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General Discussion >> General Board >> 30 day Positivity Challenge Message started by aquascoot on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:02am |
Title: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:02am
You create the story of your life. You have the freedom to decide if it's a happy story or a downer. It's all in the way you see things. You can see challenges as impossible obstacles or learning opportunities. You decide when you have enough (money, success, love), when you can start loving yourself, and when you love your life. What's difficult about embracing positivity and choosing to be happy is that our minds get stuck in the negative. You might have heard that we have as many as 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day and that 80% are negative! That is what happens when we don't live our lives with the intention to be positive. That's why we're starting the 30 Day Be More Positive Challenge.
We have the power to change every second of our lives because we can think about our thoughts and choose to change them. How amazing is it to have this mind power! Just like how we need to be intentional about planning the perfect day, we need to be intentional with our positivity. What have you done in the last week to change your habits to become more positive? Don't beat yourself up if the answer is nothing. That's exactly why we created the 30 Day Be More Positive Challenge. No matter what your current habits are, you can turn them around and this Positive Challenge is exactly the way to do it. It will take you out of your routine and into living a life with greater positivity and love. And when you're more positive, everyone wins. You enjoy your work more, you're more fun to be around, and you make other people happy. The Be More Positive Challenge can impact so much more than how you feel about your life. It can transform everything. Scientific studies have shown that positive thinking can build your skill set. And when you develop your skills, you'll be a shoe-in for that promotion or new position. CNN published an article about how positive thinking can lead to your success. The highlights? Positive people perform better and are more supported by their peers. They are less likely to be unemployed and end up living longer. Plus, when you're happier, you're more creative and you'll find your inspiration to create something meaningful. There is so much that positivity can bring to your life. Is more happiness and a better outlook something you want for yourself? What about for the people around you? Do you want to bring greater joy to their lives? Give the 30 Day Be More Positive Challenge a try and see how it changes your life. It isn't a big sacrifice. All you need to do is take 15 minutes a day to be more positive. Try it out for one week and see how you feel. Keep going and before you know it, you'll transform your mindset and begin thinking positively without meaning to. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:42am
You in, Longy?
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Valkie on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:43am
life is a S#$it and then you die.
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:52am Karnal wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:42am:
every recall is a reframe |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:57am Valkie wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:43am:
the concept of "dhukkha" Suffering is either self-imposed or imposed on others. Buddhism holds that all life is suffering; that this suffering is caused by selfish craving, aka, thirst, desire, longing, and greed, which I take to mean the craving of both oneself and others; and that selfish craving can be overcome through the Noble Eight-fold Path of: Right view Right resolve Right speech Right action Right livelihood Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration. the buddha was advising people to get onto the "NARROW ROAD TO SUCCESS" :D :D |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Ye Grappler on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:50am
Sounds suspiciously like Scientology to me...
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by cods on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:16am Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:50am:
;D ;D more like stand up comedy I feel.?.... with Anthony Robbins.... ::) ::) hes worth over $500 million so we cant knock him.. however I havent seen many multi millionaires he has created thus far...perhaps they are still buying his books and videos....on how to smile and make all the right move at the right time of course.. I positively cannot stand Anthony Robbins.. well its a beginning... ;) ;) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:17am cods wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:16am:
aquascoot won't like that, cods. (I'm with you, by the way) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by cods on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:22am
I am just being positive..isnt that the idea?.. :)
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Aussie on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:26am |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:44am greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:17am:
you and cods merely prove that addiction to negative thought loops is a problem. of course you couldnt do 30 days of positive thinking. you would feel ill and go into a harsh drug withdrawal if you gave up your "drug" for 30 minutes :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:45am aquascoot wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:44am:
That's a very negative comment. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:46am Aussie wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:26am:
sharing the thoughts of a fellow traveller. i call this "vibing with high vibration energy" did you feel enthused reading it aussie or did you feel nauseated. if you felt nauseated like gweg and cods, you have a problem ;) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:46am greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:45am:
tough love ;) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Aussie on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:47am aquascoot wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:46am:
Neither. I did not read it at all. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:53am aquascoot wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:46am:
I wasn't nauseated. I'm nauseated by Anthony Robbins, though. He's just a snake-oil salesman. The woman you plagiarized, however, looks quite interesting. The daughter of refugees. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by cods on Mar 21st, 2019 at 11:06am aquascoot wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:46am:
nauseate where did I do that??? I said hes a very rich man [materially].. and he is... he's a Pied Piper....... leading a flock of mesmerised followers.... my thoughts are pretty clear pretty much what you read.... I dont like phonies..this guy plays to packed houses...just like an entertainer....oh he has something to sell alright....its at the door as you go out.. :( |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 21st, 2019 at 11:36am cods wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 11:06am:
"Look I’ll be brutally honest here. "Tony Robbins is a snake-oil salesman of the worst kind. His events, his pseudo-science and the whole rah-rah is a giant commercial con-job designed to suck money out of dumb people." |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 21st, 2019 at 11:40am aquascoot wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:57am:
Very true, Aquascoot. You've got it. Dukkha translates as not quite hitting the mark. This is the feeling we get when we've strived hard to accomplish something. Once you've got it, you think, is that all there is? Then you try to accomplish something else, rarely stopping to reflect on the lack of satisfaction. You see this in people who've accomplished fame and fortune. They always find out that fame and fortune is not what it's cracked up to be. Many move onto drugs or toxic relationships to fill the gap they discover when they've gotten everything they want. The ones with insight say that the best time they had was in the early days, when they were on the way up. Mr Trump experienced dukkha when he was erected president. He discovered the emptiness that comes with achieving your goal - in his case, a goal Mr Trump never expected to achieve. Hillary certainly did. King Solomon describes Dukkha best, I think, in the Book of Ecclesiastes: Quote:
The best song to describe dukkha, I think, is Devo's frenetic version of (I Can't Get No) Satisfaction. In every sense - vocals, harmony, beat - the song doesn't hit the mark. It leaves you wanting more. So sure, in many cases, suffering means suffering. The world exists on death and rebirth. Our bodies only exist by eating other life forms. All beings are the same. Even plants require the nutrition of other dead plants chewed over by earthworms in the soil. But the best case scenario - reaching the summit of the "narrow path to success" - is suffering too. Getting there is mostly luck. But when you do, you want more and more. It's this - the desire for more - that perpetuates life, death and rebirth. And it all comes from dukkha. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by bellamor on Mar 21st, 2019 at 2:43pm
Life is unpredictable, people will always have their good days and bad days.
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by cods on Mar 21st, 2019 at 2:51pm greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 11:36am:
I will be honest never been to one....but yes its all about SELLING I am sure.. I have seen his kits on Ebay...lolol... how much does he charge just to walk in????... anyway take a look at the house he lives in. its a monster....and he laughed and he laughed all the way to the BANK> |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 21st, 2019 at 2:56pm cods wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 2:51pm:
Good question - let me investigate. It turns out he's headed our way in a couple of months. The tickets for his Sydney "show" range from $1,700 to $5,000 per person. However, for a limited time, you can save 48% on ticket prices. If you get in quick, the prices range from $945 to $3,295. I'll put you down for a couple of tix? |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by cods on Mar 21st, 2019 at 3:09pm greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 2:56pm: know they wouldnt charge like that if they didnt think people would pay it.... hes playing with mugs....people full of self doubt..who need some one to tell them to put one foot in front of the other......and he is milking them dry... but I guess he isnt breaking any laws....wonder if he comes from Nigeria.. :) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 21st, 2019 at 3:18pm cods wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 3:09pm:
I checked out the highest priced tickets - Diamond. For that extra couple of thousand dollars, you do get free WiFi as well as free tea & coffee. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by BigP on Mar 21st, 2019 at 3:35pm greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 2:56pm:
A fool and their money are easily parted I wouldn't pay that sort of money to see David Duke lol |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 21st, 2019 at 3:42pm Seeing as this thread is about positivity, I'm trying to focus on the good: "As an active philanthropist, through his partnership with Feeding America, Mr. Robbins has provided over 325 million meals in the last 3 years to those in need. "He is on track to provide a billion meals over the next 7 years. "He has also initiated programs in more than 1,500 schools, 700 prisons, and 50,000 service organisations and shelters. "He provides fresh water to 250,000 people a day in India to prevent waterborne diseases, the #1 killer of children in that country." |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by greggerypeccary on Mar 21st, 2019 at 3:52pm How about 6 days in Cairns with Tony? FROM ONLY $6,495 PAY UP TO $2,500 MORE AT DOOR |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by BigP on Mar 21st, 2019 at 4:13pm greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 3:52pm:
Id be almost tempted to top him for 6k lol |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Bias_2012 on Mar 21st, 2019 at 5:34pm
Positive thinking is powerful - I was thinking how great it would be if immigration numbers reduced, and they did reduce, by 30,000
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Ye Grappler on Mar 21st, 2019 at 5:41pm greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 10:53am:
Link so I can check her out...nothing chauvinistic about me.. NEVAH! |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 21st, 2019 at 6:58pm bellamor wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 2:43pm:
I blame Islam. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Bias_2012 on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:58pm
Your challenge is to stop blaming Islam for 30 days Karnal ... then you can resume again after that
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Aussie on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:06pm Bias_2012 wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 7:58pm:
Yeah..use "I blame the freemasons" instead, Karnal. Be more positive, okay? |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:14pm Aussie wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:06pm:
I thought I was being positive, but okay, you tell me who to blame and I'll do it. The leftards? |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Aussie on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:29pm Karnal wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:14pm:
We can compromise with leftard freemasons, no? |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:40pm Aussie wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:29pm:
Hard to say. What are Fat Steve and Janeen? |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Aussie on Mar 21st, 2019 at 9:01pm
I dunno. I have never heard of them...other than here.
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 6:36am Karnal wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 8:40pm:
its not about "blaming" them, its about getting them to shift their selective focus so you can "inspire" them. heres a truth. if you try to sell someone a product, what is a better response to prove the product is good. 1. they say "oh thats great, what a cool product" 2 they have an emotional reaction, start squirming and then tell you you are a snake oil salesman ? its actually the latter. you know if you have a good product, because people get an inkling at a deeper subconscious level that they actually might need this. then they think "ah sh###t, i am already in credit card debt" then they have conflicting emotions (which they hate) then they get angry about the conflicting emotions and they express that as an outburst to "let themselves maintain their emotional state". its quite interesting Karnal, that the people in the real durr state (steve and janeen) dont get upset about a self improvement movement. they cant even see it. but the people slightly higher up get VERY upset. because they know they SHOULD see it. its always the people like gweg or karnal or longie or sad skippy who have the most violent reaction about this stuff. because you all have a lot of passion and focus and even discipline. the focus that gweg has to commit to inserting trump into every thread the dedication to do that the discipline to devote yourself to that. wow. i am inspired. if that sort of passion could be redirected into a small business, you could crush it. its why i never look down on drug dealers . the drug addicts are like steve and janeen. they are at the bottom. buit a dealer is a guy with enterprise, passion , discipline, a north star, a purpose in life. you give me an addict and i probably couldnt help them you give me a dealer who has built up a bit of an empire and i could teach that bloke to absolutley be a success in the real economy. in fact , he would probably be MORE successful because he has courage and a fearless attitude. ;) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by cods on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 7:33am greggerypeccary wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 3:18pm:
I would beware of drinking anything there it could be laced with some kind of relaxing feel good stuff so you end up buying one of everything at the worlds most POSITIVE shop. :) :) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by BigP on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 7:50am Aussie wrote on Mar 21st, 2019 at 9:01pm:
What about Jay and silent Bob ? |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 8:04am cods wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 7:33am:
a lot of this stuff is very nuanced . people often think all these things are a scam and fair enough. part of "spending cash' is the subconscious transformation of "being invested". so a guy might buy a chick a 10,000 dollar diamond ring. now, you could , quite rightly say he has fallen for a scam. but he is now invested in that relationship and he is going to work harder to make the relationship work because of the investment. you can buy a robbins book for 10 dollars on the internet. or maybe you spend the BIG dough for a weekend. sure , you are being scammed. but you are more brought in now, you are invested, the change is more likely to 'stick". i see a lot of cynical people who never buy in to anything and they are usually losers. as an example, my 2 daughters sell real estate and one spent 1000 dollars for a one day course to improve your public speaking. what a scam !!! really? she says she reckons she has sold maybe 5 or 6 more houses in the last 12 months thanks to that investment. at a commision of 10 grand or so , per sale, thats just super value. the people in the durr state, cant see it they cant see the heights to which people can ascend. they are like whiteknight calling for an extra 50 dollars a fortnight on the dole when there are literally millions of dollars waiting to be attained if you just have the right attitude. a POSITIVE ATTITUDE :D :D |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 10:43am aquascoot wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 6:36am:
Why would you try to inspire people you think are garbage? You've said it plenty of times, Fat Steve and Janeen can't be helped. The only use for these chodes is the Superior Man exploiting them on the "narrow path to success". You give up being superior to this garbage and I'll take you up on your challenge. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 11:06am Karnal wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 10:43am:
steve and janeen are "cautionary tales". can they be helped by a positivity challenge? probably not. heres what i have seen. rich people DO try to help people by giving them a hand up. but people who arent "brought in' will always mess up. and you know what happens then? do you think they are grateful that a rich person tried to help them? no way. they say 'that rich guy tried to trick me, that rich guy tried to scam me' and they hate on the guy even more. once that happens to a rich guy a couple of times (and its happened to me ), you just realise you cant help most people. but there is a great joy in mentoring young people who are passionate and full of enthusiasm. so you find someone like that and you give them an opportunity and then when they do it, you give them 5 more opportunities. and that IS how the world works. i dont hate steve and janeen. i just know that you mess around with steve and janeen and they are just going to hate on you. you want to know another group i see as "cautionary tales"? guys who built a business and then lost their passion and just tried to cruise, thought they could rest. guys like that are made to pay. everything will be taken from them success has to be earnt and re earnt on a daily basis. its why the poor kid who makes it big will always have the edge over the guy who just got handed it. because the more disadvantages you have to overcome , the more it hardens you. and you need that understanding you need that "blue collar work ethic" if you are going to continue to crush it ;) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 11:53am
I knew you wouldn't take up the offer, Aquascoot. You're too hooked on your "cautionary tales", dear.
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by mothra on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 12:08pm Karnal wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 11:53am:
Also, too preoccupied with placing value on all the wrong things. Like all simple elitists. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by cods on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 12:30pm
a lot of this stuff is very nuanced .
people often think all these things are a scam and fair enough. part of "spending cash' is the subconscious transformation of "being invested". so a guy might buy a chick a 10,000 dollar diamond ring. now, you could , quite rightly say he has fallen for a scam. but he is now invested in that relationship and he is going to work harder to make the relationship work because of the investment. you can buy a robbins book for 10 dollars on the internet. or maybe you spend the BIG dough for a weekend. sure , you are being scammed. but you are more brought in now, you are invested, the change is more likely to 'stick". i see a lot of cynical people who never buy in to anything and they are usually losers. as an example, my 2 daughters sell real estate and one spent 1000 dollars for a one day course to improve your public speaking. what a scam !!! really? she says she reckons she has sold maybe 5 or 6 more houses in the last 12 months thanks to that investment. at a commision of 10 grand or so , per sale, thats just super value. the people in the durr state, cant see it they cant see the heights to which people can ascend. they are like whiteknight calling for an extra 50 dollars a fortnight on the dole when there are literally millions of dollars waiting to be attained if you just have the right attitude. a POSITIVE ATTITUDE Cheesy Cheesy Back to top to be honest with you aqua I believe I DO HAVE A POSITIVE ATTITUDE...its not easy to tell on here where I rub everyone up the wrong way.. but i life I do and I dont need to GET RICH money isnt what drives me...... its more satisfaction.... my family cop my advice all the time...I know I get lots of rolled eyes... you would be surprised how often I am right and they know it..I would never steer them or anyone else wrong.....but I wouldnt encourage them to do everything because it will make you RICH either... and nearly all your positive posts deal with how wealthy you are proves how positive you are...thats total crap. as far as i am concerned.... tell me how well James Packer is????.... you know what I think Steve and Janeen have a much better life than James Packer sure we can all brighten up our thoughts when we are feeling low..but for gods sakes you must be a bad way to have to pay someone to tell you to look on the bright side... :D :D :D |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by BigP on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 12:52pm
""so a guy might buy a chick a 10,000 dollar diamond ring.""
You been hanging out with a few high rollers Cods lol, That would just about drain my account |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 2:42pm mothra wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 12:08pm:
Ah yes, but I do think Aquascoot's synopsis of suffering and the eightfold noble path is worthy - a very positive contribution. But Aquascoot still thinks material wealth is success. On the noble path, it's the cause of suffering. Remember, noble refers to kings and princes, of which the Buddha was one. In my response, I quoted King Solomon, another noble who realised the futility of power, wealth and pleasure. They ultimately bring depression. The noble path is a commitment to poverty, or what Buddha called the "homeless state", referring to the monkhood. Personally, I think he meant single people without families and households, not actual homelessness, but it's an interesting metaphor. Monks are not allowed fancy clothes, comfortable beds or any creature comforts at all. They only eat one meal a day, no meat, no alcohol. A lot of the time, they're denied sleep as well. For the Buddha, this is the "narrow path to success". Supposed models of success like Mr Trump actually create more suffering for themselves and others. Just think, Mr Trump won't stay in any other hotel than a Trump one. He won't fly with an airline, even in first class. The White House, without its gold toilets and elevators is uncomfortable to him. He requires a team of staff to attend to all his needs, including someone who dresses him. He'll only eat KFC, Pizza Hit or McDonalds because he's worried about being poisoned. In all respects, Mr Trump leads a very restricted life, and one created solely from wealth and desire. Elitists are most unhappy people. Look at all the ones we have here - they're constantly angry, always out to blame someone, they make stuff up, they live in a state of perpetual fear and hyper-vigilance, but when you ask them why, they don't even understand why. They're told to hate and fear, so they do. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 3:02pm Karnal wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 2:42pm:
thats not quite how i see it. i think all people want piles of cash and lots of attention from the opposite sex. you need to own that. are you saying most people dont want that. i disagree. so you own it and you go on the journey to aspire to it and that expands you as a person. now when you GET it, you realise it doesnt make you happy and you can then go to the next paradigm. "enjoying the journey for the sake of walking the path" the reason happiness usually doesnt "stick' is because you have been stressed and ungrateful as you aspired to success and stress and ingratitude is now your emotional 'set point'. thats you now!!. far better advice for someone climbing would to be to do gratitude training every day , so that you can have a set point of gratitude and then it "would' stick. but what i have found amongst the people who say they DONT want piles of cash and they DONT want a hot partner is that they are just using moral superiority to cover up their own desires. i find most people who would criticise someone for aspiring to cash or success with women is that they are the most creepy little sneaky shiiits who want it soooo bad that it hurts them to admit it and they have to suppress it. and it comes out as sneaky little behaviours to scam other people or sneaky little behaviours to try to have an affair with their partners sister , all sorts of creepy opportunistic crap. so its better to won it walk the path of action and material success. see it isnt the answer only THEN can you transcend it and move on ;) ;) |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 4:58pm
The whole purpose of the noble path is to bring happiness, Aquascoot.
And the more you understand dukkha, the more you learn to be happy. This isn't an intellectual understanding, but an experiential one. The more you let go of craving and repulsion, the more free you become. Striving for wealth, name and fame only leads to more craving and repulsion if you're lucky enough to achieve it. And if you don't, it leads to envy, resentment and bitterness. All desiring leads to more desiring, it's a mental habit, an addiction. In Buddhism, this is the very essence of existence - these habits and desires drive the great chain of being we're all a part of. You need to experience this to understand it. No one is forced to travel the noble path, and it wouldn't work if they were. People come to the noble path when they've experienced the pointlessness and misery that comes from their desires and habits. There are plenty of obstacles along the way, so you need to be motivated to keep going. Plenty of people stop at one point of happiness, but the ones who succeed are able to let go of their achievements along the path. Once you start to get good feelings, you must learn to let them go, otherwise you become attached to these spiritual states. Or you chase them or try to recreate them, only to find they never come back. These rewards only come when you don't want them. Lasting happiness is only possible by letting things go, not picking them up. Nothing lasting comes from being rich or famous or successful. Sure, you can be all these things and happy, but they are not the cause of your happiness. The Kingdom lies within. The king of kings is poor, but rich. You? |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 5:37pm
again, we differ a bit.
i think young men should strive to build a business, give and recieve (profits), give good masculine energy to women and recieive (sex) and then transcend that , realise it doesnt create permanent bliss and then go into contribution and walk the path for the sake of walking it. now, if you are in tibet, theres not a lot going on so you might as well just skip my steps and go straight to trying to eliminate desire. but what I SEE IN THE WEST, is LAZY guys who are SCARED and lack COURAGE and think they can go sit at byron bay on the dole and smoke weed and put on this FAKE SPIRITUALITY, this FAKE LACK OF DESIRE. and its all BS because they are using LAZINESS as an excuse for APATHY and INACTION. and these same spiritual types are the first to get really mad and emotional if you try ot take away their weed or their dole or tell them they have a giant ego attached to the concept of MORAL SUPERIORITY. never let ANYONE shame you for trying to get build a business, earn a profit or get quality women. they are shaming you because they want the same things so bad that seeing someone else trying to get it makes them go INSANE |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 5:50pm aquascoot wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 5:37pm:
The lazy never walk the noble path, it's just too hard. No one's saying you can't start a business. Plenty of Tibetans do. Now come, will you take the 30 day challenge? No complaining about other people's laziness, anger, apathy, insanity, giant egos, inaction or moral superiority - in CAPITALS. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by aquascoot on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 5:58pm Karnal wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 5:50pm:
youre on |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Rhino on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 6:36pm Karnal wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 4:58pm:
This must be why Buddhist countries do so well and have such a high standard of living, selling your kids into sexual slavery at the age of 10 for money to buy rice is what its all about. Its all about noble truths init. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 6:40pm aquascoot wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 5:58pm:
You can't do it. |
Title: Re: 30 day Positivity Challenge Post by Karnal on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 6:44pm rhino wrote on Mar 22nd, 2019 at 6:36pm:
We're talking about the noble path to success here, Rhino. Monks generally beg for their rice. I was a bit suspicious when I saw a monk begging for money in Phnom Penh recently. |
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