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Member Run Boards >> Fringe >> Rise of the Nazi Party Message started by WJV on Aug 30th, 2016 at 12:53am |
Title: Rise of the Nazi Party Post by WJV on Aug 30th, 2016 at 12:53am
1- The failure of the Weimar Republic to solve the post-war and depression problems 2- The depression - foreign loans stopped - exports were blocked by rising foreign tariffs - unemployment was colossal - democracy had apparently failed - alternatives might succeed. 3- German mentality - respect for power - very amendable to rigid discipline - liked regimentation - uniforms - theatrical display - had little experience in or taste for democracy - general hopelessness in outlook - sense of National defeat and disgrace - desire to blame someone - mass of Germans content to swim with the tide of Nazi success and be lead by those with most energy. 4- Hitler gave the Germans hates and hopes - hate for Versailles, Communists, Bolsheviks, Jews - they believed the Jews to be responsible for inflation - hopes of a reborn, proud and powerful Germany with living space for all. 5- The personality of Hitler - had a fanatical belief in his mission - had ruthlessness - oratory power of mass hypnotism - a man of great political intuition, of magnetic personality, with ability to inspire personal devotion. 6- The weakness of his opponents who possessed no leader with personality - the middle class were demoralized by inflation and depression. 7- The Right, the Riechswehr, industrialists and Nationalists looked with favour on Hitlers openly nationalistic and militaristic policy - they intended using him for their own ends, but he was using them for his. They supported him as an effective force against Communism and a protection of their interests ans property. 8- Communists were held responsible for the war and disorder afterwards - were considered anti-German and friends of Russia - they began the violence the Nazis improved on. - The New Compendium of Modern History / George Bohman, B.A. / Shakespeare Head Press Sydney Now I am sure that most are well aware of all of this.. Now I do not at all agree with some of the above opinion, however, the above does contain facts that many seem unaware of. It is important that we understand the reasons behind the rise of the National Socialist Movement so that we can prevent something similar from happening at any point in our future. You may have noticed that the modern age that we exist in right now has many parallels with Germany under The Treaty of Versailles. The whole of Europe is facing challenges in relation to Democracy as European elections are producing no clear majority and at times absurd cobbled coalitions. Many in Europe are now considering the fact that alternatives to modern democracy may be well worth serious consideration. We have also seen a rise in Nationalistic sentiment spread across the European continent in recent years due to the harsh austerity that has been forced on European populations due to the cold actions of the IMF Bank. The austerity is hurting the masses and there is a great deal of anger and rage being directed at the IMF and Bretton Woods Institutions. Also, unemployment is again a colossal problem facing Europe since the USA caused the GFC. Youth unemployment in particular has become somewhat of a social emergency for Europeans and no genuine solutions have emerged to this serious problem. Do you agree that things seem to be turning full circle? |
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