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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides

Message started by Lord Herbert on Nov 17th, 2014 at 9:55am

Title: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 17th, 2014 at 9:55am
The UK's UKIP (One Nation) party is about to win another seat and get another MP into parliament.

The parties that have conspired over the years to bring Britain to its knees with membership of the European Union, and unfettered immigration of blacks and Muslims ~ are in a panic.

"Sir John Major has claimed Ukip is 'profoundly un-British in every way' just days before the party looks set to beat his in a crucial by-election.

The former Conservative Prime Minister blasted the 'sheer nastiness' of Nigel Farage's party and said it was 'anti-everything... anti-politics, anti-foreigner, anti-immigrant, anti-aid'.

Several polls suggest Mark Reckless will become Ukip's second MP after Thursday's Rochester and Strood poll, which was triggered when he defected from the Tories".

"In his strongly-worded attack he added: 'The policies of Ukip, the direction of Ukip, is, it seems to me, profoundly un-British in every way.

'They are anti-everything. They are anti-politics, they are anti-foreigner, they are anti-immigrant, they are anti-aid".

This ex-PM halfwit seems completely mindless of the fact that 70% of the British public is sick of being swamped by immigrants. It's not just an aggrieved few who vote for UKIP.

It's idiots like ex-PM Major who created this problem in the first place, and now he wants to lecture UKIP on what it's doing wrong.

"Seven out of ten voters want immigration reduced or stopped completely, according to a poll released last night.

The YouGov survey found strong public concern about immigration, with people saying only the economy will be more important in the 2015 general election.

The poll also revealed six out of ten people believe it is essential that migrants should be able to speak English, while 67 per cent think British people should be given priority for jobs.

The first priority with the British public: The economy.

The second priority: Immigration.

And then we witness this complete idiot and buffoon from past years pretending that it's only the relatively few who belong to UKIP who have an issue with foreigners and immigrants.



Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Garfield. on Nov 17th, 2014 at 11:45am

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 17th, 2014 at 9:55am:
This ex-PM halfwit seems completely mindless of the fact that 70% of the British public is sick of being swamped by immigrants. It's not just an aggrieved few who vote for UKIP.

People like him are just walking talking advertising boards for parties like UKIP, every time they open their big mouths more votes head UKIP's way .  ;D

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 17th, 2014 at 12:17pm

Garfield. wrote on Nov 17th, 2014 at 11:45am:
People like him are just walking talking advertising boards for parties like UKIP, every time they open their big mouths more votes head UKIP's way .  ;D

All across Europe and Scandinavia the majority sentiment is against any further importation of inappropriate and incompatible migrants.

Even after the 2011 massacre of 77 people by Norway's Andres Breivik, the recent election is about to bring in a rightwing government whose main platform is anti-immigration.

"With three-quarters of the votes counted, the bloc of four right-wing parties has won 96 of 169 seats in parliament. It is oil-rich Norway’s first general election since attacks by a far-right extremist left 77 dead.

Norway has also entered into a no-nonsense deportation of anyone who even thinks of doing crime, rape, terrorism, etc.

"The National Police Immigration Service Norway (Politiets Utlendingsenhet - PU) deported 824 people in October, which is a new record.

The previous record was set in September, the month prior, when 763 people were deported, reported Dagsavisen.

PU believe some of the reasons for the rise in figures are more resources, more staff and a change of “portfolio priorities”. It has also become easier for Norwegian authorities to deport people back to Afghanistan and Nigeria.

Kristin Kvigne, head of PU, said to Dagsavisen: “This month helps us reach our goal for this year.”

Norway’s government has ruled that 7,100 people will be deported in 2014. At the end of October, PU had deported 5,876 people so far this year.

That's a proud achievement that other western nations should follow.

Someone's comment:

"This is a good start, but it is not enough.  Every Muslim needs to be deported out of Norway.  They do not belong in Norway or any of these other European countries.  The Muslims have the entire Middle East where they can pray to Allah, ride camels and rape women.

Same with the Blacks – deport them back to Africa.  They don’t need to be killing and eating people in Norway".


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by cods on Nov 17th, 2014 at 3:12pm
they have to find a way to make it possible for these ... so called migrants.. to go back to their own country in safety......why do some countries  get to say how many they will take and others get to take how many turn up??..

people need to understand they must assimilate dont pick a country you cannot assimilate with .if you dont want to learn their language.. dont go there..before anyone becomes a naturalised citizen..they must have a good command of the language..

we are rubbish at expectations from those that want to come here as well.

if every  country expects more from migrants then maybe some will think twice before they come..

they cant say they werent warned then  can they?

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by cods on Nov 17th, 2014 at 3:15pm
Norway’s government has ruled that 7,100 people will be deported in 2014. At the end of October, PU had deported 5,876 people so far this year.

funny how lefties have been telling us for a long time that Norway is the country of

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Hot Breath on Nov 17th, 2014 at 3:33pm
Ah, Sensei, I see another masterful troll.  Your baits are sweet and attractively coloured, ready to be snapped up by the fish you seek!  Truly you are the master troll, living happily under your bridge, listening for the tip-tap of little Goat hooves as they clatter across your bridge.  You wait, until they must come back, before demanding your toll!   ;D ;D :D :D ;D ;D :D :D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Garfield. on Nov 17th, 2014 at 4:04pm
I don't have a problem with muslim immigrants that come here to work and pay taxes, unfortunately thats only a small minority but I don't mind keeping them and f@cking off the centrelink sponging jihadis, bludgers and rapists that are the preferred immigrant of the greens and ALP.
We need to encourage the decent muslim to come here not the osama bin laden wannabes.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 17th, 2014 at 6:53pm

Garfield. wrote on Nov 17th, 2014 at 4:04pm:
I don't have a problem with muslim immigrants that come here to work and pay taxes, unfortunately thats only a small minority but I don't mind keeping them and f@cking off the centrelink sponging jihadis, bludgers and rapists that are the preferred immigrant of the greens and ALP.
We need to encourage the decent muslim to come here not the osama bin laden wannabes.

A 'decent Muslim' in the UK is lamenting the fact he has spotted his son in a line-up of ISIS Muslims who are about to behead over a dozen Syrian militiamen.

Accepting 'decent Muslims' as migrants to your country ignores the fact that Islam is transferred to the offspring who then has a choice of which kind of Islam to pursue: The Islam of war, or the Islam of peace.

Hundreds of Muslims from western countries and with 'decent Muslim' fathers are now in the Middle East acting as gang members of a barbarian version of Islam.

It's just plain nuts for western governments to keep importing people of a particular belief system which has proved to produce killers even in those who have been born and educated in the new homeland - with 'decent Muslim' fathers.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Yadda on Nov 17th, 2014 at 10:36pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 17th, 2014 at 6:53pm:

Garfield. wrote on Nov 17th, 2014 at 4:04pm:
I don't have a problem with muslim immigrants that come here to work and pay taxes, unfortunately thats only a small minority but I don't mind keeping them and f@cking off the centrelink sponging jihadis, bludgers and rapists that are the preferred immigrant of the greens and ALP.
We need to encourage the decent muslim to come here not the osama bin laden wannabes.

A 'decent Muslim' in the UK is lamenting the fact he has spotted his son in a line-up of ISIS Muslims who are about to behead over a dozen Syrian militiamen.

Accepting 'decent Muslims' as migrants to your country ignores the fact that Islam is transferred to the offspring who then has a choice of which kind of Islam to pursue: The Islam of war, or the Islam of peace.

Hundreds of Muslims from western countries and with 'decent Muslim' fathers are now in the Middle East

acting as gang members of a barbarian version of Islam.

A barbaric version of ISLAM ????

Whereas, mainstream ISLAM [the ISLAM which Mohammed promoted and fostered], was so, so civilised,         .....NOT!

"...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him." - DEAD.
hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260i


It's just plain nuts for western governments to keep importing people of a particular belief system which has proved to produce killers
even in those who have been born and educated in the new homeland.

I couldn't agree more.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lionel Edriess on Nov 18th, 2014 at 12:04am
Hear the latest about our own home-boys who ran away to join ISIS?

They're too fat!

At 140kg the rebels don't want 'em. They'll eat too much and can't run.

;D ;D ;D ;D

The dole has been too kind to these homegrown wannabe Jihadis.

They'd be lucky to catch a goat.

;D ;D ;D ;D

One doubts they were bricklayers while here.

One also wonders if they've ever held a job at all.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 18th, 2014 at 10:07pm

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Nov 18th, 2014 at 11:09pm
It's l;ikely I'll vote for Farage in the General Election.

I did at the Euros where UKIP did really well.

I am disillusioned with the Conservative stance on several issues these days.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by DifferentFrequency on Nov 18th, 2014 at 11:30pm

Nigel Farage is blithe and brave. Very few don't get their feathers ruffled by the psychological violence (and actual violence) of the far left and far left sentiment as employed by so called "conservatives".

I don't think this party would survive without him. So I hope he has a food taster.  ;D

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Garfield. on Nov 19th, 2014 at 10:09am
Farage sure has the left running scared, their alliance with rapist islam to impliment sharia law in Britain is in danger, they were both hoping they could turn the 1200 raped kids into 12 million in a decade or twos time. 
The left and islam, promoting child rape together whenever they can.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 19th, 2014 at 10:27am

Garfield. wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 10:09am:
Farage sure has the left running scared, their alliance with rapist islam to impliment sharia law in Britain is in danger, they were both hoping they could turn the 1200 raped kids into 12 million in a decade or twos time. 
The left and islam, promoting child rape together whenever they can.

It was actually 1400 over a period of several years, while the likes of the lefties we see posting here every day were the ones who turned a blind eye rather than risk being called 'racists', 'xenophobes', 'bigots', and 'Islamophobes'.

Every last one of those Who Knew should be serving prison time, and sacked for life from holding public office even in the lowest echelons.

But this won't happen of course, because Britain is firmly in the hands of International Socialists who call themselves by other more innocuous names.

Some of us have been waiting patiently for a British patriot to rise up from the lower political ranks ... a Mussolini, or an Enoch Powell, or a Charles de Gaulle, or a Boadicea, or an Ante Pavelic, or an Adol.... to return the United Kingdom to the British.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by The Outrage Bus on Nov 19th, 2014 at 10:37am
Mussolini and Charles de Gaulle were British?

Plus if you're seriously suggesting that Ante Pavelic is a patriot to look up to, you are truly delusional.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Hot Breath on Nov 19th, 2014 at 10:40am
Sensei, UKIP is calling you.  You are that patriot!  You need to travel back to the UK to become it's saviour!  I will organise crowdfunding for your ticket!  We all owe it to the UK and you, to send you back!  Will you accept this quest?  ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 19th, 2014 at 1:10pm

The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP/ One Nation) is again making the news for not bowing to political correctness.

Just as with Norway, they want to start a quota-system of repatriating migrants who are proving to be a liability to the British taxpayer, and who are patently dysfunctional additions to the British community.

This is wonderful news.

There are literally hundreds of Third World immigrant ghettoes up and down the country that are a Welfare liability upon the taxpayer, and a never-ending source of criminal mischief to the local police constabulary.

They are Benefits Tourists who arrived in the UK to do nothing but sponge on the naive largesse of Britain's successive International Socialist regimes. 


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by cods on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:25pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 1:10pm:

The United Kingdom Independence Party (UKIP/ One Nation) is again making the news for not bowing to political correctness.

Just as with Norway, they want to start a quota-system of repatriating migrants who are proving to be a liability to the British taxpayer, and who are patently dysfunctional additions to the British community.

This is wonderful news.

There are literally hundreds of Third World immigrant ghettoes up and down the country that are a Welfare liability upon the taxpayer, and a never-ending source of criminal mischief to the local police constabulary.

They are Benefits Tourists who arrived in the UK to do nothing but sponge on the naive largesse of Britain's successive International Socialist regimes. 


who was the MP who wanted to do that way back in the 50s.. herb...this before the word racist was thought of...he wanted to pay them all to go home.......

I dont think anyone should have welfare until they have worked in the country for at least 5 years...come on we have been far too generous all round for far too long..if people can afford to get from one side of the world to the other.. they can afford to keep themselves whilst here...

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:43pm

cods wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:25pm:
who was the MP who wanted to do that way back in the 50s.. herb...this before the word racist was thought of...he wanted to pay them all to go home.......

I dont think anyone should have welfare until they have worked in the country for at least 5 years...come on we have been far too generous all round for far too long..if people can afford to get from one side of the world to the other.. they can afford to keep themselves whilst here...

When my niece first moved into Sydney's Parramatta area it was identifiably Australian.

Today it is identifiably a colony of subcontinental India.

She's now thinking of moving to Penrith where some vestiges of Australian identity still remain.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by SpecialCharacter on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:52pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:43pm:

cods wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:25pm:
who was the MP who wanted to do that way back in the 50s.. herb...this before the word racist was thought of...he wanted to pay them all to go home.......

I dont think anyone should have welfare until they have worked in the country for at least 5 years...come on we have been far too generous all round for far too long..if people can afford to get from one side of the world to the other.. they can afford to keep themselves whilst here...

When my niece first moved into Sydney's Parramatta area it was identifiably Australian.

Today it is identifiably a colony of subcontinental India.

She's now thinking of moving to Penrith where some vestiges of Australian identity still remain.

Ah, herbie's at it again:

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Redneck on Nov 19th, 2014 at 5:00pm

cods wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:25pm:
I dont think anyone should have welfare until they have worked in the country for at least 5 years...come on we have been far too generous all round for far too long..if people can afford to get from one side of the world to the other.. they can afford to keep themselves whilst here...

Fark1n Oath cods, I am with you on this.

And they must have worked and paid taxes!

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Neferti on Nov 19th, 2014 at 5:19pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:43pm:

cods wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:25pm:
who was the MP who wanted to do that way back in the 50s.. herb...this before the word racist was thought of...he wanted to pay them all to go home.......

I dont think anyone should have welfare until they have worked in the country for at least 5 years...come on we have been far too generous all round for far too long..if people can afford to get from one side of the world to the other.. they can afford to keep themselves whilst here...

When my niece first moved into Sydney's Parramatta area it was identifiably Australian.

Today it is identifiably a colony of subcontinental India.

She's now thinking of moving to Penrith where some vestiges of Australian identity still remain.

When I lived in Sydney you rarely saw an "ethnic" and certainly not any "coloured" people or many "asians.  Around 15 years later, or so, I was amazed at how many "asians" there were.

Fortunately, here in Canberra, you can spend several hours at The Mall and see, perhaps, 5 or so "coloured" people. A few more "asians" and a couple of females wearing "head scarves".

They ARE infiltrating us, though.

We need the White Australia Policy to be reinstated. Otherwise, my grandchildren and great grandchildren will have the same problems that the USA and UK have now. For a start STOP immigration from the Middle East.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by SpecialCharacter on Nov 19th, 2014 at 6:48pm

cods wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:25pm:
who was the MP who wanted to do that way back in the 50s.. herb...this before the word racist was thought of...he wanted to pay them all to go home.......


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 19th, 2014 at 7:51pm

MumboJumbo wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:52pm:
Ah, herbie's at it again:

You're morphing into a fcukwit, mate.

How about you venture to make a statement that isn't a reply to someone, or heckling.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 19th, 2014 at 8:13pm

Neferti wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 5:19pm:
When I lived in Sydney you rarely saw an "ethnic" and certainly not any "coloured" people or many "asians.  Around 15 years later, or so, I was amazed at how many "asians" there were.

Fortunately, here in Canberra, you can spend several hours at The Mall and see, perhaps, 5 or so "coloured" people. A few more "asians" and a couple of females wearing "head scarves".

They ARE infiltrating us, though.

We need the White Australia Policy to be reinstated. Otherwise, my grandchildren and great grandchildren will have the same problems that the USA and UK have now. For a start STOP immigration from the Middle East.

There's nothing wrong with any of these people as individuals, but like all of us they tend to cleave to their own for reasons of racial similarity as well as cultural sympathies.

In very short time you can find yourself playing "spot the Aussie" as you go about your day.

Today I was out and about in my own area, and found myself actually laughing.

Every where I looked, every where I went ~ I saw a vast majority of Indians, Negroes, Dark-skinned Malaysian types, Pacific Islanders, hijab-wearing Arabs ... all perfectly nice people I'm sure, but I did wonder WHERE were the immigrants from Scandinavia, continental Europe, Britain, Ireland ... ?

In recent years there has definitely been an orchestrated conspiracy to flood us with non-whites in order to disenfranchise the generational white Australian from his position as this country's predominate racial mainstream.

I was out there today when they let the kids out of school. If I didn't know any better I would never have guessed this was Australia. It looked like 'school-out' in a Third World country.    

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by The Outrage Bus on Nov 19th, 2014 at 10:49pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 8:13pm:
I was out there today when they let the kids out of school. If I didn't know any better I would never have guessed this was Australia. It looked like 'school-out' in a Third World country.    

Thats pedophilic behaviour

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by DifferentFrequency on Nov 20th, 2014 at 4:00am
Double post

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by DifferentFrequency on Nov 20th, 2014 at 4:03am

cods wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:25pm:
who was the MP who wanted to do that way back in the 50s.. herb...this before the word racist was thought of...he wanted to pay them all to go home.......

Winston Churchill? 

Enoch Powel?

both mysteriously became ill. And died slowly.

just as  president Wilson did after he started speaking out about how he'd just accidently GIVEN America to a fraudulent criminal mob, otherwise known as the federal reserve. :-X :-[

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Annie Anthrax on Nov 20th, 2014 at 7:19pm

Neferti wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 5:19pm:

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:43pm:

cods wrote on Nov 19th, 2014 at 4:25pm:
who was the MP who wanted to do that way back in the 50s.. herb...this before the word racist was thought of...he wanted to pay them all to go home.......

I dont think anyone should have welfare until they have worked in the country for at least 5 years...come on we have been far too generous all round for far too long..if people can afford to get from one side of the world to the other.. they can afford to keep themselves whilst here...

When my niece first moved into Sydney's Parramatta area it was identifiably Australian.

Today it is identifiably a colony of subcontinental India.

She's now thinking of moving to Penrith where some vestiges of Australian identity still remain.

When I lived in Sydney you rarely saw an "ethnic" and certainly not any "coloured" people or many "asians.  Around 15 years later, or so, I was amazed at how many "asians" there were.

Fortunately, here in Canberra, you can spend several hours at The Mall and see, perhaps, 5 or so "coloured" people. A few more "asians" and a couple of females wearing "head scarves".

They ARE infiltrating us, though.

We need the White Australia Policy to be reinstated. Otherwise, my grandchildren and great grandchildren will have the same problems that the USA and UK have now. For a start STOP immigration from the Middle East.

Geez. You must be really old. Sydney's been visibly multicultural for a very long time and only politicians or the senile think Canberra's good for anything.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 20th, 2014 at 7:44pm
In 1991 when I left the inner-Sydney suburb of Burwood, it was mostly Australians, with some immigrant European and Mediterranean migrants. 

Several years later I had occasion to get off at Burwood station where I made my way down the steps in mid-afternoon, and all I saw coming up towards me was a tight pack of Asian faces struggling to get to their platforms.

And then I got onto Burwood road ... and thought I was in downtown Hong Kong during the afternoon rush-hour.

..... un ... effing ..... believable.

Just down the road from the station there's a park with a big monument to all the locals who died in the wars. Lots of names chiselled into the polished marble ~ none of them Chinese.

One wonders what those fellows who fell in those wars would think if they returned to see how Australia's politicians have conspired with the UN to bury their offspring and progeny under an overwhelming crush of Asians ... who rush to the airports to wave their little Chinese flags every time a communist Chinese dignitary arrives to pay a visit to Canberra.

A huge betrayal.

And then, just up the track to the Harris Park and Parramatta area ~ it's downtown 'Mumbai' 24/7 where your eyes water from all the curry powder that's floating in the air ...

Last year I walked from Westmead station to the hospital 15 minutes away ... and at least 90% of the people on the streets were Indians.

Am I racist?

Damn right I'm racist.

But not towards the individual, but towards the mob when they are in such large numbers in Australia and the UK.

Trevor Phillips is a good man and an honest fellow... but I disagree strongly with his suggestion that predominately white schools should have blacks forced upon them. That's where he's very wrong.

And he will suggest new measures to help to encourage integration - which could include forcing "white" schools to take larger numbers of ethnic minorities.


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by DifferentFrequency on Nov 20th, 2014 at 7:57pm
I findt asians to be most usevul. They leaf me alone to continue my analysis in peace.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Nov 22nd, 2014 at 7:12pm
Won the Rochester by-election.

Interesting result just 12 months out from General Election:

UKIP - won a 2nd seat in as many months, getting in a winning habit.

Cons - Will be confident of winning it back. Got beat but not stuffed suggesting people are happier with Cameron as we get close to election.

Labour - Shocker. We're never going to win so should have been able to watch the Cons lose and get the headlines. Instead one tweet of a house by the Opposition Attorney General on the campaign has seen them grab all the headlines. She resigns before Milliband was about to sack her and all the whirlwind is how they are out of touch and sneer at working class people.

LibDems - Showed how bad they've done being in a coalition with conservatives. Got less than 1,000 votes, worst result in 65 years. Heading for oblivion.

Greens - Beat LibDems into 4th. Surprisingly good result in a very "non Green" constituency.

I think the General Election is wide open now. Labours lead has evaporated and they seem to be scoring own goals regularly.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 22nd, 2014 at 7:50pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Nov 22nd, 2014 at 7:12pm:
I think the General Election is wide open now. Labours lead has evaporated and they seem to be scoring own goals regularly.

One of the political pundits said Ed Milibrand will never win an election because no one will ever vote for somebody with 'panda eyes and a peculiar mouth'.  ;D

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Andrei.Hicks on Nov 22nd, 2014 at 7:57pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 22nd, 2014 at 7:50pm:

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Nov 22nd, 2014 at 7:12pm:
I think the General Election is wide open now. Labours lead has evaporated and they seem to be scoring own goals regularly.

One of the political pundits said Ed Milibrand will never win an election because no one will ever vote for somebody with 'panda eyes and a peculiar mouth'.  ;D

The Labour press release stated that the Shadow Attorney General offered her resignation after a meeting with a "furious" Ed Milliband.
Several commentators here have said it's literally impossible to imagine Red Ed furious or being anything like scarey.

Btw if you see the lady that resigned she is far more scarey than the posh little Ed.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 22nd, 2014 at 8:08pm

Andrei.Hicks wrote on Nov 22nd, 2014 at 7:57pm:
Several commentators here have said it's literally impossible to imagine Red Ed furious or being anything like scarey.

Btw if you see the lady that resigned she is far more scarey than the posh little Ed.

Yes, Britain's own Magda Szubanski.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 29th, 2014 at 6:23pm
This mob really are starting to look just like the PHONies did - like village idiots!   ::) ::)

Ukip mistakes Westminster Cathedral for mosque

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 29th, 2014 at 7:01pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 29th, 2014 at 6:23pm:
This mob really are starting to look just like the PHONies did - like village idiots!   ::) ::)

Ukip mistakes Westminster Cathedral for mosque

As a blunder it's small fry compared to the pratfalls of well-established parties.

Every new party has its teething problems ~ and some old ones too.

What's someone mistaking an ornate building for a mosque as compared to the NSW Liberal Party having lost 10 of its members to corruption in just the last year, with the NSW Labor Party having also lost several of its party members to nefarious dealings?

Nice try, Brian, but no banana this time.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 29th, 2014 at 7:29pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 29th, 2014 at 7:01pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 29th, 2014 at 6:23pm:
This mob really are starting to look just like the PHONies did - like village idiots!   ::) ::)

Ukip mistakes Westminster Cathedral for mosque

As a blunder it's small fry compared to the pratfalls of well-established parties.

Every new party has its teething problems ~ and some old ones too.

What's someone mistaking an ornate building for a mosque as compared to the NSW Liberal Party having lost 10 of its members to corruption in just the last year, with the NSW Labor Party having also lost several of its party members to nefarious dealings?

Nice try, Brian, but no banana this time.

Actually, it's a whole bunch, Herbie.

You hold UKIP as the saviour of the UK.  Problem is, this mob can't even tell the difference between a Christian Cathedral and an Islamic Mosque!  Like the PHONies, their hatred of immigrants blinds them to all else.   Farage is an opportunist, Herbie, just as Hanson and her bunch of village idiots were.  The Australian electorate saw through Hanson after she was shipped off to prison for "knowingly defrauded the Commonwealth" over the number of members her political party had - she had taken Commonwealth electoral funding illegally.    She and her friends the two Davids tried to pull a swift one and got caught.  How many members did the PHONies have?  Three or was it the required five hundred?

Farage is an opportunist, he's seeking to tap into an undercurrent of British racism and it will last for a short time, until he stumbles like all opportunists do.  This is just the first, minor stumble but it reveals the true nature of UKIP, Herbie.    ::)

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 29th, 2014 at 8:09pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 29th, 2014 at 7:29pm:

Farage is an opportunist, he's seeking to tap into an undercurrent of British racism and it will last for a short time, until he stumbles like all opportunists do.  This is just the first, minor stumble but it reveals the true nature of UKIP, Herbie.    ::)

There isn't a politician born who isn't a self-serving 'opportunist' hoping to improve his personal fortunes in life through the auspices of a career in politics.

To Farage's credit he had nothing to do with the legal profession before he entered politics.

Britain always had a Conservative Party until Enoch Powell spoke up and caused his 'Conservative' colleagues to turn to water rather than jeopardise the immigrant 'ethnic vote'.

From that day on England has been run by 'capitulationists' who have played to the minority communities to help them win elections.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 29th, 2014 at 10:37pm
As much as the PHONies and UKIP might like to turn the clock back, it isn't going to happen, Herbie.  The reality is that both Oz and the UK have moved on from the 1950s.

What I've always found amusing is that you, only an Australian resident lectures Australian citizens on how they should run their country.  Now, you're lecturing UK citizens on how to run their nation, despite not having lived in the UK for what, over 50 years now?    ::)

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Nov 30th, 2014 at 9:03am

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 29th, 2014 at 10:37pm:
As much as the PHONies and UKIP might like to turn the clock back, it isn't going to happen, Herbie.  The reality is that both Oz and the UK have moved on from the 1950s.

What I've always found amusing is that you, only an Australian resident lectures Australian citizens on how they should run their country.  Now, you're lecturing UK citizens on how to run their nation, despite not having lived in the UK for what, over 50 years now?    ::)

No-one backs the UN more than you do ... and they've been running this country from their penthouse suite in New York for yonkers.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 30th, 2014 at 5:07pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Nov 30th, 2014 at 9:03am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 29th, 2014 at 10:37pm:
As much as the PHONies and UKIP might like to turn the clock back, it isn't going to happen, Herbie.  The reality is that both Oz and the UK have moved on from the 1950s.

What I've always found amusing is that you, only an Australian resident lectures Australian citizens on how they should run their country.  Now, you're lecturing UK citizens on how to run their nation, despite not having lived in the UK for what, over 50 years now?    ::)

No-one backs the UN more than you do ... and they've been running this country from their penthouse suite in New York for yonkers.

Really?  You have evidence to back that claim about me, Herbie?  About "running this country their penthouse suite in New York for yonkers?"

Of course, you'll present no evidence.  You never do, Herbie.  This is just another example of your trolling.    ::)

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Cofgod on Dec 1st, 2014 at 5:40am
Vote Ukip on 7th May 2015!

I most certainly will be.  They're a breath of fresh air and are the only party who can save Britain and make her great again.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 1st, 2014 at 12:03pm

Cofgod wrote on Dec 1st, 2014 at 5:40am:
Vote Ukip on 7th May 2015!

I most certainly will be.  They're a breath of fresh air and are the only party who can save Britain and make her great again.

Excellent choice, CofGod.

Vote early-and-often on the day.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by The Outrage Bus on Dec 1st, 2014 at 12:33pm

Cofgod wrote on Dec 1st, 2014 at 5:40am:
Vote Ukip on 7th May 2015!

I most certainly will be.  They're a breath of fresh air and are the only party who can save Britain and make her great again.

Thanks Winston

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Hot Breath on Dec 1st, 2014 at 5:30pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 1st, 2014 at 12:03pm:

Cofgod wrote on Dec 1st, 2014 at 5:40am:
Vote Ukip on 7th May 2015!

I most certainly will be.  They're a breath of fresh air and are the only party who can save Britain and make her great again.

Excellent choice, CofGod.

Vote early-and-often on the day.

Sensei, this bait is stale and colourless.  It hasn't attracted much prey!  You need to freshen it up!  Put more burley in the water!  Attract the fishes to your nets!   ;D ;D :D :D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 1st, 2014 at 11:54pm

Cofgod wrote on Dec 1st, 2014 at 5:40am:
Vote Ukip on 7th May 2015!

I most certainly will be.  They're a breath of fresh air and are the only party who can save Britain and make her great again.

The only thing that could make Britian great again would be the discovery of North Sea Gold*   ;D

*Anybody get the reference?  ;)

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lionel Edriess on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 1:58am

All Britain needs to be great again is to elect some leadership with balls. They've done it before in hours of need.

And they've already shown that they're not discriminatory:

They're 'merely' British.


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 5:06am
The days of Britain being 'Great' are well and truly over. It was brilliant in its time due to its industrial revolution, its inventions, discoveries, and its genius at opening up global trade as it had never been seen before.

Only the Dutch were its competitors at the height of its international glory, but they too fell by the wayside - crushed under the juggernaut of Britain's skills at administrating its foreign possessions in such a way as the locals found lots of employment and personal profit under the British regime - which also sponsored the schooling and university education of hundreds of young natives from its colonies.

All the UK needs now - as with every other European country - is to vigorously scrub itself of its 'multicultural' No Name Brand confederation of immigrant minority communities - with their 'leaders' and their committees and their government grants - and return its national identity to being unapologetically and uncompromisingly 'British'.

Something like driving a dusty 4-wheel drive into a car wash for a damn good hosing to get rid of all the cling-ons.   

Anglo/Celtic mainstream Australia decided to suicide en masse when You People (YP) reneged on your ancestral forebears by deciding to cancel your identity as 'British', and instead, opted to be rolled together with all the immigrants as No Name Brand, 'Multicultural Australians' ... much to the sniggering delight of people like Gough Whitlam and his little Italian offsider with the enormous chip on his shoulder, Al Grassby.   

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by The Outrage Bus on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 8:43am

Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 5:06am:
The days of Britain being 'Great' are well and truly over. It was brilliant in its time due to its industrial revolution, its inventions, discoveries, and its genius at opening up global trade as it had never been seen before.

Only the Dutch were its competitors at the height of its international glory, but they too fell by the wayside - crushed under the juggernaut of Britain's skills at administrating its foreign possessions in such a way as the locals found lots of employment and personal profit under the British regime - which also sponsored the schooling and university education of hundreds of young natives from its colonies.

All the UK needs now - as with every other European country - is to vigorously scrub itself of its 'multicultural' No Name Brand confederation of immigrant minority communities - with their 'leaders' and their committees and their government grants - and return its national identity to being unapologetically and uncompromisingly 'British'.

Something like driving a dusty 4-wheel drive into a car wash for a damn good hosing to get rid of all the cling-ons.   

Anglo/Celtic mainstream Australia decided to suicide en masse when You People (YP) reneged on your ancestral forebears by deciding to cancel your identity as 'British', and instead, opted to be rolled together with all the immigrants as No Name Brand, 'Multicultural Australians' ... much to the sniggering delight of people like Gough Whitlam and his little Italian offsider with the enormous chip on his shoulder, Al Grassby.   

I remember that my descent is Irish, with some Scottish and Welsh chucked in, but I'm Australian.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 8:55am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 8:43am:
I remember that my descent is Irish, with some Scottish and Welsh chucked in, but I'm Australian.

Yep. 'Celtic-Australian'. Congratulations.

Under Australia's official, government sponsored 'Multicultural' imperative, it now behooves you to distinguish and identify yourself as belonging to one of Australia's 'multicultural' communities ... which in your case is the 'Celtic-Australian community'.

Saying you're 'Australian' has now become as meaningless as someone identifying as 'European'.

Yes ~ you are 'Australian', but as Karnal would be happy to confirm ~ the Devil is in the detail.

What kind of an 'Australian' are you? What species of 'Australian'?


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by The Outrage Bus on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 9:00am

Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 8:55am:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 8:43am:
I remember that my descent is Irish, with some Scottish and Welsh chucked in, but I'm Australian.

Yep. 'Celtic-Australian'. Congratulations.

Under Australia's official, government sponsored 'Multicultural' imperative, it now behooves you to distinguish and identify yourself as belonging to one of Australia's 'multicultural' communities ... which in your case is the 'Celtic-Australian community'.

Saying you're 'Australian' has now become as meaningless as someone identifying as 'European'.

Yes ~ you are 'Australian', but as Karnal would be happy to confirm ~ the Devil is in the detail.

What kind of an 'Australian' are you? What species of 'Australian'?


Homo sapiens sapiens, like every other Australian, and European and British.

I just used Australian to suit the debate. Typically I tend to view myself as a human.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:06pm

Lionel Edriess wrote on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 1:58am:
All Britain needs to be great again is to elect some leadership with balls. They've done it before in hours of need.

And they've already shown that they're not discriminatory:

They're 'merely' British.


You know what Margaret Thatcher's biggest crime, apart from the Miners' Strike was?  Before she was elected to Parliament she was an industrial food chemist.  She worked out how to pump air into ice cream to make it "lighter" (and cheaper to manufacture, hence greater profits were created for the makers).   The result is the cheap crap we get today which is called "ice cream".   Who remembers Golden North ice cream?   ;)

The problem about making Britain "great" again is that it doesn't have an Empire and with no Empire and hence no dark skinned peoples to exploit, it can only live off it's own income and not everybody else's.  The result has been it being forced now to live within it's means.

No matter who the future PM of the UK was, if Argentina repeated its attack on the Falkland Islands/Isles Malvinas, the UK would be unable to recover them.  It lacks the necessary military, particularly Naval forces.  Even in 1982 it was tremendously touch-and-go, as Wellington described Waterloo, it was a "near run thing."  If the Argentines had managed to delay the British landing by just a few weeks, it would have had to wait until the next year because of the onset of the Winter in the South Atlantic.  The Royal Navy was severely stretched and would have had to retreat back to Ascension Island for six months.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:10pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 2nd, 2014 at 5:06am:
The days of Britain being 'Great' are well and truly over. It was brilliant in its time due to its industrial revolution, its inventions, discoveries, and its genius at opening up global trade as it had never been seen before.

Only the Dutch were its competitors at the height of its international glory, but they too fell by the wayside - crushed under the juggernaut of Britain's skills at administrating its foreign possessions in such a way as the locals found lots of employment and personal profit under the British regime - which also sponsored the schooling and university education of hundreds of young natives from its colonies.

All the UK needs now - as with every other European country - is to vigorously scrub itself of its 'multicultural' No Name Brand confederation of immigrant minority communities - with their 'leaders' and their committees and their government grants - and return its national identity to being unapologetically and uncompromisingly 'British'.

Something like driving a dusty 4-wheel drive into a car wash for a damn good hosing to get rid of all the cling-ons.   

Anglo/Celtic mainstream Australia decided to suicide en masse when You People (YP) reneged on your ancestral forebears by deciding to cancel your identity as 'British', and instead, opted to be rolled together with all the immigrants as No Name Brand, 'Multicultural Australians' ... much to the sniggering delight of people like Gough Whitlam and his little Italian offsider with the enormous chip on his shoulder, Al Grassby.   

Your Alf Garnet impersonation always makes me laugh, Herbie.

You know who made Australia turn away from Britain?  The British.  When they joined the Common Market, suddenly all the Australians who still (foolishly) called Britain "home" suddenly found they were treated like foreigners when they stepped off the boat/plane in the UK.  No more "green channel" for them, they were just like the rest of the world.   So, before you go pointing the finger, let's point the bone where it really belongs with you Poms!   ;D ;D

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by CaptainJackSparrow on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:17pm
Good to see they're starting to deal with their mossie problem. Australia needs to do the same and stop trying to appease everybody.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 5th, 2014 at 5:28am

CaptainJackSparrow wrote on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:17pm:
Good to see they're starting to deal with their mossie problem. Australia needs to do the same and stop trying to appease everybody.

I was watching the documentary series about a hospital emergency department in London.

Someone in a critical condition is rolled off the ambulance and into the A&E where a swarm of medicos descend upon the hapless victim.

People of all religions, colours, nationalities, and races ... all politely and diplomatically consenting to observe the British Ethic in which people dress in a secular fashion no matter who they pray to.

But yes, irritatingly and predictably, there's that one individual who Just Can't Help Herself, and who feels she has to Break Rank with everybody else around her and wear The Scarf wrapped around her head, concealing her face from most angles.

She leans over the patient while holding one end of The Scarf so it doesn't slip off onto the dying man's face ...

This is the sort of Third World scenario I would have banned for being an inappropriate sartorial affectation that has no place in an English hospital.

Either these women come down from their high moral horse and mix it with their pleb colleagues without adorning themselves as pious, righteous, and 'modest' ~ or out they go.

And the hypocrisy of these pretentious female Muslim doctors is stunning.

The Middle East is as it usually is ~ a meat-grinder of rape, murder, pillage, and incessant gunfire and bombings sanctioned by selected parts of the Koran ~ and yet here we see in Britain these piously conceited Mohammedan females flouncing about in the safety of a non-Muslim society while wearing the flag of Islam wrapped around their head in the form of a hijab.

There will be lots of changes if a no-nonsense pro-British party ever gets into power. Lots of people being told to "shape up" and decide who they want to be: generationally colonialist foreigners ~ or remove all that cloth from around their head and settle in as being publicly secular as the locals are.


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by The Outrage Bus on Dec 5th, 2014 at 8:37am

Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 5th, 2014 at 5:28am:

CaptainJackSparrow wrote on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:17pm:
Good to see they're starting to deal with their mossie problem. Australia needs to do the same and stop trying to appease everybody.

I was watching the documentary series about a hospital emergency department in London.

Someone in a critical condition is rolled off the ambulance and into the A&E where a swarm of medicos descend upon the hapless victim.

People of all religions, colours, nationalities, and races ... all politely and diplomatically consenting to observe the British Ethic in which people dress in a secular fashion no matter who they pray to.

But yes, irritatingly and predictably, there's that one individual who Just Can't Help Herself, and who feels she has to Break Rank with everybody else around her and wear The Scarf wrapped around her head and concealing her face from most angles. She leans over the patient while holding one end of The Scarf so it doesn't slip off onto the dying man's face ...

This is the sort of Third World scenario I would have banned for being an inappropriate sartorial affectation that has no place in an English hospital.

Either these women come down from their high moral horse and mix it with their pleb colleagues without adorning themselves as pious, righteous, and 'modest' ~ or out they go.

And the hypocrisy of these pretentious female Muslim doctors is stunning.

The Middle East is as it usually is ~ a meat-grinder of rape, murder, pillage, and incessant gunfire and bombings sanctioned by selected parts of the Koran ~ and yet here we see in Britain these piously conceited Mohammedan females flouncing about in the safety of a non-Muslim society while wearing the flag of Islam wrapped around their head as a hijab.

There will be lots of changes if a no-nonsense pro-British party ever gets into power. Lots of people being told to "shape up" and decide who they want to be: generationally colonialist foreigners ~ or remove all that cloth from around their head and settle in as publicly secular just as the locals do.


Holy lord, she wore a scarf, call in MI5 on her.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 5th, 2014 at 9:33am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Dec 5th, 2014 at 8:37am:
Holy lord, she wore a scarf, call in MI5 on her.

"None so blind as those that will not see.”

Matthew Henry (1662-1714)

In the fullness of time, Pastafarian, in the fullness of time ...

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by The Outrage Bus on Dec 5th, 2014 at 10:39am
There are none so positive as those who are but half right

William McDonnell.

Oh wait argument from authority, quote withdrawn for logical fallacy.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by brumbie on Dec 5th, 2014 at 11:07am

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:06pm:
No matter who the future PM of the UK was, if Argentina repeated its attack on the Falkland Islands/Isles Malvinas, the UK would be unable to recover them.  It lacks the necessary military, particularly Naval forces.

Thats right...they have Lionel Messi now :o ;D

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:10pm:
suddenly all the Australians who still (foolishly) called Britain "home" suddenly found they were treated like foreigners when they stepped off the boat/plane in the UK.  No more "green channel" for them, they were just like the rest of the world.

Tut Tut Brian...anything else would be outright racism no?

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 6th, 2014 at 12:34am

brumbie wrote on Dec 5th, 2014 at 11:07am:

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:06pm:
No matter who the future PM of the UK was, if Argentina repeated its attack on the Falkland Islands/Isles Malvinas, the UK would be unable to recover them.  It lacks the necessary military, particularly Naval forces.

Thats right...they have Lionel Messi now :o ;D

Cristina Fernández de Kirchner is better looking...


Brian Ross wrote on Dec 4th, 2014 at 11:10pm:
suddenly all the Australians who still (foolishly) called Britain "home" suddenly found they were treated like foreigners when they stepped off the boat/plane in the UK.  No more "green channel" for them, they were just like the rest of the world.

Tut Tut Brian...anything else would be outright racism no?

Except Australian is a nationality, not a "race"...   ::)

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 28th, 2014 at 1:11pm
Britain's One Nation party - 'UKIP' - is cracking up for the same reason One Nation did : white-anting from within.

UKIP's only MP is now on a rampage of abusing native Britishers for being disenchanted with witnessing their ancestral homeland being swamped by foreigners.

"Nigel Farage was at the centre of controversy last night after Ukip’s second most powerful politician said the party must stop making racist remarks about immigrants.

Douglas Carswell, Ukip’s first elected MP said: ‘Dislike of foreigners is not merely offensive, but absurd.’

The party must be ‘inclusive’ and have no truck with candidates who insult people’s ‘heritage or background’, he says in an article in today’s Mail on Sunday.


‘Far from being a party that tolerates pejorative comments about people’s heritage and background, Ukip has to show that we have serious internationalist agenda.’

It must offer a ‘cheery, welcoming Yes to doctors from Singapore or scientists from south Asia’ while rejecting foreign criminals and benefit scroungers.

But Mr Carswell warns: ‘Angry nativism must have no part in it.’

Ukip has made great strides, but must change its attitude to break through in the General Election, he says, adding: ‘We have to show the whole country that we have what it takes to win big. That means an optimistic and inclusive agenda.’


Instead of having to produce most of what we eat within a few miles of where we live, our supermarket shelves are crammed with produce from every country under the sun. Over-consumption is now a bigger public health problem than under-consumption.

Our homes are filled with washing machines, iPhones and other modern gizmos from all around the world. Each of those gadgets is itself a product of human interdependence; the microchips made in Japan or South Korea, moulded plastic via Gulf oil, software written by coders in Hoxton or Mumbai".


It's because of people just like him in politics for the past 50 years that London is now predominately a black and Muslim foreign enclave where whites are a minority.

During any other time in history he would have been hanged as a traitor.

Needless to say this heralds the end of UKIP as a political force in British politics.


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 28th, 2014 at 10:57pm
UKIP never had a future anyway, Herbie.  Like the PHONies it was always going to implode.  The pragmatists versus the racists and xenophobes.   The sensible versus the lunatic.    ::)

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:00am

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 28th, 2014 at 10:57pm:
UKIP never had a future anyway, Herbie.  Like the PHONies it was always going to implode.  The pragmatists versus the racists and xenophobes.   The sensible versus the lunatic.    ::)

'Migration' is listed in Britain and all over Europe and Scandinavia as one of the top three biggest concerns of the indigenous people.

They're sick of finding themselves increasingly becoming a minority in their own suburbs, with most of their neighbours being black or Muslim, Indians or South East Asians.

Simply brushing a legitimate grievance under the carpet as not needing to be addressed by the various national governments is precisely what eventually gives rise to a Hitler.

Migration without a care for the social consequences is one day going to lead to racial riots far more serious than the ones we've already seen.


Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Karnal on Dec 31st, 2014 at 2:33pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:00am:

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 28th, 2014 at 10:57pm:
UKIP never had a future anyway, Herbie.  Like the PHONies it was always going to implode.  The pragmatists versus the racists and xenophobes.   The sensible versus the lunatic.    ::)

'Migration' is listed in Britain and all over Europe and Scandinavia as one of the top three biggest concerns of the indigenous people.

They're sick of finding themselves increasingly becoming a minority in their own suburbs, with most of their neighbours being black or Muslim, Indians or South East Asians.

Simply brushing a legitimate grievance under the carpet as not needing to be addressed by the various national governments is precisely what eventually gives rise to a Hitler.

That's right, Herbie. The German people were just begging for something to be done about all those Jews, Gypsies, homos and subnormals.

Title: Re: Britain's One Nation Party clone making strides
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 6:12pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:00am:

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 28th, 2014 at 10:57pm:
UKIP never had a future anyway, Herbie.  Like the PHONies it was always going to implode.  The pragmatists versus the racists and xenophobes.   The sensible versus the lunatic.    ::)

'Migration' is listed in Britain and all over Europe and Scandinavia as one of the top three biggest concerns of the indigenous people.

It is?  Perhaps you could provide some evidence for a change?  You know, some reputable Public Opinion Polls perhaps, Herbie?   ::)

They're sick of finding themselves increasingly becoming a minority in their own suburbs, with most of their neighbours being black or Muslim, Indians or South East Asians.

Why?  They are as British as they are.

Simply brushing a legitimate grievance under the carpet as not needing to be addressed by the various national governments is precisely what eventually gives rise to a Hitler.

Did it?  Which "legitimate grievance" was that, Herbie?  Was it "The Jewish Question", by chance?

Migration without a care for the social consequences is one day going to lead to racial riots far more serious than the ones we've already seen.

Where is this "migration without a care" occurring, Herbie?   Exactly?   ::)

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