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Message started by Kiron22 on Nov 5th, 2015 at 8:05pm

Title: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Kiron22 on Nov 5th, 2015 at 8:05pm
When Crabb breaks bread with the Morrisons and Macklins of the world she helps further marginalise the people being punished by their policies, writes Amy McQuire.

ABC journalist Annabel Crabb last night began her sickeningly sweet profile of former Immigration Minister and current Treasurer Scott Morrison like this: “People describe Scott Morrison as ambitious, hard-line, even arrogant. But I’ve also heard compassionate, devout and a rabid Tina Arena fan. Clearly the man requires some further investigation.”

Well, yes, he does require further investigation, but probably not on his infatuation with outdated popstars (no offence to Tina, of course).

Crabb has been hosting her cooking show Kitchen Cabinet for five seasons now, and no one has pulled her up on the fact it’s about as nutrient rich as the majority of her desserts. She fluffs her way through interviewing some of the most powerful people in Australia by coating their numerous acts of structural violence with sugar frosting, and expecting us to become so dizzy on sugar highs that we can’t process their numerous failures.

It’s akin to spending a life gorging on sweets and then finding out later you have diabetes. This insidious spread of propaganda, soft interviews with hard-line politicians who wield enormous power over the lives of the most vulnerable, is sold as a fun, light-hearted look into the lives of the people we elect. But this taxpayer-funded sycophantic date with power will end up making us all sick. It completely dumbs down debate and again re-ingrains the perception that politicians are just like us, while the people their policies hurt, aren’t. They are the others who don’t dine with famous journalists on television.

Morrison is only the most recent example of this sycophancy, and Crabb’s episode last night with the former Immigration Minister rightly raised the temperature of many.

It began with Crabb greeting Morrison at the door of his holiday home with roses.

“This is amazing; this is the first time I’ve been greeted with flowers, sort of like the Cabinet Bachelor or something!” Annabel exclaimed as both exchanged a series of Cheshire Cat grins at each other.

Crabb seemed to think we actually cared about why Morrison began cooking as he made his ‘scomosas’ and Sri Lankan curry, because apparently he had fallen in love with ‘Indian and Sri Lankan food’ while on a trip to the country as shadow minister. Obviously, he had not fallen similarly in love with the people, enough to show any semblance of compassion to those who still remain under persecution.

Crabb smiled intently, her eyes glistening, as Morrison told her since he became Social Services Minister and later Treasurer, he has a lot more free time. This is evidently because selling internationally condemned human rights abuses that have left deep scars of trauma on so many lives used to take up a lot of his free time. Now he can spend more of it with his family, while the victims of his policies wallow in detention centres in Nauru and Manus Island, living a life far removed from his own.

“I had quite a significant trip with Julie Bishop and Michael Keenan while we were in opposition… we were over there obviously working with the then Sri Lankan government in how we would be pursuing our policies with them… it was a really important trip, and we went and had this meal at this fairly dodgy restaurant… and it sort of said to me, wherever you went in Sri Lanka the food was fantastic,” Morrison says.

That trip was undertaken in 2013. Morrison used a press conference when he returned to justify his party’s hard-line policy to ‘stop the boats’, which would later help them win an election. He was adamant Sri Lankan boats wouldn’t cross Australian borders.

“They won’t cross our borders, they’ll be intercepted outside of our sea border and we’ll be arranging for their return to Sri Lanka.”

Only a few months later, while in government, the Immigration Minister was taken to the High Court after holding 157 Tamil asylum seekers, 37 of them children, on a customs ship for more than a month while he tried to deport them back to their country. At the same time, he continued his attempts to defame Human Rights Commission head Gillian Triggs who was spearheading an inquiry into children in detention.

This came at a time when Triggs told the media up to 128 children had self-harmed at Christmas Island over a 15-month period. Crabb didn’t ask about this. Instead she let it slide, because Morrison sure can cook a mean Sri Lankan curry! He even makes his own chapatis!

“What! You’re making your own chapatis?!! What a renaissance man you are!” Crabb exclaims.

A renaissance man with a talent for locking up traumatised children.

Crabb wasn’t interested in that of course, because this show is about humanising Morrison, while the thousands of vulnerable asylum seekers who have been incarcerated for seeking refuge remain faceless and nameless, tucked behind bars thousands of kilometres so they become ‘others’, less than people.

Crabb asks Morrison about his demeanour while delivering ‘militaristic and impassive’ press conferences as Immigration Minister. She says “I’m interested because I can’t be the only person who watched you on the telly and thought, I wonder what it feels like to be that person?”

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Kiron22 on Nov 5th, 2015 at 8:06pm
“You’re a human being like anyone else,” Morrison says. “The same things impact me that impacts anyone else.”

The only problem is – he isn’t. He is a man with a great deal of power who can perpetrate acts of structural violence that irrevocably change the lives of our most vulnerable with largely no sanction or accountability.

Crabb’s questioning, her curiosity about how Morrison must be feeling as he rolls out sociopathic border patrol policies and slanders people like Triggs shows that, as a journalist, her allegiances lie with propping up power rather than speaking truth to it.

I’m just wondering if she would ever think to ask that of an asylum seeker stuck in Nauru? Would she ask “I’m interested, because I’m not the only person who wonders, what it feels like to be that person?” Has she ever thought to ask that of those who are crying out for help, who are the victims of Morrison and his cronies? Would she cook a cake for them?

I’ve never liked the format of Kitchen Cabinet, but my disgust was heightened when in 2013, Crabb interviewed then Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin, who coincidently also made a curry.

Macklin was a minister who continued the greatest human rights abuse in Indigenous affairs in modern history – the NT intervention, a policy which led to a quadrupling in self-harm and suicide rates, and a severe feeling of disempowerment. At the same time she tried to sell her government as one that wanted to ‘reset the relationship’ with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. During the Rudd and Gillard governments – the time Macklin served as minister – the gap in life expectancy widened, the employment gap widened, Aboriginal children were removed at exponential rates, and Australia continued to jail more black men, women, and children.

Of course, none of that mattered to Crabb, who was more excited about the contents of Macklin’s spice drawer. Macklin never gave interviews to Aboriginal media, who would question her on her complete failure and the devastating consequences of her government’s policies. In fact, she would often only talk to sympathetic media, like The Australian. She once walked out in a huff from an interview with one of my closest friends – Kamilaroi journalist Chris Munro, who as the National Indigenous Television’s political correspondent used one of only two interviews he was ever able to secure with her to grill her on why she wouldn’t deliver reparations to members of the Stolen Generations. He never received another interview.

Maybe he should have cooked up a dessert, but Munners, from my knowledge, isn’t a very good chef.

When Macklin left the Indigenous Affairs portfolio, The Australian’s Patricia Karvelas delivered a glowing but completely irrational portrait of her tenure, claiming she had brought along the left to completely ‘transform Indigenous affairs’. It was completely ridiculous, but was a style of reporting that is alive and well in Australia – and it’s in the same camp as Kitchen Cabinet. There is nothing new about this. They’re just different styles of propaganda.

Crabb has her own type of power. She is very well-paid as one of the ABC’s ‘top’ political analysists and is complicit in framing the very limited discourse we have around issues affecting our most vulnerable. Giving Morrison a platform to sell himself does nothing in uncovering the dark, damp underbelly of Parliament House, the places where cake quickly turns mouldy.

In interviews leading up to last night’s Kitchen Cabinet, Crabb seems to have anticipated a bit of backlash. Questioned by the Sydney Morning Herald about how some journalists may think her show comes across as soft, she said: “My view is that when you sit down with someone in a peaceful way, or when you go to someone’s house… you get something different… For my money, I think it adds something and gives a more rounded sense of who this person is.”

Crabb seems to have a fascination with ensuring we realise that politicians are people too. She wants to humanise them because she feels they have somehow been unfairly maligned. She told the Herald Sun: “In my experience, they’re far better motivated and nicer people than is widely believed.”

But Crabb fundamentally misses the point of journalism. It’s not about humanising those in power, it’s about humanising those who are let down by those in power. But perhaps it is symptomatic of a wider problem, the fact that our most famous journalists, with the greatest platforms, now have more in common with those they are supposed to challenge, rather than those who are being let down by a corrosive political system.

Crabb claims that this was never the intention of the programme, that it is supposed to be soft, but the fact is in a space that is so crowded with soft, unquestioning journalists who are a complete disservice to the public, this high profile format provides only more of the same. We trust those we think we know, and we unconsciously prejudice their opinions above those who are unfamiliar. Crabb is helping Australia wash down the lies of our nation’s politicians.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Kiron22 on Nov 5th, 2015 at 8:07pm
This is certainly the case in Indigenous affairs, where solutions that are more palatable to white journalists are privileged over the solutions put forward by Aboriginal people themselves. The black voices of those who tell white people what they want to hear are accepted by non-Indigenous journalists because it mirrors their own experiences. That’s why white politicians can get away with so many lies, and spread their neoliberal agenda insidiously through Aboriginal policy – because white journalists are blinkered and, for the most part, don’t realise they are. They are more more likely to trust those who are like them – and sadly those people are likely to be a white politician than a blackfella dealing with multiple forms of complex trauma trying to heal his or her community.

The same can be said for Crabb and her ridiculous, sickening show. You can spice it up as much as you like, but the ingredients used to cook up Kitchen Cabinet are the same used in the majority of political journalism today. And until we start to realise that this is still largely propaganda, it will keep us, and our standard of political debate, dangerously unhealthy.

- Amy McQuire A Darumbul woman from central Queensland, Amy McQuire is the former editor of the National Indigenous Times and Tracker magazine.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Culture Warrior on Nov 5th, 2015 at 9:45pm
So where were the critiques of this show when Labor was in power when 800 died at sea and thousands were in detention? No where. Lefties care nothing for asylum shoppers seekers. It's all political point scoring.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by aquascoot on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:00pm
Scott is a very successful man.

poor people should save up and take scott out for dinner and ask him "how he did it"

possibly one of the best investments they could make

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Aussie on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:08pm
Wow.....!!!!! That is a great article.  I doubt anyone can can take that apart.  It is spot on. 

But Crabb fundamentally misses the point of journalism. It’s not about humanising those in power, it’s about humanising those who are let down by those in power.

That brings it to the point.  The question.  Crabb interviews politicians in a jolly 'home environment,' and I suppose the point is that she is presenting to us the 'human side' of these powerful people.  Is she?  Or are they using her to promote how just like us they are, even though they make many decisions most of us abhor, no matter which side of the political fence you sit.  "Just like us they are," did I just say?  Nah, but is a TV programme, nothing more.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by innocentbystander. on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:19pm
Very petty, but don't worry, maybe we will have Annabelle Crabbs reeducation camp kitchen in the not too distant future if all go's well for the socialists   commies.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Jovial Monk on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:25pm

aquascoot wrote on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:00pm:
Scott is a very successful man.

poor people should save up and take scott out for dinner and ask him "how he did it"

possibly one of the best investments they could make

A failed ad man “Where the bloody hell are you?” was the worst ad campaign Tourism Oz ever ran! He is clearly racist and happy to go against his faith to express his racism. Other than that, a wunderful nutcase. No wonder Scoot thinks he is great, failure loves company or something

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Aussie on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:52pm

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:25pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:00pm:
Scott is a very successful man.

poor people should save up and take scott out for dinner and ask him "how he did it"

possibly one of the best investments they could make

A failed ad man “Where the bloody hell are you?” was the worst ad campaign Tourism Oz ever ran! He is clearly racist and happy to go against his faith to express his racism. Other than that, a wunderful nutcase. No wonder Scoot thinks he is great, failure loves company or something you likely know.....Morrison is a 'happy clapper' and, as such,  there is just no way he will have self doubt.  God told him so.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by aquascoot on Nov 6th, 2015 at 5:42am

Aussie wrote on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:52pm:

Jovial Monk wrote on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:25pm:

aquascoot wrote on Nov 5th, 2015 at 10:00pm:
Scott is a very successful man.

poor people should save up and take scott out for dinner and ask him "how he did it"

possibly one of the best investments they could make

A failed ad man “Where the bloody hell are you?” was the worst ad campaign Tourism Oz ever ran! He is clearly racist and happy to go against his faith to express his racism. Other than that, a wunderful nutcase. No wonder Scoot thinks he is great, failure loves company or something you likely know.....Morrison is a 'happy clapper' and, as such,  there is just no way he will have self doubt.  God told him so.

lack of self doubt or "self confidence" if you will is a very important , if not THE important character trait in a leader.

we are herd animals.

when you ride a horse, you MUST have self confidence. the slightest anxiety, the smallest wavering , the tiniest bit of uncertainty and the animal will have a schizophrenic attack and fail to function and the whole exercise will turn to a disaster.

a leader must always have confidence ,
how would we have gone on D Day if our officers lacked self belief, how would we have gone at Kokoda.

leaders like gillard and abbott and beazley and downer and shorten who dont have this belief, who are "wishy woshy", are poison to their party.  the electorate want to feel
"relaxed and comfortable" and such comfort only exists when the leader of the herd is full of self belief.

this is true in politics
                in business
                in the family 

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by bogarde73 on Nov 6th, 2015 at 6:19am
Isn't it funny how the same people who fawn over that outrageous propaganda piece known as Q & A can in an instant become enraged if the ABC steps out of line for one tiny, fleeting moment of off-message frivolity.

They are like greedy selfish little children . . . ."no, it's my dolly, give it back, it's mine, waaa"

Or are they more like fascists: There shall be no other message but our message. There is but one truth and it is ours!

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Armchair_Politician on Nov 6th, 2015 at 6:31am
With comments like, "perpetrate acts of structural violence...", "sociopathic border patrol policies...", and "A renaissance man with a talent for locking up traumatised children.", I find it difficult to draw any conclusion other than this woman is exceptionally spiteful and full of hatred for Morrison and anyone in this government. She's also wrong on pretty much every point she makes. For example, her accusation that Morrison locked up children couldn't be further from the truth. The TRUTH is that he freed all children in detention except for less than 100, whereas Labor locked up ore than 2000 of them. Lets not forget that it was Labor policy that lead to the deaths of hundreds of children, women and men. Seek professional help, Amy McQuire. Your hatred is not good for you.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by aquascoot on Nov 6th, 2015 at 6:42am

bogarde73 wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 6:19am:
Isn't it funny how the same people who fawn over that outrageous propaganda piece known as Q & A can in an instant become enraged if the ABC steps out of line for one tiny, fleeting moment of off-message frivolity.

They are like greedy selfish little children . . . ."no, it's my dolly, give it back, it's mine, waaa"

Or are they more like fascists: There shall be no other message but our message. There is but one truth and it is ours!

good point Bogarde.
i am yet to see some lefties on this forum ever post anything that wasnt full of hate, venom , spite and ideology.
when one looks at a Sara Hansen Yung or a Plibocek, one just sees someone who is "ruled by their emotions" and those emotions are all full of hate and venom.
Its very sad for them, they are being pickled from the inside by their own bitterness. They even develop a bitter look, there is no joy, no nurturing, no delightfulness in their lives.
they repel people
they are repulsive .

Scott always looks upbeat, cheerful and optomistic.
Contrast that to the shadow treasurer Bowen who also looks like he is about to commit suicide. he used to be a bright and happy soul, but the effect of being in that bitter environment with Plib , shorten and macklin. It has rubbed off on him big time. Poor guy needs to spend a weekend at a Tony Robbins seminar and do some chanting to get his spirits back up.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by The Heartless Felon on Nov 6th, 2015 at 7:01am
Don't like it? Don't watch it...

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by John Smith on Nov 6th, 2015 at 7:37am
I think the whole point of the show is that she shows the human side of politicians ... she's not trying to be a hard hitting journalist.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Phemanderac on Nov 6th, 2015 at 7:52am

bogarde73 wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 6:19am:
Isn't it funny how the same people who fawn over that outrageous propaganda piece known as Q & A can in an instant become enraged if the ABC steps out of line for one tiny, fleeting moment of off-message frivolity.

They are like greedy selfish little children . . . ."no, it's my dolly, give it back, it's mine, waaa"

Or are they more like fascists: There shall be no other message but our message. There is but one truth and it is ours!

It would seem, at face value at least, that those (like myself) who think Ms Crabb is a vacuous soft enabler of sociopaths are not calling for the ABC to be shut down... Merely pointing out that she is a rubbish soft journalist doing a feel good program with people who, quite rightly, we should not feel too good about (regardless of the party, it's sad I feel I need to constantly point that out)...

I can't speak for others, but I do not watch the show generally because, those few times I have turned it on, regardless of her guests, I have passed out from a sugar rush within moments of the door opening for Ms Crabb to enter.

Apart from that, excellent piece in the OP.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Kiron22 on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:50am

John Smith wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 7:37am:
I think the whole point of the show is that she shows the human side of politicians ... she's not trying to be a hard hitting journalist.

And the article points out how pathetic it is. Its a propaganda show, nothing more, nothing less.

The job of Journalists isn't to promote those in power, its to hold them to account, sadly something most Journos in this country do a very poor job of, from Fairfax to ABC to Newscorp.

It also points out the bizarre incestuous nature of the Canberra Press Gallery and our Politicians. Where they are closer to each other than they are to doing their actual smacking jobs.

We might be from different sides of politics all of us, but I think something we can all agree on is the atrocious state of Australian journalism.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by cods on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:54am
hey kiron you dont HAVE to watch it....its pretty much basic more of the same....she always brings the desert..

its meant to show a lighter side ...dont like it dont watch it...its the same with Q&A I dont like it so I dont watch it...

easy fixed.

it can hardly be propaganda when she done labor   ::) ::) ::).. only to someone with a twisted mind..

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Ex Dame Pansi on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am

I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by cods on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:57am

Kiron22 wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:50am:

John Smith wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 7:37am:
I think the whole point of the show is that she shows the human side of politicians ... she's not trying to be a hard hitting journalist.

And the article points out how pathetic it is. Its a propaganda show, nothing more, nothing less.

The job of Journalists isn't to promote those in power, its to hold them to account, sadly something most Journos in this country do a very poor job of, from Fairfax to ABC to Newscorp.

It also points out the bizarre incestuous nature of the Canberra Press Gallery and our Politicians. Where they are closer to each other than they are to doing their actual smacking jobs.

We might be from different sides of politics all of us, but I think something we can all agree on is the atrocious state of Australian journalism.

REALLY?... nope dont agree...

you can take up journalism its open to everyone you know...the press club is more interested in the GOVT members of the day  what do you want them to do give a free pass to people who only have one string to their bow????

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by cods on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:58am

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am:
I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

come on pansi you sound so bitter....he stopped the whinge about the debt.. how do you think we got into debt in the first place.. ::) ::) ::)

no pleasing some.. bring back kruddy.he got it right didnt he.. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by innocentbystander. on Nov 6th, 2015 at 9:26am

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:54am:
hey kiron you dont HAVE to watch it.

What he is trying to say is that as an avowed commie he should get to decide what people can and can't watch as only he in his own mind is capable of making such an important decision.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Ex Dame Pansi on Nov 6th, 2015 at 9:32am

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:58am:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am:
I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

come on pansi you sound so bitter....he stopped the whinge about the debt.. how do you think we got into debt in the first place.. ::) ::) ::)

no pleasing some.. bring back kruddy.he got it right didnt he.. ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Morrison and Dutton are evil men, their time will come....I firmly believe in Karma.

Rudd and Gillard got some things right and some things wrong, as do all PM's.

I'm not whingeing about the debt, just whingeing about the debt-makers wanting to take from the poor to appease the rich and wealthy.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by bogarde73 on Nov 6th, 2015 at 9:32am
Not only is he saying it, he absolutely believes it.
That's what years of left-dominated education and media does for you.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Kiron22 on Nov 6th, 2015 at 9:46am

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:54am:
hey kiron you dont HAVE to watch it....its pretty much basic more of the same....she always brings the desert..

its meant to show a lighter side ...dont like it dont watch it...its the same with Q&A I dont like it so I dont watch it...

easy fixed.

it can hardly be propaganda when she done labor   ::) ::) ::).. only to someone with a twisted mind..

Nothing you have said stops it from being propaganda. Its propaganda for the Liberals, Its propaganda for the Greens, its propaganda for Labor.
Do you honestly believe that Morrison wasn't coached on what to do and say?

"You don't have to watch it"

I don't, doesn't excuse the fact we have literally a propaganda show on television. Journalists should not be "promoting" politicians and humanizing them, they should hold politicians to account. In fact, the show itself violates so many ethics relating to Journalism its pretty astonishing.

The comparison to QandA is just absurd. QandA is a show where the public can ask politicians questions and they are debated on air. Kitchen Cabinet is a propaganda show where politicians try to "humanize" themselves to promote their poo policies.

Though this does show something about the right wingers on this forum, for all their bleating QandA should be banned as soon as we on the left agree that ABC has done something wrong, suddenly, "ABC needs to be protected from the Reds."

How much more contrarian can you get?

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by bogarde73 on Nov 6th, 2015 at 9:53am
Q&A is a show much in the style of shackling the Christians to a pole and letting the lions in.

You're just peeved you haven't got away with your outrageous rant against the ABC straying, probably unintentionally, from the party line.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Kiron22 on Nov 6th, 2015 at 10:07am

bogarde73 wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 9:53am:
Q&A is a show much in the style of shackling the Christians to a pole and letting the lions in.

Because your liberal party hacks can't debate any of their ideas to the public without coming off as backwards douchebags, doesn't mean QandA is in the wrong.

In fact, QandA specifically has pandered to Libs numerous times, Turnbull was on several times and not a single NBN question was allowed even though the majority of submitted questions were on NBN.

QandA has grilled Libs, its grilled Lab, its grilled Greens. Not their fault that Libs can't debate or argue for poo without coming off as sociopaths.

Again nothing you have said debunks the point about Kitchen Cabinet, it is a massive ethical violation of journalistic code. Journalists especially influential ones like Crabb, should not be cosying up with those in power and flaunting over them like a 60s schoolgirl would to the Beatles.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Armchair_Politician on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:19pm

John Smith wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 7:37am:
I think the whole point of the show is that she shows the human side of politicians ... she's not trying to be a hard hitting journalist.


Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Armchair_Politician on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:22pm

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am:
I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

He's freed almost all of the 2000+ children Labor locked up. He's stopped people drowning at sea between Australia and Indonesia inside three months. He's stopped RAN/Customs personnel from having to be psychologically traumatised by pulling those bodies out of the water. Yes, he should be tried for crimes against humanity. Oh, the shame!!!  ::)

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Aussie on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:29pm

Armchair_Politician wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:22pm:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am:
I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

He's freed almost all of the 2000+ children Labor locked up. He's stopped people drowning at sea between Australia and Indonesia inside three months. He's stopped RAN/Customs personnel from having to be psychologically traumatised by pulling those bodies out of the water. Yes, he should be tried for crimes against humanity. Oh, the shame!!!  ::)

Tell us how he did it.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by cods on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:35pm

Kiron22 wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 9:46am:

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:54am:
hey kiron you dont HAVE to watch it....its pretty much basic more of the same....she always brings the desert..

its meant to show a lighter side ...dont like it dont watch it...its the same with Q&A I dont like it so I dont watch it...

easy fixed.

it can hardly be propaganda when she done labor   ::) ::) ::).. only to someone with a twisted mind..

Nothing you have said stops it from being propaganda. Its propaganda for the Liberals, Its propaganda for the Greens, its propaganda for Labor.
Do you honestly believe that Morrison wasn't coached on what to do and say?

"You don't have to watch it"

I don't, doesn't excuse the fact we have literally a propaganda show on television. Journalists should not be "promoting" politicians and humanizing them, they should hold politicians to account. In fact, the show itself violates so many ethics relating to Journalism its pretty astonishing.

The comparison to QandA is just absurd. QandA is a show where the public can ask politicians questions and they are debated on air. Kitchen Cabinet is a propaganda show where politicians try to "humanize" themselves to promote their poo policies.

Though this does show something about the right wingers on this forum, for all their bleating QandA should be banned as soon as we on the left agree that ABC has done something wrong, suddenly, "ABC needs to be protected from the Reds."

How much more contrarian can you get?

you really are stoooopid arnt you WHOS IN GOVT???

guess what she did it with LABOR WHEN THEY WERE IN GOVT....GAWD... what does that say about you????????

have you ever watched THE DRUM???....Q&A is set up they know the questions before hand.. is that your idea of freedom of speech?????if the ABC dont like the question you dont get to ask it..

stooooppid is as stooopid says.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by aussie100percent on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:35pm

Aussie wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:29pm:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:22pm:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am:
I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

He's freed almost all of the 2000+ children Labor locked up. He's stopped people drowning at sea between Australia and Indonesia inside three months. He's stopped RAN/Customs personnel from having to be psychologically traumatised by pulling those bodies out of the water. Yes, he should be tried for crimes against humanity. Oh, the shame!!!  ::)

Tell us how he did it.

Why bother you wouldn't understand paki taxi man

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by cods on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:36pm

Aussie wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:29pm:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:22pm:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am:
I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

He's freed almost all of the 2000+ children Labor locked up. He's stopped people drowning at sea between Australia and Indonesia inside three months. He's stopped RAN/Customs personnel from having to be psychologically traumatised by pulling those bodies out of the water. Yes, he should be tried for crimes against humanity. Oh, the shame!!!  ::)

Tell us how he did it.

you admit they were in there..

yes only 5 in detention when krudd came to power?????

lets forget that part though >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by cods on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:38pm

aussie100percent wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:35pm:

Aussie wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:29pm:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:22pm:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am:
I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

He's freed almost all of the 2000+ children Labor locked up. He's stopped people drowning at sea between Australia and Indonesia inside three months. He's stopped RAN/Customs personnel from having to be psychologically traumatised by pulling those bodies out of the water. Yes, he should be tried for crimes against humanity. Oh, the shame!!!  ::)

Tell us how he did it.

Why bother you wouldn't understand paki taxi man

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

they pretend they had nothing to do with the 50.000 influx we got...and or any drownings.. in their minds now it was all the  Liberals fault...thats how crazy they are....

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Wolseley on Nov 6th, 2015 at 7:22pm

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:54am:
hey kiron you dont HAVE to watch it....its pretty much basic more of the same....she always brings the desert..

its meant to show a lighter side ...dont like it dont watch it...its the same with Q&A I dont like it so I dont watch it...

easy fixed.

it can hardly be propaganda when she done labor   ::) ::) ::).. only to someone with a twisted mind..

Exactly.  It's light entertainment, not an in depth political interview or an examination of policies and programs.  It can also be rather revealing about the people involved - the one about Andrew Robb comes to mind here.

And she seems to treat politicians from all sides in pretty much the same way.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Armchair_Politician on Nov 7th, 2015 at 9:04am

Aussie wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:29pm:

Armchair_Politician wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:22pm:

Ex Dame Pansi wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:56am:
I don't watch it, it's creepy.

Who in their right mind would suck up to a person with Scott Morrison's reputation for human rights abuses?

He's freed almost all of the 2000+ children Labor locked up. He's stopped people drowning at sea between Australia and Indonesia inside three months. He's stopped RAN/Customs personnel from having to be psychologically traumatised by pulling those bodies out of the water. Yes, he should be tried for crimes against humanity. Oh, the shame!!!  ::)

Tell us how he did it.

So you admit that he has freed almost all of the kids Labor locked up. Good on you!  :)

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by Armchair_Politician on Nov 7th, 2015 at 9:08am

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:54am:
hey kiron you dont HAVE to watch it....its pretty much basic more of the same....she always brings the desert..

its meant to show a lighter side ...dont like it dont watch it...its the same with Q&A I dont like it so I dont watch it...

easy fixed.

it can hardly be propaganda when she done labor   ::) ::) ::).. only to someone with a twisted mind..

It's the same with the Leftards here who whine and carry on like infants about the bias of the Daily Telegraph. No one here is forcing them to buy a subscription to it. However, they are allowed to be biased if they wish. They're funded by subscribers and advertisers who want to be seen in that publication. The same cannot be said of the ABC, which is funded by taxpayers whether they agree with the content or not. That's essentially a dumbed-down explanation of the ABC charter - they aren't allowed to be biased because they're supposed to represent all Australians and to report on news and current affairs subjectively, taking in all points of view fairly and evenly. The truth is that that doesn't happen at Aunty - not even close. Hence the calls by large sections of the community for it to have its funding reduced or to be sold in its entirety. To be honest, I don't see why, in the "information age", taxpayers have to fork out billions for a broadcasting service when news can be easily found with a few clicks of a mouse.

Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by LEUT Bigvicfella (RTD) on Nov 7th, 2015 at 9:13am

Armchair_Politician wrote on Nov 7th, 2015 at 9:08am:

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:54am:
hey kiron you dont HAVE to watch it....its pretty much basic more of the same....she always brings the desert..

its meant to show a lighter side ...dont like it dont watch it...its the same with Q&A I dont like it so I dont watch it...

easy fixed.

it can hardly be propaganda when she done labor   ::) ::) ::).. only to someone with a twisted mind..

It's the same with the Leftards here who whine and carry on like infants about the bias of the Daily Telegraph. No one here is forcing them to buy a subscription to it. However, they are allowed to be biased if they wish. They're funded by subscribers and advertisers who want to be seen in that publication. The same cannot be said of the ABC, which is funded by taxpayers whether they agree with the content or not. That's essentially a dumbed-down explanation of the ABC charter - they aren't allowed to be biased because they're supposed to represent all Australians and to report on news and current affairs subjectively, taking in all points of view fairly and evenly. The truth is that that doesn't happen at Aunty - not even close. Hence the calls by large sections of the community for it to have its funding reduced or to be sold in its entirety. To be honest, I don't see why, in the "information age", taxpayers have to fork out billions for a broadcasting service when news can be easily found with a few clicks of a mouse.

And yet, in a thread started by your good self, you ask us to watch an ABC programme.

Good lateline interview - required viewing!
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Title: Re: Annabel Crabb’s Kitchen Cabinet Is Toxic
Post by LEUT Bigvicfella (RTD) on Nov 7th, 2015 at 9:15am

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 4:35pm:

Kiron22 wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 9:46am:

cods wrote on Nov 6th, 2015 at 8:54am:
hey kiron you dont HAVE to watch it....its pretty much basic more of the same....she always brings the desert..

its meant to show a lighter side ...dont like it dont watch it...its the same with Q&A I dont like it so I dont watch it...

easy fixed.

it can hardly be propaganda when she done labor   ::) ::) ::).. only to someone with a twisted mind..

Nothing you have said stops it from being propaganda. Its propaganda for the Liberals, Its propaganda for the Greens, its propaganda for Labor.
Do you honestly believe that Morrison wasn't coached on what to do and say?

"You don't have to watch it"

I don't, doesn't excuse the fact we have literally a propaganda show on television. Journalists should not be "promoting" politicians and humanizing them, they should hold politicians to account. In fact, the show itself violates so many ethics relating to Journalism its pretty astonishing.

The comparison to QandA is just absurd. QandA is a show where the public can ask politicians questions and they are debated on air. Kitchen Cabinet is a propaganda show where politicians try to "humanize" themselves to promote their poo policies.

Though this does show something about the right wingers on this forum, for all their bleating QandA should be banned as soon as we on the left agree that ABC has done something wrong, suddenly, "ABC needs to be protected from the Reds."

How much more contrarian can you get?

you really are stoooopid arnt you WHOS IN GOVT???

guess what she did it with LABOR WHEN THEY WERE IN GOVT....GAWD... what does that say about you????????

have you ever watched THE DRUM???....Q&A is set up they know the questions before hand.. is that your idea of freedom of speech?????if the ABC dont like the question you dont get to ask it..

you really are stoooopid arnt you WHOS IN GOVT???

guess what she did it with LABOR WHEN THEY WERE IN GOVT....GAWD... what does that say about you????????

have you ever watched THE DRUM???....Q&A is set up they know the questions before hand.. is that your idea of freedom of speech?????if the ABC dont like the question you dont get to ask it

stooooppid is as stooopid says.

Why are you abusing other posters? 

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