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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Message started by Lord Herbert on Dec 28th, 2014 at 8:32pm |
Title: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 28th, 2014 at 8:32pm |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 28th, 2014 at 8:35pm
Pickering's assumption is unfounded, Herbie. There is no evidence to support his claim (as usual). ::)
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 28th, 2014 at 11:42pm Brian Ross wrote on Dec 28th, 2014 at 8:35pm:
Nor is there reason to doubt his insight. Do you have any evidence to dispel his claims? Brain? You know so much about Muslims. Tell us where he goes wrong. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 28th, 2014 at 11:47pm
The vast majority of Australians for what ever reason do not want Islamic immigration to this country, that is indeed a fact. Only a fool would argue otherwise. even asian Australians dont want them, the bias does not run along ethnic lines, no one wants them here.
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 29th, 2014 at 12:04am ian wrote on Dec 28th, 2014 at 11:47pm:
"The vast majority of Australians" don’t even know what a Muslim is. Are they Christian Lebs? Armenians? Coptic Christians? Swarthy Arabs? A certain poster here argues Kurds aren’t Muslims because they support Uncle. Another thinks Armenian terror groups are Muslims because they blow things up. Others say Malays are more Muslim because of certain fundamentalist beliefs, Indonesians don’t count because they don’t have the same beliefs, etc, etc, etc. Jaquie Lambie was doing alright on her anti-Sharia crusade until they asked her what Sharia law really is. Pause. "...Well, it obviously involves terrorism". Pause. Australians may or may not like Muslims, but I doubt most could name any they personally know or have even rubbed shoulders with. And how can you even tell people are Muslims? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 29th, 2014 at 12:33am Karnal wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 12:04am:
That's right, PB, people don't know what Muslim is but they opposite it coz they are like Jaquie. You MUST be an ignorant bogan if you oppose Islam. Easy. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 29th, 2014 at 1:25am
When Mr.Pickering posts actual public opinion poll data to support his supposition, he'll be able to prove that his claim was correct. What? He hasn't? How surprising! Pickering, like Herbie, relies on people like Soren and Co., our usual gang of Islamophobes to shore up his position for him.
There is no proof at the present moment that Mr.Pickering claim that "Most Australians Now Anti-Muslim" is true. Indeed, earlier this year, Newspoll reported on July 16, 2014 that: Quote:
[url=]Source[/url] Only approximately a third want a cut in Muslim immigration. While only an indirect measure, it can be considered reasonably representative of Australian attitudes towards Muslims in general. Roy Morgan OTOH, hasn't even asked a question which mentions Muslims since 2011. ::) Essential Research asked a question in their poll of Sep 2, 2014: Quote:
[url=]Source[/url] Again, only an indirect indicator but one which positively shows that Australians think far more deeply about this issue than they are often given credit for. Note also there has been no dramatic increase in three years since the question was last asked. The Scanlon Foundation Poll, July 2014 reported: Quote:
[url=]Source[/url] While 25% is relatively high, it still does not match what Mr.Pickering claimed! So, where is Mr.Pickering pulling his claim from? Why, of course from his own intolerant viewpoint. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 29th, 2014 at 1:49am Soren wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 12:33am:
It’s easy to confuse Armenians Christians with Muslims innit, old boy. You think Muslims are okay if they don’t get about in pyjamas and headscarves. Your key criteria for Muselness is dress sense. Easy. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 29th, 2014 at 1:52am Brian Ross wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 1:25am:
[url=]Source[/url] Again, only an indirect indicator but one which positively shows that Australians think far more deeply about this issue than they are often given credit for. Note also there has been no dramatic increase in three years since the question was last asked. The Scanlon Foundation Poll, July 2014 reported: Quote:
[url=]Source[/url] While 25% is relatively high, it still does not match what Mr.Pickering claimed! So, where is Mr.Pickering pulling his claim from? Why, of course from his own intolerant viewpoint. ::) [/quote] True, Brain, but it’s not ignorance, it’s insight. You know, like Jaquie. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 2:05am
funny, getting a 404 page not found on all your links Karnal. I sniff bullsh!t
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:50am
A journalist is supposed to be just that -- not a muck-raking bigot, liar and racist trying to unnecessarily stir up hatred.
Here's what the business commentator for the SMH, Michael Pascoe said about Pickering in 2012. "Pickering is commonly known as a cartoonist, but he's also an inveterate liar, a bankrupt conman with a seedy history of fleecing the gullible of millions of dollars while not paying his own bills. "With various failed business ventures and numerous personal relationships of equal standard, for decades he has plied a grubby trade behind sundry stooges and partners, assisted by the odd sharp lawyer and hapless corporate and consumer regulators. He is not a nice man." |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by gandalf on Dec 29th, 2014 at 9:22am ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 2:05am:
It wasn't Karnal who posted them, and they work fine for me. Basically your arrogant claim has been exposed for the nonsense that it is - as usual. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 29th, 2014 at 10:11am Nearly half of Australians are anti-Muslim: study Updated 23 Feb 2011, 12:28pm A decade-long national study has found that nearly 50 per cent of Australians identify themselves as having anti-Muslim attitudes. Researchers from universities across the country polled thousands of people about their attitudes to different cultures and whether they had experienced racism. The research found around one in 10 Australians identified themselves as prejudiced against other cultures. About one-quarter of those surveyed said they had anti-Semitic or anti-Asian attitudes, while a slightly larger number were prejudiced against Aborigines. Anti-Muslim sentiment was even higher, at 48.6 per cent. WIth the Arab Spring, Syria, ISIL, London beheading, Canadian attacks, Sydney seige - do you think that people have been warming to Islam since that survey was concluded? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:36am polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 9:22am:
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:38am Soren wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 10:11am:
Thanks Soren, your link works. That survey was done in 2011, the number would be much higher now. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by gandalf on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:43am
Don't lie Ian - the first link from the oz is 404 - but the other two work fine and are more than enough to refute your silly claim.
You said it was a fact that most Australians definitely oppose muslim immigration and only a fool would argue otherwise. A bold claim with no evidence wouldn't you say? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:43am ColdFact wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:50am:
Good article, ColdFact. Now would you like to address the actual points that were raised and mulled over by Pickering? Thank you in advance. Have you thrown out all your Rolf Harris videos and CDs? No? Content, ColdFact ... content is all we need concern ourself with if we are intelligent adults. A truth is a truth even if the worst of liars delivers it. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 12:02pm polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:43am:
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 29th, 2014 at 1:21pm
"Immigration is now consistently the most important political issue of concern to voters, pollsters have revealed.
Over the past year it has moved ahead of the economy as the British public’s top priority, according to YouGov. Since May, voters have put it above or tied with the economy in every survey conducted by the organisation. At one point, in September, it was selected by 58 per cent of voters as one of the three most important issues for the country while only 48 per cent had the economy in their top three. *** "Crossbench peer Lord Green of Deddington, chairman of the MigrationWatch think tank, said: ‘These are remarkable findings. It’s simply not possible for the political class to remain in denial any longer. ‘Suggestions that those who are canvassing should simply change the subject are now clearly absurd. The public want effective answers on immigration and will see through attempts to dodge the issue.". link |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Dec 29th, 2014 at 5:18pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:43am:
Well normally no I wouldn't because it's a racist rant. But since you asked Herb I did go back and assess the article: Pickering says that "half of all Australians surveyed had anti-Muslim sentiments". And I found the ABC report of that survey: So let's take a look: 10% were prejudiced against 'other' cultures. 25% said they were anti-Semitic or anti-Asian "While a slightly larger number were prejudiced against Aboriginies". Then we have the line, "Anti-Muslim sentiment was even higher, at 48.6 per cent." Followed by the line: "Lead researcher Professor Kevin Dunn from the University of Western Sydney says recent political rhetoric has not helped. "If you continue to speak about a group as a problem, whether that be asylum seekers or Muslims, that will [be] cast within the public mind," he said. So from the stats we can deduct -- depending on how the survey questions were presented -- that Australia houses a large contingent of racist views, that are perpetuated by governments and the media. So let's take Pickering's view. It doesn't take him long to turn a survey about Australian's attitudes into a fabricated article about "terrorism related crimes" -- we presume in Australia. I personally don't know of any, and he didn't list any. Remember Monis was a fake Muslim disowned and actually reported by the Islamic community to the Australian Government as a disinformation agent. And even the media are saying it was a 'lone nut' crime -- not a terror related crime. He mentions ISIS mercenaries but omits the greater numbers of Australians fighting for the Israeli Defence Force in their butchering of Gaza civilians. Islam is no greater threat to Australia than Catholicism -- and as I was a good Catholic boy living in the largest Muslim hub in Australia, I think I am mildly qualified to offer that opinion. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 29th, 2014 at 5:57pm ColdFact wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 5:18pm:
I've lost count of how many people in just the past 12 months I've encountered who have chosen, of their own volition, to knowingly and mischievously reinterpret the term 'racist' to include criticism of another's culture, religion, and social values. The socialist elite in the west are always trying to expand the goal posts so that legitimate criticism falls into the net as 'foul balls' because of newly cobbled-together definitions of what comprises racism, and bigotry. Your very first sentence disqualifies you from having me, or others, take you seriously. Criticism of someone's culture, religion, and social values comes within the purview of exercising a legitimate and respectable opinion as may be indulged in under the freedoms granted us under our Westminster system of representative democracy. The politicians made a mistake in flooding western nations with foreigners, and every since then the social engineers have been busy at work ramping up the vilification laws while demonising anyone who dares raise an objection to having his ancestral homeland shot-through with foreigners and turned into modern Towers of Babel. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by gandalf on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:01pm ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 12:02pm:
No I accused you of lying - and am still accusing you of lying - for saying "still getting 404 on those links (plural). You do accept that only one link is not working, and that this claim was therefore a lie don't you? But more importantly, your claim - your completely baseless claim - that the vast majority of Australians are against muslim immigration, that that is a fact, and that only a fool would say otherwise - is idiotic, is baseless, and is full of sh*t - would you agree? Almost on a par with your "halal only refers to food" gem. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by gandalf on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:05pm
Oh wait, almost missed this...
ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 12:02pm:
classic Ian idiocy. If you are going to bullshit, bullshit hard - Ian style ;D |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:07pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 5:57pm:
Ok Herb if we're going to get into semantics, Islam refers to a religion, not a race, just like Judaism etc. So is it the religion or the various races of peoples that practice the religion that you or Pickering want to discriminate against? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by bb on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:25pm
Pickering is an idiot. You can tell that his incoherent article is mostly lifted from wikipedia entries.
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:10pm ColdFact wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:07pm:
'Semantics'? The incorrect definition of a term is just as valid as the correct definition ... unless you're some finicky anal-retentive who wants to make an issue of it? Are you for real? Sorry, but your time is up. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:13pm Julius Abbott wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:25pm:
So ... um ... what precisely don't you agree with in the article, and for what reasons? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:36pm Julius Abbott wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:25pm:
Indeed. That's exactly why trolls like Aunt Herbie love him so much. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:45pm polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:01pm:
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:48pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:13pm:
" ... it’s safe to assume that the vast majority of Australians now want something substantive done about the Islamic threat." No. It's never safe to assume. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:49pm polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 6:01pm:
yes, I gave you a bit of rope on that one and you hung yourself very well ,that was the one which showed me you were only playing at being a Muslim, any Muslim knows Halal is commonly only used to refer to products which are either ingested or are used in applicatiions which come into contact with the body, i.e perfumes etc. Thanks for playing Gandalf. ;) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:50pm ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 2:05am:
No, you're not. You're getting a 404 on the first link, and the others are working just fine. I smell hyperbole. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:51pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:13pm:
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:58pm Karnal wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 12:04am:
Spot on. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by gandalf on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:22pm ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:45pm:
So this is not a lie then Ian?: ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 2:05am:
Soren's link stated that 48.6% of Australians held "Anti-Muslim sentiment". Your claim was that "The vast majority of Australians for what ever reason do not want Islamic immigration to this country". Would you like me to explain to you the difference between 48.6% and a "vast majority"? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by gandalf on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:24pm ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:49pm:
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:32pm polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:22pm:
Maybe Longy can help him: he's good at maths. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:36pm
all you are doing Gandalf is attempting to get me to respond your childishness so you can ban me. Thanks for playing ;)
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:39pm
a muslim who doesnt know that Islam uses parts of the Old testament or how the term Halal is correctly used, you are busted mate, get over it.
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:52pm ian wrote on Dec 28th, 2014 at 11:47pm:
no country in the world wants islamics aside from other extremist states. keep them all, ship them off there |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:55pm ian wrote on Dec 28th, 2014 at 11:47pm:
Could you please substantiate that "fact", with some reliable evidence? Cheers. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Rocketanski on Dec 29th, 2014 at 9:09pm
Not all Muslims are fanatics but it has dawned on people that the bad come with the good. It's too late anyway because muslims are here in large numbers and Islamic terrorism is just something we'll have to deal with.
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ian on Dec 29th, 2014 at 9:52pm greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:55pm:
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:36pm Rocketanski wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 9:09pm:
What sort of ridiculous apologetics is this? Ban Islam, and you ban terrorism. As every schoolboy knows. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:39pm Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:52pm:
Keep them? Ban them. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:53pm Rocketanski wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 9:09pm:
that's a defeatist attitude. demolish a mosque for every attack on us. Going from the largest one first. deport every family member of the terrorist. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Dec 30th, 2014 at 5:27am Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 7:10pm:
OK Herb, I'll keep it simple: You posted a link to an inflammatory and hate-mongering inaccurate, anti-Islamic article by a fraud and a conman. You disliked my abhorrence of Pickering for publishing such, and asked me to address the context of the article, which I did. Then you targeted one single word of my preamble before the analysis -- 'racist' -- and went on a song and dance insinuating that I was misusing the word and that I was some sort of apologist for what you say is Australia's flawed immigration policy -- probably because you can no longer score 100 in your mum's backyard because the wogs next door won't return your cricket ball when you're on 99. Then you noted that the aforementioned immigration policy is turning Australia into a "modern towers of Babel", which curiously is Hebrew -- nothing to do with Islam. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by gandalf on Dec 30th, 2014 at 7:46am ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:36pm:
Actually I'm just trying to get a coherent explanation for your claim that a vast majority of Australians oppose muslim immigration - and why you stated it as "fact" with absolutely no evidence - and the only evidence you claim vindicates your claim talks about a minority. Perhaps in future you should reconsider attaching idiotic statements like "only a fool would argue otherwise" to completely baseless claims - before talking about childishness. Thanks for playing :P |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 30th, 2014 at 8:04am
ColdFact - I really do advise you to change your Usename here.
All we're hearing from you here is HotFiction. "A journalist is supposed to be just that -- not a muck-raking bigot, liar and racist trying to unnecessarily stir up hatred". I asked you to give me the cold facts in his article that leads you to this conclusion. It would seem to me that all the bile and hatred is coming from your own corner, not his. "Well normally no I wouldn't because it's a racist rant". And then, after I've corrected your entirely incorrect and prejudicial use of the term 'racist' in describing Pickering's article - you then concede the point and withdraw it. "Ok Herb if we're going to get into semantics, Islam refers to a religion, not a race". By this time your credibility as a critic has crashed-and-burned - never to fly again. "You posted a link to an inflammatory and hate-mongering inaccurate, anti-Islamic article by a fraud and a conman" 'Inflammatory and hate-mongering' is baby-talk for advising that matters of social importance to the general public should not be aired, discussed, and treated as a legitimate concern. It should simply be stigmatised as something 'decent' people don't talk about. Very immature, very PC, and smacks of intellectual and moral cowardice. 'Anti-Islamic article' ... you seem to infer that this in itself is something that should be regarded as intrinsically abhorrent to people of good character. What I'm hearing from you is mostly the immaturity of the apologist and the escape artist. Unfortunately my time is very precious and I simply don't have the care to educate and mentor you through the various stages that leads one to a more mature insight and understanding of the issues involved. Enjoy the rest of your day. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:31am
Come on, Herbie, the jig’s up. Coldfact has exposed your game.
He neglected to mention that the majority of your sources don’t refer to Australia at all. Herb strategy in a nutshell: put up some phoney or foreign article or rumour, present it as fact, and condemn anyone who questions it as a spineless apologist. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:34am Brian Ross wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 1:25am:
The overall point is that there is significantly disproportionate negative attitude towards Muslims and Islam. This is an ideological, political antipathy, not a racial one - there is nowhere near the same negative attitude towards Buddhists, the majority of whom are also -non-White. Furthermore, I'd say 50 years ago the proportion would have been the same as it is towards Buddhists today. In other words Islam's stock is worsening for obvious reasons. SO what is important and should not be ignored is that a third of Australians oppose an ideology. No other ideology comes anywhere near this level of antipathy. A third of the population is a significant proportion. It is far greater than the proportion that supports the Greens, for example, or thought Gillard a good PM. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:36am Karnal wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:31am:
That's the Troll King, in a nutshell. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:50am Soren wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:34am:
Oh, old boy, back in the 1990s a percentage of Australians opposed the chinks coming in. You might remember a certain poetess called Pauline Hanson. You might even recall the remarks of a certain PM called John Howard, who wanted to go softly on Asian immigration. Once, we opposed your kind coming in, but we came around in the end. We always do. Your kindness and generousity, you see, has softened us to you people. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 30th, 2014 at 11:15am
Herbert has left the building.
Until further notice please leave your messages with Colonel Parker. Have a Nice Day. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 30th, 2014 at 11:18am |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Dec 30th, 2014 at 11:57am Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 11:15am:
What building was that Herb? Was that the Towers of Babel as in Genesis 11:1–9? Footnote: Is it possible to have this gem entered into the Ozpolitics Knowledge Base? "The politicians made a mistake in flooding western nations with foreigners, and every since then the social engineers have been busy at work ramping up the vilification laws while demonising anyone who dares raise an objection to having his ancestral homeland shot-through with foreigners and turned into modern Towers of Babel." Author, Lord Herbert. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 30th, 2014 at 12:37pm
Don’t ask Herbie anymore inconvenient questions, Coldfact.
He’ll have you up for stalking. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 30th, 2014 at 4:21pm Karnal wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 1:49am:
Funnily enough, that goes quite some way. It' not all of it but with the garden variety Muslims, it covers a lot, to coin a phrase. But if they do not feel themselves compelled to go about in pajamas, with silly beards and their women in equally out-of-place hijabs and worse, then they quite probably don't take whole wheeze that seriously, if at all. If you take an ideology seriously, you self-identify through displaying its external signs. If you don't, you don't. Shibboleths, innit. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 30th, 2014 at 4:28pm
How do you find Orthadox Jews, old boy? Are you a fan of the black attire and all those straps? Wigs for the ladies to cover their hair?
I imagine they take Leviticus rather seriously, no? They even have a Jewsih court in Melbourne. Shurely shome shibboleth? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lionel Edriess on Dec 30th, 2014 at 5:59pm polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 7:46am:
Perhaps you'd best ask Mr.Ross. He's the best at explaining why statistics never match public feeling. He'll also be able to explain the groundswell of anti-Islamic feeling erupting in Europe as merely the collection of racist cants by popular political wannabes. With statistics! And is also able to explain why racial and religious profiles are not considered important enough to collect when our law-makers are considering new legislation and penalties. This is the result of recent legislation, BTW. It also stymies any attempt to discover who is on the dole, and who is claiming other benefits, on an average profile - which we can't do any more. Does one have to be a "prophet" to see that the ongoing feudalism between certain families in Sydney is somehow connected to religious beliefs? And the connections to organised crime? Best we just whistle while looking at the walls, eh? We'll take all the 'moderate' Muslims the world has to offer. All Islam has to do is offer real 'moderate' Muslims. Nuffin' to do with Islam, eh? Shirley, you jest! 8-) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Dec 30th, 2014 at 7:22pm Lionel Edriess wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 5:59pm:
Careful, you're stating to shape-shift and it ain't a pretty sight. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 30th, 2014 at 9:49pm Karnal wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 4:28pm:
Relevance? Why not ask about the saffron robes of Buddhists, or the Sikh turbans? Because you have bought into the rabid Muslim 'what about the JOOOOOS' psychosis. What Muslims do is all about the JOOOS. And you, a Paki Bvgger, of course will go with the flow. You have the Muslim psychosis about the Jews, even though you are not a Muslim yourself. You are on the bandwagon, unthinking, clapping and yelling, PB. Nam, innit. Side witb the f Vckers every time, hoping to get lucky as a PB. Aiming for the biscuit, innit. THe opportunism of the invert. Carry on.i |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:08pm Karnal wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:50am:
And now we see the huge difference between the 'chinks' and the Muslims. First a joke, then a tragedy. Islam contributes nothing to Western societies, it is not bringing any improvement, even if Muslims (non-observant, mostly) may. The 'chinks' were not bringing an ideology. The practicing, devout Muslims are. It is an avowedly anti-Western ideology. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 31st, 2014 at 12:32am
What about the Danes? I saw a dirty cheeseater in a frock and a pair of red tights, slapping away like he was churning out a cream stollen. Needless to say, it got all over his old school shoes.
Still like Danish, old boy, or have you been assimilated? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 2:38pm ian wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:38am:
Really? You have evidence or like Mr.Pickering you are basing this on prejudice? ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 2:40pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:43am:
Mr.Pickering's claims have been found wanting, Herbie. He is apparently a conman, a fraudster and a philanderer. Why should we believe anything he says? ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 2:44pm Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 8:52pm:
Bit hard to do when most are born here and are citizens, Sprint. So, on what basis are you going to "ship them off"? I'd love to see the High Court challenge to any laws which attempted such deportation. The Lawyers would make an absolute fortune! ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 2:45pm Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 29th, 2014 at 11:53pm:
Collective guilt. Exactly how the Israelis handle it. So, Sprint, how well has that worked for them? It's really stopped the Terrorism there, now hasn't it? ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 2:49pm Soren wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 10:34am:
Yes, Soren. Of course, it hasn't helped when we have muckrakers like Mr.Pickering, Herbie and yourself, promoting hatred and intolerance towards innocent people on the basis of Guilt by Association. ::) Tell, me, Soren, what do you think of Mr.Pickering's claims about Australian attitudes, in the face of the evidence that I've presented? Do you support his claims like Herbie or will you condemn them like sensible people do for being based on nothing except supposition and prejudice? ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Anti-Anthrax on Dec 31st, 2014 at 3:17pm Brian Ross wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 2:49pm:
You are a textbook lefty. *claim to be right *claim to represent the majority *claim to hold the view of reason and sense *claim any other view is bigoted/racist/x-phobic,x-ism,etc *claim to have already dealt with any questions and objections and that it is now time to accept the lefty view. (and anyone who disagrees is a sock/troll/idiot/paid to post problem maker, etc) Yep. Textbook lefty. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 31st, 2014 at 3:49pm
I agree, Matty. We’re moral relitivists, no?
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 4:07pm Lionel Edriess wrote on Dec 30th, 2014 at 5:59pm:
Poor Lionel, I never realised you felt so daunted by my rhetorical powers! I feel flattered to gain such praise, even if in a backhanded way, from you of all people. ;D I rather suspect that your ideal of a moderate Muslim is a thoroughly Westernised one, indeed so Westernised that hey are Muslim in name only. One common charge I have laid at the doors of Xenophobes and racists is that they want uniformity, rather than be willing to tolerate diversity and pluralism. They want everybody looking the same, acting the same, dressing the same, walking in lock step to their drum beat because above all else they are offended by the very concept of individuality. Individuality? That's fine, as long as everybody is the same! ::) Soren is another in that camp. As long as everybody looks Northern European, is a god-fearing Lutheran and votes Tory, he's happy. Indeed, more than just happy, he's ecstatic! He cannot tolerate Johnny-Foreigner. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 4:10pm Good riddance wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 3:17pm:
Matty/Adam/Anti, actually you're wrong. I haven't claimed to be right. I've shown I am right - I've presented my findings, presented the evidence on which they are based. Mr.Pickering hasn't. No evidence based argument from him or Herbie. Nor it seems you. So, instead you'll attack me. Silly you. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Anti-Anthrax on Dec 31st, 2014 at 5:19pm Brian Ross wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 4:10pm:
You are wrong. The case has been proven. Let me go through the evidence again; ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) See, I have more eyes rolling than you. End of story. Try harder next time... you foolish ignorant half man ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 31st, 2014 at 5:25pm Brian Ross wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 4:07pm:
Making every country 'diverse' is the surest way to homogenise the whole world. But numpties like Brain would never realise that because they are spouting a mindless ideology. Brain, you stand for the complete McDonaldisation of the world where every country is exactly as 'diverse' as every other thereby each losing its own unique characteristics. You are more reactionary and imperialist that you would ever imagine. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 6:05pm Soren wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 5:25pm:
*SIGH*, your Toxophilia is getting worse, Soren. You really should get it seen to. ::) You've now just admitted you fear diversity, you are unwilling to tolerate individuality. You'd prefer our nation to be whiter than white. Pity about the Indigenes though. They have a far better claim to want the nation to be black. ;D |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 31st, 2014 at 7:30pm Soren wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 5:25pm:
Well said. Britain's Labor party under Tony Blair actually conspired to erase the English from England under a tsunami of indiscriminate immigrants of all colours, all races, and all creeds. He willingly and with aforethought sought to deliver cultural genocide upon the English people as a means of helping to create a One World Order in which One Size Fits All. It has ever since then fascinated me that Tony Blair is walking around as a free man with apparently no fear of being assassinated. The British have been feminised and gelded to such an extent since WWII ended that not a single person in a population of many million is game to take him to a local abandoned quarry and blow his brains out as he so richly deserves. And the rest of them. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 7:35pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 7:30pm:
Perhaps you need to go back, Herbie and lead them out of this wilderness? You do realise, you really can't criticise the UK, afterall you did jump ship yourself. Knowing what you've said about feeling that you "didn't belong" in the UK because you were born in China, I've often wondered, Herbie why you believe you know or would even care what happens there, except perhaps you may have some over-romanticised idyll which you believe still exists. I suppose you watch Midsummer Murders and Downton Abbey with a tear in your eye for the Britain that was? ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Dec 31st, 2014 at 10:01pm Brian Ross wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 6:05pm:
Read what I said, my little homogeniser. You are the worst kind of genocidal maniac. You want the exact same amount of dog poo culture in every country so as to erase the odium of dog poo cultures. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Dec 31st, 2014 at 10:06pm
Not that there’s anything wrong with that, old boy. You like to go barefoot, no?
Miam miam. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Dec 31st, 2014 at 10:13pm Soren wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 10:01pm:
I wonder what your analyst makes of all these references to faecal matter, Soren? Your working on those thatching skills though. Soon you'll be able to stop doing it just for therapy and soon take it up as an alternative profession. ;D |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 1st, 2015 at 5:34am Brian Ross wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 7:35pm:
It's interesting that governments give ethnologists and anthropologists bucket-loads of annual grants to go into the jungles to save primitive tribes from extinction in every part of the globe ... the very same governments that are on an unspoken mission to wipe out the distinctive ancestral peoples of their own western societies through the strategy of mass immigration and draconian vilification laws. During the 23 years I've lived on this street and in this neighbourhood the only immigrants to settle here have been scores of coloured Third Worlders ... not a solitary Pom, or German, or Swede, or Dane, or Caucasian of any sort. This policy of demographic social-engineering is straight out of the Social-Marxist Handbook ~ and the paper-trail leads all the way back to the Planning Department at UN headquarters. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Jan 1st, 2015 at 10:18am Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 1st, 2015 at 5:34am:
Sorry Herb, I'm not stalking or trolling you, but the draconian vilification law that annoys me is 18C of the racial discrimination law. which the Jewish community has used successfully to jail what they refer to as anti-semitics. -- and, of course, you're not allowed to dispute any of the Holocaust facts or figures -- even the ones that have been 'adjusted'. But nothing seems to protect the Muslim community from the constant onslaught of media and public abuse. So I really want to know if these laws are working for anyone except the Jewish community. Edited a couple of times due to hangover. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 1st, 2015 at 11:10am ColdFact wrote on Jan 1st, 2015 at 10:18am:
I'm in favour of scrapping this law. Unfortunately Abbott's balls dropped off and bounced down the parliamentary steps in front of the TV cameras when the journalists (many of them female) asked him when he intended to scrap the C18 subsection. He funked-out. Did a backflip. It wasn't the Jews he was worried about, but the Muslims. ColdFact wrote on Jan 1st, 2015 at 10:18am:
Trust me - the holocaust happened. My neighbour in the UK was a survivor of Auschwitz, and an old Polish workmate of mine spent 3 years in Buchenwald. You want to split hairs over numerical statistics? ~ okay, but then bore someone else with it. ColdFact wrote on Jan 1st, 2015 at 10:18am:
You've lost me. What media and public abuse? When Sydney's Muslims stop committing crime and attracting attention to themselves for all the wrong reasons ~ the media will then have no news stories to report from that quarter. It's really very simple. When Muslims stop making the news, the media will stop reporting it. Cause ... and effect. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Jan 1st, 2015 at 11:22am
That’s funny. There’s not enough Muslim news in Australia, so Herbie goes to Mother to get his daily tidbits.
At least Pickering’s fiction is local.- so are Herbie’s rumours about Muslim library book theft, Health Department letters to "Muslim" doctors, and all the other senseless talkback shrieking. Herbie imports all the rest from the old country. They never assimilate, you know. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Jan 1st, 2015 at 11:36am Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 1st, 2015 at 11:10am:
Funny I didn't say anything, I just said it was a breach of the act to dispute same. Edit: Forgot to add. Did you think holocaust revisionism should be illegal under 18C? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 1st, 2015 at 12:26pm ColdFact wrote on Jan 1st, 2015 at 11:36am:
Definitely not. I believe in freedom of the press and personal opinion. If there are outright lies or honest errors ~ then these should be retracted, but no bannings. In the Peoples Soviet Republic of Britain there are now all sorts of legal penalties against the slightest hint of racism or disenchantment with immigrants. ** I've noticed that long-time nighttime TalkBack radio host Brian Wilshire who has been famously 'rightwing' as part of his On Air persona, has dropped the ball and gone the way of Tony Abbott in terror of Muslim backlash. His commentary in the aftermath of the Sydney siege was pathetically apologist on behalf of Islam and Muslims ... diving for cover every time someone phoned up to tell him that this event was inspired by Islamic cultural and religious belief. Vale Brian Wilshire. Time to retire. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 1st, 2015 at 2:16pm Brian Ross wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 6:05pm:
I don't want every country to be 'diverse' because then the whole world is homogenised into being one giant Star Wars bar scene. I want different countries to be, you know, different. Even the third worlders in their ghettos of Lakemba, Cabramatta or Chatswood are not interested in diversity, funnily enough. They want to preserve their own ways. And that's praised because only the tinted people have cultures. Australians, the English or Europeans (whitey) wanting to preserve their own ways is branded racist. Needless to say, the cultures of the tinted countries are fiercely anti-diversity, they actively discriminate against minorities and foreigners and discourage immigration. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Jan 1st, 2015 at 3:00pm
Really, old boy, how are you going to preserve your own ways? You can’t even get Mormor’s pickling recipe right.
Thanks for confirming the agenda, but alas, no one preserves their own ways. Good luck, Lakemba. The day they get all the Lebs out of the brothels, bottle shops and pokie lounges is the day I’ll say, Allah Uakbar. Can I say that? You wouldn’t want our ways preserved, old boy. I remember Sydney in the 1970s,, and it would not have been your cup of pickled stool, believe me. We were most unsympathetic to you people back then. Even the architect of the Opera House was howled out of the country by the planners and the tabloids. We love you now, of course, but we’ve since converted to multiculturalism. Pickled stool and all. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 1:28pm Brian Ross wrote on Dec 31st, 2014 at 4:07pm:
Indeed. When they come to the West - nobody is forcing them - they should be thoroughly Westernised. They can stay in Araby, Pakistan, Indonesia, Malaysia and be as Muslims as they like. Quote:
Western culture allows more room for individuality than any other culture, bar none. It is a stupid and baseless little gimmick to label the opponents of multiculturalism xenophobic or against diverse views. I am very happy for Africans to live by African norms in Africa, or Indians by Indian norms in India. But why come ALL THIS WAY, to a culturally obviously different country and then cleave to the old African, Indian, Muslim, Chinese values? Especially as they are invariable inferior to Western cultural norms. Leave your inferior habits behind, fit in, learn the language, make the most of your new you. Or stay home if you can't. The stuck-in-the-old-ways migrants are the ones who are unable to express their individuality: they are in a new country but they are unable to shed their old ways. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 1:44pm Karnal wrote on Jan 1st, 2015 at 3:00pm:
This is silly, as usual. You make it out as if multiculturalism was the cause of improvements. But none of the improvements to the West have been due to it. None of the artistic or literary changes, not the 60s, not the fall of the Berlin Wall, not anything. Other than an increased variety in cooking styles and ingredients, I cannot think of a single cultural improvement due to multiculturalism. What aspect of Lebanese, Chinese, African culture has Australia taken on and was improved by? I can't think of any. Can you? The migrants who do contribute best are the ones who are most assimilated. The most unassimilated ones - preservers of the 'old country's ways' - are on welfare. The culturally distant migrants form ghettos. The culturally similar ones - Northern and Western Europeans, North Americans - don't. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 1:58pm Karnal wrote on Jan 1st, 2015 at 3:00pm:
This is silly, as usual. You make it out as if multiculturalism was the cause of improvements. But none of the improvements to the West have been due to it. None of the artistic or literary changes, not the 60s, not the fall of the Berlin Wall, not anything. Other than an increased variety in cooking styles and ingredients, I cannot think of a single cultural improvement due to multiculturalism. What aspect of Lebanese, Chinese, African culture has Australia taken on and was improved by? I can't think of any. Can you? The migrants who do contribute best are the ones who are most assimilated. The most unassimilated ones - preservers of the 'old country's ways' - are on welfare. The culturally distant migrants form ghettos. The culturally similar ones - Northern and Western Europeans, North Americans - don't. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 2:28pm Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 1:58pm:
Excellent commentary, Soren. As for recipes ~ we only needed the cooking books - not the arrival of 4 million migrants to tell us how to cook snails in butter sauce, or how to stir-fry toilet insects in Black Bean and Oyster Sauce. The one thing the ethnics brought us of any good was soccer ... but then the bosses of the TV channels have stubbornly resisted giving the game any air-time over a full 60 year period now. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 3:28pm Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 1:28pm:
It does. You don't. Modern "Western" Culture is inherently diverse and tolerant of indeed, anybody, as long as they act within the laws that "Western civilisation" has laid down. You, OTOH, along with Herbie and so many other Xenophobes, attack anybody who merely worships different god or dresses differently or has different coloured skin or different shaped eyes, Soren. Quote:
So, Soren, you'd recommend then that these Australians should never have come here, then and that their diverse cultural practices shouldn't be tolerated? Or does your rules only apply to African or Asian or say Latin American cultures? Your problem is, Soren that everytime you open your mouth, you jam your foot in it, deeper and deeper. The reality is that Multiculturalism includes all cultures. You accuse me of "homogenising" Australia and all other nations of the world. The reality is, it's you who wants a homogenised culture - everybody dressed like they walked out of some utopian ideal you have of "Western culture", which bears absolutely no relation to what it is in reality. I was right, you want uniformity. Everybody marching in lock step with you. You can't tolerate diversity, particularly if it includes anybdoy who's dark skinned or non-Christian. You've made that plain, time and again. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 4:45pm Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 1:58pm:
You want improvements, do you? Make up your mind, dear. Your original post (your best) was about preserving white culture. Yes, dear boy, white culture. Correlation not causation, what. If we’d preserved Australian culture, you would have been back to the old country quicker than you can say Soerern Kern. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 5:36pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 3:28pm:
They wear these costumes on their picnic days. The other 364 days you wouldn't know whether they are Irish or Polish or Welsh. With pajama, hijab, sari and turban crowd, they will never let you forget that they do not belong here. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 6:46pm Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 1:44pm:
Well most Australians dance around to Hava Nagila at weddings and functions -- that's got to be something. I could add more but I'm not sure if you're allowing science, technology and culture prior to circa 1788, and you've already put the mozz on food and stuff -- Hey, "put the mozz on"! A great Aussie saying, adopted from Hebrew. Now there's two inclusions. Anyway let me know. In the meantime would you like to list the Australian culture that you feel is being threatened or at least not adopted by non-assimilating migrants? Remember we know about 'their culture' -- just list the Aussie culture. Cheers. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 7:33pm Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 5:36pm:
Absolutely correct. There are even some born-in-Australia non-whites who use their skin colour and their ethnic characteristics to openly proclaim their allegiances to people who belong to foreign countries. The most outstanding example in this regard is a group of Australian-born men and women of Indian parentage who openly support India's national cricket team against the national team of Australia. They were happy to appear on A Current Affairs to tell us all about who they identify with and barrack for. And let's be honest: how many Pacific Islanders living as citizens of Australia would give a rat's arse about Australia's rugby league if half the players weren't Pacific Islanders? And Sydney's Canterbury-Bankstown Bulldogs footy team. It's patronised by the local Muslims only because one or two of the players are Muslims. And so on and so forth. At the time of the Olympic in 2001 the local Greek community wanted to build an exhibition hall here in Sydney to glorify only Australia's Olympic winners of Greek background. They made no bones about their utter rejection of identifying as generic 'Australians'. Four ... five ... six generations here ~ and no way they wanted to be identified as 'Skippies'. The NSW government refused them permission to set up this hall. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 7:37pm ColdFact wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 6:46pm:
Ah, one of the 'Australia has no discernible culture' brigade. Only immigrants have cultures worth preserving, yeah? How sad and stupid. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 7:58pm Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 7:37pm:
;D The Anglo culture is far more one of subtlety, nuances, manners, ethics, morality, and secular lack of ostentatiousness than is found with most 'ethnic' traditions. The culture of the Anglo peoples is found in its political system, its laws, its social mores, it's sense of fairness and decency, it's humanitarian ethic. The global migrant traffic flow from all over the world is towards the Anglosphere precisely because its culture has created a desirable destiny for ethnics fleeing one sort of cultural failure or another in their own home countries. Lack of jobs, poverty, religious oppression, political oppression - these are 'push-factor' cultural failures that drive so many ethnics to find solace in the Anglosphere. They won't find bangles and beads, colourful gowns, turbans and top-knots, hijabs and 'ethnic dancing' among the Anglo peoples - but something far more valuable and important to having a life that is free, secure, and of a high living standard without the endemic crime and corruption that is so much a part of their own ethnic homelands. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 9:30pm Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 5:36pm:
Except when they're reminding you of it, Soren. ::) Quote:
Who says they don't belong here, Soren? You? You're opinion is worthless because it is biased and coloured by your obvious hatred of anybody non-WASP. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 10:32pm Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 7:58pm:
And boy! aren't the Anglos and Europeans resented for providing space, tolerance and freedom to thirdy worldy efniks to overcome their parochial, thirdy worldy little obsessions with tribe, clan, mindless custom and tradition? Yes, they are resented. They are resented for letting in the aliens AND expecting. very politely, that they would assimilate. Yes, assimilate as they have no actual improvements to contribute. There has been NO Lebanese, Vietnamese, Chinese, Paki, Nigerian, Somali,Iranian improvement to Australia or any other western country. None. None. Thirdy worldy mindset on first world social benefits. Well, f Vck off, bozos. It doesn't work like that. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 10:46pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 9:30pm:
And your opinion (your, Brain, NOT you're) is significant?? I don't care for hijabs, pajamas as daywear or turbans in Australia. They have no place here. I don't want to know where you have come from and I certainly do not want to know that you prefer the habits of your old country (a godawful F vcking hellhole) compared to this place. I'd prefer if you made an effort to fit in. If that's too hard, I reserve the right to tell you to f Vck orf. YOU HAVE LEFT YOUR HELLHOLE - DON'T TRY TO RECREATE IT HERE. I do not have to tolerate your desire not to fit in. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by St George of the Puissant HLT on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 10:54pm
Australia was a half asleep culture when he antiwe arrived, with technology decades behind that of Europe and America. The food was dreadful and uninspiring. This was the late 50s.
The anti–Islamists here want to return todays culture to that of the stodgy 1950s then freeze it forever. Won’t work, can’t work. Not to say there are not practices like female genital mutilation that need to be stamped upon. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:38am Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 7:37pm:
Everybody who comes to Australia has a culture worth preserving, Soren. Always remember the "Australian culture" you're so protective of it itself a product of a synthesis of immigrant cultures - English, Scots, Irish, Welsh, German, Italian, yes, even Danish and others, reaching back to the First Fleet, with even infusions from the culture of the Indigenes, which mean it could arguably be claimed to have inherited over 50,000 years of culture. Every new arrival infuses our Multiculture with new vigour, Soren, even the Muslims. Unlike you, I don't look down my nose at anybody else's culture. I welcome, accept and help them celebrate it within the context of our great Australian multiculture. Always remember, Soren, Australia is a nation of immigrants and one which is the product of hybridisation. And also remember, it is through our hybridisation, that we remain strong and vigorous as a nation. "Pure breds" tend always to end up inbred, inward looking and of course, weak and sickly compared to hybrids. I'm sorry that your hatred, your intolerance and your desire to persecute your fellow Australians has made you bitter and twisted in your attitudes. Instead of hating, reach out to your fellow Australians and welcome them. If they turn their back on you, then it's their loss. It isn't grounds to hate and persecute them, it's grounds to pity them. Which is why I pity you. You turn your back on your fellow Australians simply because they worship god differently to you. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:47am Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 10:46pm:
Fine. Either leave then, shut up or go and live like a hermit in the middle of no where, Soren. To be quite truthful, your endless whinging, whining and attempts at persecution are tiresome. They should a real lack of the Australian concepts of the "fair go" and being laconic. Its pretty boring how much you hate your fellow Australians simply because they choose to dress how they like. Quote:
According to whom? You? Sorry, Soren, you have no more right to tell someone they can't wear a Turban than you have to tell me I can't wear shorts and a pair thongs when I walk down the street. ::) Quote:
Who cares what you think, Soren? You're a foolish man who obviously spends his entire life hating his fellow Australians merely for dressing or looking different. You must lead a very lonely life, locked perpetually in your darkened room, unable to come out for fear you might encounter someone who dares to dress or act or look different to your ideal of how Australians should be. ::) Quote:
Actually you do. Just as we have to tolerate your desire to be unwelcoming and a pain in the proverbial with your endless message of hatred and of course, persecution. Crawl back into your hole, Soren. You are not wanted in Australia any more. Your message is not welcomed. You sound like the worst stereotypical Ten Pound Pommie. You sound like Herbie without the wit or intelligence. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:49am Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:38am:
Bollocks. Utter, utter bollocks. And no surprise that YOU would advocate such utter, UTTER bollocks, Brian. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:57am Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:49am:
Tell me, Soren, why should we allow you to preserve what ever remnants of what Danish culture you have retained? Or have you abandoned your parent's heritage completely? Why haven't you gotten ridden of that obviously foreign sounding name? When are you changing your name to 'Bruce"? I wonder what they think of that? To slightly misquote Alan Jones, "They must have died of shame." ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Quantum on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:57am Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:47am:
According to whom? You? Sorry, Soren, you have no more right to tell someone they can't wear a Turban than you have to tell me I can't wear shorts and a pair thongs when I walk down the street. ::) Quote:
Who cares what you think, Soren? You're a foolish man who obviously spends his entire life hating his fellow Australians merely for dressing or looking different. You must lead a very lonely life, locked perpetually in your darkened room, unable to come out for fear you might encounter someone who dares to dress or act or look different to your ideal of how Australians should be. ::) Quote:
Actually you do. Just as we have to tolerate your desire to be unwelcoming and a pain in the proverbial with your endless message of hatred and of course, persecution. Crawl back into your hole, Soren. You are not wanted in Australia any more. Your message is not welcomed. You sound like the worst stereotypical Ten Pound Pommie. You sound like Herbie without the wit or intelligence. ::) [/quote] You are so intolerant! Completely closed to the ideas and opinions of others ::) Telling people to leave because they don't fit into your idea for Australia. Naughty, naughty, naughty Bwian ::) ::) ::) ::) Bigot! ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:59am
Quantum, if it's good enough for the Goose, it's good enough for the Gander. If that is how Soren wants to treat others, why should we not treat Soren to some of his own medicine? ::)
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Quantum on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:14am Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:59am:
Oh, so eye for an eye, right? ::) Actually, not exactly. This is a case of someone poking out someone else's eye, so you declare yourself the bringer of justice and poke their eye out to give them some of their "own medicine". Bwian, The great forum vigilantly! ::) How primitive... ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:38am Quantum wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:14am:
Sometimes, Quantum, the unsubtle approach is needed to get through to those that are particularly thick. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 9:17am Soren wrote on Jan 2nd, 2015 at 7:37pm:
Checkmate! |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 10:32am Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:57am:
Assimilation. Fitting in. Not constantly demonstrating one's apartness, estrangement, foreignness in dress, manner, speech. Save the national costume, the national beard, the national hijab and niqab for special feast days, if you must, although in these cases I would say chuck the lot for ever at the airport, like you woud the bone through your nose. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 11:08am Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:47am:
What? I have to LIKE every sign of apartness? Your brown shirt, too? Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:47am:
I am expressing my dislike and opposition to wearing foreign garb. I am not ordering anyone around (like you and the rest of the PC crowd). Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:47am:
I am perfectly free to express an opinion. Your PC instinct to shut up anyone who doesn't conform to your party line is all too common. Conservatives want their opponents to speak; Stalinist PC Lefties like you want their opponents to shut up. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 11:35am Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 10:32am:
Got it! |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 11:59am Soren wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 11:08am:
No one is saying you have to like it, Soren. However, keeping your mouth shut might make it a whole lot more pleasant for us who don't care and tolerate it. As I've said, your whinging and whining is tiresome. You've said your piece, not either shut up or piss off 'cause Australian society isn't going to change to suit your views. Either you join "Team Australia" or you take your bat and ball home to Mummy. ::) Quote:
You are declaring that it has "no place" in Australia. You are ordering people that they must conform to your views, Soren. You don't ask, you don't cajole, you demand!!!!!! Boring. ::) Quote:
No, Soren, you must tolerate it. Toleration doesn't mean you can't criticise it but you cannot do anything about it. You will forever be the lonely voice in the wilderness, the lonely little man in the corner of the front bar of the Pub who mutters to himself as he consoles himself with his lonely beer with no one to talk to. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by ColdFact on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 12:58pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 11:59am:
No, Soren, you must tolerate it. Toleration doesn't mean you can't criticise it but you cannot do anything about it. You will forever be the lonely voice in the wilderness, the lonely little man in the corner of the front bar of the Pub who mutters to himself as he consoles himself with his lonely beer with no one to talk to. ::)[/quote] Oh no! I feel a song coming on. Soren's Australia (and Herb's}. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Quantum on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:16pm
Australia: Great country. Good laws, good culture, strong growing society.
Soren: Australian patriot. Follows the laws, integrates and contributes to society and culture. Islamistan: Fvked up country. Shlt laws, shlt culture, society being ripped apart. Immigrant: Runs away from Islamaistan because it is a crap hole. Comes to great Australia. Immigrant: Ignores good laws, good culture of great Australia. Continues to live by crap laws and culture of Islamistan. Soren: Points out the elephant -wearing a hijab whilst strapped with dynamite- in the room is not good for keeping Australia great and is ruining our good culture and strong growing society. Should go back to Islamistan if they like that culture so much. Bwian: Tells Soren to get out of the country to make room for all those who have come and will continue to come from Islamistan. Is this perverted line of thinking only contained in the minds of a few nuts on the internet, or is Australia now beyond repair? Is the general population now so retarded that if the dog keeps shlting on the carpet that the solution is to throw the owner outside for getting annoyed? How did people get this way and how did they hijack the word progress to describe this backwards way of thinking? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Baronvonrort on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:22pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 11:59am:
You should piss off back to your forum Brian. Nobody goes to your forum perhaps that is because they disagree with your idiocy. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:34pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 11:59am:
No, Soren, you must tolerate it. Toleration doesn't mean you can't criticise it but you cannot do anything about it. You will forever be the lonely voice in the wilderness, the lonely little man in the corner of the front bar of the Pub who mutters to himself as he consoles himself with his lonely beer with no one to talk to. ::)[/quote] Very good, Brownshirt Brain. You can talk because your views are correct, others, whose views are deemed incorrect, must shut up so as not to disturb your groupthink echo chamber. That's all you have as an argument, BB. The hijab and the niqab and the jihadi beard are not just some fashion choice - a choice between DG or Rivers; classic cut or hipster look. Sharia wear is not a passing fashion. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:40pm |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 2:00pm Baronvonrort wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:46pm:
;D ;D ;D That's a good line. I might plagiarise that some time. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 2:14pm Quantum wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:16pm:
Tough luck, Quantum. You like the great patriot Soren are in the minority as far as the rest of the Australian population are concerned. No one wants to hear your whinging and whining, your continual portray of your fellow Australians as being somehow unwilling to live peacefully with each other. Time after time, evidence is presented that the majority of Australians - Muslim and non-Muslim just want to be left in peace to get on with their own lives without being continually persecuted by dills like you and Soren. 100 years ago, it was the Catholics, then it was the "New Australians" after WWII, the southern Europeans, the Indochinese and now the Muslims. They've fitted in, in the end. We've weeded out the ones who didn't but we didn't need Pogroms (Sprint's solution), we didn't need deportations (Herbie's solution) or any other form of "Final Solution" (Yadda's). ::) You and Soren and Herbie and Baronvert and Yadda and Moses and Adam/Anti/Matty are the misfits. Why don't you go off and build yourself a new homeland somewhere? Create your own country. What's the betting you're at each other's throats within five minutes 'cause one of you cracks his boiled egg at the "wrong" end? ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 2:16pm Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:40pm:
You mean the Ivory Tower you can't even find the door to? ;D Quote:
I'm disappointed, Herbie - no pitchforks, no scythes? Call that a mob? I call it a crowd of English football hooligans out for a good time. ;D |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 2:22pm Quantum wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 1:16pm:
How about that, old boy? You’re now an Australian patriot |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 2:27pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 2:14pm:
Now now, Brain, there are no right or "wrong" ends. In some cultures it is the mouth, in some the rectum. It is a jolly world, no? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Quantum on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 2:56pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 2:14pm:
Oh, build our own country... So if someone builds a house and all is going well. If one day someone comes in and takes a shlt on the floor, the solution isn't to remover the shlter from the house but to go build yet another house... ::) Nup, not convinced you are the majority Bwian. The only place I see people like you are on Internet forums like this. Even then there is always Agnostics, Christians, Atheist, Deist, on the one side, and Islamic apologist and Muslims on the other. Look this this thread; Bwian's Muslims vs everyone else. You would think if you represented the majority voice of Australia you would have more support out side of the cyber Mosque... |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 3:04pm
Quantum, I don't claim to be the majority. I suggest that I am with the majority, whereas you and your fellow Islamophobes are clearly in the minority. I can produce numerous references to Public Opinion data which supports my view, whereas Soren, et al, rarely can.
I am unsure why you assume that all Musims are "shitters on the floor". We never see the sorts of proposals for a "Final Solution" for non-Muslim criminals that we see regularly proposed here for all Muslims for just sharing a religion with those that you describe as "shitters on the floor", by the likes of Sprint and Yadda or Moses, now do we? Why do you universally dislike all Muslims, Quantum to the point where you want to describe them in the way? What have they done to you, except perhaps disturb your equilibrium by their mere existence? ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 4th, 2015 at 1:52pm |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 4th, 2015 at 1:55pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 3:04pm:
Funny how the 'equilibrium' is disturbed everywhere. You know. 'Islam's bloody borders". |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 4th, 2015 at 2:40pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 3rd, 2015 at 3:04pm:
Nearly half of Australians are anti-Muslim: study Updated 23 Feb 2011, A decade-long national study has found that nearly 50 per cent of Australians identify themselves as having anti-Muslim attitudes. Researchers from universities across the country polled thousands of people about their attitudes to different cultures and whether they had experienced racism. The research found around one in 10 Australians identified themselves as prejudiced against other cultures. About one-quarter of those surveyed said they had anti-Semitic or anti-Asian attitudes, while a slightly larger number were prejudiced against Aborigines. Anti-Muslim sentiment was even higher, at 48.6 per cent. That was 4 years ago. 48.6 % is very significant. Elsewhere: 74% of the French believe “Islam is incompatible with French society. German attitudes towards Islam and Muslims don’t fare much better, 66% of Western Germans and 74% of Eastern Germans have “negative attitudes towards Muslims.” Fewer than one in four people now believe that following Islam is compatible with a British way of life, Britain’s most senior Muslim minister will warn today. Islam and Muslims have a problem with integrating into non-Muslim societies. This should not come as a surprise. This should not be treated with incredulity, or worse, shrieks of 'Islamophobia and bigotry'. Islam is self-consciously different from Western liberal denocracy. That sharia-compliant Islam and Western liberal democracy are two completely ferent kinds of special organisation and ideal IS a plain fact. And preferring Western liberal democracy IN EVERY ASPECT of comparison with Islam is not Islamophobia or bigotry, Brain. Is there ANY aspect of sharia that you prefer to Western norms and laws? Let us know. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 4th, 2015 at 3:14pm Soren wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 1:55pm:
Everywhere? Or just inside your little mind, Soren? I'm not overly worried. Indeed, I'm less worried than I was during the real Cold War, where human error or aggression could have really destroyed civilisation. Your fears of Islam and Muslims OTOH pales in comparison to that. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 4th, 2015 at 4:15pm Soren wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 2:40pm:
Yes, 48.6% is a significant value, Soren. However, like all such surveys when one digs deeper, one finds out much more interesting results than the superficial ones reported in the media, who tend to all too often dumb them down to the level where people such as yourself can understand a headline. I've already discussed public opinion poll attitudes towards Muslims in this post, Soren, which I know you've read as you replied to it. It paints a more detailed picture of Australian attitudes, Soren. Looking at The Challenging Racism Project survey one discovers the usual contradictory views one finds when studying racism in Australia: See anything contradictory in those results, Soren? Australians may be concerned but not to the point where they refuse to mix in the workplace and they know that racism is wrong and something should be done about preventing it. So, if we combine the results from my other post, with these, Soren we end up with a very different picture than the one you (or the ABC for that matter) are seeking to convey about Australian society. Racism exists within Australia, without a doubt. We all perceive it. We believe something should be done about it but we don't let it affect our attitudes to the point where we won't mix with peoples of other "races" or cultures or religions. Further, we still basically remain happy for the most part to accept Muslims into our society, Soren, no matter what you attempt to claim. Further, the fact that only a third of Australians want a cut in Muslim immigration numbers suggests that while concerned, the overwhelming majority do not outright reject Muslims as you do. Ipso facto - you are still very much in the minority with your attitudes, Soren. Now run along. ::) Quote:
Who cares about elsewhere, Soren? We are discussing Australian attitudes, not French ones. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Caliph adamant on Jan 4th, 2015 at 6:23pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 4:15pm:
Poor set of results from a silly set of questions. Today, after a great 30 years of being a very proud Australian I am still called a Pom. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D No Racism intended. I also note the very limited number of people included in the survey, but offer no comment as it may cause offence. ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) ::) Any more of this tripe bigot brian? |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:04pm
The obvious flaw in this survey is that it doesn't say which people were questioned.
This fact alone makes it statistically invalid as a reflection of Anglo-Australian attitudes and beliefs. Nice try Brian, but no banana this time. For obvious reasons canvassers like to go to places like universities where there's a ready crowd at any time to be asked to respond to a questionnaire ... and who do we see on campuses but a very large percentage of ethnics. Better luck next time. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:11pm Adamant wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 6:23pm:
Me too. After a great 54 years of being a proud Pom I'm still called a bastard. 8-) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:12pm Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:04pm:
It isn't intended to reflect "Anglo-Australian attitudes," Herbie. It's intended to analyse Australian attitudes. No one ethnic or "racial" or cultural group is over-represented. In fact they went to great lengths to try and get a mix which was reflective of Australian society. As much as you hate it, Herbie, it isn't completely "Anglo-Australian" any more. ::) |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Caliph adamant on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:18pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:12pm:
More deflection from a muslim bigot eh brian you bigoted racist. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:52pm |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Rocketanski on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:54pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:12pm:
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 4th, 2015 at 9:42pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 4:15pm:
The ABC report I posted is about the same survey. Nearly half of Australians are anti-Muslim: study Updated 23 Feb 2011, 12:28pmWed 23 Feb 2011, 12:28pm EXTERNAL LINK: University of Western Sydney: Challenging Racism A decade-long national study has found that nearly 50 per cent of Australians identify themselves as having anti-Muslim attitudes. Researchers from universities across the country polled thousands of people about their attitudes to different cultures and whether they had experienced racism. The research found around one in 10 Australians identified themselves as prejudiced against other cultures. About one-quarter of those surveyed said they had anti-Semitic or anti-Asian attitudes, while a slightly larger number were prejudiced against Aborigines. Anti-Muslim sentiment was even higher, at 48.6 per cent. Lead researcher Professor Kevin Dunn from the University of Western Sydney says recent political rhetoric has not helped. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 4th, 2015 at 9:58pm
Yet, Soren, the press release doesn't actually say that. I provided a link to it. Care to quote from it where it actually states that? ::)
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 5th, 2015 at 5:25am
48.6% pre-Martin Place siege.
I think we can safely assume it's gone over the line to at least 51% by now - a majority. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Hot Breath on Jan 6th, 2015 at 5:32pm Rocketanski wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 7:54pm:
How would you know? The MSM doesn't report anti-ISIS stories about Muslims. It only reports anti-Muslim stories. ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Quantum on Jan 6th, 2015 at 6:05pm |dev|null wrote on Jan 6th, 2015 at 5:32pm:
Muslims dont know how to use cameras? They require a professional camera crew to document their protests? Show us a picture of Muslims protesting ISIS at Lakemba. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 6th, 2015 at 6:23pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 4th, 2015 at 9:58pm:
Don't tell me the ABC is deliberately lying? You should ring Media Watch. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Jan 25th, 2015 at 11:05pm |dev|null wrote on Jan 6th, 2015 at 5:32pm:
THe Muslims in that picture don't seem to know that they are not Fvckoffistan any more. They are all kitted out like they are still in Mosul or some such hell hole. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Jan 25th, 2015 at 11:08pm
Obviously getting desperate there, Soren. Now you're just being plain insulting towards peoples' fashion choices. ::)
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Sheikh adamant on Jan 31st, 2015 at 12:16pm |dev|null wrote on Jan 6th, 2015 at 5:32pm:
Is that what you mean by "a tiny minority"? ::) 8-) :o ;D :D ::) 8-) :o ;D :D ::) 8-) :o ;D :D |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Sheikh adamant on Jan 31st, 2015 at 12:19pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2015 at 11:08pm:
Its not a "choice" Brian, its compulsory pagan garb! |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Karnal on Jan 31st, 2015 at 5:51pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2015 at 11:08pm:
The old boy says he has no problems with Muslims dressed as Lutherans. It’s the bearded numpties who need to be banned. As long as the Muselman conforms to the old boy’s fashion choices, he can be tolerated. For now. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Feb 1st, 2015 at 8:23pm Brian Ross wrote on Jan 25th, 2015 at 11:08pm:
Like the fashion choices of Noor Faleh Almaleki or Abdalla Yones or Shafilea Ahmed? You are a disgusting, blinkered apologist for evil. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Hot Breath on Feb 2nd, 2015 at 10:32am Quantum wrote on Jan 6th, 2015 at 6:05pm:
Why? You'd just dispute it! ;D ;D :D :D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Feb 4th, 2015 at 7:48pm
You have gone all doggo again, Brain.
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Feb 5th, 2015 at 8:28pm
You spineless little bleeder, Brain.
You yawn when you are cornered, Stupid. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Feb 6th, 2015 at 12:23am |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Sheikh adamant on Feb 6th, 2015 at 9:23am
Brian in his normal garb.
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Phemanderac on Feb 6th, 2015 at 10:58am
It seems the only evidence that is clear in these 11 pages is the article was irrelevant to the arguments...
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Hot Breath on Feb 6th, 2015 at 11:20am Phemanderac wrote on Feb 6th, 2015 at 10:58am:
I knew that from day one! ;D :D ;D :D ;D :D |
Title: Re: Some interesting histeria here Post by Phemanderac on Feb 6th, 2015 at 11:50am
I have taken the liberty of making a small adjustment to the thread title for the sake of accuracy and integrity...
EDIT: Yes I know the correct spelling, but that would not be satire then... |
Title: Re: Some interesting histeria here Post by Lionel Edriess on Feb 6th, 2015 at 5:08pm Phemanderac wrote on Feb 6th, 2015 at 11:50am:
You need to be careful about satire. There are some who have absolutely no appreciation of the concept. Same with sarcasm. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Soren on Feb 6th, 2015 at 5:54pm Brian Ross wrote on Feb 6th, 2015 at 12:23am: You yawn when you are cornered, Stupid. |
Title: Re: Some interesting history here: Shia v Sunni Post by Brian Ross on Feb 7th, 2015 at 1:17pm |
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