Australian Politics Forum
General Discussion >> General Board >> we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(

Message started by The Mechanic on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:32pm

Title: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by The Mechanic on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:32pm
PROTESTERS around the West, horrified by the massacre in Paris, have held up pens and chanted “Je suis Charlie” I am Charlie
They lie The Islamist terrorists are winning, and the coordinated attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and kosher shop will be just one more success. One more step to our gutless surrender

Al-Qaeda in Yemen didn’t attack Charlie Hebdo because we are all Charlie Hebdo.

The opposite. It sent in the brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi because Charlie Hebdo was almost alone.

Unlike most politicians, journalists, lawyers and other members of our ruling classes, this fearless magazine dared to mock Islam in the way the Left routinely mocks Christianity. Unlike much of our ruling class, it refused to sell out our freedom to speak

Its greatest sin. to the Islamists, was to republish the infamous cartoons of Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten which mocked Mohammed, and then to publish even more of its own, including one showing the Muslim prophet naked.

Are we really all Charlie?

No, no and shamefully no

No Australian newspaper dared published those pictures, too, bar one which did so in error.

The Obama administration three years ago even attacked Charlie Hebdo for publishing the naked Mohammed cartoon, saying it was “deeply offensive”.

President Barack Obama even told the United Nations “the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” and damned a YouTube clip “Innocence of Muslims” which did just that. The filmmaker was thrown in jail.

We are all Charlie?

In Australia, Charlie Hebdo would almost certainly be sued into silence, to the cheers of some of the very protesters now claiming to be its great defenders.

Victoria now has absurd religious vilification laws, thanks to Labor, that were first used to punish two Christian preachers who at a seminar quoted the Koran’s teaching on jihad and — complained the judge — made their audience laugh.

Australia also has oppressive racial vilification laws which Prime Minister Tony Abbott had promised to relax but last year decided to keep, saying changing them would become a “complication” in making Muslim Australians side with the rest of us against jihadists.

One more surrender, and did you note how most “serious” journalists brayed for this muzzle? Celebrated when two of my own articles were banned?

But our journalists haven’t really needed a muzzle. They have been only too eager to shut themselves up rather than call out the growing threat of jihadism, brought to us by insanely stupid programs of mass immigration from the Third World.

When Dutch political leader Geert Wilders toured Australia to warn against the danger Islamism posed to our physical safety and our freedom, he was treated as a pariah and the protesters who pushed and heckled his audience were handed the microphone instead.

When jihadists screaming “Allahu Akbar” shot dead US soldiers at Fort Hood or coffee shop patrons in Sydney, ABC and Fairfax journalists pretended they had no idea what ideology could have motivated such slaughter.

When Boko Haram jihadists screaming “Allahu Akbar” kidnapped nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls, forcing them to convert to Islam and selling them to be raped, Islamist apologist and terrorism lecturer Waleed Aly refused even to acknowledge on Channel 10 that Boko Haram actually had an Islamist agenda, describing it merely as a group of vigilantes.

And when SBS filmed the then Mufti of Australia, Sheik Hilaly, praising suicide bombers as heroes in the Lakemba mosque just days before the September 11 attacks, it refused to air the footage for fear we might get the “wrong idea”.

This will go on. Be sure of it. Your ruling classes will not easily admit to having made an error that cannot now be fixed. It will prefer oppression to freedom, if that brings at least the illusion of peace — and many may even think they are right.

Hear already the lies.

You are told Muslim groups condemn the killings as unIslamic. Yet the Koran and Hadith preach death to unbelievers who mock Islam, and tell of Mohammed killing poets, singing girls and others who made fun of him.

No greater authority than the Ayatollah Khomeini, the then spiritual ruler of Iran, ordered the killing of writer Salman Rushdie for making mock of Islam in his The Satanic Verses.

We are also told the pen is mightier than the sword, but tell that to the people in the Charlie Hebdo office who found their fistfuls of pens no match for two Kalashnikovs.

Tell that now to even the brave leaders of Jyllands-Posten, who, after years of jihadist plots against their staff have had enough, refusing now to republish cartoons from Charlie Hebdo for fear of yet more attacks.

“It shows that violence works,” it admitted.

Everywhere you will find other papers making the same call.

We are all Charlie?

Bull. Absolute self-serving rubbish. The sell-outs are everywhere and will grow stronger.

The West’s political leaders have already told Muslim leaders they agree that mocking Islam is a sin, and have even passed laws — in France, too — making it unlawful.

They have attacked the very few journalists and politicians who dared warn against the Islamist threat.

Some now back Muslim demands for a boycott of Israel or at least greater recognition for the terrorists who run large parts of Palestinian territory.

Anything for peace, even if it means

And for all the protests this past week, submission is what you must expect

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Aussie on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:37pm
Gee, for one wild moment I thought you actually wrote that Mr Mechanic.  But, alas no.  You forgot to acknowledge that Andrew Bolt did.


Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by The Mechanic on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Aussie on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:41pm

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

Oh.....I haven't seen any Threads closed.  Where?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Greens_Win on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:46pm
Maybe the same topic over and over and over again gets condensed into one.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Gnads on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:52pm
BS it gets selectively removed

in case the forum upsets/offends some Muslim

Softc/ocks/apologists abound


Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Aussie on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:55pm

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

Bolt talks all tough, but I'll bet, just like the rest of us would, he'd crap his pants if some arsehole walked into his office with a Kalashnikov.  He'll be no pen pushing hero then.

I want my guns back John Winston Howard.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by The Mechanic on Jan 11th, 2015 at 9:06pm

Aussie wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:55pm:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

Bolt talks all tough, but I'll bet, just like the rest of us would, he'd crap his pants if some arsehole walked into his office with a Kalashnikov.  He'll be no pen pushing hero then.

I want my guns back John Winston Howard.

exactly right aussie..

these scum will pull a gun every time and blow your head off over a simple cartoon...

it's laughable if it wasn't so true...

we just don't need these maggots in our country... NOT ONE... if you "want" to be muslim then go to a fricken Muslim country and kill each other every other day of the week..

just don't bring it to my country.. f off...  >:(

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by issuevoter on Jan 11th, 2015 at 9:39pm
Yeah the Muslims are having a good laugh about the I am Charlies. After prayers, they can sit back, relax, and watch Western Europe on TV becoming one big Bosnia.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by innocentbystander. on Jan 11th, 2015 at 9:47pm
Mussie hashtag ... # you'll all be charlies soon

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Kat on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:25am

Say no more.

I mean, literally, say no more.

The man's an ignorant, bigoted, anencephalic nutter with little if anything
to say on just about any topic that's worth reading or listening-to.

If you think that this asshole has even the slightest clue, it's a sure sign
that you don't.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jan 12th, 2015 at 4:20am
They lie[/b] The Islamist terrorists are winning, and the coordinated attacks on the Charlie Hebdo magazine and kosher shop will be just one more success. One more step to our gutless surrender

Al-Qaeda in Yemen didn’t attack Charlie Hebdo because we are all Charlie Hebdo.

The opposite. It sent in the brothers Cherif and Said Kouachi because Charlie Hebdo was almost alone.

Unlike most politicians, journalists, lawyers and other members of our ruling classes, this fearless magazine dared to mock Islam in the way the Left routinely mocks Christianity. Unlike much of our ruling class, it refused to sell out our freedom to speak

Its greatest sin. to the Islamists, was to republish the infamous cartoons of Denmark’s Jyllands-Posten which mocked Mohammed, and then to publish even more of its own, including one showing the Muslim prophet naked.

Are we really all Charlie?

No, no and shamefully no

No Australian newspaper dared published those pictures, too, bar one which did so in error.

The Obama administration three years ago even attacked Charlie Hebdo for publishing the naked Mohammed cartoon, saying it was “deeply offensive”.

President Barack Obama even told the United Nations “the future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam” and damned a YouTube clip “Innocence of Muslims” which did just that. The filmmaker was thrown in jail.

We are all Charlie?

In Australia, Charlie Hebdo would almost certainly be sued into silence, to the cheers of some of the very protesters now claiming to be its great defenders.

Victoria now has absurd religious vilification laws, thanks to Labor, that were first used to punish two Christian preachers who at a seminar quoted the Koran’s teaching on jihad and — complained the judge — made their audience laugh.

Australia also has oppressive racial vilification laws which Prime Minister Tony Abbott had promised to relax but last year decided to keep, saying changing them would become a “complication” in making Muslim Australians side with the rest of us against jihadists.

One more surrender, and did you note how most “serious” journalists brayed for this muzzle? Celebrated when two of my own articles were banned?

But our journalists haven’t really needed a muzzle. They have been only too eager to shut themselves up rather than call out the growing threat of jihadism, brought to us by insanely stupid programs of mass immigration from the Third World.

When Dutch political leader Geert Wilders toured Australia to warn against the danger Islamism posed to our physical safety and our freedom, he was treated as a pariah and the protesters who pushed and heckled his audience were handed the microphone instead.

When jihadists screaming “Allahu Akbar” shot dead US soldiers at Fort Hood or coffee shop patrons in Sydney, ABC and Fairfax journalists pretended they had no idea what ideology could have motivated such slaughter.

When Boko Haram jihadists screaming “Allahu Akbar” kidnapped nearly 300 Nigerian schoolgirls, forcing them to convert to Islam and selling them to be raped, Islamist apologist and terrorism lecturer Waleed Aly refused even to acknowledge on Channel 10 that Boko Haram actually had an Islamist agenda, describing it merely as a group of vigilantes.

And when SBS filmed the then Mufti of Australia, Sheik Hilaly, praising suicide bombers as heroes in the Lakemba mosque just days before the September 11 attacks, it refused to air the footage for fear we might get the “wrong idea”.

This will go on. Be sure of it. Your ruling classes will not easily admit to having made an error that cannot now be fixed. It will prefer oppression to freedom, if that brings at least the illusion of peace — and many may even think they are right.

Hear already the lies.

You are told Muslim groups condemn the killings as unIslamic. Yet the Koran and Hadith preach death to unbelievers who mock Islam, and tell of Mohammed killing poets, singing girls and others who made fun of him.

No greater authority than the Ayatollah Khomeini, the then spiritual ruler of Iran, ordered the killing of writer Salman Rushdie for making mock of Islam in his The Satanic Verses.

We are also told the pen is mightier than the sword, but tell that to the people in the Charlie Hebdo office who found their fistfuls of pens no match for two Kalashnikovs.

Tell that now to even the brave leaders of Jyllands-Posten, who, after years of jihadist plots against their staff have had enough, refusing now to republish cartoons from Charlie Hebdo for fear of yet more attacks.

“It shows that violence works,” it admitted.

Everywhere you will find other papers making the same call.

We are all Charlie?

Bull. Absolute self-serving rubbish. The sell-outs are everywhere and will grow stronger.

The West’s political leaders have already told Muslim leaders they agree that mocking Islam is a sin, and have even passed laws — in France, too — making it unlawful.

They have attacked the very few journalists and politicians who dared warn against the Islamist threat.

Some now back Muslim demands for a boycott of Israel or at least greater recognition for the terrorists who run large parts of Palestinian territory.

Anything for peace, even if it means

ABs correct

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by AiA on Jan 12th, 2015 at 4:28am
If we were Charlie we would be dead.  The sentiment is silly. But I understand it. Salman Rushdie was not considered a coward for going underground when his life was in danger.  In fact, he was considered a hero. I think more of those who have been targeted by militant terrorists should follow Rushdie's lead, get out of harm's way, and continue doing what they do from a safer place, which would mean continuing to publish the magazine.  And they have plans to do just that ... with a million extra copies to be published :)

Some people just don't like others joking about them.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:26am

Aussie wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:55pm:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

Bolt talks all tough, but I'll bet, just like the rest of us would, he'd crap his pants if some arsehole walked into his office with a Kalashnikov.  He'll be no pen pushing hero then.

I want my guns back John Winston Howard.

and you would......he has stuck his neck out.. again.. talking about things that others THINK.. but dare not to say..

are you suggesting no Muslim fanatic stands a chance of reading that??.. are you really...

I think hes pretty brave to be honest.....

mind you....

he, nor you, nor I, can stop people THINKING....

people can look you in the eye and claim..they vote LABOR knowing full well they wouldnt in a fit vote labor...but if its what the person asking wants to hear....

like you wont get the job if you dont...

then I will tell lies like the rest of them...

my problem with all of this.. is why stir up MAD people just for the hell of it..

for instance 12 people are dead......yet CHarlie Hebdo was the one they wanted dead....if you understand my drift...why did he insist on putting his staff at risk just for the hell of it???..

ok I understand the 'surrender' call but these are MADMEN .. elusive madmen no one is catching them before they act...because they come from nowhere.....

so why draw a cartoon that will make them kill anyone who gets between them and the person they really want....if these madmen had chosen a car bomb dozens more would be dead...

would you like that on your conscience??...

what if Charlie had survived??????......

would he be happy he didnt die. with his work mates who were after all only doing a job so they could feed their family .... ::) ::) ::) ::)

to me its like poking a stick at a make him HATE you...... it wont be long before he gets you..

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:28am

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:25am:

Say no more.

I mean, literally, say no more.

The man's an ignorant, bigoted, anencephalic nutter with little if anything
to say on just about any topic that's worth reading or listening-to.

If you think that this asshole has even the slightest clue, it's a sure sign
that you don't.

you sound just like the haters with no sense of humour

KILL him .... thats the only bit you left out of your HATE MESSAGE..

that message sounds just like something the terrorist would spew.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Postmodern Trendoid II on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:30am

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:25am:

Say no more.

I mean, literally, say no more.

The man's an ignorant, bigoted, anencephalic nutter with little if anything
to say on just about any topic that's worth reading or listening-to.

If you think that this asshole has even the slightest clue, it's a sure sign
that you don't.

Good propaganda, Comrade. The rancour's a bit much, but this hate can be useful come the revolution. This is progress.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:35am
Kat would rather see the Libs destroyed than ISIL any day.. now thats what i call HATE.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Dame Pansi on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:51am

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:35am:
Kat would rather see the Libs destroyed than ISIL any day.. now thats what i call HATE.

I'm sure he wouldn't, just going on his posts.

I'd like nothing better than to see them both destroyed, but I'm pretty confident that the Libs will destroy themselves before ISIL disappears.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Dame Pansi on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:59am

Have we got a lost and found department?

Our esteemed right wing posters have lost something.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:59am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:51am:

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:35am:
Kat would rather see the Libs destroyed than ISIL any day.. now thats what i call HATE.

I'm sure he wouldn't, just going on his posts.

I'd like nothing better than to see them both destroyed, but I'm pretty confident that the Libs will destroy themselves before ISIL disappears.

wow thats pretty bad even for you pansi.....I didnt realise how deep your HATE goes...but we learn something every day..

the libs wont destroy much as you try....

I am shocked you wear your HATRED so proudly..

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by The Mechanic on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:02am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:59am:

Have we got a lost and found department?

Our esteemed right wing posters have lost something.

you won't silence me panzi, nor other decent law abiding peace loving citizens of Australia...

not by terrorist loving maggots like you ..

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:08am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:02am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:59am:

Have we got a lost and found department?

Our esteemed right wing posters have lost something.

you won't silence me panzi, nor other decent law abiding peace loving citizens of Australia...

not by terrorist loving maggots like you ..

I think pansi is having a midlife....she wants all libs dead my god...that is some confession....if a lib said they wanted all Muslims dead she would be raving.....

but its ok for her to say they same thing......about libs..

I am still in shock.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Gnads on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:18am

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:26am:

Aussie wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:55pm:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

Bolt talks all tough, but I'll bet, just like the rest of us would, he'd crap his pants if some arsehole walked into his office with a Kalashnikov.  He'll be no pen pushing hero then.

I want my guns back John Winston Howard.

and you would......he has stuck his neck out.. again.. talking about things that others THINK.. but dare not to say..

are you suggesting no Muslim fanatic stands a chance of reading that??.. are you really...

I think hes pretty brave to be honest.....

mind you....

he, nor you, nor I, can stop people THINKING....

people can look you in the eye and claim..they vote LABOR knowing full well they wouldnt in a fit vote labor...but if its what the person asking wants to hear....

like you wont get the job if you dont...

then I will tell lies like the rest of them...

my problem with all of this.. is why stir up MAD people just for the hell of it..

for instance 12 people are dead......yet CHarlie Hebdo was the one they wanted dead....if you understand my drift...why did he insist on putting his staff at risk just for the hell of it???..

ok I understand the 'surrender' call but these are MADMEN .. elusive madmen no one is catching them before they act...because they come from nowhere.....

so why draw a cartoon that will make them kill anyone who gets between them and the person they really want....if these madmen had chosen a car bomb dozens more would be dead...

would you like that on your conscience??...

what if Charlie had survived??????......

would he be happy he didnt die. with his work mates who were after all only doing a job so they could feed their family .... ::) ::) ::) ::)

to me its like poking a stick at a make him HATE you...... it wont be long before he gets you..

I can't agree with that statement ..... you are inferring they are animals .... yet they claim that they're human beings ... nor are they just "madmen"....

The religion is that of a madman ...... & these are just some of it's blind followers.

The problem lies with allowing wholesale Muslim migration ..... & now it seems it's all but too late.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by aquascoot on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:25am
My personal feeling is that the west have painted themselves into a corner and they are going to need a lot of turps to get out.

This is what happens when you don't get on top of problems early and when you don't demand respect.

you don't have to be mean about it, you don't have to be an ass-hole, but you have to be consistent.

if I get new horses on my farm, they will ALWAYS try it on. they will always test the waters, probe for weakness and exploit weakness if they find it. This is the nature of the world> if you suck up to them with sugar cubes and carrots , you create a dominant mean dangerous horse , who will literally rear up and strike you , if you don't give it its "treats"

so the first thing you do with any newcomers is take them down to the round yard. get out the stock whip. they'll usually run at you or try to run over the top of you but you hold your ground and eventually they are running laps, snorting and panting, sweating.  you must be unemotional but you must be dominant. after a half hour of running laps you just stop. the horse comes up behind you and sniffs your back, lowers its head and submits.

he is now "yours"   half an hour of effort and you have a new member of your herd who will never give you trouble again.

the trick is consistency, never back down and show no fear.

to do otherwise is to invite disaster.
ive seen it happen.
a stallion near me picked up a teenage girl and nearly bit her liver out. he shook her like a rag doll.
make them submit, they'll be happier and you and your loved ones will be safer.
its just common sense

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:30am

Aussie wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:37pm:
Gee, for one wild moment I thought you actually wrote that Mr Mechanic.  But, alas no.  You forgot to acknowledge that Andrew Bolt did.



No wonder The Mechanic didn't have the guts to cite a reference.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:45am

Gnads wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:18am:

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:26am:

Aussie wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:55pm:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

Bolt talks all tough, but I'll bet, just like the rest of us would, he'd crap his pants if some arsehole walked into his office with a Kalashnikov.  He'll be no pen pushing hero then.

I want my guns back John Winston Howard.

and you would......he has stuck his neck out.. again.. talking about things that others THINK.. but dare not to say..

are you suggesting no Muslim fanatic stands a chance of reading that??.. are you really...

I think hes pretty brave to be honest.....

mind you....

he, nor you, nor I, can stop people THINKING....

people can look you in the eye and claim..they vote LABOR knowing full well they wouldnt in a fit vote labor...but if its what the person asking wants to hear....

like you wont get the job if you dont...

then I will tell lies like the rest of them...

my problem with all of this.. is why stir up MAD people just for the hell of it..

for instance 12 people are dead......yet CHarlie Hebdo was the one they wanted dead....if you understand my drift...why did he insist on putting his staff at risk just for the hell of it???..

ok I understand the 'surrender' call but these are MADMEN .. elusive madmen no one is catching them before they act...because they come from nowhere.....

so why draw a cartoon that will make them kill anyone who gets between them and the person they really want....if these madmen had chosen a car bomb dozens more would be dead...

would you like that on your conscience??...

what if Charlie had survived??????......

would he be happy he didnt die. with his work mates who were after all only doing a job so they could feed their family .... ::) ::) ::) ::)

to me its like poking a stick at a make him HATE you...... it wont be long before he gets you..

I can't agree with that statement ..... you are inferring they are animals .... yet they claim that they're human beings ... nor are they just "madmen"....

The religion is that of a madman ...... & these are just some of it's blind followers.

The problem lies with allowing wholesale Muslim migration ..... & now it seems it's all but too late.

so if all muslims were in fact tigers..

how would you control them??????

would you corral them all in cages......and then what???

let the good guys poke sticks at them... ::) ::)

you talk as if we can control how people THINK..

thats just as mad as the fanatics....

why not microchip every muslim???..

or tattoo on their we know who they are.. aka Hitler...

wouldnt life he simple more hate or killing...

yep sounds like solution.....

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Dame Pansi on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:50am

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:08am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:02am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:59am:

Have we got a lost and found department?

Our esteemed right wing posters have lost something.

you won't silence me panzi, nor other decent law abiding peace loving citizens of Australia...

not by terrorist loving maggots like you ..

I think pansi is having a midlife....she wants all libs dead my god...that is some confession....if a lib said they wanted all Muslims dead she would be raving.....

but its ok for her to say they same thing......about libs..

I am still in shock.

Please read my post again cods.

I said nothing about death and you damn well know it.

To destroy a political party is very different to wishing death on all LNP voters and you damn well know that too.

Now stop being vindictive and have a cup of tea.....and turn the bloody tele and radio off, you're getting panicked for no reason.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:53am

aquascoot wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:25am:
My personal feeling is that the west have painted themselves into a corner and they are going to need a lot of turps to get out.

aqua you sound like gnads..

if we could get humans to sit up and beg.. wouldnt life be easy??????.....

trouble is all humans have brains and they use them to their own advantage...if you were a slave which is what you are suggesting......wouldnt the first thing you would do is think how can you reverse this become the master....

well a horse doesnt think like that....he knows who the master is just like the dog who begs for the treat .. they know they will never be the master....

when they know how to open a can or fill the bucket... things maybe different.. ::) ::)

in the mean time I dont think the stock whip will would have crook after you for starters.. ;D ;D

do you really want or expect a whole group of people to come when you whistle??

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:02am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:50am:

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:08am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:02am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:59am:

Have we got a lost and found department?

Our esteemed right wing posters have lost something.

you won't silence me panzi, nor other decent law abiding peace loving citizens of Australia...

not by terrorist loving maggots like you ..

I think pansi is having a midlife....she wants all libs dead my god...that is some confession....if a lib said they wanted all Muslims dead she would be raving.....

but its ok for her to say they same thing......about libs..

I am still in shock.

Please read my post again cods.

I said nothing about death and you damn well know it.

To destroy a political party is very different to wishing death on all LNP voters and you damn well know that too.

Now stop being vindictive and have a cup of tea.....and turn the bloody tele and radio off, you're getting panicked for no reason.


Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:51am:

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:35am:
Kat would rather see the Libs destroyed than ISIL any day.. now thats what i call HATE.

I'm sure he wouldn't, just going on his posts.

I'd like nothing better than to see them both destroyed, but I'm pretty confident that the Libs will destroy themselves before ISIL disappears.

well it smacks of hate and death to me.....and btw I am not panicking just reading what those who HATE say  and they say it a lot....vile stuff....we libs are filth and scum...

and to wish a party death... well you have to mean those who vote them in as well....

otherwise a rose by any other name is still a rose..

so if you dont mean it dont say it...dont shoot the messenger AGAIN.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by aquascoot on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:04am

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:53am:

aquascoot wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:25am:
My personal feeling is that the west have painted themselves into a corner and they are going to need a lot of turps to get out.

aqua you sound like gnads..

if we could get humans to sit up and beg.. wouldnt life be easy??????.....

trouble is all humans have brains and they use them to their own advantage...if you were a slave which is what you are suggesting......wouldnt the first thing you would do is think how can you reverse this become the master....

well a horse doesnt think like that....he knows who the master is just like the dog who begs for the treat .. they know they will never be the master....

when they know how to open a can or fill the bucket... things maybe different.. ::) ::)

in the mean time I dont think the stock whip will would have crook after you for starters.. ;D ;D

do you really want or expect a whole group of people to come when you whistle??

No cods, its not about meaness or punishment, its all about saying that "our leaders"  are the head of "the herd" and that if you want to be a member of "the herd" you have to accept this.

I was listening to phillip adams interview a muslim cleric who was talking about the concept of "the caliphate" and this guy, who was highly intelligent < and lectures in Melbourne, could see no problem with muslims owing allegiance to other muslims in other countries as a HIGHER obligation , then owing allegiance to the government of Australia.
If you are the head stallion on a property (currently Mr Anthony Abbott ) and you let splinter groups of young colts trying to usurp your authority .....well in nature, this is brought to an immediate head.
there is no such thing as appeasement or tolerance of such behaviour. The alpha will seek out the rebel and then "it will be on". the funny thing is, it is done in a totally unemotional way. there will be a fight and afterwards, the whole herd , including the young colt , who has just been put in his place, will be happily grazing, side by side, without a care in the world.

But nature understands power and our politicians do not.
Power, like einsteins Mass, is a finite quantity. if you give it away, you have less . you cant power share with say, a muslim group, and still have as much power.
Vlad Putin, seems the only world leader to have grasped this rather basic concept

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Annie Anthrax on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:07am
Charlie Hebdo is not a person.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Dame Pansi on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:26am

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:02am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:50am:

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:08am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:02am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:59am:

Have we got a lost and found department?

Our esteemed right wing posters have lost something.

you won't silence me panzi, nor other decent law abiding peace loving citizens of Australia...

not by terrorist loving maggots like you ..

I think pansi is having a midlife....she wants all libs dead my god...that is some confession....if a lib said they wanted all Muslims dead she would be raving.....

but its ok for her to say they same thing......about libs..

I am still in shock.

Please read my post again cods.

I said nothing about death and you damn well know it.

To destroy a political party is very different to wishing death on all LNP voters and you damn well know that too.

Now stop being vindictive and have a cup of tea.....and turn the bloody tele and radio off, you're getting panicked for no reason.


Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:51am:

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:35am:
Kat would rather see the Libs destroyed than ISIL any day.. now thats what i call HATE.

I'm sure he wouldn't, just going on his posts.

I'd like nothing better than to see them both destroyed, but I'm pretty confident that the Libs will destroy themselves before ISIL disappears.

well it smacks of hate and death to me.....and btw I am not panicking just reading what those who HATE say  and they say it a lot....vile stuff....we libs are filth and scum...

and to wish a party death... well you have to mean those who vote them in as well....

otherwise a rose by any other name is still a rose..

so if you dont mean it dont say it...dont shoot the messenger AGAIN.

Replace the word death with destruction (as I said) because I am not happy about you putting words in my mouth.

You are fully aware of the context in which I used the word.


to render ineffective or useless; nullify; neutralize; invalidate.

to defeat completely.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by innocentbystander. on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:58am
The fact that the Left become far more irrationally angry over Bolt and Abbott than they do over murdering scum terrorists says a lot of things about them, one thing it says to me is that they are mentally disturbed.  :D

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:01am

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:58am:
The fact that the Left become far more irrationally angry over Bolt and Abbott than they do over murdering scum terrorists says a lot of things about them, one thing it says to me is that they are mentally disturbed. 

They're certainly not model citizens, however, calling Bolt and Abbott mentally disturbed may be going a little too far.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:02am

aquascoot wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:04am:

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:53am:

aquascoot wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:25am:
My personal feeling is that the west have painted themselves into a corner and they are going to need a lot of turps to get out.

aqua you sound like gnads..

if we could get humans to sit up and beg.. wouldnt life be easy??????.....

trouble is all humans have brains and they use them to their own advantage...if you were a slave which is what you are suggesting......wouldnt the first thing you would do is think how can you reverse this become the master....

well a horse doesnt think like that....he knows who the master is just like the dog who begs for the treat .. they know they will never be the master....

when they know how to open a can or fill the bucket... things maybe different.. ::) ::)

in the mean time I dont think the stock whip will would have crook after you for starters.. ;D ;D

do you really want or expect a whole group of people to come when you whistle??

No cods, its not about meaness or punishment, its all about saying that "our leaders"  are the head of "the herd" and that if you want to be a member of "the herd" you have to accept this.

I was listening to phillip adams interview a muslim cleric who was talking about the concept of "the caliphate" and this guy, who was highly intelligent < and lectures in Melbourne, could see no problem with muslims owing allegiance to other muslims in other countries as a HIGHER obligation , then owing allegiance to the government of Australia.
If you are the head stallion on a property (currently Mr Anthony Abbott ) and you let splinter groups of young colts trying to usurp your authority .....well in nature, this is brought to an immediate head.
there is no such thing as appeasement or tolerance of such behaviour. The alpha will seek out the rebel and then "it will be on". the funny thing is, it is done in a totally unemotional way. there will be a fight and afterwards, the whole herd , including the young colt , who has just been put in his place, will be happily grazing, side by side, without a care in the world.

But nature understands power and our politicians do not.
Power, like einsteins Mass, is a finite quantity. if you give it away, you have less . you cant power share with say, a muslim group, and still have as much power.
Vlad Putin, seems the only world leader to have grasped this rather basic concept

you see aqua PEOPLE cannot change that and we think and we plan no matter what we do unless you electro brain them until they cannot think... you will never have one group of human control another group of humans....even in the animal kingdom.. the beaten one either leaves the troop or is never seen again...

oh yes Putin understands POWER...but look how his tribe lives.. very poorly he also controls the media....if he was such a good person why the need to keep the people ignorant?????????????.....

is that what you would like to see here??????

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by red baron on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:08am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:26am:
Replace the word death with destruction (as I said) because I am not happy about you putting words in my mouth.

You are fully aware of the context in which I used the word.


to render ineffective or useless; nullify; neutralize; invalidate.

to defeat completely.

if I tried to destroy the labor party????...

wouldnt I be causing the DEATH of something..

defeat/destroy... in the end there is nothing left....

to me, that spells death...which also means nothing left...

if you WIN an argument with someone you dont have to kill them

but if you destroy that person....thennnnnnnnnnnn

it can be construed....a different way.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Kat on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:10am

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:58am:
The fact that the Left become far more irrationally angry over Bolt and Abbott than they do over murdering scum terrorists says a lot of things about them, one thing it says to me is that they are mentally disturbed.  :D

Irrationally angry?

No, do wake up.

We merely have very finely-tuned bulldust detectors.

Not that they need to be, with this Bolt peanut, his BS is so blatant
that anyone (except a neo-con) can see it.

The only mentally-disturbed ones here are the Islamophobes on the
Right who insist upon tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush.

That's plain stupid, and totally counter-productive.

It is they who need to be shut-down, not the moderates or the left.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:17am

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satire Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

but we are not FANATICS... and most Muslims dont get ranting either....

unfortunately a small group of people now spread the hate and because we have the Internet and smart phones....they have a greater chance of spreading the hate....than ever before....

this is what the world has become nothing is insular anymore....we are all exposed to everything the worst of the worst is in our faces....

and the few... mostly young are gripped by this someone keeps telling them we C hristians are killing muslims and we are going to get them all...

I mean do we really believe every muslim has read this magazine.......COME ON.. :D

it isnt hard to see why they are afraid and retaliate in the only way they are told is possible...kill... and oh by the way there will be 70 virgins if you cop it... ::) ::)

it is great to be  a martyr....... please dont ask why I am not one....I am the Caliph  I dont need to be a martyr ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by aquascoot on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:32am

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:10am:

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:58am:
The fact that the Left become far more irrationally angry over Bolt and Abbott than they do over murdering scum terrorists says a lot of things about them, one thing it says to me is that they are mentally disturbed.  :D

Irrationally angry?

No, do wake up.

We merely have very finely-tuned bulldust detectors.

Not that they need to be, with this Bolt peanut, his BS is so blatant
that anyone (except a neo-con) can see it.

The only mentally-disturbed ones here are the Islamophobes on the
Right who insist upon tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush.

That's plain stupid, and totally counter-productive.

It is they who need to be shut-down, not the moderates or the left.

No Kat, I'm a fair minded person.  I don't want to see muslims persecuted but this IS an Islamic problem.
They will have to take ownership of it and solve it themselves, in the same way the catholic church will have to take ownership of the pedophile priest issue and solve it themselves.

if the pope came out and said pedophile priests were just criminals and NOTHING TO DO WITH THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, people would rightly call BS.

if muslims clerics want to come out and say the terrorists are just criminals and mothing to do with the muslin faith, then i'm calling BS on that one.

lets have some consistency or you will just have to accept that you are a hypocrite  :( :(

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Sir lastnail on Jan 12th, 2015 at 12:25pm

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

What about the Weapons of Mass Deception in Iraq ?

We were told the world would be a much safer place without Sadam :D LOL

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by tickleandrose on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:13pm
The real issue is that the West is currently engaged in a de facto state of war inside Iraq and Syria against ISIL.  So naturally, as consequence of it, it will have to accept that similar attacks will happen to us - +/- a few lame excuses. 

We have removed Saddam Hussein, Gaddafi, and we tried to remove Bashar al-Assad in a false belief that would make people more open to democracy.   But the real result is that we plunge a large amount of area full of diversity, and conflict into a basket case.   Its a real mess, and Australia is right in middle of it. 

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:50pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

oh yes ...

what about the police that killed dawson ..

were they provocative ?


Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lady Lols on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:31pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

It reminds me of the comedian, Dave Allen (remember him, with the missing finger and glass of whiskey?) He always joked about Catholics. In fact, all religions get some jokes, but over sensitive zealots like that lot that go on a killing spree....they haven't learnt to acquire a good sense of humour.
Sad ole world with no humour.
And there is no higher than thou....yet killing for an imagined higher entity is such bs and not a reason, but an excuse for taking out their radicalness on.
Fear is their weapon, to instill fear, not humour, not acceptance of differences etc.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:36pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:50pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

oh yes ...

what about the police that killed dawson ..

were they provocative ?

There go those voices in your head again. schitzophrenic medication has evolved you know, ask your Doctor.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:42pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:36pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:50pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

oh yes ...

what about the police that killed dawson ..

were they provocative ?

There go those voices in your head again. schitzophrenic medication has evolved you know, ask your Doctor.

many blessings

I am my own doctor and have diagnosed the self

to be of sound mind and body .. ie : sane

so there is validated proof of sanity

further one such as I am

does not take any drugs or vaccines

for these are poison for the temple ,

your physical garment,

the body you reside within


Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:43pm

Sophia wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:31pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

It reminds me of the comedian, Dave Allen (remember him, with the missing finger and glass of whiskey?) He always joked about Catholics. In fact, all religions get some jokes, but over sensitive zealots like that lot that go on a killing spree....they haven't learnt to acquire a good sense of humour.
Sad ole world with no humour.
And there is no higher than thou....yet killing for an imagined higher entity is such bs and not a reason, but an excuse for taking out their radicalness on.
Fear is their weapon, to instill fear, not humour, not acceptance of differences etc.
of course the Muslim nutters involved  have no humour and are zealots. But thats not the point. You reap what you sow, the journalists involved knew they were being deeply offensive to Muslims and deliberately decided to keep on doing so. I dont think thats 'courageous" , sounds like they had an agenda. This isnt about freedom of speech.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by red baron on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:54pm
Of course it's about Freedom of Speech. You are right Ian in that the Journalists were being intensely provocative and should have known that the radical Muslims would come at some stage. I guess that why 2 Gendarmes were stationed at the office.

It didn't them little good because 'the hit' was carried out in a manner that bespoke of military planning (the escape not so well planned).

I digress, the moment we start muzzling free speech because we are to afraid to speak out then we are f.....d!

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Dame Pansi on Jan 12th, 2015 at 3:33pm

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:08am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:26am:
Replace the word death with destruction (as I said) because I am not happy about you putting words in my mouth.

You are fully aware of the context in which I used the word.


to render ineffective or useless; nullify; neutralize; invalidate.

to defeat completely.

if I tried to destroy the labor party????...

wouldnt I be causing the DEATH of something..

defeat/destroy... in the end there is nothing left....

to me, that spells death...which also means nothing left...

if you WIN an argument with someone you dont have to kill them

but if you destroy that person....thennnnnnnnnnnn

it can be construed....a different way.

Exactly cods. The destruction of something can mean its demise or death. You made it sound like I was wishing death  to living people, which was not so.

The death of the Liberal Party and ISIL....glad we straightened that out.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 12th, 2015 at 4:03pm

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 9:06pm:

Aussie wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:55pm:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 11th, 2015 at 8:40pm:
i don't write in italic..

don't worry..

the coward FD will be along soon to close the thread as he's starting to do to others..

all talk..

but when push comes to shove he has a big YELLOW apologist stipe down his back like pekkary and co

Bolt talks all tough, but I'll bet, just like the rest of us would, he'd crap his pants if some arsehole walked into his office with a Kalashnikov.  He'll be no pen pushing hero then.

I want my guns back John Winston Howard.

exactly right aussie..

these scum will pull a gun every time and blow your head off over a simple cartoon...

it's laughable if it wasn't so true...

we just don't need these maggots in our country... NOT ONE... if you "want" to be muslim then go to a fricken Muslim country and kill each other every other day of the week..

just don't bring it to my country.. f off...  >:(

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 4:31pm

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:54pm:
Of course it's about Freedom of Speech. You are right Ian in that the Journalists were being intensely provocative and should have known that the radical Muslims would come at some stage. I guess that why 2 Gendarmes were stationed at the office.

It didn't them little good because 'the hit' was carried out in a manner that bespoke of military planning (the escape not so well planned).

I digress, the moment we start muzzling free speech because we are to afraid to speak out then we are f.....d!

I view it a little differently, the moment we deliberately set out to provocate and offend those with different beleifs to ours we are fcked.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by The Stunt-free Horse on Jan 12th, 2015 at 4:34pm

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:54pm:
Of course it's about Freedom of Speech. You are right Ian in that the Journalists were being intensely provocative and should have known that the radical Muslims would come at some stage. I guess that why 2 Gendarmes were stationed at the office.

It didn't them little good because 'the hit' was carried out in a manner that bespoke of military planning (the escape not so well planned).

I digress, the moment we start muzzling free speech because we are to afraid to speak out then we are f.....d!

... what happened to them?  :o

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Hot Breath on Jan 12th, 2015 at 4:59pm

I am Lassana Bathily too.

These are Brave Muslims.  One died defending the "Western values" which the Islamophobes claim are incompatible with Muslims.  The other saved Jewish customers at the Kosher Supermarket, hardly the act of a raving Islamist anti-Semite.

Why are their efforts forgotten by the Islamophobes?

Perhaps because they don't fit the caricature they have created inside their peanut sized brains of what a Muslim is or could be?   ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by aquascoot on Jan 12th, 2015 at 5:08pm
hay light,what have you wandered into this thread for ?

no mention of freemasons here.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by innocentbystander. on Jan 12th, 2015 at 5:29pm
That nice aboriginal man could very well be talking about himself  ;D

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Hot Breath on Jan 12th, 2015 at 5:47pm
Hello Matty.   ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Hot Breath on Jan 12th, 2015 at 5:55pm

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:03pm
The aborigines were on the mainland for 40 thousand years. The Earth is 5.5 billion years old. Who owned Australia for the 5 billion, 400 million and 460 thousand years before the Aborigines?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:09pm

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:03pm:
The aborigines were on the mainland for 40 thousand years. The Earth is 5.5 billion years old. Who owned Australia for the 5 billion, 400 million and 460 thousand years before the Aborigines?

many blessings to be correct

these are originals ... not ab original / ab normal

these are original natives .. not the legal linguistic ~

by definition is a sinister play on words to get the natives to admit they are not original therefore strengthening

the invaders terms and terminologies in ' law ' .

if any original being or native admits the are ' ab original ' then the collective law is against them from the quick ...

this is forgiven yet exposed ...

does this comfort unto thee ?

so be it


- : ) =

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:13pm
Master, who are the originals? How do we give Australia back to them?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:37pm

Annie Anthrax wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:07am:
Charlie Hebdo is not a person.

I suspect everyone except Gullible George already know that

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:37pm

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:13pm:
Master, who are the originals? How do we give Australia back to them?

many blessings

in reality it is not your to give

so at this the collective has an intergalactic belly laugh at this foolishness

in which is forgiven in observation


- : ) =

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:38pm

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:10am:

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:58am:
The fact that the Left become far more irrationally angry over Bolt and Abbott than they do over murdering scum terrorists says a lot of things about them, one thing it says to me is that they are mentally disturbed.  :D

Irrationally angry?

No, do wake up.

We merely have very finely-tuned bulldust detectors.

Not that they need to be, with this Bolt peanut, his BS is so blatant
that anyone (except a neo-con) can see it.

The only mentally-disturbed ones here are the Islamophobes on the
Right who insist upon tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush.

That's plain stupid, and totally counter-productive.

It is they who need to be shut-down, not the moderates or the left.

you are just an incredibly angry, bitter and deeply disturbed individual.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:39pm

|dev|null wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 5:55pm:
stupid and offensive towards the dead person mentioned.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

provocative...  and the penalty for that should be a strongly worded email or a phone call or 20 protestors waving handmade placards.

Being provocative is what writers and cartoonists are meant to be - except in North Korea.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:38pm:

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:10am:

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:58am:
The fact that the Left become far more irrationally angry over Bolt and Abbott than they do over murdering scum terrorists says a lot of things about them, one thing it says to me is that they are mentally disturbed.  :D

Irrationally angry?

No, do wake up.

We merely have very finely-tuned bulldust detectors.

Not that they need to be, with this Bolt peanut, his BS is so blatant
that anyone (except a neo-con) can see it.

The only mentally-disturbed ones here are the Islamophobes on the
Right who insist upon tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush.

That's plain stupid, and totally counter-productive.

It is they who need to be shut-down, not the moderates or the left.

you are just an incredibly angry, bitter and deeply disturbed individual.

many blessings

here is one whom is into judgement

this being shows what not to do and so gratitude unto this one

whom shows its not a great look , quite foolish

yet the comedy that goes along with that is priceless

and so it is


- : ) =

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Kat on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:53pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:38pm:

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:10am:

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:58am:
The fact that the Left become far more irrationally angry over Bolt and Abbott than they do over murdering scum terrorists says a lot of things about them, one thing it says to me is that they are mentally disturbed.  :D

Irrationally angry?

No, do wake up.

We merely have very finely-tuned bulldust detectors.

Not that they need to be, with this Bolt peanut, his BS is so blatant
that anyone (except a neo-con) can see it.

The only mentally-disturbed ones here are the Islamophobes on the
Right who insist upon tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush.

That's plain stupid, and totally counter-productive.

It is they who need to be shut-down, not the moderates or the left.

you are just an incredibly angry, bitter and deeply disturbed individual.

Says you. Most wouldn't agree.

There is nothing abusive or offensive in my comment, neither is there anything that is not correct.

You, not I, are the one with problems.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:43pm:

Sophia wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:31pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

It reminds me of the comedian, Dave Allen (remember him, with the missing finger and glass of whiskey?) He always joked about Catholics. In fact, all religions get some jokes, but over sensitive zealots like that lot that go on a killing spree....they haven't learnt to acquire a good sense of humour.
Sad ole world with no humour.
And there is no higher than thou....yet killing for an imagined higher entity is such bs and not a reason, but an excuse for taking out their radicalness on.
Fear is their weapon, to instill fear, not humour, not acceptance of differences etc.

of course the Muslim nutters involved  have no humour and are zealots. But thats not the point. You reap what you sow, the journalists involved knew they were being deeply offensive to Muslims and deliberately decided to keep on doing so.  This isnt about freedom of speech.

Bullshit..that IS the point...being 'offended' isn't an excuse to shoot 12 people.
Would I ( or a French relative of one of the magazine staff) be justified to walk into a mosque with a machine gun and open fire, because I'm offended by Islam????

Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:16pm
Master Light, is it not the Aborigines to give?
Lastly, why are the sand people so aggressive? (In 'Star Wars" as well as the middle east? )

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:27pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

provocative...  and the penalty for that should be a strongly worded email or a phone call or 20 protestors waving handmade placards.

Being provocative is what writers and cartoonists are meant to be - except in North Korea.
who cares? dont make caricatures of a religious figure knowing that you are going to greatly offend them  for no other reason than you can. See how easy it is? Just involves a little respect for your fellow man, of course you dont understand that.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:28pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:43pm:

Sophia wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:31pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

It reminds me of the comedian, Dave Allen (remember him, with the missing finger and glass of whiskey?) He always joked about Catholics. In fact, all religions get some jokes, but over sensitive zealots like that lot that go on a killing spree....they haven't learnt to acquire a good sense of humour.
Sad ole world with no humour.
And there is no higher than thou....yet killing for an imagined higher entity is such bs and not a reason, but an excuse for taking out their radicalness on.
Fear is their weapon, to instill fear, not humour, not acceptance of differences etc.

of course the Muslim nutters involved  have no humour and are zealots. But thats not the point. You reap what you sow, the journalists involved knew they were being deeply offensive to Muslims and deliberately decided to keep on doing so.  This isnt about freedom of speech.

Bullshit..that IS the point...being 'offended' isn't an excuse to shoot 12 people.
Would I ( or a French relative of one of the magazine staff) be justified to walk into a mosque with a machine gun and open fire, because I'm offended by Islam????

Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...
no one is talking about excuses. Are you hearing voices?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:36pm

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:25am:

Say no more.

I mean, literally, say no more.

The man's an ignorant, bigoted, anencephalic nutter with little if anything
to say on just about any topic that's worth reading or listening-to.

If you think that this asshole has even the slightest clue, it's a sure sign
that you don't.

Wow! Where's this hostility coming from?

He's not racist. He's not against homos. As an immigrant himself, he's not anti-immigrant.

What exactly is it about him that upsets you?

There's something about him that obviously terrifies you - but what is it?


Thanks for posting that up, The Mechanic. Good stuff that comes under the heading of REALITY CHECK.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:39pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:28pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:43pm:

Sophia wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:31pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

It reminds me of the comedian, Dave Allen (remember him, with the missing finger and glass of whiskey?) He always joked about Catholics. In fact, all religions get some jokes, but over sensitive zealots like that lot that go on a killing spree....they haven't learnt to acquire a good sense of humour.
Sad ole world with no humour.
And there is no higher than thou....yet killing for an imagined higher entity is such bs and not a reason, but an excuse for taking out their radicalness on.
Fear is their weapon, to instill fear, not humour, not acceptance of differences etc.

of course the Muslim nutters involved  have no humour and are zealots. But thats not the point. You reap what you sow, the[highlight] journalists involved knew they were being deeply offensive to Muslims and deliberately decided to keep on doing so.[/highlight]  This isnt about freedom of speech.

Bullshit..that IS the point...being 'offended' isn't an excuse to shoot 12 people.
Would I ( or a French relative of one of the magazine staff) be justified to walk into a mosque with a machine gun and open fire, because I'm offended by Islam????

Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...
no one is talking about excuses. Are you hearing voices?

Of course you are...if you don't condemn the action, you are excusing it...
By making comments that 'the journalists involved knew they were being deeply offensive to Muslims and deliberately decided to keep on doing so' is excusing the shooters from responsibility for their actions...

Yes I know that you will now argue that you either didn't intend to imply that, or that that isn't the case...however, that is a load of complete male bovine excrement and we ALL know it.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:50pm

Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:36pm:

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 2:25am:

Say no more.

I mean, literally, say no more.

The man's an ignorant, bigoted, anencephalic nutter with little if anything
to say on just about any topic that's worth reading or listening-to.

If you think that this asshole has even the slightest clue, it's a sure sign
that you don't.

Wow! Where's this hostility coming from?

He's not racist. He's not against homos. As an immigrant himself, he's not anti-immigrant.

What exactly is it about him that upsets you?

There's something about him that obviously terrifies you - but what is it?


Thanks for posting that up, The Mechanic. Good stuff that comes under the heading of REALITY CHECK.

I think I, would be more afraid of meeting kat in a dark alley than any terrorist to be honest...his vile language alone makes him sound like a completely unreasonable out of control..wild  animal...I am so glad hes a lefty...shiver..

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:53pm

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm

cods wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:50pm:
I think I, would be more afraid of meeting kat in a dark alley than any terrorist to be honest...his vile language alone makes him sound like a completely unreasonable out of control..wild  animal...I am so glad hes a lefty...shiver..

I own three cats. I'm a kat whisperer. I can tame the most insane cats that have come in from the bush. I once had an enormous feral ginger cat sitting on the lounge with me watching TV in the evenings. There were only two ferals that I couldn't break. Just too far gone.

But generally speaking - if it's got fur - I can make it purr.  :)

I can even do this with beavers.  8-)

Make them purr.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:08pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

No?? what did they do then, (apart from publishing cartoons that offended Muslims)????

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:31pm
MORE Reality Checks from the same source ...

... here putting to bed the palliative bullshit that the 'ordinary Muslims' in society are just 'folks' that can be excluded from any discussion about Islamic jihad and western Muslims having 'bad attitude' about their non-Muslim fellow-citizens.

Stifling debate empowers radicals

    Rita Panahi
    Herald Sun
    January 12, 2015 7:03AM

"The results of multiple polls and studies on global attitudes to extremist Islamist activity shows there is tolerance, and sometimes even support, of repellent behaviour that should be categorically condemned.

A poll conducted in 2014 by ICM research found a surprising level of support for Islamic State among sections of the French, British and, to a lesser extent, German populations.

The poll of 1000 people in each country found that an alarming 15 per cent of French respondents had a positive attitude to IS. In Britain, the figure stood at 7 per cent while only 2 per cent of Germans polled were favourably disposed to the terror group.

I say only 2 per cent but that is still a disturbingly high number given only 4-5 per cent of Germans identify as Muslim.


"The poll of 1000 people in each country found that an alarming 15 per cent of French respondents had a positive attitude to IS. In Britain, the figure stood at 7 per cent while only 2 per cent of Germans polled were favourably disposed to the terror group.

Less than a year after Islamist suicide bombers attacked London, killing 52 people, a poll conducted by the Sunday Telegraph found that although 99 per cent of British Muslims were against the attack, 20 per cent had sympathy for the “feelings and motives” of the bombers.

But let’s not be too hasty in dismissing the significance of the 1 per cent of those polled who said the suicide bombers were right to carry out the attack.

There are about 2.7 million Muslims in the UK.

If that 1 per cent is representative, then that’s 27,000 Muslims who saw the utter carnage and devastation caused by the London bombings and thought that the attacks were “right”.

The poll also showed that an equal number of Muslims were for and against the introduction of sharia law.


"Pew’s 2006 Global Attitudes poll revealed that 8 per cent of Muslims in the US thought suicide bombings could “often/sometimes” be justified. A further 5 per cent thought they were justifiable
only rarely.

This permissive attitude to violent jihad among some Muslims helps explain why so many young men raised, and often born, in Western countries have gone to the Middle East to fight alongside terrorists.

According to British MP Khalid Mahmood, there are more than twice as many British Muslims fighting for extremist groups in the Middle East than there are serving in the British Army.


"The useful idiots of the Left are forever fretting about a non-existent backlash against the Muslim community; the phony Islamophobia card is used to silence debate and deserved criticism.



Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:34pm

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:53pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:38pm:

Kat wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:10am:

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:58am:
The fact that the Left become far more irrationally angry over Bolt and Abbott than they do over murdering scum terrorists says a lot of things about them, one thing it says to me is that they are mentally disturbed.  :D

Irrationally angry?

No, do wake up.

We merely have very finely-tuned bulldust detectors.

Not that they need to be, with this Bolt peanut, his BS is so blatant
that anyone (except a neo-con) can see it.

The only mentally-disturbed ones here are the Islamophobes on the
Right who insist upon tarring all Muslims with the terrorist brush.

That's plain stupid, and totally counter-productive.

It is they who need to be shut-down, not the moderates or the left.

you are just an incredibly angry, bitter and deeply disturbed individual.

Says you. Most wouldn't agree.

There is nothing abusive or offensive in my comment, neither is there anything that is not correct.

You, not I, are the one with problems.

Oh I think pretty much everyone other than Pansi thinks you are an angry poster.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:36pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:27pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

provocative...  and the penalty for that should be a strongly worded email or a phone call or 20 protestors waving handmade placards.

Being provocative is what writers and cartoonists are meant to be - except in North Korea.
who cares? dont make caricatures of a religious figure knowing that you are going to greatly offend them  for no other reason than you can. See how easy it is? Just involves a little respect for your fellow man, of course you dont understand that.

and I think you are an arsehole.  So should I drive over there and shoot you because you offend me?

Gizmo is right and you are, as always, wrong.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:43pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:36pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:27pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

provocative...  and the penalty for that should be a strongly worded email or a phone call or 20 protestors waving handmade placards.

Being provocative is what writers and cartoonists are meant to be - except in North Korea.

who cares? dont make caricatures of a religious figure knowing that you are going to greatly offend them  for no other reason than you can. See how easy it is? Just involves a little respect for your fellow man, of course you dont understand that.

and I think you are an arsehole.  So should I drive over there and shoot you because you offend me?

Gizmo is right and you are, as always, wrong.

So, ian, how long do you think it would take to find 10 caricatures of Jesus (that no-one has been murdered over) on the internet??

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

No?? what did they do then, (apart from publishing cartoons that offended Muslims)????
better, nearly got it. They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:00pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:36pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:27pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

provocative...  and the penalty for that should be a strongly worded email or a phone call or 20 protestors waving handmade placards.

Being provocative is what writers and cartoonists are meant to be - except in North Korea.
who cares? dont make caricatures of a religious figure knowing that you are going to greatly offend them  for no other reason than you can. See how easy it is? Just involves a little respect for your fellow man, of course you dont understand that.

and I think you are an arsehole.  So should I drive over there and shoot you because you offend me?

Gizmo is right and you are, as always, wrong.
what on earth has personal opinion of others got to do with offending others  religious beleifs? 

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:01pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:43pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:36pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:27pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

provocative...  and the penalty for that should be a strongly worded email or a phone call or 20 protestors waving handmade placards.

Being provocative is what writers and cartoonists are meant to be - except in North Korea.

who cares? dont make caricatures of a religious figure knowing that you are going to greatly offend them  for no other reason than you can. See how easy it is? Just involves a little respect for your fellow man, of course you dont understand that.

and I think you are an arsehole.  So should I drive over there and shoot you because you offend me?

Gizmo is right and you are, as always, wrong.

So, ian, how long do you think it would take to find 10 caricatures of Jesus (that no-one has been murdered over) on the internet??
Dont care, because Im  not looking to deliberatly offend anyone. Got it?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:03pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:34pm:

Oh I think pretty much everyone other than Pansi thinks you are an angry poster.
you appear to be quite an angry poster yourself, when challenged on anything your first resort is to personal abuse, every single time. Has to be something in your background to explain that, overbearing Mother perhaps?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:03pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

No?? what did they do then, (apart from publishing cartoons that offended Muslims)????
better, nearly got it. They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

Yeah, well I knew that.

Tell me though, how many people were killed as a result of making 'The Life of Brian'??
And how many death threats/attacks did Dave Allen receive??

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:10pm
who likes the french anyway, nobody. They couldnt give a sh!t about us in their nuke testing, brutalised and tortured the Algerian population. They let in so many Muslim Algerians and disenfranchised them, the French are now reaping what they sowed. They also have no problem with shipping billions of dollars of arms to the middle east each year. fck em.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:17pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:01pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:43pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:36pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:27pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

provocative...  and the penalty for that should be a strongly worded email or a phone call or 20 protestors waving handmade placards.

Being provocative is what writers and cartoonists are meant to be - except in North Korea.

who cares? dont make caricatures of a religious figure knowing that you are going to greatly offend them  for no other reason than you can. See how easy it is? Just involves a little respect for your fellow man, of course you dont understand that.

and I think you are an arsehole.  So should I drive over there and shoot you because you offend me?

Gizmo is right and you are, as always, wrong.

So, ian, how long do you think it would take to find 10 caricatures of Jesus (that no-one has been murdered over) on the internet??

Dont care, because Im  not looking to deliberatly offend anyone. Got it?

Not the reason I said it...The actual point is, almost every other religion has had jokes and/or caricatures portraying major figures in said religion published, or shown/told on tv and in movies without anyone storming the publisher/production company headquarters and killing, or attempting to kill the people involved.

If a simple cartoon or caricature upsets these people THAT much, perhaps they should have themselves committed to a hospital??

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by stryker on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:20pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:03pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

No?? what did they do then, (apart from publishing cartoons that offended Muslims)????
better, nearly got it. They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

Yeah, well I knew that.

Tell me though, how many people were killed as a result of making 'The Life of Brian'??
And how many death threats/attacks did Dave Allen receive??

How many people were killed when martin scorcesee made the controversial film, THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST in 1988, where willem dafoe played jesus christ in which he liked to visit brothels, ?????? HOW MANY PEOPLE WERE KILLED FROM THAT.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:23pm
we have already established the killers were blood thirsty mental cases gizmo, and we all know the killings were done in  the name of religion. try to keep up.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:25pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:17pm:
[  people involved.

If a simple cartoon or caricature upsets these people THAT much, perhaps they should have themselves committed to a hospital??
More than a hospital, but again thats not the point. Theres only 1 real issue here and it isnt freedom of speech. This could not have happened in Australia, do you know why?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:27pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:23pm:
we have already established the killers were blood thirsty mental cases gizmo, and we all know the killings were done in  the name of religion. try to keep up.

So will you NOW condemn the particular religion involved??

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:54pm
Officer Ian, the great hero, so brave, especially when knocking a 15 year old pot smoker's teeth out while his hands were cuffed behind his back.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 10:43pm

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 10:48pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:27pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:23pm:
we have already established the killers were blood thirsty mental cases gizmo, and we all know the killings were done in  the name of religion. try to keep up.

So will you NOW condemn the particular religion involved??

All i can see so far is a few nut cases killing in the name of religion. I condemn their actions. According to the media they were low IQ with little prospects in life.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 12th, 2015 at 10:49pm

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:54pm:
Officer Ian, the great hero, so brave, especially when knocking a 15 year old pot smoker's teeth out while his hands were cuffed behind his back.

do you really want to get involved with me in this way? You have 5 minutes to remove the slander.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:28am

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:10pm:
who likes the french anyway, nobody. They couldnt give a sh!t about us in their nuke testing, brutalised and tortured the Algerian population. They let in so many Muslim Algerians and disenfranchised them, the French are now reaping what they sowed. They also have no problem with shipping billions of dollars of arms to the middle east each year. fck em.

Charles de Gaulle wanted to keep the Muslims out of France.

Same thing in Britain after the war.

But then both the UK and France were taken over by a new breed of university-trained political elite who were soaked in international socialist multiculturalist idealism and One World ideology.

Patriots like Charles de Gaulle and Enoch Powell who wanted to preserve their homelands for their own people were dismissed by this new breed of tertiary-educated middle-class guilt-trippers as 'bigots', 'xenophobes', 'racists', 'fascists', and 'white supremacists' ...

.... with the disastrous results we are witnessing today.

London no longer a majority white city ...  The UK a training ground for Islamic terrorists ... The jails of France and the UK bulging with Muslims ... Paris playing host to Muslim ghettoes where the police dare not tread ... Europe's Muslim population percentage increasing by the year ... The most popular birth-name in several cities now 'Mohammad' ... Calls for Shariah Law ... A dozen outspoken European politicians under 24/7 Death Watch by security guards due to death threats from Muslims ...  and 22% of Britain's second largest city Birmingham are now Muslims ... etc etc.

The post-war Garage Sale that was made of Britain by its socialist politicians is something that has never before been witnessed in recorded history.

Those politicians still alive from those decisive years back there in the mid-50's should be dragged from their beds and arraigned before Peoples Courts to face trial for treason ... and then hanged like they did with Lord Haw Haw.

The political class of Australia have for years been busy keeping this country on-track to become another Britain   


Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Phemanderac on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am
The only stand out from this Bolt escapade is that he is, as usual, coming at it from the wrong end.

The "fall out" from this mindless slaughter by a couple of Muslim fanatics is that many from both the apparent Right and apparent Left have found some common ground, well that is at least apart from the fanatics.

Ironically, Charlie Hedbo is a left wing publication, apparently.

It is also a satirical publication that pokes fun anywhere and everywhere and, it is non conformist...

Therefore, it will no doubt ruffle feathers in more than a few quarters. The fact that one of those quarters has a population of maniacs willing to kill is, seemingly, all the more reason for satire. Yeah sure, poking the bear I get it.

That is the nature though of non conformist satire.

What Mr Bolt has tried on here (with some fanatical success it would seem from postings here at least) is to drive a wedge in a keep that left right divide amped up and just as fanatical as ever. The only thing missing is the guns and strap on self bomb kits.

On the other hand though, it is nice to see Mr Bolt doing some hand wringing over the murder of some left wing cartoonists.

So, according to Mr Bolt, the left a driving some "gutless surrender" yet, Charlie Hedbo, and left wing journal, was at the forefront last week of the "attack" as it were. Unusual demonstration of surrender.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Gnads on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:31am

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:
The only stand out from this Bolt escapade is that he is, as usual, coming at it from the wrong end.

The "fall out" from this mindless slaughter by a couple of Muslim fanatics is that many from both the apparent Right and apparent Left have found some common ground, well that is at least apart from the fanatics.

Ironically, Charlie Hedbo is a left wing publication, apparently.

It is also a satirical publication that pokes fun anywhere and everywhere and, it is non conformist...

Therefore, it will no doubt ruffle feathers in more than a few quarters. The fact that one of those quarters has a population of maniacs willing to kill is, seemingly, all the more reason for satire. Yeah sure, poking the bear I get it.

That is the nature though of non conformist satire.

What Mr Bolt has tried on here (with some fanatical success it would seem from postings here at least) is to drive a wedge in a keep that left right divide amped up and just as fanatical as ever. The only thing missing is the guns and strap on self bomb kits.

On the other hand though, it is nice to see Mr Bolt doing some hand wringing over the murder of some left wing cartoonists.

So, according to Mr Bolt, the left a driving some "gutless surrender" yet, Charlie Hedbo, and left wing journal, was at the forefront last week of the "attack" as it were. Unusual demonstration of surrender.

Same old same old ..... "it's just a couple of fanatics"

"if you poke the bear/tiger/sleeping giant" etc. etc

BS .... it's not just a few/couple/a small minority

it's millions ...... globally it's in the 100's of millions.

After all there are over 2.8 billion Muslims world wide & if just 15% were fundamentalists that 308 million.

The population of the USA is only 316 million by comparison.

The majority of Germans were not Nazis but at the end of the day they were irrelevant.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:37am

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:
The only stand out from this Bolt escapade is that he is, as usual, coming at it from the wrong end.

The "fall out" from this mindless slaughter...

Right from the beginning you make a grave error in referring to these well-considered executions as 'mindless slaughter'. You've been reading too many cheap tabloids.

Start to think for yourself.

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:
... by a couple of Muslim fanatics ...

Again, you're helping Islam avoid accountability for what happened.

'Fanatics' can correctly read as 'devout Muslims who take their religion seriously'. Just because the majority of Muslims are remiss in adhering strictly to the teachings of the Koran does not mean that those who do are therefore 'fanatics'.

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:

On the other hand though, it is nice to see Mr Bolt doing some hand wringing over the murder of some left wing cartoonists.

It was a Leftwing journal in as much as it pilloried anything they perceived to be 'rightwing' and 'fascist' - in this case, and very correctly - just ordinary non-extremist Islam. The Islam of the Great Majority ... ie. don't depict the prophet in imagery.

Needless to say, what happened to these cartoonists was utterly predictable, and no surprise to any one except the most naive.

They even had a couple of totally useless token police officers stationed outside the offices. And the experience of Denmark was a 'Don't Swim in these Dangerous Waters' beach sign that they stupidly ignored and for which they paid the ultimate penalty.

'Je Suis Charlie' is a confession of utter stupidity in a world under siege from activist devout Muslims.   

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Phemanderac on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:38am

Gnads wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:31am:

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:
The only stand out from this Bolt escapade is that he is, as usual, coming at it from the wrong end.

The "fall out" from this mindless slaughter by a couple of Muslim fanatics is that many from both the apparent Right and apparent Left have found some common ground, well that is at least apart from the fanatics.

Ironically, Charlie Hedbo is a left wing publication, apparently.

It is also a satirical publication that pokes fun anywhere and everywhere and, it is non conformist...

Therefore, it will no doubt ruffle feathers in more than a few quarters. The fact that one of those quarters has a population of maniacs willing to kill is, seemingly, all the more reason for satire. Yeah sure, poking the bear I get it.

That is the nature though of non conformist satire.

What Mr Bolt has tried on here (with some fanatical success it would seem from postings here at least) is to drive a wedge in a keep that left right divide amped up and just as fanatical as ever. The only thing missing is the guns and strap on self bomb kits.

On the other hand though, it is nice to see Mr Bolt doing some hand wringing over the murder of some left wing cartoonists.

So, according to Mr Bolt, the left a driving some "gutless surrender" yet, Charlie Hedbo, and left wing journal, was at the forefront last week of the "attack" as it were. Unusual demonstration of surrender.

Same old same old ..... "it's just a couple of fanatics"

"if you poke the bear/tiger/sleeping giant" etc. etc

BS .... it's not just a few/couple/a small minority

it's millions ...... globally it's in the 100's of millions.

After all there are over 2.8 billion Muslims world wide & if just 15% were fundamentalists that 308 million.

The population of the USA is only 316 million by comparison.

The majority of Germans were not Nazis but at the end of the day they were irrelevant.

My apoligies I see your confusion.

I was not referring to the global epidemic of terrorism by my use of a "couple" I was directly referring to this specific instance. My apologies for not making that clear...

My point though, Mr Bolt got it pretty wrong in his rampant frothing at the mouth "opinion". A left wing journal/cartoon was attacked by a pair of Muslim fanatics... However, this is not a left v right issue. The reason Mr Bolt got it soooooo wrong was due to his effort to be so Right!

All he has been is divisive, nothing of value there and, arguably, that is playing Right into the hands of the terrorists that some are so mind numbingly afraid of.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Phemanderac on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:41am

Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:37am:

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:
The only stand out from this Bolt escapade is that he is, as usual, coming at it from the wrong end.

The "fall out" from this mindless slaughter...

Right from the beginning you make a grave error in referring to these well-considered executions as 'mindless slaughter'. You've been reading too many cheap tabloids.

Start to think for yourself.

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:
... by a couple of Muslim fanatics ...

Again, you're helping Islam avoid accountability for what happened.

'Fanatics' can correctly read as 'devout Muslims who take their religion seriously'. Just because the majority of Muslims are remiss in adhering strictly to the teachings of the Koran does not mean that those who do are therefore 'fanatics'.

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:

On the other hand though, it is nice to see Mr Bolt doing some hand wringing over the murder of some left wing cartoonists.

It was a Leftwing journal in as much as it pilloried anything they perceived to be 'rightwing' and 'fascist' - in this case, and very correctly - just ordinary non-extremist Islam. The Islam of the Great Majority ... ie. don't depict the prophet in imagery.

Needless to say, what happened to these cartoonists was utterly predictable, of course, and no surprise to any one.

They even had a couple of totally useless token police officers stationed outside the offices. And the experience of Denmark was a 'Don't Swim in these Dangerous Waters' beach sign that they stupidly ignored and for which they paid the ultimate penalty.

'Je Suis Charlie' is a confession of utter stupidity in a world under siege from activist devout Muslims.   

Actually, one of the Police officers who was murdered in cold blood was a devout and practicing Muslim - you see that is what ignorant hate does, these scum killed their own....

Funny, I didn't see you predicting it by the by.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Phemanderac on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:41am

Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:37am:

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:
The only stand out from this Bolt escapade is that he is, as usual, coming at it from the wrong end.

The "fall out" from this mindless slaughter...

Right from the beginning you make a grave error in referring to these well-considered executions as 'mindless slaughter'. You've been reading too many cheap tabloids.

Start to think for yourself.

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:
... by a couple of Muslim fanatics ...

Again, you're helping Islam avoid accountability for what happened.

'Fanatics' can correctly read as 'devout Muslims who take their religion seriously'. Just because the majority of Muslims are remiss in adhering strictly to the teachings of the Koran does not mean that those who do are therefore 'fanatics'.

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 5:58am:

On the other hand though, it is nice to see Mr Bolt doing some hand wringing over the murder of some left wing cartoonists.

It was a Leftwing journal in as much as it pilloried anything they perceived to be 'rightwing' and 'fascist' - in this case, and very correctly - just ordinary non-extremist Islam. The Islam of the Great Majority ... ie. don't depict the prophet in imagery.

Needless to say, what happened to these cartoonists was utterly predictable, of course, and no surprise to any one.

They even had a couple of totally useless token police officers stationed outside the offices. And the experience of Denmark was a 'Don't Swim in these Dangerous Waters' beach sign that they stupidly ignored and for which they paid the ultimate penalty.

'Je Suis Charlie' is a confession of utter stupidity in a world under siege from activist devout Muslims.   

Actually, one of the Police officers who was murdered in cold blood was a devout and practicing Muslim - you see that is what ignorant hate does, these scum killed their own....

Funny, I didn't see you predicting it by the by.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Phemanderac on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:41am
Turn the page please....

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Gnads on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:43am
Yeah OK that's your observation.

So tell me all the Muslims that live in the "no go areas/muslim ghettos" in Paris .... what sort of Muslims are these?

I've missed putting this reply in the right spot .... never mind.

As for one of the Police Officers being Muslim & these scum killing their own ............

so are IS supporters in Syria .............& there has always been conflict between different Muslim sects.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:53am

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:41am:
Actually, one of the Police officers who was murdered in cold blood was a devout and practicing Muslim -

I was the first to mention this a couple of days ago.

Phemanderac wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:41am:
you see that is what ignorant hate does, these scum killed their own....

No they didn't.

They killed a traitor to Mohammad their prophet. That policeman stood there, gun-in-hand, protecting a building full of Infidels who were disrespecting the Prophet through cartoons, lampooning, and sarcastic satire.

Just ask gandalf.

The lapsed Muslims were not the gunmen, but the Muslim policeman they shot.

And still, you will notice, the terrorists are very careful to leave western politicians alone.

Firstly, they recognise the fact that western politicians are the main facilitators and sponsors of Muslim immigration and refugees influx for building up an archipelago of mini-caliphates throughout the western nations, and then secondly, it's western politicians who have been instrumental in ramping up vilification laws to prevent criticism of Islam.

And thirdly, killing a politician and thus making the rest of them paranoid with fear for their own safety would serve only to make western governments a lot less 'liberal-progressive' in their attitude towards the annual influx of Muslims.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:20am
And here's an example of why western politicians are not targeted by activist Muslims.

Abbott and his 'Rightwing fascist' government are happy to play protector and host to Muslim terrorists who use their tongues instead of AK49s to get their message across.

Is this imbecile really what we need to defend this country against the incursions of Muslims?


He's practicing for his next meeting with Australia's Muslim Ghetto Community Leadership.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:47pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

No?? what did they do then, (apart from publishing cartoons that offended Muslims)????
better, nearly got it. They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

garbage.  by general standards of 'offensive' they were exceedingly lame. And no, you are NOT as smart as gizmo.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:48pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:34pm:

Oh I think pretty much everyone other than Pansi thinks you are an angry poster.
you appear to be quite an angry poster yourself, when challenged on anything your first resort is to personal abuse, every single time. Has to be something in your background to explain that, overbearing Mother perhaps?

I have a low tolerance to stupidity.  And you exude so much some times.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Aussie on Jan 13th, 2015 at 3:08pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:48pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:34pm:

Oh I think pretty much everyone other than Pansi thinks you are an angry poster.
you appear to be quite an angry poster yourself, when challenged on anything your first resort is to personal abuse, every single time. Has to be something in your background to explain that, overbearing Mother perhaps?

I have a low tolerance to stupidity.  And you exude so much some times.

Must be bloody hard, living with yourself.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 3:20pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:47pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

No?? what did they do then, (apart from publishing cartoons that offended Muslims)????
better, nearly got it. They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

garbage.  by general standards of 'offensive' they were exceedingly lame. And no, you are NOT as smart as gizmo.
lol, you havent seen the cartoons have you? I can read you like a book. Go and have a look then come back and discuss.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 3:21pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:48pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:34pm:

Oh I think pretty much everyone other than Pansi thinks you are an angry poster.
you appear to be quite an angry poster yourself, when challenged on anything your first resort is to personal abuse, every single time. Has to be something in your background to explain that, overbearing Mother perhaps?

I have a low tolerance to stupidity.  And you exude so much some times.

must hurt like hell to look in the mirror in the morning.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 13th, 2015 at 3:25pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 3:21pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:48pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:34pm:

Oh I think pretty much everyone other than Pansi thinks you are an angry poster.
you appear to be quite an angry poster yourself, when challenged on anything your first resort is to personal abuse, every single time. Has to be something in your background to explain that, overbearing Mother perhaps?

I have a low tolerance to stupidity.  And you exude so much some times.

must hurt like hell to look in the mirror in the morning.

Must be bloody hard, living with yourself.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by The Stunt-free Horse on Jan 13th, 2015 at 3:33pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:48pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:03pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:34pm:

Oh I think pretty much everyone other than Pansi thinks you are an angry poster.
you appear to be quite an angry poster yourself, when challenged on anything your first resort is to personal abuse, every single time. Has to be something in your background to explain that, overbearing Mother perhaps?

I have a low tolerance to stupidity.  And you exude so much some times.

go copper internet: what will china build I wonder?   :o :o

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Dame Pansi on Jan 13th, 2015 at 4:23pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:48pm:
I have a low tolerance to stupidity. 

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 13th, 2015 at 4:40pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 3:20pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:47pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

No?? what did they do then, (apart from publishing cartoons that offended Muslims)????
better, nearly got it. They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

garbage.  by general standards of 'offensive' they were exceedingly lame. And no, you are NOT as smart as gizmo.
lol, you havent seen the cartoons have you? I can read you like a book. Go and have a look then come back and discuss.

it actually doesn't matter.  after what they did, the cover could have Mohammed screwing a pig and it would still be lame.

you are quite the apologist for islam at the moment and actually defending this action.

Must be hell in that head of yours.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Soren on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:10pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:
They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

So? Why is Islam exempt?  Nazism, Scientology, Christianity, any religion, your pompousness are not exempt - why is Islam exempt? Because Muslims are violent. But that doesn't make Islam off limits. It just makes mocking Islam dangerous because Muslims are liable to kill you.  Muslims make it dangerous, not the cartoonists.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:40pm

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Gnads on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:57pm

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:27pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 6:40pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 1:47pm:

red baron wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 9:06am:
Just a point here...When Monty Python came out and satirised Christ , did the Christian World rise up and destroy the BBC?

I don't so Tim :)

So? I have an aquaintance whom is seriously overweight, I dont disparage fat people or make jokes about his weight, thats because I know he doesnt like it and  I respect it. I dont see this issue any differently. Muslims find caricatures of their prophet extremely disrespectful, the French journalists involved were deliberately provocative in my opinion. 

provocative...  and the penalty for that should be a strongly worded email or a phone call or 20 protestors waving handmade placards.

Being provocative is what writers and cartoonists are meant to be - except in North Korea.
who cares? dont make caricatures of a religious figure knowing that you are going to greatly offend them  for no other reason than you can. See how easy it is? Just involves a little respect for your fellow man, of course you dont understand that.

Why? & BS ... it's done to every other religious & political group in every country ...... Why are Muslims to be afforded the exemption?

And don't crap on about the violent reactions ......

because that only goes to prove the point that it's not a religion of peace & it's followers who take the violent action are no better than barbarians.

It's about time every western country that has welcomed them & given them refuge from so called persecution(from their own Muslim brothers of another sect) drew a line in the sand & said "any more & there will be wholesale deportations of families & their descendants who follow extreme fundamental Islam. If you protest & call for Sharia Law in your adopted country ... then on the plane ... if you are a hate preacher ... on a plane. Too bad if you're a home grown version .... which ever country you pledge allegiance to that's where you go. If you don't swear allegiance to your adopted country then your are in breach of the constitution & must leave. If you swear it & are proven to breach that promise then tat tah. So called Church never comes before State.

You, or family have left despotic Muslim hell holes where you were supposedly persecuted ... do not try & turn your adopted country into the same shyte hole you left.

It is your responsibility to adapt to your adopted country .................

not them to your delusional ideology.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:55pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 4:40pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 3:20pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 2:47pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:03pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:41pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:29pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 7:14pm:
Oh, and this is about the very essence of 'freedom of speech'...

no its not. If it was then all the internet heroes sounding off here would be doing it in public.

No it's about the magazine having the 'freedom of speech' to publish something that some people might disagree with...

thats not what the magazine did, try again.

No?? what did they do then, (apart from publishing cartoons that offended Muslims)????
better, nearly got it. They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

garbage.  by general standards of 'offensive' they were exceedingly lame. And no, you are NOT as smart as gizmo.
lol, you havent seen the cartoons have you? I can read you like a book. Go and have a look then come back and discuss.

it actually doesn't matter.  after what they did, the cover could have Mohammed screwing a pig and it would still be lame.

you are quite the apologist for islam at the moment and actually defending this action.

Must be hell in that head of yours.

yes. knew you hadnt seen  the cartoons. So you lied when you said you had and they werent offensive. Is that what your church teaches?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:57pm

Soren wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:10pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:
They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

So? Why is Islam exempt?  Nazism, Scientology, Christianity, any religion, your pompousness are not exempt - why is Islam exempt? Because Muslims are violent. But that doesn't make Islam off limits. It just makes mocking Islam dangerous because Muslims are liable to kill you.  Muslims make it dangerous, not the cartoonists.

islam isnt exempt, the only issue is with the caricatures of Mohammed.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 4:40pm:

you are quite the apologist for islam at the moment and actually defending this action.

Must be hell in that head of yours.
nah, i just happen to know a lot more about this than you. Business as usual  :)

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:02pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:57pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:10pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:
They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.
What do you think of those beheading posters paraded around in Sydney when those cops got bashed?

So? Why is Islam exempt?  Nazism, Scientology, Christianity, any religion, your pompousness are not exempt - why is Islam exempt? Because Muslims are violent. But that doesn't make Islam off limits. It just makes mocking Islam dangerous because Muslims are liable to kill you.  Muslims make it dangerous, not the cartoonists.

islam isnt exempt, the only issue is with the caricatures of Mohammed.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by The Stunt-free Horse on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:11pm

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(

You trying to get him to go fight the war for ya?

Righty is defined by this act alone!!!  ::) ::)

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Gnads on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:21pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:57pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:10pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:
They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

So? Why is Islam exempt?  Nazism, Scientology, Christianity, any religion, your pompousness are not exempt - why is Islam exempt? Because Muslims are violent. But that doesn't make Islam off limits. It just makes mocking Islam dangerous because Muslims are liable to kill you.  Muslims make it dangerous, not the cartoonists.

islam isnt exempt, the only issue is with the caricatures of Mohammed.

Why? ...the Pythons took the piss out of Christ via video in their skits .... & even the movie Life of Brian.

And Christianity in The Meaning of Life.

And how about the "Piss Christ" photgraph?

Who get killed over that?

Bloody apologists & defenders of the indefensible. ::)

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by The Stunt-free Horse on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:23pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

The fascist blue-blooded planet accountants want lefty to go fight for them. This is the simplistic left versus right paradigm defined to exactness.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:46pm

Gnads wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:21pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:57pm:

Soren wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 6:10pm:

ian wrote on Jan 12th, 2015 at 8:57pm:
They deliberately  set out to offend Muslims by publishing the most offensive caricatures they could about Islam. Methinks there is an agenda, but then Im not as smart as you gizmo.

So? Why is Islam exempt?  Nazism, Scientology, Christianity, any religion, your pompousness are not exempt - why is Islam exempt? Because Muslims are violent. But that doesn't make Islam off limits. It just makes mocking Islam dangerous because Muslims are liable to kill you.  Muslims make it dangerous, not the cartoonists.

islam isnt exempt, the only issue is with the caricatures of Mohammed.

Why? ...the Pythons took the piss out of Christ via video in their skits .... & even the movie Life of Brian.

And Christianity in The Meaning of Life.

And how about the "Piss Christ" photgraph?

Who get killed over that?

Bloody apologists & defenders of the indefensible. ::)

to be quite honest, i dont care why they find caricatures of Mohammed most offensive, i just know that they do. And so did the murdered journalists. I also dont care what the religion is, if adherents of a particular faith find something particularly offensive then i dont see why one would deliberately offend. On a personal level i do not set out to deliberately offend others beliefs and this approach has served me well in life, despite me disliking most human beings i can still manage to treat them with basic respect.. I also dont own a magazine with falling circulation.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:46pm

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:48pm

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..
not at all, I have plenty of anger and disgust for my fellow human beings, in spades.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:48pm

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:49pm

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:57pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.
My hero. You're a real man Ian. I wish I was like you.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:01pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:48pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..
not at all, I have plenty of anger and disgust for my fellow human beings, in spades.
I gathered that. Anger is just a symptom of fear. I understand now why you think muslims are going to bash your door down and behead you.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:08pm

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:10pm

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:57pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.
My hero. You're a real man Ian. I wish I was like you.
you can be rocket boy, theres no secret. Just takes time. First theres puberty, then adolescence then you can become an adult. Not long for you now.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Svengali on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:21pm
The French police commissioner involved in Charlie Hebdo has killed himself.

French police commissioner Helric Fredou has reportedly committed suicide just hours after meeting the relatives of a victim murdered at the satirical magazine's offices.

The 45-year-old is believed to have shot himself in his office with his own police-issue gun on Wednesday night in Limoges, according to France 3. His body was found by a colleague at 1am on Thursday.

The Union of Commissioners of the National Police confirmed Mr Fredou had committed suicide.

France's national police union gave its "sincere condolences" over Fredou's death and said they were thinking of his colleagues.

A statement the morning after the death stated: "It is with great sadness that we were informed this morning of the death of our colleague Helric Fredou, assigned as Deputy Director of the Regional Service Judicial Police in Limoges.

"On this particular day of national mourning, police commissioners are new both hit hard by the tragic death of one of their own.

"The Union of Commissioners of the National Police would like to present its most sincere condolences to the relatives of Helric."

French media reported that Helric had said he was overworked and "depressed" in conversations he had with police colleagues.

Fredou - who was single and had no children - began his career as a police officer in 1997, working in Versailles.

He returned to his home town of Limoges and in 2012 became deputy director of the regional police service.

"We are all shocked. Nobody was ready for such developments", a representative of the local police union told reporters.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:24pm

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:01pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:48pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..
not at all, I have plenty of anger and disgust for my fellow human beings, in spades.
I gathered that. Anger is just a symptom of fear. I understand now why you think muslims are going to bash your door down and behead you.
Projection again? Is that all you got? Its transparent that you are the one who is fearful, half your posts towards me are attacking me for not being scared of Muslims and the other half are accusing me of being too scared. Which is it rocket boy?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:25pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:10pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:57pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.
My hero. You're a real man Ian. I wish I was like you.
you can be rocket boy, theres no secret. Just takes time. First theres puberty, then adolescence then you can become an adult. Not long for you now.
You're a failed cop aren't you. Not mature enough?

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:32pm

Svengali wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:21pm:
The French police commissioner involved in Charlie Hebdo has killed himself.

French police commissioner Helric Fredou has reportedly committed suicide just hours after meeting the relatives of a victim murdered at the satirical magazine's offices.

The 45-year-old is believed to have shot himself in his office with his own police-issue gun on Wednesday night in Limoges, according to France 3. His body was found by a colleague at 1am on Thursday.

The Union of Commissioners of the National Police confirmed Mr Fredou had committed suicide.

France's national police union gave its "sincere condolences" over Fredou's death and said they were thinking of his colleagues.

A statement the morning after the death stated: "It is with great sadness that we were informed this morning of the death of our colleague Helric Fredou, assigned as Deputy Director of the Regional Service Judicial Police in Limoges.

"On this particular day of national mourning, police commissioners are new both hit hard by the tragic death of one of their own.

"The Union of Commissioners of the National Police would like to present its most sincere condolences to the relatives of Helric."

French media reported that Helric had said he was overworked and "depressed" in conversations he had with police colleagues.

Fredou - who was single and had no children - began his career as a police officer in 1997, working in Versailles.

He returned to his home town of Limoges and in 2012 became deputy director of the regional police service.

"We are all shocked. Nobody was ready for such developments", a representative of the local police union told reporters.
overworked, single and depressed. No one saw it coming  :o

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Rocketanski on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:34pm

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:24pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:01pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:48pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..
not at all, I have plenty of anger and disgust for my fellow human beings, in spades.
I gathered that. Anger is just a symptom of fear. I understand now why you think muslims are going to bash your door down and behead you.
Projection again? Is that all you got? Its transparent that you are the one who is fearful, half your posts towards me are attacking me for not being scared of Muslims and the other half are accusing me of being too scared. Which is it rocket boy?
Of course I get scared at times. Fear is a great motivator. Everybody gets scared. I don't sit up at night worry about terrorists like you though.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:44pm
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 14th, 2015 at 3:43am

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:
Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Abbott may be in for a second term .....

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Lord Herbert on Jan 14th, 2015 at 4:15am
"The Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam has said Muslim immigrants who do not appreciate the way of life in Western civilisations can 'bugger off'.

Ahmed Aboutaleb, who arrived in the Netherlands aged 15, spoke out in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris last week.

Appearing on live television just hours after the shootings, Mayor Aboutaleb said Muslims who 'do not like freedom can pack your bags and leave'.


Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by aquascoot on Jan 14th, 2015 at 6:31am

Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 4:15am:
"The Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam has said Muslim immigrants who do not appreciate the way of life in Western civilisations can 'bugger off'.

Ahmed Aboutaleb, who arrived in the Netherlands aged 15, spoke out in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris last week.

Appearing on live television just hours after the shootings, Mayor Aboutaleb said Muslims who 'do not like freedom can pack your bags and leave'.


this is the only place real change can come from.  kudos

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 14th, 2015 at 7:40am

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..

disgust at WHAT exactly?

the fact that some of us consider 12 lives a high price to pay for a cartoon??

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 14th, 2015 at 7:48am

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:34pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:24pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:01pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:48pm:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..
not at all, I have plenty of anger and disgust for my fellow human beings, in spades.
I gathered that. Anger is just a symptom of fear. I understand now why you think muslims are going to bash your door down and behead you.
Projection again? Is that all you got? Its transparent that you are the one who is fearful, half your posts towards me are attacking me for not being scared of Muslims and the other half are accusing me of being too scared. Which is it rocket boy?
Of course I get scared at times. Fear is a great motivator. Everybody gets scared. I don't sit up at night worry about terrorists like you though.

you must be pretty young rocky....

there are about 3 of us who believe 12 people have paid the ultimate PRICE for a cartoon...

not because we are afraid... but because we consider it STUPID....

if I thought my life was in danger or that of others...that we couldnt walk the streets because someone hated our guts.....

all over a cartoon...

I know what I would do..

you guys would keep printing the cartoon...and risking life...............but for WHAT I for one cannot see..

what possible pleasure is there in that cartoon.....

that would make you hang on to it.....and risk all those lives for it???

I understand greed and I understand if those cartoons...were worth billions.....even then

I would have burned them rather than risk 12 lives....

it all depends where you pout life on your scale of priorities I guess...........

dont forget we are talking France not the suburb you live in.

no one wants to see it from it being in their own backyard

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:25am

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 7:40am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..

disgust at WHAT exactly?

the fact that some of us consider 12 lives a high price to pay for a cartoon??

Disgust at the idea that anyone would consider committing murder over a cartoon.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:35am

Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 4:15am:
"The Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam has said Muslim immigrants who do not appreciate the way of life in Western civilisations can 'bugger off'.

Ahmed Aboutaleb, who arrived in the Netherlands aged 15, spoke out in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris last week.

Appearing on live television just hours after the shootings, Mayor Aboutaleb said Muslims who 'do not like freedom can pack your bags and leave'.


and that's what we need to see more of.  of course the terrorists will just shoot him.  These creeps have shown they are quite happy to kill other muslims for minor reasons or even no reason at all.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:09am

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:25am:

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 7:40am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..

disgust at WHAT exactly?

the fact that some of us consider 12 lives a high price to pay for a cartoon??

Disgust at the idea that anyone would consider committing murder over a cartoon.

oh I see.....well the facts are... this company was warned of the consequences and they chose the consequences....

that is basically what I am talking about... was it a god idea to keep printing the cartoons?? was the consequences worth it???>..

everyone keeps turning this into a personal thing....

its the actions of the magazine and the end result that matters.....

sadly quite a lot on here think they should keep inflaming the tiger.....its all about principles you see.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:19am

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:09am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:25am:

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 7:40am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..

disgust at WHAT exactly?

the fact that some of us consider 12 lives a high price to pay for a cartoon??

Disgust at the idea that anyone would consider committing murder over a cartoon.

oh I see.....well the facts are... this company was warned of the consequences and they chose the consequences....

The consequences were illegal.

What they were doing, was not illegal.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:21am

longweekend58 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:35am:

Lord Herbert wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 4:15am:
"The Moroccan-born mayor of Rotterdam has said Muslim immigrants who do not appreciate the way of life in Western civilisations can 'bugger off'.

Ahmed Aboutaleb, who arrived in the Netherlands aged 15, spoke out in the wake of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris last week.

Appearing on live television just hours after the shootings, Mayor Aboutaleb said Muslims who 'do not like freedom can pack your bags and leave'.


and that's what we need to see more of.  of course the terrorists will just shoot him.  These creeps have shown they are quite happy to kill other muslims for minor reasons or even no reason at all.

what or whom do you think they are killing in Syria????....

what is so difficult in understanding you/we are dealing with complete unreasonableness...

there is no sense to what or why they do what they do..

we just have to understand/accept   THEY DO...and when they say they will kill you.. they mean it..

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:26am
many blessings

it was sun tzu whom commented , and expanded upon the art of war ...

1.“who wishes to fight must first count the cost”

2.“If ignorant both of your enemy and yourself, you are certain to be in peril.”

― Sun Tzu, The Art of War

and so be it


Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by innocentbystander. on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:57am

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:09am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:25am:

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 7:40am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..

disgust at WHAT exactly?

the fact that some of us consider 12 lives a high price to pay for a cartoon??

Disgust at the idea that anyone would consider committing murder over a cartoon.

oh I see.....well the facts are... this company was warned of the consequences and they chose the consequences....

that is basically what I am talking about... was it a god idea to keep printing the cartoons?? was the consequences worth it???>..

everyone keeps turning this into a personal thing....

its the actions of the magazine and the end result that matters.....

sadly quite a lot on here think they should keep inflaming the tiger.....its all about principles you see.

If it wasn't the magazine it would have been someone else, they have a very long list, the armed forces are on the list too, should we ban them as well?  ::)

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:04am

greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:19am:

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:09am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:25am:

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 7:40am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..

disgust at WHAT exactly?

the fact that some of us consider 12 lives a high price to pay for a cartoon??

Disgust at the idea that anyone would consider committing murder over a cartoon.

oh I see.....well the facts are... this company was warned of the consequences and they chose the consequences....

The consequences were illegal.

What they were doing, was not illegal.

greg.. terrorist dont give a F about legal they dont a F about whats right or wrong....

that is the point....they give a F for your rights or your beliefs its all about what they want...

and in this case they wanted the cartoons to stop...

and had it been my choice I would have stopped the cartoons....I prefer people to sleep well and work in safe conditions...not hard

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:07am

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 9:34pm:
[  I don't sit up at night worry about terrorists like you though.

what? lol

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:11am

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:57am:
If it wasn't the magazine it would have been someone else, they have a very long list, the armed forces are on the list too, should we ban them as well

as you say the ARMED.... the magazine staff were not armed....didnt stand a chance...

this is about a CARTOON.... if other magazines are still printing this type of CARTOON then they need to take a good look at responsibility and what it means....

this isnt about freedom fighting.....this is about being stupid.....kicking a mad beehive.......would you do it???...

if you found someone on the footpath dead from beestings because he kicked the angry beehive........would you feel sorry for him....and kick the beehive as well????.........would you?...

me I would walk away and think what ever made him kick them and make them angrier?? what good did it do him .. he is now dead..

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by gizmo_2655 on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:18am

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:09am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 8:25am:

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 7:40am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:35pm:

ian wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Rocketanski wrote on Jan 13th, 2015 at 7:58pm:
Ian's just scared. :'( :'( :'( :'(
In my experience the scared ones are usually doing all the huffing and puffing , bit like you and your buddies. Anyway, fear can be a good thing, wish i had a bit more of it.

Ian, I think you are mistaking fear for anger and disgust..

disgust at WHAT exactly?

the fact that some of us consider 12 lives a high price to pay for a cartoon??

Disgust at the idea that anyone would consider committing murder over a cartoon.

oh I see.....well the facts are... this company was warned of the consequences and they chose the consequences....

that is basically what I am talking about... was it a god idea to keep printing the cartoons?? was the consequences worth it???>..

everyone keeps turning this into a personal thing....

its the actions of the magazine and the end result that matters.....

sadly quite a lot on here think they should keep inflaming the tiger.....its all about principles you see.

Perhaps, like most normal people, the staff at the magazine didn't think anyone would be pathetic enough to actually kill, over some cartoons????

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by cods on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:38am

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:18am:
Perhaps, like most normal people, the staff at the magazine didn't think anyone would be pathetic enough to actually kill, over some cartoons????

no gizmo after the the history of these madmen we do know...


Salam Rushdie

creators of South Park

and this.
Islam is no laughing matter. The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten is being protected by security guards and several cartoonists have gone into hiding after the newspaper published a series of twelve cartoons (see  them all here, halfway the article) about the prophet Muhammad. According to the Islam it is blasphemous to make images of the prophet. Muslim fundamentalists have threatened to bomb the paper’s offices and kill the cartoonists.

it is well recorded what they will do and how far they will go......

dont you get it.. they are not NORMAL people..

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:52am

greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:19am:
The consequences were illegal.

What they were doing, was not illegal.
would have been illegal in this country though.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by ian on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:53am

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:18am:

Perhaps, like most normal people, the staff at the magazine didn't think anyone would be pathetic enough to actually kill, over some cartoons????


Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by longweekend58 on Jan 14th, 2015 at 11:02am

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:38am:

gizmo_2655 wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:18am:
Perhaps, like most normal people, the staff at the magazine didn't think anyone would be pathetic enough to actually kill, over some cartoons????

no gizmo after the the history of these madmen we do know...


Salam Rushdie

creators of South Park

and this.
Islam is no laughing matter. The Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten is being protected by security guards and several cartoonists have gone into hiding after the newspaper published a series of twelve cartoons (see  them all here, halfway the article) about the prophet Muhammad. According to the Islam it is blasphemous to make images of the prophet. Muslim fundamentalists have threatened to bomb the paper’s offices and kill the cartoonists.

it is well recorded what they will do and how far they will go......

dont you get it.. they are not NORMAL people..

I don't get you.  you seem happy to cower and surrender as if it makes any difference.  You NEVER surrender or appease a madman.  Hitler is the perfect example.  Russia tried to appease and how did that work out?

you fight back at aggression and violence of the likes we are seeing.

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by innocentbystander. on Jan 14th, 2015 at 11:15am

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:11am:
as you say the ARMED.... the magazine staff were not armed....didnt stand a chance...

this is about a CARTOON.... if other magazines are still printing this type of CARTOON then they need to take a good look at responsibility and what it means....

this isnt about freedom fighting.....this is about being stupid.....kicking a mad beehive.......would you do it???...

if you found someone on the footpath dead from beestings because he kicked the angry beehive........would you feel sorry for him....and kick the beehive as well????.........would you?...

me I would walk away and think what ever made him kick them and make them angrier?? what good did it do him .. he is now dead..

That analogys all wrong, the dude would be getting stung because some muslims threw a bee hive at him ... ergo I would feel sorry for him  ;)

Title: Re: we are Charlie? .. BS cowards.. >:(
Post by Quantum on Jan 14th, 2015 at 11:38am

cods wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 10:11am:

innocentbystander. wrote on Jan 14th, 2015 at 9:57am:
If it wasn't the magazine it would have been someone else, they have a very long list, the armed forces are on the list too, should we ban them as well

as you say the ARMED.... the magazine staff were not armed....didnt stand a chance...

this is about a CARTOON.... if other magazines are still printing this type of CARTOON then they need to take a good look at responsibility and what it means....

this isnt about freedom fighting.....this is about being stupid.....kicking a mad beehive.......would you do it???...

if you found someone on the footpath dead from beestings because he kicked the angry beehive........would you feel sorry for him....and kick the beehive as well????.........would you?...

me I would walk away and think what ever made him kick them and make them angrier?? what good did it do him .. he is now dead..

You are not thinking about the end game. What are the consequences in the future of appeasement today?

So someone doesn't make a cartoon about Muslims incase it insults them and they go on a shooting spree. What happens when the next thing insults them that is far less of an issue? Do we ban alcohol adds because they to are offensive? How about one step further and ban pubs and bottle shops altogether? Do we ban snowmen? What about kids dolls and even manikins in shop windows?

Appeasement only leads to greater and greater concessions. It will just become a call to ban one thing after another which will be given because everyone is too shlt scared of another killing. Once they know they have the west by the balls they will squeeze them until they drop off. The line has to be drawn.

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