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General Discussion >> America >> If Trump is sacked, Civil War?

Message started by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:15am

Title: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:15am
There are a lot of gunz in the USA.  Should Trump be impeached, there is a chance that some could take to the streets, start a protest that could go horribly wrong.

What are the chances?  I think it is possible.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Threaten Gun Violence Against Protesters At Pittsburgh Event

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:24am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:15am:
There are a lot of gunz in the USA.  Should Trump be impeached, there is a chance that some could take to the streets, start a protest that could go horribly wrong.

What are the chances?  I think it is possible.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Threaten Gun Violence Against Protesters At Pittsburgh Event

Impeached (almost certain): there's a good chance there'll be  widespread violence; Trump supporters are violent by nature.

Impeached & Removed (very unlikely): the Trumpty Dumpties would go berserk - thousands of them are threatening violence already, and the alleged child rapist will definitely spur them on.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:26am

As you can see, Trump supporters are triggered and they're extremely violent:

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by aquascoot on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:33am
The situation would certainly seem to be 1 where the two tribes are polarising in the United States

But I think we must ask ourselves who really started this division of people into tribes

Who really started with the group identity and the identity politics

The left really need to own up to this

If you don't want polarisation then everyone in America needs to rally round the flag
Embrace patriotism
Embrace what made America great
Which is undoubtedly market capitalism
And forget about your differences
Whether that be skin colour
Sexual orientation
Religious orientation

Just completely toss identity politics into the bin

Can the left bring themselves to do this
I mean the left are probably more educated
So it shall be up to them to make the first move

But whilst the left are more educated
They really have not been paying attention

And paying attention is way more important than intelligence

If the left really were paying attention there is no way that someone like Hillary Clinton who is obviously an intelligent woman would have called 30 million people deplorables
There is no way to anyone who expresses concern about job losses through open borders would automatically be called a racist

The left seem to have divided the country
Trump is really just the opportunist who was paying attention and saw this division
There is no way trump supporters understand the nuance of the situation

The left could understand it if they would give up their ideological possession
But it is highly unlikely but the left will give up their ideological possession
Because it is damn hard to give up an ideological possession when that's what you are

The poor old rednecks can't really change
It will have to be the left that admits the terrible error of identity politics and the terrible era of Marxist policies

They are being willfully blind if they will not
Marxism is nothing but a catastrophe
Identity politics does nothing except to make people tribal

The left should reflect on that
5 years would probably be a good time frame
Except I don't actually think they've got 5 years to come to their senses

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Bobby. on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:41am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:15am:
There are a lot of gunz in the USA.  Should Trump be impeached, there is a chance that some could take to the streets, start a protest that could go horribly wrong.

What are the chances?  I think it is possible.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Threaten Gun Violence Against Protesters At Pittsburgh Event

The link is here:

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by cods on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:19am
I think the country is already having a Civil WAr.

the democrats have demonstrated they will do absolutely anything  to be in  govt........they have no shame or understanding what effect this must have on every american..... they are so close to an Election   and yet they are tearing down any respect for the Oval Office
with very shady evidence........its all they have done since trump won.. why they are paid to represent voters i have no Idea.......this is a massive revenge hissyfit....and you can betcha Hillary is behind it.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Richdude on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:32am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

I think you've been watching too much fake news!

Question is - do you want believe in nonsense?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by SerialBrain9 on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:34am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

do what the US military was about to do - Have a Military Takedown of the Traitors who have been selling you out and cheating in elections etc.

But the US Military went with Plan B instead - they got Trump to run for election for a passive take back of their country to Make America Great Again and without disturbing the sleeping masses.

Just ask FIJI what they would do when "invaded" by dirty smelly Indian immigrants who took over their government.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:39am

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:33am:
The situation would certainly seem to be 1 where the two tribes are polarising in the United States

But I think we must ask ourselves who really started this division of people into tribes

Who really started with the group identity and the identity politics

The left really need to own up to this

If you don't want polarisation then everyone in America needs to rally round the flag
Embrace patriotism
Embrace what made America great
Which is undoubtedly market capitalism
And forget about your differences
Whether that be skin colour
Sexual orientation
Religious orientation

Just completely toss identity politics into the bin

Can the left bring themselves to do this
I mean the left are probably more educated
So it shall be up to them to make the first move

But whilst the left are more educated
They really have not been paying attention

And paying attention is way more important than intelligence

If the left really were paying attention there is no way that someone like Hillary Clinton who is obviously an intelligent woman would have called 30 million people deplorables
There is no way to anyone who expresses concern about job losses through open borders would automatically be called a racist

The left seem to have divided the country
Trump is really just the opportunist who was paying attention and saw this division
There is no way trump supporters understand the nuance of the situation

The left could understand it if they would give up their ideological possession
But it is highly unlikely but the left will give up their ideological possession
Because it is damn hard to give up an ideological possession when that's what you are

The poor old rednecks can't really change
It will have to be the left that admits the terrible error of identity politics and the terrible era of Marxist policies

They are being willfully blind if they will not
Marxism is nothing but a catastrophe
Identity politics does nothing except to make people tribal

The left should reflect on that
5 years would probably be a good time frame
Except I don't actually think they've got 5 years to come to their senses

So even though its the trump supporters that are threatening gun violence you are blaming the other side? Partisan much?


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:51am

Richdude wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:32am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

I think you've been watching too much fake news!

Question is - do you want believe in nonsense?

No, that's not the question.

The question is, should the country be run by someone deluded enough to have pretend friends in the sky?

Should the country be run by someone in a cult that believes that the End Times are coming and they will be saved?

Someone who would see climate change as proof that the End Times are coming and that he will go to Heaven sooner?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by aquascoot on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

There's a large part of the radical left that also believe in the end times
Climate Armageddon is part of this nihilism

Frederick Nietzsche predicted this
He said that when a culture lost its belief in God
It would become nihilistic resentful bitter and lost

when I looked at all the democratic candidates on the stage without their American flag
That's how they appeared to me
What does an atheist Marxist left believe in
What gets them to bounce out of bed in the morning

A religious person or someone who is crushing it in business has a purpose in life and bounces out of bed ready to embrace the day

But those bunch of lefty atheist Marxist intellectual elite democrats
I can't really work out what they stand for apart from bitterness resentment nihilism

And if you don't believe that bitterness resentful and nihilism will make you welcome the Armageddon
Make you believe you deserve the Armageddon
Then you weren't paying attention

In a way trump is the manifestation of what the leftie intellectual elites would like to see manifested
It's why they keep feeding the beast
Because deep down they think they deserve it
And deep down they embrace it

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:54am
Lies, damned lies and Donald Trump: the pick of the president's untruths

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:57am

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

There's a large part of the radical left that also believe in the end times
Climate Armageddon is part of this nihilism


Another fact free post.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:00am
'My .357 Magnum is comfortable with that': Supporters threaten 'second Civil War' if Trump is removed

"Supporters of President Trump sounded the alarm on his potential removal from office, saying they would fight back in his defense.

"My .357 Magnum is comfortable with that. End of story," one Trump supporter told CBS News in video taken at the president's Tuesday rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania.

His remark was in response to whether he was sure Trump would not be kicked out of the Oval Office. A second man, identified as Infowars host Will Johnson, said he believed removing Trump from office could lead to another Civil War.

"I think it would cause physical violence in this country that we haven't seen since the first Civil War. I think it would become the second Civil War," Johnson said. "

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:09am
Trump won't be impeached and it will backfire baldly by ensuring him a second term.

The Dems know deep down they can't beat Trump (unless they think outside of the box amd go with someone like Tulsi Gabbard but they won't) so they're playing games.

Dems deserve a generation out of government.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:14am

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

There's a large part of the radical left that also believe in the end times
Climate Armageddon is part of this nihilism

Frederick Nietzsche predicted this
He said that when a culture lost its belief in God
It would become nihilistic resentful bitter and lost

when I looked at all the democratic candidates on the stage without their American flag
That's how they appeared to me
What does an atheist Marxist left believe in
What gets them to bounce out of bed in the morning

A religious person or someone who is crushing it in business has a purpose in life and bounces out of bed ready to embrace the day

But those bunch of lefty atheist Marxist intellectual elite democrats
I can't really work out what they stand for apart from bitterness resentment nihilism

And if you don't believe that bitterness resentful and nihilism will make you welcome the Armageddon
Make you believe you deserve the Armageddon
Then you weren't paying attention

In a way trump is the manifestation of what the leftie intellectual elites would like to see manifested
It's why they keep feeding the beast
Because deep down they think they deserve it
And deep down they embrace it

Interesting.  I've been saying this for a while.

I believe in the science of AGW but not the cataclysmic end times the Gretta's of the world have latched onto.

Greta became fixated on climate change when she was only 8 which is long before she could understand the actual science. That right there is no different to 8 year old kids in a madrassa in Pakistan banging their heads into a Koran.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by aquascoot on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:25am

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:14am:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

There's a large part of the radical left that also believe in the end times
Climate Armageddon is part of this nihilism

Frederick Nietzsche predicted this
He said that when a culture lost its belief in God
It would become nihilistic resentful bitter and lost

when I looked at all the democratic candidates on the stage without their American flag
That's how they appeared to me
What does an atheist Marxist left believe in
What gets them to bounce out of bed in the morning

A religious person or someone who is crushing it in business has a purpose in life and bounces out of bed ready to embrace the day

But those bunch of lefty atheist Marxist intellectual elite democrats
I can't really work out what they stand for apart from bitterness resentment nihilism

And if you don't believe that bitterness resentful and nihilism will make you welcome the Armageddon
Make you believe you deserve the Armageddon
Then you weren't paying attention

In a way trump is the manifestation of what the leftie intellectual elites would like to see manifested
It's why they keep feeding the beast
Because deep down they think they deserve it
And deep down they embrace it

Interesting.  I've been saying this for a while.

I believe in the science of AGW but not the cataclysmic end times the Gretta's of the world have latched onto.

Greta became fixated on climate change when she was only 8 which is long before she could understand the actual science. That right there is no different to 8 year old kids in a madrassa in Pakistan banging their heads into a Koran.

Indeed Gordon

Climate science is factual
But it has become a religion 4 many of the left
Greta is a Joan of arc type character
If people can't see that they aren't paying attention

More evidence of the way that the radical greenies have become religious in their indoctrination lie in their strange dietary requirements
Veganism and strange dietary rituals

One finds the same requirements in all religions
Christianity with fish on Fridays
Muslims with pork
Anyone who can't see this isn't paying attention

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:42am

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:25am:

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:14am:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

There's a large part of the radical left that also believe in the end times
Climate Armageddon is part of this nihilism

Frederick Nietzsche predicted this
He said that when a culture lost its belief in God
It would become nihilistic resentful bitter and lost

when I looked at all the democratic candidates on the stage without their American flag
That's how they appeared to me
What does an atheist Marxist left believe in
What gets them to bounce out of bed in the morning

A religious person or someone who is crushing it in business has a purpose in life and bounces out of bed ready to embrace the day

But those bunch of lefty atheist Marxist intellectual elite democrats
I can't really work out what they stand for apart from bitterness resentment nihilism

And if you don't believe that bitterness resentful and nihilism will make you welcome the Armageddon
Make you believe you deserve the Armageddon
Then you weren't paying attention

In a way trump is the manifestation of what the leftie intellectual elites would like to see manifested
It's why they keep feeding the beast
Because deep down they think they deserve it
And deep down they embrace it

Interesting.  I've been saying this for a while.

I believe in the science of AGW but not the cataclysmic end times the Gretta's of the world have latched onto.

Greta became fixated on climate change when she was only 8 which is long before she could understand the actual science. That right there is no different to 8 year old kids in a madrassa in Pakistan banging their heads into a Koran.

Indeed Gordon

Climate science is factual
But it has become a religion 4 many of the left
Greta is a Joan of arc type character
If people can't see that they aren't paying attention

More evidence of the way that the radical greenies have become religious in their indoctrination lie in their strange dietary requirements
Veganism and strange dietary rituals

One finds the same requirements in all religions
Christianity with fish on Fridays
Muslims with pork
Anyone who can't see this isn't paying attention

The far left are actually a nice pretty little box with a pretty bow on it but what's inside is actually very ugly.

I first became aware of this when I was kicking around with NSW Greens, partly because I was young and wanted to save the trees and was also chasing some gash, anyway, I met some far left Greens who unlike me had never spent a night in the bush. Their stated goal was to tear down society fill the countey with the poor of the world who would do to the privileged what Pol Pot did in Cambodia.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:47am

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:09am:
Trump won't be impeached ...

He will.

He won't be removed from office though.

You need to learn a little more about the impeachment process, because at the moment you're making a fool of yourself.

"Impeachment is the process by which a legislative body levels charges against a government official. Impeachment does not in itself remove the official definitively from office; it is similar to an indictment in criminal law, and thus it is essentially the statement of charges against the official."

He will be impeached.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by aquascoot on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:57am

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:42am:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:25am:

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:14am:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

There's a large part of the radical left that also believe in the end times
Climate Armageddon is part of this nihilism

Frederick Nietzsche predicted this
He said that when a culture lost its belief in God
It would become nihilistic resentful bitter and lost

when I looked at all the democratic candidates on the stage without their American flag
That's how they appeared to me
What does an atheist Marxist left believe in
What gets them to bounce out of bed in the morning

A religious person or someone who is crushing it in business has a purpose in life and bounces out of bed ready to embrace the day

But those bunch of lefty atheist Marxist intellectual elite democrats
I can't really work out what they stand for apart from bitterness resentment nihilism

And if you don't believe that bitterness resentful and nihilism will make you welcome the Armageddon
Make you believe you deserve the Armageddon
Then you weren't paying attention

In a way trump is the manifestation of what the leftie intellectual elites would like to see manifested
It's why they keep feeding the beast
Because deep down they think they deserve it
And deep down they embrace it

Interesting.  I've been saying this for a while.

I believe in the science of AGW but not the cataclysmic end times the Gretta's of the world have latched onto.

Greta became fixated on climate change when she was only 8 which is long before she could understand the actual science. That right there is no different to 8 year old kids in a madrassa in Pakistan banging their heads into a Koran.

Indeed Gordon

Climate science is factual
But it has become a religion 4 many of the left
Greta is a Joan of arc type character
If people can't see that they aren't paying attention

More evidence of the way that the radical greenies have become religious in their indoctrination lie in their strange dietary requirements
Veganism and strange dietary rituals

One finds the same requirements in all religions
Christianity with fish on Fridays
Muslims with pork
Anyone who can't see this isn't paying attention

The far left are actually a nice pretty little box with a pretty bow on it but what's inside is actually very ugly.

I first became aware of this when I was kicking around with NSW Greens, partly because I was young and wanted to save the trees and was also chasing some gash, anyway, I met some far left Greens who unlike me had never spent a night in the bush. Their stated goal was to tear down society fill the countey with the poor of the world who would do to the privileged what Pol Pot did in Cambodia.

Yes indeed Gordon
The bitter bitter bitter resentment of the left

The Marxist idea of compassion for those who are not doing well is a great cover story
But we only have to look at Russia China or Cambodia to realise that is really the bitter resentment of the successful that drives marxism

Within two years all of the successful farmers in the Soviet were in the gulags
And the Marxist actually said that the rapists and murderers who were in prison
Were part of the unsuccessful oppressed

And so they got the rapists and murderers to be the prison guards for their oppressors
The successful farmers who may be had a few more cows than the less successful farmers

Again we see this with the fascination for criminals which the radical left embrace
Whenever an African American criminal and a noble policeman are in a confrontation
It doesn't take Einstein to workout his side the radical left will take

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 9:32am

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:14am:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:
[quote author=SerialBrain9 link=1576527344/5#5 date=1576530674]the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

Greta became fixated on climate change when she was only 8 which is long before she could understand the actual science. That right there is no different to 8 year old kids in a madrassa in Pakistan banging their heads into a Koran.

That's bullshit.  It's just that at 8 years of age she was capable of understanding something that still eludes you.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 9:35am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 9:32am:

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:14am:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:
[quote author=SerialBrain9 link=1576527344/5#5 date=1576530674]the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

Greta became fixated on climate change when she was only 8 which is long before she could understand the actual science. That right there is no different to 8 year old kids in a madrassa in Pakistan banging their heads into a Koran.

That's bullshit.  It's just that at 8 years of age she was capable of understanding something that still eludes you.

Lol     ;D

Gordon is a classic example of an adult acting like a child because a child is acting like an adult.

Here he is:

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 9:42am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 9:32am:

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:14am:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:
[quote author=SerialBrain9 link=1576527344/5#5 date=1576530674]the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

Greta became fixated on climate change when she was only 8 which is long before she could understand the actual science. That right there is no different to 8 year old kids in a madrassa in Pakistan banging their heads into a Koran.

That's bullshit.  It's just that at 8 years of age she was capable of understanding something that still eludes you.

I said firmly agree with the scientific consensus on AGW but not the cataclysmic end times stories the hard left are panicking about.

Does this sound like a rational scientific evaluation, or something else?

Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[19] Three years later, she became depressed, lethargic, and stopped talking as well as eating, and eventually was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism.[19

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 9:51am

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 9:42am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 9:32am:

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 8:14am:

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:
[quote author=SerialBrain9 link=1576527344/5#5 date=1576530674]the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

Greta became fixated on climate change when she was only 8 which is long before she could understand the actual science. That right there is no different to 8 year old kids in a madrassa in Pakistan banging their heads into a Koran.

That's bullshit.  It's just that at 8 years of age she was capable of understanding something that still eludes you.

I said firmly agree with the scientific consensus on AGW but not the cataclysmic end times stories the hard left are panicking about.

Does this sound like a rational scientific evaluation, or something else?

Thunberg says she first heard about climate change in 2011, when she was 8 years old, and could not understand why so little was being done about it.[19] Three years later, she became depressed, lethargic, and stopped talking as well as eating, and eventually was diagnosed with Asperger syndrome, obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD), and selective mutism.[19

Well let's disagree shall we?

You words simply show that your acceptance of science does not mean that you understand it.

As far as Greta's reaction to her understanding?  Seems appropriate to me.  When someone realises that the planet is doomed, that's an appropriate reaction.

In contrast, yours if pretty fukked up.  Particularly thinking that spending time attacking a school girl makes a difference to anything.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:00am
Sorry but an 11 year old girl with OCD who is obsessing about matters of science yet has no scientific qualifications?

Questioning that is not attacking, it's being national.

Now, show me  a link to the scientific consensus that the world will end. :)

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:03am

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:00am:
Sorry but an 11 year old girl with OCD who is obsessing about matters of science yet has no scientific qualifications?

Questioning that is not attacking, it's being national.

Now, show me  a link to the scientific consensus that the world will end. :)

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:04am

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:10am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:03am:

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:00am:
Sorry but an 11 year old girl with OCD who is obsessing about matters of science yet has no scientific qualifications?

Questioning that is not attacking, it's being national.

Now, show me  a link to the scientific consensus that the world will end. :)

Here's the problem.  97% of climate scientists back AGW. Im 100% in....But....when ANY climate related study is produced, before it's been peer reviewed and scientifically validated it's automatically  backstopped by the 97% figure and if ANY study is questioned, you're a denier.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:11am
Trump will win the next election.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:12am

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:11am:
Trump will win the next election.


He'll also be impeached before the end of this year.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Karnal on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:57am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:15am:
There are a lot of gunz in the USA.  Should Trump be impeached, there is a chance that some could take to the streets, start a protest that could go horribly wrong.

What are the chances?  I think it is possible.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Threaten Gun Violence Against Protesters At Pittsburgh Event

Yes, that's what the Mechanic always says.

Vote for Mr Trump or face a civil war. Forgive Mr Trump or face a civil war. Say really nice things about Mr Trump or....

Americans don't really have a choice in the matter. Lucky the Mechanic's down here in Australia, eh?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Karnal on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:07am

aquascoot wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:53am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

There's a large part of the radical left that also believe in the end times
Climate Armageddon is part of this nihilism

Frederick Nietzsche predicted this
He said that when a culture lost its belief in God
It would become nihilistic resentful bitter and lost

when I looked at all the democratic candidates on the stage without their American flag
That's how they appeared to me
What does an atheist Marxist left believe in
What gets them to bounce out of bed in the morning

A religious person or someone who is crushing it in business has a purpose in life and bounces out of bed ready to embrace the day

But those bunch of lefty atheist Marxist intellectual elite democrats
I can't really work out what they stand for apart from bitterness resentment nihilism

And if you don't believe that bitterness resentful and nihilism will make you welcome the Armageddon
Make you believe you deserve the Armageddon
Then you weren't paying attention

In a way trump is the manifestation of what the leftie intellectual elites would like to see manifested
It's why they keep feeding the beast
Because deep down they think they deserve it
And deep down they embrace it

Neitzsche never said that, dear.

The US Bible Belt has lost its belief in the Bible. It's become a self-help movement for white nationalists.

This is why they back Mr Trump.


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump. These leftist maggots weren't happy from day one. They cried and cried like  little girls who lost their lolly pop. They have consistently conspired, bitched, threw tantrums, lied, had chimpouts etc etc etc. If these little children get their way that would be too much for people. That's the insult. Not Trump getting crucified.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Karnal on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:20am

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 10:00am:
Sorry but an 11 year old girl with OCD who is obsessing about matters of science yet has no scientific qualifications?

Questioning that is not attacking, it's being national.

Now, show me  a link to the scientific consensus that the world will end. :)

You must have missed the bushfires over in Bondi, Gordon. Lucky you, dear. I even smelt the smoke in a plane over Sydney.

It's not only scientists saying the fires are the result of global warming, it's the fire chiefs.

The average global temperatures is already up by more than a degree. If it rises another degree, these weather events will get far worse, as every schoolgirl knows.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Karnal on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:27am

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Except for when Bill Clinton says he didn't have sex with that woman Monika Lewinsky, dear.

It's okay to asshole a prez for that. Just don't asshole him for bribing a foreign country to dig up charges against his political rival's son.

That's unfair.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:34am

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Trump supporters are by far the most violent group in the US at the moment.

And, regarding the democratic process and the peoples vote, most people voted for Clinton in 2016.

Trump was runner up to Hillary - she received 3,000,000 more votes.

The American people clearly demonstrated that they wanted Clinton as their President, not the alleged child rapist.

Tell me, Jocko: is democracy working when the person with the most votes doesn't win?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

I'm curious.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:42pm

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:34am:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:23am:

SerialBrain9 wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 7:11am:
the Question I would ask - is what would you do if you were witnessing a Communist Coup by a bunch of radicals trying to take over your country?

What would Australian's do?

oh wait - they took our guns off us.  :-/

We'll just sit here and do nothing.

So what would you do if your country was taken over by a cult leader who believed in 'End times'.

do what the US military was about to do - Have a Military Takedown of the Traitors who have been selling you out and cheating in elections etc.

But the US Military went with Plan B instead - they got Trump to run for election for a passive take back of their country to Make America Great Again and without disturbing the sleeping masses.

Just ask FIJI what they would do when "invaded" by dirty smelly Indian immigrants who took over their government.

Oh, dearie, dearie, me, the serial liar, Cereal Brains is once more spreading his bullshit everywhere.  Tsk, tsk.  ::)

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:48pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:27am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Except for when Bill Clinton says he didn't have sex with that woman Monika Lewinsky, dear.

It's okay to asshole a prez for that. Just don't asshole him for bribing a foreign country to dig up charges against his political rival's son.

That's unfair.

You know this whole ordeal isn't about that at all. You lefties just don't like his politics.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:49pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Trump supporters are by far the most violent group in the US at the moment.

And, regarding the democratic process and the peoples vote, most people voted for Clinton in 2016.

Trump was runner up to Hillary - she received 3,000,000 more votes.

The American people clearly demonstrated that they wanted Clinton as their President, not the alleged child rapist.

Tell me, Jocko: is democracy working when the person with the most votes doesn't win?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

I'm curious.

Didn't seem to matter when Bill got in without the popular vote. It does now for some silly reason.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:52pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:49pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Trump supporters are by far the most violent group in the US at the moment.

And, regarding the democratic process and the peoples vote, most people voted for Clinton in 2016.

Trump was runner up to Hillary - she received 3,000,000 more votes.

The American people clearly demonstrated that they wanted Clinton as their President, not the alleged child rapist.

Tell me, Jocko: is democracy working when the person with the most votes doesn't win?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

I'm curious.

Didn't seem to matter when Bill got in without the popular vote. It does now for some silly reason.

Bill who?   :-/

Bill Clinton overwhelmingly won the popular vote in both Presidential elections he ran in.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:56pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:49pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Trump supporters are by far the most violent group in the US at the moment.

And, regarding the democratic process and the peoples vote, most people voted for Clinton in 2016.

Trump was runner up to Hillary - she received 3,000,000 more votes.

The American people clearly demonstrated that they wanted Clinton as their President, not the alleged child rapist.

Tell me, Jocko: is democracy working when the person with the most votes doesn't win?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

I'm curious.

Didn't seem to matter when Bill got in without the popular vote. It does now for some silly reason.

These people lost the popular vote, yet became President:

     1824: John Quincy Adams
     1876: Rutherford B. Hayes
     1888: Benjamin Harrison
     2000: George W. Bush
     2016: Donald Trump

Not sure what "Bill" you're talking about.

Anyway, do you think democracy is working well when the person with the most votes loses the election?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:02pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:56pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:49pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Trump supporters are by far the most violent group in the US at the moment.

And, regarding the democratic process and the peoples vote, most people voted for Clinton in 2016.

Trump was runner up to Hillary - she received 3,000,000 more votes.

The American people clearly demonstrated that they wanted Clinton as their President, not the alleged child rapist.

Tell me, Jocko: is democracy working when the person with the most votes doesn't win?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

I'm curious.

Didn't seem to matter when Bill got in without the popular vote. It does now for some silly reason.

These people lost the popular vote, yet became President:

     1824: John Quincy Adams
     1876: Rutherford B. Hayes
     1888: Benjamin Harrison
     2000: George W. Bush
     2016: Donald Trump

Not sure what "Bill" you're talking about.

Anyway, do you think democracy is working well when the person with the most votes loses the election?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

Bill Clinton won the most popular votes in each of his elections, but he didn't win an outright majority in either. In 1992 he got 43% of the vote. In 1996 he got 49% of the vote

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:20pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:02pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:56pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:49pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Trump supporters are by far the most violent group in the US at the moment.

And, regarding the democratic process and the peoples vote, most people voted for Clinton in 2016.

Trump was runner up to Hillary - she received 3,000,000 more votes.

The American people clearly demonstrated that they wanted Clinton as their President, not the alleged child rapist.

Tell me, Jocko: is democracy working when the person with the most votes doesn't win?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

I'm curious.

Didn't seem to matter when Bill got in without the popular vote. It does now for some silly reason.

These people lost the popular vote, yet became President:

     1824: John Quincy Adams
     1876: Rutherford B. Hayes
     1888: Benjamin Harrison
     2000: George W. Bush
     2016: Donald Trump

Not sure what "Bill" you're talking about.

Anyway, do you think democracy is working well when the person with the most votes loses the election?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

Bill Clinton won the most popular votes in each of his elections, but he didn't win an outright majority in either. In 1992 he got 43% of the vote. In 1996 he got 49% of the vote


So you've changed the subject now.

Why?  Nobody mentioned outright majority.

And, why won't you answer my questions:

- Do you think democracy is working well when the person with the most votes loses the election?

- Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:27pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:20pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:02pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:56pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:49pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Trump supporters are by far the most violent group in the US at the moment.

And, regarding the democratic process and the peoples vote, most people voted for Clinton in 2016.

Trump was runner up to Hillary - she received 3,000,000 more votes.

The American people clearly demonstrated that they wanted Clinton as their President, not the alleged child rapist.

Tell me, Jocko: is democracy working when the person with the most votes doesn't win?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

I'm curious.

Didn't seem to matter when Bill got in without the popular vote. It does now for some silly reason.

These people lost the popular vote, yet became President:

     1824: John Quincy Adams
     1876: Rutherford B. Hayes
     1888: Benjamin Harrison
     2000: George W. Bush
     2016: Donald Trump

Not sure what "Bill" you're talking about.

Anyway, do you think democracy is working well when the person with the most votes loses the election?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

Bill Clinton won the most popular votes in each of his elections, but he didn't win an outright majority in either. In 1992 he got 43% of the vote. In 1996 he got 49% of the vote


So you've changed the subject now.

Why?  Nobody mentioned outright majority.

And, why won't you answer my questions:

- Do you think democracy is working well when the person with the most votes loses the election?

- Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

One part of me says no but another says yes. The US is a huge country with vastly different states and counties. At least this system takes this into account. Let me remind you of something. Pauline Hanson has been dudded because of this system. But you liked it then hey? a  reminder - Trump scored 46.1% in his win. That beats Bill's 43%. I doubt Hillary ever whinged about that.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:50pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Obviously the trump supporters that get violent because hes ousted

You cant get that from reading the thread?


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:52pm
1998 federal election- Hanson won 36 percent of the primary vote,[26] slightly over 10% more than the second-place Labor candidate, Virginia Clarke. However, preferences were enough to elect the Liberal candidate, Cameron Thompson, who had been third in the primary vote. 

Going by you constant arguments about primary vote you must have been outraged Pecca??

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:54pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:50pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Obviously the trump supporters that get violent because hes ousted

You cant get that from reading the thread?


Most of the military won't fire on patriotic Americans. They'd sooner fire on the flag burning commies who infest the radical left.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:09pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:54pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:50pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Obviously the trump supporters that get violent because hes ousted

You cant get that from reading the thread?


Most of the military won't fire on patriotic Americans. They'd sooner fire on the flag burning commies who infest the radical left.

They will if they are ordered to and the so called patriots are killing people


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:18pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:09pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:54pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:50pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Obviously the trump supporters that get violent because hes ousted

You cant get that from reading the thread?


Most of the military won't fire on patriotic Americans. They'd sooner fire on the flag burning commies who infest the radical left.

They will if they are ordered to and the so called patriots are killing people


Look at the LA riots. They didn't fire then , did they?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:22pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:27pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:20pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:02pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:56pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 12:49pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:34am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:22am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:16am:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 11:12am:
It's funny how it's already Trump supporters fault if the US goes off if they asshole Trump.

It's the Trump supporters who are threatening violence.

Did you miss that bit?

And your side hasn't been violent thus far? Actions have consequences. If Trump gets assholed all these rabid cretins who will go back to being little angels. But it won't be forgotten. They haven't realised yet that it would be better to let the democratic process run it's course. These actions are causing more problems . Problems will arise way worse than has been seen so far. You don't farc with the American peoples vote. That's a no no. That's war.

Trump supporters are by far the most violent group in the US at the moment.

And, regarding the democratic process and the peoples vote, most people voted for Clinton in 2016.

Trump was runner up to Hillary - she received 3,000,000 more votes.

The American people clearly demonstrated that they wanted Clinton as their President, not the alleged child rapist.

Tell me, Jocko: is democracy working when the person with the most votes doesn't win?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

I'm curious.

Didn't seem to matter when Bill got in without the popular vote. It does now for some silly reason.

These people lost the popular vote, yet became President:

     1824: John Quincy Adams
     1876: Rutherford B. Hayes
     1888: Benjamin Harrison
     2000: George W. Bush
     2016: Donald Trump

Not sure what "Bill" you're talking about.

Anyway, do you think democracy is working well when the person with the most votes loses the election?

Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

Bill Clinton won the most popular votes in each of his elections, but he didn't win an outright majority in either. In 1992 he got 43% of the vote. In 1996 he got 49% of the vote


So you've changed the subject now.

Why?  Nobody mentioned outright majority.

And, why won't you answer my questions:

- Do you think democracy is working well when the person with the most votes loses the election?

- Who was it who said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote"?

One part of me says no but another says yes. The US is a huge country with vastly different states and counties. At least this system takes this into account. Let me remind you of something. Pauline Hanson has been dudded because of this system. But you liked it then hey? a  reminder - Trump scored 46.1% in his win. That beats Bill's 43%. I doubt Hillary ever whinged about that.

You said "You don't farc with the American peoples vote".

The American voters chose Clinton in 2016.

It wasn't even close - she received 3,000,000 more votes than Trump.

America clearly did not get the President they wanted.

The electoral College, as you say, "farcked with the American peoples vote".

But all of a sudden, that doesn't matter to you any more.

Your double standards and hypocrisy are worse than cods', and that's saying something.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:23pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:18pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:09pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:54pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:50pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Obviously the trump supporters that get violent because hes ousted

You cant get that from reading the thread?


Most of the military won't fire on patriotic Americans. They'd sooner fire on the flag burning commies who infest the radical left.

They will if they are ordered to and the so called patriots are killing people


Look at the LA riots. They didn't fire then , did they?

We're they ordered to?


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:23pm
FB_IMG_1576556304435.jpg (31 KB | 4 )

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:24pm
Oops wrong thread


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:26pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:23pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:18pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:09pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:54pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:50pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Obviously the trump supporters that get violent because hes ousted

You cant get that from reading the thread?


Most of the military won't fire on patriotic Americans. They'd sooner fire on the flag burning commies who infest the radical left.

They will if they are ordered to and the so called patriots are killing people


Look at the LA riots. They didn't fire then , did they?

We're they ordered to?



Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Sir Spot of Borg on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:27pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:26pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:23pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:18pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:09pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:54pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:50pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Obviously the trump supporters that get violent because hes ousted

You cant get that from reading the thread?


Most of the military won't fire on patriotic Americans. They'd sooner fire on the flag burning commies who infest the radical left.

They will if they are ordered to and the so called patriots are killing people


Look at the LA riots. They didn't fire then , did they?

We're they ordered to?



Then why would they? Military tend to follow orders


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:52pm:
1998 federal election- Hanson won 36 percent of the primary vote,[26] slightly over 10% more than the second-place Labor candidate, Virginia Clarke. However, preferences were enough to elect the Liberal candidate, Cameron Thompson, who had been third in the primary vote. 

Going by you constant arguments about primary vote you must have been outraged Pecca??

Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

This isn't about me, it's about you, aqua, and all the other brain dead idiots who claim that Trump won because he was popular and that that's who the voters wanted.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The people chose Clinton, by a country mile.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history, and still she beat Trump.

What does that say about his popularity?

I'm curious.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:36pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:52pm:
1998 federal election- Hanson won 36 percent of the primary vote,[26] slightly over 10% more than the second-place Labor candidate, Virginia Clarke. However, preferences were enough to elect the Liberal candidate, Cameron Thompson, who had been third in the primary vote. 

Going by you constant arguments about primary vote you must have been outraged Pecca??

Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

This isn't about me, it's about you, aqua, and all the other brain dead idiots who claim that Trump won because he was popular and that that's who the voters wanted.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The people chose Clinton, by a country mile.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history, and still she beat Trump.

What does that say about his popularity?

I'm curious.

So what did that say about Hanson's popularity. Fess up Pecca. You just can't get over the fact that he got in. That's why you've been banging on about this popular vote nonsense for over a year. But you have a hard on for the same situation going against Hanson. You don't have any political standard. It changes according to who you don't like or like. It's as plain as day.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:38pm

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:27pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:26pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:23pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:18pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:09pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:54pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:50pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:41pm:

Sir Spot of Borg wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:34pm:
It wouldn't be a civil war. It would be the military slaughtering the rebels


who's the rebels?

Obviously the trump supporters that get violent because hes ousted

You cant get that from reading the thread?


Most of the military won't fire on patriotic Americans. They'd sooner fire on the flag burning commies who infest the radical left.

They will if they are ordered to and the so called patriots are killing people


Look at the LA riots. They didn't fire then , did they?

We're they ordered to?



Then why would they? Military tend to follow orders


I personally believe there will be mass protests but relatively peaceful. The real danger is  the American people will push further right. And the fringe nationalist groups will be bolstered by support. That's where the real danger lies.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:42pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:36pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:52pm:
1998 federal election- Hanson won 36 percent of the primary vote,[26] slightly over 10% more than the second-place Labor candidate, Virginia Clarke. However, preferences were enough to elect the Liberal candidate, Cameron Thompson, who had been third in the primary vote. 

Going by you constant arguments about primary vote you must have been outraged Pecca??

Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

This isn't about me, it's about you, aqua, and all the other brain dead idiots who claim that Trump won because he was popular and that that's who the voters wanted.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The people chose Clinton, by a country mile.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history, and still she beat Trump.

What does that say about his popularity?

I'm curious.

You just can't get over the fact that he got in.


He won the election according to the rules.

I've said that all along.

You guys can't get over the fact that he's unbelievably unpopular, though.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history.

She was incredibly unpopular, and still she beat Trump.

That makes Trump about as popular as a fart in an elevator.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:35pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:42pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:36pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:52pm:
1998 federal election- Hanson won 36 percent of the primary vote,[26] slightly over 10% more than the second-place Labor candidate, Virginia Clarke. However, preferences were enough to elect the Liberal candidate, Cameron Thompson, who had been third in the primary vote. 

Going by you constant arguments about primary vote you must have been outraged Pecca??

Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

This isn't about me, it's about you, aqua, and all the other brain dead idiots who claim that Trump won because he was popular and that that's who the voters wanted.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The people chose Clinton, by a country mile.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history, and still she beat Trump.

What does that say about his popularity?

I'm curious.

You just can't get over the fact that he got in.


He won the election according to the rules.

I've said that all along.

You guys can't get over the fact that he's unbelievably unpopular, though.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history.

She was incredibly unpopular, and still she beat Trump.

That makes Trump about as popular as a fart in an elevator.

Don't bs me Pecca. You are your run of the mill leftist fascist. I know how your mind works.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:37pm
Trump will win another term because the dems are too corrupt and stupid to pick a good candidate.

Biden will get killed.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:48pm

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:37pm:
Trump will win another term because the dems are too corrupt and stupid to pick a good candidate.

Biden will get killed.

Dems too corrupt?   

Please try to keep up mate.  We have a POTUS about to be impeached and the Dems are corrupt.

We have another one to make a choice for;

1. Are you just fukkking stupid

2. or just a lying troll prick?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by rhino on Dec 17th, 2019 at 4:26pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:
Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

you couldnt stop crying on this forum for years afterwards.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Gordon on Dec 17th, 2019 at 4:48pm

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:48pm:

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:37pm:
Trump will win another term because the dems are too corrupt and stupid to pick a good candidate.

Biden will get killed.

Dems too corrupt?   

Please try to keep up mate.  We have a POTUS about to be impeached and the Dems are corrupt.

We have another one to make a choice for;

1. Are you just fukkking stupid

2. or just a lying troll prick?

Aren't you a Dumf Uck. I'm talking about how they pick theit candidates. Biden will be the candidate instead of a great candidate like Tulsi, and Trump will will again.

Donna Brazile Says She Has “Proof” Clinton Rigged the Primary Against Sanders

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:06pm

rhino wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 4:26pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:
Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

you couldnt stop crying on this forum for years afterwards.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I didn't like the result.

Still don't, but I totally accept it.

Supporters of the alleged child rapist can't accept that he's incredibly unpopular, though.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:08pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:06pm:

rhino wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 4:26pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:
Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

you couldnt stop crying on this forum for years afterwards.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I didn't like the result.

Still don't, but I totally accept it.

Supporters of the alleged child rapist can't accept that he's incredibly unpopular, though.
but I totally accept it.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:08pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:35pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:42pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:36pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:52pm:
1998 federal election- Hanson won 36 percent of the primary vote,[26] slightly over 10% more than the second-place Labor candidate, Virginia Clarke. However, preferences were enough to elect the Liberal candidate, Cameron Thompson, who had been third in the primary vote. 

Going by you constant arguments about primary vote you must have been outraged Pecca??

Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

This isn't about me, it's about you, aqua, and all the other brain dead idiots who claim that Trump won because he was popular and that that's who the voters wanted.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The people chose Clinton, by a country mile.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history, and still she beat Trump.

What does that say about his popularity?

I'm curious.

You just can't get over the fact that he got in.


He won the election according to the rules.

I've said that all along.

You guys can't get over the fact that he's unbelievably unpopular, though.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history.

She was incredibly unpopular, and still she beat Trump.

That makes Trump about as popular as a fart in an elevator.

Don't bs me Pecca. You are your run of the mill leftist fascist. I know how your mind works.

There's no bullshit there, Jocko.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history, and yet she was more popular than Trump at the 2016 election.

That's an indisputable fact.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:11pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:08pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:06pm:

rhino wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 4:26pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:
Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

you couldnt stop crying on this forum for years afterwards.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

I didn't like the result.

Still don't, but I totally accept it.

Supporters of the alleged child rapist can't accept that he's incredibly unpopular, though.
but I totally accept it.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


I've never once said that losing the popular vote should disqualify him from being POTUS.

I totally accept the fact that the Electoral College is responsible for the alleged child rapist being President.

Now, you just need to accept that he didn't win because of his popularity.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:12pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:08pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:35pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:42pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:36pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 2:28pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 1:52pm:
1998 federal election- Hanson won 36 percent of the primary vote,[26] slightly over 10% more than the second-place Labor candidate, Virginia Clarke. However, preferences were enough to elect the Liberal candidate, Cameron Thompson, who had been third in the primary vote. 

Going by you constant arguments about primary vote you must have been outraged Pecca??

Outraged? Why would I be outraged?

I'm not even outraged by Trump's win, even though he was the runner up.  That's how the system works.

This isn't about me, it's about you, aqua, and all the other brain dead idiots who claim that Trump won because he was popular and that that's who the voters wanted.

Complete and utter nonsense.

The people chose Clinton, by a country mile.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history, and still she beat Trump.

What does that say about his popularity?

I'm curious.

You just can't get over the fact that he got in.


He won the election according to the rules.

I've said that all along.

You guys can't get over the fact that he's unbelievably unpopular, though.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history.

She was incredibly unpopular, and still she beat Trump.

That makes Trump about as popular as a fart in an elevator.

Don't bs me Pecca. You are your run of the mill leftist fascist. I know how your mind works.

There's no bullshit there, Jocko.

Hillary was one of the most unpopular candidates in modern history, and yet she was more popular than Trump at the 2016 election.

That's an indisputable fact.

It's true but I doesn't mean a thing. She didn't get in. She came 2nd. She lost.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by cods on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:13pm

Gordon wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 3:37pm:
Trump will win another term because the dems are too corrupt and stupid to pick a good candidate.

Biden will get killed.

the Demons have shown their true colours  its all too late for them no matter who they run....

no way would I vote for them...its the worst dummy spit I think I have ever seen     anywhere.. yep even monks... :) :) :) :) and they were doozies..

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:33pm

cods wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:13pm:
...its the worst dummy spit I think I have ever seen     anywhere.. ..

Your ignorance astounds me at times.

It's not a dummy spit.

It's what the Constitution requires, to ensure the country is governed properly.

If there's a person on this planet with worse double standards than you, I'd be very surprised.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Richdude on Dec 18th, 2019 at 1:37am

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:33pm:

cods wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:13pm:
...its the worst dummy spit I think I have ever seen     anywhere.. ..

Your ignorance astounds me at times.

It's not a dummy spit.

It's what the Constitution requires, to ensure the country is governed properly.

If there's a person on this planet with worse double standards than you, I'd be very surprised.

Just getting rid of some noise.

You are correct Cods. A dummy spit - remember the scandals surrounding the Kavanaugh hearings?

The Dems have attempted a coup - right from day one (even before) of his Presidency.

If there is a civil war - which I doubt. The Dems and media will much to answer for!

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 18th, 2019 at 5:29am

Richdude wrote on Dec 18th, 2019 at 1:37am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:33pm:

cods wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:13pm:
...its the worst dummy spit I think I have ever seen     anywhere.. ..

Your ignorance astounds me at times.

It's not a dummy spit.

It's what the Constitution requires, to ensure the country is governed properly.

If there's a person on this planet with worse double standards than you, I'd be very surprised.

Just getting rid of some noise.

You are correct Cods. A dummy spit - remember the scandals surrounding the Kavanaugh hearings?

The Dems have attempted a coup - right from day one (even before) of his Presidency.

If there is a civil war - which I doubt. The Dems and media will much to answer for!

Yes I'm sure it would be the Dems that will be to blame.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Richdude on Dec 18th, 2019 at 5:46am

random wrote on Dec 18th, 2019 at 5:29am:

Richdude wrote on Dec 18th, 2019 at 1:37am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:33pm:
[quote author=cods link=1576527344/75#75 date=1576566799]...its the worst dummy spit I think I have ever seen     anywhere.. ..

Your ignorance astounds me at times.

It's not a dummy spit.

It's what the Constitution requires, to ensure the country is governed properly.

If there's a person on this planet with worse double standards than you, I'd be very surprised.

Just getting rid of some noise.

You are correct Cods. A dummy spit - remember the scandals surrounding the Kavanaugh hearings?

The Dems have attempted a coup - right from day one (even before) of his Presidency.

If there is a civil war - which I doubt. The Dems and media will much to answer for!

Yes I'm sure it would be the Dems that will be to blame.

Oh so thats the newest script Greg? "Trump supporters are violent". Won't work as all the other Dem claims have failed in the light of the truth.

The media needs to apologize for the charade they performed for the last 3 years. Most Journos knew they were pushing lies - "no there there". Wasting 40 million for an absurd inquiry. That was really an extension of the FISA abuse spying now morphed into an impeachment based on zero facts.

Think about this. The top police force lies and cheats, using its powers to politically interfere before and after an election to attempt a coup. The FBI and DOJ are guilty of abuse of power and obstruction of justice.

This is the greatest scandal in recent US's politics.

Sick people!

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 18th, 2019 at 5:56am
Trump Supporters

Former Republican Leader Will Deschamps Tells Trump Supporters To Have Guns Ready For Protesters

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by cods on Dec 18th, 2019 at 6:03am

greggerypeccary wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:33pm:

cods wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 5:13pm:
...its the worst dummy spit I think I have ever seen     anywhere.. ..

Your ignorance astounds me at times.

It's not a dummy spit.

It's what the Constitution requires, to ensure the country is governed properly.

If there's a person on this planet with worse double standards than you, I'd be very surprised.

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D :'( :'( :'( :'( ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D.... yeah of course it is  keep telling yourself that..

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Dec 18th, 2019 at 6:14am

random wrote on Dec 18th, 2019 at 5:56am:
Trump Supporters

Former Republican Leader Will Deschamps Tells Trump Supporters To Have Guns Ready For Protesters

No surprise.

Trump supporters are extremely violent people, and Trump loves to encourage violence himself.

Did you hear what one of his paid ex-wives said about him?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 18th, 2019 at 7:39am

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Dec 18th, 2019 at 7:42am

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on May 31st, 2022 at 8:11pm

So how'd I do?

Was pretty close to a civil war wasn't it?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by AiA on May 31st, 2022 at 8:38pm

random wrote on May 31st, 2022 at 8:11pm:

So how'd I do?

Was pretty close to a civil war wasn't it?

The thought gives you a woody, doesn't it OP?

Sick ʞɔnɟ.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Bias_2012 on May 31st, 2022 at 9:05pm

random wrote on May 31st, 2022 at 8:11pm:

So how'd I do?

Was pretty close to a civil war wasn't it?

The fraudulent voting proved to be a bigger issue than potential civil war. Everyone is now on the alert to more vote rigging in 2024. Trump is calling for paper ballots only. If the Swamp comes up with any more of their pre-planned dirty tricks, they're likely to be exposed before election day by vigilant volunteers interested in fair and square elections ... and they might be both Democrat and Republican eagle eye volunteers

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on May 31st, 2022 at 9:15pm

Bias_2012 wrote on May 31st, 2022 at 9:05pm:

random wrote on May 31st, 2022 at 8:11pm:

So how'd I do?

Was pretty close to a civil war wasn't it?

The fraudulent voting proved to be a bigger issue than potential civil war.

There is no evidence of fraudulent voting in the 2020 election.

That is, no fraud that would change the result.

The very few cases of fraud that have been found are Republicans cheating.

If you have evidence to suggest otherwise, you are more than welcome to present it here.

You get back to me with that, won't you boy?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Xavier on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:35am
There will be no Civil War.
The Blue Yankee Democrats will self-destruct in their Gayness,
now that the Grey Redneck Confederates aren't around to justify their reason to exist (going around tearing down old statues won't help).

The Red Republicans will just sit by and watch the Blues implode from a Gay fart via the Media.
End of the North and South political scene.

The Red Republicans (in Cherokee: The Red War Party)
will wait for the White Party (in Cherokee: The White Peace Party) so the Red & White Stripes can take the future and leave the Blue and Greys in the past.

Anti-Trump supporters like BLM, Lefties, Democrat supporters, Media supporters - rioted with looting, burning, raping, pillaging, killing, destroying in their hundreds of thousands across the country against 'american people'.

Pro-Trump supporters marched on Capitol Hill and messed up a lot of paperwork. A few, unarmed - were shot dead by the security.

...kinda puts things into perspective here between those who see reality and those who can only see reality through a TV.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by FutureTheLeftWant on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:36am

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:15am:
There are a lot of gunz in the USA.  Should Trump be impeached, there is a chance that some could take to the streets, start a protest that could go horribly wrong.

What are the chances?  I think it is possible.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Threaten Gun Violence Against Protesters At Pittsburgh Event

This aged well.  They tried an insurrection.  Sadly only one person was shot

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:43am

Jasin wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:35am:
There will be no Civil War.
The Blue Yankee Democrats will self-destruct in their Gayness,
now that the Grey Redneck Confederates aren't around to justify their reason to exist (going around tearing down old statues won't help).

The Red Republicans will just sit by and watch the Blues implode from a Gay fart via the Media.
End of the North and South political scene.

The Red Republicans (in Cherokee: The Red War Party)
will wait for the White Party (in Cherokee: The White Peace Party) so the Red & White Stripes can take the future and leave the Blue and Greys in the past.

Anti-Trump supporters like BLM, Lefties, Democrat supporters, Media supporters - rioted with looting, burning, raping, pillaging, killing, destroying in their hundreds of thousands across the country against 'american people'.

Pro-Trump supporters marched on Capitol Hill and messed up a lot of paperwork. A few, unarmed - were shot dead by the security.

...kinda puts things into perspective here between those who see reality and those who can only see reality through a TV.

That's really very sad mate, I feel for you.

Tell uncle random about your experiences at boarding school.  I promise I won't tell anyone.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by FutureTheLeftWant on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:45am

Jasin wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:35am:
There will be no Civil War.
The Blue Yankee Democrats will self-destruct in their Gayness,
now that the Grey Redneck Confederates aren't around to justify their reason to exist (going around tearing down old statues won't help).

The Red Republicans will just sit by and watch the Blues implode from a Gay fart via the Media.
End of the North and South political scene.

The Red Republicans (in Cherokee: The Red War Party)
will wait for the White Party (in Cherokee: The White Peace Party) so the Red & White Stripes can take the future and leave the Blue and Greys in the past.

Anti-Trump supporters like BLM, Lefties, Democrat supporters, Media supporters - rioted with looting, burning, raping, pillaging, killing, destroying in their hundreds of thousands across the country against 'american people'.

Pro-Trump supporters marched on Capitol Hill and messed up a lot of paperwork. A few, unarmed - were shot dead by the security.

...kinda puts things into perspective here between those who see reality and those who can only see reality through a TV.

trump supporters went to the seat of government and chanted kill Mike Pence.  the BLM riots didn't happen, old man, the right love to say 'cities were burned down' and can't show me on Google Maps which one

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Xavier on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:46am
Prove otherwise. ;D

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by FutureTheLeftWant on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:49am

Jasin wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:46am:
Prove otherwise. ;D

Prove you are not a paedophile.  Negative proof does not exist.  If I wanted to make that claim about you, the onus of proof would be on me.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 1st, 2022 at 11:19am

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:49am:

Jasin wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:46am:
Prove otherwise. ;D

Prove you are not a paedophile.  Negative proof does not exist.  If I wanted to make that claim about you, the onus of proof would be on me.

Now now, Future, that's unfair. Matty's just saying.

Blacks go around killing people all the time. Are you seriously suggesting patriotic Trump supporters protesting about democracy killed more people than the blacks?

Or what about leftards? How many of them are in jail for the most heinous crimes imaginable? 5? 10?

I think we all know that's not possible.

Now, if we add up all the black crimes with the leftards, I think you'll find a very high number. And do you know? Mr Trump made it his goal to lock them up - Mexicans too.

They're rapists, murderers, they bring in drugs and some, I assume, are good people.

Go to any jail in America and you'll see thousands of these people. I think we can all thank Mr Trump for that, don't you?

So what if a few high-spirited youth let off some steam once in a while? We all deserve a second chance. Besides, they only wanted to lynch Mike Pence. Okay, maybe Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris. Liz Cheney - definitely her. But these are some really bad people, okay? Wouldn't you like to teach them a lesson?

Matty, you're not a paedophile, are you?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by FutureTheLeftWant on Jun 1st, 2022 at 11:30am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 11:19am:
Now now, Future, that's unfair. Matty's just saying.

Blacks go around killing people all the time. Are you seriously suggesting patriotic Trump supporters protesting about democracy killed more people than the blacks?

Or what about leftards? How many of them are in jail for the most heinous crimes imaginable? 5? 10?

I think we all know that's not possible.

Now, if we add up all the black crimes with the leftards, I think you'll find a very high number. And do you know? Mr Trump made it his goal to lock them up - Mexicans too.

They're rapists, murderers, they bring in drugs and some, I assume, are good people.

Go to any jail in America and you'll see thousands of these people. I think we can all thank Mr Trump for that, don't you?

So what if a few high-spirited youth let off some steam once in a while? We all deserve a second chance. Besides, they only wanted to lynch Mike Pence. Okay, maybe Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris. Liz Cheney - definitely her. But these are some really bad people, okay? Wouldn't you like to teach them a lesson?

Matty, you're not a paedophile, are you?

In fact right wing extremists are the biggest terror threat in the USA and left wing terrorism is fiction.

I want them nullified so society is safe.  I ultimately want them to live a happier and  better life under left wing government and to be furious about it

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Dnarever on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:10pm

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:45am:

Jasin wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:35am:
There will be no Civil War.
The Blue Yankee Democrats will self-destruct in their Gayness,
now that the Grey Redneck Confederates aren't around to justify their reason to exist (going around tearing down old statues won't help).

The Red Republicans will just sit by and watch the Blues implode from a Gay fart via the Media.
End of the North and South political scene.

The Red Republicans (in Cherokee: The Red War Party)
will wait for the White Party (in Cherokee: The White Peace Party) so the Red & White Stripes can take the future and leave the Blue and Greys in the past.

Anti-Trump supporters like BLM, Lefties, Democrat supporters, Media supporters - rioted with looting, burning, raping, pillaging, killing, destroying in their hundreds of thousands across the country against 'american people'.

Pro-Trump supporters marched on Capitol Hill and messed up a lot of paperwork. A few, unarmed - were shot dead by the security.

...kinda puts things into perspective here between those who see reality and those who can only see reality through a TV.

trump supporters went to the seat of government and chanted kill Mike Pence.  the BLM riots didn't happen, old man, the right love to say 'cities were burned down' and can't show me on Google Maps which one

The insurrectionists also put about 115 police officers in hospital one died on the day and another 2 died later.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:35pm

Dnarever wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:10pm:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:45am:

Jasin wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 8:35am:
There will be no Civil War.
The Blue Yankee Democrats will self-destruct in their Gayness,
now that the Grey Redneck Confederates aren't around to justify their reason to exist (going around tearing down old statues won't help).

The Red Republicans will just sit by and watch the Blues implode from a Gay fart via the Media.
End of the North and South political scene.

The Red Republicans (in Cherokee: The Red War Party)
will wait for the White Party (in Cherokee: The White Peace Party) so the Red & White Stripes can take the future and leave the Blue and Greys in the past.

Anti-Trump supporters like BLM, Lefties, Democrat supporters, Media supporters - rioted with looting, burning, raping, pillaging, killing, destroying in their hundreds of thousands across the country against 'american people'.

Pro-Trump supporters marched on Capitol Hill and messed up a lot of paperwork. A few, unarmed - were shot dead by the security.

...kinda puts things into perspective here between those who see reality and those who can only see reality through a TV.

trump supporters went to the seat of government and chanted kill Mike Pence.  the BLM riots didn't happen, old man, the right love to say 'cities were burned down' and can't show me on Google Maps which one

The insurrectionists also put about 115 police officers in hospital one died on the day and another 2 died later.

Live and let live, Dnarever. Youthful hijinx, that's all. A lot of people are saying they should be pardoned. I mean, everybody's saying it.

Sleepy Joe should sign it off - if he knows what's good for him.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Bias_2012 on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:40pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Exactly. Why should we trust an independent organisation? Clive Palmer has feelings too, no?

Why would he just make stuff up?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Bias_2012 on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:46pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:40pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Exactly. Why should we trust an independent organisation? Clive Palmer has feelings too, no?

Why would he just make stuff up?

Independent, but not impartial

Use your brains for a change Karnal

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:26pm

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 11:30am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 11:19am:
Now now, Future, that's unfair. Matty's just saying.

Blacks go around killing people all the time. Are you seriously suggesting patriotic Trump supporters protesting about democracy killed more people than the blacks?

Or what about leftards? How many of them are in jail for the most heinous crimes imaginable? 5? 10?

I think we all know that's not possible.

Now, if we add up all the black crimes with the leftards, I think you'll find a very high number. And do you know? Mr Trump made it his goal to lock them up - Mexicans too.

They're rapists, murderers, they bring in drugs and some, I assume, are good people.

Go to any jail in America and you'll see thousands of these people. I think we can all thank Mr Trump for that, don't you?

So what if a few high-spirited youth let off some steam once in a while? We all deserve a second chance. Besides, they only wanted to lynch Mike Pence. Okay, maybe Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris. Liz Cheney - definitely her. But these are some really bad people, okay? Wouldn't you like to teach them a lesson?

Matty, you're not a paedophile, are you?

In fact right wing extremists are the biggest terror threat in the USA ...

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by FutureTheLeftWant on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:27pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Palmer is a useless cnut.  Sometimes people oppose you because you deserve it.

70% of the country votes for the majors still.  Doesn't mean they don't do their jobs.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:34pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

He only didn't get a seat after spending $100m because it's rigged?

That what you are saying?  (this should be good)

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 1st, 2022 at 3:15pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

They haven't been presented with any evidence.


If there's no evidence, there's nothing for them to investigate.

Surely you understand that.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 1st, 2022 at 3:42pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Clive is just pissed off that he performed so badly.  His advertising blitz turn people off him.  He was automatically going to end up last on most peoples' ballot papers.  Even St. Pauline's Band of Village Idiots rated slightly higher than his Band of Village Idiots.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by FutureTheLeftWant on Jun 1st, 2022 at 3:43pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 3:42pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Clive is just pissed off that he performed so badly.  His advertising blitz turn people off him.  He was automatically going to end up last on most peoples' ballot papers.  Even St. Pauline's Band of Village Idiots rated slightly higher than his Band of Village Idiots.   ::) ::)

He's also trying to pull a Trump, TBH.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 1st, 2022 at 3:45pm

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 3:43pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 3:42pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Clive is just pissed off that he performed so badly.  His advertising blitz turn people off him.  He was automatically going to end up last on most peoples' ballot papers.  Even St. Pauline's Band of Village Idiots rated slightly higher than his Band of Village Idiots.   ::) ::)

He's also trying to pull a Trump, TBH.

That's exactly what he's doing.

He's a sore loser - pure & simple.

If he believes there was election fraud, why doesn't he present the evidence?  Any evidence.

We all know the answer to that, of course.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Bias_2012 on Jun 1st, 2022 at 4:56pm

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:27pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Palmer is a useless cnut.  Sometimes people oppose you because you deserve it.

70% of the country votes for the majors still.  Doesn't mean they don't do their jobs.

It was the AEC, the Libs, and the Labs that decided minor parties must now have a minimum of 1500 members, and they wiped any off the books that didn't, just a few months before the election

All those minor parties would have taken votes away from the already depleted primary votes for the major parties. You think the AEC & Co don't know what they're doing?

That slaughter of minor parties also ensured increased preference votes for the Libs and Labs as well. With the help of the Libs and Labs, the AEC holds all the cards, and they use them, to the detriment of democracy, not your claytons democracy, but the one we're supposed to have

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 1st, 2022 at 5:03pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 4:56pm:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:27pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Palmer is a useless cnut.  Sometimes people oppose you because you deserve it.

70% of the country votes for the majors still.  Doesn't mean they don't do their jobs.

It was the AEC, the Libs, and the Labs that decided minor parties must now have a minimum of 1500 members, and they wiped any off the books that didn't, just a few months before the election

All those minor parties would have taken votes away from the already depleted primary votes for the major parties. You think the AEC & Co don't know what they're doing?

That slaughter of minor parties also ensured increased preference votes for the Libs and Labs as well. With the help of the Libs and Labs, the AEC holds all the cards, and they use them, to the detriment of democracy, not your claytons democracy, but the one we're supposed to have

Are you suggesting that the requirement for 1,500 members is undemocratic?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 1st, 2022 at 5:07pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 4:56pm:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:27pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Palmer is a useless cnut.  Sometimes people oppose you because you deserve it.

70% of the country votes for the majors still.  Doesn't mean they don't do their jobs.

It was the AEC, the Libs, and the Labs that decided minor parties must now have a minimum of 1500 members, and they wiped any off the books that didn't, just a few months before the election

All those minor parties would have taken votes away from the already depleted primary votes for the major parties. You think the AEC & Co don't know what they're doing?

That slaughter of minor parties also ensured increased preference votes for the Libs and Labs as well. With the help of the Libs and Labs, the AEC holds all the cards, and they use them, to the detriment of democracy, not your claytons democracy, but the one we're supposed to have

All the AEC has done is enforce existing legislation.  If parties didn't meet the minimum number of members they were deregistered.  Seems straight forward to me.  Otherwise you'd have us voting for the "Housewives' knitting party".   ::) ::)

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Bias_2012 on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:31pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 5:07pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 4:56pm:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:27pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Palmer is a useless cnut.  Sometimes people oppose you because you deserve it.

70% of the country votes for the majors still.  Doesn't mean they don't do their jobs.

It was the AEC, the Libs, and the Labs that decided minor parties must now have a minimum of 1500 members, and they wiped any off the books that didn't, just a few months before the election

All those minor parties would have taken votes away from the already depleted primary votes for the major parties. You think the AEC & Co don't know what they're doing?

That slaughter of minor parties also ensured increased preference votes for the Libs and Labs as well. With the help of the Libs and Labs, the AEC holds all the cards, and they use them, to the detriment of democracy, not your claytons democracy, but the one we're supposed to have

All the AEC has done is enforce existing legislation.  If parties didn't meet the minimum number of members they were deregistered.  Seems straight forward to me.  Otherwise you'd have us voting for the "Housewives' knitting party".   ::) ::)

You need to catch up ... the minimum of members required was changed from 500 to 1500 ... then just after that, they exterminated all the parties that didn't have 1500

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:31pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 4:56pm:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:27pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Palmer is a useless cnut.  Sometimes people oppose you because you deserve it.

70% of the country votes for the majors still.  Doesn't mean they don't do their jobs.

It was the AEC, the Libs, and the Labs that decided minor parties must now have a minimum of 1500 members, and they wiped any off the books that didn't, just a few months before the election

All those minor parties would have taken votes away from the already depleted primary votes for the major parties. You think the AEC & Co don't know what they're doing?

That slaughter of minor parties also ensured increased preference votes for the Libs and Labs as well. With the help of the Libs and Labs, the AEC holds all the cards, and they use them, to the detriment of democracy, not your claytons democracy, but the one we're supposed to have

Awwwww poor petal.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Xavier on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:34pm
Star Wars

Ep 4: Trump - a New Hope

Ep.5: The Media Empire Strikes Back (with Dopey Joe)

Ep.6: The Return of the Trump


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:51pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:31pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 5:07pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 4:56pm:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:27pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Palmer is a useless cnut.  Sometimes people oppose you because you deserve it.

70% of the country votes for the majors still.  Doesn't mean they don't do their jobs.

It was the AEC, the Libs, and the Labs that decided minor parties must now have a minimum of 1500 members, and they wiped any off the books that didn't, just a few months before the election

All those minor parties would have taken votes away from the already depleted primary votes for the major parties. You think the AEC & Co don't know what they're doing?

That slaughter of minor parties also ensured increased preference votes for the Libs and Labs as well. With the help of the Libs and Labs, the AEC holds all the cards, and they use them, to the detriment of democracy, not your claytons democracy, but the one we're supposed to have

All the AEC has done is enforce existing legislation.  If parties didn't meet the minimum number of members they were deregistered.  Seems straight forward to me.  Otherwise you'd have us voting for the "Housewives' knitting party".   ::) ::)

You need to catch up ... the minimum of members required was changed from 500 to 1500 ... then just after that, they exterminated all the parties that didn't have 1500

And?   :-/

Amends the definition of “eligible political party” in subsection 123(1).
This amendment increases the minimum membership requirements for a
non-Parliamentary party to 1,500 unique members to ensure that
registered political parties have a genuine foundation of national
community support, and addresses recommendation 4 from the JSCEM
Interim report on the inquiry into the conduct of the 2013 Federal Election
and Recommendation 4 from the JSCEM Report on the conduct of the
2016 federal election and matters related thereto.

Read the recommmendations.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mustapha_Khunt on Jun 2nd, 2022 at 12:09am

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:31pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 5:07pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 4:56pm:

FutureTheLeftWant wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 2:27pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 12:37pm:

random wrote on Jun 1st, 2022 at 6:37am:

As if we needed proof that these clowns take their lessons from the US radical right.

The AEC is not impartial like you think it is, it's biased towards the major parties, this time you can tell by the way they're rubbishing Palmer instead of taking his complaint seriously and making and effort to properly investigate it - that's their job

You'd be silly to trust the AEC completely, 70% of their workers support and vote for the Libs and Labs

Palmer is a useless cnut.  Sometimes people oppose you because you deserve it.

70% of the country votes for the majors still.  Doesn't mean they don't do their jobs.

It was the AEC, the Libs, and the Labs that decided minor parties must now have a minimum of 1500 members, and they wiped any off the books that didn't, just a few months before the election

All those minor parties would have taken votes away from the already depleted primary votes for the major parties. You think the AEC & Co don't know what they're doing?

That slaughter of minor parties also ensured increased preference votes for the Libs and Labs as well. With the help of the Libs and Labs, the AEC holds all the cards, and they use them, to the detriment of democracy, not your claytons democracy, but the one we're supposed to have

All the AEC has done is enforce existing legislation.  If parties didn't meet the minimum number of members they were deregistered.  Seems straight forward to me.  Otherwise you'd have us voting for the "Housewives' knitting party".   ::) ::)

You need to catch up ... the minimum of members required was changed from 500 to 1500 ... then just after that, they exterminated all the parties that didn't have 1500

Good point, Bias. I say we give Clive a few seats, poor thing. He did, after all, have a jolly good go, no?


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Sep 12th, 2022 at 12:49pm

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:15am:
There are a lot of gunz in the USA.  Should Trump be impeached, there is a chance that some could take to the streets, start a protest that could go horribly wrong.

What are the chances?  I think it is possible.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Threaten Gun Violence Against Protesters At Pittsburgh Event

Well, I was pretty close wasn't I?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by issuevoter on Sep 12th, 2022 at 1:36pm
The kind of Trump supporter who is prepared to kill someone to get their own way, is not disciplined enough to take part in a military exercise.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mattyfisk on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:15pm

random wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 12:49pm:

random wrote on Dec 17th, 2019 at 6:15am:
There are a lot of gunz in the USA.  Should Trump be impeached, there is a chance that some could take to the streets, start a protest that could go horribly wrong.

What are the chances?  I think it is possible.

WATCH: Trump Supporters Threaten Gun Violence Against Protesters At Pittsburgh Event

Well, I was pretty close wasn't I?

Not at all. Dear Leader will go nicely. Good and proper, just like Sloppy Steve, ranting about Freeeedom as he's led away in cuffs.

A handful of rallies, good and bad on both sides, all that. But after the obligatory show of white pride, they'll go home.

How bad can it get? There's a mass shooting nearly every week. The Proud Boys will get their knickers in a twist, but what are they going to do?

The alternative of taking Trump out in a Navy Seal-style operation like bin Laden defeats the purpose. Dear Leader's followers need to see him in the stand, raising Hillary's emails, shrieking so unfair.

Sure, they'll still worship him, but they'll take it like a man, legs in the air, screaming for more.


Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by aquascoot on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm

your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.
take off your smug blinkers and consider this

trump is not the river. trump is the dam.

trump is holding back literally 70 or 80 million , highly armed, disenfranchised, abandoned (by the democrats) deplorables who have not much to lose.

my personal opinion is the left want a civil war because they are self loathing and they are doing everything in their power to get one.

trump is the dam wall standing between the smug elites and the angry mob.

you (subconsciously) want trump to fall so the left can get into it with the right in violence and mayhem

you dont attract what you want
you attract what you are.

if the left want to be haters and cruel to people in the flyover states and treat them like garbage, they really cant complain when the hornetts nest they have stirred up explodes.

be careful what you wish for

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:35pm

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.

A self-confessed criminal and self confessed sexual predator who groomed a 10-year-old child in Trump Tower, said on multiple occasions that he'd like to screw his own daughter (the one he likes, not the "fat & ugly" one) and whose best friend was a convicted child sex offender?

Is that what he really is?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by random on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:43pm

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.
take off your smug blinkers and consider this

you (subconsciously) want trump to fall so the left can get into it with the right in violence and mayhem

You could be right about him, but I Consciously want Trump to go to prison just to see how truly fukked up the US will become.  It has to happen sometime.

All this hate of American on American has the be released.

I can't wait!

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mattyfisk on Sep 12th, 2022 at 8:15pm

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.
take off your smug blinkers and consider this

trump is not the river. trump is the dam.

trump is holding back literally 70 or 80 million , highly armed, disenfranchised, abandoned (by the democrats) deplorables who have not much to lose.

my personal opinion is the left want a civil war because they are self loathing and they are doing everything in their power to get one.

trump is the dam wall standing between the smug elites and the angry mob.

you (subconsciously) want trump to fall so the left can get into it with the right in violence and mayhem

you dont attract what you want
you attract what you are.

if the left want to be haters and cruel to people in the flyover states and treat them like garbage, they really cant complain when the hornetts nest they have stirred up explodes.

be careful what you wish for

Trump's just a crook, dear, like Nixon - worse. Worse than Boris Johnson, Craig Thomson, Eddie Obeid, the lot. You've spent the past six years joining in the Hillary shreiks, and now, you have a chance to show how "principalled" you really are. Superior Man, all that. Rule of law, innit. One law for all.

Your Dear Leader goes against every single thing you've ever stood up for on this site. An elitist, bloated, junk-food addicted crook. The only thing you share is a predilection for hyperbole and (perhaps) a belief that snorting iodine protects against covid 19. 

Although I think you're just saying that to make your Dear Leader feel better, no?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Sep 12th, 2022 at 9:46pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:35pm:

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.

A self-confessed criminal and self confessed sexual predator who groomed a 10-year-old child in Trump Tower, said on multiple occasions that he'd like to screw his own daughter (the one he likes, not the "fat & ugly" one) and whose best friend was a convicted child sex offender?

Is that what he really is?

Mr. Scoot?   :-/

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by aquascoot on Sep 13th, 2022 at 5:18am

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 9:46pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:35pm:

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.

A self-confessed criminal and self confessed sexual predator who groomed a 10-year-old child in Trump Tower, said on multiple occasions that he'd like to screw his own daughter (the one he likes, not the "fat & ugly" one) and whose best friend was a convicted child sex offender?

Is that what he really is?

Mr. Scoot?   :-/

trump is a selfish egotistical narcissist interested in his reputation but he is also an action taker, resilient, energetic and charismatic.

you are IDENTICAL to trump minus the action taking, resilience, energy and charisma

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by aquascoot on Sep 13th, 2022 at 5:21am

Mattyfisk wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 8:15pm:

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.
take off your smug blinkers and consider this

trump is not the river. trump is the dam.

trump is holding back literally 70 or 80 million , highly armed, disenfranchised, abandoned (by the democrats) deplorables who have not much to lose.

my personal opinion is the left want a civil war because they are self loathing and they are doing everything in their power to get one.

trump is the dam wall standing between the smug elites and the angry mob.

you (subconsciously) want trump to fall so the left can get into it with the right in violence and mayhem

you dont attract what you want
you attract what you are.

if the left want to be haters and cruel to people in the flyover states and treat them like garbage, they really cant complain when the hornetts nest they have stirred up explodes.

be careful what you wish for

Trump's just a crook, dear, like Nixon - worse. Worse than Boris Johnson, Craig Thomson, Eddie Obeid, the lot. You've spent the past six years joining in the Hillary shreiks, and now, you have a chance to show how "principalled" you really are. Superior Man, all that. Rule of law, innit. One law for all.

Your Dear Leader goes against every single thing you've ever stood up for on this site. An elitist, bloated, junk-food addicted crook. The only thing you share is a predilection for hyperbole and (perhaps) a belief that snorting iodine protects against covid 19. 

Although I think you're just saying that to make your Dear Leader feel better, no?

dear leader ?? ;D ;D

i dont take leadership advise from anyone.
trump has characteristics i admire, as does the rock, emininem, nelson mandela, lao tzu, marcus aurelius, kanye west, tom cruise , joe rogan, sam harris , tony robbins and john howard.

trump is however, your leader

you think about him 24/7
you bounce out of bed, hoping he is punished because it will give you a little hit of dopamine.

thats setting the bar awfully low

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by greggerypeccary on Sep 13th, 2022 at 6:34am

aquascoot wrote on Sep 13th, 2022 at 5:18am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 9:46pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:35pm:

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.

A self-confessed criminal and self confessed sexual predator who groomed a 10-year-old child in Trump Tower, said on multiple occasions that he'd like to screw his own daughter (the one he likes, not the "fat & ugly" one) and whose best friend was a convicted child sex offender?

Is that what he really is?

Mr. Scoot?   :-/

trump is a selfish egotistical narcissist interested in his reputation but he is also an action taker, resilient, energetic and charismatic.

Is he a self-confessed criminal and self confessed sexual predator who groomed a 10-year-old child in Trump Tower, said on multiple occasions that he'd like to screw his own daughter (the one he likes, not the "fat & ugly" one) and whose best friend was a convicted child sex offender?

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mattyfisk on Sep 13th, 2022 at 8:35am

aquascoot wrote on Sep 13th, 2022 at 5:21am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 8:15pm:

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.
take off your smug blinkers and consider this

trump is not the river. trump is the dam.

trump is holding back literally 70 or 80 million , highly armed, disenfranchised, abandoned (by the democrats) deplorables who have not much to lose.

my personal opinion is the left want a civil war because they are self loathing and they are doing everything in their power to get one.

trump is the dam wall standing between the smug elites and the angry mob.

you (subconsciously) want trump to fall so the left can get into it with the right in violence and mayhem

you dont attract what you want
you attract what you are.

if the left want to be haters and cruel to people in the flyover states and treat them like garbage, they really cant complain when the hornetts nest they have stirred up explodes.

be careful what you wish for

Trump's just a crook, dear, like Nixon - worse. Worse than Boris Johnson, Craig Thomson, Eddie Obeid, the lot. You've spent the past six years joining in the Hillary shreiks, and now, you have a chance to show how "principalled" you really are. Superior Man, all that. Rule of law, innit. One law for all.

Your Dear Leader goes against every single thing you've ever stood up for on this site. An elitist, bloated, junk-food addicted crook. The only thing you share is a predilection for hyperbole and (perhaps) a belief that snorting iodine protects against covid 19. 

Although I think you're just saying that to make your Dear Leader feel better, no?

dear leader ?? ;D ;D

i dont take leadership advise from anyone.
trump has characteristics i admire, as does the rock, emininem, nelson mandela, lao tzu, marcus aurelius, kanye west, tom cruise , joe rogan, sam harris , tony robbins and john howard.

trump is however, your leader

you think about him 24/7
you bounce out of bed, hoping he is punished because it will give you a little hit of dopamine.

thats setting the bar awfully low

Incorrect. I hope all elite political crooks are punished, including Dems, Labor, Greens, the lot. I got a dopamine hit when Obeid went down. I got one recently when the Rajapaksa regime went down in Sri Lanka. I'd definitely get one if Vlad got done in Russia.

And yes, I'll get one when your Dear Leader gets cuffed in Florida, as will millions of Real Americans, desperately worried about the direction their country's going in. These politicians are a cancer on a society. In Vlad's case, they cripple countries.- socially and economically. Your Dear Leader had only just begun.

You most certainly do take advice from Dear Leader. You'll even spruik his medical advice - Ivermectin, HCL, and now, snorting iodine (because it sounds like drinking bleach). You, of course, never follow the advice yourself, you merely promote it 24/7.

Just imagine, you spend months promoting a horse wormer you have no intention of taking yourself, all because Dear Leader said.

We need to study such awesomeness.

5 years is the minimum.

Title: Re: If Trump is sacked, Civil War?
Post by Mattyfisk on Sep 13th, 2022 at 8:54am

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 13th, 2022 at 6:34am:

aquascoot wrote on Sep 13th, 2022 at 5:18am:

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 9:46pm:

greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:35pm:

aquascoot wrote on Sep 12th, 2022 at 7:26pm:
your trouble mustafa is that you dont see what trump really is.

A self-confessed criminal and self confessed sexual predator who groomed a 10-year-old child in Trump Tower, said on multiple occasions that he'd like to screw his own daughter (the one he likes, not the "fat & ugly" one) and whose best friend was a convicted child sex offender?

Is that what he really is?

Mr. Scoot?   :-/

trump is a selfish egotistical narcissist interested in his reputation but he is also an action taker, resilient, energetic and charismatic.

Is he a self-confessed criminal and self confessed sexual predator who groomed a 10-year-old child in Trump Tower, said on multiple occasions that he'd like to screw his own daughter (the one he likes, not the "fat & ugly" one) and whose best friend was a convicted child sex offender?

Aquascoot's already affirmed all this, Greggery. He just thinks it's mean to imprison such awesomeness.

You know, the big fella might be a bit naughty, but think of all the good he can do in the community, fundraising, recruiting and planning insurrections.

Perhaps the leftards could let him off with some community service. The big fella could help out at church, praying and holding up Bibles, or help disaster victims, throwing out paper towels and MAGA caps, or give speeches to the Boy Scouts of America.

There's so much he could do. Why would the leftards try to contain such awesomeness?

Proud Boys, stand back and stand by.

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