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Member Run Boards >> Spirituality >> Demonic Possession Message started by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 7:24am |
Title: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 7:24am
LISA RENEE – Time Shift Blog – Possession is Common – 10-4-17 October 4, 2017 Lisa Renee Most people do not realize that we must take the steps to participate with our consciousness, comprehending a context for energetic intelligences, in order to experience the tangible support and presence of our inner spiritual guidance, mentors and feel our connection with Cosmic Unity Intelligence. Many people from their veil of confusion have forgotten who they are as multidimensional spiritual-energetic beings and how to communicate with their inner spirit. This inner schism and energetic disconnection, originating in the control mechanisms of stolen and siphoned light made through technological mind control implantation, has made many humans vulnerable to a host of manipulating entities. These dark entities are parasites that desire to create anxiety, pain and fear in that individual in order to harvest those collective energies for a variety of agendas. When we are making decisions from socially engineered negative ego thoughtforms and guiding our life from the basis of fear, we become increasingly tormented and confused over time, which attracts even more of these dark forces. When we are fear based, our heart shuts down, and thus we cannot feel the inner compass within us, we do not know what direction in life we are traveling. Is it north or south, horizontal or vertical? Without the unconditionally loving heart guiding us we have little discernment about our higher purpose and life lessons, we make poor choices because we’ve been deeply confused by our own unconscious pain. Deep trauma and unconscious pain when it remains hidden and unhealed, interferes with our clarity and manipulates our direction in life, generating cross spirals of interference that collide between our higher spirit and our physical body. Possessions take advantage of this internal disconnection that results in a person’s state of mental and emotional confusion, in order to infiltrate their perceptions of reality and continue to use that person’s consciousness energy. Many people are unaware of the lifeless or dead energy flow within the physical body that interrupts healthy internal circuitry which is the main cause of many diseases or chronic pain that is as the result of that blocked energy flow and spiritual disconnection. From this perspective, over many years, I have personally viewed many unconscious human beings totally unaware they are carrying dead energy, displaced entities, negative alien implants, unaware that they are soul disconnected and technologically mind controlled to limit further self-awareness and consciousness expansion. In other terms, this is consciousness enslavement of the person without their consent, even if they are unconsciously participating with these dark forces, which ultimately remain largely hidden from external perception. Most people are aggressively attacked if any range of unapproved topics arise for further exploration if that discussion is truly designed to help resolve these critical problems for humanity. If this mind control negativity persists, combined with continued patterns of acting out destructive behaviors that are directed to the self and to others, the person becomes sucked into the rock bottom density of painfully low self-esteem, phobias, fears and addictions. This defines the profile of deep psycho-emotional trauma and spiritual sickness. Most of the time this imbalanced energetic state includes infiltration layers of astral debris, displaced entities, impersonal elemental forces, attachments and cords, and sometimes, this includes full demonic or entity possession. This means that the person is not alone in their energetic aura, their personal energetic body or aura has infiltrations, dark portals or attachments with other disembodied entities that should not be attached into their energy field. Having extradimensional entities and other spiritual-energetic phenomena attached into the human aura and manipulating the thoughts in our mind, makes any human being exhibit a range of physical, mental and emotional imbalances and dysfunctions that radically damage their quality of life. Entity attachments and possessions take control over the body vehicle through controlling the thoughtforms in the mind, which steal away the ability for that person to make clear and informed decisions for themselves. When we observe humans damaged through possession and mind controlled thoughtforms, over time, if this is not corrected, they descend into erratic destructive behaviors, violence and madness. We have many examples to study of entity possession that are highlighted in the mainstream media news, such as the recent massacre in Las Vegas. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 7:24am
When you study the people that have been possessed and suddenly committed massacres, what do you think was their breaking point into carrying out actions of violent madness? Can you connect the dots and see the common patterns that many possessed people have? One of the most important distinctions to note is that all possessed people, no matter what culture, age or religion, exhibit thoughts, emotions or beliefs that promote acceptable forms of aggression and violence that at their breaking point, this accumulative unresolved internal violence erupts into an explosive energetic display of outer violence. This is why all negative behaviors and actions that promote, glorify or condone inner or outer violence in any form, are especially high risk and dangerous for possession takeover, not only for you, but for the others around you.
The death culture is cultivated through many acceptable societal labels in order to get impressionable people to believe that self-destructive and violent actions are somehow acceptable by labeling them as artistic, creative, desirable, entertaining and cool. People that display these negative characteristics are more easily given power and fame, many are made into the leaders and heroes of the people. The antidote to spreading aggression and violence is cultivating peace, unconditionally loving kindness and the commitment to act in harmlessness towards others, even if they act hostile. The change to live in peace starts within us. This starts at home, practicing these higher virtues within our families, relationships, friends and acquaintances, knowing that our ripple of peaceful energy in our personal life, will extend out into the world to help harmonize the outer fields from the acts of destruction and chaos. When we choose sanity and peace for ourselves, we are refusing to act destructively, and we are a cause for growing peace in this world. Insanity or Hell Realms To better understand how to define insanity, it is to describe the destructive beliefs, behaviors and actions that intentionally commit harm to your self, and by carrying out repeated actions that harm and fracture our inner spirit. This accumulative destructive energy gradually destroys the sacred relationship that exists between our loving heart and our direct relationship with God and spirit. Self-destructive behaviors destroy the heart center, it destroys the force of love within us, and over time implodes the lightbody and produces a black heart, which is a black hole in the center of the body. The black hole within or black heart, creates internal sickness that craves to be fed by the external world of forces, and becomes a parasite onto other living things that emanates light radiance. Thus, insanity is a description of the existence of hell realms, a person or black force entity with the unquenchable thirst for energetic power it can never satiate, and the driving need to be fed by something else. Observing this pattern is how to easily recognize possession made through satanic (anti-life) behaviors that are further controlled by the possessing entity. The dark entity craves energy and physical experiences, and experiences those sensations through attaching to the body and nervous system of an unaware or asleep human that is carrying out these destructive actions to feed the entity, and satisfy the anxiety of deep unconscious impulses. This is not limited to just humans or animals, the possessing entity can also be hijacking the negative alien body. The Negative Aliens group consciousness body is a hive mind controlled by the Satanic forces which are similar to the phantom spaces of black void, massive gestalts of disembodied black shadow entities that troll for human bodies in order to satisfy their cravings, to suck life force energy and to experience certain physical related sensations in many kinds of realities. The Satanics are addicted to material sensations and physical pleasures, many cannot incarnate on the surface of earth into a human body specifically, so they hijack the human body in the extradimensional planes, such as from in the astral layers, as a substitute body that they can exert control over. Both human and non-human entities that possess others body’s or lightbody layers are referred to as Satanic or anti–life forces, as no other type of benevolent light being will choose to possess the body vehicle and take control of the free will of another being. A Christos being never will take over another’s body or attempt to assert control over any person to propagate destructive acts. However, the eternal Christos being is the only being that can deliver any entity from its satanic bondage back into the heart of the God Source creator, if it is so divinely orchestrated in alignment to the natural laws. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 7:25am
Satanic behaviors in humans and non-humans are the result of being spiritually disconnected and soul fragmented. This makes them parasitic and unable to self generate the energy they need for the reality they have created, so they consume and exist on other people’s soul force and vital energies. With this clarity about the nature of possessions, there is nothing to fear about deviant behavior when it is understood that these dark entities are completely disconnected from the eternal soul, hence they exhibit insanity and madness. Hence, their extreme hatred is directed towards people that are fully ensouled or at spiritual stages leading them towards the spiritual ascension of the Christos-Sophianic embodiment. The Eternal Soul of Christ- Sophia is the only way the bondage of servitude to the dark forces is permanently removed. It is for this reason all representations of Christ, Christ-Sophia on earth have been aggressively distorted into grotesque mutations by the Controllers. This mutation has no bearing on what the actual truth is as the Universal Law is revealed in the presence of the eternal light, the power of the eternal light when embodied cannot be faked, mimicked or replicated. It either is in the body or it isn’t. When we know the difference between false light and eternal light, the proof comes when challenged in the name of Christ, when a person is dedicated to the spiritual path of reclaiming the eternal light of the inner Christ for themselves, all other entities are refused access into that person’s body.
Black Magic If the possessed person desires to manifest Satanic forces into the material world and into their life in order to gain power over others or get material things, they would use Black Magic or SRA practices to house the demons and the dark forces that exist in the lowest realms, such as hell realms, underworld or phantom. When creating a black house structure, it is designed to house demonic, satanic and negative entities, usually as a trade exchange for receiving earthly power or material possessions. Demonics or Imposter Spirits will trade knowledge or power in some way in exchange for the person’s Soul light or life force energy, or blood or sexual sacrifices, which results in astral bindings, attachment cords, that are connected to these lower spiritual entities that continue to parasitize the human’s energy field. These entity blood covenants can be intergenerational, and span many lifetimes infecting future generations, and children. When a person becomes in consent with Satanic forces, they are agreeing to be in servitude and binding to the will of these lower primitive forces, which will continue to access energetic bindings of that person throughout the current identity and into the death process. Effectively this also describes full possession, the person is not single soul occupied, and exists in servitude to a lower kingdom than human being. It is important to know that a human being from continually abusing his body and soul, can lose his status as human being, and descend into the unconsciousness streams of animalistic or elemental consciousness. This is the desired outcome of the NAA, that want to subject the earth humans to dehumanization in this last dark cycle, to collect human souls and make them deviant, corrupt and subhuman. Many people do not realize when they conjure demonics or satanic forces, they invite in Negative Aliens also, who will take advantage of that person through implants, siphoning, and a host of other issues concerning access to their human energy field or lightbody. When a human is in consent with Satanic forces they lose their spiritual sovereignty, and become in servitude to these forces, in earthly life and in the death of the physical body. Once these entities are invited into the human body, they do not want to leave. It is extremely difficult for a practicing Satanist to become freed from possessing spirits, if they have selfishly gained from the inter-relationship. Over time, these parasitic spirits take over the mind and body to increase pain, will trick the person’s mind continually with delusions, may haunt and torment the person into black depression, addiction and misery, and they can be hard to get rid of and clear from the body. These types of Black Magic practices easily lead to partial or full possession of the human body from other world spirits, human or non-human identities that leech inside the body or stay attached to that person’s energy field, effectively draining life force. As a result of the drain, some will participate in ritual human sacrifice or child sex to gain more energy. Many people on the earth today that are very negative, internally violent, feel miserable and play out negative emotional dramas repeatedly, are suffering from mental and spiritual fragmentation and have an satanic force attachment(s) or possession. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 7:25am
People that depart from the physical body without any semblance of developing heart based qualities, or do not have a Lightbody or have not made spiritual connections with their soul, or they lived on earth with an extremely selfish, negative perspective of life, based only on the material realm, are generally, at death of their body, brought under the hierarchy of control of negative disincarnates, also called Imposter Spirits, or Fallen Angelics. Higher level negative energies control lower level negative energies, in the afterlife, or in other dimensional planes. This is a form of the consciousness traps that are set up in the lifetime of that person to prepare them for servitude in the afterlife, as many disincarnates are not even aware that they are being controlled by dark forces, while living or when passed on. They are set up to be put in servitude to dark forces, when their spirit body fragments or vibrates to exist in the phantom realm. By understanding that world soul parasitism has been happening on the earth plane in the last dark cycle, puts into greater perspective why so many Starseed people answered the call from the earth, to come here to help her become freed during this Ascension Cycle.
Being possessed does not generally mean that person is levitating off the bed or acting demonic as it is portrayed in Hollywood movies. When a person suffers from possession, there should never be shame or guilt applied to this state, this person is in need of spiritual support. It is through the possession of one’s body and energetic aura which the experience of personal suffering and pain is greatly increased, until this possession is removed, evicted and cleared from the body of the person. There are a million different variations of possession that are possible; however, the only possibility to evict these possessions is to get mentally stable and emotionally clear within your self, and learn that you have the power to heal yourself and claim your energetic sovereignty and spiritual freedom. When one learns to create the unconditionally loving space within to communicate clearly and get on the path to embody one’s spiritual source, one can begin the road to personal freedom and permanent release of suffering. The road to spiritual sovereignty begins with practicing God-Sovereign-Free Behaviors and doing your best to align your thoughts, behaviors and actions with the higher qualitites of the Spirits of Christ. Our pure heart, ethical conduct and virtuous actions, our loving kindness and commitment to harmlessness, is what protects us in the face of all darkness and negative entities, to repel and evict possessions. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 7:35am
many blessings beloved beings , and so
one such as I am would have the care to step forth and initiate discussion upon this topic of possession .. it is quite easy for one to be possessed upon this plane of existence , especially if the one in question is an atheist or indoctrinated in the myriad of re lie gons upon this world .. have you ever done something so terrible that you could not believe you actually did this act ? this was possession and so you can forgive yourself now as you step forth and begin to release this negative entity / energy from your life now and so we begin .. 1. " I do NOT consent to negative entities harvesting my energy " X 3 every day mantra upon waking from slumber * say this 3 times and accept the Christ Light to saturate your body from within your heart .. yes this comes from within anytime you wish to activate as much and then ask arch angel michael to protect you , bind the demon and send it back to the source light for you do not consent to negative entities harvesting your energy now rub your nipples because you are cleansed and free so rejoice ! in love and light ! I love you namaste - : ) = ▲ |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 7:45am
viewer discresion advised ..
protect yourself with the Christ light from within as you watch this and know that you are protected * we ask Arch Angel Michael to defend us against all demonic entities ** we love you so very much !! 10 Most Disturbing DEMONIC POSSESSION Videos On The Internet you are loved * ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯ |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 7:57am
Demons Exist, and this Man Can Prove It |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 8:11am
ILLUMINATI CELEBS Before & After Selling Their Soul/Demonic Possession Eyes are Windows to The Soul |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 5th, 2017 at 8:12am
Celebrities talk about the devil and selling their soul |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Yadda on Oct 5th, 2017 at 9:36am Yadda said..... Quote:
. Yadda said, somewhere on OzPol..... Quote: dead link [/quote] We, ourselves, can 'open' ourselves, to the harmful influence of demons [by doing stupid and evil things!] . If you want protection, from malevolent and harmful forces, read the bible, and pray to God, and ask for his protection. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by JaSinner on Oct 5th, 2017 at 9:28pm
Tis better to reign in Hell,
than to serve in Heaven. Welcome to 'down under' ;) |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Yadda on Oct 6th, 2017 at 12:10am Jasin wrote on Oct 5th, 2017 at 9:28pm:
That may well be your choice, JaSin But that is not my determination. Where justice reigns, 'tis freedom to obey. - James Montgomery . Psalms 84:10 .......I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. !!!!! |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 7th, 2017 at 7:47am
DMT AND DEMONIC POSSESSION (Why It Happens) | Spirit Guides & Manifesting Your Reality By Surrender |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Oct 28th, 2017 at 3:15pm
Leo Zagami Talks Vatican Black Masses, Satanism, Greg Anthonys Journal |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 5th, 2017 at 4:47pm
Under Heavy Attack- Dealing with Tormenting Spirits Carla Butaud joins Sheila on a very timely show on what Christians can do when they are under Heavy Spiritual Attack. Nov 3, 2017. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 6th, 2017 at 7:08am it_is_the_light wrote on Nov 5th, 2017 at 4:47pm:
Luke 10 KJV [19] Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sprintcyclist on Nov 6th, 2017 at 7:56am Quote:
Ephesians 6:11-18 |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 16th, 2017 at 7:58pm
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Nov 16th, 2017 at 8:00pm
WHO ARE SATAN AND LUCIFER REALLY? Satan and Lucifer were Draco Reptilians from Alpha Draconis. they were part of a group of 1738 Dracos and they all have been arrested and removed from this reality. let's look at the DNA of both. SATAN 156 Strands Activated 0% Sacred Light 100% Alpha Draconis Reptilian DNA aged 46.1 million years old. Star lines- Alpha Draconis, Bellatrix, Earth Individually murdered 35,017,599 people. LUCIFER 156 Strands Activated 0% Sacred Light DNA aged 46.025 million years old. 100% Alpha Draconis Reptilian star lines- Alpha Draconis, Eta Draconis, Beta Draconis, Gamma Draconis, Bellatrix, Alnitak, Alnilam, then to Earth. He murdered 42,118,005 people individually or in small groups. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 16th, 2017 at 9:39pm
Full Blown Lucifer Worship At The Catholic Vatican Christ is Lucifer's son - WTF? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by .JaSin. on Nov 17th, 2017 at 12:28am
So can Bobby & It_is_the_Light
EXORCISE this Forum of its Trolls? :-? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sprintcyclist on Nov 17th, 2017 at 12:30am Jasin wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 12:28am:
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by .JaSin. on Nov 17th, 2017 at 12:51am
We can always ask Dr Mengele to
'cleanse' the room ;) |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 17th, 2017 at 5:44am Jasin wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 12:28am:
No - we can only forgive them. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by .JaSin. on Nov 17th, 2017 at 7:32am Look into the eyes of - the Dragon and despair! |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 17th, 2017 at 2:16pm Jasin wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 7:32am:
I consign you to oblivion. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by .JaSin. on Nov 17th, 2017 at 2:29pm Bobby. wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 2:16pm:
Funny enough - I did take such a 'Morgana' under my wing and she did take me to court and consign me to oblivion. I'm just a 'shadow' now. I lost everything. But just this week, I found out what she's been up to. Time for that 'visit' where I coax her into making that charm of making again. Oh - because she is far 'smarter than I ever was' ;) |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sir Bobby on Nov 17th, 2017 at 5:32pm Jasin wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 2:29pm:
Oh dear - we've all been there: 1:48 |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Feb 24th, 2018 at 6:59am
Being an Ex Satanist: Why I Left Satanism Behind and What Satanism Means |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby on Feb 24th, 2018 at 12:02pm |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Karnal on Feb 24th, 2018 at 3:36pm Jasin wrote on Nov 17th, 2017 at 12:51am:
The Doctor is renowned for his good hygiene. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby on Feb 24th, 2018 at 3:55pm
Why do the people fall over? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:29pm
Lil Wayne & Drake Doing Gay Illuminati Sex Magick Rituals in "Love Me"? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:47pm
dear master Light,
ye hath failed to answer my question. "Why do the people fall over?" |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2018 at 7:03pm Bobby. wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:47pm:
many blessings brother being , hue mans are very powerful and can create many things , through faith and belief .. do you deny as much ? im interested in forgiveness namaste ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯ |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2018 at 7:06pm
further and as such
hue man also has the capability to connect with positive angels of divine and sacred light or very dark and negative beings of and from the false light brigade demons or arcs/orcs of darkness ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯ |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby on Mar 31st, 2018 at 7:11pm it_is_the_light wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 7:03pm:
dear master Light, why doth ye speaketh unto me in riddles? namaste रति |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sprintcyclist on Mar 31st, 2018 at 8:28pm Bobby. wrote on Mar 31st, 2018 at 6:47pm:
That happened a few times in the Bible. It has happened to me and others in a switched on church I used to go to. Same as talking in tongues. It's sort of ................ not as big a thing as it may seem. It's not the important thing. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sprintcyclist on Mar 31st, 2018 at 8:37pm ' But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8 |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Sprintcyclist on Mar 31st, 2018 at 8:45pm There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distributes them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work. Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good. To one there is given through the Spirit a message of wisdom, to another a message of knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits, to another speaking in different kinds of tongues, and to still another the interpretation of tongues. All these are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines. 1 Corinthians 12:4 - 11 |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Yadda on Apr 3rd, 2018 at 7:08pm Romans 8:7 Because the carnal mind is enmity against God: for it is not subject to the law of God, neither indeed can be. 8 So then they that are in the flesh cannot please God. 9 But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if so be that the Spirit of God dwell in you. Now if any man have not the Spirit of Christ, he is none of his. 1 Corinthians 2:11 For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit of God. 2 Corinthians 13:5 Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be reprobates? Galatians 5:16 This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh. 17 For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other: so that ye cannot do the things that ye would. 18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law. 19 Now the works of the flesh are manifest, which are these; Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, 20 Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, 21 Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like: of the which I tell you before, as I have also told you in time past, that they which do such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 23rd, 2018 at 11:40am
How To Undo What the Archons Did & Regain Your Power - |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2018 at 7:06am
LISA RENEE (Time Shift Blog): “Illuminating the Darkness” “The intent to fragment people through trauma is done on purpose, so that the offending parasite can latch on and get access to the persons consciousness body and carry out its machinations for a variety of reasons. One reason is to get the dark portal person to attack and intimidate any other person that reveals information to the public about the NAA, SRA, Pedophilia or the multidimensional nature of reality. This is self-enforced enslavement, people that are enslaved by entities are used to enslave others through fear, intimidation and threats or conversely, through swallowing the bliss pill or complacency implant.” ~Lisa Renee Dear Ascending Family, Perhaps the topic of this week’s blog is for my own catharsis, in bearing witness to the destructive behaviors and hate filled emotions of unstable people that I’ve witnessed in the environment that have escalated into the incredible depths of fragmented psychosis, from what appears to be an incredible amount of unhealed inner pain, fear, trauma and confusion. Over the years, I’ve been open and transparent about how being a public person with an online presence known for disseminating a range of unapproved topics related to planetary ascension, sets one up to be targeted and harassed by both humans and nonhumans. The masterful methods used by the negative ego and dark forces to manipulate and gaslight people through divide and conquer strategies, to purposely confuse, defame and intimidate, really cannot be overstated, especially during these tumultuous times. These dark attack methods are generally used to get someone like me to shut up, because something that has been disseminated for the public has touched a nerve and that piece of larger truth ripples out into the collective consciousness field. And they don’t like it. As a result of the truth spirit frequency rippling out into the field, the NAA entity tracks it back to me or the community field and then starts on its tantrum based rampage to launch its attack. It appears the recent April newsletter hit a nerve or trigger event in the collective consciousness field, and this set off an assortment of dark forces into a rageful tantrum, who in turn start to contact and agitate those traumatized humans they can use as a dark portal, because they have primed them up for this very reason. Similar to Manchurian candidates, the NAA have their group of sleepers that they use for dark harassment, especially those people they want targeted to shut up or to derail their mission. The majority of these sleeper people have been tortured by some type of direct Satanic Ritual Abuse event, in which that person was infiltrated or invaded during the time they dissociated and manifested a schism between their physical body and their energetic body. The satanic entity gains access to a human body in this way, by intentionally using the hole in the aura created from the deep, painful trauma event. This is called a dark portal, it is a person whose aura has severe holes in it, so severe it disconnected the layers between the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. Disconnection between these layers of the consciousness bodies is also called fragmentation. When a person is fragmented, their consciousness body is effectively in pieces, and these holes allow dark forces to easily pop in and out of the body. This is a partial possession, when an entity cannot sustain itself entirely in its host, but comes in and out when the person is being emotionally triggered into destructive emotions or behaviors. In partial possession, one will experience a person “grow a head”, all of the sudden the personality changes and they blurt out something emotionally charged or hostile. The intent to fragment people through trauma is done on purpose, so that the offending parasite can latch on and get access to the persons consciousness body and carry out its machinations for a variety of reasons. One reason is to get the dark portal person to attack and intimidate any other person that reveals information to the public about the NAA, SRA, Pedophilia or the multidimensional nature of reality. This is self-enforced enslavement, people that are enslaved by entities are used to enslave others through fear, intimidation and threats or conversely, through swallowing the bliss pill or complacency implant. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2018 at 7:07am
The NAA use implants, SRA and blood covenants to claim signature of ownership upon individuals, many in early childhood. Those same people grow into adults that are the most psychologically and emotionally traumatized, are then are easily manipulated by their pain in such ways that they are effectively being tortured even more by these entities directly. But the complex gaslighting manipulations continue, in so the person cannot source where his or her pain is actually coming from. They are so confused and disconnected from reality, they cannot discern what is accurate and what is deception, especially because in the astral plane where this happens it’s all mirrors of delusion. During the vulnerability of experiencing deep emotional pain, the imposter entity points a finger at another and whispers in their ear, “Your pain is that person’s fault”. The standard dark manipulation mind control is something like, “That person over there is the source of evil and all the tortuous pain you have endured at their hands. Go take them down, they are evil incarnate”. And the traumatized person that is being spiritually tortured by these entities, is unable to discern who is who and what is what. They become a mind control puppet that is chained to this dark entity’s whims, through the incredible pain and devastation they feel from whatever happened to them in the past. Possession and entity attachment make us feel miserable, it’s an energy parasite sucking off your body and doing everything it can to manipulate so it can stay there feasting away at your expense. Channeled entities and possessions will tell you anything to make you forget they are there sucking on your energy field, and direct the person to something external in order to keep them fixated and away from the source of the problem, which is the entity attachment itself.
I’ve often remarked that I did not know that I would be required to master mind control, and the events of psychological and emotional warfare on multiple planes, with humans and nonhumans, in order to speak about the Ascension process. I’ve been able to track trauma based mind control software programs and their Archontic deception strategies, such as SRA, through reverse engineering in the planetary fields. Once you see it in the field, and know how it works, it becomes as clear as day what they have done to enslave the minds of people on the earth. However, over the years I had to toughen my skin and evolve into a spiritual warrior for truth. It is the requirement for serving the One unconditionally loving and kind God that promotes World Humanism for all people. The practices of the Law of One are synonymous with Christ Consciousness, it is to live in the Law of Love and Loving. It is embodied harmlessness. The people of this earth deserve to know the truth of who they are and that we are enduring a war over humanity’s potential for ascending consciousness. The Imposter forces want earth inhabitants to remain traumatized by consciousness states of terror, fear, ignorance, poverty and separation thus, easily divided and conquered. Hence there is very little high quality information about the planetary ascension event. Let’s come back to the methods of dark attack and how they use mind control and holographic inserts to confuse and scare people, people that can’t discern energy correctly, or are unable to tell who is who on the earth plane. Many of these people have no clue what is happening in the fields and don’t understand the terrain on earth presently. The top two psychological and emotional warfare methods that are used most frequently are: 1. Astral body infiltrations: Lots of light workers get stuck in the astral world, a Phantom Matrix this is, not an enlightened plane, these are delusions and fantasies that they believe to be true; this is from a lack of understanding of their spiritual selves and lack of discernment. 2. Video or Audio Movies: Projecting holographic inserts of artificial machinery into a person’s body (mental or emotional) or into the levels of consciousness during sleep or dream state to manipulate the being into believing deceptions is another level of mind control manipulation. So given the high risk that I have in stirring up the hatred of negative entities that I am trying to educate the public about, many times they will insert my image, a false persona into an audio or visual movie on the astral plane in order to get people to believe that I am evil and duplicitous. People uneducated about discernment of artificial technology and how to source it, and those who never met me, can fall for this deception. Over the years, through the grapevine someone will casually mention vitriol being directed to me from people I’ve never met or never heard of. Unfortunately, when people have been subjected to this alien insert of photo-shopping my image into some heinous action, they believe it and then feel justified spreading lies about me. The NAA tick off their box for creating victims and victimizers, one for their victory, because obviously, this is actually what they want to happen. Anything that can discredit my work, defame my character, and separate people with painful lies, is what they work towards. The NAA forces enjoy creating agony and misery in the human race. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2018 at 7:07am
However, the dark entities are feeling threatened, because with recent staff alignments and other developments, it’s harder for them to disguise themselves as something else. It is important to understand the profile of dark forces, they are masterful liars, deceivers, Gaslighters, and imposters. They can concoct complex narratives that include some truthful nuggets of information encoded in a bed of black sewage filled lies. To understand how they work, and what they do to confuse people, is to master the methods used for psychological and emotional warfare. In order to survive as parasites that need a host body, they have become masters of manipulation in every form imaginable and unimaginable. I purposely study these forces in every environment I come across them and reverse engineer their sources, in order to understand how they work, and in actuality they are incredibly predictable. Let me tell you about a recent event of aggression, very predictable and with all the same signature of the NAA and their pitiful antics.
About a year ago, a very traumatized female with genital mutilation came to our doorstep asking for help. Her story was painful and horrific, and a few of us felt deep compassion for her and tried to gently guide her to tools that would help her stabilize. After a few weeks, it was apparent that she had a high level of infiltration and possession, as she had no control over her thoughts, and was unable to discern her own thoughts from the thoughts of the offending entity, which were becoming more violent and aggressive. She quietly exited and we hoped she could find something else that could help her get her body and life back together. I’d like to point out to those of you new to possession, that anytime you see or feel the signature of violence, aggression and hatred, this is a dark force, period. It is either a black substance of the collective thoughtforms of the same vibration, or it’s the direct action of an dark entity itself. A dark entity can be one entity or multiple that are enmeshed together. So if you see a person talking about being committed to loving kindness and being of service and there is physical factual evidence of them acting out violently and having emotional tantrums – well there is a big problem. That person is either totally asleep and unconscious or too lazy to correct themselves from impulsive and destructive behaviors. Either way, they are untrustworthy and unsafe people and it is prudent to not believe what they say, because their words do not match their actions. So this last week, this traumatized woman has returned from out of the blue with a deep vengeance of hatred and venom to accuse me of acts of evil and that she will take me down and burn me in hell. I noticed that her looping and repeated emails of assault were buried within the predictable NAA signature, especially forceful and threatening in order to give me a message from the Yahweh Collective. This last week I had been working in the Ascension Glossary to update the terms in the newsletter that describe the Yahweh Matrix, and lo and behold they drudged out this poor confused woman who apparently was off in an ayahuasca journey and this thrust her into a tirade of foul language and threats aimed at my husband and I. This is what a dark portal looks like, and the pain of observing a completely confused trauma based mind control puppet. She clearly has no idea what hit her really, but all of her violence and her demons are being aimed as if it’s my fault, because I once compassionately tried to help her. The dark ones like to set up time ticking traps, they know they cannot get at me directly so they send traumatized and confused people, in so that if you try to help, in idiot compassion, they can use your kindness to set up a tar baby trap to get at you. This has happened many times over the years, but this tar baby trap is focused on character assassination in order to intimidate and get me to shut up. I’ve noticed that people that have endured SRA levels of trauma, are generally the ones they use as dark portals to assassinate my character because I am very passionate about educating people about SRA and pedophilia, because they are the most heinous spiritual crimes committed against the human race. People deserve to know what is happening to the children of the earth, and that many adults are also subjected to forms of SRA in varying severity. So the very people I want to help, they fill with the thoughts that I am the source of all things evil, in order to reduce my effectiveness in educating others about SRA. These are predictable tactics and it’s been happening for nearly twenty years now, they don’t let up and just keep at it- catching people in their web of deceit and lies. Why does Character Assassination work so well for the negatives? It’s their go-to preferred method of attacking human beings in order to divide and conquer, and many people still fall for these antics. Let’s break it down. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2018 at 7:07am
Character Assassination is a Victim-Victimizer software mind control targeting strategy that is used to target Starseeds and spiritually developing people. This is one of the Controller Programs that is a sub program of the Victim-Victimizer software program and a collective miasm that has accumulated over many generations.
Character Assassination is a deliberate and sustained process that aims to destroy the credibility and reputation of a person, institution, social group, or nation. Agents of character assassinations employ a mix of open and covert methods to achieve their goals, such as raising false accusations, planting and fostering rumours, and manipulating information. Character assassination is an attempt to tarnish a person’s reputation. It may involve exaggeration, misleading half-truths, or manipulation of facts to present an untrue picture of the targeted person. It is a form of defamation and can be a form of ad hominem argument. For living individuals targeted by character assassination attempts, this may result in being rejected by their community, family, or members of their living or work environment. Such acts are often difficult to reverse or rectify, and the process is likened to a literal assassination of a human life. The damage sustained can last a lifetime or, for historical figures, for many centuries after their death. In practice, character assassination may involve Doublespeak, spreading of rumours through Malicious Gossip, innuendo or deliberate misinformation on topics relating to the subject’s morals, integrity, and reputation. Well in my case, the latest dark shenanigans are the result of the Yahweh Collective that are having an angry tantrum because I described the Yahweh Matrix issue, and they have come back to haunt me in a confused dark portal with a vengeance. So I’m calling it out here and now, because I know what it is, and I feel it is always better to be open and transparent to what is the accurate assessment of events. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 26th, 2018 at 7:08am
I SEE YOU YAHWEH! All deceiving demonics and spirits are hereby notified of their eviction and to be cast out of this body of work that is the mission to reclaim the Christos body. My body, my mind and spiritual body are in the power and Authority of God in Christ’s name. I choose the God power of my core spiritual identity to inhabit my body fully and completely as the residence dedicated for Christ, and cast out all demonic spirits and their essences, scents, and residue with malice and subterfuge to harm my mission. I further cast out to remove their demonic spiritual residences in a complete deliverance from their bondage!
READING RIGHTS : All Yahweh Fallen Angelic entities and spirits of servitude involved in this mind control program of deception and Satanism in the Yahweh Matrix, are delivered and released of bondage through my God-given rights: • I have the right to self-determine and command my space in Cosmic Sovereign Law. • I have the right to own my sanity and to choose wholeness. • I have the right to terminate this mind control matrix and end this anti-christ game. • I have the right to choose and I am free in the Sovereign Law of God’s Eternal Light. • I cast you YAHWEH, Yod-Hey-Vod-Hey and Tetragrammaton from out of mind, body and soul spirit, in all layers of my protectorate with the Guardian Host Christos mission, and in every level in the power and Glory of Gods truth in the light, The Living Christ. • I am made in the perfect image of God! Krystal Star, please provide intercession for all spirits present, and Holy Mother Arc, please provide the necessary transit as obeyed through the Laws of Christ. I ask Beloved God Spirit to heal any wounds, trauma, pain, suffering in the heart, body, mind and spirit in all dark portals and related beings, to completely remove any residue of which is used as an open demonic portal into the collective consciousness body and individual body of any named person. Beloved Holy Spirits please reveal to me now any information, I am required to be made aware of to participate in this spiritual intercession and eviction. I ask all memories I require to heal be revealed to me now in so that I may address them fully for complete spiritual intercession to remove Yahweh dark portals from their servitude of generating hatred, malice under the subterfuge of lies. God Forces, Holy Mother and Father, and our Avatar Christ-Sophia Self, please continue to assist and transport any and all demonics, negative spirits, Fallen Angelics in the Yahweh Collective, through all appropriate levels of transit as required. Sovereign freedom consecrated to God Source with all intention now is chosen, thank you. We pray for all humanity and this planet, for peace, love, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness, in so that every being may find its way back home to the living light. Please comfort those who are in great pain, so that they may come to know peace, and therefore know the perfect peace of God’s love existing within the Christ consciousness. I harmonize and hold this space in the name of One self God self for humanity. As witness of One, I seal this in consecration to God and into the light of unity and wholeness in service to the One self. Please take this through the morphogenetic field and subtle energy systems on all levels and components of the Collective Being. Fully, completely, and totally seal our christos shield and krystallah bodies as consecrated to the Eternal Light of God Source, and our Christ Family of Oneness. Beloveds, we thank you for this opportunity. Our infinite stream of love is with you in all ways. I seal this session container into the light of wholeness and union. And So it is. Thank you God! Illuminating the Darkness April 23, 2018 by Lisa Renee |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on May 26th, 2018 at 12:17pm
Magick of the Nephilim & Luciferian Philosophy - Michael W. Ford Author of over 24 books, Co-Owner of Luciferian Apotheca, dark ritualistic ambient recording artist, lecturer Michael W. Ford is a leading Luciferian visionary and Left Hand Path practitioner. As a co-founder and one of four Archons, Ford along with his associates defended Satanism, Luciferianism and Left-Hand Path Philosophy during and after the opening of the Greater Church of Lucifer and Assembly of Light Bearers in international media. His publications include Sebitti - Mesopotamian Magick and Demonology, Drauga - Ahrimanian Yatuk Dinoih, Necrominon - Egyptian Sethanic Magick, Adversarial Light - Magick of the Nephilim, Dragon of the Two Flames - Demonic Magick of Canaan, Sekhem Apep - Typhonian Vampyre Magick, Satanic Magick, Scales of the Black Serpent - Basic Qlippothic Magick, Shadows of Azathoth - Horrific Tales of Vampiric Darkness, Luciferian Witchcraft, Liber HVHI - Magick of the Adversary, Goetia of Shadows, Luciferian Tarot and First Book of Luciferian Tarot, Maskim Hul - Babylonian Magick, Akhkharu - Vampyre Magick, Book of the Witch Moon, Beginning Luciferian Magick, Magick of the Ancient Gods and has edited, annotated and published three works of the Order of Nine Angles, namely ONA - Collected Works, The Black Book of Satan I, II & III, and Naos. Mr. Ford also writes on the Hellenistic Diadochi (Seleucids, Ptolemaic Egypt, Greco-Roman religious themes) and the Ruler Cult and culture of warfare. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 1st, 2018 at 3:08pm
Simon Parkes the 4th Dimension Simon Parkes, a “contactee/experiencer” from the UK, who has already gone public with many of his alien and inter-dimensional ET experiences, tells more about what his contacts told him concerning a false flag alien invasion scenario |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 9th, 2018 at 7:09am
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Mar 31st, 2019 at 5:58pm
demonic possession playing out
non physical entities acting out and controlling/ possessing physical beings Mother who bound her 14-year-old adopted daughter with zip ties so her boyfriend could play out a rape fantasy, then kill and dismember the girl is jailed for life Sara Packer, 44, pleaded guilty Friday to 19 charges, including murder, rape of a child, kidnapping, abuse of a corpse and theft of government funds Authorities say Packer helped her 46-year-old boyfriend Jacob Sullivan, molest, kill, and dismember the body of her adopted daughter, Grace, 14, in July of 2016 Packer and Sullivan took Grace prisoner before forcing her to take a potentially lethal dose of sleeping pills and leaving her to die in a hot attic Grace was still alive a day later when Sullivan returned and choked her to death The sadistic couple stored Grace's body in kitty litter for months Then they cut up her remains with a bone saw before dumping them in the woods near the Poconos about 75 miles away Sullivan was sentenced to death on Thursday |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Apr 8th, 2019 at 3:01pm
Humans need to beware. Spiritual scalp-hunters are all around, as always. But as today's societies drift away from spiritual teachings and shun them as being old-fashioned, they're making themselves vulnerable to enemies older than Time Narcissism is, I'm close to convinced, a form of possession. And narcissism is being ramped-up courtesy of tech. The selfies, the obsession with being seen and desired, for example. It's become normal. But vanity/pride/vain imaginings is a deadly sin. And once a person succumbs to or dismisses one deadly sin, it become easier for them to succumb to others Where do the evil dead go once the funeral is over is a question seldom asked. And if a reply is furnished, it's along the lines of 'hell' -- 'they go to hell forever' but do they? If they do, what and from where arise the non-physical predators such as the Hag, the Dab Tsog, the Banshee, the Shuck, Slenderman, Werewolves, Mothman, Dogman, Succubus, Incubus, etc. etc.? What do these have in common, other than to possess, strike terror, destroy and kill? And although those are spectral predators, they're matched in human form as killers, rapists, stalkers who may have become possessed Malignant creatures can be both spectral and physical and they all seek prey A few weeks back I posted about information provided to researchers into reincarnation by those who'd participated in a mass hypnosis conducted by Dr. Helen Wambach. Some participants claimed they had not entered their assigned human body until shortly prior to birth. A smaller number claimed they had not taken possession of their assigned human body until after the birth. And of the latter, some said they had postponed taking possession of their assigned human body for two years after the birth the body is a vehicle for the spirit in the same way a car or bus is a vehicle for the transportation of physical bodies. A car is not designed to be driven by one specific human, nor are buses designed to transport specific humans and only those specific humans it's thus reasonable to suspect that human bodies (physical vehicles designed to transport spirit) are able to be possessed by other than the supposed 'assigned' owners and passengers and if we need further proof, we need only look at bodies inhabited by multiple personalities, now known as Dissociative Identity Disorder Science claims multiple personalities arise in response to trauma and that they (the multiple personalities) shield and protect the 'official' owner of the body Science is highly averse to paranormal explanations and in addition, a multiple-personality-disordered individual (and their family) will grasp science's explanation with both hands. The alternative is to accept their loved family member is possessed by discarnate spirits But there's no proof, other than science's claim of mostly 'good' multiple personalities occupying the one physical body, that the individual is NOT possessed by one or more parasitic, invasive spirits In 'genuine' cases of multiple personality infestation, science and the individual claim that the various personalities are (a) not aware of the presence of the others or (b) that they are aware of the 'others' science claims it helps integrate the many personalities but it's all done behind closed doors. We're not privy to any of it People often say they 'see a different side' to Joe when he's been drinking. Others say the same about Bill when he's using drugs what do they mean and where do they suppose the 'different side' comes from? Do they mean Joe has a rotten, coarse and brutal personality which remains hidden when he's sober? Or do they mean something takes possession of Joe when he's drunk? If it takes possession of the drunk Joe implies the possessor hangs around Joe constantly, waiting its chance to take over Joe's physical body. Makes sense then that the possessing spirit would encourage Joe to drink often. As occurred when Goethe observed a drunk man at a bar with a negative spirit entity on his back, urging the victim to drink more and more while the entity attempted unsuccessfully to drink from the tankard at the victim's lips how many drunkards are possessed? How many drug addicts and rapists and murderers are possessed? One of the hallmarks of narcissists is their seeming to have multiple personalities. Narcissists are greedy. They want to be everything, everyone. They adapt multiple personalities to suit the occasion. They have a 'wardrobe' of personalities some aspects of social media encourage the slide to narcissism. The narc develops or absorbs his wardrobe of personalities. How long before control comes into question? How long before the 'official' owner of that physical body -- the narcissist -- becomes subsumed? Possession A possessed individual relinquishes control, fully or partially. The individual's personality (with its jealousies, rages, vindictiveness, etc.) is no longer his own. What happens to the individual's spirit at that point -- is it ejected? Is it corrupted? Is it overwhelmed completely to become a pawn of the possessing spirit/s when convenient? It's said the brain is the hardware and the Mind the software. It's now believed that the physical brain is a computer, whilst the Mind is 'out there/off earth', receiving & transmitting data to the brain If the Mind is hacked & the physical body & brain possessed -- where goes the Spirit? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 8th, 2019 at 5:45pm
many blessings PZ547 ..
such a great and thoughtful post , many many questions raised here yes , and it is good .. so as one can be aware of that which you do speak upon .. there are many degrees of possession .. and so let us start with the very low end of the spectrum , lost souls let us start with some basic explanations , and we shall mayhaps proceed from there ? SPIRIT POSSESSION explained by Hans Wilhelm with so very much LOVE namaste ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯ |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Yadda on Apr 8th, 2019 at 7:25pm @ Reply #51, PZ547, a thoughtful post, and i believe that it is 'close to the mark'. There are spirit predators around us, looking for whom the may 'devour' [invade]. And i will watch that YT LIGHT . Yadda said.... Quote:
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by .JaSin. on Apr 8th, 2019 at 8:21pm
It takes a 'Hellboy' Donald 'the Demon' Trump
to come into USA Politics and kick the Hornet's Nest! A President for the People of the USA (not wanting a 'title' of People's President like Obama smiled for the Media cameras) that is standing up AS ONE OF THEM and giving the Political Industry a real shake-down of corruption and kicking the Media out the door for its 'fake representation' of it. ![]() |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Apr 9th, 2019 at 5:05pm Yadda wrote on Apr 8th, 2019 at 7:25pm:
If multiple spirits, acting as a gang, launch a determined attack against an unaware target, that target is in unimaginable danger and only divine or spirit intervention can save that person It's war. And the target, with no warning, is forced to fight an invisible enemy Imagine someone walking down a street on a sunny day, mind on something else, only to be attacked by a ruthless gang which for some reason cannot be seen The sense of shock is profound and disadvantageous. There's disbelief, which again impedes. Fear, terror & disorientation which paralyse and sap mind and body The gang has the advantage of numbers and element of surprise. It's the gang which chooses time and place People tend to imagine attempted spiritual possession as some form of level playing field. They imagine, if they think of it at all, as a meeting, a discussion, where the malevolent entity asks if it may take possession of the target's body and mind. And most people, asked to imagine such a scenario, scoff and say they would tell the entity, 'No way! You're not having me. Now pizz off '. And most people imagine the minion of satin leaving with its tail between its legs In telling people that no entity may take possession without 'permission' from the target, is to lead them into a false sense of confidence and security about their ability to reject entities intent on taking possession No one should be encouraged to believe that dismissing and rejecting a malevolent entity is as open and shut as dismissing a door to door saleman or street-seller When police extract a confession, they use cunning and in times past (?) they used rubber hoses and trips down stairwells. Many confessions have been proven to be false, provided under extreme duress or after threats, promises, lack of sleep, etc. It's no secret that many false confessions were extracted from innocent men It's the same with 'permission' re: invading entities. It's not above board as the story books would tell. Since when has satin or his minions fought fairly? Why are people encouraged to believe satin is 'fair' and sticks to bargains? Why would people not expect satin and his minions to use everything in their considerable arsenal, including terror, fear, confusion, lies, etc. ? I was attacked by a gang of spiritual thugs in the middle of a sunny afternoon with my small children nearby. They had picked their moment and hit like a truck -- and kept on hitting. Not only was the house itself infested with the things, they also wanted me wiped out because at that particular time I was involved (with people supposedly qualified and experienced) in an attempt to free someone from spiritual possession They were not asking permission to assume control of me. They were determined to take it. They were intent upon forcing it I've been in fights before and since and have lost at least as many as I've won, but that was a fight I could not afford to lose and the cold grip of your guts when you know you're in danger of being snatched out of yourself and tossed aside (a bad enough prospect) with your children to pay the price, cannot be described. Yet to acknowledge that fear is to weaken yourself. Satin's thugs are probing every inch of your mind/emotions, looking for weaknesses to exploit. They are strong and have no scruples, naturally I was pushed sideway from my chair. I was grasping the seat of the chair with all my strength, which was considerable. Going over, over, sideways. And my kids just metres away. If the kids had sensed or seen the battle I was in, they would have come over to me, spoken to me. And that would have been a fatal weakness for me. So the fight was silent and very grim I didn't call out to God. I simply screamed silently for help, like someone going under for the last time. Thank God, help came. I could feel it. Anyone who's been in that situation will tell you --- you feel it, mentally, physically, spiritually. The gang knew it. They'd given it everything they had and they'd lost. As I grew stronger, they grew weaker -- and I felt that, too Satin and his minions do not fight via Marquis of Queensberry rules and it would be a massive mistake to believe they do or to cause others to believe it. Satin and his gangs fight very dirty: the equivalent of eye gouging, kidney punching and whatever spiritual knives and other weapons they have in their arsenal Someone under the influence of drink or drugs, for example, or deeply depressed, in a coma, suicidal or rendered helpless by circumstance -- they are prime targets. And they would not know they were being spiritually attacked. In fear, they might capitulate to 'something' just to relieve the pain, fear and pressure - but that's not 'acceptance' of being possessed We're all potential targets. Our only defence is maintaining closeness to God or whatever higher power we believe in. We have to ask 4 protection against evil and negative influences. That's all we have. Most aren't even aware of the danger. They don't believe it |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2019 at 6:05pm PZ547 wrote on Apr 9th, 2019 at 5:05pm:
many blessings, great discussion and that is why you need to initiate your protection in all ways a suggestion , ..every morning rise from slumber and say " I revoke all contracts made in the dream state not in alignment with my highest good " this revokes all trickster entities/ demonics that attempt to bargain or give gifts to you whilst dreaming, ( if you realize you have accepted a gift or trinket in the dream state , give it back etherically and break the contract as it was not made in good faith, burn it through imaginary intent and invocation and say I no longer consent to any agreement with negative entities ) .. also say " I do not consent to negative entities or energies harvesting my energy and protect myself with the Creators divine and sacred CHRISTED LIGHT " You are the sovereign being upon this world , and as such Have authority over disincarnate entities , according to Your lifestyle and current state of consciousness . yet either way be at peace namaste ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯ |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 9th, 2019 at 6:14pm Quote:
tell me brother being , whom do you think answered your call for help ? again many thanks for sharing your story here as you are welcomed and protected , thus and then should naturally feel comforted in your continued participation here namaste ╰დ╮ॐ╭დ╯ |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by .JaSin. on Apr 9th, 2019 at 8:50pm
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2019 at 5:43am
Further and equally important ,
Bind the entity , using your " I mage in ation " i magic in , See the entity frozen in suspended animation , trapped , Call in Arch Angel Michael to assist with 100, 000 warrior angels to escort this malevolent entity straight to the sun , watch this entity being sucked into the sun , Our star with the intensity of a fire hose .. Thank the angels for it is done and so be it .. Rejoice ! Then be at peace . Namaste |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Apr 10th, 2019 at 5:59am
dear master Light,
I had a crazy dream last night. I dreamt that I was on Mars in about 2300 - almost 300 years into the future. Mars had been terraformed so that there was enough air to breathe. The place was red & dusty with no rivers or lakes and the water was coming from deep underground wells - holes drilled in the ground with pipes coming up. There were beautiful shiny buildings in a city area where people were living in places alongside shopping centers. Many buildings were being used as Museums holding reminders of Earth's past. There was one museum full of motorcycles that I looked at closely. There was a driver-less car that was exactly like the one from the movie Total Recall that I was using to get around in. What does it all mean? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2019 at 6:56am
Many blessings brother Bobby ,
It may mean that you are a time travelling space cadet Of the highest order , Hence your profile pic .. We done ! And Namaste |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Apr 10th, 2019 at 7:14am it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 10th, 2019 at 6:56am:
Yes - maybe a time traveler or maybe I watched too many sci-fi movies. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 10th, 2019 at 6:58pm
hes all shook up .. Elvis Reptilian Shapeshifter or Demonic Possession |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Apr 10th, 2019 at 7:56pm it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 10th, 2019 at 6:58pm:
It only happens when an object moves under video compression: Motion compensation block boundary artifacts. Block boundary discontinuities can occur at edges of motion compensation prediction blocks. In motion compensated video compression, the current picture is predicted by shifting blocks (macroblocks, partitions, or prediction units) of pixels from previously decoded frames. If two neighboring blocks use different motion vectors, there will be a discontinuity at the edge between the blocks. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 15th, 2019 at 6:33pm
Leo Zagami reveals the hidden truth behind Satan's Legion |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Apr 16th, 2019 at 7:56am
It's said that energy flows where attention goes If we put energy into focusing more than necessary on spiritual possession, we're going to attract negative energies Spiritual possession is an ongoing danger. We leave ourselves open via drink, drugs and negative behaviours and thoughts. When we're physically or mentally ill, we're also vulnerable. Mixing with people who're already afflicted is to be avoided The saying, 'Out of his mind' means, in its truest sense, that he's relinquished control of his vehicle to something else 'Right speech, right actions, right thoughts' is advice older than time It's my suspicion that not all who're possessed are willing victims. Those who've been subjected to mind-vacating trauma/terror, for instance. Something happened to them which ripped them wide open, broke their protective shell -- in other words, tore the doors off their building and rendered them vulnerable/victim to squatters. Same thing happens to physical buildings in towns and suburbs. Vagrants lay waste to vacant buildings/improperly secured buildings. Those vagrants and squatters have no respect for the building and desecrate it so it sends shudders down the spine. Murders and atrocities are conducted in those buildings. Similarly, buildings in which atrocities have taken place are never 'right' and are said to be haunted and 'evil' -- right minded people soon vacate such premises in the same way right minded people steer clear of possessed individuals without knowing why, other than the possessed individual, regardless of their attractiveness, repels those of healthy mind and spirit It's said that Christ pitied the possessed and cast the possessing entities into swine, which then perished after falling into the sea. Much more could be said about the relationship between swine and humans, but the important thing here is that Christ sought to deliver possessed humans from the possessing entities -- in other words, Christ did not condemn the possessed and made effort to deliver them There's too much glamour associated with the possessed and their possessors, attributable mostly to films and books and to the association with satin and his minions 'Get thee behind me satin'. My father always threw salt over his shoulder when salting his meal. Another of his favourites was, ' Keep thine eyes to the sun and let the shadows fall behind thee'. The latter in particular is wise. If we keep our attention on God, His opposite is cast into shadow, i.e., unimportant, impotent. If we focus on the shadow, we give it power |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Captain Nemo on Apr 16th, 2019 at 9:35am
Another advantage of being an atheist. No god, no Sin, no Satan, no demons. 8-)
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 16th, 2019 at 9:40am PZ547 wrote on Apr 16th, 2019 at 7:56am:
Great and thoughtful post .. many blessings ! |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Apr 16th, 2019 at 1:21pm
Mr Light :) |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Laugh till you cry on Apr 16th, 2019 at 2:02pm
Mr. Light is Bobbi's husband.
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Apr 16th, 2019 at 2:26pm Captain Nemo wrote on Apr 16th, 2019 at 9:35am:
I might have written your post if things hadn't happened. And yes, it would be relaxing to simply live life and leave it at that. A lot of nice people, helpful, friendly, willing volunteers, good neighbours, etc. profess to have no belief in other than the material world Other people do devote considerable time to pondering what came before, what comes after. Some of them were religiously raised so their adult spiritual leanings are a continuation. Others come to it as result of what they've picked up through life and there are those who've had one or more experiences which have forced them to the belief there is more than mere here and now. It's said, and I believe it, that whether or not we're spiritually inclined, we're all brought to spirit after death. Stands to reason that if a human draws the short-straw genetically and otherwise, they can't be held responsible for their life's actions by any reasonable god. Humans are far more judgemental and again, they can't be blamed because it's what we humans are -- we're judgemental, vicious, petty, tribal, etc. Add to humans' genetic flaws big dollops of religion with its 'shalt/shalt not' theme and we get what we have add to that again precognition, which is very much a reality, and we should be even less inclined to judge others. But most have no experience of precognition and do not believe it. Even those who've experienced irrefutable precognition first or second hand dismiss it as coincidence, so the lesson is ignored and forgotten but, if the vast majority did acknowledge the reality of precognition, what a difference it would make, because instead of judging the individual for his actions, people would be forced in many cases to accept that those actions were predestined by something/someone else, reasons unknown. As it is, it's often attributed to karma (as used by Westerners) It's now being speculated that the world as we see it is a simulation. Creation of a simulation requires intelligence, forethought, a design, etc. But those who've experienced precognition have been forced to that conclusion already (and I'm referring to the intelligent use of the term precognition, i.e., the accurate foretelling of a coming event) because for a human to be 'advised' (as a dream, vision, strong hunch) of a coming event in a world in which Time is believed to travel in a continuum of past, present and future, precognition demands the precognitive human to work things out for himself. And that precognitive human is forced to accept that something/someone is running the show, pulling the strings. And whatever that something/someone is, it's obviously intelligent and highly organised, as is obvious within intricacies and complexity demanded by precognition I was forced to that conclusion a few decades ago, through several instances of accurate precognition (which I'd reported to others prior to the event occurring in real-time). And at first, the ego fights and rebels, because precognition reveals that we are not making our 'own' decisions, we are not masters of our ship -- instead, we're puppets who harbour the delusion that our life is ours to design. We're eventually forced to accept and what emerges is that there is undeniably some sort of plan in which we humans are mere actors, reading scripts, moving from one to another places on the stage we don't know what's running the show or who are the directors and producers, script-writers, etc. All along, we've been calling them God. Now it's speculated that God is a computer programme and that life is a simulation, etc. We're just conceited actors who've relegated God to existing (or not) backstage, to be called upon in times of emergency (when we forget our lines, when the curtain crashes down unexpectedly, etc.) Who's to know if agnostics/atheists are simply part of the programme? Satin and the demons too. Mass extinctions. Plagues. Wars, etc. My kids used to play computer games very much like that when they were younger and they behaved like little gods, wiping out thousands and rebuilding, pitting one army against the other. I found it unsettling to see how coldly they did it. And if I said it was disturbing, they replied, 'It's only a game'. The scenarios in which we engage throughout life are often complex and seemingly cruel. For good reason humans through time have raised their fists to the skies and cursed their gods. It's not unreasonable to suggest that humans have always believed someone/something was responsible, was pulling their strings, and they named that which they believed was responsible, 'god' (by whatever name) To my mind, it would take a lot of effort to get through life without sensing something was driving or fouling my path so hats off to you As to possession of humans by things unknown (and I've seen it take place and have seen the possessing entity) we must ask the identity of the possessing entities. Are they sent abroad or on a certain path by a master demon, or are they deceased humans? I suspect both |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Laugh till you cry on Apr 16th, 2019 at 2:32pm
PZ547 submits an application for a job as Yadda's apprentice.
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 16th, 2019 at 4:28pm
SPIRIT POSSESSION explained by Hans Wilhelm |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 16th, 2019 at 4:29pm
LUCIFER'S REBELLION explained by Hans Wilhelm |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Apr 21st, 2019 at 7:09pm Bobby. wrote on Apr 10th, 2019 at 5:59am:
Bobby. wrote on Apr 10th, 2019 at 7:14am:
master Light, I had another crazy dream of the future. There was a new Arab/ Israeli war. 1000s of tanks were in Lebanon and came across the border into Israel and took the Golan heights from the Israeli side! Most of the tanks headed to the West bank and there were no Israeli air force planes to fight the invasion. Somehow the Israeli air fields were all knocked out. Israel was losing the war but it had only gone on for 2 days. How can this be? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:28pm
master Light,
that dream continued the following night. This time I was there as a reservist called up by Israel. I was in an APC - an armored personnel carrier - heading for the front line with many others. The APC broke down & when we got out we could see that most of the Israeli tanks & APCs had broken down - it was unreliable junk. The next thing shells were being fired from the captured Golan heights and landing not close by but far enough to be worried about it. What does it all mean - it was so real? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:38pm Bobby. wrote on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:28pm:
many blessings brother being , this is not demonic possession , maybe start a new thread of dreams and I shall answer there , please include all dreams .. love and light namaste |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:43pm it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:38pm:
dear master Light, I fear that it is demonic possession that ye speak of. It was so real - I was actually there and the dreams I speak of are in the future. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:53pm Bobby. wrote on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:43pm:
if what ye spake of is true , ye hath a gift of sight .. ye are a blessed one these are dreams and spiritual insights ye embody rejoice namaste |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:57pm it_is_the_light wrote on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:53pm:
It's all true and I can only remember small parts of it. If it actually happens then Israel is finished some day soon. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 3:20pm Bobby. wrote on Apr 22nd, 2019 at 2:57pm:
please brother , start a thread and document your prophecies ! ye have a spiritual gift ! namaste |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Apr 28th, 2019 at 7:59am
HE PAYS NO TAXES ON EARTH. IRS EXEMPTS THE SATANIC TEMPLE AS A CHURCH Satanic Temple designated as church, given tax-exempt status by IRS: 'Satanism is here to stay' The Satanic Temple is now considered a church by the Internal Revenue Service and can apply for faith-based grants. The "non-theistic" Salem-Mass.-based Satanic organization said it was "pleased" Thursday to receive the tax-exempt status after years of advocating for churches to lose theirs. The temple was founded to react to and restrict Christianity in public life and claims it does not worship the devil, as depicted in the Bible, but advocates for the separation of church and state. UTAH WOMAN SETS FIRE TO 2 MORMON CHURCHES, WRITES 'SATAN LIVES' “Satanism is here to stay,” Lucien Greaves, the spokesman for the Satanic Temple, said in a statement, adding the status should "lay to rest any suspicion that we don't meet the qualifications of a true religious organization." Greaves says the Satanic Temple is now the only federally recognized international religious satanic organization. The lRS code classifies it as a "church or a convention or association of churches," and under the "cause area" on the website, it is listed as "Christian." The group says the designation will help in religious discrimination legal cases. The Satanic Temple started “After School Satan” clubs in reaction to Christian after-school programs like the Good News club. Last year, it placed a statue of the goat-headed creature Baphomet at the Arkansas State Capitol to call for the removal of a Ten Commandments monument. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 7th, 2019 at 1:45pm
The Life & Times Of An Exorcist with The Spiritual Warrior Bill Bean |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 25th, 2019 at 6:34pm
Banishing the Narcissistic Demonic Spirit - For We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Jun 25th, 2019 at 7:54pm
How to Get Rid of a Ghost / Demon / Devil / Archon
Having the rare ghost encounter in a creepy hotel makes for a great story and can be a thrilling (even fun) experience. But, if a spirit happens to take up a more permanent residence in your life — or in your home — things can go from spooky to downright scary very quickly. Luckily, rituals for removing unwanted ghosts abound. But, before you schedule a full-on seance just because your stairs are creaky, there are a few steps you should follow, based on our conversations with occult experts and online research, which we've listed below. These won't help you combat straight-up demons or anything, but if you believe you're dealing with something less-than-benevolent (reminder: some ghosts can make for excellent, well-meaning roommates), here's where to start. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Jun 26th, 2019 at 6:44pm
How to make a Pact with a Demon with Black Witch S darkness visible |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Jun 26th, 2019 at 8:00pm it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 26th, 2019 at 6:44pm:
Dear master Light, cast out the demons on Ozpolitic - your reward will be great. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Jun 27th, 2019 at 7:21am
'Where attention goes, energy flows' Sports coaches, lifestyle coaches, mental health advisors etc. encourage people to focus i.e., send energy to, health, to winning, to achieving Visualise that which you wish to achieve, to master. Creative visualisation, if regular, creates neural pathways in the brain. Once that's established, the brain does the work automatically, constantly -- it runs in the background while you're living daily life and when you're sleeping or daydreaming The same applies to the negative If you focus on negativity, negative energies, negative influences, that energy also creates neural pathways and they too will run in the background of your waking and sleeping state Whatever you put your energy into will draw the same to you My father used to say, 'Keep your face to the Sun/Son and let the shadows fall behind you' in other words, maintain focus and energy on God and/or the positive -- and let the shadows (the negative and negative influences such as satin) be behind you. Don't feed the negative or it will grow. If you put your attention, energy and trust in God, he will cast satin from you A few posts above, the Satanic Church is said to be NOT worship of satin. Instead, it's entire reason for being, its focus and energy, lies in destroying Christianity and we've seen the hysterical reaction to the support for, in this instance, Folau and Christian support As always, the parasites are still, after 2000 years, trying to bring down the Christian God that's a serious case of dummy spit Notably, after 2000 plus years, the parasites are still losers and no matter how many shonky fake religions they invent, they'll always be losers until they bow their stiff, stupid necks to the one true Source, the one true God God does not have a religion and he does not bend to banksters |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Jun 27th, 2019 at 8:05am it_is_the_light wrote on Jun 25th, 2019 at 6:34pm:
Ever wonder why psychiatrists claim there is no 'cure' for narcissism ? Ever wonder why they advise to 'get away, far away' from narcissists? And they add: 'And never look back' Can you think of any other ailment, physical or mental, where a doctor of any stripe would admit to having no 'cure' ? Does this indicate to you how toxic and dangerous are narcissists ? You're told to run away, fly away, drive away, change States, change your name, etc. as the only way to free yourself from the narcissist. You're told to flee in order to try to save yourself that should give you some indication of how dangerous narcissists are Narcissists are pure destruction Their goal is to destroy anything in their reach They will stop at nothing They are driven to create misery and to destroy and like the shark, they have to keep moving, keep destroying, leaving desolation in their wake Narcissists are human bodies which are being operated by evil forces They look human, they sound human, they are capable, like their master, the Evil One, of pretending to care, pretending to sympathise. They excell at fake flattery and persuasion, all the better to reel you in They will fake these emotions in order to learn their victim's inner secrets and fears, their insecurities and what causes them the most pain Then, armed with the victim's achilles heels, the narcissist salivates as it tears the victim down and apart Narcissists are the embodiment of evil and destruction like their master, who lives in them So yes, narcissists are possessed, truly possessed. Their master rides them into the ground. Then, when the narc is no longer viable (through age, illness) their master deserts them, leaving them as the empty shells they are Their master throws them in the dirt, friendless, ugly, old, weak, spent Then their master moves on to possess another narc vehicle Narcissists are the epitome of 'Doesn't play well with others' and it's often apparent even when they're very young As toddlers, they will snatch other children's toys, scratch and bite other children, lie, tell untrue tales, blame others, etc. They're nasty, but people give them benefit of the doubt and hope they'll 'grow out of it'. They don't. They just learn to hide their true viciousness more successfully as they get older For a time, narcs will appear to be coming up roses. Money might land in their lap even though they often don't have a job. People might give them money, loan them money and even support them financially or let the narc live in their home for free, let the narc 'house sit' for extended periods etc. The narc takes all this as his 'due'. His sense of entitlement is breathtaking. He has no shame, will steal and lie to your face. Will drive couples apart and drive a wedge between parent and child, between friends and even destroy entire groups. The narc appears untouchable and is cunning as a fox -- sits back smirking as people they've primed attack each other. Then the narc will saunter into the fallout, pretending to dispense concern, support, sympathy, etc. Often, the narc will with ease destroy severl individuals and couples, groups, etc. simultaneously. And even though the narc is at the centre of the misery and twisting the knife still further, for a time they evade discovery as the architetect of it all The Devil, the say, looks after his own And he certainly looks after the narcissist -- until he suddently stops doing so, leaving the narc in freefall. The narc hits the rocks at the bottom, wondering what happened. The Devil has meanwhile moved on. Because the Devil is the ultimate narc and when someone is no longer useful to him, he drops them like a stone The narcissist is possessed by evil spirits who in turn are the embodiment of Satin you can pity the narc, even pray for his deliverance from evil. But do not make the mistake of trying personally to 'help' or 'cure' or 'save' the narc. Only divine intervention can save the narcissist |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 4th, 2019 at 6:31am
😈 Casting Out Demons 😈 with 'The Spiritual Warrior', Bill Bean | KBS LIVE |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Dec 4th, 2019 at 4:07pm Bobby. wrote on Jun 25th, 2019 at 7:54pm:
told you. there's a guy in Qld who thought he was qualified to cast out demons he tried full of conceit himself and over confident he lost the lot, everything in his life and almost his life he quit the game after that but in the process, he'd simply made matters worse and the clergy pulled their skirts over their heads and ran except one For an example of what you're messing with, read Hostage to the Devil by Malachi Martin then multiply by big numbers but who listens, eh. it's trenday. and fools rush in |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 6th, 2019 at 9:21am PZ547 wrote on Dec 4th, 2019 at 4:07pm:
many thanks for your comments brother being , I have observed your past admissions of interaction with these entities .. any more gifts of knowledge you could share would be most welcomed and well received .. :) |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Yadda on Dec 6th, 2019 at 9:54am If we love the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Psalms 34:7 The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. Whereas.... How can a person ensure that the angel of the spirit of God is not his helper ? Jeremiah 9:3 And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies: but they are not valiant for the truth upon the earth; for they proceed from evil to evil, and they know not me, saith the LORD. 4 Take ye heed every one of his neighbour, and trust ye not in any brother: for every brother will utterly supplant, and every neighbour will walk with slanders. 5 And they will deceive every one his neighbour, and will not speak the truth: they have taught their tongue to speak lies, and weary themselves to commit iniquity. 6 Thine habitation is in the midst of deceit; through deceit they refuse to know me, saith the LORD. Our choices. Our consequences. Daniel 9:5 We have sinned, and have committed iniquity, and have done wickedly, and have rebelled, even by departing from thy precepts and from thy judgments: |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 6th, 2019 at 12:37pm Yadda wrote on Dec 6th, 2019 at 9:54am:
many blessings Yadda , we need to continue forward in the battle against all these demonic entities that lust to control humans .. keep sharing your valuable knowledge brother being many blessings in Christs LIGHT |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Dec 6th, 2019 at 2:12pm it_is_the_light wrote on Dec 6th, 2019 at 12:37pm:
Is Gene Simmons a demon? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by PZ547 on Dec 6th, 2019 at 2:53pm Quote:
as I might have said before, I held a dim view at one point about the jewish cleansing ritual for women who'd recently given birth at the time, I regarded it as ignorance and misogyny Now, I am reaching understanding of that cleansing ritual from the perspective of demonic possession lots of factors involved, many of which would have been unknown by those insistent upon those ancient rituals broken down into everyday terms, the woman, while pregnant, might harbour within her body and that of her unborn child demonic entities choosing to inhabit that foetus. Some might choose to occupy the woman, seeing the opportunity might present itself hence cleansing ritual to 'clear' the woman if possible. And rituals involving the newborn in an attempt to clear it. Obviously no rituals are foolproof Yes, in childhood I witnessed a possessing entity as it emerged or shrouded its victim. My mind closed down due to shock or threat and I didn't recall it until over a decade later. By chance it was confirmed years later by someone else who'd experienced the same thing involving the same individual. Most will scoff and I don't blame them. It's an experience I could have happily done without Apparently, people exist who're able to see demonic entities in the same way the rest of us see each other. It's said that in order to become possessed, the victim must be psychic. And it's said also that psychic ability is required of those who see possessing entities. So that automatically rules out approx. 2/3 of the population, apparently I've read that animals are also able to be possessed It's not a topic that most people are comfortable with and I don't blame them for that there's really not much to say about it. If one of the oldest religions in the world, forever on the move, goes to the trouble to cut ritual baths out of solid rock in order to conduct ritual cleansing of new mothers, the phenomenon of demonic possession could be said to have long history and recognition in some circles at least not that it requires for a new mother or newborn. People can become possessed while drunk, while under the influence of drugs, while under assault physical, mental and emotional, during coma, whilst anaesthetised, etc., apparently. Any time we're 'out of our mind' renders us vulnerable. And it's the belief of certain clergy that some victims are simply 'chosen' for possession through no fault or desire of their own some of us are blessed with divine protection and I consider myself to be so and am constantly grateful and express that gratitude regularly. Others, for reasons we cannot explain, do not enjoy such protection, unfortunately Not all religions and teaching systems are equally knowledgeable or motivated to encourage their followers to seek above all things, divine protection, although I suspect protection is both withheld or bestowed regardless of the recipient's beliefs or even efforts for example, the Bible mentions the sins of the fathers being the burden of his descendants 'unto the fourth generation'. Which seemed unjust to me when I first heard it. But, if we take into account genetics and what are believed in some circles to be generational-curses, those Biblical claims become more understandable but of course, burdensome legacies don't simply stop after four generations, because the son of the father generates legacies which will be conferred uponhis descendants. And so on. We're victims of our genes as are all living things What is demonic possession, what are demonic entities? As a rule, few even think about or believe in such entities. And maybe that's a good thing, for as they say, where attention goes, energy flows. Too much or even a little absorption into such matter may in fact attract The big, noisy religious affairs with their emphasis on mass exorcisms might be thrilling to some, but what motivates these performances (because that's what they are) and how effective and even harmful might they actually be? The pastors are flying around in jets and living in mansions, so those performances are certainly lucrative At bottom, we're incredibly ignorant of so much, to the point it seems we were deliberately designed that way. Maybe our ignorance, in large part, is our protection, as most of us manage our way through without too many troubling incidents I would not advise anyone to delve into demonism in any form any more than I'd advise people who're sight-impaired to go wandering around the Blue Mountains on a moonless night |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 7th, 2019 at 7:34am PZ547 wrote on Dec 6th, 2019 at 2:53pm:
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 7th, 2019 at 7:43am
1. You have a very profound and potent gift
2. Did not Yeshua Ben Joseph/jesus caste out demons from a person into pigs in the ancient scripture of the Bible ? 3. Hence this thread 4. Also before Spiritual Ceremony one time , I was about to begin a Practice and just before starting , a shadow orb came from around the corner and slammed into my third eye so very fast in the blink of an eye , I was quite startled and knew not of what was happening .. it then began sinking into and descending within my body like molasses .. I immediately said " I DO NOT CONSENT TO NEGATIVE ENTITIES OR ENERGIES HARVESTING MY ENERGIES BEGONE NOW ..... THE ENTITY , THROUGH MY SPIRITUAL PROCEDURE WAS BOUND AND FROZEN , NO LONGER DESCENDING INTO MY BODY YET WAS LIFTED OUT AS i CALLED DOWN A TORNADO FROM THE SUN AND THAT ONE WAS SUCKED INTO THE SUN WITH THE INTENSITY OF A FIRE HOSE asking ARCH ANGEL MICHAEL for PROTECTION .. a VERY scary experience !! 5. One such as Ye are remains truly Blessed yes 6. I believe your first instincts served you well , there are 2 Bibles or versions , the old testament and new .. 2 different Gods.. a jealous one and benevolent one 7. Many say , if one is comforting fear through dark practices , service to self , satanic ritualistic behaviour, HATRED .. these are perfect ViBraTioNs for Demonics to inhabit as the host reverberates at a preferable frequency .. if one is loving and forgiving they hold too much LIGHT and therefore are not pleasing to the dark ones .. Fascinating Material Brother Being May the divine and Sacred LIGHT continue to Guide you on your Path to Completion - : ) |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 7th, 2019 at 7:56am Bobby. wrote on Dec 6th, 2019 at 2:12pm:
very Probable yes ..he played dress ups , yet may certainly invoked that which he portrayed .. he most certainly sold his soul like the poor misguided homosex fools in Led Zepplin back to Gene Simmons, he could possibly be a reptilian , with a tongue like that and be totally possessed by Demons by his own invocation |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Dec 7th, 2019 at 5:04pm
No master Light,
Led Zeppelin were God fearing Christians: This song is about Jesus: |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 7th, 2019 at 5:26pm Bobby. wrote on Dec 7th, 2019 at 5:04pm:
cmon Brave Knight we all know he is a homosexual sodomite |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 7th, 2019 at 5:29pm read on .. we all know Led Zep stole this song .. 5. Led Zeppelin "Stairway to Heaven" (Played Backwards) Evangelical Christian groups have a long history of "discovering" hidden Satanic messages in popular rock songs — ranging from the Eagles' "Hotel California" to Queens' "Another One Bites the Dust" — that only reveal themselves when the blasphemous track is played backwards. By far the most famous of the purported devil-worshipping tracks is Led Zeppelin's "Stairway to Heaven," which was unexpectedly thrust back into the spotlight in the early Eighties (nearly a decade after its original release) when televangelist Paul Crouch asserted that the section beginning with line "If there's a bustle in your hedgerow" was actually a cover-up for a reversed demonic valentine that finds singer Robert Plant proclaiming: "Oh here's to my sweet Satan/The one whose little path would make me sad, whose power is Satan/He will give those with him 666/There was a little tool shed where he made us suffer, sad Satan." Years later, in an interview with Musician Magazine, the band's guitarist Jimmy Page deemed Crouch's allegations "very sad," going on to remark, "as far as reversing tapes and putting messages on the end, that's not my idea of making music." Bummer. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Dec 7th, 2019 at 5:38pm
master Light,
you're hurting my feelings. You need to go to Kashmir: Led Zeppelin Kashmir 5 24 1975 [Verse 1] Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face With stars to fill my dreams I am a traveler of both time and space To be where I have been Sit with elders of the gentle race This world has seldom seen Talk of days for which they sit and wait All will be revealed [Verse 2] Talk and song from tongues of lilting grace Whose sounds caress my ear But not a word I heard could I relate The story was quite clear Oh, oh Oh, oh [Verse 3] Ooh, baby, I been flying No yeah, mama, there ain't no denying Ooh, yeah I've been flying Mama, mama, ain't no denying, no denying [Verse 4] All I see turns to brown As the sun burns the ground And my eyes fill with sand As I scan this wasted land Trying to find, trying to find, where I've been [Verse 5] Oh, pilot of the storm who leaves no trace Like thoughts inside a dream Here is the path that led me to that place Yellow desert stream My Shangri-La beneath the summer moon I will return again Sure as the dust that floats high in June When movin' through Kashmir [Verse 6] Oh, father of the four winds, fill my sails Across the sea of years With no provision but an open face Along the straits of fear Oh, oh Oh, oh [Bridge] [Verse 7/Outro] When I'm on, when I'm on my way, yeah When I see, when I see the way, you stay-yeah Ooh, yeah-yeah, oh, yeah-yeah, when I'm down Ooh, yeah-yeah, oh, yeah-yeah, but I'm down, so down Ooh, my baby, oh, my baby, let me take you there Come on, let me take you there...let me take you there |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 7th, 2019 at 6:21pm
dear Brave knight , so every homo is destined for the abyss
except plant ? please explain ? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Dec 7th, 2019 at 6:33pm
Dear Master Light,
it seems that your student is outdoing the master. example: 2 lines from Kashmir Quote:
This line could be referring to the Book of Revelation, when John the Apostle was caught up in the heavens and saw the 24 elders seated upon their thrones. “And around the throne were twenty-four thrones; and upon the thrones I saw twenty-four elders sitting, clothed in white garments, and golden crowns on their heads.” -Revelation 4:4 Alternate Interpretation… RP was a fan of Tolkien, as in the lyrics to “Ramble On” and the song titles, “Over The Hills And Far Away” and “Misty Mountain Hop”. This line and the next three refer to Tolkien’s Elves. The protagonist of the story is saying he has listened to the elders of the “gentle race” (the elves) and their expectations for the future. Although the protagonist understood them at the time, in the end, he cannot clearly recall their stories. |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Dec 7th, 2019 at 6:54pm
Where are the DMT entities coming from?
Why are they reported in literature such as Tolkien and also in dreams as well? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Frank on Dec 7th, 2019 at 7:08pm |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by it_is_the_light on Dec 9th, 2019 at 9:17am
Psychic Vampirism, Narcissism & The Wheel of Life - Michael Tsarion |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Dec 10th, 2019 at 10:35am
Dear master Light,
are there any demonic entities posting on Ozpolitic? |
Title: Re: Demonic Possession Post by Bobby. on Feb 12th, 2024 at 9:10pm
Bump for master Light.
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