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Message started by Mohammed on Feb 22nd, 2015 at 2:16pm

Title: Quran Author speaks of Non-Existent Mosque
Post by Mohammed on Feb 22nd, 2015 at 2:16pm
Muslims believe that the Qur'an contains a message from an all-powerful, all-knowing, infallible being. If this is true then it should not contain any errors, mistakes, or information that contradicts known facts about the universe. If even one error exists in the text of Islam's holy book then the claims of divine authorship and infallibility are not true. An objective evaluation of the Qur’an shows that it contains numerous scientific and historical errors and it reflects a pre-scientific, 7th century view of the natural world.

Non-Existent Mosque in Jerusalem

Muslims claim that Al-Aqsa mosque is mentioned in the Qur'an as the furthest mosque, even though there was obviously no mosque in Jerusalem during Muhammad's time.

Qur'an 17:1

Glory to (Allah) Who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did bless,- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the One Who heareth and seeth (all things).

Maybe allah built the mosque in thin air and the jews came along later and built their temple mount underneath it :D :D :D

Then again maybe its all just a misunderstanding and it floated up in the air onto the top of the temple mount that the jews supposedly came a long later to build ROFL.

Or maybe muslims have it all terribly wrong when trying to make out what they call their religion is legit.

Title: Re: Quran Author speaks of Non-Existent Mosque
Post by Mohammed on Feb 27th, 2015 at 10:28pm
Hmm no apologies for the quran writers magic mosque.

Oh well so much for the tall tales about allah and mohammed.

Title: Re: Quran Author speaks of Non-Existent Mosque
Post by Julius Abbott on Feb 28th, 2015 at 12:11am
If you take the literal  meaning of mosque then it did exist as a place of worship built in the time of Solomon - this is mentioned in the Bible. Do you say that the Bible got it wrong?



...from the Arabic مسجد masjid meaning "place of worship" or "prostration in prayer"...

The Jerusalem Mosque was built on the Temple Mount which had been consecrated as a place of prayer by Solomon

Al-Aqsa Mosque

The site on which the silver domed mosque sits, along with the Dome of the Rock, also referred to as al-Haram ash-Sharif ("the Noble Sanctuary"), is the Temple Mount,...where the Temple stood before being destroyed by the Romans in 70 CE...

So if the original mosque was designated such by Solomon, but remained unused during several centuries, did it remain a mosque?

after an area is formally designated as a mosque, it remains so until the Last Day.

Title: Re: Quran Author speaks of Non-Existent Mosque
Post by Mohammed on Feb 28th, 2015 at 12:18am
Is that it LOL ;D

Anyone else that can google as well ?

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