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Message started by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:25pm

Title: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:25pm

Here is the next probable 'leader' of the arrogant intolerant muzzies in Aust.

Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud

................Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud

Head of the Sydney radical sect al-Sunnah wal Jamaah, which has links to Sheik Omran's group. Also a Wahhabi, he was approached by the convicted Australian terrorist Zak Mallah, who wanted his blessing before conducting a planned suicide mission to Lebanon in 2002. In 2000, between 50 and 100 of his supporters attacked Sheik Hilaly, trying to wrench him from his car, after the mufti threw Sheik Zoud's group out of his mosque for their extreme views.........

we must ban islam from our shores

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:30pm

Supporters of one of the nation’s most hardline Islamic clerics have paid $2.65 million – about $850,000 higher than the nearest rival bid – for a mosque in Sydney’s southwest.

It is understood the mosque was bought for Sheikh Abdul Salam Mohammed Zoud and his growing congregation, who flock to a small prayer hall above a busy arcade in Sydney’s southwestern suburbs.

ASIO and other counter-terrorism agencies closely monitor the prayer hall and members of its congregation – one of whom has been charged with planning a terrorist attack with French terror suspect Willie Brigitte.

Brigitte has allegedly told French interrogators that Sheikh Zoud has terrorist links worldwide and was a recruiter for jihad in Australia.

Sheikh Zoud vehemently denies the allegations, saying he only met Brigitte once before his arrest and deportation from Sydney to France.

Sheikh Zoud married the Frenchman to former Australian soldier Melanie Brown at his prayer hall in Lakemba.

It is unclear if the prayer hall will subsequently close and its congregation move to the much larger mosque in the nearby suburb of Belmore.

Canterbury City Council has been reviewing the use of the Haldon Street hall after a series of traffic and noise complaints.

An unknown Islamic community group and businessman bought the Belmore mosque for Sheikh Zoud, who teaches the Salafia tradition of Islam – a purist form of the religion similar to Wahhabi.

It is understood Sheikh Zoud and other Salafi clerics in southwestern Sydney will meet in coming weeks to decide who should head the mosque and give Friday prayer services.

The number of Muslims following the Salafi tradition has increased in recent years, community leaders say.

The prayer hall is in the same building as the controversial Islamic Youth Movement, whose member Bilal Khazal and his brother were convicted in absentia in a Lebanese military court for raising money for a local terror group.

A group of more moderate Muslims hoping to buy the mosque for their congregation said the Burwood Road property sold for $850,000 more than they were prepared to pay.

The agent for the property said yesterday the mosque, which has been closed since last year, was sold last week ahead of Thursday night’s auction. The LJ Hooker agent refused to reveal the buyer and the price paid.

“There have been some issues with a couple of these groups and I cannot tell you who they are,” he said.

Sheikh Zoud could not be contacted for comment last night, his family saying he did not wish to speak to the media.

He heads the Sydney arm of the Ahl Al-Sunna Wal-Jamaah Association, run by the country’s most senior fundamentalist scholar Sheikh Mohammed Omran of Melbourne.

Sheikh Omran was named in Spanish court documents as having links to suspected al-Qa’ida Spanish leader Abu Dahdah, but denies any connections to terrorists.

this is how islam infiltrates other countries

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:35pm


Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:36pm

says zoud is on an ASIO list of 23 people associated with al quaeda preacher

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:38pm

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by boxy on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:41pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:25pm:
... he was approached by the convicted Australian terrorist Zak Mallah, who wanted his blessing before conducting a planned suicide mission to Lebanon in 2002.

So, did he tell him not to be a smacking idiot? Because I'm pretty sure he didn't go on a suicide mission in 2002...

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:47pm

...........National security sources told The Australian they were aware of at least 10 hardline clerics around Australia, including Sheik Bilal, who were propagating a Wahabi ideology espoused by al-Qa'ida leader Osama bin Laden.

Other Wahabi clerics include Melbourne-based Mohammed Omran and Harun Mehicivic; Sydney's Abdul Salam Mohammed Zoud, Hatim Eissa, Khaled Eissa and Feiz Mohammed; and Canberra's Mohammed Swaiti.......

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:58pm

speaks of fiery fridy sermons by zoud, who is omrans leutinent

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 9:09pm

speaks of the haldon street 'prayer room', where zoud was a key figure and many aust based terrorists came from

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 9:12pm

.............Lakemba cleric Sheik Abdel Salam Zoud, who had been said by French authorities to be an important contact for Willie Brigitte, is recommended to be on the watch list..............

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 9:20pm

Sydney based Islamic leaders have warned of splits within the fundamentalist Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammaah association which has branches in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. This Wahhabist groups'current spiritual leaders apparently want to 'tone down' its rhetoric and present a 'better' image to the public. A spokesman for Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammaah, Abu Yusuf, denied any split had taken place. He admitted some members disagreed with the views of one of its leaders, Sheikh Omran, that Osama Bin Laden is a 'good man'.

Another Sydney-based Muslim leader Fadi Rahman said that splinter groups had broken away  to follow a more fundamentalist line of Islam and were now meeting in private houses.

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Yadda on Dec 19th, 2015 at 9:37pm


Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud

Yep, it is true.

And, they are all moslems, sprint.

Every last one of them.

How can i tell ?

It's coz, they all swear allegiance to Allah,      .....and, they all worship Mohammed.


Street protest in Sydney, 2012, Mohammedans.

Shahada, confession of faith, of a muslim

"There is no god except for Allah alone; and Muhammad is the Apostle of Allah."

Muslim = = a follower of Islam.




Every moslem in Australia [and indeed, every moslem on the planet], by self declaring as a moslem, is self declaring a criminal intent [by our laws] against local non-moslems.

ISLAM is a criminal compact among moslems, to wage a violent 'religious' war against non-moslems ['disbelievers'].

.....Basically, fundamentally, all ISLAMIC doctrine translates as enmity, and encourages [criminal] violence, towards ALL non-moslems.


Yadda said....


"every moslem in Australia is a latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac"

- Yadda

What about the innocent moslems ?

IMO, [logically] there are no innocent moslems [among persons who have come to the age of consent], and yet still declare themselves to be moslems.

How so [logically] ?

How credible is it that a person who is devout enough to insist that he is a moslem, is unaware of what ISLAM promotes, and is unaware of what the principle tenets of ISLAM are ?

How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'], a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'], a philosophy which claims that murdering, in the cause of religious bigotry, is a religious virtue ?

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 9:44pm

Neither radical Muslim cleric Abdur Raheem Green nor Sheikh Abdul Salam Zoud should be allowed to enter this country to preach their messages of hate

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 9:52pm

Convicted Australian terrorist Zekky “Zak” Mallah sought the blessing of senior Islamic cleric Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud to become Australia’s first suicide bomber, a phonecall intercepted by ASIO revealed.

The recorded conversation detailed Mallah, who will be freed in September, seeking the Sheik’s permission to travel to Lebanon to launch a suicide Jihad against non-Muslim targets.

The revelation comes amid renewed scrutiny of groups within Sydney’s Islamic community believed to have recently travelled to Pakistan to meet with the radical clerics thought to have inspired London’s underground bombers. .........

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 10:07pm

A call to hate and to prayer

The Australian

Support for holy war is being urged by Muslim preachers spreading their message in Australia, reports Richard Kerbaj, who visited mosques and heard voices shrieking with angst and passion


A VOICE explodes through the speakers at Lakemba's nondescript Haldon Street prayer hall in Sydney's southwest during a Friday qutbah (sermon). About 400 men - Saudis, Indonesians, Somalis and Lebanese among them - are huddled shoulder to shoulder, seated or kneeling on the floor of the hall, above a gym. A few stare blankly ahead, others have their eyes shut and faces cupped with their palms, almost in a trance-like, meditative state.

It's October 21, the middle of Ramadan, the Muslim holy month, and Sheik Abdul Salam Mohammed Zoud, who has been living in Australia since the mid-1990s, stands on a platform at the front of the room reading his sermon in Arabic.

"Ramadan is not a month for indolence," he screams through a lapel microphone, drawing on Koranic parables about the importance of annihilating al-adou (the enemy) and stressing the Koranic obligation of jihad (spiritual struggle or holy war) during the month of fasting. His voice can be heard clearly in the car park outside.

"Ramadan is a month for jihad upon oneself and jihad upon the enemy," he says, a time when followers must become more disciplined in adhering to the message of the Koran, and more willing and prepared to topple the enemy of Islam: the West.

Listeners nod approvingly as Zoud praises mujaheddin - guerilla warriors engaged in holy war - who are waging bloody battles against Western troops across the world, and implores Allah to grant them victory in their fight against the enemies of Islam.

"Allah yinsur el-mujaheddin fe-Iraq (God grant victory to the mujaheddin in Iraq)," he screams, his voice crackling as he defies his own vocal range. He then repeats the message three times, each time screaming it louder and with more intensely.

Twice at the end of the 35-minute oration in front of the men, who are mostly in their 30s and 40s, the sheik exclaims in a voice filled with angst and passion, blame and hate: "Inshallah (God willing) dark days will descend upon America soon."

Two Fridays earlier, at a prayer centre at Michael Street in Brunswick, Melbourne's Muslim heartland, the man regarded as Australia's most radical imam, Sheik Mohammed Omran, stands before his mixed band of followers.

Earlier, the men had left their shoes in the corridor and walked into the room. On entering the mussalah, they're greeted by whoever they make eye contact with.

"Assalam alaikum" (peace be with you) is acknowledged by the person being greeted with "Wa-alaikum assalam" (peace be with you too). An A4-sized piece of paper on the wall reminds attendees to switch off their mobile phones.

Some kneel and pray, others grab a copy of the Koran off the bookshelf at the back of the room, and read it quietly.

Off-duty taxi drivers, suited businessmen on their lunch breaks and youngsters wearing baseball caps and tracksuits sit among the traditionally clad listeners wearing dishdashas (gowns) and sporting beards. Several Western converts, with fair hair and blue eyes stare at Omran, listening intently. While the 150 or so men watch the sheik, who stands on an elevated podium, hands gripping a railing, delivering a qutbah, women sit in a room adjacent, listening through a speaker.

In the week following the second Bali attacks, Omran's Friday sermon, conducted in Arabic and English, talks about the fear Westerners have of Ramadan, as history has shown an increase in militant insurgencies and attacks across the world during that month. "The West know the meaning of Ramadan more than we do it seems," says the imam, who migrated from Jordan in the 1980s. "They fear the worst: unity. So what are we doing to unite and defeat evil?"

He says Islamic unity and victory in the face of the West cannot be "stopped by George Bush or Tony Blair or John Howard".

"If you don't unite, your faces will be smeared in dirt," he adds.

Both Zoud's and Omran's prayer groups teach Wahhabism, a fundamentalist branch of Islam founded in Saudi Arabia in the 1700s that inspired the former Taliban regime in Afghanistan and is preached by the world's most notorious terrorist: Osama bin Laden, leader of al-Qa'ida.

Yet the voices of such home-based extremists by no means define the majority of Islamic messages being preached by Muslim clerics across the country.

Sheik Fehmi Naji al-Imam, one of Australia's most prominent Muslim leaders and the head of the Preston Mosque, Victoria's largest mosque in Melbourne's inner-north, isn't discussing politics during a Friday sermon last month. Instead, he is leading a group of more than 50 men through an Arabic prayer from the Koran. On completion, he sits at the front of the room and faces his followers.

A junior cleric then sits beside Naji al-Imam and discusses the importance of praying to God and of not feeling a sense of helplessness or hopelessness should one suspect their personal prayer is not being answered.

The cleric says people are often disappointed when their prayers for more financial wealth don't come to fruition.


Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 10:10pm

................The cleric says people are often disappointed when their prayers for more financial wealth don't come to fruition.

"You might pray for thousands of dollars and feel like your prayers aren't being answered," he says in Arabic. "But what you've got to remember is he might have saved you from a car accident and [thus] saved you $10,000."

Zoud has formerly been accused of having links to terror suspects and recruiting for jihad. And although he has denied such accusations, he cannot deny the fact his prayer centre, located in Sydney's Muslim heartland, has attracted terror suspects, including Frenchman Willie Brigitte, arrested and deported to Paris in 2003 for allegedly plotting a bomb attack on Sydney's naval base; and former Qantas baggage handler Bilal Khazal, who is facing terrorism-related charges in Australia.

Friday sermons at the Haldon Street and Michael Street prayer centres are predominantly geared towards political issues affecting Muslims across the world. The US and President George W. Bush figure prominently in Zoud's and Omran's sermons.

"Last night, President Bush said that the so-called fanatic Muslims would like to build an empire reaching from Indonesia to Spain," Omran said during his October 7 sermon. "And he has not said anything as truer or more accurate. What is wrong with doing that? ... What are we doing to achieve that objective?"

Omran's call to action goes even further during a Friday sermon at Michael Street conducted the following week by Harun Abu Talha, news editor of Mecca News, published by the Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jamaah organisation led by Omran.

During the predominantly English qutbah, the cleric says: "We should not compromise our deen [religion] for the sake of peace." It is a message greeted by collective nods from a group of more than 100 men, many of whom were present at Omran's sermon the previous Friday.

Abu Talha discusses the injustices and human rights violations taking place at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp where "so-called terrorists" are detained.

"They lock up these so-called [Muslim] terrorists in subhuman conditions," he says. "You wouldn't even keep an animal like that." He urges listeners to "raise your voices" against those who "criticise your deen [religion]".

"They criticise and ridicule our religion and have been doing so for a very long time."

While Naji al-Imam's service is purely religious, Abu Talha, who is believed to be Bosnian, discusses "our brothers and sisters" who are dying at the hands of Western troops in Afghanistan and begins to discuss the importance of jihad before quipping: "We cannot say too much about mujaheddin in this country." The joke elicits sniggers and laughter from the group.

Outside Sydney's largest mosque, the Lakemba Mosque in Wangee Road, which is known for its moderate preachings, a man in his late 20s is walking to his car following the Friday prayer. He opens his car boot and grabs a handful of promotional leaflets about Ramadan. Asked about his thoughts on extremist Muslims ruining the image of Islam, he says: "You got all kinds of Muslim here [in Sydney]. But it's always the few extreme ones who ruin it for the majority, brother."

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 19th, 2015 at 10:23pm


MUSLIM clerics in Sydney and Melbourne - led by radicals Sheik Mohammed Omran and Sheik Abdul Salam Mohammed Zoud - are still preaching hatred against the West, urging followers in Arabic to resist peace and support insurgents waging war against Australian soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan.

In open defiance of John Howard's proposed new terror laws and the Prime Minister's demand that Muslim leaders desist from inflammatory rhetoric, Lakemba cleric Sheik Zoud has used his Friday prayer meetings over the past month to praise Muslim fighters.

"Allah yinsur el-mujaheddin fe-Iraq (God grant victory to the mujaheddin in Iraq)," he repeatedly screamed during a 35-minute Arabic sermon at Lakemba's Haldon Street prayer hall in Sydney's southwest last week.

In further contempt of Mr Howard, Sheik Zoud's high-profile counterpart in Melbourne, Sheik Omran, also declared last month: "No victory (for Islam's brothers and sisters) can be stopped by George Bush or Tony Blair or John Howard." ..........

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Yadda on Dec 19th, 2015 at 11:23pm
post #14


A call to hate and to prayer

The Australian

Support for holy war is being urged by Muslim preachers spreading their message in Australia, reports Richard Kerbaj, who visited mosques and heard voices shrieking with angst and passion

"Ramadan is not a month for indolence," he screams through a lapel microphone, drawing on Koranic parables about the importance of annihilating al-adou (the enemy) and stressing the Koranic obligation of jihad (spiritual struggle or holy war) during the month of fasting. His voice can be heard clearly in the car park outside.

"Ramadan is a month for jihad upon oneself and jihad upon the enemy," he says, a time when followers must become more disciplined in adhering to the message of the Koran, and more willing and prepared to topple the enemy of Islam: the West.

Listeners [in the prayer hall] nod approvingly.....

And is this information [above] about what moslems, living among us, here within Australia, are promoting [and agreeing with], really a surprise ? anyone except Malcolm Turnbull ????       !!!!!

---------- >


The truth is, that here in Australia,        .....many moslem children are going to grow up, into devout adult 'Aussie' moslems.

And they will become, adult 'Aussie' moslems, who BELIEVE, that slitting the throat of a filthy infidel is "as meaningless as two goats butting heads" [Google that phrase].....

--------- >


" "You're never too young to be a soldier of Kalifah."

...and [these moslem children] promise to die fighting to end Democracy in Australia"

Watch a group of moslem children, being coached by moslem adults, to hate Australia, and Australians,
......HERE, WITHIN AUSTRALIA.       !!!!

And of course this cultural coaching of moslem children is all happening behind closed doors, and out of the public eye.

------------- >

Muslims brainwash children in Australia  -------- >   goto 43 sec

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by gandalf on Dec 20th, 2015 at 8:25am
wow I've stumbled upon a sprint-Yadda circle jerk.

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 20th, 2015 at 9:19am

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 20th, 2015 at 8:25am:
wow I've stumbled upon a sprint-Yadda circle jerk.

what do you think of Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud ?

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Yadda on Dec 20th, 2015 at 9:31am

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 20th, 2015 at 9:19am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 20th, 2015 at 8:25am:
wow I've stumbled upon a sprint-Yadda circle jerk.

what do you think of Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud ?

Why sprint!

Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud is a Mohammedan,          .....therefore, Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud is a wonderful human being !

He is certainly better, than any stinking, filthy kufr!!!!!
/sarc off

---------- >

"What makes Allah happy?

Allah is happy, when kafir get killed."
- Moslem community leader - UK

---------- >

Please watch this YT...
Muslims being deceptive Islam EX-Muslims         goto 4m 30s


Spokesmen for ISLAM will tell anyone who will listen;


Please watch this YT...
A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing;



"...when we say innocent people, we mean moslems."

"....[not accepting ISLAM] is a crime against God."
"...If you are a non-moslem, then you are guilty of not believing in God."
" a moslem....i must have hatred towards everything which is non-ISLAM."
"...[moslems] allegiance is always with the moslems, so i will never condemn a moslem for what he does."
"...Britain has always been Dar al Harb [the Land of War]"
", i could never condemn a moslem brother, i would never condemn a moslem brother. I will always stand with my moslem brother....whether he is an oppresser or the oppressed."

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by gandalf on Dec 20th, 2015 at 6:03pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 20th, 2015 at 9:19am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 20th, 2015 at 8:25am:
wow I've stumbled upon a sprint-Yadda circle jerk.

what do you think of Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud ?

Your OP said all that was needed to be said about him...

a Wahhabi

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by freediver on Dec 20th, 2015 at 6:30pm
Thanks for joining in Gandalf. We seem to be missing Karnal.

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 19th, 2015 at 9:20pm:

Sydney based Islamic leaders have warned of splits within the fundamentalist Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammaah association which has branches in Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. This Wahhabist groups'current spiritual leaders apparently want to 'tone down' its rhetoric and present a 'better' image to the public. A spokesman for Ahlus Sunnah Wal Jammaah, Abu Yusuf, denied any split had taken place. He admitted some members disagreed with the views of one of its leaders, Sheikh Omran, that Osama Bin Laden is a 'good man'.

Another Sydney-based Muslim leader Fadi Rahman said that splinter groups had broken away  to follow a more fundamentalist line of Islam and were now meeting in private houses.

Sounds like they have been taking advice from Abu. He often promoted the idea of presenting a better image of Islam to the public. I think he used the term propaganda. I see a split emerging between Muslims who want to focus on Islam's image among non-Muslims and those who want to create the impression there is some kind of reform going on.

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by wally1 on Dec 20th, 2015 at 7:05pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:25pm:
Here is the next probable 'leader' of the arrogant intolerant muzzies in Aust.

Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud

................Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud

Head of the Sydney radical sect al-Sunnah wal Jamaah, which has links to Sheik Omran's group. Also a Wahhabi, he was approached by the convicted Australian terrorist Zak Mallah, who wanted his blessing before conducting a planned suicide mission to Lebanon in 2002. In 2000, between 50 and 100 of his supporters attacked Sheik Hilaly, trying to wrench him from his car, after the mufti threw Sheik Zoud's group out of his mosque for their extreme views.........

we must ban islam from our shores

your quoting a article from 10 years ago? lmao.

Has zoud every been charged with a crime?No

Willie brigitte only went to zoud because zoud is a marriage celebrant and willie came to him to arrange the marriage.

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 20th, 2015 at 8:03pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 19th, 2015 at 8:25pm:
Here is the next probable 'leader' of the arrogant intolerant muzzies in Aust.

Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud

................Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud

Head of the Sydney radical sect al-Sunnah wal Jamaah, which has links to Sheik Omran's group. Also a Wahhabi, he was approached by the convicted Australian terrorist Zak Mallah, who wanted his blessing before conducting a planned suicide mission to Lebanon in 2002. In 2000, between 50 and 100 of his supporters attacked Sheik Hilaly, trying to wrench him from his car, after the mufti threw Sheik Zoud's group out of his mosque for their extreme views.........

we must ban islam from our shores

gandalf- so do you agree with these comments about him ?

Title: Re: muslims next islamic leader
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 21st, 2015 at 12:00am

for everyones info here Sheik Abdul Salam Zoud is being touted as bein the next mufti in auss

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