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General Discussion >> America >> Apple CEO Tim Cook Defends Antifa Thugs

Message started by The Mechanic on Aug 18th, 2017 at 10:43am

Title: Apple CEO Tim Cook Defends Antifa Thugs
Post by The Mechanic on Aug 18th, 2017 at 10:43am

Apple CEO Tim Cook Defends Antifa Thugs with Bats, Pipes, Cement Blocks – “Those Standing Up for Human Rights”

For over a year at nearly every event NOT sponsored by Leftist Democrat and Black Lives Matter groups, the Police have stepped aside and allowed horrendous acts of criminal violence against event participants while rarely arresting anyone committing these heinous acts.

These violent groups, like Fascist Antifa, are now inciting murder at these events.   

Who is allowing this to happen? 

Will the FBI please investigate these groups and determine who is ordering the police to allow them to commit violence?

In March 2016, Presidential candidate Donald Trump was forced to shut down his campaign rally in Chicago due to violent rioters making it unsafe for his followers to attend the event.

On June 2, 2016, Trump supporters were assaulted, spit on, beaten, cold-cocked, egged, chased, tackled and bloodied as they left the San Jose Trump rally by mobs of far left, Mexican nationalist, Socialist, SEIU and anarchist thugs.

One female Trump supporter was egged and spit on by hundreds of Mexican nationalists chanting “F*ck you!”

Another Trump supporter was cold-cocked with a bag of rocks while walking to his car and left bleeding.

The San Jose Police released documents on the planned brutal assault of Trump supporters. An undercover San Jose Officer reported after the rally that throughout the afternoon and evening he watched several individuals wearing “Trump” articles of clothing getting punched, kicked and pushed.  But the police did very little to protect them.

The police also were told to stand down last year in Baltimore when Black Lives Matter rioters tore down that American city.

Last weekend at a white supremacist event in Charlottesville, Virginia, the situation was out of control.

Violent fascist rioters including Antifa were there en masse to shut down the event.
(We at the GWP in no way support white fascists but we also do not support or condone violent acts against these same individuals.)

Apple CEO called them “protesters standing up for human rights.”

Mr Cook wrote: “Hate is a cancer, and left unchecked it destroys everything in its path. Its scars last generations. History has taught us this time and time again, both in the United States and countries around the world.

“We must not witness or permit such hate and bigotry in our country, and we must be unequivocal about it. This is not about the left or the right, conservative or liberal. It is about human decency and morality.

“I disagree with the president and others who believe that there is a moral equivalence between white supremacists and Nazis, and those who oppose them by standing up for human rights. Equating the two runs counter to our ideals as Americans.”

where's your fake outrages now leftwits?

why dont leftwits condemn these acts of violence that have been going on for months and months.. ??
flame-thrower-leftist.jpg (204 KB | 2 )

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