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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Message started by bogarde73 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:44pm |
Title: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by bogarde73 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:44pm
Hate blinds twittering fools from the evil truth
Miranda Devine Wednesday, October 08, 2014 (12:54am) THE undeniable atrocities being committed by Islamic State have leftists all at sea. They have made common cause with Islamism against their real foe, the Judaeo-Christian capitalist west, and it’s all a bit uncomfortable. :) But when even the United Nations confirms that IS is beheading, raping, enslaving and torturing innocent civilians, they still can’t bring themselves to condemn the evil in front of their eyes. Instead they evade, distract, ignore, and attack with all sorts of false moral equivalencies, from evil Israel to the so-called “Christian” (actually agnostic) Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh. Anything to avoid the awful truth, that the totalitarian ideology of radical Islam is on the march, potentially as dangerous as the communist ideology which killed 100 million people last century. Crikey’s Bernard Keane tells us we should focus on “less glamorous subjects” than terrorism which “kills fewer Australians than even the most exotic causes of death”. 8-) The ABC’s Jonathan Holmes pours scorn on Attorney-General George Brandis’ claim that we face an “existential threat” from the Islamo-fascists, and declares climate change is much scarier. Tell that to the beheaded Christians and Yazidis. University of Western Sydney academic George Morgan pops up on the opinion pages of The Sydney Morning Herald to tell us Islamophobia is more of a threat than Islamist terrorism. :-/ |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Soren on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:03pm
Is that Brian Ross?
:o |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by DaS Energy on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:38pm bogarde73 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
George Morgan is correct, Australians are a weird mob. No terrorist wants his mother and family blown apart as they attend the terrorist funeral. Australians are a most unselfish lot, just show them what you want done to the family and they surely will without charge! |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by The Outrage Bus on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:38pm
Cheers Miranda.
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:45pm
Listening to our politicians and some media, you would think that we are under siege, like French Algeria or Indochina in the 1950s, or Iraq at the height of the insurgency, plagued by daily suicide bombings. We need to take a deep breath, get a grip, and get some perspective.
Terrorism here is not an existential threat. Nazism, imperial Japan, and nuclear holocaust in the Cold War were existential threats. Terrorism in Australia is a minor irritation. Your own furniture is more likely to kill you. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by philperth2010 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:53pm
I think almost everyone is appalled by the actions of IS and make no excuses for their barbaric behaviour.....This however does not mean that anyone who speaks out against Israel or the wars the West have waged in the Middle East are apologists for IS.....All acts of terror and indiscriminate killing should be condemned no matter who commits the act.....Those on the far right refuse to accept their part in creating instability in the world that have allowed these extremist groups to gain legitimacy by opposing the oppressor who has invaded their lives.....Australia should keep out of civil wars that have nothing to do with us.....Nothing we do will stop groups like IS and HAMAS whilst we continue to throw fuel on the fire.....These groups want the West to bomb and kill as many people as possible to retain relevance as the oppressed.....Take that away from them and most Muslims would want to live in peace!!!
:-? :-? :-? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by salad in on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:55pm bogarde73 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
... the totalitarian ideology of radical Islam is on the march, potentially as dangerous as the communist ideology which killed 100 million people last century. It's interesting to note the use of language so as not to put Islam in a bad night. Why is it 'radical Islam' and not 'radical communism'? It should read Islam is on the march which might be as dangerous as the communist ideology. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:57pm bogarde73 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
;D ;D ;D ;D Miranda will only ever be happy when we start gassing all the muslims . :D :D :D |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Soren on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:13pm John Smith wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:57pm:
That is just the idiotic nonsense we have come to expect from the incontinent progressives. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Dsmithy70 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:35pm Soren wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:13pm:
Too right Soren Lets just start with a yellow Crescent sewn onto shirts & jackets. See how that goes then take it from there. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:37pm Soren wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:13pm:
incontinent? When did you start wearing a nappy Soren? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Dsmithy70 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:42pm
I hope Miranda writes her next article on how these anti social holligan skaters are tearing down our traditional way of life with their progressive crap Quote:
I bet he drinks Latte's >:( |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:44pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:42pm:
Miranda would be so proud of him ... I bet she prints a story making him (the assailant) the victim :D :D |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:48pm philperth2010 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:53pm:
Those on the left should stop revising history in claiming Iraq was stable under Saddam. We had 24/7 No Fly Zones in the north to stop Saddam killing the Kurds. We had 24/7 No Fly Zones in the south to stop Saddam killing the shiites. Is that the stable Iraq leftards refer to? The sunni in Iraq are killing the Kurds and Shiites in 2014, the sunni have been fighting the Shia since the battle of the camel around 1400 years ago. Of course the leftists say muslims need a brutal dictator to keep muslims in line yet when it comes to muslims in the west they prefer to appease instead of oppose or criticise Political Islam, oh the hypocrisy from the deluded leftards! Are you suggesting it is better to do nothing about the barbaric brutal Islamic state in case our efforts are judged as throwing fuel on the fire, yes much better to let brutal barbaric regimes exist instead of opposing them according to leftard logic,if it was christians behaving like muslims in the Islamic state i am sure the leftards would be fukn outraged. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:49pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:42pm:
I hope she doesn't. We have enough crap in the media already. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Dsmithy70 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:51pm John Smith wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:44pm:
Well of course he is John, Here's a man calling these TERRORISTS exactly what they are & these progressive upstarts put their big noses in. I mean they dress funny, of course we a scared & confronted by anything different to white bread(is it true they eat FLAT??? bread) & VB. Years ago you could call a fu#$king Dago a Fu34king dago & people applauded, what's gone wrong with our country :( |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:53pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:48pm:
Stable is a relative term, sure there were many problems in Iraq, but compared to today, it was much more stable. Perhaps you think seeing Westerners heads chopped off shows stability? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:54pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:51pm:
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:54pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:51pm:
political correctness gone mad .... ohh the good old days ...if only they could bring them back ::) ::) i miss being called a wog :D :D |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:57pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 2:45pm:
Then why do we have over 20 muslims in jail who were convicted for plotting terror attacks? How many buddhists in our jails on terror charges? How many hindu in our jails on terror charges? How many Sikh's in our jails on terror charges? Why do we have all that security at airports if there is no threat of terrorism? I see why the leftists in this forum are unemployable. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:01pm John Smith wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:53pm:
There were No Fly zones in the north and the south to protect Iraqis from Saddam, is this what leftards like you call stable? The lefties like supporting brutal barbaric dictators. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Soren on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:07pm
”Anything to avoid the awful truth, that the totalitarian ideology of radical Islam is on the march.”
Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:51pm:
“ |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Dsmithy70 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:16pm Soren wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:07pm:
But you hate these people so why do you care if "the totalitarian ideology of radical Islam is on the march". They aren't invading Paris or Sydney. And they wouldn't even bother with Sydney if the last & current Liberal Governments hadn't of needed Karki to bolster poll numbers. They are killing other towelheads efficiently. Frankly Turkey doesn't seem too worried even though they look like taking the bordertown between them & Syria. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:20pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:16pm:
Turkey has been bombing the Kurds in Iraq, why would they help the Kurds? Of course the leftards are silent about the Kurds dropping bombs into Iraq they only oppose the right bombing Iraq. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Aussie on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:21pm greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:54pm:
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:22pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:57pm:
OMG! Over twenty? :o That's like 0.001% of the total Muslim population. Raven takes it all back, we are exactly like Iraq. Obviously there have been suicide attacks daily in our major cities, we just haven't heard anything about it because the lefty controlled media is not on 'Team Ostraya' Get a clue. You are more likely to be raped by a priest in this country then killed by a terrorist. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by The Outrage Bus on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:24pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:57pm:
Well you mean apart from those who are employed. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:29pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:22pm:
The usual leftard deflection to christians when the topic is Islam. Like i said if it was christians behaving like the muslims in the Islamic state the leftards would be fukn outraged, they are quite happy to turn a blind eye to Islamic barbarity and even appease this belief that governs in parts of the world. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Phemanderac on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:31pm
So what exactly were the truths mentioned in the topic title?
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by woof woof on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:35pm
IS like Ebola will be here soon, just a matter of time because we like to think everyone is a good person.......................That is our weakness, our compassion is our weakness
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Redneck on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:37pm Phemanderac wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:31pm:
I sort of wondered that myself! :-/ |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by cods on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:45pm
well its a strange thing I have of course heard of Miranda....and no I dont always agree with her.. but for the most part I do...
however just who are THESE people.. The ABC’s Jonathan Holmes pours scorn on Attorney-General George Brandis’ claim that we face an “existential threat” from the Islamo-fascists, and declares climate change is much scarier. Tell that to the beheaded Christians and Yazidis. University of Western Sydney academic George Morgan pops up on the opinion pages of The Sydney Morning Herald to tell us Islamophobia is more of a threat than Islamist terrorism. Undecided sunddenly we have experts on WHATEVER HAPPENS TO BE HEADLINES OF THE DAY.. someone very desperate to tell us climate change..something I BELIEVE has been happening for millions of years... happens to be more of a THREAT than anything Islam Terrorists can do... REALLY HAS HE EVEN BEEN OUTSIDE OF OZ?.. and as for sneering talking head..Jonathan Holmes.. when he does his own research some of us may take note of what he is mouthing on the mean time Jono get back to those headlines that are so important to you... so can we nervous types believe that if we give Bill our votes he will bring calm and tranquil into our lives like we have never known before... we will all live happily every after... :D :D |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by cods on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:45pm Redmond Neck wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:37pm:
there is nothing to FEAR.. has anyone seen Bill? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by cods on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:47pm woof woof wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:35pm:
yeah when it reaches ISIL.. guess where they will go.. thats right to our Red Cross.....hohum...and guess who will nurse them better..... |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Redneck on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:57pm cods wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:45pm:
Truths! Perhaps you can list Tony's Lies todate or is that too embarrassing! |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Team Froggie on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:00pm cods wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:47pm:
Or maybe Red Crescent even....... :) |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:04pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:29pm:
Doesn't change the truth. Look you get no argument from me that Islam is a bad religion, but so is Christianity, Judaism, Scientology, Mormonism, Kabbalah. Every religion. A good person will always try to do good and an evil person can always be relied on to do evil. But to make a good person do evil things well... then you need religion. Back to the original point, terrorism in Australia is notexistential threat. The overwhelming majority of Muslims in this country are law abiding citizens. We don't face the terrorist threat that other countries do. Oh and btw name calling? Really? All it does is cheapen you and your argument. C'mon you are better then that ;) |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Dsmithy70 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:50pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:20pm:
And of course the right is silent about arming a terrorist group The PKK which is listed as a terrorist organization listed years ago. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:04pm:
We have more buddhists in Australia compared to muslims, does any ever use the word extremist or moderate in relation to buddhists? Islamic terror is one repugnant aspect of Islam, it is not the main reason why i dislike that belief. The Lancet documented 1003 suicide attacks in Iraq from 2003-2010, of these 1003 suicide attacks only 79 of them were directed at coalition forces,the study showed Iraqis were over 10 times more likely to be the victim of a suicide attack compared to a infidel soldier in Iraq during the war. I disagree with your downplaying the threat of terrorism in Australia, Airport security,ASIO ,The AFP would also disagree with you. Why do we have all that security at the airport if there is no threat? 13 Islamic countries,make that 14 with the Islamic state have the death penalty for apostasy, is a muslim really moderate if he supports the death penalty for those who leave Islam? I know atheists who have to pretend to be muslim to avoid the death penalty for apostasy,they hide food and drink away every Ramadan they pretend to fast. I don't know anyone who has left any other belief who has to pretend they still believe to prevent state sanctioned persecution. Islam is not compatible with human rights as defined by the universal declaration of human rights, death for apostasy is a clear violation of article 18. The Islamic state is selling women and children into slavery after killing their fathers/husbands, what article of the UDHR does that violate,Muhammad had a coptic christian sex slave,Muhammad was a slave trader, the Quran tells you to follow his example. Lefties like you embrace a belief that is not compatible with human rights,get a clue and look at what you support. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:10pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:50pm:
The kurds are probably the best in that area,even Gandalf tried to pass the women fighters off as being muslim, the Kurds are cool with religious pluralism even atheism. They gave sanctuary to the christians and Yazidis who fled and ended up there. Something worth reading,take note of the Rojava charter- |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:16pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Raven doesn't support Islam, Islam is a religion and Raven doesn't support religion. So you are wrong there. Secondly while terrorism is indeed a threat and we are prudent to have safeguards in place, it is nothing like the media portrays it in this country. Now this is not to say it won't become an existential threat and as long as people follow stupid religions there is a certain likelihood it will. Compared to the rest of the world the odds of you, baron, being killed in a terrorist attack in Australia is virtually non-existent |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Soren on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:20pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:16pm:
How many Australians have been killed by the Gestapo or the KGB or the Japanese Imperial Army in Australia? Yet it was right for Australia to enter the war against the Germans and the Japanese and to guard against the Soviets afterwards. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Dsmithy70 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:26pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:10pm:
Whilst I'm far from an expert from the little I have heard a get the inkling that tha PKK are more in the traditional vein of a freedom fighter. Mainly blacklisted at Turkey's behest. I write this before I read you're article so may about to have my knowledge broadened. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:33pm Soren wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:20pm:
What's your point? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:37pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 6:16pm:
You lefties still don't get it, if muslims stopped doing Islamic terror tomorrow islam would still be worthy of long overdue criticism. Islamic law executes people for leaving Islam (apostasy),adultery,homosexuality,witchcraft,blasphemy against Islam or Muhammad, desecrating a Quran. Islamic law has amputations for theft, flogging for consenting sex outside of marriage. Can any muslim who supports any of that be called moderate? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 8th, 2014 at 9:18pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:04pm:
I like that ..... ;) |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 8th, 2014 at 9:20pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:33pm:
he hasn't got one ... but hey, that's Soren for you! |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Soren on Oct 8th, 2014 at 9:28pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:33pm:
My point is that you have said everything and the opposite of everything in your brief post and that this sort if equivocation and hedging will not do. You are both against Islamist terrorist threats and measures agains them. You seem to be an ’on the one hand, on the other hand’ kind of guy. Are you? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Soren on Oct 8th, 2014 at 9:32pm John Smith wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 9:20pm:
Says the sad, lonely fapper. What did you watch last nighr? Porn |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 8th, 2014 at 9:33pm Soren wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 9:32pm:
lonely? are you projecting again Soreen? ;D ;D ;D No, no porn last night ... wife wasn't in the mood. What about you? was your boyfriend up for it? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by philperth2010 on Oct 8th, 2014 at 10:35pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 3:48pm:
I am saying that internal civil wars are not our problem unless we are going to go into every civil war under the same pretext.....America supported Saddam Hussein when he was fighting Iran and supported the Taliban when they where fighting the Russians.....Apparently terrorists are alright when they are killing our enemies.....So using your logic we should go into every civil war where brutal barbaric regimes exist or is your outrage selective like your memory??? :-? :-? :-? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Team Murdoch on Oct 8th, 2014 at 11:11pm bogarde73 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
Is that the same UN that a few weeks ago was pushing the fake story about IS ordering women to undergo genital mutilation? bogarde73 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John S on Oct 8th, 2014 at 11:12pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:37pm:
Catholic law executes people for leaving the catholic religion (excommunicate),adultery,homosexuality,witchcraft,blasphemy against God or Jesus, desecrating the bible. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Soren on Oct 9th, 2014 at 9:30am John S wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 11:12pm:
Really?? And where are these Catholic laws? Show them to us. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 9th, 2014 at 9:35am Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:37pm:
Nope. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by bogarde73 on Oct 9th, 2014 at 9:36am
It really is amusing that dedicated leftists like Team Murdoch are now caning the UN for what they have said about IS. What a confirmation of what Miranda says in her opening remarks.
At least some of us are consistent in our opinion of the UN and what it has become. Certainly not the organisation that the likes of Doc Evatt or Churchill foresaw. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 9th, 2014 at 11:48am Soren wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 9:28pm:
No If you bothered to look at Raven's original point you would see he was pointing out that the media beat up and the politicians makes it seem like we are under siege in this country, like French Algeria or Indochina in the 1950s, or Iraq at the height of the insurgency, plagued by daily suicide bombings. As Raven pointed out terrorism here is not an existential threat. Nazism, imperial Japan, and nuclear holocaust in the Cold War were existential threats. Terrorism in Australia is a minor irritation compared to the rest of the world. Does that mean we shouldn't have extra security at airports? No Does that mean we shouldn't have extra security in public buildings? No |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 9th, 2014 at 11:53am Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:37pm:
Raven agrees with you. As long as they practice those aspects of their religion they should be condemned. Any other pearls of wisdom? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John S on Oct 9th, 2014 at 2:55pm Soren wrote on Oct 9th, 2014 at 9:30am:
Read the bible they are all in there. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by DaS Energy on Oct 9th, 2014 at 3:17pm John S wrote on Oct 9th, 2014 at 2:55pm:
Read history, for accounts of their execution, no shortage! |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Team Murdoch on Oct 9th, 2014 at 6:02pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
How many Buddhist countries have we invaded? Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
How many Hindu countries have we invaded? Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
We didn't have terrorism until Howard invaded Afghanistan. So is it Australia's foreign policy which causes terrorism?i Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Same could be said in France during WWII. The Vichy French were often targeted as collaborators of the Nazi occupiers. Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
How many countries have actually enforced the death penalty? Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
So have you heard of North Korea? There have been numerous riots and pogroms in India against Hindus conveying to Christianity. How about people who want to leave Judaism in Israel, and face having their children taken from them? Quote:
Any actual proof of that? Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
Incorrect. He was given an Egyptian slavewoman by the Christian ruler of Egypt. He accepted the woman as a gift, but then married her. Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 5:55pm:
He lived in a time and place where slavery was rampant. He actually banned most sources of slavery, banned sexual exploitation of slaves, and he and his followers actually freed thousands of slaves and captives. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Yadda on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:07pm Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:16pm:
dsmithy70, You are an imbecile, imo. [moslems] aren't invading Paris or Sydney. No, moslems are already residents and citizens in Europe and Australia. And many moslems throughout Europe and Australia, now feel bold enough to attack both fellow moslems and non-moslems within Europe and Australia. e.g. Quote: Within Australia, moslems are so enraged by reading ISLAMIC texts, that they feel bold enough to stab police with knives. 'Immigrant youths' in the Netherlands, protesting about how the locals have been 'persecuting' the moslem community. What sparked the incident above, was a moslem man walked into a police station and stabbed a police woman. She pulled out a pistol and shot him dead! "POLICE SHOOT MOSLEM MAN, DEAD!" !!!!!!!! Yadda.... Quote:
Moslems always, always, always, justify moslem violence as justice, and as rightful retribution. ISLAM makes lawlessness, LAWFUL, to the moslem. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Yadda on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:25pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 4:22pm:
Raven, 19 moslems, i'll say that again, 19 moslems, DID THIS..... IMAGE.... wtc-9-11.jpg Raven, There are [reportedly] more than 300,000 moslems living among us, here in Australia. And many of those moslems have expressed that they believe that ISLAM gives them [moslems] a lawful right to kill Australians, if they [Australians] don't believe what moslems believe. IMAGE.... "Behead those who insult ISLAM" Islamic Protest - IN AUSTRALIA - on the streets of Sydney from Hyde Park to George Streets, September 15, 2012. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:27pm Yadda wrote on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:25pm:
how many? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Yadda on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:47pm Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:33pm:
The point is, that as a human being, #1, we can oppose evil [wherever we can], or #2, we can turn away [and pretend that we don't understand how evil tolerated, undermines our own humanity]. p.s. Raven, You are #2, imo. :) Please watch this YT... Jordanian-Palestinian Politician: There Is No ISIS Ideology - It's Islam goto 2m 05s ISLAM has a malevolent intent towards ALL human beings who are not moslems. Ever so slowly!!!!!! American citizens are coming to see how the wool is being pulled over their eyes, by their own political leaders, in regards to what ISLAM is....... Watch the YTube..... Bill Maher Battles Charlie Rose on Why Islam is More Dangerous than Other Religions SOURCE DOCUMENT, for Bill Maher / Charlie Rose YT.... |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Yadda on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:52pm John Smith wrote on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:27pm:
Lots and lots. Muslim group criticises Australia Moslems HATE US, and they hate and despise the political system which has given many of them sanctuary, and which now sustains them and their families. MUSLIMS SUCK OUT WELFARE SYSTEM IN AUSTRALIA try this one.... |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by John Smith on Oct 9th, 2014 at 9:09pm
los and lots? how many is that? 10? 100? 1000?
of 300 000 muslims in Australia (without looking back, I believe they were your figures) how many have expressed the views you claimed earlier? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Yadda on Oct 9th, 2014 at 9:13pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 8:37pm:
Exactly so, Baronvonrort. And sometimes, even when moslems are trying to portray themselves ['their group'] as 'moderate', the moslem will inadvertently reveal the real truth about his political and religious views..... Quote: Baronvonrort, QUESTION; Where are all of the lefties on OzPol, who can explain away this 'misrepresentation' of ISLAM, by 'an international coterie of Islamic scholars' ?????????? Hmmmmmm ? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Yadda on Oct 9th, 2014 at 9:24pm Team Murdoch wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 11:11pm:
Hizb ut-Tahrir within Australia, are criticising those who oppose ISIS, because Hizb ut-Tahrir are spokesmen for, and sponsors of, ISIS, within Australia. Duh!!!!! Really!!!!!!! [promotional graphic, for a public lecture, produced by Hizb ut-Tahrir] "The West initiates another war to quash the noble Syrian revolution" |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Dsmithy70 on Oct 10th, 2014 at 9:26am Yadda wrote on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:07pm:
Dear Yadda Care Factor - ZERO From what I read you're a religious nutter as bad as any muslim idiot. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 10th, 2014 at 9:30am Dsmithy70 wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 9:26am:
Probably worse, on some days. The amount of hate generated by Yadda and Sprintcyclist is quite alarming. If I were the authorities, I'd be keeping a very close eye on them. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Soren on Oct 10th, 2014 at 11:01am EMMA ALBERICI: Are you outraged by - are you outraged by the image of an Australian-born child of seven years old holding up severed heads like trophies in Iraq or Syria? WASSIM DOUREIHI: Let me tell you what I am outraged by. EMMA ALBERICI: So you won't even answer that question. WASSIM DOUREIHI: Are you going to allow me to answer - are you going to allow me to answer the question? EMMA ALBERICI: What are the Australian public to make of this kind of ... WASSIM DOUREIHI: If you wanted a one-way discussion ... EMMA ALBERICI: No. I think you're the one who wanted the one-way discussion. WASSIM DOUREIHI: If you wanted a one-way discussion, you would not - you did not - you did not necessarily have to invite me. EMMA ALBERICI: I am asking you legitimate questions, ... WASSIM DOUREIHI: You're asking the question, baiting for a particular response. EMMA ALBERICI: ... which you have obviously come here knowing you didn't want to answer. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 10th, 2014 at 12:46pm Yadda wrote on Oct 9th, 2014 at 8:25pm:
Sorry Yadda but you are still a hypocrite and Raven can not debate a hypocrite. However once you acknowledge and accept genital mutilation is evil No matter who perpetrates it he will be happy to debate you once again. Until then go in peace |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 10th, 2014 at 12:51pm
Religion is the core problem here because this is what it creates between those of different ideologies |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Yadda on Oct 10th, 2014 at 1:30pm Raven wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 12:46pm:
But Raven, you don't believe what i believe, so i can't debate you !!!!!!! [....i'm being factitious] |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 10th, 2014 at 1:51pm Yadda wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 1:30pm:
Do you still support child genital mutilation? |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Yadda on Oct 10th, 2014 at 1:57pm Raven wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 1:51pm:
Have you stopped beating your wife yet ? A YES, or NO, will be sufficient. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 10th, 2014 at 2:43pm Yadda wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 1:57pm:
Such anger. And you call yourself a Christian ::) Still being hypocritical. Your true colours have been shown and your credibility is non-existent Go in peace Yadda |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 10th, 2014 at 3:23pm
Further to Raven's point about media sensationalism we can look at the case of the man shot dead in Melbourne after the brutal, angry stabbing of two police officers. Did the media report the simple and sufficiently horrifying facts? Well no, it reported the most sensational peak in the sea of supposition surrounding them: "Gunned down after PM terror threat: POLICE KILL ABBOTT JIHADI."
There was of course no plot against the Prime Minister as Australian Federal Police’s acting commissioner Andrew Colvin confirmed. And remember the sword carried so ominously from the police raids of mid September, the one featured in page after page of reporting of raids that had apparently prevented demonstration killings and was thus by implication a weapon that might be used to sever innocent necks from heads, turns out to be a piece of plastic souvenir shop junk. The old adage is fear sells but what effect does this kind of scare reporting have? • A woman in a hijab is physically attacked and her car subsequently vandalised with profanities spray-painted across it (Western Sydney) • A mother and her baby are verbally abused and spat on, and the pram is kicked (Sydney) • A woman in hijab has a cup of coffee hurled through the window of her car (Brisbane) • A mother and her baby are approached by three men, has her hijab ripped off, is spat on and pushed to the floor (Brisbane) • A woman is approached by a man and told to take her hijab off so he can burn it (Brisbane) • A woman in a hijab is approached by men in a shopping centre who try to rip her hijab from her head (Perth) • A mother and her child are verbally abused and the woman is told to take her child away from the other children at a playground (Melbourne) • A woman is verbally abused by three men who threaten to burn her hijab as she walks past a pub • A woman is verbally abused by man who threatens to burn her house down (Queensland) • A woman sitting on a bus with her son is filmed by a man who verbally abused her and said that he would use the video footage as means to identify her • A heavily pregnant woman is verbally abused and intimated (Sydney) • A mother and daughter are verbally assaulted and a passer-by who intervened is physically assaulted (Newcastle) Sensationalist reporting to sell newspapers has consequences and in the examples above innocent women and children are seeing the results of these consequences first hand. Not only is it lazy journalism it is dangerous journalism. And as has been shown is inaccurate journalism. Yes we as a nation have the right to protect our citizens from threats but we need to do it responsibly otherwise we are going to see more and more innocent women and children harassed and assaulted by "dinky-di Aussies." (Sits back and awaits the "but they do the same and worse to us" defence from the usual suspects) |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 10th, 2014 at 5:00pm Raven wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 3:23pm:
So what makes you think those claims of muslim women being attacked are accurate journalism? Islam has an ingrained victim mentality, muslims never do anything wrong, of course it is not unprecedented for them to make stuff up for sympathy, sheik hilaly and Carnita Mathews were caught red handed making stuff up which CCTV footage proved. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 10th, 2014 at 5:52pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 5:00pm:
That's a fair point. It is quite possible that a lot of what was reported against the women did not happen the way it was reported. But even if half of what has been reported is accurate it should still be concerning. Unfortunately there are some idiots out there who read these stories sink some p!ss get all puffed up with "patriotic pride" and decide they are going to show those "Muso S!uts what's what!" |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 10th, 2014 at 6:12pm Raven wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 5:52pm:
I was raised with the view it is wrong to hit a woman or use bad language in front of them, this was quite a common view when i was growing up. I am sure there are many Australians who believe it is wrong to hit a woman and also believe it is wrong to pick on someone smaller than yourself. Of course Allah the most merciful of those who show mercy allows wife beating if you fear disobedience which is one way Islam differs from Australian culture. The Lebanese ambulance hoax, the al Dura hoax, the Grand Muftis lies along with Carnita Mathews and general bullshit from muslims who are allowed to lie leads me to question everything they claim. Taqiyya is a shiite concept, the sunni are allowed to lie to reconcile 2 or more people and in times of war, non muslim land is called Dar al Harb (Land of war). Of course we had that media report of a muslim woman being pushed from a moving train which was bullshit,the Islamophobia register still has that incident on their list. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Raven on Oct 10th, 2014 at 6:42pm Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 10th, 2014 at 6:12pm:
Raven believes most men were raised knowing that it is wrong to hit a woman, but as you know it still occurs. The last one on the list did happen and it is quite possible a few of the others did. Unfortunately these woman are easily targeted because they are so identifiably Muslim, it is not outside the realm of possibility that cowards would strike out against them. |
Title: Re: Miranda's Undeniable Truths Vol 2.0.5 Post by Dnarever on Oct 10th, 2014 at 6:57pm bogarde73 wrote on Oct 8th, 2014 at 1:44pm:
And she takes a jump to the right and then step to the right with she brings her knees in tight to the right. But it's the pelvic thrust to the right That really drives you insane. Let's do the conservative time-warp again. Let's do the miranda time-warp again. |
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