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Message started by WJV on Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:39am

Title: Year 2000 script
Post by WJV on Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:39am
In my opinion Joseph Goebbels is the best propagandist in all of history. I have read some of his early script ( Der Angriff ) from before the National Socialist Party came to power in Germany, when National Socialists and Communist streetgangs were battling in the streets of Berlin. I think that the fanaticism that he had a major role in creating within the German public makes him number 1. What other propagandist has had such an impact on a society, on the world, and on history? Edward Bernays? In my opinion Bernays is the only propagandist apart from Hitler, that you could mention in the same breath as Goebbels but I think most would agree that Goebbels is the superior propagandist.
One of the most interesting Goebbels scripts that I have read is called The Year 2000. It is interesting because you can tell that Goebbels understands that the war is as good as lost and he is trying to encourage the people of Germany to maintain their honour, and be true to the National Socialist movement until the end. Goebbels would have been aware of the fact that he would be forced to commit suicide before too long when he wrote this script. It is sad to read in a way.

The script is also interesting because Geobbels attempts to predict how the future will pan out.

The source: “Das Jahr 2000,” Das Reich, 25 February 1945, pp. 1-2.

    The three enemy war leaders, American sources report, have agreed at the Yalta Conference to Roosevelt’s proposal for an occupation program that will destroy and exterminate the German people up until the year 2000. One must grant the somewhat grandiose nature of the proposal. It reminds one of the skyscrapers in New York that soar high into the sky, and whose upper stories sway in the wind. What will the world look like in the year 2000? Stalin, Churchill, and Roosevelt have determined it, at least insofar as the German people are concerned. One may however doubt if they and we will act in the predicted manner.

    No one can predict the distant future, but there are some facts and possibilities that are clear over the coming fifty years. For example, none of the three enemy statesmen who developed this brilliant plan will still be alive, England will have at most 20 million inhabitants, our children’s children will have had children, and the events of this war will have sunk into myth.

    One can also predict with a high degree of certainty that Europe will be a united continent in the year 2000. One will fly from Berlin to Paris for breakfast in fifteen minutes, and our most modern weapons will be seen as antiques, and much more. Germany, however, will still be under military occupation according to the plans of the Yalta Conference, and the English and Americans will be training its people in democracy. How empty the brains of these three charlatans must be — at least in the case of two of them!

    One can imagine things turning out differently, but it is now too late. The Führer made numerous proposals to London, the last time four weeks before the war began. He proposed that German and British foreign policy work together, that the Reich would respect England’s sea power as England would respect the Reich’s land power, and that parity would exist in the air. Both powers would join in guaranteeing world peace, and the British Empire would be a critical component of that peace. Germany would even be ready to defend that Empire with military means if it were necessary. Under such conditions, Bolshevism would have been confined to its original breeding grounds. It would have been sealed off from the rest of the world. Now Bolshevism is at the Oder River. Everything depends on the steadfastness of German soldiers. Will Bolshevism to pushed back to the East, or will its fury flood over Western Europe? That is the war situation. The Yalta Communiqué does not change things in the least. Things depend only on this crisis of human culture. It will be solved by us, or it will not be solved at all. Those are the alternatives.

    We Germans are not the only ones who say this. Every thinking person knows that today, as so often in the past, the German people have a European mission. We may not lose our courage, even though the mission brings with it enormous pain and suffering. The foolish know-it-alls have brought the world more than once to the edge of the abyss. At the last moment, the sight of the terrifying misery alarmed humanity enough for it to take the decisive step backwards at the critical moment. That will be the case this time as well. We have lost a great deal in this war. About all we have left are our military forces and our ideals. We may not give these up. They are the foundation of our existence and of the fulfillment of our historical obligations. It is hard and terrible, but also honorable. We were given our duty because we alone have the necessary character and steadfastness. Any other people would have collapsed. We, however, like Atlas carry the weight of the world on our shoulders and do not doubt.


Title: Re: Year 2000 script
Post by WJV on Aug 30th, 2016 at 10:41am

Germany will not be occupied by its enemies in the year 2000. The German nation will be the intellectual leader of civilized humanity. We are earning that right in this war. This world struggle with our enemies will live on only as a bad dream in people’s memories. Our children and their children will erect monuments to their fathers and mothers for the pain they suffered, for the stoic steadfastness with which they bore all, for the bravery they showed, for the heroism with which they fought, for the loyalty with which they held to their Führer and his ideals in difficult times. Our hopes will come true in their world and our ideals will be reality. We must never forget that when we see the storms of this wild age reflected in the eyes of our children. Let us act so that we will earn their eternal blessings, not their curses.


Would you agree that Geobbels is the most effective propagandist in history? Can you think of a propagandist that is superior to Geobbels? Bernays?

......Peter Van Onselen? ((:

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