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Message started by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:49am

Title: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:49am
Abortion laws making it harder for women to escape domestic violence, expert warns

Pregnant women in violent relationships are being further victimised by laws that criminalise abortion in some parts of Australia, doctors and health experts say.

In Queensland and New South Wales, women face a series of legal hurdles in accessing abortion services.

Abortion still remains in the Criminal Code Act in Queensland, where it is a crime for a woman to end a pregnancy, and for a medical professional to carry out the procedure.

Under the state's existing law, rape, incest and foetal anomaly are not sufficient grounds for a lawful abortion.

However, abortion is legal if a medical practitioner believes continuing the pregnancy is a threat to a woman's mental or physical health.

While the NSW Crimes Act 1900 also lists abortion as a criminal offence, it allows for a broader interpretation than Queensland laws as to what constitutes unlawful.

But experts warn restricting abortion can force victims of domestic violence to maintain contact with their abusers.

They say such women often find themselves pregnant against their will after being denied contraceptives, being raped, or being coerced into becoming pregnant.

Pregnancy 'used to control' domestic violence victims

A sexual health physician who performs medical abortions in northern Queensland told the ABC she saw pregnancy being used as another method of control by domestic violence perpetrators.

Fearing legal and work-related repercussions, Karen (not her real name) requested anonymity.

"A woman may have a partner who becomes violent and becomes very possessive, and a way of expressing ownership over that woman is forced pregnancy," she said.

"Anti-abortion agents say that doesn't happen — [they say] what happens is they're forced to have an abortion. I don't see that."

Children by Choice, a provider of financial support for abortion services, said about one-third of its work was with abused women.

'I wasn't willing for him to ruin another child's life'

NSW woman Louie (not her real name) sought to have an abortion due to fear of being pulled back into an abusive relationship.

Louie was being physically abused by her partner. Even when she fell pregnant with his child, the assaults on her and her three-year-old son from a previous relationship did not stop.

"I left him, I think, six times before I left the last time. My mum helped me leave four or five of those times and he would threaten to burn my mum's house down.

"It was just endless threats and most of those threats had to do with my family or children. And I would end up back there."

A week after what turned out to be her final departure, Louie discovered she was expecting again.

"I wasn't willing or prepared for him coming back into my life and ruin another child's life. So, I chose to have an abortion," she said.

Thinking of women in a situation similar to hers being denied an abortion, Louie says her "heart breaks".

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:51am
Reasonable grounds a 'very grey area'

A termination of pregnancy is lawful in Queensland only if the practitioner believes "on reasonable grounds" an abortion is necessary to "preserve the woman from a serious danger to her life or physical or mental health," Queensland Maternity and Neonatal Clinical Guidelines state.

In NSW, the same grounds apply, although a woman's "economic and social" circumstances are also considered.

Karen said what constituted a reasonable ground for an abortion was "legally a very grey area".

"We're effectively lying to make the case fit the law," she said.

"We have to say it will endanger her mental health to continue this pregnancy. Sometimes that's true, not always.

"Certainly, there are a lot of abortions carried out in Queensland.

Abortion law reform 'could save lives'

Most abortions in Australia are carried out in private clinics, attracting an out-of-pocket cost.

In 2015, Queensland Health estimated fewer than 3 per cent of abortions were provided in public health facilities.

Jamal Hakim is the chief operating officer for Marie Stopes International, a private clinic that performs abortions country-wide.

He said decriminalising abortion could save lives.

"Women might not have access to funds because of the relationship, or they might have access to funds but they need to have an abortion discreetly because when their partner finds out then the relationship actually gets more violent," he said.

"That's where it's important for women, so that they don't take this into their own hands."

Children by Choice manager Amanda Bradley said last year she saw about one woman a fortnight who was considering self-termination.

"We have women who either tried, or have asked how to do it. It's very serious," she said.

Karen also said some doctors' conscientious objection, and lack of access in rural areas drove some patients to despair.

'No problem so great a woman should kill her baby'

Queensland Health said about 10,000 abortions were carried out in the state in 2015.

The president of pro-life group Right to Life, Margaret Tighe, said she was determined to fight what she described as a "gradual escalation in the killing of unborn children".

"I can understand how women who've been subjected to violence by their husbands or partners, how they would feel. But nonetheless, there is no problem so great that a woman should have to kill her baby," she said.
Liesl Wharton, the director of domestic violence survivors' support group the RED HEART Campaign, said doctors also needed to keep an eye out for instances where they believed a woman was being forced to end a pregnancy.

"We also need to ensure that abortions are not forced upon women, also sterilisation operations are not forced upon women," she said.

A NSW Health spokesperson said: "Access to abortions should be considered in the same way as access to other medical care."

A Queensland Health spokesperson said: "Health providers, including our public hospitals, provide termination of pregnancy in accordance with the law."

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by AnotherJourneyByTrain on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:52am
I feel for that situation, of course I do,... but what is your comment?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:52am
Laws across Australia:

ACT: abortion was decriminalised in 2002

NSW: abortion is unlawful, but 1971 ruling established abortion would be lawful if doctor believed there was "any economic, social or medical ground or reason" woman could not continue with pregnancy

NT: abortion is legal up to 14 weeks if "maternal health ground" or "fetal disability ground" is satisfied

SA: abortion is legal up to 28 weeks of conception, provided "maternal health" or "fetal disability" ground is satisfied

TAS: abortion is legal up to 16 weeks of pregnancy

QLD: abortion is a crime under the Criminal Code Act unless mother's physical or mental health is affected

VIC: abortion is legal up to 24 weeks of pregnancy

WA: abortion is legal up to 20 weeks of pregnancy

Source: Parliament of Australia

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:53am

TheFunPolice wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:52am:
I feel for that situation, of course I do,... but what is your comment?

That abortion should be legal, free and fully available to all women.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by AnotherJourneyByTrain on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:57am

mothra wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:53am:

TheFunPolice wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:52am:
I feel for that situation, of course I do,... but what is your comment?

That abortion should be legal, free and fully available to all women.

Fair enough!

I second the motion.

We all know these horrible things must be given what is necessary to make them stop.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:00pm
Domestic a crime. Yes?

Let's talk about the language we use to describe some of the criminal acts which occur in the private sphere of domestic violence.

There's a criminal term for forced sex. It's called RAPE.

Can anyone tell me the criminal term for forced reproduction? 

Having a child against your will OR ELSE?

There is no such term.....yet.

How can we ever hope to address a domestic violent act if the terminology which describes the crime doesn't even exist?

We have a very long way to go. A VERY long way to go...IF we intend to effect any real change for women.

And feminism has done SFA to help. Grrrrrr!

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by AiA on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:13pm
Not allowing women full reproductive control is a form of slavery. I have argued this before and have been called crazy but what is a slave but someone who does not have control over her body?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:16pm
The thread title is Abortion Laws.

Many are reading this : ABORTION laws.

I'm reading this : Abortion LAWS.

The focus needs to be on our legal system.

That's where women are being held to ransom.

Well trained/experienced CRIMINOLOGISTS AND LAWYERS MUST come to the party.

Otherwise women and children (unborn/born) don't stand a chance.

As a mother.....I'm encouraging my kids to consider making criminology and/or law a career option so as to help make a difference in a scourge that's costing LIVES and the taxpayer BILLIONS of dollars each Australia alone.

(NB I also intend to live my life vicariously through theirs....but that's another matter).

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:47pm

AiA wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:13pm:
Not allowing women full reproductive control is a form of slavery. I have argued this before and have been called crazy but what is a slave but someone who does not have control over her body?

Exactly and well said.

I ought to know.....I had no say whatsoever when I was 1st pregnant.

Trapped in a violent relationship, too scared to move ( fear immobilizes victims) and threatened at every turn.

I just couldn't consider abortion as it devastated me on an emotional and spiritual level. And I was threatened with my life if I ever THOUGHT about terminating my pregnancy as that was the reason I was required. To reproduce.

The twins were born to a violent @rsehole and a frightened mum who felt guilty for bringing them into a domestic violent hell hole. But I did my best and I made sure I escaped....eventually.

Looking back....I recall the hopelessness of the situation. It was mainly from a legal perspective. Why? It's where I struggled the most. And my ex was a well connected lawyer so that didn't help matters.

Fast forward to today....those same 2 kids are very aware (they saw heaps as toddlers...the poor things) of domestic violence and its implications on society at every level. I've nurtured within them the sense of survival and of looking out to rescue others.

I have come to a place where I am at peace about forced sex and forced reproduction. But only on a personal level. I don't want any other woman to go through what I went through. I was strong enough to survive....they might not be.

And I find that confronting.

Do my twins know anything about the crime of forced reproduction in my life? No.

But they probably suspect it.

These 2 kids DO know that I love them unconditionally and would do anything to keep them safe and alive. And as far as I'm concerned that's a far more impt message for them to receive.


Negative situations like domestic violence CAN be turned around. But you have to be prepared to fight for that to happen. And sometimes that fight can take a long time.

I'm still fighting domestic violence making sure that as a mother my kids are taught to respect themselves and each other and their friends etc. seriously think about what THEY can do  (career wise) to contribute in helping those still caught up in its revolting tsunami.

Have a lovely day!

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Rhino on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:55pm
have a look at the people who have the largest families and the fact that most of their kids are permanently in a situation of child abuse and try and tell me changing abortion laws will have any effect at all. If we cant ensure the kids that were allegedly wanted by their mothers are brought up in the right circumstances why on earth is there even any discussion about changing abortion laws? FAS is a far greater issue in my opinion and that wont be solved by changing any abortion laws.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:00pm

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:55pm:
have a look at the people who have the largest families and the fact that most of their kids are permanently in a situation of child abuse and try and tell me changing abortion laws will have any effect at all. If we cant ensure the kids that were allegedly wanted by their mothers are brought up in the right circumstances why on earth is there even any discussion about changing abortion laws? FAS is a far greater issue in my opinion and that wont be solved by changing any abortion laws.

Excellent logic. Because there are other problems, we don't need to worry about pesky little things like women's rights over their own bodies.

Spoken like an oblivious man.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Rhino on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:06pm

mothra wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:00pm:

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:55pm:
have a look at the people who have the largest families and the fact that most of their kids are permanently in a situation of child abuse and try and tell me changing abortion laws will have any effect at all. If we cant ensure the kids that were allegedly wanted by their mothers are brought up in the right circumstances why on earth is there even any discussion about changing abortion laws? FAS is a far greater issue in my opinion and that wont be solved by changing any abortion laws.

Excellent logic. Because there are other problems, we don't need to worry about pesky little things like women's rights over their own bodies.

Spoken like an oblivious man.
Children arent "other problems" or disposable "things" as you seem to believe.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:13pm

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:15pm
Despite the content of the Qld Criminal Code, abortion is in all respects on demand here.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:18pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:15pm:
Despite the content of the Qld Criminal Code, abortion is in all respects on demand here.

If women are aware of how to access the resources they are.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Honky on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:20pm
Remember: womens choices and actions are always someone elses fault. 

"I was gunna leave him...7 times...then i got pregnant so i couldnt"

Give me a break.  Im sure the other 6 excuses why she "couldnt" were someone elses fault too.

Ive said it before and ill say it again - kndergarten aged boys are held to a higher standard than adult women.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:21pm
abortion is murder ,

forgive them father ,

they know not what they do ..

all remain loved *


Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:21pm

... wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:20pm:
Remember: womens choices and actions are always someone elses fault. 

"I was gunna leave him...7 times...then i got pregnant so i couldnt"

Give me a break.

Ive said it before and ill say it again - kndergarten aged boys are held to a higher standard than adult women.

And again, Honky demonstrates just how little of an idea he has about the topic at hand.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Rhino on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:22pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:15pm:
Despite the content of the Qld Criminal Code, abortion is in all respects on demand here.
And anywhere in Australia. 

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:24pm
If this descends in to the rights and wrongs of abortion, while it may go on, it will do so without many I suspect.

The issue has been done to death here a zillion times.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by BigOl64 on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:01pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:15pm:
Despite the content of the Qld Criminal Code, abortion is in all respects on demand here.

You would think the a socialist government headed up by two socialist women would ensure the Queensland was at the forefront of women's rights.

Looks like the progressives of labor are pretty fkken backward, wouldn't you say?

Or maybe labor women are just fkking useless

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:04pm

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:01pm:

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:15pm:
Despite the content of the Qld Criminal Code, abortion is in all respects on demand here.

You would think the a socialist government headed up by two socialist women would ensure the Queensland was at the forefront of women's rights.

Looks like the progressives of labor are pretty fkken backward, wouldn't you say?

Or maybe labor women are just fkking useless

If they are going to turn a blind eye, they might as well amend the Code....but then why start a political bun fight when they have dealt with it by ignoring what is openly advertised ~ abortion clinics.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by BigOl64 on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:39pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:04pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:01pm:

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 1:15pm:
Despite the content of the Qld Criminal Code, abortion is in all respects on demand here.

You would think the a socialist government headed up by two socialist women would ensure the Queensland was at the forefront of women's rights.

Looks like the progressives of labor are pretty fkken backward, wouldn't you say?

Or maybe labor women are just fkking useless

If they are going to turn a blind eye, they might as well amend the Code....but then why start a political bun fight when they have dealt with it by ignoring what is openly advertised ~ abortion clinics.

Isn't labor all about the message?

Don't forget the QLD criminal code is not always overlooked, sometimes it is enforce, so what are those labor women trying to say about women's rights?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:44pm

AiA wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 12:13pm:
Not allowing women full reproductive control is a form of slavery. I have argued this before and have been called crazy but what is a slave but someone who does not have control over her body?

Half of the problem is that men are only allowed pre-emptive control over reproduction... how more of a slave is that?

On the subject heading, I think an analysis of  these cases of 'forced pregnancy' needs to be explored.... without fear or prejudice.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:45pm

Don't forget the QLD criminal code is not always overlooked, sometimes it is enforce, so what are those labor women trying to say about women's rights?

Nothing.  They are staying well under the radar and at the same time....turning a blind eye to what we all see and know.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by BigOl64 on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:13pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 2:45pm:

Don't forget the QLD criminal code is not always overlooked, sometimes it is enforce, so what are those labor women trying to say about women's rights?

Nothing.  They are staying well under the radar and at the same time....turning a blind eye to what we all see and know.

Well as I said the Police who enforce the law, don't always 'turn a blind eye' to a crime and nor should they be required to.

If we were talking about the LNP and their male leaders I can guarantee you the replies would not be so accommodating. and they haven't been in the past either.

If two female labor leaders refuse to do anything about women's reproductive rights, I guess the state of QLD will always be the hillbilly joke you southerners make it out to be.

A 12-YEAR-OLD Queensland girl’s heartbreaking abortion case is at the centre of a renewed push to decriminalise abortion across Australia.
The Rockhampton schoolgirl, identified by the courts only as “Q”, sought an abortion in April this year after becoming pregnant.
After asking for an abortion from her local general practitioner, the girl was referred to a public hospital. There, although a specialist obstetrician deemed it appropriate for her to have a termination, the health service administration applied to the Queensland Supreme Court to authorise the abortion.
That meant a lengthy litigation process that delayed the termination the girl was later found by the court to be entitled to by a month, and a whole lot of distress.
The case of Q is the focus of an article published in the Medical Journal of Australia advocating for the criminal laws in place in Queensland and New South Wales — which saw the legal system interrupt Q’s abortion — to be repealed.
The article’s authors argue for the abortion to be legalised as underage girls seek help with unwanted pregnancies. They cite figures from Brisbane organisation Children by Choice saying that in the 12 months to June 2016, the services saw 16 girls aged 13 or under who presented with unplanned pregnancy.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Rhino on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm
The truth is whichever state you live in the woman only needs a sympathetic Doctor in order to obtain an abortion. This is a non issue.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm
Come on BigOl!  That's a 12 year old girl!  What Doctor in their right mind is going to terminate the pregnancy of an infant without tinplating their arse?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Neferti on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:38pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
Come on BigOl!  That's a 12 year old girl!  What Doctor in their right mind is going to terminate the pregnancy of an infant without tinplating their arse?

I doubt that a girl of 12 could get The Pill prescribed .. just in case ...

Termination should be available to all females, regardless of their age.  It should also be covered by Medicare.

However, they should be restricted to ONE termination and prescribed the pill, or in the event that having a child could be a medical problem in the future, have a tubectomy.

Forcing a teenager to have a child is idiotic. I think that even the Catholic Church allows terminations these days, doesn't it?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by BigOl64 on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:38pm

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
Come on BigOl!  That's a 12 year old girl!  What Doctor in their right mind is going to terminate the pregnancy of an infant without tinplating their arse?

So how about a 21 yr old.

Jeez you can do this research yourself you know.

The not guilty verdicts handed down in an historical Queensland abortion trial yesterday could set a legal precedent for women who procure their own abortion, according to a medical ethicist.

A Cairns District Court jury yesterday dismissed the case against Tegan Simone Leach, 21, and her partner Sergie Brennan, 22, who had been charged with procuring an abortion and supplying drugs to procure an abortion, respectively.

Not everything is overlooked QLD labor aren't the progressive women's rights champions you clowns make them out to be.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by BigOl64 on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:39pm

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
The truth is whichever state you live in the woman only needs a sympathetic Doctor in order to obtain an abortion. This is a non issue.

Except in QLD of course, but you already knew that.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Neferti on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:42pm

Neferti wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:38pm:

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
Come on BigOl!  That's a 12 year old girl!  What Doctor in their right mind is going to terminate the pregnancy of an infant without tinplating their arse?

I doubt that a girl of 12 could get The Pill prescribed .. just in case ...

Termination should be available to all females, regardless of their age.  It should also be covered by Medicare.

However, they should be restricted to ONE termination and prescribed the pill, or in the event that having a child could be a medical problem in the future, have a tubectomy.

Forcing a teenager to have a child is idiotic. I think that even the Catholic Church allows terminations these days, doesn't it?


Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:48pm

Neferti wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:42pm:

Neferti wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:38pm:

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
Come on BigOl!  That's a 12 year old girl!  What Doctor in their right mind is going to terminate the pregnancy of an infant without tinplating their arse?

I doubt that a girl of 12 could get The Pill prescribed .. just in case ...

Termination should be available to all females, regardless of their age.  It should also be covered by Medicare.

However, they should be restricted to ONE termination and prescribed the pill, or in the event that having a child could be a medical problem in the future, have a tubectomy.

Forcing a teenager to have a child is idiotic. I think that even the Catholic Church allows terminations these days, doesn't it?


Only one and forced onto the pill?

You do understand the concept of women's rights, yes?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Rhino on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:52pm

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:39pm:

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
The truth is whichever state you live in the woman only needs a sympathetic Doctor in order to obtain an abortion. This is a non issue.

Except in QLD of course, but you already knew that.
No, even in QLD, which you didnt know

Under Queensland's criminal code, abortion is unlawful unless it is performed to "preserve the woman from serious harm to her life or physical or mental health".
Any doctor can agree with a woman that her mental health is at stake and this is the out for the physician.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by BigOl64 on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:18pm

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:52pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:39pm:

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
The truth is whichever state you live in the woman only needs a sympathetic Doctor in order to obtain an abortion. This is a non issue.

Except in QLD of course, but you already knew that.
No, even in QLD, which you didnt know

Under Queensland's criminal code, abortion is unlawful unless it is performed to "preserve the woman from serious harm to her life or physical or mental health".
Any doctor can agree with a woman that her mental health is at stake and this is the out for the physician.

What a load of sh1t, women are being prosecuted in QLD regardless of the horse sh1t you've been spreading.

Do some research for fkk sake.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:21pm

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:52pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:39pm:

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
The truth is whichever state you live in the woman only needs a sympathetic Doctor in order to obtain an abortion. This is a non issue.

Except in QLD of course, but you already knew that.
No, even in QLD, which you didnt know

Under Queensland's criminal code, abortion is unlawful unless it is performed to "preserve the woman from serious harm to her life or physical or mental health".
Any doctor can agree with a woman that her mental health is at stake and this is the out for the physician.


Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:23pm

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:38pm:

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
Come on BigOl!  That's a 12 year old girl!  What Doctor in their right mind is going to terminate the pregnancy of an infant without tinplating their arse?

So how about a 21 yr old.

Jeez you can do this research yourself you know.

The not guilty verdicts handed down in an historical Queensland abortion trial yesterday could set a legal precedent for women who procure their own abortion, according to a medical ethicist.

A Cairns District Court jury yesterday dismissed the case against Tegan Simone Leach, 21, and her partner Sergie Brennan, 22, who had been charged with procuring an abortion and supplying drugs to procure an abortion, respectively.

Not everything is overlooked QLD labor aren't the progressive women's rights champions you clowns make them out to be.

That decision will be repeated every time anyone is charged.....provided we are talking about adults.  Doctors will be very coy with minors.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Neferti on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:33pm

mothra wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:48pm:

Neferti wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:42pm:

Neferti wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:38pm:

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
Come on BigOl!  That's a 12 year old girl!  What Doctor in their right mind is going to terminate the pregnancy of an infant without tinplating their arse?

I doubt that a girl of 12 could get The Pill prescribed .. just in case ...

Termination should be available to all females, regardless of their age.  It should also be covered by Medicare.

However, they should be restricted to ONE termination and prescribed the pill, or in the event that having a child could be a medical problem in the future, have a tubectomy.

Forcing a teenager to have a child is idiotic. I think that even the Catholic Church allows terminations these days, doesn't it?


Only one and forced onto the pill?

You do understand the concept of women's rights, yes?

Don't talk to me about "women's rights". 

Females should NOT expect to use "abortion" (or termination if you like) as a form of CONTRACEPTION.

A girl of 12 has absolutely NO IDEA and nor did the boy who got her pregnant.

Should she have the baby and let her Mother bring it up?  Or should she have the baby and put it up for adoption?  Or should she have a termination?

Do you have daughters?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by mothra on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:40pm

Neferti wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:33pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:48pm:

Neferti wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:42pm:

Neferti wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:38pm:

Aussie wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
Come on BigOl!  That's a 12 year old girl!  What Doctor in their right mind is going to terminate the pregnancy of an infant without tinplating their arse?

I doubt that a girl of 12 could get The Pill prescribed .. just in case ...

Termination should be available to all females, regardless of their age.  It should also be covered by Medicare.

However, they should be restricted to ONE termination and prescribed the pill, or in the event that having a child could be a medical problem in the future, have a tubectomy.

Forcing a teenager to have a child is idiotic. I think that even the Catholic Church allows terminations these days, doesn't it?


Only one and forced onto the pill?

You do understand the concept of women's rights, yes?

Don't talk to me about "women's rights". 

Females should NOT expect to use "abortion" (or termination if you like) as a form of CONTRACEPTION.

A girl of 12 has absolutely NO IDEA and nor did the boy who got her pregnant.

Should she have the baby and let her Mother bring it up?  Or should she have the baby and put it up for adoption?  Or should she have a termination?

Do you have daughters?

Who said anything about using abortion as a contraception? Very few, if any, women do that. You know the only 100% effective form of contraception is abstinence, yes? And that not all women can tolerate the pill? And that there are very big question marks over it's long term health effects?

What do you propose for a woman who, despite birth control, falls pregnant a second time? A coat-hanger?

As for the 12 year old, that is a matter between her and her mother. If i had my way RU-486 would be freely available.

And yes i have a daughter. What relevance is that?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Rhino on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:42pm

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:18pm:

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:52pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:39pm:

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
The truth is whichever state you live in the woman only needs a sympathetic Doctor in order to obtain an abortion. This is a non issue.

Except in QLD of course, but you already knew that.
No, even in QLD, which you didnt know

Under Queensland's criminal code, abortion is unlawful unless it is performed to "preserve the woman from serious harm to her life or physical or mental health".
Any doctor can agree with a woman that her mental health is at stake and this is the out for the physician.

What a load of sh1t, women are being prosecuted in QLD regardless of the horse sh1t you've been spreading.

Do some research for fkk sake.
No, I am correct. This is the one of the most common reasons a physician uses for performing an abortion right across Australia, regardless of which state. Doctors are not being prosecuted and are unable to be prosecuted for this.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Valkie on Jun 22nd, 2017 at 12:14pm
Taking the life of an unborn human is not right.

OK so it the woman's body, but the child didn't ask to be conceived, it is an innocent that will be cruelly murdered, often for no good reason.

Fair enough if the child will be unhealthy or the mothers life is in danger and the child unable to live a normal healthy life.
But if the woman didn't want the child she should not have engaged in the first place.
Rape is also no excuse for the termination of an unborn.
If the child is healthy, give it to one of the many thousands of people who cannot have children and desperately want them.

My granddaughter was born of an abusive and seriously twisted father.
He and I eventually came to blows, he is now no longer involved with our family in any way, and he had better not try while I'm alive.
But my granddaughter is a joy for my wife and I, she is a perfect child, intelligent, happy and a joy to have.
My daughter loves her dearly as does her new dad.

Imagine all that would have been missed had my daughter had an abortion?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by BigOl64 on Jun 22nd, 2017 at 12:37pm

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:42pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 5:18pm:

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:52pm:

BigOl64 wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:39pm:

rhino wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 4:24pm:
The truth is whichever state you live in the woman only needs a sympathetic Doctor in order to obtain an abortion. This is a non issue.

Except in QLD of course, but you already knew that.
No, even in QLD, which you didnt know

Under Queensland's criminal code, abortion is unlawful unless it is performed to "preserve the woman from serious harm to her life or physical or mental health".
Any doctor can agree with a woman that her mental health is at stake and this is the out for the physician.

What a load of sh1t, women are being prosecuted in QLD regardless of the horse sh1t you've been spreading.

Do some research for fkk sake.
No, I am correct. This is the one of the most common reasons a physician uses for performing an abortion right across Australia, regardless of which state. Doctors are not being prosecuted and are unable to be prosecuted for this.

Never said that doctors were being prosecuted, jeezus fkking christ read what I post.

The WOMEN are being prosecuted. NOT the doctors the WOMEN.

FFS learn to read what has been written.  >:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Bojack Horseman on Jun 22nd, 2017 at 1:03pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 22nd, 2017 at 12:14pm:
Taking the life of an unborn human is not right.

OK so it the woman's body, but the child didn't ask to be conceived, it is an innocent that will be cruelly murdered, often for no good reason.

Fair enough if the child will be unhealthy or the mothers life is in danger and the child unable to live a normal healthy life.
But if the woman didn't want the child she should not have engaged in the first place.
Rape is also no excuse for the termination of an unborn.
If the child is healthy, give it to one of the many thousands of people who cannot have children and desperately want them.

My granddaughter was born of an abusive and seriously twisted father.
He and I eventually came to blows, he is now no longer involved with our family in any way, and he had better not try while I'm alive.
But my granddaughter is a joy for my wife and I, she is a perfect child, intelligent, happy and a joy to have.
My daughter loves her dearly as does her new dad.

Imagine all that would have been missed had my daughter had an abortion?

Horses for courses. Plus do you consider a 10-12 week old foetus alive?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Sad Kangaroo on Jun 23rd, 2017 at 8:01am
All this talk and apparent compassion for children's live when they're unborn, but the exact same people seem to stop caring once they're born as many of the posters in here are calling for support for Hanson's comments to segregate all children with ASD.  Just like the Repiblicans in the US.  When it comes to telling a women what she can or can't do with her body they're all about the children, but once they're born they don't give a bugger.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by aquascoot on Jun 23rd, 2017 at 8:31am

SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 23rd, 2017 at 8:01am:
All this talk and apparent compassion for children's live when they're unborn, but the exact same people seem to stop caring once they're born as many of the posters in here are calling for support for Hanson's comments to segregate all children with ASD.  Just like the Repiblicans in the US.  When it comes to telling a women what she can or can't do with her body they're all about the children, but once they're born they don't give a bugger.

yes, i agree with that sad.
these decisions are private matters and have bugger all to do with politicians .

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Valkie on Jun 24th, 2017 at 5:37pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Jun 22nd, 2017 at 1:03pm:

Valkie wrote on Jun 22nd, 2017 at 12:14pm:
Taking the life of an unborn human is not right.

OK so it the woman's body, but the child didn't ask to be conceived, it is an innocent that will be cruelly murdered, often for no good reason.

Fair enough if the child will be unhealthy or the mothers life is in danger and the child unable to live a normal healthy life.
But if the woman didn't want the child she should not have engaged in the first place.
Rape is also no excuse for the termination of an unborn.
If the child is healthy, give it to one of the many thousands of people who cannot have children and desperately want them.

My granddaughter was born of an abusive and seriously twisted father.
He and I eventually came to blows, he is now no longer involved with our family in any way, and he had better not try while I'm alive.
But my granddaughter is a joy for my wife and I, she is a perfect child, intelligent, happy and a joy to have.
My daughter loves her dearly as does her new dad.

Imagine all that would have been missed had my daughter had an abortion?

Horses for courses. Plus do you consider a 10-12 week old foetus alive?

A simple answer......yes.

My wife lost 4 children when we were trying to have a family.
Each one was mourned.
We were blessed with three.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Valkie on Jun 24th, 2017 at 5:41pm

SadKangaroo wrote on Jun 23rd, 2017 at 8:01am:
All this talk and apparent compassion for children's live when they're unborn, but the exact same people seem to stop caring once they're born as many of the posters in here are calling for support for Hanson's comments to segregate all children with ASD.  Just like the Repiblicans in the US.  When it comes to telling a women what she can or can't do with her body they're all about the children, but once they're born they don't give a bugger.

Every child should be loved and given every opportunity.
But your reference to the ASD debate shows just how far out of touch you are.
Placing children into classes where they do not fit is bad for the child, bad for the otger children and bad for the teacher.
All simply to make the parents of the ASD child feel better.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by JaSin on Jun 24th, 2017 at 6:02pm
I'm totally supportive of women on Pro-Abortion.

Yes - it is sad that there must be an act of 'abortion' in the first place, but considering that a under-aged young girl has been raped by her step-dad and impregnated (which is considered a 'Porn Fantasy' on many porn sites ...much like women shaving their vaginas to arouse 'infantilism' for men ) - she may DIE in the act of giving birth, let alone lack the support to raise the child after she survives.

We all know the 'convict' past of Australia - sent here because the birth-rate in the UK was in plague proportions which resulted in desperate acts of crime just to attain food.

Since then, the SHAME OF PROCREATION has been a shadow of Australian culture and hence why our Population growth has always been 'minimal', sometimes in Recession and women have been aiming for 'career' and 'money' orientated lifestyles.
In one year we had...
Juliar Gillard as Prime Minister (Power)
Quentin Bryce as Gov-Gen (Cultural Superiority ...being British)
Gina Reinhart as Richest person (Money)

If Australian women have children, especially out of wedlock - its considered as "Houso", "Westie" & "Bogun"
, to be poor with kids. A 'cultural' SHAME.

So Australia, with its high suicide rate and 'minimalistic' population growth - relies heavily on 'immigration'.
The 'financial lifestyle' of Australia has also changed since the year 2000.
Now its an accelerated strive for Money, power, etc.
Australia has gone from the 'Lucky Country' to the 'RIP-OFF country' as everything has skyrocketed in 'cost of living'.

Easy to do, being a 'rich, over-indulgent' nation when you don't have as many mouths to feed.
Australia is 'over-achieving' something fierce!

So the shame of Abortion is unjustified,
especially when it's been exploited to hide the fact of something more sinister on a larger scale.

Lets face it also.
When it comes to Australian Politics as it currently is - there is no way the Government(s) can cope with the responsibility of an Australian population the size of the USA.
It's a 'default' (or bull****) existence of National Wealth - when you keep the National population growth 'aborted'.

Millions of people around the world try to 'smuggle' into this country ILLEGALLY because they are enticed by the 'Rich White Lifestyles' that are pumped out via TV continuously. Rich white people needing poor destitute foreigners.

This country is out of control.

Respect a woman's choice for personal abortion.
But say "No" to our national abortion 'control' methods of minimalistic population growth.
So screw you Jerry Harvey, Dick Smith & Co.
Its not 'about the Money' especially when we were living in the 'lucky' country to begin with. How much money do you need?
If Australia can have a self-sufficient population growth that exceeds immigration levels - then I can see a perfect example and justification for expressions of so-called 'Aussie patriotism'.

Save the woman (girl) and not the Government's 'wealth'.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 8:48pm


Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by freediver on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 8:54pm

mothra wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:52am:
Laws across Australia:

ACT: abortion was decriminalised in 2002

NSW: abortion is unlawful, but 1971 ruling established abortion would be lawful if doctor believed there was "any economic, social or medical ground or reason" woman could not continue with pregnancy

NT: abortion is legal up to 14 weeks if "maternal health ground" or "fetal disability ground" is satisfied

SA: abortion is legal up to 28 weeks of conception, provided "maternal health" or "fetal disability" ground is satisfied

TAS: abortion is legal up to 16 weeks of pregnancy

QLD: abortion is a crime under the Criminal Code Act unless mother's physical or mental health is affected

VIC: abortion is legal up to 24 weeks of pregnancy

WA: abortion is legal up to 20 weeks of pregnancy

Source: Parliament of Australia

Bit misleading don't you think mothra?

Abortions are carried out as "therapeutic miscarriages", performed by specialists, upon request of the patient after an appointment with their local GP. This procedure is only applicable to pregnancies less than 22 weeks and is partly covered by Medicare or more-so by private healthcare insurers. In addition to this, abortions can be performed if a foetal defect is considered to be "inconsistent with life" – this has been narrowly interpreted to mean that the newborn would die immediately or shortly after birth. While this is the case under law, in practice doctors and family planning services generally allow abortions for other reasons, such as the mother not feeling ready to have a child.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:21pm

freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 8:54pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:52am:
Laws across Australia:

ACT: abortion was decriminalised in 2002

NSW: abortion is unlawful, but 1971 ruling established abortion would be lawful if doctor believed there was "any economic, social or medical ground or reason" woman could not continue with pregnancy

NT: abortion is legal up to 14 weeks if "maternal health ground" or "fetal disability ground" is satisfied

SA: abortion is legal up to 28 weeks of conception, provided "maternal health" or "fetal disability" ground is satisfied

TAS: abortion is legal up to 16 weeks of pregnancy

QLD: abortion is a crime under the Criminal Code Act unless mother's physical or mental health is affected

VIC: abortion is legal up to 24 weeks of pregnancy

WA: abortion is legal up to 20 weeks of pregnancy

Source: Parliament of Australia

Bit misleading don't you think mothra?

Abortions are carried out as "therapeutic miscarriages", performed by specialists, upon request of the patient after an appointment with their local GP. This procedure is only applicable to pregnancies less than 22 weeks and is partly covered by Medicare or more-so by private healthcare insurers. In addition to this, abortions can be performed if a foetal defect is considered to be "inconsistent with life" – this has been narrowly interpreted to mean that the newborn would die immediately or shortly after birth. While this is the case under law, in practice doctors and family planning services generally allow abortions for other reasons, such as the mother not feeling ready to have a child.

Not much point responding like that to someone that is banned from here. You obviously can't get an answer.
(urls removed because not enough posts)

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:36pm
Not feeling ready to have a child eh?

Reason for abortion???

Well my response to that is this :

What woman in her right mind would ever feel ready to go through months of morning sickness, devastating  body changes, stretch marks all over her growing abdomen and breasts, inability to relax and get any sleep because of a bulging watermelon type structure in her tummy....then be required to push said watermelon type structure through a tiny hole?

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

Yet I've got 4 freaking kids and I can assure you I was never ready to have them. I had to have a general anaesthetic and a Caesarean section in order to cope with the trauma of not being ready to have children.

But they're here and I'm glad that they are.

Well I'm mostly glad. If they're naughty I'm not glad.

God I'm glad I don't have to bloody breastfeed either. VERY trying and tiring work.

What annoys me most is that I'm going to have to lie to my girls about all this one day because I know they're never gonna be ready to have kids either if I tell them the bloody painful truth!

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:42pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:36pm:
Not feeling ready to have a child eh?

Reason for abortion???

Well my response to that is this :

What woman in her right mind would ever feel ready to go through months of morning sickness, devastating  body changes, stretch marks all over her growing abdomen and breasts, inability to relax and get any sleep because of a bulging watermelon type structure in her tummy....then be required to push said watermelon type structure through a tiny hole?

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

Yet I've got 4 freaking kids and I can assure you I was never ready to have them. I had to have a general anaesthetic and a Caesarean section in order to cope with the trauma of not being ready to have children.

But they're here and I'm glad that they are.

Well I'm mostly glad. If they're naughty I'm not glad.

God I'm glad I don't have to bloody breastfeed either. VERY trying and tiring work.

What annoys me most is that I'm going to have to lie to my girls about all this one day because I know they're never gonna be ready to have kids either if I tell them the bloody painful truth!

If what you say is true, most women are not in their right mind. :-/

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:59pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:42pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:36pm:
Not feeling ready to have a child eh?

Reason for abortion???

Well my response to that is this :

What woman in her right mind would ever feel ready to go through months of morning sickness, devastating  body changes, stretch marks all over her growing abdomen and breasts, inability to relax and get any sleep because of a bulging watermelon type structure in her tummy....then be required to push said watermelon type structure through a tiny hole?

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

Yet I've got 4 freaking kids and I can assure you I was never ready to have them. I had to have a general anaesthetic and a Caesarean section in order to cope with the trauma of not being ready to have children.

But they're here and I'm glad that they are.

Well I'm mostly glad. If they're naughty I'm not glad.

God I'm glad I don't have to bloody breastfeed either. VERY trying and tiring work.

What annoys me most is that I'm going to have to lie to my girls about all this one day because I know they're never gonna be ready to have kids either if I tell them the bloody painful truth!

If what you say is true, most women are not in their right mind. :-/

Ahhh but to feel ready.....

That was the point!

No woman could ever truly feel ready for such a daunting and arduous journey.

NB I was addressing the ridiculous notion of NOT FEELING READY as a valid reason for having an abortion.

Sorry but I do firmly believe that women need more support so as to encourage them to feel more confident. They're never going to feel ready...but they sure as hell should be given every opportunity to feel supported and encouraged.

Now as regards our kids....I'm fully prepared to lie about the harrowing experience of childbirth etc by saying it's all lovely and awesome etc. Otherwise I'm never going to see any grandkids. Ok?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:09pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:59pm:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:42pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:36pm:
Not feeling ready to have a child eh?

Reason for abortion???

Well my response to that is this :

What woman in her right mind would ever feel ready to go through months of morning sickness, devastating  body changes, stretch marks all over her growing abdomen and breasts, inability to relax and get any sleep because of a bulging watermelon type structure in her tummy....then be required to push said watermelon type structure through a tiny hole?

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

Yet I've got 4 freaking kids and I can assure you I was never ready to have them. I had to have a general anaesthetic and a Caesarean section in order to cope with the trauma of not being ready to have children.

But they're here and I'm glad that they are.

Well I'm mostly glad. If they're naughty I'm not glad.

God I'm glad I don't have to bloody breastfeed either. VERY trying and tiring work.

What annoys me most is that I'm going to have to lie to my girls about all this one day because I know they're never gonna be ready to have kids either if I tell them the bloody painful truth!

If what you say is true, most women are not in their right mind. :-/

Ahhh but to feel ready.....

That was the point!

No woman could ever truly feel ready for such a daunting and arduous journey.

NB I was addressing the ridiculous notion of NOT FEELING READY as a valid reason for having an abortion.

Sorry but I do firmly believe that women need more support so as to encourage them to feel more confident. They're never going to feel ready...but they sure as hell should be given every opportunity to feel supported and encouraged.

Now as regards our kids....I'm fully prepared to lie about the harrowing experience of childbirth etc by saying it's all lovely and awesome etc. Otherwise I'm never going to see any grandkids. Ok?

My wife enjoyed her pregnancies and although the end, the labour, was a hard job, the first was 36 hours, she was ecstatic. When it was over, the joy on her face lit up the room. She told me she could easily go through labour knowing what the reward for her travail was. She never took drugs, had spinal blocks, etc, not even a sniff of gas. She knew what she was doing and revelled in it.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:11pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:21pm:

freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 8:54pm:

mothra wrote on Jun 21st, 2017 at 11:52am:
Laws across Australia:

ACT: abortion was decriminalised in 2002

NSW: abortion is unlawful, but 1971 ruling established abortion would be lawful if doctor believed there was "any economic, social or medical ground or reason" woman could not continue with pregnancy

NT: abortion is legal up to 14 weeks if "maternal health ground" or "fetal disability ground" is satisfied

SA: abortion is legal up to 28 weeks of conception, provided "maternal health" or "fetal disability" ground is satisfied

TAS: abortion is legal up to 16 weeks of pregnancy

QLD: abortion is a crime under the Criminal Code Act unless mother's physical or mental health is affected

VIC: abortion is legal up to 24 weeks of pregnancy

WA: abortion is legal up to 20 weeks of pregnancy

Source: Parliament of Australia

Bit misleading don't you think mothra?

Abortions are carried out as "therapeutic miscarriages", performed by specialists, upon request of the patient after an appointment with their local GP. This procedure is only applicable to pregnancies less than 22 weeks and is partly covered by Medicare or more-so by private healthcare insurers. In addition to this, abortions can be performed if a foetal defect is considered to be "inconsistent with life" – this has been narrowly interpreted to mean that the newborn would die immediately or shortly after birth. While this is the case under law, in practice doctors and family planning services generally allow abortions for other reasons, such as the mother not feeling ready to have a child.

Not much point responding like that to someone that is banned from here. You obviously can't get an answer.
(urls removed because not enough posts)

Well, if ever a truth was posted here, that would be it. can she respond while you have her under a ban?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:12pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:09pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:59pm:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:42pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 9:36pm:
Not feeling ready to have a child eh?

Reason for abortion???

Well my response to that is this :

What woman in her right mind would ever feel ready to go through months of morning sickness, devastating  body changes, stretch marks all over her growing abdomen and breasts, inability to relax and get any sleep because of a bulging watermelon type structure in her tummy....then be required to push said watermelon type structure through a tiny hole?

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

Yet I've got 4 freaking kids and I can assure you I was never ready to have them. I had to have a general anaesthetic and a Caesarean section in order to cope with the trauma of not being ready to have children.

But they're here and I'm glad that they are.

Well I'm mostly glad. If they're naughty I'm not glad.

God I'm glad I don't have to bloody breastfeed either. VERY trying and tiring work.

What annoys me most is that I'm going to have to lie to my girls about all this one day because I know they're never gonna be ready to have kids either if I tell them the bloody painful truth!

If what you say is true, most women are not in their right mind. :-/

Ahhh but to feel ready.....

That was the point!

No woman could ever truly feel ready for such a daunting and arduous journey.

NB I was addressing the ridiculous notion of NOT FEELING READY as a valid reason for having an abortion.

Sorry but I do firmly believe that women need more support so as to encourage them to feel more confident. They're never going to feel ready...but they sure as hell should be given every opportunity to feel supported and encouraged.

Now as regards our kids....I'm fully prepared to lie about the harrowing experience of childbirth etc by saying it's all lovely and awesome etc. Otherwise I'm never going to see any grandkids. Ok?

My wife enjoyed her pregnancies and although the end, the labour, was a hard job, the first was 36 hours, she was ecstatic. When it was over, the joy on her face lit up the room. She told me she could easily go through labour knowing what the reward for her travail was. She never took drugs, had spinal blocks, etc, not even a sniff of gas. She knew what she was doing and revelled in it.

Yep ^^^^^ That's the bullshit I'm gonna tell my kids too 😂

Look I guess I don't want my awful experiences re childbirth etc to burden them in any way. The journey is hard enough without me telling them the truth about what happened. Am I being protective? Damn... it's what we mums do! Plus I do hope to see grandkids one day  :P

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:15pm

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

You would be the very first woman I have ever heard describe her just born child as an alien, and ~ as an alien who bites your breast.  Bites?  With what?  Were your aliens born with teeth?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Gordon on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:19pm

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:15pm:

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

You would be the very first woman I have ever heard describe her just born child as an alien, and ~ as an alien who bites your breast.  Bites?  With what?  Were your aliens born with teeth?

Just abiut everyone affectionately calls their new borns little aliens.  It's not literal.

You don't have biological children,  do you?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:19pm

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:15pm:

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

You would be the very first woman I have ever heard describe her just born child as an alien, and ~ as an alien who bites your breast.  Bites?  With what?  Were your aliens born with teeth?

You've never had kids with any woman. Have you?

If you had....then you would know why your post is so ridiculous.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by freediver on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:20pm
If you ever wonder where the inspiration for that scene from the movie alien came from, watch a video of a caesarian.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:22pm

Gordon wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:19pm:

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:15pm:

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

You would be the very first woman I have ever heard describe her just born child as an alien, and ~ as an alien who bites your breast.  Bites?  With what?  Were your aliens born with teeth?

Just abiut everyone affectionately calls their new borns little aliens.  It's not literal.

You don't have biological children,  do you?

He (clearly) doesn't.

And his post clearly exposes the fact that he's never  been anywhere inside a delivery room either.

He probably just has nieces and nephews.

He's the eccentric recluse uncle who never got married is my bet 😂😂😂😂

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:25pm

freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:20pm:
If you ever wonder where the inspiration for that scene from the movie alien came from, watch a video of a caesarian.

Ok so here's a dad!

And he's proven it.

Now you know why I can't watch any Alien movie.

I get episodic flashbacks of the trauma I experienced at childbirth.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:25pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:12pm:
Yep ^^^^^ That's the bullshit I'm gonna tell my kids too 😂

Look I guess I don't want my awful experiences re childbirth etc to burden them in any way. The journey is hard enough without me telling them the truth about what happened. Am I being protective? Damn... it's what we mums do! Plus I do hope to see grandkids one day  :P

I wasn't her kid and was at the birth of all my kids.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:27pm

freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:20pm:
If you ever wonder where the inspiration for that scene from the movie alien came from, watch a video of a caesarian.

Oh, come on, it's just like gutting a fish. ;D

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Gordon on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:34pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:22pm:

Gordon wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:19pm:

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:15pm:

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

You would be the very first woman I have ever heard describe her just born child as an alien, and ~ as an alien who bites your breast.  Bites?  With what?  Were your aliens born with teeth?

Just abiut everyone affectionately calls their new borns little aliens.  It's not literal.

You don't have biological children,  do you?

He (clearly) doesn't.

And his post clearly exposes the fact that he's never  been anywhere inside a delivery room either.

He probably just has nieces and nephews.

He's the eccentric recluse uncle who never got married is my bet 😂😂😂😂

I missed both ours because she had a general and they kick the bloke out. On the plus side I had a strange little screaming alien to bond with by myself for a few hours  while mum was in recovery

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Gordon on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:35pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:22pm:

Gordon wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:19pm:

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:15pm:

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

You would be the very first woman I have ever heard describe her just born child as an alien, and ~ as an alien who bites your breast.  Bites?  With what?  Were your aliens born with teeth?

Just abiut everyone affectionately calls their new borns little aliens.  It's not literal.

You don't have biological children,  do you?

He (clearly) doesn't.

And his post clearly exposes the fact that he's never  been anywhere inside a delivery room either.

He probably just has nieces and nephews.

He's the eccentric recluse uncle who never got married is my bet 😂😂😂😂

He claims to have a wife and in fact claims I know her!

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:41pm
Let's all hope this thread doesn't turn into a payout on member's families. I might have to PM a GMod if that happens and dibber dob.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Aussie on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:46pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:41pm:
Let's all hope this thread doesn't turn into a payout on member's families. I might have to PM a GMod if that happens and dibber dob. it was not a 'payout' on my Family.  Okay, I get it............ :(

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:50pm
Pardon????  That is a totally bizarre comment, mothra...... how do abortion laws keep women in family violence?  Frankly - I've heard some poo from the feminist lobby, but that takes the cake.

As for 'aliens' - my children's mother couldn't wait to dock with her little aliens.... any woman who says her children born are aliens is a nut case..

Sorry 'bout that....

What do you expect the kid to do?  Wait for nurse to arrive with a bottle?  Does any other mammalian offspring do that?  Jesus - there was a news article today about a baby sloth found on a beach after a massive storm, crying for its mother and sustenance.. would you refuse it?  I wouldn't....

That's two insane women posting here - another good reason to deny them the vote.... let alone an opportunity to run this nation....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Gordon on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:52pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:50pm:
Pardon????  That is a totally bizarre comment, mothra......

Mothra has her hand up Aussies arse (yuck) so she can talk here. :)

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:59pm

Gordon wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:52pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:50pm:
Pardon????  That is a totally bizarre comment, mothra......

Mothra has her hand up Aussies arse (yuck) so she can talk here. :)

Feminists whine about 'real men' and yet refuse to accept the simple standards of being Real Women.

Hang ten a day until the supply runs out......

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:01pm

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:46pm:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:41pm:
Let's all hope this thread doesn't turn into a payout on member's families. I might have to PM a GMod if that happens and dibber dob. it was not a 'payout' on my Family.  Okay, I get it............ :(

Perhaps my post was a warning it should go no further or I'd dibby dob to a gmod.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:03pm

Gordon wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:52pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:50pm:
Pardon????  That is a totally bizarre comment, mothra......

Mothra has her hand up Aussies arse (yuck) so she can talk here. :)

No point paying out on people that are not here to reply.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:03pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:01pm:

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:46pm:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:41pm:
Let's all hope this thread doesn't turn into a payout on member's families. I might have to PM a GMod if that happens and dibber dob. it was not a 'payout' on my Family.  Okay, I get it............ :(

Perhaps my post was a warning it should go no further or I'd dibby dob to a gmod.

Mods.. Mods - look here.. plenty to see.....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:06pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:25pm:

freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:20pm:
If you ever wonder where the inspiration for that scene from the movie alien came from, watch a video of a caesarian.

Ok so here's a dad!

And he's proven it.

Now you know why I can't watch any Alien movie.

I get episodic flashbacks of the trauma I experienced at childbirth.

Oh and my pregnancy long morning sickness episodes has left me with a chronic fear of breakfast.

I STILL throw up if I attempt to eat anything before 11 am.

I do sometimes wonder if I've been left with some form of post traumatic stress.

Like I said.... I'm going to lie to my kids and pretend it was all lovely and awesome. I've already been doing that anyway. I don't want my awful experiences/issues thrust onto them! It will affect them in a negative way for sure!

I will say this though....I'm very thankful for medical technology. My obstetricians concluded that my body just couldn't go into labor despite everything they tried. 35 hrs after being induced I dilated 1 cm. Foetal monitors showed foetal distress (I was 1 week overdue too). I was rushed into theatre and I remember trying to cry. I just couldn't produce a tear because of the shock I was in. Oh and I was being shouted at by very concerned doctors about how my life and that of my babies was in danger. Bloody hell I can still see it all. There was this theatre nurse running behind the trolley trying to put this green cap on my head. It was like a shower cap. She couldn't catch up. The loud thud of doors followed by bright white lights and stainless steel and people screaming in panic then sudden total silence and utter blackness followed.

When I woke up I did so because I felt sudden sharp stabbing pains in my abdomen. So yeah I woke up in shock screaming my guts out because I thought I had been stabbed and the sharp blades were still inside me. The pain was and is still indescribable.

A sudden rush of medical staff and I heard someone say Oh my God she's in shock. I just couldn't help it I was shaking. I was hot/cold and shaking like I was having a fit. I then remember feeling heaven. It was just at that point I heard someone say I've given her too much morphine. I recall smiling as I collapsed back into my pillows.

All my deliveries were pretty much like that. The stuff of bloody awful nightmares!

So yeah....I definitely need to hide all this stuff from my kids.

They're just too beautiful and I love them too much to terrify them with such details.

Anyway....night all 💤💤💤💤i

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:07pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:03pm:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:01pm:

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:46pm:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:41pm:
Let's all hope this thread doesn't turn into a payout on member's families. I might have to PM a GMod if that happens and dibber dob. it was not a 'payout' on my Family.  Okay, I get it............ :(

Perhaps my post was a warning it should go no further or I'd dibby dob to a gmod.

Mods.. Mods - look here.. plenty to see.....

Nothing wrong with pointing out the marshy ground ahead, Grap.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:09pm

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:06pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:25pm:

freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:20pm:
If you ever wonder where the inspiration for that scene from the movie alien came from, watch a video of a caesarian.

Ok so here's a dad!

And he's proven it.

Now you know why I can't watch any Alien movie.

I get episodic flashbacks of the trauma I experienced at childbirth.

Oh and my pregnancy long morning sickness episodes has left me with a chronic fear of breakfast.

I STILL throw up if I attempt to eat anything before 11 am.

I do sometimes wonder if I've been left with some form of post traumatic stress.

Like I said.... I'm going to lie to my kids and pretend it was all lovely and awesome. I've already been doing that anyway. I don't want my awful experiences/issues thrust onto them! It will affect them in a negative way for sure!

I will say this though....I'm very thankful for medical technology. My obstetricians concluded that my body just couldn't go into labor despite everything they tried. 35 hrs after being induced I dilated 1 cm. Foetal monitors showed foetal distress (I was 1 week overdue too). I was rushed into theatre and I remember trying to cry. I just couldn't produce a tear because of the shock I was in. Oh and I was being shouted at by very concerned doctors about how my life and that of my babies was in danger. Bloody hell I can still see it all. There was this theatre nurse running behind the trolley trying to put this green cap on my head. It was like a shower cap. She couldn't catch up. The loud thud of doors followed by bright white lights and stainless steel and people screaming in panic then sudden total silence and utter blackness followed.

When I woke up I did so because I felt sudden sharp stabbing pains in my abdomen. So yeah I woke up in shock screaming my guts out because I thought I had been stabbed and the sharp blades were still inside me. The pain was and is still indescribable.

A sudden rush of medical staff and I heard someone say Oh my God she's in shock. I just couldn't help it I was shaking. I was hot/cold and shaking like I was having a fit. I then remember feeling heaven. It was just at that point I heard someone say I've given her too much morphine. I recall smiling as I collapsed back into my pillows.

All my deliveries were pretty much like that. The stuff of bloody awful nightmares!

So yeah....I definitely need to hide all this stuff from my kids.

They're just too beautiful and I love them too much to terrify them with such details.

Anyway....night all 💤💤💤💤

Sounds like you may have been able to do yourself and mankind a favour by not breeding!  :D
I guess it's too late now. :'(

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:10pm

Gordon wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:35pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:22pm:

Gordon wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:19pm:

Aussie wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:15pm:

And what woman in her right mind would be ready to go through the pain of childbirth only to face that strange little alien that comes up to look at you and you're left thinking  OMG what is that???

And finally....what woman in her right mind would want to have said strange little alien placed on her breast ONLY to find it biting you and drawing liquid stuff out of you?

You would be the very first woman I have ever heard describe her just born child as an alien, and ~ as an alien who bites your breast.  Bites?  With what?  Were your aliens born with teeth?

Just abiut everyone affectionately calls their new borns little aliens.  It's not literal.

You don't have biological children,  do you?

He (clearly) doesn't.

And his post clearly exposes the fact that he's never  been anywhere inside a delivery room either.

He probably just has nieces and nephews.

He's the eccentric recluse uncle who never got married is my bet 😂😂😂😂

He claims to have a wife and in fact claims I know her!



He's just posting his usual bullshit!!

It's a passive - aggressive bait he employs from time to time.

My advice? Just IGNORE him and/or LAUGH AT him.


Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Lisa Jones on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:12pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:09pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:06pm:

Lisa Jones wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:25pm:

freediver wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 10:20pm:
If you ever wonder where the inspiration for that scene from the movie alien came from, watch a video of a caesarian.

Ok so here's a dad!

And he's proven it.

Now you know why I can't watch any Alien movie.

I get episodic flashbacks of the trauma I experienced at childbirth.

Oh and my pregnancy long morning sickness episodes has left me with a chronic fear of breakfast.

I STILL throw up if I attempt to eat anything before 11 am.

I do sometimes wonder if I've been left with some form of post traumatic stress.

Like I said.... I'm going to lie to my kids and pretend it was all lovely and awesome. I've already been doing that anyway. I don't want my awful experiences/issues thrust onto them! It will affect them in a negative way for sure!

I will say this though....I'm very thankful for medical technology. My obstetricians concluded that my body just couldn't go into labor despite everything they tried. 35 hrs after being induced I dilated 1 cm. Foetal monitors showed foetal distress (I was 1 week overdue too). I was rushed into theatre and I remember trying to cry. I just couldn't produce a tear because of the shock I was in. Oh and I was being shouted at by very concerned doctors about how my life and that of my babies was in danger. Bloody hell I can still see it all. There was this theatre nurse running behind the trolley trying to put this green cap on my head. It was like a shower cap. She couldn't catch up. The loud thud of doors followed by bright white lights and stainless steel and people screaming in panic then sudden total silence and utter blackness followed.

When I woke up I did so because I felt sudden sharp stabbing pains in my abdomen. So yeah I woke up in shock screaming my guts out because I thought I had been stabbed and the sharp blades were still inside me. The pain was and is still indescribable.

A sudden rush of medical staff and I heard someone say Oh my God she's in shock. I just couldn't help it I was shaking. I was hot/cold and shaking like I was having a fit. I then remember feeling heaven. It was just at that point I heard someone say I've given her too much morphine. I recall smiling as I collapsed back into my pillows.

All my deliveries were pretty much like that. The stuff of bloody awful nightmares!

So yeah....I definitely need to hide all this stuff from my kids.

They're just too beautiful and I love them too much to terrify them with such details.

Anyway....night all 💤💤💤💤

Sounds like you may have been able to do yourself and mankind a favour by not breeding!  :D

I guess it's too late now. :'(


You want me to report you to a GMod again....don't you?  :P

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:17pm

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:22pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:17pm:

You can be funny Grap but wilfully blind? Read beyond labels.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:32pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:22pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:17pm:

You can be funny Grap but wilfully blind? Read beyond labels.

You want to enjoy sexual licence?  Take the consequences.... you no like, you no do.... but whining about human anatomy and natural consequences?  Give me a break.

HOW are women forced to stay in abusive relationships by laws that permit them basically abortion on demand?  Utter nonsense....

It's time for women to man up and take the consequences of their own actions and choices... and give away the blame game. and the victimhood.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:35pm
"In .... New South Wales, women face a series of legal hurdles in accessing abortion services".

What a pack of utter bullshit..... there are clinics right there any time you want.... have been for more than twenty five years.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:37pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:32pm:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:22pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:17pm:

You can be funny Grap but wilfully blind? Read beyond labels.

You want to enjoy sexual licence?  Take the consequences.... you no like, you no do.... but whining about human anatomy and natural consequences?  Give me a break.

HOW are women forced to stay in abusive relationships by laws that permit them basically abortion on demand?  Utter nonsense....

It's time for women to man up and take the consequences of their own actions and choices... and give away the blame game. and the victimhood.

My post was about your usual suspects video. Nothing more. Which suspect am I? Or do you have a white flag blocking your view?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by .JaSin. on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:45pm
Personally, when it comes to Abortion.
I think all you guys (males) should just STFU !!!


Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:50pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:45pm:
Personally, when it comes to Abortion.
I think all you guys (males) should just STFU !!!


I think you should have been aborted. But that's just me. ;D

We have equal partnership in the stakes of life Jasin. If we should shut the FU, then we should bear no responsibility for the ladies becoming in the family way, it's their bodies after all and they wanted the healing feeling of the protein injection, we just gave them what they wanted. Let us walk away. Look after what you wanted by yourselves and keep your hand out of our pay packets.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:51pm
If they're that goddamned stupid, maybe they need to be kept in family violence.....

Feminism amazes me - on the one hand they screech about how wonderful and superior women are - then they start on bleating about how victimised they are....

Isn't it time to give it a rest?  Haven't enough people died to give ten women a top spot in the corporation?  Jesus Christ - if Labor has its way, we'll have 60% farken women telling us how this country and its people should be run... as if they'd even begin to know given their track record of using the instruments of government for self-advancement and oppression of men...

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:53pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:45pm:
Personally, when it comes to Abortion.
I think all you guys (males) should just STFU !!!


Why?  (that's a hard one, I know... but when a man is required to uphold a non-abortion... why should he have no say in an abortion? Has he no rights at all????????)....

Gimme a solid answer.....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:53pm

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:51pm:
If they're that goddamned stupid, maybe they need to be kept in family violence.....

Feminism amazes me - on the one hand they screech about how wonderful and superior women are - then they start on bleating about how victimised they are....

Isn't it time to give it a rest?  Haven't enough people died to give ten women a top spot in the corporation?  Jesus Christ - if Labor has its way, we'll have 60% farken women telling us how this country and its people should be run... as if they'd even begin to know given their track record of using the instruments of government for self-advancement and oppression of men...

Labor has it's inevitable way nine months after they get what they want. ;)

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:54pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:37pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:32pm:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:22pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:17pm:

You can be funny Grap but wilfully blind? Read beyond labels.

You want to enjoy sexual licence?  Take the consequences.... you no like, you no do.... but whining about human anatomy and natural consequences?  Give me a break.

HOW are women forced to stay in abusive relationships by laws that permit them basically abortion on demand?  Utter nonsense....

It's time for women to man up and take the consequences of their own actions and choices... and give away the blame game. and the victimhood.

My post was about your usual suspects video. Nothing more. Which suspect am I? Or do you have a white flag blocking your view?

Ah - forgiveness is divine...... it was the personal slight on my good self that created the dilemna.....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:56pm

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:53pm:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:51pm:
If they're that goddamned stupid, maybe they need to be kept in family violence.....

Feminism amazes me - on the one hand they screech about how wonderful and superior women are - then they start on bleating about how victimised they are....

Isn't it time to give it a rest?  Haven't enough people died to give ten women a top spot in the corporation?  Jesus Christ - if Labor has its way, we'll have 60% farken women telling us how this country and its people should be run... as if they'd even begin to know given their track record of using the instruments of government for self-advancement and oppression of men...

Labor has it's inevitable way nine months after they get what they want. ;)

Well put....  again - I hold no brief for ANY major party..... none worth a tinker's curse....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by .JaSin. on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:56pm
Your solid answer is to HTFU!

Since time began - Men have always had their say.
Since time began - Women have hardly ever had a say.

Now STFU and let them work it out for themselves.
Or don't you have 'faith' in women being able to do 'anything' for themselves???

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:56pm:
Your solid answer is to HTFU!

Since time began - Men have always had their say.
Since time began - Women have hardly ever had a say.

Now STFU and let them work it out for themselves.
Or don't you have 'faith' in women being able to do 'anything' for themselves???

No, takes two to tango.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by .JaSin. on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

So you know better?  ;D  ;D  ;D

Birth is a natural function shared by every mammal and many others...... what has that to do with abortion laws restricting women from leaving family violence?

At least you have the courtesy to say FAMILY violence - when countless studies show that most such is reciprocal and many show that it is started by.... women!!

What IS your point?

Nobody argues that women are not good at giving birth - they're made for it (hello) - how does that somehow become a political issue about power and control and violent situations?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

They can't give birth without us.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Agnes on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:01am

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

They can't give birth without us.

yes we can- haven't you heard- its a brave new world- we only need a few of you to mix up the gene pool a bit and the rest of you are surplus to reuirements sorry lol-

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by .JaSin. on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:02am

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:04am

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:01am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

They can't give birth without us.

yes we can- haven't you heard- its a brave new world- we only need a few of you to mix up the gene pool a bit and the rest of you are superflous to requirements sorry lol-

Where will you get the needed DNA? IE Sperm? Even if it's just a few of us, that would make those men even more important.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:05am

Jasin wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:02am:

It's our sperm! How dare you tell us what we can do with it! :D

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Agnes on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:06am
there would be no shortage of willing donors Yogi

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by .JaSin. on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:06am
Western Males in control of their Female's 'bodies' regarding reproduction.
Being the 'smart' guys that they are - they force their women to give birth on their backs with legs up, etc.
Thus the Baby's 'weight' is on the spine and thus the Western women need 'pain relief', sometimes 'lots'.
Hell, its got to the point that now Caesarians (Alien) Births are now the growing protocol because of 'complications' and in the Private System - more money if the pump them out faster than natural.  ::)

Yep - you guys know what's best!  ::)

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:01am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

They can't give birth without us.

yes we can- haven't you heard- its a brave new world- we only need a few of you to mix up the gene pool a bit and the rest of you are superflous to requirements sorry lol-

No you can't.  You can take the product of a jack-off - but it is still the product of a ... MAN.

Stop dreaming.  I have a Gay rello who has fathered by proxy six or more children... so what?  It is still his male sperm that does the job regardless...

Would you prefer that there be no men?

This argument is getting totally ridiculous..... along the usual lines...   ::)

If you want a few losers to run the gene show - go for it...... there are countless women out there who will opt for the usual course..... of choosing a mate for themselves.....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Agnes on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am

Jasin wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:06am:
Western Males in control of their Female's 'bodies' regarding reproduction.
Being the 'smart' guys that they are - they force their women to give birth on their backs with legs up, etc.
Thus the Baby's 'weight' is on the spine and thus the Western women need 'pain relief', sometimes 'lots'.
Hell, its got to the point that now Caesarians (Alien) Births are now the growing protocol because of 'complications' and in the Private System - more money if the pump them out faster than natural.  ::)

Yep - you guys know what's best!  ::)

good post agree-

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Nom De Plume on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:53pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:45pm:
Personally, when it comes to Abortion.
I think all you guys (males) should just STFU !!!


Why?  (that's a hard one, I know... but when a man is required to uphold a non-abortion... why should he have no say in an abortion? Has he no rights at all????????)....

Gimme a solid answer.....

He waived his rights when he opted not to wear a condom. Is that solid enough for you?

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:06am:
there would be no shortage of willing donors Yogi

Not if what you said above is true. Sperm would be worth it's weight in gold and there'd be bitch fights over it and the turkey basters. Not sure a turkey baster would do it for the women I've known.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Agnes on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:11am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:01am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

They can't give birth without us.

yes we can- haven't you heard- its a brave new world- we only need a few of you to mix up the gene pool a bit and the rest of you are superflous to requirements sorry lol-

No you can't.  You can take the product of a jack-off - but it is still the product of a ... MAN.

Stop dreaming.  I have a Gay rello who has fathered by proxy six or more children... so what?  It is still his male sperm that does the job regardless...

Would you prefer that there be no men?

If women wanted it that way the we could live quite happily without men- and just keep a few of you for a sperm supply

This argument is getting totally ridiculous..... along the usual lines...   ::)

If you want a few losers to run the gene show - go for it...... there are countless women out there who will opt for the usual course..... of choosing a mate for themselves.....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:12am

Nom de Plume wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:53pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:45pm:
Personally, when it comes to Abortion.
I think all you guys (males) should just STFU !!!


Why?  (that's a hard one, I know... but when a man is required to uphold a non-abortion... why should he have no say in an abortion? Has he no rights at all????????)....

Gimme a solid answer.....

He waived his rights when he opted not to wear a condom. Is that solid enough for you?

Did the woman wear a condom?  If not, didn't she forfeit her rights?

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh - ha ha ha ha ha haha...... ;D  ;D  ;D

God you children are so simple and easy to shoot......  you're gay, right?  What would you know about it?

God - please bring me the end of school holidays.....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Agnes on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:14am
be afraid guys- be very afraid- you are dispensible-

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:15am

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:11am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:01am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

They can't give birth without us.

yes we can- haven't you heard- its a brave new world- we only need a few of you to mix up the gene pool a bit and the rest of you are superflous to requirements sorry lol-

No you can't.  You can take the product of a jack-off - but it is still the product of a ... MAN.

Stop dreaming.  I have a Gay rello who has fathered by proxy six or more children... so what?  It is still his male sperm that does the job regardless...

Would you prefer that there be no men?

If women wanted it that way the we could live quite happily without men- and just keep a few of you for a sperm supply

This argument is getting totally ridiculous..... along the usual lines...   ::)

If you want a few losers to run the gene show - go for it...... there are countless women out there who will opt for the usual course..... of choosing a mate for themselves.....

Therein lays the crux of the matter. Women like men and like having them around and don't really like sharing them.

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:16am

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:14am:
be afraid guys- be very afraid- you are dispensible-

I'm not afraid, I just think I'll be over worked. :'(

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Agnes on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:17am

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:16am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:14am:
be afraid guys- be very afraid- you are dispensible-

I'm not afraid, I just think I'll be over worked. :'(


Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:18am

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:16am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:14am:
be afraid guys- be very afraid- you are dispensible-

I'm not afraid, I just think I'll be over worked. :'(

Me, too...... I'll take bookings but let's be honest... not all will get a chance....

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:18am

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:17am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:16am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:14am:
be afraid guys- be very afraid- you are dispensible-

I'm not afraid, I just think I'll be over worked. :'(


Slave driver!

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:26am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:18am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:16am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:14am:
be afraid guys- be very afraid- you are dispensible-

I'm not afraid, I just think I'll be over worked. :'(

Me, too...... I'll take bookings but let's be honest... not all will get a chance....

I wouldn't discriminate, it's just those lard arses with shaved heads and overalls would have to put up with turkey basters and I think they prefer it that way as would I. A job is a job. ;D

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Agnes on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:42am

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:15am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:11am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:01am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

They can't give birth without us.

yes we can- haven't you heard- its a brave new world- we only need a few of you to mix up the gene pool a bit and the rest of you are superflous to requirements sorry lol-

No you can't.  You can take the product of a jack-off - but it is still the product of a ... MAN.

Stop dreaming.  I have a Gay rello who has fathered by proxy six or more children... so what?  It is still his male sperm that does the job regardless...

Would you prefer that there be no men?

If women wanted it that way the we could live quite happily without men- and just keep a few of you for a sperm supply

This argument is getting totally ridiculous..... along the usual lines...   ::)

If you want a few losers to run the gene show - go for it...... there are countless women out there who will opt for the usual course..... of choosing a mate for themselves.....

Therein lays the crux of the matter. Women like men and like having them around and don't really like sharing them.

Men are not really men anymore- real men died out a long time ago- that is why we find ourselves thinking of this brave new world without abusive men in it- Trump isn't the only stupid cock head in the world- unfortunately- some of the comments on this thread are horrible- "women deserve to stay in domestic violence" ( grappler) I mean really- really? Nite boiz- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Cu Chullain on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:55am

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:42am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:15am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:11am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:08am:

Agnes wrote on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 12:01am:

Cu Chulainn wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:59pm:

Jasin wrote on Jan 22nd, 2018 at 11:58pm:
You 'guys' sound like you are so smart and professional on the aspect of 'giving birth' that I wonder if you think you can all 'give birth' better than the women.  ::)

They can't give birth without us.

yes we can- haven't you heard- its a brave new world- we only need a few of you to mix up the gene pool a bit and the rest of you are superflous to requirements sorry lol-

No you can't.  You can take the product of a jack-off - but it is still the product of a ... MAN.

Stop dreaming.  I have a Gay rello who has fathered by proxy six or more children... so what?  It is still his male sperm that does the job regardless...

Would you prefer that there be no men?

If women wanted it that way the we could live quite happily without men- and just keep a few of you for a sperm supply

This argument is getting totally ridiculous..... along the usual lines...   ::)

If you want a few losers to run the gene show - go for it...... there are countless women out there who will opt for the usual course..... of choosing a mate for themselves.....

Therein lays the crux of the matter. Women like men and like having them around and don't really like sharing them.

Men are not really men anymore- real men died out a long time ago- that is why we find ourselves thinking of this brave new world without abusive men in it- Trump isn't the only stupid cock head in the world- unfortunately- some of the comments on this thread are horrible- "women deserve to stay in domestic violence" ( grappler) I mean really- really? Nite boiz- zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I'm cut to the quick. I no longer have an identity! I know, I'll say my feelings are hurt and get all feminine, can you call me a waaambulance?  ;D

Title: Re: Abortion laws keeping women in family violence
Post by Ye Grappler on Jan 23rd, 2018 at 1:09am
Who said women deserve to be left in violence?

I said if they are that stupid, they deserve it... if they don't want to save themselves, nobody else can..... like a suicide, you cannot help them if they are that way inclined.  You can lead a horse-faced woman to water... but you can't make her suck on it....

Some of you need to grow up.

I'm still waiting - HOW do abortion laws keep women in family violence, when abortion is essentially free on demand???  Anyone?

Not one answer yet - just rhetoric, sound bites, and endless victim whining.... sounds good - where is the meat?

Please god - bring me an end  to the school holidays..... and please put the twerps back into the universities where they can learn to put down their betters with non-knowledge...  ::)

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