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Member Run Boards >> Relationships >> Please welcome Psycho Analist Message started by Karnal on Mar 14th, 2014 at 5:23pm |
Title: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Karnal on Mar 14th, 2014 at 5:23pm
Please join me in welcoming a most esteemed new board member, Psycho Analist. Doktor Analist specialises in the field of anal dilation, scatological analysis and stool mastication. Along with the old boy, the good doktor has read scatology at the prestigious University of Balogney.
I am sure you will give him a most hearty welcome in our usual jolly manner. I ask those with anal ailments to kindly seek a consulation at the Doktor’s clinic. The Doktor is a busy man. I’m told he keeps a most comfortable stool for patients, no? Hear hear. |
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Honky on Mar 14th, 2014 at 5:26pm
Excellent. I look forward to hearing his insights in anal dilation. fascinating stuff.
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Karnal on Mar 14th, 2014 at 5:30pm
We all do, Honky, we all do. The Doktor is regarded as an eminent specialist in his field - as far afield as Dubbo if I’m not mistaken.
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Winston Smith on Mar 14th, 2014 at 6:23pm
Hi Grappler alias. :P
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Psycho analist on Mar 14th, 2014 at 10:52pm
Vell zank you very much for zis warm velcome but my first patient who is yet to attend his first session haz managed to get another zing wrong that I can add to his list of zings wrong he haz got.
I yam ze doktor of psycho analizing vich mean I analize your psyche but I do not dilate it. On zee contrary, dilated psyches zeems to be zee major problem around here. Zere must me zomething in zee water that corrupts the psyche to make zem large analizations and I yam here to help. So Carnal, can I expect to analize you on my couch at 4pm on Tuesdays? |
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Karnal on Mar 14th, 2014 at 11:27pm
Why, thank you, Doktor. I would love to join you in this psychic adventure. I shall, of course, need to check my diary, but I will endevour to free up my schedule.
Oh. I just remembered. The old boy and I have shuttlecock on Tuesdays. Do you have any other times? |
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Psycho analist on Mar 14th, 2014 at 11:43pm Karnal wrote on Mar 14th, 2014 at 11:27pm:
Excellent news Carnal, perhaps vee can analize your relationship viz this boy you speak of and vy you choose zis mode of transport for your genitals? Yes? |
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Karnal on Mar 15th, 2014 at 12:00am
I don’t know if you could call it a relationship, it’s hardly consensual.
Still, he never complains. That’s the important thing, eh? Well, he does, but who listens? Do you have medication, Doktor? I’d like him chemically restrained. |
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Psycho analist on Mar 15th, 2014 at 12:19am Karnal wrote on Mar 15th, 2014 at 12:00am:
I am sorry Carnal, but I haz had to bump you down my listz as I have now found the most disturbed individual on this sites. Mr Arsie is in more need of my help than anyvon else here so I need to make it a priority to treat him before he acts as on anothzer Daniel Morcombe type innocent. It iz my civic duty to ze citizens of Australia and especially Queerzland. |
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by bogarde73 on Mar 17th, 2014 at 2:41pm
Voices . . .always these voices!
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Aussie on Mar 17th, 2014 at 3:04pm
You should not hear them anymore. Rumour is that the Psycho Analist has had his name removed from the appropriate register.
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Karnal on Mar 17th, 2014 at 7:19pm Aussie wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 3:04pm:
Sexual abuse, was it? I’m not surprised. There was always something peculiar about that one. Where do you hear all these rumours, Aussie? They’re usually spot-on. |
Title: Re: Please welcome Psycho Analist Post by Aussie on Mar 17th, 2014 at 7:41pm Karnal wrote on Mar 17th, 2014 at 7:19pm:
In a parallel World, not far from a place near you. Phil might know about it. 8-) |
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