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General Discussion >> America >> Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.

Message started by SerialBrain9 on Sep 30th, 2019 at 8:42pm

Title: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Sep 30th, 2019 at 8:42pm

EXPLOSIVE REPORT: Rep. Adam Schiff Linked to Prominent Ukrainian Arms Dealer!

Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff is connected to a Ukrainian arms dealer. Is this why he’s willing to lie in front of the nation when accusing President Trump of crimes?

Adam Schiff is arguably the biggest liar in Congress…. ever. 

He now leads the House Intelligence Committee and this past week oversaw the Intel Committee where he attempted to align President Trump with some ‘trumped’ up allegations concerning his phone call with the President of the Ukraine. 

Schiff lied in his opening remarks and claimed numerous falsehoods about the President’s call in spite of the transcript being provided the day before.

His entire description of the President’s call was a lie – we have the transcript and this was not in it!

Donald J. Trump

· Sep 29, 2019

The Whistleblower’s complaint is completely different and at odds from my actual conversation with the new President of Ukraine.

The so-called “Whistleblower” knew practically NOTHING in that those ridiculous charges were far more dramatic & wrong, just like Liddle’ Adam Schiff..

Donald J. Trump

....fraudulently and illegally inserted his made up & twisted words into my call with the Ukrainian President to make it look like I did something very wrong.

He then boldly read those words to Congress and millions of people, defaming & libeling me. He must resign from Congress!

8:30 AM - Sep 29, 2019

Lyin Adum Schitt - FLat out liar like KangaNong and other forum liberals.

Now we know why Schiff is lying – he’s connected with a Ukrainian Arms Dealer!

In 2013 Ukrainian Igor Pasternak held two different fund raisers for Schiff asking for contributions between $1,000 and $2,500 –

Pasternack has also been connected to George Soros –

Pasternak was reportedly in and around the Ukraine at the same time that Vice President Joe Biden had his son appointed to the Board of the Ukraine’s largest oil and gas producer –

Pasternak, who was raised and educated in Ukraine before immigrating to the United States, is a passionate promoter of Ukrainian culture and business. He has been active in both Los Angeles and Washington, D.C. to support increased bilateral ties between the two countries and has been especially active building awareness of Ukraine’s strategic economic importance among Members of Congress. Since political protests broke out across Ukraine in late 2013, Pasternak has worked to personally inform and educate Members of Congress about the geostrategic importance of Ukraine to European and US security.

In late February 2014, during the final hours of the Yanukovych Presidency, Pasternak travelled to Kyiv for diplomatic reasons in response to the outbreak of violence that had started less than 48 hours earlier, and to support peaceful transitions amid the rapid changes now taking place across Ukraine.

Pasternak is an arms dealer.  He has sold arms in places like Syria –
Schiff-Ukraine.png (48 KB | 12 )

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SadKangaroo on Sep 30th, 2019 at 8:53pm
If he's corrupt, take him down too.

But this doesn't change what Trump did and try as much as you will, you can't distract away or hide it.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Bojack Horseman on Sep 30th, 2019 at 9:32pm
Yep, if Adam Schiff is corrupt arrest him, but arrest Trump too.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by longweekend58 on Sep 30th, 2019 at 11:09pm
but we all know that this is just another round of desperate fake news from the far-right lunatics.

if I had a video recording of trump making threats of violence to someone, before long I would have business dealings with a russian oligarch and be a client of Epstein.

These fake stories are as predictable as they are pathetic.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Brian Ross on Sep 30th, 2019 at 11:09pm
I see Cereal, the exposed liar is lying again.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Richdude on Oct 1st, 2019 at 1:31am
It appears that Little Adam Schiff for brains maybe is a crook! He did tell the most outrageous lies for years about Russia!

But you leftwing forum lightweights have to come up with something better than "should jail Trump as well".

Trump did ask the Ukrainian leader for a favor. So what! Never heard of a President or PM asking another leader for a favor especially since the aborted inquiry involved one of your own countrymen.

There is nothing wrong with seeking the truth about major corruption and the Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries. If Obama had done so the media would be praising him.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SadKangaroo on Oct 1st, 2019 at 5:45am

Richdude wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 1:31am:
It appears that Little Adam Schiff for brains maybe is a crook! He did tell the most outrageous lies for years about Russia!

But you leftwing forum lightweights have to come up with something better than "should jail Trump as well".

Trump did ask the Ukrainian leader for a favor. So what! Never heard of a President or PM asking another leader for a favor especially since the aborted inquiry involved one of your own countrymen.

There is nothing wrong with seeking the truth about major corruption and the Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries. If Obama had done so the media would be praising him.

Unless he was asking for dirt on his political opponents, using his personal lawyer as the only source of contact, nobody official, no official channels, after stopping military aid against the advice of everyone, then used the dirt gleamed to attack his political opponents and after all that tried to cover it up...

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Marla on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:27am
"Founded in 2016, The Duran is a strongly right leaning news and opinion website with ties to Russian state media. Based in Cyprus, the editor of the website is Alexander Mercouris, who in 2012 was disbarred as an attorney in London. According to the Telegraph, he then went on to become a “pro-Russian commentator on world affairs for Russian TV news outlets and websites.”

In 2018, the right leaning Weekly Standard accused The Duran of peddling Russian “Fake News.”

The Duran publishes news and opinions with a conservative and pro-Russian perspective, such as this: Roger Stone Shines New Light on Russia-Gate Hoax. This story is copied and pasted directly from the pro-Russian Strategic Culture Foundation. In general, all articles involving Russia are positively slanted such as these: Russia Grinds Out Wins In Europe and Trump boxed in on Iran, as Putin holds key to prevent war in Persian Gulf.

Many articles are poorly sourced to Russian Propaganda outlets such as RT and Sputnik.

Overall, we rate The Duran a Questionable source based on far right wing bias, promotion of Russian propaganda and right wing conspiracies, a lack of transparency, use of poor sources and plagiarism.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:28am

Marla wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:27am:
"Founded in 2016, The Duran is a strongly right leaning news and opinion website with ties to Russian state media. Based in Cyprus, the editor of the website is Alexander Mercouris, who in 2012 was disbarred as an attorney in London. According to the Telegraph, he then went on to become a “pro-Russian commentator on world affairs for Russian TV news outlets and websites.”

In 2018, the right leaning Weekly Standard accused The Duran of peddling Russian “Fake News.”
The Duran publishes news and opinions with a conservative and pro-Russian perspective, such as this: Roger Stone Shines New Light on Russia-Gate Hoax. This story is copied and pasted directly from the pro-Russian Strategic Culture Foundation. In general, all articles involving Russia are positively slanted such as these: Russia Grinds Out Wins In Europe and Trump boxed in on Iran, as Putin holds key to prevent war in Persian Gulf.
Many articles are poorly sourced to Russian Propaganda outlets such as RT and Sputnik.
Overall, we rate The Duran a Questionable source based on far right wing bias, promotion of Russian propaganda and right wing conspiracies, a lack of transparency, use of poor sources and plagiarism.

where'd you get that from? Snopes again?  ::)

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Marla on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:30am

SerialBrain9 wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:28am:
where'd you get that from? Snopes again?  ::)

You're really letting us down, Qtard.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:35am

Richdude wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 1:31am:
It appears that Little Adam Schiff for brains maybe is a crook! He did tell the most outrageous lies for years about Russia!

But you leftwing forum lightweights have to come up with something better than "should jail Trump as well".

Trump did ask the Ukrainian leader for a favor. So what! Never heard of a President or PM asking another leader for a favor especially since the aborted inquiry involved one of your own countrymen.

There is nothing wrong with seeking the truth about major corruption and the Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries. If Obama had done so the media would be praising him.

Rich - Hillary Clinton and other democrats, Pelosi, were all up to their necks in pillaging Ukraine along with gun running etc.

This is why they have gone insane with Fake Impeachment.

As I said in another thread - the Biden's were only small fry compared to what went on in Ukraine - The New Ukraine President ran for the election to clean up the corruption.

He got elected - the Ukraine people knew what was gong on - that they were being sold out to the Americans and other scum of the earth.

Ukrainian arms dealer Pasternak is also connected to Nancy Pelosi!

Ukrainian arms dealer Pasternak met Pelosi at the fundraiser Pasternak held in Washington D.C.

Pasternak-and-Pelosi.png (225 KB | 13 )

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:37am

There is much more to this Ukrainian Arms Dealer that can be found at this link.

Of course, Obama’s Secretary of State Kerry, his Vice President Biden and DNC operative Alexandra Chalupa are all connected.

Chalupa is connected to the Steele dossier as well as Ukrainians and Democrat leaders.

the-dc-ukraine-mafia-4_0_thumb-4.jpg (72 KB | 10 )

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:43am
President Trump’s inauguration

WTF was an ARMS dealer doing at Trumps inauguration?

What the hell is going on with Speaker Pelosi, Shifty Lying Schiff and their Ukrainian Arms Dealer?

Were the Democrats being paid off by Ukrainians? Is this why they lie and push for impeachment of President Trump – to protect themselves and their handlers?

Pasternak-Inauguration.jpg (121 KB | 12 )

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:46am

How a Ukrainian arms dealer Igor Paternak floated Adam Schiff’s 2013 election to Congress and Paternak’s linkage to Nancy Pelosi Ukrainian influence network in the US.

igor-pasternak_thumb-3.jpg (120 KB | 12 )

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:49am

Alexandra Chalupe with a small sampling of friends like Michael Avantti, Linda Sarsour, and Andrew McCabe, and their on-going activity to impeach president Trump

So now you know why the Democrats have totally lost their minds and gone bananas.

They either get rid of Trump or be tried for Treason.
alexandra-chalupa-and-trump-impeachment_thumb.jpg (176 KB | 11 )

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SadKangaroo on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:52am
Get help mate...  This is why Q is why the Q movement is so dangerous, it exploits the borderline retarded voters into believing that they're a part of this whole thing when they're being radicalised and they don't know it.

If Trump goes down as he should for breaking the law, it's people like you, the ones who aren't full-blown incel cowards who are too afraid to leave the glow of their computer screens, who will go out and shoot people.

Get help.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:56am

SadKangaroo wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:52am:
Get help mate...  This is why Q is why the Q movement is so dangerous, it exploits the borderline retarded voters into believing that they're a part of this whole thing when they're being radicalised and they don't know it.

If Trump goes down as he should for breaking the law, it's people like you, the ones who aren't full-blown incel cowards who are too afraid to leave the glow of their computer screens, who will go out and shoot people.

Get help.

Sorry you get so upset about the Truth KangaNong.

You also should have a look at the amount of time I spent here yesterday and then compare that to yourself.

You are here 24/7

Smacking away down in your mummies basement.

Also keep an eye out for the Australian Connection in regards to the Fake Mueller Report. As I have said all along.

It will all come out.  :)

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SadKangaroo on Oct 1st, 2019 at 8:01am

SerialBrain9 wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:56am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:52am:
Get help mate...  This is why Q is why the Q movement is so dangerous, it exploits the borderline retarded voters into believing that they're a part of this whole thing when they're being radicalised and they don't know it.

If Trump goes down as he should for breaking the law, it's people like you, the ones who aren't full-blown incel cowards who are too afraid to leave the glow of their computer screens, who will go out and shoot people.

Get help.

Sorry you get so upset about the Truth KangaNong.

You also should have a look at the amount of time I spent here yesterday and then compare that to yourself.

You are here 24/7

Smacking away down in your mummies basement.

Also keep an eye out for the Australian Connection in regards to the Fake Mueller Report. As I have said all along.

It will all come out.  :)

You need help.

Passive income, you should look into it :)

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 8:05am
Adum says Trump shouldn't even ask for information about corruption. 

But wait -

Adum Shitt for brains caught out asking for Russian Dirt on Trump. ??  :o

Our memories aren't that short Adum.  ;)

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by longweekend58 on Oct 1st, 2019 at 8:07am
so CerealBrain the ex-con is going full-on meltdown over Trumps upcoming impeachment, removal, indictment and imprisonment.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SadKangaroo on Oct 1st, 2019 at 8:22am

SerialBrain9 wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 8:05am:
Adum says Trump shouldn't even ask for information about corruption. 

But wait -

Adum Shitt for brains caught out asking for Russian Dirt on Trump. ??  :o

Our memories aren't that short Adum.  ;)

Again, this desperate distraction, which admittedly I've not bothered checking because of the source (you), but let's say it's true and not an out of context conspiracy theory with a tiny grain of truth to it promoting those crafting the conspiracy theory to draw a wildly inaccurate conclusion and then push it as "fact", let's say it's not that, all this shows is how much corruption there is going on and Trump is a part of it.

Trump and "shitt" need to be held to account.  This idea that 2 wrongs make a right to defend Trump is bullshit.  Pointing out the wrongdoing of others, then making the case that they need to be held to account only strengthens the case against Trump, not excuses it.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Marla on Oct 1st, 2019 at 9:29am

SerialBrain9 wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:56am:
You also should have a look at the amount of time I spent here yesterday and then compare that to yourself.

You are here 24/7

Smacking away down in your mummies basement.

Also keep an eye out for the Australian Connection in regards to the Fake Mueller Report. As I have said all along.

It will all come out.  :)

You say nothing. You never have. You just troll sites and then post that filth here. You sound like the "mummy boy" to me, asshole.

For f - k's sake, get a job.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Richdude on Oct 1st, 2019 at 1:20pm

Marla wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 9:29am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:56am:
You also should have a look at the amount of time I spent here yesterday and then compare that to yourself.

You are here 24/7

Smacking away down in your mummies basement.

Also keep an eye out for the Australian Connection in regards to the Fake Mueller Report. As I have said all along.

It will all come out.  :)

You say nothing. You never have. You just troll sites and then post that filth here. You sound like the "mummy boy" to me, asshole.

For f - k's sake, get a job.

Troll alert!

What is an American druggie on social welfare doing 24/7 on an Australian website? Why?

Unless he/she/it is being paid - extra money for drugs!

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SadKangaroo on Oct 1st, 2019 at 1:33pm

Richdude wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 1:20pm:

Marla wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 9:29am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:56am:
You also should have a look at the amount of time I spent here yesterday and then compare that to yourself.

You are here 24/7

Smacking away down in your mummies basement.

Also keep an eye out for the Australian Connection in regards to the Fake Mueller Report. As I have said all along.

It will all come out.  :)

You say nothing. You never have. You just troll sites and then post that filth here. You sound like the "mummy boy" to me, asshole.

For f - k's sake, get a job.

Troll alert!

What is an American druggie on social welfare doing 24/7 on an Australian website? Why?

Unless he/she/it is being paid - extra money for drugs!

Now your conspiracies are enveloping posters...  You're that detached from reality that you can't even fathom that people may not only disagree with you, but be armed with the facts that contradict your opinions and views.

They must be paid to do it by the deep state, that's how special YOU are, that they've taken such an interest in you.

Like Serial, please get help before your radicalisation is irreversible.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Richdude on Oct 2nd, 2019 at 2:11am

SadKangaroo wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 1:33pm:

Richdude wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 1:20pm:

Marla wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 9:29am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Oct 1st, 2019 at 7:56am:
You also should have a look at the amount of time I spent here yesterday and then compare that to yourself.

You are here 24/7

Smacking away down in your mummies basement.

Also keep an eye out for the Australian Connection in regards to the Fake Mueller Report. As I have said all along.

It will all come out.  :)

You say nothing. You never have. You just troll sites and then post that filth here. You sound like the "mummy boy" to me, asshole.

For f - k's sake, get a job.

Troll alert!

What is an American druggie on social welfare doing 24/7 on an Australian website? Why?

Unless he/she/it is being paid - extra money for drugs!

Now your conspiracies are enveloping posters...  You're that detached from reality that you can't even fathom that people may not only disagree with you, but be armed with the facts that contradict your opinions and views.

They must be paid to do it by the deep state, that's how special YOU are, that they've taken such an interest in you.

Like Serial, please get help before your radicalisation is irreversible.

Well Sad - you do have a reputation for not observing whats true or not.

So of course you are not going to admit if you are a paid troll.

There is work out there for paid trolls.

And you spend 24/7 posting venomous nonsense about Trump. You obviously have little idea about the World or about politics. You hate Trump and use lies to back up that bias. So why is that? Why do you need to lie to support your prejudice?

So what are we to conclude? Seditious paid troll!

We need a law covering online commentators to admit to what funding they receive!

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SadKangaroo on Oct 2nd, 2019 at 5:49am
I wish I could be paid to call out the liars and conspiratards but I'd hope that job wouldn't have a lot of security as the boomers die out and people with a little more brains, common sense and critical thinking skills age into caring about politics.

We can't keep advancing forward, humanity that is, when so many like Rich and Serial are so intrenched in their opinions that they warp their view of reality to reinforce them, rather than letting reality shape and guide their opinions.

Reality: The Trump transcript in the context of him withholding the military aid against all advice, then asking for a favour of the Ukrainian President handled exclusively by his personal lawyer outside of every official channel shows he solicited a foreign national for a campaign contribution of value in the form of dirt on a political opponent, then his team tried to cover it up.

You lot still won't accept this as true.

It's says all anyone needs to know about you.

Who seems like the paid trolls again?

You're still trying to defend this with every trick and distraction in the book. Just accept the facts.

Stop acting like paid trolls.

The only real defence you have is "I don't care that Trump broke the law, I feel he's doing so much good elsewhere that I'm willing to ignore the things I don't like, until he comes for me".

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 3rd, 2019 at 7:04am

VIDEO PROVES Shifty Schiff Lied, Told Reporters, “We Have Not Spoken Directly with the Whistleblower”

It was just two weeks ago that Shady, Shifty Schiff told MSNBC that he had not heard from the whistleblower.

But this was another lie.

Today The New York Times revealed the partisan anti-Trump whistleblower spoke with Adam Schiff’s office before he even filed his complaint!

It was all a carefully planned Democratic operation to take down President Trump!

Little Adum Schitt for brains caught out lying again.

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 3rd, 2019 at 7:17am
Trump fires off on Schiff for Brains after revelations of his lying is reported in NYT.

"He probably helped write the Whistleblowers Complaint, Its a Scam, It's a Fraud"

BOOM__008.png (9 KB | 12 )

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SadKangaroo on Oct 3rd, 2019 at 7:22am

Doesn't take much to make you "boom" huh...

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by SerialBrain9 on Oct 3rd, 2019 at 7:54am
Nothing short of a Political Coup.

Donald J. Trump

Verified account

8h8 hours ago

Congressman Adam Schiff should resign for the Crime of, after reading a transcript of my conversation with the President of Ukraine (it was perfect), fraudulently fabricating a statement of the President of the United States and reading it to Congress, as though mine!

He is sick!

Title: Re: Little Adum Schitt and the Ukraine ARMS Dealer.
Post by Bojack Horseman on Oct 3rd, 2019 at 10:11am
Wow how desperate have you become Cereal?

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