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Member Run Boards >> Food >> Pepper Sauce for Steaks

Message started by mattywisk on May 31st, 2014 at 7:31pm

Title: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by mattywisk on May 31st, 2014 at 7:31pm

I am after a good Pepper sauce recipe if anyone has one.
Googling is good but personal experience I'd like to hear about.
Cooking the steak is no problem but the sauce another issue.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by mattywisk on Jun 7th, 2014 at 3:53pm
Need one for tomorrow any tips.

What about getting a packet one and mixing it with some sour cream. ?
Would that work.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by stryder on Jun 7th, 2014 at 5:41pm
I know a french style pepper steak sauce

Steaks that are marinated in grounded pepper
and you cook them on a pan, after cooking them use .all the grounded pepper that has fallen to the bottom of the pan by pouring pastuerised cream into it and mixing around three nips of scotch whiskey and you a nice french pepper sauce that would compliment any steak.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by mattywisk on Jun 7th, 2014 at 6:32pm

stryder wrote on Jun 7th, 2014 at 5:41pm:
I know a french style pepper steak sauce

Steaks that are marinated in grounded pepper
and you cook them on a pan, after cooking them use .all the grounded pepper that has fallen to the bottom of the pan by pouring pastuerised cream into it and mixing around three nips of scotch whiskey and you a nice french pepper sauce that would compliment any steak.

Interesting stryder, thanks for that. That would get some steak juices in there as well.
I have to do a BBQ with a few steaks so panning them would probably take
too long in my case I guess.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by mattywisk on Jun 7th, 2014 at 6:37pm
Interesting its like your one with a twist.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by Another Old Fart on Jun 7th, 2014 at 7:28pm
Careful Greg!!

Isnt he a new global mod or is he just wishful thinking?


;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by Another Old Fart on Jun 7th, 2014 at 7:38pm

He is a moderator!!

Sorry buddy...kiss arse and all that stuff!!

You are a great mod best I have seen!!


That Greg is an Asshole!!

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 7th, 2014 at 7:40pm

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 7th, 2014 at 7:38pm:

He is a moderator!!

Sorry buddy...kiss arse and all that stuff!!

You are a great mod best I have seen!!


That Greg is an Asshole!!



Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by Black Orchid on Jun 7th, 2014 at 8:21pm
Buy one of those packet ones where you snip the corner and microwave it   :)

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by MattyWisk on Jun 9th, 2014 at 3:27pm
I did the packet sauce. Heated up on the stove though.
I never had time to make a good one.

It was nice but I will ad cream next time I do a fast one.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by austranger on Jun 9th, 2014 at 4:49pm
Too late for your BBQ, sorry, but here's a good recipe for future reference.

Beef stock
White wine
Cracked peppers
Capsicum(any colour or combo of colours)

Sear steaks in a pan and remove.
Add 1 cup of white wine per steak to pan, max of three though.
Add cracked pepper, multi-coloured is best for a fuller flavour but plain black will do just fine. I spoonful for a mild pepper sauce, more if and as you prefer after that.
Add 1 spoonful finely diced capsicum.
Add half cup beef stock and stir mixture over a high heat till boiling and reduce till half gone.
Add half of cream now and continue to stir till boiling.
Reduce until dark lines appear around the bubbles, then add remaining cream and continue to reduce.
As soon as dark lines re-appear add the steaks back to the pan, as well as any liquids that have drained from them.
Continue stirring.
Turn steaks every two minutes till done to your preference, 5mins for rare, 7-8 for medium, 10 for well done.
This will of course depend on what stove you're using, but a little cut into one steak will show you how they're going.
If the sauce begins to separate then add a tiny bit more cream or wine and stir.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by MattyWisk on Jun 9th, 2014 at 6:21pm
That sounds very nice I'll give that crack next BBQ.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by MattyWisk on Jul 24th, 2014 at 12:38am
This Topic was moved here from Food by MattyWisk.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by The Man in the Window on May 28th, 2021 at 6:55pm
Use good pepper,  Kampot is the best.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by Dnarever on May 28th, 2021 at 10:55pm

stryder wrote on Jun 7th, 2014 at 5:41pm:
I know a french style pepper steak sauce

Steaks that are marinated in grounded pepper
and you cook them on a pan, after cooking them use .all the grounded pepper that has fallen to the bottom of the pan by pouring pastuerised cream into it and mixing around three nips of scotch whiskey and you a nice french pepper sauce that would compliment any steak.

This one sounds good. I mostly substitute a spiced rum when Scotch is recommended I normally find it better in cooking most of the time.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by UnSubRocky on May 29th, 2021 at 12:47am
I usually sprinkle steaks with thyme and then cover them in a decent gravy.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by cods on May 30th, 2021 at 3:48pm
I love pepper steak  I use Masterfoods peppersteak sprinkle on both sides before cooking  be careful it can burn  but I  like that..remove steak.then throw cream in the pan to make the sauce... yummo  and no effort.. :)

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by Valkie on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:33pm

cods wrote on May 30th, 2021 at 3:48pm:
I love pepper steak  I use Masterfoods peppersteak sprinkle on both sides before cooking  be careful it can burn  but I  like that..remove steak.then throw cream in the pan to make the sauce... yummo  and no effort.. :)

Masterfoods used to be ok, but they changed the recipe.

Now I use one that the local butcher makes up, really, really hot.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by cods on Jun 19th, 2021 at 2:25pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:33pm:

cods wrote on May 30th, 2021 at 3:48pm:
I love pepper steak  I use Masterfoods peppersteak sprinkle on both sides before cooking  be careful it can burn  but I  like that..remove steak.then throw cream in the pan to make the sauce... yummo  and no effort.. :)

Masterfoods used to be ok, but they changed the recipe.

Now I use one that the local butcher makes up, really, really hot.

doesnt it annoy you when that happens     its the same with a fav restaurant and they change the chef...bah humbug..

it the same problem with my cats for years they will only eat the one brand  then they change the recipe and the buggers wont have a bar of it....grrrrrrr

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by Valkie on Jun 19th, 2021 at 3:39pm

cods wrote on Jun 19th, 2021 at 2:25pm:

Valkie wrote on Jun 18th, 2021 at 8:33pm:

cods wrote on May 30th, 2021 at 3:48pm:
I love pepper steak  I use Masterfoods peppersteak sprinkle on both sides before cooking  be careful it can burn  but I  like that..remove steak.then throw cream in the pan to make the sauce... yummo  and no effort.. :)

Masterfoods used to be ok, but they changed the recipe.

Now I use one that the local butcher makes up, really, really hot.

doesnt it annoy you when that happens     its the same with a fav restaurant and they change the chef...bah humbug..

it the same problem with my cats for years they will only eat the one brand  then they change the recipe and the buggers wont have a bar of it....grrrrrrr

It's not only that.
I prefer a particular brand of salmon, but it no longer exists.
Remember fruit rolls, nothing like they used to be.
And chicken m&s nuggets, they used to be made of offal, but when people got wind of it, they went to breast, and now they are soooooo bland.
They have screwed up meat pies, now there are so many different types, and none taste right.

It's a real shame.
And don't get me stared on size of things
Wagon wheels should be called scooter wheels now
Chocolate bars gradually decreasing and prices increasing

And showing my age
Petrol many years ago
I was in the snowy mountains and had a need to purchase petrol
It was 22c a litre.......22 cents, what a rip off it was only 12c a litre in comma.
Oh for it to be 22c a litre now.

Title: Re: Pepper Sauce for Steaks
Post by Neferti on Jun 20th, 2021 at 11:21am
If you want hot pepper sauce, buy a bottle of this and you will have steam coming out of your ears!!!!!

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