Australian Politics Forum | |
Member Run Boards >> Relationships >> Standards at PA Message started by Jovial Monk on Sep 5th, 2015 at 7:04pm |
Title: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 5th, 2015 at 7:04pm
I should have said: the lack of standards at PA.
I have been informed that SN is using a photo of me as his avatar there. Not liking the smell of sh it I have not gone and looked. I do draw attention to the fact that personal attacks, use of personal information is supposed to attract a lifetime ban. So far down has that cesspit sunk that use of personal information attracts no penalty at all. Really brings into question whether that smelly cesspit should remain attached to OzPol. FD?? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 5th, 2015 at 7:10pm
Not 'is' using.....was, as of yesterday. It has now been changed. It was one of his usual Monk image with a face I recognise photo shopped into it.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 5th, 2015 at 7:13pm
Typical behavior by the turds left in the cesspit.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 7th, 2015 at 11:36am
LOL I remember monk harvesting PMs from his bog and sharing them. You delusional two deserve each other. Still trying to contact posters work places are you monk AND Aussie? Talk about delusional decietful drones. Are you still using the official PA banner that you stole at your bog Monk? I wouldn't know, I don't bother to enter your Twitter bog as I know you harvest IP addresses.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 7th, 2015 at 10:26pm
Harvesting PMs and sharing them? You have me confused with AiA. AiA DID publish about 15 PMs sent to him by a female member who thought the creep was a friend. AiA then went away for several days leaving the PMs posted in the cesspit.
Want to try again, Skip? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:18am
Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 7th, 2015 at 10:26pm:
You are proving to be as daft as Aussie, why am I not surprised? here is a hint, just because you can't read it still does not mean it does not exist. We don't delete posts, just store them for future reference. ;D |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:21am skippy. wrote on Sep 7th, 2015 at 11:36am:
And now for today's maths lesson : Finding & storing IP addresses + Finding & using workplace phone numbers = Stalking |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by St George of the Garden on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:23am
Any proof of that dear Lisa?
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by St George of the Garden on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:24am skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:18am:
Yeah, that is the only PM I shared. I remember Skip sobbing that IQ had hacked his accounts on the three boards plus his hotmail account. I thought it fair and right that you be able to seek redress for that. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:25am St George of the Garden wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:23am:
Do we have your permission to post up the evidence here monk? I'm sure IQ would like to. Never mind if you keep denying it I can accomodate the evidence in the Vortex. 8-) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:26am
Good grief!
Just how many nics do you use ALL OVER OzPol eh St George of the lawn grubs? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:27am St George of the Garden wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:24am:
Already backtracking, not a good look monkie. ;D I have the other evidence too monk its in the mod forum, I would be careful calling Lisa a liar in this instance if I were you. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by St George of the Garden on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:28am
Lisa libelled:
Any proof of that Lisa or is that just meaningless abuse you sent my way? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:38am St George of the Garden wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:28am:
I'm not sure if Lisa has proof of that, but I know someone else that does. 8-) you know he would be only too happy to show it too don't you? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:40am
You should probably cut your losses while you're only this far behind, monk. Now it's just getting embarrassing. :)
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by St George of the Garden on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:40am
Did I find anyone’s work phone number? Or was that a lie?
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:12pm St George of the Garden wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:40am:
You also posted up private details of Deepthought , you are a repeat offender at this. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:25pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:12pm:
I don't recall that, but I do recall Deepthought brazenly posting as much personal detail as he could concerning Hebe and boxy so I would not be surprised if anyone sent a shot or two back across his bows. I have his full name, phone number, address and even bank account details, yet not once have I ever divulged them, and I never will. He gave them to me as I needed to pay him for some work he did for me. Your implied suggestion that I have improperly imposed myself on anyone is therefore false, as he can verify, as Hebe can verify, also ele, Lefty and some others including Mattus who is the only person I did contact at his workplace on a matter of PA administration, reluctantly and at the urging of AiA. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:54pm
Oh dear God.
You have all that private information on just ONE member eh Aussie? Funny how that ONE member no longer posts anywhere in cyberspace hey. ::) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:55pm
Anyway, there's a poll about you up top.
And yours truly started it :P |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:58pm Lisa Jones wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:54pm:
He 'disappeared' at least two years after he and I conducted that business matter. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 8th, 2015 at 4:02pm Aussie wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:58pm:
Poor bugger. What did you do with him? Took care of him eh? Made it look like an accident too I bet. >:( |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:23pm
Deepshit was a perennial pest posting foul content at my board. I did what I had to do to get rid of him. It worked.
I was asking AG only a day or two ago what had happened to Deepsh*T. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:26pm
ehehehe I remember Mattus came back “Is that agrarian rant supposed to be a political post here these days?” :D
So I guess Lisa has in a roundabout way acknowledged I did not do what she said. Good enough I suppose. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:26pm
Aussie wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:25pm:
You have just confirmed you contacted Matus at his work place and he told you to to f..k orf and never do it again, yea he was real happy. ::) You two are delusional and seem to think it's OK to justify your stalking. ::) so far you have both confirmed what I've said. 8-) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:30pm
And you asked for IQ’s IP details after he hacked your four accounts. Were you stalking IQ then, Skip?
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:37pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:26pm:
Yer a weird little ant, skippeee ~ always wanting validation. Why would I deny a you and everyone in PA Land knows of? Contacting Mattus (who had then left PA) to see if he had a back up record of its history made sense to me, (given he had been hosting the place) and I reluctantly gave in to the urgings of AiA. This is no revelation about it, and it was all done in open at the time. Nothing secretive. Clutching at straws, skippeeeee. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Neferti on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:38pm St George of the Garden wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:40am:
It is all in the Archives at PA. You seriously, threatened to call IQ's workplace because you had tracked him down via his IP address. Don't lie. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:41pm
You need to reread those pages you silly old woman!
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Neferti on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:44pm Aussie wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 3:25pm:
You called Mattus at his workplace. He was extremely annoyed. He posted so and it is in the Archives at PA. Deepy was not stupid. You obviously are. NOBODY would give their REAL bank account to some jerk on the Interwebs. It is easy to set up another, for "internet purposes" you know. ;D |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Neferti on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:48pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:41pm:
You should stay off eBay and looking for "china plates". I doubt any of them are worth more than about $40 ... including the revolting dust collector. If I was Demi I would jump up and accidentally make it crash to smithereens. ;D |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:49pm Neferti wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:44pm:
Yes I did. What is so new about that? It was discussed in open at the time, and it happened at the active urging of AiA. Why are you all po faced about it now? Deepy was not stupid, I agree. He was astute enough to know whom he could trust. You have no idea, and you never will. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:52pm Neferti wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:48pm:
Mrs Tutankhamun-here again- where ever there is trolling she is right in the thick of it. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:56pm
Oh my God!
The plot just gets better and better lol ;D I ought to consider cancelling my Foxtel Comedy and Drama channels now :P |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:58pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 7th, 2015 at 10:26pm:
I pointed out in the post prior to this monk and Aussie had contacted posters work places. Monk,, as you see went into denial mode to start with but has now backed down. Aussie just went into justification mode he knew denial was useless in this instance. Monk has since admitted to harvesting IPs too. You two are delusional. This little ditty suits you both ..Oh what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!- Sir Walter Scott. 8-) so this little attempt to undermine PA is working really well for you ,monk. ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:04pm
SNs one man show in the vortex just now..what a foul creature he is.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:15pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:58pm:
There you go the silly self validation rubbish. That I could contact Mattus was openly discussed. Whether I should was also openly discussed, and I posted my reluctance. I allowed myself to be swayed by AiA and the relative importance of the need to contact Mattus. You know that, everyone who was there knows it, so why the hairy chested beat up now skippeeeee? I'm not going to go into the details you already know about skippeee, but you and I and just about everyone knows that your PA is the absolute pits with zero redeeming feature. You are lucky FD keeps it going. There's an idea skippeeee. Why don't you unburden him from hosting the cess pit. Stop bludging off others and stand alone, and pay your own way. I know FD's not complaining, but why is it that PA is so piss weak that it refuses to pay its own way? After all, with SN and NOIQ, there is plenty of www know how. Why don't you break away, stand on your own feet, and no-one here need hear about PA ever again. You lot can post as much personal information about me and Monk and whoever else you like with total immunity. Why not, skippeeee? No guts? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:17pm Agnes wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:04pm:
If monk wants to throw rocks at PA, which is the very intent of this thread, he needs to expect his own hypocricy will be thrown back at him. At first he denied my assertions and one by one he has now admitted them. He really needs to learn to shut the .... Up. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:21pm
For you baldy 8-)
![]() |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:23pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:21pm:
Not interested in silly memes skippeeee. There's one for every absurd notion. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:30pm Neferti wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 5:48pm:
Seems all of PA is reading my adventures in porcelain. Nice to know. I know what I said when IQ accused me of being a pedophile and used a photo of me which did make it libel. You seem to have forgotten what I said which isn’t surprising. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:32pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:17pm:
When you asked me for IQ’s IP details were you stalking IQ, Skip? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:34pm Agnes wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:04pm:
Not surprising to me but I am not going there to have a look. Will make sure he doesn’t post in Fermentations. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Sprintcyclist on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:34pm Please don't bring a 'he did/she did' thread here about another chatsite. It's beyond pointless. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:38pm
Hmmm Skip reckons I phoned somebody’s workplace.
Whose workplace did I call, Skip? Or were you just hurling unfounded abuse? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 7:42pm
Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 6:30pm:
Yea your porcelain adventures are great monk. ![]() |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 7:47pm
What sort of stupid post is that skippeeee? It has no relevance at all to the stuff Monk is collecting. Why must you mock?
It just makes you look like a total tool. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 7:51pm
Yeah, makes Skip look kinda inadequate but we knew that.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 7:54pm
And I guess Skip WAS hurling unfounded abuse my way. Not that I expect a correction.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 7:58pm Aussie wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 7:47pm:
its fine porcelain, Baldy, the sort monk would be most accustomed to. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:02pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 7:54pm:
This thread was started by you to hurl abuse mummsy boy, its not my fault if your feeble attempts backfire on you. The posters here have now seen a little more of what you and baldy are like when in control of a forum and it ain't pretty. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:10pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 7:54pm:
There are historically entrenched positions Monk. You know that. Skippeeee is the current Admin of the once great PA, now not even a noon shadow of its former glory. I guess all that is left is this stupid mockery, and mud slinging....and even that ignores the facts. In skippeee's case, there may be some room for understanding as he was nowhere near the place until much later in its history. PA is just gasping on in its inevitable death throes, and the best skippeee can offer is this sort of total crap on this Board, and, if I have read Agnes right, SN is keeping it going over there. Yeas, I could close it down here. No, I won't. Skippeee has denied people a voice over there, so I am going to allow them room to speak here, and I will not deny him or any of the PA crowd an opportunity to demonstrate their true qualities.......right here ~ subject to FD's Rules. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:16pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:02pm:
Ummm I posted that SN was using an avatar based on a photo of my face. That was accurate. So much for hurling rocks, but I guess the distinction is not one Skip can grasp. I have not looked up the work number of a single Animal at any time, and that will be borne out by the record there. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:38pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:16pm:
You stole artwork and set it up as your own on a bog you call a forum and you have the hide to whine about someone using an avatar based on your face? What sort of hypocrite are you? You didn't just steal the artwork you stole the bloody name, man do you have any shame? No, don't bother answering that I already know the answer. ::) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:47pm
Once upon a time using personal info and making personal attacks would get that member a permanent ban.
Yup, I set up a board and that has been the cause of much gnashing of teeth which rivals the music of the spheres for sweetness. Didn’t use personal info, photographs, just a graphic made from clipart found on the net. You have Aussie to thank for me setting up that board. You should try it, your own board your own rules, dependent on no one. Beats hanging off this site like a diseased poultice hanging out a hospital window. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:53pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:38pm:
I'll answer, because you have no idea skippeeee, not being there at the relevant time. AnimalMother claimed to have created that tiger logo years ago.....and as the years have passed and I became more www confidence in the veracity of that has waned. But, no matter...because he posted at large his consent that it may be used by others....and that is what Monk has done. As for the name....Political Animal. You have to be kidding me. When JJJ commenced it, there were many existing www sites called Political Animal. Silly 'Johnny come lately' people like you skippeeee get sucked in by people whom you think were there when this all happened way back almost, if not, 15 years ago when it all began, and when AM gave that consent less than 15 or so years ago. None of them have the slightest idea. I do, and I know you will just ignore that, but I don't care in the least. I know the truth and the entire history. You don't. I do. Quote:
That is correct. I banned Monk, and he had the guts to start his own Board in response. It is still going and I'll bet, has far more readers than your Cess Pit attracts, skippeeee. "How's it going curly, old fella." |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:06pm
More readers at monks bog than the real PA, bwaarrr. ;D ;D The rest of your dribble is also bullish it but we expect that from a decietful coward like you. I warn everyone here if you go to monks forum he will harvest your IP address. If Aussie ran a forum I wouldn't worry he wouldn't know how to. :D Oh that's right he does have a forum, he managed to turn a thriving forum into a two person forum within a year. Well done baldy. ;D |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:14pm
You should have a look at the readership figures for topics on my board and yours. Might be surprised.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:15pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:06pm:
There you go again with the desperate need to make yourself look fantastic at the expense of others. Fairbloodydinkum was going to close earlier this year...... 2015. To assist the people who posted there for years and to help a www friend I met, I took it over, by paying the bills. Since then, the Membership has at least doubled, and of course, those viewing has risen dramatically. You and your small crowd just cannot resist the place. Why you bother with the non factually based negative 'put downs' is way beyond me. It is just so dumb. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:18pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 8:47pm:
Yea but you're still here doing it. ::) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:24pm
Jovial Monk:
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D 8-) Sometimes you just crack me up |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:24pm Aussie wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:15pm:
Your whole intardnet existence is based on negative put downs, aaaaauuussssie, you're so delusional with your lies and hypocricy you fail to even recognise it. Do I have permission to post up your PMs you sent trying to get access to a private board now? I'm sure a concerned netizen will post them elsewhere for all to see if you don't agree to have them here. 8-) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:29pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:24pm:
Gawd. Is there not an existing Thread about all that, one in which I have made my position very clear? Why waste your time on just me. I am willing to have it all posted in public. How much clearer or fair can that be skippeeee? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:33pm
It is like being Admin of PA is boring or insignificant or something so Skip feels he has to come here and taunt Aussie. All that mention of the secret room—beyond childish.
Try searching for Political Animal, the board attached to this site comes in on page 50 or 100, insignificant. Must be magnificent being Admin of an insignificant corner of the www. That must be why you are always here. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:38pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:33pm:
Indeed, and if you do a search on fair bloody dinkum.......Bob's yer Unkle! |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:43pm Agnes wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:24pm:
I think you guys should all pop down to the local and have a beer and some beer nuts/twiggy sticks..skippy is buying. Just 3 mates doing what mates do talk sh!ite, |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:49pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:33pm:
I'm here addressing a thread that is about the forum I admin started by a porcelain collector that runs a copy cat bog who is also here whilst telling me I should not be. I love it when you two make idiots of yourself, it saves me the trouble. ;D I must say a big Thankyou to you for starting this thread monk without it I would not have thought to alert the posters here about you harvesting their IP addresses or stalking their private details like you did with IQ and DT. ;) nor your attempts to contact IQs place of employment, that really is creepy. What about when you posted DTs place of employment up monk? Was that justified too? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:58pm skippy. wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 9:49pm:
Best way to debunk all of that is with the fact.....DT posted photos of his place of 'employment' himself. Give it up skippeee. You really have no idea as you were not there when DT did that, and someone is feeding you dud bullets to fire. Have you considered what happens to this Thread if you made no response? It would die, skippeeeee. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 10:04pm
Skip is amusing, really, trying to puff himself up. Obviously compensating for something.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 10:18pm
LOL Aussie lying to cover monks ass again. You are both the most decietful posters this forum has ever known. Why would I want the thread to die Aaaaaauuuuusssssie? It is a community service announcement to point out what decietful .......... You two are. Too funny.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 10:27pm
If you think I was the poster who found IQ’s real name you are wrong.
IQ did libel me as a pedophile and posted a photo of me he had found (that constitutes stalking, doesn’t it Skip?) so anybody feeling tempted to join the cesspit here then they should be aware that accusations of vile actions, searching out of their personal details to post for the enjoyments of the sycophants of IQ (everybody there bar boxy) and other crap will be pulled. Good political discussion will be absent tho. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 8th, 2015 at 11:01pm
Anyone that posts at monks bog will have their IP address recorded and risk being stalked for their real life details he has form in both.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 8th, 2015 at 11:14pm
Hahahahaha it is your diseased poultice of a board where that happens. Searching for photos, photo of one of Aussie’s properties used as avatar, IQ posting real names. Yeah, sweet little diseased poultice of a board you got there ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 7:08am Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 8th, 2015 at 10:27pm:
Well well well...what do we have here? Monk is up at all hrs of the night posting utter rubbish again. Nothing new there. Now....we ALL know it was Agnes who posted IQ's real name. I STILL remember being gobsmacked at the time. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Phemanderac on Sep 9th, 2015 at 8:29am
I read the title and thought to myself, "Self", I thought, "Standards at PA would be a great thing to have...Tough to achieve though with what you have to work with..."
It would appear that the thread bares this out. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 8:50am Lisa Jones wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 7:08am:
You know, do you? Like you have already eaten broadbeans before it is warm enough to polinate the flowers and form the beans ;D Annie was Mod there at the time and was asked by IQ to delete the posts with his real name in them. The poster was anonymous. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 9:03am Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 8:50am:
Listen here you clueless nong. Last night we ate broad bean and vege stew. The kids helped me pick about a kilo of the broad beans yesterday afternoon. We've been eating broad beans for weeks here. The crop is so heavy with broad beans I'm giving the bloody things away to neighbours, friends of neighbours and my rels. I need my broad bean crop to finish coz I need the space to plant out my spinach and dwarf beans. God, you're pathetic. I can now see you know SFA about gardening. And that confirms to me that you are indeed a clueless nong. And re IQ's details.....I will wait for Agnes to pop in and comment. Until then....get off my back. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 9:04am Phemanderac wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 8:29am:
Were you ever at PA? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by mantra on Sep 9th, 2015 at 10:31am Phemanderac wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 8:29am:
PA has standards - they're just not the same as yours. Yes there is often objectionable stuff in the Vortex, but at least the banned members can have their say - which is more than is on offer anywhere else. It is moderated also - but again the moderation is different to what you would like. Is that a bad thing? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 10:59am
PA have a lot of banned members, does it mantra? Why were most of them banned since use of photos of members isn’t a bannable offence? Did you just talk nonsense or can you justify what you said?
Isn’t the truth that basically everyone there crawls to IQ so he doesn’t spew vile abuse and start searching out their personal details? Is that not “the standards” that actually apply there now? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:05am mantra wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 10:31am:
What are they mantra? Is there anything which cannot be posted there, anything at all? I've seen porn, images of children shown in a sexual context, gross obscenity of the most vile kind, expressions of outrageous and violent sexual abuse of women, racial vilification, religious bigotry, outright boasts of very serious criminal conduct, posting of private messages singly and in tranches, serious and actual personal stalking and blatant posting of people's personal details. Mantra can you list those standards you refer to? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by mantra on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:23am Aussie wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:05am:
There is some fairly serious moderation in politics and off topic. The Vortex is obviously the place where some people let off steam, but it is moderated lightly. What is the perfect forum? Yours - Monks - Ozpolitic - who knows? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:26am
So Politics is supposed to be just for politics, not that IQ or roach know what a good politics post looks like.
But we are asking about PA as a whole (or hole, that is what it has become.) Someone who uses a photo of a member to libel that member, that is OK by PA standards, obviously. So, can you tell us one real standard, mantra? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:29am mantra wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:23am:
I've seen plenty of the sort of stuff I have listed in Politics and also Off Topic posted mainly by NOIQ and Nato1234. Do you agree that what I have described is de rigueur at PA? "Letting off steam!" Is that what you call it? And you referred to standards. No list? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:33am mantra wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:23am:
The problem with the Vortex is when guest posting is turned on Aussie and monk post Half the Sh it in there and then claim it is someone else. They will deny it but as all the posters here can already see they deny everything until they get cought out then revert to trying to justify their behaviour. They are both jealous, I love it. ;D |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:36am
Aussie wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:29am:
What I agree is that PA has different standards to is good you are permantly banned seeing as you think it is so bad there. 8-) Also seeing you are so righteous you will not mind if I post up some posts you and monk have written will you? I mean you two never swore or swear in posts do you? If that is your claim you will have no problem with mE posting some of your work up,hey? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:49am skippy. wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:33am:
Really?? Then who is the clown imping your mate Super Nova under whose name all those screen shots of purported personal messages have been posted in the last 48 hours? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by mantra on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:51am Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 10:59am:
Monk - I have no energy left to defend the use of personal material on any forum. If we want our lives to be anonymous - we shouldn't throw out hints of a personal nature. You should know by now that someone will always pick up on it and use it against you. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:55am
So there are no standards at PA. As I thought.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:59am
I have started a thread in the Vortex with Aussie "work" in it. They are posts, not PMs so are totally reasonable to be put on public show so as OZ pol members can see what a hypocrite Aussie is. I encourage any PA members to also add monk posts into the thread seeing as he was the most disgusting abuser to ever post at PA. this is a community service announcement in the interest of full disclosure. 8-)
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 12:17pm
So, no standards at PA, eh Skip? And you are the Admin there, yeah? So the conclusion to be drawn is you have no standards? I won’t go to the cesspit to see what the cretins there post.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 9th, 2015 at 12:47pm skippy. wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:59am:
Make your mind up skippeeeee. At PA you said: Quote:
Which one is the lie, and as there must be a lie, why would anyone believe what you put up? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:21pm Lisa Jones wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 7:08am:
No a random guest poster posted his real name- you pp have the worst memories honestly - farty blim to that I say..I called him Mr B-----tis ( a disease) once and Lisa thought I was posting his real name LOL- and then she thought he IQ was greek because Ba---tis is a greek name.LOL again. Oh Lord let me out of here- its all too crazy... :o |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:26pm Agnes wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:21pm:
All correct Agnes. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:49pm
Aussie wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 12:47pm:
LOL typo Aaaauuusssie. I've just been trawling through your posts, I've got some doozies to post up. Can I post them here or will I just continue to post them at PA? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:54pm Aussie wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 12:47pm:
LOL into forgery mode already auuuuuusssie, ;D see I told you Ozpolyians, Aussie always resorts to the forgery defence. :D ;D ;D Ive taken some screen shots too, just for effect. ;D |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:58pm skippy. wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:54pm:
Bizarre. You posted what you posted. One is a lie. You say 'typo'......yeeaaas. So, is that you, resorting to the 'oopsy, caught out lying....typo' defence? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 9th, 2015 at 2:03pm
LOL. I've moved onto screen shots aaauuussssie. ;D
Some kiddies just never learn when to stop throwing sand. 8-) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 9th, 2015 at 2:04pm Aussie wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:58pm:
I'll let everyone that reads your screen shots be the judge of that,aaaaauuuuuussssssie. 8-) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 4:36pm skippy. wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:33am:
Hence why I no longer bother viewing anything posted in there. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 4:37pm Agnes wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 1:21pm:
;D ;D ;D You wanna know why I'm laughing so hard here Agnes? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:23pm skippy. wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:33am:
Jealous, there is that insignificance thing again, the board attached to here like a diseased poultice hanging out a hospital window is a cesspit and its Admin a joke but we are supposed to be jealous of it? ;D ;D ;D I have not visited PA let alone the Vortex once this year so I could not have posted in there. The poostorm SN was posting, his use of a photo of my face as avatar were unknown to me until I was told about them here. We will leave Skip to his cesspit. Standards at PA are like Lisa’s broadbeans—non–existent. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:30pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:23pm:
Now who's jealous? I'm seriously giving those bastard broad beans away to anyone who visits my neighbours as well as my neighbours and rels. I need the space to plant out my spinach and dwarf beans. Ok? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Neferti on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:43pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:23pm:
Lisa lives in Sydney where the climate is temperate. No frosts. In fact when I moved to Sydney (from Melbourne) in the July, I was wearing short sleeved clothes because the climate was so different to Melbourne"s Winter where you definitely needed a coat! I grew all sorts of vegetables ( and flowers) when I lived in Sydney, ALL year round. Just because you cant grow broadbeans in Winter in Adelaide does not mean you can't grow them in Sydney!!! |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:47pm Neferti wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:43pm:
I basically live in shorts and tank tops during Winter days. Nights are a different matter. Oh and my vege patch (ie mini farm lol) is north is my mum's garden. Monk just doesn't get it. I've accepted that now...and have moved on. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:54pm
bwahahahaha Lisa!
You are entertaining as long as you are not taken seriously. Very inventive tho your gardening knowledge is, well, nonexistent. :) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Neferti on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:56pm Lisa Jones wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:47pm:
Good. Yes. I only used a coat if we went out at night during Winter months. Sydney has a good climate although I found Summers too humid. I could NOT live in Queensland. Ever! |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 6:01pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:54pm:
Not the case at all. My mum's ill health initially forced me into gardening. Now I just love it. And I'm good at it. If ^^^^that's too difficult for you to grasp...then so be it. I really don't care to be honest. Besides, with the help and support of a few decent women on this site, I've come to realize that I don't have to justify myself to online strangers who needlessly bait me. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 9th, 2015 at 6:02pm Neferti wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 5:56pm:
Ditto! |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 6:08pm
No frosts in Adelaide either. No broadbeans. Not that frosts mean anything with broadbeans.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 9th, 2015 at 6:23pm Lisa Jones wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 6:01pm:
If you did not post such sheer rubbish and, I have to say, bare faced lies, on top of your sycophantic brown nosing vapid would bait you. You bring it on your self. Here's a question for you. How debilitated is your Mum and for how long has she been so? Let's have an honest and candid answer. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Neferti on Sep 9th, 2015 at 6:26pm
Adelaide is just one of those cities where nothing works. It isn't cold, it isn't hot. it isn't exciting, it isn't interesting. Nothing grows there, except
laborites . ;) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 7:33pm
In Canberra hot air is the result.
Broadbeans do not grow to 500mm in 3 weeks from planting seeds and I don’t care where you live! |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 9th, 2015 at 7:35pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 7:33pm:
You can't have twins when you are 9/10 either. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 9th, 2015 at 9:12pm
I guess standards at PA is a lightweight topic. Mantra and Skip both fled the debate.
There are no standards at PA, that is clear. Use of personal information is OK, personal attacks OK. Basically, keep IQ happy so he doesn’t attack you is the go in the cesspit. Certainly, no contrary arguments of any weight were offered and Skip and mantra soon ran away when put to the test. Cowards! |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 10th, 2015 at 6:14am
It looks like mummy is not paying attention to a certain toilet bowl collector again.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 10th, 2015 at 11:08am
BTW Skip, got a new piece of porcelain yesterday. Be sure to read all about it. :D
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 10th, 2015 at 12:07pm Neferti wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 6:26pm:
Oh look Mrs Tutenkaham is back, her delightful charming old self. I happen to know one or two very lovely Lib voters ( my mum was one and another 1-2 in here) but you I'm sorry to say are not one of them- you are the same person who lets a dog who licks his own butt to then to lick your babies little face~ oops. Even a stupid Labor voter would never do that. ;) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Neferti on Sep 15th, 2015 at 3:57pm
You aren't a STUPID labor voter, you are just smacking STUPID. Pls stop trolling me, J**** D** ;)
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 15th, 2015 at 4:19pm Are you calling me offensive names ? Smacking is the F word isnt it. You admited yourself that you let your dog lick your baby's " little face"- so who is the stupid one here? Dog's lick their own butts. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 15th, 2015 at 4:28pm Neferti wrote on Sep 15th, 2015 at 3:57pm:
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 15th, 2015 at 5:46pm
“smacking” is the F word. That post by Naffy is foul abuse.
Is J**** D** supposed to be your initials, AG? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 15th, 2015 at 5:49pm mantra wrote on Sep 9th, 2015 at 11:23am:
Yeas, indeed, so 'fairly serious' that this is just typical of the quality posts there: Quote:
*Except it was not buggerbag. The word censor changed the f..k word to that.* |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 15th, 2015 at 5:52pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 15th, 2015 at 5:46pm:
If it is ~ or was intended to be, Neferti is in for a very long holiday. I sent AG a PM with a query some time ago. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by mantra on Sep 15th, 2015 at 6:14pm Aussie wrote on Sep 15th, 2015 at 5:49pm:
IQ is disabled. The moderators occasionally have to make allowances for him as they have done for various members here over the years. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 15th, 2015 at 6:21pm
What do you mean “disabled.”
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Phemanderac on Sep 15th, 2015 at 7:25pm Agnes wrote on Sep 15th, 2015 at 4:19pm:
Well fare enough too, I mean the dog has to get the baby taste out of its mouth somehow doesn't it? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 15th, 2015 at 7:41pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 15th, 2015 at 5:46pm:
She thinks she has inside knowledge about me he he so funny- we all know naffy is the serial poster of pps real life details- she has been banned for it before in OP... |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Mod. on Sep 15th, 2015 at 8:00pm Neferti wrote on Sep 15th, 2015 at 3:57pm:
You, Neferti, are now under a permanent ban at Relationships as advised via PM. Do not post here at all. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 16th, 2015 at 2:37pm Aussie wrote on Sep 15th, 2015 at 5:49pm:
Yea unfortunately Aussie has a potty month and keeps guest posting his obscenities in the Vortex mantra. I do of course have many posts from Aussie under his nick that I am happy to post up here to back my assertions. They are not PMs therefore free to post up. Anyone that wants to see what a potty mouthed hypocrite Aussie is have a look in the Vortex I'll post some more of his work up now. 8-) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 16th, 2015 at 4:18pm Quote:
Like hell I do, and mantra has known me long enough to know that you are posting desperation to avoid having to face what you allow your grubby Membership to get away with. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 16th, 2015 at 5:59pm
Aussie is a bit of a prude, actually.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 16th, 2015 at 6:00pm Aussie wrote on Sep 16th, 2015 at 4:18pm:
I've posted some of your potty mouthed coments this arvo. When I can be bothered I'll post up more 8-) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 17th, 2015 at 10:17am
Is this the Romper Room thread????
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 17th, 2015 at 11:03am
No Lisa its actually The Never Ending Story with a Romper Room cast directed by Peter Jackson of LOTR fame. Gollum was cast out for telling lies and he is currently banged up in da Vortex- gnashing his tooth and trying to tame his 4 stands of hair - his mummy is coming by later with a diaper change and tato and trout n mash for his dinner.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 17th, 2015 at 11:11am Agnes wrote on Sep 17th, 2015 at 11:03am:
It's all too childish and silly now. There are far more impt things in life to worry about. Anyway, hope you and yours are all fine. Very tired and flu ridden here. I'll come back another time. Oh...could you do me a quick favour please? Leave some Farex in here for when the babies decide to crawl back in lol. ::) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Sep 17th, 2015 at 11:38am
Hope you feel better soon Lisa- I think I had that flue and its horrible. Take care cheers ..
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Lisa Jones on Sep 17th, 2015 at 1:00pm Agnes wrote on Sep 17th, 2015 at 11:38am:
Thank you Agnes. I'm run down and have lots on my mind. You've been there too. I know. You and the girls take care. Ok? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 6:49pm mantra wrote on Sep 15th, 2015 at 6:14pm:
Mantra, what is that supposed to mean. It makes no sense. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 7:23pm
Yeas...standards are very high in the Politics section there:
(Except of course, in its original glory, there was no 'smacking', and no 'bugger.' FD's word filter has done its job.) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Super Nova on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:52pm Aussie wrote on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 7:23pm:
We don't have the swear filter on aussie.................... try harder. Next |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:55pm
We do here ::)
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:55pm
SN...the word filter is on here. That means the obvious.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Super Nova on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:56pm
Then be clear
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:57pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:55pm:
No doubt about it. PA at its finest. They really are clevah people. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Super Nova on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:59pm Aussie wrote on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:57pm:
Smarter than the average taxi driver or failed beer fermenter. Have you invested in Uber yet? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 10:00pm Super Nova wrote on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:59pm:
Of course you are, Dear. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 10:54pm Aussie wrote on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 9:57pm:
Thick as a brick is SN. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Super Nova on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 11:00pm
Thick as a brick is SN.
Jovial Drunk ^^^^^^^^^^ |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Phemanderac on Sep 24th, 2015 at 8:57am Super Nova wrote on Sep 22nd, 2015 at 11:00pm:
Super Nova... |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Sep 30th, 2015 at 5:42pm
Testing one two three ...✌
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 30th, 2015 at 6:35pm
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Sep 30th, 2015 at 6:51pm
Wrong thread, aussie.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Sep 30th, 2015 at 6:52pm Jovial Monk wrote on Sep 30th, 2015 at 6:51pm:
Oh. Ta. My bad. Fixed. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by mantra on Dec 5th, 2015 at 7:00am
When you read through the insults on Ozpolitic now, it elevates PA to a more civilised level. Ozpolitic is degenerating and anything goes now. It used to be a safe place to come to - free of abuse, but now it's reminiscent of PA in its earlier days.
The complaints must drive the global mods crazy. The maligned Vortex in PA now mainly consists of anonymous disgruntled Ozpolitic members. The crass posts are emanating from here. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 5th, 2015 at 7:32am
Oh come on, nothing matches PA for lack of content and overabundance of personal abuse of a really foul type.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by mantra on Dec 5th, 2015 at 7:45am Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 5th, 2015 at 7:32am:
I think the abuse is worse here now Monk. The person who was mainly responsible for that has a life now and rarely posts. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Dec 5th, 2015 at 8:29am mantra wrote on Dec 5th, 2015 at 7:00am:
Exactly mantra. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 5th, 2015 at 10:45am mantra wrote on Dec 5th, 2015 at 7:45am:
You mean he is trolling another board. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Dec 5th, 2015 at 12:25pm
No that mean's, he has finally become bored with talking to himself. It had to become bored with talking to itself..and I don't use the "it" tag lightly. Should have been dealt with eons ago with a permanent ban.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 5th, 2015 at 1:34pm
He will be back, the other board will ban him sooner or later no matter how many socks he uses.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 4:36am
Have to laugh at mantra’s “he has a life now” when, according to the troll he has a wife, three kids including the youngest turning miraculously from female to male, and a job as engineer in charge of “projects worth tens of millions of dollars” which sounds like a life to me.
That whole board is just lies and trolling and has no value. They are still targeting me, Neferti accusing me of posting there anonymously as “Jovial Abbott.” That is just one lie on top of all the other lies. Because it is valueless and detracting from this forum I am asking for it to be shut down: I know FD promised to house it but that was when it was a political discussion board not troll haven specialising in revealing peoples’ personal details and posting slander. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by AiA on Dec 9th, 2015 at 6:38am Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 4:36am:
drunk so early in the morning, are you? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA - No thanks we're full... Post by Phemanderac on Dec 9th, 2015 at 6:54am AiA wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 6:38am:
Title: Re: Standards at PA - No thanks we're full... Post by AiA on Dec 9th, 2015 at 8:46am Phemanderac wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 6:54am:
Curious as to why you found the need to quote me without comment ... Monk's comments are incoherent and drunkenness is a reasonable explanation. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:01pm
None of what I said there is new.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by AiA on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:04pm Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:01pm:
True. They are the same tired lies and half-truths you have been recycling for many, many years. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:07pm AiA wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:04pm:
Are they? Didn’t IQ mention the wife and three kids heaps of times? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by AiA on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:08pm Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:07pm:
Don't know anything about his family except that they are Chinese. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:20pm
Yes, IQ said many times about his kids and his wife.
So I was not being incoherent in what I said, I was not drunk, you admit that now? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:21pm
Of course, with that tribe of kids and wife etc IQ still posted three times at PA on a Christmass Day, not exactly congruent with having a wife and three kids :)
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Dec 9th, 2015 at 2:16pm
AiA wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 12:08pm:
;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Dec 9th, 2015 at 2:18pm
As for the rest of monks rant, I'm certain the posters here are becoming aware of the reason only two people are permantly banned from pa. 8-)
Many here have said to me they wish they were permantly banned from here too. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 4:08pm
Thanks for confirming the clique still exists, skippy.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Dec 9th, 2015 at 7:29pm
I see FD took your whine in Feedback with the seriousness it warrants. 8-)
Good to see your member run board is considered so important it rates lower than cats and critters. 8-) |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 7:40pm
Oh, I don’t know, people were laughing at me saying FD wouldn’t accept my suggestion to re-order the member run boards. Seen the order of the boards lately at all?
Since I Mod the newest board bar one I am very happy how it is going. Interest is picking up all the time, just have a read some time. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Agnes on Dec 9th, 2015 at 7:46pm
your board is doing well Monk.
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 7:54pm
Yeah, really happy with it.
Cup of tea thread went back to the dawn of civilisation then to chocolate being THE beverage and its replacement by coffee and on to Ersatz coffee in WWII! |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by skippy. on Dec 9th, 2015 at 8:01pm Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 7:40pm:
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Jovial Monk on Dec 9th, 2015 at 8:07pm
Oh precious, oh diddums. Don’t pop your clogs or anything.
I am more than happy with Fermentations, it is going really well. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by AiA on Jun 9th, 2021 at 11:11am Jovial Monk wrote on Dec 9th, 2015 at 8:07pm:
So laf. Maybe Lisa will give Monk a mouthful of her broadbeans when she returns ... |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by BigP on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:50pm AiA wrote on Jun 9th, 2021 at 11:11am:
From the grave ? |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:58pm
Is she deceased?
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Bobby. on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:07pm Aussie wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:58pm:
She could be deceased. I don't know for sure. |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Aussie on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:08pm
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by BigP on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:43pm Aussie wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:08pm:
25 years back she wasn't a spring chicken lol |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by Mr Hammer on Jun 10th, 2021 at 11:18pm
Who would be hotter...Lisa or Mothballs?
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by AiA on Jun 11th, 2021 at 12:35am BigP wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:50pm:
Are there broadbeans sprouting from her gravesite? Wonderful news for Monk - he can go and tend her "patch." |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by BigP on Jun 11th, 2021 at 3:04pm AiA wrote on Jun 11th, 2021 at 12:35am:
Broad beans, give me French any day lol |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by BigP on Jun 11th, 2021 at 3:05pm Mr Hammer wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 11:18pm:
Both probably a little moldy I would think lol Mothy is probably less likely to drive an icepick through your head in the early hours lol |
Title: Re: Standards at PA Post by AiA on Jun 11th, 2021 at 8:52pm BigP wrote on Jun 11th, 2021 at 3:05pm:
I imagine them both as *stout,* *robust* women with beefy forearms |
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