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Message started by SupositoryofWisdom on Oct 1st, 2015 at 8:42pm

Title: Sleeping with the enemy
Post by SupositoryofWisdom on Oct 1st, 2015 at 8:42pm

Goodness me those far righties must be hopping mad that Turncoat had an open discussion with the unions , even settled on some in principle agreements , we will wait and see if he delivers , maybe Turncoat the lefty might go a second term righties  ;D

Title: Re: Sleeping with the enemy
Post by Karnal on Oct 1st, 2015 at 10:34pm
I love it how Turnbull pulls quiet media pranks like catching trains to places Bronny used to catch helicopters, meeting the cross benchers for dinner in Kingston before he was PM, and now this: letting the unions sit at the same table as the grown-ups.

Mr Abbott’s best prank was knighting Prince Phillip. Can we say the grown-ups are back in charge?

Title: Re: Sleeping with the enemy
Post by ordinaryguy on Oct 1st, 2015 at 10:38pm
Sounds more like he caught the train because he actually had to go somewhere. Love conspiracy theories tho.

Title: Re: Sleeping with the enemy
Post by SupositoryofWisdom on Oct 1st, 2015 at 10:38pm
The grown ups are back in charge and the age of entitlement is finally over  :D and thank heavens for that .

Title: Re: Sleeping with the enemy
Post by Bam on Oct 1st, 2015 at 10:51pm

The sudden thawing of opposition to long-term reform possibilities that has come with the Turnbull prime ministership means superannuation concessions for the well-off, entirely ruled out of consideration by the Abbott government for political reasons, are firmly back on the agenda with all parties agreeing such arrangements need to be scrapped if they are not "fit for purpose".

Also in the frame are capital gains tax concessions on property held for longer than 12 months, and negative gearing on property, both of which have been criticised for having unintended consequences, such as distorting real estate markets and driving prices beyond the reach of first home buyers.

"There was a very, very strong agreement that concessions needed to be looked at," said Business Council of Australia Chief Executive Jennifer Westacott.

I have been saying for years that these need to be looked at. It's good that we've finally got these rorts on the reform agenda.

I would wait and see if these are actually scaled back. If nothing is actually done, Turnbull's all talk and no walk.

Title: Re: Sleeping with the enemy
Post by davo on Oct 1st, 2015 at 10:52pm
We see the compete opposite in Turnbull compared to Abbott very clever and very calculating well done Malcolm.

Title: Re: Sleeping with the enemy
Post by Karnal on Oct 1st, 2015 at 11:52pm

ordinaryguy wrote on Oct 1st, 2015 at 10:38pm:
Sounds more like he caught the train because he actually had to go somewhere. Love conspiracy theories tho.

Oh, I know. Prince Phillip needed another knighthood too, Ordinary.

Still, Turncoat would have got to Bendigo on the train much quicker than Bronny’s limousine to the airport and the wait for the chopper.

If there’s one thing Mr Abbott did in government it was to make the trains run on time.

Title: Re: Sleeping with the enemy
Post by macman on Oct 2nd, 2015 at 5:39am
Wow, here we are getting excited that a PM is engaging the stakeholders before allowing his cabinet to make decisions!
WTF! This just rams home to me what a complete failure Abbott was. And he has the audacity to whinge about being shafted! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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