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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Is the worm turning, in Europe ? Message started by Yadda on Apr 20th, 2019 at 11:03am |
Title: Is the worm turning, in Europe ? Post by Yadda on Apr 20th, 2019 at 11:03am Moslem 'immigrants' to Europe, described as, "....the least assimilable of foreigners, an array of problems associated with them, such as not working and criminal activity, and a fear that they will impose their ways on Europe." The followers of ISLAM have the intention, and they view it, as their right and their holy religious mission [stated in the doctrines of ISLAM], to impose all of the strictures of ISLAM upon all of mankind. [100% true.] Is the worm turning, in Europe ? Quote:
QUESTION - PROBELM; How can we [lawfully] bring PC politicians [many politicians in Europe and within other Western nations] 'to account', for their criminal negligence, vis a vis their tolerance and denial, of the criminal intent of ISLAMISTS towards us, and their facilitating large numbers of members this death cult entering our nations ? As though no one in government [in this information age], can have any knowledge of the murderous doctrines which mainstream ISLAM now promotes within the nations of non-moslem world, towards non-moslems. . IMAGE..... These are a people, WHO DID NOT BUILD OUR NATIONS, ...but it is their intention to destroy everything, within our nations, which is non-ISLAM. IMAGE..... These are the people, whom our governments are, allowing to live among us, and to walk past us, on our streets. . ARGUMENT; Those people [in the images above] are human sewage, EVERY ONE OF THEM. Examine the signs and the placards which they are holding. "[our] Jihad will continue..." "[our] ISLAM will dominate the world..." MORE.... |
Title: Re: Is the worm turning, in Europe ? Post by Yadda on Apr 20th, 2019 at 11:04am CONTINUED.... EVIDENCES WHICH SUPPORT THE ARGUMENTS MADE IN THE O.P. .... IMAGE... Abdul Nacer Ben Brika Quote:
This moslem cleric, was later convicted of planning to bomb the Melbourne Cricket Ground, on Grand Final Day!!! -----> Homegrown Terrorist has been collecting Welfare for over 19 years. 03 min Google; mcg bombing plot by 'terrorists' . Quote:
. Quote:
this is an old link, but the article is kosher. . ISLAM, is a murderous death cult. ------ > A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing. Quote:
these are old links, but the article is kosher.,,2087-1724541,00.html another source, "Undercover in the academy of hatred"... . Spokesmen for ISLAM will tell anyone who will listen; THAT IT IS WRONG, AND THAT IT IS TOTALLY AGAINST ISLAMIC LAW, TO KILL INNOCENT PEOPLE. Here is a moslem in the UK explaining, who the innocent people are. ---------- > Please watch this YT... A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing; Quote: MORE.... |
Title: Re: Is the worm turning, in Europe ? Post by Yadda on Apr 20th, 2019 at 11:05am CONTINUED.... THEY HATE US.... BECAUSE WE ARE NOT MOSLEMS, THEY HATE US, BECAUSE WE WERE, OR ARE CHRISTIANS. AND, THEY TEACH THEIR CHILDREN TO HATE US. Here, in Australia..... ------- > This LAWLESSNESS, being promoted among ISLAM's followers, is occurring in Australia. You will witness, good 'Aussie' moslems, in Australia, behind closed doors, teaching their children how to practice ISLAM..... Quote:
------------- > Muslims brainwash children in Australia 03 min . Yadda said.... Quote:
. THEY TEACH THEIR CHILDREN TO HATE US. look here..... ------- > Yadda said.... . Yadda said..... Quote:
Title: Re: Is the worm turning, in Europe ? Post by Yadda on Apr 20th, 2019 at 5:32pm IMAGE..... TUGVA members - This group of moslem women do not appear to be very threatening. .....but their message, has the backing of the Turkish state, and of 'strongman', Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. . Quote:
Women in Turkey, who support ISLAMIC cultural supremacism [and support the effort of ISLAM defeating Europeans] = = GOOD, VIRTUOUS Women in Turkey, who support International Women’s Day = = were "BEING DISRESPECTFUL TO ISLAM" Another shameless, LYING, ISLAMIC apologist here ------ > Our own Sudanese-'Aussie' moslem 'import', Yassmin Abdel-Magied. WWW search.... "ISLAM is the most feminist religion" - Yassmin Abdel-Magied |
Title: Re: Is the worm turning, in Europe ? Post by Yadda on Apr 20th, 2019 at 9:17pm SNIPPET from article in the O.P. .... Quote:
MINE; The left seems to portray as respectable [i.e. they rarely if ever criticise], ISLAM or, moslem majority countries, and ISLAMIC law jurisdictions, that treat religious minorities as second-class citizens, or even subject them to persecution. QUESTION; Where are the Political LEFTISTS, on the social and human atrocities, committed by moslems, against religious and cultural minorities, in moslem majority countries, and in ISLAMIC law jurisdictions ??? THE SILENCE OF THE Political LEFTISTS, ...on applied ['in process'] ISLAMIC fascism in the world, and ISLAM's supremacist agendas in the world, IS DEAFENING. The Political LEFTISTS are not, politically 'Progressive'. They claim to be. But once again, they are trying to associate themselves with virtuous 'ideals'. But they behave, like a social activist group which supports violent political fascist tactics, being used against any other person or group, which engages with them, and is critical of their, often unethical and immoral [Political LEFTISTS] social agendas. |
Title: Re: Is the worm turning, in Europe ? Post by Yadda on Apr 20th, 2019 at 10:33pm Yadda wrote on Apr 20th, 2019 at 11:03am:
related..... 1,024px × 768px IMAGE..... "According to Stavros Balaskas, vice president of the Greek Federation of Police Officers, anarchist gangs in the Athens neighborhood of Exarchia have "platoons, companies, battalions, Kalashnikovs. I don't know any more if we, as a police force, have the political mandate to clear the area. This region is a matter for the army now." [Pictured: A street in Exarchia following a riot, in December 2008.]" . Quote:
ABOVE..... This is what ISLAM wants, to bring to YOU, and to YOUR nation.... Destruction, war and conflict [a dystopia], ...until you are willing to submit [surrender]. When you submit, you will receive the reward of ISLAM's 'peace'. Honest !!!! ISLAM, is peace. |
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