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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> “The Words that are changing the World,”

Message started by Sprintcyclist on Dec 29th, 2015 at 8:04pm

Title: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 29th, 2015 at 8:04pm
This is THE must have book

SOME of Vladimir Putin’s saltiest one-liners have been turned into a book by his supporters who have sent a batch to the Kremlin touting it as the ideal holiday gift for patriotic Russian officials.

The tome, entitled “The Words that are changing the World,” is the latest expression of admiration from fans who cast the president as the saviour of modern Russia and will join an array of Putin-themed merchandise from perfume to vodka.

“We had begun to notice that everything which Putin says comes to pass to one degree or another,” Anton Volodin, author of the 400-page book, which was published by a pro-Kremlin group called Network, said in a statement.........

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by Sprintcyclist on Dec 29th, 2015 at 8:14pm

.....................“Hitler wanted to destroy Russia – everyone needs to remember how that ended” at the annual Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly on December 2014 as quoted by the Money Morning.

“If you want to become an Islamic fundamentalist and be circumsized, come to Moscow. We are multiconfessional. We have very good specialists. I can recommend one for the operation. He’ll make sure nothing grows back,” he said regarding Russia’s alleged tortures in Chechnya in November 2002.

“Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain.”........

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 29th, 2015 at 8:15pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 29th, 2015 at 8:04pm:
This is THE must have book

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by aquascoot on Dec 30th, 2015 at 7:44am
Vladamir is simply the right "style' of leader for the modern age.

Some people think society wants touchy feeley and deep thinking intellectuals.

these people are called "group think leftards'

The average reader of Oz pol probably is in the top 5 % of smartest people in society.

Your average chode has to have the message dumbed down to such an enormous extent

OBAMA.....Hope, economy, "yes we can"

he has to speak to the electorate in one and two word bites like he is talking to a 3 yo.

because thats the mentality out there.

And that mentality wants a STRONG LEADER.

i would urge all western politicians to study success.

they could study Vlad and learn from him.

one should also study failure.

one could study any western leader and learn what not to do, how not to think, what traps not to fall into.

And leftard intellectual group think is the biggest trap of all. ;) ;)

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by issuevoter on Dec 30th, 2015 at 7:57am
Putin gave anti-aircraft Buk rockets to the hillbillies in the eastern Ukraine who shot down MH17 killing 298 people including 27 Australians. Apparently, Putin did not have any words of wisdom on how to identify aircraft.

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by athos on Dec 30th, 2015 at 8:41am
Putin is only leader, who counters violent and primitive package of US led Anglo rationalism and Zionist's pragmatism.
By bringing world to the normality Putin is the last hope for civilized people on this planet and a proof that God exists.

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by athos on Dec 30th, 2015 at 8:44am

issuevoter wrote on Dec 30th, 2015 at 7:57am:
Putin gave anti-aircraft Buk rockets to the hillbillies in the eastern Ukraine who shot down MH17 killing 298 people including 27 Australians. Apparently, Putin did not have any words of wisdom on how to identify aircraft.

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by Yadda on Dec 30th, 2015 at 10:37am

aquascoot wrote on Dec 30th, 2015 at 7:44am:

OBAMA..... should also study failure.

one could study any western leader and learn what not to do, how not to think, what traps not to fall into.

OBAMA [Turnbull, Abbott, Cameron, Merkel, et al ? ].....

---------- >

Obama, speaking at a US military base [see YT below].....

"Climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk, to our national security."
[....but ISLAM poses little or no threat to the USA!      ISLAM, " a peaceful and tolerant religion."]

- The President of the United States, Barak Obama

"Is he [Obama] insane?!    Climate change, is their number one security threat!?     He's on drugs!!!
.....Look at how he deals with ISIS and their moslem fighters.

He [Obama] thinks that if he is nice to moslems.....then ISIS will stop trying to kill them [the US], and give them a big hug."

- Egyptian TV host, and Egyptian political commentators.

Muslim world reacts to Obama's latest speech - IPhoneConservative

Yadda gives this YouTube 4/5 stars.

Well worth watching.

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by Marla on Dec 30th, 2015 at 11:33am

aquascoot wrote on Dec 30th, 2015 at 7:44am:
Vladamir is simply the right "style' of leader for the modern age.

Some people think society wants touchy feeley and deep thinking intellectuals.

these people are called "group think leftards'

The average reader of Oz pol probably is in the top 5 % of smartest people in society.

Your average chode has to have the message dumbed down to such an enormous extent

OBAMA.....Hope, economy, "yes we can"

he has to speak to the electorate in one and two word bites like he is talking to a 3 yo.

because thats the mentality out there.

And that mentality wants a STRONG LEADER.

i would urge all western politicians to study success.

they could study Vlad and learn from him.

one should also study failure.

one could study any western leader and learn what not to do, how not to think, what traps not to fall into.

And leftard intellectual group think is the biggest trap of all. ;) ;)

Shut up, you capitalist.

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by Setanta on Dec 30th, 2015 at 1:24pm

aquascoot wrote on Dec 30th, 2015 at 7:44am:
Vladamir is simply the right "style' of leader for the modern age.

Some people think society wants touchy feeley and deep thinking intellectuals.

these people are called "group think leftards'

The average reader of Oz pol probably is in the top 5 % of smartest people in society.

Your average chode has to have the message dumbed down to such an enormous extent

OBAMA.....Hope, economy, "yes we can"

he has to speak to the electorate in one and two word bites like he is talking to a 3 yo.

because thats the mentality out there.

And that mentality wants a STRONG LEADER.

i would urge all western politicians to study success.

they could study Vlad and learn from him.

one should also study failure.

one could study any western leader and learn what not to do, how not to think, what traps not to fall into.

And leftard intellectual group think is the biggest trap of all. ;) ;)

Is that why you're a Putin fan, Aqua?

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by The Grappler on Dec 30th, 2015 at 1:53pm
Henry Kissinger once said that Stalin was Russia's greatest Tsar ... and acted out every bit of the role.... Vlad is in the same mold..... perhaps not as good at it.... yet....

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by The Grappler on Dec 30th, 2015 at 1:55pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Dec 29th, 2015 at 8:04pm:
This is THE must have book

SOME of Vladimir Putin’s saltiest one-liners have been turned into a book by his supporters who have sent a batch to the Kremlin touting it as the ideal holiday gift for patriotic Russian officials.

The tome, entitled “The Words that are changing the World,” is the latest expression of admiration from fans who cast the president as the saviour of modern Russia and will join an array of Putin-themed merchandise from perfume to vodka.

“We had begun to notice that everything which Putin says comes to pass to one degree or another,” Anton Volodin, author of the 400-page book, which was published by a pro-Kremlin group called Network, said in a statement.........

I have a copy of a book titled - "Read My Lips" - based on the famous Paul Keating quote...... a series of boners by politicians avec cartoons a la Charlie.....

Vlad's quotes should be as much fun.......

Title: Re: “The Words that are changing the World,”
Post by athos on Dec 31st, 2015 at 9:16am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Dec 30th, 2015 at 1:53pm:
Henry Kissinger once said that Stalin was Russia's greatest Tsar ... and acted out every bit of the role.... Vlad is in the same mold..... perhaps not as good at it.... yet....

What about your democratically elected foreign head of state, does she also have over 80% people's approval in Australia?.

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