Australian Politics Forum
General Discussion >> General Board >> How we have it Wrong.

Message started by aquascoot on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm

Title: How we have it Wrong.
Post by aquascoot on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by PZ547 on Apr 12th, 2019 at 5:08pm
Who knows

I never lusted for money or success, was never competitive

all I wanted was to survive and get off this rock as quietly and quickly as possible

There's a lot of beauty, sure.  But this place is a demented hell and for all the technological progress, humans have not evolved and in fact seem to be devolving

Being left alone in peace is my idea of success and it's seeming as if many of the younger generation have the same idea -- Japan for example

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Spatchcock on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:10pm
I can't believe we have to go over this.

The aim of intelligence agencies is to have influence, control influence, and direct influence in their own nations and elsewhere in order to achieve social and political outcome.

To control and direct influence they are tasked with infiltrating and taking over rival and "subversive" groups where they can then control the opposition to do their bidding. They also recruit people to do their bidding either by manipulating them (eg controlling a group that influences them), by having them sympathetic to them or through blackmail.

Hollywood and the entertainment industry have MASSIVE amounts of influence all over the world. Hollywood is a target for infiltration by nations and entities desiring to control or subvert influence in America and elsewhere.

Therefore, it is obvious that the entertainment industry is an ongoing counter intelligence concern and therefore is completely controlled by the government.

The government uses the entertainment industry as a part of its intelligence apparatus. This is a given. This is not speculation.

Therefore, if you are influenced by and emulate pop culture, you are helping with transferring the values the intelligence agencies desire in to general society by acting as a multiplier.

And when someone equally a part of the intelligence apparatus, such as a journalist or media personality speaks out conservatively against these new values and creates points of division, the intelligence agency has successfully created influence, directed influence and divided society as they wanted to achieve a social outcome, either long term or short term.

This is done by the host government. It is called national security.

If a foreign government tried this in it would be called espionage or foreign interference or electoral interference.

The sexualisation of society may have the long term goal of encouraging hedonism and destroy the previous values of morality and chaste that were present until at least the 80's which were used to keep society docile by having fun pathologised or shunned.

By doing this, people will strive for less, be dumb horny and happy, complain less and therefore possibly be increased stability via less social unrest due to reduced wants and needs of items such as cars and expensive clothes, now replaced by flesh and gym bodies. This destroys "class inequality" as it becomes a value or desire not valued or desired. This has national security implications.

So essentially you are a wild animal and you are being socially engineered.

And later you need to vote to invade some country of brown people and watch them die because they have the internet and their ideas can now spread here and cause electoral interference which is a threat to the control intelligence agencies have over the herd.

Because remember, electoral interference is an outrage and Chinese people eat babies so we need to stop this electoral interference for Jesus.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by .JaSin. on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:19pm
Well Aquascoot,
I've always admired what you have to say.
But I wonder?
Do you realise that what you think the youth of today need: Over-Indulgence of Sex and Money is... Media-USA.

So you think that the pathway of Australian 'Media'(?) youth is to be like the USA-Media youth?

That is a very 'American' thing to say.   ;)

Have you considered what the Australian version might be?

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by .JaSin. on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:23pm
Maybe the true path in the other extreme is Abstinence from sex and money and to work for food and fluid and seek what is 'free in life' from both people and oneself.
The life of a Swagman.
He who looked into the Billabong and the Billabong looked into him.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Frank on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:36pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm:
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

A good opening gambit but it misses the mark.  What is not encouraged but should be is excellence and virtue. It sounds quaint but it is what matters - recognition for being virtuous and excellent.

With the moral decay we see, virtue and excellence are either dirty words or contested ideas. Striving for money and sex is primitive and therefore wise-spread. Young people need to aim much, much  higher.

But don't despair. Republican Rome a hundred years before Caesar and Augustus was even worse. So we may well be on the verge of a golden age....


Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Spatchcock on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:44pm
Striving for recognition for being virtuous and excellent is receiving praise for extreme conformity. Why should this be encouraged?

Sit. Good dog.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by .JaSin. on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:55pm

Frank wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:36pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm:
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

A good opening gambit but it misses the mark.  What is not encouraged but should be is excellence and virtue. It sounds quaint but it is what matters - recognition for being virtuous and excellent.

With the moral decay we see, virtue and excellence are either dirty words or contested ideas. Striving for money and sex is primitive and therefore wise-spread. Young people need to aim much, much  higher.

But don't despair. Republican Rome a hundred years before Caesar and Augustus was even worse. So we may well be on the verge of a golden age....


Very well said Frank.

Sex and Money are the most primitive of existences regarding over-indulgence. No wonder the Blacks do it better.  :D

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 12th, 2019 at 10:27pm

Jasin wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:23pm:
Maybe the true path in the other extreme is Abstinence from sex and money and to work for food and fluid and seek what is 'free in life' from both people and oneself.
The life of a Swagman.
He who looked into the Billabong and the Billabong looked into him.

The rule of the jungle is never look at the Billabong... or it might look back....

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by aquascoot on Apr 13th, 2019 at 6:19am

Jasin wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:55pm:

Frank wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:36pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm:
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

A good opening gambit but it misses the mark.  What is not encouraged but should be is excellence and virtue. It sounds quaint but it is what matters - recognition for being virtuous and excellent.

With the moral decay we see, virtue and excellence are either dirty words or contested ideas. Striving for money and sex is primitive and therefore wise-spread. Young people need to aim much, much  higher.

But don't despair. Republican Rome a hundred years before Caesar and Augustus was even worse. So we may well be on the verge of a golden age....


Very well said Frank.

Sex and Money are the most primitive of existences regarding over-indulgence. No wonder the Blacks do it better.  :D

yes, but they are universal drives and , in order to be successful in pursuing them, you have to take the lessons.  and the lessons ARENT what you think.

you have to become focused, confident, assertive and a source of passion , fun and good emotions to succeed in either of those areas.
a great transferable skillset

but the paradox is, you have to meet people "where they are at".

so if YOU are going to go up, you have to sell the masses the coca cola, because they wont buy the squuezed orange juice.
you have to sell them the clickbait because they wont read the autobiography of the rich happy successful person.

what would you be more likely to read?

hilary clintons ideas on healthcare reform or a clip entitled "hilary clinton falls down the stairs".

you almost have to think of yourself as a successful drug dealer who is going to sell drugs to the unthinking masses (because thats all they'll buy) but never ever ever touch eh stuff yourself.
you have to operate a paradigm above the masses.

how do you get there?

by pursuing what i told you and learning from the 1000's of reference experiences along the way.

what is soceity doing to young kids?

things like  'dont climb that tree" (dont be brave), stay in your box.

dont approach a girl (be brave and assertive), watch porn or those "me-too' people are going to shame you.

dont learn to focus by reading a great book,  julia gillard and kevin rudd are going to "put an ipad in the hands of every 4 yo at prep so they can become addicted to STIMULATION".
it aint to help them move up !!
its to keep them stuck in their box.

stimulation from the phone
stimulation from the food.
stimulation from the porn
stimulation from the alcohol.

just sit there and be a slug and be stimulated.
you sit there and "take" the stimulation.

now Shorten comes to talk to you.
can you understand a message of joy, ambition, positivity, action taking.

of course not.

bill knows that. scott knows that.

just go super negative "the rich guys are taking all the cash and all the opportunities  ::) ::)"
let me stimulate you with a cash splash.

you dont get what you need
you dont get what would be good for you.

you get what you have become. ;)

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Karnal on Apr 13th, 2019 at 7:47pm
What would you rather see, dear? Sick people get access to health care?

Or Hillary fall down the stairs?

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Karnal on Apr 13th, 2019 at 7:50pm

Frank wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:36pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm:
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

A good opening gambit but it misses the mark.  What is not encouraged but should be is excellence and virtue. It sounds quaint but it is what matters - recognition for being virtuous and excellent.

With the moral decay we see, virtue and excellence are either dirty words or contested ideas. Striving for money and sex is primitive and therefore wise-spread. Young people need to aim much, much  higher.

But don't despair. Republican Rome a hundred years before Caesar and Augustus was even worse. So we may well be on the verge of a golden age....


Quite so, old boy. That's what they're all saying in Pakistan.

Allah Uakbar, no?

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Frank on Apr 14th, 2019 at 9:43pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 13th, 2019 at 7:50pm:

Frank wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:36pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm:
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

A good opening gambit but it misses the mark.  What is not encouraged but should be is excellence and virtue. It sounds quaint but it is what matters - recognition for being virtuous and excellent.

With the moral decay we see, virtue and excellence are either dirty words or contested ideas. Striving for money and sex is primitive and therefore wise-spread. Young people need to aim much, much  higher.

But don't despair. Republican Rome a hundred years before Caesar and Augustus was even worse. So we may well be on the verge of a golden age....


Quite so, old boy. That's what they're all saying in Pakistan.

Allah Uakbar, no?

Why don't you suck some other cock in Auburn, Paki-sucky.  For Allah. Do it for Allah. Allah likes people like you to suck for him.  Go and miam miam. You want to and you will.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Karnal on Apr 14th, 2019 at 11:39pm

Frank wrote on Apr 14th, 2019 at 9:43pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 13th, 2019 at 7:50pm:

Frank wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:36pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm:
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

A good opening gambit but it misses the mark.  What is not encouraged but should be is excellence and virtue. It sounds quaint but it is what matters - recognition for being virtuous and excellent.

With the moral decay we see, virtue and excellence are either dirty words or contested ideas. Striving for money and sex is primitive and therefore wise-spread. Young people need to aim much, much  higher.

But don't despair. Republican Rome a hundred years before Caesar and Augustus was even worse. So we may well be on the verge of a golden age....


Quite so, old boy. That's what they're all saying in Pakistan.

Allah Uakbar, no?

Why don't you suck some other cock in Auburn, Paki-sucky.  For Allah. Do it for Allah. Allah likes people like you to suck for him.  Go and miam miam. You want to and you will.

Don't mind the old boy, Aquascoot. He's from the prestigious University of Balogney.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Laugh till you cry on Apr 15th, 2019 at 12:29am

Karnal wrote on Apr 14th, 2019 at 11:39pm:

Frank wrote on Apr 14th, 2019 at 9:43pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 13th, 2019 at 7:50pm:

Frank wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:36pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm:
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

A good opening gambit but it misses the mark.  What is not encouraged but should be is excellence and virtue. It sounds quaint but it is what matters - recognition for being virtuous and excellent.

With the moral decay we see, virtue and excellence are either dirty words or contested ideas. Striving for money and sex is primitive and therefore wise-spread. Young people need to aim much, much  higher.

But don't despair. Republican Rome a hundred years before Caesar and Augustus was even worse. So we may well be on the verge of a golden age....


Quite so, old boy. That's what they're all saying in Pakistan.

Allah Uakbar, no?

Why don't you suck some other cock in Auburn, Paki-sucky.  For Allah. Do it for Allah. Allah likes people like you to suck for him.  Go and miam miam. You want to and you will.

Don't mind the old boy, Aquascoot. He's from the prestigious University of Balogney.

Frank is not feeling himself and being less than Frank. Frank is not at his best when not feeling himself.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by aquascoot on Apr 15th, 2019 at 6:17am

Karnal wrote on Apr 13th, 2019 at 7:47pm:
What would you rather see, dear? Sick people get access to health care?

Or Hillary fall down the stairs?

its not a matter of what i would rather see.
i would rather see people drink green vege juice then coca cola but i acknowledge "reality"  aka "truth"
i would rather poor people understood that you have to contribute before you recieve but i acknowledge 'reality ' aka "truth".

you and i both know that you put up a link on google news to

1 hilary falls down stairs (or donald gets chased by alligator on golf course)

2 hilary announces health care report  (or donald releases climate change report)

and 99.99% of people are going for the stimulation over the logic.
for 1 over 2
so now that we can both acknowledge this "reality", aka the "truth", i would like you to give acknowledgement that trump as an "entertainer" is exactly the 'reality" that the american public want.

trump is simply better attuned and has a better awareness of reality then you and the left.

the people want to be entertained
trump entertains.

you dont get what you want.
you dont get what would be good for you

;) ;) ;)

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Karnal on Apr 15th, 2019 at 6:53am

Laugh till you cry wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 12:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 14th, 2019 at 11:39pm:

Frank wrote on Apr 14th, 2019 at 9:43pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 13th, 2019 at 7:50pm:

Frank wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 6:36pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 12th, 2019 at 4:31pm:
it is my opinion that the shaming of young men (and women for that matter) for wanting piles of cash and lots of sex is holding us back.

most young men , in particular have swallowed the social narrative that wanting lots of girls or cash is immoral and something they need to suppress .

but is it?

i hold that we are ALL ambitious in these 2 ,most important feilds.

and the pursuit of them , is the making of the superior man and without the "superior man" we are f**ked.

because, if you DO pursue these 2 things you will quickly discover the most important thing.

"taking" and "being selfish"  do not work.

the guys who crush it in business all get there eventually by serving others.
the guys who crush it with women are forced to master their emotions and become givers of good clean emotions and a source of expansive energy or they will fail.

let me say that again.

you will NOT get cash by taking and you will NOT get sex by taking.

these 2 things teach young men , more then anything ever could, to give and contribute because they will try the mainstream narrative of being a creepy little taker and they will fail and it will happen over and over until they learn to serve.

this is our great problem.

our politicians, our mainstream media, our social narrative all say that you take to get ahead.
it has never worked, it will never work and it can never work

until we encourage young men to "go for it" and 'take the lessons", we will continue to be what i call "crabs in a bucket".

we are all in the bucket and we see someone rising up to get out and we grab the guy with our nasty little selfish claws and drag him back down.

only when we start to heap praise on the guys who ARE doing well will we have learnt the lesson.

with the ascendancy of the beta male politician and the combined beta male / feminist in the mainstream media, this will never happen.

until it does, we will continue to live in ever increasing scarcity

A good opening gambit but it misses the mark.  What is not encouraged but should be is excellence and virtue. It sounds quaint but it is what matters - recognition for being virtuous and excellent.

With the moral decay we see, virtue and excellence are either dirty words or contested ideas. Striving for money and sex is primitive and therefore wise-spread. Young people need to aim much, much  higher.

But don't despair. Republican Rome a hundred years before Caesar and Augustus was even worse. So we may well be on the verge of a golden age....


Quite so, old boy. That's what they're all saying in Pakistan.

Allah Uakbar, no?

Why don't you suck some other cock in Auburn, Paki-sucky.  For Allah. Do it for Allah. Allah likes people like you to suck for him.  Go and miam miam. You want to and you will.

Don't mind the old boy, Aquascoot. He's from the prestigious University of Balogney.

Frank is not feeling himself and being less than Frank. Frank is not at his best when not feeling himself.

Maybe one of Aquascoot's vegetable juices and a w@nk would straighten him out.

We'll ask the nurse.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by aquascoot on Apr 15th, 2019 at 7:03am
frank is in high vibration energy

he aspires to the european values of wisdom, enlightenment, perfection, reverence, revelation,reason, harmomy, meaningfulness.

these were the values of the renaisance.

i think frank finds it painful that these values have been trashed.

but we must remember that 90 % of the thoughts you have and the emotions you feel are "negative".
"negativity " is the default
failure is the default
garbage is the default.

how many michelangelos and leonardo de vincis do we produce.
not many.

and with out the evoltionary blowtorch, most people will live in a self made hell of negative emotions and then rationalise their way out of it by blaming the government, or the rich successful happy people.

they will enter the realms of the hungry ghosts.
they are not connected to source energy
they think you get ahead by taking
they do not understand the laws of the universe.

maybe they should read 'the kybalion", but its doubtful they could read more then a tweet

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Karnal on Apr 15th, 2019 at 8:25am
Frank's dead, dear.  He's been cryogenically frozen. They have a program so he can have a rant every now and then. It's marvellous what you can do with computers these days.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Laugh till you cry on Apr 15th, 2019 at 8:47am

Karnal wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 8:25am:
Frank's dead, dear.  He's been cryogenically frozen. They have a program so he can have a rant every now and then. It's marvellous what you can do with computers these days.

Aquascoot admires dead people because dead people make no mistakes and never complain about horse anus gas emissions.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Karnal on Apr 15th, 2019 at 11:54am

Laugh till you cry wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 8:47am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 8:25am:
Frank's dead, dear.  He's been cryogenically frozen. They have a program so he can have a rant every now and then. It's marvellous what you can do with computers these days.

Aquascoot admires dead people because dead people make no mistakes and never complain about horse anus gas emissions.

Very true, Laugh. To my knowledge, Frank has never complained about anal horse emissions.

He's more an aficionado for the human kind.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Frank on Apr 17th, 2019 at 7:10pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 6:53am:

Laugh till you cry wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 12:29am:
Don't mind the old boy, Aquascoot. He's from the prestigious University of Balogney.

Frank is not feeling himself and being less than Frank. Frank is not at his best when not feeling himself.

Maybe one of Aquascoot's vegetable juices and a w@nk would straighten him out.

We'll ask the nurse. [/quote]

There you have it, posters: two lady boys, Paki and Abo, sucking each other in public,  with gay abandon.

Unseemly, pwincesses.  Desist.  No ten rupee for either of you.

Mince along now.

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by PZ547 on Apr 17th, 2019 at 7:32pm
Nothing personal, Aquascoot, but I can't shake the suspicion that you've been hooked into one of those motivational-speaker scams

You mention 'success' a lot

Here's my interpretation of success, ok

Right living

Science has shown that if your parents are poor, you'll be poor
Science has also shown that people can expect to be ten percent better off than their parents --- except right now, when people can be expected to be ten or more percent worse off than their parents

So, if your parents are wealthy, or comfortable, the odds favour you being likewise

Success has also been linked to genes by science.  They're still working on it, but they believe your path through life is determined by genes

What do we need to survive?  We need sustenance and shelter, those are the basics -- food, water, roof over head

anything else is a luxury

So if Tom/Jill are fortunate to have paid employment which provides food, water, shelter, it might also stretch to a tv, computer, vehicle, and more than one set of clothing

It may not be much of a house or vehicle, but with work and some saving up, both can be improved upon so that the house is waterproof, secure and reasonable to the eye. Same with the vehicle

What's next?  Maybe a partner and children.  Demands sacrifice, steady work and committment

Then what?  By now, Tom would have worked out a personal philosophy, he might have planned a bit of a retirement and pondered the world after this

A modest life.  Appreciation of natural beauty.  Time spent enjoying those around him.  A helping hand for his friends and neighbours, maybe a larger contribution to society in the form of volunteering or collecting litter from the street

When Tom dies, he may not have many to mourn him, but that's not the point.  How many were glad to see him coming down the road towards them?  That's success.  That's a life well lived

To live within one's means and be satisfied and grateful for what one has -- that's intelligent and it's a recipe for success

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Frank on Apr 17th, 2019 at 7:37pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 7:03am:
frank is in high vibration energy

he aspires to the european values of wisdom, enlightenment, perfection, reverence, revelation,reason, harmomy, meaningfulness.

these were the values of the renaisance.

i think frank finds it painful that these values have been trashed.

but we must remember that 90 % of the thoughts you have and the emotions you feel are "negative".
"negativity " is the default
failure is the default
garbage is the default.

how many michelangelos and leonardo de vincis do we produce.
not many.

and with out the evoltionary blowtorch, most people will live in a self made hell of negative emotions and then rationalise their way out of it by blaming the government, or the rich successful happy people.

they will enter the realms of the hungry ghosts.
they are not connected to source energy
they think you get ahead by taking
they do not understand the laws of the universe.

maybe they should read 'the kybalion", but its doubtful they could read more then a tweet

Good but slightly wide of the mark points.

What you call Renaissance values are not 'of a time' even if they were thought of at a particular time. Renaissance and Enlightenment and human dignity, freedom, purpose and creativity are not passing fashions, like transgenderism (exploded right after SSM) and other political correctness shibboleths, weepy emotionalism (Emotional Correctness). These are parochial, of-the-place, of-the-time little political bolshevism and reactions.

Freedom of thought and expression, open enquiry, creativity in dialogue with others - these are not of place or of time but universal values expressed, yes, in a particular time and place. That is the sense in which the Renaissance and the Enlightenment are note merely 'European' concerns but universal expressions of the right direction for individual energies to be expended in and that they were first articulated by Europeans is of secondary importance.

But all the chip-on-shoulders reactionary people take what is secondary and try to make it primary - without offering a better primary value. Identity politics is a dreadful and stupid primary value and it was replaced by thee Renaissance and Enlightenment. But now we see the parochial, tribal identitarians revolting against the universal that transcends and looks beyond the tribal and parochial.
The identity politics crowd resent not universal values - they want to univesalise their own little pissy preoccupations - but that someone else has identified obviously universal values, rendering their little preoccupations patently parochial and myopic. That's what they cannot abide by: denial of importance of their small, peripheral little preoccupation with themselves.

Makes them seething with murderous resentment.


Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Frank on Apr 17th, 2019 at 7:41pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 7:03am:
frank is in high vibration energy

Good NOT to be like low energy Jeb, what?

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 17th, 2019 at 7:41pm
How we have it wrong #79739:-

we are forced to vote for people we do not know but who we know will not do the job....

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by aquascoot on Apr 18th, 2019 at 6:35am

Frank wrote on Apr 17th, 2019 at 7:41pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 7:03am:
frank is in high vibration energy

Good NOT to be like low energy Jeb, what?

it was an amazing performance watching trump "tool" Jeb.
it was a man (trump) who is cocky, confident and assertive demolishing a man (jeb) who was reactive, sad and meek.

i actually think trump could win the next election.

people dont vote based on policies, they vote based on emotions.

and trump knows how to "game" people.
trump actually runs "game" on the crowd.

the best salesmen are all like that.
they can read a persons emotions and they know which buttons to push.
it comes from years and years of interactions with real people "in the field".

you can never get that from sitting in an office like the usual policy maker.
you have to be out , doing the deals, where the rubber meets the road, pressing the flesh.

trump is one of the best marketers and salesmen i have ever seen.

i know a couple of people in america who didnt even like the guy but they said he was always on the morning news and they sort of got hooked on him .
they realised if he lost, they would miss seeing him
he understands the need to entertain and to engage.

who wins survivor?, who prevails on big brother?
its the guy with the MOST personality.

there is really no limit to it.

when trump said "i could shoot someone in time square and my ratings wouldnt go down".i think he is close to being correct.
he has played politics at a new paradigm
at HIS paradigm

and when others (jeb or cbs or msnbc or liz warren or rachel maddow) deal with him, they are always in 'reaction" and "reaction" is always low status.

pure genius.
if you arent studying trump and taking the lessons, you are a fool, you are a chode and you deserve to be destroyed  ;)

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Frank on Apr 18th, 2019 at 7:19pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 18th, 2019 at 6:35am:

Frank wrote on Apr 17th, 2019 at 7:41pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 7:03am:
frank is in high vibration energy

Good NOT to be like low energy Jeb, what?

it was an amazing performance watching trump "tool" Jeb.
it was a man (trump) who is cocky, confident and assertive demolishing a man (jeb) who was reactive, sad and meek.

i actually think trump could win the next election.

people dont vote based on policies, they vote based on emotions.

and trump knows how to "game" people.
trump actually runs "game" on the crowd.

the best salesmen are all like that.
they can read a persons emotions and they know which buttons to push.
it comes from years and years of interactions with real people "in the field".

you can never get that from sitting in an office like the usual policy maker.
you have to be out , doing the deals, where the rubber meets the road, pressing the flesh.

trump is one of the best marketers and salesmen i have ever seen.

i know a couple of people in america who didnt even like the guy but they said he was always on the morning news and they sort of got hooked on him .
they realised if he lost, they would miss seeing him
he understands the need to entertain and to engage.

who wins survivor?, who prevails on big brother?
its the guy with the MOST personality.

there is really no limit to it.

when trump said "i could shoot someone in time square and my ratings wouldnt go down".i think he is close to being correct.
he has played politics at a new paradigm
at HIS paradigm

and when others (jeb or cbs or msnbc or liz warren or rachel maddow) deal with him, they are always in 'reaction" and "reaction" is always low status.

pure genius.
if you arent studying trump and taking the lessons, you are a fool, you are a chode and you deserve to be destroyed  ;)

Just so.
Nobody wants Trump except the people. 

Title: Re: How we have it Wrong.
Post by Karnal on Apr 18th, 2019 at 7:22pm

Frank wrote on Apr 18th, 2019 at 7:19pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 18th, 2019 at 6:35am:

Frank wrote on Apr 17th, 2019 at 7:41pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 15th, 2019 at 7:03am:
frank is in high vibration energy

Good NOT to be like low energy Jeb, what?

it was an amazing performance watching trump "tool" Jeb.
it was a man (trump) who is cocky, confident and assertive demolishing a man (jeb) who was reactive, sad and meek.

i actually think trump could win the next election.

people dont vote based on policies, they vote based on emotions.

and trump knows how to "game" people.
trump actually runs "game" on the crowd.

the best salesmen are all like that.
they can read a persons emotions and they know which buttons to push.
it comes from years and years of interactions with real people "in the field".

you can never get that from sitting in an office like the usual policy maker.
you have to be out , doing the deals, where the rubber meets the road, pressing the flesh.

trump is one of the best marketers and salesmen i have ever seen.

i know a couple of people in america who didnt even like the guy but they said he was always on the morning news and they sort of got hooked on him .
they realised if he lost, they would miss seeing him
he understands the need to entertain and to engage.

who wins survivor?, who prevails on big brother?
its the guy with the MOST personality.

there is really no limit to it.

when trump said "i could shoot someone in time square and my ratings wouldnt go down".i think he is close to being correct.
he has played politics at a new paradigm
at HIS paradigm

and when others (jeb or cbs or msnbc or liz warren or rachel maddow) deal with him, they are always in 'reaction" and "reaction" is always low status.

pure genius.
if you arent studying trump and taking the lessons, you are a fool, you are a chode and you deserve to be destroyed  ;)

Just so.
Nobody wants Trump except the people. 

Exactly. Mr Trump, man of the people.


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