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Member Run Boards >> Fringe >> Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....

Message started by Yadda on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm

Title: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Yadda on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

--------- >


.....Ephesians 6:12: "[We wrestle] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Here, "heavenly" refers, not to the place of God's throne, but to the first heaven, the air surrounding the earth in which birds fly. This also links with Revelation 18:2 and its "unclean and hated birds," symbolizing demons. Birds operate in the same heaven Satan commands.

Prior to the rebellion, God gave Satan and his demon assistants substantial authority over everything from the earth's atmosphere on down to the earth itself, which includes us, its inhabitants. We must never forget that, in large part, our wrestling, as Paul terms it, is with these spirits. We inhabit the same space they do.

These evil spirits indeed use deceived people to carry out their plans to destroy those in whom God lives. These people are likely under the strong influence of those spirit authorities, and because they are deceived, they are unaware that they are being used! They are not necessarily possessed, as the Bible shows some are, but influenced by demons to act against our best interests.

A factor God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air. Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, symbolized as foul and unclean raptors and carrion-eaters, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us. It is essential to our spiritual well-being to heed Paul's warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and they are fighting tooth-and-toenail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. Earth, the Bible plainly tells us, was "their first estate" (Jude 6, KJV). They hate us because we are becoming like the Father and Son, and because they know this earth, our inheritance, will be taken from them and given to the sons of God, those who are in His image.

On the surface, they have advantages over us because they are invisible to our eyes. In addition, they can, without our even being aware, communicate their thoughts and attitudes to our minds through the very air that supports our lives. Most people in this world do not know they are deceived or how they became deceived. Satan and his demons have not sat us all down to tell us, "We are here to deceive you." We know only because God's Word reveals this truth to us, and we believe it. Despite this happening in our lives, deception can still be communicated to us unless we are astute enough to take care that it does not happen again.

Nevertheless, deception and its resulting behaviors have been communicated to us through the culture we were born into. The culture, the world around us, is the medium of this corrupting communication. We have been freed from deception by God's revelation of Himself, but the urgent admonition from our Lord and Savior is, "Don't be passive concerning the responsibilities your liberation has imposed. Take action because the communication can be reabsorbed, enslaving you once again."

— John W. Ritenbaugh

If you are ever troubled by a demon, simply call out [in your heart] to God,     ....ask him to help/to protect you from such creatures.

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Sir Bobby on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:18pm
Satan does his work through Muslim fanatics.

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Bojack Horseman on Aug 29th, 2016 at 12:15pm

Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

--------- >


.....Ephesians 6:12: "[We wrestle] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Here, "heavenly" refers, not to the place of God's throne, but to the first heaven, the air surrounding the earth in which birds fly. This also links with Revelation 18:2 and its "unclean and hated birds," symbolizing demons. Birds operate in the same heaven Satan commands.

Prior to the rebellion, God gave Satan and his demon assistants substantial authority over everything from the earth's atmosphere on down to the earth itself, which includes us, its inhabitants. We must never forget that, in large part, our wrestling, as Paul terms it, is with these spirits. We inhabit the same space they do.

These evil spirits indeed use deceived people to carry out their plans to destroy those in whom God lives. These people are likely under the strong influence of those spirit authorities, and because they are deceived, they are unaware that they are being used! They are not necessarily possessed, as the Bible shows some are, but influenced by demons to act against our best interests.

A factor God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air. Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, symbolized as foul and unclean raptors and carrion-eaters, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us. It is essential to our spiritual well-being to heed Paul's warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and they are fighting tooth-and-toenail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. Earth, the Bible plainly tells us, was "their first estate" (Jude 6, KJV). They hate us because we are becoming like the Father and Son, and because they know this earth, our inheritance, will be taken from them and given to the sons of God, those who are in His image.

On the surface, they have advantages over us because they are invisible to our eyes. In addition, they can, without our even being aware, communicate their thoughts and attitudes to our minds through the very air that supports our lives. Most people in this world do not know they are deceived or how they became deceived. Satan and his demons have not sat us all down to tell us, "We are here to deceive you." We know only because God's Word reveals this truth to us, and we believe it. Despite this happening in our lives, deception can still be communicated to us unless we are astute enough to take care that it does not happen again.

Nevertheless, deception and its resulting behaviors have been communicated to us through the culture we were born into. The culture, the world around us, is the medium of this corrupting communication. We have been freed from deception by God's revelation of Himself, but the urgent admonition from our Lord and Savior is, "Don't be passive concerning the responsibilities your liberation has imposed. Take action because the communication can be reabsorbed, enslaving you once again."

— John W. Ritenbaugh

If you are ever troubled by a demon, simply call out [in your heart] to God,     ....ask him to help/to protect you from such creatures.

Or get the antipsychotics you deserve

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Yadda on Aug 29th, 2016 at 11:48pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Aug 29th, 2016 at 12:15pm:

Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

--------- >


.....Ephesians 6:12: "[We wrestle] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Here, "heavenly" refers, not to the place of God's throne, but to the first heaven, the air surrounding the earth in which birds fly. This also links with Revelation 18:2 and its "unclean and hated birds," symbolizing demons. Birds operate in the same heaven Satan commands.

Prior to the rebellion, God gave Satan and his demon assistants substantial authority over everything from the earth's atmosphere on down to the earth itself, which includes us, its inhabitants. We must never forget that, in large part, our wrestling, as Paul terms it, is with these spirits. We inhabit the same space they do.

These evil spirits indeed use deceived people to carry out their plans to destroy those in whom God lives. These people are likely under the strong influence of those spirit authorities, and because they are deceived, they are unaware that they are being used! They are not necessarily possessed, as the Bible shows some are, but influenced by demons to act against our best interests.

A factor God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air. Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, symbolized as foul and unclean raptors and carrion-eaters, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us. It is essential to our spiritual well-being to heed Paul's warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and they are fighting tooth-and-toenail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. Earth, the Bible plainly tells us, was "their first estate" (Jude 6, KJV). They hate us because we are becoming like the Father and Son, and because they know this earth, our inheritance, will be taken from them and given to the sons of God, those who are in His image.

On the surface, they have advantages over us because they are invisible to our eyes. In addition, they can, without our even being aware, communicate their thoughts and attitudes to our minds through the very air that supports our lives. Most people in this world do not know they are deceived or how they became deceived. Satan and his demons have not sat us all down to tell us, "We are here to deceive you." We know only because God's Word reveals this truth to us, and we believe it. Despite this happening in our lives, deception can still be communicated to us unless we are astute enough to take care that it does not happen again.

Nevertheless, deception and its resulting behaviors have been communicated to us through the culture we were born into. The culture, the world around us, is the medium of this corrupting communication. We have been freed from deception by God's revelation of Himself, but the urgent admonition from our Lord and Savior is, "Don't be passive concerning the responsibilities your liberation has imposed. Take action because the communication can be reabsorbed, enslaving you once again."

— John W. Ritenbaugh

If you are ever troubled by a demon, simply call out [in your heart] to God,     ....ask him to help/to protect you from such creatures.

Or get the antipsychotics you deserve



People like yourself Pastafarian/bojack........

.......always, always, always, advising others to treat the symptom of a malady/dis--ease.

"Oh the brakes on my vehicle are making a strange noise! [...when the brake pads have worn through to the backing plate]           .....I must get some ear plugs, to stop that annoying noise!"


Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2016 at 1:05pm
They bring horror to our lives.  And they do it in ways which are usually explained away by not only those who earn their living in mental-health sciences (who are largely frauds, peddling their fraud 'science') but also members of the general public

They bring horror, pain, disillusionment, despair and other negative influences into our lives

All native peoples had within their philosophies words and concepts of what we in our society call evil spirits, demons, etc.

Native peoples didn't overemphasise such entities, nor did they attempt to explain them away as many in our societies do.  Instead, native peoples accepted that negative influences exist and developed strategies for dealing with, avoiding and warning about them

We of Western societies flatter ourselves that we've evolved past recognition of evil spirits and demons, etc.  We believe we are the pinnacle of evolution and believe we have answers for everything.  Rather than recognize and construct strategies for dealing with, avoiding and warning about such entities -- we deny their existence.  Native societies would liken us to children who hide beneath the covers, i.e., 'Don't forget to take your anti-psychotics' = 'Western medicine has a pill for evil spirits, demons, etc.'

Native societies have shamans who consciously enter trance states in order to reason with, cast out, etc. evil spirits and demons.  We have religion.  And we have 'pills' and various 'therapies'. 

If the NWO comes to fruition, we'll no longer have religion and will become reliant upon 'pills' and therapies administered by those who claim even believers in the odd conspiracy are 'mentally ill'.  When those fail, our natural shamans will be forced into service clandestinely

Anyone who bothers to read this will chuckle or click out in irritation -- because they regards 'evil spirits', 'demons' and the like as trash garnered from horror movies.  Or they believe it's all 'superstition'

How many people walking around right now are aware that humans are able to see and hear approximately 1.5% of all that exists around them?  Answer: very few.  Most people believe that 'good eyesight' and 'good hearing' enable them to see and hear close to 100% of all that exists around them.  And they also believe that if/when their 'good hearing' and 'good eyesight' begin to fail, all it will take to restore them to 100% awareness will be spectacles and hearing-aids

Fortunately, most people are largely undisturbed by evil spirits or demons, lifelong.  They are blessed, even though most don't realise that

Others are not so fortunate and some of their misfortune is detailed in history books.  In WW2, for example, a recorded torture inflicted on captured women (including Western women) was to be tied in squatting position above a small bamboo plant.  The plants grow exceedingly swiftly and as they grew into the lower orifices of the captives, Japanese soldiers derived visible enjoyment at the sight and suffering of the women as they were slowly impaled by the plants which continued to grow into their bodies, eventually to kill them.  Todays Japanese appear light-years apart from the cruelties of their fathers and grandfathers.  And the accounts of the suffering inflicted are barely known.  We're trading partners now

Also in WW2, Russians of the religion which forbids negative mention of its name, nailed men to barn doors to force them to watch the rape of their wives, daughters, mothers

Foetuses were carved from their mothers' abdomens and tossed around on the end of bayonets before being fed to dogs and tramped in the mud

People were tortured beyond endurance, slowly, methodically, demoniacally

Undreamed of, 'inhumane' experiments were conducted on the living

Today, creatures posing as humans subject actual humans and innocent animals to foul torture and suffering.  Most are not discovered, apprehended or punished

Evil, demonic acts occur every day, are happening right now, within our supposedly civilized, evolved society.  But all are flushed aside with murmurings about mental-illness and the belief that pills will cure everything.  The reason for the atrocities is believed to be 'bad childhood', 'bad environment', 'bad parents', 'peer pressure', etc.  And through it all, within the 98+% of all that exists around us and is unheard and invisible to us, are entities engaged in the never-ending war between good and evil.  They fight over us and for us.  Some want to harm and destroy us, others want to save us -- as we shop at supermarkets, sit on trains or sleep

For most though, ignorance of all that is bliss indeed.  Most are far more afraid of losing their job or developing crows' feet

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Bojack Horseman on Sep 6th, 2016 at 1:40pm

Yadda wrote on Aug 29th, 2016 at 11:48pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Aug 29th, 2016 at 12:15pm:

Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

--------- >


.....Ephesians 6:12: "[We wrestle] against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places." Here, "heavenly" refers, not to the place of God's throne, but to the first heaven, the air surrounding the earth in which birds fly. This also links with Revelation 18:2 and its "unclean and hated birds," symbolizing demons. Birds operate in the same heaven Satan commands.

Prior to the rebellion, God gave Satan and his demon assistants substantial authority over everything from the earth's atmosphere on down to the earth itself, which includes us, its inhabitants. We must never forget that, in large part, our wrestling, as Paul terms it, is with these spirits. We inhabit the same space they do.

These evil spirits indeed use deceived people to carry out their plans to destroy those in whom God lives. These people are likely under the strong influence of those spirit authorities, and because they are deceived, they are unaware that they are being used! They are not necessarily possessed, as the Bible shows some are, but influenced by demons to act against our best interests.

A factor God wants us to realize more completely and fully is that we are not alone in this ocean of air. Even as vicious sharks and barracuda prowl the water, their demonic counterparts, symbolized as foul and unclean raptors and carrion-eaters, inhabit the ocean of air right along with us. It is essential to our spiritual well-being to heed Paul's warning in Ephesians 6:10-12 that our battles are against these creatures, and they are fighting tooth-and-toenail to hang on to what they believe is theirs by first-occupancy rights. Earth, the Bible plainly tells us, was "their first estate" (Jude 6, KJV). They hate us because we are becoming like the Father and Son, and because they know this earth, our inheritance, will be taken from them and given to the sons of God, those who are in His image.

On the surface, they have advantages over us because they are invisible to our eyes. In addition, they can, without our even being aware, communicate their thoughts and attitudes to our minds through the very air that supports our lives. Most people in this world do not know they are deceived or how they became deceived. Satan and his demons have not sat us all down to tell us, "We are here to deceive you." We know only because God's Word reveals this truth to us, and we believe it. Despite this happening in our lives, deception can still be communicated to us unless we are astute enough to take care that it does not happen again.

Nevertheless, deception and its resulting behaviors have been communicated to us through the culture we were born into. The culture, the world around us, is the medium of this corrupting communication. We have been freed from deception by God's revelation of Himself, but the urgent admonition from our Lord and Savior is, "Don't be passive concerning the responsibilities your liberation has imposed. Take action because the communication can be reabsorbed, enslaving you once again."

— John W. Ritenbaugh

If you are ever troubled by a demon, simply call out [in your heart] to God,     ....ask him to help/to protect you from such creatures.

Or get the antipsychotics you deserve



People like yourself Pastafarian/bojack........

.......always, always, always, advising others to treat the symptom of a malady/dis--ease.

"Oh the brakes on my vehicle are making a strange noise! [...when the brake pads have worn through to the backing plate]           .....I must get some ear plugs, to stop that annoying noise!"


Antipsychotics like many drugs address the cause. So they would address the brake pads in your pissweak analogy

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2016 at 2:17pm
'When Anti-Psychotic Medication Doesn't Work'

One million plus 30 thousand entries


Myth 1: Your disease is caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain

Most patients are told this but it is completely wrong. We have no idea about which interplay of psychosocial conditions, biochemical processes, receptors and neural pathways that lead to mental disorders and the theories that patients with depression lack serotonin and that patients with schizophrenia have too much dopamine have long been refuted. The truth is just the opposite. There is no chemical imbalance to begin with, but when treating mental illness with drugs, we create a chemical imbalance, an artificial condition that the brain tries to counteract

Myth 2: It’s no problem to stop treatment with antidepressants

A Danish professor of psychiatry said this at a recent meeting for psychiatrists, just after I had explained that it was difficult for patients to quit. Fortunately, he was contradicted by two foreign professors also at the meeting. One of them had done a trial with patients suffering from panic disorder and agoraphobia and half of them found it difficult to stop even though they were slowly tapering off. It cannot be because the depression came back, as the patients were not depressed to begin with. The withdrawal symptoms are primarily due to the antidepressants and not the disease.

Myth 3: Psychotropic drugs for mental illness are like insulin for diabetes

Most patients with depression or schizophrenia have heard this falsehood over and over again, almost like a mantra, in TV, radio and newspapers. When you give insulin to a patient with diabetes, you give something the patient lacks, namely insulin. Since we’ve never been able to demonstrate that a patient with a mental disorder lacks something that people who are not sick don’t lack, it is wrong to use this analogy.

Patients with depression don’t lack serotonin, and there are actually drugs that work for depression although they lower serotonin. Moreover, in contrast to insulin, which just replaces what the patient is short of, and does nothing else, psychotropic drugs have a very wide range of effects throughout the body, many of which are harmful. So, also for this reason, the insulin analogy is extremely misleading.

Myth 4: Psychotropic drugs reduce the number of chronically ill patients

This is probably the worst myth of them all.
Read in full at link

Myth 5: Happy pills do not cause suicide in children and adolescents
Read in full at link

Myth 6: Happy pills have no side effects
Read in full at link

Myth 7: Happy pills are not addictive
Read in full at link

Myth 8: The prevalence of depression has increased a lot

Myth 9: The main problem is not overtreatment, but undertreatment
Read in full at link

Myth 10: Antipsychotics prevent brain damage

Some professors say that schizophrenia causes brain damage and that it is therefore important to use antipsychotics. However, antipsychotics lead to shrinkage of the brain, and this effect is directly related to the dose and duration of the treatment. There is other good evidence to suggest that one should use antipsychotics as little as possible, as the patients then fare better in the long term. Indeed, one may completely avoid using antipsychotics in most patients with schizophrenia, which would significantly increase the chances that they will become healthy, and also increase life expectancy, as antipsychotics kill many patients.

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Bojack Horseman on Sep 6th, 2016 at 2:28pm
Thanks google university.

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2016 at 2:32pm
Here is an interesting article written by a qualified psychiatrist regarding demonic possession

Below are a few excerpts -- please go to link to read in full

I approach each situation with an initial skepticism. I technically do not make my own “diagnosis” of possession but inform the clergy that the symptoms in question have no conceivable medical cause

I am aware of the way many psychiatrists view this sort of work. While the American Psychiatric Association has no official opinion on these affairs, the field (like society at large) is full of unpersuadable skeptics and occasionally doctrinaire materialists who are often oddly vitriolic in their opposition to all things spiritual.

My job is to assist people seeking help, not to convince doctors who are not subject to suasion. Yet I’ve been pleasantly surprised by the number of psychiatrists and other mental health practitioners nowadays who are open to entertaining such hypotheses. Many believe exactly what I do, though they may be reluctant to speak out

Ignorance and superstition have often surrounded stories of demonic possession in various cultures, and surely many alleged episodes can be explained by fraud, chicanery or mental pathology. But anthropologists agree that nearly all cultures have believed in spirits, and the vast majority of societies (including our own) have recorded dramatic stories of spirit possession. Despite varying interpretations, multiple depictions of the same phenomena in astonishingly consistent ways offer cumulative evidence of their credibility

But I believe I’ve seen the real thing. Assaults upon individuals are classified either as “demonic possessions” or as the slightly more common but less intense attacks usually called “oppressions.”

A possessed individual may suddenly, in a type of trance, voice statements of astonishing venom and contempt for religion, while understanding and speaking various foreign languages previously unknown to them. The subject might also exhibit enormous strength or even the extraordinarily rare phenomenon of levitation. (I have not witnessed a levitation myself, but half a dozen people I work with vow that they’ve seen it in the course of their exorcisms.) He or she might demonstrate “hidden knowledge” of all sorts of things — like how a stranger’s loved ones died, what secret sins she has committed, even where people are at a given moment. These are skills that cannot be explained except by special psychic or preternatural ability

Interesting article.  I'm going to save it

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2016 at 2:38pm

Citing from the above article:

' multiple depictions of the same phenomena in astonishingly consistent ways offer cumulative evidence of their credibility '

Yep.  Same as the Hag experience.  For thousands of years, ordinary people from all walks of life have described the entity in similar terms, to the point artists are able to paint it based on others descriptions alone

but 'science' claims it's 'sleep paralysis'

Same with Bigfoot/Yowi/Yeti/Sasquatch

Thousands of people describe such creatures similarly.  How could that happen if the entity did not exist on some level?  What about the police dash-cam which recorded a creature (physical or multi-dimensional) which fit thousands of ordinary people's descriptions of Bigfoot?  What -- the police dash-cam is lying, inventing, imagining ?

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Bojack Horseman on Sep 6th, 2016 at 2:44pm
1. ANecdtes aren't evidence.

2. Wheres this dash cam footage

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2016 at 2:54pm
Another qualified medico, speaking from a secular (non religious) viewpoint re: demonic influences

Before proceeding, let me clarify both what I mean and do not mean by ‘‘evil’’or ‘‘demonic spirits.

’’ I don’t mean anything like devils with tails and pitchforks who fell from heaven with Lucifer and have  been cursed by God to an eternal life in some cosmic ghetto, from where they tempt us to a similar perdition under the leadership of a head devil named Satan;

None of what I say here is based on Christian or any other theology or mythology. By ‘‘evil spirits’’ I mean more or less intelligent beings, insensible to us, with a will of their own who seem to bother or oppress us or, in rare cases, possess our bodies outright, and with whom we can relate in a variety of ways. In this essay I will survey and assess some of this evidence, then suggest what psychiatry’s reaction to it might be

The evidence

Evidence of evil spirits is voluminous and comes from many sources.

One source is Spiritualism. In the first half of the twentieth century it was common for Spiritualists to conduct ‘‘spirit help’’ sessions where ‘‘earth-bound’’ spirits were led to freedom by methods analogous to counseling. This gentle form of exorcism is very different from what we meet elsewhere.

In India, right up to the present day, earth-bound spirits are forcibly and often spectacularly evicted from their victims by holy men

Until recently in China, Taoist priests conducted sometimes epic battles against malevolent spirits in the hope of expelling them from their victims.

In the West, several prominent psychologists have opened their minds to the possibility of ‘‘demonic’’ op-pression, gone public with their evidence, and participated in exorcisms

It's an interesting article (one which I'll be saving) which explores traditional exorcisms as compared with Western psychiatric and pharmaceutical 'cures'

To read in full or part, please go to link

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2016 at 3:08pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Sep 6th, 2016 at 2:44pm:
1. ANecdtes aren't evidence.

2. Wheres this dash cam footage


'Anecdotes aren't evidence' says bojackhorseman

How long have cameras existed --- 175 years or thereabouts?  I have a tintype of an ancestor made in around 1880 and it's clear enough to have enlarged copies made, so let's say cameras have existed for 175 years to be on the generous side

Ok. What constituted 'evidence' prior to say, 1850?

'Napoleon, sir -- the enemy is massing on the border where snow falls are heavy '

Did Napoleon slap his informant around the head, screaming, 'You dolt !  Why would I trust what you say?  How do I know it's not a trick -- false information -- invented tripe -- a product of your imagination?  If you value your life fool, bring me more than anecdotal evidence ! '

What was the loyal informant's response?  Did he bleat, 'Sire, I do not lie!  The snow is heavy at the border where the enemy awaits us.  I'm SORRY I cannot provide you with conclusive, validated, filmed, photographed evidence, sire.  But give it a few years and I might be able to.  Give it a couple of centuries and I'd be able to provide you with high definition, full colour film of the enemy and even show you their position via Google Earth'

So here we are in the 21st century where billions of people have a camera in their hip-pocket and if it's not on YouTube, it doesn't exist.  Right?

Before our technologically advanced era however, anecdotes were the equivalent of YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, 9news, etc.

Before our current era, anecdotal evidence -- what was known as a 'man's word' -- was all anyone had

but gee, the world kept spinning somehow

Even today, 'anedote' could put you behind bars for life.  It would be termed 'witness statement'

If you're involved in a traffic accident tomorrow, you'd rely on witnesses to save your bacon.  On the other hand, what those witnesses tell the police could cost you a packet plus your licence

so a bit more respect for 'anecdote' if you don't mind.  After all, your forebears relied on it throughout the entirety of their lives.  And clearly they survived, or you wouldn't exist

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2016 at 3:10pm

Georgia Police Video

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 6th, 2016 at 3:36pm

even Oz Pol is subject to woo woo

I just noticed I'm 'offline'


Yet here I am, posting ....

maybe I'm in an alternative reality?

but it seems 'real' enough


Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Yadda on Sep 6th, 2016 at 5:40pm


Jake Bilardi, Australian suicide bomber - DEMON POSSESSION.



'Ben Cousins - in police custody after mysterious incident' - DEMON POSSESSION ?

I believe that illicit drugs [recreational drugs]      [and prescription drugs!]      will 'open us' to demons.


Yadda said.....


For all of you persons who dismiss demon possession as being unreal, or fanciful.....

Today, very few 'sane' persons will openly acknowledge the existence of spirit beings,        .....because modern scientific man and mainstream society today, having no 'material proof' of the existence of spirit beings, popularly [and reasonably], deny the existence of spirit beings.

And yet, though our mainstream human society/civilisation today popularly denies the existence of spirit beings,         .....nevertheless, human popular culture [e.g. art and theatre and film] today, ostensibly, does widely depict the existence of spirit beings and demons!

In a recently popular TV series, the 'circumstance' of demon possession is depicted, as being a real 'circumstance' or experience.
.....though mainstream society would never deign to refer to such a 'circumstance', as 'demon possession'.

Instead the medical establishment [in modern, mainstream society], refer to this 'circumstance' [or experience], as 'Multiple Personality Disorder'.

'The United States of Tara'

Nevertheless, the 'circumstance' [or experience], which is depicted in the popular TV series, 'The United States of Tara', is demon possession.

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Bojack Horseman on Sep 6th, 2016 at 10:07pm

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by it_is_the_light on Sep 8th, 2016 at 12:48pm

Yadda wrote on Sep 6th, 2016 at 5:40pm:


Jake Bilardi, Australian suicide bomber - DEMON POSSESSION.



'Ben Cousins - in police custody after mysterious incident' - DEMON POSSESSION ?

I believe that illicit drugs [recreational drugs]      [and prescription drugs!]      will 'open us' to demons.


Yadda said.....


For all of you persons who dismiss demon possession as being unreal, or fanciful.....

Today, very few 'sane' persons will openly acknowledge the existence of spirit beings,        .....because modern scientific man and mainstream society today, having no 'material proof' of the existence of spirit beings, popularly [and reasonably], deny the existence of spirit beings.

And yet, though our mainstream human society/civilisation today popularly denies the existence of spirit beings,         .....nevertheless, human popular culture [e.g. art and theatre and film] today, ostensibly, does widely depict the existence of spirit beings and demons!

In a recently popular TV series, the 'circumstance' of demon possession is depicted, as being a real 'circumstance' or experience.
.....though mainstream society would never deign to refer to such a 'circumstance', as 'demon possession'.

Instead the medical establishment [in modern, mainstream society], refer to this 'circumstance' [or experience], as 'Multiple Personality Disorder'.

'The United States of Tara'

Nevertheless, the 'circumstance' [or experience], which is depicted in the popular TV series, 'The United States of Tara', is demon possession.

many blessings yadda ,

and yes , the prescription drugs are designed to invoke demonic possession ..

many recent mass murderers and shooters were proven to be on prescription drugs .. a simple search will prove as much

35 School shooters/school related violence committed by those under the influence of psychiatric drugs

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Marla on Sep 8th, 2016 at 2:07pm

Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

All one needs is a ectoplasmic meter, a god damn Bible and a lobotomy and just like that, anything becomes real.

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by PZ547 on Sep 8th, 2016 at 3:59pm

Marla wrote on Sep 8th, 2016 at 2:07pm:

Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

All one needs is a ectoplasmic meter, a god damn Bible and a lobotomy and just like that, anything becomes real.


Considering science claims that humans are able to see and hear approx. 1.5% only of all that exists around them, I guess humans need all the help they can get to assist their multiple disabilities, although it's to be doubted pre-frontal lobotomy would serve to advantage :)

But who knows.  Science in varying guises claims sometimes that those whose aura has been damaged are more 'open' to what's termed the paranormal, etc.  Others suspect there may be a genetic component

Whatever the case, the odds are high of a percentage of humans perceiving some of the 98.5% (of all that exists around us all the time) some of the time

For instance, John Bonnet syndrome, named for its discoverer.  His mother was sight-impaired and told him of the little imps/elves she saw from time to time.  She was perfectly lucid despite being sight impaired and described the creatures to her son.  He knew she was not senile, so he began to investigate.  It turned out that a percentage of the sight-impaired saw the same creatures and their descriptions of the creatures matched his mother's description

Immediately, 'science' rushed in to 'explain' (i.e. combat) the findings.  Same issue's been rumbling away ever since

A Manchester UK teaching-hospital received a grant or such like to investigate.  So 'science' was nowhere as sure of its claims as it and the media, medical fraternity etc. professed to be

It was hard going initially.  Sight-impaired were reluctant to divulge their experiences for fear the information would be used to put them in the much feared 'homes'. (those 'homes' tout themselves as being better than 'real home', so it's odd, isn't it, that so many people fear being put in 'homes' more than they fear prison)

Anyway, the Manchester teaching-hospital succeeded in reassuring people that any information they provided re; the 'little people' would remain confidential and would not be used to 'put them away'

What emerged was fascinating, though little known, despite it occurred only a decade or so ago

Apparently, the sight-impaired (to varying degrees) told the researchers about the 'little people'.  They were very small and looked like traditionally rendered 'elves, pixies, piskies, leprechauns, goblins'.  The outfits of the little-people were surprisingly uniform -- usually they wore red and green, black tall hats, pointy shoes, wide belt over little jacket and often they smoked a pipe

The sight-impaired said, as a rule, that they were not afraid of the little people, nor had they been threatened by them

The little people apparently appeared randomly

The sight-impaired said they hadn't told anyone about them for fear of being judged insane, senile, etc.  Which is to be expected from our categorization-mad society.  Things were probably different a few hundred years ago, but ...

Researchers at the teaching-hospital published their findings.  Most notable was the number of times they went out of their way to stress that their sight-impaired subjects (who were of varying ages) were perfectly lucid.  They were not suffering from senile decay.  They were intelligent.  Many had held positions of considerable importance earlier in life.  As always, it was noted that many of their sight-impaired subjects had been teachers, head-teachers, senior police, etc.  It's a shame researchers and investigators feel compelled to vouch for their subjects' sanity and position in society as a means of validating their findings, but it is as it is.  People are influenced by a person's position in life and it can often decide whether or not the individual is to be believed or not.  Someone who lives and exemplary life in a shack in the woods, who harms no-one, who is wiser than most of his peers, will be doubted -- whereas a teacher with a thin excuse for a personality and character and with no visible redeeming features is more likely to be believed ...

So there it is.  Verifiably sane individuals of validated good character and standing in the community are -- by virtue of sight impairment -- able to see creatures which remain invisible to the vast majority of us

Sceptics who are comfortable in their own little world will dismiss all the above and go happily on their way feeling very satisfied with themselves and what they consider to be their superior intellect and nous

Others, with more open mind, might consider the above to be interesting indeed

The sight impaired know what they see and don't give a fig as long as they're not locked away simply because their failing eyesight has allowed them access to a little of the 98.5% which is concealed from the rest of us

And science has done its level best to refute the findings of the researchers and tries to imply the sight impaired who see piskies are actually ga-ga and nothing to see here folks

Title: Re: Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty'....
Post by Yadda on Sep 9th, 2016 at 11:20pm

Marla wrote on Sep 8th, 2016 at 2:07pm:

Yadda wrote on Aug 27th, 2016 at 5:14pm:

Evil spirits, demons. They are those 'ghosty' things!

What is expressed here is correct and accurate, imo.

All one needs is a ectoplasmic meter, a god damn Bible and a lobotomy and just like that, anything becomes real.

LOL Marla !!!


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