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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Would the real refugees stand up please?

Message started by bogarde73 on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:54pm

Title: Would the real refugees stand up please?
Post by bogarde73 on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:54pm
Europe's warm glow of welcome must be cooling to a winter chill about now.

A third Paris terrorist seems to be another "refugee" who caught a boat (via "IS Passenger Services"?) to Greece.

Now how will mothra, John Smith, the Gruppenfuhrer and the rest of the bleeding hearts spin this?

Title: Re: Would the real refugees stand up please?
Post by bogarde73 on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 1:03pm
Would some judge please indict Merkel as an accomplice to murder

Title: Re: Would the real refugees stand up please?
Post by Honky on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 2:21pm

bogarde73 wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:54pm:
Europe's war glow of welcome must be cooling to a winter chill about now.

A third Paris terrorist seems to be another "refugee" who caught a boat (via "IS Passenger Services"?) to Greece.

Now how will mothra, John Smith, the Gruppenfuhrer and the rest of the bleeding hearts spin this?

There is a new term to describe them - Refujihadists.

Title: Re: Would the real refugees stand up please?
Post by Daleks_net_MUST_EXTERMINATE on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 2:31pm

bogarde73 wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:54pm:
Europe's war glow of welcome must be cooling to a winter chill about now.

A third Paris terrorist seems to be another "refugee" who caught a boat (via "IS Passenger Services"?) to Greece.

Now how will mothra, John Smith, the Gruppenfuhrer and the rest of the bleeding hearts spin this?

So what's the solution according to bogarde?

Title: Re: Would the real refugees stand up please?
Post by Daleks_net_MUST_EXTERMINATE on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 2:32pm

... wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 2:21pm:

bogarde73 wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:54pm:
Europe's war glow of welcome must be cooling to a winter chill about now.

A third Paris terrorist seems to be another "refugee" who caught a boat (via "IS Passenger Services"?) to Greece.

Now how will mothra, John Smith, the Gruppenfuhrer and the rest of the bleeding hearts spin this?

There is a new term to describe them - Refujihadists.

Now it becomes: stop the UN  :o :o :o

Title: Re: Would the real refugees stand up please?
Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 24th, 2015 at 6:26am
Exposed! Pope Francis Paid Millions by Obama Admin to Force Migration Invasion

Published on Nov 23, 2015
In an NTEB Special Report, we have recently received information that the Catholic Church received payments totalling $79,590,512.00 to facilitate the flow of undocumented and illegal immigrants into the United States in 2014. This is six million dollars more than they were paid in 2013. Now you know why Pope Francis is so eager to push Obama’s insane flood of illegal migrants, he’s getting paid millions to do it!

In the face of President Obama’s veto threat, the House passed a bill to slow Syrian refugees. But the Republican Congress also has the power to hold hearings into the millions of taxpayer dollars being funneled through Catholic and other church groups to bring them here. Many Catholics and non-Catholics alike would like to know how “religious compassion,” using federal money, is increasing the potential terrorist threat to America.

Now you know why Pope Francis pushes so very hard for “all the world” to take in these illegal Muslim migrants. He’s getting paid millions to do it. Someone once said that when something doesn’t make sense, there’s a buck in it. In this case, there were 79 million of them.

Catholic Church Gets $79 Million to Bring Illegals
November 23, 2015 by Tom 0 Comments
*Editor’s Note* – I received this in my email. I do not know the author of it.
As a non-practicing catholic former alter boy that left the church after a homosexual priest that previously had an affair with a 16 year old boy was assigned to our church  – right about the time the church was spending hundreds of millions of dollars settling pedophile suits –  but was not convicted as a felon because the statute of limitations had run out….I just wanted you to be aware that it was Catholic Charities that brought the first Somalis to Lewiston….
….and the church (s) continue to accept my tax dollars to raise the standard of living of people from a foreign country….
Catholic Church Facilitates Foreign Invasion As Paid Agitator
In an NTEB Special Report, we have recently received information that the Catholic Church received payments totalling $79,590,512.00 to facilitate the flow of undocumented and illegal immigrants into the United States in 2014. This is six million dollars more than they were paid in 2013. Now you know why Pope Francis is so eager to push Obama’s insane flood of illegal migrants, he’s getting paid millions to do it!
In the face of President Obama’s veto threat, the House passed a bill to slow Syrian refugees. But the Republican Congress also has the power to hold hearings into the millions of taxpayer dollars being funneled through Catholic and other church groups to bring them here. Many Catholics and non-Catholics alike would like to know how “religious compassion,” using federal money, is increasing the potential terrorist threat to America.

I am a conservative.  If illegal aliens want to come to this country and not go through the immigration process ….and bring their culture with them instead of adopting the American culture while insisting they have ‘rights’ such as receiving an education for their children in their native language instead of English…then I say they should stay home and fix what is wrong there. It is enough to make one become a cynic.

Catholic Church Paid $79 Mil. By Obama Admin To Force Invasion
Posted by LANYON on November 21, 2015 at 8:16am in Political "Daily News"View Discussions
Catholic Church Facilitates Foreign Invasion As Paid Agitator
In an NTEB Special Report, we have recently received information that the Catholic Church received payments totalling $79,590,512.00 to facilitate the flow of undocumented and illegal immigrants into the United States in 2014. This is six million dollars more than they were paid in 2013. Now y0u know why Pope Francis is so eager to push Obama's insane flood of illegal migrants, he's getting paid millions to do it!
In the face of President Obama’s veto threat, the House passed a bill to slow Syrian refugees. But the Republican Congress also has the power to hold hearings into the millions of taxpayer dollars being funneled through Catholic and other church groupsto bring them here. Many Catholics and non-Catholics alike would like to know how “religious compassion,” using federal money, is increasing the potential terrorist threat to America.

Title: Re: Would the real refugees stand up please?
Post by Yadda on Nov 24th, 2015 at 10:30am

bogarde73 wrote on Nov 23rd, 2015 at 12:54pm:
Europe's warm glow of welcome must be cooling to a winter chill about now.

A third Paris terrorist seems to be another "refugee" who caught a boat (via "IS Passenger Services"?) to Greece.

Now how will mothra, John Smith, the Gruppenfuhrer and the rest of the bleeding hearts spin this?


A YT that gives even more cringe making information, relevant to this catastrophic and idiotic policy, of ISLAM-O-CRAVEN and morally weak, Western political leaders.....

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Poll_ 31% of Syrian migrants support ISIS and Trudeau is importing 25,000

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