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Message started by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 8:54am

Title: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 8:54am
who says so... LEFTIES WHO ELSE.

[url] residents will become the first in the nation to pay a domestic violence tax, after the ACT government announced it would levy households $30 a year to fund an “unprecedented” $21.4 million reform package.

Unveiling the Safer Families program as the centrepiece of yesterday’s budget, ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr said the territory government’s investment in domestic violence ser­vices was the largest in its history.

“Family violence does not discriminate; it is a national issue that touches the lives of Australians everywhere,” Mr Barr said.

“In Canberra we’ve seen our share of tragedy. All of us need to stand up and say enough is enough. There is no place for family violence in our community.”

The decision to levy the funds from residents as opposed to finding the money in general revenue was taken to ensure there was a “locked-in, legislated, sustainable revenue source for this initiative” over time, Mr Barr said.

Victorian Premier Daniel ­Andrews said in April he would consider a similar levy to fund all of the 227 recommendations made by a royal commission into family violence.

MORE: ACT budget: Barr cash splash
The ACT package has been coupled with new laws to broaden the definition of family violence to include emotional, psycholo­gical and economic abuse, along with bolstered legal protections for victims. A new full-time co-­ordinator general for family ­safety with a dedicated team will receive $3m of the $21m package, with $2.6m going towards case management and co-ordination, $2.4m for enhanced child protection services, $2m for specialist drug treatment services and $1.2m for interpreting services in ACT courts.

A key role of the co-ordinator general will be to work with community and government partners, including with Aboriginal groups, to ensure services are culturally appropriate. An extra $1.2m will go to Legal Aid for access to legal services for victims, while $1.45m will be allocated to implement recommendations from the Australian Law Reform Commission’s report into Family Violence.

Frontline staff in community and emergency services, health and education will also receive $770,000 for training so they can identify family violence and put in place early intervention measures.

Soaring demand for services will see the ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service and Canberra Rape Crisis Centre receive more than $1.2m over four years to support people affected by family violence.

The Tara Costigan Foundation will receive funding for the establishment of the “Tara’s Angels Service” which will provide a free caseworker service for victims as they rebuild their lives.

The charity was set up last year after the 28-year-old was killed by her former partner with an axe, while breast-feeding her five-day-old baby daughter.

Her nine-year-old and 11-year-old sons watched the brutal murder, while her sister and boyfriend were injured trying to stop the attack.

“Any and all funds that can help us to support that is very, very much needed,” the foundation’s chief executive Michael Costigan, Tara’s uncle, told The Australian.

ACT Opposition Leader Jeremy Hanson said the Liberal Party wanted extra services to address family violence, but it should be the “main game” for government and not funded through a special levy. “We have supported action on domestic violence … but to pay for initiatives for domestic violence through people’s rates seems like a very strange solution,” Mr Hanson said.

“This should be the sort of stuff that is front and centre for the government.”

Free-market think tank, the Institute of Public Affairs, said the ACT government was right to implement effective measures to confront domestic violence, but said this did not justify the levy.

“It’s important to separate means from ends,” said IPA director Simon Breheny. “The government should refrain from increasing taxes on Canberran landowners. Tackling violence in all its forms is the first role of government. The imposition of a higher tax burden is not justified. Instead, the government should be looking for savings, and using that money to put towards important frontline services.”

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One of you Canberra souls should refuse to pay it and take them on in the Courts.


but only the chosen few will pay for it.. the home owner who else. >:(

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by bogarde73 on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:06am
All the wife bashers will be off to their accountants to check what it's gonna cost them.
Only in Labor/Green paradise.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:09am
a tax doesn't stop domestic violence, a tax raises money that is used to then fund anti domestic violence programmes.

One guy gets killed by an extremist and you're all willing to spend BILLIONS in a war on terror, meanwhile no one wants to spend anything when two women a week are dying because of domestic violence :D :D

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Heartless Felon on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:10am
A tax to stop attacks?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:12am

bogarde73 wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:06am:
All the wife bashers will be off to their accountants to check what it's gonna cost them.
Only in Labor/Green paradise.

I'm trying to figure out how this new tax would function as a STATE tax?

In all honesty, it's all starting to sound just like our STATE LAND TAX INVOICES!

For those who may not know, these invoices look like fines.

And you WILL get fined if you don't pay by the date stated on the invoice.

Hmmm, it just seems bizarre  :o

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Belgarion on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:15am
How bloody ridiculous is this? Throwing money at the problem will not have any effect on domestic violence and attempting to raise that money by a general tax on the population as if everyone is responsible is adding  insult to injury.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:16am

bogarde73 wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:06am:
All the wife bashers will be off to their accountants to check what it's gonna cost them.
Only in Labor/Green paradise.

and its usually the boy friend who doesnt own the home.

maybe its time home owners balked at this... how dare they just come up with this idea... its a tax just another bloody tax....but only for those who buy their own home....its a joke...and that arsehole in Vic wants to do the same even though he knocked back an increase in the GST.. what a joke..

I liked the bit that says Bolster LEGAL PROTECTION  for victims.......we can see whos going to get the lions share cant we?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:17am

The Heartless Felon wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:10am:
A tax to stop attacks?


Through education/training/support programs etc.

These are necessary but unfortunately cost money.

Such programs are currently Federal Govt funded and State govt funded though.

Obviously the current funding structure is no longer sufficient/sustainable.

BRB....I'm going to call a few people I know who currently work in the industry.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:26am

Belgarion wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:15am:
How bloody ridiculous is this? Throwing money at the problem will not have any effect on domestic violence and attempting to raise that money by a general tax on the population as if everyone is responsible is adding  insult to injury.

its not a general tax thats the problem its a home owners tax....which mean increasing the rates....

we get slugged enough.... and as the libs say this should be taken care of by the govt its not my issue....I do not have  or know anyone who is responsible for domestic violence why penalise me..

I am horrified by our record of D.V.  its horrible and we should feel shame and I do...but we already have an enormous amount of help out there..millions is spent on it....the police are inundated   and it gets worse not I am going to be forced to contribute to something else that wont stop a bloody thing....

maybe it would b e better to spend the money on cages to place in the market place so these perpetrators can be placed on exhibit

instead of the huge cover up we give them... >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:27am

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:17am:

The Heartless Felon wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:10am:
A tax to stop attacks?


Through education/training/support programs etc.

These are necessary but unfortunately cost money.

Such programs are currently Federal Govt funded and State govt funded though.

Obviously the current funding structure is no longer sufficient/sustainable.

BRB....I'm going to call a few people I know who currently work in the industry.

lisa they never get enough they want to help the legal fraternity make more money... ::) ::)

education... really?????.......

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by LEUT Bigvicfella (RTD) on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:41am
F#ck me - $30 a year per household per year to help stem  family violence.   What a petty bunch of whiners.  Yet you were happy to pay a $7 copayment under Joe Hockey to fund a medical centre of excellence that would do nothing more than help big pharmacy companies line their pockets.   Honestly, some of the posters on here need to be exposed to a bit of family violence - then see how quickly there would be a reversal of thought about a petty $30 pa per household.   

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:06am

Vic wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:41am:
F#ck me - $30 a year per household per year to help stem  family violence.   What a petty bunch of whiners.  Yet you were happy to pay a $7 copayment under Joe Hockey to fund a medical centre of excellence that would do nothing more than help big pharmacy companies line their pockets.   Honestly, some of the posters on here need to be exposed to a bit of family violence - then see how quickly there would be a reversal of thought about a petty $30 pa per household.   

Ozpolitic denizens are mostly perpetrators not victims of domestic violence.

This is one of the steps to Australia's transition to a service industry economy where wealth will be created by Australians servicing each other.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by buzzanddidj on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:08am

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:09am:
a tax doesn't stop domestic violence, a tax raises money that is used to then fund anti domestic violence programmes.

One guy gets killed by an extremist and you're all willing to spend BILLIONS in a "war on terror", meanwhile no one wants to spend anything when two women a week are dying because of domestic violence :D :D

Very well put - JS
At least ONE poster is being honest and realistic

"Terrorism" is not a major problem in this country
(it IS an emotive vote winner, though)

Take a look at domestic violence deaths, the road toll and youth suicide, in comparison

It is also notable that much of this raised revenue would be used to restore funding to women's refuges and "safe house" - cut by the Abbott Government

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:22am

A tax will make no difference.

Helping men will make a difference.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:23am

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:22am:
A tax will make no difference.

Helping men will make a difference.

Hand jobs?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by bogarde73 on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:24am

buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:08am:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:09am:
a tax doesn't stop domestic violence, a tax raises money that is used to then fund anti domestic violence programmes.

One guy gets killed by an extremist and you're all willing to spend BILLIONS in a "war on terror", meanwhile no one wants to spend anything when two women a week are dying because of domestic violence :D :D

Very well put - JS
At least ONE poster is being honest and realistic

"Terrorism" is not a major problem in this country
(it IS an emotive vote winner, though)

Take a look at domestic violence deaths, the road toll and youth suicide, in comparison

It is also notable that much of this raised revenue would be used to restore funding to women's refuges and "safe house" - cut by the Abbott Government

Hey welcome back buzz. I thought you had carked it.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:26am

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:22am:
A tax will make no difference.

Helping men will make a difference.

well thats what the money will do sprint... most legals are men.... ::) ::) ::)

remember when they invented AVOs they were going to solve all our problems... ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

dont forget not all DV perps are male.....and we have to stop thinking like that..

and concentrate on them being Liberal home owners... ::) ::)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Redneck on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:29am

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am:
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Yes perhaps territories do need some sort of income tax or means of raising money apart from rates.

What other options in the case of ACT do they have? They are really just a big council with a few other functions.

Motor Registration levy ?
More speed cameras?
More paid parking?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:29am

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:26am:
... dont forget not all DV perps are male.....and we have to stop thinking like that..

and concentrate on them being Liberal home owners... ::) ::)

Shock! Horror! Lisa?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:36am

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:29am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am:
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Yes perhaps territories do need some sort of income tax or means of raising money apart from rates.

What other options in the case of ACT do they have? They are really just a big council with a few other functions.

Motor Registration levy ?
More speed cameras?
More paid parking?

you forget they get their share of the GST....

which labor govts refused to let them increase remember..

this is fairer dont you know???>. ::) ::)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by bogarde73 on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:38am
Yeah, like union thugs don't put in a hard day bashing the police and picket-line crossers and then go home and bash the missus for afters.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:57am

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am:
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Unless the federal govt. decides to act, the ACT govt. is restricted in how it can raise taxes. When you can find another way for them to raise it, feel free to share.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:01am

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:09am:
a tax doesn't stop domestic violence, a tax raises money that is used to then fund anti domestic violence programmes.

One guy gets killed by an extremist and you're all willing to spend BILLIONS in a war on terror, meanwhile no one wants to spend anything when two women a week are dying because of domestic violence :D :D


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Redneck on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:06am

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:36am:

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:29am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am:
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Yes perhaps territories do need some sort of income tax or means of raising money apart from rates.

What other options in the case of ACT do they have? They are really just a big council with a few other functions.

Motor Registration levy ?
More speed cameras?
More paid parking?

you forget they get their share of the GST....

which labor govts refused to let them increase remember..

this is fairer dont you know???>. ::) ::)

Sorry! Yes I did forget the GST!

True that would be fairer.

They would require the agreement of all states  to raise that.

So are you in favour of raising  the GST cods?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:18am

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:06am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:36am:

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:29am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am:
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Yes perhaps territories do need some sort of income tax or means of raising money apart from rates.

What other options in the case of ACT do they have? They are really just a big council with a few other functions.

Motor Registration levy ?
More speed cameras?
More paid parking?

you forget they get their share of the GST....

which labor govts refused to let them increase remember..

this is fairer dont you know???>. ::) ::)

Sorry! Yes I did forget the GST!

True that would be fairer.

They would require the agreement of all states  to raise that.

So are you in favour of raising  the GST cods?

yes mate I am.. its the only tax WE ALL PAY at the same rate...and its been 10% for more than 10 years...

I spent quite a bit of time in Denmark and saw what they pay and what everything costs.. they just get on with it...... we whinge no matter what....maybe they have less waste in their govt I dont know but we seem to waste zillions and dont blink an eye...millions to aboriginals that never gets there????? year after year....its a bloody disgrace but do we stop it>>>>>>nah to hard..

so yes I am in favour of a GST increase... to me its fair ..

it isnt always the tax we pay that runs me out its the way its spent..

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:57am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am:
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Unless the federal govt. decides to act, the ACT govt. is restricted in how it can raise taxes. When you can find another way for them to raise it, feel free to share.

well Vic is planning the same.. and we have no govt at the moment....I have already said increase the GST but the whingers win every time...

do you think this is a fair tax?????

we have seen the destruction of homes and property which we home owners will face an increase on our insurance this year sure as god made little apples...

when theres a bush fire up goes the fire insurance we are forced to pay.......

there is no end to it..

do you think that is FAIR TAX..

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by AiA on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:22am
don't forget the "penis tax" cods. it comes in many forms and applies only to men.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:28am

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
.I have already said increase the GST but the whingers win every time...

I'd rather you pay for the ACT's policies than me.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
do you think this is a fair tax?????

no, but that's irrelevant. The ACT got. is limited in how they raise taxes. Do you cry when speed camera revenue that you don't contribute to is used to pick up your garbage? Or fix the street out front of your house?

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
when theres a bush fire up goes the fire insurance we are forced to pay.......

so don't live in the bush.

We ALL pay for the effects of domestic violence. It ties up our courts, our police, our hospitals staff,  our emergency services, we spend a fortune on trying to protect the women through various govt. funded organisations. You can cry that you're not violent so you shouldn't pay, it's not fair .....  but if you don't pay, it's cost you more in the long run.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:28am

AiA wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:22am:
don't forget the "penis tax" cods. it comes in many forms and applies only to men.

well not in Canberra mate... the guy whos come up with this is gay so he wouldnt go there I am sure...isnt it his most valuable asset??>..and a tax free zone.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by GordyL on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:34am
Will Aboriginals get grants for wife bashing?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:35am

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:28am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
.I have already said increase the GST but the whingers win every time...

I'd rather you pay for the ACT's policies than me.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
do you think this is a fair tax?????

no, but that's irrelevant. The ACT got. is limited in how they raise taxes. Do you cry when speed camera revenue that you don't contribute to is used to pick up your garbage? Or fix the street out front of your house?

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
when theres a bush fire up goes the fire insurance we are forced to pay.......

so don't live in the bush.

We ALL pay for the effects of domestic violence. It ties up our courts, our police, our hospitals staff,  our emergency services, we spend a fortune on trying to protect the women through various govt. funded organisations. You can cry that you're not violent so you shouldn't pay, it's not fair .....  but if you don't pay, it's cost you more in the long run.

not this $30 you it HOME OWNERS..

do you really think it will fix it.. how much do you think we already invest in DV...

how much do all those DVOs cost   do you have any idea???>.

it isnt as if we dont throw money at it already...

and I have no doubt this will make no difference at all..

if money was the answer these stats would go down instead they increase...

the murders that are involved are on the increase....

yet we have everything imaginable available to prevent it...

the only thing we do not seem to have is tough sentencing...sorry but I do not think 6 years for killing a child is long enough...not by a long stretch...but its what they get...

then they are protected in custody...its our job to pay to protect them...

is there something I am missing here. >:( >:(

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:38am

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:35am:
not this $30 you it HOME OWNERS..

I said we all  pay for the effects of DV, I didn't say we all pay this tax. If we don't stop DV, it will cost you much more in the long term.

Apart from the money, the statistics say it's only a matter of time before DV affects your kids or grandkids. The best thing you can do for them is to help curb DV.  If Qld govt. decided to increase my rates by $30 to pay for it, I certainly wouldn't complain, I'd be grateful someone decided to act.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:38am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:35am:
not this $30 you it HOME OWNERS..

I said we all  pay for the effects of DV, I didn't say we all pay this tax. If we don't stop DV, it will cost you much more in the long term.

Apart from the money, the statistics say it's only a matter of time before DV affects your kids or grandkids. The best thing you can do for them is to help curb DV.  If Qld govt. decided to increase my rates by $30 to pay for it, I certainly wouldn't complain, I'd be grateful someone decided to act.

you dont read too weell do you...

we already pay out millions on this problem.. just like we do for drunken yobos who put people on life support because of the need to hit someone..

it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

by all means pay the money whilst the bloke that is beating his missus up isnt paying it..

by all means be a martyr...

if you dont mind I think I pay enough..

you really think MORE  counsellors  will stop  it....

they are throwing more money at what we are doing now ............that isnt working .... ::)

that makes sense to some.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:12pm
Cods, there is a shortage of resources for family violence victims.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:23pm

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:27am:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:17am:

The Heartless Felon wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:10am:
A tax to stop attacks?


Through education/training/support programs etc.

These are necessary but unfortunately cost money.

Such programs are currently Federal Govt funded and State govt funded though.

Obviously the current funding structure is no longer sufficient/sustainable.

BRB....I'm going to call a few people I know who currently work in the industry.

lisa they never get enough they want to help the legal fraternity make more money... ::) ::)

education... really?????....... in summary:

1. Many programs have been defunded over the past few yrs. The rest have experienced severe budget cuts.

2. At present, this new tax seems to be the only way to raise the funds needed to combat DV.

3. For those who may not know : DV is presently costing Australia around $15 BILLION/YR.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:26pm

AiA wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:22am:
don't forget the "penis tax" cods. it comes in many forms and applies only to men.


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by ian on Jun 8th, 2016 at 2:51pm

GordyL wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:34am:
Will Aboriginals get grants for wife bashing?
Good point. Billions of ever increasing dollars  thrown at the Aboriginal community and domestic violence and child abuse is increasing. Money not solving anything there.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 8th, 2016 at 2:54pm

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:28am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
.I have already said increase the GST but the whingers win every time...

I'd rather you pay for the ACT's policies than me.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
do you think this is a fair tax?????

no, but that's irrelevant. The ACT got. is limited in how they raise taxes. Do you cry when speed camera revenue that you don't contribute to is used to pick up your garbage? Or fix the street out front of your house?

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:21am:
when theres a bush fire up goes the fire insurance we are forced to pay.......

so don't live in the bush.

We ALL pay for the effects of domestic violence. It ties up our courts, our police, our hospitals staff,  our emergency services, we spend a fortune on trying to protect the women through various govt. funded organisations. You can cry that you're not violent so you shouldn't pay, it's not fair .....  but if you don't pay, it's cost you more in the long run.


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:05pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:23pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:27am:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:17am:

The Heartless Felon wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:10am:
A tax to stop attacks?


Through education/training/support programs etc.

These are necessary but unfortunately cost money.

Such programs are currently Federal Govt funded and State govt funded though.

Obviously the current funding structure is no longer sufficient/sustainable.

BRB....I'm going to call a few people I know who currently work in the industry.

lisa they never get enough they want to help the legal fraternity make more money... ::) ::)

education... really?????....... in summary:

1. Many programs have been defunded over the past few yrs. The rest have experienced severe budget cuts.

2. At present, this new tax seems to be the only way to raise the funds needed to combat DV.

3. For those who may not know : DV is presently costing Australia around $15 BILLION/YR.

thats fine lisa... we do know and I for one do not believe throwing money at anything works..

of course it does win the odd vote here and there... ::) ::)

I think its about time we made people responsible for their actions....and no an AVO isnt working... even DVO dont many people break the conditions which is a jailable offense but still dont go to jail.?????.

its laughable... no one wants to put them in jail.. they would rather throw money at it..

hey look at the soccer last night.. how many threats have they had... and does anyone take the slightest notice....???????????..

of course they dont why would they... nothing is ever done about it..

maybe 2 years in jail would help. .. who knows we are too busy slapping them with a lettuce leaf ..

oh wait a minute now we have to pay  overtime for someone to search through phone videos in the hope they can arrest someone... ::) ::)


and dont forget no sniffer dogs allowed.... ::) ::)

btw they started fighting in the street and then they were allowed into the match..... ::) ::)

it makes sense to some.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:06pm

ian wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 2:51pm:

GordyL wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:34am:
Will Aboriginals get grants for wife bashing?
Good point. Billions of ever increasing dollars  thrown at the Aboriginal community and domestic violence and child abuse is increasing. Money not solving anything there.

you need to ask how much of that money is getting where its meant to go???????????...

we have far too much money in this country it disappears and we dont even bother looking for it....

thats ok.. bring on another TAX that will fix it..

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:11pm

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:05pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:23pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:27am:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:17am:

The Heartless Felon wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 9:10am:
A tax to stop attacks?


Through education/training/support programs etc.

These are necessary but unfortunately cost money.

Such programs are currently Federal Govt funded and State govt funded though.

Obviously the current funding structure is no longer sufficient/sustainable.

BRB....I'm going to call a few people I know who currently work in the industry.

lisa they never get enough they want to help the legal fraternity make more money... ::) ::)

education... really?????....... in summary:

1. Many programs have been defunded over the past few yrs. The rest have experienced severe budget cuts.

2. At present, this new tax seems to be the only way to raise the funds needed to combat DV.

3. For those who may not know : DV is presently costing Australia around $15 BILLION/YR.

thats fine lisa... we do know and I for one do not believe throwing money at anything works..

of course it does win the odd vote here and there... ::) ::)

I think its about time we made people responsible for their actions....and no an AVO isnt working... even DVO dont many people break the conditions which is a jailable offense but still dont go to jail.?????.

its laughable... no one wants to put them in jail.. they would rather throw money at it..

hey look at the soccer last night.. how many threats have they had... and does anyone take the slightest notice....???????????..

of course they dont why would they... nothing is ever done about it..

maybe 2 years in jail would help. .. who knows we are too busy slapping them with a lettuce leaf ..

oh wait a minute now we have to pay  overtime for someone to search through phone videos in the hope they can arrest someone... ::) ::)


and dont forget no sniffer dogs allowed.... ::) ::)

btw they started fighting in the street and then they were allowed into the match..... ::) ::)

it makes sense to some.

Cods, an attempt is being made to address DV.

I agree, it's NOT good that a new tax has to be implemented for this to happen.

A new tax will particularly hurt those on fixed incomes.

So I very much appreciate where you're coming from.

I just can't do anything about it lol  :P

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:06pm:

ian wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 2:51pm:

GordyL wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:34am:
Will Aboriginals get grants for wife bashing?
Good point. Billions of ever increasing dollars  thrown at the Aboriginal community and domestic violence and child abuse is increasing. Money not solving anything there.

you need to ask how much of that money is getting where its meant to go???????????...

we have far too much money in this country it disappears and we dont even bother looking for it....

thats ok.. bring on another TAX that will fix it..

Ah. Now that's a different matter.

All govts are notoriously known for being inefficient when it comes to managing $$$$.


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Valkie on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm
Looks like Govco is getting serious.

Not content with Australians being the most taxed people on earth.
In order to fund their overly generous pensions and perks, they are desperately looking for more ways to tax people.

Perhaps if we didnt have more politicians (per capita) than any country on earth.
Perhaps if we didnt pay our politicians more than any country on earth.
Perhaps if we didnt have the single most expensive post employment reward system for politicians and public service personnel.
Perhaps if we had less levels of government
Perhaps if we had less public service personnel sucking on the tit and growing in numbers daily.
Perhaps if we didnt send billions of dollars overseas to countries that hate us.
Perhaps if we had a government not populated by narcissistic, Machiavellian, corrupt politicians and public servants.
Perhaps if Australians were not so apathetic and actually fronted these parasites.

We might have half a chance.

But dont hold your breath. 

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:17pm
now now lisa you dont live in the ACT and its only us thats paying it.. so no worries there..

lets talk about this in 5 years say and see what difference its made to peoples lives who live in AC.......

at this rate it should be almost be a thing of the past...

you say the country spends $15bil on DV.,.. and now the ACT govt is adding $21 mil more.. btw that will only be spent in ACT.. so dont look for less violence where you are will you..

just sayin.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:17pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:
Looks like Govco is getting serious.

Not content with Australians being the most taxed people on earth.
In order to fund their overly generous pensions and perks, they are desperately looking for more ways to tax people.

Perhaps if we didnt have more politicians (per capita) than any country on earth.
Perhaps if we didnt pay our politicians more than any country on earth.
Perhaps if we didnt have the single most expensive post employment reward system for politicians and public service personnel.
Perhaps if we had less levels of government
Perhaps if we had less public service personnel sucking on the tit and growing in numbers daily.
Perhaps if we didnt send billions of dollars overseas to countries that hate us.
Perhaps if we had a government not populated by narcissistic, Machiavellian, corrupt politicians and public servants.
Perhaps if Australians were not so apathetic and actually fronted these parasites.

We might have half a chance.

But dont hold your breath. 

1. Who are you?

2. Are you in politics?

3. I'd vote for you in a heart beat.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Another good post, John.

As an aside, I wonder how much violent movies, media, video games etc are impacting on our young men and teaching them to be violent?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

all right whatever you say..
btw you wont be paying and you wont be getting...this is for Canberra violent people only.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:
Looks like Govco is getting serious.

Not content with Australians being the most taxed people on earth.
In order to fund their overly generous pensions and perks, they are desperately looking for more ways to tax people.

Perhaps if we didnt have more politicians (per capita) than any country on earth.
Perhaps if we didnt pay our politicians more than any country on earth.
Perhaps if we didnt have the single most expensive post employment reward system for politicians and public service personnel.
Perhaps if we had less levels of government
Perhaps if we had less public service personnel sucking on the tit and growing in numbers daily.
Perhaps if we didnt send billions of dollars overseas to countries that hate us.
Perhaps if we had a government not populated by narcissistic, Machiavellian, corrupt politicians and public servants.
Perhaps if Australians were not so apathetic and actually fronted these parasites.

We might have half a chance.

But dont hold your breath. 

the biggest problem with politicians is that they live by different rules to us and so are not very connected to reality.
Poli's should not get ANY pension before retirement age, their super should be at the same rate as everyone else, their access to super the same, they should lose their pension if they earn more than $100 per week (or whatever the current rate is) they should pay for their lunches and dinners, travel and accommodation just like everyone else. They should face the same punishment as everyone else when they break the rules. There are a whole myriad of other things we can add to the list.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:20pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Another good post, John.

As an aside, I wonder how much violent movies, media, video games etc are impacting on our young men and teaching them to be violent?

thats right blame someone or something else...

then throw money at it... makes sense......... :o :o

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:22pm

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:20pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Another good post, John.

[highlight]As an aside, I wonder how much violent movies, media, video games etc are impacting on our young men and teaching them to be violent?

thats right blame someone or something else...

then throw money at it... makes sense......... :o :o

Censorship of overtly violent media costs nothing, cods. I'm curious about root causes.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:26pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:22pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:20pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Another good post, John.

[highlight]As an aside, I wonder how much violent movies, media, video games etc are impacting on our young men and teaching them to be violent?

thats right blame someone or something else...

then throw money at it... makes sense......... :o :o

Censorship of overtly violent media costs nothing, cods. I'm curious about root causes.

well start another thread this one happens to be about an unfair unequal TAX in the ACT....but I see you think taxing home owners only is a good thing...

so I wont go one about it...

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Neferti on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:26pm
Well, it is "only" $30 a year, added on to our (ACT) General Rates. The rest of Australia doesn't need to worry about it.  ;D

Canberra has had quite a lot of murders, in recent times, as a result of domestic violence.  Including a father who bashed his 8 year old son to death. The poor little kid!

And in this week's Budget Chief Minister Andrew Barr announced that $21.4 million was available over the next four years to implement sweeping reforms.

In launching the Safer Families initiative, Barr said it was the most comprehensive package to address family violence in the territory's history.

Eight people have been killed in family violence related incidents since 2012. Estimates from the ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service suggest that there were another 72 in the 24 years before that.

You would think then that many, many more people have been physically and emotionally abused and survived; that many, many people haven't even become a statistic because they haven't dared report anything to anybody.

The reforms and the resources are long overdue.

But the worrying thing is, will they work?

It seems one of the main problems is the lack of centralised coordination of all the different agencies involved. There are government departments, crisis services, courts and tribunals, the police and lawyers. The list of who gets what out of the Budget coffers is long and piecemeal.

To counter this it's somewhat reassuring that more than $3 million will fund a full-time family safety coordinator-general and a dedicated safe families team to create a centralised hub to foster collaboration.

Let's hope the initiative does what it hopes to do.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:31pm

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:17pm:
now now lisa you dont live in the ACT and its only us thats paying it.. so no worries there..

lets talk about this in 5 years say and see what difference its made to peoples lives who live in AC.......

at this rate it should be almost be a thing of the past...

you say the country spends $15bil on DV.,.. and now the ACT govt is adding $21 mil more.. btw that will only be spent in ACT.. so dont look for less violence where you are will you..

just sayin.


Oh Cods, I so wish I could take you out for lunch.

I reckon you'd be hilarious lol  ;D

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:33pm
Young men today are the softest theyve ever been, but their animal instincts can only be tamed or sublimated, not removed. 

If i were to nominate the one main reason why violence persists, it'd be the obsession with "ending violence".

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:35pm

Neferti wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:26pm:
Well, it is "only" $30 a year, added on to our (ACT) General Rates. The rest of Australia doesn't need to worry about it.  ;D

Canberra has had quite a lot of murders, in recent times, as a result of domestic violence.  Including a father who bashed his 8 year old son to death. The poor little kid!

And in this week's Budget Chief Minister Andrew Barr announced that $21.4 million was available over the next four years to implement sweeping reforms.

In launching the Safer Families initiative, Barr said it was the most comprehensive package to address family violence in the territory's history.

Eight people have been killed in family violence related incidents since 2012. Estimates from the ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service suggest that there were another 72 in the 24 years before that.

You would think then that many, many more people have been physically and emotionally abused and survived; that many, many people haven't even become a statistic because they haven't dared report anything to anybody.

The reforms and the resources are long overdue.

But the worrying thing is, will they work?

It seems one of the main problems is the lack of centralised coordination of all the different agencies involved. There are government departments, crisis services, courts and tribunals, the police and lawyers. The list of who gets what out of the Budget coffers is long and piecemeal.

To counter this it's somewhat reassuring that more than $3 million will fund a full-time family safety coordinator-general and a dedicated safe families team to create a centralised hub to foster collaboration.

Let's hope the initiative does what it hopes to do.

$3 mill over how many yrs?

Anyone know?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:38pm

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:33pm:
Young men today are the softest theyve ever been, but their animal instincts can only be tamed or sublimated, not removed. 

If i were to nominate the one main reason why violence persists, it'd be the obsession with "ending violence".

I don't know about all that.

I DO know that it would be better for everyone who lives on this planet if we women and you men could get along.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:40pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Another good post, John.

As an aside, I wonder how much violent movies, media, video games etc are impacting on our young men and teaching them to be violent?

I've watched plenty of violent movies ... the more blood the more my type of movie ... but that doesn't mean I'd ever hit my wife. All to often i think people use tv as an excuse.

What it all comes down to is education. People, starting with kids, should be taught that it's not ok to hit. Not just at school, but at home too. I know guys who make excuses such as they were drunk, or she made me do it. ..... in the end their is no excuse.  Defend yourself against attacks, yes (for grapplers benefit) , but hit just to get your way or out of jealousy or spite ... NEVER.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:42pm

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:33pm:
Young men today are the softest theyve ever been, but their animal instincts can only be tamed or sublimated, not removed. 

If i were to nominate the one main reason why violence persists, it'd be the obsession with "ending violence".

why? there is no such obsession in the middle east ... their DV rates are worse

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Neferti on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:46pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:35pm:

Neferti wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:26pm:
Well, it is "only" $30 a year, added on to our (ACT) General Rates. The rest of Australia doesn't need to worry about it.  ;D

Canberra has had quite a lot of murders, in recent times, as a result of domestic violence.  Including a father who bashed his 8 year old son to death. The poor little kid!

And in this week's Budget Chief Minister Andrew Barr announced that $21.4 million was available over the next four years to implement sweeping reforms.

In launching the Safer Families initiative, Barr said it was the most comprehensive package to address family violence in the territory's history.

Eight people have been killed in family violence related incidents since 2012. Estimates from the ACT Domestic Violence Crisis Service suggest that there were another 72 in the 24 years before that.

You would think then that many, many more people have been physically and emotionally abused and survived; that many, many people haven't even become a statistic because they haven't dared report anything to anybody.

The reforms and the resources are long overdue.

But the worrying thing is, will they work?

It seems one of the main problems is the lack of centralised coordination of all the different agencies involved. There are government departments, crisis services, courts and tribunals, the police and lawyers. The list of who gets what out of the Budget coffers is long and piecemeal.

To counter this it's somewhat reassuring that more than $3 million will fund a full-time family safety coordinator-general and a dedicated safe families team to create a centralised hub to foster collaboration.

Let's hope the initiative does what it hopes to do.

$3 mill over how many yrs?

Anyone know?

Mmmmm. A full-time family safety co-ordinator-general, plus a "team"?  1x$180,000+ pa plus a "team" of, say 4 x $100,000+ pa. You work it out.  ;D

It doesn't matter anyway because the ACT Taxpayers will be paying ... you Sydney lot have not need to panic.  ;)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:46pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Another good post, John.

As an aside, I wonder how much violent movies, media, video games etc are impacting on our young men and teaching them to be violent?

You mean like Game of Thrones???


However, my husband and teenage twins are too scared to blink when they watch it....that's how obsessed they are with it!  >:(

Oh and they're not in any way violent.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Neferti on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:49pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:46pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Another good post, John.

As an aside, I wonder how much violent movies, media, video games etc are impacting on our young men and teaching them to be violent?

You mean like Game of Thrones???


However, my husband and teenage twins are too scared to blink when they watch it....that's how obsessed they are with it!  >:(

Please keep ON TOPIC or Cods will be along and give you a piece of her mind! :D

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:51pm

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:42pm:

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:33pm:
Young men today are the softest theyve ever been, but their animal instincts can only be tamed or sublimated, not removed. 

If i were to nominate the one main reason why violence persists, it'd be the obsession with "ending violence".

why? there is no such obsession in the middle east ... their DV rates are worse

I didn't say it makes it worse. 

If you don't want violence to manifest, outlets need to provided. 

Tame the aggression, don't try to oppress it, otherwise it just explodes at inappropriate times in inappropriate ways. 

For every boy you try to scold or lecture into pacifism, a man is created who doesn't know how to control his aggression.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:56pm

Neferti wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:49pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:46pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:14pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
we already pay out millions on this problem

BILLIONS ... and the only way to stop wasting that money is to stop the problem.

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
it doesnt stop anything though..

the stats keep growing....thats what I am saying..

Stats keep growing because we aren't providing enough resources. Education programmes, for one example, work Cods. Look at the decline in smoking rates compared to the 70's due to education aimed at the kids. Same with the safe sex adds (grim reaper) of the 80's, they worked. We haven't seen any safe sex adds for a long time and now aids is actually on the increase again in this country.

we are better off spending $100 now on education, than $1000 later on treatment

Another good post, John.

As an aside, I wonder how much violent movies, media, video games etc are impacting on our young men and teaching them to be violent?

You mean like Game of Thrones???


However, my husband and teenage twins are too scared to blink when they watch it....that's how obsessed they are with it!  >:(

Please keep ON TOPIC or Cods will be along and give you a piece of her mind! :D

Okkkkay  :-/

From Cod's OP :

"The decision to levy the funds from residents as opposed to finding the money in general revenue was taken to ensure there was a “locked-in, legislated, sustainable revenue source for this initiative” over time, Mr Barr said.

Victorian Premier Daniel ­Andrews said in April he would consider a similar levy to fund all of the 227 recommendations made by a royal commission into family violence."

So it looks like Victoria will be NSW won't be far behind.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:57pm

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:51pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:42pm:

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:33pm:
Young men today are the softest theyve ever been, but their animal instincts can only be tamed or sublimated, not removed. 

If i were to nominate the one main reason why violence persists, it'd be the obsession with "ending violence".

why? there is no such obsession in the middle east ... their DV rates are worse

I didn't say it makes it worse. 

If you don't want violence to manifest, outlets need to provided. 

Tame the aggression, don't try to oppress it, otherwise it just explodes at inappropriate times in inappropriate ways. 

For every boy you try to scold or lecture into pacifism, a man is created who doesn't know how to control his aggression.

Why do you think Rugby League exists?

I mean duh! ::)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 8th, 2016 at 4:03pm
Anyway, a big thanks to Cods for starting such a great topic.

And a big thanks to everyone who's posted in here today.

It was actually quite lovely sharing ideas/opinions without you know ....the usual carry on.

I don't know about you but I'm impressed lol  :P

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 8th, 2016 at 4:31pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:57pm:

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:51pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:42pm:

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:33pm:
Young men today are the softest theyve ever been, but their animal instincts can only be tamed or sublimated, not removed. 

If i were to nominate the one main reason why violence persists, it'd be the obsession with "ending violence".

why? there is no such obsession in the middle east ... their DV rates are worse

I didn't say it makes it worse. 

If you don't want violence to manifest, outlets need to provided. 

Tame the aggression, don't try to oppress it, otherwise it just explodes at inappropriate times in inappropriate ways. 

For every boy you try to scold or lecture into pacifism, a man is created who doesn't know how to control his aggression.

Why do you think Rugby League exists?

I mean duh! ::)

Exactly right.

But I think you'll find that not every boy plays rugby league. 

I think you'll find that if any sport is played at school at all, it's been nerfed so much it bears little relation to the actual sport. 

I think you'll find there's a growing number of boys who's mummy won't let them play sports because they're "too rough" and also a growing number of boys who don't want to play sport because (they say) it's "barbaric".

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 8th, 2016 at 4:35pm

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 4:31pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:57pm:

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:51pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:42pm:

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:33pm:
Young men today are the softest theyve ever been, but their animal instincts can only be tamed or sublimated, not removed. 

If i were to nominate the one main reason why violence persists, it'd be the obsession with "ending violence".

why? there is no such obsession in the middle east ... their DV rates are worse

I didn't say it makes it worse. 

If you don't want violence to manifest, outlets need to provided. 

Tame the aggression, don't try to oppress it, otherwise it just explodes at inappropriate times in inappropriate ways. 

For every boy you try to scold or lecture into pacifism, a man is created who doesn't know how to control his aggression.

Why do you think Rugby League exists?

I mean duh! ::)

Exactly right.

But I think you'll find that not every boy plays rugby league. 

I think you'll find that if any sport is played at school at all, it's been nerfed so much it bears little relation to the actual sport. 

I think you'll find there's a growing number of boys who's mummy won't let them play sports because they're "too rough" and also a growing number of boys who don't want to play sport because (they say) it's "barbaric".

Yes. Sportsmen are always very respectful of women and are never violent.


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Wolseley on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:20pm
Domestic violence is evil and has no place in our society, but it happens.  The fight against domestic violence costs money.  If this tax results in a reduction in domestic violence, it will be money well spent.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:40pm

Maybe the alp will put a new tax in so we have good weather?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:40pm

Wolseley wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
Domestic violence is evil and has no place in our society, but it happens.  The fight against domestic violence costs money.  If this tax results in a reduction in domestic violence, it will be money well spent.

it won't make a spot of difference.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Bias_2012 on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:56pm
85% of domestic violence is committed by Lib and Lab voters and supporters. It's proven beyond a doubt

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:20pm
No one has asked the obvious questions:

what can make a man so angry that he can hit his wife -
the mother of his beloved children?

How can such a situation arise? -

there must be deeper reasons.

Why can people get so angry?

Did he have a shocking day at work where he was abused by his boss -
dealt with grid lock traffic -
& then came home to a bunch of screaming brat kids
& a nagging wife who is never happy no matter how hard he tries & works?
Something tips a man over the edge.

I don't apologise for men like that but something is terribly wrong & needs fixing in relationships like that.

Is it societies fault?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Bias_2012 on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:34pm
It's a lack of peer pressure throughout communities. Governments have taken over and run our lives - a recipe for disaster

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Wolseley on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:42pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:40pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
Domestic violence is evil and has no place in our society, but it happens.  The fight against domestic violence costs money.  If this tax results in a reduction in domestic violence, it will be money well spent.

it won't make a spot of difference.

Yes, it will, although ending violence against women isn’t something that will happen overnight.  It involves changes in attitude and behaviour, and will take time and money.  Education is the key.  We need to impress upon future generations that all forms of violence are unacceptable and that men do not need to control or dominate women.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Wolseley on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:44pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:40pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
Domestic violence is evil and has no place in our society, but it happens.  The fight against domestic violence costs money.  If this tax results in a reduction in domestic violence, it will be money well spent.

it won't make a spot of difference.

Yes, it will, although ending violence against women isn’t something that will happen overnight.  It involves changes in attitude and behaviour, and will take time and money.  Education is the key.  We need to impress upon future generations that all forms of violence are unacceptable and that men do not need to control or dominate women.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Hoss on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23am

It will take a fundamental shift in human nature to fix this one.

I grew up with domestic violence, and still suffer its effects today.

Either we learn from the past or we
Recreate the past.

What Wolesely just wrote?


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:19am

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 4:31pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:57pm:

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:51pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:42pm:

... wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 3:33pm:
Young men today are the softest theyve ever been, but their animal instincts can only be tamed or sublimated, not removed. 

If i were to nominate the one main reason why violence persists, it'd be the obsession with "ending violence".

why? there is no such obsession in the middle east ... their DV rates are worse

I didn't say it makes it worse. 

If you don't want violence to manifest, outlets need to provided. 

Tame the aggression, don't try to oppress it, otherwise it just explodes at inappropriate times in inappropriate ways. 

For every boy you try to scold or lecture into pacifism, a man is created who doesn't know how to control his aggression.

Why do you think Rugby League exists?

I mean duh! ::)

Exactly right.

But I think you'll find that not every boy plays rugby league. 

I think you'll find that if any sport is played at school at all, it's been nerfed so much it bears little relation to the actual sport. 

I think you'll find there's a growing number of boys who's mummy won't let them play sports because they're "too rough" and also a growing number of boys who don't want to play sport because (they say) it's "barbaric".


I'm one of those mums who won't let their sons play NRL.

But I do let them play soccer, tennis...etc.

(Same applies to my daughters).



Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:32am

Wolseley wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:44pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:40pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
Domestic violence is evil and has no place in our society, but it happens.  The fight against domestic violence costs money.  If this tax results in a reduction in domestic violence, it will be money well spent.

it won't make a spot of difference.

Yes, it will, although ending violence against women isn’t something that will happen overnight.  It involves changes in attitude and behaviour, and will take time and money.  Education is the key.  We need to impress upon future generations that all forms of violence are unacceptable and that men do not need to control or dominate women.

Should we also impress anything upon women?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:37am

Hoss wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23am:

It will take a fundamental shift in human nature to fix this one.

I grew up with domestic violence, and still suffer its effects today.

Either we learn from the past or we
Recreate the past.

What Wolesely just wrote?



Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:38am

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:32am:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:44pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:40pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:20pm:
Domestic violence is evil and has no place in our society, but it happens.  The fight against domestic violence costs money.  If this tax results in a reduction in domestic violence, it will be money well spent.

it won't make a spot of difference.

Yes, it will, although ending violence against women isn’t something that will happen overnight.  It involves changes in attitude and behaviour, and will take time and money.  Education is the key.  We need to impress upon future generations that all forms of violence are unacceptable and that men do not need to control or dominate women.

Should we also impress anything upon women?

What do you actually mean by that?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:43am
Just asking a question.

The plans on offer so far seem to revolve around "teach men not to hit women". 

As ingenious as that plan is, do you think it's a complete solution?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 9:03am

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:43am:
1. Just asking a question.

2. The plans on offer so far seem to revolve around "teach men not to hit women". 

3. As ingenious as that plan is, do you think it's a complete solution?

1. Ok.

2. It's not.

3. It's not.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 9th, 2016 at 9:40am

Bobby. wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:20pm:
No one has asked the obvious questions:

what can make a man so angry that he can hit his wife -
the mother of his beloved children?

How can such a situation arise? -

there must be deeper reasons.

Why can people get so angry?

Did he have a shocking day at work where he was abused by his boss -
dealt with grid lock traffic -
& then came home to a bunch of screaming brat kids
& a nagging wife who is never happy no matter how hard he tries & works?
Something tips a man over the edge.

I don't apologise for men like that but something is terribly wrong & needs fixing in relationships like that.

Is it societies fault?

At the risk of getting another belting from Cods for going OT, my observation of men who are violent towards their partners is they're usually very controlling and often the jealous type.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:43am:
Just asking a question.

The plans on offer so far seem to revolve around "teach men not to hit women". 

As ingenious as that plan is, do you think it's a complete solution?

No, it won't make any difference.

DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

The situation that people talk about is caused by the same factors that cause increased male suicide, increased men in jails ............ etc etc etc.

But no one cares for men.
So DV against women will be unchanged.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Wolseley on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by MumboJumbo on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:57pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:43am:
The plans on offer so far seem to revolve around "teach men not to hit women".

As ingenious as that plan is, do you think it's a complete solution?

No! The tax is. See, these nasty characters who hit their wife will definitely think twice before smacking her if they know they'll get smacked in their hip pocket!

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:07pm

Wolseley wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

There have been many studies to support that.
Violence need not be just physical.

women 'complain' better and get more 'support.'
When a man reports DV he is laughed at by the cops or his mates.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm

Wolseley wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by MumboJumbo on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:22pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 9:40am:
At the risk of getting another belting from Cods for going OT, my observation of men who are violent towards their partners is they're usually very controlling and often the jealous type.

Why would cods belf you for that?

WAIT. Are you saying SHE'S A MAN?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by ian on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:24pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.
You are safe. Pretty sure she doesnt frequent gay saunas.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:31pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:10pm

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.

You would not want to run into me during the day either.


I'd have you arrested for stalking me.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:11pm

ian wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:24pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.
You are safe. Pretty sure she doesnt frequent gay saunas.

Yes, I bet you are.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:11pm

ian wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:24pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.
You are safe. Pretty sure she doesnt frequent gay saunas.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:14pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:11pm:
Yes, I bet you are.

he is ...not once has he seen Lisa there.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:15pm

John Smith wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:31pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:20pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:15pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:31pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.

Oh stop it!

You lot make it sound as though I LIVE/SLEEP next to my washing machine.

Well I don't!

PS My husband reckons I may as well....but that's another story  ::)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:25pm

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:31pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:25pm:

Ok ok.....

Back to the topic.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:40pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:25pm:

That guy is  a pig.

I lost count of the amount of times he said "you don't do it... but"  .

No wonder you like him Honky.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:41pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:07pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

There have been many studies to support that.
Violence need not be just physical.

women 'complain' better and get more 'support.'
When a man reports DV he is laughed at by the cops or his mates.

Sprint, wtf are you talking about?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:44pm

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:40pm:
I lost count of the amount of times he said "you don't do it... but"  .

So what's your problem?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:59pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:44pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:40pm:
I lost count of the amount of times he said "you don't do it... but"  .

So what's your problem?

Do you really need to ask?

Because he is making excuses for violence. You're not supposed to restrain yourself, you're supposed to not feel the inclination in the first place.

Still, he calls women the c word so what can you expect from him?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Neferti on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:08pm
Since this TAX only applies to the people who live in the Australian Capital Territory (not the politicians who visit here), you may as well see what Canberrans think about it.

This is from the RIOTACT (news, views and opinion) site. Read the comments. ;)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Neferti on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:09pm
page turner!

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:09pm
Lol.  Its not enough to not hit someone, you have to not want to hit them.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sounds reasonable.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Neferti on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:09pm
Geeze!  ::)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:10pm

Neferti wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:08pm:
Since this TAX only applies to the people who live in the Australian Capital Territory (not the politicians who visit here), you may as well see what Canberrans think about it.

This is from the RIOTACT (news, views and opinion) site. Read the comments. ;)

Many thanks Ms Nef for posting something worth reading  :)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:11pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:20pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:15pm:

John Smith wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:31pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:
I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.

Oh stop it!

You lot make it sound as though I LIVE/SLEEP next to my washing machine.

Well I don't!

PS My husband reckons I may as well....but that's another story  ::)

"... way down in the valley where nobody goes ..."

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Neferti on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:14pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:10pm:

Neferti wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:08pm:
Since this TAX only applies to the people who live in the Australian Capital Territory (not the politicians who visit here), you may as well see what Canberrans think about it.

This is from the RIOTACT (news, views and opinion) site. Read the comments. ;)

Many thanks Ms Nef for posting something worth reading  :)

It's a local, Canberran, site ... some interesting posts from time to time.  There's one guy on there who reminds me of Herbie.  ;D

I've no idea whether any of the other Canberrans who post here (and there are quite a few of them) post on RIOTACT as well ....

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Laugh till you cry on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:27pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 2:10pm:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 1:10pm:

Wolseley wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 12:43pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 10:50am:
DV is also committed equally if not more by women against men but all the blame goes against men.

Do you have anything to back up that claim?  I doubt very much that violence by women against men is as frequent or as severe as violence by men against woman.

I would not want to run into Lisa Jones on a dark night.

You would not want to run into me during the day either.


I'd have you arrested for stalking me.

I will studiously avoid areas with laundromats; and even dry cleaners just to be doubly sure.

Thanks for the photo:

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:39pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:09pm:
Lol.  Its not enough to not hit someone, you have to not want to hit them.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sounds reasonable.

Do you often feel inclined to hit somebody Honky?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:49pm

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:39pm:

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:09pm:
Lol.  Its not enough to not hit someone, you have to not want to hit them.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sounds reasonable.

Do you often feel inclined to hit somebody Honky?

Of course.  Do you often find people inclined to hit you?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:57pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:49pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:39pm:

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 3:09pm:
Lol.  Its not enough to not hit someone, you have to not want to hit them.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Sounds reasonable.

Do you often feel inclined to hit somebody Honky?

Of course.  Do you often find people inclined to hit you?

Often? Really? You have a very unsophisticated response to frustration.  You should work on that.

And hit me? The people around me aren't inclined to violence. They grew up.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 4:50pm
Yeah, I'll get onto that, right after I get on top of the list of things my wife reckons I have to want to do. (as opposed to just doing them.) 

Doing the dishes, visiting the mother-in-law, cleaning out the gutters...thank god the kids grew out of nappies, because I'm not sure I could ever want to change those.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ahhh you're priceless.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:00pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 4:50pm:
Yeah, I'll get onto that, right after I get on top of the list of things my wife reckons I have to want to do. (as opposed to just doing them.) 

Doing the dishes, visiting the mother-in-law, cleaning out the gutters...thank god the kids grew out of nappies, because I'm not sure I could ever want to change those.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ahhh you're priceless.

I suggest you work on your inclinations whilst you are attending to your chores.

Being up a ladder is a wonderful time for reflection.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:03pm

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:00pm:

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 4:50pm:
Yeah, I'll get onto that, right after I get on top of the list of things my wife reckons I have to want to do. (as opposed to just doing them.) 

Doing the dishes, visiting the mother-in-law, cleaning out the gutters...thank god the kids grew out of nappies, because I'm not sure I could ever want to change those.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ahhh you're priceless.

I suggest you work on your inclinations whilst you are attending to your chores.

Being up a ladder is a wonderful time for reflection.

Noted.  And I suggest you leave the problem-solving to us men. 

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:07pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:03pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:00pm:

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 4:50pm:
Yeah, I'll get onto that, right after I get on top of the list of things my wife reckons I have to want to do. (as opposed to just doing them.) 

Doing the dishes, visiting the mother-in-law, cleaning out the gutters...thank god the kids grew out of nappies, because I'm not sure I could ever want to change those.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Ahhh you're priceless.

I suggest you work on your inclinations whilst you are attending to your chores.

Being up a ladder is a wonderful time for reflection.

Noted.  And I suggest you leave the problem-solving to us men. 

Why? Because you think normal men often feel inclined to hit someone?

Or because you think on the whole that men have done a reasonable job of problem solving to date?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:11pm
A little from column A, a little from column B, and also a little from column C - that women are terrible at it. 

The response to every problem - real or imagined - is nag, nag, nag.

I could solve all of western womens woes with one easy step - changing their wi-fi password. 

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:14pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:11pm:
A little from column A, a little from column B, and also a little from column C - that women are terrible at it. 

The response to every problem - real or imagined - is nag, nag, nag.

I could solve all of western womens woes with one easy step - changing their wi-fi password. 

Your ladder awaits.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:41pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 9:40am:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:20pm:
No one has asked the obvious questions:

what can make a man so angry that he can hit his wife -
the mother of his beloved children?

How can such a situation arise? -

there must be deeper reasons.

Why can people get so angry?

Did he have a shocking day at work where he was abused by his boss -
dealt with grid lock traffic -
& then came home to a bunch of screaming brat kids
& a nagging wife who is never happy no matter how hard he tries & works?
Something tips a man over the edge.

I don't apologise for men like that but something is terribly wrong & needs fixing in relationships like that.

Is it societies fault?

At the risk of getting another belting from Cods for going OT, my observation of men who are violent towards their partners is they're usually very controlling and often the jealous type.

But why do they do it?

Are they insane?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:43pm
So codsy, close to two women a week are dying at the hands of their partners in Australia.

I understand you don't want to "throw money" at the issue. I have some sympathy for this stance. Whilst I'm not against a $30 tax per se, I distrust government to spend the money wisely and efficiently.

So my question to you is, how do you think this problem should be tackled? Because I've noticed your posting habits, and your mode of operation tends to be to lob spitballs (which is easy) rather than try and craft solutions (much harder).

So your solution please, codsy?


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:52pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:41pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 9:40am:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:20pm:
No one has asked the obvious questions:

what can make a man so angry that he can hit his wife -
the mother of his beloved children?

How can such a situation arise? -

there must be deeper reasons.

Why can people get so angry?

Did he have a shocking day at work where he was abused by his boss -
dealt with grid lock traffic -
& then came home to a bunch of screaming brat kids
& a nagging wife who is never happy no matter how hard he tries & works?
Something tips a man over the edge.

I don't apologise for men like that but something is terribly wrong & needs fixing in relationships like that.

Is it societies fault?

At the risk of getting another belting from Cods for going OT, my observation of men who are violent towards their partners is they're usually very controlling and often the jealous type.

But why do they do it?

Are they insane?

I can't answer that. But my hunch is they're probably latent homosexuals with a deep seated hatred of women, and mother issues.

I also find certain media messages... Unhelpful.

I also think that we as a society are failing our boys and young men. Boys and young men are not girls and women. Their natural aggressive tendencies need to be chanelled into sports, and they need strong father figures who are real men. Real men protect women - they don't hit them, and they don't sneer about them with their mates.

But that's purely opinion - I am not well read on this topic. What do you think?


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Aussie on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:53pm

Because I've noticed your posting habits, and your mode of operation tends to be to lob spitballs (which is easy) rather than try and craft solutions (much harder).

Much like you Nicole Page 2016?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Aussie on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:01pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:52pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:41pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 9:40am:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:20pm:
No one has asked the obvious questions:

what can make a man so angry that he can hit his wife -
the mother of his beloved children?

How can such a situation arise? -

there must be deeper reasons.

Why can people get so angry?

Did he have a shocking day at work where he was abused by his boss -
dealt with grid lock traffic -
& then came home to a bunch of screaming brat kids
& a nagging wife who is never happy no matter how hard he tries & works?
Something tips a man over the edge.

I don't apologise for men like that but something is terribly wrong & needs fixing in relationships like that.

Is it societies fault?

At the risk of getting another belting from Cods for going OT, my observation of men who are violent towards their partners is they're usually very controlling and often the jealous type.

But why do they do it?

Are they insane?

I can't answer that. But my hunch is they're probably latent homosexuals with a deep seated hatred of women, and mother issues. males who are usually very controlling and often the jealous type are also probably latent homosexuals with a deep seated hatred of women, and mother issues.  I get it.

I also find certain media messages... Unhelpful.

How sad.

I also think that we as a society are failing our boys and young men. Boys and young men are not girls and women. Their natural aggressive tendencies need to be chanelled into sports, and they need strong father figures who are real men. Real men protect women - they don't hit them, and they don't sneer about them with their mates.

Really?  What are you saying?  Is it that male kids who lost their Dads are likely to be jealous type are also probably latent homosexuals with a deep seated hatred of women, and mother issues?

But that's purely opinion - I am not well read on this topic. What do you think?

I think you are posting crap, that's what I think.



Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:14pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:11pm:
The response to every problem - real or imagined - is nag, nag, nag.

I could solve all of western womens woes with one easy step - changing their wi-fi password.

Can't you guys see that we women nag because we care?

And it's a way of letting you know that we're not happy about something?

Babies cry....women nag. In BOTH cases, something's not right and you guys are being asked to LISTEN/HELP WORK IT OUT.

Is that asking too much Honky?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:15pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Please just TRY and ignore him.

He does get the message....eventually.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:16pm
I don't nag.

I resent the stereotype.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Aussie on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:18pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Her contribution contains severe and stark contradictions as is demonstrated by my comments in red.  She is posting crap.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:22pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:18pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Her contribution contains severe and stark contradictions as is demonstrated by my comments in red.  She is posting crap.

Well then Aussie,
why don't you make a valuable contribution to my questions & comments?

sir Bobby wrote:

No one has asked the obvious questions:

what can make a man so angry that he can hit his wife -
the mother of his beloved children?

How can such a situation arise? -

there must be deeper reasons.

Why can people get so angry?

Did he have a shocking day at work where he was abused by his boss -
dealt with grid lock traffic -
& then came home to a bunch of screaming brat kids
& a nagging wife who is never happy no matter how hard he tries & works?
Something tips a man over the edge.

I don't apologise for men like that but something is terribly wrong & needs fixing in relationships like that.

Is it societies fault?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Yes Nicole,
there is too much of a pro homosexual agenda at schools.
It's not right.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:24pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:43pm:
So codsy, close to two women a week are dying at the hands of their partners in Australia.

I understand you don't want to "throw money" at the issue. I have some sympathy for this stance. Whilst I'm not against a $30 tax per se, I distrust government to spend the money wisely and efficiently.

So my question to you is, how do you think this problem should be tackled? Because I've noticed your posting habits, and your mode of operation tends to be to lob spitballs (which is easy) rather than try and craft solutions (much harder).

So your solution please, codsy?



Also Cods, it may very well be YOUR daughter, niece, grand daughter, female cousin, female neighbour, female friend etc who MIGHT be helped through this new tax funded program.

Still.....I can see why you're not happy about it all.

You're on a fixed income and you're well aware that these pollies waste our money no matter how they extract it from us. 

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:27pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:14pm:
Can't you guys see that we women nag because we care?

And it's a way of letting you know that we're not happy about something?

Babies cry....women nag. In BOTH cases, something's not right and you guys are being asked to LISTEN/HELP WORK IT OUT.

Is that asking too much Honky?

in that case we can argue that men hit because they care ... something is not right and you women are being asked to LISTEN/HELP WORK IT OUT

IS that asking too much?

;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:28pm

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:16pm:
I don't nag.

I resent the stereotype.


Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:37pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:14pm:

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 5:11pm:
The response to every problem - real or imagined - is nag, nag, nag.

I could solve all of western womens woes with one easy step - changing their wi-fi password.

Can't you guys see that we women nag because we care?

And it's a way of letting you know that we're not happy about something?

Babies cry....women nag. In BOTH cases, something's not right and you guys are being asked to LISTEN/HELP WORK IT OUT.

Is that asking too much Honky?

Honky....I forgot to does she nag you?

I "nag" in a cute and cheeky way. Why? It gets the message through much easier/more effectively. Plus it diffuses any build up of negative energy.

Unfortunately Honky, it took a divorce and a 2nd marriage for me to finally realize the importance of HOW we talk to our husbands.

It's not just WHAT we say to them.

Oh and also...WHEN. Eg. Not when men come home after a hard day at the office and they're trying to get their business suit off. Let them have a shower, a cuppa, a kiss, and a cute and cheeky smile.

Even then, if you're a clever wife, you'll plan your  attack AFTER dinner. Why? Well duh.....the way to a man's heart is through his tummy  :P

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:38pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Yes Nicole,
there is too much of a pro homosexual agenda at schools.
It's not right.

I've just worked out your other id.  ;D

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Aussie on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:38pm
Bobby......I usually stay out of trying to solve this, and if anyone has a magic bullet, they'd make a mint.  No-one has a solution, as is quite obvious.

No one has asked the obvious questions:

what can make a man so angry that he can hit his wife -
the mother of his beloved children?

Dunno.....but I'd conject that more often than not the victim is a provocative arsehole, and the attacker is a weak human being who has self control issues.

How can such a situation arise? -

there must be deeper reasons.

That is stating the bleeding obvious. 

Why can people get so angry?

They get provoked, have no capacity to control their response unless they have a sociopathic blood lust.

Did he have a shocking day at work where he was abused by his boss -
dealt with grid lock traffic -
& then came home to a bunch of screaming brat kids
& a nagging wife who is never happy no matter how hard he tries & works?

Why are you making this a gender issue?

Something tips a man the perpetrator over the edge.

No sheet, Sherlock?

I don't apologise for men like that but something is terribly wrong & needs fixing in relationships like that.

There you go again on the gender bias.

Is it societies fault?

Let me know when you have the answer.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:40pm
:o ................  ;D

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:46pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:28pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:16pm:
I don't nag.

I resent the stereotype.


Not very clever then are you?

I embraced the stereotype, deconstructed the stereotype and reinvented the stereotype.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:51pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:46pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:28pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:16pm:
I don't nag.

I resent the stereotype.


Not very clever then are you?

I embraced the stereotype, deconstructed the stereotype and reinvented the stereotype.

Yes because no other vacuous bint has thought of being "cute and cheeky" (for crying out loud) when they want their partners to do something.

It's just most women have evolved beyond games.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:52pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:18pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Her contribution contains severe and stark contradictions as is demonstrated by my comments in red.  She is posting crap.

I am not against anyone having an opinion contra to member on here who seem to think otherwise..

I am against baiting people and making personal comments...I also dont like to see the homosexuals getting a mention in a topic like this..

I have and always will say D.V is on the increase it is much to our utter shame almost if not already at crisis point... >:(

for those who think I am having a heart attck about paying $30... then all I can say is you dont have good comprehension skills and I have no intention of spelling it all again just so you can go on the attack...I prefer to move on..

the point it what are we doing with this money and what good will it produce???..

we are dealing with a zillion complex human issues.. one size does not fit all..

yes I agree with Nicole control is an issue with some men and paranoid jealousy is an issue with some women...

I do have a grand daughter that sets herself up and her now two children in dodgy relationships... ::) ::)

I dont need your concern over that lisa  I do have first hand experience..

.....I have no choice but to deal with it... her latest partner is he hastn touched her...but when you have children, the eldest 5 who has issues... even loud angry  voices are disturbing...its all a mess actually...

what can I do.. bugger all really!

granddaughter wont listen to my advice  she says one thing does the opposite..I wont walk away because of the children..however so far there is no violence but it doesn t mean it isnt a violent relationship..she has left him in the last few weeks. and got her own apartment.. and now I hear he has also moved in...yep everything is now in her name before he had the lease  ::) ::) ::)..

his mother is a shocker lives in Syd and rings him every day and calls my granddaughter all the names under the tell me hows this money going to help that situation that two little ones are caught up in????.......

.my experience for what its worth... is the real villains that need the sorting out only usually go to one session....

you cant make people change..... they can only make themselves change.....

in fact sometimes I think the more we do for them the less effort they think that have to do..

the govt does too much.....the family court is a shambles   yes lisa I also know someone caught up in  that... its the world today... your kids havent left home yet..

you have no idea whats ahead.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 9th, 2016 at 7:12pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:38pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Yes Nicole,
there is too much of a pro homosexual agenda at schools.
It's not right.

I've just worked out your other id.  ;D

I have only one ID - sir Bobby.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sir Bobby on Jun 9th, 2016 at 7:16pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:38pm:
Bobby......I usually stay out of trying to solve this, and if anyone has a magic bullet, they'd make a mint.  No-one has a solution, as is quite obvious.

No one has asked the obvious questions:

what can make a man so angry that he can hit his wife -
the mother of his beloved children?

Dunno.....but I'd conject that more often than not the victim is a provocative arsehole, and the attacker is a weak human being who has self control issues.

[quote]How can such a situation arise? -

there must be deeper reasons.

That is stating the bleeding obvious. 

Why can people get so angry?

They get provoked, have no capacity to control their response unless they have a sociopathic blood lust.

Did he have a shocking day at work where he was abused by his boss -
dealt with grid lock traffic -
& then came home to a bunch of screaming brat kids
& a nagging wife who is never happy no matter how hard he tries & works?

Why are you making this a gender issue?

Something tips a man the perpetrator over the edge.

No sheet, Sherlock?

I don't apologise for men like that but something is terribly wrong & needs fixing in relationships like that.

There you go again on the gender bias.

Is it societies fault?

Let me know when you have the answer.[/quote]

Good work Aussie.
Hardly any abuse there for me.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 7:47pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 7:12pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:38pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Yes Nicole,
there is too much of a pro homosexual agenda at schools.
It's not right.

I've just worked out your other id.  ;D

I have only one ID - sir Bobby.

Okkkay.  ;D

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 9th, 2016 at 7:51pm

cods wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:52pm:

Aussie wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:18pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Her contribution contains severe and stark contradictions as is demonstrated by my comments in red.  She is posting crap.

I am not against anyone having an opinion contra to member on here who seem to think otherwise..

I am against baiting people and making personal comments...I also dont like to see the homosexuals getting a mention in a topic like this..

I have and always will say D.V is on the increase it is much to our utter shame almost if not already at crisis point... >:(

for those who think I am having a heart attck about paying $30... then all I can say is you dont have good comprehension skills and I have no intention of spelling it all again just so you can go on the attack...I prefer to move on..

the point it what are we doing with this money and what good will it produce???..

we are dealing with a zillion complex human issues.. one size does not fit all..

yes I agree with Nicole control is an issue with some men and paranoid jealousy is an issue with some women...

I do have a grand daughter that sets herself up and her now two children in dodgy relationships... ::) ::)

I dont need your concern over that lisa  I do have first hand experience..

.....I have no choice but to deal with it... her latest partner is he hastn touched her...but when you have children, the eldest 5 who has issues... even loud angry  voices are disturbing...its all a mess actually...

what can I do.. bugger all really!

granddaughter wont listen to my advice  she says one thing does the opposite..I wont walk away because of the children..however so far there is no violence but it doesn t mean it isnt a violent relationship..she has left him in the last few weeks. and got her own apartment.. and now I hear he has also moved in...yep everything is now in her name before he had the lease  ::) ::) ::)..

his mother is a shocker lives in Syd and rings him every day and calls my granddaughter all the names under the tell me hows this money going to help that situation that two little ones are caught up in????.......

.my experience for what its worth... is the real villains that need the sorting out only usually go to one session....

you cant make people change..... they can only make themselves change.....

in fact sometimes I think the more we do for them the less effort they think that have to do..

the govt does too much.....the family court is a shambles   yes lisa I also know someone caught up in  that... its the world today... your kids havent left home yet..

you have no idea whats ahead.

I'm sorry that you've gone/you're going through all that.

I think you're one very resilient and tough woman.

I admire such people.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:19pm

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:16pm:
I don't nag.

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:51pm:
It's just most women have evolved beyond games.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:40pm

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Yes Nicole,
there is too much of a pro homosexual agenda at schools.
It's not right.

Welcome Nicole.
Bobby is one of the sensible male posters here.

Take Care

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:44pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Boys are separated from men.
eg, there are almost no male teachers, esp in kindy and primary schools

Many boys grow up with no Dad at home.

Males are made out by the media to be cruel, insensitive and aggressive.

Girls are given all the support in the world and told 'you go girl.'

Boys are told 'be tough and don't cry'.

If you have a son you would know how sensitive they are.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:49pm

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:19pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:16pm:
I don't nag.

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:51pm:
It's just most women have evolved beyond games.

Difficult for you is it Honky? A relationship where he doesnt feel inclined to hit me when he's frustrated and I don't nag.

Your ladder beckons.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:02am

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:44pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Boys are separated from men.
eg, there are almost no male teachers, esp in kindy and primary schools

Many boys grow up with no Dad at home.

Males are made out by the media to be cruel, insensitive and aggressive.

Girls are given all the support in the world and told 'you go girl.'

Boys are told 'be tough and don't cry'.

If you have a son you would know how sensitive they are.

I have a son and know how sensitive he is.

He's in primary school and has a male teacher.

I don't know what you are basing what girls and boys are taught on. My daughter was told at 12 by two men that "shed do" for the evenings festivities.

Girls go from playing house to being sexual commodities in a heartbeat.

Boys have their own journey.

My son doesn't like sports so I've got him in violin lessons, Scouts and drama classes.

Everyone needs to stop telling boys what they are supposed to be and support them in what they are.

The same message that feminists fought and fight for girls to live by.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Def_Not_IQSRLOW on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:12am

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:49pm:

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:19pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:16pm:
I don't nag.

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:51pm:
It's just most women have evolved beyond games.

Difficult for you is it Honky? A relationship where he doesnt feel inclined to hit me when he's frustrated and I don't nag.

Your ladder beckons.

Projecting again?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:19am

Aussie, wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:12am:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:49pm:

... wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 8:19pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:16pm:
I don't nag.

mothra wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:51pm:
It's just most women have evolved beyond games.

Difficult for you is it Honky? A relationship where he doesnt feel inclined to hit me when he's frustrated and I don't nag.

Your ladder beckons.

Projecting again?

That's the opposite of projecting.

But go you ....

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:22am
.. and 90% of the funds will be sopped up in administration costs leaving nothing of any value for the real issues of family violence....

I say 'family violence' to differentiate the real issues from the current land-locked and moribund 'male v female' idea still being trotted out and around after more than twenty years of abject failure and escalating violence within society, much of which is the direct result of 'government' seeking to 'curb violence' by exercising violence - a total oxy MORON!

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:22am
"It's just most women have evolved beyond games. "

You're kidding, right?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:24am

mothra wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:02am:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:44pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Boys are separated from men.
eg, there are almost no male teachers, esp in kindy and primary schools

Many boys grow up with no Dad at home.

Males are made out by the media to be cruel, insensitive and aggressive.

Girls are given all the support in the world and told 'you go girl.'

Boys are told 'be tough and don't cry'.

If you have a son you would know how sensitive they are.

I have a son and know how sensitive he is.

He's in primary school and has a male teacher.

I don't know what you are basing what girls and boys are taught on. My daughter was told at 12 by two men that "shed do" for the evenings festivities.

Girls go from playing house to being sexual commodities in a heartbeat.

Boys have their own journey.

My son doesn't like sports so I've got him in violin lessons, Scouts and drama classes.

Everyone needs to stop telling boys what they are supposed to be and support them in what they are.

The same message that feminists fought and fight for girls to live by.

I think you need here to give us a clear outline of the kind of society in which you live.  My daughter never had any such garbage tossed at her....

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:38am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:22am:
"It's just most women have evolved beyond games. "

You're kidding, right?

The women I know don't nag.

The men I know are not inclined towards violence.

I see this echoed in wider society.

Sorry it's an anathema  to you.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by mothra on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:44am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:24am:

mothra wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:02am:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:44pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Boys are separated from men.
eg, there are almost no male teachers, esp in kindy and primary schools

Many boys grow up with no Dad at home.

Males are made out by the media to be cruel, insensitive and aggressive.

Girls are given all the support in the world and told 'you go girl.'

Boys are told 'be tough and don't cry'.

If you have a son you would know how sensitive they are.

I have a son and know how sensitive he is.

He's in primary school and has a male teacher.

I don't know what you are basing what girls and boys are taught on. My daughter was told at 12 by two men that "shed do" for the evenings festivities.

Girls go from playing house to being sexual commodities in a heartbeat.

Boys have their own journey.

My son doesn't like sports so I've got him in violin lessons, Scouts and drama classes.

Everyone needs to stop telling boys what they are supposed to be and support them in what they are.

The same message that feminists fought and fight for girls to live by.

I think you need here to give us a clear outline of the kind of society in which you live.  My daughter never had any such garbage tossed at her....

I was 14 when I first attracted sexusal attention from men. Not to mention the boys at my school.

Perhaps your daughter didn't share everything with you .

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 10th, 2016 at 7:44am

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:44pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Boys are separated from men.
eg, there are almost no male teachers, esp in kindy and primary schools

Many boys grow up with no Dad at home.

Males are made out by the media to be cruel, insensitive and aggressive.

Girls are given all the support in the world and told 'you go girl.'

Boys are told 'be tough and don't cry'.

If you have a son you would know how sensitive they are.

you do make some good points sprint..

the problem is what are we doing about it..

as far as I can make out we are making it worse not better..

instead of boys being taught.[at school] to respect girls..remember when it was girls first.. ::) then itwas  all changed by the PC crowd.....

every man for himself...

now I dont pretend to know all the rules or have all the answers but it seems to me during the years a lot of good manner and respect went out of the window....

and then push comes to shove and so it grows...'

most bad habits GROW.. mum and dad use the F word then expect their kids to do the same.. mum and dad have no respect for teachers the law or neighbours.. and usually each other

then expect more of the same...

and over the years its got worse.....for years children usually boys were allowed to abuse teachers   and get away with it... even now the do gooders do their best to protect them.. just as they should be learning that is not the way to go...

respect for each other starts from a very early age.. we all need to on the same page....if we ever plan to win this war...

children soon learn how far they can go... and in this day and age there appears to be no limits. >:(

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 10th, 2016 at 8:45am

mothra wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:38am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:22am:
"It's just most women have evolved beyond games. "

You're kidding, right?

The women I know don't nag.

The men I know are not inclined towards violence.

I see this echoed in wider society.

Sorry it's an anathema  to you.


When women collectively nag, they call it "raising awareness".  Theres even a minister for nagging in parliament, they call her the "minister for women"  but euphemisms don't change the content.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Black Orchid on Jun 10th, 2016 at 11:44am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:24am:

mothra wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:02am:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:44pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Boys are separated from men.
eg, there are almost no male teachers, esp in kindy and primary schools

Many boys grow up with no Dad at home.

Males are made out by the media to be cruel, insensitive and aggressive.

Girls are given all the support in the world and told 'you go girl.'

Boys are told 'be tough and don't cry'.

If you have a son you would know how sensitive they are.

I have a son and know how sensitive he is.

He's in primary school and has a male teacher.

I don't know what you are basing what girls and boys are taught on. My daughter was told at 12 by two men that "shed do" for the evenings festivities.

Girls go from playing house to being sexual commodities in a heartbeat.

Boys have their own journey.

My son doesn't like sports so I've got him in violin lessons, Scouts and drama classes.

Everyone needs to stop telling boys what they are supposed to be and support them in what they are.

The same message that feminists fought and fight for girls to live by.

I think you need here to give us a clear outline of the kind of society in which you live.  My daughter never had any such garbage tossed at her....

I find the above highlighted statement extremely disturbing, on more than one level.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:04pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:22am:
.. and 90% of the funds will be sopped up in administration costs leaving nothing of any value for the real issues of family violence....

I say 'family violence' to differentiate the real issues from the current land-locked and moribund 'male v female' idea still being trotted out and around after more than twenty years of abject failure and escalating violence within society, much of which is the direct result of 'government' seeking to 'curb violence' by exercising violence - a total oxy nice person!

I agree with most of this.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:05pm
Whats disturbing is that her solution to assholes like that  is "teach them to respect women", but theyre not even speaking a language they understand.

Id be happy to teach them a lesson, if i wasnt going to be charged for it. 

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:39pm

mothra wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:38am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:22am:
"It's just most women have evolved beyond games. "

You're kidding, right?

The women I know don't nag.

The men I know are not inclined towards violence.

I see this echoed in wider society.

Sorry it's an anathema  to you.

I think the word is 'enigma' - but still inaccurate.....

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:45pm

mothra wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:44am:
I was 14 when I first attracted sexusal attention from men. Not to mention the boys at my school.

Perhaps your daughter didn't share everything with you .

Perhaps so - when you accept that the human body is designed to live for 23 years, it is perfectly normal for a pubescent girl or boy to become a part of the breeding program.  The difference is that with increased longevity and accelerating civilisation (mostly headed by men of good will), the SOCIAL norms are that a girl of 14 is NOT to be considered a sexual object.

Hard for the 14 year old boys who are walking horns, but in reality it is only in the persisting tribal/nomadic social groups here in Oz that the idea of a 13-14 year old girl is 'marriageable' or 'set for motherhood' persists.

In many Aboriginal communities a girl who has not had a child by age 15 is not considered a 'proper' woman..... and we know that certain imported social groups consider a 13-14 year old fair game for 'marriage'.

It's all about Sense and Sensibility..... and one of the reasons we have Laws is to ensure that Sense does not take over from Sensibility.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:48pm

... wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:05pm:
Whats disturbing is that her solution to assholes like that  is "teach them to respect women", but theyre not even speaking a language they understand.

Id be happy to teach them a lesson, if i wasnt going to be charged for it. 

So wait one - the answer to purported violence and disrespect is - once again - to 'teach the purported perpetrators a lesson' - meaning whup them up side da head in one way or another ....... and you really think that will 'teach them respect and non-violence'?

Truly I shake my head in dismay over the human race, or what passes for it.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:56pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:48pm:

... wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:05pm:
Whats disturbing is that her solution to assholes like that  is "teach them to respect women", but theyre not even speaking a language they understand.

Id be happy to teach them a lesson, if i wasnt going to be charged for it. 

So wait one - the answer to purported violence and disrespect is - once again - to 'teach the purported perpetrators a lesson' - meaning whup them up side da head in one way or another ....... and you really think that will 'teach them respect and non-violence'?

Truly I shake my head in dismay over the human race, or what passes for it.

It rarely comes to actual violence.  The potential for violence is far more powerful.  Its always the anticipation thats the scary part.  Scary enough that big tuffies usually become very apologetic and sheepish to avoid it.

Or you know, we could send them to a sensitivity course. Im sure that can make thugs into gentlemen too.   ::)

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 10th, 2016 at 1:30pm

... wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:56pm:
It rarely comes to actual violence.  The potential for violence is far more powerful.  Its always the anticipation thats the scary part.  Scary enough that big tuffies usually become very apologetic and sheepish to avoid it.

Or you know, we could send them to a sensitivity course. Im sure that can make thugs into gentlemen too

so they should strike out the word VIOLENCE from DOMESTIC VIOLENCE...

as violence is rarely the case...

so we can take a person to court for just shouting/swearing/threatening... now can we??..

thats news.. ::)

as for the respect.. yes it should be taught from the age of 3 everyone...

would you walk up to a policeman and spit  in his/her face.??

would you strike your teacher?
would you punch your doctor who was trying to help you?

if the answer is YES... then the reason mainly would be because you do not respect these people...

not because they nag you or look sideways at you....

you probably wouldnt even know them...

if your answer is NO..

maybe its because you learnt a smiggin of respect for some folks....on your journey... wouldnt it be nice if that respect involved everyone you are bound to meet...

respect isnt a given its learnt....and its earnt.....and it has to taught..

but by the sound of you you think learning only starts when you pass puberty   ::) ::)

my idea of learning means it starts at the cradle.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Honky on Jun 10th, 2016 at 1:48pm
Im sorry, i dont even know what youre saying cods.  The post you quoted was not about donestic violence as such, but in correcting the attitudes and behaviour of bad people.

The mainstream/feminist scheme is to encourage everyone to be wimps.  But there are bad people who dont do what theyre supposed to, and now that everyone else has been wimpified, theres nobody left to rein them in.  The very basis of civilization is the threat if violence (hence the word civility) A powerpoint presentation by some nindoctrinated lackey isnt going to teplace that, no matter how many year-zero ideologues wish it would.

Whenever these feminist idiots want to get real and actually get results, all they need to do is put their wounded pride aside, and ask for help. 

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Nicole Page 2016 on Jun 10th, 2016 at 2:04pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:40pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Yes Nicole,
there is too much of a pro homosexual agenda at schools.
It's not right.

Welcome Nicole.
Bobby is one of the sensible male posters here.

Take Care

I can see that.  :)  You seem pretty sensible too.

Thanks Sprint.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by John Smith on Jun 10th, 2016 at 2:07pm

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 2:04pm:

Sprintcyclist wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 11:40pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:23pm:

Mistress Nicole wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:20pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jun 9th, 2016 at 6:11pm:
Come on Aussie,
Nicole made an honest attempt to contribute to the debate - as I have.



Thank you Bobby.

Incidentally, are you aware that boys/young men are falling behind girls/young women at school and university? Any thoughts on why this is? I have a boy, and I care. Are we stripping boys of their biologically driven imperatives? It's almost like we're feminising them.

Yes Nicole,
there is too much of a pro homosexual agenda at schools.
It's not right.

Welcome Nicole.
Bobby is one of the sensible male posters here.

Take Care

I can see that.  :)  You seem pretty sensible too.

Thanks Sprint.

that's because sprint is a good christian boy ... it's only the tinted ones he wants to castrate and shoot

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by cods on Jun 10th, 2016 at 2:36pm

... wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 1:48pm:
Im sorry, i dont even know what youre saying cods.  The post you quoted was not about donestic violence as such, but in correcting the attitudes and behaviour of bad people.

The mainstream/feminist scheme is to encourage everyone to be wimps.  But there are bad people who dont do what theyre supposed to, and now that everyone else has been wimpified, theres nobody left to rein them in.  The very basis of civilization is the threat if violence (hence the word civility) A powerpoint presentation by some nindoctrinated lackey isnt going to teplace that, no matter how many year-zero ideologues wish it would.

Whenever these feminist idiots want to get real and actually get results, all they need to do is put their wounded pride aside, and ask for help. 

dont get me started on "feminists".. they imo are responsible for much of todays that bad attitude..all round by both sides....

my complaint about your post was you said violence is rare... yet it is the ones we hear about those that are non violent dont go to court as far as as I know... unless it includes divorce....

I have never really had to live with physical violence...

mental abuse was my childhood.. and we didnt talk about it then..I just knew I would never let my children live in that atmosphere....

and I always find it hard to understand why someone who has lived with abuse [of any kind] can pass it on to another human being....

yet this is what we get told time and again..

and its an EXCUSE we accept it.... we allow people to be bad.. someone  terrifies their partner.. makes their life hell...they go to the court and they get an AVO....

why isnt that person locked up...if the evidence is ther.e why is it acceptable to trust this persons word he will not break the rules of the AVO????>....

which in most severe cases he does break them and nothing happens.....

someone takes the life of their partner and the children.. do not tell me this happen in an instant there has been no build up and no signs of violence in the past...... that would have to be the rarest of cases I would think..

most violent people show many sings of what they are capeable of long before they snap....

how many times do you call the police before they say enough is enough...the women have to learn they have to take their share of the responsibility for this bad relationship...and if they have children... shouldnt we have laws that say they should be removed if they the parents are reported lets say more than twice..

sometimes we need to come down like a tonne of bricks before some wake up..

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by buzzanddidj on Jun 19th, 2016 at 1:21pm

bogarde73 wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:24am:
Hey welcome back buzz.I thought you had carked it.

FUNNY you should put it that way
During my absence I had a few bouts in intensive care, via ambulance, being treated for a bit of a 'touch and go' case of diabetic ketoacidosis

A bit distressing for friends and rellies - me being in IC ward, with numerous tubes running in and a few more running out

I wasn't concerned
I was in a propofol (I'm on the drug that killed River Phoenix Michael Jackson) medically induced coma for four days
All is well now - that I have a ketone test kit

The reason I left for such a time was to do with Andrei.Hicks' obsession with me - his constant stalking - and his banning me on the most trivial of technicalities

If EVERYONE who referred to someone as a "village idiot" was banned - there'd be no one left

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:18pm
Just extra cash into the coffers, and maybe some more to agents provocateurs in 'women's rights groups' to foment more dissent, abuse, violence against men, and distortion of the legal process to suit an agenda totally unrelated to violence (except that agenda IS violence itself) ........

Nothing new there.... nothing will change for the better until these groups are put in their proper place - just one voice among many...... and until government ceases its virulent assault on men as a social institution and actually begins to address the real issues of FAMILY and RELATIONSHIP violence.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:22pm

... wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:56pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:48pm:

... wrote on Jun 10th, 2016 at 12:05pm:
Whats disturbing is that her solution to assholes like that  is "teach them to respect women", but theyre not even speaking a language they understand.

Id be happy to teach them a lesson, if i wasnt going to be charged for it. 

So wait one - the answer to purported violence and disrespect is - once again - to 'teach the purported perpetrators a lesson' - meaning whup them up side da head in one way or another ....... and you really think that will 'teach them respect and non-violence'?

Truly I shake my head in dismay over the human race, or what passes for it.

It rarely comes to actual violence.  The potential for violence is far more powerful.  Its always the anticipation thats the scary part.  Scary enough that big tuffies usually become very apologetic and sheepish to avoid it.

Or you know, we could send them to a sensitivity course. Im sure that can make thugs into gentlemen too.   ::)

So is the wide-open opportunity to lodge a complaint based on how one feels..... what greater level of emotional/psychological violence is there in today's modern society than the unmitigated 'right' of one side of a question to have legal sanction and even direct violence promulgated against the other without one shred of evidence, let alone proof?

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:25pm
**cold nights on a slow moving thread**

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Gnads on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:25pm

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:18am:

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:06am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:36am:

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:29am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am:
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Yes perhaps territories do need some sort of income tax or means of raising money apart from rates.

What other options in the case of ACT do they have? They are really just a big council with a few other functions.

Motor Registration levy ?
More speed cameras?
More paid parking?

you forget they get their share of the GST....

which labor govts refused to let them increase remember..

this is fairer dont you know???>. ::) ::)

Sorry! Yes I did forget the GST!

True that would be fairer.

They would require the agreement of all states  to raise that.

So are you in favour of raising  the GST cods?

yes mate I am.. its the only tax WE ALL PAY at the same rate...and its been 10% for more than 10 years...

I spent quite a bit of time in Denmark and saw what they pay and what everything costs.. they just get on with it...... we whinge no matter what....maybe they have less waste in their govt I dont know but we seem to waste zillions and dont blink an eye...millions to aboriginals that never gets there????? year after year....its a bloody disgrace but do we stop it>>>>>>nah to hard..

so yes I am in favour of a GST increase... to me its fair ..

it isnt always the tax we pay that runs me out its the way its spent..

Raise the GST ..... decrease the Personal/PAYG income tax

otherwise stick it up your jacksie Cods.

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:26pm
**behead all those who insult the turning of a page here**

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 19th, 2016 at 7:31pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:18pm:
Just extra cash into the coffers, and maybe some more to agents provocateurs in 'women's rights groups' to foment more dissent, abuse, violence against men, and distortion of the legal process to suit an agenda totally unrelated to violence (except that agenda IS violence itself) ........

Nothing new there.... nothing will change for the better until these groups are put in their proper place - just one voice among many...... and until government ceases its virulent assault on men as a social institution and actually begins to address the real issues of FAMILY and RELATIONSHIP violence.

X 2

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 19th, 2016 at 7:55pm

Gnads wrote on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:25pm:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:18am:

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 11:06am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:36am:

Redmond Neck wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:29am:

cods wrote on Jun 8th, 2016 at 10:19am:
so, its only home owners who are responsible for domestic should that be only Liberal home owners... yeah probably.

makes sense to some.

Yes perhaps territories do need some sort of income tax or means of raising money apart from rates.

What other options in the case of ACT do they have? They are really just a big council with a few other functions.

Motor Registration levy ?
More speed cameras?
More paid parking?

you forget they get their share of the GST....

which labor govts refused to let them increase remember..

this is fairer dont you know???>. ::) ::)

Sorry! Yes I did forget the GST!

True that would be fairer.

They would require the agreement of all states  to raise that.

So are you in favour of raising  the GST cods?

yes mate I am.. its the only tax WE ALL PAY at the same rate...and its been 10% for more than 10 years...

I spent quite a bit of time in Denmark and saw what they pay and what everything costs.. they just get on with it...... we whinge no matter what....maybe they have less waste in their govt I dont know but we seem to waste zillions and dont blink an eye...millions to aboriginals that never gets there????? year after year....its a bloody disgrace but do we stop it>>>>>>nah to hard..

so yes I am in favour of a GST increase... to me its fair ..

it isnt always the tax we pay that runs me out its the way its spent..

Raise the GST ..... decrease the Personal/PAYG income tax

otherwise stick it up your jacksie Cods.

Raise the Black Flag!  No prisoners from the GST!  Lower the PAYG - raise company tax and drag in all the perks as income deemed pure and simple...

Down at Ye Olde Taxe Office....

"Oh, I see, Mr Pecker... you had use of a helicopter and a 757 for your own personal use...... just loaned to you by a company you own or a company you own owns or.... well - you get my drift here.... that'll be the cost of those flights deemed as income....."

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 19th, 2016 at 7:57pm
**chokes on the pent-up frustration of a page that never moves and you want to get in a pertinent point**

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by buzzanddidj on Jun 19th, 2016 at 9:24pm

Gnads wrote on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:25pm:
Raise the GST ..... decrease the Personal/PAYG income tax

Take with ONE hand - and hand it back with the OTHER
This should do WONDERS for the budget "bottom line" (?)

A truly COURAGEOUS government would ...

1. Increase the GST to 15%
2. Leave the GST exemption on life essentials - AS IS
3. Bring BACK quarterly tax indexation - to resolve bracket creep problems
4. Admit that if we "need" further cuts to Medicare, hospitals and school funding - we must face the reality that we are undertaxed

But I don't see a "courageous" federal government on the political horizon

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 19th, 2016 at 10:57pm

buzzanddidj wrote on Jun 19th, 2016 at 9:24pm:

Gnads wrote on Jun 19th, 2016 at 6:25pm:
Raise the GST ..... decrease the Personal/PAYG income tax

Take with ONE hand - and hand it back with the OTHER
This should do WONDERS for the budget "bottom line" (?)

A truly COURAGEOUS government would ...

1. Increase the GST to 15%
2. Leave the GST exemption on life essentials - AS IS
3. Bring BACK quarterly tax indexation - to resolve bracket creep problems
4. Admit that if we "need" further cuts to Medicare, hospitals and school funding - we must face the reality that we are undertaxed

But I don't see a "courageous" federal government on the political horizon

I should care about the government's budget?  They've got a hell of a lot more cash to work with than I do - and they never yet have got it right.. not in my lifetime... and yet they feel entitled ™ to all the perks of being superior money managers and husbands of our economy and culture...

Don't make me laugh....

Title: Re: a TAX will STOP domestic violence.
Post by The Grappler on Jun 19th, 2016 at 11:11pm
**and that old highway goes on forever**

(provides entertainment while we wait for Page Turner.... hasta la vista.. baby!)...

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