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Message started by mothra on Aug 4th, 2017 at 7:53pm

Title: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by mothra on Aug 4th, 2017 at 7:53pm
Before European Christians Forced Gender Roles, Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders

It wasn’t until Europeans took over North America that natives adopted the ideas of gender roles. For Native Americans, there was no set of rules that men and women had to abide by in order to be considered a “normal” member of their tribe.

In fact, people who had both female and male characteristics were viewed as gifted by nature, and therefore, able to see both sides of everything. According to Indian Country Today, all native communities acknowledged the following gender roles: “Female, male, Two Spirit female, Two Spirit male and Transgendered.”

“Each tribe has their own specific term, but there was a need for a universal term that the general population could understand. The Navajo refer to Two Spirits as Nádleehí (one who is transformed), among the Lakota is Winkté (indicative of a male who has a compulsion to behave as a female), Niizh Manidoowag (two spirit) in Ojibwe, Hemaneh (half man, half woman) in Cheyenne, to name a few. As the purpose of “Two Spirit” is to be used as a universal term in the English language, it is not always translatable with the same meaning in Native languages. For example, in the Iroquois Cherokee language, there is no way to translate the term, but the Cherokee do have gender variance terms for ‘women who feel like men’ and vice versa.”

The “Two Spirit” culture of Native Americans was one of the first things that Europeans worked to destroy and cover up. According to people like American artist George Catlin, the Two Spirit tradition had to be eradicated before it could go into history books. Catlin said the tradition:

“..Must be extinguished before it can be more fully recorded.”

However, it wasn’t only white Europeans that tried to hide any trace of native gender bending. According to Indian Country Today, “Spanish Catholic monks destroyed most of the Aztec codices to eradicate traditional Native beliefs and history, including those that told of the Two Spirit tradition.” Throughout these efforts by Christians, Native Americans were forced to dress and act according to newly designated gender roles.

One of the most celebrated Two Spirits in recorded history was a Lakota warrior aptly named Finds Them And Kills Them. Osh-Tisch was born a male and married a female, but adorned himself in women’s clothing and lived daily life as a female. On June 17 1876, Finds Them And Kills Them gained his reputation when he rescued a fellow tribesman during the Battle of Rosebud Creek. An act of fearless bravery. Below is a picture of Osh-Tisch and his wife.

In Native American cultures, people were valued for their contributions to the tribe, rather than for masculinity or femininity. Parents did not assign gender roles to children either, and even children’s clothing tended to be gender neutral. There were no ideas or ideals about how a person should love; it was simply a natural act that occurred without judgement or hesitation.

Without a negative stigma attached to being a Two Spirit, there were no inner-tribal incidents of retaliation or violence toward the chosen people simply due to the fact that individuals identified as the opposite or both genders.

“The Two Spirit people in pre-contact Native America were highly revered and families that included them were considered lucky. Indians believed that a person who was able to see the world through the eyes of both genders at the same time was a gift from The Creator.”

Religious influences soon brought serious prejudice against “gender diversity,” and so this forced once openly alternative or androgynous people to one of two choices. They could either live in hiding, and in fear of being found out, or they could end their lives. Many of whom did just that.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Culture Warrior on Aug 4th, 2017 at 8:02pm
A common sleight of hand by 'progressives'. Gender becomes divorced from biological sex and synonymous with behaviour.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Sprintcyclist on Aug 4th, 2017 at 8:05pm

And look what happened to them

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Sprintcyclist on Aug 4th, 2017 at 8:06pm

And look what happened to them

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by mothra on Aug 4th, 2017 at 8:06pm

Sprintcyclist wrote on Aug 4th, 2017 at 8:06pm:
And look what happened to them

And yet, they're still going. Resilient, no?

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Gordon on Aug 4th, 2017 at 8:12pm
The_Village_People_Cannes-large_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bq-pfgFGBz9L_4V5dRQnfCxcwUg7qWSU3_YshF3Ap4Jjw.jpg (55 KB | 20 )

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Ye Grappler on Aug 4th, 2017 at 8:43pm
Does anyone care? 

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Sprintcyclist on Aug 4th, 2017 at 9:10pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Aug 4th, 2017 at 8:43pm:
Does anyone care? 


Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Setanta on Aug 4th, 2017 at 10:02pm
What about the other 58 genders? :-/ Were they bigots?

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by freediver on Aug 6th, 2017 at 9:12am

mothra wrote on Aug 4th, 2017 at 7:53pm:
It wasn’t until Europeans took over North America that natives adopted the ideas of gender roles.

Absolute crap. In the very first sentence. The noble savage returns.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by miketrees on Aug 6th, 2017 at 9:40am

Male, female, male seeking males , female seeking female and Mothra

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Gnads on Aug 6th, 2017 at 9:52am
5 genders ey?

That's a shyte load less than the 63 invented by the wankers who put together the Safe Schools program.

And it's no more & no less than what Europeans already knew about & were in their society from time immemorial.

Back to Roman & ancient Egyptian days.


Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Gnads on Aug 6th, 2017 at 9:53am

miketrees wrote on Aug 6th, 2017 at 9:40am:
Male, female, male seeking males , female seeking female and Mothra

Sounds right.  ;D

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Gordon on Aug 6th, 2017 at 10:12am
There are two genders. Male and female.

The OP is cultural nomenclature for personality types, NOT genders.

Male, Female. That's all.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Gnads on Aug 6th, 2017 at 10:39am

Setanta wrote on Aug 4th, 2017 at 10:02pm:
What about the other 58 genders? :-/ Were they bigots?

Didn't see your response there Set before I made mine.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Mr Hammer on Aug 6th, 2017 at 11:24am
Haemophriditism, according to Wikipedia, occurs in between .05 and 1.7 percent of births. That means babies are born patently male or female in 98 or 99% percent  of the time. Of the remaining 2%, the evidence of haemophriditism is largely circumstantial; ie a child who is patently female with two shrivelled, non-functioning testes that can be remove quite easily. Nothing in nature is black and white, but to attempt to make laws for everyone based on something that happens in less than 1% of the population is ridiculous.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by miketrees on Aug 6th, 2017 at 11:43am
Haemophriditism, according to Wikipedia, occurs in between .05 and 1.7 percent of births. That means babies are born patently male or female in 98 or 99% percent  of the time. Of the remaining 2%, the evidence of haemophriditism is largely circumstantial; ie a child who is patently female with two shrivelled, non-functioning testes that can be remove quite easily. Nothing in nature is black and white, but to attempt to make laws for everyone based on something that happens in less than 1% of the population is ridiculous.

Yep re dick you less

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Unforgiven on Aug 6th, 2017 at 12:00pm
If the Native Americans were introduced to denizen Bobby, they would add at least three more classifications.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Grendel on Aug 6th, 2017 at 12:05pm
I tend to agree with FD.
for starters there is no Gay Gene.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Mr Hammer on Aug 6th, 2017 at 12:52pm
Grendel, there might be. If the gay mardi gras relied on the 'gay gene' for it's existence, however, there would be less than one float.

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by miketrees on Aug 6th, 2017 at 1:19pm

for starters there is no Gay Gene.

What about Gene Simmons

Title: Re: Native Americans Acknowledged 5 Genders
Post by Mr Hammer on Aug 6th, 2017 at 8:30pm
I would like to be able to ABSOLUTELY believe in 'nurture' as opposed to 'nature'. Ultimately, I'm not sure. Nature is a complicated beast. She creates conjoined twins, albinos,autistic people, idiot savants and a million other aberrations in the genetic realm. At the same time, the BLT community leans very heavily on those 'aberrations' as a way of "normalising' their behaviour.

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