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General Discussion >> Federal Politics >> Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Message started by whiteknight on Aug 9th, 2019 at 5:22am |
Title: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by whiteknight on Aug 9th, 2019 at 5:22am Morrison and big business could fix skills shortage 8 August 2019 ACTU Morrison and big business could fix skills shortage Big business calling on the Morrison Government to fix the current skills shortage ignores the fact that the actions of this Government and some business leaders have caused the shortage, and both groups could take immediate action to end it. The Morrison Government has cut billions from TAFE and vocational training, while some businesses continue to rort the temporary work visa system, denying jobs and training to local workers and shutting down opportunities for young people, especially in regional areas, to get a trade or pursue higher education. The Morrison Government must reverse its own massive cuts and increase investment in TAFE and skills training, and big business must invest in apprenticeships and traineeships to open up job opportunities for young people rather than relying on the broken and exploitative temporary visa program. Quotes attributable to ACTU Secretary Sally McManus: “Big business and the Morrison Government are squabbling about who is responsible for the skills shortage while we have crisis level youth unemployment in almost all regional areas. Both groups can act to end it and must do so. “The Morrison Government has cut billions from TAFE and skills training. These cuts must be reversed if we are ever going to end the skills shortage. “The Morrison Government’s actions have led directly to businesses exploiting a broken temporary visa system and bringing in entire workforces of vulnerable temporary visa workers rather than training and hiring local workers. These short-sighted policy failings have created an unemployment crisis for young workers, especially in regional areas. “The temporary visa program currently results in exploitation for many of the workers being brought in, who are systemically underpaid and mistreated. “Vocational education cuts, and a broken temporary visa system underpinned by wage theft has created this problem. We need action from this government and from business to end this problem.” |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Bobby. on Aug 9th, 2019 at 5:48am
Too many people go to universities to get useless degrees
instead of studying a trade. Also - big business doesn't invest money in trade training - they don't want to train anyone as it costs money. |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by cods on Aug 9th, 2019 at 7:58am
ahhh now Morrison can fix the shortage OVERNIGHT..
well said crook... instant tradies.... ::) ::) |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by juliar on Aug 9th, 2019 at 9:12am
The Greeny teachers in the schools ruining children's lives by wasting their time at school by indoctrinating them with stupid useless Greeny propaganda like self entitlement and gender neutrality etc so that once the children leave school they are quite useless and nobody wants to employ them.
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by cods on Aug 9th, 2019 at 9:17am
what was Labor doing all those years in power..??/ it takes 4 years to do an apprenticeship we should have an abundance of tradies.... ::) ::) yet poor old Scotty who hasnt been there 12 months is expected to fix it.. ::) ::)
makes sense to some. |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by juliar on Aug 9th, 2019 at 9:21am
But Labor wanted people to be on the dole because Labor believed those people would always vote for Labor.
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Bam on Aug 9th, 2019 at 11:09am cods wrote on Aug 9th, 2019 at 9:17am:
It only makes sense to the terminally stupid. Now for some inconvenient facts. The Coalition have been in government for SIX LONG YEARS. They have made cuts to education in multiple Budgets. They have bound workers in ever-increasing amounts of red tape. They have flooded the country with workers on foreign work visas by turning a blind eye to the labour market testing rorts. They are 100% responsible for these problems - they CAUSED them. |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Ye Grappler on Aug 9th, 2019 at 11:22am
Why ... the management of AusCo.... they over-supply skills in the non-essential areas, have inflated 'qualifications' so as to incorporate all manner of wacky and useless areas of 'knowledge' thus generating huge salaries and incomes for 'professors' of BOSHT in multiple areas, and costing the education budget and the student enormously, and have degraded the attainment of actual skills by arbitrarily shifting from 'ability to perform and do and achieve' to a 'must have 'qualifications' paradigm ....
Started with the laudable but misguided Labor initiative for free tertiary education ... laudable in that it did sometimes assist those without economic standing to get qualified at degree level and thus evened out the uneven playing field, but flawed in that it opened the door to far too many wacky ideas and thus diluted its own impact and created a 'need' to be 'degree-qualified' to perform a simple task.... sort of Rain Man kind of thing... the nuts and bolt work perfectly, but the connection to reality is flawed... I was working in the engineering management section in an industry when this started - back then the degreed engineers coming onboard were being called 'idiots savant'.... no practical ability ... but they supplanted the long-term boss there, who had run the place for years, and he was a shattered man. |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Aug 9th, 2019 at 11:40am Bobby. wrote on Aug 9th, 2019 at 5:48am:
You cant get hecs for tafe can you? Spot |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Ye Grappler on Aug 9th, 2019 at 12:24pm Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Aug 9th, 2019 at 11:40am:
Stupid isn't it? They whine about skills shortage, then pay students less than the dole and then charge them fees as well. There is no intention of building a skills base here in Oz ... easier to flood the market with foreigners... global economy, innit? Then they whine about the 'cost' of unemployment..... those running the show are either abysmally stupid or abysmally morally corrupt... most likely both since these go hand in hand.... |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by juliar on Aug 9th, 2019 at 12:36pm
Grappler describes the Labor imbeciles to perfection.
Labor encouraged professional students who just do one useless course after another. Classic Greenies. |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Bobby. on Aug 9th, 2019 at 12:43pm Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Aug 9th, 2019 at 12:24pm:
It's big business that's at fault. Bean counters run them and they decided to stop training anyone. |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Ye Grappler on Aug 9th, 2019 at 1:52pm Bobby. wrote on Aug 9th, 2019 at 12:43pm:
Yes - when you've got an unlimited supply worldwide, you can just dictate terms as you please... we once had such a thing as a requirement for parity in education before you could work in a profession here... nowadays it seems our offshore doctors just arrive here and don't even do a 'remedial' course to get up to speed on Australian standards and practices... Used to be that a course that ran about twelve months was a requirement to ensure they were up to OUR speed.... a kind of 'qualification tariff' if you choose .... now it's just wide open, it seems.... Due to this type of destruction of the Australian Way, this nation is now crying out for a strong and controlling government.... :o BTW - on a side issue pertaining to the 'global economy' etc... the issue of the pending war.... I've begun to read a book about a WWII bloke - pre-WWII he says:- "The politicians kept saying it wouldn't happen, but every dog in the street knew it was coming and that there was little we could do about it." Watch this space..... the more things change..... the more they remain the same.... |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Bobby. on Aug 9th, 2019 at 2:22pm Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Aug 9th, 2019 at 1:52pm:
All our standards are slipping. University courses have been dumbed down too. Now it's - 'have you got a pencil? - get in there - it's Physics." |
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by John Smith on Aug 9th, 2019 at 3:38pm
for how many years has the conalition cut funding to tafe?
Title: Re: Who Is Responsible For The Skills Shortage Post by Valkie on Aug 9th, 2019 at 5:52pm
Apprenticeships used to be free, paid for by business looking to skill up their workforce.
The grubberment were smarter then, knowing that the way forward was to skill up Tradies. The kids were smarter too, knowing a trade was a stepping stone to advancement. Now, businesses want skilled personnel without going to the effort of training them. The grubberment want to cut funding to everything (except their paychecks) and cut TAFE to the bone. The kids these days are taught by idiot teachers who have never done an honest days work to not work at a trade. And the kids, they just want , without working for it. It's many people who are at fault. |
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