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General Discussion >> America >> Trump destroys the free internet Message started by longweekend58 on Dec 15th, 2017 at 5:33pm |
Title: Trump destroys the free internet Post by longweekend58 on Dec 15th, 2017 at 5:33pm
Where are you Trumptards??? Is this what you wanted??? idiots |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by mortdooley on Dec 15th, 2017 at 10:20pm longweekend58 wrote on Dec 15th, 2017 at 5:33pm:
Get a better news source than PMSNBC: I'll take my chances on a fairly run Internet over a government enforced so called neutral one! Competition makes prices lower and services better. Think for yourself, your team isn't always right. In fact it rarely is! |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by longweekend58 on Dec 15th, 2017 at 10:36pm Mortdooley wrote on Dec 15th, 2017 at 10:20pm:
wow you trumptards really work hard on BEING STUPID. Imagine the absolute HORROR of a government enforcing a lack of bias, a lack of impediment to free speech and the risk of an internet that is freely available to everyone You deserve the totalitarian dictatorship you so desire. And example of a NON-neutral internet is portugal where you sign up for a LIST of websites and that is all you get. If you want more, you have to pay for them - each. idiot |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by mortdooley on Dec 15th, 2017 at 10:53pm
The brainwashing is deep in you. Net neutrality is comparable to you being able to go to your favorite store and pay the same price for any product on the shelves regardless of merchant cost. Duck low as this one goes over your head too!
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Marla on Dec 16th, 2017 at 1:27am Mortdooley wrote on Dec 15th, 2017 at 10:20pm:
morty torty, again, your Texuun educated ignorance is showing. This isn't about competition, this is about monopoly and the control and flow on information - including the propaganda you subscribe to. Plus, on your welfare check, you can't afford it. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by mortdooley on Dec 16th, 2017 at 3:00am Marla wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 1:27am:
I know concepts are beyond your ability to understand so just stop while you are behind! |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Setanta on Dec 16th, 2017 at 3:32am Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 3:00am:
Really, you are up for your internet provider deciding what crosses the wires you pay for, you are for censorship? Perhaps you would like all news to be Fox as well. The whole point of net neutrality is that service providers should not be able to decide what you can see on the net with discriminatory practices, ie throttling/blocking content from other providers. How could anyone defend being limited by someone they pay a service fee too? |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Marla on Dec 16th, 2017 at 4:00am
Don't waste your time arguing with a Texuun. They thrive on ignorance.
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by bogarde73 on Dec 16th, 2017 at 6:23am
The junkie from Colorado doesn't understand there are no free lunches.
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by longweekend58 on Dec 16th, 2017 at 7:35am Setanta wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 3:32am:
exactly. The immense value of the internet (and its greatest risk) is that information flows freely. Trumptards like the Chinese model of internet. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by mortdooley on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:37am Setanta wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 3:32am:
Ignorance must be on sale today! Google owns Youtube and they censor content all the time. I have a Patreon account to support the channels I watch that have been demonetized for conservative content. One I am subscribed to has two strikes and another has been permanently removed. Just like baseball, three strikes and you are banned at Youtube. A competitive market improves what is offered to the public, shutting down content you disagree with doesn't. You don't really believe that if your Liberal, Progressive BS is the only thing allowed that we won't turn you off do you? Fairness is a one way street with you people, you don't respect any opinion but your own. Harlem Shook: Google Is Using Its Immense Power To Censor Content That Doesn’t Fit Its Political Goals. Everyone In America Should Be Concerned About That. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Captain Caveman on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:53am
The internet is not free information. It is hightly sensored and traced.
Hence the dark net. If you're using a search engine such as google (and the upteen others available) then you are sensored. China has been pushing this agenda for years, pot kettle there as they are the world leaders in forgery. Funnily enough Putin wants to have his own internet service away from americas CIA monotered version. Can't blame him really. America has bullied countries enough in the past 100yrs. Time for change. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Marla on Dec 16th, 2017 at 9:05am bogarde73 wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 6:23am:
Wow. Just wow. Goebbels throws a sucker punch with a cliche. Then again, I'm not surprised, Goebbels here hates information that contains anything but the actual truth. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Marla on Dec 16th, 2017 at 9:06am Captain Caveman wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:53am:
Stay stupid. Or at least learn basic grammar. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Marla on Dec 16th, 2017 at 9:16am Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:37am:
It is on sale everyday in Texuus. You're living proof. Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:37am:
Google is also a capitalist corporation upon which your Rethuglicon congress just gave one hell of a tax break to. Thought you were all for that, morty torty. Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:37am:
Except that you don't Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:37am:
YouTube also has a contractual agreement, morty torty. Under contractual law they can break the deal with anyone they see fit for violating the terms of that contract. Or don't you ever read what you are signing onto, ever? Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:37am:
Who is this "we" kemosabe? A corporation that monopolizes any content is not competitive nor will it improve any service. Many socialist/Marxist channels have been deleted by YouTube so what does you "fairness" doctrine have to say about that? Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:37am:
"you people"? Parading your bigotry again, morty torty? Oh, you're such the little "victim" aren't you? Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 8:37am:
1. Old news and fake news, and 2, what in the bugger is a "Harlem Shook"? Why do they even have schools in Texuus if no one ever attends them? |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by mortdooley on Dec 16th, 2017 at 10:35am
Yes you sure got your full measure of stupid today, marlon. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Panther on Dec 16th, 2017 at 10:56am Setanta wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 3:32am:
@Mort Great Video......facts the Left don't want people to understand! No Setanta, the ISP's aren't the one's deciding, it's the Australian Government who mandates censorship (link) here in Australia. Try here too...... Or here........ Oh, hey it's still State Sponsored Censorship.... Net doesn't exist here in Australia, & hasn't for years.... ::) |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by longweekend58 on Dec 16th, 2017 at 11:35am
Net Neutrality DOES exist in Australia, you ignorant buffoon. The extremely limited degree of censorship (easily beaten by a VPN) applies to ALL and therefore definitionally NEUTRAL.
Damn, you trumptards specialize in STUPID. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by mortdooley on Dec 16th, 2017 at 10:26pm
YouTube Accelerates Crackdown on Gun Publishers
YouTube began starving many gun-related publishers this summer. All gun-related content was initially restricted, requiring each publisher to request a review of each video after seven days. Following the resultant hue and cry, some of the more prominent content creators were excluded from the new censorship regimen. But YouTube’s community censorship guidelines are as clear as tar. Publishers who run afoul of them, are given “strikes” which supposedly expire after three months. The problem: YouTube’s censors can’t or won’t reveal what it is about an individual video that earned the publisher the black mark. Which makes it hard to avoid running afoul of the alleged standards again. If you manage to accumulate three strikes within a three-month period, you’re done. Banned. Permanently exiled. As James Yeager found out earlier this month. A couple of YouTube’s most popular gun content creators — the Military Arms Channel and Sootch00 — have recently been issued strikes by YouTube’s star chamber of community standards umpires. We emailed MAC’s Tim Harmsen for more information and he sent the following: However Youtube is fine with some of the most stomach turning sexual images as "educational" and foul dialog as freedom of speech. It is their channel to run as they please, it is just obvious how Leftwing they are. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by longweekend58 on Dec 16th, 2017 at 10:40pm Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 10:26pm:
aw... poor stupid yank... loves your guns so much, but not much of a fan of democracy, freedom of speech or the age of consent for Republicans. Imagine how much we dont care. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 16th, 2017 at 10:43pm
Why is it that the world has been f arked since the day we were born and it only got bad since Trump arrived?
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by mortdooley on Dec 16th, 2017 at 11:02pm Quote:
Freedom of speech is what you say it is and democracy is mob rule as long as it is your mob! The election is won, there is no purpose in regurgitating the child sex lies. I imagine in the real world you are a failure in life which makes you a greedy resentful individual who thinks government should level the playing field and give you a fair share of what others have earned. It's always the Left throwing out the insults, if you can't counter my posts with information move along! |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Richdude on Dec 17th, 2017 at 12:54am Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 11:02pm:
Dead End lives in his Moms basement and rarely goes out that way he avoids peoples insults. What saves him from a totally boring life is his fertile Walter Mitty imagination. He prides himself on his ability to lie and deceive. He has an awesome capacity for self deception! |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Panther on Dec 17th, 2017 at 9:06am Richdude wrote on Dec 17th, 2017 at 12:54am:
+1 X10 Spot on! |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Panther on Dec 17th, 2017 at 9:30am Mortdooley wrote on Dec 16th, 2017 at 11:02pm:
WTG Mort!! Both barrels, square between the eyes!! Paw LW58 won't know whether ta sh!t er wind his watch!!! ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2017 at 10:55am
Poor panther and his pathetic pedo-party are toast. Trump will be impeached, a few dozen jailed and the democrats will control congress in a year. Then they can undo the damage that Trump has done.
Ive not been wrong so far while you have been wrong on everything. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by Richdude on Dec 17th, 2017 at 12:51pm longweekend58 wrote on Dec 17th, 2017 at 10:55am:
So says the nutjob who recently alleged Trump supporters worked for Putin. You are always wrong Dead End because your job is to deceive and smear. Trump is not going to jail but really paid propaganda merchants like yourself should be jailed. |
Title: Re: Trump destroys the free internet Post by longweekend58 on Dec 17th, 2017 at 4:33pm Richdude wrote on Dec 17th, 2017 at 12:51pm:
but you DO work for Putin!! you admitted it, flat-eather!! |
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