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General Discussion >> Chat >> Port Arthur Saga Message started by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:18pm |
Title: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:18pm
18 FEB 2016
NOT PRIVATE; NO COPYRIGHT NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION COPY / FORWARD / LINK WEBSITE FREELY Dear READERS, Many thanks to all of you who replied so quickly with encouraging words re the email to David V. AGHION (new Readers please see below). Am unable to acknowledge all the emails that are coming in. The Port Arthur incident is now prompting a lot of communication, supportive reactions, and many things are being planned for the 20th Anniversary of Official Lies in April 2016. The documented fact that the now president of the Australian Senate - Stephen Parry, Liberal Party* TAS; see wikipedia - has known about the pre-planning related to Port Arthur confirms the official killing and wounding there was premeditated and professionally perpetrated. It was a State psycho-terror operation undertaken to shock and enrage Australians to support gun-control legislation. And to cover up its role in this official massacre, the State set up the mentally handicapped (66IQ) and entirely innocent Martin Bryant making him the patsy. (* The Liberal Party of John Howard who supported NO trial for innocent Martin Bryant. That's right. The mongrel John Howard - another lawyer - who became Australia's worst prime minister.) Good decent Australians have been investigating and speaking out about the official killing and wounding at Port Arthur for nearly 20 years - unlike the gutless mongrel barristers who work in Tasmania and who have done their best to ignore this evil incident. These barristers have turned their back on innocent Martin Bryant who has been wrongly incarcerated and tortured since April 1996. They have failed their moral and ethical responsibilities by denying Truth and Justice to all the families, relatives, and friends of the Port Arthur victims. It is sickening. Please bring the documented words of this mongrel of a senator Stephen Parry (President of the Australian Senate) to the attention of the families, relatives, and friends of the Port Arthur victims. To the attention of the media - press, radio, TV. To the attention of your local and federal politicians including the senators. To the attention of your church. SPEAK OUT LOUDLY! Demand corrective action and don't accept any bullshit evasive reply letters telling you it is being looked into. Get poor innocent Martin Bryant out of Risdon Prison before they knock him - his days are numbered. And please note the next Tasmanian barrister to be addressed will be Sandra Taglieri. It's time the public read what women have said in relation to the official massacre at Port Arthur, and learnt about what Ms. Taglieri - another gutless mongrel barrister and an officer of the Tasmanian Supreme Court - has NOT said about the worst injustice in modern-day Australia. Sincerely, Keith Allan Noble |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:19pm
16 FEB 2016
Daniel V AghionNOT PRIVATE; NO COPYRIGHT NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION COPY / FORWARD / LINK WEBSITE FREELY Daniel V. AGHION, As you are registered as an interstate barrister on the Tasmanian Bar website, you were sent a copy of my email (13 FEB 2016) headed: MARTIN BRYANT'S SONG - Wish I Knew How To be Free (CHERRI BONNEY - BONNEYBUSHTAYLOR Productions). If you have discarded that email, you (and all the new people receiving this email) can find the song on this link: But today there is another matter, one you could have addressed and still should address and act on. Instead of emailing and asking me to "unsubscribe" you, I put it to you Mr. Aghion that you have a moral and ethical responsibility to investigate the following then report your findings to the Tasmanian Supreme Court of which you are an officer. You certainly should not pretend that this matter does not relate to you by ignoring the appalling, criminal, and callously cruel statements that have emanated from said court - specifically from the mouth of that supremely corrupt judge William Cox (another lawyer). Just to remind you and all other readers of this email, it was mongrel William Cox who allowed the mentally handicapped (66IQ) Martin Bryant to be denied his legal rights. Who allowed poor Martin to be illegally kept in isolation for six months. Who allowed poor Martin to be represented by your colleague John Avery - aka the anus that walks like a man. Who allowed your colleague that mongrel Damian Bugg to make unproved false statements about poor Martin. And who then sentenced this 11-year-old boy-man to be put into a cage until he dies from enforced drugging and despair, or from being knocked. Yes, your colleague judge William Cox has done all this under the guise of serving justice. But the truth is, justice has NOT BEEN SERVED to Martin Bryant or to any of the families, relatives, and friends of all the victims of the official killing at Port Arthur. They have been denied the truth and have been officially lied to since 28 APR 1996. The damning facts that prove all this are documented, and if you don't believe me Mr. Aghion, then take me on in public or anywhere else you care to. Returning to the matter you should investigate as an officer of the Tasmanian Supreme Court - but there is no money in it for you, so the victims of the official killing at Port Arthur will probably never see a report from you - just what would Cox and all your other legal mates in Tasmania and Victoria say if you documented the true facts that innocent Martin Bryant was set up and wrongly convicted then incarcerated forever? An interesting question. You live in Victoria. Your office (oh sorry, Chambers) is at the toney location of 200 Queen Street, and on the 26th level in fact - some view up there in the clouds. Think about this every time you rise up in the world in the lift from the underground garage where your Mercedes? is parked and remind yourself you've got it made while that dumbsuck Martin Bryant is groaning and grovelling in a cage at Risdon Prison - existing there until they knock him. Now there is another business in Melbourne that is significant in relation to the official killing at Port Arthur. You should get into your Mercedes or BMW or whatever barristers in Victoria are tooling around town in these days and go over to NELSON BROTHERS Funeral Directors. It's not far from your office (oh sorry, Chambers). Go to Port Melbourne. To 214 Lorimer Street and there have a little discussion with Theo Nelson the managing director. His office is only about 5 kilometres from you at Cloudsville. Ask Theo Nelson if his company was involved with embalming the bodies after the official killing at Port Arthur. If he says no, then Theo Nelson is a bald-faced liar. Because NELSON BROTHERS had its embalming cannulas right into those victims - just like bloodsucking lawyers get their fangs into their vulnerable clients. And it gets better yet Mr. Aghion. Make serious and honest investigations into the official killing at Port Arthur and it is staggering what you will find. Ask Theo Nelson if NELSON BROTHERS had embalming equipment especially manufactured to be used for the embalming of the victims of the official killing at Port Arthur. Note the colour of Theo Nelson's face as he will probably go a little pale at this point. If he says no again, then he might be a chronic bald-faced liar. Because this is exactly what Theo Nelson's company and his embalmers did. It was NOT innocent Martin Bryant who made the arrangements for embalming equipment to be got ready for of all the yet-to-be officially murdered victims at Port Arthur. It was NELSON BROTHERS. What is even more significant - ask Theo Nelson who contacted NELSON BROTHERS and told them a massacre was about to take place? Before the official killing, a State person must have contacted Theo Nelson or some other manager at NELSON BROTHERS. Was that person Mick/Rick Dyson? (The Tasmanian cop who has admitted in writing that he has a "passion" to be involved with violent incidents. It seems Dyson loves death and destruction. He's the man who the literature says was an official shooter INSIDE Seascape Cottage.) Or maybe it was ASIO who contacted NELSON BROTHERS? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:19pm
And you're laughing now Mr. Aghion. Sure you are. Go on - have a good guffaw you mongrel.
If you cannot regain your composure, ask your assistant (Tammy?) to do some library searches for you. Find the report titled: PORT ARTHUR SEMINAR PAPERS; 1997 (Melbourne, VIC). It was published by the Tasmania State Disaster Committee and sponsored by Emergency Management Australia. When you have your copy of this report, find the paper titled: Port Arthur Massacre 1996 - AFDA National Embalming Team - Detailed Report. And when you have that paper in front of you, turn to page 112 where you will find this statement by Stephen Parry who headed the team that embalmed (25 it seems) victims of the official killing at Port Arthur: "One firm in particular, NELSON BROTHERS, had organised for an embalming machine box and a special large equipment case to be MANUFACTURED READY FOR THE INCIDENT. These two containers were the envy of all embalmers and worked extremely well." (added capitals) Still laughing there Mr. Aghion? You really should check this. If you cannot find a copy of the report just let me know as I and other investigators in Australia have copies. (Copies are listed as being at the State Library and other libraries in Victoria. But those copies have probably been pulled off the shelves by now.) And if you want to talk with Stephen Parry, you'll find him at the Australian Senate where he is the president (sic). Stephen Parry is an ex-cop from Tasmania. He became an embalmer. Then he became the president of the Australian Funeral Directors Association (AFDA). Then he got himself elected to the senate, wait for it, in 2004 when that mongrel liar John Howard (another lawyer) was prime minister. John Howard who most definitely did not want the legally required trial to take place after the official killing at Port Arthur. And as you know very well Mr. Aghion, poor innocent Martin Bryant was locked in isolation, coerced to change his plea of innocent, denied a guardian, allowed NO trial, convicted without a shred of hard evidence being assessed by a jury, then incarcerated for the remainder of his life never to be released. And as we know Mr. Aghion, you have never said one word in public to express your disapproval. Please correct me if I am wrong. Even though you have been involved with lawyering since before innocent Martin Bryant was locked up in April 1996, you have done absolutely nothing to right the worst injustice in modern-day Australia. If you are of the belief that mentally handicapped Martin Bryant phoned NELSON BROTHERS and told them he was going to have a good massacre at Port Arthur and that NELSON BROTHERS should get some new embalming equipment ready, and if you also believe mentally handicapped Martin Bryant told Ray Charlton then of the Southern Region Mortuary Ambulance Service in Tasmania to manufacture a 22-body refrigerated mortuary truck because Charlton was going to need one soon, then you are an incompetent. All this equipment was ordered, manufactured, and made ready for the pending official killing. Innocent Martin Bryant had nothing to do with it. Just as he had nothing to do with the shooting at the Broad Arrow Café, or at Seascape Cottage, or anywhere else. There is not a shred of hard evidence that proves he did. Will gladly send you a copy of MASS MURDER: Official Killing in Tasmania, Australia (2nd edition; 2014) if you can get your head out of the clouds up there on the 26th floor and face the facts - true facts that confirm from beginning to end that Martin Bryant is innocent. And confirm that barristers like you, officers of the Tasmanian Supreme Court, are gutless mongrels. And you can be sure Mr. Aghion that your name will be listed with the names of all the other Tasmanian Bar barristers on the Obituary Notice - will be distributed internationally - for allowing innocent Martin Bryant to be put in Risdon Prison and left there to die a cruel unnatural death. Instead of fighting to get him out, you are more interested in having your email address unsubscribed. (Perhaps my emails are bothering your conscience - I hope so.) Well, to hell with you Aghion - you gutless mongrel. And if you don't like me calling you a mongrel - you fine, upstanding, middle-class gentleman - please let me know. Will certainly acknowledge your correspondence and at the same time ask you why the following does not apply to poor, innocent, soon-to-be knocked Martin Bryant: "Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense." Article 11; UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights; and, "A fundamental element of the right to a fair trial is that every person should be presumed innocent unless and until proved guilty following a fair trial. This is why the responsibility falls on the state to prove guilt and to discharge the presumption of innocence. Due to the presumption of innocence, a person CANNOT BE COMPELLED TO CONFESS GUILT or give evidence against him/herself.... Because of the serious consequences of conviction, the state must prove guilt to a high standard. If doubt remains, the defendant must be given the benefit of the doubt and cleared because the state’s 'burden of proof' has not been met." The Presumption of Innocence; Fair Trials International - Temple Chambers, London UK. (added capitals) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:20pm
Perhaps you are aware of some legislation in Tasmania that allowed the DEFENCE! lawyer John Avery (your corrupt mongrel colleague and now a legally-convicted criminal) to ram his guilty plea down poor innocent Martin's throat after Martin had been illegally isolated, intimidated, and coerced to change his repeated plea of INNOCENT.
Perhaps you are aware of some legislation in Tasmania that allowed the prosecutor Damian Bugg to perjure himself by telling unproved statements and incomplete facts extremely prejudiced against innocent Martin Bryant who witnesses have stated in writing was NOT the gunman. Perhaps you are aware of some legislation in Tasmania that conferred dictatorial power to that supremely corrupt so-called judge William Cox which allowed him to waive all innocent Martin Bryant's rights and to condemn him with a coerced confession, with not one piece of hard evidence proving guilt, with NO trial. Tell us how the Tasmania legal system could do this. Tell us why not one barrister - all officers of the Tasmanian Supreme Court - has ever stood up in public and said it is wrong. Are all you barristers slimy, gutless, money-grubbing, unethical, inhuman mongrels? Not being a lawyer, I try hard to stay away from bullshit. So as you are a barrister, please enlighten me and the growing number of discontent people in Australia about all the legislation in Tasmania that allowed officials there to set up, convict, incarcerate, and then torture a mentally handicapped boy-man with a 66IQ (what must it be now?). This is not too much to ask of you Mr. Aghion, barrister of Chancery Chambers (motto: INTEGRITY. EXCELLENCE. JUSTICE - sic) at 200 Queens Street, Melbourne, Victoria. Sincerely, Dr. Keith Allan Noble; author Unit 72 B, Am Heumarkt 7 1030 Vienna, Austria t. 43-1-9712401 related works: LEAKED DOCUMENTS: Statements of Port Arthur Massacre Witnesses leaked from DPP Office, Hobart, Tasmania 2015; 112 pp. free pdf: SUBMISSION DOCUMENT TO AUSTRALIAN PRESS COUNCIL: News Corp Australia Articles Inciting Hatred & Killing 2105 SEP 22: 21 pp. free pdf: THE WORST OF BRITISH JUSTICE: Readings Related to Injustice in Australia 2015 (2nd edition; 796 pp; 100 Authors, 80 Inserts, 66 Readings) free pdf: paperback: MASS MURDER: Official Killing in Tasmania, Australia 2014 (2nd edition; 696 pp.) free pdf: paperback: Tom Molomby SPIES BOMBS & THE PATH OF BLISS 1986; 444 pp. paperback: Evan Whitton OUR CORRUPT LEGAL SYSTEM: Why Everyone Is a Victim (Except Rich Criminals) 2009; 325 pp. paperback: |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:43pm
many blessings ,
yeah rIGHt .. lets chat about the evidence port arthur massacre martin bryant setup pt1 Uploaded on Nov 26, 2007 wendy scurr was the first person into the broad arrow cafe after the pt arthur massacre, she has a completely different story to tell from the mainstream media , the police and the federal and state governments, find out just how much disinformation and myths have been created around the pre planned pt arthur massacre ,if you watch this film with an open mind you will never be the same again period. also go to the NEXUS magazine website and download from the their archives section a brilliant 3 part series of articles in PDF format on the event time to take the red pill and wake up to what's really going on in our world. Category News & Politics namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:45pm
Quote: Just in case you guys haven't seen this and sorry if you have, but I think this topic is also vital as we lost our guns and means of protecting ourselves due to the Port Arthur Massacre. So here are 15 points as to why it was an inside job. Might be worth distributing to friends. Got it off the forum. Referenced to another site down the bottom. You probably believe that Martin Bryant, acting alone, carried out the Port Arthur massacre on Sunday 28th April 1996. If so, can you reconcile the following facts with the official story? 1. On the Sunday morning, two hours before the murders, ten of the senior managers of Port Arthur were taken to safety many miles away up the east coast,for a two day seminar with a vague agenda and no visiting speakers. Was the timing of this trip a mere coincidence? 2. Also just before the shootings the only two policemen in the region were called away on a wild goose chase. They were sent to the Coal Mine at Salt Water River, to investigate a heroin drug stash which turned out to be soap powder. This was too far for them to get to the Broad Arrow Cafe in time to be of any use. Had a policeman remained at Dunalley he would have closed the swing bridge to prevent the killer(s) from escaping from the peninsula. Did Bryant, IQ 66, organise this decoy? 3. Big Mortuary Truck. Before the massacre, a specially-built 22 person capacity mortuary truck was built. It attracted some derision at the time, but its effective use at Port Arthur was unquestioned. After the massacre it was advertised, unsuccessfully, for sale via the internet, then converted for another purpose. Without the foresight of Port Arthur, why build it? When it had proven its worth, why get rid of it? Another coincidence? 4. Martin Bryant has never been properly identified as the gunman. A young woman who ate her lunch near the gunman just before 1.30 said he had a freckled face. Graham Collyer, the wounded ex-soldier, who had the best opportunity to observe the killer, said he had a pock-marked or acned face. Neither description fits Bryant who has a beautifully smooth complexion. Graham Collyer says that it was not Bryant who shot him in the neck. Of all the witnesses that saw the shooter, only one knew Martin Bryant from before. That was Jim Laycock, the former owner of the Broad Arrow Caf�. He not only knew Bryant, but also where he used sit in the Broad Arrow and what he used to drink and the conversations he used to have with his daughter. So what did Laycock say about his identification of the shooter? "I did not recognize the male (shooter) as Martin Bryant". 5. Illegal Photo. On 30th April the Hobart Mercury printed an old photo of Martin Bryant on the front page. This was illegal because at that stage some of the witnesses had not yet been asked to identify the killer, and the photo would have become fixed in the minds of the witnesses. When one witness was asked to describe the clothing worn by the gunman, she described the clothing on the old photo instead of what the gunman had worn. The Mercury newspaper was not prosecuted for breaking the law. 6. Mrs Wendy Scurr, nurse, tour guide and Ambulance Officer, rang the police at 1.32 pm to report the shooting. She and other medics then cared for the injured and the dead without any police protection for six and a half hours. Who ordered the armed police to stop at Tarana, where they had a barbecue? The police who arrived by boats were a stone's throw away from the main crime scene, the cafe, and they too failed to come in to see what was going on. Was this meant to increase the trauma of the survivors? 7. Three more shots were fired at Port Arthur at 6.30pm while Bryant was at Seascape. Who fired those shots? 8. Same Question - Different Answer. At a recent Forensics Seminar in Queensland where the Tasmanian Police forensic gun inspector, Gerard Dutton, gave a lecture, the first question came from Mr Ian McNiven. He asked if there was any empirical evidence to link Martin Bryant to the Broad Arrow Cafe. Sargent Dutton immediately closed the 15 minute question time and would not reply. When McNiven managed to say "I have here Graham Collyer's police statement...", Sgt Dutton threatened him with arrest and called for security agents to escort McNiven out of the building. When Dutton was asked the same question in America by a Doctor at a seminar, he replied truthfully - "There is no empirical evidence to link Bryant to the cafe." 9. Yet a police video tape exists which proves that the police had an excellent opportunity to get DNA samples and finger prints of the gunman. The video briefly shows the blue sports bag on a cafe table. The gunman had carried his 3 rifles in this bag and left it right next to his drinking glass, his Solo soft drink can, knife, fork, plate, video cameras, etc. Why did the police fail to take DNA samples and finger prints? 10. According to the official story, Bryant first killed David and Sally Martin at Seascape Cottage in the morning, then went on to Port Arthur. Yet two policemen have reported seeing a naked woman with black hair, screaming and running from one building to another at Seascape well into the afternoon. If Sally Martin was dead, who was this woman? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:45pm
11. Proof of other gunmen in Seascape Cottage. While Bryant was calmly talking to police by telephone in the cottage during the 'siege' and the conversation was recorded, someone else fired an SKK rifle 20 times. In the transcript the gunfire is recorded as 'coughs' but an electronic analysis of one of the 'coughs' shows that it was an SKK shot.
12. Two More Very Handy Seminars. On the Sunday morning, some 25 specialist doctors (Royal Australian College of Surgeons) from all over Australia had attended a training course in Hobart, and their last lecture was on Terrorist Attack and Gunshot Wounds. They stayed on to take care of the wounded victims. 13. Also, more than 700 reporters from 17 nations came to a seminar in Hobart. They were asked to arrive during the week-end as the seminar was due to begin early on Monday morning. How handy to have 700 scribblers churning out their anti-gun and disarmament propaganda to the whole world! 14. "There will never be uniform Gun Laws in Australia until we see a massacre somewhere in Tasmania" said Barry Unsworth, NSW Premier, December, 1987 at a conference in Hobart. Prophecy or Planning? 15. "If we don't get it right this time (gun laws) next time there is a massacre, and there will be, then they'll take all our guns off us", said the deputy prime minister, Tim Fischer in May 1996. Who is the "THEY" who would order the removal of our guns? Did Fischer let slip that gun confiscation has been ordered by someone other than our own leaders? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 24th, 2016 at 7:47pm |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:17pm
many blessings sir bobby
you have logic ? this is yet to be displayed from one such as you are .. you are forgiven so be at peace namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:19pm
11. Proof of other gunmen in Seascape Cottage. While Bryant was calmly talking to police by telephone in the cottage during the 'siege' and the conversation was recorded, someone else fired an SKK rifle 20 times. In the transcript the gunfire is recorded as 'coughs' but an electronic analysis of one of the 'coughs' shows that it was an SKK shot.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Mechanic on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:27pm
He Pleaded Guilty...
good enough for me... |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:56pm it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:17pm:
Grasshopper - when you can take the pebble from my hand you will have learnt. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Mechanic on Feb 24th, 2016 at 9:10pm
He used to sleep with a Pig.. :-/
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2016 at 9:13pm
many blessings sir bobby
yet you remain poor and offtopic all you have is limp wristed ridicule and besmirchment yet rejoice for ye are forgiven as we continue here with the facts of which you are constantly avoiding to make space and place for your inanity do attempt to stay on topic with facts , yet either way be at peace namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Sir Bobby on Feb 24th, 2016 at 9:45pm
Dear master Light,
many blessings. Many people have dreams of greatness & knowledge but for most they just hit the canvas: |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Feb 24th, 2016 at 11:11pm
I read up a bit on Port Arthur, and recall clearly a journalist who stated that Martin Bryant both 'acted tactically' and did not show a target while at the siege cottage.. and yet somehow 'ran between two buildings... not once but twice....
The same journalist also stated that prior to inheriting from his old lady friend, Bryant had pulled the steering wheel of the car while she was driving it and tried to crash it... where did that come from other than the pub? I note that Brigadier Ted Serong, who many say is a fantasist, said that the kill ratio at Port Arthur was something that only a few - about three - people in the world could achieve. Stating that he was one of them was perhaps hyperbole..... but the essence of his comment is correct.... I could not achieve such a kill ratio on a good day... and I'm good on my day...... and when asked about Serong's comment, I said.. he's right..... |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by ian on Feb 24th, 2016 at 11:46pm
In 3 hours bryant killed 35 unarmed civilian sitting ducks. I dont find that extraordinary. Serongs an idiot.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Feb 25th, 2016 at 12:00am ian wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 11:46pm:
Hmmm - yes... I tend to doubt Bro Ted's close quarters battle skills... not actually his forte or his training....... However... that KILL ratio is normally around 5 wounded:1 killed..... damned good even close up to achieve a nearly 100% kill ratio.... UNLESS the shooter went around and made sure with a kill shot... something not evidenced at Port Arthur.... It would appear that the shootings were a series of shots and without any defined kill shots.... a damned good ratio for an amateur... let alone a professional. Even close up it's hard to hit a death zone without going around and coldly taking a coup de grace. Contact shots: Shots fired in an open engagement. Kill shots: Planned execution shots. Big difference..... |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by ian on Feb 25th, 2016 at 12:31am
Yes, but we are talking about unarmed civilian sitting ducks here. Not hard to achieve an almost 100 percent kill ratio.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:00am ian wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 12:31am:
Difference is this... doesn't make one damn of difference if they are unarmed civilians or not... anyone intent on killing would make kill shots.... not just blaze away at any target in sight... This guy did not make kill/execution shots (from reports)... and was a lone gunman with no training.... apparently he shot on the spur of the moment with no plan....... Point is - he achieved a kill ratio far above any who did not go for execution shots afterwards... and was an absolute amateur. Are we being told everything about the actual killings? light is an ex-grunt.... with such persons some things do not ring true about Port Arthur.... You and I know you do not leave any potential shooter alive or in any potential combat situation behind you..... if they even smell like it....... well.. adios, muchacho.... muchacha.... whatever.... Either that or it's the plastic ties around wrists and ankles.... which this guy did NOT do. So I'm assuming the shooter was a pro.... and knew his stuff..... OR... the whole story is not being told about the deaths..... .. and if some were executed... HTS did a loner pin-head like Bryant work out to do that... and WHY? He was after 'slopes'.... why would he execute pastors and other white folk, etc? When and how did he have the time? I'm not saying it couldn't be done.. I'm very quick and very precise when I want to be.... but Bryant had an IQ of 66 or whatever.... I'm in the 150+ category according to DVA shrinks and no psychotic.... so how does a turkey work out and take the time to do so many kills, when the normal ratio is around 5:1 without any execution style killings reported? Again - are we being lied to? How, and why? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by ian on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:14am Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:00am:
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:36am ian wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:14am:
No... no... not at all... not that kind........ I say nothing, I see nothing... I know what I know.,... but I am ex-service..... I'm talking about the situation there and then... and the intent.... not the general run of play.... I'm saying if the shooter was a fanatic, he would not likely be so organised as to ensure a high kill ratio, but would randomly shoot and move on. I can't see Bryant doing either, to be honest. **pauses** **chooses words** in a clearly defined situation troopers will act in certain ways in accordance with training and credo ... this guy did not... yet achieved a massive kill ratio.... There are protocols for .. situations..... one is to never leave your back unprotected...... there are ways of doing this... Someone once said to me that Bryant used a telescopic sight.... useless at ten feet.. not only that, but apparently his iron sights were off.... I spent hours and weeks training to shoot with a long gun without sights over short distances and achieve 100% accuracy. I can't imagine a Bryant could do that without intensive training and dedication. Just doesn't ring true...... |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:41am ian wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:14am:
I'm talking about targets.... not about social mores. If Bryant had determined that he would just kill everyone in sight... after talking (apparently)_about killing slopes.... and then set out on a killing spree.. it matters not WHO the victims are. Don't twist my words.... I'm ex Service and would not kill an innocent civilian unnecessarily. I'm talking about target definition... not some moral stance that dictates whether or not you will engage a target. ** humph ** |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by 0ktema on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:45am
The first three posts appear to be correspondence from a Dr. Keith Allan Noble.
After a google search I found a few more books by the same author ... Mass Murder: Martin Bryant Case Re-Examined Mass Murder: Martin Bryant Case Re-Examined Book 2 Find! Falconio Find! Folcanio Dead or Alive Diana Die Rose Englands (published in german) Books on conspiracy theories (and self promotion) would seem to be his general stock-in-trade. I'm sure there are "real" conspiracies both past and present. However - what if the biggest conspiracy of all was the setting up of numerous false conspiracies to help mask the true ones! |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:49am 0ktema wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:45am:
And? I can't give you a definitive answer on any of those cases.... I can only offer my humble views.... In both the Bryant case and the Falconio case, I have doubts.... and doubt must be expunged if justice is to prevail. SHOW ME! |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by 0ktema on Feb 25th, 2016 at 3:02am Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 1:49am:
A few simple thoughts on the matter ... I hope my previous post merely gives some a pause for thought - it wasn't directed at anyone in particular. I'm not sure how much doubt could ever hope to be erased in this day and age, the way the internet and social media works. One thing is for sure. If it was some sort of government conspiracy it can't have been backed by the American Military Industrial Complex. I don't really know enough about the cases to make a definitive judgment. Though I get the feeling that Keith Allan Noble is over reaching to draw conclusions. Patternicity is a human survival trait. But it can also easily lead us to come to the wrong conclusions. "Patternicity: Finding Meaningful Patterns in Meaningless Noise - Why the brain believes something is real when it is not" |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Amadd on Feb 25th, 2016 at 4:05am
I'm not saying one way or the other about the Bryant case because there was no fair trial. A fair trial is the basis of our society. ..well maybe not, but it should be.
Without a fair trial, there should definitely be suspicion IMO. The same occurred with S11. Evidence was promptly removed before any examination could take place. I don't believe this "being too painful for the nation" crap. The greater the gravity of the crime, the greater the resources taxpayers will be willing to employ to look into the crime. That's only natural IMO. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Baronvonrort on Feb 25th, 2016 at 10:23am
The Coroner was told to halt his investigation into Pt Arthur in case his evidence contradicted the findings of the supreme court.
We can't have a coroner introducing evidence that does not follow the narrative people were trying to construct can we, much better to have this as the only mass murder event where coroner was stopped from providing evidence. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on Feb 25th, 2016 at 10:28am Baronvonrort wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 10:23am:
Port Arthur was a false flag operation to get gun control into Australia............and begin. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Baronvonrort on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:04am Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 10:28am:
The Pt Arthur incident is the only mass murder incident in Australia where the Coroner was told to halt their investigation in case their evidence contradicted the Supreme court. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:20am Baronvonrort wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:04am:
And apart from random web sites who seem to have a lifetimes supply of aluminium foil, any actual evidence? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Baronvonrort on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:28am Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:20am:
The current Tasmanian attorney general provided a statement about this fact. A bit strange our largest mass murder incident had the Coroner told to halt investigation in case their evidence conflicts with supreme court |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:55am Baronvonrort wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:28am:
Search on vanessa goodwin port arthur coroner provides no useful responses. Please provide a link |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by boxy on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:40pm Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 12:00am:
Where did the "near 100% kill ratio" stat come from? Wiki has it as 35 dead - 24 injured. And goes into great detail of him indeed finishing people off with execution style kill shots, when he had the ammo left in the gun (which he often did, thanks to lax gun regulations). |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by boxy on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:42pm it_is_the_light wrote on Feb 24th, 2016 at 8:19pm:
This wouldn't happen to have been while he was inside the burning siege building, and his ammo stockpile was going off in the conflagration, would it? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Richdude on Feb 27th, 2016 at 2:05am boxy wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:42pm:
Would you be "calmly talking to police" with boxes of ammo exploding nearby? Martin Bryant is innocent. Witnesses at the Broad Arrow said the gunman had a "thin, pocked marked face and firing from his right hip". Martin Bryant had a smooth complexion and was left handed. The manager of the cafe knew Bryant well and said that it was not him. Bryant's life was sacrificed to take away Australians freedom to protect oneself, family or friends. Freedom never comes easily and has cost of lives of many presumably fighting to protect those freedoms. Disgusting! Shame on Australian politicians and prestitutes. His incarceration demeans all Aussies. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Feb 27th, 2016 at 2:27am boxy wrote on Feb 25th, 2016 at 11:40pm:
Sooooo.. with no opposition and two weapons.... and apparently numerous rounds..... how did he NOT execute all? It is extremely hard to get a person to kill another..... it is not something that a normal person finds easy.... countless hours and weeks and months of training go into teaching people to do that...... let alone aimed execution shots...... That lends itself to the view that the shooter was a professional and not some amateur. I'm just arguing the point...... I wonder..... indeed I do.... I will say again, as a trained Army medic..... the general ratio is around 7 wounded to one killed**..... to alter that takes a hell of a lot of work, and a mindset that would not seem to gel with Martin Bryant. The record of interview shows a simple person who went surfing..... ** in battles such as the Ia Drang in 1965, that ratio was changed due to the propensity of the NVA to execute and torture wounded ... that kind of thing by them lead directly to My Lai..... *** my apologies for he earlier 5:1.... I was taking into account that propensity on the part of some to execute wounded..... may they burn in hell... |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by boxy on Feb 27th, 2016 at 3:29pm
Yes, it's extremely hard to get a normal person to kill... but that doesn't mean there arn't others out there, to who it comes naturally, and others still who are normal, and then get triggered by something (like the suicide of a parent).
I find it extremely unsurprising that his kill ratio falls in between the 1 in 7 you claim for combat (where you have to worry about return fire, and are up against people trained to survive combat) and the mythical 100% of planned exterminations. Quote:
In other rooms of the house? Yeah, sure, if I was a nut case who was trying to lure the cops into an ambush. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by ian on Feb 27th, 2016 at 11:28pm Richdude wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 2:05am:
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Feb 28th, 2016 at 2:29am ian wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 11:28pm:
That's why police evidence that always dovetails is a lie.... 'Whenever you hear two different versions of the same events, and those two different versions are the same in every detail, you know you are listening to a lie'. Sidney Schreiber - New Jersey State Supreme Court Judge. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Richdude on Feb 29th, 2016 at 12:55am ian wrote on Feb 27th, 2016 at 11:28pm:
Please check your facts! Growing in the northern suburbs of Sydney there were restrictions on owning handguns but not rifles and certainly not air rifles. Almost every kid had an air rifle and their father owned at least one rifle. As to Aussies having more guns now - that is hard to believe. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 29th, 2016 at 7:44pm
many blessings ...
and so let the banter begin in earnest The Timeline These Timelines are Mirrored from the original Site located at: Port Arthur TIMELINE - A Freemasonic-Zionist Psyop. The Port Arthur Massacre in Tasmania on 28th April 1996 - the aftermath - the disarming of the nation and the destruction of those arms. The imprisonment without trial of a young , intellectually disabled Martin Bryant whom the media was diligent in informing us had carried out the massacre. They failed to mention that the 19 killed in the cafe (out of a 35 death count on the day) were killed with only 20 bullets all in a matter of seconds, fired from the hip, using the right hand.- Martin Bryant is left handed. What I would like to apprise you of (if you don't already know) are some other fantastic accomplishments of Martin Bryant in this carefully planned holocaust, some of which I think the media may also have overlooked. ANATOMY OF A PSYOP TIMELINE TO PORT ARTHUR (1996) June 1995. Press Release. Uniform national gun laws are drawn up in Canberra. A specially constructed morgue truck unlike anything else in Australia or perhaps the world, refrigerated and capable of carrying 22 bodies is delivered to the Southern Tasmanian Mortuary Service. It is used only once - at Port Arthur- then disposed of. Code Brown , a disaster emergency response plan, involving multiple casualties, is instigated at the RHH (Royal Hobart Hospital) November 1995 . Roland Browne, spokesman for the Tasmanian branch of the Coalition for Gun Control, warned all Australians that if Tasmania didn't enact tougher firearms laws then there would be a massacre in Tasmania of massive proportions. Ray Groome as Atorney General removed any claim by any worker or volunteer for compensation to overcome PTSD -( Post Traumatic Strss Disorder) from the Workers Compensation Act, the main injury resulting from the Port Arthur Massacre. Several of the victims have suicided since. Coroners Act 1995 is introduced containing a new clause that any finding of any subsequent coroners inquest (which allows much more evidence than a normal court of law) must not conflict with or contradict the prior findings of the Supreme Court in the same case. John Howard illegally helped prevent a Coroners Inquest being called into the Port Arthur Massacre. March 1996. The warning is repeated - the spokesman for the national anti-gun lobby in Tasmania said there will be a massacre in Tasmania unless we get uniform gun laws. Ray Groome stood down as Premier voluntarily to take on the duties of Attorney-General, Justice Minister, Minister for Tourism, (Port arthur is a tourist site), Minister for Workplace Standards and Minister responsible for the Port Arthur Site. All of which bore responsibility for Port Arthur and the aftermath of the massacre. April 1996. The warning is again repeated as National Uniform Gun Laws all ready and prepared are rejected by a meeting of police ministers. Disaster Exercises for all emergency services are fully rehearsed on the peninsular after 1 year of intensive training. 28th April 1996 Code Brown, just brought up to scratch, is fully operational and fresh in everyone's mind. ie Hobart Hospitals preparations for a full scale disaster. 11am. 28th April,1996. Top ten managers of the Port Arthur site are evacuated in 3 government cars. 1pm. 28th April,1996. Seminar for trauma specialist doctors from all around Australia, involving response to a mass shooting, is completed at or very near to Hobart Hospital . All seventeen ambulance personnel are in attendance at Hobart Ambulance Headquarters, despite it being a Sunday. Three helicopters are available on this Sunday despite there being normally only one. 1.24pm. Sunday 28th April ,1996. The only reported police on duty within an hour of the Tasman Peninsular, both called out by radio from police headquarters in Hobart to attend at Saltwater river; 1/2 hour drive from Port Arthur, in relation to a first ever, supposed heroin cache, radio in their arrival. (the heroin cache turns out to be jars of soap powder) 1.27pm. Sunday 28th April, 1996. The massacre at Port Arthur commenced. 27-28th April 1996. 700 journalists from 17 countries arrive for a conference beginning on 29th April in HobartTasmania. 80 are bussed to the PA site in a pre-booked coach. (*I think you will agree Martins talents are wasted in jail. He needs to be made Commander in Chief of the Armed forces with special oversight of Intelligence Operations.) Footnote: The Israeli Connection. The Israeli Mizraim is an elite group inside the Mossad who specialize is assassinations in the West Bank and elsewhere. They are trained to have no compulsion about shooting Goyim, ‘cattle’ which they regard gentiles to be. Of the six members of this group who are the top worldwide in their field three just happened to be holidaying in Tasmania at the time of the Port Arthur Massacre. Add this to the above list of amazing feats and coincidences and stir well. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 29th, 2016 at 7:45pm
And finally
1.Two member of NSW Army Intelligence have both, separately and personally confirmed to me that the Port Arthur Massacre was a planned intelligence psyop using international and Australian personel; a member of ASIO with English accent has backed this up to me personally as well. 2. Barrie Unsworth (NSW Premier at the time) let the cat out of the bag that the planning for the massacre was begun 10 years prior, when he emerged from a state and federal ministers conference in Hobart stating to the waiting media, that unless they get uniform national gun control - why? there would be a huge massacre in Tasmania. 3.The SOG (Special Operations Group) within the Tasmanian Police responded to the massacre according to the SOG Manual prepared in accordance with the November 1995 (how convenient) Anti - Terrorist Plan drawn up by SACPAV (Standing Advisory Committee for Protection Against Violence) - under whose control the plan placed them. SACPAV is run by the Protective Security Co-ordination Centre in Canberra.. Their (SOG) main job on that and subsequent days was liasing with the media and attempting to shut up witnesses and suppress evidence. HOW MANY MORE INNOCENTS ARE IN JAIL RIGHT NOW? See original Website this is Mirrored from: TIMES SOURCE PLACE BRIEF ACCOUNT DETAILS 0800 hrs Petra Willmott 30 Clare St. New Town "I left Martin's house at 8.00 am …28th April". 0947 hrs p.59 Court Doc 30 Clare St. New Town claimed police found alarm engaged, so that was the time Bryant left house - Bugg; No Alarm. 1030 hrs Angelo Kessarios Midway Pt News Agency Buys $1.50 gas cigarette lighter, left $1.80 on counter & left quickly. 0945-1000 hrs Spiros Diamantis Sorell Supermarket buys $1.40 bottle of tomato sauce; paid in 5 & 10 cent coins. 1100 -1200 hrs Gary King (dec) Shell S/S Forsett Gary King made coffee for Bryant who drinks it before leaving the forecourt, pays with coins. 1130 hrs female unnamed Eaglehawk Neck "a number of others sightings…in the Eaglehawk Neck area.." Bugg; Mike Bingham, Staff. 1030-1045 hrs Chris Hammond Taranna Convict Bakery Hammond puts $15 worth of petrol into the Volvo's tank. 1100 hrs Andrew Simmons "Benbullen" Oakwood Clearly heard 2 shots of low volume from the direction of Seascape Cottage, opposite. 1115-1120 hrs D&S Gunn Seascape, Oakwood Had stayed overnight; they depart. 1203 hrs Jai Nichols The Fox & Hounds Jai is hitching a ride to Hobart, Bryant drives past him - south 1230 hrs Maureen Mason Seascape, Oakwood Masons call at Seascape; 'squarish' car parked near door; ID Martin Bryant, spoke to him: !CLONE! 1145-1240 hrs DPP's case Seascape, Oakwood D Bugg QC: "Martin Bryant shot and killed Mr & Mrs Martin [inside Seascape]". @ p.64. 1145 hrs Michael Copping Seascape, Oakwood Saw yellow Volvo sedan backed up to door area of Seascape (the "CLONE"?). 1239 hrs Jai Nichols Close to Seascape Bryant overtakes Jai, & he sees Volvo enter Seascape driveway 1240 hrs Michael Copping 200m S of General store Gunman driving S towards PA Tollbooth in Bryant's Yellow Volvo. 1240 hrs Steven Howard PA Tollbooth Corroborated by Aileen Kingston who sold the gunman a ticket paid for with $50 note. 1305 hrs Roger Larner Palmers Lookout Rd Talked with Martin for 20 (?) minute or so, drove off. Heard 1st shots from Broad Arrow Café 1310-1315 hrs Bugg (tourist) PA Tollbooth observed yellow Volvo in tollbooth traffic queue. 1315 hrs Mike Bingham (writer) "Suddenly One Sunday" Tells us Martin talked to Roger Larner for "about ten minutes," then drove off north toward PA 1323 hrs Const Whittle/Hyland The Coal Mines logged call; radio VKT Hobart informed, 'drug stash' of heroine is only soap powder 1323 hrs Ashley Law Information Centre First gunshots discharged inside the Broad Arrow Café. 1325 hrs X Ian Kingston Tarleton St & Jetty Rd Driver of yellow Volvo directed to park 'back up Jetty Rd', ignored instruct. 1330 hrs X DPP Bugg QC Broad Arrow Café Gunman entered the Broad Arrow Café & stood at servery for food 1332 hrs Wendy Scurr Information Centre Makes initial "000" call to Hobart Police HQ 1332 hrs X Sergt Andrew Fogarty Bellerive Pol Station An SOG'team leader'; claims departed for Port Arthur (he was most likely already at Seascape) 1346 hrs K. Fox & G Alexander PA Tollbooth First Ambulance from Nubeena arrives at Historic Site (The Mercury) 1335 hrs EMA report Hobart Const Pat Allen & Perry Caulfield depart Traffic Office Hobart 1335 hrs EMA report Broad Arrow Café Ian Kingston's "000" call logged Pol HQ Hobart. 1336 hrs X Richard McCreadie (Tas Police) Hobart EMA Report: claimed first "000" call informing of shootings at the Broad Arrow logged 1339 hrs EMA report Hobart Ambulance service notified, and tasked 1342 hrs Jim Laycock Port Arthur - Kodak shop Jim makes a "000" call to Hobart Police - shootings at Tollbooth, 120m south 1345 hrs SA Police newsletter Hobart Inspector Barry Bennett notified & dispatched for Tarana with two CIB officers 1347 hrs EMA report Hobart Eastern Dist CIB tasked 1351 hrs EMA report Pol HQ Hobart Asst Comm., Luppo Prins informed of the shootings 1352 hrs Jim Laycock Port Arthur - Kodak shop Made second "000" call to Hobart Police informed them of murder of Zoe Hall (white Corolla) 1353 hrs estimated Nubeena Const. Whittle & Hyland arrive at Nubeena |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 29th, 2016 at 7:46pm
Police Station
1355 hrs estimated Port Arthur - Kodak shop Const Chris Iles arrives Laycock enters Patrol Car, driven across Hwy; dec is checked 1456 hrs EMA report Luppo Prins First Squirrel Helicopter supposed to have arrived at Port Arthur Historic Site Oval 1358 hrs estimated Port Arthur General Store Laycock ordered out of Patrol Car, Chris Iles roars off at high speed - north and disappears 1359 hrs EMA report Hobart FIRST HELICOPTER tasked for Port Arthur Historic Site, evacuates Carolyn Loughton 1400 hrs EMA report Hobart Peter Hazelwood SAC PAV Premiers Dept calls Geoff Easton, Mng Police Public Affairs. 1400 hrs estimated Arthur Hwy - Oakwood ambush shooting has now ceased & gunman retreated in BMW to Seascape 1403 hrs estimated Nubeena Const Garry Whittle departs for Port Arthur 1411 hrs estimated Port Arthur Tollbooth Const Garry Whittle arrives Port Arthur Tollbooth 1411 hrs EMA report Tas Pol Marine Div. Van Diemen & Vigilant tasked at "full speed"; they never arrived at PA 1412 hrs Richard McCreadie In EMA report, McCreadie claims first police arrived at Seascape (YES, Dyson inside cottage) 1413 hrs EMA report Hobart Pol HQ Major Crime Squad tasked 1415- hrs Police statements Oakwood, Arthur Hwy Sergt Andrew Fogarty falsely claims to have just arrived at Const Paul Hyland's road block. 1415 hrs estimated Taranna Devils Park Tas Pol Bob Fielding takes over Bob Hamilton's animal park & est. PAC 1405 hrs estimated Nubeena Const Hyland departs via Premaydena towards Taranna. 1409 hrs estimated near Taranna Hyland received TX; people shot and injured sheltering at Fox & Hounds - to proceed there 1422 hrs estimated Fox & Hounds - P. A. Const Hyland arrives F & H; assists only "P9", Simon Williams (Canadian Embassy official) 1425 hrs Police statements Oakwood, Arthur Hwy Const Perry Caulfield alights from vehicle at the Seascape entrance on Arthur Hwy 1447 hrs EMA report Port Arthur/Pol HQ Fire brigade tasked BEFORE BMW fire - did this call-out come from Sergt Fogarty at Seascape? 1447 hrs estimated Fox & Hounds - P. A. Departs north up Arthur Hwy towards Oakwood, joined by Const Garry Whittle 1447 hrs EMA report Hobart Pol HQ Barry Bennet Eastern Dist Superintendent's CIB task force is activated 1425 hrs EMA report Hobart Pol HQ Negotiator team is tasked 1458 hrs Debrief statement Const Garry Whittle Const Hyland states the BMW (bogged), "..on the grass lawn...facing east. This vehicle was on fire." 1458 hrs Police statements Seascape, Oakwood Sergt Andrew Fogarty materialises out of know where at Const Paul Hyland's road block! 1507 hrs EMA report - Prins P.A. Oval Second Squirrel helicopter arrives to evacuate wounded 1510 + hrs Tollbooth Log Port Arthur Mystery black van arrives at Broad Arrow Café 1520 hrs Julie Butler Bingara, Nth NSW NSW Police at Bingara learn of James Pollard's death (at PA Tollbooth) 1530 hrs Sergt Terry McCarthy MIR Hobart Pol HQ First land-line phone contact by Police with "Jamie" inside Seascape 1540 hrs EMA report - Prins P.A. Oval Third Squirrel helicopter arrives on oval to evacuate wounded 1550 hrs Tollbooth Log Historic Site First PAHSMA vehicle returns from managements staff retreat weekend Swansea 1557 hrs EMA report Hobart Pol HQ First Tas Pol SOG's tasked to Taranna PFCP by Jet Ranger helicopter 1600 hrs Julie Butler Bingara, Nth NSW Informed by NSW Police from Bingara of James Pollard's death. (40 min drive) 1604 hrs " " " " Second PAHSMA vehicle returns from managements staff retreat weekend at Swansea 1604 hrs documented Hobart Second SOG contingent departs by road in charge; Snr Sergt J. S. Morrison 1616 hrs EMA report - Prins P.A. Oval Forth & last Squirrel helicopter arrives on P. A. Oval to evacuate wounded 1626 hrs Tollbooth Log Historic Site First lone Policeman, Detective Peter Hessman is delivered to the Broad Arrow Café 1630 hrs " " " " Police vehicle logged departing Historic Site Tollbooth 1700 hrs SES personnel Seascape, Oakwood Sally Martin pursued by black haired male, Police told, “do not shoot, this has to happen…’ 1715 hrs Internet print-out Nubeena Sunset; Australian Surveying & Land Information Group 1719 hrs EMA report Canberra ACT National Crisis Centre contacted by Tas Pol 1730 hrs CEO Craig Coombs Historic Site Promise of SOG Police arrival at Port Arthur Oval "imminent". 1730 hrs Police statements Oakwood, Arthur Hwy Const Pat Allen tells us of "movement on the roof" of one of the outbuildings 1740 hrs Tollbooth Log Historic Site Mystery black van departs Broad Arrow Café exits Tollbooth 2 vehicles after 1740 1830 hrs Staff statements Historic Site THREE SHOTS DISCHARGED BESIDE "CLOUGHA" TERRORISES ALL PEOPLE LOCKED-IN COTTAGES 1830 hrs (est) Tas Pol Tape Channel 9 gunshot recorded on tape proving conclusively other person/s present inside Seascape 1900 hrs Michael Cordwell Hobart, Pol HQ Martin's uncle phones Pol HQ asks if his nephew is involved with the Port Arthur siege 1930- hrs Wendy Scurr & staff Historic Site FIRST contigent POLICE ARRIVE & escort staff from cottages to P.A. Motel & Back Packers hostel. 1930 hrs Ian Matterson Tarana, Devils Park EMA report; The Coroner tells us he received the "all clear" for Historic Site at 1930 hrs. 2000 hrs Carleen Bryant Hobart escorted back to Hobart Pol HQ 2215 hrs EMA report |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 29th, 2016 at 7:47pm
"technical support" - but from where; Canberra? The "Echidna" is tasked.
2230 hrs Police statements Seascape, Oakwood Police confirm "movement of occupants" inside Seascape 2345 hrs Carleen Bryant Hobart Pol HQ interrogation 2100+ hrs "Jamie" Seascape, Oakwood Tells Pol negotiator, Sergt Terry McCarthy the firearms; "…they'll all be destroyed." 2400+ hrs EMA report Tarrana Victoria Police's SOG arrive - flown over Bass Strait, from Melbourne and sworn-in as Constables 0500 hrs EMA report Hobart Departs Hobart for Port Arthur Historic Site 0840 hrs - 29th Police statements Seascape, Oakwood Martin Bryant arrested by Const Paul Hawkins: Coroner Ian Matterson control now secondary 1135 hrs EMA report Seascape, Oakwood Coroner Ian Matterson requested to attend Seascape 1230 hrs Pol Training Video Seascape, Oakwood "global media" entourage is "bussed" to Seascape 0845 hrs EMA report Tarana McCreadie is already there by 0845 hrs - air lifted by helicopter into PFCP at the Devils Park 1400 hrs Photograph evidence Seascape, Oakwood At this time FN FAL rifle still evident lying in roof gutter of out-building's porch 1435 hrs EMA report Seascape, Oakwood Coroner Ian Matterson requested to attend Seascape as "a body has been found." 1700 hrs EMA report Seascape, Oakwood Coroner Ian Matterson departs the area to return to Hobart Tues 30th April 0400 hrs The Mercury Hobart Published broad sheet-sized digitally altered photo; "THIS IS THE MAN … Martin Bryant 28" Tues 30th 1450 EMA report Seascape, Oakwood Coroner Ian Matterson attends Seascape again; 3rd body of Glenn Pears found Wed 1st April Wed 1st April The Mercury Chris McPherson; Pres Delivered state-of-the-industry address to PANPA; 700 Pacific Rim deligates in Hobart for the week |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 4th, 2016 at 8:00pm
Keith Allan Noble On Why Martin Bryant Could Not Have Carried Out 1996 Port Arthur Massacre! |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by boxy on Mar 5th, 2016 at 12:17am
Ah, Keith Allan Noble said something! Hazzah!
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:11pm
Port Arthur massacre filmmaker Paul Moder hits back at The Project over ‘travesty of media whiplashing’ THE filmmaker whose views on the Port Arthur massacre were slammed on The Project on Monday night has come out swinging at producers and panellists Waleed Aly and Carrie Bickmore. Paul Moder, the mind behind a graphic upcoming film about the day Martin Bryant terrorised Port Arthur, agreed to appear on the show to promote the film Bryant — the Port Arthur Massacre. Moder said writing the film was “very, very difficult” because of “conspiracy and agenda”. He attempted to explain how Bryant never received a fair trial. It followed on from a Facebook post in which he suggested Bryant “allegedly” committed the crime. The Project host Aly was quick to hose down any link to Bryant’s perceived innocence. “What is that meant to mean?” Aly fired back. “I mean he’s convicted, there’s no allegedly about it.” Moder explained there was no open trial, no fingerprints taken from the scene, and no ballistic evidence linking Bryant to the firearms used to gun down victims. But Aly pointed out that there was no evidence needed because Bryant made a full confession. “There’s nothing to be made of the fact that this evidence hasn’t been presented publicly, of course it hasn’t been presented publicly, that’s the way the system works,” he explained. “If there was a defensible case, it would have run at trial. That’s what would have happened and those discrepancies, if they even exist, would be discussed and judges would rule on them.” After the show, Moder took to Facebook to share his thoughts on the interview. He didn’t hold back. “Well, a predictable butchering by these biased, agenda driven moral ‘gatekeepers’ and the saddest part is, I expected it going into the interview,” he said. “The Project long ago lost it’s integrity, objectivity and fairness, but it was worth it to see the crestfallen look on their faces after the interview and trust me, I gave as good as I got.” Moder said much of his interview was cut out by producers, one of whom he wrote to after the show to talk about how badly the interview went. “I don’t know if you were privy to that travesty of a media whiplashing, but the saddest part is I actually expected it,” he wrote to the female producer. “My advice? Tell those egomaniacal moralistic gatekeepers to pull their biased, agenda driven heads in and remember what journalism is all about. “That was a vicious, calculated attack, masked by an amiable, inclusive approach ... Shameful, reprehensible. This is Australia, what happened to fair hearing, balance and media decorum? Poor show guys.” Earlier, Moder told he doesn’t have the blessing of the victims’ families but he won’t let that be a deterrent. “I do implore those who would be traumatised by seeing a re-enactment, not to view the film if they feel it will not help their healing process.” This Thursday marks 20 years since the massacre. Moder said he would ideally like to shoot the film in Port Arthur but would use another location, possibly in NSW or Victoria, if he didn’t gain support from the community. “It’s still too raw,” he said. Moder did not elaborate on his theories on Facebook. It’s expected they will be revealed when the film is complete. “I will be including the factual anomalies, discrepancies and legal improprieties that are evidenced and on public record,” he wrote. “Ignore The Project interview.” approached Paul Moder for comment. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by GordyL on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:13pm it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:11pm:
Do you believe that sshhiitt? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:17pm Quote:
you seem upset , this is a reflection of your ignorance upon this and many other topics .. of which ye are most welcomed so be at peace namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by GordyL on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:26pm it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:17pm:
Look walter mikac in the eyes and say that, you fking nutjob |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:29pm GordyL wrote on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:26pm:
many blessings to you gordyl one such as I am has simply posted a report from and you go off the rails ... you seem quite the lunatic yet carry on regardless facts are truth so wear it well beloved being namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:32pm
in your nic it says you are from hate town ...
let me say unto thee gordyl... any fool can hate .. it takes not acumen nor courage to hate as any fool can and does and your deranged persona is a testimony unto the fact so well done champy , good show namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2016 at 8:37pm
ye may get educated here gordyL port arthur massacre martin bryant setup pt1 Uploaded on Nov 26, 2007 wendy scurr was the first person into the broad arrow cafe after the pt arthur massacre, she has a completely different story to tell from the mainstream media , the police and the federal and state governments, find out just how much disinformation and myths have been created around the pre planned pt arthur massacre ,if you watch this film with an open mind you will never be the same again period. also go to the NEXUS magazine website and download from the their archives section a brilliant 3 part series of articles in PDF format on the event time to take the red pill and wake up to what's really going on in our world. Category News & Politics either way enjoy your trip back to hate town.. poor bugga forgiven namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 26th, 2016 at 9:37pm
And yet somehow all these idiots foget he confessed.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2016 at 9:53pm Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 26th, 2016 at 9:37pm:
forced confessions placate idiots very well and this is why there was never any trial .. you are forgiven for being the noun in the 1st sentence fear not ,gordyL will welcome you to hate town population = 2 forgiven namaste ▲ |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 27th, 2016 at 9:54am it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 26th, 2016 at 9:53pm:
Any evidence it was forced? Didn't think so |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:00am Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 9:54am:
spoken like a true ignoramus conforming to government propaganda just like your other short lived vocation of vaccine propaganda , of which , you get very well paid in your job repeating the gibberish from another author of authority whom pays you to simply repeat harmful dogma to human bodies .. so you are compromised from way back , one such as I am merely continually reminds all dear readers of your agenda which is self centered and ignorant of research forgiven namaste ▲ |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:09am
Aussie 9/11 "Port Arthur Massacre" by Andrew MacGregor - Part 1 |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:10am
How many times? crappy youtube videos are not evidence.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:11am
A Critical Study of the Port Arthur Massacre By Carl Wernerhoff - © 2006 by Carl Wernerhoff Tue, 10/30/2007 - 20:10 — Arthur Cristian What’s Going On?: A Critical Study of the Port Arthur Massacre By Carl Wernerhoff Text © 2006 by Carl Wernerhoff Email: cwernerhoff @ What’s Going On? is to be regarded as a draft version of a book project which is being made available privately by the author for the purpose of encouraging a wider knowledge of the case. In no sense is the text to be regarded as ‘published’ simply because a draft has been made available by means of a link placed on the Internet. There is no way that I would formally publish a work that contains as much speculation as this one and which remains incompletely documented. It may be downloaded and shared freely, so long as any original ideas contained in it are not attributed to any other author. This work-in-progress is dedicated to Joe Vialls Ian McNiven Andrew MacGregor Noel McDonald Wendy Scurr and the handful of other Australians interested in knowing the truth about what happened at Port Arthur Contents Preface …… viii Introduction …… 1 PART I: THERE IS NO CASE AGAINST MARTIN BRYANT 1. Reasons to question the official story …… 12 2. The police interrogation transcript …… 30 3. The ‘Jamie’ conversations …… 44 4. Guns and ammo …… 59 5. Zilch: the evidence against Martin Bryant …… 70 APPENDIX I: Bryant’s affair with a pig …… 86 APPENDIX II: What does Martin Bryant actually look like? …… 88 APPENDIX III: See no evil, hear no evil: Petra Wilmott …… 93 APPENDIX IV: Aileen and Ian Kingston …… 98 APPENDIX V: Wasps and Japs …… 106 PART II: RETHINKING THE PORT ARTHUR MASSACRE 6. Smoking guns …… 111 7. The wonderful world of psyops …… 118 8. Towards an alternative account of the Port Arthur massacre …… 125 9. A provisional, alternative account of the Port Arthur massacre …… 10. Aftermath …… 11. Conclusion …… Preface Like most Australians, this author was deeply affected– and to some extent, emotionally scarred – by the tragedy at Port Arthur in 1996. Like most Australians, moreover, I accepted the word of the government, the police and the mass media that Martin Bryant of New Town, Hobart, Tasmania, had perpetrated the massacre. My willingness to accept what I now know to have been a bundle of lies was bound up with my ability to effortlessly incorporate the incident into my mental framework. It seemed to me then that what had happened was really very simple: a generation of young people which had grown up in the shadow of that machine-gun toting icon of the 1980s, Rambo, had produced a couple of young men who craved nothing less than using high-powered weapons to inflict as much carnage as possible. Since there was no Vietnam war and therefore no Vietnamese peasants for them to destroy, the best alternative for these suburban Rambos was to go beserk in their own backyards. This they did at locations like Hoddle Street, Melbourne, where Julian Knight killed seven people in 1987, Queen Street, Melbourne, where Frank Vitkovic killed eight people four months later, Aramoana, New Zealand, where David Gray killed thirteen in 1990, and Strathfield Shopping Centre, Sydney, where Wade Frankum killed seven in 1991. Now, to prolong this series of young Antipodean Rambos, was the Broad Arrow Café, Port Arthur, Tasmania, with Martin Bryant playing the lead role. My understanding of the massacre was naďve, to be sure, but it was consistent with a popular view according to which episodes of mass violence are triggered by images diffused throughout the mainstream culture. Whenever a figure like Rambo emerges as a culture hero, I reasoned, there would inexorably follow Julian Knights, Wade Frankums and Martin Bryants. The meaning for the massacre for me was simply that society is biting off far more than it can chew when it sets up lethal characters like Rambo as its heroes and role models. In another fit of naďvete that I now regret, I was also favourably impressed when John Howard of the Liberal party, Australia’s newly-elected prime minister, acted decisively after the massacre to ram through stringent new gun laws of the sort I had long supported. To me, strict gun laws was a Labor party policy – and it was almost unthinkable to me that a Liberal leader would move on the issue. I was pleasantly surprised to see a Liberal party stalwart like Howard champion one of my pet causes. I really didn’t think a conservative had it in him to do something that, in my opinion, was manifestly in the country’s best interests.1 |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:12am
Yet, for all my naďvete, I cannot say that I was entirely satisfied by what I read in the newspapers and saw on television about the massacre. At the subconscious level, I felt uneasy about the fact that it had taken place only seven short weeks after Howard had become prime minister. I sensed that there had to be a connection somewhere. I was also disturbed by the fact that no satisfactory explanation was ever offered for the fact that the locking mechanism for a rear exit from the Broad Arrow Café
had been damaged so as to render it unusable, thus preventing escape by that route. It seemed to me then, as it still seems to me now, that anyone who thinks that this defect was not connected to the massacre – as if it was a minor problem that had occurred but simply not been noticed before April 28 – has to be a complete fool. [1 Non-Australian readers should understand that the Liberal party is, despite its name, an arch-conservative party. Apart from its stand on the issue of guns in 1996, its policies are virtually identical to and as inimical to the public good as those of the American Republican party.] It is perhaps because a vein of suspicion lingered inside me that, as the years went by and the massacre wholly vanished from public discourse, I only found myself asking more questions about what had happened, not less. What made me suspicious about the case was principally the fact that no sooner had Bryant been installed in Risdon prison than it vanished – and vanished completely - from public discourse. I could not understand why there never were interviews with key witnesses and participants. With the exception of Nubeena pharmacist Walter Mikacs, who was not himself a victim but rather the husband and father of three victims (his wife and two young daughters), no one associated with the events of April 28-29, 1996, maintained any sort of a public profile in the years that followed. Carleen Bryant – Martin’s mother – was the only other individual in any way connected to the massacre who impinged on my consciousness. (I read in The Sydney Morning Herald that the grief-stricken woman spent her days travelling around Australia in campervan.) Where were people like Bryant’s girlfriend, Petra Wilmott, who should have been able to shed light on Bryant’s mental processes in the lead up to the massacre? Why did no one ever interview actual eyewitnesses of the shooting? It was almost as though all these people had fallen down a rabbit hole. Their absence from my newspapers, magazines and televisions violated my sense of decorum. As one of the most traumatic events in Australian history, the sudden shutdown of discourse about Port Arthur presented an obscene challenge to my concept of closure, a fashionable term which, however glibly it is often used, implies a full and objective reckoning with the past. The Port Arthur massacre disappeared from the Australian media at precisely the time when the public should have found itself plumbing the darkest depths of Martin Bryant’s mind, the world which had created him, and the precise circumstances that had enabled him to acquire his lethal weapons. Port Arthur, it seemed to me, had slipped into a memory hole well before its time, and Bryant himself had become a non-person in the Orwellian sense. In a society devoted to smug self-adulation, I seemed to be the only person to preserve a live curiosity about the distressing events of 1996 – events which, presumably, had no place in Howard’s new, ‘relaxed and comfortable’ Australia. Those unsatisfied feelings began to find an outlet in about 2001 when, thanks to the Internet, I came across writings about Port Arthur by independent researcher Joe Vialls. Vialls presented, at least in nuce, a more persuasive account of what had happened at Port Arthur than that which I had picked up from the Australian mass media.2 But at this stage, the abundance of materials on bizarre events in recent American history like the political assassinations of the 1960s and the Oklahoma City bombing to which the Internet gave me access gripped my attention more. Then there was 9-11, an event which for several years preoccupied me nearly as much as the assassinations of my heroes the Kennedy brothers. But finally, in 2004, I discovered on my computer a version of one of Vialls’ writings about Port Arthur. This time, the subject stuck with me. I was in it for the long haul – anxious to discover whether, unsuspected by the mass public, a dark and disturbing event of the American kind had intruded into the history of a remote and hitherto peaceful continent. My ability to research this topic objectively was enhanced by the fact that, by 2004, I no longer held any illusions about John Howard. I had fully come to recognize that he was probably the dirtiest player in Australian political history. Like all thinking Australians, I [2 Many of the writings to which I am referring are now hosted at the following location:] realized by 2004 that he and lied about the Tampa affair for short-term political advantage, while his decision to commit Australian troops to the neoconservatives’ war in Iraq demonstrated beyond all doubt that his ultimate loyalties were to the American military-industrial complex, not the citizens of the country that had elected him its leader. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:12am
I realized that there was probably nothing that Howard would not do to stay in power long enough to fasten a conservative straitjacket on the country the way the Republicans had done in the United States.
If Howard supported gun control in 1996, I decided, there very probably had to be a sinister reason. What I learned, as I studied the details of the Port Arthur massacre, was that there was no evidence that Martin Bryant – alone and to the exclusion of all other young men with long blonde hair – had perpetrated the massacre. And, as my knowledge of the case deepened, I realized that Bryant could not have done it. The book you are about to read captures the key moments of my independent investigation, the stages by which I groped my way to a fuller understanding of that disturbing event. A word about the Seascape siege is in order. Bryant was apprehended by police the day after the massacre while fleeing a burning building, Seascape Cottage, which was located about four kilometres north of Port Arthur. The public was led to believe that Bryant had been the man calling himself ‘Jamie’ who had kept police at bay during an overnight siege that lasted over 18 hours. By various means, the public was led to accept that the Seascape affair was connected with the massacre, and that the protagonist of the siege was the same individual as the Port Arthur shooter. That Bryant was somehow implicated in the siege is incontrovertible. He admits arriving at Seascape, we know that his girlfriend (Petra Wilmott) was present there with him, while, as is well known to most Australians, he was captured while fleeing from the burning building on the morning of April 29. Recognition of the fact that Bryant was involved does not mean that he was responsible for killing anyone, let alone that he was the main known only as ‘Jamie,’ who seems to have been in charge of the Seascape operation. In fact, Bryant was probably one of Jamie’s hostages. While I believe that Bryant was the person Jamie referred to as Sgt. Terry McCarthy’s ‘main man’ – the reason why McCarthy could not allow the Seascape siege to get ‘blown’ – we have no means of establishing exactly what happened or why. While Bryant languishes in jail, effectively forbidden from discussing the case, the other inviduals involved are either dead or unlikely to ever to re-emerge to discuss the affair (‘Jamie,’ Petra Wilmott). There are no independent witnesses to events, leaving us wholly dependent upon the mostly uninformative statements of police and Special Operations Group (SOG) personnel attending the siege. I do not try to ascertain the truth about the bizarre Seascape siege, therefore. Whatever Bryant’s (and Wilmott’s) true role in the Seascape affair or the extent of our sympathy for its other victims (Noelene Martin, David Martin and Glenn Pears), what happened there is a relatively tame matter compared to the nightmarish scenes that transpired in the PAHS on April 28. 3 While it is always possible that Bryant deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison for his role in what happened at Seascape, we have no means of reconstructing a likely narrative of events, incriminating or otherwise. We are much better informed about what happened at Port Arthur – sufficiently [3 According to the charges against him, Bryant was accused of the murder of Noelene Joyce Martin. However, she is normally referred to as Sally, and this will be the practice throughout this book.] well-informed that it is possible to state with absolute certainty that Bryant was not involved. Although I deal with several aspects of the Seascape siege in this book, therefore, I do so only when doing so sheds light on what happened at Port Arthur and the question of whether Bryant was the Port Arthur gunman. This book is about what happened at Port Arthur in one of the darkest episodes in Australian history. For all its sophistication and its numerous unexplained dimensions, the Seascape siege was at bottom a charade whose purpose was to make it look as though Martin Bryant had been the Port Arthur gunman. It was the Australian analogue of the murder of Officer Tippit in Dallas in 1963, which by a convoluted kind of logic led to the conclusion that a man captured in a cinema with a gun had to be the man who killed Tippit and the man who killed Tippit had to have been the man who had assassinated President Kennedy. This book therefore labours to exonerate Bryant from the allegation that he was involved in the Port Arthur massacre. It mounts no particular case about the nature of his involvement in the Seascape affair, although I lean towards the view that he was a captive rather than a co-conspirator. A Critical Study of the Port Arthur Massacre Introduction Australians reacted with horror and outrage when, on a Sunday evening in 1996, they learned from their televisions that over 30 people had been murdered and many others injured in an orgy of violence in the Port Arthur Historical Site (PAHS), Tasmania, one the nation’s most venerable historical sites, and adjacent locations. They were told that the atrocities had been perpetrated by a young Caucasian man with pale skin and long white hair brandishing a military rifle – a kind of quasi-albino Rambo – who apparently had a dislike of Japanese tourists. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:12am
In summary, the story delivered to the breathless world was that shortly before 1.30 p.m. that cloudless Sunday afternoon, the gunman had entered the Broad Arrow Café at the PAHS and picked off, with unfathomable callousness, one tourist after another. He killed a number of other individuals as he exited the PAHS and holed himself up in a nearby tourist guest house, the Seascape, in a siege that only ended when he burned the building down the following morning (an event that was seen
shortly afterwards on television). What made the crime so repugnant was first, the coldly methodical way in which the shooter set to the task of killing as many people as possible, and second, the fact that his pitlilessness extended to even small children. To those deeply traumatized (like this writer) by the story of how the gunman had callously shot Walter and Nanette Mikac's two little daughters, three year-old Madeline and six year-old Alannah, whom he had hunted down from her hiding place behind a tree, no more sinister crime could be imagined. The wave of revulsion unleashed across the country by the massacre - the second-largest body count in a single killing spree by one shooter anywhere in the world - can only be compared to that which swept the globe immediately after the 9-11 terrorist attacks in New York in 2001. It led just as inevitably to the implementation of national legislation against semi-automatic weapons as the 9-11 attacks led in the United States to the passage of the Patriot Act. It was also so traumatizing an event that it left Australians entirely oblivious to the massive miscarriage of justice that followed when Martin Bryant, a 29 year-old man with an IQ of only 66 from Hobart, Tasmania, was declared guilty of the crime.4 All it took to convince Australians that Bryant had been the killer, effectively, was the say-so of Tasmania Police and the mass media. The ‘evidence’ against Bryant that the police and media presented to the Australian public consisted of four things: 1) a shocking narrative of the events of April 28-29 in which Bryant was asserted over and over again to have been the central protagonist; 2) a photograph of Bryant showing strange, ‘psycho’ eyes that was published in the Hobart Mercury on the morning of April 30, then published across the country by the afternoon of the same day; 3) a biography of Bryant disclosing a history of mental problems, as well as several disturbing episodes, such as his friendship (and rumoured sexual relationship) with an eccentric old woman, Helen Hervey, who died in a car crash in 1992, bequeathing him $650,000; and 4) revelations that he owned numerous violent and pornographic videos, the most sensational item of which was Child's Play 2, a film in which an evil doll called Chucky has to kill a boy to become real. [4 To be entirely accurate, Bryant was nine days short of his 29th birthday.] Considered together, these four things left Australians in no doubt whatsoever that Bryant was guilty. (As I show in Appendix I below, Bryant was no psycho, the most incriminating episodes in his biography are either lies or unsubstantiated allegations, and his video collection contained entirely standard fare.) The outrage against Bryant lasted so long that when, on September 30, 1996, he pleaded not guilty to any of the 72 charges against him, no one was prepared to entertain the possibility that he might have done so because he was actually not guilty. Australians ‘knew’ that he was guilty, whatever he said to the contrary. The fact that he pleaded not guilty presented nothing for them to worry about, because his decision to plead not guilty for crimes the public thought he had ‘obviously’ committed was no more inexplicable than the crime itself, for which no real motive had ever been offered. The line of reasoning most people followed was that someone who was perverse enough to commit a massacre for no apparent reason could be expected to prove just as perverse in the courtroom. By November 7, 1996, when suddenly and inexplicably Bryant pleaded guilty to all 72 charges against him, the massacre was no longer of interest to most Australians. All that mattered to them was that the monster who had committed the murders was going to be locked away for the rest of his life. No one cared about such matters as how, within a period of a few weeks, Bryant had been induced to shift from a ‘not guilty’ to a ‘guilty’ plea – thereby sparing the government a trial that would prove his guilt - and most people just felt sad for his mother, Carleen Bryant, when they learned that she remained unconvinced that her son had been responsible for the killing spree. Once the fit of base passions unleased by the massacre began to subside in about 1999, a few conscientious Australians began to express concerns that, during the process that led to Bryant’s sentencing on November 22, 1996, major violations of the Australian criminal justice system had occurred, as well as shocking legal improprieties without precedent in the country’s history. This is a shortlist of twelve of the violations and improprieties that were required to ensure that Martin Bryant was locked away for the rest of his life without ever being proven guilty: |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:13am
1. The identity of the alleged offender was made public by the Hobart Mercury on the morning of April 29, 1996, when it was stated that he had been ‘a 29 yearl old schizophrenic from the Hobart suburb of New Town’ whose father had ‘committed suicide 3 years ago.’ The actual name of the alleged offender was made public by the same newspaper the following morning and by all major afternoon papers shortly afterwards - before his guilt had been proven in a court of law. Under Australian law, a person is considered innocent until proven guilty.
2. A photograph of the alleged offender was illegally published by the Hobart Mercury on the morning of April 30, 1996, and by all major afternoon papers shortly afterwards, including Sydney tabloid The Daily Telegraph (which is where I first saw it myself). NB: The reason why it is illegal to publish photographs of suspects is that it influences witness statements, often making it impossible for them to remember what they actually saw. The wide circulation of photos of Bryant was clearly a major obstacle to identification when one of the most widely published photos was used as photo #5 in the May 14, 1996 police photoboard. At least two witnesses were honest enough to admit that their memories had been contaminated by their exposure to Bryant’s image in the media. [‘I have today viewed a folder containing thirty photographs of male persons, and I immediately recognised photo #5 as the person I believe to be the gunman, but I must be honest here with this identification, and say that I have definitely been influenced by media coverage of his photo in relation to an identification.’ – Eyewitness Lindsay Richards (May 29, 1996) ‘I have read an article in Time Magazine, and have viewed a photograph of Martin Bryant within this article … so if I chose Bryant in a [police] photoboard, I would be very influenced by this article.’ – Eyewitness Brigid Cook (May 29, 1996)] BELOW: Media frenzy: the first picture the nation saw of the alleged perpetrator of the massacre, Martin Bryant (Note: See link at bottom of page to see photos & original pdf file.) 3. A Coronial Inquiry, although required by Tasmanian law when a person has died ‘a violent, unnatural or unexpected death, or as a result of injury or accident,’ was waived on purely sentimental grounds by the Prime Minister, John Howard. Not only did Howard have no power to overrule a Tasmanian law, it cannot be overruled by a Tasmanian government official or legal representative. Yet every move made by relatives of the deceased in calling for a Coronial Inquest has been subsequently denied by the Tasmanian Coroner, Ian Matterson, as well as by Tasmania's Attorney General, Ray Groom. The explanation was that an inquiry would only inflict more pain upon the already sufficiently traumatized survivors. 4. Bryant was illegally held in solitary confinement until he finally pleaded guilty in November 1996, a period of nearly seven months. During this period, he was allowed no access to the media, be it radio, television or print, and was therefore kept in the dark as to what Australia was saying about the massacre and his presumed role in it. Although he received a handful of visits from his mother Carleen Bryant and one from his girlfriend Petra Wilmott, these visits seem to have taken place in closely supervised (i.e., severely constrained) circumstances in which the case itself was not allowed to be discussed. As a result, Bryant was left in total ignorance for over two months of the fact that he was being held responsible for the Port Arthur massace. This is contrary to the fundamental principle that accused persons have the right to know the nature of the charges against them. 5. Bryant’s police interrogation of July 4, 1996, was illegally conducted without any legal counsel or guardian present. What’s more, what has been released of the interrogation transcript shows that until July 4, 1996, Bryant was under the misapprehension the only charge against him was a single death. Again, this is contrary to the principle that accused persons have the right to know the nature of the charges against them. 6. Neither of Bryant’s defence lawyers - David Gunson QC and Hobart-based barrister and solicitor John Avery – made any effort to defend him. They seem to have understood their role to involve persuading Bryant to plead guilty in order to avoid a trial. The problem with taking such a position is that Bryant denied carrying out the massacre at the PAHS on April 28, 1996. Gunson and Avery therefore failed to fulfill their obligations to their client to mount a defence on his behalf. 7. Since the intellectually disadvantaged Bryant had been declared incompetent to manage his own affairs in a closed session of the Hobart Supreme Court on April 22, 1994, he was not legally able to enter a guilty plea. 8. The police have never properly verified Bryant’s guilty pleas using standard police procedures. ‘Standard procedure in these circumstances is to take the suspect out to the crime scene and ask for details of exactly how he committed the crime(s), i.e. where each victim was standing, what sex, how many bullets, where the weapon was reloaded, etc etc., all recorded on continuous (time-stamped) video,’ explains conspiracy researcher Joe Vialls. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:16am
‘The Victorian Police Service observed this standard procedure meticulously in the case of Julian Knight at Hoddle Street during 1987, as did the New South
Wales Police Service after a street shooting in Wollongong in 1998.’ Vialls adds the following, entirely appropriate conclusion: the ‘Tasmanian Police Service has still not verified his guilt using this standard procedure, and its continued refusal to do so can realistically be taken as proof of Martin Bryant's innocence.’5 9. Prime Minister Howard called for the demolition of the Broad Arrow Café, again on sentimental grounds. However, the Café was part of the evidence that would be required for any [5 That this is what the police do in such cases can easily be verified by watching the episodes of the TV programme Forensic Investigators concerned with the 1998 Wollongong murders. They show abundant footage of the perpetrator, Mark Valera, taking police through every stage of the killings.] future court case or inquest and should therefore have been preserved indefinitely.NB: The hasty demolition of a crime scene – as that of the Murrah Federal Building at Oklahome City and the World Trade Center in New York – is a classic feature of high-level cover ups. 10. Even today, no one outside Risdon prison - with the possible exception of his mother, although this remains unclear - is apparently allowed to speak with, or photograph, Martin Bryant. This is what the American constitution would define as ‘cruel and unusual punishment,’ but is apparently legal in Australia. However, it would certainly be illegal under various United Nations charters on human rights. 11. Bryant’s estate was sequestrated and his assets (which were estimated at $900,000) turned over to the state. Since Bryant has never been proven guilty, this amounts to larceny on the part of the Tasmanian government. 12. Since there existed no legislation which would have entitled the Tasmanian government to help itself to Bryant’s estate, special legislation had to be introduced into Parliament which applied retrospectively to the date at which it was introduced (which was on about November 15, 1996, a week before Bryant pled guilty). Retrospective legislation is always objectionable on moral grounds – in effect, it means entitling the state to penalize individuals for acts which were not illegal at the time they were performed - but this example must rank among the most dangerous precedents in Australian legal history. That it has proven so easy for the authorities to leave Bryant languishing in prison without ever being proven guilty is largely due to the apathy of millions. Despite their civilized veneer, the Australians of 1996 reverted to a lynch mob mentality when A Critical Study of the Port Arthur Massacre confronted by crimes that exceeded their understanding. Who can doubt that Bryant would have been lynched at any time in 1996, if the opportunity had presented itself? Royal Hobart Hospital staff even received death threats for the crime of tending to the third-degree burns Bryant sustained in the Seascape fire and one of the walls of the Hospital soon carried a message implying that an attempt would be made to kill him (see photo on page 10). Even after ten years, I doubt whether many Australians would raise an eyebrow if, tomorrow, they read in their newspapers that Bryant had been murdered in Risdon prison by a fellow prisoner or by a prison officer. The fact that there has been total silence on the part of the Australian legal establishment about Bryant’s treatment amply demonstrates that it does not take such matters as the right to a fair trial at all seriously. The only high profile individual who has dared to express doubts as to Bryant’s guilt is independent conservative politician Pauline Hanson, who is not highly regarded in many circles. Sadly, it is likely that Bryant’s case will remain unexposed unless it is taken up by a more credible critic of the establishment like journalist David Marr or social commentator Richard Neville. BELOW: Graffiti on the wall of the Hobart hospital in which Bryant was recovering from burn wounds A Critical Study of the Port Arthur Massacre (Note: See link at bottom of page to see photos & original pdf file.) PART I: THERE IS NO CASE AGAINST MARTIN BRYANT 1 Reasons to question the official story The unhappy fate of Martin Bryant is more than a matter of the flouting of the fundamental principles of the Australian criminal justice system. Since so many laws and legal norms were conspicuously ignored in the rush to lock Bryant away for good, the only reasonable conclusion to draw is that they were ignored precisely because they constituted an impediment to finding him guilty. Our first step, therefore, is to reexamine the case on the basis of a presumption of innocence. Our modus operandi consists of subjecting every incriminating aspect of the case to serious scrutiny: something that has scarcely ever been done before. Bryant’s physical appearance Most Australians remain unaware that there are good reasons to doubt that Bryant perpetrated the massacre. Of the twentyodd persons who survived the shootings inside the Broad Arrow Café, only a few provided physical descriptions of the gunman. In these, his estimated age is twenty or less. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:17am
Karen Atkins of Sydney told The Australian (April 29, 1996) that, very soon after the shootings, she had spoken to a woman who had met the gunman in the Café. According to this woman, the gunman had been 'a young fellow, about 18 or 19, he looked like a surfie, he arrived in a Volkswagon and he walked into the cafeteria carrying a tennis bag.'
This description could be dismissed on the grounds that it is secondhand. However, it tallies with the description given by Carol Pearce. According to Pearce, the gunman, who she passed on her way into the Broad Arrow Café, was ‘between 18-20 years of age, he had really blonde hair which was collar length, it was fairly straight with a bit of a wave in it. He was clean shaven, he was average in height and build.’ Pearce’s description is invaluable, as it was given on April 28, 1996, the very day of the massacre. Like the woman to whom Atkins spoke, therefore, Pearce could not have been influenced by the media campaign of vilification against Martin Bryant. No picture of him had as yet been published.6 The same age range is mentioned by former RAF officer Graham Collyer, who was shot in the throat inside the Café. In his witness statement taken on May 7, 1996, Collyer described the gunman thus: 'He seemed somewhere about 20, he had long blonde bedraggled hair, about 3" - 4" below the shoulder. He looked like he might have had a lot of acne, a pitted face. He had scraggly trousers, I don't remember what colour.'7 On May 10, Jim Laycock told police that the man was in his ‘low twenties.’ Betty Daviess described him as a ‘young male person.’8 Of the individuals who gave their statements to the police before the barrage of images of Martin Bryant appeared in the media, the oldest age estimates are given by Carmel Edwards, who held the door open for the gunman as he left the Café to eat his lunch on the balcony, and Justin Noble, a member of the New South Wales police force who says he saw the gunman [6 Of course, Pearce could have been the woman Atkins spoke to. If so, this proves that Atkins related her description accurately enough. However, Pearce does not say that she spoke with the gunman, suggesting that we are talking about two different witnesses.] [7 Noel McDonald, A Presentation on the Port Arthur Incident, 2001, p. 222. Collyer states that he had been ‘sedated or sleeping since the shooting,’ so had not yet had the opportunity to ‘see anything in the media about the person who shot me.’ Collyer’s statement can be read online at:] [8] exiting the Café after the shooting. Edwards described him as ’22-23 years old.’ Noble described him 'as 20-25 years of age.' Another witness, Joyce Maloney, told the police he was 18-22.9 Thus no actual witness to the shootings at Port Arthur cites an age above 25. Most describe him as in his late teens or early twenties. (It also appears to be the case that the better look a witness got at the gunman, the younger the age he or she gave to the police.) Yet at the time of the massacre, Bryant was 29 and could not reasonably have been mistaken for anyone under 26 or 27. This much is obvious from the photograph on the next page, which shows Bryant together with the woman we have been told was his girlfriend, Petra Wilmott. Since the pair reportedly only became romantically involved in February 1996, this photograph has to have been taken within three months of the massacre. Despite its poor quality, it shows Bryant’s face unframed by hair, and so gives a very good idea of what he looked like at the time of the massacre. The only witnesses who estimated the gunman’s age in the upper 20s are witnesses like Yannis Kateros who only saw him from a considerable distance, most of whom gave statements to the police a week or more after the shooting when the matter of Bryant’s age was already established in the media.10 It is obvious that those who saw the gunman at close distance and who gave their descriptions before anything about Bryant’s appearance had been made public are to be considered by far the most reliable. [9] [10 Kateros, who estimated the shooter’s age as 28, gave his statement on May 10. See Noel McDonald, op. cit., p. 223.] But there were more than years separating Bryant and the Port Arthur gunman. Only one witness, Rebecca McKenna, got a good look at the man’s face. (Most witnesses saw nothing on account of the long blonde hair.) Although there are problems with her statement (as well as those of her partner Michael Beekman), her description of his appearance – the only detailed description on record – makes disturbing reading for anyone who thinks that he could have been Bryant: I would describe the male as follows: - Approximately 173 cm tall. Slim build. Blonde hair, past his ears, wavy with a part in the middle. Unshaven dirty looking. His eyes appeared to be blue. …. He appeared to be German looking. His eyebrows appeared to be blonde and bushy. He appeared “dopey” looking, his eyes appeared to be bloodshot. His facial skin appeared to be freckley and he was pale. His face seemed skinny and withdrawn. His ears were fairly large.11 It is interesting that while McKenna’s account of the man’s conversation was widely quoted – he talked about European wasps and Japanese tourists - her description of his face was |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 9:52pm Quote:
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Aussie on Apr 27th, 2016 at 9:58pm
I'm not going to read all the previous posts.
Master Light...what is your point? Is it that Bryant is an innocent man and did not shoot those people? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:03pm Aussie wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 9:58pm:
many blessings master aussie , the thread stands as a testimony to the saga of this port arthur incident .. many facts are within these pages to illuminate truth research and be gifted with these facts ,or carry on regardless, yet either way be at peace namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Aussie on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:07pm it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:03pm:
Bugger off with your crap. Are you here telling me that Bryant was not the killer? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:09pm Aussie wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:07pm:
what does it matter what another thinks .. you seem inadequate in your knowledge upon this case and refuse to look at the evidence provided .. there is no greater ignorance and ye are worthy of that stature forgiven namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:11pm Aussie wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 9:58pm:
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Hoss on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:15pm
Port Aurther stank at many levels , as to who did what. make your own decision but at least try to keep an open mind. all a closed one will get you is a headache To many things just do not jell. However it was twenty years ago today sorry kids the world has changed? not necessarily for the better. we need to rethink a few things. 8-) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Aussie on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:21pm
No many blessings whatsoever Master Wanker
It matters so one such as I can evaluate whether enlightened as I am or not ought care less what one so stupid as yourself is worth addressing given what is so clear as lack of any brain cell otherwise would know as enlightened. Bryant killed them and he and yourself deserve the peace you warrant which may also involve little sanity. namaste and be at peace not any blessings Love Aussie |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:24pm Aussie wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:21pm:
you seem upset this is perfect and how it should be thank you for your contribution , if thats the extent of your insight you may run along while others look at facts thank you aussie .. namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Aussie on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:31pm
You seem far more upset
than one as gifted as I am could ever be given I can paragraph garbage like this and it is of wonder that you are yet to tell us whether Bryant killed those people who are now at rest and miam miam for them and you are forgiven for stupidity and I cannot overlook saying namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:32pm Hoss wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:15pm:
On a good day I might approach the apparent co-ordination of the alleged shooter..... but I find it hard to understand how he could have been that motivated .... it just doesn't gel to me.... People train for hours a day for months on end to achieve even comparable kill rates.... and in an environment where they are totally dedicated to that end.... 22 SAS dedicate an entire Squadron (no number given) to the CT role for a year, in rotation... and they train day and night for all kinds of situations.... out of an entire Squadron there are only a few, no number given, who are tasked with being the 'intrusion team'.. the rest are the support in many ways .... it takes a true professional to achieve Bryant's kill rate...... and I would not use an M-16/AR15 or FN-10 in a CQB situation....... |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:36pm
You probably believe that Martin Bryant, acting alone, carried out the Port Arthur massacre on Sunday 28th April 1996. If so, can you reconcile the following facts with the official story?
1. On the Sunday morning, two hours before the murders, ten of the senior managers of Port Arthur were taken to safety many miles away up the east coast,for a two day seminar with a vague agenda and no visiting speakers. Was the timing of this trip a mere coincidence? 2. Also just before the shootings the only two policemen in the region were called away on a wild goose chase. They were sent to the Coal Mine at Salt Water River, to investigate a heroin drug stash which turned out to be soap powder. This was too far for them to get to the Broad Arrow Cafe in time to be of any use. Had a policeman remained at Dunalley he would have closed the swing bridge to prevent the killer(s) from escaping from the peninsula. Did Bryant, IQ 66, organise this decoy? 3. Big Mortuary Truck. Before the massacre, a specially-built 22 person capacity mortuary truck was built. It attracted some derision at the time, but its effective use at Port Arthur was unquestioned. After the massacre it was advertised, unsuccessfully, for sale via the internet, then converted for another purpose. Without the foresight of Port Arthur, why build it? When it had proven its worth, why get rid of it? Another coincidence? 4. Martin Bryant has never been properly identified as the gunman. A young woman who ate her lunch near the gunman just before 1.30 said he had a freckled face. Graham Collyer, the wounded ex-soldier, who had the best opportunity to observe the killer, said he had a pock-marked or acned face. Neither description fits Bryant who has a beautifully smooth complexion. Graham Collyer says that it was not Bryant who shot him in the neck. Of all the witnesses that saw the shooter, only one knew Martin Bryant from before. That was Jim Laycock, the former owner of the Broad Arrow Caf�. He not only knew Bryant, but also where he used sit in the Broad Arrow and what he used to drink and the conversations he used to have with his daughter. So what did Laycock say about his identification of the shooter? "I did not recognize the male (shooter) as Martin Bryant". 5. Illegal Photo. On 30th April the Hobart Mercury printed an old photo of Martin Bryant on the front page. This was illegal because at that stage some of the witnesses had not yet been asked to identify the killer, and the photo would have become fixed in the minds of the witnesses. When one witness was asked to describe the clothing worn by the gunman, she described the clothing on the old photo instead of what the gunman had worn. The Mercury newspaper was not prosecuted for breaking the law. 6. Mrs Wendy Scurr, nurse, tour guide and Ambulance Officer, rang the police at 1.32 pm to report the shooting. She and other medics then cared for the injured and the dead without any police protection for six and a half hours. Who ordered the armed police to stop at Tarana, where they had a barbecue? The police who arrived by boats were a stone's throw away from the main crime scene, the cafe, and they too failed to come in to see what was going on. Was this meant to increase the trauma of the survivors? 7. Three more shots were fired at Port Arthur at 6.30pm while Bryant was at Seascape. Who fired those shots? 8. Same Question - Different Answer. At a recent Forensics Seminar in Queensland where the Tasmanian Police forensic gun inspector, Gerard Dutton, gave a lecture, the first question came from Mr Ian McNiven. He asked if there was any empirical evidence to link Martin Bryant to the Broad Arrow Cafe. Sargent Dutton immediately closed the 15 minute question time and would not reply. When McNiven managed to say "I have here Graham Collyer's police statement...", Sgt Dutton threatened him with arrest and called for security agents to escort McNiven out of the building. When Dutton was asked the same question in America by a Doctor at a seminar, he replied truthfully - "There is no empirical evidence to link Bryant to the cafe." 9. Yet a police video tape exists which proves that the police had an excellent opportunity to get DNA samples and finger prints of the gunman. The video briefly shows the blue sports bag on a cafe table. The gunman had carried his 3 rifles in this bag and left it right next to his drinking glass, his Solo soft drink can, knife, fork, plate, video cameras, etc. Why did the police fail to take DNA samples and finger prints? 10. According to the official story, Bryant first killed David and Sally Martin at Seascape Cottage in the morning, then went on to Port Arthur. Yet two policemen have reported seeing a naked woman with black hair, screaming and running from one building to another at Seascape well into the afternoon. If Sally Martin was dead, who was this woman? 11. Proof of other gunmen in Seascape Cottage. While Bryant was calmly talking to police by telephone in the cottage during the 'siege' and the conversation was recorded, someone else fired an SKK rifle 20 times. In the transcript the gunfire is recorded as 'coughs' but an electronic analysis of one of the 'coughs' shows that it was an SKK shot. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:36pm
12. Two More Very Handy Seminars. On the Sunday morning, some 25 specialist doctors (Royal Australian College of Surgeons) from all over Australia had attended a training course in Hobart, and their last lecture was on Terrorist Attack and Gunshot Wounds. They stayed on to take care of the wounded victims.
13. Also, more than 700 reporters from 17 nations came to a seminar in Hobart. They were asked to arrive during the week-end as the seminar was due to begin early on Monday morning. How handy to have 700 scribblers churning out their anti-gun and disarmament propaganda to the whole world! 14. "There will never be uniform Gun Laws in Australia until we see a massacre somewhere in Tasmania" said Barry Unsworth, NSW Premier, December, 1987 at a conference in Hobart. Prophecy or Planning? 15. "If we don't get it right this time (gun laws) next time there is a massacre, and there will be, then they'll take all our guns off us", said the deputy prime minister, Tim Fischer in May 1996. Who is the "THEY" who would order the removal of our guns? Did Fischer let slip that gun confiscation has been ordered by someone other than our own leaders? pls answer the questions if you have the care or not, yet either way be at peace namaste ▲ |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Apr 27th, 2016 at 11:36pm
I remain intrigued that a man with IQ 66 not only 'acted tactically and avoided being a target' at Seascape that night.... and also 'ran between Seascape and an outlying shed and back'.
FSS... one of the firearms alleged to have been used, but never proven to have been so, was found in that 'outlying shed'.. burnt to a crisp and incapable of any forensic tests, just like the other weapon found in Seascape after the fire burnt out. Neither weapon was ever identified as a murder weapon at Port Arthur. Again - in any situation involving intervention of a CT/CQB team - all weapons are surrendered to police authorities for full examination and identified as belonging to the individual members of the insert team, and full tests are undertaken to establish exactly which weapon did what. No questions asked, but this is a pisser to Team members who have a close relationship with their personal weapons. Nothing like this took place at Port Arthur with regard to the alleged weapons used in the massacre. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 28th, 2016 at 8:44am it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 10:36pm:
Where are the references for these facts? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Hoss on Apr 30th, 2016 at 9:16pm
Neither weapon was ever identified as a murder weapon at Port Arthur. But they where identified as having been handed to the Victorian police force under amnesty. who then sold them to a gun dealer in Tassie, who was supposed to sll then overseas'. instead they where sold in Tassie. seeing as how two Pig Commissars got up and said sorry, they should have destroyed them as they were supposed to and it will not happen again? Like I said Stinks at all levels. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on May 1st, 2016 at 9:00am Hoss wrote on Apr 30th, 2016 at 9:16pm:
many blessings hoss and yes very sloppy job and so many inconsistencies these inconsistencies point to a breakdown in the context of truth and facts which are outlined in some simple observance of this aforementioned inconsistiality thus and then, the matter invites conscious awareness and investigation of any and all irregularities many choose vaccines and footy however these only serve to illuminate further so all is well enough and how it should be as we look for answers here , 1. On the Sunday morning, two hours before the murders, ten of the senior managers of Port Arthur were taken to safety many miles away up the east coast,for a two day seminar with a vague agenda and no visiting speakers. Was the timing of this trip a mere coincidence? 2. Also just before the shootings the only two policemen in the region were called away on a wild goose chase. They were sent to the Coal Mine at Salt Water River, to investigate a heroin drug stash which turned out to be soap powder. This was too far for them to get to the Broad Arrow Cafe in time to be of any use. Had a policeman remained at Dunalley he would have closed the swing bridge to prevent the killer(s) from escaping from the peninsula. Did Bryant, IQ 66, organise this decoy? 3. Big Mortuary Truck. Before the massacre, a specially-built 22 person capacity mortuary truck was built. It attracted some derision at the time, but its effective use at Port Arthur was unquestioned. After the massacre it was advertised, unsuccessfully, for sale via the internet, then converted for another purpose. Without the foresight of Port Arthur, why build it? When it had proven its worth, why get rid of it? Another coincidence? 4. Martin Bryant has never been properly identified as the gunman. A young woman who ate her lunch near the gunman just before 1.30 said he had a freckled face. Graham Collyer, the wounded ex-soldier, who had the best opportunity to observe the killer, said he had a pock-marked or acned face. Neither description fits Bryant who has a beautifully smooth complexion. Graham Collyer says that it was not Bryant who shot him in the neck. Of all the witnesses that saw the shooter, only one knew Martin Bryant from before. That was Jim Laycock, the former owner of the Broad Arrow Caf�. He not only knew Bryant, but also where he used sit in the Broad Arrow and what he used to drink and the conversations he used to have with his daughter. So what did Laycock say about his identification of the shooter? "I did not recognize the male (shooter) as Martin Bryant". 5. Illegal Photo. On 30th April the Hobart Mercury printed an old photo of Martin Bryant on the front page. This was illegal because at that stage some of the witnesses had not yet been asked to identify the killer, and the photo would have become fixed in the minds of the witnesses. When one witness was asked to describe the clothing worn by the gunman, she described the clothing on the old photo instead of what the gunman had worn. The Mercury newspaper was not prosecuted for breaking the law. 6. Mrs Wendy Scurr, nurse, tour guide and Ambulance Officer, rang the police at 1.32 pm to report the shooting. She and other medics then cared for the injured and the dead without any police protection for six and a half hours. Who ordered the armed police to stop at Tarana, where they had a barbecue? The police who arrived by boats were a stone's throw away from the main crime scene, the cafe, and they too failed to come in to see what was going on. Was this meant to increase the trauma of the survivors? 7. Three more shots were fired at Port Arthur at 6.30pm while Bryant was at Seascape. Who fired those shots? 8. Same Question - Different Answer. At a recent Forensics Seminar in Queensland where the Tasmanian Police forensic gun inspector, Gerard Dutton, gave a lecture, the first question came from Mr Ian McNiven. He asked if there was any empirical evidence to link Martin Bryant to the Broad Arrow Cafe. Sargent Dutton immediately closed the 15 minute question time and would not reply. When McNiven managed to say "I have here Graham Collyer's police statement...", Sgt Dutton threatened him with arrest and called for security agents to escort McNiven out of the building. When Dutton was asked the same question in America by a Doctor at a seminar, he replied truthfully - "There is no empirical evidence to link Bryant to the cafe." 9. Yet a police video tape exists which proves that the police had an excellent opportunity to get DNA samples and finger prints of the gunman. The video briefly shows the blue sports bag on a cafe table. The gunman had carried his 3 rifles in this bag and left it right next to his drinking glass, his Solo soft drink can, knife, fork, plate, video cameras, etc. Why did the police fail to take DNA samples and finger prints? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on May 1st, 2016 at 9:01am
12. Two More Very Handy Seminars. On the Sunday morning, some 25 specialist doctors (Royal Australian College of Surgeons) from all over Australia had attended a training course in Hobart, and their last lecture was on Terrorist Attack and Gunshot Wounds. They stayed on to take care of the wounded victims.
13. Also, more than 700 reporters from 17 nations came to a seminar in Hobart. They were asked to arrive during the week-end as the seminar was due to begin early on Monday morning. How handy to have 700 scribblers churning out their anti-gun and disarmament propaganda to the whole world! 14. "There will never be uniform Gun Laws in Australia until we see a massacre somewhere in Tasmania" said Barry Unsworth, NSW Premier, December, 1987 at a conference in Hobart. Prophecy or Planning? 15. "If we don't get it right this time (gun laws) next time there is a massacre, and there will be, then they'll take all our guns off us", said the deputy prime minister, Tim Fischer in May 1996. Who is the "THEY" who would order the removal of our guns? Did Fischer let slip that gun confiscation has been ordered by someone other than our own leaders? and so ..pls answer these questions if any have the care or not, yet either way be at peace namaste ▲ |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on May 1st, 2016 at 9:02am Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 27th, 2016 at 11:36pm:
this is logic and facts from grappler , many thanks and much gratitude for critical thinking namaste |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on May 1st, 2016 at 9:11am |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on May 9th, 2016 at 10:29pm
if tasmania were a part of fiji ,
martin bryant would actually get a trial , Fiji state prosecutor drops murder charge against four men citing confessions under duress Murder charges levelled at four Fijian men have been discontinued by the nation's prosecutor because of concerns their confessions were obtained under duress. Fiji's Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Christopher Pryde said in a statement: "It was clear that each of the accused had received unexplained injuries at the time of their caution interview whilst in police custody. "It also appears that duress was also placed on the interviewing officers by their superiors to deny all allegations of assault." The accused men Jitendra Kumar, Subhash Chand, Parma Nand and Deo Chand were each charged with one count of murder for the death of Jagish Chand in 2010. Mr Pryde said with no admissible evidence against the accused other than the confession statements, it would not be proper to continue with the prosecution. "I am therefore ending the prosecution and sending the file back to the Police Commissioner to investigate the allegations of assault in custody," he said. Fiji's Police Commissioner Brigadier General Sitiveni Qiliho issued a statement saying he respects the decision made and has given his assurances that a thorough investigation will be carried out into the allegations. Rebecca Emery, from Amnesty New Zealand, told Pacific Beat she welcomed the decision. "This is really important in a country that has a long history of police brutality, confessions obtained through duress and, at times, torture," she said. "For this case to be pushed back shows maybe the tide's turning and that there's a real intent from, in this case the Director of Public Prosecutions, that this kind of evidence won't be admissible." Ms Emery said there is some hope that a police internal investigation into the DPP's allegations of confessions under duress would turn up any wrongdoing. "There's a new police commissioner in place who's said a lot of things publicly, that he's keen to lead the police in a new direction which abides by human rights practices," she said. In his statement, the DPP added that the discontinuance did not amount to an acquittal of the four men. "If further evidence is received from the police it will be considered and the charge against each person may be filed afresh," Mr Pryde said. "Until that time, the matter is at an end." |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on May 9th, 2016 at 10:42pm
He confessed
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 1st, 2016 at 4:40pm
The Port Arthur Massacre – A Mossad Operation The Port Arthur Massacre A Planned Event Designed to Disarm the Australian Public |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 1st, 2016 at 5:07pm
Bryant was given a Disability pension for mental illness just after he left school.
His father took control of his money under the mental health act, Bryant had no control over his inheritance Why did his lawyer who was convicted and jailed for stealing get Bryant to plead guilty instead of not guilty due to mental illness? Lots of unusual things in this Pt Arthur case. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Brian Ross on Oct 1st, 2016 at 5:46pm it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 1st, 2016 at 4:40pm:
I thought the Joose were all powerful? Seems their "planned event" failed dismally to "disarm Australia..." ::) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Brian Ross on Oct 1st, 2016 at 5:57pm it_is_the_light wrote on May 1st, 2016 at 9:00am:
Evidence? Quote:
This was proved to be false many years ago. Quote:
It was a case of the person who won the contract to supply Mortuary transport reading his contract and taking it's instructions literally. The truck was an ex-meat supply van which was refrigerated and which he modified for Mortuary transport. When he lost the contract, he attempted to sell the van. Quote:
Yet Bryant admitted to the shooting. There is no need to formally identify a confessed killer. Quote:
Evidence, please. Quote:
Was it illegal? Please cite the regulations/legislation where this is stated to be illegal. Quote:
No idea. As much of Ms. Scurr's "evidence" has been proved false in the past, anything she claims is suspect IMO. Quote:
Who claimed three shots were fired at 6:30pm? Quote:
McNiven was a lunatic gun nut. He was removed because he was being disruptive. Quote:
Evidence please. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Brian Ross on Oct 1st, 2016 at 6:00pm it_is_the_light wrote on May 1st, 2016 at 9:01am:
Coincidence, nothing more. Quote:
Evidence please. Quote:
As Tasmania had the laxest gun laws in the Nation it was not an unsurprising comment. His foresight was proven to be correct, we did need a massacre in Tasmania to see the gun laws tightened. Quote:
"They" is a generic term in this case, nothing more. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Baronvonrort on Oct 1st, 2016 at 6:17pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 1st, 2016 at 6:00pm:
[/quote] Unsworth did make that statement bwian look it up ya dopey dim wit. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Brian Ross on Oct 3rd, 2016 at 12:20am Baronvonrort wrote on Oct 1st, 2016 at 6:17pm:
I am not denying it, Baron. I am making a point, we did need a massacre in Tasmania to see gun laws tightened. ::) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 16th, 2016 at 12:44pm
The Port Arthur Massacre – A Mossad Operation |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Brian Ross on Oct 16th, 2016 at 6:54pm it_is_the_light wrote on Oct 16th, 2016 at 12:44pm:
That went wrong? Tsk, tsk, and all those stories I've read about how powerful the Joose supposedly are... ::) ::) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The Grappler on Oct 17th, 2016 at 11:45pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 16th, 2016 at 6:54pm:
Actually one of the ops was a French citizen, highly trained and seriously inside..... Mossad may have helped out with the Di and Jodi saga...... but not this one..... Addition:- John Howard is proud of his moves to remove legally owned, licensed and safeguarded firearms from the ordinary citizen with no criminal record..... that should show you the merits of the gun removal debate. The debate isn't about owning a firearm... it is about NOT owning a firearm... a world of difference... The process by which the State governments went about ensuring that people could own no legitimate firearm created a situation where countless citizens were abused in their own homes for no valid reason - under 'laws' similar to the Prevention of Terrorism Act in Britain designed to curb the activities of the IRA - and lead to the violent criminalisation of countless citizens who had done no wrong, but were suddenly subject to police and court interference without any civilised constraint. When a government creates an environment in which anyone 'convicted' (under our fatally flawed 'court' system) of any 'crime' cannot legally own a firearm, and then sets out to circumvent the rule of law by creating 'laws' that permit the criminalisation of people without any offence - such as 'domestic violence' laws and a few others - and then declares open season on the populace via 'zero tolerance' - which came to mean that any charge any time was fine regardless of fact and the courts would uphold it and countless police used this as justification to simply fit up anyone at whim - they declared war on their own people. That, Grasshoppers - is it in a nutshell. Howard should be hung, drawn and quartered for engineering this blatant theft from the ordinary person of the right to go about his/her reasonable and non-intrusive on any other business. Next time you read up on any successful revolution - such as Iran, ask yourself why the first to go to the wall are politicians, judges and some police. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Brian Ross on Oct 18th, 2016 at 6:35pm
Funny, I've always understood that there were now more firearms in private ownership in Australia after the introduction of the post-Port Arthur firearms legislation than before. So, why are you claiming that Australians aren't allowed to own firearms? Mmm? ::)
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Frank on Oct 18th, 2016 at 10:35pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 18th, 2016 at 6:35pm:
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Brian Ross on Oct 18th, 2016 at 11:10pm Frank wrote on Oct 18th, 2016 at 10:35pm:
Tsk, tsk, Frank, such a poor imagination you have. You copy my views. I never realised you were a fan... ::) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Hoss on Oct 20th, 2016 at 6:23am
Listening to Turnball yesterday at question time? He was showing real fear, any government that does as is being done now leads in the end to rebellion. History should prove that. 8-) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 1st, 2018 at 6:50am
inside job ....
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by mozzaok on Jun 1st, 2018 at 11:59pm
I appreciate that light is as mad as a cut snake, but his offensive conspiracy shite is one thing, when it is flat earth crap or lizard people aliens or whatever insanity he suffers from, but this is a step too far.
Little kids were shot down like dogs that day, and nutters should shut the furck up, and leave it alone. We get it, you are a screw loose certifiable crazy person, go play napoleon or jesus, and let normal folk be. please. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 2nd, 2018 at 8:58am mozzaok wrote on Jun 1st, 2018 at 11:59pm:
And therein lies the problem. Brainwashed minions saying to "leave it alone". Then using the "kids got gunned down" as some kind of muzzle to silence the critics. Farrrk offf. There should have been a trial. End of story. When someone pleads "not guilty" then a trial is set.....not holding a disabled man for months on end in solitary with absolutely no charges laid while he is under a gardianship but the gardian is not able to be present while he is intensely interogated....that's illigal. He pleaded not guilty on his own more than several times. Then releasing his name like they did is illigal too. He pleaded not guilty. Releasing his name then greatly hinders his case doesn't it? It has never happened in the past, and this is a massive case....Yet....the very next day a modified picture and name are released as the "person who did it" (already guilty). No, innocent untill proven guilty is our law system, is it not? Then a lawyer pleads on his behalf 6 months after he has been pretty much brainwashed into believing this bullshit story. The timeline of events.......this "story" has more holes than a fly screen. And discredited whitnesses....some of whome have gone public to try and right this evil wrong. Why the need to put a 30yr embargo on evidence? Because there is none that puts bryant at the port arthur site and the case was so poorly handled that it should have gone to trial. Shame Australia, shame. Hold your legal system responsible. Just imagine if it were you they nailed to the cross in this way....and just think for once that you were innocent... how would you feel? Betrayed by the masses? Cut the bullshit Australia. Live by what you preach. Give Bryant a fair and just trial and bring the true evidence forward......problem now is it has gone to long. Peoples minds have been programmed to believe this nonsense. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 2nd, 2018 at 11:12am Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 2nd, 2018 at 8:58am:
I urge you to seek professional help for your delusions. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 2nd, 2018 at 11:22am
This site has completely denigrated into a place for conspiracy lunatics and and pathological liars to post their delusions.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The_Barnacle on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 11:10am rhino wrote on Jun 2nd, 2018 at 11:22am:
I have to agree. Many of the sensible debaters have abandoned this forum. It's now full of conspiracy theorists who would be regarded as nutcases in the real world. The only place they can express their lunacy is on an anonymous online forum |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Aussie on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 11:15am The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 11:10am:
At least two.....not by their own choice. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ajax on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 11:41am The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 11:10am:
You having a go ya mug....?!?!?! Well its better than being a brainwashed clown who has faith in the Anthropogenic Global Warming Religion with high priest Al Gore as the archbishop. Not everything is as seems I'm afraid but ignorance is bliss. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Agnes on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 12:42pm
David Icke is the main reason- conspiracy theories are way to much fun for simple minds to ignore- |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The_Barnacle on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 1:01pm Ajax wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 11:41am:
I'm not just talking about Global Warming conspiracy theories I'm also talking about, moon landing hoaxers, 9/11 inside job, chemtrails and of course Port Arthur |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by goldkam on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 1:15pm The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 11:10am:
I don't know about nutcases, its rather an intriguing topic and area to research into. Some conspiracy theories have some valid points, in which will never be proven purely because of the involvement of governments, police and general secrecy. No doubt a vast majority however are invalid and completely left field. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 2:02pm
Argh, aye - ye got that mirror gazing masterpiece right....
If only 1% of conspiracy theories are correct ..... like looking for the rabid Islamist in a crowd of Muslims - which one is it? Which one at the market place is wearing the bomb vest? :-? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 2:11pm The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 1:01pm:
You left out J F Kennedy - any reason for that? :o |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 2:29pm rhino wrote on Jun 2nd, 2018 at 11:22am:
And then there are the paranoids who view anything and everyone they disagree with or find in any way odd as being conspiracy lunacy and pathological lying... without one iota of substance to the claim. Those are the worst kind, and cause endless disruption and dispute by sneering at anything someone else says, as if by some divine right and with superior knowledge of everything in this wide, wide world. In most places such beings are called trolls... flamers .... or just plain clowns bent on disruption and personal self-aggrandisement by sneering at others, and their posts continually show how very little real life experience they themselves have had. Then there are the outright dicks who launch personal attacks to every post... a valid contribution would be more appreciated from both types, along with a little genuine maturity that precludes them attacking others without posting one iota of sense, reason or fact to support their attack. EVERY forum is better off without those. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ajax on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 6:27pm The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 1:01pm:
Ones that I subscribe to 1. AGW...Biggest hoax perpetrated to mankind 2. Moon landing.........Never happened 3. 9/11........If the buildings were demolished the official story is BULLSH!T. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 8:29pm rhino wrote on Jun 2nd, 2018 at 11:12am:
I urge you to seek professional help for your delusions. [/quote] Well then if all the evidence points to none other than Bryant and is hands down all there putting him behind every shot (cause that is what your hysterics is alluding too) why the need for 6 months solitary and not guilty pleas? That is illigal. Care to present me a case where the name of the accused is released as the one who did it, the day after, before any hearings? Take your'll need it. Happens all the time....according to your spin. Common legal practice is to take your clients plea....the first time....not 6 fkkkn months down the track after brainwashing the person into a plea...... And you call this behaviour normal. You're barbaric. I don't need my head read're the one with the loose screws. ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 14th, 2018 at 2:53pm Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 8:29pm:
I urge you to seek professional help for your delusions. [/quote] Well then if all the evidence points to none other than Bryant and is hands down all there putting him behind every shot (cause that is what your hysterics is alluding too) why the need for 6 months solitary and not guilty pleas? That is illigal. [/quote] Prisoners are often put in solitary confinement if they are high profile to protect them from other inmates. Its not illegal (note how I correctly spell illegal) Quote:
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by mozzaok on Jun 14th, 2018 at 6:26pm Ajax wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 6:27pm:
So now they actually supply their own evidence of their, Specialness. Ooooh yeah, we have some impressive intellects at play here. Everyone knows Al Gore and Neil Armstrong were the real shooters, because they had also left their footprints on the Grassy Knoll, and they dropped their copy of Flying Planes into buildings for Dummies, in the studio they filmed the Moon Landings. Open and Shut. I mean, you'd have to be a numpty to not see the clear evidence laid out before us. Alex Jones for President 2020!!!! The Truth Is Out There. (Just not as OUT THERE, as some.) ::) ::) ::) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 15th, 2018 at 1:06am Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 3rd, 2018 at 8:29pm: Quote:
Feel stupid? You should. You idiot. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 15th, 2018 at 2:34am
Ah ... but I think this argument is a long way from Port Arthur.......
I trained to fire and hit without sights..... I could not have achieved the kill ratio at Port Arthur .. and I fired thousands of rounds in practice, sometimes hundreds a day on single shot. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 15th, 2018 at 11:48am
That argument has been completely discredited, its been comprehensively shown that any amateur could have killed that number of sitting ducks easily in the time frame with the firearm used.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Bojack Horseman on Jun 15th, 2018 at 11:58am Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 15th, 2018 at 2:34am:
COuld you have acheived the hit ratio? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 15th, 2018 at 12:43pm
I have no faith in humanity, if the fruitcakes who post on this site are representative of the population as a whole the human race is fkd.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 15th, 2018 at 1:26pm Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jun 15th, 2018 at 11:58am:
Probably... |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 15th, 2018 at 1:27pm rhino wrote on Jun 15th, 2018 at 11:48am:
It's possible - not the same as comprehensively shown. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 15th, 2018 at 3:34pm rhino wrote on Jun 15th, 2018 at 1:06am:
Can you read the word ALLEGED in there. Alleged means there is going to be a trial. Martin was never ALLEGED he was THE GUNMAN. Get it? I doubt you will because you hust want to "win" as you put it in other threads and you will try every trick to get there. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 16th, 2018 at 1:48am Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 15th, 2018 at 3:34pm:
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 16th, 2018 at 1:52am
Do you think these evil geniuses had complete control of the worlds media? You wonder why rational people think you are nuts. Get a grip man.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 16th, 2018 at 10:38pm
Ahhh.. yeah, man.. she.. like... challenged the hierarchy, man... with her comedy act... that's straight from the old conspiracy king himself, man.... he told me so ....
Bloody Malbun streets - not fir for a woman to walk on... not that Newcastle is much better for eleven year old girls... though they caught that bastard and he's now resisting arrest for a few hours... |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 16th, 2018 at 11:38pm rhino wrote on Jun 16th, 2018 at 1:52am:
The media stories changed by the minute. The daily telegraph printed his photo and in big black letters "THE KILLER. Martin Bryant - the man who shot 34 dead" on the 30th April. This is illigal as it would hinder the whitness statements and whitnesses did state that they were influenced by the picture and story. Then theres the guns. An armalite M16 found in the PAHS grounds. That quickly disappeared and became an SKS which then changed to an FNFAL and a AR15.....but Bryant only had the AR10 and a very poor conditioned FNFAL. But it gets better... the weapon found at seascape (AR15) was surrendered to police in 1995 from memory by a farmer. I believe the media is the tool used to program society. And it works a treat. Stupid dumb arses for not demanding a proper trial....instead happy to hold someone in solitary for 6 months to brainwash a guilty plea. Do us a favor.....find me some evidence that puts Bryant at the PAHS. Otherwise believe what you like.....youve been taken for the sucker you are. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 17th, 2018 at 12:25am
Its not ilegal you wally, its a civil matter to sue for possible defamation of character. In this case there was no defamation of character. You nong.
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 17th, 2018 at 8:42am
Ja, ja - das Port Arthur Reichstag Firing - ve get an idiot und ve fit him up!!
One day someone will write a book titled - "The Rise and Fall of The Australian Reich." |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by goldkam on Jun 17th, 2018 at 11:56am Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 16th, 2018 at 11:38pm:
The media only controls society if society falls for the media. Its called selection, articulation and research. Every individual in society (excluding children) have the ability to further their understanding on an issue but it seems very few people have any initiative to conduct such things. With research comes new insight, new views and perceptions and some media stories have flaws others don't. In relation to witness statements.......wouldn't then be illegal for every individual who talked about it on the street, for the police who released the statements? The what you said....simply is reporting facts. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by PZ547 on Jun 17th, 2018 at 2:38pm
This thread sorts them out
The trolls, the paid-commenters and the abysmally clueless Bear that in mind next time you see their comments Port Arthur was a complete stitch-up. Get rid of as many weapons as possible before unloading 'migrants' on Oz (((They))) plan in advance Howard was given so many awards by izrail that they ran out and ended up having to award him an izrayli forest in his name -- for service rendered to izrail while he was being handsomely paid by Australians as he continues to be handsomely paid in his dotage Malcolm Frazer decided to grow some sort of conscience when his earthly life was drawing to a close. To try to clean his slate a bit, he came out against izrail and US Liberty. Howard thinks he can clean his slate by mouthing off unsolicited a couple of times a year about nothing of interest to anyone Of course Martin Bryant was the chosen patsy Those responsible for Port Arthur don't care that we know. They enjoy seeing us festering over it In the same way, Australia ceased capital punishment in line with the rest of the Commonwealth. That time, Robert Ryan was the vehicle used to take the death penalty off the table It's an evil world created by an evil god Make sure you depart it with your soul intact and as few black marks in your copybook as possible There are those who 'win' in this materialistic plane. They're the ones who're gloating over the Port Arthur stitch-up. They laugh at truth tellers and the indignant and those with a burning desire for justice. Those who gloat now are destined to remain on this prison planet through eternity Others will lift off this plane and would be wise to ensure they're never lured back here again |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 18th, 2018 at 9:52pm goldkam wrote on Jun 17th, 2018 at 11:56am:
So a picture of Bryant posted in every paper world wide with " THIS IS THE KILLER" plastered on it, and well before whitnesses were shown the police photo ID board, is okay in your mind? That's reporting facts??? No it is not. That is brainwashing the populas with a bullshit cover story while the real killer/s walk away laughing at you all....and also jeopardising the investigation that requires a photo ID board to be used. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by The_Barnacle on Jun 21st, 2018 at 9:41pm PZ547 wrote on Jun 17th, 2018 at 2:38pm:
And there you have the conspiracy theories dreamed up by a paranoid delusional alt right mind. There are crazy people out there |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Setanta on Jun 21st, 2018 at 9:59pm The_Barnacle wrote on Jun 21st, 2018 at 9:41pm:
We never had migrants before 1996. If 1996 never happened we'd all be shooting migrants on the beaches and at airports. Not a fan of the Howard firearm laws but there is a lot of stupid out there it seems. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 22nd, 2018 at 12:45am Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 16th, 2018 at 11:38pm:
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 22nd, 2018 at 6:46am rhino wrote on Jun 22nd, 2018 at 12:45am:
So you have no evidence at all......thought so. Youre not the only one who can't find evidence. Does running people down make you feel better? Some kind of release for your day job? |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 27th, 2018 at 1:17am Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 22nd, 2018 at 6:46am:
You do it all by yourself, I just draw your attention to your idiocy. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Imrah on Jun 27th, 2018 at 1:40am
Has anyone ever truly explaine why he went and did it? Would that not be of some interest?, or are we all just supposed to believe that he was cursed by The Devil?
I thought this was supposed to be some kind of secular nation, so why is that the best excuse anyone can come up with for Bryant when we don't believe in Jesus anymore in Australia? There you go. I think I have blitzed the forum tonight for the first and last time, and it is not even midnight yet, babe, here at the Sad Cafe'. Mission Accomplished, Now the wait for the clock. --- Nope. There was no Mexican girl arrivals at midnight for me. so much for that song lyric. Another night of RSI for this old fellow, so Sweet Dreams to you all on that note... ;) |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Grendel on Jun 27th, 2018 at 10:47am
So many falsehoods posted here re this... Conspiranuts of the world unite...
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by mozzaok on Jun 27th, 2018 at 11:34am Grendel wrote on Jun 27th, 2018 at 10:47am:
Quote: That's exactly what a lizard person would say?? How do answer that mr frillyneck?? Gotcha. I always had my suspicions there was more to Grendel. Is that a tail in your pocket or are you just happy to see me? Conspiracies, get your conspiracies here. WHY does it take an hour and a half to watch 60 minutes? If you know the answer it may not be you. But to get serious for just a moment, I always thought that the majority of people were dumber than dog shite, but even I am gobsmacked at the level of idiocy displayed in these forums. We have members with serious mental illnesses, and many who are simply low functioning imbeciles. My position remains the same as ever it was, I would rather face tough, than crazy. PS, I'm not casting aspersions your way Grendel, I have always respected your intellect, just not all your views, despite the fact we share more views than you would suspect. Even though I am still ostensibly left leaning, the absolute crazy extreme that has seen the virtue signalling lunacy of the last few years has those sorts of lefties regarding me as right of Adolf. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 28th, 2018 at 6:31am rhino wrote on Jun 27th, 2018 at 1:17am:
More bullshite. Forensic testing was carried out on a crime scene that had been tampered with and evidence planted and removed. The pics and vids "released to the media" were false....but if you actually looked into it rather than rely on the media you would know that already and not be posting this rubbish. The trial.....when? It was a sentencing hearing. There was no defence. The first lawyer was sacked on "ethical" terms. But reinstated after Avery did his convincing. Avery didn't defend at all, rather he worked with the prosecution to get martin to plead guilty but not after 6 months of isolatiin and several prior hearing to which martin pleaded not guilty every time. What was Bryants testimony? He said he wasn't at the PAHS....and he wasn't. No evidence can put him there AT ALL. They had the can of drink that could have been DNA that wouldn't have worked. They had a whitness in hospital that looked into the gunmans eyes when he was shot and said he was happy to go upstairs and pos ID the can't have that. You speak of whitnesses.....have you seen their statements? I've read several and not one of them positively IDs bryant as the gunman. These statements, by first hand up close whitnesses were never used..... If the hundreds of eyewitness statements as you claim were used then Martin wouldn't be locked up. Oh....and look into the history of the weapons used and read the whitness statement who was laying on the floor and saw the weapon clearly. He even drew a picture of the weapon, well one of the 3 used in that cafe that day. This alone is enough to wipe the case clean. You are a brainwashed disinformationist. As bad as Joe Vaills tbh. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 28th, 2018 at 11:32am
Lol, yes, the earth is flat and the moon is made of green cheese. Our planet is also run by lizard people who perpetuate these gigantic conspiracy theories in which millions of people are brainwashed into divulging nothing.
You are an absolute loon. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 28th, 2018 at 1:44pm rhino wrote on Jun 28th, 2018 at 11:32am:
So instead of finding the evidence you claim to be so readily available you resort to calling me a loon. ;D Why bring flat earth and lizard people into this? To try and make your argument "look" better, that's why! Thing is, you are the conspiranut on this one.....not me. ;D Have a nice day. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Grendel on Jun 28th, 2018 at 2:03pm mozzaok wrote on Jun 27th, 2018 at 11:34am:
Good grief.... I do wish you'd make it clearer when you mention or quote me that we are in agreement. As for you... I'm a Leftie too... A Conservative Leftie... where we disagree quite simply... YOU are wrong. ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Rhino on Jun 28th, 2018 at 2:59pm Captain Caveman wrote on Jun 28th, 2018 at 1:44pm:
I believe you are also on another thread advocating people buy illegal unlicensed handguns and carry them on the street to use them for self defence purposes. That alone should have the men in white coats knocking at your door. You appear to be quite a violent unhinged person. |
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Brian Ross on Jun 28th, 2018 at 4:01pm
Oh, dear, the lunacy continues. I thought the Port Arthur conspiracy had died years ago. It is nothing more than the mad ravings of lunatics and fools. Tsk, tsk, ::)
Title: Re: Port Arthur Saga Post by Captain Caveman on Jun 28th, 2018 at 6:38pm rhino wrote on Jun 28th, 2018 at 2:59pm:
What evidence???? That's what is so compelling about the whole story....there is no evidence that puts bryant at the PAHS.....please find it for me. I don't want a story.. I want proof he was there. No. No books purchased. Boy you really like to twist words to suit yourself don't you? Buying illigal guns for self defence????? Or the truth.....learn how to use a firearm in case you have to one day as it may just be the difference between life and death???? But you spin it however you want. Perhaps you may be the one who needs help. Lying and misconstrued words. You've been reminded of your lies still lie...and Ill bet you do it to try and look smart. |
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