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Member Run Boards >> Relationships >> Brother Unforgiven. Please help me translate.

Message started by The Great Genghis on Aug 2nd, 2015 at 3:27am

Title: Brother Unforgiven. Please help me translate.
Post by The Great Genghis on Aug 2nd, 2015 at 3:27am

How are the you?


The white dog not understand your cousin.

So I the translate.

Tell me if the translate the good. Your the cousin have strange the dialect

Best translation I have the is:

"We have car. We are the special person. Car is the red. Therefore, the we are the extra special the person. The law not the apply to the us. We are special. Ask our cousin, Unforgiven. He is the rich man living in the Australia, with the White Dogs.

So, because we are the special, and better than the you, we not need to follow the rules. We are the special red car people, and richer. Therefore we are the good.

We even the have the holiday in the Borneo for the special prize. Not you, but us. This is our prize. White Dog say the Ringadingding. But, we say the Orangatangtang. Rat Pack. Therefore, we park where the we want.

So therefore, we are the special. And White Dogs let us live there with the them. Not you, but the special us. We will the show you why. Because now we will the hit you."

Is translation good?

Title: Re: Brother Unforgiven. Please help me translate.
Post by The Grappler on Aug 2nd, 2015 at 7:38am

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