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General Discussion >> Thinking Globally >> Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan

Message started by Yadda on Apr 26th, 2019 at 11:59am

Title: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Yadda on Apr 26th, 2019 at 11:59am

Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan attacks

And yet, it is, that [claimed] 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan attacks [by ISLAMIC attackers!!],
which does help, to HIGHLIGHT the true motive, of those ISLAMIC attackers !!

The ISLAMIC attackers, were targeting,        those who were not moslems.  !!!!

And THAT, is what is at the heart of the motive, for all ISLAMIC terror attacks.

And it is THE motive which is always ignored and it remains a motive which is steadfastly un-examined by the 'ISLAMIC conflict experts', and the MSM.


"The phenomenon of global Islamist ideology infiltrating a local environment is not new......

But typically this works by taking local grievances and casting them in a global light."


The Sri Lankan attacks are uniquely senseless

By Waleed Aly
April 25, 2019

....The phenomenon of global Islamist ideology infiltrating a local environment is not new.

Indeed, it has done this everywhere it has gained traction.

But typically this works by taking local grievances and casting them in a global light.

Bin Laden’s ideological innovation was to insist that Muslims aggrieved by the autocrats who ruled over them should attack America because that was the real source of their power.

He drew a direct (if often conspiratorial) line between the oppression his audience felt and the people he wanted to target.

But the Sri Lankan case is different because it imports foreign ideology even to the extent of picking a target that makes no local sense at all.

It seems to bypass the need to speak to local conditions, and instead has simply superseded them.

So, if the 'grievance' of local Sri Lankan moslems, was not identified as American hegemony, what was their 'grievance' ?

What really motivated, the attacks in Sri Lanka,    that targeted Christians and targeted the [foreign] visitors to high-end luxury hotels ?

The Sri Lankan environs, was clearly identified by the attackers,
as yet another 'TARGET RICH ENVIRONMENT' for those who are 'inclined' [and inspired!!!] to seek to kill as many disbelievers as they can, for their grievous crime of having rejected ISLAM.


HMMM,     WHAT COULD IT BE,    CONTAINED WITHIN ISLAM,      ...which inspires, and justifies,       moslem violence against non-moslems ???

Never ask that question, of any 'Western Security Expert' !!!     /sarc off

"......the curse of Allah is on those without Faith."
Koran 2.089

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. "
Koran 9.29

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred...."
Koran 58.22

"O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers."
Koran 9.23

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"[Jews and the Christians...] Allah's curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!"
Koran 9.30

"Fighting [against disbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves....."
Koran 48.29

"There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"....."
Koran 60:4

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:03pm
Cheers Ringo.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Yadda on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:06pm

Bang that drum !

ISLAM, is a murderous death cult.

Moslem = = a follower of ISLAM.         <---- dictionary definition.

Every moslem, is a moslem!

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Bojack Horseman on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:08pm
Yep bang it poorly.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by miketrees on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:30pm

People have been very critical of Wankeed Ali for not speaking up against the Muslim attacks in Sri Lanka.
But to be fair to the little cockswallow if he apologised for Muslim attacks around the world, he would need his own 24 hour apology station, such is the volume of murderous attacks by his affiliates

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by greggerypeccary on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:59pm

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:08pm:
Yep bang it poorly.

I wanna see him attempt a paradiddle.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Karnal on Apr 26th, 2019 at 2:19pm

miketrees wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:30pm:
People have been very critical of Wankeed Ali for not speaking up against the Muslim attacks in Sri Lanka.
But to be fair to the little cockswallow if he apologised for Muslim attacks around the world, he would need his own 24 hour apology station, such is the volume of murderous attacks by his affiliates

Not speaking up, eh?

Smart thinking, Mike. Don't read his columns and play dumb. Cunning.

Waleed, by the way, says the Sri Lankan terrorists have created a problem where none existed. Muslims and Christians largely stayed out of the civil war. Now this crowd's f@cking it up for everybody - most of all, Muslims.

Up until now, Sri Lankan Muslims have been peaceful. Now they're using that most homegrown invention, the suicide vest - invented by the Tamil Tigers.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by moses on Apr 26th, 2019 at 3:22pm
[whine voice]it's got nuffin to do wiv islam, muzzies aren't to blame it's always some one elses' fault, islam is a religion of peece, the qur'an doesn't say to rape torture and kill they misinterpreted it,[/whine voice]

How long do we put up with the lies and excuses of the batshit loony leftards and *moderate* muslims?

The answer is not in guns bombs and wars, islamic terrorism is a doctrinal problem, the answer is to honestly and critically question and purge the evil in the qur'an.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 26th, 2019 at 3:33pm
[whine voice]it's got nuffin to do wiv Christianity, Christians aren't to blame it's always some one elses' fault, Christianity is a religion of peace, the Bible doesn't say to rape torture and kill they misinterpreted it,[/whine voice]

How long do we put up with the lies and excuses of the batshit loony Rightards and *moderate* Christians?

The answer is not in guns bombs and wars, Christian terrorism is a doctrinal problem, the answer is to honestly and critically question and purge the evil in the Bible and to stop telling lies about it, hey, Moses?   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by moses on Apr 26th, 2019 at 3:54pm
Hey there lying loony leftard, here's the stats for your muslim mates terrorist attacks around the globe.

In the last 30 days there were 78 Islamic attacks in 18 countries, in which 675 people were killed and 1185 injured.

There has been 34909 deadly muslim terrorist attacks since September 11 2001

Now come on tell us about the crusades or whatever crap you're about to sprout.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Yadda on Apr 26th, 2019 at 4:58pm

moses wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 3:22pm:

[whine voice]it's got nuffin to do wiv islam, muzzies aren't to blame it's always some one elses' fault, islam is a religion of peece, the qur'an doesn't say to rape torture and kill they misinterpreted it,[/whine voice]

How long do we put up with the lies and excuses of the batshit loony leftards and *moderate* muslims?

The answer is not in guns bombs and wars, islamic terrorism is a doctrinal problem, the answer is to honestly and critically question and purge the evil in the qur'an.

That would suffice moses.

If it were even possible.

But the problem is,     ...that every moslem, is of the belief [is taught from his mothers knee] that all of the words contained in the Koran, are the direct and inerrant words of Allah.

Therefore the Koran is regarded as an immutable, and inerrant religious document.

Yadda said....



And what realistic chance ?     ....that moslems themselves, will agree, 'to expunge any supremacist doctrine that foster enmity and hostility towards non-muslims from Islamic teachings.' ???

Given that [to the followers of ISLAM] the Koran must remain, as being viewed, as a sacrosanct, immutable, inerrant, document.

Did gandalf have a solution to that quandary ?

We will never know.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by aquascoot on Apr 26th, 2019 at 5:17pm
waleed is not alone in being a coward.

when Rushdie wrote the Satanic Verses and was sentended to death for "writing a book", the next day, 100,000 free speech liberals should have appeared with him, endorsing him.

instead, very much due to their gutlessness, they remained silent in the face of a bully.

i see the same gutlessness in bojack, gweggie and waleed.

they would never dare criticise a bully.
they would not stand with Charlie Hebdow.
they have a rather large yellow streak as does most of the western "commentariat".

they pretend it is virtue and calling out wacists, but its really cowardice

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by miketrees on Apr 26th, 2019 at 5:38pm

Well put Scoot.

I call it FOBBU.
Fear Of Being Blown Up

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Frank on Apr 26th, 2019 at 5:47pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 5:17pm:
waleed is not alone in being a coward.

when Rushdie wrote the Satanic Verses and was sentended to death for "writing a book", the next day, 100,000 free speech liberals should have appeared with him, endorsing him.

instead, very much due to their gutlessness, they remained silent in the face of a bully.

i see the same gutlessness in bojack, gweggie and waleed.

they would never dare criticise a bully.
they would not stand with Charlie Hebdow.
they have a rather large yellow streak as does most of the western "commentariat".

they pretend it is virtue and calling out wacists, but its really cowardice


The aftermath of the attacks in Sri Lanka captures Western liberal elites’ caginess about morally and politically confronting the new barbarism. There has been no talk of fascism and hatred and our moral responsibility to stand up to these things, as there was after the mosque massacres in Christchurch. There has been no emergence of a Christian solidarity movement, in contrast with the numerous, and correct, cries of solidarity made to Muslims after Christchurch.

Indeed, focus too much on Islamist terrorism these days and you risk being accused of Islamophobia. “Christians used to do this kind of thing,” they will say, inaccurately, to deflect attention from their own unwillingness to take a strong moral stance on Islamist extremist violence. Or they will point out that the US and Britain and other nations are still engaged in violent conflicts in the Middle East and elsewhere, even though they must know, somewhere inside their moral universe, that there is an immeasurable difference between America’s military campaigns in the Middle East (which are wrong) and the wilful slaughter of children queuing for sweets or teenage girls collecting petrol.

Whether it is their accusations of Islamophobia or their morally relativistic comparison of today’s new barbarism with the behaviour of Western armies, the liberal elites’ key aim seems to be to avoid having to take a strong position on this new, strange, spectacularly anti-human violence. And this moral cowardice has now crossed the line from being irritating and has become possibly dangerous in itself. Certainly it does nothing to challenge, far less try to stop, the rise of the new barbarism.

A weak and morally disoriented West that will not strongly condemn the nihilistic ideology behind the slaughter of Christians in Sri Lanka, or the bombing of children in Manchester, or the gunning down of rock fans in Paris, is a West that cannot feign surprise when such violence continues. It is no longer enough to say “That’s awful” and then move on; we need a serious reckoning with the war on Christians, the rise of seventh-century barbarism, and the collapse of any semblance of moral restraint among the new terrorists.

Invaleed Ali, even though he IS a Muslim,  doesn't want to stand up to this new Islamic barbarism, he just wants to explain it away.

He is a a cowardly explainer-away like all the people like him, on these boards, in the media, politics, education.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by lee on Apr 26th, 2019 at 5:57pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 2:19pm:
Now they're using that most homegrown invention, the suicide vest - invented by the Tamil Tigers.

You mean they were operating behind the lines in the Second Sino-Japanese War? :o

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by John Smith on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Mr Hammer on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:18pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

To just condemn a terrorist act that he only did the other week? Why is this situation different to Aly?

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by John Smith on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:25pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

To just condemn a terrorist act that he only did the other week? Why is this situation different to Aly?

What are you blabbering about? He has condemned many Islamic terrorist attacks. Your problem is not whether he condemns the terrorist act or not, your problem is that you want him to condemn Islam.

Tell me, when will you start a thread on waleed not condemning all of christianity for the paedophilia perpetrated or protected by the church?

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Mr Hammer on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:27pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:25pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

To just condemn a terrorist act that he only did the other week? Why is this situation different to Aly?

What are you blabbering about? He has condemned many Islamic terrorist attacks. Your problem is not whether he condemns the terrorist act or not, your problem is that you want him to condemn Islam.

Tell me, when will you start a thread on waleed not condemning all of christianity for the paedophilia perpetrated or protected by the church?

I don't care if he condemns Islam or not nitwit. I just want to see him do what he did last week. Be consistent. It's not too much to ask. I'm not asking him to flop his p ri ck out on national TV and have a flog.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by John Smith on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:29pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:27pm:
I just want to see him do what he did last week.

what did he do last week?

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Mr Hammer on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:52pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:29pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:27pm:
I just want to see him do what he did last week.

what did he do last week?

He jumped on the muslim victim train and all you lefties went for the  ride. Well that's been blown out of the water.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:58pm
Haven't seen any outpouring of grief from Nu Zulland about the Sri Lankan massacre.....

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:00pm

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

No Islamophobes on here - just fair critics of Islam and Islamism.  If the heat's too strong, Islam can always get back in the hell of a desert kitchen from whence it came... I doubt the west would miss it...

It does some degree of harm and little to no good.... I think that's an adequate reason to banish it from our shores.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Frank on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:35pm

Nine’s newspapers this morning carry an opinion piece by columnist and co-presenter of 10’s The Project, Waleed Aly concerning the terrorist attacks in Sri Lanka.
Dr Aly commences his piece by stating that “every terrorist attack in which innocent people are killed is devastatingly tragic — every one of them is heinous”. He adds that “terrorism is evil, debauched and often results in political failure”.

True — or true enough. But isn’t this the very same Waleed Aly who described terrorism, in the wake of the Boston Marathon bombings, as a “perpetual irritant” which “while it is tragic and emotionally lacerating … kills relatively few people and is not any kind of existential threat” (SMH 19 April 2013).

So does Waleed Aly regard terrorism as “devastatingly tragic” or a mere “perpetual irritant”? You be the judge.

If you take Waleed to be valid then you are an even bigger clown than he is.  Unprincipled, yeah-bu-no-but man of the 'social media' age.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by John Smith on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:37pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:00pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

No Islamophobes on here - just fair critics of Islam and Islamism.  If the heat's too strong, Islam can always get back in the hell of a desert kitchen from whence it came... I doubt the west would miss it...

It does some degree of harm and little to no good.... I think that's an adequate reason to banish it from our shores.

no, pretty sure you're all islamaphobes .... you especially

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by .JaSin. on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:59pm

58796898_1055223141347543_4577471634637586432_n_001.jpg (53 KB | 19 )

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Karnal on Apr 27th, 2019 at 12:17am

Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:27pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:25pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:18pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

To just condemn a terrorist act that he only did the other week? Why is this situation different to Aly?

What are you blabbering about? He has condemned many Islamic terrorist attacks. Your problem is not whether he condemns the terrorist act or not, your problem is that you want him to condemn Islam.

Tell me, when will you start a thread on waleed not condemning all of christianity for the paedophilia perpetrated or protected by the church?

I don't care if he condemns Islam or not nitwit. I just want to see him do what he did last week. Be consistent. It's not too much to ask. I'm not asking him to flop his p ri ck out on national TV and have a flog.

Not at all, Homo. You're more of an arse man. You want to see Waleed chucking a brown eye, it's perfectly understandable.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Setanta on Apr 27th, 2019 at 12:30am

greggerypeccary wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:59pm:

Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 12:08pm:
Yep bang it poorly.

I wanna see him attempt a paradiddle.

I'm sure you are very practiced at paradiddling your drumstick.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 27th, 2019 at 2:25am

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:37pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:00pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

No Islamophobes on here - just fair critics of Islam and Islamism.  If the heat's too strong, Islam can always get back in the hell of a desert kitchen from whence it came... I doubt the west would miss it...

It does some degree of harm and little to no good.... I think that's an adequate reason to banish it from our shores.

no, pretty sure you're all islamaphobes .... you especially

By your standards, one can only hope so...... you need to study comparative values to arrive at a conclusive point in your thinking.....

For example, Islam and Islamism are two different things...... same as Wog and Wogism are two different things.... but we don't call people Wogs these days even if they are balanced citizens with a chip on each shoulder...... I use this only as an example.... however, Wogism remains a serious social disease exemplified by an overweaning desire to put down a perceived oppressive Australian state that has welcomed Wogs with open arms........... you carry on as such.... now that's a well balanced Wog who seriously needs to cash in his shoulder chips......   ::)

;D  ;D  ;D  ;D  ;D

Never engage in a fur-ball with a faster turning, more agile, and more heavily armed opponent in the hands of an experienced and capable pilot......

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by DonDeeHippy on Apr 27th, 2019 at 6:54am

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 3:33pm:
[whine voice]it's got nuffin to do wiv Christianity, Christians aren't to blame it's always some one elses' fault, Christianity is a religion of peace, the Bible doesn't say to rape torture and kill they misinterpreted it,[/whine voice]

How long do we put up with the lies and excuses of the batshit loony Rightards and *moderate* Christians?

The answer is not in guns bombs and wars, Christian terrorism is a doctrinal problem, the answer is to honestly and critically question and purge the evil in the Bible and to stop telling lies about it, hey, Moses?   ::) ::)

So true Brian, for sri lanka you could also change that to Buddhist or Hindu with the same outcome....

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by DonDeeHippy on Apr 27th, 2019 at 6:56am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:00pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

No Islamophobes on here - just fair critics of Islam and Islamism.  If the heat's too strong, Islam can always get back in the hell of a desert kitchen from whence it came... I doubt the west would miss it...

It does some degree of harm and little to no good.... I think that's an adequate reason to banish it from our shores.

no not at all  :D

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by John Smith on Apr 27th, 2019 at 9:53am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 27th, 2019 at 2:25am:
same as Wog and Wogism are two different things...

yeah, one stand for 'Western oriental gentleman' and the other is your dementia kicking in

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2019 at 5:09am

John Smith wrote on Apr 27th, 2019 at 9:53am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 27th, 2019 at 2:25am:
same as Wog and Wogism are two different things...

yeah, one stand for 'Western oriental gentleman' and the other is your dementia kicking in

WOG is correct - WOGism is the belief of the person who suffers from being a WOG (a disease in some from birth) in some special place or privilege in the persecution stakes.... hence the need to salve the sub-conscious by offering jibes to those who say NO to silliness such as demands to change Australia Day rather than address the issue....... being THE victims of the Oppressive West, that kind (WOGists) side with any others who view themselves as 'Oppressed' by the West, regardless of the benefits they all manage to screw daily from the West.  In their eyes everyone is a victim but those they all gather together to persecute.

Just another way of trying to get a handout..... adopt an -ism and away you go.. empires have been and continue to be built on such self-serving belief systems self-installed into the weak but self-centred minded.

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2019 at 5:10am

DonDeeHippy wrote on Apr 27th, 2019 at 6:56am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 7:00pm:

John Smith wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 6:15pm:
the problem is not that Waleed doesn't speak out against Islamic terrorists, he has done so many times.

it's that he doesn't say what the Islamophobes on here want him to say.

No Islamophobes on here - just fair critics of Islam and Islamism.  If the heat's too strong, Islam can always get back in the hell of a desert kitchen from whence it came... I doubt the west would miss it...

It does some degree of harm and little to no good.... I think that's an adequate reason to banish it from our shores.

no not at all  :D

Now there's a brilliant response.....

Title: Re: Waleed Aly - The 'senselessness' of the Sri Lankan
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2019 at 5:14am

DonDeeHippy wrote on Apr 27th, 2019 at 6:54am:

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2019 at 3:33pm:
[whine voice]it's got nuffin to do wiv Christianity, Christians aren't to blame it's always some one elses' fault, Christianity is a religion of peace, the Bible doesn't say to rape torture and kill they misinterpreted it,[/whine voice]

How long do we put up with the lies and excuses of the batshit loony Rightards and *moderate* Christians?

The answer is not in guns bombs and wars, Christian terrorism is a doctrinal problem, the answer is to honestly and critically question and purge the evil in the Bible and to stop telling lies about it, hey, Moses?   ::) ::)

So true Brian, for sri lanka you could also change that to Buddhist or Hindu with the same outcome....

Mormons?  Are they truly Christian?  And don't forget the Mussos... never forget the Mussos... chop off a few hundred heads of innocents and you get 72 virgins - bomb the sh1t out of the bastards who chop off a few hundred heads of innocents and you are a Christian terrorist.

All that endless Sri Lankan Christian terrorism against those poor oppressed Muslims over there.. it's enough to make Jacinda cry... look at the way those Sri Lankan police are raiding innocent Muslim's homes and causing them to suicide rather than be arrested...

I wonder if that bloke's missus who killed herself and the kids expects to stand in line for her husband's favours in amongst all the virgins he's won?  "We'll meet in Paradise and be together again if you kill yourself and the kids... wait a minute... you'll have to take a number... got a few lined up before you... all tight as a drum....."

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