Australian Politics Forum
Member Run Boards >> Fringe >> Flat Earth

Message started by it_is_the_light on Jul 5th, 2015 at 8:42am

Title: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 5th, 2015 at 8:42am
many blessings

one such as I am would invite some chat upon

these flat earth facts presented ..

In search of the edge of the flat earth (1990) All parts

Published on Mar 20, 2015
I uploaded this for educational purposes only!!! And so that all parts are put together. The views and opinions expressed on this video do not necessarily represent the opinions of the up loader.

Some evidence that the Earth is flat, as archival footage including the final fatal expedition of Andrea Barnes, who finally reached the edge of Earth via snowmobile (really no evidence of this), after failing in her life-long attempts via skis, dirigible, and boat. Barnes disappeared during her last journey, (or died) but her Eureka note was uncovered by a Polar explorer, many years later.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 5th, 2015 at 11:48am

Intro to Flat Earth History, Research and Conspiracy. Part I

Published on May 24, 2015
A very brief look at flat plane round earth history, research and a 500 year conspiracy to hide 5,000 years of flat earth cosmology.
The new and old testaments of the bible taught a flat stationary, earth centered universe.
So did the Babylonians, Sumerians, Chaldeans, Egyptians, Ancient Vedics and Hebrews as well as Native American Indians, Mayans and Incas.

Why has this most important information not been revealed, much less taught in our schools?

Why was NASA created, and by whom? How has the hidden occult been able to keep hidden truths that we live on a flat plane round stationary earth for some 500 years.
And why would they wish to hide this truth?
From the Vatican to the Royal Society of London, to NASA, a 500 year Great Lie has been sold to an unknowing public.
Now hidden truths are revealed for those with open minds, eyes to see and ears to hear.
For more info:,
join the forum:

video links

Eric Dubay
Michael Tsarion
Jordan Maxwell
Zietgeist, Part III
Road to the Stars, 1957
"Rings Of Odyssey" by SCOTT HUCKABAY ( • • )
Science & Technology

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by bogarde73 on Jul 5th, 2015 at 2:55pm
From where I'm standing it looks flat.

If people don't believe in the moon landings, I don't see how they can have faith in a spherical world.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by issuevoter on Jul 5th, 2015 at 4:17pm
Back in the olden days before GPS I used to work problems of celestial navigation. Its essentially spherical trigonometry though shortened with computed tables. It would not work on a flat ocean.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 6th, 2015 at 5:41am
many blessings ,

and thanks for the contributions so far , as we continue

lets have a look at the UN flag and other maps

depicting  .. flat earth

further , and more lies from NASA

ISS Space Station hoax yes the iss and pretty much everything else to do with NASA


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Jul 6th, 2015 at 7:39am
Dear master Light,

this thread is a joke - right?



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by bogarde73 on Jul 6th, 2015 at 10:58am
What planet are you on Bobby? You've stumbled into a serious scientific discussion here.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Baronvonrort on Jul 6th, 2015 at 11:27am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 5th, 2015 at 8:42am:
many blessings

one such as I am would invite some chat upon

these flat earth facts presented ..



Get a job ya bum.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 6th, 2015 at 2:18pm

Bobby. wrote on Jul 6th, 2015 at 7:39am:
Dear master Light,

this thread is a joke - right?



many blessings

one such as I am is not attempting to convince one

either way ..

this is merely chat ...

like how do these bubbles exist in space ?

International Space Station Hoax : Air Bubbles Rise- Space Walks Simulated in A Massive Water Pool

Uploaded on Apr 20, 2009
International Space Station Hoax : Air Bubbles Rise- Space Walks Simulated in A Massive Water Pool.

News & Politics

either way be at peace whilst we chat here

in love and light


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The Outrage Bus on Jul 6th, 2015 at 2:22pm
Who knows form that video at 244p, you'd be lucky to see an elephant clearly.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by BachToTheFuture on Jul 6th, 2015 at 3:13pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 6th, 2015 at 2:22pm:
Who knows form that video at 244p, you'd be lucky to see an elephant clearly.

Let's see if it picks up OB's lady friend, then.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The Outrage Bus on Jul 6th, 2015 at 3:17pm

MumboJumbo wrote on Jul 6th, 2015 at 3:13pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 6th, 2015 at 2:22pm:
Who knows form that video at 244p, you'd be lucky to see an elephant clearly.

Let's see if it picks up OB's lady friend, then.

Well I did see your mum on there, so yes.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 6th, 2015 at 5:55pm

The Earth is FLAT ~The planes help to prove the plane Flight Time Christchurch to Rio - Flat Earth proof (Deutsch)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 6th, 2015 at 8:22pm

issuevoter wrote on Jul 5th, 2015 at 4:17pm:
Back in the olden days before GPS I used to work problems of celestial navigation. Its essentially spherical trigonometry though shortened with computed tables. It would not work on a flat ocean.

many blessings issuevoter


"The Flat Earth: another Bedford Canal experiment" (Bernard H.Watson, et al),
ENGLISH MECHANIC, 80:160, 1904

Bedford Canal, England. A repeat of the 1870 experiment

"A train of empty turf-boats had just entered the Canal from the river Ouse, and
was about proceeding to Ramsey. I arranged with the captain to place the shallowest
boat last in the train, and to take me on to Welney Bridge, a distance of six
miles. A good telescope was then fixed on the lowest part of the stern of the last
boat. The sluice gate of the Old Bedford Bridge was 5ft. 8in. high, the turf-boat
moored there was 2ft. 6in. high, and the notice board was 6ft. 6in. from the water.

The sun was shining strongly upon them in the direction of the south-southwest; the
air was exceedingly still and clear, and the surface of the water smooth as a
molten mirror, so that everything was favourable for observation. At 1.15 p.m. the
train started for Welney. As the boats gradually receded, the sluice gate, the
turf-boat and the notice board continued to be visible to the naked eye for about
four miles. When the sluice gate and the turf-boat (being of a dark colour) became
somewhat indistinct, the notice board (which was white) was still plainly visible,
and remained so to the end of six miles. But on looking through the telescope all
the objects were distinctly visible throughout the whole distance. On reaching
Welney Bridge I made very careful and repeated observations, and finding several
men upon the banks of the canal, I called them to look through the telescope. They
all saw distinctly the white notice board, the sluice gate, and the black turf-boat
moored near them.

Now, as the telescope was 18in. above the water, The line of sight would touch the
horizon at one mile and a half away (if the surface were convex). The curvature of
the remaining four miles and a half would be 13ft. 6in. Hence the turf-boat should
have been 11ft., the top of the sluice gate 7ft. 10in., and the bottom of the
notice board 7ft. below the horizon.

My recent experiment affords undeniable proof of the Earth's unglobularity, because
it rests not on transitory vision; but my proof remains printed on the negative of
the photograph which Mr.Clifton took for me, and in my presence, on behalf of
J.H.Dallmeyer, Ltd.

im a physics major and i see that the flat earth is a very VERY viable and scientificlly sound. First round is for accept. Second round is for me to kill u with my evidence.

nasa lies lies lies

very interesting data


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by BachToTheFuture on Jul 6th, 2015 at 9:39pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 6th, 2015 at 3:17pm:

MumboJumbo wrote on Jul 6th, 2015 at 3:13pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jul 6th, 2015 at 2:22pm:
Who knows form that video at 244p, you'd be lucky to see an elephant clearly.

Let's see if it picks up OB's lady friend, then.

Well I did see your mum on there, so yes.


it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 6th, 2015 at 5:41am:
and thanks for the contributions so far , as we continue

lets have a look at the UN flag and other maps

depicting  .. flat earth

Master light,

Question -- is the UN a part of the global round-earth conspiracy? If so, why are they allowing enlightened ones such as yourself the opportunity of exposing their lies?

Could it not be that it is simply very hard (if not impossible) to express a 3D round earth on a flat 2D surface?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2015 at 5:20am

Master light,

Question -- is the UN a part of the global round-earth conspiracy? If so, why are they allowing enlightened ones such as yourself the opportunity of exposing their lies?

Could it not be that it is simply very hard (if not impossible) to express a 3D round earth on a flat 2D surface?

many blessings bach to the future

you seem to think I am attempting to convince you

of a flat earth ..

when I merely chat here and bring forth facts ..

fear is manifest within you which is not required

yet you think one such as I am is confronting your belief system of a globe earth

and as such your guns are aimed at the divine and sacred light ..

which is forgiven as we move further into this flat earth chat with more data

Chicago Superior Mirage 3000 Feet High or Flat Earth? Truth Hurts.


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 7th, 2015 at 5:35pm
many blessings ,

Flat Earth - Simplified, Summarised, and Theorised

if anyone can debunk this

one such as I am would appreciate some chat

upon as much

yet either way

be at peace


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2015 at 3:55pm

Biggest Nasa Space Station Screw Ups - Part 1

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The Outrage Bus on Jul 8th, 2015 at 4:16pm
All this thread proves is that there is no pseudoscientific bullshit I am the light wont believe.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2015 at 5:12pm
many blessings

this is just chat , we are looking at the data ..

any comment upon this ?


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by BachToTheFuture on Jul 8th, 2015 at 6:28pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2015 at 5:12pm:
this is just chat , we are looking at the data ..

any comment upon this ?

Master light,

The video is long, and we have better things to do. Perhaps you would be so kind as to distil what are, in your view, the key arguments for a flat earth. Then maybe more people will comment.

Much love,


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2015 at 9:27pm

MumboJumbo wrote on Jul 8th, 2015 at 6:28pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2015 at 5:12pm:
this is just chat , we are looking at the data ..

any comment upon this ?

Master light,

The video is long, and we have better things to do. Perhaps you would be so kind as to distil what are, in your view, the key arguments for a flat earth. Then maybe more people will comment.

Much love,


many blessings BTTF

the video may be absorbed in 10 minute increments

so that there is no need for another to tell you

the information therein .. or maybe footy is on ,

yet either way

be at peace


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2015 at 9:32pm

Flat Earth Theory

The flat Earth theory was believed by many cultures around the world including Ancient Egyptian and Babylonian cultures as well as China up to the last few hundred years. The flat Earth theory states that the world is a flat disk rather than a sphere. As early as the fourth century B.C. however, philosophers and scientists realized that the Earth was actually a sphere.  Aristotle was one Greek philosopher who advocated that Earth was a sphere. This debate has raged on in many cultures throughout the centuries.  Now, some believe that most educated people since around the fourth century B.C. and on realized that the Earth was a sphere, and that the belief that the flat earth theory was widespread is just a myth that took root in the 19th century. It is now thought by many, including the Historical Association based in England, that Columbus did not believe the Earth was flat and that this story was merely a myth spread by Washington Irving in his book about Columbus.

Many people who believe in the flat Earth theory turn to the Bible in order to back up their theory. They quote various passages in order to back up their theories and interpret certain passages literally. Not all of them rely on the Bible though or simply on the Bible. Samuel Shenton who formed the Flat Earth Society, one of the most modern flat earth groups, believed that his beliefs could be proven using common sense and science. The Flat Earth Society was one of the most modern flat Earth organizations in the past century, but that too faded when its last president died in 2001. The name is still being used, although the new organization or organizations are not necessarily linked to the old society.

Those who adhere to the flat Earth theory have certain answers to criticisms of their theory. Charles Johnson, who was a president of the Flat Earth Society, said that the Moon landing was also a hoax and that it was scripted and filmed on a set in Hollywood. Gravity is seen as a mystical force – that does not exist – to many who believe in the flat Earth theory. Charles Johnson accepted Aristotle’s idea that things naturally fall downwards. Adherents to the flat Earth theory have often been criticized and parodied. Some of the web sites that use the name are simply satires.

Universe Today has articles on is the Earth round and who discovered the Earth.

You should also check out the Flat Earth and do they really think the Earth is flat.

Astronomy Cast has an episode on Earth.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2015 at 9:52pm

Ex Flat Earther speaks out! Intro: Flat earth is fake disinfo wrong CIA psyop cointelpro group

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by BachToTheFuture on Jul 8th, 2015 at 11:42pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2015 at 9:52pm:
Ex Flat Earther speaks out! Intro: Flat earth is fake disinfo wrong CIA psyop cointelpro group

Ah, so you've reviewed the evidence and realise the earth is in fact round. Good for you

Love & light,


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2015 at 5:15pm

MumboJumbo wrote on Jul 8th, 2015 at 11:42pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2015 at 9:52pm:
Ex Flat Earther speaks out! Intro: Flat earth is fake disinfo wrong CIA psyop cointelpro group

Ah, so you've reviewed the evidence and realise the earth is in fact round. Good for you

Love & light,


many blessings BTTF

you take ungranted liberties yet are forgiven

the information is still being posted

HIS CRAZY NOTION- the flat earth revolution

Published on Apr 1, 2015
Published on Mar 31, 2015. (don't know why Youtube posted that)

It is an argument in the form of pitch for a greater campaign to challenge all of science in one converging act of proof . It is also a preface to a film project a challenging pitch to the world of media to entertain the legal accusation that all images of earth shown as educational proofs are misrepresenting themselves as real photos and are a fraud, most notably the real model of the surface humans inhabit the globe. It is a relentless sequence of monologues and demonstrations attesting to this line of thinking . It is as well some very stunning unscripted, shocking and revealing speculation wild verifiable intuition before the event , of where the authorities are planning to take human consciousness, humanity as a whole and the end game of imprisoning it all in a modified sub par intellectual lobotomy .

It is presented in a case by case audit demonstrations and lecture by the individual Math Powerland to you the viewer woven through some personal moments . Math Powerland is one of the world's unique image fraud authorities and experts on reality fakery. He is an acclaimed professional hyper realist painter designer who sepcializes in organic fractal physics and puddle expansion on flat planes known as floors . He holds a political science degree from St. Francis Xavier university with a specialized knowledge in intel scenario building and public perception. This is an assessment of the word globe, the concept of globalism, it's roots , it's creators , and present day enforcers , its proofs, the psychological simplification and consent by the public of the globe without research and question. the presentation also delves into the common rebuttals the uninformed regular person knee-jerks when coming face to face with a conspiracy so monstrous it paralyses their ability to scrutinize and their scientific base as a mere cult belief. It also addresses the flurry of flat earth and alternate earth shape disinformation flooding the web, and meme culture camps in it's attempt to bury the true form of the earth math powerland has posited before anyone would even entertain another shape. Most notably it details the importance of the coming flat earth revolution and the real model of your uni -verse , the "multi-veres" where 2 models are in fact in concert simultaneously creating this playing field we call earth. This crust is infinitely expanding between 2 temperature fields. Within it all the The CHIEF operating motive behind the deception of throwing a ball shaped earth at humankind resurfaces through out this presentation as monologues veer on branches stemming back to the main model put forth. Finally closing statements at the closure of part 2 , a final pitch for the greater project and film , "crossing the south pole in a straight line but in a manner never done by any human expedition."


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2015 at 5:31pm

Scientists Vote 'The Earth IS Flat' - 'And Why!'

Published on Jun 27, 2015
Round earth is 'also a theory.' Sleep tight. So? Just what do we have here?...........Is everything you know wrong? Hmmm. After all, just what is real when future, unknown, technologies are being used on an unknowing populace that forever appear to be magical in a world full of illusions? Consider me 'just the lawyer presenting the evidence to you. And you? You be the judge. Is the Antarctic 'actually off limits' to all of us common folk? What's being protected within that 300 mile tropical land mass (or under that freezing ice, below, in those freezing waters), or being held at bay? Imagine, if you will, for a moment, if we lived within a tiny boxed in area that was surrounded by hundreds of miles of impassable ice to which on the other side resided the most largest alien masters / owners / reptilians / Annunaki, that one could think of? You be the judge, remember?
Sleep tight.

Excerpt from The flat Earth model is an archaic conception of the Earth's shape as a plane or disk. Many ancient cultures subscribed to a flat Earth cosmography, including Greece until the classical period, the Bronze Age and Iron Age civilizations of the Near East until the Hellenistic period, India until the Gupta period (early centuries AD) and China until the 17th century. That paradigm was also typically held in the aboriginal cultures of the Americas, and the notion of a flat Earth domed by the firmament in the shape of an inverted bowl is common in pre-scientific societies.
The idea of a spherical Earth appeared in Greek philosophy with Pythagoras (6th century BC), although most Pre-Socratics retained the flat Earth model. Aristotle accepted the spherical shape of the Earth on empirical grounds around 330 BC, and knowledge of the spherical Earth gradually began to spread beyond the Hellenistic world from then on.
Since the 20th century the consensus among historians of science has been that medieval Europeans, with rare exception, put little confidence in a flat earth model. (end of excerpt).
Notice the last part, ' Since the 20th century the consensus among historians of science has been that medieval Europeans, with rare exception, put little confidence in a flat earth model.' ''Little confidence?'' A little. which would mean what? They're 'still' not sure.

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The Grappler on Jul 10th, 2015 at 11:16am
Nah  - it actually curves inward and what we think we are seeing is really the inside of a large ball.... the idea that space is infinite etc is just an illusion....

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 12th, 2015 at 9:41am
many blessings grappler ,

we continue ,

Flat Earth and 73 Miles Up

Published on Jun 27, 2015
Read info for a better understanding of this Launch.

1.) Yes, the launch uses three cameras, all using Gopro cameras.
2.) The Launch went about 73 miles up into the sky.
3.) Yes, I could use a Gopro lens corrector, but it adds to the validity of the video if I don't edit it.
4.) If anybody can tell me when and how we can see a Curve going into the sky - I'd be happy to hear it. But for now, I'm sticking to that there will be no observable curve seen.

Thanks to Ky Michaelson for the Video!

Special thanks to Ball Earth Skeptic on Facebook!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 13th, 2015 at 9:51pm

3 Empirical Proofs the Earth is Flat

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 23rd, 2015 at 10:34pm


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 27th, 2015 at 5:39pm

The sun above a flat earth (EXPLAINED BETTER)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 3rd, 2015 at 3:52pm

First Amateur Rocket Into Space Proves Flat Earth Theory

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 9th, 2015 at 9:41pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2015 at 5:53am

High-altitude Balloon Captures Planet X? Flat Earth, Too?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2015 at 5:57am

bogarde73 wrote on Jul 5th, 2015 at 2:55pm:
From where I'm standing it looks flat.

If people don't believe in the moon landings, I don't see how they can have faith in a spherical world.

many blessings

lets have a look at the moon buggy doing circle work on the lunar surface ....

looks real huh ? LOL !

LRV on the Moon - Apollo 16 - HD Video Stabilized

Uploaded on Aug 27, 2010
Apollo 16's Lunar Roving Vehicle rolling about the surface of the moon.

video stabilized using Deshaker v2.5 filter for VirtualDub 1.9.9

Source: Apollo Mission 16mm High Definition Transfers
Science & Technology


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2015 at 7:45am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 8th, 2015 at 1:23pm

Flat Earth Drama (Parody of an Eminem Song) jeranism

APOLLO 17 ...... Lunar Module Lift Off!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 11th, 2015 at 10:08am

Google Project Loon Proves Flat Earth

Published on Oct 10, 2015
Thanks for watching. Google Project Loon is a new high atmospheric weather balloon that will be used to bring the internet to all countries. Google is sending up 300 all at the 40 degree south mark. This would make no sense on a Globe but makes far too much sense on a flat ground. Brian Cox (Cryin Box) and the douchebag Adam from the Mars Curiosity Missions make appearances in this video.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 20th, 2015 at 7:28am
flat earth proof

any curve here in the photo ?

First Photo From Space

In 1946, rocket-borne cameras gave us our first look at Earth from beyond the atmosphere

On October 24, 1946, not long after the end of World War II and years before the Sputnik satellite opened the space age, a group of soldiers and scientists in the New Mexico desert saw something new and wonderful—the first pictures of Earth as seen from space

View of Earth from a camera on V-2 #13, launched October 24, 1946. (White Sands Missile Range/Applied Physics Laboratory)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 2nd, 2015 at 5:03pm
more flat earth info

very interesting data upon the plane             t

The Earth is FLAT ~The planes help to prove the plane

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2015 at 6:47pm

Flat Earth Documentary - The Matrix Exposed

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 18th, 2015 at 6:54pm
Wow -- master Light has proven that the Earth is flat  !

I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2015 at 8:53pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 6:54pm:
Wow -- master Light has proven that the Earth is flat  !

I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

many blessings sir bobby

its mere data upon the title thread

completely ontopic information to chat upon ..

did you watch it ? any insights ?

some are at a dis ease in light of as much

yet either way

be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:04pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 8:53pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 6:54pm:
Wow -- master Light has proven that the Earth is flat  !

I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

many blessings sir bobby

its mere data upon the title thread

completely ontopic information to chat upon ..

did you watch it ? any insights ?

some are at a dis ease in light of as much

yet either way

be at peace


You didn't answer my question

I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:09pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 8:53pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 6:54pm:
Wow -- master Light has proven that the Earth is flat  !

I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

many blessings sir bobby

its mere data upon the title thread

completely ontopic information to chat upon ..

did you watch it ? any insights ?

some are at a dis ease in light of as much

yet either way

be at peace


many blessings sir bobby ,

yet first

you have made a silly accusation

alluding to you having watched the video presented in totality ..

and so , you have been exposed yet again

cap fits , enjoy


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:18pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:20pm

I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:24pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:20pm:
I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

you may suppose anything one may suggest

you will never know if you do not research

yet either way be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:32pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:24pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:20pm:
I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

you may suppose anything one may suggest

you will never know if you do not research

yet either way be at peace


Dear master Light,

you are definitely living on this planet about 1000 years ago
when many people thought the world was flat.
they actually knew it was round in 194 BC - over 2,000 years ago.

Eratosthenes of Cyrene (/ɛrəˈtɒsθəniːz/; Greek: Ἐρατοσθένης, IPA: [eratostʰénɛːs]; c. 276 BC[1] – c. 195/194 BC[2]) was a Greek mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist. He was a man of learning, becoming the chief librarian at the Library of Alexandria. He invented the discipline of geography, including the terminology used today.[3]

He is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth, which he did by applying a measuring system using stadia, which was a standard unit of measure during that time period. His calculation was remarkably accurate. He was also the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis (again with remarkable accuracy). Additionally, he may have accurately calculated the distance from the Earth to the Sun and invented the leap day.[4] He created the first map of the world incorporating parallels and meridians, based on the available geographical knowledge of the era.

Maybe - you're a time traveler from 3000 years ago?



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:41pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:32pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:24pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:20pm:
I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

you may suppose anything one may suggest

you will never know if you do not research

yet either way be at peace


Dear master Light,

you are definitely living on this planet about 1000 years ago
when many people thought the world was flat.
they actually knew it was round in 194 BC - over 2,000 years ago.

Eratosthenes of Cyrene (/ɛrəˈtɒsθəniːz/; Greek: Ἐρατοσθένης, IPA: [eratostʰénɛːs]; c. 276 BC[1] – c. 195/194 BC[2]) was a Greek mathematician, geographer, poet, astronomer, and music theorist. He was a man of learning, becoming the chief librarian at the Library of Alexandria. He invented the discipline of geography, including the terminology used today.[3]

He is best known for being the first person to calculate the circumference of the Earth, which he did by applying a measuring system using stadia, which was a standard unit of measure during that time period. His calculation was remarkably accurate. He was also the first to calculate the tilt of the Earth's axis (again with remarkable accuracy). Additionally, he may have accurately calculated the distance from the Earth to the Sun and invented the leap day.[4] He created the first map of the world incorporating parallels and meridians, based on the available geographical knowledge of the era.

Maybe - you're a time traveler from 3000 years ago?



yet the latest science proves otherwise

alas you do not know because you refuse to absorb

the new science , this is ok and cool with

your tunnel vision and global goggles

and either way be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:43pm
Eratosthenes was such a smart guy.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:47pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:43pm:
Eratosthenes was such a smart guy.

yet modern day science proves otherwise

just like quantum physics overtook newtonian physics

either way do not be dis dressed


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:50pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:47pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:43pm:
Eratosthenes was such a smart guy.

yet modern day science proves otherwise

just like quantum physics overtook newtonian physics

either way do not be dis dressed


Now you're taking the mickey out of me.

It's all good fun.

I'm convinced - the world is flat.    ;D


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Richdude on Nov 19th, 2015 at 2:46pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 23rd, 2015 at 10:34pm:


This video is bizarre!
How can this be true?
Copernicus and Galileo were wrong and the middle age Popes were right!!?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 19th, 2015 at 5:01pm

Richdude wrote on Nov 19th, 2015 at 2:46pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 23rd, 2015 at 10:34pm:


This video is bizarre!
How can this be true?
Copernicus and Galileo were wrong and the middle age Popes were right!!?

many blessings rich dude ..

it is how you say it to be so some may suggest

however and in any case

the data is worth absorbing for to discount knowledge

is to deprive oneself of wisdom

The Flat Earth Is Biblical Truth - The Satanic Deception Exposed

either way be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir lastnail on Nov 20th, 2015 at 10:32pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:20pm:
I suppose the Moon & the Sun are flat too?

yeh they are flat like two coins :D LOL

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir lastnail on Nov 20th, 2015 at 10:34pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:50pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:47pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 18th, 2015 at 9:43pm:
Eratosthenes was such a smart guy.

yet modern day science proves otherwise

just like quantum physics overtook newtonian physics

either way do not be dis dressed


Now you're taking the mickey out of me.

It's all good fun.

I'm convinced - the world is flat.    ;D


tennis balls, golf balls and basket balls are all flat too :D LOL

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Richdude on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 4:10am
The "zig zag" theory is false - its an error in perception.
  The Flat Earth theory is nonsense - just entertainment.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 25th, 2015 at 4:59am

Santos Bonacci Flat Earth Interview with Eilish De Avalon

many blessings beloveds ,

applicable data starts around 5:00 ..

enjoy these truths and if you can refute these facts

then do that , yet either way

you have been informed

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 30th, 2015 at 9:26pm

crikey !

- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 10th, 2016 at 10:06pm

Santos Bonacci Flat Earth Interview 2 with Eilish De Avalon on CCN

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 12th, 2016 at 10:46pm

Santos Bonacci Flat Earth Interview on FlatOut Truth

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 9:16pm

Santos Bonacci Flat Earth, Time-Lapse, Gravity Interview on Pitchfork Radio

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The Grappler on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:44am
If the Earth is flat, how come when I travel down the hill into town on the seashore... the ocean is higher than the hill and it looks like I'd driving down into the ocean.....

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 25th, 2016 at 6:55am
Master Light has gone mad - a flat Earth!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by John_Taverner on Feb 25th, 2016 at 8:58am

Bobby. wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 6:55am:
Master Light has gone mad - a flat Earth!

Maybe you could give us a rest with all that Ice Age madness and start pontificating proselytising on the Flat Earth Message instead.  That's even more of a challenge for you!  People will laugh at you even more. Such kudos.

It_is_the_light - you make me smile.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by issuevoter on Feb 25th, 2016 at 9:12am

Bobby. wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 6:55am:
Master Light has gone mad - a flat eaath!

Light Boy has not Gone mad, he's been deranged for some time.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Feb 25th, 2016 at 2:22pm
You've got to love the shear absurdity of this one.
Thanks for the laugh Light.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 25th, 2016 at 6:13pm

issuevoter wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 9:12am:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 6:55am:
Master Light has gone mad - a flat eaath!

Light Boy has not Gone mad, he's been deranged for some time.

I'm getting worried about him now -

he picks up on every conspiracy theory no matter how silly -
Flat Earth - come on! -

maybe it's just a joke & he is having a good laugh at all of us?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:02pm
many blessings

if any can disprove this data ,

I will leave this thread ..

Santos Bonacci Flat Earth, Time-Lapse, Gravity Interview on Pitchfork Radio

with grace ... and so

lets see whom is clever enough to actually research

and string together some or for that matter any arguement

without limp wristed and non factual abuse

yet either way beloved beings

be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:13pm
You dont need to disprove this. Its not evidence/

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 26th, 2016 at 6:09pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:13pm:
You dont need to disprove this. Its not evidence/

many blessings !

we have a contestant in the id pastafarian..

1. why is it that the progression of stars ( star trails )around the nth star ( polaris ), is clockwise in the southern hemisphere

and counter clockwise in the northern hemisphere ?

the rotation around the nth star describes only one movement ... and it is just that .

this alone debunks a globe earth for this is the firmament ..

and how can the southern hemisphere even observe the nth star ?

if the earth was a globe and travelling through space

how can the progression of stars revolve always around the nth star ?

2. do you believe you are on a globe rotating at 1000 miles per hr ?

im interested with forgiveness and you may

answer this at your earliest convenience

yet either way be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by boxy on Feb 26th, 2016 at 6:34pm
Given that the only places you see fully circular rotations like that, are near the poles, your pictures pretty are evidence for the affirmative. A globular earth, rotating.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:43pm

boxy wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 6:34pm:
Given that the only places you see fully circular rotations like that, are near the poles, your pictures pretty are evidence for the affirmative. A globular earth, rotating.

many blessings boxy , however

how can you possibly see the nth star from australia ?

are you familiar with geometry and how this would work with your global model and hypothesis ?

im interested with forgiveness


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:47pm
yet further we press here

how can the analemma exist in a globe earth ?

it actually proves flat earth so yes , and so

lets use some logic here confronting your reality

yet either way be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:50pm

how can the southern hemisphere even observe the north star ?

The North star cannot be seen from the Southern Hemisphere.



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:59pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:50pm:

how can the southern hemisphere even observe the north star ?

The North star cannot be seen from the Southern Hemisphere.



many blessings sir bobby

are you saying you cannot see polaris from the southern hemisphere ?

another topic in which you happen to know very little

yet with bravado trumpet on within your ignorance

this is very interesting and is a reflection of your consciousness

of which is forgiven


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 26th, 2016 at 10:06pm
yes good lets continue

Flat Earth Star Trails Explained

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 26th, 2016 at 10:24pm
many blessings

how can these star trail exist from places like canada

canary islands

this does not make sense in a globe model

for you would have to be exactly at the nth pole to observe this point within the star trails

if you were not at the nth pole , in a globe model

it would be impossible to observe polaris attracting the star trail construct .. this is logic


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Feb 27th, 2016 at 12:29am
I think the artists rendering bellow goes a long way toward proving that the world is in-fact resting on four elephants who in-turn are ridding upon the back of a giant space turtle.

If the above facts weren't really true why would anyone have gone to the trouble of knitting the following model ...

Hopefully this post has brought a bit of clarity to the matter for everybody concerned ... 

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 27th, 2016 at 5:20am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:59pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:50pm:

how can the southern hemisphere even observe the north star ?

The North star cannot be seen from the Southern Hemisphere.



many blessings sir bobby

are you saying you cannot see polaris from the southern hemisphere ?

another topic in which you happen to know very little

yet with bravado trumpet on within your ignorance

this is very interesting and is a reflection of your consciousness

of which is forgiven


Dear master Light,
I suggest that ye loadeth a free excellent program called Stellarium
on to your computer & see for yourself.

sir Bobby.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by boxy on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:46pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:43pm:

boxy wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 6:34pm:
Given that the only places you see fully circular rotations like that, are near the poles, your pictures pretty are evidence for the affirmative. A globular earth, rotating.

many blessings boxy , however

how can you possibly see the nth star from australia ?

are you familiar with geometry and how this would work with your global model and hypothesis ?

im interested with forgiveness


The North Star can only been seen, from the southern hemisphere, if you are close to the equator (and even then, it is near the horizon).

From near the south pole (where those circular, long exposure, photos are taken), you can't see the North Star, and the stars circle another point, in the southern sky.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:49pm

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:46pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:43pm:

boxy wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 6:34pm:
Given that the only places you see fully circular rotations like that, are near the poles, your pictures pretty are evidence for the affirmative. A globular earth, rotating.

many blessings boxy , however

how can you possibly see the nth star from australia ?

are you familiar with geometry and how this would work with your global model and hypothesis ?

im interested with forgiveness


The North Star can only been seen, from the southern hemisphere, if you are close to the equator (and even then, it is near the horizon).

From near the south pole (where those circular, long exposure, photos are taken), you can't see the North Star, and the stars circle another point, in the southern sky.

master Light won't listen to facts.

You can see Polaris changing position  for yourself at different latitudes with Stellarium.

I am worried about him.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2016 at 5:50pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 5:20am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:59pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:50pm:

how can the southern hemisphere even observe the north star ?

The North star cannot be seen from the Southern Hemisphere.



many blessings sir bobby

are you saying you cannot see polaris from the southern hemisphere ?

another topic in which you happen to know very little

yet with bravado trumpet on within your ignorance

this is very interesting and is a reflection of your consciousness

of which is forgiven


Dear master Light,
I suggest that ye loadeth a free excellent program called Stellarium
on to your computer & see for yourself.

sir Bobby.

many blessings sir bobby

it would seem you are programmed by stellarium

and what stellarium says you believe for you lack research and believe

what you are told to believe

you are forgiven as we continue without preconceived programing in what you are told to believe

let us look at the analemma

love and light unto all hearts as all

are forgiven


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2016 at 5:55pm

John_Taverner wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 8:58am:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 6:55am:
Master Light has gone mad - a flat Earth!

Maybe you could give us a rest with all that Ice Age madness and start pontificating proselytising on the Flat Earth Message instead.  That's even more of a challenge for you!  People will laugh at you even more. Such kudos.

It_is_the_light - you make me smile.

many blessings taverner

yet smile at this one if one such as you are

would have the care

Bobby. wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:50pm:

how can the southern hemisphere even observe the north star ?

The North star cannot be seen from the Southern Hemisphere.



and this is the case with non factual posts and ignorant positions backed up with inanity

this is observed and forgiven with

so very much love unto all dear hearts that are concerned


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2016 at 6:16pm

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:46pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:43pm:

boxy wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 6:34pm:
Given that the only places you see fully circular rotations like that, are near the poles, your pictures pretty are evidence for the affirmative. A globular earth, rotating.

many blessings boxy , however

how can you possibly see the nth star from australia ?

are you familiar with geometry and how this would work with your global model and hypothesis ?

im interested with forgiveness


The North Star can only been seen, from the southern hemisphere, if you are close to the equator (and even then, it is near the horizon).

From near the south pole (where those circular, long exposure, photos are taken), you can't see the North Star, and the stars circle another point, in the southern sky.

many blessings boxy and yes very good !

then how do you explain this timelapse photo ( startrails ) from the alamo canyon in arazona next to mexico ,

now you people are going to have to use your brain here

how can this photo be taken from near the equator on a spinning globe earth ?

this shot would have to be taken at the nth pole would it not ?

many appear to be in some increment of slumber and so be it

as the aforementioned state of unconsciousness

is forgiven so be at peace


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by boxy on Feb 27th, 2016 at 7:43pm
The Alamo is a long way from the equator, in the northern hemisphere, and the circular pattern is right on the horizon. What's your point?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by boxy on Feb 27th, 2016 at 7:47pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:49pm:

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:46pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:43pm:

boxy wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 6:34pm:
Given that the only places you see fully circular rotations like that, are near the poles, your pictures pretty are evidence for the affirmative. A globular earth, rotating.

many blessings boxy , however

how can you possibly see the nth star from australia ?

are you familiar with geometry and how this would work with your global model and hypothesis ?

im interested with forgiveness


The North Star can only been seen, from the southern hemisphere, if you are close to the equator (and even then, it is near the horizon).

From near the south pole (where those circular, long exposure, photos are taken), you can't see the North Star, and the stars circle another point, in the southern sky.

master Light won't listen to facts.

You can see Polaris changing position  for yourself at different latitudes with Stellarium.

I am worried about him.

I've had the Stellarium program for years now. I love it. Great on a laptop, where you can take it out, and identify the stars/constellations, and to know when you can get a good look at ones of interest.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:15pm

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 7:47pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:49pm:

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:46pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 9:43pm:

boxy wrote on Feb 26th, 2016 at 6:34pm:
Given that the only places you see fully circular rotations like that, are near the poles, your pictures pretty are evidence for the affirmative. A globular earth, rotating.

many blessings boxy , however

how can you possibly see the nth star from australia ?

are you familiar with geometry and how this would work with your global model and hypothesis ?

im interested with forgiveness


The North Star can only been seen, from the southern hemisphere, if you are close to the equator (and even then, it is near the horizon).

From near the south pole (where those circular, long exposure, photos are taken), you can't see the North Star, and the stars circle another point, in the southern sky.

master Light won't listen to facts.

You can see Polaris changing position  for yourself at different latitudes with Stellarium.

I am worried about him.

I've had the Stellarium program for years now. I love it. Great on a laptop, where you can take it out, and identify the stars/constellations, and to know when you can get a good look at ones of interest.

Yes - master Light desperately needs to load that program & see for himself.

It won't cost him anything.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by boxy on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:31pm
I think he needs to go outside of a night, once in a while, and look up.

That wont cost him anything, either.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:33pm

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:31pm:
I think he needs to go outside of a night, once in a while, and look up.

That wont cost him anything, either.

If he did he's see that we are part of a double planet system -

the Earth & the Moon.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by boxy on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:40pm
Careful. You'll spook the horses!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by mothra on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:48pm

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:40pm:
Careful. You'll spook the horses!

Great. Now you summoned Aqua.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2016 at 6:38am

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 7:43pm:
The Alamo is a long way from the equator, in the northern hemisphere, and the circular pattern is right on the horizon. What's your point?

many blessings

in a globe earth it would be impossible to see that pattern around polaris

from near the equator ..

you should only be able to see that pattern directly at the nth pole

it would / should / could not appear in that geometrical construct at the equator .. in this factual reality

many remain clueless and just accept that they see the same star trail that you do at the nth pole

which is the only place you should see it and so

in a globe earth you cannot logically see that pattern at the equator ..because you are supposedly rotating on a globe earth at over 1000 miles per hr ..

so how can this star trail exist at the equator ?

quite simply it cannot for we are not on a globe earth

yet when confronted people would rather poke fun at the one bringing this fact as they attempt , in vain

so cling to some type of group mind think and save their warped belief system of lies and any non logic

that confronts their mesmerismic consciousness

and so be it , as all are forgiven

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2016 at 8:03am

Bobby. wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:33pm:

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 10:31pm:
I think he needs to go outside of a night, once in a while, and look up.

That wont cost him anything, either.

If he did he's see that we are part of a double planet system -

the Earth & the Moon.

many blessings sir bobby ,

if it is how you say it to be so ..

1. then how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....

explain these phenomena and put down the stellerium for a moment

if you have the care yet either way be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 28th, 2016 at 8:37am
Dear master Light,

blessed are they who have not seen Stellarium yet still believe.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2016 at 9:03am
many blessings as you cannot answer unto your illusionary construct sir bobby

when confronted with fact and logic yes

you simply repeat and slink away from fact and truth and it is

by their works ye shall be known and so be it



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 28th, 2016 at 10:21am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2016 at 9:03am:
many blessings as you cannot answer unto your illusionary construct sir bobby

when confronted with fact and logic yes

you simply repeat and slink away from fact and truth and it is

by their works ye shall be known and so be it



Come on master Light,

you don't seriously believe that the world is flat?

You think it's funny if some people think you do?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2016 at 12:08pm
many blessings sir bobby ,

if it is how you say it to be so ..

1. then how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....

are you articulate and coherent enough to explain these phenomena

if not you have been exposed in lack


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 28th, 2016 at 12:12pm
Dear master Light,
explain why in summer - at out Antarctic base -
the sun rises in the South & sets in the South?

Why in Winter does the sun never rise?

A quick check on Stellarium will reveal this unto thee.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Feb 28th, 2016 at 2:48pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2016 at 6:38am:

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 7:43pm:
The Alamo is a long way from the equator, in the northern hemisphere, and the circular pattern is right on the horizon. What's your point?

many blessings

in a globe earth it would be impossible to see that pattern around polaris

from near the equator ..

you should only be able to see that pattern directly at the nth pole

it would / should / could not appear in that geometrical construct at the equator .. in this factual reality

many remain clueless and just accept that they see the same star trail that you do at the nth pole

which is the only place you should see it and so

in a globe earth you cannot logically see that pattern at the equator ..because you are supposedly rotating on a globe earth at over 1000 miles per hr ..

so how can this star trail exist at the equator ?

quite simply it cannot for we are not on a globe earth

yet when confronted people would rather poke fun at the one bringing this fact as they attempt , in vain

so cling to some type of group mind think and save their warped belief system of lies and any non logic

that confronts their mesmerismic consciousness

and so be it , as all are forgiven

so be at peace


The Alamo is located at 29.25 degrees above the equator and at that latitude polaris (the north pole star) will correspondingly be located at 29.25 degrees above the northern horizon. At the north pole polaris will be 90degrees above the horizon or directly overhead.   

The Stars from Other Locations

I've described the stellar motions as they appear from my home in Ogden, Utah, at a latitude of 41° north of the equator. What about other locations?

Moving east or west makes no difference, except to determine when you see things. If you live farther east, you'll see any given star rise and set sooner; if you live farther west, each star rises and sets later. We compensate for these differences, in an approximate way, by setting our clocks according to different time zones.

Moving north or south is more interesting. The farther north you go, the higher in the sky you'll see the north celestial pole and the stars around it—and the lower all the stars will appear in the south. In fact, the angle between your northern horizon and the north celestial pole is precisely equal to your latitude.

For example, in Ogden the north celestial pole is 41° above my northern horizon, but if you're in Anchorage, Alaska, the angle is 61°. At the earth's north pole, you would see the north celestial pole straight overhead, and the celestial equator would lie along your horizon, so you would never see any stars rise or set; they would just move in counter-clockwise circles if you're facing upward, or horizontally to the right if you're facing the horizon. Stars below your horizon (that is, south of the celestial equator) would always be hidden from your view.

On the other hand, if you travel south to Mexico City, you'll see the north celestial pole only 19° above your northern horizon. The Big Dipper will no longer always be visible, setting in the northwest and rising in the northeast instead. But in the southern sky, you'll see stars that are never visible in Utah, including the famous Southern Cross.

Farther south, at earth's equator, the north celestial pole lies on the northern horizon, and the celestial equator passes straight overhead. From here, as the constellations rise in the east, they appear to head straight up, rather than along a diagonal. In the west, they head straight down as they set. Even more stars are visible in the southern sky, making clockwise half-circles about a point on the southern horizon, the south celestial pole.

From the southern hemisphere, you can't see the north celestial pole at all. The south celestial pole, however, will appear above your southern horizon, by an angle equal to your southern latitude. Stars rising in the east will head upward and to the left, toward the northern sky. The celestial equator will also pass through the northern sky, lower and lower as you head farther south.

Finally, if you visit earth's south pole, you'll see the south celestial pole straight overhead, with the stars making clockwise circles around it. The celestial equator will lie on your horizon, with the stars moving parallel to it, from right to left. You always see the same half of the celestial sphere, completely distinct from the half that you would see from earth's north pole.

The explanation for all these effects is simply that the earth's surface is curved. So when you travel to a different location, your horizon tilts with respect to the stars. Today every school child is taught that the earth is (approximately) a sphere. Even in ancient times, however, astute travelers realized that the changes in the stars as you travel north or south must be caused by the curvature of the earth. The ancient Greeks even reasoned that the earth must be a sphere, and thus pictured the universe as a pair of spheres: an enormous celestial sphere, carrying the stars around us once a day, and the much smaller spherical earth, fixed at the center of the universe.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2016 at 7:59pm
many blessings unto all beings ,

The Alamo is located at 29.25 degrees above the equator and at that latitude polaris (the north pole star) will correspondingly be located at 29.25 degrees above the northern horizon. At the north pole polaris will be 90degrees above the horizon or directly overhead. 

it would appear that sir bobby and oktema have failed miserably , and so they are excused for they know not this topic of discussion

they merely repeat non logic and this is a frequent occurrence for ones such as they are yet dry your eyes beloveds

for the lord has granted unto and within thee .. patience ,

these 2 questions remain unanswered by all globalists

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....

explain these phenomena


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by boxy on Feb 28th, 2016 at 9:02pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2016 at 6:38am:

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 7:43pm:
The Alamo is a long way from the equator, in the northern hemisphere, and the circular pattern is right on the horizon. What's your point?

many blessings

in a globe earth it would be impossible to see that pattern around polaris

from near the equator ..

you should only be able to see that pattern directly at the nth pole

it would / should / could not appear in that geometrical construct at the equator .. in this factual reality

Not at all. It's just that the closer you get to the equator, the closer the circular pattern gets to the horizon (as evidenced by your snap shots). From the poles, the circle is overhead.

If the guy taking the picture in Arizona had focused his lens directly above his head (instead of at the northern horizon), the stars would have been moving in an almost straight line, east to west.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Feb 28th, 2016 at 11:30pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2016 at 7:59pm:
it would appear that sir bobby and oktema have failed miserably , and so they are excused for they know not this topic of discussion

they merely repeat non logic and this is a frequent occurrence for ones such as they are yet dry your eyes beloveds

"it_is_the_light" you've drunk the kool-aid and are not excused. You've been well and truly duped and now promote this Flat Earth disinformation. You are complicit (whether consciously or not) in distracting attention away from the consideration of truly important issues.

I had a sense about what was possibly going on with these types of highly illogical conspiracy theories when I posted in the "Port Arthur Saga" thread ...

I'm sure there are "real" conspiracies both past and present.
However - what if the biggest conspiracy of all was the setting up of numerous false conspiracies to help mask the true ones!

As such the following made for an interesting read ...

FLAT EARTH ‘THEORY’: The Ultimate PSYOP Wages War Against The Truth Movement

The Flat Earth Theory is not a theory at all; rather, it is a meticulously engineered hoax that is zealously advanced on the Internet by a rogue government black operation known as the Flat Earth Society.  Their central goals and purposes are numerous and by no means mutually exclusive.

However, there is one goal in particular that reigns absolutely supreme on their “deliberate agenda of disruption”:  To so discredit every other truth movement by infiltrating them with their utter babble.  In this fashion the Flat Earthers seek to bring down the real truthers by the mere association with their fallacious and preposterous drivel.

If ever there was a PSYOP designed to distract, divert and misdirect, the thoroughly insane Flat Earth Theory (FET) is the one.  Never in the history of black operations have the co-conspirators been so fierce and fanatical in their mission to deceive and dupe.

First Comment from Ingmor:

About 1 year ago, conspiracy youtubers started getting flooded with flat earth video recommendations even though they had previously never watched a flat earth video in their life. Cass Sunstein, left, chief Obama administration propagandist describes this technique in his book "Nudge." The technique is to target groups whose opinion they want to shape and gently nudge in the certain directions with several techniques. These include infiltrators and internet forums or comments sections of articles as well as using connections with websites such as youtube to give people recommendations based on their data to push them where they need to go.

Up until now on youtube, this has been most notably used for pushing the reptillian story as well as other bizarre new age conspiracy angles to make people discredit themselves when talking about truth as well getting lost in labyrinths of insanity. It has also been used for other topics such as global warming, zionism, and alternative health (which Sunstein specifically mentions in his book). It is important that the nudging is gentle and incremental.

I have come across many people who just one year ago were speaking serious truths. Now all they want to talk about is the flat earth, something of no consequence compared to the murder of almost all of humanity.

These people have been NEUTRALIZED

Makow comment: I think they have made their point. A lot of so-called "Truthers" are mentally unstable. Pilots would have flown over the edge and under the disc long ago.

David Livingstone:  "I think it's pretty obvious what it's designed to do: the absorb the "truth" community in complete nonsense. But such utter nonsense that it will completely discredit anyone nearly associated with it. Talk about 9/11 now, or the Illuminati, or Bilderberg and you can be denounced as a "flat earther".  ...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 29th, 2016 at 4:35am

boxy wrote on Feb 28th, 2016 at 9:02pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2016 at 6:38am:

boxy wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 7:43pm:
The Alamo is a long way from the equator, in the northern hemisphere, and the circular pattern is right on the horizon. What's your point?

many blessings

in a globe earth it would be impossible to see that pattern around polaris

from near the equator ..

you should only be able to see that pattern directly at the nth pole

it would / should / could not appear in that geometrical construct at the equator .. in this factual reality

Not at all. It's just that the closer you get to the equator, the closer the circular pattern gets to the horizon (as evidenced by your snap shots). From the poles, the circle is overhead.

If the guy taking the picture in Arizona had focused his lens directly above his head (instead of at the northern horizon), the stars would have been moving in an almost straight line, east to west.

incorrect boxy ,you have been exposed as a no logic poster on this topic

in a globe earth it would be impossible to see that pattern around polaris

from near the equator ..

you should only be able to see that pattern directly at the nth pole

it would / should / could not appear in that geometrical construct at the equator .. in this factual reality

the earth is supposedly revolving at 1000 mph +

pls explain the anomaly , you have one more chance

or you have failed in your globe earth theory


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 29th, 2016 at 4:38am

0ktema wrote on Feb 28th, 2016 at 11:30pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2016 at 7:59pm:
it would appear that sir bobby and oktema have failed miserably , and so they are excused for they know not this topic of discussion

they merely repeat non logic and this is a frequent occurrence for ones such as they are yet dry your eyes beloveds

"it_is_the_light" you've drunk the kool-aid and are not excused. You've been well and truly duped and now promote this Flat Earth disinformation. You are complicit (whether consciously or not) in distracting attention away from the consideration of truly important issues.

I had a sense about what was possibly going on with these types of highly illogical conspiracy theories when I posted in the "Port Arthur Saga" thread ...

I'm sure there are "real" conspiracies both past and present.
However - what if the biggest conspiracy of all was the setting up of numerous false conspiracies to help mask the true ones!

As such the following made for an interesting read ...
[quote]FLAT EARTH ‘THEORY’: The Ultimate PSYOP Wages War Against The Truth Movement

The Flat Earth Theory is not a theory at all; rather, it is a meticulously engineered hoax that is zealously advanced on the Internet by a rogue government black operation known as the Flat Earth Society.  Their central goals and purposes are numerous and by no means mutually exclusive.

However, there is one goal in particular that reigns absolutely supreme on their “deliberate agenda of disruption”:  To so discredit every other truth movement by infiltrating them with their utter babble.  In this fashion the Flat Earthers seek to bring down the real truthers by the mere association with their fallacious and preposterous drivel.

If ever there was a PSYOP designed to distract, divert and misdirect, the thoroughly insane Flat Earth Theory (FET) is the one.  Never in the history of black operations have the co-conspirators been so fierce and fanatical in their mission to deceive and dupe.

First Comment from Ingmor:

About 1 year ago, conspiracy youtubers started getting flooded with flat earth video recommendations even though they had previously never watched a flat earth video in their life. Cass Sunstein, left, chief Obama administration propagandist describes this technique in his book "Nudge." The technique is to target groups whose opinion they want to shape and gently nudge in the certain directions with several techniques. These include infiltrators and internet forums or comments sections of articles as well as using connections with websites such as youtube to give people recommendations based on their data to push them where they need to go.

Up until now on youtube, this has been most notably used for pushing the reptillian story as well as other bizarre new age conspiracy angles to make people discredit themselves when talking about truth as well getting lost in labyrinths of insanity. It has also been used for other topics such as global warming, zionism, and alternative health (which Sunstein specifically mentions in his book). It is important that the nudging is gentle and incremental.

I have come across many people who just one year ago were speaking serious truths. Now all they want to talk about is the flat earth, something of no consequence compared to the murder of almost all of humanity.

These people have been NEUTRALIZED

Makow comment: I think they have made their point. A lot of so-called "Truthers" are mentally unstable. Pilots would have flown over the edge and under the disc long ago.

David Livingstone:  "I think it's pretty obvious what it's designed to do: the absorb the "truth" community in complete nonsense. But such utter nonsense that it will completely discredit anyone nearly associated with it. Talk about 9/11 now, or the Illuminati, or Bilderberg and you can be denounced as a "flat earther".  ...[/quote]

many blessings oktema

you are quite the conspiracy theorist ..

you still avoid questions 1. and 2. and as such you are excused

you cannot answer the questions so search for some straws to grasp

you may move along and watch footy or something that will engage your intellect

we are looking for answers here

answers you do not possess

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Feb 29th, 2016 at 11:43am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 29th, 2016 at 4:38am:
many blessings oktema

you are quite the conspiracy theorist ..

you still avoid questions 1. and 2. and as such you are excused

you cannot answer the questions so search for some straws to grasp

you may move along and watch footy or something that will engage your intellect

we are looking for answers here

answers you do not possess

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....



Unfortunately it wouldn't mater what I gave in answer to your inane regurgitation's, you would merely class them as illogical (whilst providing no real evidence for your own stance) or you would simply ignore them all together. 

The pinnacle of your achievements in this thread would seem to be your ability to reply directly from your "Flat Earth Manual" like some cyborg.

Therefore You are exposed. You are either a paid shill or proving to be one of the bigger of the various dopes I have come across on the internet.

;) Perhaps your pyramid is tuned incorrectly and picking up signals from PSYOP central. Whatever your angle your karma will eventually catch up with you no-mater how many quotes from Gandhi you post.

By the way rather than Gandhi, the true genesis for the quote " First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win " actually appears to come from an American labor organizer named Nicholas Klein who was making a speech at a convention in 1918.

Frankly it's quite sad to think that you find the need to carry on the way you do. Muddying the waters is a lowly trade.   

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 29th, 2016 at 5:57pm
many blessings unto all hearts

yet no poster has yet answered the 2 questions .. so what is it .

no google searches to repeat ?

this is an anomaly in your reality

and many seem upset to the point of tears , and side track their focus and magnify inanity

this is observed with forgiveness so dry your eyes beloved beings

for the lord has granted unto thee patience , and now

let us have your answer to these 2 simple questions

answers it would appear , you do not possess

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....

such a simple and logical observation yet what happens when these 2 questions are posed

inane banter and offtopic retardationalistical abuse

stay on topic or leave this thread and take your sour non logical grapes with thee in thine failure .

all are loved so fear not

in the divine and sacred light


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Feb 29th, 2016 at 10:20pm
it_is_the_light you posted the following "2 Suns Prophecy" back in 2011 and then went on to put people down (in your own special holier than thou way) for daring to challenge the viability of what was then your latest fascination.

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2011 at 4:27am:
has anyone heard that saturn will be another sun?

within 12 odd months this smaller sun will create an equalibrium

perfect sperical syncronicity and have the exact perceived

mass in the sky as moon and current sun/sol?

the earth will traverse in a figure 8 between the 2 suns and a split

will occur...more info to come..research yes good


So how does the "2 Suns Prophecy" with it's "the earth will traverse in a figure 8 between the 2 suns"fit into your current "Flat Earth" fascination where a miniature sun sitting only 4,000 miles away circles above the disk of the flat Earth?

In both cases you insist upon your view being the only correct view.

How do you propose to resolve this conundrum of your own making?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 1st, 2016 at 5:13am

0ktema wrote on Feb 29th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
it_is_the_light you posted the following "2 Suns Prophecy" back in 2011 and then went on to put people down (in your own special holier than thou way) for daring to challenge the viability of what was then your latest fascination.

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2011 at 4:27am:
has anyone heard that saturn will be another sun?

within 12 odd months this smaller sun will create an equalibrium

perfect sperical syncronicity and have the exact perceived

mass in the sky as moon and current sun/sol?

the earth will traverse in a figure 8 between the 2 suns and a split

will occur...more info to come..research yes good


So how does the "2 Suns Prophecy" with it's "the earth will traverse in a figure 8 between the 2 suns"fit into your current "Flat Earth" fascination where a miniature sun sitting only 4,000 miles away circles above the disk of the flat Earth?

In both cases you insist upon your view being the only correct view.

How do you propose to resolve this conundrum of your own making?

many blessings oktema

the question was asked .. " has anyone heard " ... this is not prophesy it is a question ..

you have failed .

you seek to create an illusion to distract from your inadequacy and now ..

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Mar 1st, 2016 at 11:32am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 1st, 2016 at 5:13am:
many blessings oktema

the question was asked .. " has anyone heard " ... this is not prophesy it is a question ..

you have failed .

you seek to create an illusion to distract from your inadequacy and now ..

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....


You have no answers only questions.

You have failed.

Therefore you are either a dill or a shill.

Either way you are a wast of time.

May you receive all that you deserve.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 1st, 2016 at 1:02pm
Many blessings oktema,

I noticed you failed in answering the simple 2 questions

that slap the stench of the global theory clean out of your mouth ...

So be it in your failure

You have been dismissed ..


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 25th, 2016 at 8:18am
many blessings

as facts and logic continue to bring more awareness

this is the case without anyones expressed or otherwise approval or permission

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by John_Taverner on Mar 25th, 2016 at 8:34am

0ktema wrote on Mar 1st, 2016 at 11:32am:
Either way you are a wast of time.

Trolls don't post what they believe. Like everything else this troll posts, he posts it for his personal entertainment.

He gets off on the reaction. Sadly, it's probably all that he has to get off on nowadays.

Nobody is actually so dumb to believe any of this.   

This particular specimen can be classified as a "narcissistic troll". (See video)

They are the least harmful of all trolls and are amusing to a point. If he had lived in the Middle Ages, he might have been a Court Jester.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 25th, 2016 at 8:54pm
many blessings yet still ,

there is no answer forthcoming from these trolls that choose inanity over facts

facts of which they can not refute or refuse to observe

they choose stupidity and ridicule yet it is they themself that becomes the jester and so be it

and so , lets have some answers to these questions you cannot google ..

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Setanta on Mar 25th, 2016 at 9:06pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 1st, 2016 at 5:13am:

0ktema wrote on Feb 29th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
it_is_the_light you posted the following "2 Suns Prophecy" back in 2011 and then went on to put people down (in your own special holier than thou way) for daring to challenge the viability of what was then your latest fascination.

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2011 at 4:27am:
has anyone heard that saturn will be another sun?

within 12 odd months this smaller sun will create an equalibrium

perfect sperical syncronicity and have the exact perceived

mass in the sky as moon and current sun/sol?

the earth will traverse in a figure 8 between the 2 suns and a split

will occur...more info to come..research yes good


So how does the "2 Suns Prophecy" with it's "the earth will traverse in a figure 8 between the 2 suns"fit into your current "Flat Earth" fascination where a miniature sun sitting only 4,000 miles away circles above the disk of the flat Earth?

In both cases you insist upon your view being the only correct view.

How do you propose to resolve this conundrum of your own making?

many blessings oktema

the question was asked .. " has anyone heard " ... this is not prophesy it is a question ..

you have failed .

you seek to create an illusion to distract from your inadequacy and now ..

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....


1. Obvbiously master light, you can not visualise in 3d the moon spinning as it goes around the Earth. I suggest you grab a glass as the moon, a bottle of Sherry as the Earth, move the glass around the bottle keeping one face to it, mark the glass if it makes it easier. Does the glass rotate? Repeat many times for verification of results, and drink a glass of Sherry each rotation.

2. If the moon had no speed it would be pulled to the Earth, fortunately for us it also has speed and is moving further away.

3. Yes I know it was a pointless exercise pointing this out to you.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 27th, 2016 at 9:12am
many blessings yet still

no answers have been submitted ..

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....

answer these 2 simple questions then more shall be forthcoming


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 27th, 2016 at 9:15am

2. If the moon had no speed it would be pulled to the Earth, fortunately for us it also has speed and is moving further away.

many blessings setanta

you continue in your theme of non factuality

you say the moon is getting further away ?

how absurd .. pls post your factual information to back up this fiction of yours ..

post it not and ye are yet still forgiven

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by John_Taverner on Mar 27th, 2016 at 3:42pm
School kids all over the world have been sending iPhones and HD cameras into the upper atmosphere to a height of  80.000 to 100,000 feet. (way higher than the sun in your model)

At that altitude, the curvature of the Earth is obvious.

How do you suppose that a GPS works?

Have you ever seen the International Space Shuttle pass over the Earth? If you look at it through binoculars, you can  make out its shape. I have seen it many times.  It has an angular size a bit larger than the crater Tycho on the moon.

Do you want to know when it will pass over your location? I'll tell you when to look if you like.|660:*

This is not worth wasting time on, but I can see your point. Your point is that most ordinary people take a lot for granted and find it difficult to back up what they believe to be true.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 27th, 2016 at 6:55pm

John_Taverner wrote on Mar 27th, 2016 at 3:42pm:
School kids all over the world have been sending iPhones and HD cameras into the upper atmosphere to a height of  80.000 to 100,000 feet. (way higher than the sun in your model)

At that altitude, the curvature of the Earth is obvious.

How do you suppose that a GPS works?

Have you ever seen the International Space Shuttle pass over the Earth? If you look at it through binoculars, you can  make out its shape. I have seen it many times.  It has an angular size a bit larger than the crater Tycho on the moon.

Do you want to know when it will pass over your location? I'll tell you when to look if you like.|660:*

This is not worth wasting time on, but I can see your point. Your point is that most ordinary people take a lot for granted and find it difficult to back up what they believe to be true.

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 27th, 2016 at 7:15pm

John_Taverner wrote on Mar 27th, 2016 at 3:42pm:
School kids all over the world have been sending iPhones and HD cameras into the upper atmosphere to a height of  80.000 to 100,000 feet. (way higher than the sun in your model)

At that altitude, the curvature of the Earth is obvious.

How do you suppose that a GPS works?

Have you ever seen the International Space Shuttle pass over the Earth? If you look at it through binoculars, you can  make out its shape. I have seen it many times.  It has an angular size a bit larger than the crater Tycho on the moon.

Do you want to know when it will pass over your location? I'll tell you when to look if you like.|660:*

This is not worth wasting time on, but I can see your point. Your point is that most ordinary people take a lot for granted and find it difficult to back up what they believe to be true.

many blessings john taverner

pls post one .. any photo of the globe earth from space ..of which there should be hundreds should there not ?

so pls post a photo pls ... not cgi .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2016 at 6:02am
many blessings john taverner .. cant do that simple request hmm ?

we continue ,

Flat Earth Obama and Unfalsifiable "Science"

Published on Apr 6, 2016
This video takes a look at a few different pieces of unfalsifiable science. Even though, as we all know, something cannot be unfalsifiable and considered scientific. However, Obama keeps referring to the Flat Earth while we know that everything Globe is unfalsifiable. Do your own research and BOOM! Welcome to the flat lands.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Apr 8th, 2016 at 5:27pm
A rare pic of the earth just before it became flat

Another picture of the now hidden earth, just before it was released from the flattening process.

So thanks to the courageous meditative efforts of "Captain Photon" we have all been saved from a very Spherical Future.


A little known fact.
At the onset of the last Ice Age "Captain (Marty) Photon" aka it_is_the_light had turned the Earth into his own personal Ice Cream. However upon realizing that he might get too fat to fit into his pyramid he decided not to eat it, and once again we were saved.

Stay tuned for the next exciting installment of "Captain (Marty) Photon"
The Earth is like putty in his hands.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 12:36am
many blessings oktema , yet you have failed

just one photo is asked of thee to post

of the earth from space

yet you can do naught

and so it is


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Richdude on Apr 9th, 2016 at 2:11am
Easiest way to determine if the earth is flat or not is to look out the window when flying between Sydney and Perth.
Aircraft fly the shortest route which is the great circle route.
If you see ocean below - the Earth is spherical. If you see land - it is flat.
Last time I flew - I saw ocean.
Nevertheless keep posing these questions Mr Light - good work.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Apr 9th, 2016 at 2:38am
Here is a pic taken from Apollo 17.

This is a spectacular full view of our planet earth. It was taken by the Apollo 17 during their journey to the moon in December 7, 1972. The south polar ice cap of Antarctica can be clearly seen in the image. This region constitutes 70% of the world’s freshwater. This photo of the earth was the first to feature the south polar ice cap.

And because that was so easy here is one of Earth as seen from space by a monkey.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 4:22pm

0ktema wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 2:38am:
Here is a pic taken from Apollo 17.

This is a spectacular full view of our planet earth. It was taken by the Apollo 17 during their journey to the moon in December 7, 1972. The south polar ice cap of Antarctica can be clearly seen in the image. This region constitutes 70% of the world’s freshwater. This photo of the earth was the first to feature the south polar ice cap.

many blessings oktema ..

that is a cgi photoshop half hearted attempt at hoodwinkery

look at the size of africa ?

it takes up half the planet , and so

try again

a photo I said

now you will deliver said photo or banish yourself from this thread for limp wristed mesmerismic skullduggery

yet dry your eyes for you are forgiven

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Apr 9th, 2016 at 5:56pm
If you think Africa looks too large you must have missed Season 2 Episode 16 of "The West Wing" because long run continental discrepancies were explained quite well on the show.

In a nut shell. Early cartographers had a very Eurocentric view of the world and as such they misrepresented the size of the continents to fit that view. This tradition has largely carried on up-to this day.

Actually this next video gives a clearer explanation.

Did you know that California is more than four times the size of Portugal? Or that you could fit China, the U.S. and India into the continent of Africa, with room to spare?

The true size interactive map linked to below can make for an interesting few minutes.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 6:00pm

0ktema wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 5:56pm:
If you think Africa looks too large you must have missed Season 2 Episode 16 of "The West Wing" because it was explained quite well on the show.

Early cartographers had a very Eurocentric view of the world and as such they misrepresented the size of the continents to fit that view. This tradition has largely carried on up-to this day.

Actually this next video gives a clearer explanation.

Did you know that California is more than four times the size of Portugal? Or that you could fit China, the U.S. and India into the continent of Africa, with room to spare?

Have a look at the true size interactive map.

many blessings

we have a breakthrough oktema .. you have simply been brainwashed

by the tell a lie vision

you know nothing of substance you just repeat tell lie vision

and post nasa cgi photos again caught cheating

you simply repeat the lies.. well done and good show ,

self banishment is an obligation  you may endure for 24 hrs

whilst ye may lick your ill informed wounds

yet dry your eyes beloved being

for the lord has granted unto thee patience


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Apr 9th, 2016 at 6:26pm
Dear Captain Photon, I see you're having a bit of trouble digesting the new information ... never mind, here's a picture of a Banana Dog, a well known and very helpful visionary aid for every meditator.

May you see him in you minds eye whenever you go off course and need to pilot your pyramid. 


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:38pm

0ktema wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 6:26pm:
Dear Captain Photon, I see you're having a bit of trouble digesting the new information ... never mind, here's a picture of a Banana Dog, a well known and very helpful visionary aid for every meditator.

May you see him in you minds eye whenever you go off course and need to pilot your pyramid. 


many blessings oktema and yes , very interesting

that you cannot post a true photo from space of the planet earth ...

surely there must be hundreds no ?

so put away your misguided ridicule and bring forth your facts to support your theory

of a globe earth ...

here are some startrails from brisbane

this geometry is impossible at brisbanes point in your globe earth theory

this geometry should only appear at the nth pole


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:41pm
master Light,

the Earth is not flat - it's a sphere.

Unless you withdraw this ridiculous claim -

you will be ineligible to become a knight joining our round table.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Secret Wars on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:45pm

Bobby. wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:41pm:
master Light,

the Earth is not flat - it's a sphere.

Unless you withdraw this ridiculous claim -

you will be ineligible to become a knight joining our round table.


Oblate spheroid, slightly pear shaped. 

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:46pm

Bobby. wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:41pm:
master Light,

the Earth is not flat - it's a sphere.

Unless you withdraw this ridiculous claim -

you will be ineligible to become a knight joining our round table.


many blessings sir bobby

the round table in search of a grail they know noteth of .. quite rich indeed good sir

however fortunately one such as I am has no need to join a gaggle of delusionals that promise much yet merely lie ...

yet dry your eyes beloved being

for the lord has granted unto the patience in varying modicums

so rejoice in love and light

and then explain how it is ye may see star trails such as these in brisbane ..?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:48pm

Secret Wars wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:45pm:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:41pm:
master Light,

the Earth is not flat - it's a sphere.

Unless you withdraw this ridiculous claim -

you will be ineligible to become a knight joining our round table.


Oblate spheroid, slightly pear shaped. 

many blessings

yet sir bobby has announced it is a sphere despite the fact he is on a goose chase for a grail he cannot find

for he does not know what it is .. in ego

forsooth and forgiven


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:57pm

Secret Wars wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:45pm:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:41pm:
master Light,

the Earth is not flat - it's a sphere.

Unless you withdraw this ridiculous claim -

you will be ineligible to become a knight joining our round table.


Oblate spheroid, slightly pear shaped. 

many blessings secret wars

yet I do not see any pear here on the cgi scanner from nasa

tell lie vision explained the spacetime continuum to oktema so rest assured ... he will / may / not explain sooner rather than later ,

one may suggest with forgiveness


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:59pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:46pm:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:41pm:
master Light,

the Earth is not flat - it's a sphere.

Unless you withdraw this ridiculous claim -

you will be ineligible to become a knight joining our round table.


many blessings sir bobby

the round table in search of a grail they know noteth of .. quite rich indeed good sir

however fortunately one such as I am has no need to join a gaggle of delusionals that promise much yet merely lie ...

yet dry your eyes beloved being

for the lord has granted unto the patience in varying modicums

so rejoice in love and light

and then explain how it is ye may see star trails such as these in brisbane ..?


master Light,

A gaggle of delusionals  -

hardly - more likely -
a team of knights doing battle every day for truth & justice -
a sacred & divine duty -

withdraw such a remark or

ban yourself for 2 days from this thread.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by John_Taverner on Apr 9th, 2016 at 9:15pm
There are many pictures of the Earth from space.  The famous ones were taken from the surface of the moon in the 1970s using a Hasselblad camera.  Then there were pictures taken by most of the deep space probes. Of course they all use a scanning technique.

It's a waste of my time trying to explain something to you that you  already know perfectly well. I'm not going to be party to your personal entertainment.

That's one of the Hasselblad pictures.

Now off you go, troll.

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 29th, 2016 at 5:57pm:
many blessings unto all hearts

yet no poster has yet answered the 2 questions ..

Probably because most of them are sane. (Now what does that make me?)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 9:16pm

Bobby. wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:46pm:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:41pm:
master Light,

the Earth is not flat - it's a sphere.

Unless you withdraw this ridiculous claim -

you will be ineligible to become a knight joining our round table.


many blessings sir bobby

the round table in search of a grail they know noteth of .. quite rich indeed good sir

however fortunately one such as I am has no need to join a gaggle of delusionals that promise much yet merely lie ...

yet dry your eyes beloved being

for the lord has granted unto the patience in varying modicums

so rejoice in love and light

and then explain how it is ye may see star trails such as these in brisbane ..?


master Light,

A gaggle of delusionals  -

hardly - more likely -
a team of knights doing battle every day for truth & justice -
a sacred & divine duty -

withdraw such a remark or

ban yourself for 2 days from this thread.


many blessings sir bobby ye seem besmirched

however I merely stated I had no need for as much

and you feel insulted

you may wish to cultivate some social acumen good man

yet either way be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 9:20pm

John_Taverner wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 9:15pm:
There are many pictures of the Earth from space.  The famous ones were taken from the surface of the moon in the 1970s using a Hasselblad camera.  Then there were pictures taken by most of the deep space probes. Of course they all use a scanning technique.

It's a waste of my time trying to explain something to you that you  already know perfectly well. I'm not going to be party to your personal entertainment.

That's one of the Hasselblad pictures.

Now off you go, troll.

lol interesting that photo was taken leaving earth and the very same photo was taken coming back to earth after the supposed moon landing

at 9:20 you will see the trick nasa played and how john taverner repeats and regurgitates their mistruths..

well done good played


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by John_Taverner on Apr 9th, 2016 at 9:33pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2016 at 9:37pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Apr 9th, 2016 at 10:54pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:46pm:
however fortunately one such as I am has no need to join a gaggle of delusionals that promise much yet merely lie ...

yet dry your eyes beloved being

for the lord has granted unto the patience in varying modicums

so rejoice in love and light

and then explain how it is ye may see star trails such as these in brisbane ..?


Dear Captain Photon.
In the future when you're at home piloting your pyramid outside on the lawn in Brisbane at night ... please for the good of everybody you must resist the urge to lick the cane toads.

No they are not special fuel and no they will not make you go faster.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 9th, 2016 at 11:34pm

0ktema wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 10:54pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 9th, 2016 at 8:46pm:
however fortunately one such as I am has no need to join a gaggle of delusionals that promise much yet merely lie ...

yet dry your eyes beloved being

for the lord has granted unto the patience in varying modicums

so rejoice in love and light

and then explain how it is ye may see star trails such as these in brisbane ..?


Dear Captain Photon.
In the future when you're at home piloting your pyramid outside on the lawn in Brisbane at night ... please for the good of everybody you must resist the urge to lick the cane toads.

No they are not special fuel and no they will not make you go faster.

captain photon doesn't believe the world is flat -

he just gains amusement from those who want to argue about it.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Setanta on Apr 10th, 2016 at 12:20am
ML. please scale your images.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 8:33am
many blessings setanta ,

much gratitude as we continue with the questions

that remain unanswered

and observe with forgiveness those that attempt to ridicule yet fall so very short ...

1. how can the moon show no other face unto earth ? only one side of your moon is visible for you espouse the moon is a globe .

2. how can your moon be in an synchronous rotation around a globe you call earth  and effect the water so much , it creates tides ...332,500,000 cubic miles of water (mi3) and yet not be drawn to earth in your natural gravity theory construct you propose to espouse - the moon of and in due course should be getting attracted to earth in the natural gravity model ....

try harder


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 8:39am

Exposing the Myth of Gravitational Lensing | Space News

Published on Apr 9, 2016
JOIN US for the EU2016 Conference: Elegant Simplicity//June 17-19//

A principle of modern cosmology is that so-called space-time is a physically real entity. In Albert Einstein’s theory of General Relativity, light will follow the so-called curvature of space time. For decades, astronomers have claimed to observe the bending of light passing around massive objects, an effect called gravitational lensing. However, as is so often the case in the space sciences, the line between fact and interpretation is routinely blurred. In this Space News, Thunderbolts Project contributor Andrew Hall discusses the tenability of gravitational lensing and explores the growing body of research into its theoretical alternatives.

Dr. Edward Dowdye presentation from EU 2014:

PDF of R.C. Gupta paper, Bending of Light Near a Star and Gravitational Red/Blue Shift; Alternative Explanation Based on Refraction of Light:

Andrew Hall Thunderblog, Lensing by Refraction…Not Gravity?

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Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 12:58pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:03pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:06pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by John Smith on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:09pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:11pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Mr Hammer on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:12pm
flat earth!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:13pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:46pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:56pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by John_Taverner on Apr 10th, 2016 at 3:12pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 10th, 2016 at 8:39am:
Exposing the Myth of Gravitational Lensing | Space News

Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough  wiper!  Ah fart in your general direction!  Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!

Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!  ;D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2016 at 3:13pm

John_Taverner wrote on Apr 10th, 2016 at 3:12pm:
Ah don' wanna talk to you no more, you empty-headed animal food-trough  wiper!  Ah fart in your general direction!  Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries!

Now go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!  ;D

many blessings john taverner

where is your real posted photo ?

oh thats right , you cant

and so be it


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 7:24am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 11th, 2016 at 7:48am

Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:12pm:
flat earth!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D :D

Yes master Light should lose his title after this thread.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 7:51am

Bobby. wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 7:48am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 10th, 2016 at 1:12pm:
flat earth!! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :D :D :D :D :D

Yes master Light should lose his title after this thread.

many blessings bobby

mayhaps you are the one that can post a photo of earth from space , you know

the place where nasa travelled through to get to the moon .. and so

can you post a real photo of earth from space ?

if so that would be great


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 11th, 2016 at 7:53am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 8:59am

many blessings bobby yet that is cgi cartoon stuff from nasa and the kubrick clan of insincere knights chasing disinformationalistical rainbow of much and many fiction ..

that is not a real photo ... try another one pls


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 9:03am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 9:03am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 9:14am

Irrefutable Proof for Moon Landing - Lunar Gravity

Uploaded on Aug 6, 2009
Lunar gravity as determined from official NASA Apollo footage provides irrefutable proof for being filmed on the moon. In addition to the Apollo 14 SEQ Bay Pendulum the Apollo 16 Flying Bag is analyzed to provide g = 1.54 and 1.57 m/s^2 in agreement with lunar gravity (g = 1.62 m/s^2) and distinct from earth gravity (g = 9.81 m/s^2). Therefore, both, pendulum and free fall motion confirm lunar gravity within a 5 % error margin. Moon landing conspiracy theorists have accused NASA to simulate lunar gravity by using wires and decreasing playback speed, but failed to recognize that there is only ONE physically correct playback speed for such an operation: 41 % (SQRT (1/6)) - as seen by using the equation » P = 2pi * SQRT (L / g) « for the pendulum or » t = SQRT (2y / g) « for free fall.

Consequently, it should be possible to restore the alleged original 1g conditions by increasing the playback speed to 246 % (SQRT 6). Under these conditions objects move as if accelerated by earth gravity (g = 9.81 m/s^2) but movements of the astronauts become incredibly fast, showing the impossibility to simulate lunar gravity by slowing down footage recorded on earth.

All NASA footage obtained from public domain, AS14 SEQ Bay Pendulum cropped, AS16 Flying Bag animation with timer reproduced at 80% playback speed. All other footage reproduced at 100% (for lunar gravity) or 246% (for earth gravity) playback speed.

Music: Ghostwriter by RJ2D
Suggested by The Orchard Music
RJD2 - A Beautiful Mine (Theme From Mad Men)
Science & Technology

amontaiyagala 1 year ago
Since I uploaded "Irrefutable proof for moon landing - lunar gravity" almost 5 years ago not a single reasonable argument has been put forward by moon landing conspiracy theorists that would explain how (in their view) NASA could have faked the specific lunar gravity that is characteristic for all lunar footage.

I am not surprised... given the fact that even the most outspoken moon landing conspiracy proponents have repeatedly demonstrated a mind-boggling inability to understand even the most basic principles of physics and mathematics (it is up to you to decide who I am talking about specifically...).

I appreciate that here, for the first time, someone (Swedish Critic) has taken the time to prepare a video that addresses "Irrefutable proof for moon landing - lunar gravity".

Re: Irrefutable Proof for Moon Landing - Lunar Gravity

That said, I must add that the video in question of course fails to provide any reasonable argument but instead demonstrates SCs inability to understand the NASA documents he is referring to. 

Nevertheless, I thank him for his effort.
Greetings, AY.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 9:16am
many blessings

the facts must and will be analyzed

many blessings bobby

yet with todays logic and technology

we can clearly see kubricks techniques of deception

and this is why your eyes are being opened to these facts in accordance with

the divine plan ... darkness is visible yes

and exposed by the divine and sacred light

and so it is


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 9:26am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 9:28am


Many researchers have pointed out the different angles of light on the surface of the moon.

Because there is only one light source (the sun) how can there be multiple light angles on the moon such as this?:

How can the astronaut's two shadows not be consistent with each other? If they were actually standing in the bright light of the sun, their two shadows should be at the same exact angle. Yet they are not.

Why? Because Kubrick used studio lighting!

:D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 9:37am

it is physically impossible to fit parachutes , flotation devices after splashdown and a 3 man crew,

use your mind and logic for truth and turn off your movies

:D :D :D


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 9:50am

Apollo11: Lunar Landing July 20, 1969

:D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 10:14am

1969: Lunar Module docked with the Command Module

actual footage and commentry

get factuated in logic and truth

and have a look at 4:10 and the mind control programming music as the backingtrack

moonrocks and spacedust !


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sprintcyclist on Apr 11th, 2016 at 10:22am

issuevoter wrote on Jul 5th, 2015 at 4:17pm:
Back in the olden days before GPS I used to work problems of celestial navigation. Its essentially spherical trigonometry though shortened with computed tables. It would not work on a flat ocean.

That is probably the best evidence I have heard for the earth being a sphere.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 10:28am

Sprintcyclist wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 10:22am:

issuevoter wrote on Jul 5th, 2015 at 4:17pm:
Back in the olden days before GPS I used to work problems of celestial navigation. Its essentially spherical trigonometry though shortened with computed tables. It would not work on a flat ocean.

That is probably the best evidence I have heard for the earth being a sphere.

many blessings sprinter

Flat Earth: PROOF GPS Satellites Do Not Exist

Published on Sep 20, 2015
I used a scientific approach to verify whether GPS satellites really exist in space or whether they are a virtual disguise for a terrestrial mast based navigation system. You'll never guess what I found. One busted matrix. A Flat Earth Positioning System. CHECK MY OTHER VIDS LINKED BELOW...


CBS Interviews Clarice Soto #FakeLivesMatter

Jews Support Palestine: Dreams of Gaza

SITUATION CUPBOARD: The Rescue of Carlee Soto

Damned Nations: Do They Know It's Psyop?

... on vimeo

Blocked again by youtube (they blocking 16 of my vids) so reupped to Vimeo

RED PILL SPECIAL: Do GMOs Really Exist? (Re-Up)

An in depth look at some of the sleazier roles Carlee had to take on the way to the top...


Flat Earth: Here Comes the Sun (Re-Up)

Flat Earth: Here Comes the Sun

or vimeo:

Flat Earth: Periscopes Prove Zero Curvature

The further meme adventures of Carlee and friends. #FakeLivesMatter VIDEO: Gnarly Carlee

on Vimeo if you are blocked on YouTube...

#FakeLivesMatter VIDEO: Crisis Me a River

on Vimeo if you are blocked on YouTube...

Koh Samui Meditation: A Pillow of Winds (Remix)

New irrefutable proof of the flat Earth!

Flat Earth: PROOF: Footage of Koh Tao from Koh Samui

Flat Earth: NEW PROOF No Curve in Thailand (Re-Up)
How does 9/11 have anything to do with flat Earth?

9/11 meets flat earth!!!




This app is for recording the azimuth, elevation, and other GPS data on satellites, alongside current latitude and longitude, into a CSV file

This app is for recording GPS satellite data

My flat Earth videos:

Flat Earth: GPS Satellites Do Not Exist

Introducing the FREE Flat Earth Detector App for Android

Flat Earth: Satellites are Impossible

Flat Earth: Hyspherical Spheremongers

Flat Earth: We Demand Answers

Flat Earth: Why They Really Built the Skyscrapers

Flat Earth: A Spherical Hall of Mirrors

Flat Earth: The Stellar Hemisphere Problem - What shape is the sky?

Flat Earth: New Proof!!! Impossible Radio Transmissions

Flat Earth: Making sense of the sky in different "hemispheres"

German ENGINEER/ PILOT Confirms FLAT EARTH & says GPS Satellites Don't Exist on THECONTROVERSY7

why not post a few photos of earth from space ,

of which there should be hundreds so posts some globe pics of earth if you please


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 10:48am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Marla on Apr 11th, 2016 at 1:21pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 11th, 2016 at 1:31pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 10:48am:

They actuall have changed.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 11th, 2016 at 1:31pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 2:27pm

Marla wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 1:21pm:

many blessings marla ..


it is absolutely impossible to factually see this geometry from victoria in a globe earth model ..

keep calm apply logic


Stunning photographs of star trails over outback Australia

Amazing star trails over the Australian outback captured by Bendigo amateur photographer Lincoln Harrison, who spends hours shooting the night sky armed with an array of lenses. Credit: Picture Media.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 2:40pm

TableMountain south africa

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 11th, 2016 at 3:15pm
Also please dont reference its the biggest repository of bullshit on the internet.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2016 at 5:14pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 11th, 2016 at 3:15pm:
Also please dont reference its the biggest repository of bullshit on the internet.

many blessings pastafarian ..

yet fortunately beloved being

one such as I am needs not your approval or permission to do anything ..

does that comfort you on your firmament/earth that does not move ?

so be it


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Apr 11th, 2016 at 7:43pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 12th, 2016 at 6:08am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by John_Taverner on Apr 12th, 2016 at 10:12am
I don't condone violence, but this must have felt good.

The most infamous incident involved Apollo 11 crew member Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon. According to Aldrin, he was lured to a Beverly Hills, California, hotel on September 9, 2002, under the pretext of an interview on space for a Japanese children's television show. When he arrived, Sibrel was there demanding that he swear an oath on a Bible that he had walked on the Moon.
When Aldrin refused, Sibrel followed him and repeatedly called him "a coward, and a liar, and a thief". Aldrin finally punched Sibrel in the jaw, while being recorded. Sibrel later attempted to use the tape to convince police and prosecutors that he was the victim of an assault. However, it was decided that Aldrin had been provoked and no charges were filed. Many talk shows aired the clip, usually siding with Aldrin's response. Sibrel said later that he wrote a letter of apology to Aldrin.

They don't make them like that any more.

(This post is for the sane people only. Insane responses will be ignored)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 12th, 2016 at 11:01am
Can I punch I am the light?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 12th, 2016 at 11:52am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 11:01am:
Can I punch I am the light?

many blessings pastafarian

yet your limp wristed threat is merely frustration of that which you have failed in projecting with eloquence

rather ,

your belief system is being threatened and you wish to lash out and strike that which illuminates you from darkness

yet we in the divine and sacred light laugh and rejoice at these revelations

and so be it upon this plane of existence

does this comfort you beloved being ?

im interested in forgiveness

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 12th, 2016 at 11:54am

John_Taverner wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 10:12am:
I don't condone violence, but this must have felt good.

The most infamous incident involved Apollo 11 crew member Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the Moon. According to Aldrin, he was lured to a Beverly Hills, California, hotel on September 9, 2002, under the pretext of an interview on space for a Japanese children's television show. When he arrived, Sibrel was there demanding that he swear an oath on a Bible that he had walked on the Moon.
When Aldrin refused, Sibrel followed him and repeatedly called him "a coward, and a liar, and a thief". Aldrin finally punched Sibrel in the jaw, while being recorded. Sibrel later attempted to use the tape to convince police and prosecutors that he was the victim of an assault. However, it was decided that Aldrin had been provoked and no charges were filed. Many talk shows aired the clip, usually siding with Aldrin's response. Sibrel said later that he wrote a letter of apology to Aldrin.

They don't make them like that any more.

(This post is for the sane people only. Insane responses will be ignored)

buzz lightyear knows he lied

he wants everyone to join in his lies and lashes out like pastaman .. which only serves to illuminate he hits like a nanna or a cheating liar whom is well past his use by date

so why didnt he swear on the bible this freemason buzz lightyear ?

this is forgiven and observed with humour


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 12th, 2016 at 11:55am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 11:01am:
Can I punch I am the light?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 12th, 2016 at 12:37pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 12th, 2016 at 12:46pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 12th, 2016 at 12:54pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 12th, 2016 at 1:06pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 12:54pm:

Then I would say you're a smacking half wit

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 12th, 2016 at 1:15pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 1:06pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 12:54pm:

Then I would say you're a smacking half wit

you believe this actually made it to the moon ?

and ye can use a bit of wit in retrort

at least half of it

either way you have been exposed

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 12th, 2016 at 1:23pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 1:15pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 1:06pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 12th, 2016 at 12:54pm:

Then I would say you're a smacking half wit

you believe this actually made it to the moon ?

ON the basis that not one shred of credible evidence has been produced showing they didnt. Arrows on a picture dont count.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 13th, 2016 at 3:33pm

What If? Why the Flat Earth Story is So Vital to All

Published on Apr 6, 2016
What if we lived in the Center of the Creator beings Cosmos in simple, elegant design that has been occulted from all until know?
Once we awoke, would we understand our latent power that has the powers that be so fearful? Would we sound the alarm and protect our children from future indoctrination?
Would we reclaim our higher Spiritual consciousness and become Bodhishatva and/or Jesus Christ like in our actions deeds and words?
What if we only knew the true Cosmogenesis of our Creation?
And What if that time is NOW!

Music credit to Robert Marley and the Wailers. R.I.P.
Science & Technology

Questions for Neil deGrasse Tyson | Flat Earth

Published on Apr 3, 2016
Mirrored with permission from youtube user: dmurphy25
Video title: An open letter to Neil deGrasse Tyson regarding the flat earth

He is asking for us to mirror this video and I support the message so I am. This is temporary for me, but please download and re-upload as you wish. I just wanted to help spread the word about the video an get some more mirrors out of you guys. Thanks.

I added music to this version:
"I Am a Man Who Will Fight for Your Honor" by Chris Zabriskie


Please watch: "Banksters, Gangsters & the New World Order"
Science & Technology

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 24th, 2016 at 11:07am

NASA - Where is our 24/7 View Of Earth? Share & Demand It!

Published on Apr 22, 2016
This video should be shared by everyone to everyone. It is 2016 and everyone has an HD Video Camera in their pocket but NASA has NEVER supplied those who have given over a trillion dollars in tax funding, a view of their home. This isn't asking a lot. NASA already has the International Space Station in orbit just 250 miles from earth. I say, buy two HD 4k Camcorders and get them space ready. Then set em up and stream live 24/7 to all of humanity. Sell advertising and it would make them money. I chipped in and bought them a domain. Ready and waiting.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 24th, 2016 at 11:09am
2 Corinthians 11:14   KJV

[13] For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

[14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 24th, 2016 at 11:16am

Bobby. wrote on Apr 24th, 2016 at 11:09am:
2 Corinthians 11:14   KJV

[13] For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

[14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.


many blessings

you are forgiven in your hatred ...

as one such as I am does not hate unto thee , even after your feeble attempts of and at besmirchment

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 24th, 2016 at 11:19am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 24th, 2016 at 11:16am:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 24th, 2016 at 11:09am:
2 Corinthians 11:14   KJV

[13] For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

[14] And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.


many blessings

you are forgiven in your hatred ...

as one such as I am does not hate unto thee , even after your feeble attempts of and at besmirchment

so be at peace


Dear sir master Light,

I have no hatred unto thee - rather
I enjoy thy ramblings very much.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 5:21pm

Flat Earth? Serious Warning Alert

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 5:35pm

Largest Video Compilation With Flat Earth References In Hollywood Movies, Music, And TV Shows

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 25th, 2016 at 5:45pm
Dear master Light,

do you believe that the Earth is flat?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:02pm

Bobby. wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 5:45pm:
Dear master Light,

do you believe that the Earth is flat?

many blessings sir bobby

yet this earth is the firmament

it doth not move ... and so if one flies in a ' plane ' over the earth it would suggest it is flat would it not ?

this is interesting


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:03pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:14pm
Psalms   93   
‹‹ ››
more chapters
1The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and is armed with strength. The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:33pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 5:45pm:
Dear master Light,

do you believe that the Earth is flat?

many blessings sir bobby

yet this earth is the firmament

it doth not move ... and so if one flies in a ' plane ' over the earth it would suggest it is flat would it not ?

this is interesting


And yet a gyroscope will turn upside down if you fly from Australia to England.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:48pm

Bobby. wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:33pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 5:45pm:
Dear master Light,

do you believe that the Earth is flat?

many blessings sir bobby

yet this earth is the firmament

it doth not move ... and so if one flies in a ' plane ' over the earth it would suggest it is flat would it not ?

this is interesting


And yet a gyroscope will turn upside down if you fly from Australia to England.

if you fly in what ... a plane ?

yes interesting


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:02pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:48pm:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:33pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 6:02pm:

Bobby. wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 5:45pm:
Dear master Light,

do you believe that the Earth is flat?

many blessings sir bobby

yet this earth is the firmament

it doth not move ... and so if one flies in a ' plane ' over the earth it would suggest it is flat would it not ?

this is interesting


And yet a gyroscope will turn upside down if you fly from Australia to England.

if you fly in what ... a plane ?

yes interesting


Unless you've got wings it would have to be flying in a plane.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:04pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:10pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:18pm

this is not the nth pole

yet these star trails prove the earth is not a globe


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:21pm
Dear master Light,
are you on any medication?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:24pm
no thanks sir bobby

one such as I am does not take your drugs

we continue with research upon this topic ,


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:26pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:24pm:
no thanks sir bobby

one such as I am does not take your drugs


Dear master Light,
may I respectfully ask you to tell your doctor about this flat Earth theory?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:30pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 25th, 2016 at 7:32pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:43pm

NASA's Impossible Space Station - Name The ISS Contest

Published on Apr 27, 2016
This video touches a few bases. During a segment showing LIVE ISS footage alternating with the later produced NASA produced videos, I had a moment to again explain where I come from and how I ended up a Flat Earther. Also announce the ISS Naming Contest (see below) and show an interesting video of George W. Bush explaining how they indoctrinate the country with Government produced videos shown by the news without the public knowing that it is not an actual news story but propaganda pushed on the unknowing public by the very Government talked about in the news piece..

ISS NAMING CONTEST- Simple. Just give the initials I.S.S. a better name. Anything you want. Only put one potential name per comment, comments with more than one name will not count towards the winner. You can make as many comments as you want with potential names. (1 per) - Winning comment will be the person who had one name for the ISS inside their comment and receives the most thumbs up as of 10am May 4. Winner can choose a $20 Gift Card for Starbucks or Target.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on May 7th, 2016 at 9:05pm

Flat Earth: Rocket at 73 miles shows moon, which proofs the earth is not a globe.

Published on Mar 3, 2016
Rocket at 73 miles shows moon, which proofs the earth is not a globe.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on May 20th, 2016 at 10:25pm

these are star trails from perth australia

using logic this would be impossible on a rotating globe earth

wake up if one has the care

yet either way be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 2nd, 2016 at 12:31pm

NASA ends their fake Live Feed from ISS

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 8th, 2016 at 3:53pm

So You Think You Live On A Ball?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 2:14am

Antarctica Is NOT What You Think - No 24 Hour Sun!

why no 24 hr sun in Antarctica ?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by issuevoter on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:28am
The great navigator Ferdinand Magellan said, "The Church says the world is flat, but I know it is round. For I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in the shadow than I do in the Church." He then proved it by leading a fleet, with Juan S de Elcano, in the first circumnavigation of the world.
I will put my faith in Magellan before I will believe some Internet ratbag who, like the Church and bogus spiritualists, believes non-verifiable mumbo-jumbo, because he is frightened by plain old reality.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:19am

issuevoter wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:28am:
The great navigator Ferdinand Magellan said, "The Church says the world is flat, but I know it is round. For I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in the shadow than I do in the Church." He then proved it by leading a fleet, with Juan S de Elcano, in the first circumnavigation of the world.
I will put my faith in Magellan before I will believe some Internet ratbag who, like the Church and bogus spiritualists, believes non-verifiable mumbo-jumbo, because he is frightened by plain old reality.

many blessings ,

let us test your faith ..

please explain why the sun never shines 24 hrs at the south pole .. antarctica .

at the appropriate season via the global model

do it not and ye are exposed .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:21am
Mr Photon - you need to see a doctor.



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:39am

issuevoter wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:28am:
The great navigator Ferdinand Magellan said, "The Church says the world is flat, but I know it is round. For I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in the shadow than I do in the Church." He then proved it by leading a fleet, with Juan S de Elcano, in the first circumnavigation of the world.
I will put my faith in Magellan before I will believe some Internet ratbag who, like the Church and bogus spiritualists, believes non-verifiable mumbo-jumbo, because he is frightened by plain old reality.

Not only that, maps treating the world as flat—Mercator projection etc—make areas near the poles bigger than they are: Greenland looks huge on Mercator projection maps. The classical view of the earth as flat had to go into huge complications on the “spheres” in which the sun, moon and stars moved around the Earth, epicycles, epiepicycles etc all swept away by Kepler and Newton and Galileo who observed the orbits of moons around Jupiter.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:45am

Jovial Monk wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:39am:

issuevoter wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:28am:
The great navigator Ferdinand Magellan said, "The Church says the world is flat, but I know it is round. For I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in the shadow than I do in the Church." He then proved it by leading a fleet, with Juan S de Elcano, in the first circumnavigation of the world.
I will put my faith in Magellan before I will believe some Internet ratbag who, like the Church and bogus spiritualists, believes non-verifiable mumbo-jumbo, because he is frightened by plain old reality.

Not only that, maps treating the world as flat—Mercator projection etc—make areas near the poles bigger than they are: Greenland looks huge on Mercator projection maps. The classical view of the earth as flat had to go into huge complications on the “spheres” in which the sun, moon and stars moved around the Earth, epicycles, epiepicycles etc all swept away by Kepler and Newton and Galileo who observed the orbits of moons around Jupiter.

1. please post 5 different factual photos of earth

from space

no CGI hoodwinkery thanks

2. please explain why the sun never shines 24 hrs at the south pole .. antarctica .

at the appropriate season via the global model


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Oct 29th, 2016 at 9:32am

it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:45am:

Jovial Monk wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:39am:

issuevoter wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:28am:
The great navigator Ferdinand Magellan said, "The Church says the world is flat, but I know it is round. For I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in the shadow than I do in the Church." He then proved it by leading a fleet, with Juan S de Elcano, in the first circumnavigation of the world.
I will put my faith in Magellan before I will believe some Internet ratbag who, like the Church and bogus spiritualists, believes non-verifiable mumbo-jumbo, because he is frightened by plain old reality.

Not only that, maps treating the world as flat—Mercator projection etc—make areas near the poles bigger than they are: Greenland looks huge on Mercator projection maps. The classical view of the earth as flat had to go into huge complications on the “spheres” in which the sun, moon and stars moved around the Earth, epicycles, epiepicycles etc all swept away by Kepler and Newton and Galileo who observed the orbits of moons around Jupiter.

1. please post 5 different factual photos of earth

from space

no CGI hoodwinkery thanks

2. please explain why the sun never shines 24 hrs at the south pole .. antarctica .

at the appropriate season via the global model


Sorry, not getting involved in your lunacy.

Go and see a doctor as Booby suggests! Urgently!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 9:36am

Jovial Monk wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 9:32am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:45am:

Jovial Monk wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 8:39am:

issuevoter wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:28am:
The great navigator Ferdinand Magellan said, "The Church says the world is flat, but I know it is round. For I have seen its shadow on the moon, and I have more faith in the shadow than I do in the Church." He then proved it by leading a fleet, with Juan S de Elcano, in the first circumnavigation of the world.
I will put my faith in Magellan before I will believe some Internet ratbag who, like the Church and bogus spiritualists, believes non-verifiable mumbo-jumbo, because he is frightened by plain old reality.

Not only that, maps treating the world as flat—Mercator projection etc—make areas near the poles bigger than they are: Greenland looks huge on Mercator projection maps. The classical view of the earth as flat had to go into huge complications on the “spheres” in which the sun, moon and stars moved around the Earth, epicycles, epiepicycles etc all swept away by Kepler and Newton and Galileo who observed the orbits of moons around Jupiter.

1. please post 5 different factual photos of earth

from space

no CGI hoodwinkery thanks

2. please explain why the sun never shines 24 hrs at the south pole .. antarctica .

at the appropriate season via the global model


Sorry, not getting involved in your lunacy.

Go and see a doctor as Booby suggests! Urgently!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Oct 29th, 2016 at 1:02pm
Raven has always wondered why the Earth is flat but the moon and all the other planets are round.

Such a strange thing

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Oct 29th, 2016 at 1:05pm

Sunlight hours

How much daylight is there in Antarctica during summer and winter?

On Antarctica’s coast, where our stations are located, there are usually a couple of weeks in mid-winter (around 21 June) when the sun does not rise, and a couple of weeks in summer around Christmas when there is 24-hour sunlight.

Seek help U R G E N T L Y !

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Oct 29th, 2016 at 3:11pm

Flat Earth Psy Op is the Real Conspiracy

The Flat Earth fad is a “conspiracy theory” designed to
distract, divide and discredit those who understand
modern society has been enslaved by the Judeo Masonic
(Satanic) conspiracy. It  creates cognitive dissonance, and
make us question all our assumptions, especially those which
are True.

by Sean Caiside


* * *

    “This flat earth stuff is to mess with your mind.”

About 1 year ago, conspiracy youtubers started getting flooded with flat earth video recommendations even though they had previously never watched a flat earth video in their life. Cass Sunstein, left, chief Obama administration propagandist describes this technique in his book "Nudge." The technique is to target groups whose opinion they want to shape and gently nudge in the certain directions with several techniques. These include infiltrators and internet forums or comments sections of articles as well as using connections with websites such as youtube to give people recommendations based on their data to push them where they need to go.

Up until now on youtube, this has been most notably used for pushing the reptillian story as well as other bizarre new age conspiracy angles to make people discredit themselves when talking about truth as well getting lost in labyrinths of insanity. It has also been used for other topics such as global warming, zionism, and alternative health (which Sunstein specifically mentions in his book). It is important that the nudging is gentle and incremental.

I have come across many people who just one year ago were speaking serious truths. Now all they want to talk about is the flat earth, something of no consequence compared to the murder of almost all of humanity.

These people have been NEUTRALIZED

Makow comment: I think they have made their point. A lot of so-called "Truthers" are mentally unstable. Pilots would have flown over the edge and under the disc long ago.

David Livingstone:  "I think it's pretty obvious what it's designed to do: the absorb the "truth" community in complete nonsense. But such utter nonsense that it will completely discredit anyone nearly associated with it. Talk about 9/11 now, or the Illuminati, or Bilderberg and you can be denounced as a "flat earther".

* At the very least, the passages quoted above make more sense than all this Flat Earth, Reptilian Cross Dressing, Michelle Obama is a Man nonsense!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 3:31pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 1:05pm:

Sunlight hours

How much daylight is there in Antarctica during summer and winter?

On Antarctica’s coast, where our stations are located, there are usually a couple of weeks in mid-winter (around 21 June) when the sun does not rise, and a couple of weeks in summer around Christmas when there is 24-hour sunlight.

Seek help U R G E N T L Y !

thats great yes !

you are quite fluent in reciting your governMENTAL programming, and so ..

your ignorant rant is rebutted here at 6:30 ...

facts are truths and many dupes cannot handle as much

yet facts remain full stop

next ....

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 3:33pm

Antarctica Is NOT What You Think - No 24 Hour Sun!

many people here are getting angry .. why is that ?

well their belief system is being confronted and

they can not bring any evidence to back up their programming

they just recite and repeat the program blindly with no scientific evidence to back up they just blindly repeat

and hope your facts just go away so they can suck down another coca cola while they watch the game or tell a lie vision ..

yet rejoice for in your ignorant and collective stupor

one such as I am is here to awaken ones such as ye are , with

so very much love


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 3:51pm
and so ..

1. pls provide evidence of nth to south curcumnavigation pertaining to the globe model

2. please post 5 different factual photos of earth

from space

no CGI hoodwinkery thanks

3. please explain why the sun never shines 24 hrs at the south pole .. antarctica .

at the appropriate season via the global model


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 29th, 2016 at 5:18pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 5:24pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 5:28pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 5:31pm

look away from the computer ..

take a breath ..

do you think you are spinning at 1,000 miles per hour ????????

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 29th, 2016 at 6:10pm

Polaris is just so far away that its motion is impossible to see with our eyes.

The distance to Polaris is 434 light years.  That's 27.4 million AU, where an AU is the distance from the sun to the earth.  So the motion of the earth around the sun over a year causes an incredibly small shift in the apparent location of Polaris.  That angle is 2/27,400,000 radians = 0.0000042 degrees.

Next, you mentioned the motion of the sun.  The sun moves more in a year than the distance between the earth and the sun.  The sun is travelling at about 108,000 km/hour, so in a year, it moves about 6.3 AU.  The apparent movement of Polaris due to our being carried along by the sun (orbiting the center of the galaxy) is 6.3/27,400,000 radians = 0.000013 degrees.

But Polaris is also moving around the center of the galaxy and moving very approximately at the same speed and direction as the sun, so the actual angle change on the sky will be even less than the above number.

The rotation axis of the earth essentially does not change as the earth goes around the sun each year.  It points to the same spot on the sky, which is very close to Polaris.  The earth's spin axis does move over thousands of years, but the movement from year to year is too small for us to notice without telescopes.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 29th, 2016 at 6:44pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 6:10pm:

Polaris is just so far away that its motion is impossible to see with our eyes.

The distance to Polaris is 434 light years.  That's 27.4 million AU, where an AU is the distance from the sun to the earth.  So the motion of the earth around the sun over a year causes an incredibly small shift in the apparent location of Polaris.  That angle is 2/27,400,000 radians = 0.0000042 degrees.

Next, you mentioned the motion of the sun.  The sun moves more in a year than the distance between the earth and the sun.  The sun is travelling at about 108,000 km/hour, so in a year, it moves about 6.3 AU.  The apparent movement of Polaris due to our being carried along by the sun (orbiting the center of the galaxy) is 6.3/27,400,000 radians = 0.000013 degrees.

But Polaris is also moving around the center of the galaxy and moving very approximately at the same speed and direction as the sun, so the actual angle change on the sky will be even less than the above number.

The rotation axis of the earth essentially does not change as the earth goes around the sun each year.  It points to the same spot on the sky, which is very close to Polaris.  The earth's spin axis does move over thousands of years, but the movement from year to year is too small for us to notice without telescopes.


your idiocy does not compute with fact , for if the " globe " is spinning

how can you see this in western australia ?????????

Mt Magnet western australia

and here in sydney

pls explain ?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:47pm
The Earth spins, Light, something even you cannot deny.  You are looking at objects a long, long, long way away, effectively, up a funnel.  The objects at the centre appear to rotate less than the objects at the periphery, yet all objects rotate at the same rate.    It is not up to me to explain, it's up to you to deny.   You can walk to the edge of the Earth if you desire.  Tells us when you find the edge, OK?  ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by issuevoter on Oct 29th, 2016 at 10:47pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:47pm:
The Earth spins, Light, something even you cannot deny.  You are looking at objects a long, long, long way away, effectively, up a funnel.  The objects at the centre appear to rotate less than the objects at the periphery, yet all objects rotate at the same rate.    It is not up to me to explain, it's up to you to deny.   You can walk to the edge of the Earth if you desire.  Tells us when you find the edge, OK?  ::)

Oh yes he can. He is crazy as a sack full of rats.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 30th, 2016 at 12:51am

issuevoter wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 10:47pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:47pm:
The Earth spins, Light, something even you cannot deny.  You are looking at objects a long, long, long way away, effectively, up a funnel.  The objects at the centre appear to rotate less than the objects at the periphery, yet all objects rotate at the same rate.    It is not up to me to explain, it's up to you to deny.   You can walk to the edge of the Earth if you desire.  Tells us when you find the edge, OK?  ::)

Oh yes he can. He is crazy as a sack full of rats.

Is he or is he just a clever troll?   I'm looking forward to his expedition to the world's edge...   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 30th, 2016 at 4:30am

Flat Earth is the Most Important Truth

Published on Jul 18, 2016
Eric Dubay says the greatest lie and most successful cover-up in history, NASA and Freemasonry's biggest secret, is that we live on a plane, not a planet; that Earth is the flat, stationary center of the universe. Eric is an American living in Thailand where he teaches Yoga and Wing Chun part-time while exposing the New World Order full-time. He is the author of five books and is the president of the International Flat Earth Research Society.

From Mel Fabregas: Let me begin this interview by stating that I have no attachment to the flat earth. I have no attachment to the oblate spheroid, and even to the sphere. If our home is any of these, so be it. I wouldn't be surprised of any. What I continue to be surprised and suspicious of are the people who continue attacking those who simply ask questions. I recently attended a conference that deals with the most open minded topics you could possibly imagine. However, when it comes to the flat earth topic, it was a no no. Look, I can't say I blame people for thinking this is the most absurd topic under the sun, or the firmament, rather, but you, open minded people who discuss aliens, UFOs, reptilians who rule the world, Bigfoot, and the rest of it, why do you continue telling people to stop looking into the flat earth? Those of you who study the pyramids and ancient civilizations, you venerate these ancient ones, and rightfully so, and some of these very ancient ones believed the earth was flat. Why do you then continue looking into their achievements if the notion of a flat earth is so absurd? Shouldn't that discredit them too? And those of you who continue writing to me saying the ancient ones knew they lived on a sphere, how did they know? Perhaps they had advanced technology that allowed seeing the skies above. Just because you see sphere above you doesn't prove you are standing on one. You can still play pool on a flat table and basketball on a flat court. Perhaps the psyop is questioning those who question the true shape of our plane(t).

For more information about our Flat Earth, please visit:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Oct 30th, 2016 at 4:45am
Ok so let's pretend the Earth is actually flat.

What possible reason could NASA (who appears to be the main driving force behind the "round hoax") have for convincing us that the shape of the planet is not what it seems?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 30th, 2016 at 9:31am

Flat Earth in 5 Minutes

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 30th, 2016 at 9:44am
Robert Simmon , data-visualizer and designer at NASA’s Earth Observatory, says the blue marble image is not a photo ..

its photoshop .. so why the lies ?

Here’s an admission by Robert Simmon, one of the “visualizers” who “stitched together” Blue Marble II, as related by David Yanofsky in his March 27, 2014 article for Quartz, “The guy who created the iPhone’s Earth image explains why he needed to fake it“:

As it turns out, much of what one might assume about this beautiful image is not true…. It isn’t actually a photograph of earth. And that blackness surrounding it? That’s not space, either….

Simmon, a data-visualizer and designer at NASA’s Earth Observatory, created the image in 2002. He told Quartz it’s not a photograph, but a sophisticated visualization.

Images of the earth may seem commonplace, but there are actually very few pictures of the entire planet. The problem, Simmon said, is all the NASA earth-observing satellites are in low-earth or geostationary orbit, meaning none of them are far enough away to see a full hemisphere. The most familiar pictures of the entire Earth are from the 1960s and 1970s Apollo missions to the moon.

As realistic as it looks, the image is a composite of four months of light data collected in 2,300 km (1,429 mi) wide bands as NASA’s Terra satellite orbited from pole to pole, and the earth rotated beneath it.

That data was then stitched together and applied to the surface of a digital ball, then modified in Photoshop.

in light of this admitted fact

where are the many many REAL AND TRUE photos of " globe " earth ?

when NASA says they cannot go past low earth orbit on numerous occasions ...between 99 miles and 1200 miles ..

and as such the lunar missions are also a lie ...

which is explained in detail here ..

check out the lunar lander that travels through space while you LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 30th, 2016 at 10:29am

NASA HOAX Blue Marble

No Photos of Earth from Space

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 30th, 2016 at 3:16pm
How does an aeroplane fly from London to Sydney and then from Sydney to Los Angeles and from Los Angeles to New York and from New York back to London, all travelling eastwards if the world is flat?   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Frank on Oct 30th, 2016 at 4:26pm

Eratosthenes calculated the circumference of the Earth without leaving Egypt. He knew that at local noon on the summer solstice in Syene (modern Aswan, Egypt), the Sun was directly overhead. He knew this because the shadow of someone looking down a deep well at that time in Syene blocked the reflection of the Sun on the water. He measured the Sun's angle of elevation at noon on the same day in Alexandria. The method of measurement was to make a scale drawing of that triangle which included a right angle between a vertical rod and its shadow. This turned out to be 1/50th of a circle. Taking the Earth as spherical, and knowing both the distance and direction of Syene, he concluded that the Earth's circumference was fifty times that distance.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 30th, 2016 at 10:00pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 30th, 2016 at 3:16pm:
How does an aeroplane fly from London to Sydney and then from Sydney to Los Angeles and from Los Angeles to New York and from New York back to London, all travelling eastwards if the world is flat?   ::)

The Earth is FLAT ~The planes help to prove the plane

Published on Apr 15, 2015
The planes can help to prove the plane...especially the planes flying from the southern hemisphere. I spent a day trying to travel from continent to continent and found out just how ridiculous the routes look on the Google map only to find the answers when mapping them on the flat earth map. Here are a few planes that help prove the plane.

rollingthunder42 8 months ago
How do you know when you have struck a nerve? When real changes occur due to your actions, such as farecompare having to change their website and flight search format. Fllight 27 disappeared from all of the searches for at least three days before it reappeared today. When droves of shills come at you with silly arguments and insults to waste your time and sway the viewer on the fence, and then they share the video...ha ha ha...does that make sense? Yes, because there are networks of these scumbags, and when a video hits the mark, they spread it to all of their minions for a group style attack. Critical minds will see through all of their tactics.

Comments are now disabled on this video as of 2/5/2016 due to googletube's censorship. Thousands of comments have been removed from my videos and the numbers have been skewed. This video has been under attack since it came out and continues to be attacked by the airline industry in an attempt to keep their fake flights secret. Investigate...

Please check out this video I made concerning the removal of thousands and thousands of comments from my videos...especially the videos on fake flights.
"How far will they go to protect the lie? Fake Flights and the Flat Earth"

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Oct 30th, 2016 at 10:02pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 30th, 2016 at 12:51am:

issuevoter wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 10:47pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 29th, 2016 at 7:47pm:
The Earth spins, Light, something even you cannot deny.  You are looking at objects a long, long, long way away, effectively, up a funnel.  The objects at the centre appear to rotate less than the objects at the periphery, yet all objects rotate at the same rate.    It is not up to me to explain, it's up to you to deny.   You can walk to the edge of the Earth if you desire.  Tells us when you find the edge, OK?  ::)

Oh yes he can. He is crazy as a sack full of rats.

Is he or is he just a clever troll?   I'm looking forward to his expedition to the world's edge...   ::)

Photon isn't interested in any real discourse or functional discussion - it's a waste of time trying to engage with him.

He is simply a egotist with a superiority complex who feels powerful when he elitists reactions from people in threads like this.   

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 30th, 2016 at 10:13pm

Flat Earth - Simplified, Summarised, and Theorised

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 31st, 2016 at 4:26pm
Have you found the edge of the world yet, Light?   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Nov 1st, 2016 at 12:06am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 1st, 2016 at 9:37am

Flat Earth, Rahu The Black Sun Or 2nd Sun (Eclipses)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 1st, 2016 at 9:52am

oh look you can see stars and planets through the moon ..

why is that yall ?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Gordon on Nov 1st, 2016 at 5:08pm
Hey light,  ever wonder how much ad revenue all the flat earth websites make? Where do you think all the money goes?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 12:34pm
Found the edge of the world yet, its_de_lite?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:36pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 3rd, 2016 at 3:44am

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:36pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.   ::)

so you are saying the circular moon is transparent >?

:D :D :D :D

while I laugh at your ignorance lets look at this footage

NASA Answers jeranism MIDNIGHT SUN Time Lapse

and continue the frivolity

you are way out of your depth here ..

yet this is forgiven so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 3rd, 2016 at 3:09pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 3rd, 2016 at 3:44am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:36pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.   ::)

so you are saying the circular moon is transparent >?

Why not?  It's as about as believable as your claim that the Earth is flat...   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The_Barnacle on Nov 3rd, 2016 at 9:29pm
Have you noticed how when the moon is a thin crescent you can see the dark part of the moon dimly lit? Its lit by the reflection of the earth.

Are you also aware of what an occultation is?   
Its where the Moon passes in front of a planet or star. It is quite a common phenomena. There are NO cases of a star shining "through" the moon. Your photo has either been deliberately doctored or it is just an artifact from the camera.
Earthshine_King_f.jpg (37 KB | 106 )

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 4th, 2016 at 3:42am

The_Barnacle wrote on Nov 3rd, 2016 at 9:29pm:
Have you noticed how when the moon is a thin crescent you can see the dark part of the moon dimly lit? Its lit by the reflection of the earth.

Are you also aware of what an occultation is?   
Its where the Moon passes in front of a planet or star. It is quite a common phenomena. There are NO cases of a star shining "through" the moon. Your photo has either been deliberately doctored or it is just an artifact from the camera.

you need to research this phenomenon

yet if you ask jovial monk

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.

:D :D :D :D :D


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 4th, 2016 at 6:29am
That was not me you fool!

Stars do NOT shine through the moon.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 4th, 2016 at 9:37am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 6:29am:
That was not me you fool!

Stars do NOT shine through the moon.

go argue that with this clown ,

as we continue ..

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:36pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.   ::)

Obama mentions Flat Earth again - September, 2016 ✅

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 4th, 2016 at 9:43am
I think Brian just misread your question. Hardly anyone reads closely the reams of crap you post.

Why did Ferdinand not sail off the edge of the world? Why does the Mercator projection show Greenland as much bigger than it actually is?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 4th, 2016 at 1:12pm

Globe Is Dead Section 4 ~ FLAT EARTH (Nov, 2016) Documentary *END*

Published on Nov 3, 2016
"Globe is Dead Documentary SeriesFinale". If you are a glober refusing to consider a theory, despite your absurd model being falsified. Physical evidence shows the world to be a static plane. I pray this video series will help all with eyes & ears to revisit this topic - NOT just "listen" or "Watch" but actually seek answers and help the truth. The truth is eternal - We flesh & blood beings come and go like MC-hammer pants, the TRUTH isn't maliable, and cannot be false. This is THE GREAT DECEPTION of Biblical prophecy being unveiled as promised. Although the Maya and ancient Hebrew had no way to inscribe such similar prophecies due to their separation in time, geography, etc, the ONLY explanation for cultural similarities to south America and Egypt (for one example) defy any explanation except coincidence. The Hebrews were not collaborating on the long-count calendar about the awakening or REVELATION (Unveiling of ALL Deception). This also aligns with the start of the "age of Aquarius", while the long-count Mayan Calendar appears to have marked this point in history as a NEW BEGINNING, and a HUGE AWAKENING for mankind. We stand at the edge of a true frontier into a new golden age of Mother Earth. There was plenty of fear porn about 12/21/2012, but the Maya clearly setup cyclical calendar, going through cycles like a clock. When the clock goes up to midnight, does the world end? Of course the cycle merely continues.. The promise that all secrets will be revealed is a boost to our faith. Knowledge or power must increase proportionally with LOVE and SYMPATHY for others. We should HELP, not exploit each-other - A PRIMARY RULE of capitalism. Truly our intended sovereign republic has been slowly changed into exactly what the founders of this nation risked life and limb to escape. Capitalism entails small business, competition, smaller government and personal property rights. Corporate fascism ensures fewer, larger corporations controlling more wealth and real assets, at the expense of the people. A republic could never include Slavery to: Debt, Taxes and an inept government that has convinced its police force that the American people are the "enemy", often referring to the public as blanket "offenders" by the police who are supposed to serve us and PROTECT the Constitution... "innocent until proven guilty" is a joke, and the reality is guilty until shot dead, or innocent if you can afford a real lawyer. ALL of Our God-given rights are attacked, if just one single person is wrongfully arrested, convicted, & sentenced to death - finally exonerated after being murdered by the state "legally".
The "infinite space" "heliocentric" THEORY demands the world to be meaningless, all life on earth must be pointless. There couldn't possibly be anything unique or special about this measly rock we're spinning around in a vacuum upon. If the entire history of the human race is irrelevant, that automatically separates us from accountability for the future, as the "planet earth" is just going to die one day so "I might as well get as rich as possible destroying mother nature if necessary"... Truly, by "Ma-Nature", I mean the Unrivaled CREATION of the Most High, whose existence is SELF EVIDENT to any observer who cares to look objectively.
The globe LIE is the core of culture-wide psychological issues like depression or waning of sympathy for others, as one must respect oneself to allow for respect of others. LIE-ence tried to cast doubt on the "probability" of a Creator claiming the Bible got the creation account of the world WRONG! Or did they? The Bible indeed is an FE book. The fact that Earth is actually a fixed plane rates religion WELL-above "Modern Theoretical Astrophysics" in all possible regards, beginning with the most basic.
Our DNA code must've been written by creator who allows reality to exist by simple will and spoken verses. We can name and describe mysteries like "Electromagnetism" or "The Universe", when in fact the sovereign creator of all things visible and invisible spoke this all to existence. After that, he only took one day off... OR 1000 years, since time isn't relevant to the Creator. Evidence of the Creator of All things is everywhere. Even negative space emitting EM forces created by the living Earth. We can study and understand electromagnetism, but for one to claim they can explain WHY reality behaves as it does is another matter. We exist by the Grace & Mercy of God, and His Son Yeheshua Hermeshiak who taught us to live in Harmony with God's Creation, and worship the CREATOR.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 4th, 2016 at 1:37pm
Why does the Mercator projection make Greenland look much larger than it actually is?

Why did Ferdinand Magellan not sail off the edge of the world?

Why do satellites in polar orbit fly over different strips of earth each orbit?

Why do cyclones in different hemispheres spin in opposite directions?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 4th, 2016 at 4:59pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 9:43am:
I think Brian just misread your question. Hardly anyone reads closely the reams of crap you post.

The creature is a troll.  Ignore him.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 4th, 2016 at 5:12pm
I never block anyone on Twitter and I do not ignore trolls.

I am awaiting with interest and impatience for its—de_lite to answermy simple questions. . .any year now.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 5th, 2016 at 3:40am

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 4:59pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 9:43am:
I think Brian just misread your question. Hardly anyone reads closely the reams of crap you post.

The creature is a troll.  Ignore him.   ::) ::)

many blessings you are welcomed here

as I actually started this thread ... and so

you may bugger off any time you please and take all your retarded comments with you

comments likened to this

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:36pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.   ::)

either way you and your ignorant , mild to severe case of retardation is

forgiven , so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 5th, 2016 at 3:47am
we continue ontopic here as many questions refuse to be addressed by the globe conspiracy theorists which have never ever seen a globe earth

yet believe blindly their masters whom govern their collective minds yes

the govern ment/mind

they even vote for these secret society miscreants whom lord it over them ..

this matters not unto truth and fact and so we continue with more truths

the freemasons at top levels know as much

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:36pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 5th, 2016 at 5:42am
Why does the Mercator projection make Greenland look much larger than it actually is?

Why did Ferdinand Magellan not sail off the edge of the world?

Why do satellites in polar orbit fly over different strips of earth each orbit?

Why do cyclones in different hemispheres spin in opposite directions?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 5th, 2016 at 11:17am
oh yes this is very interesting ..

and in the model shown , you cannot fall off the edge

like many ignorants repeat as their fear based illusion is extrapolated by them


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 5th, 2016 at 11:19am
the Mercator projection is a globe theory article of false propaganda

lets continue to research here

Flat Earth in 5 Minutes

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 5th, 2016 at 11:50am
Of course you can fall off the edge or reach it at any rate. Why didn’t Ferdinand Magellan reach/fall over the edge?

Mercator projection is just one way to map the world. Why does it make Greenland look much larger than it is?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 5th, 2016 at 1:32pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 5th, 2016 at 3:40am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 4:59pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 9:43am:
I think Brian just misread your question. Hardly anyone reads closely the reams of crap you post.

The creature is a troll.  Ignore him.   ::) ::)

many blessings you are welcomed here

as I actually started this thread ... and so

you may bugger off any time you please and take all your retarded comments with you

comments likened to this

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:36pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.   ::)

either way you and your ignorant , mild to severe case of retardation is

forgiven , so be at peace


I enjoy watching fools attack me online.  It shows that they cannot argue the issues and so resort to ad hominem debate tactics.  I believe you are a troll, Light.   People react to your fatuous arguments and you enjoy that.

Tell you what, prove me wrong.  Produce a picture of the edge.  Explain how the various circum-navigations occurred.  I look forward to your efforts with some amusement.    ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 5th, 2016 at 5:28pm
Love how the shapes of Africa and Australia are distorted and lack detail. Guess that a flat earth map doesn’t actually map the world all that well. Not surprising: the earth is a globe. Ancient Greeks knew the world was a globe and, using information from two wells calculated the size of the earth pretty well.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 5th, 2016 at 6:10pm
Why stop with a Flat Earth?

How about a Hollow Earth?   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Nov 5th, 2016 at 9:18pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 6th, 2016 at 12:11am

Flat Earth - 47 years of Lies by NASA about the Moon

Published on Oct 23, 2016
Questioning the distance to the Moon, viewing Astronauts jumping on the Moon, Gravity on the Moon, Moon Models and Miniatures, Lying Astronauts, Missing Videos, Data, Blueprints and other records of the Apollo Missions.
Science & Technology

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 6th, 2016 at 10:05am

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 4:59pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 9:43am:
I think Brian just misread your question. Hardly anyone reads closely the reams of crap you post.

The creature is a troll.  Ignore him.   ::) ::)

many blessings ,

this one is the king of trolls and spams threads with his troll stench

the aforementioned one has no wisdom to share ,

excepting to show one what not to be ..and leaves troll residue which is identified observed and forgiven as we continue

The ONLY Flat Earth proof you will ever need! 2016

all remain loved


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Frank on Nov 6th, 2016 at 1:05pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 5th, 2016 at 6:10pm:
Why stop with a Flat Earth?

How about a Hollow Earth?   ::) ::)

Don't want to talk about YOU, Brian.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 6th, 2016 at 1:13pm
sir master Light is just taking the piss out of everyone -

he knows the Earth is a sphere.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 6th, 2016 at 5:04pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 6th, 2016 at 1:13pm:
sir master Light is just taking the piss out of everyone -

he knows the Earth is a sphere.

I realise that.  Time he admitted it.   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 6th, 2016 at 5:06pm

Frank wrote on Nov 6th, 2016 at 1:05pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 5th, 2016 at 6:10pm:
Why stop with a Flat Earth?

How about a Hollow Earth?   ::) ::)

Don't want to talk about YOU, Brian.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 6th, 2016 at 5:08pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 6th, 2016 at 10:05am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 4:59pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 9:43am:
I think Brian just misread your question. Hardly anyone reads closely the reams of crap you post.

The creature is a troll.  Ignore him.   ::) ::)

many blessings ,

this one is the king of trolls and spams threads with his troll stench

the aforementioned one has no wisdom to share ,

excepting to show one what not to be ..and leaves troll residue which is identified observed and forgiven as we continue

The ONLY Flat Earth proof you will ever need! 2016

all remain loved


Oh, dear, resorting to ad hominem again, Light?  Tsk, tsk, still not willing to debate the issues and instead attacking the man.   Obviously you're not Australian, are you?   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Baronvonrort on Nov 6th, 2016 at 5:11pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 6th, 2016 at 5:06pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 6th, 2016 at 1:05pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 5th, 2016 at 6:10pm:
Why stop with a Flat Earth?

How about a Hollow Earth?   ::) ::)

Don't want to talk about YOU, Brian.

Islam is a flat earth belief,bwian likes to stick up for backward flat earth beliefs.

Listen to this Iraqi muslim say the earth is flat-

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 6th, 2016 at 7:03pm

Baronvonrort wrote on Nov 6th, 2016 at 5:11pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 6th, 2016 at 5:06pm:

Frank wrote on Nov 6th, 2016 at 1:05pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 5th, 2016 at 6:10pm:
Why stop with a Flat Earth?

How about a Hollow Earth?   ::) ::)

Don't want to talk about YOU, Brian.

Islam is a flat earth belief,bwian likes to stick up for backward flat earth beliefs.

And there I thought I was sticking up for the Hollow Earth beliefs that you like to engage in Baron.    ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 6th, 2016 at 9:22pm

Sun, Moon, and Stars Prove the Flat Earth

much evidence explained here

another point in which the globe earthers cannot refute

they simply attack truth yet truth is fact

and facts make them angry

and so be it


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 6th, 2016 at 11:44pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 7th, 2016 at 12:09am
Light is arguing that the world is flat? Is he an American.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 7th, 2016 at 7:37am

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 4:59pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 4th, 2016 at 9:43am:
I think Brian just misread your question. Hardly anyone reads closely the reams of crap you post.

The creature is a troll.  Ignore him.   ::) ::)

yes they simply ignore and call names

they cannot deny these facts

and as such they lose


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 7th, 2016 at 7:40am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 7th, 2016 at 7:45am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 7th, 2016 at 7:50am

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 7th, 2016 at 12:09am:
Light is arguing that the world is flat? Is he an American.

here is another one in wonderland

I do not argue , yet simply present facts

of which gets people angry because they cannot refute said facts

then abuse begins .. I do not argue yet simply observe their confusions in the face of truth presented

then the attacks begin for they have NOTHING to offer to explain the facts presented which slap them in their face and surrounding area and so it is ...

if any would care to contribute bring your facts and do not try to be clever without evidence or facts

because you just look lame with your abuses and limp wristed character attacks ..

of which are forgiven , now explain the anomaly here or simply leave in your ignorance and frustration ..


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 7th, 2016 at 12:51pm
Come on sir master Light,

the joke is over.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Unforgiven on Nov 7th, 2016 at 1:34pm

Fat Earth.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 7th, 2016 at 3:20pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 7th, 2016 at 9:02pm
No really, light. You actually believe that the Earth is flat?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 8th, 2016 at 3:48am
and so no body here can refute the presented anomaly

crushing the globe earth theory ... one point in many that have not been addressed ..

just limp wristed abuse and fear of answering or confronting the issue

I do not argue , yet simply present facts

of which gets people angry because they cannot refute said facts

then abuse begins .. I do not argue yet simply observe their confusions in the face of truth presented

then the attacks begin for they have NOTHING to offer to explain the facts presented which slap them in their face and surrounding area and so it is ...

if any would care to contribute bring your facts and do not try to be clever without evidence or facts

because you just look lame with your abuses and limp wristed character attacks ..

of which are forgiven , now explain the anomaly here or simply leave in your ignorance and frustration ..


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 8th, 2016 at 4:29am
and so let us move on to another point of concern ,

which may again go unanswered like the many many points before hand which prove the globe earth is a lie ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 8th, 2016 at 11:48am
Now, its_delight;

Why did not Ferdinand Magellan fall off or at least see the edge of the world?

Why does the Mercator projection show Greenland as much larger than it actually is?

If the world is flat, what happens to tectonic plates that get pushed to the “edge” of the world? Do they float off into space? If so, why has the Earth not gotten smaller?

When you answer these sensible questions?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 8th, 2016 at 1:28pm
many blessings ,

these questions have been answered directly or in educational videos posted

this proves you are not serious and simply seek to spam with non sense that has been addressed ,

you are not looking at the evidence provided and that leaves you clueless and guessing

yet you and many others have not answered any of the anomalies posted which leaves you in lack ignorance and frustration

as we continue here without inanity and transparent smokescreens

Sometimes even astronauts accidentally tell the truth Flat Earth


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 8th, 2016 at 1:47pm

Firmament Coverup - You've Been Lied To

more information that may not be addressed by globe earthers

this is observed as the stack of evidence reaches higher

we are analysing the evidence yet many choose ridicule for they cannot use logic for logic will burst their collective programming and belief system


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 8th, 2016 at 4:49pm
Now now, Its_Delight, you have screamed something about the Mercator Projection, about the edge of the world but have posted nothing solid and factual to answer those questions. Bit like Booby and the non–existent Li’l ol Ice Age.

Lots of waffle, no questions ever answered.

Have you had a thought about the problem of the tectonic plates, old lunatic? I just posed that this morning.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 9th, 2016 at 3:41am
all spam artists will simply be ignored until

they address the anomaly here ,


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 9th, 2016 at 3:42am
we continue with research ...

3000 Year Old Text, Most Accurate Description Of Earth Ever! How? Flat Earth

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 9th, 2016 at 3:47am

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 9th, 2016 at 3:41am:
all spam artists will simply be ignored until

they address the anomaly here ,


OK, like Booby you will avoid answering questions and keep posting stupid videos full of quack science.

Is it to do with religion that people lose the ability to reason and to keep a sense of proportion?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 9th, 2016 at 9:09am
many are confused ..

they demand you prove their reality to them for they are programmed by lies

this is validated by their collective ignorance and frustration as we continue with the relevant research

with 21 valid questions

Flat Earth | 21 Questions

Published on Jul 30, 2016
A Strangers Guide to the Flat Earth | A comprehensive beginners course that thoroughly explains the answers to 21 of the most frequently asked questions about flat earth. Journey through the list from beginning to end while all the "loose ends" are tied up by the time it's over. Share with you friends, family and loved ones. The earth is most definitely flat and it is important for us to understand.

21 Questions:
01. Where’s the edge?
02. Where does the sun go if the earth is flat?
03. What’s underneath the flat earth?
04. What about ships & boats disappearing over the horizon?
05. What about all the pictures of the earth?
06. Why are all the other planets round?
07. What about satellites and GPS?
08. Is outer space even real?
09. How is circumnavigation possible on flat earth?
10. How come the moon is upside down in the southern hemisphere?
11. What about seasons?
12. What about gravity?
13. What about the Coriolis Effect?
14. Why can’t I see infinitely far?
15. Is the flat earth a religious thing?
16. Is the flat earth society behind the resurgence of the flat earth?
17. Are all scientists, pilots and members of the government in on it?
18. NASA isn’t the only space agency. Are all the others in on it?
19. Well then who’s responsible for this deception?
20. Why the lie?
21. What’s it mean if the earth is flat?

Narrated & Produced by ODD TV
with an original soundtrack.

Free Download:
'Dear NASA, Why Are You Lying?'

Special thanks to John Armstrong, Amandha, Gurly Truther, UncleR3mus & Dave P for sending your answers to my email.

Email Me:
Vlog Channel:

Please watch: "ODD TV's Flat Earth Trilogy"
ODD Reality ODD TV Conspiracy Vlog

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 9th, 2016 at 9:15am
and wow the hits keep coming

yet the globe earth conspiracy theorists choose ignorance and blame others for their confusion as

we continue with research here like this " live " scuba show by nasa

LIVE Scuba Exposing of Apollo Space Walk (Gigs Up)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 9th, 2016 at 9:54am
That video supposed to prove something???

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 9th, 2016 at 10:01am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 9th, 2016 at 9:54am:
That video supposed to prove something???

and this is all they have

spam , confusion and demands that you think for them

these clueless ones cannot handle that these 21 questions have been answered ....

21 Questions:
01. Where’s the edge?
02. Where does the sun go if the earth is flat?
03. What’s underneath the flat earth?
04. What about ships & boats disappearing over the horizon?
05. What about all the pictures of the earth?
06. Why are all the other planets round?
07. What about satellites and GPS?
08. Is outer space even real?
09. How is circumnavigation possible on flat earth?
10. How come the moon is upside down in the southern hemisphere?
11. What about seasons?
12. What about gravity?
13. What about the Coriolis Effect?
14. Why can’t I see infinitely far?
15. Is the flat earth a religious thing?
16. Is the flat earth society behind the resurgence of the flat earth?
17. Are all scientists, pilots and members of the government in on it?
18. NASA isn’t the only space agency. Are all the others in on it?
19. Well then who’s responsible for this deception?
20. Why the lie?
21. What’s it mean if the earth is flat?

many blessings remain within all hearts .. confused or not this matters little


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 9th, 2016 at 10:05am
I asked about what happens to tectonic plates pushed past the “edge” to which you have not given any answer. Ditto the Mercator Projection question.

You have not answered any question, really.

Ancient Greeks knew the world was round and even worked out a pretty good figure for the radius of the Earth.

When the earth was believed to be flat they said the sun, moon and stars moved in crystal spheres around the earth. Then these spheres had to move in epicycles to make the movements fit in with observations, then epicycles on epicycles.

Kepler and Newton swept all this superstition away and gave us the heliocentric model which is a good representation of the truth.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 9th, 2016 at 6:54pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 10th, 2016 at 4:17am
and so ,

even after all the answers here are posted

some mindless globe conspiraloons demand you think for them

they get quite upset and yet all their questions have been answered yet they refuse to look at the truth provided

horse -> water

no drinky

21 Questions:
01. Where’s the edge?
02. Where does the sun go if the earth is flat?
03. What’s underneath the flat earth?
04. What about ships & boats disappearing over the horizon?
05. What about all the pictures of the earth?
06. Why are all the other planets round?
07. What about satellites and GPS?
08. Is outer space even real?
09. How is circumnavigation possible on flat earth?
10. How come the moon is upside down in the southern hemisphere?
11. What about seasons?
12. What about gravity?
13. What about the Coriolis Effect?
14. Why can’t I see infinitely far?
15. Is the flat earth a religious thing?
16. Is the flat earth society behind the resurgence of the flat earth?
17. Are all scientists, pilots and members of the government in on it?
18. NASA isn’t the only space agency. Are all the others in on it?
19. Well then who’s responsible for this deception?
20. Why the lie?
21. What’s it mean if the earth is flat?

many blessings remain within all hearts .. confused or not this matters little


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 10th, 2016 at 8:07am
What about the tectonic plates? What about some answers?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 10th, 2016 at 3:51pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2016 at 9:05am

Found the edge yet, Light?   ...

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

many blessings beloved being

your question is answered here and in many other posts

and yet the cognitive dissonance you are afflicted with

prevents you from absorbing the facts explained ,

hence your retardationalistical repeatisms of which exposes the aforementioned psychosis you do embody ,

yet fear not for that is ok and cool as you are in this reality to show people how not to carry on in ignorance as you do ,

yet be at peace and rub your nipples for here is your answer again

21 Questions:
01. Where’s the edge?
02. Where does the sun go if the earth is flat?
03. What’s underneath the flat earth?
04. What about ships & boats disappearing over the horizon?
05. What about all the pictures of the earth?
06. Why are all the other planets round?
07. What about satellites and GPS?
08. Is outer space even real?
09. How is circumnavigation possible on flat earth?
10. How come the moon is upside down in the southern hemisphere?
11. What about seasons?
12. What about gravity?
13. What about the Coriolis Effect?
14. Why can’t I see infinitely far?
15. Is the flat earth a religious thing?
16. Is the flat earth society behind the resurgence of the flat earth?
17. Are all scientists, pilots and members of the government in on it?
18. NASA isn’t the only space agency. Are all the others in on it?
19. Well then who’s responsible for this deception?
20. Why the lie?
21. What’s it mean if the earth is flat?

many blessings remain within all hearts .. confused or not this matters little


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 11th, 2016 at 9:09am
We want you to tell us, Light. And what about those darn tectonic plates, eh? Pacific ring of fire and all that.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2016 at 9:10am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 10th, 2016 at 8:07am:
What about the tectonic plates? What about some answers?

many blessings divine one ,

and yet all your questions have been answered yet you will always find another question to throw at that

which confronts and smashes your previously held belief system

you refuse to look at any of the explanations which goes to prove you are not serious about this subject

and as such you are but a pleasant distraction with your non sensical spam

this is in accordance with the divine plan and is observed as much so be at peace in love and light


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2016 at 9:15am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 11th, 2016 at 9:09am:
We want you to tell us, Light. And what about those darn tectonic plates, eh? Pacific ring of fire and all that.

many blessings beloved being

you demand that others research for you and convince you of an alternative belief system you will not let go of ..

even in the face of overwhelming facts you still cling to non logic , and as such

your affliction does not effect unto aforementioned logic

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2016 at 10:41am

United States Merchant Marine - Flat Earth is Real

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Nov 11th, 2016 at 10:48am
So he sailed off the edge?

WHy does being a merchant marine make his word any more trustworthy?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2016 at 12:33pm
all posts are an incremental data influx upon the titled thread ..

ontopic data is posted without anyones expressed permission or approval and yet ,

many remain confused and angry and contribute that , which is most welcomed yes

yet any that clearly misrepresent one such as I am ..

or deliberately lie will be ignored , with forgiveness

these dear ones , among others , in a state of ignorance and

Cognitive dissonance

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In psychology, cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort experienced by an individual who holds two or more contradictory beliefs, ideas, or values at the same time; performs an action that is contradictory to their beliefs, ideas, or values; or is confronted by new information that conflicts with existing beliefs, ideas or values.[1][2]

Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance, as well as actively avoid situations and information likely to increase it.[1]

and further

vaccine addiction will only enhance the delusional confusion these poor ones do embody , yet fortunately

this has no effect whatsoever unto the deliverance of

the divine plan .. and so be it


- : ) =

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2016 at 12:36pm

The Earth is Not Moving

Before Copernican heliocentric indoctrination any child will look up at the sky and notice that the sun, moon, and stars all revolve around a stationary Earth. All empirical evidence from our perspective clearly shows that we are fixed and everything rotates around us. We feel motionless and experience the sun, moon, stars and planets spinning around us. To suspend this common sense geocentric perspective and assume that it's actually the Earth revolving beneath us daily while rotating around the sun yearly is quite a theoretical leap.

"What strikes you as being some thoughts that people would have if - in the short space of a few weeks - the universally held conviction that the Earth rotates on an axis daily and orbits the sun annually were exposed as an unscientific deception? Keep in mind that a rotating, orbiting earth is not counted as a mere hypothesis or even a theory anywhere in the world today. Oh no. Rather, this concept is an unquestioned 'truth'; an established 'fact' in all books and other media everywhere, church media included. Copernicanism, in short, is a concept that is protected in a bunker under a 50 foot thick ceiling of solid 'scientific' concrete. It is meant to be impregnable. It is a concept that has become ensconced in men’s minds as the indestructible cornerstone of enlightened modern man’s knowledge. Virtually all people everywhere have been taught to believe - and do believe - that this concept is based on objective science and dispassionate secular reasoning." -Marshall Hall, "Exposing the Copernican Deception"

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2016 at 12:50pm
more research and ontopic data open for chat

GLOBEBUSTERS - The Power of Pyramids on Flat Earth

all remain loved and so be it


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 11th, 2016 at 1:55pm

USDA Surveyor Talks About the Flat Earth

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Nov 11th, 2016 at 2:06pm
He surveys paddocks.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Neferti on Nov 11th, 2016 at 3:23pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Nov 11th, 2016 at 2:06pm:
He surveys paddocks.

For what? Dead bodies?  ;D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 11th, 2016 at 5:39pm
What about those tectonic plates, It’s Delight?

You have had time enough to come up with some sort of pissweak answer by now, surely?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 11th, 2016 at 5:44pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 11th, 2016 at 9:49pm
In some meaningless waffle by Its_Delight he included:

the Earth revolving beneath us daily while rotating around the sun yearly

The earth rotates daily and revolves around the sun yearly. Both happen all the time, of course. The Earth also precesses, i.e. wobbles on its axis. See:

The silly flat earth silliness cannot explain the precession of the earth on its axis.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 12th, 2016 at 3:31am

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:36pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 2nd, 2016 at 9:13am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 1st, 2016 at 4:59pm:
So, found the edge yet, Light?   ::)

explain the anomaly ..

why can you see through the moon at its various phases ?

Because there is no light shining on it.  Fool.   ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 12th, 2016 at 4:11pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 13th, 2016 at 3:42pm
No answer re precession of the earth on its axis.

No answer re tectonic plates and constant creation of ocean floor.

Does It’s_Delight believe any of this crap about a flat earth or not?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Neferti on Nov 13th, 2016 at 3:46pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 3:42pm:
No answer re precession of the earth on its axis.

No answer re tectonic plates and constant creation of ocean floor.

Does It’s_Delight believe any of this crap about a flat earth or not?

To whom are you pontificating? ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 13th, 2016 at 3:56pm
Not you.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Neferti on Nov 13th, 2016 at 4:06pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 3:56pm:
Not you.

Well, that's encouraging.  ;D

PS Is Annie OK ... I sincerely mean that. Perhaps I should send her an email?  She did give me her addy.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 13th, 2016 at 4:39pm
Be good if you left Annie alone, harridan.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Neferti on Nov 13th, 2016 at 5:12pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 4:39pm:
Be good if you left Annie alone, harridan.

You really are a prick aren't you?

I was inquiring about Annie and her HEALTH and she did talk to me and ask me to contact her. I have her phone number too.

What a NASTY individual you are.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 13th, 2016 at 5:43pm
Annie does not need the likes of you and AiA ringing her.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Neferti on Nov 13th, 2016 at 6:32pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 5:43pm:
Annie does not need the likes of you and AiA ringing her.

Annie gave ME her personal details.

I have no idea whether she knows AiA. What does that have to do with anything?

Last I heard Annie had COPD and was continuing to smoke!

I lost an American friend in 2014 from that same thing, i.e. she was on Oxygen but still couldn't stop smoking. 

Have some REAL COMPASSION, it is NOT all about YOU, Monk.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 13th, 2016 at 6:51pm
I am thinking of Annie.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:06pm
many blessings to annie as we continue

Tectonic Plates Prove Level Plane: Flat Earth

Flat Earth - Tectonics, the Pole Shift, Vulcanism, Lava & Magnetism (aka Magnetic Stripes)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:10pm
ahahahahahaha the flat earther flat head has found some crap on tectonic plates! Did you have help or just marathon Googling quack science sites?

What the about the precession of the earth around its axis? Used to be known as Precession of the Equinoxes. That is pr E cession, not progression.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:22pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:10pm:
ahahahahahaha the flat earther flat head has found some crap on tectonic plates! Did you have help or just marathon Googling quack science sites?

What the about the precession of the earth around its axis? Used to be known as Precession of the Equinoxes. That is pr E cession, not progression.

well you havent even bothered watching the presentations

which again proves you are here simply to spam

and are not serious about learning that your earth is flat

fortunately this does not effect the non rotation of the earth for the firmament does not move

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day."
(Genesis 1:6-8 KJV)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:24pm
Scriptures concerning the nature of the heavens/sky above and their relationship to the earth:

Job 9:
6 Which shaketh the earth out of her place, and the pillars thereof tremble.
7 Which commandeth the sun, and it riseth not; and sealeth up the stars.
8 Which alone spreadeth out the heavens, and treadeth upon the waves of the sea.

Job 22:14 Thick clouds are a covering to him, that he seeth not; and he walketh in the circuit {Hebrew: "chug"} of heaven.
Job 22:14 (HCSB) Clouds veil Him so that He cannot see, as He walks on the circle of the sky.
Job 22:14 (ASV) Thick clouds are a covering to him, so that he seeth not; And he walketh on the vault of heaven.

Job 26:
7 He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.
8 He bindeth up the waters in his thick clouds; and the cloud is not rent under them.
9 He holdeth back the face of his throne, and spreadeth his cloud upon it.
10 He hath compassed the waters with bounds, until the day and night come to an end.
11 The pillars of heaven tremble and are astonished at his reproof.
12 He divideth the sea with his power, and by his understanding he smiteth through the proud.
13 By his spirit he hath garnished the heavens; his hand hath formed the crooked serpent.

Job 37:18 Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?

Genesis 1:
1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
4 And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5 And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.
6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.
8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

Genesis 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

Genesis 8:2 The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained;

2 Samuel 22:8 Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations of heaven moved and shook, because he was wroth.

Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

Psalm 29:10 The LORD sitteth upon the flood; yea, the LORD sitteth King for ever.

Psalm 78:
21 Therefore the Lord heard this, and was wroth: so a fire was kindled against Jacob, and anger also came up against Israel;
22 Because they believed not in God, and trusted not in his salvation:
23 Though he had commanded the clouds from above, and opened the doors of heaven,
24 And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven.
25 Man did eat angels' food: he sent them meat to the full.

Psalm 104:
1 Bless the Lord, O my soul. O Lord my God, thou art very great; thou art clothed with honour and majesty.
2 Who coverest thyself with light as with a garment: who stretchest out the heavens like a curtain:
3 Who layeth the beams of his chambers in the waters: who maketh the clouds his chariot: who walketh upon the wings of the wind:

Psalm 148:4 Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens.

Proverbs 8:27 When he prepared the heavens, I was there: when he set {Hebrew: "chaqaq"} a compass {Hebrew: "chug"} upon the face of the depth:
Proverbs 8:27 (ESV) When He established the heavens, I was there, When He inscribed a circle on the face of the deep.

Isaiah 13:13 Therefore I will shake the heavens, and the earth shall remove out of her place, in the wrath of the Lord of hosts, and in the day of his fierce anger.

Isaiah 40:22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
Isaiah 40:22 (ISV) He's the one who sits above the disk of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers. He's the one who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to live in,

Isaiah 44:24 Thus saith the Lord, thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the Lord that maketh all things; that stretcheth forth the heavens alone; that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself;

Isaiah 45:12 I have made the earth, and created man upon it: I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I commanded.

Isaiah 48:13 Mine hand also hath laid the foundation of the earth, and my right hand hath spanned the heavens: when I call unto them, they stand up together.

Isaiah 66:1 Thus saith the Lord, The heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool: where is the house that ye build unto me? and where is the place of my rest?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:27pm

Here is the Biblical “proof” that the earth is fixed. All quotes from the NIV.

1 Chronicles 16:30: Tremble before him, all the earth! 
 The world is firmly established; it cannot be moved.
Psalm 93:1: The LORD reigns, he is robed in majesty; the LORD is robed in majesty and armed with strength; indeed, the world is established, firm and secure.
Psalm 96:10: Say among the nations, “The LORD reigns.” 
 The world is firmly established, it cannot be moved; 
 he will judge the peoples with equity.
Psalm 104:5:He set the earth on its foundations; 
 it can never be moved.
Job 9:6: He shakes the earth from its place 
 and makes its pillars tremble.
Psalm 75:3: When the earth and all its people quake, 
 it is I who hold its pillars firm
1 Samuel 2:8: “For the foundations (translated pillars in the ESV) of the earth are the LORD’s; 
 on them he has set the world.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:36pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:38pm
your question is answered here brian ross

21 Questions:
01. Where’s the edge?
02. Where does the sun go if the earth is flat?
03. What’s underneath the flat earth?
04. What about ships & boats disappearing over the horizon?
05. What about all the pictures of the earth?
06. Why are all the other planets round?
07. What about satellites and GPS?
08. Is outer space even real?
09. How is circumnavigation possible on flat earth?
10. How come the moon is upside down in the southern hemisphere?
11. What about seasons?
12. What about gravity?
13. What about the Coriolis Effect?
14. Why can’t I see infinitely far?
15. Is the flat earth a religious thing?
16. Is the flat earth society behind the resurgence of the flat earth?
17. Are all scientists, pilots and members of the government in on it?
18. NASA isn’t the only space agency. Are all the others in on it?
19. Well then who’s responsible for this deception?
20. Why the lie?
21. What’s it mean if the earth is flat?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:41pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:47pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:41pm:
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)


your question is answered here brian ross

21 Questions:
01. Where’s the edge?
02. Where does the sun go if the earth is flat?
03. What’s underneath the flat earth?
04. What about ships & boats disappearing over the horizon?
05. What about all the pictures of the earth?
06. Why are all the other planets round?
07. What about satellites and GPS?
08. Is outer space even real?
09. How is circumnavigation possible on flat earth?
10. How come the moon is upside down in the southern hemisphere?
11. What about seasons?
12. What about gravity?
13. What about the Coriolis Effect?
14. Why can’t I see infinitely far?
15. Is the flat earth a religious thing?
16. Is the flat earth society behind the resurgence of the flat earth?
17. Are all scientists, pilots and members of the government in on it?
18. NASA isn’t the only space agency. Are all the others in on it?
19. Well then who’s responsible for this deception?
20. Why the lie?
21. What’s it mean if the earth is flat?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 13th, 2016 at 8:06pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:22pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:10pm:
ahahahahahaha the flat earther flat head has found some crap on tectonic plates! Did you have help or just marathon Googling quack science sites?

What the about the precession of the earth around its axis? Used to be known as Precession of the Equinoxes. That is pr E cession, not progression.

well you havent even bothered watching the presentations

which again proves you are here simply to spam

and are not serious about learning that your earth is flat

fortunately this does not effect the non rotation of the earth for the firmament does not move

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day."
(Genesis 1:6-8 KJV)

Nah, I don’t watch quack science and nut jobbery religious or otherwise.

Still have the precession, more searching for you!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 13th, 2016 at 8:15pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 8:06pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:22pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:10pm:
ahahahahahaha the flat earther flat head has found some crap on tectonic plates! Did you have help or just marathon Googling quack science sites?

What the about the precession of the earth around its axis? Used to be known as Precession of the Equinoxes. That is pr E cession, not progression.

well you havent even bothered watching the presentations

which again proves you are here simply to spam

and are not serious about learning that your earth is flat

fortunately this does not effect the non rotation of the earth for the firmament does not move

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day."
(Genesis 1:6-8 KJV)

Nah, I don’t watch quack science and nut jobbery religious or otherwise.

Still have the precession, more searching for you!

thank you for this informative post

you have proven to me you are just a spam artist and not interested in the titled thread

because you do not look at any presentations and so

no more energy is needed for your posts..

thank you for that candid truth


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 13th, 2016 at 8:56pm
Still haven’t explained how the flat earth precesses.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 13th, 2016 at 9:43pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:47pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:41pm:
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

your question is answered here brian ross[/quote]

What, that you haven't found the edge yourself, yet?  Tsk, tsk...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 14th, 2016 at 11:17am

many blessings

this ' star trail ' phenomenon cannot manifest anywhere but

the very nth pole in the globe earth conspiraloon model ..

so why do we see this in victoria ?

globe earth tin foil hat wearers may begin to explain how this is possible


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Nov 14th, 2016 at 11:32am

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 14th, 2016 at 11:17am:

many blessings

this ' star trail ' phenomenon cannot manifest anywhere but

the very nth pole in the globe earth conspiraloon model ..

so why do we see this in victoria ?

globe earth tin foil hat wearers may begin to explain how this is possible


Ummm, its easy to explain why we see that.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Nov 14th, 2016 at 11:34am
tar trail photographs are possible because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The apparent motion of the stars is recorded as streaks on the film or detector.[2] For observers in the northern hemisphere, aiming the camera towards the north creates an image with concentric circular streaks centered on the north celestial pole (very close to Polaris).[3] For observers located in the southern hemisphere, this same effect is achieved by aiming the camera south. In this case, the streaks are centered on the south celestial pole. Aiming the camera towards the east or west creates straight-line streaks that are angled with respect to the horizon. The size of the angle depends on the photographer's latitude.[2]

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 14th, 2016 at 11:48am

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Nov 14th, 2016 at 11:32am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 14th, 2016 at 11:17am:

many blessings

this ' star trail ' phenomenon cannot manifest anywhere but

the very nth pole in the globe earth conspiraloon model ..

so why do we see this in victoria ?

globe earth tin foil hat wearers may begin to explain how this is possible


Ummm, its easy to explain why we see that.

victoria australia star trails !

tar trail photographs are possible because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The apparent motion of the stars is recorded as streaks on the film or detector.[2] For observers in the northern hemisphere, aiming the camera towards the north creates an image with concentric circular streaks centered on the north celestial pole (very close to Polaris).[3] For observers located in the southern hemisphere, this same effect is achieved by aiming the camera south. In this case, the streaks are centered on the south celestial pole. Aiming the camera towards the east or west creates straight-line streaks that are angled with respect to the horizon. The size of the angle depends on the photographer's latitude.[2]

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Nov 14th, 2016 at 12:05pm
Umm do yu realise that posting a crappy meme is not evidence of refutation right?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 14th, 2016 at 12:09pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Nov 14th, 2016 at 12:05pm:
Umm do yu realise that posting a crappy meme is not evidence of refutation right?

victoria australia star trails !

how can this be possible in the globe earth theory??

tar trail photographs are possible because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The apparent motion of the stars is recorded as streaks on the film or detector.[2] For observers in the northern hemisphere, aiming the camera towards the north creates an image with concentric circular streaks centered on the north celestial pole (very close to Polaris).[3] For observers located in the southern hemisphere, this same effect is achieved by aiming the camera south. In this case, the streaks are centered on the south celestial pole. Aiming the camera towards the east or west creates straight-line streaks that are angled with respect to the horizon. The size of the angle depends on the photographer's latitude.[2]

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 14th, 2016 at 4:05pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:17am
and so nobody can refute logic here ,

checkmate .

victoria australia star trails !

how can this be possible in the globe earth theory??

tar trail photographs are possible because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The apparent motion of the stars is recorded as streaks on the film or detector.[2] For observers in the northern hemisphere, aiming the camera towards the north creates an image with concentric circular streaks centered on the north celestial pole (very close to Polaris).[3] For observers located in the southern hemisphere, this same effect is achieved by aiming the camera south. In this case, the streaks are centered on the south celestial pole. Aiming the camera towards the east or west creates straight-line streaks that are angled with respect to the horizon. The size of the angle depends on the photographer's latitude.[2]

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:22am
The star tracks are not 360° so there is no need to be at a pole. . .at a pole you would get 360° star tracks.

Have a look at the star tracks—looks like circles but no one track makes a complete circle so they do not prove a flat earth. Sorry.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:25am
Also if it was a flat earth and the flat earth was rotating, you would see star trails no matter which way you point your camera.

If you point it east or west you dont get your star trails.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:25am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:22am:
The star tracks are not 360° so there is no need to be at a pole. . .at a pole you would get 360° star tracks.

Have a look at the star tracks—looks like circles but no one track makes a complete circle so they do not prove a flat earth. Sorry.


your attempt at logic is a dismal failure

all the star trails from victoria should be horizontal lines beacuse the earth is spinning in the globe earth theory

which is debunked, checkmate .

victoria australia star trails !

how can this be possible in the globe earth theory??

tar trail photographs are possible because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The apparent motion of the stars is recorded as streaks on the film or detector.[2] For observers in the northern hemisphere, aiming the camera towards the north creates an image with concentric circular streaks centered on the north celestial pole (very close to Polaris).[3] For observers located in the southern hemisphere, this same effect is achieved by aiming the camera south. In this case, the streaks are centered on the south celestial pole. Aiming the camera towards the east or west creates straight-line streaks that are angled with respect to the horizon. The size of the angle depends on the photographer's latitude.[2]

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:42am
Note what Bojack said about where the camera has to be pointed? The rotation of the earth creates the star trails which are not 360° and so need not be taken from a pole.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:45am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:42am:
Note what Bojack said about where the camera has to be pointed? The rotation of the earth creates the star trails which are not 360° and so need not be taken from a pole.

you do not make any sense or logic whatsoever

all the star trails from victoria should be horizontal lines because the earth is spinning in the globe earth theory

which is debunked, checkmate .

the fact that logic is lost upon you is not surprising !

victoria australia star trails !

how can this be possible in the globe earth theory??

tar trail photographs are possible because of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. The apparent motion of the stars is recorded as streaks on the film or detector.[2] For observers in the northern hemisphere, aiming the camera towards the north creates an image with concentric circular streaks centered on the north celestial pole (very close to Polaris).[3] For observers located in the southern hemisphere, this same effect is achieved by aiming the camera south. In this case, the streaks are centered on the south celestial pole. Aiming the camera towards the east or west creates straight-line streaks that are angled with respect to the horizon. The size of the angle depends on the photographer's latitude.[2]

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 15th, 2016 at 9:47am
sir master Light,

please stop this flat earth joke -

it's not funny anymore.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 15th, 2016 at 10:28am
Nor is your little ice age joke, Booby.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 10:30am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15th, 2016 at 10:28am:
Nor is your little ice age joke, Booby.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 15th, 2016 at 10:36am
You are not a Mod here, It’s_Delight.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 15th, 2016 at 11:44am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15th, 2016 at 10:28am:
Nor is your little ice age joke, sir master Bobby.

The Ice Age thread is based on scientific fact not

bronze age myths like sir master Light believes in.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:02pm
Ice Age thread is based on dubious videos, posted by a no doubt well paid AGW denier.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:06pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15th, 2016 at 10:36am:
You are not a Mod here, It’s_Delight.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:08pm
Those star tracks do not go full circle. As long as the camera is pointed south the tracks will be recorded. But no star there goes all the way around. The star tracks do not show what you think they show.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:12pm

Earth is Not a Planet

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:13pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:08pm:
Those star tracks do not go full circle. As long as the camera is pointed south the tracks will be recorded. But no star there goes all the way around. The star tracks do not show what you think they show.

look again and say that !

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:17pm
Tracks of individual stars do not go full circle. The innermost two tracks show this clearly. The photo does not show what you think it does.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:21pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:17pm:
Tracks of individual stars do not go full circle. The innermost two tracks show this clearly. The photo does not show what you think it does.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:24pm
Not a single one of those tracks goes around in a full circle. The circles you see are multiple tracks close to each other.

So the photo does not show what you think it does.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:56pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 15th, 2016 at 12:24pm:
Not a single one of those tracks goes around in a full circle. The circles you see are multiple tracks close to each other.

So the photo does not show what you think it does.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 15th, 2016 at 3:17pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 16th, 2016 at 12:41pm

TOP 7 REASONS Why I Believe in the Flat Earth 2016

Published on May 27, 2016
Food for thought: Making sense of the Flat Earth debate. Here are my TOP 7 REASONS why I believe the Flat Earth rings true...

Due to the recent attack from internet trolls i have been forced to disable comments and ratings. My apologies to those who genuinely have something of worth to say.

Believe or don't believe, it really is YOUR CHOICE. I am not here to tell you what to think, neither will I ever force my ideas on anyone.

It's not my job to convince you of anything. I am simply sharing with you my own reasons why I believe this theory to be true, with the hope that you too will question the things we take for granted and not just rely on what somebody else tells you.

I don't know about you, but questions such as "Where are we?" and "What is the meaning of life?" fascinate me. And important questions like these require a open mind if we are ever truly going to find the right answers.

So if you have come here just to tell me the earth is a globe, or that i am stupid and i shouldn't question authority... Thank you, but i know already know what the textbooks say... I also know what the media teach... I went through all the same indoctrination as you..... but now it's time to think for ourselves.

I wish you all the best on your journey. Flat Earth isn't easy to accept at first, but I promise, once you do you will not be disappointed.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 16th, 2016 at 12:48pm

Flat Earth Philosophy

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 16th, 2016 at 1:16pm

at 4:07 the earth has been cut and pasted into this famous picture ..

1. explain the anomaly


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 16th, 2016 at 1:23pm
Why has nobody found the edge, Delight?

How does a flat earth precess about its axis?

Why do satellites in polar orbit cover a different slice of the earth?

Why does the Mercator Projection show Greenland as much bigger than it really is?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 16th, 2016 at 1:31pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 16th, 2016 at 1:23pm:
Why has nobody found the edge, Delight?

How does a flat earth precess about its axis?

Why do satellites in polar orbit cover a different slice of the earth?

Why does the Mercator Projection show Greenland as much bigger than it really is?

at 4:07 the earth has been cut and pasted into this famous picture ..

1. explain the anomaly


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 16th, 2016 at 3:01pm
You put forward the earth is flat nonsense, up to you to defend it.

Precession of the equinoxes, Delight, how does a flat earth precess, hmm?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 16th, 2016 at 4:03pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 3:47am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 16th, 2016 at 3:01pm:
You put forward the earth is flat nonsense, up to you to defend it.

Precession of the equinoxes, Delight, how does a flat earth precess, hmm?

at 4:07 the earth has been cut and pasted into this famous picture ..

1. explain the anomaly


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 3:57am

Admiral Byrd Flat Earther

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 4:04am

Dear Spinning Ball Earth Believer

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 17th, 2016 at 5:57am
Why has nobody found the edge, Delight?

How does a flat earth precess about its axis?

Why do satellites in polar orbit cover a different slice of the earth each orbit? Does the flat earth rotate?

Why does the Mercator Projection show Greenland as much bigger than it really is?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:12am
many think I have to prove something to them ..

while all this continues to be in existence

they continue to get angry

which has no effect unto truths and facts presented , of which

they cannot refute or rebut for they have been told what to think

they do not research or look at facts presented .. as they keep asking the same dumb old questions that have been answered

and when answers are given they scoff and jump up and down that you actually listen to them and provide the answers they are too ignorant to find for themselves

this is neither hither nor thither and just is ,

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:34am
You put forward the (rather silly) flat earth theory, up to you to defend it which you are not doing very well at all.

While you managed to find some crap about tectonic plates there are several questions you have not even tried to answer.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:34am
sir master Light,

your posts sound like the ramblings of Dennis Hopper:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:37am
What do you think your rantings about an ice age with no evidence at all sound like, Booby?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:39am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:34am:
You put forward the (rather silly) flat earth theory, up to you to defend it which you are not doing very well at all.

While you managed to find some crap about tectonic plates there are several questions you have not even tried to answer.

Admiral Byrd Flat Earther

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:39am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:34am:
You put forward the (rather silly) flat earth theory, up to you to defend it which you are not doing very well at all.

While you managed to find some crap about tectonic plates there are several questions you have not even tried to answer.

at 4:07 the earth has been cut and pasted into this famous picture ..

1. explain the anomaly


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:43am
Edge/Greenland/Precession Delight. Answer those criticisms of the flat earth please.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:45am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:43am:
Edge/Greenland/Precession Delight. Answer those criticisms of the flat earth please.

all your questions have been answered

you refuse to look at evidence or even answer 1 question

at 4:07 the earth has been cut and pasted into this famous picture ..

1. explain the anomaly


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:48am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 17th, 2016 at 9:43am:
Edge/Greenland/Precession Delight. Answer those criticisms of the flat earth please.

look what happens when you answer questions ..

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:10pm:
ahahahahahaha the flat earther flat head has found some crap on tectonic plates! Did you have help or just marathon Googling quack science sites?

What the about the precession of the earth around its axis? Used to be known as Precession of the Equinoxes. That is pr E cession, not progression.

and when you do answer a question it is disregarded and made fun of .. so why bother with you ?

and so you have excluded yourself from relevance

as you refuse to answer 1 simple question

at 4:07 the earth has been cut and pasted into this famous picture ..

1. explain the anomaly


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 17th, 2016 at 10:05am
sir master Light,

your posts sound like the ramblings of Dennis Hopper:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 17th, 2016 at 10:22am
Edge/Greenland/precession/global orbit satellites please Delight!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2016 at 10:25am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 17th, 2016 at 10:22am:
Edge/Greenland/precession/global orbit satellites please Delight!

look what happens when you answer questions ..

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:10pm:
ahahahahahaha the flat earther flat head has found some crap on tectonic plates! Did you have help or just marathon Googling quack science sites?

What the about the precession of the earth around its axis? Used to be known as Precession of the Equinoxes. That is pr E cession, not progression.

and when you do answer a question it is disregarded and made fun of .. so why bother with you ?

and so you have excluded yourself from relevance

as you refuse to answer 1 simple question

at 4:07 the earth has been cut and pasted into this famous picture ..

1. explain the anomaly .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 17th, 2016 at 10:35am
Look, you found some fairy tale crap about tectonic plates so I have not asked further on that.


There are questions a flat earth cannot satisfy, like the edge never ever being found, like satellites in polar orbit, like the precession of the equinoxes.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 17th, 2016 at 3:00pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2016 at 3:42am

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 17th, 2016 at 10:35am:
Look, you found some fairy tale crap about tectonic plates so I have not asked further on that.


There are questions a flat earth cannot satisfy, like the edge never ever being found, like satellites in polar orbit, like the precession of the equinoxes.

why would one such as I am bother to answer any more of your questions ..

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 13th, 2016 at 7:10pm:
ahahahahahaha the flat earther flat head has found some crap on tectonic plates! Did you have help or just marathon Googling quack science sites?

What the about the precession of the earth around its axis? Used to be known as Precession of the Equinoxes. That is pr E cession, not progression.

I will not be held to your petty attacks when answering questions and so your dash is done

and so it is yet fear not

for I forgive ye as we continue with research

Flat Earth Australia Globe Earth Flight Routes dest-ro-yed

check out 11:44 and realize whats up


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 18th, 2016 at 4:30am
OK, so you can’t defend your flat earth theory. Noted.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2016 at 12:15pm
we continue with sincere research in humility and grace

Flat Earth: MUST SEE!!! Connecting the dots, Space is water!

Published on May 28, 2016
Flat Earth: MUST SEE!!! Connecting the dots, Space is water!


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2016 at 1:12pm

30 mindboggling facts about the Ancient Anunnaki

According to numerous ancient texts and books written throughout the years, hundreds of thousands of years ago, before recorded history, planet Earth was visited by astronauts from an alien world. These beings came down to our planet bring knowledge and technology to primitive man.

According to The Oxford Companion to World Mythology, the Anunnaki: “…are the Sumerian deities of the old primordial line; they are chthonic deities of fertility, associated eventually with the underworld, where they became judges. They take their name from the old sky god An (Anu).”

In this article, we bring you 30 mind-boggling facts about the ancient Anunnaki:

One of the most popular translations for Anunnaki is (Sumerian) “those who came down from the heavens.”

“Adam” in Hebrew stands for “man.” “Adamu” is what the Sumerians refer to as “first man,” the Anunnaki slaves.

The Anunnaki come from a massive planet which is called Nibiru. This planet is located in the outermost reaches of our solar system.

Nibiru has a 3,600 year elliptical orbit. The Anunnaki came from Nibiru to mine Gold on Earth. Nibiru’s minerals and resources were depleting, specifically Gold.

All kinds of dreadful gravitational phenomena are connected with Nibiru and some even argue that Planet X or Nibiru poses a threat to Earth and that one day it will collide with our planet. Science explains that it might exist, but they just haven seen it yet. Mythologically speaking, Nibiru is real.

According to later Assyrian and Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods.

The Anunnaki appear in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish.

The Anunnaki are mentioned in The Epic of Gilgamesh when Utnapishtim tells the story of the flood.

There are four primary gods: Anu, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag.

Anu is believed to be the earliest attested Sky Father deity. In Sumerian religion, he was also “King of the Gods,” “Lord of the Constellations, Spirits, and Demons,” and “Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Interestingly, Anu existed in Sumerian cosmogony as a dome that covered the flat earth; Outside of this dome was the primordial body of water known as Nammu.

Flat Earth: MUST SEE!!! Connecting the dots, Space is water!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 18th, 2016 at 1:25pm
Oh god, no myth left unvisited.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 18th, 2016 at 1:29pm
many blessings

ontopic and correlated evidence amalgamating in this , the applicable and titled thread ..

many attack and are upset , even get angry at these revelations and so be it

30 mindboggling facts about the Ancient Anunnaki

According to numerous ancient texts and books written throughout the years, hundreds of thousands of years ago, before recorded history, planet Earth was visited by astronauts from an alien world. These beings came down to our planet bring knowledge and technology to primitive man.

According to The Oxford Companion to World Mythology, the Anunnaki: “…are the Sumerian deities of the old primordial line; they are chthonic deities of fertility, associated eventually with the underworld, where they became judges. They take their name from the old sky god An (Anu).”

In this article, we bring you 30 mind-boggling facts about the ancient Anunnaki:

One of the most popular translations for Anunnaki is (Sumerian) “those who came down from the heavens.”

“Adam” in Hebrew stands for “man.” “Adamu” is what the Sumerians refer to as “first man,” the Anunnaki slaves.

The Anunnaki come from a massive planet which is called Nibiru. This planet is located in the outermost reaches of our solar system.

Nibiru has a 3,600 year elliptical orbit. The Anunnaki came from Nibiru to mine Gold on Earth. Nibiru’s minerals and resources were depleting, specifically Gold.

All kinds of dreadful gravitational phenomena are connected with Nibiru and some even argue that Planet X or Nibiru poses a threat to Earth and that one day it will collide with our planet. Science explains that it might exist, but they just haven seen it yet. Mythologically speaking, Nibiru is real.

According to later Assyrian and Babylonian myth, the Anunnaki were the children of Anu and Ki, brother and sister gods.

The Anunnaki appear in the Babylonian creation myth, Enuma Elish.

The Anunnaki are mentioned in The Epic of Gilgamesh when Utnapishtim tells the story of the flood.

There are four primary gods: Anu, Enlil, Enki and Ninhursag.

Anu is believed to be the earliest attested Sky Father deity. In Sumerian religion, he was also “King of the Gods,” “Lord of the Constellations, Spirits, and Demons,” and “Supreme Ruler of the Kingdom of Heaven.”

Interestingly, Anu existed in Sumerian cosmogony as a dome that covered the flat earth; Outside of this dome was the primordial body of water known as Nammu.

Flat Earth: MUST SEE!!! Connecting the dots, Space is water!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 19th, 2016 at 10:28am

Is This the 2nd Biggest Conspiracy of All?

The recent rise of the Flat Earth Movement

and those pushing the flat earth theory has taken the webosphere and blogosphere by storm. It is, I would say, the 2nd biggest conspiracy of all. The interest has apparently been started and spearheaded by Matthew Boylan, former NASA contractor, and Eric Dubay, author of The Flat Earth Conspiracy. The idea of a flat earth has now attracted and converted some high-profile names, such as Andrew Basiago, the man who claims he teleported to Mars as part of Project Pegasus in the 1960s and 1970s. Basiago, by the way, revealed in this interview with Lisa Harrison that he intends to join the 2016 presidential race! Imagine the exposure a mass audience would receive if Basiago could start delving into topics such as teleportation, Mars colonies, extraterrestrials and the flat earth theory …

For the record, I am not saying I believe the Earth is flat, but I am open to the possibility. Clearly, more investigation needs to be done, and it would be wisest to admit we don’t know something rather than proceed as if we did – especially when the conspiracy cuts so deep and the deception has infiltrated every area of our lives. Socrates, the father of philosophy, showed that questions are more powerful than answers; indeed, his questions were so powerful that the leaders of Athens put him to death for them.

Let us never be afraid to ask questions – it is the only way we can learn and be truly sure of things.

Whatever the answer turns out to be, the idea that the Earth on which we all live could indeed be flat has ignited intense curiosity and healthy debate – and has already shaken people out of their apathy and generated critical thinking. This in itself is a victory for freedom, because once enough people start to question their reality in every way, the conspiracy will collapse, being only held up by deception and subterfuge.

It Sounds Crazy, but Open Your Mind …

Virtually everyone who first comes to the subject of flat earth (myself included) is thinking: “Flat earth? Are you serious? You must be kidding. That’s crazy! Don’t waste my time. That Makia Freeman guy has really gone off the deep end this time …” I know, I know. That’s how I first reacted to this topic. Let’s face it: we’re all conditioned to believe the world is arranged in a certain way. Right from the moment we go to school around age 5, we are shown miniature globes of the world and told the Earth is a ball. Our society makes fun of people we perceive to be crazy or behind the times by deriding them as “people who still think the world is flat.”

But how do you know the Earth is a globe? Only because you were told so by your teacher, who was told by someone else, who was told by someone else, who was told by someone else, who was told by some “authority” or “expert”. We already know the tendency humanity has for worshipping those outside of itself, for unquestioning obedience to authority, especially other people in uniform, white coats or black robes. Somewhere along the way as a child, you were probably shown some books with photographs, but as has been well exposed, space photos and videos are easily faked, as Freemason- and Nazi-controlled NASA knows very well. Those at the very top of the pyramid, who control the media, publishing houses and the education curriculum, do have the means to pull of such a grand deception.

Is Flat Earth the Mother of All Conspiracies?

Whether we live on a flat earth or globe earth is not some passing fad of little importance. If we have been deceived into thinking the earth is a globe when it is really flat, it conclusively proves just how easily we can be hoodwinked into believing lies and absurdities on a colossal scale. If we have been massively fooled about the very planet on which we live, we could have been fooled on any other topic in existence.

Is the debate over the flat earth the biggest conspiracy or the “Mother of all Conspiracies”? Not quite, in my opinion. It’s huge: I’d call it the 2nd biggest conspiracy. The biggest conspiracy though is forgetting Who We Are – infinitely creative, spiritual beings having a brief human journey – and allowing other entities to siphon off our life energy. This includes the issue of what happens when we die (i.e. whether we are forcibly recycled at the point of death through a soul net). Flat earth is a close second, but ultimately, the two issues are connected; authors such as James of the WingMakers have joined the two in their work (e.g. by describing our world as the Hologram of Deception and describing the phenomenon of forced reincarnation). The notion that we are entrapped in some kind of holographic quarantine is highly disturbing, yet deserves our full attention.

What is the Flat Earth Model?

The flat earth model contends that the Earth exists on a giant, flat plane, with the Arctic or North Pole at the center, and a giant wall of ice (the Antarctic) surrounding the entire disc and forming the circumference. The implication of this is that we live in a giant dome, and that “space” as we know it does not exist, and that all the planets and stars we see at night are like projections on the ceiling of a planetarium.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 19th, 2016 at 11:46am
To account for the movement of the stars using this wrong model will require, as it did in the past, increasing complexity of epicycles on top of cycles then epicycles on top of epicycles.

It is a load of dreck.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 19th, 2016 at 11:55am
we continue with research

many are interested in this subject and rightly so ,

and so be it

NEW Antarctica Travel Ban ENFORCED to Hide Flat Earth's Dome Firmament!! | FE Proof 5.1

Just this past summer...many world leaders and governments have had a renewed interest in antarctica after the flat earth dome firmament subject has went viral. Just this past november...john kerry has visted antarctica on election day out of all times to take a vacation. In this episode...we will discuss the new antarctic treaty that was signed in order to increase security around antarctica. Make sure to check the link above called the edge in order to find out much more information about antarcticas flat earth dome firmament. Thank you for tuning in!! ENJOY!!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 19th, 2016 at 8:02pm

The World first Flat Earth Engineer: Unseen Discovery

what an intelligent young man

a physics engineer questions globe earth with logic

if any can factually disrepute this logic I will leave this thread


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 21st, 2016 at 9:49am

Flat Earth FAQ & Debunking the Debunkers

Started streaming 4 hours ago
The Globebusters continue to explore the world we all live in and attempt to uncover the truth. Join us!

LIVE SUNDAYS: 12 PM - 3:00 PM PST (8:00 PM - 11:00 PM GMT)

Join Bob, Jon, and Jeran for a fun few hours of conversation and discussion as we explore this plane we call Earth.

Find us elsewhere too...






Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 23rd, 2016 at 10:24am

Vedic vs. Tropical Astrology Explained by Santos Bonacci

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 23rd, 2016 at 10:27am

Dave Moor-Flat Earth: The Biggest Lie of All-Najveca laz od svih-Ravna Zemlja

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 24th, 2016 at 6:54pm
Found the edge yet, Light?   

Why isn't this a common occurrence?

::) ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Nov 25th, 2016 at 1:53am

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Sometimes the Earth can be that flat, it simply disappears ...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Setanta on Nov 25th, 2016 at 4:03am
This Topic was moved here from Chat by Setanta.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Setanta on Nov 25th, 2016 at 11:13pm
This Topic was moved here from Extremism Exposed by Setanta.
Sorry for the bounce around but I think it's finally found a home.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 1st, 2016 at 3:58am

Santos Bonacci on Flat Earth, Admiral Byrd, Captain George Hubert Wilkins and Syncretism

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Emma on Dec 3rd, 2016 at 2:10am

Crikey!!  I try to post on this and my machine goes sideways.!!!

Just wondering folks...

What if it is neither. ?  :o
I mean really,  there is more to the void than flat or round. What if neither applies.?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 5th, 2016 at 10:10am

Santos Bonacci Interview on CCN with Eilish De Avalon

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Emma on Dec 7th, 2016 at 3:48am
2 hrs of that? 
Light? you've got to be kidding.... ;D ;D ;D

Neither flat nor round...  ? Hmm?

Ridiculous... and  .. does it really matter?  ::)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 10th, 2016 at 10:30pm

Flat Earth, What David Icke Really Said In His Only Video On The Subject

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 11th, 2016 at 7:26pm

The Theft, Scams and Hoaxes of the Shady Bunch

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 13th, 2017 at 11:07am

Ball's Out Physics Episode 1.2: Flying Over the North Pole

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Mar 16th, 2017 at 12:16am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Mar 18th, 2017 at 12:15am
So every other planet and all the stars in the galaxy is a sphere but the Earth is flat? That's unusual.

To use some poetic license, you say the Earth is flat but Raven has seen the shadow of the Earth on the moon and Raven has more faith in a shadow then your flat earth claim.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Mar 18th, 2017 at 4:22am
Hi Raven, since you didn't quote any of Mr Futon's (AKA Light's) posts, I can only assume that your post was in reference to the pic I posted.

With the use of this particular pic I'm not claiming anything about a Flat Earth. I'm merely claiming that The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe! If it helps try and form the picture of this in your head, and the irony of the statement may just come to you.  ;)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Mar 18th, 2017 at 12:30pm

0ktema wrote on Mar 18th, 2017 at 4:22am:
Hi Raven, since you didn't quote any of Mr Futon's (AKA Light's) posts, I can only assume that your post was in reference to the pic I posted.

With the use of this particular pic I'm not claiming anything about a Flat Earth. I'm merely claiming that The Flat Earth Society has members all around the globe! If it helps try and form the picture of this in your head, and the irony of the statement may just come to you.  ;)

You assume incorrectly. Raven wasn't referring to your post at all.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by 0ktema on Mar 18th, 2017 at 6:18pm
I may have assumed incorrectly, but that was easy when you decided to post with little measure of referential clarity.   ;)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 20th, 2017 at 10:01am

Basketball legend Shaquille O'Neal says the Earth is FLAT in bizarre rant dismissing 'all that gravity stuff'

The Hall of Famer made the claim during an episode of his podcast last month
'So, listen, I drive from coast to coast, and this s*** is flat to me,' the big man said
Shaq doubled down by saying satellite imagery could be 'drawn and made up'
The claim was in defense of Kyrie Irving - who said the same thing last month

By Reporter
PUBLISHED: 03:31 +11:00, 20 March 2017 | UPDATED: 04:15 +11:00, 20 March 2017

Shaquille O'Neal thinks the Earth is flat.
The iconic basketballer, who has flown around the world multiple times, made the incredible and incorrect claim on an episode of 'The Big Podcast with Shaq.'
The Hall of Famer was discussing the theory last month after Cleveland Cavaliers guard Kyrie Irving made a similar claim during an interview prior to the NBA's All-Star Weekend.
Shaq charged to the defense of Irving, saying: 'It’s true. The Earth is flat. The Earth is flat.'

Legendary basketballer Shaquille O'Neal (pictured in February) has claimed the Earth is flat
He then referenced inaccuracies taught about Christopher Columbus in schools in an attempt to strengthen his flat-Earth theory.
'Listen, there are three ways to manipulate the mind - what you read, what you see and what you hear,' Shaq said.
'In school, first thing they teach us is, "Oh, Columbus discovered America"... Columbus didn’t discover America.
'So, listen, I drive from coast to coast, and this s*** is flat to me.

Read more:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 27th, 2017 at 3:15pm
I love Shaq, but he's as dumb as so many of the posters on here. 

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by JaSin on Jun 28th, 2017 at 9:20pm
I've been saying the Earth looks 'flat' to me for years.
Go the Shaq!

When Columbus challenged the Religious powers that be, he was standing on a 'flat' map of the known world, amongst them.
As he pointed to the map of the known world and said "It's not flat" - you can imagine their astonishment  :-?

To me the Earth is flat.

A Scientist may tell you that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe and he is 'right'.
A Spiritualist will tell you that the Earth is the centre of 'OUR' Universe and he is 'also right'.

Why does there have to be only 'one' right answer?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 28th, 2017 at 9:37pm

Jasin wrote on Jun 28th, 2017 at 9:20pm:
I've been saying the Earth looks 'flat' to me for years.
Go the Shaq!

When Columbus challenged the Religious powers that be, he was standing on a 'flat' map of the known world, amongst them.
As he pointed to the map of the known world and said "It's not flat" - you can imagine their astonishment  :-?

To me the Earth is flat.

A Scientist may tell you that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe and he is 'right'.
A Spiritualist will tell you that the Earth is the centre of 'OUR' Universe and he is 'also right'.

Why does there have to be only 'one' right answer?

Because the planet is a sphere, end of story. 

These people aren't claiming that from their perspective it looks flat because of the scale of the planet, they're saying it IS flat and is not a sphere.

They are wrong.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by JaSin on Jun 28th, 2017 at 9:55pm
There are some who just go round and round

and there are other who follow 'The Straight Way'.
A lot of civilisations and cultures have their own versions of it as well.


The Straight Road (also known as Straight Way, Straight Path, Lost Road, or the Last Road) was an invisible bridge that curved from the earth leading to the realm of the Gods.

It was a route that leaves the earth's curvature through sky and space to the ethereal land of Aman. The route could be compared to going on a spaceship or crossing into a parallel universe.

The Straight Road, so called because it followed the old path across Belegaer from before the Akallabêth when the Flat World to the World Made Round, was only kept open to Elves, who were allowed to sail to it on their ships by a special grace of the Valar.

A ship departing on the Straight Road, when observed from the shore, would slowly become smaller to sight until it disappeared in a point, and not drop behind the horizon.

It is noted in earlier writings by Tolkien that some mortals besides those carried on Elven ships like the Fellowship of the Ring and Bilbo Baggins can also find this route in a Bermuda Triangle-like instance (like Ælfwine or Eriol from The Book of Lost Tales).

According to unfinished notes for The Lost Road (and somewhat related to later in The Notion Club Papers), Tolkien saw the location of the Straight Road as possibly somewhere near the Azores in modern times.

The first location reached from the hidden path was Tol Eressëa (to some known as Avallon or Avalon).

As noted at the end of the Akallabêth it mentions of tales and rumours concerning mariners and men lost upon the sea whom, by some fate or grace or favour of the Valar, had entered upon the path until they reached Avallonë. Tolkien main travelers to reach the island included first possibly Tuor, then Earendil, later Ælfwine, the body of King Arthur, and even hinted at Lancelot making the journey as well.[1] The Notion Club Papers even hints at others who maybe made the journey either physically or by dreams to become known as "Elf-friend" ("Ælfwine") down through the ages. Eriol is notable as he is said to be the only one to have returned from traveling to Tol Eressëa

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 29th, 2017 at 7:39am

Jasin wrote on Jun 28th, 2017 at 9:55pm:
There are some who just go round and round

and there are other who follow 'The Straight Way'.
A lot of civilisations and cultures have their own versions of it as well.

And you could argue, philosophically in those contexts that the earth is flat for the sake of simplicity, but in the natural world, the physical one, it is just preposterous for anyone in this day and age to suggest such things especially when like Shaq, they have no evidence to support it.

The idea that because it looked flat to him from a certain height, therefore the entire planet is a disk not a sphere is just like saying "Look in the sky, a UFO, an "unidentified" flying object, therefore it must be aliens!" forgetting that in the name it's clearly stated that it's "unidentified".  That means you don't know what it is, not that it's aliens.

It's the same thing here.  There is a glaring lack of evidence to prove the earth is flat, but because from the vantage point of the flat earther it "looks" flat, this doesn't mean "therefore it is flat".

Argument out of ignorance is a massive problem these days only fuelled by those too stupid to see they're doing it congregating on the Internet with other link minded people mistaking them into thinking they are correct in their assumptions.  The burden of proof has been largely lost on the masses thanks to the Internet.

There are vast areas of science and understanding that they are simply devoid of and they make giant logic leaps to reach the conclusions they want.

Flat Earth, Vaccines, Contrails, UFO's, Moon landings etc conspiracy theories, all of them and many more are just the products of people who yearn for self importance, the idea that they've gleamed some hidden truth and out of their lack of understanding and knowledge gaps they manufacture these webs of factually inaccurate yet self fulfilling explanations to support their "hidden truth" and cling to them with all their might. 

No amount of reasonable debate can counter them because they don't care about the facts unless they support their point of view or cast doubt the real answers (which as part of the scientific process can happen as things are refined and better understood and explained).

There are some far more guilty of this way of "thinking" than others on here.  They'll try every trick in the book to avoid admitting they may have been mistaken or caught in a deliberate lie to push their point of view.

It follows the same path, ignore those who question you, deflect away from their questions, attack them, when they retaliate or defend themselves claim to be the innocent victim of their attack and finally post and repost as much as possible when you can't hide from their questions any longer to bury the posts (this is more of an online thing).

None of these things help their argument and only weaken it as the end result is the same, they've been unable to provide the facts and evidence require to prosecute their case.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by JaSin on Jun 29th, 2017 at 7:51pm
You're obviously an absolutist Sad Kangaroo.
Nothing wrong with that.
But your need for 'only one right answer' is your flaw.

The Flat Earth or Straight Way belief is much akin to the Judaistic approach of 'Exiling' itself from the natural world as it is (The 'Fall' from the Garden).
Christianity is 'in' the Garden as is.
Mohommedism is the 'Rise' back into the Garden from exile.

So when I say the Earth is Flat - it is for a very good reason and governs how one lives one's life.
To me, the Earth will always be Flat and Straight.
Even in Buddhism - the 'Round' Earth is much like the endless Circle of Addiction and Reincarnation.
But for me - I don't believe in the continual 'return' of existence.
It's hard to explain and I wish I could clarify it more or better for you.
But only a few months ago, my Indonesian co-worker was perplexed that I believed that the Earth was Flat.

Sure, I understand that to many (like Scientists) - the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe, but to me and many - the Earth IS the centre of OUR universe.

I believe, like you that the Earth is truly 'round' (sphere, etc) - but I also believe that it truly 'Flat' as well.
...and this is why.
Accept both and you will truly understand what it means to know that there can be more than just 'one' right answer and that everything doesn't have to be black OR white.

16142454_1429259517107317_5148998954227682275_n_001.jpg (31 KB | 84 )

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 3rd, 2017 at 2:31am

Welcome The Southern Stars To The Flat Earth

Published on Jul 2, 2017
This is a brand new find so it needs a lot more research and eyes but finally a demonstrable way of showing and easily explaining the southern stars on the flat earth. Get yourself a dome magnifier and a laser pointer and you'll see... there is a bunch to discover here. Thanks for watching

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Jul 8th, 2017 at 3:58am
Raven does not understand the flat earth movement.

All the planets and stars are round but Earth is flat?

To paraphrase: Raven has seen the shadow of the Earth on the moon. And he trusts a shadow more than the flat earth society.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 8th, 2017 at 11:46am

Raven wrote on Jul 8th, 2017 at 3:58am:
Raven does not understand the flat earth movement.

All the planets and stars are round but Earth is flat?

To paraphrase: Raven has seen the shadow of the Earth on the moon. And he trusts a shadow more than the flat earth society.

all the balls on the pooltable are spheres

and yet the pooltable is flat

and just to reiterate , observing the math

the globe earth theory , and it is a theory

does not stack nor does it add up

food to ponder with thought


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 8th, 2017 at 1:06pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jul 8th, 2017 at 11:46am:

Raven wrote on Jul 8th, 2017 at 3:58am:
Raven does not understand the flat earth movement.

All the planets and stars are round but Earth is flat?

To paraphrase: Raven has seen the shadow of the Earth on the moon. And he trusts a shadow more than the flat earth society.

all the balls on the pooltable are spheres

and yet the pooltable is flat

and just to reiterate , observing the math

the globe earth theory , and it is a theory

does not stack nor does it add up

food to ponder with thought


Light, you've shown no math though.  You just claim it's wrong.  That's not how it works.  And the shape of the earth is not a theory, it's provable fact.  You're just being silly and trying to sound smarter, a lot smarter, than you actually are.

You're applying a 2 dimensional analogy to 3 dimensional space.  You may consider it food for thought, but it only highlights the enormous lack of understanding you have on the subject.  Or the boundless lengths you'll go to in order to be the most annoying troll on these boards.

But if you want to disprove gravity, if you want to disprove the motion of the satellites around the earth, planets in the solar system and the very stars themselves in the sky, then by all means, please post the math you've used if you're so certain the current models don't add up.

If you think you can one up the well established laws of physics then please, go ahead.  But for once don't you think it's worth looking inward?  You're claiming hundreds of years of mathematical and physical understanding is wrong and you're opinion is correct?  You don't see an incredible audacity to such a claim?

Perhaps you should be trying to prove your own claims rather than disproving others that you don't even understand?  Are you even aware of what you don't understand?

That is your biggest weakness.  You're willfully ignorant to how ignorant you actually are.  I have no compassion for that special kind of stupid.

JaSin, I've been wondering about the best way to respond to your post and picture above. The idea of 2d analogies on the mind thanks to Nutbar McGee here, it made me think that yes, on those individual axis the shadows cast show a certain shape, but it's nothing more than only a simple part of the puzzle. 

You may take each shadow as being "true" but if you only look at one shadow you will never know the truth.  This I believe is the point of the picture. 

For anyone, like Light, who refuses to look at both shadows (in this analogy) I have no hesitation in calling them out without any remorse.  I don't have to respect their point of view or their stupidity, especially if they make outrageous claims based on their flawed and limited understanding AFTER showing they don't even acknowledge all of the facts on the table.

It seems to be the MO of the conspiracy nut.

It's not that I'm an "absolutist", it's more than I take all the information available rather than cherry picking results out of context and ignoring all other contributing and relevant information when reaching a conclusion.

I've seen the curvature of the earth with my own eyes.  The last time was on a flight to Sydney from the Gold Coast.  I waited for the flight tracker to show the altitude and the moment we were above 35,000 ft I was lucky enough to be on the window and there was not a cloud in the sky.  You can see it very easily with your own eyes.

I'll even try and get a photo next time, that is, if the chemtrails aren't blocking my view /facepalm!

If you take both shadows then yes, they are "true" but together they tell the story about the origin of the shape.  Your picture may explain why some people think they're onto the truth but it really only proves how and why they're wrong.

We've seen the shadow the Earth casts on the Moon, BUT, with the explanation of how we have the seasons and the rotation of the Sun in the sky as told by a flat earther, it is impossible under those circumstances for the sun to cause the earth to cast a shadow on the mood.

So we either can't have the seasons, or the earth's shadow cannot ever be cast on the moon, but both of these are a reality.  The problem is if you take both sets of information they contradict one another.  It's similar but different to your two shadow, true and truth idea.

It may be true that each of those shadows exist, but when the observers reaches a conclusion from a single shadow that is not supported by the sum of all the available evidence they are simply wrong, no matter how "true" the shadow is, they're still wrong.

Perspective, philosophy, thought experiments, these are all great, but when they're wrong, such as flat earthers, they're still wrong.

The fact that people will openly admit to believing in Noah's Ark but question the moon landings or claim the earth is flat just makes me a sad kangaroo, especially in 2017 for flaps sake...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 9th, 2017 at 11:27am

You're applying a 2 dimensional analogy to 3 dimensional space.

you limit yourself to a 3rd dimensional existence and paradigm

yet you exist on many more levels than 3 dimensions and there is your truth you continue to deny

yes many abuse people bringing new evidence and fact

einstien was constantly attacked as well by certain people ..

see if you can name any of them ..

we continue whilst you ponder

They Fake Our Reality Because We Let Reality Be Faked

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by JaSin on Jul 9th, 2017 at 10:23pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jul 16th, 2017 at 4:18pm

Flat Earth Bathurst Lighthouse Obscurity - Questions for Wolfie6020

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jul 18th, 2017 at 8:33am

Testing Flattards - Part 1

Part one in a series taking a wry look at the idiotic belief that the Earth is flat, and how that stacks up against reality. This part takes a look at some fundamental geometric problems with flattards' favourite "map", an Azimuthal Equidistant Projection.

I dare say this will be ignored by certain people on here but in the off chance they're not hypocritically closed minded they may learn something.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 23rd, 2017 at 1:10pm

Hey NASA! Why Isn't There A Camera On The Moon Filming Earth?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Aug 23rd, 2017 at 10:01pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 23rd, 2017 at 1:10pm:

Hey NASA! Why Isn't There A Camera On The Moon Filming Earth?

I assume you're intimating that it's because the earth is flat and NASA are part of the conspiracy to hide it?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 25th, 2017 at 9:26am

SadKangaroo wrote on Aug 23rd, 2017 at 10:01pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Aug 23rd, 2017 at 1:10pm:

Hey NASA! Why Isn't There A Camera On The Moon Filming Earth?

I assume you're intimating that it's because the earth is flat and NASA are part of the conspiracy to hide it?

NASA - More proof of their lies and deceit. How deep is this rabbit hole?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 26th, 2017 at 8:55pm


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Aug 29th, 2017 at 8:10am

Stationary - Horizontal - Terrestrial - Plane - Earth truth on the TruthSeekah

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 23rd, 2017 at 9:16am

Video Proof NASA Use Projection Screening Globe Earth. FLAT EARTH

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by JaSinner on Oct 23rd, 2017 at 11:03am

To me the FLAT EARTH has TWO interpretations.
There are those that believe that the 'planetoid' is physically 'flat' and when Columbus was trying to convince his 'investors' that it wasn't, before he set sail ...he was afterall, standing on a giant 'flat' map of the world. :P

Then there are those like myself, who - kinda follow the 'Straight Way' as Tolkien imaginatively described it in his Novels. The 'Straight or Flat' existence is a 'Way of Life' and belief that adheres to the concept of ...lets just say, for argument's sake 'Western/Politics' being able to see 'forever' by having an expression around the world from USA, to Australia, to UK and thus can see around the world in all directions (you can quote a Biblical chapter on this as well).
So in essence, I can see beyond the curvature of the horizon and see also from the UK & USA ...politically.

It goes along with the saying:
A Scientist will say that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe and he/she is RIGHT.
A Spiritualist will say that the Earth is the centre of OUR Universe and he/she is 'also' RIGHT.

So for those who 'physically' think that the Earth is Flat, well - sorry dudes, but the Scientists are definitely right.
But for those who see the 'Straight (Flat) Way' of the World as an understanding and Enlightenment, then the Scientists will find their lack of common sense on this level found wanting in their endeavours.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 17th, 2017 at 6:02am

Stunning time lapse video of Earth from Space - Incredible detail - Japan , Australia

CGI Earth

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 22nd, 2017 at 8:53pm

'Scientist', 61, prepares to prove the Earth is FLAT by launching himself 1,800ft above the Mojave desert in his homemade rocket built from scraps

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 28th, 2018 at 8:45am

Emergency Air Plane Stop Proves Flat Earth

explain the anomaly .

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jan 29th, 2018 at 8:41am

it_is_the_light wrote on Jan 28th, 2018 at 8:45am:

Emergency Air Plane Stop Proves Flat Earth

explain the anomaly .

The "anomaly" is that you don't understand basic geography and you've hilariously used your ignorance to support, your ignorance (surprise?)

Plot the path out on a globe and you'll see it explains everything.  The logic in this video is flawed and the conclusion is just flat out wrong.

I know as a flat earther you don't accept the curvature of the earth, but the moment you factor it in (since you know, it exists) and use the corret maps you can see that on the flight path it is much closer to divert to Alaska than it is to fly the rest of the way to LA.

As usual, you read a headline, you fail to fact check and you'll inevitably ignore anyone who proves you wrong.

Also, given this story is almost 3 years old, it's been thoroughly debunked a million times over.  How you didn't discover that already only proves you don't bother to fact check claims or sources when it's conclusions you support.

You've proven once again, no matter your claims about seeking the truth, all you care able is stories and fairtails that confirm your baseless opinions.  You don't care about the truth, not one bit.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Jan 31st, 2018 at 10:01pm
Right now in Perth, Raven is watching undeniable proof the Earth is round as the planet's shadow passes in front of the moon.

To paraphrase Raven trusts a shadow more than Youtube nutjobs.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 11th, 2018 at 4:21pm

Raven wrote on Jan 31st, 2018 at 10:01pm:
Right now in Perth, Raven is watching undeniable proof the Earth is round as the planet's shadow passes in front of the moon.

To paraphrase Raven trusts a shadow more than Youtube nutjobs.

1. and what about the LIGHT that creates that shadow ?

or can you only see the shadow ?

2. does raven REALLY think we are rotating at 1000 kms + per hour ?

im interested we continue


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Feb 21st, 2018 at 8:40am
If the earth was flat could a flat earther explain ?
Different locations on Earth experience seasons at different times.
Sunsets and sunrises happen at different times depending on your longitude.
I actually work with a flat earther, true story, he has a uni degree too.
It just goes to show you there is nothing common about common sense.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 25th, 2018 at 11:05am

More really bizarre sky phenomenon - wow - impossible!

:D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Feb 26th, 2018 at 5:09pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 25th, 2018 at 11:05am:

More really bizarre sky phenomenon - wow - impossible!

:D :D :D :D :D

My god how smacking stupid are you...  Just because you or this video poster doesn't understand cloud formations does not equate to "conspiracy".

I have no words...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by issuevoter on Feb 26th, 2018 at 5:23pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 26th, 2018 at 5:09pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 25th, 2018 at 11:05am:

More really bizarre sky phenomenon - wow - impossible!

:D :D :D :D :D

My god how smacking stupid are you...  Just because you or this video poster doesn't understand cloud formations does not equate to "conspiracy".

I have no words...

Oh yeah, wise guy? Then where do you think all those Bermuda Triangle ships are disappearing to, if not off the edge of the world? Ya think they are being abducted by aliens or something?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Feb 27th, 2018 at 6:24am

issuevoter wrote on Feb 26th, 2018 at 5:23pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 26th, 2018 at 5:09pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 25th, 2018 at 11:05am:

More really bizarre sky phenomenon - wow - impossible!

:D :D :D :D :D

My god how smacking stupid are you...  Just because you or this video poster doesn't understand cloud formations does not equate to "conspiracy".

I have no words...

Oh yeah, wise guy? Then where do you think all those Bermuda Triangle ships are disappearing to, if not off the edge of the world? Ya think they are being abducted by aliens or something?

How the bugger should I know?

People need to stop turning to conspiracy when they're faced with their own ignorance.

I get it that we as humans are wired to seek understanding and answers, but don't be stupid about.

Unproven and fantastic conspiracy such a holographic projections to explain the earth being flat citing a lack of understanding of other natural phenomena pretty much sums up what is wrong with so many people today.

Facts, evidence, reality, they're all optional for people like this. It's madness.

And for those willfully ignorant to the truth, like light, I have zero respect for.

They just spread fake news (if you will) to give their lives meaning. It's a terrible existence.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Feb 27th, 2018 at 8:34am

issuevoter wrote on Feb 26th, 2018 at 5:23pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 26th, 2018 at 5:09pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 25th, 2018 at 11:05am:

More really bizarre sky phenomenon - wow - impossible!

:D :D :D :D :D

My god how smacking stupid are you...  Just because you or this video poster doesn't understand cloud formations does not equate to "conspiracy".

I have no words...

Oh yeah, wise guy? Then where do you think all those Bermuda Triangle ships are disappearing to, if not off the edge of the world? Ya think they are being abducted by aliens or something?

Bottom of the ocean

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 27th, 2018 at 5:38pm
oh dear , some posters are getting really upset ,

this is the fringe section and if you cannot handle it here then get out of the washing machine ..

and so we take a break from their non sense and look at facts .. hHMMmmMMM?


debate these facts or continue to cry , sniff boo hoo

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Feb 28th, 2018 at 2:22pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2018 at 5:38pm:
oh dear , some posters are getting really upset ,

this is the fringe section and if you cannot handle it here then get out of the washing machine ..

and so we take a break from their non sense and look at facts .. hHMMmmMMM?


debate these facts or continue to cry , sniff boo hoo


How about you prove them first.

I'm sick of watching the utter rubbish you post, confronting you with facts and evidence to explain where and how it's wrong, you post a crying meme then more crap that is just bullshit.

What is the point.  You've not once brought anything factual to the table.  All you do is rely on people like me who would give you the time of day, but not enough to debunk everything bit of spam your post as not being able to debunk it, therefore you're right?

Come on mate, make an effort and prove your own claims for once.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Feb 28th, 2018 at 2:25pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 27th, 2018 at 5:38pm:
oh dear , some posters are getting really upset ,

this is the fringe section and if you cannot handle it here then get out of the washing machine ..

and so we take a break from their non sense and look at facts .. hHMMmmMMM?


debate these facts or continue to cry , sniff boo hoo

But since I'm a nice guy, your first point is already debunked,

Feel free to attempt to prove the other 28 and we can talk some more.

Or run and hide behind more spam, the choice is yours.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2018 at 7:52pm
File:Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.jpg

looks pretty flat to me ..

lets look at number 2 on this video ..


28 to go !!


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Secret Wars on Feb 28th, 2018 at 7:54pm
It is the light is a flat earther?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Secret Wars on Feb 28th, 2018 at 7:56pm
After a quick squizz the answer seems to be yes.  :)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2018 at 8:54pm
still stinging from our last encounter ,

yes it is quite evident , and yet

we are in the fringe section asking questions .

many people are upset and abusing as usual , and ridiculing yet we are asking questions , and so

explain the anomalies in this video if you have the care

yet either way be at peace

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bobby on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:05pm
dear master Light,
ye hath strayed from the truth which science broughteth unto thee.

Notice that the Moon is round?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:10pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:05pm:
dear master Light,
ye hath strayed from the truth which science broughteth unto thee.

Notice that the Moon is round?

the heavens are a mystery

it is ok to observe your reality and ask questions .. its called science .

look at the video ..we are up to number 2 of 29 .

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Aussie on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:13pm parse the same...grammar the same......crap is the same.......the crap video sources are the same.......are you 'it is the light?'

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bobby on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:16pm

Aussie wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:13pm: parse the same...grammar the same......crap is the same.......are you 'it is the light?'

dear Aussie,
I am not master Light,

there be only one master Light.

forgiven for fantasies

namaste    रति

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Aussie on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:19pm

Bobby. wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:16pm:

Aussie wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:13pm: parse the same...grammar the same......crap is the dame.......are your 'it is the light?'

dear Aussie,
I am not master Light,

there be only one master Light.

forgiven for fantasies

namaste    रति

I don't believe you.....and I don't care.  You and he are one and the same.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:21pm

Aussie wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:19pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:16pm:

Aussie wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:13pm: parse the same...grammar the same......crap is the dame.......are your 'it is the light?'

dear Aussie,
I am not master Light,

there be only one master Light.

forgiven for fantasies

namaste    रति

I don't believe you.....and I don't care.  You and he are one and the same.

and so this is how bored ' aussie ' has become ,

how sad ...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bobby on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:22pm

Aussie wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:19pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:16pm:

Aussie wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:13pm: parse the same...grammar the same......crap is the dame.......are your 'it is the light?'

dear Aussie,
I am not master Light,

there be only one master Light.

forgiven for fantasies

namaste    रति

I don't believe you.....and I don't care.  You and he are one and the same.

I hath spake unto master Light to
give him guidance which is contrary to his beliefs of a flat earth.

How could I be contradicting myself?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bobby on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:36pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:21pm:

Aussie wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:19pm:

Bobby. wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:16pm:

Aussie wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 9:13pm: parse the same...grammar the same......crap is the dame.......are your 'it is the light?'

dear Aussie,
I am not master Light,

there be only one master Light.

forgiven for fantasies

namaste    रति

I don't believe you.....and I don't care.  You and he are one and the same.

and so this is how bored ' aussie ' has become ,

how sad ...

dear master Light,
maybe Aussie should watch this video & listen carefully to the song?

The Church - Under The Milky Way Sometimes when this place gets kind of empty, Sound of their breath fades with the light. I think about the loveless fascination, Under the milky way tonight. Lower the curtain down in memphis, Lower the curtain down all right. I got no time for private consultation, Under the milky way tonight. Wish I knew what you were looking for. Might have known what you would find. Wish I knew what you were looking for. Might have known what you would find. And its something quite peculiar, Something thats shimmering and white. Leads you here despite your destination, Under the milky way tonight Wish I knew what you were looking for. Might have known what you would find. Wish I knew what you were looking for. Might have known what you would find.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 1st, 2018 at 6:34am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 7:52pm:
File:Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.jpg

looks pretty flat to me ..

lets look at number 2 on this video ..

Hold up.

First of all you go on about,

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 8:54pm:
we are in the fringe section asking questions .

many people are upset and abusing as usual , and ridiculing yet we are asking questions , and so

explain the anomalies in this video if you have the care

You aren't asking question, you're making claims, misleading claims, and on top of that you've not once attempted to outline your points let alone explain YOUR claims.  That is not "questioning".  And I have been noting but respectful in this exchange.

What you doing is saying "here is my truth, if you don't like it you're attacking and abusing me".  Just because you're gullible enough to hold a different "truth" than reality doesn't make you right, especially when you cannot demonstrate it to be true. 

What you have done is post two deliberately misleading photos that by their design (height and view angle) will not show the curvature and then you purposely make no attempt to explain why those that do obviously demonstrate the curvature are wrong or invalid.  You then just keep spamming the video like the topic has been resolved then preempt any further explanation of why you're wrong by pretending to be the victim. 

But I'll play along, let's say we let your "evidence" speak for itself, let's look at that.

You've posted two photos, one from way up high so of course it will not show any curvature and the other from the height of the roadway, letting the horizon effect hide any curvature.

Here's a little experiment you can do at home (unless your life is so devoid of fun you don't have any balloons).  Blow up a balloon, then hold it at eye level about 5-10 cm from your face (depending on how good your short distance vision is).  Can you see anything past the horizon of the balloon?  No.  You've at such a close distance you've lost the bulk of the curvature of the object and without anything higher that the horizon, like a bridge or power poles, it looks flat.

What you'll need to do if you want to debunk the photos I posted that clearly show the curvature is post some unaltered photos of the causeway similar to what I did with the power lines at sea level.  What you'll notice is the following,

But instead, what you did was this,

The first point in your video has been debunked.  The claim was you can't see the curvature of water on a large lake, but you can, and there is plenty of proof to show that, but you can also get a high powered set of binoculars and go and observe it for yourself on any large body of water.  If you're in a bay even better because you'll likely have big container ships that dip below the horizon to help demonstrate this for your very own eyes.

So as you say we're doing, I am now asking questions, mainly being, I am asking you to outline the other claims made in the video, all 28 of them, and I offer you the chance to prove those to us since they are after all your own claims you've made here.

I ask this in good faith after taking the time to watch the video and address the first point made, which was a very spectacular failure and proven to be false. 

Now it's your turn.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 1st, 2018 at 9:35pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 1st, 2018 at 6:34am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 7:52pm:
File:Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.jpg

looks pretty flat to me ..

lets look at number 2 on this video ..

Hold up.

First of all you go on about,

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 8:54pm:
we are in the fringe section asking questions .

many people are upset and abusing as usual , and ridiculing yet we are asking questions , and so

explain the anomalies in this video if you have the care

You aren't asking question, you're making claims, misleading claims, and on top of that you've not once attempted to outline your points let alone explain YOUR claims.  That is not "questioning".  And I have been noting but respectful in this exchange.

What you doing is saying "here is my truth, if you don't like it you're attacking and abusing me".  Just because you're gullible enough to hold a different "truth" than reality doesn't make you right, especially when you cannot demonstrate it to be true. 

What you have done is post two deliberately misleading photos that by their design (height and view angle) will not show the curvature and then you purposely make no attempt to explain why those that do obviously demonstrate the curvature are wrong or invalid.  You then just keep spamming the video like the topic has been resolved then preempt any further explanation of why you're wrong by pretending to be the victim. 

But I'll play along, let's say we let your "evidence" speak for itself, let's look at that.

You've posted two photos, one from way up high so of course it will not show any curvature and the other from the height of the roadway, letting the horizon effect hide any curvature.

Here's a little experiment you can do at home (unless your life is so devoid of fun you don't have any balloons).  Blow up a balloon, then hold it at eye level about 5-10 cm from your face (depending on how good your short distance vision is).  Can you see anything past the horizon of the balloon?  No.  You've at such a close distance you've lost the bulk of the curvature of the object and without anything higher that the horizon, like a bridge or power poles, it looks flat.

What you'll need to do if you want to debunk the photos I posted that clearly show the curvature is post some unaltered photos of the causeway similar to what I did with the power lines at sea level.  What you'll notice is the following,

But instead, what you did was this,

The first point in your video has been debunked.  The claim was you can't see the curvature of water on a large lake, but you can, and there is plenty of proof to show that, but you can also get a high powered set of binoculars and go and observe it for yourself on any large body of water.  If you're in a bay even better because you'll likely have big container ships that dip below the horizon to help demonstrate this for your very own eyes.

So as you say we're doing, I am now asking questions, mainly being, I am asking you to outline the other claims made in the video, all 28 of them, and I offer you the chance to prove those to us since they are after all your own claims you've made here.

I ask this in good faith after taking the time to watch the video and address the first point made, which was a very spectacular failure and proven to be false. 

Now it's your turn.

this is interesting ,

what you are seing , some believe , may be the electro~magetic field of the earth creating a fata morgana effect unto your untrained face and surrounding area ,

for as you can plainly see this "plain " of existence is depicted to be curveth in this true map as some have scribed ,

many do not suffer thine affliction as we continue ,

ancient his story an that ..


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 1st, 2018 at 11:07pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 1st, 2018 at 9:35pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 1st, 2018 at 6:34am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 7:52pm:
File:Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.jpg

looks pretty flat to me ..

lets look at number 2 on this video ..

Hold up.

First of all you go on about,

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 8:54pm:
we are in the fringe section asking questions .

many people are upset and abusing as usual , and ridiculing yet we are asking questions , and so

explain the anomalies in this video if you have the care

You aren't asking question, you're making claims, misleading claims, and on top of that you've not once attempted to outline your points let alone explain YOUR claims.  That is not "questioning".  And I have been noting but respectful in this exchange.

What you doing is saying "here is my truth, if you don't like it you're attacking and abusing me".  Just because you're gullible enough to hold a different "truth" than reality doesn't make you right, especially when you cannot demonstrate it to be true. 

What you have done is post two deliberately misleading photos that by their design (height and view angle) will not show the curvature and then you purposely make no attempt to explain why those that do obviously demonstrate the curvature are wrong or invalid.  You then just keep spamming the video like the topic has been resolved then preempt any further explanation of why you're wrong by pretending to be the victim. 

But I'll play along, let's say we let your "evidence" speak for itself, let's look at that.

You've posted two photos, one from way up high so of course it will not show any curvature and the other from the height of the roadway, letting the horizon effect hide any curvature.

Here's a little experiment you can do at home (unless your life is so devoid of fun you don't have any balloons).  Blow up a balloon, then hold it at eye level about 5-10 cm from your face (depending on how good your short distance vision is).  Can you see anything past the horizon of the balloon?  No.  You've at such a close distance you've lost the bulk of the curvature of the object and without anything higher that the horizon, like a bridge or power poles, it looks flat.

What you'll need to do if you want to debunk the photos I posted that clearly show the curvature is post some unaltered photos of the causeway similar to what I did with the power lines at sea level.  What you'll notice is the following,

But instead, what you did was this,

The first point in your video has been debunked.  The claim was you can't see the curvature of water on a large lake, but you can, and there is plenty of proof to show that, but you can also get a high powered set of binoculars and go and observe it for yourself on any large body of water.  If you're in a bay even better because you'll likely have big container ships that dip below the horizon to help demonstrate this for your very own eyes.

So as you say we're doing, I am now asking questions, mainly being, I am asking you to outline the other claims made in the video, all 28 of them, and I offer you the chance to prove those to us since they are after all your own claims you've made here.

I ask this in good faith after taking the time to watch the video and address the first point made, which was a very spectacular failure and proven to be false. 

Now it's your turn.

this is interesting ,

what you are seing , some believe , may be the electro~magetic field of the earth creating a fata morgana effect unto your untrained face and surrounding area ,

for as you can plainly see this "plain " of existence is depicted to be curveth in this true map as some have scribed ,

many do not suffer thine affliction as we continue ,

ancient his story an that ..


If this is true then water inversely concave around the equator and you should be able to easily get photographic evidence of it. Without it your theory is nothing but baloney.

You've done nothing but speculate an absurd solution to support your point of.view rather than embrace the fact that you're wrong.

You've offered no.evidence nor been able to prove that already provided showing observable fact is somehow wrong.

Again, you're not asking questions but making utterly false claims.

This changes nothing, the first point in your video has been proven wrong.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 5:32pm
many blessings sad kangaroo ,

your objection has been rebutted here

File:Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.jpg

the fact that you hold a very dense ViBrAtIoN of individual consciousness

and cannot fathom anything outside of your programming , of which , triggers you to abuse anyone else with an alternate interpretation of reality , does not equate to your perspective on point 1 of 29 being correct .

you have been corrected in your objections and plausible evidence provided to counter your supposition ...

we move on to point 2 of 29 if you have the intestinal fortitude ,


or run along like a beaten hack and slack jawed yokel , but and yet either way

be at peace



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 5:48pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 5:32pm:
many blessings sad kangaroo ,

your objection has been rebutted here

But has it?

All you've done is this:

I've even already confronted you with this and what have you done? 

You ignored it and reposted.  You haven't even tried to explain the inconsistensies with what you're posting, let alone how obviously false it is.

You said it quite well yourself,

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 8:54pm:
still stinging from our last encounter


You need to face facts.

You're in this weird position where you keep posting totally contradictory information to support you claims, each invaliding the one before in your question to push this lie.

You can't simpl will your point of view to be correct when the evidence shows otherwise.

I know you're trying, and you'll just continue ignoring everything that proves you wrong, but others can read it all.

All we've seen here if you made a claim, you were shown that this claim was wrong, you got all defensive, made a second claim to cover for the first, invalidating the first, then pretending that everyone else is wrong?

What is wrong with you?

the fact that you hold a very dense ViBrAtIoN of individual consciousness

and cannot fathom anything outside of your programming , of which , triggers you to abuse anyone else with an alternate interpretation of reality , does not equate to your perspective on point 1 of 29 being correct .

Your claim in point one is that if the earth was not flat, you would see a bulge in the ocean or large lakes, but none exists therefore the earth is flat.

The problem is this can be tested and has been and I've shown you countless times that the bulge is there and with enough magnification you can see it with your own eyes for yourself if you care to even look.  But instead of actually seeking answers you cling to conspiracy.

Now you've changed point one to be that there is a bulge, but it's not because of the curvature of the earth but because of some silly map someone has made up.  A map which would require any large body of water on the equator to sink in and be concave, yet you can offer no evidence of this and in fact the opposite is true, it bulges out like the rest.

Your claim has again been proven wrong by oversable fact.

You're just moving the goalposts each time you're proven wrong and then misinterpret that as proving your claims?

You won't even list your down claims because you're afraid of not being able to move the goalposts when you're shown to be wrong.

Again I ask, what is wrong with you?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:02pm
and so you give up eh ?

cant refute point 2 ?

your defeat has been accepted ..

good show

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:03pm
we will continue in the face of sad kangaroos' defeat

he cannot debunk this video *

and so now we bring more rock hard science ..

explain the anomalies !

The World first Flat Earth Engineer Unseen Discovery

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:42pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:02pm:
and so you give up eh ?

cant refute point 2 ?

your defeat has been accepted ..

I've made no claims about the second point, we haven't even left the first.

If anyone is admitting defeat as you put it, it's you.  You've ignored every bit of criticism of the point other than the one explanation you proposed which invalided the point anyway.

You're now running away to the 2nd point with your standard claims of "victory" then spamming away the criticism you're running from?

What is the point?

Like honestly, why do you even post here?  You're not interested in debate, you're not interest in the facts, why are you here?

Then you still demand anyone continue your game when this is how you play it?

You talk of questioning the world around you, "doing science" but this is how you act?

All you do is look for "evidence" to prove the conclusions you're too stubborn to let go of rather than making observations and drawing your conclusions from that.  You're doing everything arsebackwards as usual.

I've again given you the benefit of the doubt and started down the path of watching your video and commenting on it yet you continue your usual MO of ignoring what you don't like and subsituting your own reality of conspiracy rather than accepting the world around you.

Honestly, why should I keep playing the game if all you're going to do is change the goal posts and ignore facts you don't like?

What's the point!?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:54pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:42pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:02pm:
and so you give up eh ?

cant refute point 2 ?

your defeat has been accepted ..

I've made no claims about the second point, we haven't even left the first.

If anyone is admitting defeat as you put it, it's you.  You've ignored every bit of criticism of the point other than the one explanation you proposed which invalided the point anyway.

You're now running away to the 2nd point with your standard claims of "victory" then spamming away the criticism you're running from?

What is the point?

Like honestly, why do you even post here?  You're not interested in debate, you're not interest in the facts, why are you here?

Then you still demand anyone continue your game when this is how you play it?

You talk of questioning the world around you, "doing science" but this is how you act?

All you do is look for "evidence" to prove the conclusions you're too stubborn to let go of rather than making observations and drawing your conclusions from that.  You're doing everything arsebackwards as usual.

I've again given you the benefit of the doubt and started down the path of watching your video and commenting on it yet you continue your usual MO of ignoring what you don't like and subsituting your own reality of conspiracy rather than accepting the world around you.

Honestly, why should I keep playing the game if all you're going to do is change the goal posts and ignore facts you don't like?

What's the point!?

so basically you're all like

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:56pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:54pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:42pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:02pm:
and so you give up eh ?

cant refute point 2 ?

your defeat has been accepted ..

I've made no claims about the second point, we haven't even left the first.

If anyone is admitting defeat as you put it, it's you.  You've ignored every bit of criticism of the point other than the one explanation you proposed which invalided the point anyway.

You're now running away to the 2nd point with your standard claims of "victory" then spamming away the criticism you're running from?

What is the point?

Like honestly, why do you even post here?  You're not interested in debate, you're not interest in the facts, why are you here?

Then you still demand anyone continue your game when this is how you play it?

You talk of questioning the world around you, "doing science" but this is how you act?

All you do is look for "evidence" to prove the conclusions you're too stubborn to let go of rather than making observations and drawing your conclusions from that.  You're doing everything arsebackwards as usual.

I've again given you the benefit of the doubt and started down the path of watching your video and commenting on it yet you continue your usual MO of ignoring what you don't like and subsituting your own reality of conspiracy rather than accepting the world around you.

Honestly, why should I keep playing the game if all you're going to do is change the goal posts and ignore facts you don't like?

What's the point!?

so basically you're all like

So basically, you've been defeated and reverted to your natural state of trolling.

Keeping it classy I see.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:58pm
well move on to point 2 in the video,

or keep the waterfalls going ,

it matters not

then we move to this one ..

The World first Flat Earth Engineer Unseen Discovery

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 7:18pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:58pm:
well move on to point 2 in the video,

or keep the waterfalls going ,

it matters not

then we move to this one ..

The World first Flat Earth Engineer Unseen Discovery

Why are you so eager to run from the first point?

I'm still waiting for you to addresses the fact that you've deliberately and maliciously been posting misleading information. These questions are still to be answered.

Your explanation in the face of point one being shown to be false, that point being that water is perfectly flat, there for flat earth, your rebuttal to this being shown as false is that water is not flat.

Thank you, I'm glad we agree.

But your explanation as to why, the predictions that theory makes, first being that water should not bulge but dip in a concave manner around the equator is false as this is not what observation shows.

So you've admitted the first point is wrong and in your attempt to do so proposed another theory that doesn't hold up against observation.

You have left this without answer by demanding we move onto the second point.

If this is how you deal with a debate not going your way, especially after you shot yourself in the foot I don't know if there is any point in continuing.

Especially since I've already watched the whole video and nearly all the points are born out of ignorance and a startling lack of evidence and understanding of the difference between an idea and fact.

Are you going to act so childishly each time your points are debunked?

But don't use that as an excuse to delve into the later points, you still have questions to answer from the first.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 7:21pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 7:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:58pm:
well move on to point 2 in the video,

or keep the waterfalls going ,

it matters not

then we move to this one ..

The World first Flat Earth Engineer Unseen Discovery

Why are you so eager to run from the first point?

I'm still waiting for you to addresses the fact that you've deliberately and maliciously been posting misleading information. These questions are still to be answered.

Your explanation in the face of point one being shown to be false, that point being that water is perfectly flat, there for flat earth, your rebuttal to this being shown as false is that water is not flat.

Thank you, I'm glad we agree.

But your explanation as to why, the predictions that theory makes, first being that water should not bulge but dip in a concave manner around the equator is false as this is not what observation shows.

So you've admitted the first point is wrong and in your attempt to do so proposed another theory that doesn't hold up against observation.

You have left this without answer by demanding we move onto the second point.

If this is how you deal with a debate not going your way, especially after you shot yourself in the foot I don't know if there is any point in continuing.

Especially since I've already watched the whole video and nearly all the points are born out of ignorance and a startling lack of evidence and understanding of the difference between an idea and fact.

Are you going to act so childishly each time your points are debunked?

But don't use that as an excuse to delve into the later points, you still have questions to answer from the first.

many blessings sad kangaroo ,

your objection has been rebutted here

File:Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.jpg

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 7:35pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 7:21pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 7:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 6:58pm:
well move on to point 2 in the video,

or keep the waterfalls going ,

it matters not

then we move to this one ..

The World first Flat Earth Engineer Unseen Discovery

Why are you so eager to run from the first point?

I'm still waiting for you to addresses the fact that you've deliberately and maliciously been posting misleading information. These questions are still to be answered.

Your explanation in the face of point one being shown to be false, that point being that water is perfectly flat, there for flat earth, your rebuttal to this being shown as false is that water is not flat.

Thank you, I'm glad we agree.

But your explanation as to why, the predictions that theory makes, first being that water should not bulge but dip in a concave manner around the equator is false as this is not what observation shows.

So you've admitted the first point is wrong and in your attempt to do so proposed another theory that doesn't hold up against observation.

You have left this without answer by demanding we move onto the second point.

If this is how you deal with a debate not going your way, especially after you shot yourself in the foot I don't know if there is any point in continuing.

Especially since I've already watched the whole video and nearly all the points are born out of ignorance and a startling lack of evidence and understanding of the difference between an idea and fact.

Are you going to act so childishly each time your points are debunked?

But don't use that as an excuse to delve into the later points, you still have questions to answer from the first.

many blessings sad kangaroo ,

your objection has been rebutted here

File:Lake Pontchartrain Causeway.jpg

See you're doing it again...

You're showing what you claim to be pictures of flat earth which is nothing more than a photography trick (which again you've ignored the proof showing how it's done), then a map where the earth is not flat, invalidating the first pictures anyway.

It looks like you're saying the earth is not flat...

Finally, some sense from you!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 7:59pm
you think im confronting your belief system ..

we are discussing a thesis and asking questions ,

yet you cannot get past the first question ?

you are stuck ..

here is admiral bird ..

what type of map is that ??

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:04pm
im not saying the earth is flat ..

this is where you are confused ,

we are looking at the theory of globe earth and flat earth

and you need to point fingers to look for an enemy or boogy man ..

we continue , now here is a website .. these are not my writings as we explore

Flat Earth: Antarctica and the ends of the Earth, Bible verses and empirical evidence

The Bible talks about the ends of the Earth and the four corners of the Earth. How could this be possible on a globe Earth? Is it just figurative speech as most Christians want to put it? It's easier to accept what the Science religion spoon feed us but it's unwise to put the Bible under Science and into figurative speech mode. The Earth is flat and there are ends of it. Let's look at the facts.

The four corners of the Earth in the Scriptures

He will set up a banner for the nations, and will assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
- Isaiah 11:12 (WEB)

After this, I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding the four winds of the earth, so that no wind would blow on the earth, or on the sea, or on any tree.
Where are the four corners on the globe Earth model? Is it perhaps yet another figurative speech? Give me a break...

Yahuah is not talking about symbols that make no sense. According to the Scriptures, there are four corners of the Earth. You either believe the Bible or you believe the Science religion ruled by the enemy.

“Have you ever in your life called up the dawn
and made the morning know its place,
so that it could take hold of the edges of the earth
and shake the wicked out of it?
- Job 38:12-13 (CJB)

You have set all the boundaries of the earth.
You have made summer and winter.
- Psalm 74:17 (WEB)

Their voice has gone out through all the earth,
their words to the end of the world.
In them he has set a tent for the sun,
- Psalm 19:4 (WEB)

Where is the end of the earth, the boundaries of the earth and the edges of the earth on a globe earth model? Is it yet another figurative speech? Give me a break.

The ends of the Earth / World is an ice wall. It's called Antarctica. But not as you know it.

Antarctica, the ends of the Earth as you haven't seen it
Antarctica as you know it:

Antarctica in reality:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:09pm
69,000 miles to circumnavigate Antarctica
In 1773 Captain Cook became the first modern explorer known to have breached the Antarctic Circle and reached the ice barrier. During three voyages, lasting three years and eight days, Captain Cook and crew sailed a total of 60,000 miles along the Antarctic coastline never once finding an inlet or path through or beyond the massive glacial wall! Captain Cook wrote: “The ice extended east 57 and west far beyond the reach of our sight, while the southern half of the horizon was illuminated by rays of light which were reflected from the ice to a considerable height. It was indeed my opinion that this ice extends quite to the pole, or perhaps joins some land to which it has been fixed since creation.”
On October 5th, 1839 another explorer, James Clark Ross began a series of Antarctic voyages lasting a total of 4 years and 5 months. Ross and his crew sailed two heavily armored warships thousands of miles, losing many men from hurricanes and icebergs, looking for an entry point beyond the southern glacial wall. Upon first confronting the massive barrier Captain Ross wrote of the wall, “extending from its eastern extreme point as far as the eye could discern to the eastward. It presented an extraordinary appearance, gradually increasing in height, as we got nearer to it, and proving at length to be a perpendicular cliff of ice, between one hundred and fifty feet and two hundred feet above the level of the sea, perfectly flat and level at the top, and without any fissures or promontories on its even seaward face. We might with equal chance of success try to sail through the cliffs of Dover, as to penetrate such a mass.”
“Yes, but we can circumnavigate the South easily enough,‟ is often said by those who don't know, The British Ship Challenger recently completed the circuit of the Southern region - indirectly, to be sure - but she was three years about it, and traversed nearly 69,000 miles - a stretch long enough to have taken her six times round on the globular hypothesis.” -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe”
- Excerpt from the Flat Earth Conspiracy, by Eric DuBay

The Marine Insight also proves the number 69,000 miles (111,000 km) sailed by the HMS Challanger:

The entirety of the Challenger Expedition lasted for about 1,000 days
An area span of almost 69,000 nautical miles was covered in this time-frame

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:11pm

we are at a disagreement on proof 1 , this is a messageboard , grow up

now move to proof number 2 or admit your failings ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:27pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:11pm:

we are at a disagreement on proof 1 , this is a messageboard , grow up

now move to proof number 2 or admit your failings ..

We are only at a disagreement because you're ignoring what is being put to you the explains the shortcomings of your position.

What is the point of talkin about the other points, which may I remind you, you're demanding other debunk rather than you prove, when you're just going to ignore anything you disagree with?

Again, what is the point?

I keep giving you chance after chance and you keep doing the same thing...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:29pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:09pm:
69,000 miles to circumnavigate Antarctica
In 1773 Captain Cook became the first modern explorer known to have breached the Antarctic Circle and reached the ice barrier. During three voyages, lasting three years and eight days, Captain Cook and crew sailed a total of 60,000 miles along the Antarctic coastline never once finding an inlet or path through or beyond the massive glacial wall! Captain Cook wrote: “The ice extended east 57 and west far beyond the reach of our sight, while the southern half of the horizon was illuminated by rays of light which were reflected from the ice to a considerable height. It was indeed my opinion that this ice extends quite to the pole, or perhaps joins some land to which it has been fixed since creation.”
On October 5th, 1839 another explorer, James Clark Ross began a series of Antarctic voyages lasting a total of 4 years and 5 months. Ross and his crew sailed two heavily armored warships thousands of miles, losing many men from hurricanes and icebergs, looking for an entry point beyond the southern glacial wall. Upon first confronting the massive barrier Captain Ross wrote of the wall, “extending from its eastern extreme point as far as the eye could discern to the eastward. It presented an extraordinary appearance, gradually increasing in height, as we got nearer to it, and proving at length to be a perpendicular cliff of ice, between one hundred and fifty feet and two hundred feet above the level of the sea, perfectly flat and level at the top, and without any fissures or promontories on its even seaward face. We might with equal chance of success try to sail through the cliffs of Dover, as to penetrate such a mass.”
“Yes, but we can circumnavigate the South easily enough,‟ is often said by those who don't know, The British Ship Challenger recently completed the circuit of the Southern region - indirectly, to be sure - but she was three years about it, and traversed nearly 69,000 miles - a stretch long enough to have taken her six times round on the globular hypothesis.” -William Carpenter, “100 Proofs the Earth is Not a Globe”
- Excerpt from the Flat Earth Conspiracy, by Eric DuBay

The Marine Insight also proves the number 69,000 miles (111,000 km) sailed by the HMS Challanger:

The entirety of the Challenger Expedition lasted for about 1,000 days
An area span of almost 69,000 nautical miles was covered in this time-frame

And we have GPS, Satellite imagery and a space station that offers a better explanation than that from those who didn't even have electricity at the time that you've quoted.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by BigOl64 on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:34pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:04pm:
im not saying the earth is flat ..

this is where you are confused ,

we are looking at the theory of globe earth and flat earth

and you need to point fingers to look for an enemy or boogy man ..

we continue , now here is a website .. these are not my writings as we explore

Neither global earth or flat earth are theories.

Global earth is a fact and flat earth is a deranged opinion.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:43pm

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:34pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:04pm:
im not saying the earth is flat ..

this is where you are confused ,

we are looking at the theory of globe earth and flat earth

and you need to point fingers to look for an enemy or boogy man ..

we continue , now here is a website .. these are not my writings as we explore

Neither global earth or flat earth are theories.

Global earth is a fact and flat earth is a deranged opinion.

Well that's the thing, there are repeatable scientific experiments, backed by not too difficult to understand mathematics, plus photographic evidence that the earth is not flat.

But since some people can't grasp that and are too stubborn or incapable of learning the truth, they choose to believe conspiracy rather than the notion they may be incorrect.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:16pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:11pm:

we are at a disagreement on proof 1 , this is a messageboard , grow up

now move to proof number 2 or admit your failings ..

We are only at a disagreement because you're ignoring what is being put to you the explains the shortcomings of your position.

What is the point of talkin about the other points, which may I remind you, you're demanding other debunk rather than you prove, when you're just going to ignore anything you disagree with?

Again, what is the point?

I keep giving you chance after chance and you keep doing the same thing...

there is no point ..

you give up and your defeat is accepted ,

good game well played ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:17pm

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:34pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:04pm:
im not saying the earth is flat ..

this is where you are confused ,

we are looking at the theory of globe earth and flat earth

and you need to point fingers to look for an enemy or boogy man ..

we continue , now here is a website .. these are not my writings as we explore

Neither global earth or flat earth are theories.

Global earth is a fact and flat earth is a deranged opinion.

feel free to prove your globe earth theory .

we are up to proof number 2 here

sad kangaroo has given up and conceded


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:19pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:16pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:11pm:

we are at a disagreement on proof 1 , this is a messageboard , grow up

now move to proof number 2 or admit your failings ..

We are only at a disagreement because you're ignoring what is being put to you the explains the shortcomings of your position.

What is the point of talkin about the other points, which may I remind you, you're demanding other debunk rather than you prove, when you're just going to ignore anything you disagree with?

Again, what is the point?

I keep giving you chance after chance and you keep doing the same thing...

there is no point ..

you give up and your defeat is accepted ,

good game well played ..

So if I was to post some questions about your "proof" of the first point, will you engage or just posts memes and ignore the questions?

You're so keen on everyone else proving their claims, what about you and yours?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:32pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:19pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:16pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:11pm:

we are at a disagreement on proof 1 , this is a messageboard , grow up

now move to proof number 2 or admit your failings ..

We are only at a disagreement because you're ignoring what is being put to you the explains the shortcomings of your position.

What is the point of talkin about the other points, which may I remind you, you're demanding other debunk rather than you prove, when you're just going to ignore anything you disagree with?

Again, what is the point?

I keep giving you chance after chance and you keep doing the same thing...

there is no point ..

you give up and your defeat is accepted ,

good game well played ..

So if I was to post some questions about your "proof" of the first point, will you engage or just posts memes and ignore the questions?

You're so keen on everyone else proving their claims, what about you and yours?

we have been there and done that

you are now spamming this thread with idiocy

we have disagreed on proof one

and now you are scared to move on to proof 2 .

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:34pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:43pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:34pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:04pm:
im not saying the earth is flat ..

this is where you are confused ,

we are looking at the theory of globe earth and flat earth

and you need to point fingers to look for an enemy or boogy man ..

we continue , now here is a website .. these are not my writings as we explore

Neither global earth or flat earth are theories.

Global earth is a fact and flat earth is a deranged opinion.

Well that's the thing, there are repeatable scientific experiments, backed by not too difficult to understand mathematics, plus photographic evidence that the earth is not flat.

But since some people can't grasp that and are too stubborn or incapable of learning the truth, they choose to believe conspiracy rather than the notion they may be incorrect.

well here we are again

this is another scientific presentation you will run away from

with your sour grapes and so get educated while you look at the mathematical facts presented here

The World first Flat Earth Engineer Unseen Discovery

yet either way be at peace

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:35pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:32pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:19pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:16pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:11pm:

we are at a disagreement on proof 1 , this is a messageboard , grow up

now move to proof number 2 or admit your failings ..

We are only at a disagreement because you're ignoring what is being put to you the explains the shortcomings of your position.

What is the point of talkin about the other points, which may I remind you, you're demanding other debunk rather than you prove, when you're just going to ignore anything you disagree with?

Again, what is the point?

I keep giving you chance after chance and you keep doing the same thing...

there is no point ..

you give up and your defeat is accepted ,

good game well played ..

So if I was to post some questions about your "proof" of the first point, will you engage or just posts memes and ignore the questions?

You're so keen on everyone else proving their claims, what about you and yours?

we have been there and done that

you are now spamming this thread with idiocy

we have disagreed on proof one

and now you are scared to move on to proof 2 .

There is no disagreement, your claims have been debunked, you're just ignoring it.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2018 at 8:54pm

we are onto proof 2 ,

the stench of fear from you is palpable

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by BigOl64 on Mar 5th, 2018 at 8:59pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:17pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:34pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:04pm:
im not saying the earth is flat ..

this is where you are confused ,

we are looking at the theory of globe earth and flat earth

and you need to point fingers to look for an enemy or boogy man ..

we continue , now here is a website .. these are not my writings as we explore

Neither global earth or flat earth are theories.

Global earth is a fact and flat earth is a deranged opinion.

feel free to prove your globe earth theory .

we are up to proof number 2 here

sad kangaroo has given up and conceded


I don't have to prove dick to you wharfy.

Your statements are moronic in the extreme, and not really worth discussing, I'm just pointing out you're an idiot that's all.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 5th, 2018 at 9:06pm

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 8:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:17pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:34pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:04pm:
im not saying the earth is flat ..

this is where you are confused ,

we are looking at the theory of globe earth and flat earth

and you need to point fingers to look for an enemy or boogy man ..

we continue , now here is a website .. these are not my writings as we explore

Neither global earth or flat earth are theories.

Global earth is a fact and flat earth is a deranged opinion.

feel free to prove your globe earth theory .

we are up to proof number 2 here

sad kangaroo has given up and conceded


I don't have to prove dick to you wharfy.

Your statements are moronic in the extreme, and not really worth discussing, I'm just pointing out you're an idiot that's all.

so you've got nothing then ..

just abuse and your self confessed love for dick , ok

a clear sign of a defeated hack ,well done good show old man

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by BigOl64 on Mar 5th, 2018 at 9:29pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 9:06pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 8:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 7:17pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 5th, 2018 at 6:34pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 2nd, 2018 at 8:04pm:
im not saying the earth is flat ..

this is where you are confused ,

we are looking at the theory of globe earth and flat earth

and you need to point fingers to look for an enemy or boogy man ..

we continue , now here is a website .. these are not my writings as we explore

Neither global earth or flat earth are theories.

Global earth is a fact and flat earth is a deranged opinion.

feel free to prove your globe earth theory .

we are up to proof number 2 here

sad kangaroo has given up and conceded


I don't have to prove dick to you wharfy.

Your statements are moronic in the extreme, and not really worth discussing, I'm just pointing out you're an idiot that's all.

so you've got nothing then ..

just abuse and your self confessed love for dick , ok

a clear sign of a defeated hack ,well done good show old man

You stupid boy.  ;D ;D ;D ;D

You assume you have a conversation worth having, you don't, your subject of choice is fkkking moronic.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2018 at 4:50pm
ok great

we still have flat earth theory unrebutted

there is no answer for proof 2 ..

ipsofacto flat earth is real ,

thanks for coming losers ,


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 5:11pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 4:50pm:
ok great

we still have flat earth theory unrebutted

there is no answer for proof 2 ..

ipsofacto flat earth is real ,

thanks for coming losers ,


When you are the one making the claim, the burden of proof is on you.

Just because we have yet to move off from the first point in the video because you are running away from scrutiny even after contradicting your own claims and we've not even entertained the rest of the points in your video does not make them correct by default.

As I said, the first point in your video was a claim that if the earth was not flat, you would see a bulge in the ocean or other vast bodies of water and since the post of the video has never bothered to go and check for himself and assumed that all water was just flat, this means that the earth is also flat.

The problem is I showed you photos of exactly what we would expect to see in the real world if the earth was round.  Real world proof.

Your rebuttal is a deliberately misleading set of images photographed specifically not to show the curve, as I showed in my follow up to your post with the curved pool cue.

You're claiming "looks flat to me" and ignoring everything else, as well as the proof that you're wrong and the first point is invalid.

Not only that, buy in your attempt to explain away the curvature shown in the photos before you tried to pretend it didn't exist, you tried to justify it by showing us that silly map which if it were accurate, water would bend in the opposite direction around the equator.  You've not shown any proof of this and are pretending you never posted this in the first place.

You defeated your own first point.

And now because you're being held to that first point, you're claiming the rest must be true because we've note moved into them?

That's not how it works princess.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 5:14pm
But if you really do want to move onto the second point, I'm happy to in this case.  This is your last chance.

I ask however that you write the 2nd claim down for us to examine and reply, thanks.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:20pm
ok great

we still have flat earth theory unrebutted

there is no answer for proof 2 in this bombshell video that every globe earth nutter is avoiding  ..

ipsofacto flat earth is real ,

thanks for coming losers ,


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:27pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:20pm:
ok great

we still have flat earth theory unrebutted

there is no answer for proof 2 in this bombshell video that every globe earth nutter is avoiding  ..

ipsofacto flat earth is real ,

thanks for coming losers ,


Why are you talking about answers to the second claim, none have yet been offered...?

We're waiting for you to articulate the claims so we can examine it without misinterpretation since clearly this must have happened in the first point of the video because the claim was that the ocean is perfectly flat, but you posted a map showing that it bulges in order to explain the evidence put forward to you that the ocean was not in fact flat.

There must have been some confusion, or you changed the goal posts.

So please dear one, we await you to articulate the second claim so we can move on.  I've given you the pass you so needed on the first, but that is conditional on you playing ball with the second, if you're capable of comprehending the claim..?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:33pm
ok great

we still have the flat earth theory unrebutted

there is no answer for proof 2 in this bombshell video that every globe earth nutter is avoiding  ..

ipsofacto flat earth is real ,

thanks for coming losers ,


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:35pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:33pm:
ok great

we still have the flat earth theory unrebutted

there is no answer for proof 2 in this bombshell video that every globe earth nutter is avoiding  ..

ipsofacto flat earth is real ,

thanks for coming losers ,


Ipsofacto nothing.

You're too afriad to even state your claim, that is how little you believe your very own bullshit.

It embarrassing...

Do I really have to take both sides of the argument and put forward your case for you? This is madness...

You want even state you case yet you're claiming some sort of victory? You're forfeiting mate...

Either get on board or admit defeat and forever be branded the cowardly lunatic you're acting.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by BigOl64 on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:57pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:35pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:33pm:
ok great

we still have the flat earth theory unrebutted

there is no answer for proof 2 in this bombshell video that every globe earth nutter is avoiding  ..

ipsofacto flat earth is real ,

thanks for coming losers ,


Ipsofacto nothing.

You're too afriad to even state your claim, that is how little you believe your very own bullshit.

It embarrassing...

Do I really have to take both sides of the argument and put forward your case for you? This is madness...

You want even state you case yet you're claiming some sort of victory? You're forfeiting mate...

Either get on board or admit defeat and forever be branded the cowardly lunatic you're acting.

You do know that wharfie is fkken insane don't you?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:03pm
A Scientist will tell you that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe - and he/she is right.
A Spiritualist will tell you that the Earth IS the centre of OUR Universe - and he/she is also right.

So we 'know' the Earth is spherical/globular.
But we 'experience' the Flat of it every day.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bobby on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:07pm
dear master Light,

the Earth is a sphere - slightly flattened at the poles.



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by xeej on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:14pm

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:03pm:
A Scientist will tell you that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe - and he/she is right.
A Spiritualist will tell you that the Earth IS the centre of OUR Universe - and he/she is also right.

So we 'know' the Earth is spherical/globular.
But we 'experience' the Flat of it every day.

In what way is the Spiritualist right.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:25pm

Johnnie wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:14pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:03pm:
A Scientist will tell you that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe - and he/she is right.
A Spiritualist will tell you that the Earth IS the centre of OUR Universe - and he/she is also right.

So we 'know' the Earth is spherical/globular.
But we 'experience' the Flat of it every day.

In what way is the Spiritualist right.

In the fact devoid evidence free philosophical sense.

Which that's fine. Thought experiments and different points of view are important lest one be trapped in an echo chamber of, well one, like Light.

But in a true literal sense, the Spiritualist is wrong.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:27pm

BigOl64 wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:57pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:35pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 6:33pm:
ok great

we still have the flat earth theory unrebutted

there is no answer for proof 2 in this bombshell video that every globe earth nutter is avoiding  ..

ipsofacto flat earth is real ,

thanks for coming losers ,


Ipsofacto nothing.

You're too afriad to even state your claim, that is how little you believe your very own bullshit.

It embarrassing...

Do I really have to take both sides of the argument and put forward your case for you? This is madness...

You want even state you case yet you're claiming some sort of victory? You're forfeiting mate...

Either get on board or admit defeat and forever be branded the cowardly lunatic you're acting.

You do know that wharfie is fkken insane don't you?

I won't give up on anyone who truely wants to educate them selves and seek the truth.

Yes we may have past the point of willful ignorance with Light, but surely one day even he will see the light?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:27pm
why wont people simply watch the video and look at proof 2 ?

we are up to proof 2 and everyone is avoiding the second proof out of 29 like the plague .. and why is this ,

it is because they cannot rebut proof 2 ..

and as such you are walking talking squeaking and squawking on a flat earth

if any of you , in some obscure way , are attempting to thank me ?

you're welcome ,

in love and light



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:33pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:27pm:
why wont people simply watch the video and look at proof 2 ?

Light, there is a very simple answer.

We did that for point one, yet you ignored what was said as the point was debunked, in your attempt to counter you contradicted the very point yourself, then claimed victory and started posting childish memes.

If you want us to continue the least you can do is avoid any confusion and extract the relevant information from the second point of the video, a video you brought here and claim to be true, articulate that into a post for us and we can examine it all then.

To be honest, while I'm happy to play this game with you, I honestly don't believe you're capable of doing this. Reading past the headline has been a far too great an ask of you so very many times before.

What is the point in continuing this if you can't even comprehend what we're meant to be talking to you about?

Give and take.  I keep giving, I keep forgiving, I keep offering you the benefit of the doubt and you've shown nothing but disrespect in return.

I offer you yet another chance to vindicate yourself.

The floor is yours, please articulate the second point for us and we can continue.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:34pm

Johnnie wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:14pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:03pm:
A Scientist will tell you that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe - and he/she is right.
A Spiritualist will tell you that the Earth IS the centre of OUR Universe - and he/she is also right.

So we 'know' the Earth is spherical/globular.
But we 'experience' the Flat of it every day.

In what way is the Spiritualist right.

Go outside Xeej.
Stand on your front lawn or back lawn.
Look about you and ask yourself - where is YOUR centre of the Universe? It's - YOU!
And thus, our Earth is the centre of OUR universe too.
You could say, if you have a family they too are the centre of your Universe.

So that's the difference and yet similarity between Science and Spirituality.
There is always more than one right answer.
Idiots only seek 'one' right answer - it's either black or white.  ::)
There doesn't need to be just one right answer.
(though many on this forum argue as if there is).

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:35pm
Creationism & Evolution??


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by xeej on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:37pm
Light Man stirs the pot, and does it well.
I believe you Light, I saw an oil tanker disappear off the horizon yesterday, poor souls.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:37pm

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:34pm:

Johnnie wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:14pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:03pm:
A Scientist will tell you that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe - and he/she is right.
A Spiritualist will tell you that the Earth IS the centre of OUR Universe - and he/she is also right.

So we 'know' the Earth is spherical/globular.
But we 'experience' the Flat of it every day.

In what way is the Spiritualist right.

Go outside Xeej.
Stand on your front lawn or back lawn.
Look about you and ask yourself - where is YOUR centre of the Universe? It's - YOU!
And thus, our Earth is the centre of OUR universe too.
You could say, if you have a family they too are the centre of your Universe.

So that's the difference and yet similarity between Science and Spirituality.
There is always more than one right answer.
Idiots only seek 'one' right answer - it's either black or white.  ::)
There doesn't need to be just one right answer.
(though many on this forum argue as if there is).

You're arguing perception vs reality.

Only one is real and therefore true. The other is an observation bias.

They are both claims that can be made, but only one is valid when talking of quantitative reality.

The earth is not the centre of the universe.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:39pm

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:35pm:
Creationism & Evolution??


Again, same as above but for different reasons.  Religion was a great first attempt at science and explaining the world around us.

We've come a long way since that.

And yes, I'm aware of what you're trying to do.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:50pm
proof 2 is here

flat earth is unrebutted *

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 6th, 2018 at 8:02pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:37pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:34pm:

Johnnie wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:14pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:03pm:
A Scientist will tell you that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe - and he/she is right.
A Spiritualist will tell you that the Earth IS the centre of OUR Universe - and he/she is also right.

So we 'know' the Earth is spherical/globular.
But we 'experience' the Flat of it every day.

In what way is the Spiritualist right.

Go outside Xeej.
Stand on your front lawn or back lawn.
Look about you and ask yourself - where is YOUR centre of the Universe? It's - YOU!
And thus, our Earth is the centre of OUR universe too.
You could say, if you have a family they too are the centre of your Universe.

So that's the difference and yet similarity between Science and Spirituality.
There is always more than one right answer.
Idiots only seek 'one' right answer - it's either black or white.  ::)
There doesn't need to be just one right answer.
(though many on this forum argue as if there is).

You're arguing perception vs reality.

Only one is real and therefore true. The other is an observation bias.

They are both claims that can be made, but only one is valid when talking of quantitative reality.

The earth is not the centre of the universe.

...and the Jews did not believe that they were 'one with the Garden' (Middle-East) and thus fell into 'exile'.
Perception is indeed a part of 'reality'.

I 'know' that the Earth is NOT the centre of the Universe (currently, until Science makes another 'amazing' discovery of 'other Universes' ...and the 'theories' go on and on).
But besides the actual 'centre' of the Universe not being found yet.
The Earth is quite easily 'experienced' as being the centre of MY universe and this is where such words describing people as being "Well grounded." and "Feet firmly on the ground." etc, etc compared to those who are 'out there', somewhere in the 'centre' of the Universe, wherever that is?

So you think that the Mind, has priority over the Body?
So you think Smart is more important than Clever?

Like I said "There is always more than one right answer. Except for the idiots - they only see one."

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 8:26pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:50pm:
proof 2 is here

flat earth is unrebutted *

So you're unwilling to draw a line in the sand and state your claim?

So you don't even have faith in your own claim... Why should we waste any time on that?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 6th, 2018 at 8:33pm
and so yes ,

proof 2 has still been unanswered ,

its a pretty simple and common sense proof yet they run run run away ..

the results are in  , its flat earth town .

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 6th, 2018 at 8:35pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 8:33pm:
and so yes ,

proof 2 has still been unanswered ,

the results are in  ,

its flat earth town .

Around and around in circles we go. You're too afriad to even state your claims.

You've forfeit the race before even starting.

You can't claim victory for a race you're not even running.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by xeej on Mar 6th, 2018 at 8:55pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:39pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:35pm:
Creationism & Evolution??


Again, same as above but for different reasons.  Religion was a great first attempt at science and explaining the world around us.

We've come a long way since that.

And yes, I'm aware of what you're trying to do.

The Spiritualists talk out of their backsides, they have got nothing to go on and none of them can agree on anything, you can fool some of the people some of the time.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 6th, 2018 at 9:10pm

Johnnie wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 8:55pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:39pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 6th, 2018 at 7:35pm:
Creationism & Evolution??


Again, same as above but for different reasons.  Religion was a great first attempt at science and explaining the world around us.

We've come a long way since that.

And yes, I'm aware of what you're trying to do.

The Spiritualists talk out of their backsides, they have got nothing to go on and none of them can agree on anything, you can fool some of the people some of the time.

Yes - maybe the 'northern hemisphere' ones do.
I won't 'deny' that.
But here in the deep, deep 'south'.
Spiritualists are a bit more 'serious' about things, rather than just getting laid like some Hippy love drug.

Spiritualists here understand that some Australians live 'down under' to the UK & USA, while others - live a 'day ahead' of the UK (back there) and the USA (at the End of the World) according to the international dateline.
Two very different 'perceptions' but in the same region of the world.

Ever wondered 'why' the Germans did what they did to the Jews?
(Like what the Moslems will soon do to the French)
Ever wonder why things happen that Science has yet to explain.

There are a lot of things from Science, that has ruined this world.
Learn to be balanced and not extremist to just one facet of human existence and thought.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:03am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 7:06am

and so again we continue to have the usual suspects backing right away from proof 2 ,

they continue in their circle jerk around and around they go ..

they have seen the video , yet they continue to play silly buggars ,

its a good look for them beloveds , and quite apt have no doubt ..

yet they will rebut proof 2 or fail in their lack of acumen ,

and yet we are very patient

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 8:15am
many blessings beloved beings ,

the inadequates are relegated to coventry until they rebut proof 2 , we continue in this fascinating thread

with logic and science , and not nasa lies

we shall not tarry nor shall we wait for these incompetent ones

for at least 2 pages have been spammed on these time wasters

for they do not want the truth to be told , alas it shall

Flat Earth - TRUTH #33 - The Glass Firmament Is an Electric Motor (the glass firmament of Tesla)


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 8:42am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:03am:

I couldn't have said it better myself.  The Truth is not what you want it to be, it is what it is.

With that said, the first point of your silly video states,

"All bodies of water should conform to the curvature of the earth, that is, if the earth is indeed a ball.  Any body of water conforming to the curvature would therefore exhibit a distinctive bulge in it's centre.  Next time you're at a lake or at the ocean, keep an eye out for this obviously unobservable fact further confirming the non-curvature of the waters surface."

But the truth is that you can observe it, easily, with hobbyist levels of magnifying equipment.  Not some super secret NASA only telescopes, but even high powered binoculars will do it if not a cheap telescope.

This is what you'll see,

Now I know you've tried to explain it away by posting the following with the caption,

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 28th, 2018 at 7:52pm:
"looks pretty flat to me"

So now, just as the poster of the video not even bothering to test if the bulge is true "unobservable" you are confusing you perception of things with the reality of the situation.  Again, below is what you've done,

So for the first point, his claim that there is no bulge is wrong.  You can see the curvature of the earth very easily yourself on these bodies of water.  The same when an oil rig or a cargo ship dips below the horizon of "level" water.  I suspect like the fool responsible for the video, you Light have not bothered to make an effort and actually test this idea for yourself.

Then you'll have the audacity to try and explain this away as a mirage, even though that's not even remotely how the fata morgana effect works.  Again you're letting your perception and blatant ignorance fool you into drawing absurdly wrong conclusions from the information in front of you.

He also rounds it out the first point with,

"Did you that it is a fundamental fact that surveyors engineers and architects don't factor in the supposed curvature of the earth in their projects?"

He then cites an article written Feb. 15th, 1890 as proof.  But nothing more recent?

His "fundemental fact" it utterly wrong in every way.  It's bullshit.  Do you question his claim?

Even in the 60's Engineers were accounting for the curvature of the earth as the structures we build increased in size and magnitude, such as the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge,

Its monumental 693 foot high towers are 1 5/8 inches farther apart at their tops than at their bases because the 4,260 foot distance between them made it necessary to compensate for the earth's curvature.

But even that aside, something like a railroad would only need to worry about the curvature of the earth if the earth was a perfectly smooth sphere, which it isn't.  The valleys, hills, rivers etc, all of these things are far more pronounced than the curvature of the earth and have a far great impact on the small segments of track such as in a railroad, so while technically correct that those building rail roads in the 1800's didn't need to account for the curvature of the earth, it was not because it doesn't exist but because there are far greater obstacles to account for given the earth is not a perfectly smooth sphere.

Maglev trains however, they need to be so precise that they do have to account for the curvature in the earth.

So all of that said, nothing you have provided addresses any of the above.  The first point has been debunked and you're running away from it trying to move onto the second point, which you won't even take the time or have the decency to articulate for us here.

You're on the losing end of this and are continuing to forfeit, now over a refusal to state you claim?  You have such little faith in your own position, you own claims that you won't even put it down in black and white.

That says everything we need to know about you.

You either don't care about the truth, only "your truth", you are incapable of the simple task of reviewing the video and extracting the claim from it (which again shows a stunning lack of intellect and any future attempts to logically and rationally discussing this with you is pointless) or you're just trolling.

Or you could just play ball and offer to articulate the claim of the second point if you cannot answer to the first, the choice is yours.

Your actions will be noted.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 8:52am
again ,

you spam this page with your fake news ..

your point has already been addressed and you keep holding your sour grapes ,

what you post is a mirage

move on to proof 2 or be ignored .. no more time will be wasted on your non logical non sense

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:00am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 8:52am:
again ,

you spam this page with your fake news ..

your point has already been addressed and you keep holding your sour grapes ,

move on to proof 2 or be ignored .. no more time will be wasted on your non logical non sense

But it hasn't, you just keep posting that deliberately misleading photo.

I've shown you why it is misleading here,

You have made no attempt to explain away the other pictures that show the curvature and the bulge, nor address the misleading nature of the photo you keep reposing.

You've also ignored the other claims made in that first point that have been debunked, such as it being a "fundamental fact" that engineers etc do not ever account for the curvature of the earth or the most basic first point that the curvature of large bodies of water is "unobservable" which I have shown you proof that you can easily see it if you try.

You can try to claim I have a case of sour grapes, but the truth is (not "your truth" but "the truth") you're continuing to run from scrutiny and have not once been able to justify the claims in the first point.

They've been debunked and you continue to spam the video while ironically accusing other of spamming.

Your actions are noted.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:04am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 8:52am:
what you post is a mirage


For everyone who bothers to read this they'll see what you're doing.  As usual you've killed the debate so you don't lose.

You can't answer the claims, you can't prove your claims (OR EVEN WRITE THEM DOWN) and you can't prove your counter claims.

You offer zero proof as per normal but beat those who offer to communicate with you into a submission of not caring anymore.

If you want to hold onto "your truth" that the earth is flat that's fine.  You can keep spamming this thread with your lies and fake news all you like.

Have fun.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:05am
as stated , we ignore foolish spam that has been addressed

and as such we continue with interesting theories ..

Flat Earth - The Creation

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:16am
lets get biblical on this applicable thread minus idiocy

and repetitive non sense ,

these are historical facts presented

3000-5000 Year Old Text Has Most Accurate Description Of Earth!

This is 'The Book Of The Course of the Luminaries", from 1 Enoch, contemporarily, we could call it 'The Book Of The Stars'. Officially, depending on which version one reads, this part is called "The Course Of The Heavens", or "The Course Of The Heavenly Luminaries"".
The Book Of Enoch, when combined with the information in the book of Genesis, gives the best description of earth ever written down, and puts NASA to shame. One might ask, how did a desert dweller between 3000-6000 years ago know this detailed information about earth? Including, how many types of deciduous trees are on earth, the real structure of the skies, sun, moon and earth, the weather and water cycles, among many other equally amazing, prescient observations?..... amazing stuff really. I think after combining this with  Genesis and the rest of bible and the apocrypha it becomes  clear that this is divinely inspired, with no other logical explanation even coming close. The Bedford Level Experiments and EVERY other empirical observation has proven earth IS flat. We don't "'think we should be able to see curve"" , from height, at any serious altitude, from ANY altitude, no-one (0 people) has ever seen any curve. It's quite humorous really that you can't deal with it. We don't 'care' whether earth is flat or round or a purple zebra. We weigh both pros and cons of the argument, and there is simply ZERO evidence for a ball earth. Therefore, by default earth is a creation. Then who created it? or what created it? Only one source claims to be the one and only creator, the one and only true God above all others. Would such a being create the earth, humans, animals, all love, the stars, angels, the heavens....and then not leave any instructions? Would the instructions be a tangible written stone tablet, or might not the creator use the idea of faith, and pass his message through certain people... conduits... (biblically known as prophets), at specific times,  who relate his instructions in an exacting, divinely inspired way....

This is a short info piece designed to spread the best info possible. If you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to Share and Subscribe.
I apologize to my regulars/subscribers that I have to post this movie again. I found this on an entire channel, packed with my work and hyper-monetized. If you see one of my vids with more than a few ads or one being blatantly stolen please tell me. I was saying "I don't mind if people copy my work and repost"... if it wasn't monetized, but now it's just out of control. One channel (that seemed to run mainly on my work) was taking every piece and packing them with ads. (like 10, 20, 30, maybe even more ads) For me this is a labour of love, while nowhere near perfect, I still spend countless hours thinking about and working on this stuff, trying to get it just right, and someone comes along and steals it... not because they care about the cause..... or even believe in it.... but just for money.... lame. When my projects are complete I want people to actually see them at my channel, not some bloke pretending to be me.
Some people are asking that I do shorter movies, I try to do my vids so viewers benefit from a second listen, that there's often something new to take away from another listen. 
Btw, I had to move my house recently, and i was just really busy over the holiday's with the move, but now I'm back and there's lots more new stuff en route, so stay tuned, more to come. : )
Cheers, and God Bless you and yours.

Pinned by FlatWater FlatEarth
Pedro M. Sá F. Vasconcelos
1 year ago
Why do I feel that this teaching makes more sense within me than most other types of teaching, from school to TV? I think I know what's going on, it's that sixth sense that tells us the truth and when things are true or not!

Dan Dimension
1 year ago (edited)
Thank you ,  I learn more from your channel than all the others combined ...

1 year ago
I'm leaning torwards flat earth!

Jai Judo
1 year ago
crazy how much knowledge Enoch had in his time.. Makes us all look like babbling buffoons.. great vid n God bless you bro

Jay West
1 year ago
Wow the book of Enoch is jammed pack with good stuff, thanks for sharing.

Marq Mitchell
1 year ago (edited)
This is why they  removed  the Book Of Enoch from the bible.. There  is a ton of lost knowledge in those books!!

these are people interested in their reality

many prefer fear and old belief systems that were rammed down our collective throats .. freewill and carry on in grace and love


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:35am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:16am:
lets get biblical on this applicable thread minus idiocy

Why are you still posting then?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:38am


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:44am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 9:16am:
these are people interested in their reality

If they or you are interested in the actual reality, not the closed minded ignorant perceptions of "their reality" I'm happy to talk again.

many prefer fear and old belief systems that were rammed down our collective throats .. freewill and carry on in grace and love

You're free to believe what you want.  But a belief in a flat earth is the very definition of an "old belief system" because it required blind faith in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. 

Humanity has progressed, you haven't.  Don't misinterpret that as making you special, it just makes you wrong and dead weight to our collective advancement.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 10:06am

Scientists at Dakila Pesquisas release documentary proving that the Earth is not round

Feb 19, 2018, 09:00 ET

SAO PAULO, Feb. 19, 2018 /PRNewswire/ -- Inquiries concerning the shape of the Earth have been a recurring theme in human history. Based on a series of natural phenomena that contradict accepted academic teaching on the matter, Brazilian scientists at Dakila Pesquisas decided to investigate these inconsistencies. In seven years of studies, scientific experiments were conducted at different points in the world, with the involvement of government institutions and professional researchers from a variety of fields. The results will be presented in the feature-length Convex Earth: The Documentary. The preview, by invitation, will take place on March 26, at 7:30 pm, at the Shopping Eldorado in São Paulo (SP). Three days later, the documentary will be released at, in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Experiments indicate that the Earth is convex in land areas and flat in watery areas Photo Credit: Dakila Pesquisas
According to Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira, founder of Dakila Pesquisas, the thesis that the Earth is round has been refuted by seven experiments: a geodesic experiment, which consists of measuring two buildings at a considerable distance; using sea level as a reference; a laser experiment to ascertain the flatness of water surfaces; leveling of water surfaces; optical distortions relating to processes of reflection; an experiment with boats on the horizon line; and experiments involving gravity and heavenly bodies.

In order to carry out the geodesic experiment, the base and the top of two buildings were measured, one in Torres, Rio Grande do Sul, and the other in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte. Engineers at the National Institute of Land Settlement and Agrarian Reform (INCRA - Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária) took part in these activities. A long-range laser was used to measure the flatness of the waters at the Três Marias Dam in Minas Gerais; at the Lagoa dos Patos, in Rio Grande do Sul; at Lake Titicaca in Peru; and on the seas around the island of Ilhabela in the state of São Paulo, and at the Straits of Gibraltar the sea passage separating Europe from Africa. In this way, the theory of gravity has been challenged by two essential natural measures: the plumb line and the level.

All the experiments had the participation of astronomers, cartographers, geologists, topographers and civil engineers, among other professional researchers. Cutting edge equipment was used. After the release of the documentary, Dakila Pesquisas will make available all of the methodology and technology used so that those interested can verify the results.

"In addition to addressing the shape of the Earth, the documentary will reveal the discovery of a new continent sealed off by a great wall of ice. New knowledge will also be demonstrated concerning the Sun, the Moon and the constellations," Urandir Fernandes de Oliveira disclosed.

Following the documentary, the book Convex Earth will be released, including all the scientific findings and a new map of the world.

Founded in 1997, in Corguinho, Mato Grosso do Sul, Dakila Pesquisas is comprised of researchers and scientists from diverse fields of knowledge, mainly the exact and natural sciences.

Information: Camila Cortez (+55 61 4141-7045)


Related Links

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 11:37am
some think that they are needed here for this thread to exist ..

they are sadly mistaken as we continue ,


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 1:38pm
Light, I'm going to ignore all your past behaviour, all is forgive, but I would like to ask you a couple of last things:

What is your best single piece of evidence you have to prove the earth is flat?

Don't answer immediately, find the most compelling evidence and please let me know.  A quick answer is not as good as a well thought out one.

And secondly, what would it take to show that you're wrong and the earth is in fact round and not flat to chance your mind?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 1:55pm
some think that they are needed here for this thread to exist ..

they are sadly mistaken as we continue ,

The Flat Earth - Why And How It's Being Hidden

very few , ever reach ' the glass ceiling '

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 1:55pm:
some think that they are needed here for this thread to exist ..

they are sadly mistaken as we continue ,

The Flat Earth - Why And How It's Being Hidden

very few , ever reach ' the glass ceiling '

So the shape of a rainbow is your most compelling evidence for there being a flat earth?

What proof would it take to change your mind?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:32pm

Media and Entertainment

Walt Disney – 33° Freemason – Walt Disney Studios

Gene Roddenberry – 33° Freemason – Creator of Star Trek

Darryl Zanuck – Freemason – 20th Century Fox production chief (produced the Day the Earth stood Still)

Jack Warner – Freemason – Warner Brothers Studios Hollywood

Carl Laemmle – Freemason – Universal Studios

Cecil B. deMille – Freemason – Hollywood movie director

Louis B. Mayer – Freemason – Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer

Walter Cronkite – Freemason – Newscaster

Director Ron Howard – 33° Freemason – Apollo 13

Rupert Murdoch – Knight of Malta – head of largest media corporations

William F. Buckley, Jr. – Knight of Malta – Skull and Bones – CIA – TV personality and commentator

Henry Luce – Knight of Malta – Magazine Magnate of Time, Life, Fortune etc.

William Randolph Hearst – Knight of Malta – Newspaper Magnate

Pat Buchanan – Knight of Malta – CNN political analyst

John Wayne – Freemason – Actor

Clark Gable – Freemason – Actor

Will Smith – Freemason – Actor (note this is a very partial actor list)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:35pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:38pm

this further proves proof 2 here

and that is why they will not answer

because their globe earth would disappear along with their fragile belief system

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:40pm

:D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:42pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:44pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:47pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:38pm:

this further proves proof 2 here

You know what debunks that proof,

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:49pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:44pm:

That's not a photo from NASA though...  More lies.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:50pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:50pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 1:55pm:
some think that they are needed here for this thread to exist ..

they are sadly mistaken as we continue ,

The Flat Earth - Why And How It's Being Hidden

very few , ever reach ' the glass ceiling '

So the shape of a rainbow is your most compelling evidence for there being a flat earth?

What proof would it take to change your mind?

Before I let you spam away the questions above, here they are again.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:52pm
you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue with these snazzy moonboots

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:57pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:52pm:
you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue with these snazzy moonboots

You are missing something, they weren't the boots used on the space walk, check the footage,

Again you're trying to distract from my question by posting bullshit you can fact check in an instant before posting and looking like an idiot.

You've fallen for another hoax.

The overboots were used for walking on the lunar surface, you can see them at the bottom right of the photo,

Again your gullibility has been your downfall.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:02pm
you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue ..

spaceboots and moondust !

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:05pm
Again, your ignorance to reality is resulting in you making stupid claims and acting the fool.

But you're only trying to distract from the below as none of this has anything to do with the topic of the thread.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm:
So the shape of a rainbow is your most compelling evidence for there being a flat earth?

What proof would it take to change your mind?

Before I let you spam away the questions above, here they are again.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:07pm
you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:10pm
But if you must, the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) took photos of Apollo 17's landing site.  Here is a comparison from the module window and these recent photos:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:14pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:07pm:
you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue ..

Sure, I've lost my footing... You're the one who seemingly unknowingly jumped from one conspiracy to another to hide your brutal defeat at the hands of the truth.

But reply #557, yes it was all a mirage...

That doesn't explain anything, especially the cause of the images that were posted, that you're ignoring.  Again, just because you choose not to acknowledge something doesn't make it wrong.

It just means you're running from the truth as per normal.

Again, your ignorance to reality is resulting in you making stupid claims and acting the fool.

But you're only trying to distract from the below as none of this has anything to do with the topic of the thread.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm:
So the shape of a rainbow is your most compelling evidence for there being a flat earth?

What proof would it take to change your mind?

Before I let you spam away the questions above, here they are again.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:14pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:10pm:
But if you must, the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) took photos of Apollo 17's landing site.  Here is a comparison from the module window and these recent photos:

you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue ..


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:17pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:14pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:10pm:
But if you must, the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) took photos of Apollo 17's landing site.  Here is a comparison from the module window and these recent photos:

you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue ..


You've been insulting me this whole time so I will not sugar coat this.

You're a moron...

Here is the photo unedited and in context,

Read the bottom line,

Artist rendering Photo of the CSM and LM docked in lunar orbit.

It's not a NASA photo you idiot...

You're just a gullible puppet and you don't even understand the bullshit you post... 

It's not even a photo...

But if it was, it shows the curvature of the Moon, which only helps debunk your attempt to paint the earth as also being flat.

You have contradicted yourself again.  AGAIN.  You can't keep cherry picking without shooting yourself in the foot over and over.

I'd be embarrassed for you if I wasn't feeding into your trolling so much and giving you what you want.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:27pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:17pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:14pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:10pm:
But if you must, the LRO (Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter) took photos of Apollo 17's landing site.  Here is a comparison from the module window and these recent photos:

you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue ..


You've been insulting me this whole time so I will not sugar coat this.

You're a moron...

Here is the photo unedited and in context,

Read the bottom line,

Artist rendering Photo of the CSM and LM docked in lunar orbit.

It's not a NASA photo you idiot...

You're just a gullible puppet and you don't even understand the bullshit you post... 

It's not even a photo...

But if it was, it shows the curvature of the Moon, which only helps debunk your attempt to paint the earth as also being flat.

You have contradicted yourself again.  AGAIN.  You can't keep cherry picking without shooting yourself in the foot over and over.

I'd be embarrassed for you if I wasn't feeding into your trolling so much and giving you what you want.

you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

we see you are very upset as usual and abusing this humble being ,

and yet , see Reply #557

you have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue ..

The Earth is a Globe 100% Proof? - First Picture of Earth 1966

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm
not really sure what sad kangaroo is doing here other than abusing this humble being

the sad kangaroo has lost his footing and honor ,

see Reply #557

and has no standing upon this thread as he has failed ,

as we continue ..

The History of Flat Earth by Eric Dubay

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 7th, 2018 at 4:26pm

You keep ignoring all the times you've been proven wrong.  You are literally rejecting reality and subsituting your own.

I've tried to take part in this in good faith and you've just poo all over me at every turn.  You don't care about the truth, you don't care about the facts and most of all you only seem to care about quanity of posts rather than substance.

As they say, never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

I have been guilty of this with you.  You did manage to drag me down much lower than I'm comfortable with.

You can have you hollow victories, you can live in your fantasy world, I don't care anyone.

If anyone else is interested in the topic I may return but for now I'm out.

You can even have the last say, throw out your silly memes and have one last stab.  I've realised since you're not willing to state your claims, you're unwilling to accept anything posted by anyone else and by omission you've admitted that no amount of evidence will ever change your mind on this and all the other crackpot conspiracies you so adore.

You're a lost cause, nothing but a pathetic empty Internet troll.

Enjoy your echo chamber of one, I can't stand to be in here with you any longer.  I hope it fills the void in your life that drives you here.

What a sad pathetic existence.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 4:33pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 4:26pm:

You keep ignoring all the times you've been proven wrong.  You are literally rejecting reality and subsituting your own.

I've tried to take part in this in good faith and you've just poo all over me at every turn.  You don't care about the truth, you don't care about the facts and most of all you only seem to care about quanity of posts rather than substance.

As they say, never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

I have been guilty of this with you.  You did manage to drag me down much lower than I'm comfortable with.

You can have you hollow victories, you can live in your fantasy world, I don't care anyone.

If anyone else is interested in the topic I may return but for now I'm out.

You can even have the last say, throw out your silly memes and have one last stab.  I've realised since you're not willing to state your claims, you're unwilling to accept anything posted by anyone else and by omission you've admitted that no amount of evidence will ever change your mind on this and all the other crackpot conspiracies you so adore.

You're a lost cause, nothing but a pathetic empty Internet troll.

Enjoy your echo chamber of one, I can't stand to be in here with you any longer.  I hope it fills the void in your life that drives you here.

What a sad pathetic existence.

let the bitter stench of defeat follow you on your journey

if you find any sense of intelligence and return with as much

feel free to pick up at proof 2

life will go on and ontopic data will continue to be posted

without your contributions here .. which has been essentially spam ..

may many blessings continue to fill your life



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 7th, 2018 at 6:02pm
I'm sorry It_Is_the_Light, but I'm totally with Sad Kangaroo on this.
True 'professionalism' is the ability to admit that it is wrong in the first place.
You Mr Light - are not being 'professional'. You consciously know that a lot of what you pump out is just fictitious conspiracy-mongering, because it makes you an income or gives you a reason to exist.
But Sad Kangaroo has provided more proven evidential stuff that what you have and has proven you wrong on a number of occasions with all that you can do is 'manoeuvre words' to make yourself appear 'untouched' by the truth.
Denial works for you Mr Light.
Even T.I.S.M could attest to that after reading your Epistlemological attempts to penetrate the minds of others.

The more you 'struggle', the less respect you get.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 7th, 2018 at 6:15pm
you are sorry ?

you are forgiven ,

we are on proof 2

if you have nothing further to add than inanity you are also disregarded ..

we are interested in the facts and honest dialogue

not spam and malcontent

many blessings


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Mar 9th, 2018 at 4:32pm

skippy. wrote on Feb 21st, 2018 at 8:40am:
If the earth was flat could a flat earther explain ?
Different locations on Earth experience seasons at different times.
Sunsets and sunrises happen at different times depending on your longitude.
I actually work with a flat earther, true story, he has a uni degree too.
It just goes to show you there is nothing common about common sense.
Bump for Mr Light.
You seem to have missed these simple questions.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 9th, 2018 at 5:57pm

skippy. wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 4:32pm:

skippy. wrote on Feb 21st, 2018 at 8:40am:
If the earth was flat could a flat earther explain ?
Different locations on Earth experience seasons at different times.
Sunsets and sunrises happen at different times depending on your longitude.
I actually work with a flat earther, true story, he has a uni degree too.
It just goes to show you there is nothing common about common sense.
Bump for Mr Light.
You seem to have missed these simple questions.

many blessings skippy , and yet

we are on proof 2 , @ 4:50 - 6:25 " pilot principles "

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Mar 9th, 2018 at 6:46pm
You missed answering the questions, again. Let’s make it simple
Why do different locations on the earth experience seasons at different times if the earth is flat?
Simple question.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 9th, 2018 at 7:15pm

skippy. wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 6:46pm:
You missed answering the questions, again. Let’s make it simple
Why do different locations on the earth experience seasons at different times if the earth is flat?
Simple question.

you missed answering the question here, again ..

so lets make its simple ..

we are on proof 2 , @ 4:50 - 6:25 " pilot principles "

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not agitators nor smoke and mirror agents


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Mar 9th, 2018 at 7:24pm

skippy. wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 6:46pm:
You missed answering the questions, again. Let’s make it simple
Why do different locations on the earth experience seasons at different times if the earth is flat?
Simple question.

Bump ,This is how it works.
I ask the questions as you are posting the claims.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 9th, 2018 at 7:25pm

skippy. wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 7:24pm:

skippy. wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 6:46pm:
You missed answering the questions, again. Let’s make it simple
Why do different locations on the earth experience seasons at different times if the earth is flat?
Simple question.

Bump ,This is how it works.
I ask the questions as you are posting the claims.

see Reply #599 , or argue with yourself ..

that is how it works .

do not pretend you can come here on this thread and ignore ontopic data.

you are free to start a thread of your own and go from there

lets see how many pages you get



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Mar 9th, 2018 at 7:59pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 7:25pm:

skippy. wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 7:24pm:

skippy. wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 6:46pm:
You missed answering the questions, again. Let’s make it simple
Why do different locations on the earth experience seasons at different times if the earth is flat?
Simple question.

Bump ,This is how it works.
I ask the questions as you are posting the claims.

see Reply #599 , or argue with yourself ..

that is how it works .

do not pretend you can come here on this thread and ignore ontopic data.

you are free to start a thread of your own and go from there

lets see how many pages you get



Ok. So we have confirmed you’re incapable of answering a simple question.
Therefore you’re wasting bandwidth with this bulls hit.
Btw  I can come on here and do as I please, I don’t need your permission.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 9th, 2018 at 8:18pm
we simply continue with ontopic material and ignore antagonists


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Mar 9th, 2018 at 8:28pm
Yea right, how dare I ask you to explain such a simple question  as why we have different seasons in different locations at the same time on a thread about the earth being flat.
Given the fact you run and hide under a rock every time you are asked a simple question it is not hard  to see  there is no logic in your argument, I accept the fact you have no credibility.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 9th, 2018 at 8:32pm
simply see reply # 599 ,

that is where we are up to on this thread .

and we can clearly see why everyone has run as fast as they can from the second proof .

as we continue ignoring egoistic and antagonistic behaviour

we do not indulge in stupid games here , as we prefer facts ,evidence and truths


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 16th, 2018 at 7:25am

skippy. wrote on Mar 9th, 2018 at 8:28pm:
Yea right, how dare I ask you to explain such a simple question  as why we have different seasons in different locations at the same time on a thread about the earth being flat.
Given the fact you run and hide under a rock every time you are asked a simple question it is not hard  to see  there is no logic in your argument, I accept the fact you have no credibility.

Light won't even write down his claims let alone is he capable of supporting them.  Each time you present the facts they are dismissed and if you're lucky you'll get his favourite cry baby meme.

He's chosen the "reality" he wants to believe.  It doesn't matter that each explanation that "supports" this reality contradicts the last.

You present him with evidence, he ignores it.  Peer reviewed, tested and replicatbale results.  None of that matters.

When he presents a position, it's always untested or cannot be tested (by design) and that's fine.

Here is the next thing that he'll ignore,

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 16th, 2018 at 8:06am
Also, last night, I saw proof that the earth is a sphere with my very own eyes, I watched the space station zoom by in the sky, it was amazing.

I was lucky to do with some friend who are much better at math than I am and were able to calculate exactly where it would be in the sky, and sure enough they nailed it.  Long story short, all their math involved the earth being a sphere too...

I'm going to try and see it again tomorrow night and head up to Brisbane again, but I'm not sure of the weather or my schedule.

I also don't have anything powerful enough to capture it at those light levels, but, there are plenty of videos online that show it, here one from a great Youtube channel, Smarter Every Day.  Not only is it an amazing capture, but it was during the US solar eclipse which again is more proof of the maths requiring the earth to be a sphere and the shadow cast bu the moon also being round, round because you guessed it, the moon is a sphere too.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 21st, 2018 at 5:26pm
mmm ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 21st, 2018 at 5:49pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 21st, 2018 at 5:51pm
What is fascinating is that you offered nothing to the claim of conclusive proof of the earth being a sphere in the 3 well problem, nor have you been able to explain why the calculations for the position of the international space station worked perfectly when they also required a spherical earth.

All you've done is post the same lies again.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 21st, 2018 at 5:53pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 21st, 2018 at 5:51pm:
What is fascinating is that you offered nothing to the claim of conclusive proof of the earth being a sphere in the 3 well problem, nor have you been able to explain why the calculations for the position of the international space station worked perfectly when they also required a spherical earth.

All you've done is post the same lies again.

many blessings

we are on proof 2 , @ 4:50 - 6:25 " pilot principles "

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 21st, 2018 at 6:28pm
Nah mate, the 3 wells problem debunks flat earthers once and for all.

Mathematically proves the curvature of the earth, and any Joe can test it for themselves.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 21st, 2018 at 6:37pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 21st, 2018 at 6:28pm:
Nah mate, the 3 wells problem debunks flat earthers once and for all.

Mathematically proves the curvature of the earth, and any Joe can test it for themselves.

many blessings

we are on proof 2 , @ 4:50 - 6:25 " pilot principles "

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:04pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 21st, 2018 at 6:37pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 21st, 2018 at 6:28pm:
Nah mate, the 3 wells problem debunks flat earthers once and for all.

Mathematically proves the curvature of the earth, and any Joe can test it for themselves.

many blessings

we are on proof 2 , @ 4:50 - 6:25 " pilot principles "

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue


Nah mate, you had the chance to enter into a reasonable and decent debate, you chose not to.  You've been presented with facts that you simply will not to exist and so you ignore them and move onto the next point.

This is not how it works.

You've been present with more information that flat earthers have no way of explaining, therefore debunking the entire claim in its entirety.

You're also choosing to ignore that.

Why should anyone engage with your short of reminding you how petty and childish you're being.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:24pm
IITL is just taking the piss.. nobody could be  that simple minded.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:33pm
and yes its quite simple , yet they continue to throw red herrings which are disregarded ..

and so many blessings

we are on proof 2 ,and we shall not waiver or get distracted from " pilot principles "  @ 4:50 - 6:25

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:41pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:33pm:
and yes its quite simple , yet they continue to throw red herrings which are disregarded ..

and so many blessings

we are on proof 2 ,and we shall not waiver or get distracted from " pilot principles "  @ 4:50 - 6:25

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue


See that's the point... Evidence you don't like you claim is a red herring.

Facts you don't like that disprove your point of view cant simply be ignored as "red herrings".

This is why nobody takes you seriously.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:54pm
not sure why you are still posting if you are not going to answer the topic at hand ..

you keep running , and then saying " oh people think this of you "

clearly I could care less ! what people think of me sad one ..

the fact is that you are afraid and have seen proof 2 and you cannot answer it .

and here it is again

and so many blessings

we are on proof 2 ,and we shall not waiver or get distracted from " pilot principles "  @ 4:50 - 6:25

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 21st, 2018 at 9:04pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:54pm:
not sure why you are still posting if you are not going to answer the topic at hand ..

you keep running , and then saying " oh people think this of you "

clearly I could care less ! what people think of me sad one ..

the fact is that you are afraid and have seen proof 2 and you cannot answer it .

and here it is again

and so many blessings

we are on proof 2 ,and we shall not waiver or get distracted from " pilot principles "  @ 4:50 - 6:25

so as not to derail this thread .

this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

and so if you are interested , and when you are ready ..

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue


That point is also easily debunked, but what will you do if I prove it wrong?

If I can prove that it is again a lack of your knowledge that you're choosing ignorance and conspiracy rather than enlightenment and understanding, will you address the 3 well problem?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 11:07am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:54pm:
this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

Not in the way you think.

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue

Again, you've not been providing evidence, only hypothesis born out of ignorance.

Take the second point, the claim which you've tried to support with your SR-71 info states that if a Plane flies level it would gain altitude.

You again have a lack of understanding, this time of basic aviation.  There is flying straight, and flying level, the difference is here:

Now I could leave it at that, but this isn't a meme war, so here are some cold hard facts.

There is some truth to what he says, planes do in fact fly pitched down in order to maintain level flight, it's just your/his math is totally wrong. 

In an airplane, Elevator Trim simply controls the RATE of pitch of an aircraft - not the actual pitch of the plane.

A 747 flying at 35,000' would have a flight circumference of  about 2π*(3959+(35000/5280)) ≈ 24916 miles
Flying at 570 miles per hour, this plane would fly a fraction of the 360° around given by 360*570/24916
Since that's 1 hour we can divide by 60 to get the degrees per hour: 360*570/24916/60 ≈ 0.137°/minute

That is down in the noise since pitch rate is affected by temperature, density, power, and control settings on the plane you simply trim the plane for as close to ZERO vertical speed as you can and you've automatically compensated for all of them at once.  Of course, on a 747 computers do that.  In a small plane the pitch rate is microscopic.

Pitch Rate/minute = 360*groundspeedMPH/[2π*(3959+(altitudeFEET/5280))]/60

So yes, airplanes DO pitch down constantly at an EXTREMELY slow rate which presents absolutely no issue what-so-ever.  Once again, you've failed to understand a phenomena and proceed to run around making absurd claims about it.

Now to your SR-71 bullshit, there are so many things absolutely wrong in this meme I almost don't know where to start. 

Where did they get 2193.13 MPH from?  I get 668.9 mph for the speed of sound at 85,000' and SR-71 nominally goes Mach 3.2 (it can go slightly faster for short periods), that gives me 668.9*3.2 = ~2140.48 mph at 85,000'.   I guess that is "close enough", so I'll use their 2194 mph for this example.  But we're also at 85,000' so I'll add that into our radius of curvature (makes very little difference).

And where did they get '1/4 MILE OF CURVATURE EVERY HOUR' from?  Wow, that is just stupidly wrong.  At 2194 mph, you go 2194 miles in 1 hour and that gives 696.83 Miles OF CURVATURE DROP not 1/4 mile!  *I've assumed no wind so 2194 mph ~ ground distance and I've used CURVED GROUND DISTANCE for the curvature calculation: r/cos(d/r)-r

And even if it was a 1/4 mile 5280/4/60 = 22 FEET, not 23.  Maybe they rounded the .0?  They clearly cannot manage division.

But their worst error is assuming that 1/4 mile of curvature MEANS 22 feet per minute of vertical speed in the first place.  As I've already shown VERTICAL SPEED WOULD BE ZERO AT EVERY POINT.

The curvature 'drop' is BUILT INTO the flight dynamics - the plane isn't flying a linear path and having to drop down, it is flying along the curve -- you have to compute the integral.

The pitch RATE would be:

(360/(2*pi*(3959+(85000/5280))))*(2194)/60 = ~0.527° per minute (~0.00878°/sec)

Still only a very slight rotation that wouldn't be specifically noticeable and would very easily be compensated for in pitch rate - in this case, by the computer that is actually flying the airplane.  But again, the computer doesn't even have to understand the Earth curvature to do this, it just needs to keep VS near zero which is determined by pitch rate and power settings.


So it isn't the 696.83 miles of curvature drop you need to worry about, let's look at that over 1/1000th of a second:

The plane moves forward ~3.218 feet
The plane pitches forward 0.00000878°
The plane DOES NOT CLIMB 0.00000024669 of a foot (the 'drop' over that distance)

After 1 second the plane HAS NOT CLIMBED 0.24667 feet but it is entirely INACCURATE to say that it has DROPPED 0.24667 feet.   If you take 0.00000024669 * 1000 you'll note that you get 0.00024669  instead of 0.24667 feet -- you are a OFF BY ONE THOUSAND TIMES HERE by assuming this is a linear function.  Every microscopic bit of pitch rotation in between ALREADY ALTERED OUR COURSE.


It is the sum total of these CONTINUOUS microscopic adjustments that result in the curved flight path.

That is what you don't understand.  With the atrocious math you've cited in this Meme is that any surprise?

Did you even bother to fact check any of this before blindly believing this idiot's video? 

Why do I have to do all your work for you, which you'll ignore anyway?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:49pm

So yes, airplanes DO pitch down constantly at an EXTREMELY slow rate which presents absolutely no issue what-so-ever.

please show proof of your non logical claim .. ?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:50pm

Flat Earth - Moon Phases and Selenelion Explained

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:53pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:49pm:

So yes, airplanes DO pitch down constantly at an EXTREMELY slow rate which presents absolutely no issue what-so-ever.

please show proof of your non logical claim .. ?

The math is in the post, it's all there.  If your understand and intelligence is not sufficient enough to find it logical, I can't help that.  But don't turn to conspiracy because you can't accept the facts.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 2:04pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 2:05pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 2:17pm

#18 Is the Earth a Sphere? Cruisin’ at 30,000 ft.

“….We’ll Be Cruising at 30,000 ft. for the next 4 hours.”

If the Earth were a sphere, airplane pilots would have to constantly correct their altitudes downwards so as to not fly straight off into “outer space!” If the Earth were truly a sphere 25,000 miles circumference curveting 8 inches per mile squared, a pilot wishing to simply maintain their altitude at a typical cruising speed of 500 mph, would have to constantly dip their nose downwards and descend 2,777 feet (over half a mile) every minute! Otherwise, without compensation, in one hour’s time the pilot would find themselves 166,666 feet (31.5 miles) higher than expected!

A plane flying at a typical 35,000 feet wishing to maintain that altitude at the upper-rim of the so-called “Troposphere” in one hour would find themselves over 200,000 feet high into the “Mesosphere” with a steadily raising trajectory the longer they go. I have talked to several pilots, and no such compensation for the Earth’s supposed curvature is ever made. When pilots set an altitude, their artificial horizon gauge remains level and so does their course; nothing like the necessary 2,777 foot per minute declination is ever taken into consideration.

To maintain a 30,000 ft. altitude around a round Earth, the airplane would have to be angled significantly lower than in the rear of the airplane to maintain a 30,000 foot relationship to the Earth’s curvature.

Yet this never, ever happens. When traveling in an airplane it is level form nose to stern.

This means that the Earth is not a globe but is a level piece of land below us while in flight.

If one says that we are in a vacuum and gravity holds us in, then how is plane able to “escape” Earth’s gravity pull upon reaching cruising altitude when NASA tells us that it would require

From the surface of the Earth, escape velocity (ignoring air friction) is about 7 miles per second, or 25,000 miles per hour. Given that initial speed, an object needs no additional force applied to completely escape Earth’s gravity.

Basic Geometry on a Sphere

The Global Earth theorists for 500 years have been telling us the Earth is a sphere. IF the earth is a globe, and is 25,000 English statute miles in circumference, the surface of all standing water must have a certain degree of convexity–every part must be an arc of a circle.

From the summit of any such arc there will exist a curvature or declination of 8 inches in the first statute mile. In the second mile the fall will be 32 inches; in the third mile, 72 inches, or 6 feet, as shown in the diagram above. Spherical trigonometry dictates that a ball-Earth 25,000 miles in circumference would curvate 8 inches per mile varying inversely with the square of the mile, so after six miles there would be an easily detectable and measurable 16 feet, 8 inches of downward curvature.

To determine how much the Earth falls away on the curve you take miles squared X eight inches. This is an inverse relationship so the farther one travels the greater the distance of feet or miles the Earth will fall away.

Let the distance from T to figure 1 represent 1 mile, and the fall from 1 to A, 8 inches; then the fall from 2 to B will be 32 inches, and from 3 to C, 72 inches. In every mile after the first, the curvature downwards from the point T increases as the square of the distance multiplied by 8 inches. The rule, however, requires to be modified after the first thousand miles. 1

Miles squared X 8 inches
one foot = .000189394 miles

Curvature of Earth
1 mile 5.33 ft.  or .12626 mile

10 miles 66.666 ft. or 1.2626 miles

100 miles 6,666.66 ft. or 12.626 miles

So the farther one travels the greater the drop (or rise) in distance.


Non NASA camera records continual Flat Earth on plane

Published on Dec 24, 2014
Check out this excellent amateur balloon footage of our flat, motionless Earth! You can clearly see the Sun is NOT 93 million miles away as we’re told. This is evidenced by the hot-spot seen on the clouds directly underneath the Sun as it moves over the Earth. Over 20 miles high and the horizon remains perfectly flat and rises to the eye-level of the observer all the way up. If the Earth were a ball, no matter how big, the horizon could not rise with the observer like this. On a ball-Earth the horizon would stay where it was and you would have to look DOWN to the horizon further and further the higher you rose.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 2:18pm
You're doing it again.

2 out of 2 have been debunked and you're just spamming unrelated material and ignoring the facts.

I gave you more respect than you deserved and played along, as you demanded, even though you haven't been playing ball in return.

So I ask, the 3 well problem posted earlier, that can only be explained by a spherical earth, how does this sit with your claims of the earth being flat?

You talk about providing evidence and accepting facts and reality yet at each attempt at your doing so, your "facts" have proven to be wrong and you've been provided with the real answers with methods for you to test yourself.

You act as if you don't care about the truth, you just want to push the lies and bullshit you believe without any care for what is real.

Where do we go from here?

Are you going to pretend that the first 2 points are still true even though they've been proven false and demand I address the 3rd, or are you going to take the time to learn the truth of what has been sent to you and adjust your opinion based on the facts, rather than stubbornly clinging onto your conspiracy.

At every turn what you post can be shown to be wrong, but you act like a child with his fingers in his ears yelling "LA LA LA LA".

What's next?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 2:37pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 2:17pm:

#18 Is the Earth a Sphere? Cruisin’ at 30,000 ft.

“….We’ll Be Cruising at 30,000 ft. for the next 4 hours.”

If the Earth were a sphere, airplane pilots would have to constantly correct their altitudes downwards so as to not fly straight off into “outer space!” If the Earth were truly a sphere 25,000 miles circumference curveting 8 inches per mile squared, a pilot wishing to simply maintain their altitude at a typical cruising speed of 500 mph, would have to constantly dip their nose downwards and descend 2,777 feet (over half a mile) every minute! Otherwise, without compensation, in one hour’s time the pilot would find themselves 166,666 feet (31.5 miles) higher than expected!

A plane flying at a typical 35,000 feet wishing to maintain that altitude at the upper-rim of the so-called “Troposphere” in one hour would find themselves over 200,000 feet high into the “Mesosphere” with a steadily raising trajectory the longer they go. I have talked to several pilots, and no such compensation for the Earth’s supposed curvature is ever made. When pilots set an altitude, their artificial horizon gauge remains level and so does their course; nothing like the necessary 2,777 foot per minute declination is ever taken into consideration.

To maintain a 30,000 ft. altitude around a round Earth, the airplane would have to be angled significantly lower than in the rear of the airplane to maintain a 30,000 foot relationship to the Earth’s curvature.

Yet this never, ever happens. When traveling in an airplane it is level form nose to stern.

This means that the Earth is not a globe but is a level piece of land below us while in flight.

If one says that we are in a vacuum and gravity holds us in, then how is plane able to “escape” Earth’s gravity pull upon reaching cruising altitude when NASA tells us that it would require

From the surface of the Earth, escape velocity (ignoring air friction) is about 7 miles per second, or 25,000 miles per hour. Given that initial speed, an object needs no additional force applied to completely escape Earth’s gravity.

Basic Geometry on a Sphere

The Global Earth theorists for 500 years have been telling us the Earth is a sphere. IF the earth is a globe, and is 25,000 English statute miles in circumference, the surface of all standing water must have a certain degree of convexity–every part must be an arc of a circle.

From the summit of any such arc there will exist a curvature or declination of 8 inches in the first statute mile. In the second mile the fall will be 32 inches; in the third mile, 72 inches, or 6 feet, as shown in the diagram above. Spherical trigonometry dictates that a ball-Earth 25,000 miles in circumference would curvate 8 inches per mile varying inversely with the square of the mile, so after six miles there would be an easily detectable and measurable 16 feet, 8 inches of downward curvature.

To determine how much the Earth falls away on the curve you take miles squared X eight inches. This is an inverse relationship so the farther one travels the greater the distance of feet or miles the Earth will fall away.

Let the distance from T to figure 1 represent 1 mile, and the fall from 1 to A, 8 inches; then the fall from 2 to B will be 32 inches, and from 3 to C, 72 inches. In every mile after the first, the curvature downwards from the point T increases as the square of the distance multiplied by 8 inches. The rule, however, requires to be modified after the first thousand miles. 1

Miles squared X 8 inches
one foot = .000189394 miles

Curvature of Earth
1 mile 5.33 ft.  or .12626 mile

10 miles 66.666 ft. or 1.2626 miles

100 miles 6,666.66 ft. or 12.626 miles

So the farther one travels the greater the drop (or rise) in distance.


Non NASA camera records continual Flat Earth on plane

Published on Dec 24, 2014
Check out this excellent amateur balloon footage of our flat, motionless Earth! You can clearly see the Sun is NOT 93 million miles away as we’re told. This is evidenced by the hot-spot seen on the clouds directly underneath the Sun as it moves over the Earth. Over 20 miles high and the horizon remains perfectly flat and rises to the eye-level of the observer all the way up. If the Earth were a ball, no matter how big, the horizon could not rise with the observer like this. On a ball-Earth the horizon would stay where it was and you would have to look DOWN to the horizon further and further the higher you rose.

I know you've only copied and pasted that, but do you even understand it?  I could spend the time to show you where you've made simple math errors again, but it's not even your work.

If I was to spend the time to explain where you've gone wrong with the math and the assumptions you've made, would you listen?

Do you even care about understanding this point or are you just trying to win an argument even when you're totally ignorant to it's content?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 3:01pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:53pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:49pm:

So yes, airplanes DO pitch down constantly at an EXTREMELY slow rate which presents absolutely no issue what-so-ever.

please show proof of your non logical claim .. ?

The math is in the post, it's all there.  If your understand and intelligence is not sufficient enough to find it logical, I can't help that.  But don't turn to conspiracy because you can't accept the facts.

there is so much rubbish in that post one may not know where to begin ..

just about every claim you make is incorrect ..

you seem very confused and so be it ..that is not my problem as we continue ,

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 3:03pm

Hey NASA! Why Isn't There A Camera On The Moon Filming Earth?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 3:52pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 3:01pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:53pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:49pm:

So yes, airplanes DO pitch down constantly at an EXTREMELY slow rate which presents absolutely no issue what-so-ever.

please show proof of your non logical claim .. ?

The math is in the post, it's all there.  If your understand and intelligence is not sufficient enough to find it logical, I can't help that.  But don't turn to conspiracy because you can't accept the facts.

there is so much rubbish in that post one may not know where to begin ..

just about every claim you make is incorrect ..

you seem very confused and so be it ..that is not my problem as we continue ,


As for that image you posted, it depicts 3 things. Your problem is you see one of the shadows that are cast and come to a 4th conclusion not even shown.

I'll find some videos designed for children that explain a round earth for you since the basic math is too much for you to comprehend.

Clearly there is no point in trying to correct your further misunderstanding in your latest copy and paste.

You can't even grasp the concept of straight vs level flight can you?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 23rd, 2018 at 11:14pm
many blessings , you seem upset as usual ..

wonder why that is ?

is it because your belief system is being challenged ?

why bother here at all .. ?

you have put forth some evidence , albeit incorrect ,

and I have also put forth evidence and facts ..

whats the big deal ? just admit you're wrong and move on without abuse ..

yet either way be at peace as we continue ..

we are up to proof 3 .. ' land ho ' @ 6:27


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 23rd, 2018 at 11:25pm
many blessings

how can these star trails exist from places like canada

canary islands

this does not make sense in a globe model

for you would have to be exactly at the nth pole to observe this point within the star trails

if you were not at the nth pole , in a globe model

it would be impossible to observe polaris attracting the star trail construct .. this is logic



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 24th, 2018 at 8:08am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 23rd, 2018 at 11:25pm:
many blessings

how can these star trails exist from places like canada

canary islands

this does not make sense in a globe model

for you would have to be exactly at the nth pole to observe this point within the star trails

if you were not at the nth pole , in a globe model

it would be impossible to observe polaris attracting the star trail construct .. this is logic



Another thing you don't understand, substituted conspiracy for logic, and won't listen to the explanation, and will post another "question" of something you don't understand to avoid having to admit you were wrong.

Why bother?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 24th, 2018 at 9:49am
there are so many questions to the lies being propagated ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 24th, 2018 at 10:05am
Again, your lack of understanding about something doesn't make it a lie.

It just makes you ignorant to the truth.  You had a choice to educate yourself to the facts or hold onto conspiracy to make out that the facts you don't understand are wrong, therefore you're not stupid.

You chose the latter, and you're stupider because of it.

Are you that insecure that you need to keep claiming you've "won" an argument with some random person on the internet when all you've done is prove how little you know?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 24th, 2018 at 10:27am
so many anomalies *

just about everywhere you look there are irregularities ..and if you question them people get upset ..

wonder why that is ?

NASA’s “Blue Marble” Earth is a fake
by Dr. Eowyn
When we think of Earth, this iconic image of the “Blue Marble” immediately comes to mind.

We’ll call the above image “Blue Marble I”.

From Wikipedia:

The Blue Marble is a famous photograph of the Earth, taken on December 7, 1972, by the crew of the Apollo 17 spacecraft, at a distance of about 45,000 kilometers (28,000 miles). It is one of the most iconic, and among the most widely distributed images in human history….

The image is one of the few to show an almost fully illuminated Earth disk (slightly gibbous), as the astronauts had the Sun behind them when they took the image. To the astronauts, Earth had the appearance and size of a glass marble, hence the name.

The photograph was taken about 5 hours and 6 minutes after launch of the Apollo 17 mission, and about 1 hour 54 minutes after the spacecraft left its parking orbit around the Earth, to begin its trajectory to the Moon.

Or maybe that’s not the Blue Marble you have in mind. Maybe it’s this iconic image of a more vividly-colored Blue Marble which was released by NASA in 2002. Let’s call it “Blue Marble II”

Blue Marble II is so familiar to us in part because it was the default image on the first iPhone.

But some sharp-eyed geeks discovered “anomalies” in Blue Marble II, specifically duplicate clouds, as you can see in a cropped section of Blue Marble II (below):

The discovery of duplicate clouds has led to accusations that not only is the 2002 image (Blue Marble II) a fake, the original Apollo 17 image (Blue Marble I) was likely a fake as well. That, in turn, has led some to question whether everything NASA did and said was fake. See, for example, this post from Plane Not A Planet blog.The problem is that, in the years after the first Blue Marble photo was taken by Apollo 17, NASA has released many Blue Marbles, “Blue Marble II” being one of the best known and most popular.

As NASA explains about the 2002 “Blue Marble II”:


Data Date: February 8, 2002
Visualization Date: February 8, 2002
This spectacular “blue marble” image is the most detailed true-color image of the entire Earth to date. Using a collection of satellite-based observations, scientists and visualizers stitched together months of observations of the land surface, oceans, sea ice, and clouds into a seamless, true-color mosaic of every square kilometer (.386 square mile) of our planet. These images are freely available to educators, scientists, museums, and the public.

Much of the information contained in this image came from a single remote-sensing device-NASA’s Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, or MODIS. Flying over 700 km above the Earth onboard the Terra satellite, MODIS provides an integrated tool for observing a variety of terrestrial, oceanic, and atmospheric features of the Earth. The land and coastal ocean portions of these images are based on surface observations collected from June through September 2001 and combined, or composited, every eight days to compensate for clouds that might block the sensor’s view of the surface on any single day…. The cloud image is a composite of two days of imagery collected in visible light wavelengths and a third day of thermal infra-red imagery over the poles. Global city lights, derived from 9 months of observations from the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program, are superimposed on a darkened land surface map.

In other words, rendered in simple English, NASA is saying that the 2002 “Blue Marble II” is not a photo. Instead, the image is a COMBINATION and COMPOSITE of many “satellite-based observations” (whatever that means), which were “stitched together” (whatever that means) by scientists and “visualizers” (whatever that means).

In other words, Blue Marble II is a fake — which would explain the duplicate clouds.

Here’s an admission by Robert Simmon, one of the “visualizers” who “stitched together” Blue Marble II, as related by David Yanofsky in his March 27, 2014 article for Quartz, “The guy who created the iPhone’s Earth image explains why he needed to fake it“:

As it turns out, much of what one might assume about this beautiful image is not true…. It isn’t actually a photograph of earth. And that blackness surrounding it? That’s not space, either….

Simmon, a data-visualizer and designer at NASA’s Earth Observatory, created the image in 2002. He told Quartz it’s not a photograph, but a sophisticated visualization.

Images of the earth may seem commonplace, but there are actually very few pictures of the entire planet. The problem, Simmon said, is all the NASA earth-observing satellites are in low-earth or geostationary orbit, meaning none of them are far enough away to see a full hemisphere. The most familiar pictures of the entire Earth are from the 1960s and 1970s Apollo missions to the moon.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 24th, 2018 at 10:27am
As realistic as it looks, the image is a composite of four months of light data collected in 2,300 km (1,429 mi) wide bands as NASA’s Terra satellite orbited from pole to pole, and the earth rotated beneath it.

That data was then stitched together and applied to the surface of a digital ball, then modified in Photoshop.

Simmon readily admits there are numerous fakeries in his image. The atmosphere is Photoshop blur. Some of the clouds are collaged together using Photoshop’s clone tool to cover gaps in the satellite’s coverage. The black area around the earth is not the void of space. It is simply a background of black color that Simmon placed the earth on top of. (This is standard practice, Simmon says: most actual “photographs” of the earth—including the Apollo images—present the planet on a black background).

Without these alterations, the image wouldn’t look very earth-like. Simmon said he based his manipulations on reality, “in the sense that I’ve looked at a lot of imagery to see how thick should that be, how blue should that be.” But, he later added, “It’s more hyper-realistic than realistic.”

“Without these alterations, the image wouldn’t look very earth-like.”

That’s a doozy of a sentence, because our visual images of earth all came from NASA in the first place as none of us has flown into space to actually see the entire Earth.

Given the admission that Blue Marble II is a fake, we have every reason to wonder about other NASA fakeries and lies, such as the 1986 Challenger explosion (see “Are the crew members of 1986 Space Shuttle Challenger still alive?”) and whether those photos taken on the Moon are real.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 25th, 2018 at 7:05pm


Ok, I’ll tackle this controversial subject again. The video I shared that indicated the likelihood that the world in which the trees were silica based was destroyed; and our more “modern” world has carbon-based trees was controversial. It also revealed probable evidence that there has been major mining on this planet; and much of what we have been told are geological processes, are, in fact, evidence of extensive mining. These were certainly claims worth pondering, to me and many others I’m sure. What riled me, however, were the flat earth claims. Ever since discovering the account of the Norwegian father and son who sailed to the north pole, then through the center of the earth coming out by Antarctica, I become convinced that the earth is hollow. Testimony from Admiral Byrd also indicated the same thing: a hollow earth. Now, if flat, is it layered? I’m not sure that concept will please the flat-earthers; but unless we can learn to love one another and stop being enslaved by demons, we’ll destroy whatever earth we live on, no matter what the shape. We need to stop being diverted to things that do not matter, and focus on what will preserve life on this beautiful planet.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2018 at 7:37am
yes it does ..

Moment 61-year-old blasts himself off the ground on a homemade steam-powered ROCKET at 325mph to prove that the earth is 'shaped liked a frisbee' - before landing with a bang

'Mad' Mike Hughes propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air in his homemade steam-powered rocket  and made a hard landing in Mojave Desert
The rocket man, who believes the Earth is flat, made the launch near Amboy, California, on Saturday
The launch in the desert town east of Los Angeles, was first set for November and was scrubbed several times
The 61-year-old said that outside of an aching back, he's feeling fine after the dangerous incident
By Associated Press

PUBLISHED: 11:20 AEDT, 25 March 2018 | UPDATED: 08:14 AEDT, 26 March 2018

He finally went up - just like the self-taught rocket scientist always pledged he would in a mission to prove the Earth is flat.

He came back down in one piece, too - a little dinged up and his steam-powered vessel a little cracked up.

Still, mission accomplished for a guy more daredevil than engineer, who drew more comparisons to the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote from his critics than he did to iconic stunt man Evel Knievel.

'Mad' Mike Hughes, the rocket man who believes the Earth is flat, propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air Saturday before a hard landing in the Mojave Desert.

He told The Associated Press that outside of an aching back he's fine after the launch near Amboy, California.

'Relieved,' he said after being checked out by paramedics. 'I'm tired of people saying I chickened out and didn't build a rocket. I'm tired of that stuff. I manned up and did it.'

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 26th, 2018 at 7:41am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 7:37am:
yes it does ..

Moment 61-year-old blasts himself off the ground on a homemade steam-powered ROCKET at 325mph to prove that the earth is 'shaped liked a frisbee' - before landing with a bang

'Mad' Mike Hughes propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air in his homemade steam-powered rocket  and made a hard landing in Mojave Desert
The rocket man, who believes the Earth is flat, made the launch near Amboy, California, on Saturday
The launch in the desert town east of Los Angeles, was first set for November and was scrubbed several times
The 61-year-old said that outside of an aching back, he's feeling fine after the dangerous incident
By Associated Press

PUBLISHED: 11:20 AEDT, 25 March 2018 | UPDATED: 08:14 AEDT, 26 March 2018

He finally went up - just like the self-taught rocket scientist always pledged he would in a mission to prove the Earth is flat.

He came back down in one piece, too - a little dinged up and his steam-powered vessel a little cracked up.

Still, mission accomplished for a guy more daredevil than engineer, who drew more comparisons to the cartoon character Wile E. Coyote from his critics than he did to iconic stunt man Evel Knievel.

'Mad' Mike Hughes, the rocket man who believes the Earth is flat, propelled himself about 1,875 feet into the air Saturday before a hard landing in the Mojave Desert.

He told The Associated Press that outside of an aching back he's fine after the launch near Amboy, California.

'Relieved,' he said after being checked out by paramedics. 'I'm tired of people saying I chickened out and didn't build a rocket. I'm tired of that stuff. I manned up and did it.'

So, he didn't go up high enough to prove anything, other than being able to increase his horizon and see further then he could on the ground because of the curvature of the earth.

He should have just taken a commercial flight...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The_Barnacle on Mar 26th, 2018 at 10:50am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:12pm
CGI much ?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:15pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:18pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:21pm
no stars in the background .. yeah right *

A NASA camera on the Deep Space Climate Observatory satellite has returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth from one million miles away.

This color image of Earth was taken by NASA’s Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC), a four megapixel CCD camera and telescope. The image was generated by combining three separate images to create a photographic-quality image. The camera takes a series of 10 images using different narrowband filters -- from ultraviolet to near infrared -- to produce a variety of science products. The red, green and blue channel images are used in these color images.

The image was taken July 6, 2015, showing North and Central America. The central turquoise areas are shallow seas around the Caribbean islands. This Earth image shows the effects of sunlight scattered by air molecules, giving the image a characteristic bluish tint. The EPIC team is working to remove this atmospheric effect from subsequent images. Once the instrument begins regular data acquisition, EPIC will provide a daily series of Earth images allowing for the first time study of daily variations over the entire globe. These images, available 12 to 36 hours after they are acquired, will be posted to a dedicated web page by September 2015.

The primary objective of DSCOVR, a partnership between NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the U.S. Air Force, is to maintain the nation’s real-time solar wind monitoring capabilities, which are critical to the accuracy and lead time of space weather alerts and forecasts from NOAA.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:25pm
What a beautiful picture.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:30pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:25pm:
What a beautiful picture.

well its CGI yes a beautiful fairytale ..

not surprising that a self proclaimed drug injecting addict would believe as much ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:27pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:30pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:25pm:
What a beautiful picture.

well its CGI yes a beautiful fairytale ..

not surprising that a self proclaimed drug injecting addict would believe as much ..

Awww there there, one day you might have evidence.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:30pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:30pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:30pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:25pm:
What a beautiful picture.

well its CGI yes a beautiful fairytale ..

not surprising that a self proclaimed drug injecting addict would believe as much ..

Awww there there, one day you might have evidence.

no stars in space ?

oh ok nasa ..

:D :D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:32pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:30pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:30pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:25pm:
What a beautiful picture.

well its CGI yes a beautiful fairytale ..

not surprising that a self proclaimed drug injecting addict would believe as much ..

Awww there there, one day you might have evidence.

no stars in space ?

oh ok nasa ..

:D :D :D :D :D

Ummm, you do realise that its about exposure in the photo right?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 27th, 2018 at 9:02am

The BIBLE says...
"How are you fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, son of the morning!
(Jesus is the 'BRIGHT' Morning Star.. Lucifer is the 'SON' of morning star. A common misunderstanding and also, strangely enough, Lucifer is LATIN. The Hebrew word is HEYLEL)
How are you cut down to the ground, who did weaken the nations!
For you have said in your heart,
I WILL ascend into heaven,
I WILL exalt my throne above the stars of God:
I WILL sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the farthest sides of the north:
I WILL ascend above the heights of the clouds;
I WILL be like the most High.
Yet you shall be brought down to sheol, to the sides of the pit."
Isaiah 14:12

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 27th, 2018 at 9:05am
lets get biblical ..

When the Earth was flat: a map of the universe, according to the Old Testament

Ancient Hebrew cosmology is full of subtleties that often go unnoticed by the contemporary reader

In a nutshell, ancient Hebrew cosmology, as found in the Old Testament, considers the world in which we live a relatively flat disk, covered by a dome. Something like a gigantic cake stand covered with one of those classic glass domes, if you will.

As you can see in the diagram included, below the disk you would find the Sheol (that is, the place of the dead, but not necessarily Hell; actually, this Sheol is a bit more like what the Greeks called Hades) and the so-called “deep waters”, the “waters underneath” or, even more dramatically, “the great deep.”

Now above the dome, in the “outside” of the dome (who’d say?) you’d find even more water. You guessed it right: those are the “upper waters” and, above them, the “high heaven” or the “heaven of heavens”, where God Himself dwells, as can be seen in the graphic.

In a nutshell, ancient Hebrew cosmology, as found in the Old Testament, considers the world in which we live a relatively flat disk covered by a dome. Something like a gigantic cake stand covered with one of those classic glass or acrylic domes, if you will.   
In a nutshell, ancient Hebrew cosmology, as found in the Old Testament, considers the world in which we live a relatively flat disk covered by a dome. Something like a gigantic cake stand covered with one of those classic glass or acrylic domes, if you will.
However, as explained by the Catholic blog St. Peter’s List, who in turn quote the Catholic Encyclopedia, the idea that the sky is an enormous solid dome is not to be found exclusively in Hebrew cosmology. Actually, it wouldn’t be a mistake to say that such an idea is, to some extent, a common heritage of ancient peoples, particularly Mediterranean.

For example, both Greeks and Romans assumed that the sky was a glass dome to which the “fixed stars” (that is, celestial bodies which did not seem to move, in relation to other stars in the night sky) were attached. However, there were some discrepancies about the material this dome was allegedly made out of. Some would say it was not made out of glass but iron or bronze instead but, of course, you can tell that was indeed hard to prove. That the Hebrews had similar ideas to those of their Mediterranean neighbors, can be clearly seen in several biblical passages.

The “firmament,” on the other hand, was considered as a sort of gap (or barrier) separating the “upper waters,” which are above the heavens, and the “lower waters” of the deep. The latter would include seas and oceans.

Now the dome covering the Earth was considered to be sitting on pillars, which were thought to be the “foundations of the earth,” and the dome itself had a series of windows, hatches or doors where the rain would fall from, descending from the “upper waters.” The most famous example of the opening of these hatches is, of course, Noah’s Flood.

Last but not least, deep within the Earth you would find Sheol. Etymologically speaking, it has been commonly assumed that the word “Sheol” comes from a Hebrew root which means “being sunk in,” “being hollow” or even “being buried in.” Consequently, it was only natural to assume that “Sheol” was either a cave, or a place down beneath the earth. In the Septuagint (the first Greek translation of the Old Testament), “Sheol” was translated using the classic Greek word “Hades,” while in the Vulgate (the Latin version), it was translated as “Inferos.”

Anyhow, in this particular case, the word “hell” is used in a very general sense to refer to (at least according to the kind of eschatology that can be found in the Old Testament) the realm of the dead, both the good and the bad.

In a sense, this “Sheol” can be thought of as less like “hell” than like a “limbo,” where the righteous waited for the death and resurrection of Christ, but since this “limbo of the righteous” disappeared after the Harrowing of Hell in the New Testament, “Sheol” often refers to the hell of the damned instead.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 28th, 2018 at 5:42pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 27th, 2018 at 9:05am:
lets get biblical ...

More fairy tales?

So let's get back down to (globe) earth for a minute, how is the sunrise and sunset meant to work if the earth is flat?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Super Nova on Mar 28th, 2018 at 6:55pm
I honestly think the flat earthers are just taking the piss and have a bit of fun with everyone. No-one can believe this stuff in the 21st century.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 28th, 2018 at 10:26pm

Super Nova wrote on Mar 28th, 2018 at 6:55pm:
I honestly think the flat earthers are just taking the piss and have a bit of fun with everyone. No-one can believe this stuff in the 21st century.

Would you 'believe' that billions 'believe' that the world is Yin/Yang - that it should be 'white' northern hemisphere and 'black' southern hemisphere ...and why you had the Korean War, the USSR convergence into Asia in 'default' with the USA, Fair 'Dinkum' Chinese into Australia and more.

Yes - anything is 'believable' in the Human mind.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 28th, 2018 at 10:34pm
This thread has mostly been light playing games by posting "proof" of a flat earth, but what has been lacking in the poor quality images, YouTube videos that don't include any science and a general ignorance to reality is the basics.

If the earth is flat, how do we have day and night, how do we have different seasons etc? How and why does GPS and satellite tv work?

There is no one unifying explanation.

All we get is deliberately manipulative photos of bridges that normally show the curvature of the earth taken is such a way they appear level.

For so long light especially has been claiming nobody has been able to prove him wrong when not only is that totally false, but he's not even been able to prove himself right.

So I ask again, if the earth is flat, why can't we see infinitely in the distance, how does day and night, and the seasons work?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 29th, 2018 at 1:34pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Mar 29th, 2018 at 4:30pm

Super Nova wrote on Mar 28th, 2018 at 6:55pm:
I honestly think the flat earthers are just taking the piss and have a bit of fun with everyone. No-one can believe this stuff in the 21st century.

Yep,exactly. IITL is just a troll fishing for a bite. No body could be as stupid as he projects.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Mar 30th, 2018 at 2:43am
If the earth was truely flat, with a powerful enough telescope you'd be able to see the Burj Khalifa from virtually anywhere on the planet.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Mar 30th, 2018 at 2:47am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:30pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 3:27pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:30pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Mar 26th, 2018 at 12:25pm:
What a beautiful picture.

well its CGI yes a beautiful fairytale ..

not surprising that a self proclaimed drug injecting addict would believe as much ..

Awww there there, one day you might have evidence.

no stars in space ?

oh ok nasa ..

:D :D :D :D :D

Oh there are plenty of stars, its just that we have a massive light source that obscures them.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 30th, 2018 at 4:51pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 30th, 2018 at 4:57pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 28th, 2018 at 5:42pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 27th, 2018 at 9:05am:
lets get biblical ...

More fairy tales?

So let's get back down to (globe) earth for a minute, how is the sunrise and sunset meant to work if the earth is flat?

this is so very interesting ..

Explaining Sunrise & Sunset On Flat Earth

what do you think ?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 30th, 2018 at 5:01pm

skippy. wrote on Mar 29th, 2018 at 4:30pm:

Super Nova wrote on Mar 28th, 2018 at 6:55pm:
I honestly think the flat earthers are just taking the piss and have a bit of fun with everyone. No-one can believe this stuff in the 21st century.

Yep,exactly. IITL is just a troll fishing for a bite. No body could be as stupid as he projects.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:56am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 30th, 2018 at 4:57pm:
this is so very interesting ..

Explaining Sunrise & Sunset On Flat Earth

what do you think ?


So what you're saying is the sun isn't in the centre of our solar system and it's not the rotation of the spinning globe earth that gives us sunrise and sunset, but the sun in fact moves across the face of a flat earth and it's because of the perspective of us on the flat earth surface that makes it appear to converge and diverge that gives the illusion of sunrise and sunset?

Next you'll be telling us Gravity is a lie and it's because the flat earth is travelling up at with an acceleration of 9.82 m/s2?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Karnal on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:07am
Dear one, when I flew across the world and arrived back home, in the same place I started, at what point did I cross the edges of the earth and fly underneath it?

I'm curious. Can you explain this MuLtI-dImEnSioNaL pHeNoMeNoN?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:33am

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:56am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 30th, 2018 at 4:57pm:
this is so very interesting ..

Explaining Sunrise & Sunset On Flat Earth

what do you think ?


So what you're saying is the sun isn't in the centre of our solar system and it's not the rotation of the spinning globe earth that gives us sunrise and sunset, but the sun in fact moves across the face of a flat earth and it's because of the perspective of us on the flat earth surface that makes it appear to converge and diverge that gives the illusion of sunrise and sunset?

Next you'll be telling us Gravity is a lie and it's because the flat earth is travelling up at with an acceleration of 9.82 m/s2?

gravity is a lie ,

how can billions of tones of water be held down by gravity yet a butterfly can fly past your illogical face and surrounding area ..?

Modern Scientism; “We Still Don’t Know What Gravity Is”

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:37am

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:07am:
Dear one, when I flew across the world and arrived back home, in the same place I started, at what point did I cross the edges of the earth and fly underneath it?

I'm curious. Can you explain this MuLtI-dImEnSioNaL pHeNoMeNoN?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Karnal on Mar 31st, 2018 at 12:59pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:07am:
Dear one, when I flew across the world and arrived back home, in the same place I started, at what point did I cross the edges of the earth and fly underneath it?

I'm curious. Can you explain this MuLtI-dImEnSioNaL pHeNoMeNoN?

Sorry, dear one, can you explaineth this?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Mar 31st, 2018 at 1:15pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 12:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:07am:
Dear one, when I flew across the world and arrived back home, in the same place I started, at what point did I cross the edges of the earth and fly underneath it?

I'm curious. Can you explain this MuLtI-dImEnSioNaL pHeNoMeNoN?

Sorry, dear one, can you explaineth this?

Don’t hold your breath.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:32pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 12:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:07am:
Dear one, when I flew across the world and arrived back home, in the same place I started, at what point did I cross the edges of the earth and fly underneath it?

I'm curious. Can you explain this MuLtI-dImEnSioNaL pHeNoMeNoN?

Sorry, dear one, can you explaineth this?

many blessings beloved one , and yes

here is that which thine has askethed for

( a theory is posted here , it is not the works of one such as I am many may interpret as thus , mayhaps and yet , beloved

one may or may not be at peace , either way it matters not )

Here comes the Sun - Flat Earth Sun explained

delivered in accordance with the divine plan no less

and so it is



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:18pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:33am:
how can billions of tones of water be held down by gravity yet a butterfly can fly past your illogical face and surrounding area ..?

Flight you smacking retard...

Gravity is a weak force, but the scale of the earth is so that it acts upon us as in the way it does.  The mass of a butterfly or a bee is such that their tiny wings can produce enough lift to keep them flying, but the billions of tones of water create a greater gravitational energy.

But your "Gravity is just a theory" line just shows how little you understand.  In science, the jargon usage of "theory" applies to any properly demonstrated law, model, or understanding of how things work. "Law" is really the same word, but use of that has fallen to the wayside in physics and other disciplines, who prefer "theory" for exactly the same knowledge-unit of understanding.

"Theory" is the best form of understanding we can every have about any process or model in the real world.

Be aware: the only thing more certain than "theory", is observation. We observe that X happens (gravity is the source of force, evolution happens, the speed of light is 299,792,458 m / s). It is explaining how these things happen that is a "theory".

"Theory" in common English has a meaning that is less certain, to which science applies the word "hypothesis".

If it was the hypothesis of Gravity I'd be more open to your interpretation, but it's not.

And that doesn't go to explaining how gravity is meant to work on your flat earth, because clearly it does.  If only it didn't the maybe, just maybe we'd be lucky enough to have to float off into space and we could all live in peace.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:20pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:33am:
how can billions of tones of water be held down by gravity yet a butterfly can fly past your illogical face and surrounding area ..?

Flight you smacking retard...

Gravity is a weak force, but the scale of the earth is so that it acts upon us as in the way it does.  The mass of a butterfly or a bee is such that their tiny wings can produce enough lift to keep them flying, but the billions of tones of water create a greater gravitational energy.

But your "Gravity is just a theory" line just shows how little you understand.  In science, the jargon usage of "theory" applies to any properly demonstrated law, model, or understanding of how things work. "Law" is really the same word, but use of that has fallen to the wayside in physics and other disciplines, who prefer "theory" for exactly the same knowledge-unit of understanding.

"Theory" is the best form of understanding we can every have about any process or model in the real world.

Be aware: the only thing more certain than "theory", is observation. We observe that X happens (gravity is the source of force, evolution happens, the speed of light is 299,792,458 m / s). It is explaining how these things happen that is a "theory".

"Theory" in common English has a meaning that is less certain, to which science applies the word "hypothesis".

If it was the hypothesis of Gravity I'd be more open to your interpretation, but it's not.

And that doesn't go to explaining how gravity is meant to work on your flat earth, because clearly it does.  If only it didn't the maybe, just maybe we'd be lucky enough to have to float off into space and we could all live in peace.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:24pm

Eric Dubay: Gravity does NOT exist!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:42pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:32pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 12:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:07am:
Dear one, when I flew across the world and arrived back home, in the same place I started, at what point did I cross the edges of the earth and fly underneath it?

I'm curious. Can you explain this MuLtI-dImEnSioNaL pHeNoMeNoN?

Sorry, dear one, can you explaineth this?

many blessings beloved one , and yes

here is that which thine has askethed for

( a theory is posted here , it is not the works of one such as I am many may interpret as thus , mayhaps and yet , beloved

one may or may not be at peace , either way it matters not )

Here comes the Sun - Flat Earth Sun explained

delivered in accordance with the divine plan no less

and so it is



So you propose that the sun just circles in the sky above the flat earth and doesn't drop below the horizon then?

So how is it possible that the sun will set for the Burj Khalifa on the ground floor yet the top of the building is still bathed in sunlight for an additional ~2 minutes if the sun does not pass below the horizon and just wizzes by overhead??

Pro-Tip: It's not possible

Same thing with this photo I took tonight.

The higher clouds in the background are still illuminated by the sun after it has dropped below the horizon when the lower clouds in the foreground are covered by the earth's shadow.

Both of these observations require the globe earth to be rotating not only in orbit around the Sun but also rotation along the earth axis to give us day and night.

Real world observations do not support the sun moving around a flat earth.

And you've still not answered the questions of what you think explains the Gravity or it's rate of 9.82 m/s2, nor the 3 well problem that proves the curvature of the earth.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:45pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:20pm:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:45pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:24pm:

Eric Dubay: Gravity does NOT exist!

I wish it didn't so you'd float the bugger away.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Mar 31st, 2018 at 10:03pm
Light mate, you're into territory where it doesn't matter what your opinions are.  There is reality and there is bullshit.

Your opinions and how you claim to believe things to be is simply put, bullshit.  Each time you've been proven wrong you sit there, posting as if you still hold some sort of intellectual high ground, as if the facts are on your side, but in reality you're like a toddler with his fingers in his ears yelling "la la la la la I can't hear you la la la la".

There are decades and with gravity and the shape and motion of the earth, the planets in our solar system and our very own star the Sun, centuries, even melenia of understanding and proven facts to justify the conclusions and understanding we have today.

The Ancient Romans as early as the 2nd century had it figured out.

Do you really think you're smart enough to disprove all of that by posting material you've stolen from other people on the Internet that you don't even understand and cannot argue in support of without resorting to childish memes and pretending you've "defeated" those who've proven you wrong?

You can't, and you're not.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 5:01am
this model works perfectly and many cannot handle the truth

How the sun and moon work over the Flat Earth model

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 5:05am
here is another explanation and yet many remain clueless which is ok and cool

you are of and in due course permitted to be retarded ..

carry on regardless ..

How the 4 seasons work on the Flat Earth model

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 5:16am

Mind Blowing Proof - NO Spin to Earth.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 5:17am

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:42pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:32pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 12:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:07am:
Dear one, when I flew across the world and arrived back home, in the same place I started, at what point did I cross the edges of the earth and fly underneath it?

I'm curious. Can you explain this MuLtI-dImEnSioNaL pHeNoMeNoN?

Sorry, dear one, can you explaineth this?

many blessings beloved one , and yes

here is that which thine has askethed for

( a theory is posted here , it is not the works of one such as I am many may interpret as thus , mayhaps and yet , beloved

one may or may not be at peace , either way it matters not )

Here comes the Sun - Flat Earth Sun explained

delivered in accordance with the divine plan no less

and so it is



So you propose that the sun just circles in the sky above the flat earth and doesn't drop below the horizon then?

So how is it possible that the sun will set for the Burj Khalifa on the ground floor yet the top of the building is still bathed in sunlight for an additional ~2 minutes if the sun does not pass below the horizon and just wizzes by overhead??

Pro-Tip: It's not possible

Same thing with this photo I took tonight.

The higher clouds in the background are still illuminated by the sun after it has dropped below the horizon when the lower clouds in the foreground are covered by the earth's shadow.

Both of these observations require the globe earth to be rotating not only in orbit around the Sun but also rotation along the earth axis to give us day and night.

Real world observations do not support the sun moving around a flat earth.

And you've still not answered the questions of what you think explains the Gravity or it's rate of 9.82 m/s2, nor the 3 well problem that proves the curvature of the earth.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 5:26am

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:42pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:32pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 12:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:07am:
Dear one, when I flew across the world and arrived back home, in the same place I started, at what point did I cross the edges of the earth and fly underneath it?

I'm curious. Can you explain this MuLtI-dImEnSioNaL pHeNoMeNoN?

Sorry, dear one, can you explaineth this?

many blessings beloved one , and yes

here is that which thine has askethed for

( a theory is posted here , it is not the works of one such as I am many may interpret as thus , mayhaps and yet , beloved

one may or may not be at peace , either way it matters not )

Here comes the Sun - Flat Earth Sun explained

delivered in accordance with the divine plan no less

and so it is



So you propose that the sun just circles in the sky above the flat earth and doesn't drop below the horizon then?

So how is it possible that the sun will set for the Burj Khalifa on the ground floor yet the top of the building is still bathed in sunlight for an additional ~2 minutes if the sun does not pass below the horizon and just wizzes by overhead??

Pro-Tip: It's not possible

Same thing with this photo I took tonight.

The higher clouds in the background are still illuminated by the sun after it has dropped below the horizon when the lower clouds in the foreground are covered by the earth's shadow.

Both of these observations require the globe earth to be rotating not only in orbit around the Sun but also rotation along the earth axis to give us day and night.

Real world observations do not support the sun moving around a flat earth.

And you've still not answered the questions of what you think explains the Gravity or it's rate of 9.82 m/s2, nor the 3 well problem that proves the curvature of the earth.

you do not watch the videos posted ,

your ignorance is illuminated and contradicted by nasa here in their CGI movie of a sunset from the space station ..

you really are well out of your depth here old son ,

ISS movie from space contradicts your confusion ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 5:33am


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 7:55am
Even if your unproven and contradictory hypothesis to explain why all observable data that points to the earth being round actually, somehow, means it's flat, the sun is still too high above the flat earth for convergence, divergence and perspective to "optical illusions the sun below the horizon.

And you go on and on about the fake CGI photos from NASA or composit photos being fake, but there is not a sine photo or shred of evidence for the flat earth.

Yet you still believe.

You do realise there are photos taken of the full earth, stitched together space station mapping but true unedited photos taken every 10 minutes by the Japanese satellite Himawari-8?

Light doesn't work in the way these people need it to in the videos you've posted.

Again, you're wrong but refusing to listen.

La la la la la la...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:02am

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 7:55am:
Even if your unproven and contradictory hypothesis to explain why all observable data that points to the earth being round actually, somehow, means it's flat, the sun is still too high above the flat earth for convergence, divergence and perspective to "optical illusions the sun below the horizon.

And you go on and on about the fake CGI photos from NASA or composit photos being fake, but there is not a sine photo or shred of evidence for the flat earth.

Yet you still believe.

You do realise there are photos taken of the full earth, stitched together space station mapping but true unedited photos taken every 10 minutes by the Japanese satellite Himawari-8?

Light doesn't work in the way these people need it to in the videos you've posted.

Again, you're wrong but refusing to listen.

La la la la la la...

your link is a movie .. and you believe that ?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:15am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:02am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 7:55am:
Even if your unproven and contradictory hypothesis to explain why all observable data that points to the earth being round actually, somehow, means it's flat, the sun is still too high above the flat earth for convergence, divergence and perspective to "optical illusions the sun below the horizon.

And you go on and on about the fake CGI photos from NASA or composit photos being fake, but there is not a sine photo or shred of evidence for the flat earth.

Yet you still believe.

You do realise there are photos taken of the full earth, stitched together space station mapping but true unedited photos taken every 10 minutes by the Japanese satellite Himawari-8?

Light doesn't work in the way these people need it to in the videos you've posted.

Again, you're wrong but refusing to listen.

La la la la la la...

your link is a movie .. and you believe that ?

At least I've provided proof.

Your explanations that you clearly don't understand and took their headlines only are impossible under the laws of physics. Light does not behave in the way it needs tomorrow those "movies" of yours to be correct.

The only model that explains every observation 100% of the time is if the earth is a globe.

The way you're claiming the sun and moon move above and over the earth was also disproven given the path the totality of the latest solar eclipse took over the US.

There are no mathematics to back up any of your claims and predictions can't be made because it's all not only an unproven hypothesis but it's just wrong.

But you won't listen to reason, the facts or reality.

All you do is Google flat earth explanations, read the headlines or video title and then repost. This is why you never, ever, bother to list the claims in the videos or blogs you post and instead just post pictures that often aren't related and stupid memes.

You don't know what you're talking about and it shows. You either don't care for the truth, you're trolling, or you're too stupid to comprehend and understand what's going on.

Hell, you could even be all 3. 3 points to a triangle and all...

Iluminati confirmed by your Trinity of stupidity, ignorance and sheer gullibility.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:38am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:02am:
your link is a movie .. and you believe that ?

So someone has just provided you with proof that there are full photos of the earth taken every 10 minutes without the use of composit joins etc and what do you do?

Complain that it's a movie?

How about seek the truth and go fact check it?

I've edited my original post to include more pictures if that helps, but here they are again.

You'll spend so much time looking for information (but not spending a single second accessing it's legitimacy) looking for information that supports your beliefs, but immediately try to find ways to ignore information that disproves it rather than investigating it further and casting off some of your ignorance and learning something?

What's the point mate?

You're here endlessly pushing an alternate to reality and why? What do you have to gain?

You are so wrong on so many things yet you sit there feeling vindicated and correct because people give up on polite ration debate with you because you're utterly incapable of reciprocating?

How.empty and devoid of meaning your life must be that you need to pick fights with people on the internet and argue against observable reality and pretend you've won like there is some meaning to that...

We're never going to cross paths in the real world, at least I hope not, so what's the point.

And also, you use the word namaste a lot. You don't act anywhere close to the philosophies of Hinduism. You can't in the same post act like such a disrespectful little shithead and then pretend to "bow to the divine" in the person you've just been abusing.

You're all over the shop mate...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:38am

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:15am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:02am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 7:55am:
Even if your unproven and contradictory hypothesis to explain why all observable data that points to the earth being round actually, somehow, means it's flat, the sun is still too high above the flat earth for convergence, divergence and perspective to "optical illusions the sun below the horizon.

And you go on and on about the fake CGI photos from NASA or composit photos being fake, but there is not a sine photo or shred of evidence for the flat earth.

Yet you still believe.

You do realise there are photos taken of the full earth, stitched together space station mapping but true unedited photos taken every 10 minutes by the Japanese satellite Himawari-8?

Light doesn't work in the way these people need it to in the videos you've posted.

Again, you're wrong but refusing to listen.

La la la la la la...

your link is a movie .. and you believe that ?

At least I've provided proof.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:41am
you've listened to nothing here then know why ?

because you do not want to learn anything

you just want to insult and argue .. not research .

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:16am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:41am:
you've listened to nothing here then know why ?

because you do not want to learn anything

you just want to insult and argue .. not research .

He is talking about density of objected but then starts to talk about "weight" or how "heavy" something is.

Firstly, the poster of the video doesn't seem to understand the difference between weight and mass, and second, he doesn't appear to understand how "weight" works.

For something to have weight, it requires gravity.  He is replacing that with magic.  Literally.  And for someone trying to talk about mass, he questions why nothing will orbit a tennis ball like it does the earth while the whole experiment is within the gravitational influence of the earth, that is, a few meters if you're lucky above the surface.  Does he not understand the gargantuant difference in mass between our entire planet, and a smacking tennis ball!?

And you want to take what he is saying as gospel truth!?

He is using plausible sounding logic and "sciencey sounding words" for people who are stupid, people who have been failed by their respective education systems, to sucker them in to thinking he has found a hidden truth and has been able to prove it with science.

It's bullshit. 

"There is no Gravity, it's the density of things that make a brick heavier than a feather and this makes it fall faster"

But what force acts upon it to make it fall in the first place?  It's not gravity, therefore it must be magic.

And then "The velocity and path of the moon are uniform and should exert a uniform influence on the earth's tides, but in actuality the earth's tides vary greatly".

Firstly, he doesn't understand the gravitational link and how the tides actually work, and second the moon's path and velocity are not uniform.  He's just plain wrong.

You don't question that?

Watch the video, the guy offers no explanation, just more contradictions and most of all, he offers zero proof and not even a cogent all encompassing explanation, not even close. 

Let this YouTuber publish his ideas and see if the can meet the burden of peer review.

Gravity is not "magic" just because this fool, like yourself, doesn't understand it.

The thing about gravity and how well understood it is allows us to chart the movements of object in the solar system.  Planets, asteroids, comets, the moon, the space station etc, with absolute precision, so much so that the path of solar eclipses has been mapped out for milenia to come and the most recent one had a 100% understanding of the best places to be to see it in it's totality.

Nothing you have brought to the table comes close to putting forward a hypothesis to challenge this.  You're not even in the same galaxy of being able to make any claims like Gravity doesn't exist.

Just because there are other stupid people like you posting comments in support of this rubbish does not make it true.

I suggest YOU actually watch the video.  If you still think he has presented an explanation that disproves gravity, please articulate it for us all so we can better understand it.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Frank on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:29am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 5:33am:


If the earth is flat, what is on its underside?

And why are all the other planets and moons spherical and earth ano flat?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 11:09am

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:16am:
I suggest YOU actually watch the video.  If you still think he has presented an explanation that disproves gravity, please articulate it for us all so we can better understand it.

I'll do it for you, because I know you won't bother.  His video can be summed up as follows,

Basically, things fell down at different rates because of the laws of relative density of buoyancy.  The reason things fall down is because they are heavy.  So in every circumstance, a brick will fall faster than a feather.

This is his explanation to gravity.

Do you agree Light?

Do you think he needs to explain the force which acts upon the objects that make them fall in the first place, or is "magic" a good enough answer for you?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 1:22pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:16am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:41am:
you've listened to nothing here then know why ?

because you do not want to learn anything

you just want to insult and argue .. not research .

He is talking about density of objected but then starts to talk about "weight" or how "heavy" something is.

Firstly, the poster of the video doesn't seem to understand the difference between weight and mass, and second, he doesn't appear to understand how "weight" works.

For something to have weight, it requires gravity.  He is replacing that with magic.  Literally.  And for someone trying to talk about mass, he questions why nothing will orbit a tennis ball like it does the earth while the whole experiment is within the gravitational influence of the earth, that is, a few meters if you're lucky above the surface.  Does he not understand the gargantuant difference in mass between our entire planet, and a smacking tennis ball!?

And you want to take what he is saying as gospel truth!?

He is using plausible sounding logic and "sciencey sounding words" for people who are stupid, people who have been failed by their respective education systems, to sucker them in to thinking he has found a hidden truth and has been able to prove it with science.

It's bullshit. 

"There is no Gravity, it's the density of things that make a brick heavier than a feather and this makes it fall faster"

But what force acts upon it to make it fall in the first place?  It's not gravity, therefore it must be magic.

And then "The velocity and path of the moon are uniform and should exert a uniform influence on the earth's tides, but in actuality the earth's tides vary greatly".

Firstly, he doesn't understand the gravitational link and how the tides actually work, and second the moon's path and velocity are not uniform.  He's just plain wrong.

You don't question that?

Watch the video, the guy offers no explanation, just more contradictions and most of all, he offers zero proof and not even a cogent all encompassing explanation, not even close. 

Let this YouTuber publish his ideas and see if the can meet the burden of peer review.

Gravity is not "magic" just because this fool, like yourself, doesn't understand it.

The thing about gravity and how well understood it is allows us to chart the movements of object in the solar system.  Planets, asteroids, comets, the moon, the space station etc, with absolute precision, so much so that the path of solar eclipses has been mapped out for milenia to come and the most recent one had a 100% understanding of the best places to be to see it in it's totality.

Nothing you have brought to the table comes close to putting forward a hypothesis to challenge this.  You're not even in the same galaxy of being able to make any claims like Gravity doesn't exist.

Just because there are other stupid people like you posting comments in support of this rubbish does not make it true.

I suggest YOU actually watch the video.  If you still think he has presented an explanation that disproves gravity, please articulate it for us all so we can better understand it.

so basically its ignorance and ill informed logic from you ..

thank you for your uproar and agitation to the truth as we continue


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 1:23pm

Frank wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:29am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 5:33am:


If the earth is flat, what is on its underside?

And why are all the other planets and moons spherical and earth ano flat?

many blessings soren , is anyone following you down here ? ok good

lets observe some facts here if you are interested ,

An Introduction to Flat Earth - 35 Flat Earth Questions Answered (Flat Earth Proof)

1. What does the Flat Earth look like? (0:15)
2. Where’s the edge? (1:09)
3. Where is the Sun on a Flat Earth? (2:07)
4. What about ships disappearing over the horizon? (3:02)
5. Why can’t I see across the oceans? (3:47)
6. How is circumnavigation possible on a Flat Earth? (4:22)
7. What about the Felix Baumgartner Red Bull Jump? (4:57)
8. What is underneath the Flat Earth? (5:45)
9. Does the Flat Earth move? (6:29)
10.  What about Satellites, ISS, and the Hubble Space Telescope? (7:23)
11. Why is the Moon upside down in the Southern Hemisphere? (9:02)
12. What about the pictures of Earth from Space? (9:39)
13. Is the Moonlight just reflection of the Sun’s light? (10:52)
14. What about stars and does Outer Space even exist? (12:18)
15. Why do the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size? (13:01)
16. What about eclipses? (13:48)
17. What about the Coriolis Effect? (15:23)
18. Are the other planets flat? (16:26)
19. What about Gravity? (17:26)
20. What about Seasons? (19:29)
21. What about Time Zones? (20:22)
22. What about the Moon and Mars Landings? (21:01)
23. What about seeing the curve from an airplane window? (22:20)
24. What about Foucault’s Pendulum? (23:11)
25. How do you explain North and South on a Flat Earth? (24:03)
26. What about meteors, comets, and craters? (24:55)
27. Is there a dome over the flat Earth? (26:39)
28. Is Flat Earth only for religious people? (27:32)
29. Does the Bible say the Earth is flat? (28:06)
30. What about the Flat Earth Society? (28:52)
31. Who is behind the deception? (30:16)
32. Why would they lie about Flat Earth? (31:17)
33. Are all Scientists, Pilots, Engineers, and members of the Government in on the lie? (32:26)
34. Who is spreading the Flat Earth message? (33:16)
35. Why does it matter if Earth is flat? (34:50)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 4:47pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 1:22pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:16am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 8:41am:
you've listened to nothing here then know why ?

because you do not want to learn anything

you just want to insult and argue .. not research .

He is talking about density of objected but then starts to talk about "weight" or how "heavy" something is.

Firstly, the poster of the video doesn't seem to understand the difference between weight and mass, and second, he doesn't appear to understand how "weight" works.

For something to have weight, it requires gravity.  He is replacing that with magic.  Literally.  And for someone trying to talk about mass, he questions why nothing will orbit a tennis ball like it does the earth while the whole experiment is within the gravitational influence of the earth, that is, a few meters if you're lucky above the surface.  Does he not understand the gargantuant difference in mass between our entire planet, and a smacking tennis ball!?

And you want to take what he is saying as gospel truth!?

He is using plausible sounding logic and "sciencey sounding words" for people who are stupid, people who have been failed by their respective education systems, to sucker them in to thinking he has found a hidden truth and has been able to prove it with science.

It's bullshit. 

"There is no Gravity, it's the density of things that make a brick heavier than a feather and this makes it fall faster"

But what force acts upon it to make it fall in the first place?  It's not gravity, therefore it must be magic.

And then "The velocity and path of the moon are uniform and should exert a uniform influence on the earth's tides, but in actuality the earth's tides vary greatly".

Firstly, he doesn't understand the gravitational link and how the tides actually work, and second the moon's path and velocity are not uniform.  He's just plain wrong.

You don't question that?

Watch the video, the guy offers no explanation, just more contradictions and most of all, he offers zero proof and not even a cogent all encompassing explanation, not even close. 

Let this YouTuber publish his ideas and see if the can meet the burden of peer review.

Gravity is not "magic" just because this fool, like yourself, doesn't understand it.

The thing about gravity and how well understood it is allows us to chart the movements of object in the solar system.  Planets, asteroids, comets, the moon, the space station etc, with absolute precision, so much so that the path of solar eclipses has been mapped out for milenia to come and the most recent one had a 100% understanding of the best places to be to see it in it's totality.

Nothing you have brought to the table comes close to putting forward a hypothesis to challenge this.  You're not even in the same galaxy of being able to make any claims like Gravity doesn't exist.

Just because there are other stupid people like you posting comments in support of this rubbish does not make it true.

I suggest YOU actually watch the video.  If you still think he has presented an explanation that disproves gravity, please articulate it for us all so we can better understand it.

so basically its ignorance and ill informed logic from you ..

thank you for your uproar and agitation to the truth as we continue


So, you just ignored the entire post..?


You faith in your belief and your arguments must be as weak as I suspected if you can't even stand by them and crumble under the most basic of questioning.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 6:00pm
Why don't we change gears and try something different.

Instead of you claiming to have proof the the earth is flat, having that "proof" debunked, pretending that it's still rock solid and you're the one that won the debate then spamming more and more, let's try this:

If it is so irrefutable to you that the earth is flat, gravity is fake and the Sun circles around the surface of a flat earth a mere 3000kms away creating day/night and the seasons while optical illusions account for the obvious setting of the sun below the horizon, you should be able to easily answer these questions.

I've just taken another photo now.  If the sun doesn't set or change it's level in the sky but just circles around the flat surface parallel to the earth, how is the top of the cloud illuminated but the lower side not (as the sun has already started to set)?

If there is no gravity and it's just boyancy and density making object fall to the surface, what force acts upon them to make them fall?

Here is the photo.

Now these aren't complex questions and should be basic children's level understanding, so please, I await your answers.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:28pm
many blessings

many videos are posted that explain all questions, and yet they are ignored ..

we continue with the evidence ontopic as it is ..

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:51pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:28pm:
many blessings

many videos are posted that explain all questions, and yet they are ignored ..

we continue with the evidence ontopic as it is ..

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


I'm not asking for videos, I'm asking you to explain it.

If you can't I will take that as an admission of defeat.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:58pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:51pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:28pm:
many blessings

many videos are posted that explain all questions, and yet they are ignored ..

we continue with the evidence ontopic as it is ..

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


I'm not asking for videos, I'm asking you to explain it.

If you can't I will take that as an admission of defeat.

many blessings sad one ,

you have proven yourself to be totally clueless upon this topic ,

so your proposal is completely laughable

you failed here ,

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:05pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:58pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:51pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:28pm:
many blessings

many videos are posted that explain all questions, and yet they are ignored ..

we continue with the evidence ontopic as it is ..

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


I'm not asking for videos, I'm asking you to explain it.

If you can't I will take that as an admission of defeat.

many blessings sad one ,

you have proven yourself to be totally clueless upon this topic ,

so your proposal is completely laughable

you failed here ,

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


I've posted so much that debunks your bullshit and you ignore it, so I'm asking you questions for once. Rather than you demanding we disprove your claims, but you're the judge of what is right or wrong (and of course you only rule in your own favour) I'm flipping it on its head.

I'm asking you to explain these very simple questions which seem to be the foundation of your belief.  It should be child's play.

But you won't do it. One forgiven for thinking this means you can't, therefore you are defeated.

You're great at asking things of others but you just can't hack it when you're questioned.

Are your arguments really that weak?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:11pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:05pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:58pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:51pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 9:28pm:
many blessings

many videos are posted that explain all questions, and yet they are ignored ..

we continue with the evidence ontopic as it is ..

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


I'm not asking for videos, I'm asking you to explain it.

If you can't I will take that as an admission of defeat.

many blessings sad one ,

you have proven yourself to be totally clueless upon this topic ,

so your proposal is completely laughable

you failed here ,

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


I've posted so much that debunks your bullshit and you ignore it, so I'm asking you questions for once. Rather than you demanding we disprove your claims, but you're the judge of what is right or wrong (and of course you only rule in your own favour) I'm flipping it on its head.

I'm asking you to explain these very simple questions which seem to be the foundation of your belief.  It should be child's play.

But you won't do it. One forgiven for thinking this means you can't, therefore you are defeated.

You're great at asking things of others but you just can't hack it when you're questioned.

Are your arguments really that weak?

many blessings sad one ,

I have seen you attempt to talk your way out of the facts ..

you are not doing a very good job , and further you ignore many videos posted ..its like you are terrified of the truth

like this ,

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:21pm
It was fun light, but I'll take my victory and leave you to wallow in your defeat.

2 simple questions that you cannot answer.

I do nothing but play your game and answer your questions, which you ignore but I continue anyway. I give you chance after chance and you just return nothing but disrespect and lies.

Since you're unable to to answer, it seems like you can't. So enjoy your defeat.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:28pm
mm sure ...

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 1:39am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 10:28pm:
mm sure ...

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Despite your refusal again to answer what should be 2 very simple questions as a flat earther I'll still play along and answer this one.

Again your lack of understanding is fuelling your assumption, this time in the field of engineering. The reason curvature doesn't play a part is the short runs between each segment of the bridge.

As there are 10s of meters between each section or pillar, the distance is far too.short to need to take the curvature of the earth into consideration.

However, for bridges with big spans like the Verrazano Bridge in New York, where the towers are 1,298 m apart, the curvature of the earth has to be taken into account for the design. These towers are in fact NOT parallel to each other, they are 41.275 mm farther apart at the top than they are at the bottom.

There is a theme very evident here. Each time you think you've found a mic drop moment all you've exposed is your ignorance and lack on understanding.

So again I've played ball and answered your question so I'll repost mine since you've tried to bury them 11 times already now.  These are basic questions that if you truely believe the earth is flat you should have no trouble answering. If you can't answer them then I will accept this as your admission of defeat.

If it is so irrefutable to you that the earth is flat, gravity is fake and the Sun circles around the surface of a flat earth a mere 3000kms away creating day/night and the seasons while optical illusions account for the obvious setting of the sun below the horizon, you should be able to easily answer these questions.

I've just taken another photo now.  If the sun doesn't set or change it's level in the sky but just circles around the flat surface parallel to the earth, how is the top of the cloud illuminated but the lower side not (as the sun has already started to set)?

If there is no gravity and it's just boyancy and density making object fall to the surface, what force acts upon them to make them fall?

Here is the photo.

Now these aren't complex questions and should be basic children's level understanding, so please, I await your answers.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 6:51am
many blessings sad one ,

your reply is not an answer at all ..

then you bring up another subject, and then ask a question ..

all your questions have been answered yet you simply want to ignore, then smokescreen

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 7:16am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 6:51am:
many blessings sad one ,

your reply is not an answer at all ..

then you bring up another subject, and then ask a question .

Learn to read,

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 1:39am:
Again your lack of understanding is fuelling your assumption, this time in the field of engineering. The reason curvature doesn't play a part is the short runs between each segment of the bridge.

As there are 10s of meters between each section or pillar, the distance is far too.short to need to take the curvature of the earth into consideration.

However, for bridges with big spans like the Verrazano Bridge in New York, where the towers are 1,298 m apart, the curvature of the earth has to be taken into account for the design. These towers are in fact NOT parallel to each other, they are 41.275 mm farther apart at the top than they are at the bottom.

Your inability to answer questions while still demanding others answer yours has been noted.

You are disgraced in defeat.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 7:20am
yes one can see you avoiding the questions, as usual ,

like the plague .. it is observed and forgiven , yet exposed ..

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 7:40am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 7:20am:
yes one can see you avoiding the questions, as usual ,

like the plague .. it is observed and forgiven , yet exposed ..

Your question was answered and then instead of answering those put to you days ago, you're posting more videos and demanding more answers.

The only one deflecting and running away is you.

It seems you don't like the state of defeat you find yourself in.  All you need do is reciprocate and answer the questions put to you, for once, and we can continue.

I won't be so lenient on your and let you run from scrutiny like the last time you posted a stupid video that was being debunked point by point.

You started ignoring the replies you were getting and demanded we move onto the next points so you didn't have to acknowledge you were wrong about the first and they had been debunked.

I gave you the benefit of the doubt and moved onto the next points, and you did the same thing again when faced with the same situation, your points were debunked and you had no reply.

Ignoring the answers you were getting that proved an outcome you didn't want, so you ignored them, deflected to another point or in this case another video entirely and pretending like the earlier posts and points didn't exist.

If anyone has been "exposed" it's you, only it's no secret you're a coward and run and hide when you cannot justify your claims.

I won't let up this time.  You've shown you are unworthy of the benefit of the doubt.  You've cried wolf too many times.

You can either take part in the debate and answer the questions put forward to you or accept your defeat and continue to deflect, spam and run from questions you cannot answer.

The choice is yours.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 7:48am
you are spamming these pages as usual .. move along if you cant answer ,

as unrebutted facts remain

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 7:57am
many blessings

if you will not look at evidence move along and stop spamming these pages ..yet either way

be at peace

King James Bible
And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters.

Flat Earth Dome Explained 100% & the Entrance to Agartha

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 8:13am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 7:48am:
you are spamming these pages as usual .. move along if you cant answer ,

as unrebutted facts remain

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


The flat Earth model you provided below, with the sun wizzing above the earth at a constant distance (around 3000 miles) never dropping below the horizon is contradicted by observation of how the Sun actually reacts.

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:32pm:

Here comes the Sun - Flat Earth Sun explained

Yet we can observe that the sun not only dips below the horizon but the light travels upwards from behind the horizon illuminating the tops of very tall building and the top of clouds in the sky, but not the bottom because they are being cast in earth's shadow.

I even provided you with 2 photos over 2 evenings that show this in action.  As light cannot bend without the aid of a huge gravitational pull, which the earth is firstly unable to produce given its mass, and you've previously stated gravity doesn't exist anyway (see below) this must mean that the sun does not follow the model of the flat earth that you have proposed.

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:20pm:

Yes you have posted optical illusion of how we are fooled into seeing the sun set, but this does not account for the earth casting a shadow on the clouds when the sun apparently does not move below the horizon but in a circular path at a constant distance above the earth.

Your problem is you've had to tell so many different stories to account for each explanation that debunks your hypothesis that you've tied yourself into a spaghetti of contradicting ideas.

Hence why the questions were put to you on the time line below,

31st March - 9:42pm
1st of April - 6:00pm

You didn't post you first distraction away from this line of questioning until 1st April - 9:28pm after the questions were put to you.  You were attempting to creat the distraction and tried to change the subject from how the Sun is meant to work in the flat earth model to a bridge in China.

And despite your cowardice and disrespect, I gave you the last chance and provided you with an answer anyway.

But you've ignored that answer and started to repost the same video over and over pretending and trying to paint that you're the victim here?

And now you want to claim I AM AVOIDING THINGS, when the timeline above clearly shows you are the one deliberately redirecting the topic away from the questions you're unable to answer AND then ignoring the answers that you've been provided in good faith and just reposting the same video and questions over and over while accusing others of spamming?

What the?

You're not fooling anyone.

Continued refusal to answer the questions put to you after the claims you made not matching observations in the real world will be taken as an admission of defeat.

3 Days I've been waiting for an answer yet I've still read, watched and replied to your later posts.  This stops now.

You've been defeated, thanks for playing.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 8:30am
If you can't answer 2 simple questions why should anyone spend an hour of their day watching your latest video?

Especially as you've demonstrated over and over and over, if they have questions, you'll ignore it anyway, start spamming deflections away from their question and then start attacking them.

Who should anyone bother?

What you want to happen is people watch the video and believe as you do, no matter how misleading or false the video is. 

If you're putting forward an idea but unwilling to defend it when people have questions, you're defeating yourself, no external intervention required.

It's like you're committing suicide...

This is going to keep happening and happening if you don't have the conviction to defend your claims, or your claims are too weak to defend.

Don't start crying tears of spam because this is nobody's fault but your own.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 8:45am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 8:45am

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

@ 2:27 we see the longest bridge in the world ,

Danyang-Kunshan Grand Bridge in China 102.4 miles long ,

it should have a 6,990.5 foot spherical drop from one end to the other

to compensate for the " curvature of the earth " doesn't .


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:16am

Our Flat Earth is not a spinning ball – Let me introduce 18 simple, logical proofs why the Earth cannot be a ball,  spinning at a 1000 miles/hr through space.

All you need is logic, sanity and reason.

-Robert Otey

1. Flat Water – Water always seeks to maintain its level
Natural physics easily proves that water always seeks to find and maintain its level. If Earth was a big tilted ball, hurdling through space then consistently level surfaces of water would not exist here. Since Earth is in fact an extended plane, the fundamental physical property of fluids finding and remaining level is consistent with simple scientific experiments and common sense.

2. Magnetic North – The North central Pole is the only proven fixed point on our flat Earth
The mariner’s compass is an impossible instrument to use on a ball-Earth: it makes no sense. It simultaneously points North and South over a flat surface, yet the accepted claim is that it is trying  to point in the direction of two constantly moving geomagnetic poles. In addition, these poles are located at opposite ends of a spinning sphere originating from a hypothetical molten metal core. If compass needles were actually drawn to the North pole of a globe, the opposing “South” needle would actually be pointing up and off into outer-space.

3.  Flat Earth – Time Zones
The Sun brings noon to every time-zone as it passes directly over-head every 15 degree demarcation point, 24 times per day in its circular path over and around the Earth. If time-zones were caused by the uniform spinning of the ball-Earth around the Sun, every 6 months as Earth found itself on the opposite side of the Sun, clocks all over Earth would have to flip 12 hours.  Day would be night and night would be day.

4. The magic of gravity with spinning balls
There has never been a single experiment in history showing an object massive enough to, by virtue of its mass alone, cause another smaller mass to orbit around it. The magic theory of gravity allows for oceans, buildings and people to remain forever stuck to the underside of a spinning ball while simultaneously causing objects like the Moon and satellites to remain locked in perpetual circular orbits around the Earth. If these were both true then people should be able to jump up and start orbiting circles around the Earth, or the Moon should have long ago been sucked into the Earth. Neither of these theories have ever been experimentally verified and their alleged results are mutually exclusive.

Everything is trying to find its proper place within its electric line of Force…in the Force Field.

-Robert Otey

5. Flat stationary Earth – trust your common sense and your own eyes
When you observe the Sun and Moon you see two equally-sized equidistant circles tracing similar paths at similar speeds around a flat, stationary Earth. The “experts” at NASA claim your common sense every day experience is false on all counts!

First off, they say the Earth is not flat but a big ball; not stationary but spinning around 19 miles per second; they say the Sun does not revolve around the Earth as it appears, but Earth revolves around the Sun; the Moon, on the other hand, does revolve around the Earth. Next, they claim it revolves around the Earth not East to West as it appears, but West to East. Meanwhile the Sun is supposedly 400 times larger than the Moon and 400 times farther away!

You can clearly see they are the same size and distance, you can see the Earth is flat, you can feel the Earth is stationary, but according to the gospel of modern astronomy, you are wrong and a simpleton worthy of endless ridicule if you dare to trust your own eyes and experience.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:16am
Let's look at things another way. 

Rather than question the intellect or willingness to take part in a reasoned, polite and rational discussion of some posters, let's look at the example below and try to run through the thought processes so far in this thread.

We better change the names of the posters to protect their identities.

Firstly a claim was made, by, let's call him "Lite" that the shape of the earth is flat, like a flat wide cylinder, not a ball or globe. 

Lite: "The earth is flat, watch this video"

3 years later, enter "Happy Wallaby", who has some questions about the flat earth idea.

Happy: "So is despite the universe's tendency to favour the ball shape you think the earth is flat?

All the other planets, stars and even Galaxies all tend to form the shape of a ball.  Not a perfect balls, bodies with a high rotations tend to bulge in the middle, like planet Earth and even the shape of galaxies."

But no, "Lite" wants to stick to the earth being flat.

Lite:  "The Earth is FLAT"

Happy:  "But then if the earth was flat it would crumble under its own gravity into a ball right?"

This leaves the other poster, "Lite" to surmise,

Lite:  "So, let's just claim Gravity doesn't exist? Problem solved."

Happy: "But wait, if there is no Gravity, how does the Earth rotate around the Sun?"

Lite:  "Let's claim the Sun and Moon hover above the earth and move around the face of the flat earth, not the other way around.  The earth is at the centre of our solar system, not the Sun."

Happy: "Ok!  But wait, how do they stay there?"

Lite:  "Let's claim there is a giant dome around the Earth, this also explains why the atmosphere doesn't escape as there is no Gravity. Ha! Perfect, 2 birds, one stone."

Happy: "But wait, the Sun drops down below the horizon and doesn't float above the earth."

Lite:  "Let's claim this is an optical illusion created by the perspective of man and his closeness to the ground. Ok!"

Happy: "But wait, why to very tall building, land structures and clouds in the sky show the bottoms in the shadow of the earth, but the top still illuminated by the sun? 

Surely this means the sun is dipping below the horizon as light travels in a straight line.  If the light was always coming from on high with the sun moving across the face of the flat earth, how could the light source possible come from behind the earth in an upwards direction!?"

Lite:  "Ok, let's claim that Gravity is bending the light!"

Happy: "But the mass of the earth, even if it was a globe would not be large enough to create enough gravity to bend the light.  But even without that, didn't you say there was no such thing as gravity otherwise your flat earth would be crushed into a ball?"

Lite: "Well yeah, it's clearly not gravity, I was just testing you. Ok, let's claim that the light is being bent by the atmosphere like a straw in a glass of water!"

Happy: "But didn't you say the Sun and Moon were within the dome holding all our atmosphere in, and as we know without gravity, the gases in our atmosphere will create a uniform density in the space within the global, so the light cannot be bent by the differing densities"

Lite:  "Let's see how can we explain this... Oh I know, the Earth is a ball and the Sun was dropping below the horizon level due to the rotation of the earth!  Oh wait, that's what we're trying to claim isn't the case.  And anyway, if the earth rotated so fast how could we possible stay on the surface?"

Happy: "Hold on, we're not talking about the rotational spin of the globe, we're talking about the light from the Sun.  But let's say you want the earth to be flat, in order to keep it's flat shape it would need to rotate even faster than the globe earth to fight the pull of gravity.

Lite: : "But there is no gravity genius..."

Happy: "Ok hold on, you're distracting away from the main question about the sun dropping below the horizon and casting rays of light upwards rather than down from it's uniform level of apparently around 3000miles within the dome around the flat earth.  How can this work?"

Lite:  "Ok...  Well in that case you have just been spamming and refuse to answer my questions or watch my videos, you have been exposed and forgiven!"

Happy: "wat...?"

Lite:  "Here are more videos, I demand answers.  You can't answer, you have been defeated"

Happy: "wat..?  We were talking about the Sun, don't go changing the subject or playing the victim just because you can't answer"

"Lite" goes on to post many more spam posts and claim to be the victim.

End Scene.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:18am

This is where we are now. 

Like the fictional "Lite" above, Light has been backed into a corner and cannot escape so he's going on the attack with his deflections, spam and false claims when he isn't trying to change the subject.

If anyone has been exposed, it's Light.

Just answer the questions if you can.  If you can't just admit it.

Otherwise, you have been defeated for all to see.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:18am
The horizon always rises to the eye level of the observer as altitude is gained, so you never have to look down to see it. If Earth were in fact a globe, no matter how large, as you ascended the horizon would stay fixed and the observer / camera would have to tilt looking down further and further to see it.

7. Rivers run to sea-level on the stationary flat Earth
Rivers run down to sea-level finding the easiest course, North, South, East, West and all other intermediary directions over the Earth at the same time. If Earth were truly a spinning ball then many of these rivers would be impossibly flowing uphill. For example the Mississippi river in its 3000 miles would have to ascend 11 miles before reaching the Gulf of Mexico.

One portion of the Nile River flows for a thousand miles with a fall of only one foot. Parts of the West African Congo, according to the supposed inclination and movement of the ball-Earth, would be sometimes running uphill and sometimes down. This would also be the case for the Parana, Paraguay and other long rivers.

8. The night sky and Polaris
Viewed from a ball-Earth, Polaris, situated directly over the North Pole, should not be visible anywhere in the Southern hemisphere. For Polaris to be seen from the Southern hemisphere of a globular Earth, the observer would have to be somehow looking “through the globe,” and miles of land and sea would have to be transparent. Polaris can be seen, however, up to over 20 degrees South latitude.

9. The Southern Cross and Southern Constellations
If Earth was a ball, the Southern Cross and other Southern constellations would all be visible at the same time from every longitude on the same latitude. This is the case in the North with Polaris and its surrounding constellations. Ursa Major/Minor and many others can be seen from every Northern meridian simultaneously whereas in the South, constellations like the Southern Cross cannot. This proves the Southern hemisphere is not “turned under” as in the ball-Earth model, but simply stretching further outwards away from the Northern center-point as in the flat Earth model.

There are several constellations which can be seen from far greater distances over the face of the Earth than should be possible if the world were a rotating, revolving, wobbling ball. For instance, Ursa Major, very close to Polaris, can be seen from 90 degrees North latitude (the North Pole) all the way down to 30 degrees South latitude. For this to be possible on a ball-Earth the Southern observers would have to be seeing through hundreds or thousands of miles of bulging Earth to the Northern sky.

Antarctica around the circumference of the Flat Earth
10. Antarctica is not a Continent or a Pole
The so-called “South Pole” is simply an arbitrary point along the Antarctic ice marked with a red and white barbershop pole topped with a metal ball-Earth. This ceremonial South Pole is admittedly and provably NOT the actual South Pole. The actual South Pole could be demonstrably confirmed with the aid of a compass showing North to be 360 degrees around the observer. Since this feat has never been achieved, the model remains pure theory.  The establishment’s excuse that the geomagnetic poles supposedly constantly move around making verification of their claims impossible.

11. Horizontal structures on the flat Earth: railways, canals, tunnels and bridges
Surveyors, engineers and architects are never required to factor the supposed curvature of the Earth into their projects. Canals, railways, bridges and tunnels are always cut and laid horizontally, often over hundreds of miles without any allowance for curvature.

For example, the Suez Canal connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea is 100 miles long without any locks making the water an uninterrupted continuation of the two seas. When constructed, the Earth’s supposed curvature was not taken into account, it was dug along a horizontal datum line 26 feet below sea-level, passing through several lakes from one sea to the other, with the datum line and water’s surface running perfectly parallel over the 100 miles.

12. Sunrise and Sunset on the stationary Earth
The theory of the rotation of the earth may once and for all be definitely disposed of as impracticable by pointing out the following inadvertence. It is said that the rotation takes twenty-four hours and that its speed is uniform. If that would be the case, days and nights should have an identical duration of twelve hours each all the year round. The sun should invariably rise in the morning and set in the evening at the same hours. The result would be there would be an equinox every day from the 1st of January to the 31st of December. One should stop and reflect on this before saying that the earth has a movement of rotation. How does the system of gravitation account for the seasonal variations in the lengths of days and nights if the earth rotates at a uniform speed in twenty-four hours!?”

Gabrielle Henriet

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:20am

13.  Air Travel would not be possible on a globe Earth
If the Earth were truly a sphere 25,000 miles in circumference, airplane pilots would have to constantly correct their altitudes downwards so as to not fly straight off into “outer space;” a pilot wishing to simply maintain their altitude at a typical cruising speed of 500 mph, would have to constantly dip their nose downwards and descend 2,777 feet (over half a mile) every minute! Otherwise, without compensation, in one hour’s time the pilot would find themselves 31.5 miles higher than expected.

If Earth and its atmosphere were constantly spinning eastwards over 1000mph, then the average commercial airliner traveling 500mph should never be able to reach its Eastward destinations before they come speeding up from behind! Likewise Westward destinations should be arrived at thrice the speed, but this is not the case.

South See Voyage in the 18th Century

14.  Early explorer finds the flat Earth to be motionless
In his book “South Sea Voyages,” Arctic and Antarctic explorer Sir James Clarke Ross, described his experience on the night of November 27th, 1839 and his conclusion that the Earth must be motionless:

The sky being very clear … it enabled us to observe the higher stratum of clouds to be moving in an exactly opposite direction to that of the wind–a circumstance which is frequently recorded in our meteorological journal both in the north-east and south-east trades, and has also often been observed by former voyagers. Captain Basil Hall witnessed it from the summit of the Peak of Teneriffe; and Count Strzelechi, on ascending the volcanic mountain of Kiranea, in Owhyhee, reached at 4000 feet an elevation above that of the trade wind, and experienced the influence of an opposite current of air of a different hygrometric and thermometric condition … Count Strzelechi further informed me of the following seemingly anomalous circumstance–that at the height of 6000 feet he found the current of air blowing at right angles to both the lower strata, also of a different hygrometric and thermometric condition, but warmer than the inter-stratum. Such a state of the atmosphere is compatible only with the fact which other evidence has demonstrated, that the earth is at rest.

Sir James Clarke Ross

15. South Sea and Antarctic Voyagers conclude the Earth is flat
During Captain James Clark Ross’s voyages around the Antarctic circumference, he often wrote in his journal perplexed at how they routinely found themselves out of accordance with their charts, stating that they found themselves an average of 12-16 miles outside their reckoning every day, later on further south as much as 29 miles.

Lieutenant Charles Wilkes commanded a United States Navy exploration expedition to the Antarctic from 1838 to 1842, and in his journals also mentioned being consistently east of his reckoning, sometimes over 20 miles in less than 18 hours.    To quote Reverend Thomas Milner:

In the southern hemisphere, navigators to India have often fancied themselves east of the Cape when still west, and have been driven ashore on the African coast, which, according to their reckoning, lay behind them. This misfortune happened to a fine frigate, the Challenger, in 1845. How came Her Majesty’s Ship ‘Conqueror,’ to be lost? How have so many other noble vessels, perfectly sound, perfectly manned, perfectly navigated, been wrecked in calm weather, not only in dark night, or in a fog, but in broad daylight and sunshine – in the former case upon the coasts, in the latter, upon sunken rocks – from being ‘out of reckoning?’” The simple answer is that Earth is not a ball.

Reverend Thomas Milner

16.  Antarctica on the flat motionless Earth
On the ball-Earth model Antarctica is an ice continent which covers the bottom of the ball from 78 degrees South latitude to 90 and is therefore not more than 12,000 miles in circumference. Many early explorers including Captain Cook and James Clark Ross, however, in attempting Antarctic circumnavigation took 3 to 4 years and clocked 50-60,000 miles around. The British ship Challenger also made an indirect but complete circumnavigation of Antarctica traversing 69,000 miles. This is entirely inconsistent with the ball model.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:22am
17. Air Travel South of the Equator only logical on the flat Earth
If Earth was a ball there are several flights in the Southern hemi-plane which would have their quickest, straightest path over the Antarctic continent such as Santiago, Chile to Sydney, Australia. Instead of taking the shortest, quickest route in a straight line over Antarctica, all such flights detour all manner of directions away from Antarctica instead claiming the temperatures too cold for airplane travel! Considering the fact that there are plenty of flights to/from/over Antarctica, and NASA claims to have technology keeping them in conditions far colder (and far hotter) than any experienced on Earth, such an excuse is clearly just an excuse, and these flights aren’t made because they are impossible.

On a ball-Earth, Johannesburg, South Africa to Perth, Australia should be a straight shot over the Indian Ocean with convenient re-fueling possibilities on Mauritus or Madagascar. In actual practice, however, most Johannesburg to Perth flights curiously stop over either in Dubai, Hong Kong or Malaysia all of which make no sense on the ball, but are completely understandable when mapped on a flat Earth.

18. Temperature differences are easy to understand on a flat Earth
If Earth were a spinning ball heated by a Sun 93 million miles away, it would be impossible to have simultaneously sweltering summers in Africa while just a few thousand miles away bone-chilling frozen Arctic/Antarctic winters experiencing little to no heat from the Sun whatsoever. If the heat from the Sun traveled 93,000,000 miles to the Sahara desert, it is absurd to assert that another 4,000 miles (0.00004%) further to Antarctica would completely negate such sweltering heat resulting in such drastic differences.

We live on a Flat Earth
We can find hundreds of real-life, logical proofs, as well as empirical evidence that are based on real scientific measurements and observations, not extreme mathematical theories. According to the dictionary:

…Empirical evidence may be synonymous with the outcome of an experiment. In this sense, an empirical result is a unified confirmation.

Our Flat Earth is indeed a Level, Motionless Plain with a magnificent, unparalleled and  diverse Eco-system of life forms. If we could just love and respect Her more, this would truly be the wonderful world it was meant to be.

The above proofs were based on the blog post by Eric Dubay: ‘200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball’ with the expressed permission of the author. For all the 200 proofs please visit:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:27am
the above are valid questions and unrebbutted truths that sad ones ignore

they prefer to rant and rave and abuse ..

poor rascals .. yet the facts remain unmolested ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:30am
Attempted subject changes and deflections by Light to avoid answering the questions below, since they were asked as of 02/04/18 @ 0930 now totals:


31st March - 9:42pm
1st of April - 6:00pm

And still no answers.

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:27am:
the above are valid questions and unrebbutted truths that sad ones ignore

So by that logic, the unrebutted questions of mine put to you, that were asked days before you latest spam are proof that you're wrong?

Thanks for clearing that up.
Light has been defeated 29 times over.  How sad.

All you need to do is for once answer the question, if you dare.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:42am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 10:37am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 9:42am:

Attempted subject changes and deflections by Light to avoid answering the questions below, since they were asked as of 02/04/18 @ 1035 now totals:


31st March - 9:42pm
1st of April - 6:00pm

And still no answers.

You can ask as many other question you like but I won't address them until you address mine, and I suggest others do the same.

I've given you far too much leniency in this thread and let you escape the questions asked of you by me and others for far too long. 

The whole time we still consume your posts, only to answer those questions you put forward as a distraction only to have the answers ignored and more questions thrown at us.

Not this time.  I'm taking a stand against your tactics.

Please answer the questions above, thanks.

A brief history for those just catching up:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 10:48am
so nothing at 13:20 here ,

Flat Earth Dome Explained 100% & the Entrance to Agartha

the nasa can not find or detect any satellites ..

maybe they are these ?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 10:55am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 10:48am:
so nothing at 13:20 here ,

Flat Earth Dome Explained 100% & the Entrance to Agartha

the nasa can not find or detect any satellites ..

maybe they are these ?

Attempted subject changes and deflections by Light to avoid answering the questions below, since they were asked as of 02/04/18 @ 1055 now totals:


31st March - 9:42pm
1st of April - 6:00pm

And still no answers.

Now we're being told Satellite's don't exist as if this answers the questions above about how the sun drops below the horizon illuminating the tops very high objects but the earth casts its shadow on the lower parts and how this could be possible if the Sun is at a uniform distance of ~3000 miles within the dome surrounding the flat earth.

As stated in the questions put to you, I'm not asking for a video, just write down and reply with your answers to the questions.

Again brother Light has failed to answer the questions yet feels entitled to ask more of others.

You can ask as many other question you like but I won't address them until you address mine, and I suggest others do the same.

I've given you far too much leniency in this thread and let you escape the questions asked of you by me and others for far too long. 

The whole time we still consume your posts, only to answer those questions you put forward as a distraction only to have the answers ignored and more questions thrown at us.

Not this time.  I'm taking a stand against your tactics.

Please answer the questions above, thanks.

A brief history for those just catching up:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Frank on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 2:04pm
What is the point of creating such a huge, word-wide deception about the shape of the planet? 
Who benefits? What difference does it make that is worth the creation of such a huge deception, from North Korea, China, Japan, to Iran, Egypt, Cuba, Canada, US?  Why spend so much money on a pointless hoax??? How come the commies, the mullahs, the Democrats, the fascists, the vegans, the anarchists - everyone is in on it except the dead-eyed conspiracy theorists for whom EVERYTHING is a deception.

For you guys everyone ELSE is driving on the wrong side of the road because you have a mania about jewish freemasons. Ludicrous.

What other conspiracies are they perpetrating? Is anyone who has ever done something significant NOT a freemason?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 3:33pm
just spam and spam and spam from sad one ..

then abuse .. why and what for ?

to disrupt the thread .. as all answers get posted yet are ignored ..

An Introduction to Flat Earth - 35 Flat Earth Questions Answered (Flat Earth Proof)

1. What does the Flat Earth look like? (0:15)
2. Where’s the edge? (1:09)
3. Where is the Sun on a Flat Earth? (2:07)
4. What about ships disappearing over the horizon? (3:02)
5. Why can’t I see across the oceans? (3:47)
6. How is circumnavigation possible on a Flat Earth? (4:22)
7. What about the Felix Baumgartner Red Bull Jump? (4:57)
8. What is underneath the Flat Earth? (5:45)
9. Does the Flat Earth move? (6:29)
10.  What about Satellites, ISS, and the Hubble Space Telescope? (7:23)
11. Why is the Moon upside down in the Southern Hemisphere? (9:02)
12. What about the pictures of Earth from Space? (9:39)
13. Is the Moonlight just reflection of the Sun’s light? (10:52)
14. What about stars and does Outer Space even exist? (12:18)
15. Why do the Sun and Moon appear to be the same size? (13:01)
16. What about eclipses? (13:48)
17. What about the Coriolis Effect? (15:23)
18. Are the other planets flat? (16:26)
19. What about Gravity? (17:26)
20. What about Seasons? (19:29)
21. What about Time Zones? (20:22)
22. What about the Moon and Mars Landings? (21:01)
23. What about seeing the curve from an airplane window? (22:20)
24. What about Foucault’s Pendulum? (23:11)
25. How do you explain North and South on a Flat Earth? (24:03)
26. What about meteors, comets, and craters? (24:55)
27. Is there a dome over the flat Earth? (26:39)
28. Is Flat Earth only for religious people? (27:32)
29. Does the Bible say the Earth is flat? (28:06)
30. What about the Flat Earth Society? (28:52)
31. Who is behind the deception? (30:16)
32. Why would they lie about Flat Earth? (31:17)
33. Are all Scientists, Pilots, Engineers, and members of the Government in on the lie? (32:26)
34. Who is spreading the Flat Earth message? (33:16)
35. Why does it matter if Earth is flat? (34:50)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Super Nova on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 3:34pm
I think it is simple if the flat Earthers will answer some questions.

Question 1. Do flatearther believe in Newton Mechanics and in particular the Inverse Square Law?
Update: Forget answering, I just viewed some of the video above and it claims Gravity is a hoax.

It's logic is wrong. it says only bouyancy should account for everything. But bouyancy only works because of gravity. They argue that because we cannot find gravity so it is not real.

Bloody hell. I am not going to bother. Flat Earthers are clearly a group of super trolls who have nothing to do with their weekends. Their meetings must be  laugh as they laugh at the people they suck in.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 3:52pm
I can see people are interested and when they look at the evidence they get scared .. frantic and abusive even !

just calm down and realize you have been lied to by nasa ..

Planet Flat Earth | 2018 Nature Documentary II

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 4:06pm
this is a must see presentation , the facts are in


these scientists have done the calibrations for over 7 years ..

the nasa lie just does not stack up ..

"This documentary is the result of 7 years of research by Dakila scientists. Spoilers...they uttered the phrase "The Earth is Flat"."

and people are upset and demanding answers , yet I am not the one whom has lied unto thee .. beloved

if you do not watch the evidence presented you may as well move on and take your ignorances with you

or stay and spam away for ye shall be ignored hence forth ..

ye may yet be at peace



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Super Nova on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 5:09pm
I prefer to believe in the Aliens from round planets here just to perform anal probes as there is more evidence for that than the flat earth theory. Enjoy.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Frank on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 5:22pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 3:33pm:
just spam and spam and spam from sad one ..

then abuse

32. Why would they lie about Flat Earth? (31:17)

Ah, because BEFORE the spherical earth was invented people were not oppressed and exploited.

These dark freemasons and jews needed the scientific revolution to introduce evidence based medicine, education, technology just exploit and control people more.

In north korea and china and japan. The chinese communist party is a bunch of jewish freemasons. They are thaf cunning.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Frank on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 5:31pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 4:06pm:
this is a must see presentation , the facts are in


these scientists have done the calibrations for over 7 years ..

the nasa lie just does not stack up ..

"This documentary is the result of 7 years of research by Dakila scientists. Spoilers...they uttered the phrase "The Earth is Flat"."

and people are upset and demanding answers , yet I am not the one whom has lied unto thee .. beloved

if you do not watch the evidence presented you may as well move on and take your ignorances with you

or stay and spam away for ye shall be ignored hence forth ..

ye may yet be at peace



;D ;D ;D

How many bees under how many bonnets - sorry - copper pyramids?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by skippy. on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 7:39pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 4:06pm:
this is a must see presentation , the facts are in


these scientists have done the calibrations for over 7 years ..

the nasa lie just does not stack up ..

"This documentary is the result of 7 years of research by Dakila scientists. Spoilers...they uttered the phrase "The Earth is Flat"."

and people are upset and demanding answers , yet I am not the one whom has lied unto thee .. beloved

if you do not watch the evidence presented you may as well move on and take your ignorances with you

or stay and spam away for ye shall be ignored hence forth ..

ye may yet be at peace



No wonder da scientists uttered da earth is flat, da were on da dakila.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Super Nova on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 10:57pm
Dear Flat Earthers,

How do you explain the earth's magnetic field?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:03am
looks like they have hidden the truth and banned that video , we move forward

Need Answers From Convex Earth Informant Bilu

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:09am

Super Nova wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 10:57pm:
Dear Flat Earthers,

How do you explain the earth's magnetic field?

Flat Earth-The name's magnetism, Electromagnetism..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:18am

The NASA Hoax - Eric Dubay

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Super Nova on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:55am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:09am:

Super Nova wrote on Apr 2nd, 2018 at 10:57pm:
Dear Flat Earthers,

How do you explain the earth's magnetic field?

Flat Earth-The name's magnetism, Electromagnetism..

That tells me jack in response to my question. A video of an electro/magnetic field showing where the wires are tells me nothing.

So, can you explain in words how you guys explain the Earth's magnetic field?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 6:27am
research yes , electro magnetism ..

you are becoming smarter ,

What is Gravity?: The Flat earths Electromagnetic field

Gravity is the most obvious yet mysterious Law of the Universe. Where does Gravity come from? Is it the reason why we are here? Why do we explain Gravity as an absolute fact if we know so little about it? Could there be another force causing the Gravity we experience?... Find out what is really playing the force of Gravity.

Earth's magnetism proves Foundations Of Heaven and square flat earth

The earth has magnetic fields ..but what creates them?
Scientists claim its the 6200°C hot molten iron core ..but from technical point of view a magnet loses its magnetic qualities when it's temperature exceeds the curie point.The curie point of iron is 770°C--that disproves the official theory in all's inner core could not generate magnetism..

Flat Earth - Welcome to the Electromagnetic Earth

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 6:37am
tesla's work explains in depth here ,

the same dynamic, electro magnetism .. thats 2 differing sources

with the same conclusion ..

Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

Tesla knew Gravity was just a bogus theory and that Einstein was a shill

Tesla knew that Gravity was nonsense,that is why you never
learned about him in school. Instead we were taught the theories
(assumptions) of Capernicus, Newton and Eistein to embed in your
brain that welive on a 'ball'!
Tesla had it right, electromagnetic realm.

here is Neil deGrasse Tyson, he has no idea what gravity is because it does not exist , it is electro magnetism yet everyone you ask in the street will say , oh that's gravity .. ( a lie . )

Neil deGrasse Tyson: What Is Gravity?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 6:47am
lets take a look at professional bs artist , freemason and drunkard buzz aldrin here

Buzz Aldrin asked: Did We Go To the Moon? or is the Earth Flat with A Dome?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 7:58am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 6:27am:
research yes , electro magnetism ..

you are becoming smarter ,

But you aren't.  So many contradictions in your claims, so many mistakes...

Firstly, you're still pushing the idea that the sun and the moon float about 3000 miles above the earth shining light down, all contained within the dome around the flat earth, but that still is contradictory to real world observations of light traveling in an upwards direction after the sun sets below the horizon, illuminating the tops of tall objects such as clouds and very tall buildings while the earth's shadow is cast on the bottom of the same object.

If the sun and moon are at a uniform distance above the earth just whizzing around (within the dome of course), this is impossible as light can't bend to that degree without the air of a massive gravitational pull, which you don't believe in anyway.

The real world observations mean, unless the sun and the moon can phase through the surface of the earth or this magical dome around the flat earth, your hypothisis is impossible and therefore debunked.

Problem #2, you claim that,

Earth's magnetism proves Foundations Of Heaven and square flat earth

The earth has magnetic fields ..but what creates them?
Scientists claim its the 6200°C hot molten iron core ..but from technical point of view a magnet loses its magnetic qualities when it's temperature exceeds the curie point.The curie point of iron is 770°C--that disproves the official theory in all's inner core could not generate magnetism..

Again, if you bothered to fact check you would discover that the earth's magnetic field is not generated by ferromagneticism which is where the curie point comes into play.

The magnetic field of the earth is caused by a macroscopic electric current, analogous to the magnetic field generated by a hollow solenoid. There is a bistable electric current at the equator of the earth and in the molten core that causes the magnetic field of the earth.

The electric current at the equatorial core is "self-generated", which is probably why it is bistable. The electrical current reverses direction every few hundred thousand years, just like the Sun (although on a much longer time scale).

So the magnetic dipole reverses every few thousand years as determined by examining rock formations.

A ferromagnetic core could not possibly reverse direction every few hundred thousand years. So physicists can say with no equivocation that the core of the earth IS NOT ferromagnetic. So it doesn’t matter that the iron is above the Curie point.

So other than this being yet another diversion away from you answering the questions put to you, the information you've provided, that you're claiming are "facts" has been proven to be wrong, again.

Where to from here?  Are you going to double down and insist that you're not wrong, or are you going to be gracious enough to accept that you've made a mistake in the material that you've not read or watched but just reposed?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:00am
Attempted subject changes and deflections by Light to avoid answering the questions below, since they were asked as of 03/04/18 @ 0800 now totals:


31st March - 9:42pm
1st of April - 6:00pm

And still no answers.

As stated in the questions put to you, I'm not asking for a video, just write down and reply with your answers to the questions.

Again brother Light has failed to answer the questions yet feels entitled to ask more of others.

I've given you far too much leniency in this thread and let you escape the questions asked of you by me and others for far too long. 

The whole time we still consume your posts, only to answer those questions you put forward as a distraction only to have the answers ignored and more questions thrown at us.

Not this time.  I'm taking a stand against your tactics.

Please answer the questions above, thanks.

A brief history for those just catching up:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:26am
many blessings , and yet

oh dear and the antagonists persist , they demand this and they demand that ,

goodness gracious and welcome once again here beloved beings , where evidences and proofs are posted , and yet some , .................beloveds

are getting quite agitated we see here yes and as such we would again highlight ,

it is not one such as I am saying these things , oh no dear one

it and they are evidences that point ,in and from , a scientific perspective , the anomalies that do exist pertaining to, but not limited to the globe earth theory , gravity ,the distances of the sun and moon ..

the agitation is quite/quaint evidence yes and on display ..

this is very interesting and a clear indication that

ones belief system is being questioned ,

and so you are



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:30am

But you aren't.  So many contradictions in your claims, so many mistakes...

Firstly, you're still pushing the idea that the sun and the moon float about 3000 miles above the earth shining light down, all contained within the dome around the flat earth, but that still is contradictory to real world observations of light traveling in an upwards direction after the sun sets below the horizon, illuminating the tops of tall objects such as clouds and very tall buildings while the earth's shadow is cast on the bottom of the same object.

If the sun and moon are at a uniform distance above the earth just whizzing around (within the dome of course), this is impossible as light can't bend to that degree without the air of a massive gravitational pull, which you don't believe in anyway.

The real world observations mean, unless the sun and the moon can phase through the surface of the earth or this magical dome around the flat earth, your hypothisis is impossible and therefore debunked.

Again, if you bothered to fact check you would discover that the earth's magnetic field is not generated by ferromagneticism which is where the curie point comes into play.

The magnetic field of the earth is caused by a macroscopic electric current, analogous to the magnetic field generated by a hollow solenoid. There is a bistable electric current at the equator of the earth and in the molten core that causes the magnetic field of the earth.

The electric current at the equatorial core is "self-generated", which is probably why it is bistable. The electrical current reverses direction every few hundred thousand years, just like the Sun (although on a much longer time scale).

So the magnetic dipole reverses every few thousand years as determined by examining rock formations.

A ferromagnetic core could not possibly reverse direction every few hundred thousand years. So physicists can say with no equivocation that the core of the earth IS NOT ferromagnetic. So it doesn’t matter that the iron is above the Curie point.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:38am

And still no answers.

As stated in the questions put to you, I'm not asking for a video, just write down and reply with your answers to the questions.

Again brother Light has failed to answer the questions yet feels entitled to ask more of others.

I've given you far too much leniency in this thread and let you escape the questions asked of you by me and others for far too long. 

The whole time we still consume your posts, only to answer those questions you put forward as a distraction only to have the answers ignored and more questions thrown at us.

Not this time.  I'm taking a stand against your tactics.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:53am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:30am:

But you aren't.  So many contradictions in your claims, so many mistakes...

Firstly, you're still pushing the idea that the sun and the moon float about 3000 miles above the earth shining light down, all contained within the dome around the flat earth, but that still is contradictory to real world observations of light traveling in an upwards direction after the sun sets below the horizon, illuminating the tops of tall objects such as clouds and very tall buildings while the earth's shadow is cast on the bottom of the same object.

If the sun and moon are at a uniform distance above the earth just whizzing around (within the dome of course), this is impossible as light can't bend to that degree without the air of a massive gravitational pull, which you don't believe in anyway.

The real world observations mean, unless the sun and the moon can phase through the surface of the earth or this magical dome around the flat earth, your hypothisis is impossible and therefore debunked.

[quote]Again, if you bothered to fact check you would discover that the earth's magnetic field is not generated by ferromagneticism which is where the curie point comes into play.

The magnetic field of the earth is caused by a macroscopic electric current, analogous to the magnetic field generated by a hollow solenoid. There is a bistable electric current at the equator of the earth and in the molten core that causes the magnetic field of the earth.

The electric current at the equatorial core is "self-generated", which is probably why it is bistable. The electrical current reverses direction every few hundred thousand years, just like the Sun (although on a much longer time scale).

So the magnetic dipole reverses every few thousand years as determined by examining rock formations.

A ferromagnetic core could not possibly reverse direction every few hundred thousand years. So physicists can say with no equivocation that the core of the earth IS NOT ferromagnetic. So it doesn’t matter that the iron is above the Curie point.


So let me get this straight, basically, you claim to use science to disprove the earth magnetic field, but you don't understand the science you've tried to use and when you're corrected, you claim that the science you've cherry picked and don't understand is correct, but everything else, especially that which disproves your claims, is a conspiracy and mind control programming?

Your world is really crumbling down around you and the desperation you're showing in order to cling to and hold on so desperately to your beliefs, it's embarrassing.

There should be an IQ Test requirement to access these forums...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:55am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:38am:

And still no answers.

As stated in the questions put to you, I'm not asking for a video, just write down and reply with your answers to the questions.

Again brother Light has failed to answer the questions yet feels entitled to ask more of others.

I've given you far too much leniency in this thread and let you escape the questions asked of you by me and others for far too long. 

The whole time we still consume your posts, only to answer those questions you put forward as a distraction only to have the answers ignored and more questions thrown at us.

Not this time.  I'm taking a stand against your tactics.

Have you answered the questions?


Have you continued to ask others to answer your questions?


Are you deliberately trying to avoid answer the questions put to you?


So, if you don't want to call this "tactics", what word would help you feel better?  Do we need to start treating you like the precious snowflake you're acting?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:56am
And by the way:

Attempted subject changes and deflections by Light to avoid answering the questions below, since they were asked as of 03/04/18 @ 0900 now totals:


31st March - 9:42pm
1st of April - 6:00pm

And still no answers.

As stated in the questions put to you, I'm not asking for a video, just write down and reply with your answers to the questions.

Again brother Light has failed to answer the questions yet feels entitled to ask more of others.

You can ask as many other question you like but I won't address them until you address mine, and I suggest others do the same.

I've given you far too much leniency in this thread and let you escape the questions asked of you by me and others for far too long. 

The whole time we still consume your posts, only to answer those questions you put forward as a distraction only to have the answers ignored and more questions thrown at us.

Not this time.  I'm taking a stand against your tactics.

Please answer the questions above, thanks.

A brief history for those just catching up:

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 8:58am
much is explained here

and yet some are too ignorant to observe as much

tesla's work explains in depth here ,

the same dynamic, electro magnetism .. thats 2 differing sources

with the same conclusion ..

Nikola Tesla's Dynamic Theory of Gravity

Tesla knew Gravity was just a bogus theory and that Einstein was a shill

Tesla knew that Gravity was nonsense,that is why you never
learned about him in school. Instead we were taught the theories
(assumptions) of Capernicus, Newton and Eistein to embed in your
brain that welive on a 'ball'!
Tesla had it right, electromagnetic realm.

here is Neil deGrasse Tyson, he has no idea what gravity is because it does not exist , it is electro magnetism yet everyone you ask in the street will say , oh that's gravity .. ( a lie . )

Neil deGrasse Tyson: What Is Gravity?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 9:06am
the welcome is continued , and yet, ................dear ones

it may be difficult to look at research and watch the answers being explained to the questions many ask , and yet , ..............beloveds

we have certain ones spamming up the whole show here so here is the information again ..

What is Gravity?: The Flat earths Electromagnetic field

Gravity is the most obvious yet mysterious Law of the Universe. Where does Gravity come from? Is it the reason why we are here? Why do we explain Gravity as an absolute fact if we know so little about it? Could there be another force causing the Gravity we experience?... Find out what is really playing the force of Gravity.

Earth's magnetism proves Foundations Of Heaven and square flat earth

The earth has magnetic fields ..but what creates them?
Scientists claim its the 6200°C hot molten iron core ..but from technical point of view a magnet loses its magnetic qualities when it's temperature exceeds the curie point.The curie point of iron is 770°C--that disproves the official theory in all's inner core could not generate magnetism..

Flat Earth - Welcome to the Electromagnetic Earth

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 9:56am
Ok fine, I'll give you one last chance, why don't we meet in the middle.

I've asked you to answer my questions, not post videos, but answer my questions.

The problem with the videos that you post, they are the original items that created the questions.  Reposting them does no go anywhere near to answer the questions.  If they contained the answers in the first place, there would be no questions.

So if you would have the decency to write your answers that actually address the questions put to you rather than just pretending you've provided answers by reposting the same videos when you haven't, or copying and pasting someone elses work, then I'll meet you halfway.

We'll go answer for answer. 

You answer my 2 questions, and I'll answer 2 more from you.

I'll even go first if you so desire, despite the fact you are the one making the claims that the earth is flat and the burden of proof should be on you, not on others to disprove you, but I won't touch that, baby steps and all.

But you have to actually make an effort to answer the questions, not just repost the same videos that don't provide answers or actually spawned the questions in the first place.

I'm ready to go if you are.  You talk a big game about seeking the truth, the facts etc, now is your chance to live up to that.


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 10:11am
many blessings sad kangaroo .. I am in no conflict

there is no aggression or need for truce as I am not at a state of war ..

I simply post information alternate to the mainstream teachings , teachings which need testing  ..

some get upset others research , yet either way

be at peace



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 12:30pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 10:11am:
many blessings sad kangaroo .. I am in no conflict

there is no aggression or need for truce as I am not at a state of war ..

I simply post information alternate to the mainstream teachings , teachings which need testing  ..

some get upset others research , yet either way

be at peace



So that's a No?

You're refusing to work together?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 12:50pm
many blessings sad kangaroo .. I am in no conflict

there is no aggression or need for truce as I am not at a state of war ..

I simply post information alternate to the mainstream teachings , teachings which need testing  ..

some get upset others research , yet either way

be at peace



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:11pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 12:50pm:
many blessings sad kangaroo .. I am in no conflict

there is no aggression or need for truce as I am not at a state of war ..

I simply post information alternate to the mainstream teachings , teachings which need testing  ..

some get upset others research , yet either way

be at peace



So you're only interested in propaganda posting, not actual learning or discussion.

You've been refusing to answer questions put to you, but you will question others, insistently.

As an offer of good faith, I proposed an exchange of answers if you will.  But you STILL refuse.

Why are you so afriad to defend the material you post here?

You demand others justify theirs, but you won't even answer some basic questions that form much of the foundation of the message you're pushing?

Have I got it right?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:31pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:11pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 12:50pm:
many blessings sad kangaroo .. I am in no conflict

there is no aggression or need for truce as I am not at a state of war ..

I simply post information alternate to the mainstream teachings , teachings which need testing  ..

some get upset others research , yet either way

be at peace



So you're only interested in propaganda posting, not actual learning or discussion.

You've been refusing to answer questions put to you, but you will question others, insistently.

As an offer of good faith, I proposed an exchange of answers if you will.  But you STILL refuse.

Why are you so afriad to defend the material you post here?

You demand others justify theirs, but you won't even answer some basic questions that form much of the foundation of the message you're pushing?

Have I got it right?

many blessings sad one ,

you seem combative as usual ..

you would rather a long drawn out melodrama , rather

than look at the evidence provided .. the fact is , you do not want to know the truth

the truth has been posted and you simply refuse to absorb the truth . sadly , one such as I am cannot help you or force you to observe truth and facts ..

I am in no discomfort of your confusion and aggressive , combative nature for you do not effect unto the truth and facts delivered ..

yet rejoice beloved one , for many blessings remain within all hearts

        A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:44pm
now back to the thread ..if one may have an interest for as much ,

They Dont Want You Seeing This About Earth! Being Deleted All over Internet!?2018/2019

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:58pm
again and yes welcome are all ,

as we continue to absorb the latest scientific truth and fact here upon this thread ,

flat earth .. lets explore with an open mind and question these anomalies ..

if one may have the care , or are not too excited ,

IMPROBABALL 🌎 Flat Earth Documentary (2018)

The sequel to 2017's smash hit Flat Earth Documentary "IMPOSSIBALL." A Biblical Presentation of the true nature of the earth. What does the bible say about Flat Earth? The globe earth is very improbable that's why the title of this Flat Earth Movie is IMPROBABALL. Enjoy.

im·prob·a·ble: not likely to be true or to happen.

Flat earth proof of the biggest conspiracy theory documentary film!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:59pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:31pm:
many blessings sad one ,

you seem combative as usual ..

you would rather a long drawn out melodrama , rather

than look at the evidence provided .. the fact is , you do not want to know the truth

the truth has been posted and you simply refuse to absorb the truth . sadly , one such as I am cannot help you or force you to observe truth and facts ..

I am in no discomfort of your confusion and aggressive , combative nature for you do not effect unto the truth and facts delivered ..

many blessings remain within all hearts

        A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance



Mate, you ask us questions all the time and we answer them, sure you ignore the answers, but you still get them.

We ask you question and you act like this?

You're telling me you've provided truth, but you won't back it up?

You have provided hypotheses, not even theories.  Theories can be tested, like Gravity. 

You're making bold claims and not providing a shred of actual evidence, just a misunderstanding of science, the scientific process, and more unsubstantiated claims.

You say you are interested in the truth, but you've not even delved into the areas of truth by accident.

If you're interested in the truth, when a hypothesis of yours has been shown to be impossible given real world observation, not nasa teaching, not some hidden conspiracy, but observable nature, I even took photos of it and sent it to you.

But you ignore it, choosing to cling to your version of events and not the truth.

You don't care for the truth as is evidenced by your actions.

You then claim to have no conflict but you won't even be a decent human being and troll the rest of us.

You're a liar, you've been exposed.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 2:02pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:59pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 1:31pm:
many blessings sad one ,

you seem combative as usual ..

you would rather a long drawn out melodrama , rather

than look at the evidence provided .. the fact is , you do not want to know the truth

the truth has been posted and you simply refuse to absorb the truth . sadly , one such as I am cannot help you or force you to observe truth and facts ..

I am in no discomfort of your confusion and aggressive , combative nature for you do not effect unto the truth and facts delivered ..

many blessings remain within all hearts

        A Lesson In Cognitive Dissonance



Mate, you ask us questions all the time and we answer them, sure you ignore the answers, but you still get them.

We ask you question and you act like this?

You're telling me you've provided truth, but you won't back it up?

You have provided hypotheses, not even theories.  Theories can be tested, like Gravity. 

You're making bold claims and not providing a shred of actual evidence, just a misunderstanding of science, the scientific process, and more unsubstantiated claims.

You say you are interested in the truth, but you've not even delved into the areas of truth by accident.

If you're interested in the truth, when a hypothesis of yours has been shown to be impossible given real world observation, not nasa teaching, not some hidden conspiracy, but observable nature, I even took photos of it and sent it to you.

But you ignore it, choosing to cling to your version of events and not the truth.

You don't care for the truth as is evidenced by your actions.

You then claim to have no conflict but you won't even be a decent human being and troll the rest of us.

You're a liar, you've been exposed.

many blessings sad one ,

fancy seeing you here jumping up and down like an old mole ..and yet

all your questions have been answered in the documented science backed links provided ..

you do really need to calm down , and further , you may have missed this latest evidence ,

again and yes welcome are all ,

as we continue to absorb the latest scientific truth and fact here upon this thread ,

flat earth .. lets explore with an open mind and question these anomalies ..

if one may have the care , or are not too excited ,

IMPROBABALL 🌎 Flat Earth Documentary (2018)

The sequel to 2017's smash hit Flat Earth Documentary "IMPOSSIBALL." A Biblical Presentation of the true nature of the earth. What does the bible say about Flat Earth? The globe earth is very improbable that's why the title of this Flat Earth Movie is IMPROBABALL. Enjoy.

im·prob·a·ble: not likely to be true or to happen.

Flat earth proof of the biggest conspiracy theory documentary film!


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 5:36pm
So what is I watch your videos and the questions remain unanswered?

What then?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 6:02pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:33am:
how can billions of tones of water be held down by gravity yet a butterfly can fly past your illogical face and surrounding area ..?

Flight you smacking retard...

Gravity is a weak force, but the scale of the earth is so that it acts upon us as in the way it does.  The mass of a butterfly or a bee is such that their tiny wings can produce enough lift to keep them flying, but the billions of tones of water create a greater gravitational energy.

But your "Gravity is just a theory" line just shows how little you understand.  In science, the jargon usage of "theory" applies to any properly demonstrated law, model, or understanding of how things work. "Law" is really the same word, but use of that has fallen to the wayside in physics and other disciplines, who prefer "theory" for exactly the same knowledge-unit of understanding.

"Theory" is the best form of understanding we can every have about any process or model in the real world.

Be aware: the only thing more certain than "theory", is observation. We observe that X happens (gravity is the source of force, evolution happens, the speed of light is 299,792,458 m / s). It is explaining how these things happen that is a "theory".

"Theory" in common English has a meaning that is less certain, to which science applies the word "hypothesis".

If it was the hypothesis of Gravity I'd be more open to your interpretation, but it's not.

And that doesn't go to explaining how gravity is meant to work on your flat earth, because clearly it does.  If only it didn't the maybe, just maybe we'd be lucky enough to have to float off into space and we could all live in peace.

Neil deGrasse Tyson: What Is Gravity?

When co-host Leighann Lord asks Neil deGrasse Tyson, “What is Gravity?” his answer may surprise you: “We have no idea.”

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 9:03pm

LAT EARTH - A Sufficient Proof, You Have Brain to Think! Isn't it?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 4th, 2018 at 7:20am
many blessings

and again , we have here a very good body of tests and proofs

a very interesting amalgamation of truths and facts, misinterpreted , and therefore unrebutted


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 4th, 2018 at 8:05am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 6:02pm:
When co-host Leighann Lord asks Neil deGrasse Tyson, “What is Gravity?” his answer may surprise you: “We have no idea.”

We may not know what it is or why it behaves how it does, but we know HOW it behaves.

Contrast this to your videos of people claiming it doesn't exist, instead it's density and buoyancy that makes things "fall", you may be surprised to know that their conclusions are total bullshit.

Gravity as science understands it is the backbone to not only building construction and engineering, but flight, space travel, the movement and orbits of the moon, planets the stars and galaxies.

Predictions can be made and tested using our current understanding and proved to be correct.

What predications can be made with the explanations you've put forward?

A bowling ball will fall faster than a feather because it's heavier?

What gives it weight if there is no gravity?

Come on now, at least try.  The video's you've posted that are apparently meant to answer these questions just repeat the same claims that spawned these questions.  They offer nothing new than what you've already stated and they don't come close to explaining what is happening.

Are you going to bother to answer the points and questions raised in this post, or will you just repost the same videos?

The choice is yours.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 4th, 2018 at 8:07am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 4th, 2018 at 7:20am:
a very interesting amalgamation of truths and facts, misinterpreted , and therefore unrebutted

The only thing correct in what you've said here is that they are unrebutted.

You act as if nobody challenging them makes them correct?

So, the fact that you've not answered a single one of my questions (despite you wanting me and others to answer yours), by your logic the questions have been "unrebutted", therefore what they were questioning has been proven wrong?

What you've posted are not truths or facts, at best they are a collection of hypothesis.

They provide no facts, nothing that can be tested and certainly no evidence.

You've dismissed as false claims that have far more evidence than what you're proposing are "truths and facts", so why don't you question them?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 4th, 2018 at 10:31am

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:33am:
how can billions of tones of water be held down by gravity yet a butterfly can fly past your illogical face and surrounding area ..?

Flight you smacking retard...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 4th, 2018 at 12:05pm

NASA Responds to my Freedom of Information Act Request for Spacewalk Video

NASA has replied to my FOIA Request and they certainly don't surprise me.  Take a look at this video and you will see that NASA can't get anything right. Liars through and through.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 4th, 2018 at 12:28pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 4th, 2018 at 12:05pm:

NASA Responds to my Freedom of Information Act Request for Spacewalk Video

NASA has replied to my FOIA Request and they certainly don't surprise me.  Take a look at this video and you will see that NASA can't get anything right. Liars through and through.

Frankly NASA has better things to do

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 4th, 2018 at 4:03pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 4th, 2018 at 10:31am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:33am:
how can billions of tones of water be held down by gravity yet a butterfly can fly past your illogical face and surrounding area ..?

Flight you smacking retard...

There is only so polite a person can be up against the likes of you.

And of course, that's the point.  Now you can use "abuse" as a reason not to answer questions or be held to account for your poor logic and conflicting ideas.

Again you've been exposed.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Apr 5th, 2018 at 1:01am
Hey Light, care to address this?

Raven wrote on Mar 30th, 2018 at 2:43am:
If the earth was truely flat, with a powerful enough telescope you'd be able to see the Burj Khalifa from virtually anywhere on the planet.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 12:06pm

Raven wrote on Apr 5th, 2018 at 1:01am:
Hey Light, care to address this?

Raven wrote on Mar 30th, 2018 at 2:43am:
If the earth was truely flat, with a powerful enough telescope you'd be able to see the Burj Khalifa from virtually anywhere on the planet.

many blessings raven ,

very interesting yes,

Earth is Flat: Dubai Palm Jumeirah to Burj Khalifa

FLAT EARTH ADDICT 27 : The Flat Horizon Of Dubai and New York


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 12:13pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 4th, 2018 at 4:03pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 4th, 2018 at 10:31am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 9:18pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 11:33am:
how can billions of tones of water be held down by gravity yet a butterfly can fly past your illogical face and surrounding area ..?

Flight you smacking retard...

There is only so polite a person can be up against the likes of you.

And of course, that's the point.  Now you can use "abuse" as a reason not to answer questions or be held to account for your poor logic and conflicting ideas.

Again you've been exposed.

yes fear not sad kangaroo ,

for you are forgiven so be at peace on your flat earth many are saying ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 12:13pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 12:19pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:00pm

Most people who believe the Earth is flat consider themselves to be ‘very religious and think evidence of the world's shape is found in scripture', poll reveals

A new poll has found that 52 per cent of people who believe the Earth is flat are 'very religious' and think evidence of the world's shape can be found in scripture
Market research company said only eight per cent of flat earthers polled during a February 2018 survey said they were not very religious
The data also revealed that 84 per cent of Americans believe the Earth is round
66 per cent of millennials (ages 18-24) are round Earth believers, the poll stated

A new poll has found that there is a link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat., a market research company based in the UK, polled 8,215 people  across the United States on whether the Earth is flat or round.

According to the data, 52 per cent of Americans who believe the Earth is flat also consider themselves to be 'very religious' and think evidence of the world's shape can be found in scripture. 

17 per cent said they were 'not religious at all', while 23 per cent said they were somewhat religious. Only eight per cent of flat earthers said they didn't consider themselves to be very religious.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:23pm
We have photos, unedited, full photos of the earth in all its globe glory from the Japanese satellite, not stitched together composite photos but full photos.

Nothing to do with NASA.

You keep ignoring this, complaining that NASA's photos are fake, then post computer rendered photos of a flat earth as if it's real?

You're dreaming mate.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:34pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:00pm:

Most people who believe the Earth is flat consider themselves to be ‘very religious and think evidence of the world's shape is found in scripture', poll reveals

A new poll has found that 52 per cent of people who believe the Earth is flat are 'very religious' and think evidence of the world's shape can be found in scripture
Market research company said only eight per cent of flat earthers polled during a February 2018 survey said they were not very religious
The data also revealed that 84 per cent of Americans believe the Earth is round
66 per cent of millennials (ages 18-24) are round Earth believers, the poll stated

A new poll has found that there is a link between religion and people who believe the Earth is flat., a market research company based in the UK, polled 8,215 people  across the United States on whether the Earth is flat or round.

According to the data, 52 per cent of Americans who believe the Earth is flat also consider themselves to be 'very religious' and think evidence of the world's shape can be found in scripture. 

17 per cent said they were 'not religious at all', while 23 per cent said they were somewhat religious. Only eight per cent of flat earthers said they didn't consider themselves to be very religious.

Way to hurt your own argument.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:45pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm:


many blessings ,

yet look at the photo you posted , look over australia ...

the sun is clearly very close .. and you just proved it ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:58pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:45pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm:


many blessings ,

yet look at the photo you posted , look over australia ...

the sun is clearly very close .. and you just proved it ..

Does it though?

For it's reflection to look so small when the sun is roughly 1,391,400kms in diameter means that it is incredibly far away from the earth, in the ballpark of 149,600,000kms, not less than 5,000kms.

You realise that right?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:07pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:58pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:45pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm:


many blessings ,

yet look at the photo you posted , look over australia ...

the sun is clearly very close .. and you just proved it ..

Does it though?

For it's reflection to look so small when the sun is roughly 1,391,400kms in diameter means that it is incredibly far away from the earth, in the ballpark of 149,600,000kms, not less than 5,000kms.

You realise that right?

yes and yet that " photo " proves the sun is very close and photoshop around the false curved earth ..

well done, no I mean it ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:37pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:07pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:58pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:45pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm:


many blessings ,

yet look at the photo you posted , look over australia ...

the sun is clearly very close .. and you just proved it ..

Does it though?

For it's reflection to look so small when the sun is roughly 1,391,400kms in diameter means that it is incredibly far away from the earth, in the ballpark of 149,600,000kms, not less than 5,000kms.

You realise that right?

yes and yet that " photo " proves the sun is very close and photoshop around the false curved earth ..

So let me understand what you're saying, you "realise" the photo shows the Sun is 149,600,000kms away, but also how small it is?

The two points contradict each other.  If the sun were really that small, from that distance it would barely register a blip.

Oh on that theme of contradictory points, you claim that the photo is authentic as it must be to "prove how close the sun is" but at the same time cast down on how it shows the globe nature of the earth as those parts must be photoshopped?

So, on one had, the photo proves your point, but the other parts of the photo that disprove it are photoshopped?

Clearly you don't actually care about evidence and you'll just make up whatever is needed to prove your point?

I don't know why we have to constantly point this out to you? 

I can't tell if behind all the facade of peace and love you're just trolling or stupid.

You seem to take no issues to the earth being a globe in the Solar Flare thread, only this one.

The more I think about it the more I wonder if you're not both.  The "logic" you use in your trolling isn't that someone with even a modicum of intelligence would use.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:55pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:37pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:07pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:58pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:45pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm:


many blessings ,

yet look at the photo you posted , look over australia ...

the sun is clearly very close .. and you just proved it ..

Does it though?

For it's reflection to look so small when the sun is roughly 1,391,400kms in diameter means that it is incredibly far away from the earth, in the ballpark of 149,600,000kms, not less than 5,000kms.

You realise that right?

yes and yet that " photo " proves the sun is very close and photoshop around the false curved earth ..

So let me understand what you're saying, you "realise" the photo shows the Sun is 149,600,000kms away, but also how small it is?

The two points contradict each other.  If the sun were really that small, from that distance it would barely register a blip.

Oh on that theme of contradictory points, you claim that the photo is authentic as it must be to "prove how close the sun is" but at the same time cast down on how it shows the globe nature of the earth as those parts must be photoshopped?

So, on one had, the photo proves your point, but the other parts of the photo that disprove it are photoshopped?

Clearly you don't actually care about evidence and you'll just make up whatever is needed to prove your point?

I don't know why we have to constantly point this out to you? 

I can't tell if behind all the facade of peace and love you're just trolling or stupid.

You seem to take no issues to the earth being a globe in the Solar Flare thread, only this one.

The more I think about it the more I wonder if you're not both.  The "logic" you use in your trolling isn't that someone with even a modicum of intelligence would use.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:02pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:55pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 5:37pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 4:07pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:58pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:45pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm:


many blessings ,

yet look at the photo you posted , look over australia ...

the sun is clearly very close .. and you just proved it ..

Does it though?

For it's reflection to look so small when the sun is roughly 1,391,400kms in diameter means that it is incredibly far away from the earth, in the ballpark of 149,600,000kms, not less than 5,000kms.

You realise that right?

yes and yet that " photo " proves the sun is very close and photoshop around the false curved earth ..

So let me understand what you're saying, you "realise" the photo shows the Sun is 149,600,000kms away, but also how small it is?

The two points contradict each other.  If the sun were really that small, from that distance it would barely register a blip.

Oh on that theme of contradictory points, you claim that the photo is authentic as it must be to "prove how close the sun is" but at the same time cast down on how it shows the globe nature of the earth as those parts must be photoshopped?

So, on one had, the photo proves your point, but the other parts of the photo that disprove it are photoshopped?

Clearly you don't actually care about evidence and you'll just make up whatever is needed to prove your point?

I don't know why we have to constantly point this out to you? 

I can't tell if behind all the facade of peace and love you're just trolling or stupid.

You seem to take no issues to the earth being a globe in the Solar Flare thread, only this one.

The more I think about it the more I wonder if you're not both.  The "logic" you use in your trolling isn't that someone with even a modicum of intelligence would use.

Swing and a miss there mate.

Reposting the same meme to avoid the content of the post again...


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:43pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:02pm:
Swing and a miss there mate.

Reposting the same meme to avoid the content of the post again...


all the measurements are there and aligns with your photo ..

well done ! case closed ..


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 7th, 2018 at 7:45pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:43pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:02pm:
Swing and a miss there mate.

Reposting the same meme to avoid the content of the post again...


all the measurements are there and aligns with your photo ..

well done ! case closed ..


I thought my photo was fake though?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 7th, 2018 at 7:53pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 7:45pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:43pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:02pm:
Swing and a miss there mate.

Reposting the same meme to avoid the content of the post again...


all the measurements are there and aligns with your photo ..

well done ! case closed ..


I thought my photo was fake though?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 7th, 2018 at 8:05pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 7:53pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 7:45pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:43pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 6:02pm:
Swing and a miss there mate.

Reposting the same meme to avoid the content of the post again...


all the measurements are there and aligns with your photo ..

well done ! case closed ..


I thought my photo was fake though?

No, but you claimed it was fake, yet you hold it as proof of something.

I'm just trying to find where you stand...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 6:25am

Reply #787

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:58pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:45pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:33pm:


many blessings ,

yet look at the photo you posted , look over australia ...

the sun is clearly very close .. and you just proved it ..

Does it though?

For it's reflection to look so small when the sun is roughly 1,391,400kms in diameter means that it is incredibly far away from the earth, in the ballpark of 149,600,000kms, not less than 5,000kms.

You realise that right?

yes and yet that " photo " proves the sun is very close and photoshop around the false curved earth ..

well done, no I mean it ..

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 8th, 2018 at 8:07am
You're being absurd and showing how little regard for the truth you have.

You want to take a photo as proof and evidence of a claim you're making but the parts of the photo that disprove another of your claims, the same photo, they're fake?

Firstly the photo doesn't show the sun being close to the earth, you're just claiming it does, and second what proof do you have that the parts of the photo you don't like are fake?  None.

It's funny how in other threads you take no issues with the size and distance from the earth the sun is when we're talking about solar flares and solar activity, or even the shape of the earth for that matter, but in this threads it's all different?

Either you have multiple personalities that hold different conflicting positions depending on the thread or you're just smacking with us and hope we don't check more than one thread.

Again in your quest to be right and win and argument with some random person on the internet you've shot yourself in the foot and failed.

If you'd just argue the truth and the facts instead of trying to spin these webs of lies and conspiracy you'd get the win and validation you so desperately seek.

Too bad you always side with fake news, conspiracy and hypocrisy.  It doesn't take much to expose you, you'll never admit it of course but your tells are there.

The constant reposts, ignoring the content of posts you can offer no.rebuttal, deflecting and changing the topic or posting silly memes as if they're proof, all signs you know you're defeated.

You're an open book, exposed for all to see.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 8th, 2018 at 8:20am

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:58pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 7th, 2018 at 3:45pm:
Does it though?

For it's reflection to look so small when the sun is roughly 1,391,400kms in diameter means that it is incredibly far away from the earth, in the ballpark of 149,600,000kms, not less than 5,000kms.

You realise that right?

yes and yet that " photo " proves the sun is very close and photoshop around the false curved earth ..

well done, no I mean it

Read back the exchange.

You at first admit that the picture shows the sun is incredibly far away because of how small its reflection is, given how large we know for a fact that the sun is, then you claim the total opposite is what the picture shows?

Which is it?

Then you claim it's a " photo " which means you don't trust it's authenticity anyway.

So how can you draw conclusions from it, that it doesn't even show, if you think it's fake?

Or do is that you're holding this legitimate photo up as proof of a point you're trying to make, but need an out to dismiss the fact that it doesn't show the earth as flat but instead a globe?


What did you take this morning!?  Too much time in the sun under your copper pyramid methinks.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 8:45am
many blessings sad one ,

the sun is 40 miles across it is said , and 3900 miles above the earths surface

the photo that you post here reflects that equation

this photo is supposedly taken from a low orbit satellite , inside the van allen belts of radiation ..

and doctored by nasa to include the globe earth narrative shape and context ..

proves and shows the suns reflection to validate the suns mass and size of 40 miles across and 3900 miles from the surface ..

well done good show thanks for coming you lose by your own hand no less ..too bad so sad *


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:11am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 8:45am:
many blessings sad one ,

the sun is 40 miles across it is said , and 3900 miles above the earths surface

the photo that you post here reflects that equation

this photo is supposedly taken from a low orbit satellite , inside the van allen belts of radiation ..

and doctored by nasa to include the globe earth narrative shape and context ..

proves and shows the suns reflection to validate the suns mass and size of 40 miles across and 3900 miles from the surface ..

well done good show thanks for coming you lose by your own hand no less ..too bad so sad *


The photo is not from NASA and shows the earth is a globe.

You can claim otherwise but it's there for all to see.

Thanks for playing.

I notice you also deliberately ignored the request for a photo of the flat earth.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:18am

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:11am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 8:45am:
many blessings sad one ,

the sun is 40 miles across it is said , and 3900 miles above the earths surface

the photo that you post here reflects that equation

this photo is supposedly taken from a low orbit satellite , inside the van allen belts of radiation ..

and doctored by nasa to include the globe earth narrative shape and context ..

proves and shows the suns reflection to validate the suns mass and size of 40 miles across and 3900 miles from the surface ..

well done good show thanks for coming you lose by your own hand no less ..too bad so sad *


The photo is not from NASA and shows the earth is a globe.

You can claim otherwise but it's there for all to see.

Thanks for playing.

I notice you also deliberately ignored the request for a photo of the flat earth.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by DonDeeHippy on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:05am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:18am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:11am:
[quote author=it_is_the_light link=1436049755/798#798 date=1523141119]many blessings sad one ,

the sun is 40 miles across it is said , and 3900 miles above the earths surface

the photo that you post here reflects that equation

this photo is supposedly taken from a low orbit satellite , inside the van allen belts of radiation ..

and doctored by nasa to include the globe earth narrative shape and context ..

proves and shows the suns reflection to validate the suns mass and size of 40 miles across and 3900 miles from the surface ..

well done good show thanks for coming you lose by your own hand no less ..too bad so sad *

The photo is not from NASA and shows the earth is a globe.

You can claim otherwise but it's there for all to see.

Thanks for playing.

I notice you also deliberately ignored the request for a photo of the flat earth.

ohh love this if the sun is 3900 miles away and it moves around how does it stay that distance away the whole day, is the sun on a rectangle orbit around the earth ?
I know I should of read all 50 pages but to much truth in one day can be too much

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:08am

DonDeeHippy wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:05am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:18am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:11am:
[quote author=it_is_the_light link=1436049755/798#798 date=1523141119]many blessings sad one ,

the sun is 40 miles across it is said , and 3900 miles above the earths surface

the photo that you post here reflects that equation

this photo is supposedly taken from a low orbit satellite , inside the van allen belts of radiation ..

and doctored by nasa to include the globe earth narrative shape and context ..

proves and shows the suns reflection to validate the suns mass and size of 40 miles across and 3900 miles from the surface ..

well done good show thanks for coming you lose by your own hand no less ..too bad so sad *

The photo is not from NASA and shows the earth is a globe.

You can claim otherwise but it's there for all to see.

Thanks for playing.

I notice you also deliberately ignored the request for a photo of the flat earth.

ohh love this if the sun is 3900 miles away and it moves around how does it stay that distance away the whole day, is the sun on a rectangle orbit around the earth ?
I know I should of read all 50 pages but to much truth in one day can be too much

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:11am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:15am

DonDeeHippy wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:05am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:18am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:11am:
[quote author=it_is_the_light link=1436049755/798#798 date=1523141119]many blessings sad one ,

the sun is 40 miles across it is said , and 3900 miles above the earths surface

the photo that you post here reflects that equation

this photo is supposedly taken from a low orbit satellite , inside the van allen belts of radiation ..

and doctored by nasa to include the globe earth narrative shape and context ..

proves and shows the suns reflection to validate the suns mass and size of 40 miles across and 3900 miles from the surface ..

well done good show thanks for coming you lose by your own hand no less ..too bad so sad *

The photo is not from NASA and shows the earth is a globe.

You can claim otherwise but it's there for all to see.

Thanks for playing.

I notice you also deliberately ignored the request for a photo of the flat earth.

ohh love this if the sun is 3900 miles away and it moves around how does it stay that distance away the whole day, is the sun on a rectangle orbit around the earth ?
I know I should of read all 50 pages but to much truth in one day can be too much

many blessings DonDeeHippy

if you are really interested here is an aspect of the science ..

Santos Bonacci on Flat Earth's Hidden Continent, Mt. Meru, Magnetism and More


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:18am

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:18am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 9:11am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 8:45am:
many blessings sad one ,

the sun is 40 miles across it is said , and 3900 miles above the earths surface

the photo that you post here reflects that equation

this photo is supposedly taken from a low orbit satellite , inside the van allen belts of radiation ..

and doctored by nasa to include the globe earth narrative shape and context ..

proves and shows the suns reflection to validate the suns mass and size of 40 miles across and 3900 miles from the surface ..

well done good show thanks for coming you lose by your own hand no less ..too bad so sad *


The photo is not from NASA and shows the earth is a globe.

You can claim otherwise but it's there for all to see.

Thanks for playing.

I notice you also deliberately ignored the request for a photo of the flat earth.

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 8:07am:
The constant reposts, ignoring the content of posts you can offer no.rebuttal, deflecting and changing the topic or posting silly memes as if they're proof, all signs you know you're defeated.

You're an open book, exposed for all to see.

It's not like I needed anymore proof, but thanks.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:19am
Reposting the same debunked videos as if they're answers to questions, classic light...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:20am

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 8th, 2018 at 11:19am:
Reposting the same debunked videos as if they're answers to questions, classic light...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 9th, 2018 at 12:49pm

All you've proved is you see what you want to see, nothing more.

I feel bad for you, sort of.  You're being such a little prat that it's hard to hold any sympathy towards you.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2018 at 11:17pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 9th, 2018 at 12:49pm:

All you've proved is you see what you want to see, nothing more.

I feel bad for you, sort of.  You're being such a little prat that it's hard to hold any sympathy towards you.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 10th, 2018 at 6:44am
That you for confirming the level of "proof" you require to believe your conspiracy nonsense and also the troll level you've reached after repeatedly having your points debunked and arguments defeated.

You've all but admitted that you don't actually think the earth is flat, you just want to argue.

And cudos to you for finding a meme generator, welcome to 10+ years ago.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2018 at 7:24pm
many blessings one and all ,

simply must post this again , so everyone will be on the same page and if you are serious in researching this material ,

Santos Bonacci on Flat Earth's Hidden Continent, Mt. Meru, Magnetism and More

yet if you wish to abuse and ridicule you are simply wasting your time .. yet carry on regardless

for you will endure much frivolity and toying with , and not at my expense so rejoice ! then be at peace ..

Sir Hubert Wilkins

Sir Hubert Wilkins mapped and recorded over 5000 miles beyond the south pole..

now how could that ever eventuate ?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 11th, 2018 at 3:28pm

The truth in PLANE sight (2018 Documentary)Re-upload ✅

Please research Flat Earth:
1.  Horizon always rises to eye level
2.  Water always finds its level
3.  Gyroscope's always remaining level throughout worldwide
     aeroplane flight travel
4.  Polaris never moves from its position despite earths
     travel through space
5.  No measurable curvature
6.  Terminator line on the moon during daytime often
     does not coincide with suns directional light
7.  Gravity is simply buoyancy & density
8.  No photographic evidence of satellites
9 . Questionable flight paths in southern hemisphere
10. Antarctic treaty forbids freedom of movement in Antarctic
11. Van Allen radiation belt makes space travel impossible
12. Water bubbles on ISS film footage
13. The Moon landing
14. The Sun & globe earth model contradictions

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 19th, 2018 at 11:55am
Flat Earther vs Aerospace Engineer Major | Victor - Brooklyn, NY | Talk Heathen 02.08

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Rhino on Apr 19th, 2018 at 12:59pm
why is anyone engaging with this chromosome challenged individual? Never argue with an idiot, they will beat you with experience.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Apr 19th, 2018 at 1:10pm

rhino wrote on Apr 19th, 2018 at 12:59pm:
why is anyone engaging with this chromosome challenged individual? Never argue with an idiot, they will beat you with experience.

I know, I really shouldn't.

I just need to watch more videos like these to remind me of how utterly stupid people can be,

Light is well and truly a part of this group.  They can't be reasoned with.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Apr 20th, 2018 at 11:35am
Flat Earth?

Well, if I 'believe' the Earth is 'flat' - then I can see 'forever' and 'everything'.
If I believe that the Earth is round, then there will always be something 'hidden' on the other side, now wouldn't there.  ;)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Jovial Monk on Apr 20th, 2018 at 4:00pm
More than on just the other side—horizon is, what, 7 miles/10 Km away? LOTS hidden.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on May 2nd, 2018 at 12:13pm

Top 10 Dumbest Flat Earth Arguments

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on May 7th, 2018 at 7:40am

The Flat Earth Conspiracy - Debunked

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Super Nova on May 7th, 2018 at 6:34pm

SadKangaroo wrote on May 2nd, 2018 at 12:13pm:

Top 10 Dumbest Flat Earth Arguments

Top video. Sums it all up really.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Frank on May 7th, 2018 at 6:49pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Super Nova on May 8th, 2018 at 7:15pm
Every planet must be flat too. Why should ours be different.

Oh... forgot, god made this one just for us.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The Mechanic on May 13th, 2018 at 9:58am
earthround.jpg (16 KB | 57 )

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Bobby on Jun 7th, 2018 at 10:43pm
How Earth Moves


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Setanta on Jun 16th, 2018 at 12:23am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on May 13th, 2018 at 9:58am:

They only appear round because we use round lenses in our telescopes and cameras. If we used square lenses...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Super Nova on Aug 14th, 2018 at 5:52pm
Interesting factoid from the following article.

Engineers and architects also take the Earth's curvature into account when building large structures. A good example is the towers that support long suspension bridges such as the Verrazano Narrows bridge in New York City. Its towers are slightly out of parallel with each other, the tops being more than 1.5 inches further apart than their bases. If the Earth were flat, the bottom of the towers would be separated by the exact same distance as the top of the towers; the planet's curvature forces the tops of the towers apart.

Shows you how small the earth really is.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by cods on Aug 15th, 2018 at 11:28am
sounds like a lot of spin to me! :)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 14th, 2019 at 12:05am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 14th, 2019 at 12:05am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 14th, 2019 at 9:34am

SadKangaroo wrote on May 7th, 2018 at 7:40am:

The Flat Earth Conspiracy - Debunked

All your theories have been debunked.

Thread Closed.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 15th, 2019 at 7:27am
many blessings ,

can anyone post a true picture , not photoshop ,

of this planet earth .. I mean with all the rockets , spacestations and satelites there must be many many many undoctored photos available no ?

do it and you will prove the earth is a globe

do it not and you admit it is flat ..

you choose , we watch


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by barryfromthebush on Feb 15th, 2019 at 7:37am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 7:27am:
many blessings ,

can anyone post a true picture , not photoshop ,

of this planet earth .. I mean with all the rockets , spacestations and satelites there must be many many many undoctored photos available no ?

do it and you will prove the earth is a globe

do it not and you admit it is flat ..

you choose , we watch


Are you on some kind of mind altering substance?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 15th, 2019 at 5:51pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 7:27am:
many blessings ,

can anyone post a true picture , not photoshop ,

of this planet earth .. I mean with all the rockets , spacestations and satelites there must be many many many undoctored photos available no ?

do it and you will prove the earth is a globe

It's been done,

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 7:55am:
You do realise there are photos taken of the full earth, not stitched together space station mapping but true unedited photos taken every 10 minutes by the Japanese satellite Himawari-8?

But you ignored it last time, so I expect there will be some conspiracy to help you ignore it again.

But I gave you the evidence you wanted to satisfy,

do it and you will prove the earth is a globe

Proved, thanks.

At the same time, where is your unedited photo of the flat earth?

do it not and you admit it is not flat


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Feb 15th, 2019 at 8:27pm
Flat Earth... The Elvish 'Straight Way'.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 15th, 2019 at 9:34pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 5:51pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 7:27am:
many blessings ,

can anyone post a true picture , not photoshop ,

of this planet earth .. I mean with all the rockets , spacestations and satelites there must be many many many undoctored photos available no ?

do it and you will prove the earth is a globe

It's been done,

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 7:55am:
You do realise there are photos taken of the full earth, not stitched together space station mapping but true unedited photos taken every 10 minutes by the Japanese satellite Himawari-8?

Many blessings , and yet your CGI link is not acceptable ..

Try again ..yet either way you have been exposed as an incompetent lightweight and gullible fool if you think that is real ...

Thanks for the confirmation !



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 16th, 2019 at 7:21am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 9:34pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 5:51pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 7:27am:
many blessings ,

can anyone post a true picture , not photoshop ,

of this planet earth .. I mean with all the rockets , spacestations and satelites there must be many many many undoctored photos available no ?

do it and you will prove the earth is a globe

It's been done,

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 7:55am:
You do realise there are photos taken of the full earth, not stitched together space station mapping but true unedited photos taken every 10 minutes by the Japanese satellite Himawari-8?

Many blessings , and yet your CGI link is not acceptable ..

Try again ..yet either way you have been exposed as an incompetent lightweight and gullible fool if you think that is real ...

Thanks for the confirmation !




You asked for it, I provided it to you.  You claim it's fake, you need to provide evidence to support such a claim.

And on the subject of evidence, where is your photo of the flat earth?

There are centuries of science, mathematics, geometry and photographic evidence that the earth is not flat.

You have silly "proofs" by people who don't understand what they're talking about who are easily mislead and who are supremely gullible who want to believe because they don't have to face the truth that they're wrong or there are people with a better understanding than them.  These "proofs" are easily and constantly debunked.

You're not special for thinking the earth is flat.  At best you've been failed by the education system, at worse you're simply incapable of a higher level of thinking, other than what you "think" you see with your own eyes, some of the most unreliable testimony there is.

The shape of the earth isn't a theory and it's not up for debate despite what you might think.

It is entirely possible and proven to be so, that you're "flat out" wrong.

Not every, in fact rarely will a conspiracy that you believe that fuels your self-worth actually be true.

Last time we played this game I debunked every one of your silly proofs, but you simply refused to accept the truth, instead citing an even deeper conspiracy.

This is why someone, frankly as handicapped as yourself, would be unsuitable to mod anything, let alone a bloody red pilled subforum.

But please, show us the evidence that the full earth photos from himawari8 are fake.

The floor is yours.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 16th, 2019 at 10:24am

Last time we played this game I debunked every one of your silly proofs, but you simply refused to accept the truth

:D :D :D :D :D

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 16th, 2019 at 7:21am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 9:34pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 5:51pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 15th, 2019 at 7:27am:
many blessings ,

can anyone post a true picture , not photoshop ,

of this planet earth .. I mean with all the rockets , spacestations and satelites there must be many many many undoctored photos available no ?

do it and you will prove the earth is a globe

It's been done,

SadKangaroo wrote on Apr 1st, 2018 at 7:55am:
You do realise there are photos taken of the full earth, not stitched together space station mapping but true unedited photos taken every 10 minutes by the Japanese satellite Himawari-8?

Many blessings , and yet your CGI link is not acceptable ..

Try again ..yet either way you have been exposed as an incompetent lightweight and gullible fool if you think that is real ...

Thanks for the confirmation !




You asked for it, I provided it to you.  You claim it's fake, you need to provide evidence to support such a claim.

many blessings sad kangaroo, and yet

you provided CGI fake imagery ,

total fakery , where are the stars and galactic imagery in the background so the discerning skeptic can align the constellations and stars with the rotational imagery of earth from space ..

you are a total mind controlled muppet if you believe this fakery is real .....and here

same dealio , no background stars and galactic imagery to be found , why is that ?

because its fake CGI and not a real photo or video of earth from space  ..because if it was a real photo or live video there would be background stars and galactic formations in the imagery

the fact that you believe it is real speaks real time and transparent volumes upon your mental conditioning .

this is not my problem , it merely exposes the mild to severe incremental level of retardation you currently embody and do project ,

thus and then, your current affliction presents itself in the mania extrapolated from your pea brained intellect .

this is ok and cool and perfectly aligned and in accordance with

the divine plan ,

so be at peace



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 16th, 2019 at 12:16pm

nice perfect camera shot of take off ...

whos the doomed cameraman they left there though ???

:D :D :D :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 20th, 2019 at 7:11am

The Truman Show | Based on a True Story | Under the Dome

If you’ve ever seen the movie The Truman Show, you can see how it’s a lot like waking up. Waking up to this fake reality that we find ourselves living in. News stories are completely fabricated and are crafted to instill fear into the population and divide the people along with religion and politics. The education system is a brainwashing machine in place to teach slaves how to function with a sh!tty job in a society that is crumbling by design. The allopathic medical system harms people, instead of healing them or teaching them how to heal. The food isn’t real, the drinks aren’t real and The movie, music, fashion and adult film industries are all highly responsible for fueling this toxic environment that’s constantly degrading around us. When one begins to see all this and awaken from a lifetime of deception, it’s very much reminiscent of the character Truman of the Truman Show. Not to mention living under a dome on a Flat Earth is actually a reality that we all share. Unlike the Truman Show dome, the dome you dwell in is a natural part of your cosmology. Since as far back as we know, all the cultures of the world have embraced living within this dome.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 20th, 2019 at 8:37am
There are many experiments you can do, on the ground, some with the help of others around the world, that prove the earth is not flat, rock solid proof.

Your "proofs" that the earth is flat relies on asking questions and then assuming there is no scientific answer or that there is some conspiracy to hide the truth, therefore it must be true that the earth is flat, but there is always, at every turn, a massive lack of evidence to actually prove it.

It's strange how the burdens of proof you expect for the counter-arguments to what you believe are so unattainable, yet if it's something you believe a blog post or youtube video is all you need, no citations, no evidence, no experiments that are conducted in any legitimate way let alone results that can be replicated and are full of, if not require, logical fallacies galore.

We have so much technology at our fingertips and there are experiments you can do alone, at the beach, with a chair or a ladder if you want to be fancy, that can prove the shape of the earth, so what gives, why do you persist?

You can even, with some decent measuring tools, calculate the exact circumference of the earth if you can with the help of someone a known distance away from you, take measurements measuring the angles of the shadows case in a hold you've dug straight down.

These require no science degrees, no rockets, just a pen, pad and a calculator.  Best of all, no conspiracies required.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 20th, 2019 at 9:54am
many blessings sad kangaroo ,

have a look at the multitude of experiments here in a ' vacuum ' ( supposed space environment ) for instance ,

as well as many other factual happenings ..

I would be interested in your opinion , if any , that you may have to add ..

but either way be at peace



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 20th, 2019 at 10:35am
You're trying to use another uncited YouTube video to claim NASA has been engaged in a decades-long effort of deception, and therefore, the earth is flat.

You've just proved exactly what I said in my post.

Not only is there no proof of NASA faking anything, even if there was, that doesn't prove the earth is flat.

No evidence, no proof, only conspiracy.

But as for your vacuum chamber experiments, do you honestly think the smacking moon lander used fans as propulsion? 

And the "Rocket fuel" he used is nothing like what was and is used in space... It's what amature rocket enthusists can make on their kitchen stove stop.  I've even made little rocket engines like that with my kids, it's really fun, check it out:

But that's not the point...

You're being either easily red pilled because of your stunning lack of understanding and intellect on the subject, or you're being deliberately misleading. 

Like what the bugger mate...

It's like saying you've tested diesel fuel in a petrol engine, and it doesn't work, therefore combustion engines don't work and are impossible.

Every prediction I make about you, you almost trip over yourself to prove it right...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 20th, 2019 at 10:57am
Interesting that you evade evidence provided

And engage in conjecture .. duely noted ..

We continue ,

All remain loved yes


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 20th, 2019 at 11:03am

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 20th, 2019 at 10:57am:
Interesting that you evade evidence provided

And engage in conjecture .. duely noted ..

We continue ,

All remain loved yes


I dodged nothing, I debunked your claims based on the supposed vacuum experiments...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Feb 20th, 2019 at 6:15pm
When you walk around the Earth,
you always walk 'straight' ahead.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The Reboot on Feb 20th, 2019 at 9:31pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 21st, 2019 at 12:06am

SadKangaroo wrote on Feb 20th, 2019 at 11:03am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 20th, 2019 at 10:57am:
Interesting that you evade evidence provided

And engage in conjecture .. duely noted ..

We continue ,

All remain loved yes


I dodged nothing, I debunked your claims based on the supposed vacuum experiments...

its clear you did not watch the evidence ..

the facts remain unrebutted ..

look at the evidence and post another experiment that proves the vacuum thrust and ignition experiment wrong ...

or walk away now defeated

either way be the one



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Feb 21st, 2019 at 8:46am
What evidence?

I can't believe you're doing this again...

He did some tests in a vacuum chamber, yes, but what he tested isn't what was used by NASA for the moon landings, and even those experiments were meaningful in any way when it comes to the moon landing, what does the moon landings have to do with the flat earth?


As usual, you're talking bullshit and have no evidence to back up your claims.

And then you have someone's opinion on what Buzz Aldrin said from an out of context cherry picked quote.

You want to know the rest of what was said in that little exchange,

Money. It’s a good thing. If you want to buy new things, new rockets, instead of keep doing the same thing over and over, then it’s going to cost more money. And other things need more money too. So having achieved what the president wanted us to do … and then what thousands, millions of people in America, and millions of people around the world … You know when we toured around the world after we came back [from the moon] the most fascinating observation was signs that said “WE did it.” Not just us. But we, the world. They felt like they were part of what we were able to do. And that made us feel very good.

Full video is here,

It's obvious to anyone who doesn't want to manipulate the truth, that the child didn’t ask Buzz Aldrin if he ever went to the moon. Rather, she posted the question "Why has nobody been to the moon in such a long time?"

When Aldrin said in reply that "we didn’t go there" and 'that’s the way it happened," he was referring to the fact that the U.S. has sent no missions back to the moon since the final Apollo spaceflight took place in December 1972, not asserting that he had never been to the moon in the first place.

So as usual, you come here without any evidence, making claims that you've got experimental proof of one thing, therefore it proves something entirely different, which in turn proves something different again, then when it's debunked and your logical fallacies have been exposed, you claim that nothing has been debunked and repost the same nonsense?

We would go around and around in circles with this before your break, are you seriously telling me, after all that time, you've learned nothing and you're still the same crybaby you've always been who can't rely on the truth and the facts to make a point and the only content you consider evidence is things that supporters your claims?

I thought the Fringe forum was about seeking the truth, not a desperate search and battle to claim you've found proof to confirm your conspiracies where no proof exists...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The_Barnacle on Feb 27th, 2019 at 10:52am

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 9th, 2019 at 4:57pm

The Desperation of the Globe Earth Proponents!

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 19th, 2019 at 12:10pm

The Leader Of The Largest Church In The World Has Proclaimed That The Earth Is Flat.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Captain Nemo on Mar 19th, 2019 at 12:18pm
How do the Flat Earthers explain the fact that an object goes out of sight at a constant distance from a given elevation the further one moves away? i.e. The curvature of the Earth is the explanation of that phenomenon.

The degree of stupidity of these Flat Earth proponents is almost unbelievable.  :D

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 19th, 2019 at 12:48pm

Captain Nemo wrote on Mar 19th, 2019 at 12:18pm:
How do the Flat Earthers explain the fact that an object goes out of sight at a constant distance from a given elevation the further one moves away? i.e. The curvature of the Earth is the explanation of that phenomenon.

The degree of stupidity of these Flat Earth proponents is almost unbelievable.  :D

many blessings ,

your question has been answered numerous times upon these pages ..

you need to research if you are interested ..

or just simply spam these pages as you do ,

either way your confusion matters not to the truth ..

so be at peace


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Captain Nemo on Mar 19th, 2019 at 1:04pm
Ah! So one needs a Flat Head to be a Flat Earth proponent eh?

Thanks for clearing that up.  ;)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 20th, 2019 at 11:01am
Those explanations Light wants you to "research" have been debunked anyway.

Just because he's too proud to admit he's wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn't mean what he's posted holds any validity.

For pages and pages he's been demanding a full unedited photo of the earth as a globe claiming without that, it proves the earth is flat.

The problem is, he was given the evidence but chose a conspiracy to explain why it's fake so he could ignore it.

Even if I let that go, it then brings us to his logic.  If I can't show the proof he demands, it then instantly make his claims true.

When this is used in reverse back on him, boy oh boy does he get triggered.

If the inability to show an unedited photo of the full earth (which we've done time and time again, even linking him to an almost real-time example) means it's flat, then surely the lack of a full photo of the flat earth means that it's a globe, like every other celestial body above a certain mass.

So where is the photo of the flat earth?  There isn't one, therefore the earth can't possibily be flat.

Case closed.

Oh but then there is a conspiracy, well many conspiracies, many a contradiction of the others.

Since gravity doesn't exist and the earth is just constantly accelerating through space, there is a dome above the flat earth that holds all the atmosphere in.  It's this dome, that the sun, the moon and the stars are projected into that prevents us from getting high enough to take a picture.

But at the same time, the Sun and Moon rotate around the earth so there can't be a dome nor a projection.

And but since we see other planets in the solar system pass between us and the sun, that can't be true either.

Once you pull at the strings Light leaves here, the whole thing unravels each and every time.

He has to play a game of ignoring the truth, personally attacking posters, making up claims, not checking any of the sources of his claims so long as he likes what they have to say and pretending everything he says is true.

If you keep hounding him or debunking his claims, he'll try to meme you to death and if all else fails, he'll accuse you of supporting child abuse and child pornography.

Great guy...

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:00pm
Every TV, Monitor, Computer, Iphone, phone, video game - is a FLAT SCREEN.
Makes me wonder where the Flat Earthers come from anyway? :-?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:18pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 11:01am:
Those explanations Light wants you to "research" have been debunked anyway.

Just because he's too proud to admit he's wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn't mean what he's posted holds any validity.

For pages and pages he's been demanding a full unedited photo of the earth as a globe claiming without that, it proves the earth is flat.

The problem is, he was given the evidence


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 21st, 2019 at 6:30am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:18pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 11:01am:
Those explanations Light wants you to "research" have been debunked anyway.

Just because he's too proud to admit he's wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn't mean what he's posted holds any validity.

For pages and pages he's been demanding a full unedited photo of the earth as a globe claiming without that, it proves the earth is flat.

The problem is, he was given the evidence


Just because you rejected it because it didn't support your opinion does mean it wasn't given.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:05pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 6:30am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:18pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 11:01am:
Those explanations Light wants you to "research" have been debunked anyway.

Just because he's too proud to admit he's wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn't mean what he's posted holds any validity.

For pages and pages he's been demanding a full unedited photo of the earth as a globe claiming without that, it proves the earth is flat.

The problem is, he was given the evidence


Just because you rejected it because it didn't support your opinion does mean it wasn't given.

Go read some Silmarillion by Tolkien and you might find where the 'Flat Earth/Straight Way' came from... way back.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 21st, 2019 at 9:40pm

Jasin wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:05pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 6:30am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:18pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 11:01am:
Those explanations Light wants you to "research" have been debunked anyway.

Just because he's too proud to admit he's wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn't mean what he's posted holds any validity.

For pages and pages he's been demanding a full unedited photo of the earth as a globe claiming without that, it proves the earth is flat.

The problem is, he was given the evidence


Just because you rejected it because it didn't support your opinion does mean it wasn't given.

Go read some Silmarillion by Tolkien and you might find where the 'Flat Earth/Straight Way' came from... way back.

It doesn't make it true, unless you're saying there are Hobits running around?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Mar 21st, 2019 at 9:49pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 9:40pm:

Jasin wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:05pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 6:30am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:18pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 11:01am:
Those explanations Light wants you to "research" have been debunked anyway.

Just because he's too proud to admit he's wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn't mean what he's posted holds any validity.

For pages and pages he's been demanding a full unedited photo of the earth as a globe claiming without that, it proves the earth is flat.

The problem is, he was given the evidence


Just because you rejected it because it didn't support your opinion does mean it wasn't given.

Go read some Silmarillion by Tolkien and you might find where the 'Flat Earth/Straight Way' came from... way back.

It doesn't make it true, unless you're saying there are Hobits running around?

Not quite.
Tolkien got the 'Straight Way' (Flat Earth) by very old European Mythologies, Folklore, Legends, etc. The 'Straight Way' (Flat Earth) is a 'way of life' or a 'belief' of those who transcend the earthly 'cycle' of repetition and move on into the future. Even Buddhism tries to steer away from the 'endless cycle'. In Tolkien's modern adaption - he gives this 'way of life' and 'belief' to the characters known as Elves as they depart Middle-Earth to go the 'Straight Way' to their Undying Land of Valinor... which Humans can't find, instead going around the world, again and again - looking for it.

You might also find that the 'Straight Way' is also a part of the Australian Educational 'systems'. Where those students get told to just 'Follow the Straight Path to Success' by doing what they are told and not to question, but to replicate. They learn, what is already 'known'.

Unlike other students who self-taught what there is 'to know'. But that's a different 'belief' altogether  ;)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad KangAnon on Mar 21st, 2019 at 11:12pm
Now you're arguing a philosophical approach to the question when Light is claiming that the earth is literally flat.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on May 6th, 2019 at 7:18am

How Einstein Made The Earth Move (When All Experiments Showed it Didn't Move)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Jun 12th, 2019 at 11:17am

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:18pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 11:01am:
Those explanations Light wants you to "research" have been debunked anyway.

Just because he's too proud to admit he's wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn't mean what he's posted holds any validity.

For pages and pages he's been demanding a full unedited photo of the earth as a globe claiming without that, it proves the earth is flat.

The problem is, he was given the evidence


What would it take to convince you that you were wrong?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 12th, 2019 at 11:44am

Raven wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 11:17am:
What would it take to convince you that you were wrong?

If history is anything to go by, you won't get an answer.  The last time I tried to ask this question he just spammed the same bullshit about Nasa over and over to burry me asking him the question and he never answered it.

When he posted video after video of "proofs" he wouldn't even put in writing what claims in the videos he thinks proved the earth is flat.  Basically, he just wants to post crap unchallenged and will take whatever actions he can to avoid stating anything specific so he can claim he's never been proven wrong.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm:
So the shape of a rainbow is your most compelling evidence for there being a flat earth?

What proof would it take to change your mind?

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:50pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm:
So the shape of a rainbow is your most compelling evidence for there being a flat earth?

What proof would it take to change your mind?

Before I let you spam away the questions above, here they are again.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:05pm:
Again, your ignorance to reality is resulting in you making stupid claims and acting the fool.

But you're only trying to distract from the below as none of this has anything to do with the topic of the thread.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm:
So the shape of a rainbow is your most compelling evidence for there being a flat earth?

What proof would it take to change your mind?

Before I let you spam away the questions above, here they are again.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:14pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 3:07pm:
you , sad kangaroo have lost your footing ,

see Reply #557

and have no standing upon this thread as you have failed ,

as we continue ..

Sure, I've lost my footing... You're the one who seemingly unknowingly jumped from one conspiracy to another to hide your brutal defeat at the hands of the truth.

But reply #557, yes it was all a mirage...

That doesn't explain anything, especially the cause of the images that were posted, that you're ignoring.  Again, just because you choose not to acknowledge something doesn't make it wrong.

It just means you're running from the truth as per normal.

Again, your ignorance to reality is resulting in you making stupid claims and acting the fool.

But you're only trying to distract from the below as none of this has anything to do with the topic of the thread.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 2:27pm:
So the shape of a rainbow is your most compelling evidence for there being a flat earth?

What proof would it take to change your mind?

Before I let you spam away the questions above, here they are again.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 7th, 2018 at 4:26pm:

You keep ignoring all the times you've been proven wrong.  You are literally rejecting reality and subsituting your own.

I've tried to take part in this in good faith and you've just poo all over me at every turn.  You don't care about the truth, you don't care about the facts and most of all you only seem to care about quanity of posts rather than substance.

As they say, never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.

I have been guilty of this with you.  You did manage to drag me down much lower than I'm comfortable with.

You can have you hollow victories, you can live in your fantasy world, I don't care anyone.

If anyone else is interested in the topic I may return but for now I'm out.

You can even have the last say, throw out your silly memes and have one last stab.  I've realised since you're not willing to state your claims, you're unwilling to accept anything posted by anyone else and by omission you've admitted that no amount of evidence will ever change your mind on this and all the other crackpot conspiracies you so adore.

You're a lost cause, nothing but a pathetic empty Internet troll.

Enjoy your echo chamber of one, I can't stand to be in here with you any longer.  I hope it fills the void in your life that drives you here.

What a sad pathetic existence.

And literally, nothing had changed about him between them and now.  Still the same belligerent internet troll.  Don't be like me, don't waste your time.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 12th, 2019 at 11:54am

Just a reminder what happens when anyone provides him with actual proof. He just ignores it.

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 11:07am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 21st, 2018 at 8:54pm:
this current line of analysis will, I do believe , bring clarity to this thread

and answer many questions for those that are curious  .

Not in the way you think.

until that is answered , I shall be bringing forth more evidence and again ,

this thread is an amalgamation of pertinent material and needs not antagonists and or abuse as we continue

Again, you've not been providing evidence, only hypothesis born out of ignorance.

Take the second point, the claim which you've tried to support with your SR-71 info states that if a Plane flies level it would gain altitude.

You again have a lack of understanding, this time of basic aviation.  There is flying straight, and flying level, the difference is here:

Now I could leave it at that, but this isn't a meme war, so here are some cold hard facts.

There is some truth to what he says, planes do in fact fly pitched down in order to maintain level flight, it's just your/his math is totally wrong. 

In an airplane, Elevator Trim simply controls the RATE of pitch of an aircraft - not the actual pitch of the plane.

A 747 flying at 35,000' would have a flight circumference of  about 2π*(3959+(35000/5280)) ≈ 24916 miles
Flying at 570 miles per hour, this plane would fly a fraction of the 360° around given by 360*570/24916
Since that's 1 hour we can divide by 60 to get the degrees per hour: 360*570/24916/60 ≈ 0.137°/minute

That is down in the noise since pitch rate is affected by temperature, density, power, and control settings on the plane you simply trim the plane for as close to ZERO vertical speed as you can and you've automatically compensated for all of them at once.  Of course, on a 747 computers do that.  In a small plane the pitch rate is microscopic.

Pitch Rate/minute = 360*groundspeedMPH/[2π*(3959+(altitudeFEET/5280))]/60

So yes, airplanes DO pitch down constantly at an EXTREMELY slow rate which presents absolutely no issue what-so-ever.  Once again, you've failed to understand a phenomena and proceed to run around making absurd claims about it.

Now to your SR-71 bullshit, there are so many things absolutely wrong in this meme I almost don't know where to start. 

Where did they get 2193.13 MPH from?  I get 668.9 mph for the speed of sound at 85,000' and SR-71 nominally goes Mach 3.2 (it can go slightly faster for short periods), that gives me 668.9*3.2 = ~2140.48 mph at 85,000'.   I guess that is "close enough", so I'll use their 2194 mph for this example.  But we're also at 85,000' so I'll add that into our radius of curvature (makes very little difference).

And where did they get '1/4 MILE OF CURVATURE EVERY HOUR' from?  Wow, that is just stupidly wrong.  At 2194 mph, you go 2194 miles in 1 hour and that gives 696.83 Miles OF CURVATURE DROP not 1/4 mile!  *I've assumed no wind so 2194 mph ~ ground distance and I've used CURVED GROUND DISTANCE for the curvature calculation: r/cos(d/r)-r

And even if it was a 1/4 mile 5280/4/60 = 22 FEET, not 23.  Maybe they rounded the .0?  They clearly cannot manage division.

But their worst error is assuming that 1/4 mile of curvature MEANS 22 feet per minute of vertical speed in the first place.  As I've already shown VERTICAL SPEED WOULD BE ZERO AT EVERY POINT.

The curvature 'drop' is BUILT INTO the flight dynamics - the plane isn't flying a linear path and having to drop down, it is flying along the curve -- you have to compute the integral.

The pitch RATE would be:

(360/(2*pi*(3959+(85000/5280))))*(2194)/60 = ~0.527° per minute (~0.00878°/sec)

Still only a very slight rotation that wouldn't be specifically noticeable and would very easily be compensated for in pitch rate - in this case, by the computer that is actually flying the airplane.  But again, the computer doesn't even have to understand the Earth curvature to do this, it just needs to keep VS near zero which is determined by pitch rate and power settings.


So it isn't the 696.83 miles of curvature drop you need to worry about, let's look at that over 1/1000th of a second:

The plane moves forward ~3.218 feet
The plane pitches forward 0.00000878°
The plane DOES NOT CLIMB 0.00000024669 of a foot (the 'drop' over that distance)

After 1 second the plane HAS NOT CLIMBED 0.24667 feet but it is entirely INACCURATE to say that it has DROPPED 0.24667 feet.   If you take 0.00000024669 * 1000 you'll note that you get 0.00024669  instead of 0.24667 feet -- you are a OFF BY ONE THOUSAND TIMES HERE by assuming this is a linear function.  Every microscopic bit of pitch rotation in between ALREADY ALTERED OUR COURSE.


It is the sum total of these CONTINUOUS microscopic adjustments that result in the curved flight path.

That is what you don't understand.  With the atrocious math you've cited in this Meme is that any surprise?

Did you even bother to fact check any of this before blindly believing this idiot's video? 

Why do I have to do all your work for you, which you'll ignore anyway?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 12th, 2019 at 11:55am

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:53pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 22nd, 2018 at 1:49pm:

So yes, airplanes DO pitch down constantly at an EXTREMELY slow rate which presents absolutely no issue what-so-ever.

please show proof of your non logical claim .. ?

The math is in the post, it's all there.  If your understand and intelligence is not sufficient enough to find it logical, I can't help that.  But don't turn to conspiracy because you can't accept the facts.

It's not worth it.  Leave the troll alone, don't tap the glass.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:00pm
This is interesting ..

What do you think a rainbow is ?

Do you think it stops at the horus on / horizon

A rainbow continues till it makes a circle .. you just cant see it ,

But its there ..

Believe as you wish dear readers.. I simply provide evidences and these lead to proofs

Some take the opportunity to attack and abuse as these outbursts

Make them feel better about themselves in some strange manner and fashion

I do know in fact why these ones attack ,

Because their fragile belief systems are being challenged

And so we endure their attacks with forgiveness

And compassion


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:20pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:00pm:
This is interesting ..

What do you think a rainbow is ?

Do you think it stops at the horus on / horizon

A rainbow continues till it makes a circle .. you just cant see it ,

But its there ..

Believe as you wish dear readers.. I simply provide evidences and these lead to proofs

Some take the opportunity to attack and abuse as these outbursts

Make them feel better about themselves in some strange manner and fashion

I do know in fact why these ones attack ,

Because their fragile belief systems are being challenged

And so we endure their attacks with forgiveness

And compassion


Prove me wrong and answer their question,

Raven wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 11:17am:

it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 8:18pm:

SadKangaroo wrote on Mar 20th, 2019 at 11:01am:
Those explanations Light wants you to "research" have been debunked anyway.

Just because he's too proud to admit he's wrong in the face of overwhelming evidence doesn't mean what he's posted holds any validity.

For pages and pages he's been demanding a full unedited photo of the earth as a globe claiming without that, it proves the earth is flat.

The problem is, he was given the evidence


What would it take to convince you that you were wrong?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:20pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:00pm:
This is interesting ..

What do you think a rainbow is ?

Do you think it stops at the horus on / horizon

A rainbow continues till it makes a circle .. you just cant see it ,

But its there ..

Believe as you wish dear readers.. I simply provide evidences and these lead to proofs

Some take the opportunity to attack and abuse as these outbursts

Make them feel better about themselves in some strange manner and fashion

I do know in fact why these ones attack ,

Because their fragile belief systems are being challenged

And so we endure their attacks with forgiveness

And compassion


Seriously now, Raven is curious. What would it take to convince you that you could be wrong?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 12th, 2019 at 2:34pm

Raven wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:20pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:00pm:
This is interesting ..

What do you think a rainbow is ?

Do you think it stops at the horus on / horizon

A rainbow continues till it makes a circle .. you just cant see it ,

But its there ..

Believe as you wish dear readers.. I simply provide evidences and these lead to proofs

Some take the opportunity to attack and abuse as these outbursts

Make them feel better about themselves in some strange manner and fashion

I do know in fact why these ones attack ,

Because their fragile belief systems are being challenged

And so we endure their attacks with forgiveness

And compassion


Seriously now, Raven is curious. What would it take to convince you that you could be wrong?

this is very interesting ,

why would one such as you are  endeavour to force your belief system unto others ..

should everyone think like you ?

what a sad and narrow minded world you would reside in ..

yet it matters not , for your totalitarian mind controlling yearnings do not compute

within one such as I am

so rejoice !

then be at peace



Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 12th, 2019 at 2:37pm

Are We Spinning?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Jun 12th, 2019 at 3:19pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 2:34pm:

Raven wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:20pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 12th, 2019 at 12:00pm:
This is interesting ..

What do you think a rainbow is ?

Do you think it stops at the horus on / horizon

A rainbow continues till it makes a circle .. you just cant see it ,

But its there ..

Believe as you wish dear readers.. I simply provide evidences and these lead to proofs

Some take the opportunity to attack and abuse as these outbursts

Make them feel better about themselves in some strange manner and fashion

I do know in fact why these ones attack ,

Because their fragile belief systems are being challenged

And so we endure their attacks with forgiveness

And compassion


Seriously now, Raven is curious. What would it take to convince you that you could be wrong?

this is very interesting ,

why would one such as you are  endeavour to force your belief system unto others ..

should everyone think like you ?

what a sad and narrow minded world you would reside in ..

yet it matters not , for your totalitarian mind controlling yearnings do not compute

within one such as I am

so rejoice !

then be at peace



It's not about forcing belief it's about stimulating debate. One such as your self who considers themselves enlightened would surely be able to change their opinion should the right kind of proof present itself

So Raven will ask one last time out of genuine curiosity, What would it take to convince you that you could be wrong?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 12th, 2019 at 4:56pm
people presenting hypothetical questions are welcomed ,

as we continue with evidences

Inside a Flat Earth convention, where nearly everyone believes Earth isn't round

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Captain Nemo on Jun 26th, 2019 at 2:15pm
Not sure if anyone has mentioned the shortest distance in long distance sailing (or flying) = using a "great circle arc"?

I was thinking about that yesterday.

More proof that the earth isn't flat.  8-)

Great circle sailing takes advantage of the shorter distance along the great circle between two points, rather than the longer rhumb line. The arc of the great circle between the points is called the great circle track. If it could be followed exactly, the destination would be dead ahead throughout the voyage (assuming course and heading were the same). The rhumb line appears the more direct route on a Mercator chart because of chart distortion. The great circle crosses meridians at higher latitudes, where the distance between them is less. This is why the great circle route is shorter than the rhumb line.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 26th, 2019 at 2:22pm
Math and logic have no place here.

You need to post "proofs" by ignorant fools who don't understand what they're talking about but have a flat earth youtube channel, so they're experts.

Keep up...


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Captain Nemo on Jun 26th, 2019 at 3:30pm

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Jun 26th, 2019 at 5:34pm
The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they hold themselves up as skeptics, but they are actually quite gullible. There is a rampant double standard for evidence: no evidence is good enough to convince them of something they do NOT want to believe, yet only the flimsiest evidence is required to get them to accept something they DO want to believe.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Jun 26th, 2019 at 5:45pm

Captain Nemo wrote on Jun 26th, 2019 at 2:15pm:
Not sure if anyone has mentioned the shortest distance in long distance sailing (or flying) = using a "great circle arc"?

I was thinking about that yesterday.

More proof that the earth isn't flat.  8-)

Great circle sailing takes advantage of the shorter distance along the great circle between two points, rather than the longer rhumb line. The arc of the great circle between the points is called the great circle track. If it could be followed exactly, the destination would be dead ahead throughout the voyage (assuming course and heading were the same). The rhumb line appears the more direct route on a Mercator chart because of chart distortion. The great circle crosses meridians at higher latitudes, where the distance between them is less. This is why the great circle route is shorter than the rhumb line.

Raven once saw a flat earth presentation. Although the guy admitted he didn't have any kind of science background he did have on a white lab coat. Just to give him authority.

He presented a picture of the Chicago skyline from 60 miles out in Lake Michigan. The problem was, if the Earth was curved, you shouldn't have been able to see any buildings.

Now the guy had said moments earlier that all photo's from NASA are photoshopped but we can believe his one.

One bloke who was what you would call a flat earth sceptic asked if he had heard of the "Superior Mirage Effect," which is a familiar physical phenomenon whereby—depending on the temperature of the surface of the water relative to the temperature of the air on any given day—what you saw in the photo was NOT actually the city of Chicago, but its super position as a mirage in the sky. It was an optical illusion. (We've all seen a similar illusion of the "Inferior Mirage Effect" when, on a hot day, there seems to be water on the pavement.) Light doesn't always travel in straight lines.

Of course the presenter laughed and said it was made up.

So the bloke asked him "Why didn't you just go 100 miles out?"


"A hundred miles. If you'd gone out that far not only the city would've disappeared but also the mirage too. If it didn't, you'd have your proof."

He shook his head, "We couldn't get the captain of the boat to go out that far."

"What? You've devoted your entire life to this work and you didn't go? You had the definitive experiment within reach and you couldn't go out an extra 40 miles?"

The bloke turned and started talking to other people.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 2nd, 2019 at 1:54pm
mmm ,

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Oct 7th, 2019 at 1:43pm

it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 2nd, 2019 at 1:54pm:
mmm ,

More evidence eh Light?

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 7th, 2019 at 1:52pm

Raven wrote on Oct 7th, 2019 at 1:43pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 2nd, 2019 at 1:54pm:
mmm ,

More evidence eh Light?

many blessings

its a basic outline of a theory ..

please post 1 non photoshopped photo of earth from " space "

bevause , you know.. there should be 1000s of photos of Earth from space eh ?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 7th, 2019 at 1:53pm

Raven wrote on Oct 7th, 2019 at 1:43pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 2nd, 2019 at 1:54pm:
mmm ,

More evidence eh Light?

many blessings

its a basic outline of a theory ..

please post 1 non photoshopped photo of earth from " space "

because , you know.. there should be 1000s of photos of Earth from space eh ?


Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by Raven on Oct 8th, 2019 at 11:44pm
it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 7th, 2019 at 1:53pm:

Raven wrote on Oct 7th, 2019 at 1:43pm:

it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 2nd, 2019 at 1:54pm:
mmm ,

More evidence eh Light?

many blessings

its a basic outline of a theory ..

please post 1 non photoshopped photo of earth from " space "

because , you know.. there should be 1000s of photos of Earth from space eh ?


You know as well as Raven, that any photo he posts you will claim as being photoshopped.

As Raven said in an earlier post on June 26th 2019 at 15:34:38

The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they hold themselves up as skeptics, but they are actually quite gullible. There is a rampant double standard for evidence: no evidence is good enough to convince them of something they do NOT want to believe, yet only the flimsiest evidence is required to get them to accept something they DO want to believe.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by .JaSin. on Oct 9th, 2019 at 9:27pm
Only the Elvish go the straight way.

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by The_Barnacle on Oct 13th, 2019 at 4:51pm

Raven wrote on Oct 8th, 2019 at 11:44pm:

As Raven said in an earlier post on June 26th 2019 at 15:34:38

The problem with conspiracy theorists is that they hold themselves up as skeptics, but they are actually quite gullible. There is a rampant double standard for evidence: no evidence is good enough to convince them of something they do NOT want to believe, yet only the flimsiest evidence is required to get them to accept something they DO want to believe.

That is a great post Raven.
That not only applies to conspiracy theorists but also denialists (yes lee I'm looking at you)

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by barryfromthebush on Oct 13th, 2019 at 6:04pm
poll added

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 18th, 2019 at 8:44pm

LIVE Coverage of First All Female Spacewalk - ISS Expedition 61 U.S. Spacewalk #58

Title: Re: Flat Earth
Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 27th, 2019 at 3:35pm
The United Nations

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