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Message started by bogarde73 on Jul 26th, 2015 at 10:36am

Title: Mein Kampf
Post by bogarde73 on Jul 26th, 2015 at 10:36am
Hitler's recommendations for a better life set to be republishedin Germany next year.
Can't wait for that one.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by bogarde73 on Jul 26th, 2015 at 1:31pm
Oooh don't touch, I might get my hands dirty.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by The Grappler on Jul 26th, 2015 at 1:49pm
Narcissists!  Purge yourselves of unworthy thoughts and do not chase the dragon of Western affluence and sense of self-worth dependent on others!

Should be interesting... many in Germany today as many in Russia still revere Stalin, revere Hitler and his ideas....

A fair review of his work shows some good points and some bad... but his idea of living and life was whacky....

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by The Grappler on Jul 26th, 2015 at 2:36pm

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by bogarde73 on Jul 26th, 2015 at 2:41pm
I'm interested to see how the German public handles it being available in their bookshops, always assuming the shops agree to stock it.
It's never actually been banned, it's just that the State Of Bavaria, as Hitler's legatee, has guarded the copyright to prevent its publication in Germany.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by red baron on Jul 26th, 2015 at 4:40pm
Hitler was a fiend, no doubt about it. But you can't help but wonder how one driven man could bring a Country back off its knees and instill a fervour like pride in itself.

I am not excusing him in any way. What he did was abhorrent, I'm simply talking how someone with true magnetism can lift a Country off its knees.

What we need in Australia right now is someone with the right stuff.

Someone like the legendary Labor Prime Minister John Curtin who told Winston Churchill where to stick it when Chruchill wanted our returning troops from the Middle East to go to Burma instead of relieving the kids on the Kokoda Track. 

Curtin won the day. Too bad there isn't one of him in the Labor ranks right now, boy do we need him!!!

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Unforgiven on Jul 26th, 2015 at 4:59pm

red baron wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 4:40pm:
Hitler was a fiend, no doubt about it. But you can't help but wonder how one driven man could bring a Country back off its knees and instill a fervour like pride in itself.

I am not excusing him in any way. What he did was abhorrent, I'm simply talking how someone with true magnetism can lift a Country off its knees.

What we need in Australia right now is someone with the right stuff.

Someone like the legendary Labor Prime Minister John Curtin who told Winston Churchill where to stick it when Chruchill wanted our returning troops from the Middle East to go to Burma instead of relieving the kids on the Kokoda Track. 

Curtin won the day. Too bad there isn't one of him in the Labor ranks right now, boy do we need him!!!

Australian Hitler?

The police forces are full of them.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by red baron on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:14pm
Is that a genuine comment or are you generalising Unforgiven? Because of your paranoid hatred of anything regarding  Law and Order.

I would love to have a look at your rap sheet, it would make interesting reading.

In the,meantime do you have a comment worthy of an intelligent look or are you just going to keep blasting away with your mindless posts.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Unforgiven on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:18pm

red baron wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:14pm:
Is that a genuine comment or are you generalising Unforgiven? Because of your paranoid hatred of anything regarding  Law and Order.

I would love to have a look at your rap sheet, it would make interesting reading.

In the,meantime do you have a comment worthy of an intelligent look or are you just going to keep blasting away with your mindless posts.

I love law and order. Unfortunately the police don't.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by freediver on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:52pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 1:49pm:
A fair review of his work shows some good points and some bad... but his idea of living and life was whacky....

It makes you wonder what Hitler would have become had he succeeded in establishing his thousand year Reich. Another prophet?

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by red baron on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:54pm
That depends what your definition of Law and Order is Unforgiven.

Just precisely what do you mean when you say Police are not carrying out their lawful function?

Now don't hold back be specific. You can get down on your ungrateful knees and thank God for the Police Forces in Australia. In the huge majority they are decent hard working men and women doing the toughest job in town.

Dealing with creeps like you on the bottom feeder end of the scale who are unappreciative of the fact that it is 'the thin blue line' that saves sorry arses like you from being trodden underfoot.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Aussie on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:59pm

red baron wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
That depends what your definition of Law and Order is Unforgiven.

Just precisely what do you mean when you say Police are not carrying out their lawful function?

Now don't hold back be specific. You can get down on your ungrateful knees and thank God for the Police Forces in Australia. In the huge majority they are decent hard working men and women doing the toughest job in town.

Dealing with creeps like you on the bottom feeder end of the scale who are unappreciative of the fact that it is 'the thin blue line' that saves sorry arses like you from being trodden underfoot.

Sure, and when, for example, one honest copper exposes three bullying bashing arseholes, he gets charged with offences for doing so.  Yeah, great system in that thin blue line.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by The Grappler on Jul 26th, 2015 at 6:20pm
Trouble is the police force in NSW simply doesn't know what to do with its burnouts and psychopaths - so they send them to country towns for a rest - where they cause more trouble than they could in a big city.

That's why the country cops are full of head cases, and it doesn't help that the local magistrates are usually a bunch of redneck idiots with no idea of law or fair play.... but only of how to be bullies....

When you condemn righteously those of yours who are liars, cheats, thieves, thugs and cowards, Red - I'm on your side...

Always have been - police are in my family's blood.... but I oppose bad cops with every means at my disposal....

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by innocentbystander. on Jul 26th, 2015 at 6:50pm

Aussie wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:59pm:
Sure, and when, for example, one honest copper exposes three bullying bashing arseholes, he gets charged with offences for doing so.  Yeah, great system in that thin blue line.

Thats another weird thing about the left, they bitch and moan about the police yet support police states  ;D

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Sir Bobby on Jul 26th, 2015 at 6:51pm

red baron wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
That depends what your definition of Law and Order is Unforgiven.

Just precisely what do you mean when you say Police are not carrying out their lawful function?

Now don't hold back be specific. You can get down on your ungrateful knees and thank God for the Police Forces in Australia. In the huge majority they are decent hard working men and women doing the toughest job in town.

Dealing with creeps like you on the bottom feeder end of the scale who are unappreciative of the fact that it is 'the thin blue line' that saves sorry arses like you from being trodden underfoot.

I can't get the full Herald Sun story which I read today
but huge numbers of cops have been caught drinking & driving:

In the news
Victoria Police officers keeping jobs despite being caught drink-driving
Herald Sun‎ - 19 hours ago
AN officer caught behind the wheel more than 5˝ times over the legal alcohol limit is part of a spike in police being ... Most of those sprung kept their jobs. The number caught drunk behind the wheel in 2013 and the first nine ...
More news for Drink-driving police keep their jobs AN officer caught behind the wheel more than 5˝ times over the legal alcohol limit is part of a spike in police b

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Unforgiven on Jul 26th, 2015 at 8:49pm

red baron wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
That depends what your definition of Law and Order is Unforgiven.

Just precisely what do you mean when you say Police are not carrying out their lawful function?

Now don't hold back be specific. You can get down on your ungrateful knees and thank God for the Police Forces in Australia. In the huge majority they are decent hard working men and women doing the toughest job in town.

Dealing with creeps like you on the bottom feeder end of the scale who are unappreciative of the fact that it is 'the thin blue line' that saves sorry arses like you from being trodden underfoot.

If I were a law abiding masochist I would love the Australian police.

The thin blue line has got very thick. Thick as a brick. Only the lowest common denominator is used in the selection of police candidates.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by The Grappler on Jul 26th, 2015 at 10:44pm

freediver wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:52pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 1:49pm:
A fair review of his work shows some good points and some bad... but his idea of living and life was whacky....

It makes you wonder what Hitler would have become had he succeeded in establishing his thousand year Reich. Another prophet?

Good point.  Would there be hordes of true believers out there beheading Infidels.....

Adolphu Aaa-aakbar!

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by The Grappler on Jul 26th, 2015 at 10:48pm

Unforgiven wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 8:49pm:

red baron wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
That depends what your definition of Law and Order is Unforgiven.

Just precisely what do you mean when you say Police are not carrying out their lawful function?

Now don't hold back be specific. You can get down on your ungrateful knees and thank God for the Police Forces in Australia. In the huge majority they are decent hard working men and women doing the toughest job in town.

Dealing with creeps like you on the bottom feeder end of the scale who are unappreciative of the fact that it is 'the thin blue line' that saves sorry arses like you from being trodden underfoot.

If I were a law abiding masochist I would love the Australian police.

The thin blue line has got very thick. Thick as a brick. Only the lowest common denominator is used in the selection of police candidates.

OFCS can we drop this petty s#it for once?

I long ago demonstrated that the oath of office of a police officer to 'uphold the law as written' is the same as for an SS trooper...

Thing is they are not all SS troopers - and when idiots write the law and demand that others 'uphold it as written' they are demanding, quite often, something that is wrong and alien to human nature, which abhors wrong - even when its concepts of right and wrong are distorted.

Is it any wonder there are so many crack-ups in the police, and they get caught for drink driving etc, fitting up clients, then getting a transfer to a quiet country town where they cause mayhem amongst the naive locals who have no idea what it is like for those coppers in the big cities?

Chris Taylor: [voiceover] "I think now, looking back, we did not fight the enemy; we fought ourselves. And the enemy was in us. The war is over for me now, but it will always be there, the rest of my days as I'm sure Elias will be, fighting with Barnes for what Rhah called possession of my soul. There are times since, I've felt like the child born of those two fathers. But, be that as it may, those of us who did make it have an obligation to build again, to teach to others what we know, and to try with what's left of our lives to find a goodness and a meaning to this life. "  - Platoon.......

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by UnSubRocky on Jul 27th, 2015 at 12:04am

red baron wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 4:40pm:
Hitler was a fiend, no doubt about it. But you can't help but wonder how one driven man could bring a Country back off its knees and instill a fervour like pride in itself.

I am not excusing him in any way. What he did was abhorrent, I'm simply talking how someone with true magnetism can lift a Country off its knees.

Ian Kershaw provides an excellent discourse on how Hitler went from rags to riches, written in "Hitler: Hubris (1889 - 1933)" and "Hitler: Nemesis (1933 - 1945)". I am still only half way through the first book. But I had read a good psychological analysis about how Hitler's bleak upbringing had conditioned him into becoming a man with a vision for Germany's future.

I could probably respect the man, Hitler. But, I think that there is such a dark side to him that is hidden from publications, that there is little to like about Hitler.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by John_Taverner on Jul 27th, 2015 at 7:51am
Hitler fixed the economic problems of Germany and reduced unemployment even before the war,  but unfortunately he did this to the demise of millions of Jews, Slavs and any other ethnic group that got in his way.

His ideology with regards to the "untermensch" was appalling, and nothing can excuse that, but some of the things that  he  put in place, for example the  concept of a meritocracy and the mass production of the VW  had ongoing benefits.

From one of Hitler's speeches

With infallible certainty we are steering toward an order of things in which a process of selection will become active in the political leadership of the nation, as it exists throughout the whole of life in general. By this process of selection, which will follow the laws of Nature and the dictates of human reason, those among our people who show the greatest natural ability will be appointed to positions in the political leadership of the nation. In making this selection no consideration will be given to birth or ancestry, name or wealth, but only to the question of whether or not the candidate has a natural vocation for those higher positions of leadership. That was a fine principle which the great Corsican enunciated when he said that each one of his soldiers carried a marshal's baton in the haversack. In this country that principle will have its political counterpart. Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid.

In a way you can understand why ordinary Germans supported him. He was extremely articulate and had a clear vision for the future. Many would have supported his strong leadership style and his promise to rebuild Germany.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Sir Bobby on Jul 27th, 2015 at 7:56am

John_Taverner wrote on Jul 27th, 2015 at 7:51am:
Hitler had a true sense of vision. He united the nation, fixed the economic problems and reduced unemployment before the war,  but unfortunately he did this to the demise of millions of Jews, Slavs and any other ethnic group that got in his way.

His ideology with regards to the "untermensch" was appalling, and nothing can excuse that, but some of the things that  he  put in place, for example the  concept of a meritocracy and the mass production of the VW  had ongoing benefits.

From one of Hitler's speeches

With infallible certainty we are steering toward an order of things in which a process of selection will become active in the political leadership of the nation, as it exists throughout the whole of life in general. By this process of selection, which will follow the laws of Nature and the dictates of human reason, those among our people who show the greatest natural ability will be appointed to positions in the political leadership of the nation. In making this selection no consideration will be given to birth or ancestry, name or wealth, but only to the question of whether or not the candidate has a natural vocation for those higher positions of leadership. That was a fine principle which the great Corsican enunciated when he said that each one of his soldiers carried a marshal's baton in the haversack. In this country that principle will have its political counterpart. Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid.

What a lie

In making this selection no consideration will be given to birth or ancestry

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by John_Taverner on Jul 27th, 2015 at 7:58am
It was certainly a lie when it came to Jews or other groups whom he regarded as subhuman.

I rearranged my post a bit since you quoted it. It read like I was a Hitler supporter.  ;D

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Dame Pansi on Jul 27th, 2015 at 8:01am

innocentbystander. wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 6:50pm:

Aussie wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:59pm:
Sure, and when, for example, one honest copper exposes three bullying bashing arseholes, he gets charged with offences for doing so.  Yeah, great system in that thin blue line.

Thats another weird thing about the left, they bitch and moan about the police yet support police states  ;D

Not really. We booted Nazi Newman who went part way into making Qld a police state.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by John_Taverner on Jul 27th, 2015 at 8:05am

red baron wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 4:40pm:
What we need in Australia right now is someone with the right stuff.

Someone like the legendary Labor Prime Minister John Curtin who told Winston Churchill where to stick it when Chruchill wanted our returning troops from the Middle East to go to Burma instead of relieving the kids on the Kokoda Track. 

Curtin won the day. Too bad there isn't one of him in the Labor ranks right now, boy do we need him!!!

Yes. We have a distinct lack of good leaders in Australia, and that goes for all the major parties.

In terms of statesmanship, Abbott scores a C- and Shorten would be a D.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Lisa Jones on Jul 27th, 2015 at 8:26am

John_Taverner wrote on Jul 27th, 2015 at 7:51am:
Hitler fixed the economic problems of Germany and reduced unemployment even before the war,  but unfortunately he did this to the demise of millions of Jews, Slavs and any other ethnic group that got in his way.

His ideology with regards to the "untermensch" was appalling, and nothing can excuse that, but some of the things that  he  put in place, for example the  concept of a meritocracy and the mass production of the VW  had ongoing benefits.

From one of Hitler's speeches

With infallible certainty we are steering toward an order of things in which a process of selection will become active in the political leadership of the nation, as it exists throughout the whole of life in general. By this process of selection, which will follow the laws of Nature and the dictates of human reason, those among our people who show the greatest natural ability will be appointed to positions in the political leadership of the nation. In making this selection no consideration will be given to birth or ancestry, name or wealth, but only to the question of whether or not the candidate has a natural vocation for those higher positions of leadership. That was a fine principle which the great Corsican enunciated when he said that each one of his soldiers carried a marshal's baton in the haversack. In this country that principle will have its political counterpart. Is there a nobler or more excellent kind of Socialism and is there a truer form of Democracy than this National Socialism which is so organized that through it each one among the millions of German boys is given the possibility of finding his way to the highest office in the nation, should it please Providence to come to his aid.

In a way you can understand why ordinary Germans supported him. He was extremely articulate and had a clear vision for the future. Many would have supported his strong leadership style and his promise to rebuild Germany.

Don't forget, many were too scared to disagree.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by innocentbystander. on Jul 27th, 2015 at 8:35am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Jul 27th, 2015 at 8:01am:
Not really. We booted Nazi Newman who went part way into making Qld a police state.

Why do you support a Palestinian police state but not a QLD one? 

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by red baron on Jul 27th, 2015 at 9:16am
You don't have to worry about the Police Selection process Unforgiven, you wouldn't get through the front door of the recruiting office.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Unforgiven on Jul 27th, 2015 at 10:48am

red baron wrote on Jul 27th, 2015 at 9:16am:
You don't have to worry about the Police Selection process Unforgiven, you wouldn't get through the front door of the recruiting office.

I know. They don't accept people with high IQ's and a good psychological profile.

They want psychotics, boneheads and sickos.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Culture Warrior on Jul 27th, 2015 at 8:53pm
The book should be required reading for anyone interested in history and politics.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by bogarde73 on Jul 28th, 2015 at 10:20am
Well I haven't read it & I'm interested in politics & especially history. It's about 800 pages isn't it . . .no thanks

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by The Grappler on Jul 28th, 2015 at 10:59am

Unforgiven wrote on Jul 27th, 2015 at 10:48am:

red baron wrote on Jul 27th, 2015 at 9:16am:
You don't have to worry about the Police Selection process Unforgiven, you wouldn't get through the front door of the recruiting office.

I know. They don't accept people with high IQ's and a good psychological profile.

They want psychotics, boneheads and sickos.

Actually they've altered a lot to actually seek out people with a bit more nous......... a few still sneak through though, or simply become burnouts and get shipped off to a 'rest camp' in the country where they wreak havoc on unsuspecting locals...

They're gradually weeding out the total psychopaths that used to reign in some parts.... the one with the staring eyes and oozing hatred, but you still get 'em.... often late at night in a highway patrol car and startled awake and just grab 62 year old grandmothers who don't drink on their way home, accuse them of raging speeds, possible drinking, and trying to evade the idiot by turning into her own street.

I was right there in the passenger seat for that one:-

"You tried to evade me!"

"Had no idea you were there!"

"Well, you were doing 119 up that hill on a bend and getting ready to do a 90 degree turn!"

"But I drive slower at night in case of wildlife!"

"Here's your ticket!"

Sound familiar to anyone?  Must have woken him up.. he had the staring eyes of a speed freak or just another burnout case.... they shouldn't be allowed near the public who always have to carry it for them.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Culture Warrior on Jul 29th, 2015 at 10:59pm

bogarde73 wrote on Jul 28th, 2015 at 10:20am:
Well I haven't read it & I'm interested in politics & especially history. It's about 800 pages isn't it . . .no thanks

Have a read of a few chapters if it's too long. Read the one called "Nation and Race". It sums up mostly what he was trying to achieve.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by The Grappler on Jul 29th, 2015 at 11:51pm
Ein Reich!  Ein Volkswagen!  Ein Fuhrer!!!  ... and Ein mein shirts... please..... pretty please???

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Kiron22 on Jul 30th, 2015 at 1:40am
Mein Kampf is just a bunch of incoherent ramblings and poorly written rants filled with fallacies and crazed racism and xenophobia, it's a poo read and is only worth while to show how much of an insane nutjob Hitler was.

If you want something far more interesting and well written, read Stalin. Despite Stalin being a horrific monster, the idea that he was a stupid brute couldn't be further from the truth (and largely shows the classist attitude of politicians of the era) and largely shows that while Stalin was very well versed in philosophy and political science.

I would recommend reading the debate between H.G. Wells and Stalin, it's very interesting and it's amazing how Stalin has H.G. Wells on the backfoot for basically all of it.

The difference in writing between Hitler and Stalin really shows, Hitler is completely psychotic, while Stalin was a brutal pragmatist and had no moral issues carrying out his repression because he justified it through pragmatism.

There is an attempt these days to paint Stalin as a complete psychopath, but I don't think this is true at all, I honestly don't think Stalin was mentally ill at all, I think he knew exactly what he was doing and he justified it through basic material reasoning. As John Gunther wrote of Stalin of all the tinpot dictators of the 20th century, Stalin was the only one that came off as a completely sane normal human being. (though I've read that Stalin's "Humps and Valleys" in his actions and his several documented cases of debilitating depression  may be an indicator of Bipolar which also explains his paranoia and his fear of those that he considered his best friends like Lenin and Bukharin)

No wonder Stalin won WW2 despite starting from a vastly inferior position.

freediver wrote on Jul 26th, 2015 at 5:52pm:
It makes you wonder what Hitler would have become had he succeeded in establishing his thousand year Reich

Impossible, the Third Reich was based on way too much social and class contradiction in it's set up and the Nazi economy was based entirely around war and expansion and had nothing else going for it. Nazi Germany was always doomed to failure.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by The Grappler on Jul 30th, 2015 at 4:32am
"I think he knew exactly what he was doing and he justified it through basic material reasoning"..

Sounds like a sociopath to me..... the ability to justify the unjustifiable in a superficially rational manner is now sanity?


Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Kiron22 on Jul 30th, 2015 at 2:28pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jul 30th, 2015 at 4:32am:
Sounds like a sociopath to me..... the ability to justify the unjustifiable in a superficially rational manner is now sanity?

No he wasn't a Sociopath, there is more to Sociopathy and Psychopathy than a warped moral compass, they are both mental illnesses with other symptoms that don't show up in Stalin.

Also unjustifiable to you, totally justifiable to Stalin with not even that much of a stretch. Stalin (Rightfully) saw the USSR's existence numbered if he didn't industrialize and build up military forces and industry to support it quickly after the Civil War (not even so much a civil war but international intervention) he knew they would be ready to strike again and he also knew Germany would try to invade in the near future. He did what he needed to make Russia a strong, modern country that could defend itself and fight off threats, his purges got rid of the Communist opposition that actually gave a bugger about the conditions of the working class and working towards an egalitarian society, they would just get in the way of the brutal industrialization.

In Stalin's eyes, he killed several hundred thousand people (or a few million based on what numbers you choose to follow) to save the lives of 200 million and drag Russia out of a feudal backwater into a global superpower with arguably high standard of living and this was further justified with his predictions about Germany and Imperialist powers, with over 20 million Soviet civilians killed by Nazi Germany.

This is why I consider Stalin a monster, but I don't consider him an idiotic, delirious nutter like Hitler.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by red baron on Jul 30th, 2015 at 2:59pm
Kiron22, reading your post on Stalin, it reminded me of someone in Australia who is the biggest pragmatist I can remember...let me think..oh yes...Bill Shorten. ::)

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Culture Warrior on Jul 30th, 2015 at 8:51pm

Kiron22 wrote on Jul 30th, 2015 at 2:28pm:
In Stalin's eyes, he killed several hundred thousand people (or a few million based on what numbers you choose to follow) to save the lives of 200 million and drag Russia out of a feudal backwater into a global superpower with arguably high standard of living and this was further justified with his predictions about Germany and Imperialist powers, with over 20 million Soviet civilians killed by Nazi Germany.

This is why I consider Stalin a monster, but I don't consider him an idiotic, delirious nutter like Hitler.

Hitler's reasoning was no different. One of his arguments was that he had to kill millions to save millions and to heighten the standard of living for Germans.

Title: Re: Mein Kampf
Post by Culture Warrior on Jul 30th, 2015 at 8:58pm

Kiron22 wrote on Jul 30th, 2015 at 1:40am:
I would recommend reading the debate between H.G. Wells and Stalin, it's very interesting and it's amazing how Stalin has H.G. Wells on the backfoot for basically all of it.

Do you have a link?

Impossible, the Third Reich was based on way too much social and class contradiction in it's set up and the Nazi economy was based entirely around war and expansion and had nothing else going for it. Nazi Germany was always doomed to failure.

"Class contradiction". Pffft. One idea behind the Third Reich was to put the interests of Germany first so workers and businesses worked for the same interests. This idea still exists today among nationalists of all stripes.

The failure of socialism to nationalism is around us for all to see. No one, except a few radicals, goes overseas to fight for class interests. But millions will fight for national interests. 

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