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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy

Message started by imcrookonit on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:53am

Title: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by imcrookonit on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:53am
Medicare levy hike fairer: Vic premier
    July 21, 2015 2:17PM

VICTORIAN Premier Daniel Andrews believes a hike in the Medicare levy of about $1000 a year for the average family could pay for a funding black hole in the health system.   

HE wants Prime Minister Tony Abbott, and state and territory leaders when they meet on Wednesday to consider increasing the base rate of the Medicare levy as a fairer alternative to hiking up the GST.
He says a one per cent increase in the Medicare levy, from two to three per cent, would cost $1000 for families earning $100,000 a year.

He accepted that the average family might be angry about paying more taxes, but says they should direct that anger at Mr Abbott.

"Let's not for a moment lose sight why there is a $70 billion hole in our hospital budget. It's because Tony Abbott can't keep his promises and has hacked into hospitals like no other prime minister," he said in Melbourne on Tuesday.   :(

Mr Andrews has said he will not support an increase in the GST because he believes it is inequitable.

He says increasing the Medicare levy is fairer because it is calculated as a percentage of income.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by ImSpartacus2 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 9:54am
I have no problem with increasing the medicare levy as long as we can be certain that the $$ will all go to health spending but the problem I have is with the Lib rhetoric that we need tax reform because health spending is unsustainable. If we are spending more then the revenue we are getting then its all a problem for every govt program not just health. Its a matter of priorities. Because the liberals want to gut the health budget, of course they identify it as a problem. But why isn't the problem all the $$$ we're wasting relocating refugees. Now that's defiantly unsustainable.  We need to stop following the Lib lead and talking about health spending as the problem. 

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by longweekend58 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by SupositoryofWisdom on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:15am

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

Well Labor have a lot more leverage than the Libs as they never made a promise not to increase tax's .

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Bam on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Bam on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:20am

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 9:54am:
I have no problem with increasing the medicare levy as long as we can be certain that the $$ will all go to health spending but the problem I have is with the Lib rhetoric that we need tax reform because health spending is unsustainable. If we are spending more then the revenue we are getting then its all a problem for every govt program not just health. Its a matter of priorities. Because the liberals want to gut the health budget, of course they identify it as a problem. But why isn't the problem all the $$$ we're wasting relocating refugees. Now that's defiantly unsustainable.  We need to stop following the Lib lead and talking about health spending as the problem. 

And that is the problem.

Abbott has frozen the Medicare rebates payable to doctors, yet the Medicare levy is taking in more money due to inflation. Where's the rest of the money from the Medicare levy going, if not to fund Medicare?  :-?

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by The Grappler on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 11:48am
Private health costs to rise anyway...

Plenty of meat here already - not going to repeat myself indefinitely...

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by The Grappler on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 11:53am

Longie At The Bat

The sneer is gone from Longie’s lip, his teeth are clenched in hate,
He pounds with cruel violence his bat upon the plate;
And now the pitcher holds the ball, and now he lets it go,
And now the air is shattered by the force of Longie’s blow.

Oh, somewhere in this favoured land the sun is shining bright,
The band is playing somewhere, and somewhere hearts are light;
And somewhere men are laughing, and somewhere children
But there is no joy in Mudville—mighty Longie has struck out.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Armchair_Politician on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 1:58pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

To be fair, increasing the GST is the same thing. If a GST increase can't get through, then this doesn't seem like such a bad idea at first glance.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by John Smith on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 2:34pm

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

that doesn't count, nor do any other taxes the libs increase or introduce. Only labors taxes are bad.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by longweekend58 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by longweekend58 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:05pm

John Smith wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 2:34pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

that doesn't count, nor do any other taxes the libs increase or introduce. Only labors taxes are bad.

like the carbon tax which you claim wasnt a tax.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by John Smith on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:07pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:05pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 2:34pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

that doesn't count, nor do any other taxes the libs increase or introduce. Only labors taxes are bad.

like the carbon tax which you claim wasnt a tax.

It wasn't, it was a levy ... and no, it wasn't bad.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by John Smith on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:09pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

;D ;D ;D

Abbott's been orchestrating this since his first budget ... he cut funding to health and education until they have no choice but to ask for more GST, that way he can blame the states. :D :D

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by longweekend58 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:31pm

John Smith wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:07pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:05pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 2:34pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

that doesn't count, nor do any other taxes the libs increase or introduce. Only labors taxes are bad.

like the carbon tax which you claim wasnt a tax.

It wasn't, it was a levy ... and no, it wasn't bad.

ah... a levy is not a tax. so the medicare levy is not a tax, it is just calculated on our tax returns and paid along with our... taxes.  and the carbon tax was assessed by the ATo and paid long with company's... tax returns.

dig deeper.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by John Smith on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:40pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:31pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:07pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:05pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 2:34pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

that doesn't count, nor do any other taxes the libs increase or introduce. Only labors taxes are bad.

like the carbon tax which you claim wasnt a tax.

It wasn't, it was a levy ... and no, it wasn't bad.

ah... a levy is not a tax. so the medicare levy is not a tax, it is just calculated on our tax returns and paid along with our... taxes.  and the carbon tax was assessed by the ATo and paid long with company's... tax returns.

dig deeper.

no, according to Hockey and his deficit levy 

keep digging dopey

:D :D :D

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Bam on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by longweekend58 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:20pm

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

the ONLY parliament that can increase the GST is the federal one therefore the only opinino that carries any weight is the federal govt's.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by sir prince duke alevine on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:32pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:20pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

the ONLY parliament that can increase the GST is the federal one therefore the only opinino that carries any weight is the federal govt's.

Which no doubt will become part of the agenda if their internal polling shows they stand a strong chance if keeping government.  There's a reason the most popular liberal premier is the one raising the issue now.  And it's not because he woke up one day and off his own accord decided it was an important issue.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by longweekend58 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:52pm

sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:32pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:20pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

the ONLY parliament that can increase the GST is the federal one therefore the only opinino that carries any weight is the federal govt's.

Which no doubt will become part of the agenda if their internal polling shows they stand a strong chance if keeping government.  There's a reason the most popular liberal premier is the one raising the issue now.  And it's not because he woke up one day and off his own accord decided it was an important issue.

and taking it to an election is the right way to do it - as Howard did. Although that involves such precious concepts like ;mandates' which apparently exist if Labor wins an election by a hair and not if a liberal wins one by a landslide. Right? or do you want to debate mandates again and show us your ignorance and bias in equal measure?

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Swagman on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:03pm

VICTORIAN Premier Daniel Andrews believes a hike in the Medicare levy of about $1000 a year for the average family could pay for a funding black hole in the health system

I'd rather spend that $1000 on extra private health insurance F-wit....

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by SupositoryofWisdom on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:06pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:52pm:

sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:32pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:20pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

the ONLY parliament that can increase the GST is the federal one therefore the only opinino that carries any weight is the federal govt's.

Which no doubt will become part of the agenda if their internal polling shows they stand a strong chance if keeping government.  There's a reason the most popular liberal premier is the one raising the issue now.  And it's not because he woke up one day and off his own accord decided it was an important issue.

and taking it to an election is the right way to do it - as Howard did. Although that involves such precious concepts like ;mandates' which apparently exist if Labor wins an election by a hair and not if a liberal wins one by a landslide. Right? or do you want to debate mandates again and show us your ignorance and bias in equal measure?

Abort to gillard , if the PM only has the support of  60% of her cabinet how can she claim to have the mandate to govern ? Like that you mean ?

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Bam on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:09pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:20pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

the ONLY parliament that can increase the GST is the federal one therefore the only opinino that carries any weight is the federal govt's.


You're loudly proclaiming that a Labor premier made one suggestion for a tax increase while refusing to acknowledge that a Liberal premier made another prior proposal for a tax increase - BEFORE there was any talk of increasing the Medicare levy. Why won't you won't acknowledge this? Because you're biased and don't like being caught out posting crap?

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Swagman on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:11pm

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:09pm:
Because you're biased and don't like being caught out posting crap?

....nobody does that here do they?  :D

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by longweekend58 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:18pm

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:09pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:20pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

the ONLY parliament that can increase the GST is the federal one therefore the only opinino that carries any weight is the federal govt's.


You're loudly proclaiming that a Labor premier made one suggestion for a tax increase while refusing to acknowledge that a Liberal premier made another prior proposal for a tax increase - BEFORE there was any talk of increasing the Medicare levy. Why won't you won't acknowledge this? Because you're biased and don't like being caught out posting crap?

I rate Andrews very poorly. He is a clown and might as well rename Victoria to CMFEUistan.  His performance is dreadful and his attitude worse. I liked Mike Baird depiction of melbourne and LOVED the banner ads.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by sir prince duke alevine on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:19pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:52pm:

sir prince duke alevine wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:32pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:20pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

the ONLY parliament that can increase the GST is the federal one therefore the only opinino that carries any weight is the federal govt's.

Which no doubt will become part of the agenda if their internal polling shows they stand a strong chance if keeping government.  There's a reason the most popular liberal premier is the one raising the issue now.  And it's not because he woke up one day and off his own accord decided it was an important issue.

and taking it to an election is the right way to do it - as Howard did. Although that involves such precious concepts like ;mandates' which apparently exist if Labor wins an election by a hair and not if a liberal wins one by a landslide. Right? or do you want to debate mandates again and show us your ignorance and bias in equal measure?

I'm not the one picking and choosing whether to believe in mandates or not.  I'm simply using them to hold your partisan hack self to account given how vehemently you support the idea of a "mandate" and the definition of a "mandate" being some arbitrary majority result in a general election.  You're the one who picks and chooses, and if I were you I'd quickly run and hide your head back in the sand.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by ImSpartacus2 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:33pm

Swagman wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:03pm:

VICTORIAN Premier Daniel Andrews believes a hike in the Medicare levy of about $1000 a year for the average family could pay for a funding black hole in the health system

I'd rather spend that $1000 on extra private health insurance F-wit....
You already get a huge rebate from the PAYE taxpayer and that needs to go.  If you want public health like the rest of us it should be free like the rest of us but if you want private health care you should pay for it yourself, otherwise you're bludging off the rest of us. 

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by John Smith on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:41pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:18pm:
I rate Andrews very poorly. He is a clown and might as well rename Victoria to CMFEUistan.

I'm sure he'll be devastated to find out what a rusted on more on like you thinks  ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by ImSpartacus2 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:50pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:18pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 6:09pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 5:20pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 4:38pm:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Uh-uh, naughty, wrongy. Shifting the goalposts won't work, nor will strawman arguments or your blatant lies.

Where did I say the Federal government? English comprehension isn't your strong point.

If you want to limit it to state premiers, you still lose. You're the one harping on about "labor" (sic) premiers proposing tax increases, yet totally ignoring that Liberal premiers (Baird, NSW) are also proposing tax increases.

Kaboom! your argument is holed below the waterline.

the ONLY parliament that can increase the GST is the federal one therefore the only opinino that carries any weight is the federal govt's.


You're loudly proclaiming that a Labor premier made one suggestion for a tax increase while refusing to acknowledge that a Liberal premier made another prior proposal for a tax increase - BEFORE there was any talk of increasing the Medicare levy. Why won't you won't acknowledge this? Because you're biased and don't like being caught out posting crap?

I rate Andrews very poorly. He is a clown and might as well rename Victoria to CMFEUistan.  His performance is dreadful and his attitude worse. I liked Mike Baird depiction of melbourne and LOVED the banner ads.
Let's see, the other day you were sining the praises of that train wreck Abort and now you say you rate Andrews poorly.  No wonder your opinion is worth sh!t!!!

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Dnarever on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:56pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

Increasing the GST isn't a Tax ?

The only way a government can increase income is with taxes, the only option is to choose which tax.

All he is saying is that if the liberals want to increase taxes why not this tax instead of that one. It is still the Liberals who are looking to increase taxes that they promised not to as you would expect.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Swagman on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:04pm

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:33pm:
  If you want public health like the rest of us it should be free like the rest of us 

And if the rest of you want public heath then both you and I should pay the same amount for the same service. 

It's only free for those that don't pay income tax.  :(

Andrews is just being the classic ochlocrat.  Cracking the tax slavery whip.....and stirring up the politics of envy. 

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:33pm:
You already get a huge rebate from the PAYE taxpayer and that needs to go

Fine, abolish the rebate and abolish the medicare levy.

Abolish tax slavery altogether.  Abolish progressive tax.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by John Smith on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:08pm

Swagman wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:04pm:
And if the rest of you want public heath then both you and I should pay the same amount for the same service.

you get the service you require, the amount you pay is not linked to the service. If private health weren't subsidised aa dole bludger like you wouldn't pay anything

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Dnarever on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:14pm

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 3:04pm:

Bam wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:17am:

longweekend58 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:05am:
so a labor premier wants more taxes!  How cute and how absolutely predictable.

what he actually means is an income tax increase because that is exactly what it is.

What is a GST increase, numbskull? Less taxes?  ;D

I wonder if you have worked it out yet but NO ONE in the federal govt is suggesting a rise in the GST.  There is some public discussion and Abbott has ruled it out unless taken to an election. So how about calling things as they actually are and not making stuff up.

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Swagman on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:19pm

John Smith wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Swagman wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:04pm:
And if the rest of you want public heath then both you and I should pay the same amount for the same service.

you get the service you require, the amount you pay is not linked to the service. If private health weren't subsidised aa dole bludger like you wouldn't pay anything

...which is exactly why it is schitt

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by ImSpartacus2 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:39pm

Swagman wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:04pm:

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:33pm:
  If you want public health like the rest of us it should be free like the rest of us 

And if the rest of you want public heath then both you and I should pay the same amount for the same service. 

It's only free for those that don't pay income tax.  :(

Andrews is just being the classic ochlocrat.  Cracking the tax slavery whip.....and stirring up the politics of envy. 

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 7:33pm:
You already get a huge rebate from the PAYE taxpayer and that needs to go

Fine, abolish the rebate and abolish the medicare levy.

Abolish tax slavery altogether.  Abolish progressive tax.
We do pay the same. What you refuse to acknowledge is that the progressive tax system has built into it the extra benefits you derive by virtue of this system that has made you better off.  Be grateful. It is simply not possible for you to get a better deal if it wasn't for the rest of us making it possible for you.  There are times I do think we should kick you out and wait for you to come running back with your tail between your legs begging to be let back in. 

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by John Smith on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 9:02pm

Swagman wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:19pm:

John Smith wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:08pm:

Swagman wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:04pm:
And if the rest of you want public heath then both you and I should pay the same amount for the same service.

you get the service you require, the amount you pay is not linked to the service. If private health weren't subsidised aa dole bludger like you wouldn't pay anything

...which is exactly why it is schitt

you could argue that for anything you pay tax for ... are you suggesting no one pay tax?  :D :D :D

Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by Swagman on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 9:54pm

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:39pm:
We do pay the same've been smoking the grass clippings again.... ;D

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:39pm:
What you refuse to acknowledge is that the progressive tax system has built into it the extra benefits you derive by virtue of this system that has made you better off.

They still indoctrinating you comrades with that same old commie crap in the student unions?  Bludge101.... ;D


Title: Re: Consider Increasing The Medicare Levy
Post by ImSpartacus2 on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 10:24pm

Swagman wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 9:54pm:

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:39pm:
We do pay the same've been smoking the grass clippings again.... ;D

ImSpartacus2 wrote on Jul 22nd, 2015 at 8:39pm:
What you refuse to acknowledge is that the progressive tax system has built into it the extra benefits you derive by virtue of this system that has made you better off.

They still indoctrinating you comrades with that same old commie crap in the student unions?  Bludge101.... ;D

Its age old reasoning that the world has always understood because it makes good common sense.  The rich get more out of the system and have more to lose if the system stops functioning so its only reasonable that they should pay for the extra benefits.  Its what you like to call "user pays" and much like what people do when they pay extra so they can ride in the extra wide seats in business class.  It costs more because you get more. It's basic logic that underlies the progressive tax system. You follow????

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