist has been accused of racism after he portrayed Michelle Obama as masculine and butch next to a pageant-ready Melania Trump in a controversial drawing.

this is a very hot topic now


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 18th, 2016 at 11:12am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 9:51am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 9:49am:
YouTube videos and web pages are not documented. Any peer reviewed references for this?

Is there any pseudoscientific bullshit you don't believe I am th light

your point is inane as you refuse to look at documented and explained evidence

something in which you are yet to facilitate


My point is tis is not what is considered documented evidence. Do you have peer-reviewed articles on this?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 18th, 2016 at 12:54pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 11:12am:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 9:51am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 9:49am:
YouTube videos and web pages are not documented. Any peer reviewed references for this?

Is there any pseudoscientific bullshit you don't believe I am th light

your point is inane as you refuse to look at documented and explained evidence

something in which you are yet to facilitate


My point is tis is not what is considered documented evidence. Do you have peer-reviewed articles on this?

well it is considered documented and observable evidence ..too much mercury and squalene in your system will have you begging for a peer review ..

your constant supposition is pure insanity in how you keep repeating and begging for a peer review for happenings in your existence

it is a poor reflection upon your consciousness and a pre programmed need to have a peer review to validate anything in your life ..

fortunately while you are looking for peer reviews which make no sense

many continue to observe these observable facts for themselves, and thanks again

for keeping interest in this thread

you may ease up on your vaccines pastafarian and look around for yourself ,yet either way

be at peace


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 18th, 2016 at 12:57pm

look at the facts presented here to stay on topic..and then

we can discuss the points raised like adults ..

your constant lament can be dissolved if we peer review the situation before you dismiss without research

this is logic


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 18th, 2016 at 12:59pm
No logic dictates facts. Where are the actual facts.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 18th, 2016 at 1:00pm
now let me ask you a question pastafarian

do you think these are women ?

can you answer the question or do you need a peer review ?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 18th, 2016 at 1:03pm
Yep both are women. Since I have no evidence to dictate otherwise, they are women.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 18th, 2016 at 1:06pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 1:03pm:
Yep both are women. Since I have no evidence to dictate otherwise, they are women.

thank you for your honest reply

this speaks volumes and a peer review is currently being conducted

to validate your sexual persuasion

well done good stuff


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 18th, 2016 at 1:07pm

it_is_the_light wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 1:06pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 1:03pm:
Yep both are women. Since I have no evidence to dictate otherwise, they are women.

thank you for your honest reply

this speaks volumes and a peer review is currently being conducted

to validate your sexual persuasion

well done good stuff


By who? You? Theres no way you're my peer. So many levels below me dude.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 18th, 2016 at 1:09pm

it_is_the_light wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 1:00pm:
now let me ask you a question pastafarian

do you think these are women ?

can you answer the question or do you need a peer review ?


Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 1:03pm:
Yep both are women. Since I have no evidence to dictate otherwise, they are women.

goodness the results are in ..

this jenner character is trans gender and you think she is a woman ..

Bruce Jenner Comes Out as Transgender: ‘I Am A Woman’

:D :D :D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 18th, 2016 at 8:47pm

Proof Michelle Obama, Serena and Venus Williams were born boys_mirrored video

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by boxy on May 18th, 2016 at 11:53pm
Your "proof", so far, seems to suck the big one, Light.

But, regardless. What are your thoughts on people who are born with ambiguous genders? Are they simply born to be poured scorn upon, for not being normal?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 19th, 2016 at 6:21am

boxy wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 11:53pm:
Your "proof", so far, seems to suck the big one, Light.

But, regardless. What are your thoughts on people who are born with ambiguous genders? Are they simply born to be poured scorn upon, for not being normal?

many blessings boxy

so we should just let males be the womens champ in tennis after they gender reassign ?

that would be a bit unfair on the real women would it not ?

whats next , a drag queen in the white house ?

the point is it is a lie.. an altered vision of reality

when people accept lies as truth the illusion intensifies into what you see displayed in your world ..

many remain oblivious yet observable facts will be presented for all to discern for themself ,

some seem to be in discomfort and so be it


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 19th, 2016 at 7:53am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 1:00pm:
now let me ask you a question pastafarian

do you think these are women ?

can you answer the question or do you need a peer review ?


Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 1:03pm:
Yep both are women. Since I have no evidence to dictate otherwise, they are women.

and here we have it ..

because pastafarian could not observe observable facts

and was waiting for a peer review

pastafarian observes non females as females

this , pastafarian ,is a reflection upon your retarded observational skills which require a peer review to teach you how to suck eggs ..

and so you do .. yet carry on with your inanity and sideshow

and either way be at peace


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by boxy on May 19th, 2016 at 8:35am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 19th, 2016 at 6:21am:

boxy wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 11:53pm:
Your "proof", so far, seems to suck the big one, Light.

But, regardless. What are your thoughts on people who are born with ambiguous genders? Are they simply born to be poured scorn upon, for not being normal?

many blessings boxy

so we should just let males be the womens champ in tennis after they gender reassign ?

that would be a bit unfair on the real women would it not ?

You seem to have avoided the question.

There are gender tests in place for high level athletes, but it is far from a simple issue, and many (most?) of those "failing" such tests, these days, have genuine intersex conditions caused by physical conditions.

What are your thoughts on such people, who have to live with a physically indeterminate gender?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 19th, 2016 at 6:46pm

boxy wrote on May 19th, 2016 at 8:35am:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 19th, 2016 at 6:21am:

boxy wrote on May 18th, 2016 at 11:53pm:
Your "proof", so far, seems to suck the big one, Light.

But, regardless. What are your thoughts on people who are born with ambiguous genders? Are they simply born to be poured scorn upon, for not being normal?

many blessings boxy

so we should just let males be the womens champ in tennis after they gender reassign ?

that would be a bit unfair on the real women would it not ?

You seem to have avoided the question.

There are gender tests in place for high level athletes, but it is far from a simple issue, and many (most?) of those "failing" such tests, these days, have genuine intersex conditions caused by physical conditions.

What are your thoughts on such people, who have to live with a physically indeterminate gender?

many blessings boxy

yet your smoke screen is transparent , and as such

it is inconsequential unto this thread if you think one such as I am is discriminating against any minority

your supposition is inane and attempts to take the focus off michelle being michael aka a man ..

you are forgiven yet boxy , will you be ontopic and announce which gender you think michelle/michael is ?

The Perverted White House Secret - Hidden in Plain Sight!!


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 19th, 2016 at 8:02pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by boxy on May 21st, 2016 at 8:05pm

it_is_the_light wrote on May 19th, 2016 at 6:46pm:

boxy wrote on May 19th, 2016 at 8:35am:
You seem to have avoided the question.

There are gender tests in place for high level athletes, but it is far from a simple issue, and many (most?) of those "failing" such tests, these days, have genuine intersex conditions caused by physical conditions.

What are your thoughts on such people, who have to live with a physically indeterminate gender?

many blessings boxy

yet your smoke screen is transparent , and as such

it is inconsequential unto this thread if you think one such as I am is discriminating against any minority

your supposition is inane and attempts to take the focus off michelle being michael aka a man ..

you are forgiven yet boxy , will you be ontopic and announce which gender you think michelle/michael is ?


I think she is a woman who takes pride in being athletic, and puts significant effort into training. Same with the Williams sisters. Unless there is some hard and fast, scientific evidence to the contrary, I would treat them as such.

Are you intimidated by strong women?

And you still havn't answered the question about physically indeterminate genders. Why the scorn about "butch" women?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 22nd, 2016 at 1:35am

boxy wrote on May 21st, 2016 at 8:05pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 19th, 2016 at 6:46pm:

boxy wrote on May 19th, 2016 at 8:35am:
You seem to have avoided the question.

There are gender tests in place for high level athletes, but it is far from a simple issue, and many (most?) of those "failing" such tests, these days, have genuine intersex conditions caused by physical conditions.

What are your thoughts on such people, who have to live with a physically indeterminate gender?

many blessings boxy

yet your smoke screen is transparent , and as such

it is inconsequential unto this thread if you think one such as I am is discriminating against any minority

your supposition is inane and attempts to take the focus off michelle being michael aka a man ..

you are forgiven yet boxy , will you be ontopic and announce which gender you think michelle/michael is ?


I think she is a woman who takes pride in being athletic, and puts significant effort into training. Same with the Williams sisters. Unless there is some hard and fast, scientific evidence to the contrary, I would treat them as such.

Are you intimidated by strong women?

And you still havn't answered the question about physically indeterminate genders. Why the scorn about "butch" women?

many blessings boxy

and yet you propose a supposition in that

these are ' butch ' women .. and yet

they are no such thing ,

you simply misrepresent reality , and yet

whoa be unto thee beloved for you are held in account for

doing as much in falsifying facts and logic.

you may and should be in despair and yet

many remain clueless unto their retarded disposition

yet rejoice beloved being, for one such as I am is in attendance , and so

you will be remanded for being in lack in your retarded and arrested development  ..

you are speaking upon serena williams , in whom is not a woman but ,

is a man reassigned as, and being passed off as,

a woman in falsity

also you admit they are butch

do you deny this ?

im interested


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 22nd, 2016 at 1:57am
we will continue here without incompetent pretenders

that propose to insinuate they are any type of authority upon such matters

Tranny Michelle Obama Lookalike Thrown Out Of Women’s Restroom

yet all are welcomed as they may tend to contribute

in their clueless pursuits


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 6th, 2016 at 7:56pm

MICHELLE OBAMA A MAN ? Everything Pointing To The Truth. Hidden Agenda?


Published on May 18, 2016

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 5th, 2016 at 3:19am

IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Michelle Obama IS A MAN 24 7

291,951 views Published on May 18, 2016

Joan Rivers Obama Is Gay; Michelle A 'Tranny'; 'We All Know'

Obama Sacrificed Joan Rivers For Exposing Tranny Michelle Obama!! 2014

1,331,497 views Published on Oct 20, 2014

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 13th, 2016 at 1:36am

Andy Murray refuses Serena Williams in traditional champions dance

wonder why that is ??????????????


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 25th, 2016 at 9:10pm

Is Michelle Obama The October Surprise?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by mortdooley on Sep 25th, 2016 at 11:59pm
While Michelle Obama can kick Barrys ass all day long if she wanted to and is more of a man than he is, she is still female. Rather than be rude I will not suggest what type of female! If I were to need someone to help me do some heavy lifting I would choose her over little girly man!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Setanta on Sep 26th, 2016 at 12:52am
Will Michelle Obama sneak up behind IITL and give him an October surprise? Ouch! Or perhaps an everyday wedgie.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 26th, 2016 at 8:48am

Mortdooley wrote on Sep 25th, 2016 at 11:59pm:
While Michelle Obama can kick Barrys ass all day long if she wanted to and is more of a man than he is, she is still female. Rather than be rude I will not suggest what type of female! If I were to need someone to help me do some heavy lifting I would choose her over little girly man!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Frank on Oct 8th, 2016 at 2:35pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 16th, 2016 at 8:27am

Joan Rivers: Obama is gay, Michelle is a tranny

Published on Jul 3, 2014

Joan Alexandra Molinsky, widely known as Joan Rivers, was an American comedian, actress, writer, producer, and television host noted for her often controversial comedic persona — alternatingly ... Wikipedia
Born: June 8, 1933, Brooklyn, New York City, New York, United States
Died: September 4, 2014, Manhattan, New York City, New York, United States

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Oct 16th, 2016 at 10:52am
Not that there's anything ............

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 30th, 2016 at 4:20am

David Icke Exposes Michelle Obama

nissan20133 months ago
michelle is a man
Reply 80    
View all 22 replies
Regina Palmer
Regina Palmer1 week ago
president Bush wife is a man 1st bush
Reply 4    
Joe Grantstranger9865
Joe Grantstranger98652 days ago
nissan2013 And you are a buffoon, sorry you are a baboon!
Russ Josey
Russ Josey3 months ago
Let's not forget Michelle has a penis.
Reply 83    
View all 68 replies
Mary Poppins
Mary Poppins3 days ago
m. saint what is a racist cracker?
Reply 3    
Russ Josey
Russ Josey3 days ago
+Mary Poppins
Its a term that progressive liberal social justice warriors use for almost any reason. They are trying to create an Orwellian hell where 90% of us useless eaters die because they are convinced we dont deserve to live. At least thats what the elite freemason devil worshippers think. Right Mr. Saint.
Reply 2    
David Alexander Forde
David Alexander Forde3 months ago
The Obama´s, like the Bush´s, the Clinton´s, Blair´s, Brown´s, Merkel´s, Hollande´s and Cameron´s; are all paid by the same Zionist-Jew banksters! Western politicians are nothing more or less, than the British and American celebrities and or actors, who, shout their mouths off about anti-Brexit, although they themselves and their families all live in a different part of the world than they claim to support! What lies and hypocrisy these wealthy Zionist-Jew and Hollywood prostitutes advertise! Until we, human beings, wake up and smell the real beans, we are lost!
Read more
Reply 144    
View all 39 replies
Jacquie612 months ago
No they are NOT Christians.  They are the fake Jews mentioned in the Bible.  You need to follow Stand With Tennessee on Facebook to wake up as to what has and is going on.  You have been led astray.
Reply 11    
John Klett
John Klett2 months ago
They are called Shabbez Goy, the token goy that front for the Jews.
Reply 7    
The Chosen One
The Chosen One3 months ago
Michelle Obama is a man.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 30th, 2016 at 4:26am


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 26th, 2016 at 10:26am

Obamas Ex-Boyfriend Blows Whistle! Michelle Is A Man & Obama Is Gay!! 2016

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Nov 26th, 2016 at 11:29am

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 26th, 2016 at 10:26am:

Obamas Ex-Boyfriend Blows Whistle! Michelle Is A Man & Obama Is Gay!! 2016

That does it, Light. You've finally come up with a confession that Michelle Obama is, indeed, a man.

For your next trick, we'd like to see Trump unmasked as the late Phyllis Diller.

And so it goes.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 27th, 2016 at 10:00pm

Obamas Kids Are Adopted!! I Found The Real Parents!! 2016

this is 2 men and a baby---->

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 20th, 2016 at 4:13am

George Clooney's "Wife" Amal Is A Transgender The Same As David Bowie's "Wife" Iman

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 12th, 2017 at 8:16am

Obamas Kids Are Adopted!! I Found The Real Parents!! 2016

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

SHOCKING EVIDENCE Obama's Daughters May Be Adopted!! Malia Ann Obama & Sasha Obama - Proof

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Mar 12th, 2017 at 8:20am
sir brave master Light,

stop posting photo-shopped pictures for gullible people.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 12th, 2017 at 11:43am

Obamas Kids Are Adopted!! I Found The Real Parents!! 2016

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

SHOCKING EVIDENCE Obama's Daughters May Be Adopted!! Malia Ann Obama & Sasha Obama - Proof

many dupes refuse to look at the evidence

and so be it

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Frank on Mar 12th, 2017 at 12:26pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Mar 12th, 2017 at 12:43pm
here is Light's self-photo

wharafy3_004.jpg (15 KB | 75 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 20th, 2017 at 11:06am
it is quite impossible for this man to give birth to a baby .. and so ,

just like cloonys ' "wife " amal ,


Woah baby! Serena Williams reveals she's 20 weeks pregnant with first child (and even managed Australian grand slam win during first trimester)

The athlete's rep confirmed the pregnancy on Wednesday after Serena made announcement on social media
Her fiance is Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, 33
Serena said in a caption she was 20 weeks along
The 35-year-old won the Australian Open in late January when she was around eight weeks pregnant
She was around four weeks pregnant when Alexis proposed in late December

Serena Williams is pregnant with her first baby.
The tennis star, 35, made the announcement on Wednesday by showing off her pregnant belly on Snapchat.
The athlete is engaged to Reddit co-founder Alexis Ohanian, 33. 
Williams wore a yellow swimsuit and revealed she is 20 weeks along. The timing means she would have been around eight weeks pregnant when she won her record-setting 23rd Grand Slam title at the Australian Open in January - where she beat her sister Venus 6-4, 6-4 in 82 minutes.
The victory during her first trimester returned her to world No 1 and she also became the oldest grand slam winner in the open era.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 20th, 2017 at 12:05pm
What in the actual flap are you going on about now light..?

Do you get paid to troll or something?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Apr 20th, 2017 at 12:56pm

KangAnon wrote on Apr 20th, 2017 at 12:05pm:
What in the actual flap are you going on about now light..?

Do you get paid to troll or something?

his lunacy is getting even worse. This thread could be used to have him committed.... again.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 27th, 2017 at 2:44am

Michelle Obama's BEARD Caught on Camera! (Secret Service CAN'T HIDE IT) Leaves DC GYM, Jumps In SUV

Published on Feb 28, 2017
Secret Service tries to block Michelle Obama's beard as she leaves DC SoulCycle gym and jumps in SUV. Michelle's shocking face stubble and manly look confirm Michelle Obama is transgender -- just like Joan Rivers said.

Looking like a man, Michelle Obama exits SoulCycle (on 'M Street') then scurries past cameras hiding his face with both hands -- almost. We get a clear view of Michelle's moustache and face stubble as he walks too close to the camera in broad daylight!

Secret Service can't hide the truth -- Michelle Obama is really a man named 'Michael.' This is why Obama sometimes gets caught on camera calling his wife 'Michael.'

Could this be the reason Barack and Michelle (aka Michael) avoid each other since leaving the White House? Because the fake Obama marriage is finally falling apart?

Is an Obama "divorce" happening right now? They're at least "separated." While Obama visits New York, Michelle gets left behind -- caught on camera in Washington DC scurrying out of SoulCycle gym with face stubble and a moustache.

See for yourself -- You be the judge!

Obama Body Double (NYC):

Obama Divorce Happening NOW?

Obama Girls Real Parents Found (Adopted):

Michelle Obama or THE HULK?

Obama Fake CIA Family:

For Updates, Subscribe to 'Barry Soetoro' Channel:
News & Politics

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 27th, 2017 at 2:48am

Michelle Obama or THE HULK? (Caribbean Island Vacation OVER)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 18th, 2017 at 11:10pm


BREAKING : GOP Fighting to END Obama’s Military Funding for Transgender Operations

Things got so RIDICULOUS and illogical during the Obama administration that the U.S. government was suddenly using taxpayer funds for all SORTS of purposes it should NEVER be used for, including “gender transition” for soldiers.

You can read about one such case here.

The good news is the house panel won the fight to present a bill that will hopefully UNDO this disgraceful and LUDICROUS policy.

Our military has to be efficient as possible. Our national security and lives depend on it.

It’s not a damn place where you throw away taxpayer funds to create a social justice warrior progressive “safe space” paradise.

From TheHill

The Rules Committee has voted in favor of sending an amendment to the House floor that would prohibit Pentagon funding from being used for medical care related to gender transition.

The committee’s decision sets up a Thursday fight on the House floor over transgender rights in the military and, possibly, more broadly.

BREAKING : GOP Fighting to END Obama’s Military Funding for Transgender Operations

Things got so RIDICULOUS and illogical during the Obama administration that the U.S. government was suddenly using taxpayer funds for all SORTS of purposes it should NEVER be used for, including “gender transition” for soldiers.

You can read about one such case here.

The good news is the house panel won the fight to present a bill that will hopefully UNDO this disgraceful and LUDICROUS policy.

Our military has to be efficient as possible. Our national security and lives depend on it.

It’s not a damn place where you throw away taxpayer funds to create a social justice warrior progressive “safe space” paradise.

From TheHill

The Rules Committee has voted in favor of sending an amendment to the House floor that would prohibit Pentagon funding from being used for medical care related to gender transition.

The committee’s decision sets up a Thursday fight on the House floor over transgender rights in the military and, possibly, more broadly.

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The amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) was filed by Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.). It would make it so “funds available to the Department of Defense may not be used to provide medical treatment (other than mental health treatment) related to gender transition to a person entitled to medical care.”

Transgender troops currently in the military have been able to serve openly since last year. The policy also allows them to receive any treatment deemed medically necessary, including surgery and hormone therapy.

The Rules Committee late Wednesday voted 2-8 on party lines against an effort from Rep. Jared Polis (D-Colo.) to block Hartler’s amendment from coming to the House floor.

“What Ms. Hartzler is trying to do would reduce military readiness,” said Polis, co-chairman of Congress’s LGBT Equality Caucus. “It would have a negative impact on morale, a negative impact on retention and move us away from the merit-based system which we now have, where we have one set of rules applied to everybody.”

Hartzler did not come to the Rules Committee on Wednesday to argue for her amendment. But she previously spoke about medical costs and her opposition to open service when the Armed Services Committee debated the bill last month.

During the last Armed Services markup, Hartzler claimed that the cost of surgeries alone could reach to $1.35 billion over the next 10 years.

It’s unclear where Hartzler got her figure. In an interview with USA Today, she suggested she and her staff did their own research on the issue.

The Rand Corporation estimated all medical costs for transgender service members would be between about $2.4 million and $8.4 million annually.

Still, Hartzler argued the transgender policy harms readiness.

“Military service is a privilege, not a right,” she said last month. “It is predicated on winning wars and defeating the enemy. All decisions on personnel and funding should be made with this in mind.”

LGBT military groups expressed outrage at the amendment even in advance of the Rules Committee giving it the green light.

“To be clear, this vile amendment is a vicious attack on service members who are sacrificing so much and putting their lives on the line for our country,” Ashley Broadway-Mack, president of the American Military Partner Association, said in a statement. “As if that’s not outrageous enough, it would also rip away the medically necessary health care of transgender family members.”

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:05pm

Is This Final Proof Michelle Obama Is A Man? Number 1 Video On The Web

start @ 2:30 !!!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:25pm
No its not proof.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:32pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:25pm:
No its not proof.

Number 1 Video On The Web

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:35pm
you are such a stupid, stupid buffoon.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:42pm

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:35pm:
you are such a stupid, stupid buffoon.

why are you so tough on
Bojack Horseman ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:44pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:42pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:35pm:
you are such a stupid, stupid buffoon.

why are you so tough on
Bojack Horseman ?

You are a brainless twit.

and then you sometimes get a lot worse.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:52pm

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:44pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:42pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:35pm:
you are such a stupid, stupid buffoon.

why are you so tough on
Bojack Horseman ?

You are a brainless twit.

and then you sometimes get a lot worse.

like the way you post silly photos of fat people in diapers because

you are intellectually bested and dominated in all ways when you present yourself to the presence of one such as I am ?

yes this is very telling , and speaks volumes unto the stature of your " failed writer " status

this is good beloved , it is very good for all is in accordance with the divine plan ..

so be at peace for it is a very good and apt look befitting for and unto thee ..


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Aug 25th, 2017 at 9:34pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:05pm:

Is This Final Proof Michelle Obama Is A Man? Number 1 Video On The Web

start @ 2:30 !!!

like WTF>.....  :o

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sir Bobby on Aug 25th, 2017 at 10:18pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:52pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:44pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:42pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:35pm:
you are such a stupid, stupid buffoon.

why are you so tough on
Bojack Horseman ?

You are a brainless twit.

and then you sometimes get a lot worse.

like the way you post silly photos of fat people in diapers because

you are intellectually bested and dominated in all ways when you present yourself to the presence of one such as I am ?

yes this is very telling , and speaks volumes unto the stature of your " failed writer " status

this is good beloved , it is very good for all is in accordance with the divine plan ..

so be at peace for it is a very good and apt look befitting for and unto thee ..


Dear master Light,
Longy can't help it -
he posts on Ozpolitic only to put other people down.
This makes him feel superior as he has an inferiority complex.
As such he should be forgiven


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Aug 25th, 2017 at 11:15pm

Bobby. wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 10:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:52pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:44pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:42pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:35pm:
you are such a stupid, stupid buffoon.

why are you so tough on
Bojack Horseman ?

You are a brainless twit.

and then you sometimes get a lot worse.

like the way you post silly photos of fat people in diapers because

you are intellectually bested and dominated in all ways when you present yourself to the presence of one such as I am ?

yes this is very telling , and speaks volumes unto the stature of your " failed writer " status

this is good beloved , it is very good for all is in accordance with the divine plan ..

so be at peace for it is a very good and apt look befitting for and unto thee ..


Dear master Light,
Longy can't help it -
he posts on Ozpolitic only to put other people down.
This makes him feel superior as he has an inferiority complex.
As such he should be forgiven


and you are her giving tacit support to his insane claims.

Now, who is superior?  (hint: it aint you)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Aug 26th, 2017 at 5:50pm

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 11:15pm:

Bobby. wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 10:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:52pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:44pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:42pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 25th, 2017 at 12:35pm:
you are such a stupid, stupid buffoon.

why are you so tough on
Bojack Horseman ?

You are a brainless twit.

and then you sometimes get a lot worse.

like the way you post silly photos of fat people in diapers because

you are intellectually bested and dominated in all ways when you present yourself to the presence of one such as I am ?

yes this is very telling , and speaks volumes unto the stature of your " failed writer " status

this is good beloved , it is very good for all is in accordance with the divine plan ..

so be at peace for it is a very good and apt look befitting for and unto thee ..


Dear master Light,
Longy can't help it -
he posts on Ozpolitic only to put other people down.
This makes him feel superior as he has an inferiority complex.
As such he should be forgiven


and you are her giving tacit support to his insane claims.

Now, who is superior?  (hint: it aint you)

wtf...   :o

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Aug 26th, 2017 at 6:00pm
the next

Bastard we have to look out for..

I don't mean to be mean but she's as ugly as a toad....   ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Aug 26th, 2017 at 6:05pm

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Aug 26th, 2017 at 6:00pm:
the next

Bastard we have to look out for..

I don't mean to be mean but she's as ugly as a toad....   ;D

But CLinton didnt have the hots (or worse) for his daughter. Trump clearly does and polls show that a large number beleive he already has with her.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Richdude on Aug 26th, 2017 at 11:23pm

longweekend58 wrote on Aug 26th, 2017 at 6:05pm:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Aug 26th, 2017 at 6:00pm:
the next

Bastard we have to look out for..

I don't mean to be mean but she's as ugly as a toad....   ;D

But CLinton didnt have the hots (or worse) for his daughter. Trump clearly does and polls show that a large number beleive he already has with her.

Thats a disgusting comment based on innuendo and lies.

Clueless haters will stop at nothing to discredit Trump.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 29th, 2017 at 2:38am


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Sep 21st, 2017 at 11:02am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 21st, 2017 at 12:32pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 24th, 2017 at 10:49pm

Serena WIlliams fake pregnancy update 1

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 24th, 2017 at 10:58pm

is Aaliyah Transgender Transsexual

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Raven on Sep 25th, 2017 at 5:52am
Your obsession with other people's sexuality would make for an interesting psychological paper Mr Light.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 25th, 2017 at 7:51am

serena williams female impostor baby bump

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 25th, 2017 at 7:54am


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 25th, 2017 at 7:55am

Top 5 Reasons Michelle Obama Is A Man

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 17th, 2017 at 1:10pm
satanic ritual at michelle obamas library

LONG BEACH (CBSLA) — A Long Beach congressional candidate says he’s “outraged” after a drag queen sporting demon-like horns was invited to read to children at a local library.

Omar Navarro, a Republican candidate looking to unseat Maxine Waters for the 43rd District, posted an image of performer Xochi Mochi reading to kids as part of the Drag Queen Story Hour at the Michelle Obama Neighborhood Library on Saturday.

Navarro’s tweet asked, “What are we teaching kids in school? Demonic teachings alive in Long Beach. I’m outraged they would allow this.”

The image shows Mochi – clad in heavy makeup and sporting red-tipped horns on his head – in front of an audience of kids, some of whom also appeared to be in costume.

An official link for Drag Queen Story Hour did not describe it as a Halloween-themed event.

Mochi later said it was one of his “best experiences…as a drag queen.”

“It’s so important to have representation and normalize all the letters in LGBTQIA+ in everyday lives,” he wrote on an Instagram post.

Other posts showed Mochi taking pictures in drag with a library staff member.

A photo of the event posted on the Long Beach Public Library’s Twitter and Facebook pages was later removed.

It did, however, catch the eye of the Church of Satan, which tweeted “Hail Satan!” in response to one parent’s criticism.

" who wants to be a drag queen when they grow up children ? "

alot of children put their hands up ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 1:25pm
she/he just cant leave it alone ..

crabs or simply hung like a man ..?

one may wonder in love and light ..

Top 5 Reasons Michelle Obama Is A Man

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:17pm
You are a gullible fool, Fattie...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:04pm

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

many blessings puddle duck , thats curious , I dont ..

yet here is obama calling his wife michael ..

Barack Obama - l / Calls His Wife Michelle "Michael" Twice!

explain the anomaly


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:10pm

Michelle Obama Is A Man: No One Believed Me & I'm Right AGAIN!!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:31pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:04pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

many blessings puddle duck , thats curious , I dont ..

yet here is obama calling his wife michael ..

Barack Obama - l / Calls His Wife Michelle "Michael" Twice!

explain the anomaly


if you'd ever had a friend, nevermind a romantic partner, you might understand the concept of pet names.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:39pm

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:31pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:04pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

many blessings puddle duck , thats curious , I dont ..

yet here is obama calling his wife michael ..

Barack Obama - l / Calls His Wife Michelle "Michael" Twice!

explain the anomaly


if you'd ever had a friend, nevermind a romantic partner, you might understand the concept of pet names.


oh really , like a mans name ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:41pm

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

I dont remember him ever being respected. Wharfy/Light has always been a flat-earther lunatic from way back.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:47pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:39pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:31pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:04pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

many blessings puddle duck , thats curious , I dont ..

yet here is obama calling his wife michael ..

Barack Obama - l / Calls His Wife Michelle "Michael" Twice!

explain the anomaly


if you'd ever had a friend, nevermind a romantic partner, you might understand the concept of pet names.


oh really , like a mans name ?

all you are doing is confirming that you have NO IDEA how people in serious relationships interact. petnames - including opposite sex ones - are not even uncommon. you really have no idea, do you?  as if a pet name is an indication of... anything at all.

In so many ways, at so many times, you are an ignorant and insane buffoon.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:58pm

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:47pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:39pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:31pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:04pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

many blessings puddle duck , thats curious , I dont ..

yet here is obama calling his wife michael ..

Barack Obama - l / Calls His Wife Michelle "Michael" Twice!

explain the anomaly


if you'd ever had a friend, nevermind a romantic partner, you might understand the concept of pet names.


oh really , like a mans name ?

all you are doing is confirming that you have NO IDEA how people in serious relationships interact. petnames - including opposite sex ones - are not even uncommon. you really have no idea, do you?  as if a pet name is an indication of... anything at all.

In so many ways, at so many times, you are an ignorant and insane buffoon.


oh sure .. what do you call your wife there weak end.. trevor ?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:30pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:58pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:47pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:39pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:31pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:04pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

many blessings puddle duck , thats curious , I dont ..

yet here is obama calling his wife michael ..

Barack Obama - l / Calls His Wife Michelle "Michael" Twice!

explain the anomaly


if you'd ever had a friend, nevermind a romantic partner, you might understand the concept of pet names.


oh really , like a mans name ?

all you are doing is confirming that you have NO IDEA how people in serious relationships interact. petnames - including opposite sex ones - are not even uncommon. you really have no idea, do you?  as if a pet name is an indication of... anything at all.

In so many ways, at so many times, you are an ignorant and insane buffoon.


oh sure .. what do you call your wife there weak end.. trevor ?



45f283f85bd1a83067a16c6147b71f6832c27dec1198bc64d14e50eca17a267f_001.gif (21 KB | 108 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Apr 7th, 2018 at 11:49pm

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:30pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:58pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:47pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:39pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:31pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:04pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

many blessings puddle duck , thats curious , I dont ..

yet here is obama calling his wife michael ..

Barack Obama - l / Calls His Wife Michelle "Michael" Twice!

explain the anomaly


if you'd ever had a friend, nevermind a romantic partner, you might understand the concept of pet names.


oh really , like a mans name ?

all you are doing is confirming that you have NO IDEA how people in serious relationships interact. petnames - including opposite sex ones - are not even uncommon. you really have no idea, do you?  as if a pet name is an indication of... anything at all.

In so many ways, at so many times, you are an ignorant and insane buffoon.


oh sure .. what do you call your wife there weak end.. trevor ?



And Mechanic, the virgin flat-earther chimes in agreeing with the lunatic.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:07am
what could that package be in Micheals Michelle's pants?  :-/

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:10am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:07am:
what could that package be in Micheals Michelle's pants?  :-/

yes master mech , and if that was weak ends missus ,

you would be calling her trevor .. totally normal behaviour it is said ..

longweekend58 wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:31pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:04pm:

Dnarever wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:55pm:
I remember when the Light was a well respected poster.

I fear that the light has been bitten by a tic from the moon - a lunatic.

many blessings puddle duck , thats curious , I dont ..

yet here is obama calling his wife michael ..

Barack Obama - l / Calls His Wife Michelle "Michael" Twice!

explain the anomaly


if you'd ever had a friend, nevermind a romantic partner, you might understand the concept of pet names.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:13am
Not that there's anything wrong with it.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:14am

Bobby. wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:13am:
Not that there's anything wrong with it.

many blessings brother being

what do you call your wife ? ............eric ?

weak end says its all kosher and the ' norm ' , excuse the pun  ...

to call your wife a blokes name ..

like obama did here ,calling michelle  ~ michael ,


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:21am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:14am:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 7:13am:
Not that there's anything wrong with it.

many blessings brother being

what do you call your wife ? ............eric ?

weak end says its all kosher and the ' norm ' , excuse the pun  ...

to call your wife a blokes name ..

like obama did here ,calling michelle  ~ michael ,


Ye hath uncovered an End Times prediction.

All is being revealed.

Luke 12          KJV

[2] For there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; neither hid, that shall not be known.

[3] Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light;
and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Apr 8th, 2018 at 3:52pm
afd530443fd24af539e137c3fa92280da96b2c74d572f6d22e6f590effe3e678.jpg (55 KB | 45 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 9:35am

Serena dons catsuit in French Open return and dedicates win and look to moms 'trying to come back from tough pregnancies and be fierce' after maternity leave caused her ranking to plummet

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 30th, 2018 at 9:44am

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 9:35am:

Serena dons catsuit in French Open return and dedicates win and look to moms 'trying to come back from tough pregnancies and be fierce' after maternity leave caused her ranking to plummet

SO she went on maternity leave but shes a man?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 10:23am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 9:44am:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 9:35am:

Serena dons catsuit in French Open return and dedicates win and look to moms 'trying to come back from tough pregnancies and be fierce' after maternity leave caused her ranking to plummet

SO she went on maternity leave but shes a man?

well to be coherent and factual ,

she adopted a baby and had time off to correlate with the narrative of " a pregnancy "..

too many mercury injections for you again ?

fear not ,for you are forgiven in your drug addled stupor ,

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on May 30th, 2018 at 10:25am
Sorry was waiting for more evidence than photos.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on May 30th, 2018 at 5:34pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 10:25am:
Sorry was waiting for more evidence than photos.

Like that was ever going to happen. Remember, this is the same clown who literally claimed MH370 was on... THE MOON. NASA cant get there but Malaysian Airlines can.

there is no hope for him outside of drugs.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby on May 30th, 2018 at 5:42pm

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 5:34pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 10:25am:
Sorry was waiting for more evidence than photos.

Like that was ever going to happen. Remember, this is the same clown who literally claimed MH370 was on... THE MOON. NASA cant get there but Malaysian Airlines can.

there is no hope for him outside of drugs.

What drugs would you prescribe Dr Longy?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on May 30th, 2018 at 5:51pm

Bobby. wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 5:42pm:

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 5:34pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 10:25am:
Sorry was waiting for more evidence than photos.

Like that was ever going to happen. Remember, this is the same clown who literally claimed MH370 was on... THE MOON. NASA cant get there but Malaysian Airlines can.

there is no hope for him outside of drugs.

What drugs would you prescribe Dr Longy?

potassium chloride.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 6:02pm

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 5:34pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 10:25am:
Sorry was waiting for more evidence than photos.

Like that was ever going to happen. Remember, this is the same clown who literally claimed MH370 was on... THE MOON. NASA cant get there but Malaysian Airlines can.

there is no hope for him outside of drugs.

I do not EVER take drugs ..also

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby on May 30th, 2018 at 6:09pm

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 5:51pm:

Bobby. wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 5:42pm:

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 5:34pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 10:25am:
Sorry was waiting for more evidence than photos.

Like that was ever going to happen. Remember, this is the same clown who literally claimed MH370 was on... THE MOON. NASA cant get there but Malaysian Airlines can.

there is no hope for him outside of drugs.

What drugs would you prescribe Dr Longy?

potassium chloride.

Dr Longy,
Ye hath overreached your status as
ye now offer free medical assessments and prescribe drugs.
Go forth and confess your sins for
ye hath not seen the Light -
who has given that which is holy unto swine
to be trampled underfoot.
Woe be to Longy.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 6:16pm

MICHELLE OBAMA A MAN ? Everything Pointing To The Truth

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on May 30th, 2018 at 6:20pm

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:16pm:

MICHELLE OBAMA A MAN ? Everything Pointing To The Truth

we know Melania is a woman... we've all seen her naked.

and how is that a class act?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 6:21pm

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:20pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:16pm:

MICHELLE OBAMA A MAN ? Everything Pointing To The Truth

we know Melania is a woman... we've all seen her naked.

and how is that a class act?

well at least Melania IS A WOMAN !

Michelle Obama is a MAN???

MICHELLE OBAMA A MAN ? Everything Pointing To The Truth. Hidden Agenda?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 6:28pm

Over 95% Chance Michelle Obama Was Born a Man - One Year Later

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on May 30th, 2018 at 6:28pm

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:21pm:

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:20pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:16pm:

MICHELLE OBAMA A MAN ? Everything Pointing To The Truth

we know Melania is a woman... we've all seen her naked.

and how is that a class act?

well at least Melania IS A WOMAN !

Michelle Obama is a MAN???

MICHELLE OBAMA A MAN ? Everything Pointing To The Truth. Hidden Agenda?

what would you know about women? you've never even seen a live one naked. And at 250kg yourself, you havent seen 'yours' in a decade either.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mr Hammer on May 30th, 2018 at 6:34pm
Looks like Michelle had itchy nuts.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 6:39pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:34pm:
Looks like Michelle had itchy nuts.

yes thats correct ,

those nuts are inside her ballbag because she is a he ....

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on May 30th, 2018 at 6:54pm

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:34pm:
Looks like Michelle had itchy nuts.

yes thats correct ,

those nuts are inside her ballbag because she is a he ....

How would you know what nuts look like? You have been able to see or touch your won for a decade.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mr Hammer on May 30th, 2018 at 6:57pm

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:54pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:34pm:
Looks like Michelle had itchy nuts.

yes thats correct ,

those nuts are inside her ballbag because she is a he ....

How would you know what nuts look like? You have been able to see or touch your won for a decade.

won? ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 7:01pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:57pm:

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:54pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:34pm:
Looks like Michelle had itchy nuts.

yes thats correct ,

those nuts are inside her ballbag because she is a he ....

How would you know what nuts look like? You have been able to see or touch your won for a decade.

won? ;D

yes weak end is a " writer " lol ...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mr Hammer on May 30th, 2018 at 7:03pm

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 7:01pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:57pm:

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:54pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:34pm:
Looks like Michelle had itchy nuts.

yes thats correct ,

those nuts are inside her ballbag because she is a he ....

How would you know what nuts look like? You have been able to see or touch your won for a decade.

won? ;D

yes weak end is a " writer " lol ...

of toilet walls.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 30th, 2018 at 7:04pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 7:03pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 7:01pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:57pm:

longweekend58 wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:54pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 30th, 2018 at 6:34pm:
Looks like Michelle had itchy nuts.

yes thats correct ,

those nuts are inside her ballbag because she is a he ....

How would you know what nuts look like? You have been able to see or touch your won for a decade.

won? ;D

yes weak end is a " writer " lol ...

of toilet walls.

naAhh , he's a really good won

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on May 31st, 2018 at 6:51am
oh dear.... poor Hussein  :-/
fca171d3b86af937fc77e60689b21e0b801b38427a1ff76461ca59b804c1f55d.png (245 KB | 68 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 31st, 2018 at 7:37am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on May 31st, 2018 at 6:51am:
oh dear.... poor Hussein  :-/

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on May 31st, 2018 at 7:39am
I know you're just Trolling mech, but I do distinctly remember how up in arms you would get about claims that Trump wanted to bugger his daughter or that he had tiny tiny baby hands.

What's different in this case?  Why do all the reasons you put to invalidate those claims not apply now?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on May 31st, 2018 at 10:51am

KangAnon wrote on May 31st, 2018 at 7:39am:
I know you're just Trolling mech, but I do distinctly remember how up in arms you would get about claims that Trump wanted to bugger his daughter or that he had tiny tiny baby hands.

What's different in this case?  Why do all the reasons you put to invalidate those claims not apply now?

no you don't...

you just make stuff up... things that never happened and that you never prove...

if you are going to quote me then quote me... not just make up bullshit...  ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 23rd, 2019 at 3:22pm

Is Michelle Obama really a man?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 23rd, 2019 at 3:29pm
Hi master Light,
it's probably got a bigger diddle than you're got.   ;D

( Michael for the next president )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 23rd, 2019 at 3:36pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 23rd, 2019 at 3:29pm:
Hi master Light,
it's probably got a bigger diddle than you're got.   ;D

( Michael for the next president )

But so light you can lift it with your imagination.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 24th, 2019 at 10:37am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2019 at 4:07pm

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 24th, 2019 at 10:37am:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Feb 24th, 2019 at 4:23pm
Just racism showing how little intellect is ever required.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2019 at 4:48pm

Michelle Obama: Exposed as a Man (June 2016)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2019 at 6:41pm

Michelle Obama Was Born A Man - ( Vral Video)

Michelle Obama or Michael? Barry laughs at her bulge!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2019 at 6:45pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 24th, 2019 at 8:33pm
Have you noticed, dear one? It's also tinted.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:19am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on May 31st, 2018 at 10:51am:

KangAnon wrote on May 31st, 2018 at 7:39am:
I know you're just Trolling mech, but I do distinctly remember how up in arms you would get about claims that Trump wanted to bugger his daughter or that he had tiny tiny baby hands.

What's different in this case?  Why do all the reasons you put to invalidate those claims not apply now?

no you don't...

you just make stuff up... things that never happened and that you never prove...

if you are going to quote me then quote me... not just make up bullshit...  ::)

Seems like I was over the target as usual given your reaction.

By the way, speaking of making things up, what proof do you have, aside from the literally faked photos you've posted that this is true?

You want to attack others for making things up yet you post these lies?

Oh Light, it's do good to have you back.

The king of krazy is back.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:25am
New evidence uncovered that the President's Daught-Wife Ivanka was born a man!

The truth is out there!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Feb 27th, 2019 at 7:55am

KangAnon wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:25am:
New evidence uncovered that the President's Daught-Wife Ivanka was born a man!

The truth is out there!


It stands to reason then, that Donald Trump is a homosexual, seeing as he is sexually attracted to Ivanka.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2019 at 8:50am

KangAnon wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:25am:
New evidence uncovered that the President's Daught-Wife Ivanka was born a man!

The truth is out there!


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 27th, 2019 at 10:50am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 8:50am:

KangAnon wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:25am:
New evidence uncovered that the President's Daught-Wife Ivanka was born a man!

The truth is out there!


At least the pictures I posted (in jest) aren't photoshopped and totally fake like yours.

So, you're also a conspiracy nut?

Or do you not need to post evidence?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:05pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 7:55am:

KangAnon wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:25am:
New evidence uncovered that the President's Daught-Wife Ivanka was born a man!

The truth is out there!


It stands to reason then, that Donald Trump is a homosexual, seeing as he is sexually attracted to Ivanka.

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

but it is still incest, gay or not.

this must be driving fattie nuts... although the distance is never far.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by xeej on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:52pm
Michelle is an elegant, strong, intelligent lady.  8-)

The Obamas were a credit to the US during Barack's time in office.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:55pm

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

this whole thread is pure racism on behalf of small minds and in Light's case - no mind.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by xeej on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:03pm

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:55pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

this whole thread is pure racism on behalf of small minds and in Light's case - no mind.

Maybe she is a tranny, its getting harder and harder to tell these days, what with all the implants and all. Maybe she is a ladyboy!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:10pm
"Maybe" is different from saying things like,

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 9:41pm:

It's still absurd, but then so is claiming Ivanka was born a man.

So why is it that Light thinks one is ok to say, but not the other?

One is conspiracy, and the other fact, yet no evidence has been provided for either?

Light has been caught out lying again and the cry baby is doing everything she can to avoid being held to account.

She won't answer questions, she won't provide any proof of evidence, she just posts her nonsense and demands everyone just trust her proven to be dishonest bullshit.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:52pm

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:55pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

this whole thread is pure racism on behalf of small minds and in Light's case - no mind.

Maybe she is a tranny, its getting harder and harder to tell these days, what with all the implants and all. Maybe she is a ladyboy!

I mean, everybody's saying it.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by xeej on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:57pm

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:52pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:55pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

this whole thread is pure racism on behalf of small minds and in Light's case - no mind.

Maybe she is a tranny, its getting harder and harder to tell these days, what with all the implants and all. Maybe she is a ladyboy!

I mean, everybody's saying it.

That's good, I thought I was the only one.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:58pm

KangAnon wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:10pm:
"Maybe" is different from saying things like,

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 9:41pm:

It's still absurd, but then so is claiming Ivanka was born a man.

So why is it that Light thinks one is ok to say, but not the other?

One is conspiracy, and the other fact, yet no evidence has been provided for either?

Light has been caught out lying again and the cry baby is doing everything she can to avoid being held to account.

She won't answer questions, she won't provide any proof of evidence, she just posts her nonsense and demands everyone just trust her proven to be dishonest bullshit.

Doesn't answer questions? Nonsense. You just have to speak the right language. Here:

Many blessings, Master. Wilt thou answereth a question from thy beloved fellow traveller?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:59pm

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:57pm:

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:52pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:55pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

this whole thread is pure racism on behalf of small minds and in Light's case - no mind.

Maybe she is a tranny, its getting harder and harder to tell these days, what with all the implants and all. Maybe she is a ladyboy!

I mean, everybody's saying it.

That's good, I thought I was the only one.

That's what I mean.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by xeej on Feb 27th, 2019 at 6:17pm

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:59pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:57pm:

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:52pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:55pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

this whole thread is pure racism on behalf of small minds and in Light's case - no mind.

Maybe she is a tranny, its getting harder and harder to tell these days, what with all the implants and all. Maybe she is a ladyboy!

I mean, everybody's saying it.

That's good, I thought I was the only one.

That's what I mean.

So long as she is comfortable in her own body and she is in touch with her inner self,  that is what counts

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2019 at 7:05pm
Michelle is scratching her scrotum here some say ..
images_102.jpeg (20 KB | 44 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2019 at 7:08pm
Dude looks like a lady ..
images__2_.jpeg (27 KB | 40 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by mortdooley on Feb 27th, 2019 at 9:07pm

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.


That beast?

On a scale of one to ten I would give her a two only because I believe she really is a woman. An America hating racist and bigot but a woman racist and bigot!

She absolutely loathes white people.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Feb 27th, 2019 at 10:27pm

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 9:07pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.


That beast?

On a scale of one to ten I would give her a two only because I believe she really is a woman. An America hating racist and bigot but a woman racist and bigot!

She absolutely loathes white people.

and out comes your racism again. It is all rather predictable.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Richdude on Feb 27th, 2019 at 10:44pm

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 10:27pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 9:07pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.


That beast?

On a scale of one to ten I would give her a two only because I believe she really is a woman. An America hating racist and bigot but a woman racist and bigot!

She absolutely loathes white people.

and out comes your racism again. It is all rather predictable.

Whats predictable is your stupid PC comments.

Big Mike is one ugly woman yet the tabloids rave about how beautiful she is and ignore or criticize Melania. Bias?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by mortdooley on Feb 27th, 2019 at 11:31pm

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 10:27pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 9:07pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.


That beast?

On a scale of one to ten I would give her a two only because I believe she really is a woman. An America hating racist and bigot but a woman racist and bigot!

She absolutely loathes white people.

and out comes your racism again. It is all rather predictable.

Call me what you will, that word has lost all meaning. Both of the Obamas are full throttle, rabid, racists who attempted to destroy America as the land of opportunity replacing freedom with free sh1t for votes!  I will call you something more accurate, a cuck!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 27th, 2019 at 11:43pm
The contrast between the elegant, strong, intelligent Obamas and the ugly, weak, stupid Trumps could not be more stark.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2019 at 11:56pm

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 11:43pm:
The contrast between the elegant, strong, intelligent Obamas and the ugly, weak, stupid Trumps could not be more stark.

oh yes elegant huh .. ?

michael looks like a true ape here next to 2 beautiful women ..

and this is not said because he is black , it is because he is a man dressed like a woman ..

here scratching dem nutz ...

sup homey ,

this is what a woman looks like here ..

you may need to go to the eye doctor, yet either way

be at peace



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 28th, 2019 at 12:02am
Yes. Ugly, weak, and stupid.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 12:05am

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 12:02am:
Yes. Ugly, weak, and stupid.


looks like we have a butthurt liberal in meltdown mode ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by mortdooley on Feb 28th, 2019 at 12:13am

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 11:43pm:
The contrast between the elegant, strong, intelligent Obamas and the ugly, weak, stupid Trumps could not be more stark.

Obama was little more than an actor who was lost without a teleprompter! People gave him more credit than he deserved for things he didn't accomplish. The closest person to compare him to would be Sheila Jackson Lee. The new great white,non-white hope is Irish Bob, the fake Mexican!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:12am

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 6:17pm:

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:59pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:57pm:

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:52pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:55pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

this whole thread is pure racism on behalf of small minds and in Light's case - no mind.

Maybe she is a tranny, its getting harder and harder to tell these days, what with all the implants and all. Maybe she is a ladyboy!

I mean, everybody's saying it.

That's good, I thought I was the only one.

That's what I mean.

So long as she is comfortable in her own body and she is in touch with her inner self,  that is what counts

Selves, Matty. You've had at least 20 that I can remember.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:15am

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:58pm:

KangAnon wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:10pm:
"Maybe" is different from saying things like,

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 9:41pm:

It's still absurd, but then so is claiming Ivanka was born a man.

So why is it that Light thinks one is ok to say, but not the other?

One is conspiracy, and the other fact, yet no evidence has been provided for either?

Light has been caught out lying again and the cry baby is doing everything she can to avoid being held to account.

She won't answer questions, she won't provide any proof of evidence, she just posts her nonsense and demands everyone just trust her proven to be dishonest bullshit.

Doesn't answer questions? Nonsense. You just have to speak the right language. Here:

Many blessings, Master. Wilt thou answereth a question from thy beloved fellow traveller?

Greetings, beloved brother being. Wilt thou answereth a mere humble servant such as I Am?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 28th, 2019 at 5:51am

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 11:31pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 10:27pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 9:07pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.


That beast?

On a scale of one to ten I would give her a two only because I believe she really is a woman. An America hating racist and bigot but a woman racist and bigot!

She absolutely loathes white people.

and out comes your racism again. It is all rather predictable.

Call me what you will, that word has lost all meaning.

It's an odd excuse used by those who do and say racist things these days...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 28th, 2019 at 5:56am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 7:05pm:
Michelle is scratching her scrotum here some say ..

Only to those lying sacks of poo that would post fake images.

Would you like to see the version that isn't photoshopped to put a fake bulge in?

I can't tell if you're genuinely retarded and are stupid enough to believe this, or as is most likely given the crying liberal pic you posted, you're just trolling as usual.

It was so much better around here when we all thought you'd killed yourself over one of your silly conspiracies.

My guess is that you secretly are infatuated with the idea that she's a man and in your deepest darkest dreams you take all of her 10" every night.

I really don't want to see the private fakes of her you keep...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 7:10am

KangAnon wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 5:56am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 7:05pm:
Michelle is scratching her scrotum here some say ..

Only to those lying sacks of poo that would post fake images.

Would you like to see the version that isn't photoshopped to put a fake bulge in?

I can't tell if you're genuinely retarded and are stupid enough to believe this, or as is most likely given the crying liberal pic you posted, you're just trolling as usual.

It was so much better around here when we all thought you'd killed yourself over one of your silly conspiracies.

My guess is that you secretly are infatuated with the idea that she's a man and in your deepest darkest dreams you take all of her 10" every night.

I really don't want to see the private fakes of her you keep...

you are a conspiracy theorist sad one ..

the fact is you find this man dressed as a woman attractive

these are factual pictures of michaels package ..

and you think they are photoshop ... strange ?

even when presented with proof you still are too retarded and programmed to admit reality

this is not anyones' problem but yours ..

here is obama in college with his gay lover ..

and his husband the tranny michael ..

joan rivers said so as well.. she got murdered

why so homophobic ?

either way , be at peace



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 28th, 2019 at 8:31am
Oh, I forgot to add about Trump:

Trump is a "racist", a "conman" and a "cheat".  ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by mortdooley on Feb 28th, 2019 at 8:43am

KangAnon wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 5:51am:

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 11:31pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 10:27pm:

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 9:07pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.


That beast?

On a scale of one to ten I would give her a two only because I believe she really is a woman. An America hating racist and bigot but a woman racist and bigot!

She absolutely loathes white people.

and out comes your racism again. It is all rather predictable.

Call me what you will, that word has lost all meaning.

It's an odd excuse used by those who do and say racist things these days...

There is certainly no shortage of cucks around here.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 8:49am
good grief beloveds ,

lets go back to story time to make it simpler ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 28th, 2019 at 9:03am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 7:10am:
and his husband the tranny michael ..

joan rivers said so as well.. she got murdered

I suppose you have some evidence of that, or are you just a simpleminded conspiracy theorist?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 28th, 2019 at 9:04am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 8:49am:
good grief beloveds ,

lets go back to story time to make it simpler ..

I'd hoped this wasn't yet another Trump supporting racist dog whistle and instead just other of Light's crazy rants, but alas, it was.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 28th, 2019 at 9:29am

KangAnon wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 9:03am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 7:10am:
and his husband the tranny michael ..

joan rivers said so as well.. she got murdered

I suppose you have some evidence of that, or are you just a simpleminded conspiracy theorist?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by xeej on Feb 28th, 2019 at 9:44am

Karnal wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:12am:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 6:17pm:

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:59pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:57pm:

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:52pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 3:55pm:

Johnnie wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 1:46pm:
I thought Michelle looked pretty hot, I hope she is not a man.

this whole thread is pure racism on behalf of small minds and in Light's case - no mind.

Maybe she is a tranny, its getting harder and harder to tell these days, what with all the implants and all. Maybe she is a ladyboy!

I mean, everybody's saying it.

That's good, I thought I was the only one.

That's what I mean.

So long as she is comfortable in her own body and she is in touch with her inner self,  that is what counts

Selves, Matty. You've had at least 20 that I can remember.


Yeah that's pretty rich coming from you,, Grandalf.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 28th, 2019 at 11:30am

Karnal wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:15am:

Karnal wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:58pm:

KangAnon wrote on Feb 27th, 2019 at 5:10pm:
"Maybe" is different from saying things like,

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 12th, 2014 at 9:41pm:

It's still absurd, but then so is claiming Ivanka was born a man.

So why is it that Light thinks one is ok to say, but not the other?

One is conspiracy, and the other fact, yet no evidence has been provided for either?

Light has been caught out lying again and the cry baby is doing everything she can to avoid being held to account.

She won't answer questions, she won't provide any proof of evidence, she just posts her nonsense and demands everyone just trust her proven to be dishonest bullshit.

Doesn't answer questions? Nonsense. You just have to speak the right language. Here:

Many blessings, Master. Wilt thou answereth a question from thy beloved fellow traveller?

Greetings, beloved brother being. Wilt thou answereth a mere humble servant such as I Am?

Revered purveyor of truth and humble Master, I approacheth thee in the spirit of love and light. Wilt ye answer a question from a dear fellow being?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:25pm
Hang on a sec beloved ..

we just want to stay ontopic for a bit here

masculine attributes observed and exposed ..
images__3_.jpeg (22 KB | 44 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:29pm
Can anyone post a photo of any other woman with arms and shoulders like this dude michael ?

Ps .. serena williams is already known as being born a man so he is not a woman ..
images__4_.jpeg (19 KB | 48 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:30pm
Facts = logic innit ..
images__5_.jpeg (30 KB | 36 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by bellamor on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:32pm
You are so mean. 
BTW, those photos that you guys attached are funny.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 28th, 2019 at 3:54pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:30pm:
Facts = logic innit ..

But you're using pseudoscience as if it's fact...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 28th, 2019 at 4:03pm
A bit of muscle on a woman is quite attractive.  8-)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Feb 28th, 2019 at 4:05pm
I'ld give it to Michelle Obama.
I've had the odd Bantu-babe like her.

I've always been a fan of Michelle Obama.
I honestly reckon she would have made a Great President like Trump... part of the 'new' brigade for the 'new' worlds and not some Media lackey like Reagan, Bush's, Clintons and Barrack!  ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 6:02pm

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 4:03pm:
A bit of muscle on a woman is quite attractive.  8-)

images__6_.jpeg (18 KB | 42 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 28th, 2019 at 6:10pm
Sorry to disappoint you, I've been married to my wonderful wife for 331/3 years this March.  8-)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 28th, 2019 at 6:35pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 7:10am:
why so homophobic ?

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 6:02pm:

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 4:03pm:
A bit of muscle on a woman is quite attractive.  8-)

<Homophobic attachment>

Classic troll behaviour.

You've also not bothered to address the fact that you keep posting fake images with a photoshopped bulge?

What happened to you being some warrior of the truth you lying sack of poo?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Feb 28th, 2019 at 10:07pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 2:25pm:
Hang on a sec beloved ..

we just want to stay ontopic for a bit here

masculine attributes observed and exposed ..

Now that thou hath exposed such Satanic attributes, wouldst ye uttereth a response to your dear children?

I promised Sad, dear one.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 11:41pm

Irrefutable proof Michelle Obama is a Tranny

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 11:52pm
scientific proofs ..

IRREFUTABLE PROOF that Michelle Obama IS A MAN 24/7

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 28th, 2019 at 11:52pm
The green dress: I reckon she was sitting down with her hands in her lap and this stretched the fabric of her dress a little, stands up and there is a pucker in the cloth.

The white pants: probably the pull-cord beads or "drawstring" of the pants tucked inside the pants.

e.g :


The finger length: Not ALL women conform to the ring finger vs index finger comparison "norm".

Of course, nongs will keep this "she's a man" nonsense going, but I made an attempt to explain it.

Carry on.  ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2019 at 11:55pm

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 6:10pm:
Sorry to disappoint you, I've been married to my wonderful wife for 331/3 years this March.  8-)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Feb 28th, 2019 at 11:58pm
Thanks.  :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 1st, 2019 at 2:25am

Captain Nemo wrote on Feb 28th, 2019 at 11:52pm:
The green dress: I reckon she was sitting down with her hands in her lap and this stretched the fabric of her dress a little, stands up and there is a pucker in the cloth.

The white pants: probably the pull-cord beads or "drawstring" of the pants tucked inside the pants.

e.g :


The finger length: Not ALL women conform to the ring finger vs index finger comparison "norm".

Of course, nongs will keep this "she's a man" nonsense going, but I made an attempt to explain it.

Carry on.  ::)

That's true, Captain, but not all women have an army of Photoshoppers to touch up their crotches, bulk them up a bit and put shadows under their eyes.

It helps, of course, if you're tinted.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 1st, 2019 at 8:30am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 5:28pm

Michelle Obama Works Out


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 7:09pm
Light has overtaken Mech as the lying bitch of OzPol.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 7:29pm

KangAnon wrote on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 7:09pm:
Light has overtaken Mech as the lying bitch of OzPol.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 8:25pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 10:39pm

KangAnon wrote on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 7:09pm:
Light has overtaken Mech as the lying bitch of OzPol.

Light admitted in the other thread that he's a white supremacist, so he's overtaken the Mechanic in that area too.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by mothra on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 11:11pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 10:39pm:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 7:09pm:
Light has overtaken Mech as the lying bitch of OzPol.

Light admitted in the other thread that he's a white supremacist, so he's overtaken the Mechanic in that area too.

You can't even wave a diminutive cat around on this forum without taking out half a dozen white supremacists.

It is the creator's design.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 3rd, 2019 at 1:53am

mothra wrote on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 11:11pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 10:39pm:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 2nd, 2019 at 7:09pm:
Light has overtaken Mech as the lying bitch of OzPol.

Light admitted in the other thread that he's a white supremacist, so he's overtaken the Mechanic in that area too.

You can't even wave a diminutive cat around on this forum without taking out half a dozen white supremacists.

It is the creator's design.

Freeeedom, innit.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 3rd, 2019 at 8:23am
Light is claiming Michelle is 100% a man, but that's nothing more than his opinion, born out of racial prejudice without any evidence to confirm it.

Unless of course he's got the results of a karyotyping test?

But the Earth is flat, yet some of his other conspiracies require it to be a globe, Alien's contact us all the time, yet all we have is grainy video of helium balloons in the sky, the Government are poisoning us with Chemtrails, but the proof is photos of water-bombing planes, Freemasons, Illuminati, the Cabal... etc etc.

The only thing he doesn't support is the use of evidence.

So, he can think Michelle is a Man, but if he wants to make claims that it's proven, he'll need to provide, well, proof!

It's really not a hard concept to understand.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Mar 3rd, 2019 at 9:05am

KangAnon wrote on Mar 3rd, 2019 at 8:23am:
Light is claiming Michelle is 100% a man, but that's nothing more than his opinion, born out of racial prejudice without any evidence to confirm it.

Unless of course he's got the results of a karyotyping test?

But the Earth is flat, yet some of his other conspiracies require it to be a globe, Alien's contact us all the time, yet all we have is grainy video of helium balloons in the sky, the Government are poisoning us with Chemtrails, but the proof is photos of water-bombing planes, Freemasons, Illuminati, the Cabal... etc etc.

The only thing he doesn't support is the use of evidence.

So, he can think Michelle is a Man, but if he wants to make claims that it's proven, he'll need to provide, well, proof!

It's really not a hard concept to understand.

Well said sir!  8-)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 1:02am

Michelle Obama Was Born A Man - ( Vral Video)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:28am
Youtube isn't evidence. Any actual medical evidenc?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:29am

KangAnon wrote on Mar 3rd, 2019 at 8:23am:
Light is claiming Michelle is 100% a man, but that's nothing more than his opinion, born out of racial prejudice without any evidence to confirm it.

Clearly, who else does he think is a man, Serena Williams.

Wonder what they have in common.

Title: Michelle Obama a Man & Barry Loves Him!
Post by Panther on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:47am
Michelle Obama a Man & Barry Loves Him!

Well, Barry's White-Half does anyway....

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:52am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:29am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 3rd, 2019 at 8:23am:
Light is claiming Michelle is 100% a man, but that's nothing more than his opinion, born out of racial prejudice without any evidence to confirm it.

Those coming out in his defence isn't helping the case either...

Clearly, who else does he think is a man, Serena Williams.

Wonder what they have in common.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:01am

Liar Obama (Barry Soetoro) part 2: life partner Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama")

Barack Obama is gay and his "bride" Michelle Obama is a man with the name "Michael" - a gay liar couple is leading "U.S.A." down to the ground - with faked children inclusive - and Pentagon and NATO with endless extortions

1: Masculine ring finger with Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") - longer than the forefinger - 2: shoulders and height of the body with Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") -- 3: Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") in a direct comparison with other women -- 4: Adam's apple of Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") -- 5: The sex of Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") -- 6: Faked children of the faked "heterosexual couple" Barack+Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") -- 7: Risk of blackmail of "President" Barack Obama by Pentagon and NATO - and Putin only making propaganda not indicating any detail

Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") having a long masculine ring finger [1] - 190+186cm...

Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama) has masculine shoulders with more than three times as large as her head!

Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") has got a masculine height of his body which corresponds to 8 times to it's height of his head

The tight dress of Michael Obama ("Michelle Obama") shows his penis

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

Sasha’s And Malia’s REAL Parents

Malia and Sasha Obama Were Loaned by Their Real Parents so America Would Accept the Fake First Family

I know this briefly made the rounds last year…but I’m not sure everyone saw it and I have been meaning to post a blog about it and just get it down in black and white for safekeeping and also so the facts are preserved. I don’t want anyone to forget how cheated and lied to we were by this last presidential puppet they installed. I mean, they took it to a whole new level with the creation of Barry Soetoro.

And I feel like we are constantly inundated with so much info that sometimes important details that should be preserved are swept away with the tide and forgotten about…never to return.  So here it is:

(I originally posted the following on Facebook in December of 2016):

I saw the video that Fisher of Men did on this titled “I Found Malia and Sasha’s Real Parents”. So just to note…he’s the one who originally made this connection. After he made that video he was visited by the secret service and is now in prison on trumped up charges….they say he is a “domestic terrorist”, but we all know that means he’s simply a threat to them.

So people in the alternative media have wondered for a long time who Malia and Sasha’s real parents are (being that Michelle is most likely a man). This is a great piece done on the topic in 2013 by Eowyn at Fellowship of the Minds. Definitely worth the read.

But just a few basic points from it. None of the ancestry or genealogy sites have any record of either girl. has no birth records for Malia or Natasha Obama. In fact no birth records can be found on either girl ANYWHERE.

There are no pictures of the Obama’s with the girls when they were babies. (Actually only ONE single photo has been found and I’m no expert on photoshop but it doesn’t take an expert to see that it’s a very sloppily flung together photoshopped picture. It’s almost embarrassing to look at really…they did such a bad job.)

This is the only pic that can be found of the Obamas with Malia or Sasha when they’re young. And this looks extremely photoshopped. See how they pop out of the background like that? Not natural.

And then also, there are ZERO pictures to be found ANYWHERE of a pregnant Michelle Obama.

So here’s where it all gets interesting…Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt are a married couple who have been close friends with the Obama’s going back to their early Chicago days. Martin Nesbitt was the Obama campaign treasurer and close friend… and his wife, Dr. Anita Blanchard, is the woman said to have quote on quote “delivered the children of Obama” (remember that semantics matter here).

So Dr. Anita and her husband became Sasha and Malia’s “godparents”. They are both very tight with Valerie Jarrett and crew going back to Obama’s beginning in Chicago.


these are clearly not the obamas .

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:02am
these children look NOTHING like the " obamas " ( two men barry and michael )

instead they look much more like their real parents


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:03am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:02am:
these children look NOTHING like the " obamas " ( two men barry and michael )

You do realise that children are a mix of parents and so automatically don't resemble their parents>?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:03am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:02am:
these children look NOTHING like the " obamas " ( two men barry and michael )

You do realise that children are a mix of parents and so automatically don't resemble their parents>?

yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

:D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:12am
Still no karyotyping.

Sad Kang is right, this is just racism manifesting as a conspiracy theory.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:18am
many blessings ,

some people just want to say " no evidence " when there is tonnes of evidence produced here

you people seem quite retarded .. look at the info provided then comment ,

dont look into the corner and say you see nothing ,

here is more.. look at it then comment and contribute to the discussion

or just hurl abuse in your defeat , either way you lose again .

par meets course and so be it .

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:19am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:18am:
many blessings ,

some people just want to say " no evidence " when there is tonnes of evidence produced here

you people seem quite retarded .. look at the info provided then comment ,

dont look into the corner and say you see nothing ,

here is more.. look at it then comment and contribute to the discussion

or just hurl abuse in your defeat , either way you lose again .

par meets course and so be it .

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?


You poist crappy photos. Do you have any genetic evidence?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:24am
This story is so lame.  ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:25am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:19am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:18am:
many blessings ,

some people just want to say " no evidence " when there is tonnes of evidence produced here

you people seem quite retarded .. look at the info provided then comment ,

dont look into the corner and say you see nothing ,

here is more.. look at it then comment and contribute to the discussion

or just hurl abuse in your defeat , either way you lose again .

par meets course and so be it .

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?


You poist crappy photos. Do you have any genetic evidence?

your mind is clearly drug addled

you admit you take drugs through injection

.. you have not watched the video ?

thank you for your contribution .



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:27am
No I havent watched the video? Why? Because the only evidence I will accept is genetic evidence? Why? Because its far better than the dodgy photos saying look at that bulge which is likely a bulge in the material.

Its pathetic.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Panther on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have 'just cause', that the person has broken a law, before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:32am

Panther wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have just cause that the person has broken a law before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

If anything this post is further evidence that I am the light is talking out of his arse.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:35am

Panther wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have 'just cause', that the person has broken a law, before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

many blessings panther

did you see this video ?

mind blowing evidences !

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

you have said your piece pastaman , you are just spamming and having another drug induced episode on account of your failures here ..


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Captain Nemo on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:52am
There's one truism ... you might not know who your father is ... but your mother? ... You will know, she was definitely there at the birth!  ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:53am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:35am:

Panther wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have 'just cause', that the person has broken a law, before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

many blessings panther

did you see this video ?

mind blowing evidences !

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

you have said your piece pastaman , you are just spamming and having another drug induced episode on account of your failures here ..


Yes, theres no evidence, this is racism manifesting as CT.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:58am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:53am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:35am:

Panther wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have 'just cause', that the person has broken a law, before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

many blessings panther

did you see this video ?

mind blowing evidences !

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

you have said your piece pastaman , you are just spamming and having another drug induced episode on account of your failures here ..


Yes, theres no evidence, this is racism manifesting as CT.

you have not watched the video .. so you are ignorant and not in a position to level judgement .

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:00am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:58am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:53am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:35am:

Panther wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have 'just cause', that the person has broken a law, before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

many blessings panther

did you see this video ?

mind blowing evidences !

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

you have said your piece pastaman , you are just spamming and having another drug induced episode on account of your failures here ..


Yes, theres no evidence, this is racism manifesting as CT.

you have not watched the video .. so you are ignorant and not in a position to level judgement .

I've told you why I refuse to watch the video. And yet you still think its the smoking gun.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:10am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:00am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:58am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:53am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:35am:

Panther wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have 'just cause', that the person has broken a law, before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

many blessings panther

did you see this video ?

mind blowing evidences !

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

you have said your piece pastaman , you are just spamming and having another drug induced episode on account of your failures here ..


Yes, theres no evidence, this is racism manifesting as CT.

you have not watched the video .. so you are ignorant and not in a position to level judgement .

I've told you why I refuse to watch the video. And yet you still think its the smoking gun.

you will never know, and as such are not in a position to make any comment whatsoever..

you are simply spamming ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:15am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:10am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:00am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:58am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:53am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:35am:

Panther wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have 'just cause', that the person has broken a law, before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

many blessings panther

did you see this video ?

mind blowing evidences !

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

you have said your piece pastaman , you are just spamming and having another drug induced episode on account of your failures here ..


Yes, theres no evidence, this is racism manifesting as CT.

you have not watched the video .. so you are ignorant and not in a position to level judgement .

I've told you why I refuse to watch the video. And yet you still think its the smoking gun.

you will never know, and as such are not in a position to make any comment whatsoever..

you are simply spamming ..

No asking for actual evidence

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:18am
many blessings pastaman

evidence is provided , yet you refuse to look at it ..

this is a reflection on your current intellect and programming considering you are doped up to the eyeballs on vaccines ..

this is nobodys' problem but your own , and yet now

you simply spam these pages demanding proof that has been delivered

:D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:18am
many blessings pastaman

evidence is provided , yet you refuse to look at it ..

this is a reflection on your current intellect and programming considering you are doped up to the eyeballs on vaccines ..

this is nobodys' problem but your own , and yet now

you simply spam these pages demanding proof that has been delivered

so now you will simply be flamed

:D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:19am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:20am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:21am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:22am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:23am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:00am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:58am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:53am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:35am:

Panther wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:11am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:10am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:06am:
yeah right , ok , take another vaccine needle boy

So rather than actually answering my question, you turn into random abuse. Cheers, dipshit.

the abuse is not random,

I merely describe your drug addiction and delivery of said drugs by needle into your body .

you freely admit this, you take drugs through a needle ..

then you randomly attack this humble being ... projection much ??

Sasha and Malia Ann Obama
looking more every day like
Anita Blanchard and Martin Nesbitt

Well presented, & compelling.......they should be calling for a DNA test, but forcing that testing would be against the US Constitution's 4th Amendment. Any testing must be voluntary, just like breathalyzing, etc.....which is illegal to force upon motorists. The police must have 'just cause', that the person has broken a law, before they can stop & request a breath or blood analysis.

many blessings panther

did you see this video ?

mind blowing evidences !

Obama Girls REAL PARENTS Found? Adopted By Michelle, Or Borrowed?

you have said your piece pastaman , you are just spamming and having another drug induced episode on account of your failures here ..


Yes, theres no evidence, this is racism manifesting as CT.

you have not watched the video .. so you are ignorant and not in a position to level judgement .

I've told you why I refuse to watch the video. And yet you still think its the smoking gun.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:23am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:18am:
many blessings pastaman

evidence is provided , yet you refuse to look at it ..

this is a reflection on your current intellect and programming considering you are doped up to the eyeballs on vaccines ..

this is nobodys' problem but your own , and yet now

you simply spam these pages demanding proof that has been delivered

:D :D :D :D :D

A video is not evidence.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:25am
Conspiracy videos are evidence to the deluded.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:52am

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:25am:
Conspiracy videos are evidence to the deluded.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:02am
Photoshopped images are evidence to the deluded.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:06am
" fraid not " is not a rebuttal ,

published author gets interviewed here ..

Choir Director Murdered To Conceal Obama's Homosexuality Drug Use

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 

I doubt that he is because he wants to bugger his daughter, but that's up to them to figure out.

But you talk about evidence being posted here.

There are fake images, the bias opinion of bloggers who are certainly critical of the Democrats if not flat out racist and you're attempting to use pseudoscience to justify your claims, using ratio of head side, finger length and the fact that she works out as "proof" she's a man?

If you don't have proof, which you don't or you've at least not posted any yet, as you say to others, just go away?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mr Hammer on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:45am

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

Pity he didn't have the guts to tell the US electorate.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:46am

Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:45am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

Pity he didn't have the guts to tell the US electorate.

Why would they, or anyone else, need to know?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:03pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

the reason you don't " get it " is because you do not realize ..

if a figurehead, monarch , prime minister , president is not forthcoming about ' sexuality ' say , in this instance ,

they are subject to blackmail .. meaning " do this , make this law, attack this minority group or else your secret will get out .. further

it is a reflection upon their morals/truthfulness .

all are loved regardless of sexuality , yet

why lie ?

just tell the truth and say you are gay if you are, and yet

if you lie there is corruption blackmail and lies ..

that is the issue ..


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mr Hammer on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:08pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:46am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:45am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

Pity he didn't have the guts to tell the US electorate.

Why would they, or anyone else, need to know?

Because religious American's would sure like to know. He wouldn't have got in if he told the truth. That's calculated deception.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:08pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:03pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

the reason you don't " get it " is because you do not realize ..

if a figurehead, monarch , prime minister , president is not forthcoming about ' sexuality ' say , in this instance ,

they are subject to blackmail .. further

it is a reflection upon their morals/truthfulness .

all are loved regardless of sexuality , yet

why lie ?

just tell the truth and say you are gay if you are, and yet

if you lie there is corruption blackmail and lies ..

that is the issue ..


Refresh my memory, if you would.

When was the last time a figurehead, monarch, prime minister, or president was forthcoming about their heterosexuality?

I'm curious.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:09pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:08pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:46am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:45am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

Pity he didn't have the guts to tell the US electorate.

Why would they, or anyone else, need to know?

Because religious American's would sure like to know. He wouldn't have got in if he told the truth. That's calculated deception.

It's none of their business.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:11pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:08pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:03pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

the reason you don't " get it " is because you do not realize ..

if a figurehead, monarch , prime minister , president is not forthcoming about ' sexuality ' say , in this instance ,

they are subject to blackmail .. further

it is a reflection upon their morals/truthfulness .

all are loved regardless of sexuality , yet

why lie ?

just tell the truth and say you are gay if you are, and yet

if you lie there is corruption blackmail and lies ..

that is the issue ..


Refresh my memory, if you would.

When was the last time a figurehead, monarch, prime minister, or president was forthcoming about their heterosexuality?

I'm curious.

every one of them , when they say they are married with children , so on and so forth , not like obama and malcom turnbul .. dont get me started there

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:11pm
this is clearly a man also ..

Faux pas: France's Macron says Aussie PM's wife 'delicious'

miam maim ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:13pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:11pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:08pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:03pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

the reason you don't " get it " is because you do not realize ..

if a figurehead, monarch , prime minister , president is not forthcoming about ' sexuality ' say , in this instance ,

they are subject to blackmail .. further

it is a reflection upon their morals/truthfulness .

all are loved regardless of sexuality , yet

why lie ?

just tell the truth and say you are gay if you are, and yet

if you lie there is corruption blackmail and lies ..

that is the issue ..


Refresh my memory, if you would.

When was the last time a figurehead, monarch, prime minister, or president was forthcoming about their heterosexuality?

I'm curious.

every one of them , when they say they are married with children , so on and so forth , not like obama and malcom turnbul .. dont get me started there

"Married with children" isn't a claim of heterosexuality.

Elton John is married with children.

So, when has a figurehead, monarch, prime minister, or president come out in public and said to the world "I am heterosexual".

I'm still curious.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:20pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:03pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

the reason you don't " get it " is because you do not realize ..

if a figurehead, monarch , prime minister , president is not forthcoming about ' sexuality ' say , in this instance ,

they are subject to blackmail .. meaning " do this , make this law, attack this minority group or else your secret will get out .. further

it is a reflection upon their morals/truthfulness .

all are loved regardless of sexuality , yet

why lie ?

just tell the truth and say you are gay if you are, and yet

if you lie there is corruption blackmail and lies ..

that is the issue ..


You realise that applied to the adulterer in chief we currently have now yeah?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 5th, 2019 at 2:19pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:08pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:46am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:45am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

Pity he didn't have the guts to tell the US electorate.

Why would they, or anyone else, need to know?

Because religious American's would sure like to know. He wouldn't have got in if he told the truth. That's calculated deception.

Strange. When Mr Trump paid off two women who he slept with while his wife was pregnant, you said that's Mr Trump's business - why would they, or anyone else, need to know?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 5th, 2019 at 2:28pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:03pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

the reason you don't " get it " is because you do not realize ..

if a figurehead, monarch , prime minister , president is not forthcoming about ' sexuality ' say , in this instance ,

they are subject to blackmail .. meaning " do this , make this law, attack this minority group or else your secret will get out .. further

it is a reflection upon their morals/truthfulness .

all are loved regardless of sexuality , yet

why lie ?

just tell the truth and say you are gay if you are, and yet

if you lie there is corruption blackmail and lies ..

that is the issue ..


Good point, dear one, but would the same not apply to adultery?

Just come out and say sorry. Don't pay anyone for their silence. Don't kowtow to Putin because he knows about your escapades in Russian hotel rooms.

Just say it: I, Mr Trump, had affairs with multiple women while my doting wife was pregnant. I, Mr Trump, had Russian hookers piss on the bed Obama slept on while I masturbated on the floor. I'm sorry to my wife, my son, and the rest of my family for disgracing them. I'm sorry to my supporters, including all the God-fearing people who hold the 10 Commandments dear. I have since taken up therapy for my sex addiction and am working on my relationship with my family. My wife and I sleep in separate beds, but we're working on it.

What's wrong with that, dear one? We'd all understand, no?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 2:37pm
JFKennedy was a sicko sex addict.
He screwed heaps of women besides doing a porn-flick with Marilyn Monroe (fake blonde 'ranga' chick).
His subordinate wife just turned a blind eye - but besides the MEDIA making JFK one of their 'darlings' and a President with 'celebrity' status... a lot of angry husbands who had their wives shagged by JFK got together to find an idiot who had nothing in life, to make the shot that counted.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 2:40pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 2:28pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 12:03pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:43am:

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:38am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 11:26am:

The 'First Gay President' Obama - Louis Farrakhan

I couldn't care less if Obama was gay, if he is good for him.  If anything it's a shame that he's had to be in the closet for so long.

Just like I wouldn't care if Trump were gay. 


What's the big deal?

I don't get it.

the reason you don't " get it " is because you do not realize ..

if a figurehead, monarch , prime minister , president is not forthcoming about ' sexuality ' say , in this instance ,

they are subject to blackmail .. meaning " do this , make this law, attack this minority group or else your secret will get out .. further

it is a reflection upon their morals/truthfulness .

all are loved regardless of sexuality , yet

why lie ?

just tell the truth and say you are gay if you are, and yet

if you lie there is corruption blackmail and lies ..

that is the issue ..


Good point, dear one, but would the same not apply to adultery?

Just come out and say sorry. Don't pay anyone for their silence. Don't kowtow to Putin because he knows about your escapades in Russian hotel rooms.

Just say it: I, Mr Trump, had affairs with multiple women while my doting wife was pregnant. I, Mr Trump, had Russian hookers piss on the bed Obama slept on while I masturbated on the floor. I'm sorry to my wife, my son, and the rest of my family for disgracing them. I'm sorry to my supporters, including all the God-fearing people who hold the 10 Commandments dear. I have since taken up therapy for my sex addiction and am working on my relationship with my family. My wife and I sleep in separate beds, but we're working on it.

What's wrong with that, dear one? We'd all understand, no?

And Ivanka?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 5th, 2019 at 2:51pm
She'd get over it. Where else is she going to go?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 3:31pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 3:38pm
Wrong thread mate.  Take your bakers crap elsewhere.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 3:43pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 3:31pm:
the hammer is about to drop , waaaaait for iiit ..

The Enemy Has Opened The Front Door...BIG MISTAKE!


Check out the size of that KFC chin   :o

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 3:51pm

The First Lady is a Man - Acoustic Guitar with Vocals

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 3:58pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:11pm
greggy is not in a position to know whats what from his/ her perspective

female icon on profile like karnal eluding to gender confusion ..

this is a real woman ..

Melania Trump's Evolution Model to First Lady★1987 to 2018

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:14pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:11pm:
greggy is not in a position to know whats what from his/ her perspective

female icon on profile like karnal eluding to gender confusion ..

this is a real woman ..

Melania Trump's Evolution Model to First Lady★1987 to 2018

How do you know what gender I am, or anyone else on here?

I'm curious.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dr Hard n Fast on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:15pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:11pm:
greggy is not in a position to know whats what from his/ her perspective

female icon on profile like karnal eluding to gender confusion ..

this is a real woman ..

Melania Trump's Evolution Model to First Lady★1987 to 2018

This is not very enlightening Mr Light

Hard N fast

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:24pm
Trump is an Alpha male with Beta female.

Obama was a Beta male with an Alpha female.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:43pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:14pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:11pm:
greggy is not in a position to know whats what from his/ her perspective

female icon on profile like karnal eluding to gender confusion ..

this is a real woman ..

Melania Trump's Evolution Model to First Lady★1987 to 2018

How do you know what gender I am, or anyone else on here?

I'm curious.

many are curious yes ,

you say your name is gregg yet you portray yourself as a woman with the female icon ..

same as karnal ..?

very curious .. can you please explain ?

is it a special club you are both in ?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:46pm

BigP wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:15pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:11pm:
greggy is not in a position to know whats what from his/ her perspective

female icon on profile like karnal eluding to gender confusion ..

this is a real woman ..

Melania Trump's Evolution Model to First Lady★1987 to 2018

This is not very enlightening Mr Light

Hard N fast

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:50pm

Evolution Of Mom Dancing (w/ Jimmy Fallon & Michelle Obama) (Late Night with Jimmy Fallon)

2 men dressed as women ..

right in front of the whole planet yet they cant see !

wow they took the whole world for a joyride !


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:54pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:43pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:14pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:11pm:
greggy is not in a position to know whats what from his/ her perspective

female icon on profile like karnal eluding to gender confusion ..

this is a real woman ..

Melania Trump's Evolution Model to First Lady★1987 to 2018

How do you know what gender I am, or anyone else on here?

I'm curious.

many are curious yes ,

you say your name is gregg yet you portray yourself as a woman with the female icon ..

same as karnal ..?

very curious .. can you please explain ?

is it a special club you are both in ?


And they wonder why other members don't take them 'seriously'.  ::)
Would you trust a Carpenter to work on your house if his Business advertises them as Banzai distributers?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:56pm

"Ew!" with Jimmy Fallon, Will Ferrell & First Lady Michelle Obama

and here again ,

in your face !

yet the world is blind ! wow *

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 5:02pm


Aerosmith - Dude (Looks Like A Lady) (Official Music Video)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:37pm
How about Sarah Palin, dear one?

I'm curious. I've had my eye on those size 12 shoes for years.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:38pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:43pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:14pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 4:11pm:
greggy is not in a position to know whats what from his/ her perspective

female icon on profile like karnal eluding to gender confusion ..

this is a real woman ..

Melania Trump's Evolution Model to First Lady★1987 to 2018

How do you know what gender I am, or anyone else on here?

I'm curious.

many are curious yes ,

you say your name is gregg yet you portray yourself as a woman with the female icon ..

same as karnal ..?

very curious .. can you please explain ?

is it a special club you are both in ?


You didn't answer my question.

How do you know what gender I am, or anyone else on here?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:42pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:37pm:
How about Sarah Palin, dear one?

I'm curious. I've had my eye on those size 12 shoes for years.

1st things first beloved ,

yourself and greg have yet to announce what gender thou art ..

care to share ?

for you depict as female in the icon yet project as males .. and so

what art thou , male or female ?

you may go first karnal , then greggy



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:44pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:42pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:37pm:
How about Sarah Palin, dear one?

I'm curious. I've had my eye on those size 12 shoes for years.

1st things first beloved ,

yourself and greg have yet to announce what gender thou art ..

care to share ?

for you depict as female in the icon yet project as males .. and so

what art thou , male or female ?

you may go first karnal , then greggy



Sloppy seconds again   :'(

That hurts as much as pulling a band-aid off my hairy little legs.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:52pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:54pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:57pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:11pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:42pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:37pm:
How about Sarah Palin, dear one?

I'm curious. I've had my eye on those size 12 shoes for years.

1st things first beloved ,

yourself and greg have yet to announce what gender thou art ..

care to share ?

for you depict as female in the icon yet project as males .. and so

what art thou , male or female ?

you may go first karnal , then greggy



Don't want to answer the question, eh? Is that because you have evidence from the AkAsHiK rEcOrDs that Sarah Palin is indeed a tranny?

Please focus on the task of illumination, dear one. You're starting to sound discomforted.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:13pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:11pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:42pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:37pm:
How about Sarah Palin, dear one?

I'm curious. I've had my eye on those size 12 shoes for years.

1st things first beloved ,

yourself and greg have yet to announce what gender thou art ..

care to share ?

for you depict as female in the icon yet project as males .. and so

what art thou , male or female ?

you may go first karnal , then greggy



Don't want to answer the question, eh? Is that because you have evidence from the AkAsHiK rEcOrDs that Sarah Palin is indeed a tranny?

Please focus on the task of illumination, dear one. You're starting to sound discomforted.

we are flat out attempting to find out what you and greg are first ?

maybe you should start a palin thread , sir .. maam ..shimmy shimmy shake ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:15pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:13pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:11pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:42pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:37pm:
How about Sarah Palin, dear one?

I'm curious. I've had my eye on those size 12 shoes for years.

1st things first beloved ,

yourself and greg have yet to announce what gender thou art ..

care to share ?

for you depict as female in the icon yet project as males .. and so

what art thou , male or female ?

you may go first karnal , then greggy



Don't want to answer the question, eh? Is that because you have evidence from the AkAsHiK rEcOrDs that Sarah Palin is indeed a tranny?

Please focus on the task of illumination, dear one. You're starting to sound discomforted.

we are flat out attempting to find out what you and greg are first ?

Why is it important?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:20pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:13pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:11pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:42pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 7:37pm:
How about Sarah Palin, dear one?

I'm curious. I've had my eye on those size 12 shoes for years.

1st things first beloved ,

yourself and greg have yet to announce what gender thou art ..

care to share ?

for you depict as female in the icon yet project as males .. and so

what art thou , male or female ?

you may go first karnal , then greggy



Don't want to answer the question, eh? Is that because you have evidence from the AkAsHiK rEcOrDs that Sarah Palin is indeed a tranny?

Please focus on the task of illumination, dear one. You're starting to sound discomforted.

we are flat out attempting to find out what you and greg are first ?

maybe you should start a palin thread , sir .. maam ..shimmy shimmy shake ?

Sorry, dear, I don't know how to create bulges on Photoshop.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:48pm

you ??


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:13pm

Barack Obama's Portrait Contain Sperm?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:26pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 8:48pm:

you ??


dear master Light,
I think you need to be reminded of the power of Photoshop.
You are lucky that we have here on Ozpolitic a Photoshop expert - namely yours truly.
Give me link to a  picture of a woman wearing a dress -
in high resolution and I will recreate a similar bulge as proof.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Gordon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29pm
I thought she's an ape. Is she actually a male ape?

images__15_.jpeg (16 KB | 25 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:30pm
That bulge isn't photoshop Bobby.
That's the typical African-American (not American-American  ;)) 'steel wool' pubic hair 'afro'.

It's the steel wool bush!

I'ld still give it to her!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Gordon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:32pm

Jasin wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:30pm:
That bulge isn't photoshop Bobby.
That's the typical African-American (not American-American  ;)) 'steel wool' pubic hair 'afro'.

It's the steel wool bush!

I'ld still give it to her!

Over developed clit?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:37pm

Gordon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29pm:
I thought she's an ape. Is she actually a male ape?

That's what Dear One's saying, Gordon. She's a tinted male ape.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Gordon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:43pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:37pm:

Gordon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29pm:
I thought she's an ape. Is she actually a male ape?

That's what Dear One's saying, Gordon. She's a tinted male ape.

So what's George?

images__15__001.jpeg (51 KB | 28 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:45pm
I found out why Light is so vocal on this topic, he's trying to distract away from the truth about the Trumps!

100% Proven, Evidence as follows,

Melania is a MTF transexual and Trump herself, shes FTM!!

100% proven by a YouTube video so it must be true!

No wonder so many of Trump supporters have such a hard on for him, he's actually a woman!

It all makes sense now.

Where we hop one we hop all!


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:55pm
George of the Jungle would love to monkey around with Michelle Obama's... bush.  ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:58pm

Jasin wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:30pm:
That bulge isn't photoshop Bobby.
That's the typical African-American (not American-American  ;)) 'steel wool' pubic hair 'afro'.

It's the steel wool bush!

I'ld still give it to her!

No - it's Photoshop -
it's been at least 25 years since you couldn't trust any photo.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:09pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:58pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:30pm:
That bulge isn't photoshop Bobby.
That's the typical African-American (not American-American  ;)) 'steel wool' pubic hair 'afro'.

It's the steel wool bush!

I'ld still give it to her!

No - it's Photoshop -
it's been at least 25 years since you couldn't trust any photo.

On weekends she calls it her little Peckerhead.
On weekdays she calls it her little Boofhead.
Either way - they are both a 'steel wool' for scrubbing dishes in an Indian Restaurant.  ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:18pm

Jasin wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 10:09pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:58pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:30pm:
That bulge isn't photoshop Bobby.
That's the typical African-American (not American-American  ;)) 'steel wool' pubic hair 'afro'.

It's the steel wool bush!

I'ld still give it to her!

No - it's Photoshop -
it's been at least 25 years since you couldn't trust any photo.

On weekends she calls it her little Peckerhead.
On weekdays she calls it her little Boofhead.
Either way - they are both a 'steel wool' for scrubbing dishes in an Indian Restaurant.  ;D

nahhh - it's your wild JaSin imagination.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 6th, 2019 at 12:15am

KangAnon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:45pm:
I found out why Light is so vocal on this topic, he's trying to distract away from the truth about the Trumps!

100% Proven, Evidence as follows,

Melania is a MTF transexual and Trump herself, shes FTM!!

100% proven by a YouTube video so it must be true!

No wonder so many of Trump supporters have such a hard on for him, he's actually a woman!

It all makes sense now.

Where we hop one we hop all!


Oh my, I had no idea. It all makes so much sense now.

I trust you have a meme saying these weren't Photoshopped? That'll solve this once and for all.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 6th, 2019 at 12:17am

Gordon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:43pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:37pm:

Gordon wrote on Mar 5th, 2019 at 9:29pm:
I thought she's an ape. Is she actually a male ape?

That's what Dear One's saying, Gordon. She's a tinted male ape.

So what's George?

He's one of us, dear. Everybody knows that.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2019 at 4:19am

a real woman

michael is a tranny


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 6th, 2019 at 4:30am
My God - are anyone's buns safe?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Mar 6th, 2019 at 6:25am
So Trump is a woman and Melania and Ivanka are men.

Sounds plausible.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 6th, 2019 at 9:04am

longweekend58 wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 6:25am:
So Trump is a woman and Melania and Ivanka are men.

Sounds plausible.

I know right!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:06am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:08am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:10am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:47am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:10am:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:59am

greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:47am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 10:10am:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:15am

longweekend58 wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 6:25am:
So Trump is a woman and Melania and Ivanka are men.

Sounds plausible.

Oh that's a lame 'Anti-Trump' effort if ever there was one.  ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:16am
Hahaha light, dumb arse....

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:17am

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:15am:

longweekend58 wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 6:25am:
So Trump is a woman and Melania and Ivanka are men.

Sounds plausible.

Oh that's a lame 'Anti-Trump' effort if ever there was one.  ::)

On par with the stupidity in this thread around Michelle.

You should feel right at home.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:26am

KangAnon wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:17am:

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:15am:

longweekend58 wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 6:25am:
So Trump is a woman and Melania and Ivanka are men.

Sounds plausible.

Oh that's a lame 'Anti-Trump' effort if ever there was one.  ::)

On par with the stupidity in this thread around Michelle.

You should feel right at home.

Nothing on the stupidity thrown against Trump.
Mind you - the same people threw the same stupidity against Pope Benedict, you know - the Pope who tried to clean the Church up from having Spiders in it.

Yes indeed. It's the people who can't be bothered smiling for  the Media camera's and denying the Media 'total control', are the ones having to do the dirty work to make this world a better place. I too wouldn't have much to smile about, trying to clean up the mess that the Media has made of the world. :P

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:27am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 6th, 2019 at 12:24pm

longweekend58 wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 6:25am:
So Trump is a woman and Melania and Ivanka are men.

Sounds plausible.

Eric Trump is definitely a woman, but I think we should do the right thing and call him by his preferred pronoun, thank you very much.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 6th, 2019 at 12:30pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:27am:

You're proving yourself more and more to be a virgin you poor thing.

At least go pay some dirty bitch out in Browns Plains to get your dick wet and lighten up a bit... I'm sure there is plenty of desperate whores there.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Mar 6th, 2019 at 12:32pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 12:24pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 6:25am:
So Trump is a woman and Melania and Ivanka are men.

Sounds plausible.

Eric Trump is definitely a woman, but I think we should do the right thing and call him by his preferred pronoun, thank you very much.

'idiot' is now a pronoun??

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2019 at 3:29pm

KangAnon wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 12:30pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:27am:

You're proving yourself more and more to be a virgin you poor thing.

At least go pay some dirty bitch out in Browns Plains to get your dick wet and lighten up a bit... I'm sure there is plenty of desperate whores there.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 6th, 2019 at 3:32pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2019 at 3:45pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 6th, 2019 at 11:12pm
It's funny that Trumptards and qtards think they're online soldiers on a battlefield of memes...

Is it not embarrassing enough that you buy into the Q bullshit but you have to take it up a notch and think that your worth in measured in memes.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2019 at 6:07pm

Michelle Obama is A MAN!! (PROOF) ⚤

so many proofs here, also

at 46 seconds here , obama calls , " michelle" .." michael " ..

wdf ???

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 8th, 2019 at 6:07am
It's funny how all of this originates from Alex Jones, because of course, it does...

Which makes sense, the man loves tranny porn, so he should be able to spot one.

Good work light, your work here is done, go with god.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 8th, 2019 at 8:43am

KangAnon wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 6:07am:
It's funny how all of this originates from Alex Jones, because of course, it does...

Which makes sense, the man loves tranny porn, so he should be able to spot one.

Good work light, your work here is done, go with god.

Is light a fan of tranny porn too?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:05pm
many blessings,

one such as I am does not look at pornography .. it ruins and corrupts your magnetic field ..

and by the measure of your posting greggy , with all your porn posts

your magnetic field is totally corrupted giving demonic entities free reign over your human avatar ..

hence your manic and smutty posts .. yet fear not beloved

for in your spiritual and gender fluid stupor you are forgiven

so be at peace



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:16pm
So why dost ye post images of Michael's cock, dear one?

I'm curious.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:19pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:16pm:
So why dost ye post images of Michael's cock, dear one?

I'm curious.

many blessings dear one ..

because she is a he , disingenuous obfuscation and deception ..

why not say , hey im trans ?

but no ,

just like serena williams, they lie and say they are women , which they are definitely not ..

does this upset your tummy beloved ?

that is not mine intent


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:27pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:16pm:
So why dost ye post images of Michael's cock, dear one?

I'm curious.

many blessings dear one ..

because she is a he , disingenuous obfuscation and deception ..

why not say , hey im trans ?

but no ,

just like serena williams, they lie and say they are women , which they are definitely not ..

does this upset your tummy beloved ?

that is not mine intent


Your cocks are an attempt to arouse your brothers, beloved. Are you stimulated by the thought of these dear ones' arousal?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:29pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:16pm:
So why dost ye post images of Michael's cock, dear one?

I'm curious.

many blessings dear one ..

because she is a he , disingenuous obfuscation and deception ..

why not say , hey im trans ?

but no ,

just like serena williams, they lie and say they are women , which they are definitely not ..

does this upset your tummy beloved ?

that is not mine intent


Your cocks are an attempt to arouse your brothers, beloved. Are you stimulated by the thought of these dear ones' arousal?

nay beloved ,

it is not mine cock ,it is michaels ..

does this arouse your non binary gender fluid internet persona ?

one may be interested in love and light



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:39pm
Ye say nay, but ye then go on to titilate one such as I am with the subject of Michael's cock.

Art thou attempting to upset your dear ones' energy fields?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:53pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:39pm:
Ye say nay, but ye then go on to titilate one such as I am with the subject of Michael's cock.

Art thou attempting to upset your dear ones' energy fields?

forsooth beloved ,

it is not mine intent , that one such as ye are , dwell in the object of your desires pantaloons , rather

look to the heart of one such as ye objectify, is it true ?

or is it a falsity embedded in false tities ..?

one may wonder as we walk and talk in a love and light

so bright that laughter and frivolity takes flight !



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:57pm
random ontopic post ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 8th, 2019 at 10:04pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:53pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:39pm:
Ye say nay, but ye then go on to titilate one such as I am with the subject of Michael's cock.

Art thou attempting to upset your dear ones' energy fields?

forsooth beloved ,

it is not mine intent , that one such as ye are , dwell in the object of your desires pantaloons , rather

look to the heart of one such as ye objectify, is it true ?

or is it a falsity embedded in false tities ..?

one may wonder as we walk and talk in a love and light

so bright that laughter and frivolity takes flight !



Are you masturbating, dear one?

I'm curious.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 9th, 2019 at 5:36am

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 10:04pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:53pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:39pm:
Ye say nay, but ye then go on to titilate one such as I am with the subject of Michael's cock.

Art thou attempting to upset your dear ones' energy fields?

forsooth beloved ,

it is not mine intent , that one such as ye are , dwell in the object of your desires pantaloons , rather

look to the heart of one such as ye objectify, is it true ?

or is it a falsity embedded in false tities ..?

one may wonder as we walk and talk in a love and light

so bright that laughter and frivolity takes flight !



Are you masturbating, dear one?

I'm curious.

nay beloved ,

I do not do such a thing , for it wrecketh your magnetic field

and deminisheth thine aura ..

michael on the other hand .. ( pun intended )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Mar 9th, 2019 at 8:10am
Hard to believe that people are still feeding this troll on such an embarrassingly stupid disrespectful sad topic.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Richdude on Mar 9th, 2019 at 12:25pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 5:36am:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 10:04pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:53pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:39pm:
Ye say nay, but ye then go on to titilate one such as I am with the subject of Michael's cock.

Art thou attempting to upset your dear ones' energy fields?

forsooth beloved ,

it is not mine intent , that one such as ye are , dwell in the object of your desires pantaloons , rather

look to the heart of one such as ye objectify, is it true ?

or is it a falsity embedded in false tities ..?

one may wonder as we walk and talk in a love and light

so bright that laughter and frivolity takes flight !



Are you masturbating, dear one?

I'm curious.

nay beloved ,

I do not do such a thing , for it wrecketh your magnetic field

and deminisheth thine aura ..

michael on the other hand .. ( pun intended )


Mr Light. Don't you mean a Tranny sore ass?:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 9th, 2019 at 1:16pm

Dnarever wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 8:10am:
Hard to believe that people are still feeding this troll on such an embarrassingly stupid disrespectful sad topic.

We attempt to reform our dear children's pornographic minds, Dnarever.

Personally, I find it hard to believe our children are flirting with us.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 9th, 2019 at 1:33pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 1:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 8:10am:
Hard to believe that people are still feeding this troll on such an embarrassingly stupid disrespectful sad topic.

We attempt to reform our dear children's pornographic minds, Dnarever.

Personally, I find it hard to believe our children are flirting with us.


It's another sign of the End Times:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 9th, 2019 at 2:16pm

Richdude wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 12:25pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 5:36am:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 10:04pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:53pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:39pm:
Ye say nay, but ye then go on to titilate one such as I am with the subject of Michael's cock.

Art thou attempting to upset your dear ones' energy fields?

forsooth beloved ,

it is not mine intent , that one such as ye are , dwell in the object of your desires pantaloons , rather

look to the heart of one such as ye objectify, is it true ?

or is it a falsity embedded in false tities ..?

one may wonder as we walk and talk in a love and light

so bright that laughter and frivolity takes flight !



Are you masturbating, dear one?

I'm curious.

nay beloved ,

I do not do such a thing , for it wrecketh your magnetic field

and deminisheth thine aura ..

michael on the other hand .. ( pun intended )


Mr Light. Don't you mean a Tranny sore ass?:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 10th, 2019 at 5:43am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 10th, 2019 at 6:33am
Latest news ABC 24.

Michelle may run for the job of President of the United States.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 10th, 2019 at 7:19am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 10th, 2019 at 6:33am:
Latest news ABC 24.

Michelle may run for the job of President of the United States.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Mar 10th, 2019 at 2:40pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 2:16pm:

Richdude wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 12:25pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 5:36am:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 10:04pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:53pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 8th, 2019 at 5:39pm:
Ye say nay, but ye then go on to titilate one such as I am with the subject of Michael's cock.

Art thou attempting to upset your dear ones' energy fields?

forsooth beloved ,

it is not mine intent , that one such as ye are , dwell in the object of your desires pantaloons , rather

look to the heart of one such as ye objectify, is it true ?

or is it a falsity embedded in false tities ..?

one may wonder as we walk and talk in a love and light

so bright that laughter and frivolity takes flight !



Are you masturbating, dear one?

I'm curious.

nay beloved ,

I do not do such a thing , for it wrecketh your magnetic field

and deminisheth thine aura ..

michael on the other hand .. ( pun intended )


Mr Light. Don't you mean a Tranny sore ass?:

Does Michael's sore arse comfort you, beloved?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 10th, 2019 at 9:02pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 16th, 2019 at 12:35pm

Why Michelle Obama is a man

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Laugh till you cry on Mar 16th, 2019 at 12:56pm
Bobby = It is the blight are attempting to divert attention from the atrocity against NZ Muslims.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Mar 18th, 2019 at 3:52pm
Obama’s Brother just said what?

Malik Obama

Is Michelle Michael?

5:48 AM · Mar 15, 2019 · Mobile Web (M2)

Well this is going to be awkward at Thanks Givings  ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 18th, 2019 at 5:11pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 6th, 2019 at 9:54am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 6th, 2019 at 9:56am

Bobby. wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 1:33pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 1:16pm:

Dnarever wrote on Mar 9th, 2019 at 8:10am:
Hard to believe that people are still feeding this troll on such an embarrassingly stupid disrespectful sad topic.

We attempt to reform our dear children's pornographic minds, Dnarever.

Personally, I find it hard to believe our children are flirting with us.


It's another sign of the End Times:

OMG they have guns now ??

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 6th, 2019 at 11:10am
Is he running too, dear one?

Will you call him sir or ma'am?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 6th, 2019 at 11:38am
Poor Light, "they" are so envious "they" couldn't be marching there too.

Even posting photos since "they" couldn't be there...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:48am

Karnal wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 11:10am:
Is he running too, dear one?

Will you call him sir or ma'am?

beloved ,

we are not sure at this point to call you ? karnal or abu ?

michael ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:08am
Does it matter to you that this is a fake photo Ms Light?

You know, again?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:13am
Mr Kanga thinks that Rachel Maddows is a girl too.  :D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:22am

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:13am:
Mr Kanga thinks that Rachel Maddows is a girl too.  :D

Go back under your bridge child.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:24am

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:13am:
Mr Kanga thinks that Rachel Maddows is a girl too.  :D

thats right SerialBrain9

but sads got a real hard on for Frederica Wilson these days ..

KangAnon wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 11:02pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 9:41pm:

KangAnon wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 6:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 6:16pm:

Still can't stop thinking about her penis can you Light.

I admire your courage in so openly admitting your lifestyle choices.

Don't feel threatened brother/sister Light. A being such as myself has no interest in women with penises, she's all yours.

I won't cut another theys grass.

Be in peace but try not to.abuse one's self too much, it's not good for the eyes I've been told.

As we continue, all is forgiven.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:24am

KangAnon wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 9:08pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 8:37pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 7:09pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 7:03pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 6:57pm:
light is obsessed with dicks

no wonder bobby is such a fan of his :D

They make a beautiful couple.


looks like groggy has revealed her fetish ..

and has in fact promoted herself to being a " top "..

so tell us groggy ,

1.when did you change your gender identitty from female to male ?

2. what gender is the one in red here ?

You're the one who admitted to that Light the "they" (must get your gender pronoun right after all).

But to answer your question, given that she was born a woman, has given birth to 3 children and isn't a man at all, other than in your fantasies, I think it's pretty safe to say that she is a woman.

KangAnon wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 11:02pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 9:41pm:

KangAnon wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 6:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 6:16pm:

Still can't stop thinking about her penis can you Light.

I admire your courage in so openly admitting your lifestyle choices.

Don't feel threatened brother/sister Light. A being such as myself has no interest in women with penises, she's all yours.

I won't cut another theys grass.

Be in peace but try not to.abuse one's self too much, it's not good for the eyes I've been told.

As we continue, all is forgiven.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:25am

KangAnon wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 9:08pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 8:37pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 7:09pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 7:03pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 6:57pm:
light is obsessed with dicks

no wonder bobby is such a fan of his :D

They make a beautiful couple.


looks like groggy has revealed her fetish ..

and has in fact promoted herself to being a " top "..

so tell us groggy ,

1.when did you change your gender identitty from female to male ?

2. what gender is the one in red here ?

You're the one who admitted to that Light the "they" (must get your gender pronoun right after all).

But to answer your question, given that she was born a woman, has given birth to 3 children and isn't a man at all, other than in your fantasies, I think it's pretty safe to say that she is a woman.

KangAnon wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 11:02pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 9:41pm:

KangAnon wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 6:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 6:16pm:

Still can't stop thinking about her penis can you Light.

I admire your courage in so openly admitting your lifestyle choices.

Don't feel threatened brother/sister Light. A being such as myself has no interest in women with penises, she's all yours.

I won't cut another theys grass.

Be in peace but try not to.abuse one's self too much, it's not good for the eyes I've been told.

As we continue, all is forgiven.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:38am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:48am
For anyone that is interested, Light, as per the standard set by SerialBrain9, owes us all an apology for sharing fake news.

The image he keeps sharing isn't even close to being real, not that it needs explaining as it's blatantly obvious, but here it is anyway.

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:48am:

The image is a combination of a still taken from Michelle Obama's appearance next to Laura Bush at the during the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit Symposium for African Spouses where they took part in a moderated conversation with NPR’s Cokie Roberts on August 6, 2014.

You can find video and still all over the place but the full version is here,

The still was taken from around this point,
You can see it's come from there because they left some of the blue tinge around her cheeks and the right side of her face from the background in the fake image from light.

Then they took one of James Brown's mug shots, flipped it and put her face on there,

Here is the original mug shot,

So Light is spreading fake news and not only has Serial claimed that would require him to apologise but even Light on the exact same subject has said,

it_is_the_light wrote on May 4th, 2019 at 8:00am:
I am giving you a chance right now to delete that post

and I will retract this one making you look like a fool and post another ontopic post ..

otherwise you deliberately keep fake news posted and are a total fraud .

So, Ms Light, it is up to you to remove all of the instances of this image and apologise to everyone if you are to follow the guidelines you and your brethren have set out.

Unless you'd rather go back to wondering about her penis again and zooming into it for your own gratification some more?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:52am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:54am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:24am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:13am:
Mr Kanga thinks that Rachel Maddows is a girl too.  :D

thats right SerialBrain9

but sads got a real hard on for Frederica Wilson these days

Who is the come creating all these fanfiction-esque fantasy posts of women being men?

Michelle Obama a Man.. ?

Jacinda Ardern was Born a Dude !

Frederica Wilson is a MAN

Who keeps posting images zooming in on what they claim to be the male genitalia hiding on these women?

Who keeps trying to make memes to shift the focus from them onto others, talking about, wondering about how their members move as they walk?

And now that same person wants to project their hard-on for what they think, what their desire to be women with penises unto this humble poster? 

Please, Ms Light, there is no need to be ashamed of yourself.  As I said, I will pass no judgement after the admission of your sexual desires within the walls of this place, each to their own, just leave Children out of it.

Enjoy the rainbow, my friend.

But I will still call you out for posting lies and fake news.

The shine of your coming out is starting to dull so don't expect me to cut you so much slack forever :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 9:36am

KangAnon wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 9:08pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 8:37pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 7:09pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 7:03pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 5th, 2019 at 6:57pm:
light is obsessed with dicks

no wonder bobby is such a fan of his :D

They make a beautiful couple.


looks like groggy has revealed her fetish ..

and has in fact promoted herself to being a " top "..

so tell us groggy ,

1.when did you change your gender identitty from female to male ?

2. what gender is the one in red here ?

You're the one who admitted to that Light the "they" (must get your gender pronoun right after all).

But to answer your question, given that she was born a woman, has given birth to 3 children and isn't a man at all, other than in your fantasies, I think it's pretty safe to say that she is a woman.

KangAnon wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 11:02pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 9:41pm:

KangAnon wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 6:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2019 at 6:16pm:

Still can't stop thinking about her penis can you Light.

I admire your courage in so openly admitting your lifestyle choices.

Don't feel threatened brother/sister Light. A being such as myself has no interest in women with penises, she's all yours.

I won't cut another theys grass.

Be in peace but try not to.abuse one's self too much, it's not good for the eyes I've been told.

As we continue, all is forgiven.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Jul 7th, 2019 at 9:40am
40 pages and the light continues to embarrass herself with these sick selfinsulting claims.

Light may one day wonder where her credibility has gone.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 7th, 2019 at 10:55am

Dnarever wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 9:40am:
40 pages and the light continues to embarrass herself with these sick selfinsulting claims.

Light may one day wonder where her credibility has gone.

She is in our every breath.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by PZ547 on Jul 7th, 2019 at 11:13am
It's neither here nor there, apart from a bit of forum argy bargy

I've never seen a trans who could pass convincingly

and that includes Jenner, no matter how much surgery, make-up and soft focus photos

and even if some of them DID manage to pass occasionally

it wouldn't make a scrap of difference

People don't want to change gender, sex, whatever the latest squabble says

and they're not comfortable around trannies

I'm fairly open minded and have spent a bit of time around trannies.  Normal people find themselves studying the tranz, despite their attempts not to

the hands
the adam's apple
the voice
the attitude
the walk

it doesn't work and no amount of training makes it work

unfortunately, they seem to have unlikeable personalities too

maybe one has to do with the other, who knows

So the rinos attempts to pervert the world is a fail

and jenner is stuck with it now along with all the kids who thought life would be better with or without a dik

It will go down in history as a passing peculiarity, nothing more.  A storm in a teacup long forgotten

I don't know why Obama called her 'michael' twice during that presentation

maybe he was paid to do so, blackmailed into doing so, by his rino masters

but it changed nothing and succeeded only in making a brief stir online

now, obama and michael-michelle are past history

so who cares

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 7th, 2019 at 2:05pm

PZ547 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 11:13am:
It's neither here nor there, apart from a bit of forum argy bargy

I've never seen a trans who could pass convincingly

and that includes Jenner, no matter how much surgery, make-up and soft focus photos

and even if some of them DID manage to pass occasionally

it wouldn't make a scrap of difference

People don't want to change gender, sex, whatever the latest squabble says

and they're not comfortable around trannies

I'm fairly open minded and have spent a bit of time around trannies.  Normal people find themselves studying the tranz, despite their attempts not to

the hands
the adam's apple
the voice
the attitude
the walk

it doesn't work and no amount of training makes it work

unfortunately, they seem to have unlikeable personalities too

maybe one has to do with the other, who knows

So the rinos attempts to pervert the world is a fail

and jenner is stuck with it now along with all the kids who thought life would be better with or without a dik

It will go down in history as a passing peculiarity, nothing more.  A storm in a teacup long forgotten

I don't know why Obama called her 'michael' twice during that presentation

maybe he was paid to do so, blackmailed into doing so, by his rino masters

but it changed nothing and succeeded only in making a brief stir online

now, obama and michael-michelle are past history

so who cares

But this tranny looks pretty normal -

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:10pm
Master Light 💡


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:17pm

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:10pm:
Master Light 💡


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:19pm

WTF :o

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:21pm

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:19pm:

WTF :o

thats right,

just like michelle obama serena williams.. humanity has been asleep for so long !

wakey wakey !!


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:37pm
Omg - i knew she/he was ugly and all - but i just puked up a little bit in my mouth.  :-/

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:43pm
looks like serena had the surgery and got it all lopped off , but jacinta is still packing looks like .. sick AF

Are Venus & Serena Williams men? (1/7)Pelvis analysis

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:55pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:43pm:
looks like serena had the surgery and got it all lopped off , but jacinta is still packing looks like .. sick AF

Are Venus & Serena Williams men? (1/7)Pelvis analysis

Ive always been sus on the gorilla 🦍 sisters - thats an easy one .

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:56pm

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:55pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:43pm:
looks like serena had the surgery and got it all lopped off , but jacinta is still packing looks like .. sick AF

Are Venus & Serena Williams men? (1/7)Pelvis analysis

Ive always been sus on the gorilla 🦍 sisters - thats an easy one .

yeah .. we are down the rabbit hole alright ..interesting times huh ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Jul 7th, 2019 at 6:03pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:56pm:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:55pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:43pm:
looks like serena had the surgery and got it all lopped off , but jacinta is still packing looks like .. sick AF

Are Venus & Serena Williams men? (1/7)Pelvis analysis

Ive always been sus on the gorilla 🦍 sisters - thats an easy one .

yeah .. we are down the rabbit hole alright ..interesting times huh ?

Now it all makes sense.

Black Hat 🎩

Fair suck of the sausage  :-X

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Jul 7th, 2019 at 6:28pm
Speaking of swinging dicks - who could ever forget this one

Explain that Mr Kanga?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2019 at 6:34pm

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 6:28pm:
Speaking of swinging dicks - who could ever forget this one

Explain that Mr Kanga?

yes darkness is now visible ..

game over for them

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 7th, 2019 at 6:49pm
I have shown on another thread how photos can be altered with Photoshop:



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 7th, 2019 at 7:59pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:17pm:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 5:10pm:
Master Light 💡


Fatty? Is that you?

Why hast thou narrowed this image?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 7th, 2019 at 8:36pm

Bobby. wrote on Jul 7th, 2019 at 6:49pm:
I have shown on another thread how photos can be altered with Photoshop:



Check out the package on that, Bobby.

Hubba hubba, no?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 8th, 2019 at 6:46am
Yes -
I have shown on another thread how photos can be altered with Photoshop:



We can no longer trust any photo.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:24am
Are you saying we can't trust you're master's posts?

I'm curious.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:55am

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:24am:
Are you saying we can't trust you're master's posts?

I'm curious.

I'm saying that master Light may have
been mislead by unscrupulous posters
on the internet who have modified
pictures using Photoshop.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:10am

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:55am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:24am:
Are you saying we can't trust you're master's posts?

I'm curious.

I'm saying that master Light may have
been mislead by unscrupulous posters
on the internet who have modified
pictures using Photoshop.

One such as He Is has been made aware of this fact, dear one.

Dost thou deny it?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:21am

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:55am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:24am:
Are you saying we can't trust you're master's posts?

I'm curious.

I'm saying that master Light may have
been mislead by unscrupulous posters
on the internet who have modified
pictures using Photoshop.

No. Misleading seems like it was an accidental thing. Master light loves the conspiracy BS so deliberately allowed himself to believe this crap

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am

Someone explain this shlt

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:58am

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:55am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:24am:
Are you saying we can't trust you're master's posts?

I'm curious.

I'm saying that master Light may have
been mislead by unscrupulous posters
on the internet who have modified
pictures using Photoshop.

That's no excuse for abuse those who post the original images to show where he has been misled.

He's not interested in what is true, only what supports or conforms to his views.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:59am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am:
Someone explain this shlt

Well when one is an idiot, they tend to post youtube videos like that.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:02am
I knew it !!

Harry loves trannies !
megan_markle_a_man_1_001.jpg (142 KB | 29 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:12am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:02am:
I knew it !!

Harry loves trannies !

And so it is  -

yeah hath just had a lend of everyone?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:21am
So, he knows they're fake, still creates multiple threads and continues to post about these fake images, when does this stop being trolling and start being something we should be worried about?

If anyone loves trannies it seems to be Ms Light...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:22am

KangAnon wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:21am:
So, he knows they're fake, still creates multiple threads and continues to post about these fake images, when does this stop being trolling and start being something we should be worried about?


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:22am

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:12am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:02am:
I knew it !!

Harry loves trannies !

And so it is  -

yeah hath just had a lend of everyone?

Do not let 1 joke derail the continuity of the thread..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:23am

KangAnon wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:21am:
So, he knows they're fake, still creates multiple threads and continues to post about these fake images, when does this stop being trolling and start being something we should be worried about?

If anyone loves trannies it seems to be Ms Light...

Here is a sensationalistic stalker type .. how sad

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:24am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:22am:

KangAnon wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:21am:
So, he knows they're fake, still creates multiple threads and continues to post about these fake images, when does this stop being trolling and start being something we should be worried about?


here is a self confessed drug addickt whom confesses to be hooked on regular prick intake

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:26am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:59am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am:
Someone explain this shlt

Well when one is an idiot, they tend to post youtube videos like that.

I”ll take that as a NO then..

Anyone else?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:37am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:42am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:26am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:59am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am:
Someone explain this shlt

Well when one is an idiot, they tend to post youtube videos like that.

I”ll take that as a NO then..

Anyone else?

I thought that was a perfect explanation. Otyher than that you are aware fabric does fold in ways that doesnt require any thing on the body to push it out.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:42am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:24am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:22am:

KangAnon wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:21am:
So, he knows they're fake, still creates multiple threads and continues to post about these fake images, when does this stop being trolling and start being something we should be worried about?


here is a self confessed drug addickt whom confesses to be hooked on regular prick intake

Addict. And how original.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:52am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:26am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:59am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am:
Someone explain this shlt

Well when one is an idiot, they tend to post youtube videos like that.

I”ll take that as a NO then..

Anyone else?

Its a cock and ballbags

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:52am
Lies upon lies upon lies.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:54am
To be ontopic michelle obama is defs a tranny

Along with jacinta ahearn , serena and maybe Rachel madcow

Also Turnbulls missus is highly suspect

And of course frederica wilson !

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:00am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:26am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:59am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am:
Someone explain this shlt

Well when one is an idiot, they tend to post youtube videos like that.

I”ll take that as a NO then..

Anyone else?

Its a cock and ballbags

Don't get too turned on over your obvious fantasy...  You've already been shown that these women are women, no matter how feminine you might think they are or aren't, yet you still insist in pretending they have "a cock and ballbags".

What do you get from this?  I've been joking about your obsession with this but then you started talking about children and it just got sour.

It was only meant to be a taste of your own medicine given how you accuse people of being drug addicts, drunks or support child porn, but then you went and made the situation even weirder than it already was.

What normal person is obsessed with claiming women who or obviously better than they are secretly men, but then go into great detail in talking about said fictitious male genitalia from how it bulges to how it moves when they walk?

What is wrong with you?

Get help.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:02am
Every chance you get you bring up child exploitation

Stop now

Its clearly male genitalia

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:07am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:02am:
Every chance you get you bring up child exploitation

Stop now

Its clearly male genitalia

I just can't get over how you'd bring up children when talking about your sexual desires with these tranny fantasies you have.

You've said some pretty terrible things on top of the usual lies and fakes news, but that made me more uncomfortable than I've ever been here.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:11am

KangAnon wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:07am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:02am:
Every chance you get you bring up child exploitation

Stop now

Its clearly male genitalia

I just can't get over how you'd bring up children when talking about your sexual desires with these tranny fantasies you have.

You've said some pretty terrible things on top of the usual lies and fakes news, but that made me more uncomfortable than I've ever been here.

You seem quite sick and it must be so sad for you..

You lose debates so often you have to bring up your constant support for child abuse imagery and then that derails the whole continuity ..

And as such you are on ignore again ..

We are discussing ontopic issues here

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:16am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:11am:

KangAnon wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:07am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:02am:
Every chance you get you bring up child exploitation

Stop now

Its clearly male genitalia

I just can't get over how you'd bring up children when talking about your sexual desires with these tranny fantasies you have.

You've said some pretty terrible things on top of the usual lies and fakes news, but that made me more uncomfortable than I've ever been here.

You seem quite sick and it must be so sad for you..

You lose debates so often you have to bring up your constant support for child abuse imagery and then that derails the whole continuity ..

And as such you are on ignore again ..

We are discussing ontopic issues here

You brought it up you sick bugger, that's the problem.

I don't care about what silly debate you think have been won or lost.  You were trying to use that as a tool to attack me because you'd been shown the images were fake yet you still keep sharing them, so it must be an admission of some deeper psychosocial condition if not a fetish of yours, then you start talking about children to attack me...

Nah mate, not cool.

And again you've been shown a fake image, been told it's fake, and start posting as if it's real.

Get help.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 11:23am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:26am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:59am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am:
Someone explain this shlt

Well when one is an idiot, they tend to post youtube videos like that.

I”ll take that as a NO then..

Anyone else?

Anyone can clearly see whats under the "dress" jumping around  ... even stalker types

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 12:10pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:21am:

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:55am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 8:24am:
Are you saying we can't trust you're master's posts?

I'm curious.

I'm saying that master Light may have
been mislead by unscrupulous posters
on the internet who have modified
pictures using Photoshop.

No. Misleading seems like it was an accidental thing. Master light loves the conspiracy BS so deliberately allowed himself to believe this crap

Nay, dear one, Mastur Light-bate dost not believe this krap. He is spreading PrOpAgAnDa.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 12:14pm

KangAnon wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:21am:
So, he knows they're fake, still creates multiple threads and continues to post about these fake images, when does this stop being trolling and start being something we should be worried about?

If anyone loves trannies it seems to be Ms Light...

Do we call our dear one sir or ma'am?

One such as It_is will not say.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 12:26pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:26am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:59am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am:
Someone explain this shlt

Well when one is an idiot, they tend to post youtube videos like that.

I”ll take that as a NO then..

Anyone else?

Its a cock and ballbags

Our Divine Mother asks why one such as You Are attempts to arouse the passions of her dear children with such PoRnOgRaPhY, the result of which causes them to say miam miam and such-like utterances pertaining to the arousal of their lower Mastur-batery centres and thus, as it were, put holes in their sacred fields of EnErGy.

She asks that you apologise to her dear children and seek their forgiveness in accordance with the relevant statutes in the DP.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 8th, 2019 at 12:32pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:22am:

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:12am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:02am:
I knew it !!

Harry loves trannies !

And so it is  -

yeah hath just had a lend of everyone?

Do not let 1 joke derail the continuity of the thread..

And so it is.
Carry on dear master Light.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 1:05pm

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 12:26pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 10:26am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:59am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:56am:
Someone explain this shlt

Well when one is an idiot, they tend to post youtube videos like that.

I”ll take that as a NO then..

Anyone else?

Its a cock and ballbags

Our Divine Mother asks why one such as You Are attempts to arouse the passions of her dear children with such PoRnOgRaPhY, the result of which causes them to say miam miam and such-like utterances pertaining to the arousal of their lower Mastur-batery centres and thus, as it were, put holes in their sacred fields of EnErGy.

She asks that you apologise to her dear children and seek their forgiveness in accordance with the relevant statutes in the DP.

Did that one send you back to the days of the jolly seamen beloved karnal ? Abu ?

You didn't say ? You ?

355fx6.jpg (61 KB | 34 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:06pm
Don't want to say, eh?

It'll come out eventually, dear one. All are judged in their time, and all manifest according to their cock and balls, including one such as You Are.

All is in accordance with DM and the DP.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:20pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:23pm
" she could not,look,happier "

yeah shes looking pretty excited alight !

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:25pm

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:06pm:
Don't want to say, eh?

It'll come out eventually, dear one. All are judged in their time, and all manifest according to their cock and balls, including one such as You Are.

All is in accordance with DM and the DP.

its ok karnal , its just human anatomy ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:27pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 5:55pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:25pm:

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:06pm:
Don't want to say, eh?

It'll come out eventually, dear one. All are judged in their time, and all manifest according to their cock and balls, including one such as You Are.

All is in accordance with DM and the DP.

its ok karnal , its just human anatomy ..

Forgive this dear one, Mother. He is trying to engorge your dear children's lower centres and put holes in their cosmic eNeRgY. It will not bode well for a one such as He Is, no!

With all his fake news and Photoshop and superficial bottery, he knoweth not what he does.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 5:57pm

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 5:55pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:25pm:

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:06pm:
Don't want to say, eh?

It'll come out eventually, dear one. All are judged in their time, and all manifest according to their cock and balls, including one such as You Are.

All is in accordance with DM and the DP.

its ok karnal , its just human anatomy ..

Forgive this dear one, Mother. He is trying to engorge your dear children's lower centres and put holes in their cosmic eNeRgY. It will not bode well for a one such as He Is, no!

With all his fake news and Photoshop and superficial bottery, he knoweth not what he does.


excuse us Abu ..

we are talking to quote author=Karnal link thanks for not interrupting ..

there's a good chappy

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 8th, 2019 at 6:13pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:23pm:
" she could not,look,happier "

yeah shes looking pretty excited alight !

You can tell she works in a hung parliament.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 6:15pm

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 6:13pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:23pm:
" she could not,look,happier "

yeah shes looking pretty excited alight !

You can tell she works in a hung parliament.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 7:28pm

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 6:13pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:23pm:
" she could not,look,happier "

yeah shes looking pretty excited alight !

You can tell she works in a hung parliament.

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:27pm:

Cosmetically-enhanced tranny-magnets and deviants observed yes. Darkness visible here, dear ones.

Dost thou deny this fact?

They should form their own board in which, in accordance, to master the bate and breed, brood and breech, as it were, their obsessive abuse of their etheric AnAtOmY.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 7:35pm

Karnal wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 7:28pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 6:13pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:23pm:
" she could not,look,happier "

yeah shes looking pretty excited alight !

You can tell she works in a hung parliament.

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2019 at 4:27pm:

Cosmetically-enhanced tranny-magnets and deviants observed yes. Darkness visible here, dear ones.

Dost thou deny this fact?

They should form their own board in which, in accordance, to master the bate and breed, brood and breech, as it were, their obsessive abuse of their etheric AnAtOmY.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2019 at 7:35pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 8th, 2019 at 9:04pm
Bobby has told you that one's Photoshopped, dear one.

What type of porn is one such as Thou Art PrOpAgAtInG?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:19am
is this the real life

or is this just fantasy

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:20am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:25am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 9th, 2019 at 7:41am
That Soul Train picture's put Bobby in a right old state, dear one. The DM's really cranky about this.

She told you not to arouse the passions of these dear children here.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:15am

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 7:41am:
That Soul Train picture's put Bobby in a right old state, dear one. The DM's really cranky about this.

She told you not to arouse the passions of these dear children here.

Oh hi, beloved

You are totally ontopic

For you yourself are a genderflip mutant

Karnal gender female and abu gender male

So this is a subject close to your heart and nethers

Bit nippy ... you ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:20am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:15am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 7:41am:
That Soul Train picture's put Bobby in a right old state, dear one. The DM's really cranky about this.

She told you not to arouse the passions of these dear children here.

Oh hi, beloved

You are totally ontopic

For you yourself are a genderflip mutant

Karnal gender female and abu gender male

So this is a subject close to your heart and nethers

Bit nippy ... you ?

No Nips here, dear one, but I'm curious.

Do we call you sir or ma'am?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:25am

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:20am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:15am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 7:41am:
That Soul Train picture's put Bobby in a right old state, dear one. The DM's really cranky about this.

She told you not to arouse the passions of these dear children here.

Oh hi, beloved

You are totally ontopic

For you yourself are a genderflip mutant

Karnal gender female and abu gender male

So this is a subject close to your heart and nethers

Bit nippy ... you ?

No Nips here, dear one, but I'm curious.

Do we call you sir or ma'am?

Thats what we're trying to find out

Whats the guys name on first ..karnal or abu

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:28am
Nobody is calling you a freakazoid tranny

We just want to know , sir ... maam ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:37am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:28am:
Nobody is calling you a freakazoid tranny

We just want to know , sir ... maam ?

You haven't said, dear one. Is one such as Thou Art of the male or female PoLaRiTy?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:40am

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:37am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:28am:
Nobody is calling you a freakazoid tranny

We just want to know , sir ... maam ?

You haven't said, dear one. Is one such as Thou Art of the male or female PoLaRiTy?

Wont answer eh ..

Your link says karnal gender female yet you are dressed up as a male ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:41am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:40am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:37am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:28am:
Nobody is calling you a freakazoid tranny

We just want to know , sir ... maam ?

You haven't said, dear one. Is one such as Thou Art of the male or female PoLaRiTy?

Wont answer eh ..

Your link says karnal gender female yet you are dressed up as a male ?

Ye refuse to answer again, dear one. What hast one such as You Are to be ashamed of?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by The Mechanic on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:21am
As Bobby seems to be the expert on these things...

Can he explain the swinging dicks in the video clips of Micheal and Horseface 🐴

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:23am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:21am:
As Bobby seems to be the expert on these things...

Can he explain the swinging dicks in the video clips of Micheal and Horseface 🐴

Fabric folds.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:48am

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:41am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:40am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:37am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:28am:
Nobody is calling you a freakazoid tranny

We just want to know , sir ... maam ?

You haven't said, dear one. Is one such as Thou Art of the male or female PoLaRiTy?

Wont answer eh ..

Your link says karnal gender female yet you are dressed up as a male ?

Ye refuse to answer again, dear one. What hast one such as You Are to be ashamed of?

Given what he keeps posting about, it's almost as if he's trying to find more material to abuse himself to, hoping you are indeed a transgender for him to fantasise about.

As we continue.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:01am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:21am:
As Bobby seems to be the expert on these things...

Can he explain the swinging dicks in the video clips of Micheal and Horseface 🐴

It can be done frame by frame in Photoshop
but that would take a long time.
I believe there are video editing software
programs that can do it faster.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:11am

KangAnon wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:48am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:41am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:40am:

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:37am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:28am:
Nobody is calling you a freakazoid tranny

We just want to know , sir ... maam ?

You haven't said, dear one. Is one such as Thou Art of the male or female PoLaRiTy?

Wont answer eh ..

Your link says karnal gender female yet you are dressed up as a male ?

Ye refuse to answer again, dear one. What hast one such as You Are to be ashamed of?

Given what he keeps posting about, it's almost as if he's trying to find more material to abuse himself to, hoping you are indeed a transgender for him to fantasise about.

As we continue.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by PZ547 on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:13am
The Frankist freaks have been trying to 'convert' straights to gay to trans to paedo

The Frankist freaks have been told personally by Christ that they will never see the Kingdom of Heaven

that's got to burn

meanwhile, they're reaping credits in Hell with their antics

and no straight has been converted

So all the Frankist Freaks' machinations have achieved is to generate ill will and ridicule towards LGBTIS .... the 'S' is now added to the rest and means 'Straight'

plus, there's a Straight mardi gras been granted licence to parade, in the US

about time.  I've been saying it should happen for years

Goose/gander.  And there are infinitely more straights

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:13am

Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:01am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:21am:
As Bobby seems to be the expert on these things...

Can he explain the swinging dicks in the video clips of Micheal and Horseface 🐴

It can be done frame by frame in Photoshop
but that would take a long time.
I believe there are video editing software
programs that can do it faster.

Dear one? Hast one such as You Are heard of this?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by 0ktema on Jul 9th, 2019 at 11:47am
The simplest answer can be quite often correct - "Her zipper creates a tension point in the cloth which makes it buldge out the way it does."

So rather than a stiffy, it's actually just a stiff zipper!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bojack Horseman on Jul 9th, 2019 at 11:48am

0ktema wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 11:47am:
The simplest answer can be quite often correct - "Her zipper creates a tension point in the cloth which makes it buldge out the way it does."

So rather than a stiffy, it's actually just a stiff zipper!

How dare you bring facts into this.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:30pm

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:13am:

Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:01am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:21am:
As Bobby seems to be the expert on these things...

Can he explain the swinging dicks in the video clips of Micheal and Horseface 🐴

It can be done frame by frame in Photoshop
but that would take a long time.
I believe there are video editing software
programs that can do it faster.

Dear one? Hast one such as You Are heard of this?

Yes - video games are so powerful and lifelike because of video rendering.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Aussie on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:35pm

I say yes.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:37pm

Aussie wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:35pm:

I say yes.

She does look very masculine but she's a
very manly looking woman.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:51pm

Aussie wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:35pm:

I say yes.

michelle is a man , even bill knows ,

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:53pm

Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:37pm:

Aussie wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:35pm:

I say yes.

She does look very masculine but she's a
very manly looking woman.

aussie still wonders if we are the same poster brother bobby ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2019 at 6:19pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 9th, 2019 at 8:38pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:53pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:37pm:

Aussie wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:35pm:

I say yes.

She does look very masculine but she's a
very manly looking woman.

aussie still wonders if we are the same poster brother bobby ..

He drinks too much:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:08pm

Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 3:30pm:

Karnal wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:13am:

Bobby. wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 10:01am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:21am:
As Bobby seems to be the expert on these things...

Can he explain the swinging dicks in the video clips of Micheal and Horseface 🐴

It can be done frame by frame in Photoshop
but that would take a long time.
I believe there are video editing software
programs that can do it faster.

Dear one? Hast one such as You Are heard of this?

Yes - video games are so powerful and lifelike because of video rendering.

Thy mastur would prefer not to comment on such manufactured CoNsEnT. I.e, fictionalised ReAlItY AKA PrOpAgAnDa.

Freewill, you see?

He is in our every breath.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 9th, 2019 at 9:09pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 9th, 2019 at 6:19pm:


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Jul 10th, 2019 at 2:03pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 12th, 2019 at 12:00am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 13th, 2019 at 9:20am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 13th, 2019 at 6:56pm


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on Jul 17th, 2019 at 2:32pm
Is the fat lunatic back in mental health detention again?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 17th, 2019 at 3:30pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 17th, 2019 at 2:32pm:
Is the fat lunatic back in mental health detention again?

He's up in the 5th, Longy. He often goes there after they've detained and medicated his physical body - against our dear one's will, it needs to be said.

But fear not. In the meantime, he remains in our every breath.

Such a one as He Is hath never left thee.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Jul 21st, 2019 at 3:34pm
Sunday Video for Master Light  :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Abu on Jul 21st, 2019 at 5:18pm

SerialBrain9 wrote on Jul 21st, 2019 at 3:34pm:
Sunday Video for Master Light  :)

Have you got any trannie porn?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2019 at 4:51pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Nov 11th, 2019 at 8:57pm
What do you think, Bobby?

It_is_the_light, no?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:02am

oops is that a sausage from lunch ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:22am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:22am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:26am
Melania and "friend"

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:34am

Karnal wrote on Nov 11th, 2019 at 8:57pm:
What do you think, Bobby?

It_is_the_light, no?

Michelle has a bigger one than yours.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:35am

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Karnal wrote on Nov 11th, 2019 at 8:57pm:
What do you think, Bobby?

It_is_the_light, no?

Michelle has a bigger one than yours.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:36am

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Karnal wrote on Nov 11th, 2019 at 8:57pm:
What do you think, Bobby?

It_is_the_light, no?

Michelle has a bigger one than yours.

How "big" is "big" to you Bobby?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:37am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:45am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:47am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:56am
I am genuinely embarrassed for you, Light.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:58am
oh thats so nice of you AiA.. lets continue huh ..?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:11pm

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:36am:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Karnal wrote on Nov 11th, 2019 at 8:57pm:
What do you think, Bobby?

It_is_the_light, no?

Michelle has a bigger one than yours.

How "big" is "big" to you Bobby?

I dunno but  Greggy has a rocket in his
pocket cause he's pleased to see you.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SadKangaroo on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:30pm
Someone is obsessed with another man's penis?

Are you ok Light?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:41pm

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:30pm:
Someone is obsessed with another man's penis?

Are you ok Light?

Bobby has a list, and ranks them according to size.

Bobby, to Karnal: "Michelle has a bigger one than yours."

Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:44pm

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:30pm:
Someone is obsessed with another man's penis?

Are you ok Light?

so you admit Michelle is Michael ..well done Sad One !

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:46pm

we all know Barry is Gay .. so he should just come out already

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SadKangaroo on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:57pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:44pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:30pm:
Someone is obsessed with another man's penis?

Are you ok Light?

so you admit Michelle is Michael ..well done Sad One !

In your mind, yes, she, or should I say, "he" is a man.

Your obsession with constantly talking about it and clearly fantasising about it, however, has got to the point where it's great that like your beloved Alex Jones, you're a closet cock lover, but it's time to seek help to find a more healthy way of expressing yourself, perhaps outside of the forum?

I think we're all getting a little tired of you pushing videos highlighting penises you wish women had in all our faces.

You might be ok with dick in your face, but I'd prefer not.

Not that there's anything wrong with that in 2019.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:08pm

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:57pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:44pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:30pm:
Someone is obsessed with another man's penis?

Are you ok Light?

so you admit Michelle is Michael ..well done Sad One !

In your mind, yes, she, or should I say, "he" is a man.

Your obsession with constantly talking about it and clearly fantasising about it, however, has got to the point where it's great that like your beloved Alex Jones, you're a closet cock lover, but it's time to seek help to find a more healthy way of expressing yourself, perhaps outside of the forum?

I think we're all getting a little tired of you pushing videos highlighting penises you wish women had in all our faces.

You might be ok with dick in your face, but I'd prefer not.

Not that there's anything wrong with that in 2019.

yet you continue to comment on a thread exposing this tranny michael ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:09pm

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.

thats right Brave Knight ,

we all know Michael is packing a rocket in his pocket ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:23pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SadKangaroo on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:30pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:08pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:57pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:44pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 12:30pm:
Someone is obsessed with another man's penis?

Are you ok Light?

so you admit Michelle is Michael ..well done Sad One !

In your mind, yes, she, or should I say, "he" is a man.

Your obsession with constantly talking about it and clearly fantasising about it, however, has got to the point where it's great that like your beloved Alex Jones, you're a closet cock lover, but it's time to seek help to find a more healthy way of expressing yourself, perhaps outside of the forum?

I think we're all getting a little tired of you pushing videos highlighting penises you wish women had in all our faces.

You might be ok with dick in your face, but I'd prefer not.

Not that there's anything wrong with that in 2019.

yet you continue to comment on a thread exposing this tranny michael ?

Someone has to stand up for the truth.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 11th, 2019 at 2:43pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:09pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.

thats right Brave Knight ,

we all know Michael is packing a rocket in his pocket ..

He's just pleased to see Barack.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 11th, 2019 at 3:48pm

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SadKangaroo on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:59pm
Michael's packages are getting bigger.

Best not to abuse thyself, dear one. It lowers thy sacred EnErGy.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:01pm

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

more lies and besmirchment !

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:02pm

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

Now come on, that's not fair.

Dear one also posts images of children receiving alien probes.

It_is_the_light, no?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:02pm
For scientific purposes, of course.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:06pm

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:02pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

Now come on, that's not fair.

Dear one also posts images of children receiving alien probes.

It_is_the_light, no?

oh dear ,

a total lie from the beloved one ,

please post proof of your assertion maam ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:33pm

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:02pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

Now come on, that's not fair.

Dear one also posts images of children receiving alien probes.

It_is_the_light, no?

That was the sick Pecker head that did that.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:07pm

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:33pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:02pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

Now come on, that's not fair.

Dear one also posts images of children receiving alien probes.

It_is_the_light, no?

That was the sick Pecker head that did that.

That is true Brave Knight , and although groggy is a self confessed pole smoker

with the stench of smegma wafting from his stretch marked mouth

that does not give him the right to post such utter profanity ..

I shall retreat to the Pyramid to Pray

for his tortured and homosexual soul


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:11pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:07pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:33pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:02pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

Now come on, that's not fair.

Dear one also posts images of children receiving alien probes.

It_is_the_light, no?

That was the sick Pecker head that did that.

That is true Brave Knight , and although groggy is a self confessed pole smoker

with the stench of smegma wafting from his stretch marked mouth

that does not give him the right to post such utter profanity ..

I shall retreat to the Pyramid to Pray

for his tortured and homosexual soul


You need a bigger more powerful pyramid.  :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:18pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:19pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:24pm

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:36pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by random on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:37pm
Oh no he's busted

Michell_and_Bobby.jpg (73 KB | 51 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 11th, 2019 at 8:23pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:06pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:02pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

Now come on, that's not fair.

Dear one also posts images of children receiving alien probes.

It_is_the_light, no?

oh dear ,

a total lie from the beloved one ,

please post proof of your assertion maam ..

No one needs proof of your photos of our dear child Cartman writhing in pain from alien anal insertion.

So horrible. Many beloveds here needed counselling. We begged you to stop - that poor boy being anally raped by dirty tinted aliens. And you kept posting and posting - that and Michael's cock!

I come to this board to discuss serious political issues, and you people insist on re-traumatising me!

FD, dear one is offending me. He is seeking to InSeMiNAtE his dear children here. I insist he be dealt with immediately.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:32pm
Cockdealers Bobby & Light need some serious help in their gay marriage.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:56pm

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:32pm:
Cockdealers Bobby & Light need some serious help in their gay marriage.

Bobby too?

Oh my, when will it ever end?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:18pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:19pm

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:56pm:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:32pm:
Cockdealers Bobby & Light need some serious help in their gay marriage.

Bobby too?

Oh my, when will it ever end?

Yes, Bobby too. They met at an AMBLA members support group. It won't end until they get the help they need.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SadKangaroo on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:17am

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 6:07pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:33pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 5:02pm:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 4:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 1:04pm:
There's nothing wrong with master Light  -

he's merely protecting the community from trannys.


By constantly posting about it, sharing pictures and videos zooming in on the crotch of women who have had photoshopped penises?

Now come on, that's not fair.

Dear one also posts images of children receiving alien probes.

It_is_the_light, no?

That was the sick Pecker head that did that.

That is true Brave Knight , and although groggy is a self confessed pole smoker

with the stench of smegma wafting from his stretch marked mouth

that does not give him the right to post such utter profanity ..

I shall retreat to the Pyramid to Pray

for his tortured and homosexual soul


I hope you didn't get struck by lightning last night, I hear there were some nasty storms up your way...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:26am

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:56pm:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:32pm:
Cockdealers Bobby & Light need some serious help in their gay marriage.

Bobby too?

Oh my, when will it ever end?

Yes, Bobby too. They met at an AMBLA members support group. It won't end until they get the help they need.

Well, let's help them.

Bobby and dear one, we're here for you.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:53am

Karnal wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:26am:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:56pm:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:32pm:
Cockdealers Bobby & Light need some serious help in their gay marriage.

Bobby too?

Oh my, when will it ever end?

Yes, Bobby too. They met at an AMBLA members support group. It won't end until they get the help they need.

Well, let's help them.

Bobby and dear one, we're here for you.

Master Light and I will pray for the
poor misguided souls on this forum.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 12th, 2019 at 7:51am

Bobby. wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:53am:

Karnal wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:26am:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:56pm:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:32pm:
Cockdealers Bobby & Light need some serious help in their gay marriage.

Bobby too?

Oh my, when will it ever end?

Yes, Bobby too. They met at an AMBLA members support group. It won't end until they get the help they need.

Well, let's help them.

Bobby and dear one, we're here for you.

Master Light and I will pray for the
poor misguided souls on this forum.

aint it the truth Brave Knight , aint it the truth ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 12th, 2019 at 7:54am

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 7:51am:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:53am:

Karnal wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:26am:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:56pm:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:32pm:
Cockdealers Bobby & Light need some serious help in their gay marriage.

Bobby too?

Oh my, when will it ever end?

Yes, Bobby too. They met at an AMBLA members support group. It won't end until they get the help they need.

Well, let's help them.

Bobby and dear one, we're here for you.

Master Light and I will pray for the
poor misguided souls on this forum.

aint it the truth Brave Knight , aint it the truth ..

And so it is.
Can these poo punchers be saved from
eternal damnation?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 12th, 2019 at 7:54am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:05am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:06am

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 7:54am:

Absurd. The right pink shirt with the right suit or jacket gets many compliments from women. Have you ever touched a woman, Light?

I have rocked it like Jude

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:07am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:19am

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 7:51am:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:53am:

Karnal wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 6:26am:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 11:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:56pm:

AiA wrote on Dec 11th, 2019 at 10:32pm:
Cockdealers Bobby & Light need some serious help in their gay marriage.

Bobby too?

Oh my, when will it ever end?

Yes, Bobby too. They met at an AMBLA members support group. It won't end until they get the help they need.

Well, let's help them.

Bobby and dear one, we're here for you.

Master Light and I will pray for the
poor misguided souls on this forum.

aint it the truth Brave Knight , aint it the truth ..

Life without women?

Now now, dear, there's no need to promote your gender FlUiDiTy. We'll treat you as whatever sex you like.

But first things first. Would you prefer to be called sir or ma'am?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:22am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SadKangaroo on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:59am
More and more light seems like a forever virgin incel who has no first hand understanding of women...

No wonder he tries to fill that void with trannies and conspiracies.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:38am

AiA wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:06am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 7:54am:

Absurd. The right pink shirt with the right suit or jacket gets many compliments from women. Have you ever touched a woman, Light?

I have rocked it like Jude

yes, that may have something to do with your

closeted homosexuality , and obsession with sexual and gay threads to do with anality ,

you may be the missing link 10 % , butt i seriously doubt it ..

why else would you be constantly posting on a tranny thread like the rest of the closet homos here ?

you are seriously fortunate to have myself and the Brave Knight

praying for your collective homosexual souls ..

as you are off the scale on the gay meter

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:41am
Dear master Light,
pray for their poor souls lest they be cast into eternal fire.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:43am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:46am

KangAnon wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:59am:
More and more light seems like a forever virgin incel who has no first hand understanding of women...

No wonder he tries to fill that void with trannies and conspiracies.

just because I am reporting on the homsexual sodomites in my reality

does not mean its not happening .. wake up out of your gay delusion ,

or keep biting the pillow, either way , cover your arse ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:46am

Bobby. wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:41am:
Dear master Light,
pray for their poor souls lest they be cast into eternal fire.


Fear not, brave knight. She is in your every breath.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:47am

Bobby. wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:41am:
Dear master Light,
pray for their poor souls lest they be cast into eternal fire.


we must continue to pray for these godless heathens Brave Knight !!

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:49am

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:38am:

AiA wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:06am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 7:54am:

Absurd. The right pink shirt with the right suit or jacket gets many compliments from women. Have you ever touched a woman, Light?

I have rocked it like Jude

yes, that may have something to do with your

closeted homosexuality , and obsession with sexual and gay threads to do with anality ,

you may be the missing link 10 % , butt i seriously doubt it ..

why else would you be constantly posting on a tranny thread like the rest of the closet homos here ?

you are seriously fortunate to have myself and the Brave Knight

praying for your collective homosexual souls ..

as you are off the scale on the gay meter

Again, have you ever been on a date with a woman, Light? Because the pink shirt meme suggests you haven't, that you know nothing about women at all.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:49am

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:46am:

KangAnon wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 8:59am:
More and more light seems like a forever virgin incel who has no first hand understanding of women...

No wonder he tries to fill that void with trannies and conspiracies.

just because I am reporting on the homsexual sodomites in my reality

does not mean its not happening .. wake up out of your gay delusion ,

or keep biting the pillow, either way , cover your arse ..

Gay bars can be expensive, dear one, but they're a good way to be who you are and meet other like-minded sisters.

You are in their every blow, no?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:51am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:51am

Karnal wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:46am:

Bobby. wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:41am:
Dear master Light,
pray for their poor souls lest they be cast into eternal fire.


Fear not, brave knight. She is in your every breath.

right on cue ,

the forum internet transgender bender turns up ..

what a coincidence ?

how they hanging michael ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by AiA on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:53am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:53am
im so glad we have a REAL POTUS in the Whitehouse now ..

not some nancy fairy boy like Obummer ..

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Karnal on Dec 12th, 2019 at 10:52am

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:53am:
im so glad we have a REAL POTUS in the Whitehouse now ..

not some nancy fairy boy like Obummer ..

You've got a real bloke in this very thread, son.

While you're down there, love...

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Tap on Dec 12th, 2019 at 12:26pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 7th, 2020 at 7:12am
Sources Say Michelle Obama is Really a Man ..

download__27_.jpeg (7 KB | 33 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 7th, 2020 at 7:13am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by cods on May 7th, 2020 at 7:30am
ye gods.. and I thought greg had personal  problems with Trump....

but this beats even him! >:(

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 7th, 2020 at 8:02am

Karnal wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 10:52am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 12th, 2019 at 9:53am:
im so glad we have a REAL POTUS in the Whitehouse now ..

not some nancy fairy boy like Obummer ..

You've got a real bloke in this very thread, son.

While you're down there, love...

Many blessings beloved .. yet how can you be a " real bloke "

When you present yourself as a woman on your profile on this site ?

You say you were in Nam in the war .. however

We never nui dat there was a call for many gender bender positions ?

War War .. What is it good for ?

Well according to our gender fluid Karnal here we ask the question ..

Answer or answer not , yet either way be at peace

tenor__11__001.gif (209 KB | 32 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SadKangaroo on May 7th, 2020 at 8:51am
The tranny fetishist and conspiracy nut has returned!

Welcome back Sir Light.  Were you not able to get your Tranny fix when you were sulking over in the US forum you ran off too after losing the Fringe Mod election?

Or maybe they're not as accepting as us and you're still in the closet over there?

It's ok to be gay friend.

If chicks need to have dicks for you to find them attractive and fetishise who are we to judge, but as has been requested before, please keep it to yourself.  You don't need to keep sharing your new open love for cock bandits with the rest of us, we don't care.

Good for you and all, but overshare champ.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by longweekend58 on May 7th, 2020 at 6:05pm

KangAnon wrote on May 7th, 2020 at 8:51am:
The tranny fetishist and conspiracy nut has returned!

Welcome back Sir Light.  Were you not able to get your Tranny fix when you were sulking over in the US forum you ran off too after losing the Fringe Mod election?

Or maybe they're not as accepting as us and you're still in the closet over there?

It's ok to be gay friend.

If chicks need to have dicks for you to find them attractive and fetishise who are we to judge, but as has been requested before, please keep it to yourself.  You don't need to keep sharing your new open love for cock bandits with the rest of us, we don't care.

Good for you and all, but overshare champ.

He's just back from yet another enforced psychiatric detention.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on May 12th, 2020 at 2:47am

0ktema wrote on Mar 13th, 2014 at 2:03am:
To preface ... I'm not saying Michelle Obama is a candidate for Intersex syndrome ... basically I think this whole "Michelle Obama a Man" story is pure BS! Beyond this - the fact is we are all as individuals a varying mix of Male and Female, in body, in mind and in emotion. 

Simply put ... the conventional (Old Testament laden) Christian point of view on homosexuality must inevitably fall down in the face of Intersex syndrome and it's further doctrinal ramifications and repercussions. 

Once people were put to death or imprisoned for believing the Earth revolved around the Sun ...  so sooner or later (the perhaps in another-time flat-earthers) must come to terms with basic genetic science.

Being a Man or a Woman is not always as cut and dry as Religionists would like it to be or indeed as they would like us to think it is!
And the genetic expression that is "Intersex" is more common in humans than most know or would care to know of ... 

Please people wake-up from your ignorance and stupidity and develop some small sense of discernment, reasoning and intelligence ...  ::)

Sorry to have to say it but ... "it_is_the_light" you are really chasing rainbows through rabbit holes with regard to your seeming fascination with this far-out story - (and others of it's ilk ... I might add)!
Why on earth would you post such a thing? - Where is the Love in this? ...  :-?

Intersex, in humans and other animals, is a variation in sex characteristics including chromosomes, gonads, or genitals that do not allow an individual to be distinctly identified as male or female. Such variation may involve genital ambiguity, and combinations of chromosomal genotype and sexual phenotype other than XY-male and XX-female.[1][2] Intersex infants with ambiguous outer genitalia may be surgically 'corrected' to more easily fit into a socially accepted sex category. Others may opt, in adulthood, for surgical procedures in order to align their physical sex characteristics with their gender identity or the sex category to which they were assigned at birth. Others will not become aware that they are intersex—unless they receive genetic testing—because it does not manifest in their phenotype.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 11:52am
She looks like a man.   :-[

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Jovial Monk on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:01pm
FFS not this shyte again?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:16pm
This thread is back:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:36pm
and so it is brave knight ,

at this point we all know

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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:42pm
and so tell me sane people

which ones of thou will be voting for

this racist tranny big mike , I'm not into kink

or anything but show me a pic of this sasquatch

in a bikini ,what is a woman ..
Screenshot_20240130-230244_Telegram_001.jpg (137 KB | 6 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:45pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:01pm:
FFS not this shyte again?

yes and you have been proven wrong again

on another topic shonky boy your 1st tranny hero bout

to get in the ring for POTUS , the memes will be EPIC

shut up hillary
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:47pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:16pm:
This thread is back:

Looks like a rocket in her /them pocket sir knight !
Screenshot_20240202-230619_Telegram.jpg (74 KB | 7 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:50pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 1:29pm
not sure why ?
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 4:31pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 12:42pm:
and so tell me sane people

which ones of thou will be voting for

this racist tranny big mike , I'm not into kink

or anything but show me a pic of this sasquatch

in a bikini ,what is a woman ..

Good point, dear one. Where are all the "real" photos of Michael in a bikini? Why's he always seen in a one-piece?

Thy expressed utterance is correct, factual, forthwith, henceforth and just so. It would not be for one such as You Are to vote for a candidate such as the creature pictured here. 

Does any dear one care to deny this fact?

Nay, beloved, it is undeniable. When you deposit your ballot from the 5th into the voting systems of Dominion and Smartmatic, it will not read Michael.

I trust this puts the matter to rest for these dear naysayers here.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 6:59pm

This is a man

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 7:06pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 7:25pm
Trump makes better choices:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 9:02pm
The 1st Lady
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 9:15pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 3rd, 2024 at 9:02pm:
The 1st Lady

Dear one, I'm sorry, that's not a selling point for prez. No one votes for a prez based on their husband or wife's looks. It has quite literally never happened. There have been no polls, no votes, never ever.

Now, perhaps you'd like to help Sir Bobby with ideas for the border. He's having a few problems.

Either that, or ask to see his R-rated Michael photo.

You'll like that, dear, I can assure you.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 4th, 2024 at 9:19am
Ye are off topic chimp

Big mike is a tranny

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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by wombatwoody on Feb 7th, 2024 at 8:34pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 19th, 2024 at 4:17pm
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2024 at 9:29pm
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2024 at 9:30pm
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Feb 26th, 2024 at 1:26pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 24th, 2024 at 9:30pm:

Ee-gad, dear one, you're a Negro from Chicago?

We never would have guessed. I imagine you're a shape-shifter - you mix and match according to your surroundings.

You know, like an iguana. They're reptilians too, yes?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:24am
Which satanic Freemason is next eh ?
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:03am
🚨  🤔
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:06am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:03am:
🚨  🤔

Yet he supports Trump's cognitive decline.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Feb 27th, 2024 at 11:03am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:24am:
Which satanic Freemason is next eh ?

Hard to say, dear one. Have you got Vlad on your list, or is he one_of_us?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 11:24am
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Frank on Feb 27th, 2024 at 11:25am
Trans women are real women.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 11:25am
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Feb 27th, 2024 at 1:35pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 11:24am:

That answer that.

Thanks, dear one. You are in our every breath, no?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:17pm
Melania Trump was and still is a whore....Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!

Melania Trump, America’s first sex worker First Lady

A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:22pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:17pm:
Melania Trump was and still is a whore....Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!

Melania Trump, America’s first sex worker First Lady

[quote]A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

:) :) :)[/quote]

Wow - as that site has reasonable credibility:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Frank on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:22pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:17pm:
Melania Trump was and still is a whore....Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!

Melania Trump, America’s first sex worker First Lady

[quote]A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

:) :) :)[/quote]
If you actually read the link you will see that poison Pill Perf is a ****ing troll, liar and spineless shite.
Like gweggy, Bbwian and the rest of the grimacing, lying stinking bastards.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:54pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:02pm

Frank wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:22pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:17pm:
Melania Trump was and still is a whore....Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!

Melania Trump, America’s first sex worker First Lady

[quote]A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

:) :) :)

If you actually read the link you will see that poison Pill Perf is a ****ing troll, liar and spineless shite.
Like gweggy, Bbwian and the rest of the grimacing, lying stinking bastards.


Well if Michael Obama is a man then I can cite articles where Melania the Whore Trump is a hooker....All is fair in love and war you fat useless prick....I note you never criticised The Light Is Out for his bullshit Fwanker.....You really are a hypocrite and quite stupid Fwanker!!!

[smiley=lolk.gif] [smiley=lolk.gif] [smiley=lolk.gif]

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:03pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:22pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:17pm:
Melania Trump was and still is a whore....Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!

Melania Trump, America’s first sex worker First Lady

[quote]A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

:) :) :)

Wow - as that site has reasonable credibility:[/quote]

You are correct Bobby....Trump married a Whore!!!

:-? :-? :-?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:11pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:22pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:17pm:
Melania Trump was and still is a whore....Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!

Melania Trump, America’s first sex worker First Lady

[quote]A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

:) :) :)

Wow - as that site has reasonable credibility:

You are correct Bobby....Trump married a Whore!!!

:-? :-? :-?

Melania Knauss (her maiden name) first came to the US in August 1996 on a B1/B2 “tourist visa.” Tourist visas allow someone to stay in the US for six months,

She stayed and she worked - she was very likely an illegal immigrant.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:20pm
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:23pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:03pm:
You are correct Bobby....Trump married a Whore!!!

:-? :-? :-?

With all his money he should have been able to find a virgin.    :o

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:29pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:23pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:03pm:
You are correct Bobby....Trump married a Whore!!!

:-? :-? :-?

With all his money he should have been able to find a virgin.    :o

Well Trump is accused of raping a 13 year old girl and threatening to kill her if she told anyone....Do you think Melania married Trump for his looks and personality or his money....Once a hooker always a hooker hey Bobby!!!

;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:21pm

Dnarever wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:11pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:22pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:17pm:
Melania Trump was and still is a whore....Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!

Melania Trump, America’s first sex worker First Lady

[quote]A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

:) :) :)

Wow - as that site has reasonable credibility:

You are correct Bobby....Trump married a Whore!!!

:-? :-? :-?

Melania Knauss (her maiden name) first came to the US in August 1996 on a B1/B2 “tourist visa.” Tourist visas allow someone to stay in the US for six months,

She stayed and she worked - she was very likely an illegal immigrant.[/quote]

It has been suggested that Trump will put Melinia back to work in a whore house to help pay his mounting debts....Expect to see a red light at Mar A Lago in the coming weeks....Trump will spruke his latest business venture on his truth social network....Stay tuned!!!

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:28pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

Do you think Melania will make much money selling her scanky arse to the MAGA mob Bobby....Trump is banking on it???

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:31pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:28pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

Do you think Melania will make much money selling her scanky arse to the MAGA mob Bobby....Trump is banking on it???

:) :) :)

She'd make a lot more money than Michelle.    ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:33pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Does he really?    ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:36pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

The saying is that there are three things that don't lie. Children, drunks and sweat pants.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:36pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:33pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Does he really?    ;D

Homo ? Looks like John Smith may be headed for the Pit

for anal worship tendencies
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Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mortdooley on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:37pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Wrong on both counts.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:38pm
:-* :'(
Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:37pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Wrong on both counts.

Really ?

He's been in the closet for nearly a decade 🤔
Screenshot_20240227-213358_Chrome_001.jpg (54 KB | 6 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:42pm

Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:36pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

The saying is that there are three things that don't lie. Children, drunks and sweat pants.



Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:55pm
Trump married a hooker and tried to hide it from his MAGA maniacs....Must read book exposes the truth about the first Lady Hooker in the White House!!!


The Melania Trump website contains a pile of lies composed by talented writers hired by Donald Trump. Accordingly, Melania Trump announced Thursday, July 28, 2016, that she took down her website, acknowledging that it contained inaccuracies.

This book throws back the curtain on the life of the poor, communist raised, woman from Yugoslavia now known as Melania Trump. How did Melania come to New York and how did she meet and marry one of the richest men in New York, Donald Trump?

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:00pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:21pm:

Dnarever wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:11pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 8:03pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:22pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 7:17pm:
Melania Trump was and still is a whore....Not that there is anything wrong with that!!!

Melania Trump, America’s first sex worker First Lady

[quote]A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

:) :) :)

Wow - as that site has reasonable credibility:

You are correct Bobby....Trump married a Whore!!!

:-? :-? :-?

[quote]Melania Knauss (her maiden name) first came to the US in August 1996 on a B1/B2 “tourist visa.” Tourist visas allow someone to stay in the US for six months,

She stayed and she worked - she was very likely an illegal immigrant.[/quote]

It has been suggested that Trump will put Melinia back to work in a whore house to help pay his mounting debts....Expect to see a red light at Mar A Lago in the coming weeks....Trump will spruke his latest business venture on his truth social network....Stay tuned!!!

:) :) :)[/quote]

Donald Trump will offer a free game of golf for every MAGA maniac that takes up the offer to bang his hot hooker wife for a small fee of $200 000....Are you in Bobby???

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:03pm
Donald says that none of them are up to his standard, How silly Trump has no standards.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:05pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:00pm:
Donald Trump will offer a free game of golf for every MAGA maniac that takes up the offer to bang his hot hooker wife for a small fee of $200 000....Are you in Bobby???

:) :) :)

I think you're getting a bit over excited Phil.      :-[

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:06pm

Dnarever wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:03pm:
Donald says that none of them are up to his standard, How silly Trump has no standards.

Melania Trump’s sketchy immigration history, explained
If a new Associated Press report is right, Melania Trump herself was once an “illegal” immigrant.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:15pm
The lovely Michelle with one of her daughters.

Sasha and Malia with mom and dad.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:19pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:05pm:
[quote author=philperth2010 link=1394624370/830#830 date=1709035212]

Donald Trump will offer a free game of golf for every MAGA maniac that takes up the offer to bang his hot hooker wife for a small fee of $200 000....Are you in Bobby???

:) :) :)

I think you're getting a bit over excited Phil.      :-[/quote]

Not me Bobby....I would not touch the whore with your little dick....Maybe you could afford to sniff Melania's nickers for a few thousand dollars before the illegal hooker gets deported???

:-? :-? :-?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:32pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:33pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Does he really?    ;D

About 1% of women Michelle's age are hot. She was attractive when younger.

On the right early teens:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:53pm

Dnarever wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 10:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:33pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Does he really?    ;D

About 1% of women Michelle's age are hot. She was attractive when younger.

On the right early teens:

Not bad for a bloke DNA....However Melania had two or three blokes banging her at the same time and they were willing to pay for the privelage....You cannot beat that!!!

:) :) :)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 28th, 2024 at 10:01am
Here you go Bobby....Melania Trump posing for the boys!!!

Did Donald Trump purposely leak Melania Trump's nude photos?

8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by John Smith on Feb 28th, 2024 at 10:18am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:38pm:
:-* :'(
Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:37pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Wrong on both counts.

Really ?

He's been in the closet for nearly a decade 🤔

you are almost as stupid as you are gullible

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Feb 28th, 2024 at 10:50am

John Smith wrote on Feb 28th, 2024 at 10:18am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:38pm:
:-* :'(
Mortdooley wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:37pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:32pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2024 at 9:24pm:

John Smith thinks Michelle is a " hot " woman 🤔

Wrong on both counts.

Really ?

He's been in the closet for nearly a decade 🤔

you are almost as stupid as you are gullible

You may have got that the wrong way around but we should all be more understanding.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 28th, 2024 at 12:28pm
Not bad for the First hooker in the White House!!!

8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Feb 28th, 2024 at 12:33pm
Melania Trump is the First Lady to do a nude photo shoot and have them published....Any publicity is good publicity hey Bobby???

Did Donald Trump purposely leak Melania Trump's nude photos?
Did Donald Trump leak nude photos of his wife Melania Trump to distract from his disastrous comments about the parents of fallen US soldier Humayun Khan? Or is it simply coincidence?

8-) 8-) 8-)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:40pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 28th, 2024 at 12:33pm:
Melania Trump is the First Lady to do a nude photo shoot and have them published....Any publicity is good publicity hey Bobby???

Did Donald Trump purposely leak Melania Trump's nude photos?
Did Donald Trump leak nude photos of his wife Melania Trump to distract from his disastrous comments about the parents of fallen US soldier Humayun Khan? Or is it simply coincidence?

8-) 8-) 8-)

I think he did, Phil. Nothing distracts from a brouhaha over a candidate slagging off a four-star veteran like a few scanty clad pics of his hot babe wife, no?

Apart from an army of Russian-paid bots armed with Michelle Obama's dick pics.

Besides, the John Barron signature in the email gave him away.

Our beloved has never left these dear ones here.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:45pm

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 28th, 2024 at 12:33pm:
Melania Trump is the First Lady to do a nude photo shoot and have them published....Any publicity is good publicity hey Bobby???

Did Donald Trump purposely leak Melania Trump's nude photos?
Did Donald Trump leak nude photos of his wife Melania Trump to distract from his disastrous comments about the parents of fallen US soldier Humayun Khan? Or is it simply coincidence?

8-) 8-) 8-)

That picture is scary - she looks as hard as nails.

She's been around - that girl.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:52pm
Trannies everywhere.. at least Melania is ALL WOMAN  :)
Screenshot_20240217-120001_Photo_Editor_001.jpg (64 KB | 8 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:56pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:52pm:
Trannies everywhere.. at least Melania is ALL WOMAN  :)

But I posted the funniest meme.   ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:56pm
Knock knock
Screenshot_20240301-175700_Chrome.jpg (39 KB | 4 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:00pm

The ID known as John Smith,  ( closet homo for near 10 years )

thinks Michelle Obama is a totally hot ' woman ' .. 🤔
Screenshot_20240301-180023_Chrome.jpg (33 KB | 8 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:08pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:45pm:

philperth2010 wrote on Feb 28th, 2024 at 12:33pm:
Melania Trump is the First Lady to do a nude photo shoot and have them published....Any publicity is good publicity hey Bobby???

Did Donald Trump purposely leak Melania Trump's nude photos?
Did Donald Trump leak nude photos of his wife Melania Trump to distract from his disastrous comments about the parents of fallen US soldier Humayun Khan? Or is it simply coincidence?

8-) 8-) 8-)

That picture is scary - she looks as hard as nails.

She's been around - that girl.

You don't want to mess with her, Bobby. Last time the big fella tried, he was in the dog house for months.

She's still living in New York, can you believe? She recently renegotiated the pre-nup. When the big fella goes down, she gets the penthouse. Donnie, Eric and Ivanka will fight over the spoils. Hopefully, Barron won't have to take out a student loan.

You wouldn't expect the big fella's family to live like everybody else, it wouldn't be right.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:09pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:56pm:
Knock knock

Who's there?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:17pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:09pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:56pm:
Knock knock

Who's there?

Dear one.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:17pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:17pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:09pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:56pm:
Knock knock

Who's there?

Dear one.

Dear one who?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:19pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:17pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:17pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:09pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 5:56pm:
Knock knock

Who's there?

Dear one.

Dear one who?

D'yur wan me to buy you a new knocker?

This one's got Michael's rude bits on it.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:19pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:08pm:
You don't want to mess with her, Bobby. Last time the big fella tried, he was in the dog house for months.

She's still living in New York, can you believe? She recently renegotiated the pre-nup. When the big fella goes down, she gets the penthouse. Donnie, Eric and Ivanka will fight over the spoils. Hopefully, Barron won't have to take out a student loan.

You wouldn't expect the big fella's family to live like everybody else, it wouldn't be right.

Maybe Trump put the Trump buildings in New York in her name so he won't lose them?    ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:35pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:08pm:
You don't want to mess with her, Bobby. Last time the big fella tried, he was in the dog house for months.

She's still living in New York, can you believe? She recently renegotiated the pre-nup. When the big fella goes down, she gets the penthouse. Donnie, Eric and Ivanka will fight over the spoils. Hopefully, Barron won't have to take out a student loan.

You wouldn't expect the big fella's family to live like everybody else, it wouldn't be right.

Maybe Trump put the Trump buildings in New York in her name so he won't lose them?    ;)

She's listed as a dependent, Bobby. You wouldn't expect bankruptcy law to be that dumb, would you?

Under NY divorce law for property distribution, the court will decide how to divide property and marital debt using the state’s equitable distribution laws. Each spouse will keep their own separate property and will be awarded a certain percentage of the total value of the marital property.

Judges will consider all financial and non-financial contributions to the marriage when determining how to fairly divide property. Couples must remember that debt and liabilities will be divided as well, and each spouse will be responsible for paying back a portion of their marital debt.,the%20state's%20equitable%20distribution%20laws.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:41pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:35pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:08pm:
You don't want to mess with her, Bobby. Last time the big fella tried, he was in the dog house for months.

She's still living in New York, can you believe? She recently renegotiated the pre-nup. When the big fella goes down, she gets the penthouse. Donnie, Eric and Ivanka will fight over the spoils. Hopefully, Barron won't have to take out a student loan.

You wouldn't expect the big fella's family to live like everybody else, it wouldn't be right.

Maybe Trump put the Trump buildings in New York in her name so he won't lose them?    ;)

She's listed as a dependent, Bobby. You wouldn't expect bankruptcy law to be that dumb, would you?,a%20court%2Dapproved%20repayment%20plan.

If you think the big fella trusts Melania with his assets, you've got another thing coming.

Melania renegotiated the pre-nup, dear, not the big fella. When the time comes, she's going to take him to the cleaners.

You hope.   LOL

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:46pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:41pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:35pm:

Bobby. wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:19pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:08pm:
You don't want to mess with her, Bobby. Last time the big fella tried, he was in the dog house for months.

She's still living in New York, can you believe? She recently renegotiated the pre-nup. When the big fella goes down, she gets the penthouse. Donnie, Eric and Ivanka will fight over the spoils. Hopefully, Barron won't have to take out a student loan.

You wouldn't expect the big fella's family to live like everybody else, it wouldn't be right.

Maybe Trump put the Trump buildings in New York in her name so he won't lose them?    ;)

She's listed as a dependent, Bobby. You wouldn't expect bankruptcy law to be that dumb, would you?,a%20court%2Dapproved%20repayment%20plan.

If you think the big fella trusts Melania with his assets, you've got another thing coming.

Melania renegotiated the pre-nup, dear, not the big fella. When the time comes, she's going to take him to the cleaners.

You hope.   LOL

I know. Read my edited post.

Melania clearly reneged the pre-nub to distance herself from his impending bankruptcy.

She's not dumb. Melania didn't enter the US on the Einstein visa for nothing, dear.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:51pm

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:46pm:
I know. Read my edited post.

Melania clearly reneged the pre-nub to distance herself from his impending bankruptcy.

She's not dumb. Melania didn't enter the US on the Einstein visa for nothing, dear.

She's not going to have to work a street corner.  ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 1st, 2024 at 7:00pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 1st, 2024 at 7:27pm

Bobby. wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:51pm:

Karnal wrote on Mar 1st, 2024 at 6:46pm:
I know. Read my edited post.

Melania clearly reneged the pre-nub to distance herself from his impending bankruptcy.

She's not dumb. Melania didn't enter the US on the Einstein visa for nothing, dear.

She's not going to have to work a street corner.  ;D

Oh, I know. She never worked the streets to begin with.

Melania met him at an introduction of high class escorts to business clients.

She's not going to let that john get away though, no?

Not without paying his fee.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2024 at 6:18am
Screenshot_20240326-060437_Telegram.jpg (75 KB | 8 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Mar 26th, 2024 at 7:45am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 26th, 2024 at 8:16am
Good grief, Bobby. Didst thou not try that pic out on one such as I am?


Dear one, thy disciple is attempting to temp thy beloved brother beings here. Dost thou deny it?

You're forgiven too, as are all beloveds facing ExEcUtIoN.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2024 at 8:42am

Karnal wrote on Mar 26th, 2024 at 8:16am:
Good grief, Bobby. Didst thou not try that pic out on one such as I am?


Dear one, thy disciple is attempting to temp thy beloved brother beings here. Dost thou deny it?

You're forgiven too, as are all beloveds facing ExEcUtIoN.

are you saying you erected a semi charged

bonus hole there karnal ?

Stop the charade already , your 3rd wheel matty got

no votes , democracy init ?

Screenshot_20240322-181629_Brave.jpg (47 KB | 5 )

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Dnarever on Mar 26th, 2024 at 9:44am

Michelle Obama a Man.. ?

Finally official - The stupidest topic of the decade.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2024 at 10:14am

Dnarever wrote on Mar 26th, 2024 at 9:44am:

Michelle Obama a Man.. ?

Finally official - The stupidest topic of the decade.

So you think Michelle Obama aka big mike is a man ?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by philperth2010 on Mar 26th, 2024 at 12:43pm
Donald Trump married a prostitute....What a great place America is when a street walker from Amsterdam can become first lady???

A cursory Google search for the former First Lady Melania Trump will show many articles about her history as a model, an escort, and a sex worker in the city of Amsterdam. However, are any of these stories true? While there are many rumors and hearsay about Melania there is one incontrovertible truth: Melania Trump was and still is a registered sex worker in the Dutch city of Amsterdam.

[smiley=lolk.gif] [smiley=lolk.gif] [smiley=lolk.gif]

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on Mar 26th, 2024 at 1:37pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2024 at 8:42am:

Karnal wrote on Mar 26th, 2024 at 8:16am:
Good grief, Bobby. Didst thou not try that pic out on one such as I am?


Dear one, thy disciple is attempting to temp thy beloved brother beings here. Dost thou deny it?

You're forgiven too, as are all beloveds facing ExEcUtIoN.

are you saying you erected a semi charged

bonus hole there karnal ?

Stop the charade already , your 3rd wheel matty got

no votes , democracy init ?

Honk if you're horny, dear one. If it's rockin' don't bother knockin'.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Frank on Apr 22nd, 2024 at 8:25pm
Biden Says When It Comes To College Women’s Sports, 'May The Best Man Win'

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Apr 24th, 2024 at 3:50pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on May 7th, 2024 at 12:40pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on May 7th, 2024 at 4:23pm
Bobby, thy Master has gone - poof!

Off to keep on truckin'.


Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on May 7th, 2024 at 4:32pm

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 4:23pm:
Bobby, thy Master has gone - poof!

Off to keep on truckin'.


He pays taxes - not like you.    ::)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on May 7th, 2024 at 5:52pm

Bobby. wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 4:32pm:

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 4:23pm:
Bobby, thy Master has gone - poof!

Off to keep on truckin'.


He pays taxes - not like you.    ::)

My taxes pay for your Master's hospital stays, Bobby. They're not cheap.

The longer you keep him here with us, the cheaper it'll be for moi.

The only tax you pay is GST, you poor old thing.

You two have it easy. The least you could do is join your Master truckin'.

Try to remember the 5th of November, okay?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on May 7th, 2024 at 9:11pm

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 5:52pm:

Bobby. wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 4:32pm:

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 4:23pm:
Bobby, thy Master has gone - poof!

Off to keep on truckin'.


He pays taxes - not like you.    ::)

My taxes pay for your Master's hospital stays, Bobby. They're not cheap.

The longer you keep him here with us, the cheaper it'll be for moi.

The only tax you pay is GST, you poor old thing.

You two have it easy. The least you could do is join your Master truckin'.

Try to remember the 5th of November, okay?

What hospital?

Master Light is out on the road delivering food and products for the rest of us.
He calls other drivers on his CB radio and says things like -
10/4 good Buddy.
Roger that -
over and out.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on May 7th, 2024 at 10:56pm

Bobby. wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 9:11pm:

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 5:52pm:

Bobby. wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 4:32pm:

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 4:23pm:
Bobby, thy Master has gone - poof!

Off to keep on truckin'.


He pays taxes - not like you.    ::)

My taxes pay for your Master's hospital stays, Bobby. They're not cheap.

The longer you keep him here with us, the cheaper it'll be for moi.

The only tax you pay is GST, you poor old thing.

You two have it easy. The least you could do is join your Master truckin'.

Try to remember the 5th of November, okay?

What hospital?

Master Light is out on the road delivering food and products for the rest of us.
He calls other drivers on his CB radio and says things like -
10/4 good Buddy.
Roger that -
over and out.

Our dear one hath not delivered any of these call signs unto thee, Bobby.

He is in thy every breath, no?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on May 7th, 2024 at 11:10pm

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 10:56pm:
Our dear one hath not delivered any of these call signs unto thee, Bobby.

He is in thy every breath, no?

He did so many times - he wrote 10/4 good Buddy.
We await his return -

he's been away since April 25th - only 12 days:

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Mattyfisk on May 7th, 2024 at 11:38pm

Bobby. wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 11:10pm:

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 10:56pm:
Our dear one hath not delivered any of these call signs unto thee, Bobby.

He is in thy every breath, no?

He did so many times - he wrote 10/4 good Buddy.
We await his return -

he's been away since April 25th - only 12 days:

Ever get the feeling you've been plunged?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on May 7th, 2024 at 11:59pm

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 11:38pm:

Bobby. wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 11:10pm:

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2024 at 10:56pm:
Our dear one hath not delivered any of these call signs unto thee, Bobby.

He is in thy every breath, no?

He did so many times - he wrote 10/4 good Buddy.
We await his return -

he's been away since April 25th - only 12 days:

Ever get the feeling you've been plunged?

No - I think you're waiting for his next revelation as much as I am?
He's always on the money.   ;)

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on May 14th, 2024 at 8:48am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Aug 23rd, 2024 at 7:17pm
This important thread with revelations from master light
could have been lost so I bumped it.

Where is he these days?

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Carl D on Aug 23rd, 2024 at 7:26pm

Bobby. wrote on Aug 23rd, 2024 at 7:17pm:
This important thread with revelations from master light
could have been lost so I bumped it.

Where is he these days?

lol... Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.

What are we to do with you?

Do you remember the Fawlty Towers episode The Psychiatrist?

After watching the antics of Basil (and Manuel), Dr. Abbott (the psychiatrist) says to his wife: "There's enough material here for an entire conference".

The same applies to this thread, in my opinion.  ;D

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Aug 23rd, 2024 at 7:29pm

Carl D wrote on Aug 23rd, 2024 at 7:26pm:

Bobby. wrote on Aug 23rd, 2024 at 7:17pm:
This important thread with revelations from master light
could have been lost so I bumped it.

Where is he these days?

lol... Bobby, Bobby, Bobby.

What are we to do with you?

Do you remember the Fawlty Towers episode The Psychiatrist?

After watching the antics of Basil (and Manuel), Dr. Abbott (the psychiatrist) says to his wife: "There's enough material here for an entire conference".

The same applies to this thread, in my opinion.  ;D

I know that episode well - very funny too.

yes - we're all a bit nutty here.

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Tap on Aug 23rd, 2024 at 8:52pm

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Aug 24th, 2024 at 7:05am
Biden Says When It Comes To College Women’s Sports, 'May The Best Man Win'

With the changes made to Title IX, Biden officially ruled that men are now eligible to compete in — and dominate — women's sports, leaving female college athletes to fend for themselves in a landscape that will now be every man for himself.

"Here's the deal, folks," Biden said in a statement announcing the new policy change. "When a gal really is a lady, she is eligible to play with other ladies. When a fellah identifies as a broad, he should be just as eligible to compete with other… with other… with the… the… gals. No one should be allowed to discriminate against these athletes and bar them from women's sports simply because they have… they have the… in between their legs, they've got the… they have… you know, the things. Prefarginbarner."

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by SadKangaroo on Aug 24th, 2024 at 7:34am

Title: Re: Michelle Obama a Man.. ?
Post by Bobby. on Aug 24th, 2024 at 11:05am

KangAnon wrote on Aug 24th, 2024 at 7:34am:

Well may you laugh but where there's smoke there's fire. 

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