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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Big Bucks, Big Pharma

Message started by jmjcare on Oct 3rd, 2015 at 7:26pm

Title: Big Bucks, Big Pharma
Post by jmjcare on Oct 3rd, 2015 at 7:26pm
Big Bucks, Big Pharma: Marketing Disease and Pushing Drugs

Big Bucks, Big Pharma pulls back the curtain on the multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical industry to expose the insidious ways that illness is used, manipulated, and in some instances created, for capital gain. Focusing on the industry's marketing practices, media scholars and health professionals help viewers understand the ways in which direct-to-consumer (DTC) pharmaceutical advertising glamorizes and normalizes the use of prescription medication, and works in tandem with promotion to doctors.
Combined, these industry practices shape how both patients and doctors understand and relate to disease and treatment. Ultimately, Big Bucks, Big Pharma challenges us to ask important questions about the consequences of relying on a for-profit industry for our health and well-being.

Title: Re: Big Bucks, Big Pharma
Post by bogarde73 on Oct 5th, 2015 at 11:32am
And watch out, the TPP is about to be finalised which probably means Big Pharma has got its way.

Title: Re: Big Bucks, Big Pharma
Post by Bojack Horseman on Oct 5th, 2015 at 12:40pm
Yay a youtube video. Colour me convinced.

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