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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay

Message started by whiteknight on Oct 13th, 2018 at 3:48pm

Title: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by whiteknight on Oct 13th, 2018 at 3:48pm
Do farm work or lose welfare pay: Morrison   :(

   The Australian
   October 13, 2018

Jobseekers are being urged under a new Morrison government scheme to take up work on farms or face losing their welfare payments for up to a month.

Under the arrangements, farmers can register their job requirements, pay and conditions with the National Harvest Labour Information Service and job providers will try to find local unemployed to fill the positions.

If jobseekers don't have a reasonable excuse for not accepting the work they can have their income support benefits reduced or withdrawn for up to four weeks.

"While we're tackling the labour shortage this also ensures job seekers on taxpayer support have no excuse to refuse opportunities," Prime Minister Scott Morrison said of the scheme.

However National Farmers' Federation President Fiona Simson has slammed the government's "carrot and stick" push as a "shallow approach to a deep problem" and says industry has long called for a dedicated agricultural visa. 

"Many agricultural tasks are short-term or seasonal. Often these arrangements aren't attractive to local workers, who have ongoing financial commitments and longer term career aspirations," Ms Simson said.

Labor is also critical of the announcement with Agriculture spokesman Joel Fitzgibbon calling it a stunt to distract from broken visa promises.   

"The last thing growers need is people who don't want to be there," he said.

"This is from the bloke who introduced a backpacker tax."

ACOSS CEO Cassandra Goldie said she strongly opposed any policy that uses "threats to cut off basic supports" to force people to move for temporary low paid work. 

She said the plan poses a "serious risk for those already in poverty", as it could mean giving up affordable rental accommodation and the loss of financial supports from family and friends.

Mr Morrison denied the scheme introduced changes to how people could lose access to welfare payments - currently after three instances or three jobseeker demerits in six months.

He said Assistant Minister for International Development Anne Ruston would be working over the next couple of weeks to ensure any relevant changes were made to the Pacific Islander scheme.

Mr Morrison also said he would be working with the Immigration Minister David Coleman across possible changes to the working holiday visa program.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bobby on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:03pm
One of the problems with that is that many people on the dole
are either too old or too sick to work but
they can't get the DSP.

Morriscum has no humanity & Labor will be no better.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:10pm

If someone (God forbid) falls off a trailer or tractor and dies, will Morriscum's government try to cover up the death (again)?

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bobby on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:14pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:10pm:
If someone (God forbid) falls off a trailer or tractor and dies, will Morriscum's government try to cover up the death (again)?

It's all about the rich getting richer & the poor getting the picture:

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by whiteknight on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:24pm
When will the unemployed ever get a fair and just increase?.   :( 

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bobby on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:39pm

whiteknight wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:24pm:
When will the unemployed ever get a fair and just increase?.   :( 

Never - the Govt. is against the unemployed -

they just want to make their lives as miserable as possible.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Redmond Neck on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:42pm
Actually I dont have a problem with it if they live close to the farm and have transport available!

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bobby on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:55pm

Redmond Neck wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:42pm:
Actually I dont have a problem with it if they live close to the farm and have transport available!

What if you're old and have a whole list of medical problems -
& you can't get the DSP -
how long are you going to survive in the hot sun?

It's alright if you're 20 years old - young and fit.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by red baron on Oct 13th, 2018 at 5:54pm
Simplistic and Dangerous

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bam on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:08pm
If the government wants to reduce labour shortages for farm work, it can start by slashing red tape, penalties and compliance.

Start by repealing this from the Social Security Act:

633  Seasonal workers

             (1)  This section applies if, at any time during the 6 months immediately before the day on which a person lodges a claim for newstart allowance, the person, or, if the person is a member of a couple, the person or the person’s partner, has been engaged in seasonal work.

Note:          For seasonal work see subsection 16A(1).

             (2)  Newstart allowance is not payable to the person:

                     (a)  if the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under this Act) and the Secretary has not made a determination under subsection (3) in relation to the person—for the person’s seasonal work preclusion period; or

                     (b)  if the Secretary has made a determination under subsection (3) in relation to the person—for that part (if any) of the person’s seasonal work preclusion period to which the person is subject as a result of the determination.

Note:          For seasonal work preclusion period see subsection 16A(1).

             (3)  If the Secretary is satisfied that a person is in severe financial hardship because the person has incurred unavoidable or reasonable expenditure while the person is subject to a seasonal work preclusion period (whether in relation to the claim referred to in subsection (1) or any other claim under this Act):

                     (a)  the Secretary may determine that the person is not subject to the whole, or any part, of the preclusion period; and

                     (b)  the determination has effect accordingly.

Note 1:       For in severe financial hardship see subsection 19C(2) (person who is not a member of a couple) and subsection 19C(3) (person who is a member of a couple).

Note 2:       For unavoidable or reasonable expenditure see subsection 19C(4).

             (4)  Subsection (2) does not apply to a person who:

                     (a)  is undertaking an activity specified in an instrument made under subsection (5); and

                     (b)  has been exempted from the application of subsection (2) by the Secretary.

             (5)  The Secretary may, by legislative instrument, specify activities for the purpose of paragraph (4)(a).

This section is a VERY strong disincentive to do seasonal farm work by imposing a waiting period of up to SIX MONTHS! Who the fsck is going to want to do farm work if they are whacked with such a FSCKING HUGE PENALTY for doing so!

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by philperth2010 on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:12pm

red baron wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 5:54pm:
Simplistic and Dangerous

The Government knows locals will not take the work or they would have done so already....No one want's an employee who is forced into doing a job for obvious reasons....This is another scam to allow more cheap labour into Australia when locals fail to take the jobs....I wonder what new or revised visa category will be created for this scam???

:-? :-? :-?

The Government promoting foreign workers....

This rabble must go!!!

>:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bobby on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:12pm
Good find Bam,
but there are 1001 reasons why they won't pay their miserable amount of dole money.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by philperth2010 on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:13pm

philperth2010 wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:12pm:

red baron wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 5:54pm:
Simplistic and Dangerous

The Government knows locals will not take the work or they would have done so already....No one want's an employee who is forced into doing a job for obvious reasons....This is another scam to allow more cheap labour into Australia when locals fail to take the jobs or employers don't want to provide training....I wonder what new or revised visa category will be created for this scam???

:-? :-? :-?

The Government promoting foreign workers....

This rabble must go!!!

>:( >:( >:(

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bam on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:14pm
Repeal this section too:

634  Move to area of lower employment prospects

             (1)  Subject to subsections (1B) and (2), if, in the opinion of the Secretary, a person has reduced his or her employment prospects by moving to a new place of residence without sufficient reason, a newstart allowance is not payable to the person for 26 weeks.

          (1A)  Subsection (1) extends to a person who makes a claim for newstart allowance on or after the day on which the person moved to the new place of residence and before the end of the period referred to in that subsection.

          (1B)  If a person to whom a newstart allowance is not payable under subsection (1) for a period of 26 weeks (including that subsection as it applies by subsection (1A)) does either of the following during that period:

                     (a)  moves back to the place of residence (the original place of residence) the movement from which resulted in newstart allowance not being payable to him or her;

                     (b)  moves to another place of residence a movement to which from the original place of residence would not have resulted in newstart allowance not being payable to him or her;

the period of 26 weeks ends at the time of the movement back to the original place of residence or the movement to the other place of residence, as the case may be.

             (2)  Subsection (1) does not apply to a person who:

                     (a)  is undertaking an activity specified in an instrument made under subsection (2A); and

                     (b)  has been exempted from the application of subsection (1) by the Secretary.

          (2A)  The Secretary may, by legislative instrument, specify activities for the purpose of paragraph (2)(a).

             (3)  For the purposes of subsection (1), a person has a sufficient reason for moving to a new place of residence if and only if the person:

                     (a)  moves to live with a family member who has already established his or her residence in that place of residence; or

                     (b)  moves to live near a family member who has already established residence in the same area; or

                     (c)  satisfies the Secretary that the move is necessary for the purposes of treating or alleviating a physical disease or illness suffered by the person or by a family member; or

                     (d)  satisfies the Secretary that the person has moved from his or her original place of residence because of an extreme circumstance which made it reasonable for the person to move to the new place of residence (for example, the person had been subjected to domestic or family violence in the original place of residence).

Note:          For family member see subsection 23(1).

             (4)  The Secretary may determine in writing the day on which the period of non‑payment imposed by subsection (1) commences and that day may be before the day of the determination.

This is ANOTHER SIX MONTH whack that acts as a very strong disincentive to undertake harvest work. This section makes it highly impractical to relocate to an area and then look for work. The ONLY way it's possible to take up work with this section in effect is to get the job and THEN relocate. It is FSCKING STUPID.

And then people wonder why there are regional LABOUR SHORTAGES! There are no labour shortages, there are very, VERY severe constraints on labour mobility. We are governed by STUPIDS!

Try it, repeal sections 633 and 634, and watch the "labour shortages" disappear!

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by 56 44 on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:16pm
What happened to jobsun growth

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bam on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:20pm
And that's not counting the fact that jobseekers all around the country are forcibly handcuffed to so-called "job service providers" in a single location that don't do anything useful, who force job seekers to attend pointless appointments or face immediate and unappealable suspension of payments. Travelling a few hundreds kilometres from home over a couple of weeks to look for harvest work is completely out of the question.

This system is so profoundly dysfunctional that it is having a detrimental impact on the ability of businesses to find workers. Lack of seasonal workers is a sign of this.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Ye Grappler on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:10am
Is he offering transport and relocation costs and accommodation and guaranteeing the correct wage rate?

Sounds a lot like Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge - get out there you slack-arsed bastards and grow rice... you filthy undemocratic bludging city dwellers who've got it too good.. get out there or we'll shoot you!

Morrison is more and more showing us what a total dildo he is....

Somebody take him out before he does too much harm with his genetic insanity.... can front me any time man to man, Morrison, and we'll draw conclusions.....

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Ye Grappler on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:16am

philperth2010 wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:12pm:

red baron wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 5:54pm:
Simplistic and Dangerous

The Government knows locals will not take the work or they would have done so already....No one want's an employee who is forced into doing a job for obvious reasons....This is another scam to allow more cheap labour into Australia when locals fail to take the jobs....I wonder what new or revised visa category will be created for this scam???

:-? :-? :-?

The Government promoting foreign workers....

This rabble must go!!!

>:( >:( >:(

What about all the Musselonians Morrison wants to ship to the Vesterland for resettlement and their Final Solution?  Can't they do the farm work in the hot sun on piece rate? They're used to it... they come from a hot land that freezes and snows in Winter, but hey... doesn't matter if they're women or kids or doctors or lawyers and such... if it doesn't reach 59.6 deg C in the shade they won't feel at home... put 'em to it!!

Come in, Greg... Karnival - I KNOW you can't read subtlety... too farken dumb....

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bam on Oct 14th, 2018 at 8:15am
How the fsck can young people look for farm work if they are forced to do pointless Work for the Dole for 25 hours a week for 6 months a year? Another useless measure that keeps unemployed young people from looking for work. Get rid of that too.

This useless government has been weighing down unemployed workers with too much compliance, and then when the inevitable effects of their compliance burdens are showing by hampered labour mobility, their answer is ... more compliance? Really?

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bam on Oct 14th, 2018 at 8:27am
Here's how to get unemployed workers into available jobs and free up labour mobility by slashing red tape:

* Abolish Jobactive and other job service providers - this imposes a severe constraint on mobility of labour, get rid of it
* Abolish all unappealable penalties
* Abolish the seasonal work preclusion period (S.633) - a massive disincentive that must go
* Abolish the internal migration waiting periods (S.634)
* Abolish Work for the Dole and Community Development Program - this constrains mobility of labour
* Reinstate the Commonwealth Employment Service
* Strengthen compliance checking for foreign work visas or abolish them

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by 56 44 on Oct 14th, 2018 at 9:25am
Libtards love a bit of slave labour,  what's the bet they end up at farms libtards have a stake in

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 14th, 2018 at 9:35am

Its time wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 9:25am:
Libtards love a bit of slave labour,  what's the bet they end up at farms libtards have a stake in


And let's not forget the Beetrooter.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by PZ547 on Oct 14th, 2018 at 10:21am
Everywhere I go there are foreigners

They stand uselessly at the entrances to most businesses

They man check-outs

They stack shelves

They work in libraries

Banks are filled with them

These were jobs held by Aussies

Since the flotsam floods of the post-war era, Aussies have been dumped unceremoniously from their jobs

and those jobs were and still are  being handed to today's endless floods

So what's been the result?

Older Aussies are thrown on the scrap-heap.  No jobs for them despite being required to submit pointless applications for jobs they have no chance of getting

90 thousand forced to Work for the Dole on schemes run mainly by charlatans

Write-up the other week about a woman who was a trained teacher with over a decade of experience, an Aussie woman.  She was placed as a worker in an Op-shop. She does not receive sick-pay or any other entitlements and when she complained about a customer who groped her, she was sent 'out the back' to sort rags.  And for that she receives less than half the minimum wage.  A teacher being trained to sort rags at the back on an Op Shop.  Sure, Morrison and Crew -- that's really going to lead to decent, life-supporting work for her out there in the real-world

Meanwhile, at a supermarket in the Inner West stood a darkly tinted male individual who apparently believes a week of stubble helps make him look approachable

A female customer called him out after he'd been staring at her for no apparent reason for several minutes.  'Stop staring at me' she said.  He approached her and denied he had been, although witnesses supported her, I being one

She asked what sort of 'security' he was supposedly providing the store or customers.  After all, he was leaning against a column, on one leg, with one had in his pocket and the other fiddling with a mobile phone

He tried to bluff his way out, saying he was not 'security'

Other customers pointed to the logo on his jacket.  It read, 'XYZ Security'.

Caught out, the lump tried to gather the tatters of his dignity and told people to have a nice day before drifting off

Where does your wife shop, Morrison and Crew? 

Yep. A nation of filthy streets and gobs of spit -- because that's what they're USED to doing in THEIR country, we're told.  So stop discriminating

Tinted gangs working in supermarkets and gabbling on in THEIR language in OUR country.  In addition to walking three abreast against female Aussie customers and expecting customers to give way

And the fake prime minister of this country ordering Aussies who are deprived of paying work every second of every day being told to accept fruit picking work while tinted newcomers are handed work in their 'own' suburbs (suburbs which used to be simply Aussie suburbs)

Does that smirking tongue-speaking lunatic really expect people's votes in a few months?

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Captain Nemo on Oct 14th, 2018 at 10:33am
It's very sad that there will always be a percentage of lazy layabouts who have absolutely no intention of finding work and just want to live on the unemployment benefits to fund their lazy lifestyle. It's a small percentage, but they ruin it for everyone else.

It's supposed to be a temporary funding scheme for people to assist them while finding work, not a permanent lifestyle choice.

It is way too low BTW ... but increasing it could have the undesired side-effect of keeping even more lazy layabouts in permanent lazy lifestyles.

That mob tarnishes the unemployment benefits scheme for all the genuine job-seekers.

BTW ... I reckon calling it "The dole" should be ended, it demeans the genuine job-seekers.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by PZ547 on Oct 14th, 2018 at 10:42am

Captain Nemo wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 10:33am:
It's very sad that there will always be a percentage of lazy layabouts who have absolutely no intention of finding work and just want to live on the unemployment benefits to fund their lazy lifestyle. It's a small percentage, but they ruin it for everyone else.

It's supposed to be a temporary funding scheme for people to assist them while finding work, not a permanent lifestyle choice.

It is way too low BTW ... but increasing it could have the undesired side-effect of keeping even more lazy layabouts in permanent lazy lifestyles.

That mob tarnishes the unemployment benefits scheme for all the genuine job-seekers.

BTW ... I reckon calling it "The dole" should be ended, it demeans the genuine job-seekers.

Did you just dig through your dusty folder containing posts you wrote twenty-five years ago?

If that's not your excuse, then you really are out of touch

You'd be aware, surely, that in order to receive the dole, people have to submit x-number of applications per week?  And must attend x-number of interviews per week?

Only when they've satisfied those pointless exercises to the satisfaction of those holding work by processing dole applicants to ransom, may the unemployed receive the pittance known as the dole

yet the clueless like yourself seem to imagine dole receipients receive MORE THAN YOU.  And are jealous of the jet-setting lifestyle of dole recipients, right?

Yes, we see them every day in the op-shops, those wealthy dole recipients -- buying old clothes and scraps of blanket to try to hold the chill at bay.  Jet setting bastwards, right?

And the really ugly element of your post is the fact that in addition to the Saudis funding traitors to defend islam in this country ---- there are also traitorous bastwards prepared to defame fellow Aussies for a handful of coin.  And they've been making dollars --- dollars --- for decades, by lying about those dreaded dole bludging jet setters who're taking ALL that money instead of working at all those jobs WHICH DO NOT EXIST in this country

and the few which DO exist

or which are CREATED on OUR money by sell-out politicians

specifically handed to incomers of the tinted shade

even when it means (as it invariably does) sacking a reliable, experienced, hard working Aussie

so I suspect and very strongly at that

that your above post was posted

in order no one would read the post directly above it

I respect you not one iota by the way, in case that hasn't already been made clear

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by PZ547 on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:00am
It's rich, isn't it

Morrison and Crew (includes 98% of all those identifying as politicians in this country) encourage desperate parents to push their kids through school and off to university

in the hope Things Are Better by the time those kids emerge

Big business, the education INDUSTRY.  Big money

However, for close to 30 years, Things Have Not Improved in Australia, despite kids emerging with one, two or three expensive pieces of paper supposedly qualifying them for decent jobs

BUT -- those pieces of paper, representing years of work and eye-strain, fit those kids now become adults for little more than part-time work in coffee shops (most of which are doomed to fail after six months anyway) or 'volunteering' anywhere they can get a toe in and which also leads to nothing

and leads to the dole

not to mention the crushing sense of failure

not to mention suicidal thoughts and actions

Then one of the architects of the sad failure this nation has become --- Morrison --- tries to adapt a bit of Abbott bravado and tells suicidal, depressed, broke graduates to pack their swag and head off from Sydney/Melbourne to far North Queensland to live in a shack or filthy caravan while picking turnips for a handful of cents per tonne

HOWEVER, simultaneously, Morrison and Crew want their MONEY ---- student-debt.  Student debt for selling tertiary education which was SUPPOSED to lead to worthwhile careers  ..... and did not do so

MEANWHILE, Abdul lives in a muslim or sub-continental ghetto in major cities and lives for FREE

because Abdul canna speaka da language

and Abdul hasa no marketable skills

and Abdul wanna keep making da babies with his letterbox

and Abdul 'would suffer' oh the wailing, if he were to be taken from the ghetto he and his countrymen, fellow-religionists have formed in AUSTRALIAN cites

and that was orchestrated and facilitated BY WHOM ?

WHICH politicians facilitated the creation of foreign ghettos in Australian major cities ?

Because Abdul pays no rent you see.  AUSSIES pay for it

And Abdul and his mutliple letter boxes and dozen-plus descendants live in FREE housing, they receive FREE money, FREE education, medical and all their needs are MET by the same Aussies who've been deprived of work and who are being told to bugger off to the sticks to pick fruit in order Abdul with his FREE money can buy food to take back to his FREE housing to enjoy

No wonder Australians are treated to a never-ending vista of SMIRKING, sell-out politicians

because it is.  It's a joke.  And traitorous politicians and the Abduls think it's hilarious

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Ye Grappler on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:10am

Its time wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:16pm:
What happened to jobsun growth

jobs_and_growth.jpg (10 KB | 18 )

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by PZ547 on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:15am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:10am:

Its time wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:16pm:
What happened to jobsun growth

That headstone needs to be amended

to Jobs and Growth for the world's overflow

Jobs and Growth for everyone other than card-carrying Aussies

Or maybe in time that headstone will read

All True Aussies Exterminated or Holocausted

'cause that's the aim

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Captain Nemo on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:27am

PZ547 wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 10:42am:

Captain Nemo wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 10:33am:
It's very sad that there will always be a percentage of lazy layabouts who have absolutely no intention of finding work and just want to live on the unemployment benefits to fund their lazy lifestyle. It's a small percentage, but they ruin it for everyone else.

It's supposed to be a temporary funding scheme for people to assist them while finding work, not a permanent lifestyle choice.

It is way too low BTW ... but increasing it could have the undesired side-effect of keeping even more lazy layabouts in permanent lazy lifestyles.

That mob tarnishes the unemployment benefits scheme for all the genuine job-seekers.

BTW ... I reckon calling it "The dole" should be ended, it demeans the genuine job-seekers.

Did you just dig through your dusty folder containing posts you wrote twenty-five years ago?

If that's not your excuse, then you really are out of touch

You'd be aware, surely, that in order to receive the dole, people have to submit x-number of applications per week?  And must attend x-number of interviews per week?

Only when they've satisfied those pointless exercises to the satisfaction of those holding work by processing dole applicants to ransom, may the unemployed receive the pittance known as the dole

yet the clueless like yourself seem to imagine dole receipients receive MORE THAN YOU.  And are jealous of the jet-setting lifestyle of dole recipients, right?

Yes, we see them every day in the op-shops, those wealthy dole recipients -- buying old clothes and scraps of blanket to try to hold the chill at bay.  Jet setting bastwards, right?

And the really ugly element of your post is the fact that in addition to the Saudis funding traitors to defend islam in this country ---- there are also traitorous bastwards prepared to defame fellow Aussies for a handful of coin.  And they've been making dollars --- dollars --- for decades, by lying about those dreaded dole bludging jet setters who're taking ALL that money instead of working at all those jobs WHICH DO NOT EXIST in this country

and the few which DO exist

or which are CREATED on OUR money by sell-out politicians

specifically handed to incomers of the tinted shade

even when it means (as it invariably does) sacking a reliable, experienced, hard working Aussie

so I suspect and very strongly at that

that your above post was posted

in order no one would read the post directly above it

I respect you not one iota by the way, in case that hasn't already been made clear

Receive more than me?

Did you miss this bit? : "It is way too low BTW ..."

Please don't call it the dole ... "dole" is demeaning IMHO

My point is that there are a small percentage of bums (living on the Gold-coast for example) who do manage to "comply" with the Centrelink requirements yet somehow manage to remain on the unemployment allowance to fund their surfing lifestyle.

I'm well aware of the Centrelink requirements as my son went through that nightmare a year or so ago. Centrelink were completely hopeless BTW when it came to helping my son find work. He eventually got a job through his own efforts using SEEK. Centrelink were inept, bumbling, stupid and pathetic dweebs throughout.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bobby on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:35am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:10am:

Its time wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 6:16pm:
What happened to jobsun growth

What jobs?

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Sir lastnail on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:39am
How about real jobs designing and building electric cars instead of these dead end fruit picking jobs that lead to no where. Honestly is this the best the libbos can do ? :(

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bobby on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:54am

Sir lastnail wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:39am:
How about real jobs designing and building electric cars instead of these dead end fruit picking jobs that lead to no where.\
Honestly is this the best the libbos can do ? :(

It's the best they can do Nail.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bam on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:44pm

Captain Nemo wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:27am:
I'm well aware of the Centrelink requirements as my son went through that nightmare a year or so ago. Centrelink were completely hopeless BTW when it came to helping my son find work. He eventually got a job through his own efforts using SEEK. Centrelink were inept, bumbling, stupid and pathetic dweebs throughout.

Centrelink doesn't have responsibility for assisting job seekers to find work. That belongs to the Job Services Networks such as Jobactive. You won't find a more useless bunch of government-funded pricks anywhere. They are not obliged to provide any services at all. All they are required to do is compel jobseekers to attend appointments and tick boxes on screens to say the jobseeker has done so. There's no requirement for the provider to do anything at these appointments, the jobseekers are just required to attend. These networks are worse than useless: they hinder jobseekers more then they help, as the local labour shortages demonstrate.

These parasites cost $7 billion a year. Newstart costs $10 billion a year for unemployed workers.

Think about that. The Federal Budget is spending nearly as much on job services networks as is paid directly in income support payments. Anyone who wants to cut some useless public servants to save money should put these useless boxtickers at the top of a very short list.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Captain Nemo on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:48pm
Yes Bam, I stand corrected, the "Job Networks" are the ones that are supposed to assist people to find a job.

They were inept, bumbling, stupid and pathetic dweebs throughout.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Bobby on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:52pm

Bam wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:44pm:

Captain Nemo wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:27am:
I'm well aware of the Centrelink requirements as my son went through that nightmare a year or so ago. Centrelink were completely hopeless BTW when it came to helping my son find work. He eventually got a job through his own efforts using SEEK. Centrelink were inept, bumbling, stupid and pathetic dweebs throughout.

Centrelink doesn't have responsibility for assisting job seekers to find work. That belongs to the Job Services Networks such as Jobactive. You won't find a more useless bunch of government-funded pricks anywhere. They are not obliged to provide any services at all. All they are required to do is compel jobseekers to attend appointments and tick boxes on screens to say the jobseeker has done so. There's no requirement for the provider to do anything at these appointments, the jobseekers are just required to attend. These networks are worse than useless: they hinder jobseekers more then they help, as the local labour shortages demonstrate.

These parasites cost $7 billion a year. Newstart costs $10 billion a year for unemployed workers.

Think about that. The Federal Budget is spending nearly as much on job services networks as is paid directly in income support payments. Anyone who wants to cut some useless public servants to save money should put these useless boxtickers at the top of a very short list.

Good idea - parasites -
put them on the dole too - let them see what it's like.

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by Sir lastnail on Oct 14th, 2018 at 1:02pm

Bam wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:44pm:

Captain Nemo wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:27am:
I'm well aware of the Centrelink requirements as my son went through that nightmare a year or so ago. Centrelink were completely hopeless BTW when it came to helping my son find work. He eventually got a job through his own efforts using SEEK. Centrelink were inept, bumbling, stupid and pathetic dweebs throughout.

Centrelink doesn't have responsibility for assisting job seekers to find work. That belongs to the Job Services Networks such as Jobactive. You won't find a more useless bunch of government-funded pricks anywhere. They are not obliged to provide any services at all. All they are required to do is compel jobseekers to attend appointments and tick boxes on screens to say the jobseeker has done so. There's no requirement for the provider to do anything at these appointments, the jobseekers are just required to attend. These networks are worse than useless: they hinder jobseekers more then they help, as the local labour shortages demonstrate.

These parasites cost $7 billion a year. Newstart costs $10 billion a year for unemployed workers.

Think about that. The Federal Budget is spending nearly as much on job services networks as is paid directly in income support payments. Anyone who wants to cut some useless public servants to save money should put these useless boxtickers at the top of a very short list.

Another bunch of scammers costing a whole pile of money and not producing one single job !! If that money was redirected into private enterprise just imagine how many real jobs it could create instead of teaching people how to read the yellow pages and cold calling non existent jobs :(

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by buzzanddidj on Oct 14th, 2018 at 2:41pm

whiteknight wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:24pm:
When will the unemployed ever get a fair and just increase?.   :( 

They WON'T
There's no VOTES in it

The Federal Government needs to consult with the likes of the Salvation Army and ACOSS to establish a Newstart rate that at least matches the poverty line

From then on it should be indexed - in the same manner pensions are

PRESENTLY, Newstart is a convenient and regular "political football"

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by TheFunPolice on Oct 14th, 2018 at 4:49pm

Redmond Neck wrote on Oct 13th, 2018 at 4:42pm:
Actually I dont have a problem with it if they live close to the farm and have transport available!

Fair enough, but is that honestly what you think the deal is?

Farmboys are front bottom*s, fullstop! Thats' why they come to the city and get their fulltimepermanent government jobs and sit like dinosaurs in the same f'n thing for life.... BECAUSE THEY'RE CU***S!

Nationals used to rule this land and now the coalition are just using 101 c***face poltiics because they know they have to face the slayer due to the disgracrful legacy that is copper internet!


Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by TheFunPolice on Oct 14th, 2018 at 4:52pm

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:52pm:

Bam wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 12:44pm:

Captain Nemo wrote on Oct 14th, 2018 at 11:27am:
I'm well aware of the Centrelink requirements as my son went through that nightmare a year or so ago. Centrelink were completely hopeless BTW when it came to helping my son find work. He eventually got a job through his own efforts using SEEK. Centrelink were inept, bumbling, stupid and pathetic dweebs throughout.

Centrelink doesn't have responsibility for assisting job seekers to find work. That belongs to the Job Services Networks such as Jobactive. You won't find a more useless bunch of government-funded pricks anywhere. They are not obliged to provide any services at all. All they are required to do is compel jobseekers to attend appointments and tick boxes on screens to say the jobseeker has done so. There's no requirement for the provider to do anything at these appointments, the jobseekers are just required to attend. These networks are worse than useless: they hinder jobseekers more then they help, as the local labour shortages demonstrate.

These parasites cost $7 billion a year. Newstart costs $10 billion a year for unemployed workers.

Think about that. The Federal Budget is spending nearly as much on job services networks as is paid directly in income support payments. Anyone who wants to cut some useless public servants to save money should put these useless boxtickers at the top of a very short list.

Good idea - parasites -
put them on the dole too - let them see what it's like.

boxtickers observing boxtickers: sounds like lots of nursing fun  :D

Title: Re: Morrison Says Do Farm Work Or Lose Welfare Pay
Post by juliar on Oct 15th, 2018 at 3:33pm
You can feel the shudders of fear rippling thru the Lefties.

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