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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> Words like Peace... Message started by Yadda on Apr 17th, 2019 at 9:19am |
Title: Words like Peace... Post by Yadda on Apr 17th, 2019 at 9:19am Words like Peace... In their communications with others [i.e. with those who are outside of the moslem 'camp'], moslems behave very like 'the politicians' which we already know [and are familiar with] ! Moslems, behave like, the politicians we know ! Moslems will use words to offer us assurances of their bona fides, while at that same moment, they deceive us. Moslems will use specific and well recognised words to convey a morality [which moslems mentally associate with that word], rather than associate their usage of that word, with the actual widely understood particular meaning of the word. e.g. The moslem will publicly attest, that he and his community desire peace. Peace [everyone wants peace - The word 'peace' is understood by 'all', to represent an ideal which is virtuous, and which all should work for. And an ideal which all can virtuously aspire to achieve.] - in the moslem vocabulary, the word - peace - is interchangeble with the precepts which ISLAM, and ISLAMIC law, represent. - moslems will tell us, and declare to us; "We want peace." The moslem will publicly attest, that he and his community abhor terrorism. Terrorism [terrorism, 'extremism', and social disharmony, are what is 'bad'] - in the moslem vocabulary, those who resist the claims and the authority of ISLAM/moslems are [terrorists! who are...] spreading terrorism! - moslems will declare; "We are against terrorism!" Dictionary, sophistry = = the use of fallacious arguments, especially to deceive. When we [who are not moslem] speak with those who are moslems, we need to be aware, of how moslems will intentionally 'use' words in our mutual communications, to misrepresent their intentions towards a mortal enemy [being, ourselves] ! The moslem uses sophistry [deceit], as a means of allaying the fear of an enemy, in order to induce that enemy to lower his 'weapon and shield'. By this means [of allaying our fear of the 'unknown', and of a potential 'enemy'] the moslem promotes the idea, that we both, have a mutual interest in promoting 'peace' and tolerance between our communities. i.e. "We don't have to immediately fear moslems, because the moslem community have openly declared, their desire for harmonious and peaceful relations with us." [i.e. what the moslem is actually promoting [as a political 'wedge'], is our open tolerance, of ISLAM within OUR community, on the basis of the moslem assurance, that ISLAM is a peace-loving faith - WHICH IS A GRIEVOUS LIE AND DECEIT!] . ONE EXAMPLE OF THIS BLATANT USE OF DECEIT, BY SOPHISTRY A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing. Quote:
these are old links, but the article is kosher.,,2087-1724541,00.html another source, "Undercover in the academy of hatred"... . WE MUST UNDERSTAND THAT..... As a cultural modality, moslems will lie to, and deceive other moslems, in order to prevail and to seek some advantage. Mohammed himself promoted deceit of the female spouse, in order to avoid or settle 'disputations'. It is extremely naive, for any non-moslem [individual or 'entity'] to believe, that moslems would have any qualms about lying to or deceiving a [hated!!] disbeliever! . An instructive read, outlining and exposing ISLAMIC sophistry... Islamic Dictionary for Infidels . "Lying is not permitted...." - Prophet Muhammad < -------- Sophistry, being demonstrated by Yadda. :) WWW search.... Quote:
. To the detriment of their own credibility, moslems have a reputation, of being inveterate liars and deceivers. Google; taqiyya - the muslim doctrine of deceit Google; we smile to the face "while our hearts curse them" |
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