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Member Run Boards >> Multiculturalism and Race >> We need section 18c Message started by Bowen on May 16th, 2014 at 3:30pm |
Title: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 16th, 2014 at 3:30pm
This forum is full of racism insult and dirty words now. It shows the necessary that we need the section 18c of the racial discrimination laws in our country. Actually, we should improve it. When disparaging others by races is permitted. There are always some bad guys to insult and provoke others. This is not speech freedom, this is racism freedom.
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Jackness on May 16th, 2014 at 4:03pm Bowen wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 3:30pm:
"We need section 18c" 'We' as in ultra-sensitive minorities who always use race as an excuse to get offended and to silent criticisms. Stop using race as an excuse to get offended. It's the most pathetic excuse ever and just shows how weak your people are. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 16th, 2014 at 4:18pm
When you offend others, can you ask the victim, don't feel my offending.
When the people of other races talk the same type of words to you, don't you feel offending? Actually, it's the racists talk about insult and provoking at first. Don't you feel the words like "go back to ..." or "fck off" offend you? How about this. We collect the speech of racists here. Change the word Chinese(or Asian, Muslim) to White or European. Don't you think the same speech offend you? Jackness wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 4:03pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Vuk11 on May 16th, 2014 at 4:30pm Bowen wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 4:18pm:
Having hurt feelings is not sufficient justification to forcibly silence someone. we all have a right to self-ownership that cannot be trumped due to giving an opinion as giving an opinion doesn't violate the rights of others like assault/theft does. Taking offence to something is ridiculously subjective and immeasurable, people can take offence to anything and feeling hurt over something is not sufficient justification to use force against people, or else I'd just feel offended by the worlds banking policies and have all of the bankers arrested for offending me. Force is not the answer to stopping thing you simply don't like, or did we forget that little child hood lesson? Don't hit your sibling, use your words? It's a good lesson "don't initiate force, violence or coercion" it's simple it's clean and it works. If you want to stop racism, bigotry or anything that you don't like, you stop it with education, with incentive, ostracism and changing the social norms. Do we have laws to keep people standing in line at the shops? Of course not yet most of us do.....Like I said change the social norms in society it's far more effective then trying to use force and far more moral. Or do we not give a f*ck about peoples right to self-ownership any more? |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 16th, 2014 at 4:38pm
"White racist"
"Go back to Europe" "You have Europe culture" All your words. All of them showing you to be a racist because in your mind white is an issue. This is nothing compared to all the other comments you have made about whites creating issues, genocide, and even how china killing 50 million of their own was because of white influence. You more then anyone should be calling for 18c to be removed. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 16th, 2014 at 4:42pm
All these words are after some worse words given by the racists here.
Why you ignore their dirty words at first including your own? If you can feel offence by these words, don't use the similar words at first. If you know what's respect, what's polite, I will show you the same respect and polite. For example, if you shout me "Go back to China". "Go back to Europe" is the only answer for you. If you don't like these words, don't use it at first. It's a so simple logic. Quantum wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 4:38pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 16th, 2014 at 4:48pm
The problem is, when somebody starting bad mouth. there won't be rational communication any more. It's a good experiment in this forum. When I use the same words feed back to the racists, they feel offence too.
So should we make the society apart and let people hate each others because the bad mouth? Vuk11 wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 4:30pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Vuk11 on May 16th, 2014 at 4:53pm Bowen wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 4:48pm:
When people use force against each other, there won't be rational communication either. Surely we aren't so uncivilised and so child like to run off to big daddy government to hold a gun to peoples heads to solve all of our issues? Or are we evolved enough to look for peaceful voluntary solutions that are simple and effective. (ostracism, incentive, social norms, respect for self-ownership) |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 16th, 2014 at 5:08pm
Racism always lead to savage. Keep the society in peace is the responsibility of the government. Do you really believe the racists can keep in peace? At least one racist at this forum using a Nazi logo as his logo. Do you think it's really a good idea that let people offend each others, then turn to violence? Is that your expected Australia?
Vuk11 wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 4:53pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Vuk11 on May 16th, 2014 at 5:18pm Bowen wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 5:08pm:
Writing a law won't stop people from arguing and then fighting each other, there's nothing magical about paper and writing words on paper that will somehow stop people from fighting especially if they have cultural tensions. Also you are worried about violence, but the law has to be enforced with violence, so in a situation where someone would say something and someone would say something back you'd effectively be introducing violence and force where two people may have just argued and that's all. Like I said you don't stop these things with law and force, you stop it by changing the social norms, if no one wants to be racist or it doesn't matter to them then you won't have to worry about it. It's the same with with Gay Marriage our social norms have been changing for years and it's almost at the point where no one cares if other people are gay or of different colour. I am for peoples right to self-ownership and would not reject that most important right for anything as silly as taking offence because of how open to interpretation it is. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 16th, 2014 at 5:52pm
When someone use the Nazi flag as his logo, I think the law to avoid insult arguments between different races is really necessary.
Vuk11 wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 5:18pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Soren on May 16th, 2014 at 6:36pm Bowen wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 5:08pm:
Being offensive doesn't necessarily lead to violence. Take you, for example. You have offended people, belittling and ridiculing their culture. What are you going to do about that? |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 16th, 2014 at 6:40pm
I was offended at first. But I still avoid to use the same dirty words. until somebody says the dirty words is his culture. I am considering to learn some of his culture for him now.
Anyway, I am a good example. But there are always bad guys. What do you think the Nazi logo mean? It's a logo for massacre. Soren wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 6:36pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 17th, 2014 at 7:51am
What's really offensive is that the failed philosophy of multiculturalism allowed you to come to this country with your hatred of whites.
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Vuk11 on May 17th, 2014 at 12:49pm hazy123 wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 7:51am:
Though it wasn't always so was it? Many people fled the problems of Europe to come and help build this country, but what has changed since then to make people think differently when they arrive here? Maybe it has to do with the stigma of the welfare state and the constant fights about peoples "entitlements". |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 17th, 2014 at 12:56pm
Or probably the arrogance of immigrants like Bowen that makes them put their hatred of Australians on full display.
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by ian on May 17th, 2014 at 12:58pm Bowen wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 5:52pm:
why? Do you ever see anyone displaying the Nazi logo walking down the street? Internet courage isnt the same as real courage Bowen, no poster displaying the Nazi symbol here would ever have the guts to do it in public. Regardless, if you want to fit into Australian culture you need to understand the way Australians talk to each other. Even Americans dont get us. Heres an example, the next time someone says to you "Geez your smacking ugly" the correct response is "thats not what your missus said last night". If someone calls you fat then you respond by saying its because his wife gives you a biscuit every time you root her. If you can come to understand this then you really will have earned your citizenship certificate. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 17th, 2014 at 1:00pm Jackness wrote on May 16th, 2014 at 4:03pm:
You've nailed it. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Vuk11 on May 17th, 2014 at 1:01pm ian wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 12:58pm:
Bingo.....praxeology! ( human purposeful action says volumes more then the subjective preference of the mind and the computer screen) |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 17th, 2014 at 2:19pm ian wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 12:58pm:
;D |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 17th, 2014 at 4:20pm
I think I like you, some times. At least you are trying to help me to understand you. I am happy to learn how to communicate with you guys.
But, using a Nazi logo is different thing. You are right, this is on Internet, but if there is no law to forbid the public racism, it will be on the street. ian wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 12:58pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 17th, 2014 at 4:53pm
Are you Chinese, Bowen?
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 17th, 2014 at 6:11pm Bowen wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 4:20pm:
As an Australian I don't find the Nazi flag any more offensive than this; This flag isn't just a random image, but a symbolism of what China stands for. What it stands for is the very opposite of what it means to be Australian. What the flag represents is the removal of freedom, of democracy, of equality, for anyone under it. Yet you don't care when you see it. Some Chinese immigrant waves this from their house in Australia and you say that is fine and that I all other Australians have to respect their culture. But what that flag represents, from its red background to the stars in the corner is totally incompatible with Australian culture. That's the issue with you Bowen. You disrespect the opinions of anyone who would wave the Nazi flag yet demand respect for anyone who waves the Chinese flag. But that Chinese flag is no better. Millions of people have died and over a billion more live a controlled and restrictive life under it. But you are fine with that because you are Chinese. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 17th, 2014 at 6:15pm
Could they be reasons why Bowen won't go hone?
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Raven on May 17th, 2014 at 6:59pm
Since the Bolt case, Section 18C has been denounced as if someone merely taking offense can seek relief under the Act. Of course this is not the way the provisions operate. An action must meet a number of stringent tests before it can be considered unlawful. Even then, per the exemptions of Section 18D, offensive and insulting action cannot be considered unlawful if it is done reasonably and in good faith in artistic, scientific, academic or journalistic pursuits in the public interest.
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 17th, 2014 at 9:57pm
Well said, Raven.
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 17th, 2014 at 10:12pm
Yes, I am.
Lord Herbert wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 4:53pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 17th, 2014 at 10:15pm
You should talk to UN at first. As my understanding, you are an absolute racist while you can find many same points with Nazi. And because there are some racists like you in Australia, section 18c is really necessary. It's particularly to against the racists like you.
BTW, your brain never understand that half of the economy of Australia is supported by China today. If you hate China so much, you should ask Tony Abbott to stop trading with China immediately. Your hate is only because you are a BS racist. Otherwise, I can not understand why someone hate their main business partner so much. Quantum wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 6:11pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 17th, 2014 at 10:25pm
What a surprise!!! Bowen calling an Aussie a racist. Come home Bowen, China needs you!!!
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 17th, 2014 at 10:32pm
Go back to Europe, there is your home. Oh, don't forget go to 15th century. Europe is also multicultural in 21th century.
hazy123 wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 10:25pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 17th, 2014 at 10:35pm
Australia is my home China. It's not yours, citizenship or not.
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 17th, 2014 at 10:36pm
Australia is my home too. I am Australian citizen.
hazy123 wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 10:35pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 17th, 2014 at 10:44pm
Id wipe my arse on your citizenship papers, Bowen. You're just a beneficiary of a glitch caused by weak-arsed Australian governments that let in her enemies. Have some balls and go back and live with your own people.
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 17th, 2014 at 10:48pm
You should know the difference between British and Australian at first. If you think you are a pure British, why not go back to Britain? Australia is a multicultural society. If you can not live with other Australian, you should leave. You should go somewhere in pure British culture.
hazy123 wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 10:44pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 17th, 2014 at 11:07pm
Im not British China. ( and I thought asians were supposed to be smart)
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 17th, 2014 at 11:48pm Bowen wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 10:15pm:
Good... Let the hate flow through you. You are really starting to give the game away now. All you can do is scream racist to ignore the fact that you yourself are the racist. You hate whites. You do not want to fit in. You are so in love with your Chinese heritage that it kills you to hear that others don't see china the same way you do. China is a horrible country. It's flag stands for all the things that Australia is not. The fact that it is a part of the UN does not remove what it stands for. Do you have any idea how many countries are a part of the UN that stand for the very things you hate? As we saw by the actions of the world in the 30's, Nazi Germany would have been accepted with open arms by the UN if it existed back then. The Chinese flag being flown at the UN building does not make it as a symbol any more compatible with Australian culture than the swastika. It is good to see how offend you get to hear that. It shows just how Chinese you still are, as any real Australian would not take issue with pointing out China's faults. But just like the Chinese flag being flown at the UN HQ does not make it an acceptable culture, your citizenship does make you an Australian by nature either. You clearly hate Australian culture and her people, and you still love your home land. You just want the best of both worlds. An Australia that is Chinese, but a Chinese Australia that has the lifestyle of a non Chinese Australia. Problem is that it is not possible. The moment Australia becomes Chinese it will become a cruel, immoral, controlling, and horrible country, just like the current China. That is because the Australian lifestyle is the result of her culture, and the horrible Chinese lifestyle is a result of her culture. Common sense would say that since Chinese culture (what you hold on to) is the great fukup of any society, it would best not to contaminant what we have in Australia by bringing that backwards thinking here. Sadly you just don't get it, so you scream racist at anyone pointing out the fuking obvious; *Australia for anyone who is Australian, whether they be black, yellow, or any other colour under the sun. *China for Chinese. So easy. Too bad you and your type showed up. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 12:05am
I have to tell you, you are completely ignorant about China. Today, China is led by a small group of bureaucrat capitalists who are collusions of transnational capital over the world.
Communism? Is there any Chinese leader really believe communism today? They are for Chinese? Are you joking? All Chinese are working for the ally of bureaucrat capitalists and transnational capital. The government of China is exploiting Chinese people to benefit themselves and transnational capital. Especially to the labor class. Do you know a Chinese factory worker only get 1/10 payment than an Australian worker? The cheapest goods sell to all over the world. To let the transnational capital get a huge profit. But the labor class in China still live in poor. Let me tell you, you are cheat by the media which are controlled by the transnational capital. Anyway, you at least know Australia is for any races, not only for British. Quantum wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 11:48pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 18th, 2014 at 12:10am
Is that why you here, Bowen? Because China a shithole?
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 18th, 2014 at 12:35am Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 12:05am:
Oh, so our biggest trading partner who I should show respect to exploits people to gets its power. Wonderful logic. Well down Bowen. I'm sure to respect them now ::) Australia is how it is because Australians made it this way. Our culture and our lifestyle are one and the same. Do you think it is a coincidence that the quality of life in the USA, in the UK, in Canada, in New Zealand, etc, are far more similar to Australia than the life quality of China? Do you then think it is a coincidence that these countries that have a similar level of quality have more in common culturally than they do with China? Bring Chinese culture to Australia and you bring our quality of life down to Chinese levels as well. Your culture is cruel. Your culture is degrading. Your culture has little respect for life, including human. Your oppressive government is a result of your culture more than it is the other way around. Problem is you are too blind to see that. You think that you can still keep your Chinese culture and bring it to Australia and have the best of both worlds. You can't. Instead it will just turn Australia into another shlt hole just like the one you ran away from. If you had any brains you would see what a great gift you have been given by Australia in letting you live here. We don't need you but you need us. So how about you get over your ego, stop hating whites, and fit in. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 12:47am
One of the reasons. China lost Chinese culture already. Especially the advantage of Chinese culture.
hazy123 wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 12:10am:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 12:52am
Most of Chinese are working hard to provide cheap goods for the world. Their sacrifice deserve your respect. They are supporting the life of the poor people in western world. You can not understand, because your racism let you blind of the difference between the China government and Chinese people, Chinese culture.
And China government is bad for Chinese people, but good for western countries. They exploits Chinese people to please western countries to get support. So they believe they can control China forever. You know, I feel ridiculous that you, a guy who is benefited from China talk about the evil of China, and you blame Chinese people also. The truth is Chinese people are the victims, and you got the share of booty although the main part belongs to the transnational capitals. You show the worst aspect in your culture, a tradition of robbers. You blame others cruel to dogs, as the reason you want to cruel to the people. Quantum wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 12:35am:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 18th, 2014 at 1:44am Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 12:52am:
And while your country continues to pump out cheap shlt the western world goes down the drain as our factories close down and our people become unemployed. Then your people come here, ignore every rule in the book, and send our shops broke as you only employ your own kind (racist) for far less then minimum wage. Yes, there is just so much to be thankful about ::) You still dare to go on about this racist shlt? Get a fuking dictionary you idiot! I would be racist if I hated someone because they have slanty eyes and yellow skin. But I don't! I know plenty of Asians that I like, and plenty of whites that I don't. Your racism accusations are done; finished! You have lost. I don't dislike you because you are Asian born. I can't stand you because you are an Australian hating piece of shlt who thinks this country owes you something. Was that not clear enough? Let me try again. If you were British born, white as a polar bear, and you wrote the kind of anti Australian shlt you do with the same superiority entitled attitude that you have, I would still hate you. On the other hand if you acted like an Australian, saw yourself as Australian, and didn't cling onto the fuked up culture of your old country, then even if you had eyes so narrow I couldn't fit a scalpel between your eyelashes, and even if your skin was so yellow I would feel the need to call an ambulance because I thought your kidneys had failed, I would still accept you happily. My issue with you is not race. My issue is that you have come here, hate the culture of this country, will not let go of your own, and keep saying how we should be thankful and change our ways to help you stay here. That's the issue. Your attitude, not your race! You can keep calling me racist until your china arse licking tongue seizes up, but it is not true, and it only shows how weak your argument is. You have done nothing since you joined this forum but call everyone a racist for not agreeing with you. People don't hate you because you are Asian by birth. They hate you because you are an arrogant fuking arsehole. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 18th, 2014 at 1:49am Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 12:47am:
So your here, why? Spite? Because your country lost its cultural identity so you came here to ruin ours as well? It seems pretty clear that had china stayed more traditionally Chinese you would never have come here. Now you have bought some lie that you can recreate your perfect Chinese culture in your little ghetto in some Australian suburb because Australia has no culture and will let anyone do as they see fit here. Wake up call. Fit in or bugger off. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 18th, 2014 at 7:49am Bowen wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 10:12pm:
Thank you for answering my question. in my personal experience it's very rare for foreigners to answer that question, no matter where they come from. Welcome to Australia and this forum board. I'm new to this board as well. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 18th, 2014 at 8:25am
Bowen is really passionate about the struggle of the Chinese people and really passionate about the racism and ignorance of Australians. And where is he? Yep, you guessed it. Guzzlin' down big macs in Australia. Please explain!!!
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 18th, 2014 at 8:36am Bowen wrote on May 17th, 2014 at 4:20pm:
It's very much to your credit that you want to engage with Australians in friendship and understanding. If you want to be accepted by Australians, then you've got to learn to smile and be cheeky back to them when they say something 'insulting' (while half-smiling). They use insults and abuse to test your mettle. (勇气) Used your judgment to know when they're being teasing and playful with you, or when it's someone who is genuinely a hateful racist. It's not always easy to tell the difference. Contrary to popular opinion, Australians ~ beneath the surface of their habit of teasing and poking you in the ribs for being a foreigner ~ are one of the least racist people in the world. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 11:31am
Sometimes, there is misunderstanding. Yes, I am trying to judge who is a good guy with misunderstanding and who is the really bad guy.
I think understanding is for both sides. I also speak frankly and bluntly to express the opinion from the view of a Chinese Australian intellectual. I never hate white people. If I hate, I won't come here and talk so much. Critique is not hate. Actually, I smell to anybody who looks friendly. :) Lord Herbert wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 8:36am:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 11:35am
While China lost Chinese culture, I can go anywhere over the world to build my new life. So I went to the new mainland, a wild mainland to be developed. That's why I came here.
Quantum wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 1:49am:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 11:43am
When more and more well educated Chinese come to Australia, you will meet more and more Chinese Australian like me. Different from most of the Chinese migrants you met before, we are scientists, philosophers, thinkers. We contribute to Australia, and will participate to lead this country too.
hazy123 wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 8:25am:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 18th, 2014 at 12:17pm Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 11:35am:
And you wonder why people get pissed off at you. A chinaman coming to wild Australia to develop it ::) Either bugger off to Africa or some area that actually needs help, or go back and help your less developed home land. We are years ahead of china so we don't need you coming here to mother us. Here yet again we see the two issues with you; 1) that you think we owe you something. That somehow we are better off having you here. There is nothing you can offer that we need. In no way is you being here helping to develop our country. We are a developed country! We don't need anyone from a country whose main industry is making western designed products, or worse, cheap inferior illegal copies of western designed products. 2) you show disappointment that china's culture has changed hence why you have left the country. But you have no issue about fuking up our culture. That's perfectly fine to you. You don't like the way your own country is going but you expect the rest of us to just accept the change you want to bring to this one. Australia is fine the way it is. We don't need your inferior Chinese technology, nor do we need your inferior Chinese culture. Stop pretending that we need you here and that you have anything to offer. It is so absolutely ridiculous for you to claim that you could go anywhere on earth but you came to Australia because we need to be developed. You come to what is one of the most advance countries on earth with one of the highest living standard and stable economies in the world to develop it? Do you really think anyone buys that BS? |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 18th, 2014 at 12:21pm Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 11:43am:
We were happier with the old Chinese immigrants. The ones who knew how lucky they were to be here and whose kids grew up to be as Australian as any white child. Your type have come to make china 2.0. We sure as hell don't want you participating in leading us. In fact you probably shouldn't be allowed to vote. I can see the day when there are enough of you china faithful types living here so as to vote democracy away. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Sparky on May 18th, 2014 at 12:37pm
well said, Quantum
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 18th, 2014 at 12:59pm
In my experience the Chinese and Vietnamese who've been settling in Australia since Bob Hawke opened the gates after Tiananmen Square ~ have been excellent migrants.
Since Captain Cook no other immigrant people have within one generation become so identified with being doctors, dentists, optometrists, chemists, and other professionals. This is hugely admirable of them. Contrast this with some other immigrant ethnicities who are identified with dole bludging, laziness on the job, criminal activity, and filling our prisons. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Caliph adamant on May 18th, 2014 at 3:10pm Lord Herbert wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 12:59pm:
Yeh? I have been told by users in the building industry they are a god send. Go to Goodna, brill prices! Apparently! |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 18th, 2014 at 3:47pm
Dont get ne wrong, this isnt about Chinese immigrants. This is personal (he says while puffing a cigar)
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 18th, 2014 at 4:49pm Adamant wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 3:10pm:
You'll have to unscramble this encoded message for me. I lost my Enigma machine when I had to pawn it to buy myself a good automatic rice cooker. 8-) |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 8:11pm
Your problem is, you don't know how to live with Chinese migrants equally. Many old Chinese migrants may not know what's equal, but we know.
We have more confidence and are proud of our culture as you are proud your culture. As I said, we are not refugee, we are scientists, engineers, thinkers, ... We will participate to the society as equal members. You are no more superior. That's why you hate us. It's 21th century, you'd better fit for it, learn to live with other cultures equally. Quantum wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 12:21pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by hazy123 on May 18th, 2014 at 8:37pm
Ive got great respect for China and her contributions. I just dont have any respect for you, sh itbag.
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Soren on May 18th, 2014 at 8:47pm Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 8:11pm:
No you don't. Chinese chauvinism is all you know. Equality is a Western idea. It would never have emerged from China. You are rallying a Western idea in defence of your Chinese chauvinism. In other words, you could not make any of these claims IN CHINA, to counter Chinese chauvinism. But here you are, defending Chinese chauvinism by deploying wholly un-Chinese ideas - freedom, equality. Ideas totally absent from 5000 years of glorious Chinese history and remaining absent to this day. You are really, really conflicted about the inferiority of Chinese culture. You want it to count for something but it doesn't, not even in your own life - you left it, knowing it's buggered despite all the glorification. If it was really that great. you would be there, building the great Chinese civilisation. But you are here because you are betting on this society, not China. You are trying to cover up your shameless, utter opportunism, China plate. That's all you are doing - and failing at it. People see through you.i |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 18th, 2014 at 9:02pm
A lot of insight there, Soren.
Bowen ~ try to learn from what people say here. It's an unofficial tuition that will benefit you if you can put your ego aside for long enough to learn. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 11:37pm
Yes, equality was a western idea. I accept it and like it. Why not can I use this idea to defend my own culture? Culture and religion freedom is one of the human rights. But I guess, you racists don't know what's human rights, like Nazi.
On the other hand, you said you protect western culture, but you refuse equality, the most important element in western culture. Chauvinism? Are you talking about yourself? Soren wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 8:47pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Bowen on May 18th, 2014 at 11:41pm
Look Herbert, I come to contribute to Australia in my way. Living in my own culture in my rights and liberty. I try to judge who are friends, and who are bad guys. I try to learn the advantages from the friends, but I will never agree with the racists. They are bad guys.
Lord Herbert wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 9:02pm:
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 18th, 2014 at 11:50pm Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 8:11pm:
Still playing the race card. Still trying to pretend that this is about the big bad white men who hate innocent loveable Chinese people because they are different. All BS. I treat my Chinese friends with as much respect as any of my white friends. But then again, my Chinese friends are Australians, not Chinese arseholes like yourself. This comment here is the real problem; Quote:
You are so proud of your culture that you left it to live in my culture. Now you want to say that you can take the hospitality that my culture has offered you and reject it by bringing your failed culture with you. In the middle of the ocean or on the surface of the moon, you can argue as much as you want that your Chinese culture is equall to Australian culture. Buy here, in Australia, your culture ain't worth shlt. You have come into our house, you will live and play by our ways or you can bugger off back home. Australia is not the UN. There are no 'we all have different ways, but here in this room we are all equals' political diplomacy type ideas. Australia is Australia, it has its own ways and it's own culture. Respect it, fit in, or bugger off. It cannot be made any clearer than that. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 18th, 2014 at 11:55pm Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 11:41pm:
Yes, you have the freedom to return to china at anytime. You also have the right to remain in our culture. You don't have the right to destroy our culture by replacing it with your own. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Quantum on May 19th, 2014 at 12:00am Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 11:37pm:
You throw the word equality around like you throw the word racist around. But I noticed that you have no tolerance of Nazi's. No equality there. If someone wants to live as a nazi in Australia don't they have the freedom to do that? What if thousands of them want to buy out a part of a city and live in their little Nazi ghetto? Don't they have the freedom to do that? Careful of your answers. You may just realise why we don't want you here either. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 19th, 2014 at 10:42am Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 11:41pm:
If you are a first generation Chinese here in Australia, then just relax and be who you are. I've met enough of your second generation Aussie-Chinese and Vietnamese to know they have become good Chopstick Australians who are friendly and a great addition to Australian society. Just relax. Don't be so stressed and paranoid. If you check under your bed every night you'll find there are no racists there. :) They're all outside in the local park wearing white hoods and burning crosses ... Just kidding! Learn to LAUGH, Mr Bowen. It'll help you to relax. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Caliph adamant on May 19th, 2014 at 3:06pm Adamant wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 3:10pm:
They work for less, so cheap you could pay them in cash! Adamant wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 3:10pm:
A Vietnamese enclave with supporting council signage is supposed to be the cheapest place to buy heroin around BNE. Don't get me wrong Herbert the Vietnamese are beautiful people. I have spent two months on holiday in Nam. The accommodation food and historical sights were brilliant. I would recommend to all of any age. Recommend people go soon as the Russians like the spot, but you will not like the Russians! |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 19th, 2014 at 3:23pm Adamant wrote on May 19th, 2014 at 3:06pm:
I lived with my Russian aunt for 5 years as a boy, and my brother's wife was Russian, and my niece speaks fluent Russian ~ and enjoyed her holiday in Russia last year ... 8-) |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 19th, 2014 at 3:25pm Quantum wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 11:55pm:
That won't happen ~ I have Jackie Chan's word on that. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Caliph adamant on May 19th, 2014 at 3:33pm Lord Herbert wrote on May 19th, 2014 at 3:23pm:
The Russian mafia Herbert! |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 19th, 2014 at 5:16pm Adamant wrote on May 19th, 2014 at 3:33pm:
I accept your apology. Go in peace and sin no more. |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Caliph adamant on May 19th, 2014 at 7:20pm Lord Herbert wrote on May 19th, 2014 at 5:16pm:
I offered no apology, just clarification, from what I know all of your relatives could belong to the Russian Mafia, yourself included! |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 19th, 2014 at 8:10pm Adamant wrote on May 19th, 2014 at 7:20pm:
Damn! My secret identity has been exposed! |
Title: Re: We need section 18c Post by Lord Herbert on May 20th, 2014 at 12:03pm Bowen wrote on May 18th, 2014 at 11:41pm:
Okay, Bowen. This is what happens when the Aussie culture of teasing a friend with provocative remarks goes badly wrong. Very badly wrong. (Do NOT try this at home, folks. Viewer discretion is advised). "The defence told the court the killer took offence when Mr Hutchins spoke of sexual frustration and made reference to raping Campbell's wife, a claim the prosecution denied." link |
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