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Member Run Boards >> Extremism Exposed >> Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Message started by Pete Waldo on Mar 21st, 2014 at 6:57am |
Title: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by Pete Waldo on Mar 21st, 2014 at 6:57am freediver wrote on Mar 20th, 2014 at 6:57pm:
It's pointless to discuss things with an unregenerate who engages in dissimulation. For example his only mentioning yadda and I as believing killing the Canaanites, while they were still innocent, was a merciful act. If Stratos was honest he would have included Gandalf on the list, who agreed that it was a merciful act for God to bring the innocents unto Himself. Indeed every person that believes there is a God would consider it merciful for God to bring innocents unto Himself, before they grew up disease ridden and indoctrinated into the bestiality, ritualistic prostitution and sacrifice of children to idols of their parents. Stratos hates God while at the same time championing suffering from disease and engaging in abominations like bestiality and the sacrifice of children to idols of the Canaanites. |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by Stratos on Mar 21st, 2014 at 9:22am Pete Waldo wrote on Mar 21st, 2014 at 6:57am:
Gandalf never said that killing them was the right answer, unlike you and yadda. he did however say that he can see the benefit in removing kids from a dangeroud situation, so more lies here. Pete Waldo wrote on Mar 21st, 2014 at 6:57am:
More words used to use religion to justify and condone the murder of babies. Disgusting. Pete Waldo wrote on Mar 21st, 2014 at 6:57am:
False dichotomy, assuming you are either for baby killing or for bestiality and human sacrifice. So lets recap. One lie, one justification for baby murdering, and one fallacious argument. Not on your form tonight Pete |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by gandalf on Mar 21st, 2014 at 9:45am Pete Waldo wrote on Mar 21st, 2014 at 6:57am:
And as Stratos said, this is a gross misrepresentation of my position. The point is not what this episode did to the innocent children, it is what it did to the people "ordered" to carry it out. This is a most relevant point - because the whole purpose of the exercise was to cleanse the land of God-less people and their God-less practices in order to create an upright, God-fearing nation. The paradox here should be obvious - ordering the people of God to hack babies to death in order to bring them closer to God. Oh People of Israel - hack those babies to death in front of their screaming mothers so that you may become upstanding people of God make sense to you? Whats particularly hillarious is when people like you use the child sacrifice argument: "oh we had to save the children from pagan sacrifice... by slaughtering them" |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by moses on Mar 21st, 2014 at 4:19pm
Over and over we see the purveyors of child sex, inbreeding, rape, torture and mass murder plus their supporters and apologists so worried about 3,500 year old Biblical text.
While less than 100 years ago muslims committed one of the most cruel, inhumane, malevolent and heinous genocides in human history. Which they flippantly pass off as just another clash of civilizations. What is supposed to have happened 3,500 years ago could well be passed off as a clash of ancient, barbaric civilizations and cultures However the islamic ideologically motivated genocide of the 20th century e.g. the *Armenian Gennocide* is proof of just what islam represents today 2014 e.g.:cruelty, hatred, satanic worship, intolerance, bigotry and evil malevolence of the most backward and barbaric kind. Innocent men, women and children plus infants both born and unborn (pregnant mothers) were all the victims of this islamic sponsored genocide. Yet muslims and their apologists hypocritically carp on about Judaic writings from 3,500 years ago |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by gandalf on Mar 21st, 2014 at 4:29pm moses wrote on Mar 21st, 2014 at 4:19pm:
Actually I split the thread so that very topic can be addressed without this distraction. It is nontheless an interesting topic in its own right, but one that doesn't belong in an islam forum. |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by Pete Waldo on Mar 23rd, 2014 at 11:58pm polite_gandalf wrote on Mar 21st, 2014 at 9:45am:
You certainly aren't quoting me. The argument is about saving the children from growing up in understanding and thus accountability, while being indoctrinated into engaging in the sacrifice of children themselves, thereby being separated from God forever. From suffering God's judgment because of that, as well as the other sins and abominations of the Canaanites. I thought you agreed that it would be a merciful act by God to bring those innocents unto Himself, before they grew up enough to become accountable for sin, while simultaneously being indoctrinated into engaging in sodomy, ritualistic prostitution, bestiality, and sacrifice of children to idols, thus separating themselves from God forever. Sorry Gand, my mistake in thinking you had earlier expressed, that you also believed it would be merciful for God to bring them to Himself instead. Let alone that if rituals like the Islamic practice of "thighing" infants was popular among the Canaanites, along with the rest of their sexual immorality, even their infants could have even been rife with disease - not the least of which could have been leprosy (those infected can be without symptoms for 5-20 years). Gand, your reply here illustrates a focus on the flesh and the things of this world, rather than on the things of the Spirit, and the eternity that follows our temporal life. Your concern seems to be about what people witnessed in a moment of history, rather than on the innocent's wonderful lives with the Lord, to this day. Regarding Yahweh's people, they trusted in God, just as His people do to this day and just as Abraham did when Yahweh tested him by seeing if he was obedient and faithful enough to be willing to sacrifice Isaac, for example. You also can't seem to understand, the argument you attempted to lodge here, in the context of Muhammad beheading the innocent young boys of the Banu Qurayza. You see, the risk in seeking comfort and support in Godless people like Stratos, is that you increasingly become of them. An understanding based solely on the flesh and this world. God did not want His people to become poisoned by the Canaanites either physically or spiritually. So Yahweh had His people kill Satan's people, so Yahweh's people wouldn't become of them. We find the exact inverse in Muhammad and his follower's slaughter of the Medina Jews. That is, Satan's people slaughtering Yahweh's literate, faithful, peaceful, productive, prosperous people - who never struck a blow - and raping their women and little girls and stealing the fruit of their labor of generations. All in an effort toward subjugating them to prostrating toward the Quraish pagan's black stone idol in Mecca five times a day while praying "in the vain repetitions as the heathen do". Even to engage in adopted, adapted and thinly veneered pagan Arabian moon, sun, star and jinn-devil worship rituals. All of the sins of the Canaanites are committed even today. Some might argue that children aren't sacrificed to idols, but is it really a stretch to suggest that Muhammad's anti-Gospel antichrist followers are sacrificing their children to the Quraish pagan's black stone idol, by indoctrinating them into Muhammad's anti-religion? |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by Taipan on Mar 24th, 2014 at 6:31am
If God said kill the Canaanites and the Israelites went ahead and did it then we should celebrate it on a public holiday. The Jews celebrate Purim so why not? 8-)
There was good reason to try and wipe them out. Unfortunately it didn't work. The Canaanites are now running the world unfortunately. |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by Stratos on Mar 24th, 2014 at 7:10am Pete Waldo wrote on Mar 23rd, 2014 at 11:58pm:
What kind of sick justification is this!? THis is not their fault, and even if it was, it is no justification to kill somebody. Pete Waldo wrote on Mar 23rd, 2014 at 11:58pm:
And the apparently controversial idea that baby killing is wrong, unlike what your faith has somehow lead you to believe. If your belief system can't even give you a clear answer on that, then I wonder why you would even bother having one. |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by gandalf on Mar 25th, 2014 at 1:51pm Pete Waldo wrote on Mar 23rd, 2014 at 11:58pm:
No my argument is entirely focused on the things of the spirit. Read again and start over please. |
Title: Re: Justifying genocide of the Canaanites Post by Karnal on Mar 25th, 2014 at 3:00pm moses wrote on Mar 21st, 2014 at 4:19pm:
I love it. Now the Muselman is using Huntington's neoconservative thesis. The Muselman is the enemy. The Muselman will always be the enemy. His very purpose is to be the enemy - on stilts. He'll even play along with neoconservative ideology. Stilts. |
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