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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Message started by imcrookonit on Dec 17th, 2014 at 6:24am |
Title: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by imcrookonit on Dec 17th, 2014 at 6:24am
Employment Department's wage offer 'trounced'
Date December 16, 2014 Canberra Times Public Service Minister Eric Abetz has warned there will be consequences after bureaucrats in his department rejected the government's wage policy in a landslide vote on Tuesday. Nearly 1500 Education Department bureaucrats cast ballots on a wage offer of less than 0.5 per cent a year, with cuts to conditions and entitlements, with 1419 of the workers rejecting the deal and just 77 voting to accept. :-? The vote was the first time an offer formulated under the government's tough bargaining policy had been put to to public servants and the trouncing at Employment, announced on Tuesday afternoon, will be noted with interest by management and staff at other departments and agencies. Enterprise bargaining talks across the 160,000-strong public service are slowed or stalled as departmental bosses struggle to come up with deals that are tough enough to satisfy the bargaining framework imposed by the Abbott government. Workers at the departments of Human Services and Veterans Affairs have already voted for industrial action in an attempt to force their employers to the bargaining table. There is growing restlessness at the Australian Taxation Office and the Defence Department after more than 40,000 public servants working at the large agencies realised they would not even get a pay offer this year. :( In the wake of the vote at Employment on Tuesday, Senator Abetz said departmental staff voting no to an offer would not result in more generous terms being offered. "Government employees and unions should be under no illusions about the consequences of voting no to new EBAs (enterprise bargaining agreements) under the government's bargaining framework," he said. "The government has made it clear that voting no will not mean that departments will have any capacity to make more generous offers, as the framework will not be changing." But the Community and Public Sector Union, which has about one-third of Employment staff on its books, said the ballot result sent a clear message to the Minister. "The message from staff to the Minister is crystal clear: don't cut our conditions and real wages," CPSU national secretary Nadine Flood said. "If Minister Abetz's own staff won't swallow such a terrible deal, then how can he expect the rest of the public service to do so?" :( A departmental spokesman said his bosses were disappointed at the outcome and that the offer was realistic and affordable. "The department is disappointed with the ballot result," the spokesman said. "We considered the proposed enterprise agreement was a realistic and affordable offer to employees. "We cannot make commitments which are not offset by savings. "We will continue to work within the parameters of the government's bargaining policy and our internal operating budget." Employment would have to begin picking up the pieces in the new year, the spokesman said. "The department will now take time to consider the outcome, ahead of re-commencing bargaining meetings in the new year," he said. "The department appreciates the importance of settling a new enterprise agreement, given there will be no backdated pay increases." |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by macman on Dec 17th, 2014 at 7:16am wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 6:24am:
Fair question. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by crocodile on Dec 17th, 2014 at 10:41am
Poor national productivity growth popping it's head up again. One day, the message will sink in. While overall productivity continues to decline as it has done for about a decade and a half, expect more just like this to come.
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by The Grappler (ordinary) on Dec 17th, 2014 at 11:29am Out with the big stick.....replaces the little stick that doesn't work... Told you these people were Nazis in disguise.... you accept what we offer and do what we say or we will punish you! Now what the hell kind of 'government' is that? Standover merchants.. and some of you lot voted for these clowns. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by Team Froggie on Dec 17th, 2014 at 3:29pm Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 11:29am:
And don't realise that directly, or indirectly, they too will be affected. >:( |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by adelcrow on Dec 17th, 2014 at 3:32pm
A wage cut while expecting the remaining public servants to pick up the work of those this lying govt has sacked...its pathetic and the workers of Australia will stand up to these lying mongrels
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:35pm crocodile wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 10:41am:
Perhaps when 10% of them get retrenched the penny will drop. I look forward to it. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:51pm
Wonder how Abets would react to the PS people who recommend politicians increases came back with an offer of under 0.5% with a trade off for reduced working conditions.
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:52pm
The Liberals seem to just line up one after the next to try and prove that each is a bigger filthy grub than the others, So far it looks like they all win.
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:53pm longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:35pm:
You haven't noticed they plan to do that as well, don't tell anyone. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2014 at 5:07pm Dnarever wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:53pm:
haven't you seen this played out many times before? Union A wants X% pay rise which Company B says it cannot afford. Eventually after strikes and mayhem Company B folds and awards X% rise and the next day sacks half of them. in an environment of budget cuts and rising deficit and struggling economy, why don't they expect that pay rises might be harder to come by? and when the PS is being trimmed, doesn't it make a lot more sense to be part of the solution rather than part of the retrenched problem?? their attitude demonstrates the problem rather well. I wish them a speedy retrenchment. Nobody will even notice. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by Team Froggie on Dec 17th, 2014 at 5:33pm longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:35pm:
Lovely Christian sentiment. Your Pastor would be ashamed of you. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by Team Froggie on Dec 17th, 2014 at 5:35pm longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 5:07pm:
Take note, cods. Nice one, eh??? |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by The Grappler (ordinary) on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:20pm
I was asked - several days ago - in a discussion about the Hilton Bombing - how the public servant accused and then sort of freed over the killing of Colin Winchester stood, in regard to the fact that I spent five days with the Ananda Marga accused and said he was innocent nor at least not proven to be guilty, something later upheld by a Royal Commission.
Well....... the evidence is severely flawed in the Winchester case.... But I can see why a public servant could or would seek some sort of retribution.... Not that I advocate that..... but when you are held down and shagged, there are always repercussions. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by Dnarever on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:21pm longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 5:07pm:
You may note that in this environment the politicians will still be taking their pay increases, management will still be looking for attractive bonuses and CEO's who get solutions like this pushed through will use their success to justify million dollar performance bonuses. The poor mug worker is the only one expected to carry the BS load. The Liberals in this case are announcing 10's of thousands of retrenchments anyway irrespective of wage cuts and removal of working conditions - most of this has no economic relationship, it's purely dogma driven. Removing conditions is back door workchoices nothing more. Pay cut backs are the Liberals answer to everything and it is yet to ever work. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by crocodile on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:46pm longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 4:35pm:
Unfortunately it is across the entire economy. The ramifications are that the private sector will experience much the same. In some publicised circumstances it is already evident. It is not good as it means our competitors are catching up in technology rollout to the point that we cannot compete. The only reason we have been a high wage nation is that our output per worker, over time, has seen strong incremental growth through the decades. The end result is a transfer of industries one by one starting with the most vulnerable to destinations where production costs vs output can be improved leaving behind the ones that can't be transferred. Basically, a decline in living standards. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by miketrees on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:48pm
Not one person in opposition has come up with a plan to resurrect the Australian economy.
All they have done is vote down any measure the government has come up with. Unfortunately Australians are stupid if they cant see that if your income is reduced and you keep spending, something has to give. Of course the terminally retarded left want to tax business and wealth, which has a nasty habit of just going overseas until the government changes, net result everyone loses. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by miketrees on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:52pm
On another note, I wonder if we will ever see the headline,
"Public service reject pay rise in a landslide" What on earth did they expect. |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by imcrookonit on Dec 19th, 2014 at 6:33am
Financial Services Authority the latest in public service to reject pay deal
Date December 18, 2014 Sydney Morning Herald Public servants at the Financial Services Authority have overwhelmingly rejected a pay offer made in line with the Abbot government's hardline wage policies. The 470 AFSA public servants voted by a landslide 82 per cent to reject a "complicated" wage offer of about 1.3 per cent per year that came with many cuts to conditions and entitlements to pay for the wage rises. The ballot comes in the wake of bureaucrats in the Employment Department rejecting, by an overwhelming margin of 19-to-1 a pay offer of 1.4 per cent over three years. The Australian Financial Services Authority's Chief Operating Officer Gavin McCosker told workers on Thursday morning that management and unions would be "back to the negotiating table" in 2015. "A no vote means we go back to the negotiating table in 2015," Mr McCosker said in a message to workers. "In the meantime, our current enterprise agreement stays in place." The offer to AFSA's 470 staffers came with cuts to personal and carer's leave, redundancy provisions, flex-time, overtime entitlements and career progression arrangements. CPSU union official Alistair Waters said he and his colleagues had mounted a "frenetic" campaign against the package after the offer was rushed out last week. "Staff could see there was a lot more being taken away than was being offered," the union's deputy national secretary said. Mr Waters said he believed the emphatic no-vote reflected the depth of feeling against the government's bargaining polices which bans any payrises that are not offset by cuts to conditions or entitlements. "In my career that's the third or the fourth highest no-vote I've seen," the union official said. "And it's not like AFSA is an industrially militant area, by any stretch of the imagination. "Public sector staff see through a position from the government that requires them to give up an awful lot more than is being offered." |
Title: Re: PS Wage Offer Rejected In A Landslide Vote Post by Sheik The Grappler (ordinary) on Dec 19th, 2014 at 6:48am miketrees wrote on Dec 17th, 2014 at 8:48pm:
All fixed... |
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