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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Message started by Lord Herbert on Dec 30th, 2015 at 8:01pm |
Title: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 30th, 2015 at 8:01pm
.. for telling the truth in a Britain that has long since become totally cowered by having to guard against offending its ethnic minorities.
Vale Britannia ... it didn't Sink beneath the Waves - it sank beneath the importation of millions of foreigners. link |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Yadda on Dec 30th, 2015 at 10:06pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 30th, 2015 at 8:01pm:
Herbert, The 'problem', is not, was never, 'foreigners' per se, ...imo. I have no doubt that some foreigners, who came to nations like the UK had a benign or even a beneficial influence upon the UK. The cause of the destructive 'malady' which we see today [and which people like yourself incessantly complain about], the moral sickness, and the moral corruption implanted in our own heart, by our own poor, poor [CORRUPT] choices. Western societies became degenerate, corrupt, and morally sick places, ....THROUGH THE [immoral] CHOICES OF THEIR OWN NATIVE PEOPLE [imo]!! Herbert, It was not 'foreigners', ....who corrupted us. We corrupted ourselves! It has been our own choices, that have allowed the cancer [of a threat like ISLAM] to flourish in our midst. So stop whining. Suck it up. Yadda said.... Quote:
. and; Yadda said.... Quote:
and; Go to hell. You chose that path, yourself. So stop wringing your hands, and incessantly whining; "I'm a victim! I'm a victim!". |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Yadda on Dec 30th, 2015 at 10:15pm Yadda wrote on Dec 30th, 2015 at 10:06pm:
Psalms 9:17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Stop your incessantly whining, and whining. WE all chose the causes, .....of the consequences which we now have. . Yadda said.... Quote:
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Sir Bobby on Dec 30th, 2015 at 10:43pm
Enoch Powell April 20, 1968 address to the General Meeting of the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre (commonly called "Rivers of Blood") was a speech criticising Commonwealth immigration, and anti-discrimination legislation that had been proposed in the United Kingdom. Powell (1912–1998) was the Conservative Member of Parliament for Wolverhampton South West. Quote:
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 31st, 2015 at 4:16am
Yes indeed, Bobby.
He wasn't speaking about immigrant Greeks, or Italians, or Christian Yugoslavs - he was speaking about people who for reasons of race and religion would forever be minority clans within the body of British society. He was talking about a future in which the British would have to practice extremes of political correctness, self-censorship, and moral inertia because to not do so might attract accusations of 'racism' ... hence majority-Negro riots in London were reported in generic terms that wouldn't offend Britain's black community, and child prostitution gangs involving Muslim Pakistanis were simply ignored by dozens of indigenous Britishers as best ignored lest they be accused of racism. The British political class has moved so far Left on domestic policy that it has successfully shoved its head up its own arse. They've simply given their country away to indissoluble immigrant foreigners who will always stick out in society like the proverbial 'dogs' balls' just as the blacks do in America. From once having been one of aquascoot's Alpha-male countries with a set of balls on it, it has since descended to being a neutered Delta-male that is a prostitute to everyone's wishes except that of its own indigenous people's. My contempt for successive governments of cowardly and treacherous British politicians knows no bounds, and I'd gladly dance in the streets if a terrorist plane should crash into the British Houses of Parliament while a full sitting was in progress. ** Oh, but Hell no! - you can't say THAT! link |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by aquascoot on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:13am Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 4:16am:
herb, i think your exagerating a touch. ;) Yadda is right to some extent about the problem being the ongoing destruction of christian values. Christianity , as seen by nietchze, was a movement for the "weak" and involved a "slave morality" and a meekness which he despised. In a way he was right, because, as i always say, nature will favour the alpha and christian europe (and judeo-christian australia) are beta . A beta thinks he is being loving by giving to others. And in a way he is. But (i learnt this from horses) ;), what the beta sees as "giving", the alpha he gives to sees as his right to take. The alpha does not reward generosity. He sees it as supplicating and despises the weakness. You give a horse treats constantly and he will soon be biting your hand and trying to kick you in the head for being a supplicating weakling. In alpha societies like say russia under putin or even libya under gadaffi, the alpha leaders are NOT despised as supplicating littles chodes and society can function much better. So the destruction of christianity (and it would seem almost destroyed in europe) was inevitable, once you had beta leaders trying this unsuccessful psychology on those who came and did not join in the paradym but simply exploited it as weak. Its the paradox of the western world. The eastern traditions are basicly nothing but paradox. Hence they have a much better understanding of this paradym. You would not see china, south korea, singapore or japan attempting this sort of giant social experiment because their wisdom and understanding would lead them to know this was just a recipe for disaster. |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:43am aquascoot wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:13am:
Actually, it might surprise you - but I'm not. A newer type of politician is long overdue to sit in a position of power in our Houses of Parliament. Uniquely, and very much to its credit, Czechoslovakia has remained loyal and faithful to its own people. aquascoot wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:13am:
Not true. It's these very same naive 'Christian values' which advocate for 'tolerance', multiculturalism, and 'turning the other cheek' that has been the gateway through which these Muslim hordes have been allowed to invade Europe. The Archbishop of Canterbury was at the forefront of advocating that Britain's Muslims be allowed their own Sharia courts - with the result that there are now over 80 Sharia courts throughout Britain that sees hundreds of Muslims each year bypassing the British courts. The Christian churches have been very vocal in supporting the colonisation of Britain by Muslims. aquascoot wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:13am:
Excellent insights there, equestrianstud. A lot of horse sense that I totally agree with. We are being undermined and destroyed through the instrumentality of our own Christian decency - and the cowardice of our politicians, and the passive-recipient latent homosexuality of our church leaders. And so it is coming to pass. Merkel's sudden collapse into submissive defeat in the face of the Muslim invasion of Europe has pretty much signalled the beginning of the end of Western civilisation as we have known it. The scores of Sharia courts with their own laws in Britain is ample proof that the invaders are successfully colonising Western countries to the detriment of the locals. Hopefully, before too long a new kind of politician will emerge from the ruck to reclaim their Western homelands for their own indigenous peoples ... and Peoples' Courts will then be tasked with bringing to book those traitors who have conspired to trash-and-vandalise their own homelands through racially and religiously inappropriate mass-immigration. Tony Blair in the dock shortly before his execution ... |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Sir Bobby on Dec 31st, 2015 at 8:17am Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 4:16am:
Dear Herby, I don't want terrorists to do anything bad. However the future was predicted accurately by Enoch Powell - limp wristed, bed wetting, progressive do-gooders have placed us in this situation - allowing hordes of uncivilised rabble to enter our countries. |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by aquascoot on Dec 31st, 2015 at 8:18am Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 7:43am:
if thats true, then britain has truly lost the plot. ;) |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by cods on Dec 31st, 2015 at 8:38am
I think its dumbass to apologise for something said 30 years ago that very probably was the truth then....
lets face it...a lot of water has flowed under the bridge since then...and most of us are well aware of the waste that has gone on with govt funding....its not rocket science... has anyone seen any improvement since our sorry day????....... well I havent .....they apologised for something that happened well before their was done with the best intentions... and now we are doing the reverse......again with the best intentions.. will that also come back to haunt future generations.. to say .. oh it went too far and the children must stay with their parents no matter what! rules... were a HUGE MISTAKE..... ::) ::)and my life has been ruined... |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 31st, 2015 at 10:39am aquascoot wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 8:18am:
I'm not too sure this new enlightenment on your part deserves a wink, but yes, it's true. |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Sir Bobby on Dec 31st, 2015 at 12:06pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 10:39am:
Britain has lost the plot & so have we. Why did we let them come here? :'( |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 31st, 2015 at 1:38pm Bobby. wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 12:06pm:
Who? The Brits? 8-) |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Sir Bobby on Dec 31st, 2015 at 2:30pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 1:38pm:
Both Britain & us - we let all the Mussies & the Nig Nogs come here. |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by aquascoot on Dec 31st, 2015 at 3:25pm Lord Herbert wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 10:39am:
britain seriously has sharia law courts. OMFG. You are the sole voice in the wilderness Herb. Those brave redcoats who fought at rorkes drift would be handing back their VC"s |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Bojack Horseman on Dec 31st, 2015 at 3:29pm
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by Lord Herbert on Dec 31st, 2015 at 5:44pm aquascoot wrote on Dec 31st, 2015 at 3:25pm:
Thank you, but otherwise modesty forbids me to respond to that. 8-) Sharia Courts have sprung up not only in Britain, but all over Europe like a raging bushfire that's out of control. Muslim mini-States are taking root and growing within European countries, until eventually they will network with one another to form an archipelago from the Urals to the Atlantic Ocean. Millions of Muslims will be uniting in a concerted effort to gain political power right across the whole of Europe - as foretold by none other than Muammar Gaddafi. The goal is attainable, and this is due to the fact that Europe's political leaders, university academics, Leftwing media, the Christian churches, and the socialist organisations are all in cohoots with assisting and abetting the development of this rampant Islamisation. Trust in God but keep your gunpowder dry, AlphaStud. link link |
Title: Re: Censored for 30 years - and then a public hanging Post by aquascoot on Dec 31st, 2015 at 6:05pm
well herb.
if that doesnt appall the membership on here, youve got to wonder about their sincerity. it looks like even the muslims see muslim immigration as a problem. yet europe has gone into chode mentality. this is what happens when you give up on free enterprise , competition and trying to be alpha. when you go into beta mode (or delta mode) you, by necessity become self loathing, you, by neccessity develop limiting beliefs and success barriers. you go into surviving not thriving mode. i gaurantee , in victorian england people were dynamic aspirational and thriving. I'll bet their great great great grandchildren are now walking around , looking beaten down and are just trying to get through the day. A society that creates good MUST defend it or the weeds will come to take it and guess what...... they will take it ;) |
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