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General Discussion >> America >> Who Controls Money!

Message started by Richdude on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 12:38am

Title: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 12:38am
This is another video for who really owns this World. A bit of history, As the old saying's go "the hand that gives is always above the hand that takes" and "the debtor is the slave of the lender".

  Many of you know this already however there are those open to learning will benefit. And for those clueless will always remain clueless - you know who they are.
This is your God!
In order to understand the bewildering events that we're living to day, we need to understand how money is created and more importantly, who creates it, for they are the true rulers of the world, aka the Globalists.

He does a great job of briefly outlining the history of our debt-based financial system, starting with Jews in Medieval Venice, Italy.

"Local rulers and church officials closed many professions to the Jews and thus, they began to specialize in money-lending and other practices that were forbidden to Christians by church law.

"Throughout this time, peasants and aristocrats, alike became indebted to Jewish moneylenders and this, without question helped lead to the sporadic attacks and expulsion of the Jews in countries across the continent for centuries. To be clear, Jews weren't allowed into banking or into money lending; they created it out of necessity and in doing so, were the progenitors of a system that still exists today...

"It didn't take long for these moneylenders to realize that they could simply start creating money out of absolutely nothing. They began to issue credit notes with nothing backing them and putting them into circulation as interest bearing debts. Through experience, they rationalized that no more than 10% of their depositors would withdraw their assets at any one given time. Thus, they could safely issue notes up to ten times more than the gold and silver they had on deposit and voila modern fractional banking was born.

"They created money out of nothing at all, put it into circulation via interest-bearing debt that has to be repaid by a labor or goods and services produced. In time, bankers in Europe became unbelievably wealthy and in many cases, took on the role as shadow rulers of nations.

"The establishment of the Bank of England, the model on which most modern central banks have been based was devised by Charles Montagu, 1st Earl of Halifax in 1694, following a proposal by the banker Sir William Paterson, a Scotsman three years earlier.

"At the time, the Crown was essentially broke and had recently suffered a decisive defeat and money was desperately needed to finance the ongoing war with the French.

"In return for the needed money, a private group of financiers led by Montagu proposed that the subscribers were to be incorporated as the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, with long term banking privileges, including the issue of notes.

"Shop was set up in the semi-autonomous City of London and the authority to create money out of nothing at a national level and then lent at interest was handed over to a small group of private financiers that called themselves 'The Bank of England'

"In modern times, banking has become extremely sophisticated but the underlying mechanisms remain the same: while the Bank of England was, in theory nationalized in 1946, the Bank still lends to the government - a government that supposedly controls the Bank of England - and it lends to the government - at interest (!)

"An interesting anecdote is that as recently as 2015, the government of the United Kingdom has finally finished paying the interest on debt accrued during the First World War, the Crimean War - and, wait for it - the Napoleonic Wars!

"Most people don't realize that service payments on interest of government debt created by central banks out of nothing eats up an enormous percent of tax revenues. Consider the massive increase in interest costs on the national debt projected over the next decade in the US: the Congressional Budget Office estimates that interest payments on the national debt will more than triple before the end of the 2020s.

"In 2015, the US government spent $223 billion in tax dollars just to service the national debt, none of that going to the principal. In 2019, it has been projected by the government that American taxpayers will have to shoulder a total of $593.1 billion in interest for the fiscal year. Numbers have not officially been tabulated yet but this is their estimate for 2019.

"That's almost $600 billion that can't be used to educate or replace badly worn-out infrastructure, it can't be used to alleviate poverty or anything else. It's being used to service the interest on the national debt and this is where a massive percent of the tax money that you pay to the government goes and you should understand this.

"You should also understand that most of the debt-backed money that is created by private banks through the same system of fractional reserve banking that goes all the way back to the Middle Ages - well, the money created out of nothing and then lent at interest is literally the biggest global scam never talked about!


Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 12:40am
"Moreover, private banks are still able to privatize profits and socialize losses through taxpayer-funded subsidies and bailouts, the most obscene of recent times being the fallout from the 2008 Financial Crisis."

The cashless society currently being rolled out in Sweden and other European countries represents the next phase of total control by the Globalist central bankers, since digital money is synonymous with total surveillance.

"It's not the government that gains from all of this but those that rule and fund the politicians that warm the seats of congress's and Parliament's around the world: the international banking cartels [the Globalists] and they have won time and time and time again, over the centuries because of their ill-gotten wealth and backdoor dealings that have stayed in the shadows."

What we also learned from the SGT Report's interview with Mark Anthony Taylor is that the Mossad has been instrumental in advancing the agenda of the Globalist central bankers. Similarly to the CIA and British Intelligence, they appear to be more concerned with protecting the central bankers than in the national security of their purported countries.

Taylor suggests that all of the CEOs of the major banks that participate in the central banking system are groomed, blackmailed and controlled by the Mossad - and Jeffrey Epstein was a key player in this vast compromise operation.

As Taylor says, "Once all of the banking executives are essentially Mossad puppets, then that means anything the banks finance, which is insurance companies and film projects, pension schemes - anything sponsored by a big business - is basically under Mossad’s thumb."

Taylor says that even the UK's entry into the EU was orchestrated by means of sexual blackmail.

"People like Ted Heath were blackmailed to take us into the EU. [Edward Heath was named by his own offspring as being involved in the deaths of as many as 16 children] and Lord Peter Mandelson, who was the EU Commissioner [and who was pictured with Jeffrey Epstein and is friends with Prince Andrew], went from near bankruptcy, then after ten years as EU commissioner had £100 million in the bank."

According to Joan Coleman’s RAINS list (Ritual Abuse Information Network & Support), Peter Mandelson is alleged to have killed a rent boy named Kevin, chopped him into pieces and dumped into the sea. The RAINS list also described the crimes of Ted Heath years before they were exposed in the mainstream media.

The central bankers have a monopoly on the issue of cash, on the control of politicians, on the control of large corporations, on the control of everything of consequence.

Everything they promote, from socialism, to migrant crises, to transgenderism and wars is to destabilize organic systems and to further their control of the world.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by SadKangaroo on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 5:55am

Richdude wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 12:40am:
Taylor suggests that all of the CEOs of the major banks that participate in the central banking system are groomed, blackmailed and controlled by the Mossad - and Jeffrey Epstein was a key player in this vast compromise operation.

Woooooah now, pump the breaks a little.

After all that waffle, this is just another "Jews control the world" conspiracy?

The true nature of Q revealed again, just a cover for white supremacy...

Which it was created in the beginning in the wake of Charlottesville tiki torch Unite the Right march that let everyone know the truth behind Trump's support base.  The Q conspiracy was created as a distraction from that, to give Trump's supporters something they could openly support him about rather than racism.

The problem is as with nearly all of the Q conspiracies, it all keeps coming back to racism and white supremacy.

And the followers think Q is actually an intelligence insider, lol...

Last time I checked Ron and Jim Watkins were never part of the US Intelligence community.  Unless you consider Jim and his son's Japanese Pornsite empire to be "intelligence"...

There are legitimate issues with the central banks, especially when they have "Federal" in their name implies they have something to do with the Government, or the RBA locally, but the very real issue become lost when you start introducing Mossad and the Jews.

Why do you think these institutions like to stoke the fires of these rumours and claims?  Yeah, your gullible conspiratard nature is being used to help them, not expose them, and you're too red-pilled to see it...

You're better off watching this kid-friendly one that at least outlines the facts throughout history without intertwining it with other racial tropes,

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by The Mechanic on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Captain Caveman on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by SadKangaroo on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:38am

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

I'm glad the issue is getting attention, but like, where are you getting this nonsense about Trump doing anything about it?

He's not doing much of anything.

He's playing no role in these kiddy fiddlers getting caught, that's straight up law enforcement and it was happening under Obama and Bush too, it's nothing new, and the only time Trump mentions the FED is when he's looking for a scapegoat when the economic numbers aren't looking so good after tying himself and his political worth and record to those numbers since he didn't have to do anything to achieve them and didn't have anything else tangibly positive to champion his Presidency.

And he needs to do that, all he has are the lies he tells about himself, his worth and his achievements.

A lion will never have to tell you it's a lion.

Beware of those who do,

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by SadKangaroo on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Captain Caveman on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:35am
I'm talking large sums......50k+
And your question is... why do you need a large sum?
None of your buisiness. It is MY money.
No it isn't. You're allowed to use it but it is not yours. The decimal figures in your bank account are yours....that is all. The cash belongs to the federal reserve....a private banking organisation with a clever heading.

If school was about education to a better life then you would be taught that. But it is not. It is designed to get YOU earning and paying HUGE taxes. If it isn't then you would be taught how to NOT pay taxes and how to use YOUR debt to YOUR advantage.....not theirs.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Captain Caveman on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Rider on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:50am
Jekyl Island.  Pure cancer.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Captain Caveman on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:59am

Rider wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:50am:
Jekyl Island.  Pure cancer.

Wouldnt it have been good to be there and blow their heads off before all this crap started.
Secret duck hunt.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by SadKangaroo on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Australia is the lucky country, or was.  You could be a dumb arse and earn huge bank.  That's a lot harder these days.

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Rider on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:34am

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:59am:

Rider wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:50am:
Jekyl Island.  Pure cancer.

Wouldnt it have been good to be there and blow their heads off before all this crap started.
Secret duck hunt.

Roger that. 

Debt is the new serfdom. Time to roll heads,

Lock n load.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Captain Caveman on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:44am

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Australia is the lucky country, or was.  You could be a dumb arse and earn huge bank.  That's a lot harder these days.

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.

You still look at it through institutionalised eyes. You're brainwashed. That is the whole idea of this education system. You did well at school didn't you?

Paying taxes is for chumps.....just look at who is paying them. I'm all for chucking in but I'm fuct if I want to chuck in for NOTHING in return.....sorry... to fund a group of self centered disconnected parasites that have no interest in anything but their media reputation and lining their own pockets...TAX FREE!
The harder YOU work....the more tax YOU pay.
Then the more YOU spend....the more tax YOU pay.
Tax tax tax. Yep...definitely a chumps game.

School is a pox on free humans.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:58am

Rider wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:50am:
Jekyl Island.  Pure cancer.

correct !

And now we have internet and research on our own ,

Find out the scourge on humanity and expose them .. and yet

We still have the Freemasonic scumbags attempting to put the genie back in the bottle

This is how stupid they are but too late for them .. we watch the end game play out !!

b784be9a1f068524f3d6a7e279ce6a5995fc1e5f2087458f6f3036b317271d41_009.jpeg (83 KB | 25 )

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Rider on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 3:55pm
" It is perhaps well enough that the people of the Nation do not know or understand our banking and monetary system, for if they did I believe there would be a revolution before tomorrow morning. "

Banksters.  Rope.  Tree.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Bobby. on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 4:09pm
Who Controls Money?

The Jewssssssss?

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:00pm

Bobby. wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 4:09pm:
Who Controls Money?

The Jewssssssss?

Have you asked your Master?

What sayeth he?

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Bobby. on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:06pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:00pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 4:09pm:
Who Controls Money?

The Jewssssssss?

Have you asked your Master?

What sayeth he?

He'd probably say the Freemasons.   :-/

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:36pm

Bobby. wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:06pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:00pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 4:09pm:
Who Controls Money?

The Jewssssssss?

Have you asked your Master?

What sayeth he?

He'd probably say the Freemasons.   :-/

Isn't that racist?

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by it_is_the_light on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:57pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:36pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:06pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 10:00pm:

Bobby. wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 4:09pm:
Who Controls Money?

The Jewssssssss?

Have you asked your Master?

What sayeth he?

He'd probably say the Freemasons.   :-/

Isn't that racist?

nay beloved ,


Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:40am

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:44am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Australia is the lucky country, or was.  You could be a dumb arse and earn huge bank.  That's a lot harder these days.

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.

You still look at it through institutionalised eyes. You're brainwashed. That is the whole idea of this education system. You did well at school didn't you?

Paying taxes is for chumps.....just look at who is paying them. I'm all for chucking in but I'm fuct if I want to chuck in for NOTHING in return.....sorry... to fund a group of self centered disconnected parasites that have no interest in anything but their media reputation and lining their own pockets...TAX FREE!
The harder YOU work....the more tax YOU pay.
Then the more YOU spend....the more tax YOU pay.
Tax tax tax. Yep...definitely a chumps game.

School is a pox on free humans.

Yes but taxation is a fixture. You may not agree and it is wrong but until we change the law we must abide. Ignorance is our enemy! "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's".

Could government be financed by its own money creation? Absolutely! Could pollies be trusted in so doing not to inflate the currency to nothing?  Notwithstanding it did and after all if gov can create bonds out of nothing - it can create just as easily a dollar bill. Ignorance is our real enemy.

Its interesting to note that income tax was introduced in 1913 to pay for the expected interest following the introduction and monetary privatization of the cleverly named Federal Reserve.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:45am

Bobby. wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 4:09pm:
Who Controls Money?

The Jewssssssss?

I have family and friends who are Jews. Do they control the money supply? Unfortunately no.

Rockefeller's and Morgan's are not Jews.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Bias_2012 on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:04am
I negotiate with my bank to increase the interest on my short term deposits to match the inflation rate. To my surprise they do it for me every time. It's not automatic though, I have to go in every three months and twist their arm

The standard interest rate is less than the inflation rate here. Why do we need inflation? makes no sense to me, we need a bit of deflation for a change, to every action there should be a reaction, but that doesn't seem to be the "law" with money

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by rhino on Jan 4th, 2020 at 9:03am

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am:

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.
we all pay tax when we buy goods or services. I consider it my duty to avoid income tax as we all should. detailing every taxable transaction we make and informing the government is in my opinion naive and stupid. Using pay wave plastic cards is naive and stupid. We are now at the stage where people are getting bodily implants to track financial transactions. When cash goes that will be it, the government will not only know and be able to track all of your financial details but all of your habits and exactly where you are at any given time. This is the Orwellian vision of 1984 on steroids. You people are dupes.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:12pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:04am:
I negotiate with my bank to increase the interest on my short term deposits to match the inflation rate. To my surprise they do it for me every time. It's not automatic though, I have to go in every three months and twist their arm

The standard interest rate is less than the inflation rate here. Why do we need inflation? makes no sense to me, we need a bit of deflation for a change, to every action there should be a reaction, but that doesn't seem to be the "law" with money

Really? Whic bank are you with?

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Bias_2012 on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:44pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:12pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:04am:
I negotiate with my bank to increase the interest on my short term deposits to match the inflation rate. To my surprise they do it for me every time. It's not automatic though, I have to go in every three months and twist their arm

The standard interest rate is less than the inflation rate here. Why do we need inflation? makes no sense to me, we need a bit of deflation for a change, to every action there should be a reaction, but that doesn't seem to be the "law" with money

Really? Whic bank are you with?

That's private information, but it's not one of the big four

You're not turning Capitalist are you Karnal, you need some unearned income?

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 4th, 2020 at 1:37pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:44pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:12pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:04am:
I negotiate with my bank to increase the interest on my short term deposits to match the inflation rate. To my surprise they do it for me every time. It's not automatic though, I have to go in every three months and twist their arm

The standard interest rate is less than the inflation rate here. Why do we need inflation? makes no sense to me, we need a bit of deflation for a change, to every action there should be a reaction, but that doesn't seem to be the "law" with money

Really? Whic bank are you with?

That's private information, but it's not one of the big four

You're not turning Capitalist are you Karnal, you need some unearned income?

I'm not asking for your account number, dear. Why is that private?

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Bias_2012 on Jan 4th, 2020 at 2:08pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 1:37pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:44pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:12pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:04am:
I negotiate with my bank to increase the interest on my short term deposits to match the inflation rate. To my surprise they do it for me every time. It's not automatic though, I have to go in every three months and twist their arm

The standard interest rate is less than the inflation rate here. Why do we need inflation? makes no sense to me, we need a bit of deflation for a change, to every action there should be a reaction, but that doesn't seem to be the "law" with money

Really? Whic bank are you with?

That's private information, but it's not one of the big four

You're not turning Capitalist are you Karnal, you need some unearned income?

I'm not asking for your account number, dear. Why is that private?

I'll dob you in to the ACCC

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Rider on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:36pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 1:37pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:44pm:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 12:12pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:04am:
I negotiate with my bank to increase the interest on my short term deposits to match the inflation rate. To my surprise they do it for me every time. It's not automatic though, I have to go in every three months and twist their arm

The standard interest rate is less than the inflation rate here. Why do we need inflation? makes no sense to me, we need a bit of deflation for a change, to every action there should be a reaction, but that doesn't seem to be the "law" with money

Really? Whic bank are you with?

That's private information, but it's not one of the big four

You're not turning Capitalist are you Karnal, you need some unearned income?

I'm not asking for your account number, dear. Why is that private?

Wow I concur with ky....

Come on, name the financier or its bullschiff.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Bias_2012 on Jan 4th, 2020 at 5:51pm

Rider wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:36pm:
Wow I concur with ky....

Come on, name the financier or its bullschiff.

Why concur with a potential scammer?

No it's not bullschiff, it's fair dinkum, but you'll probably need to be a long term customer, as I am, before you can use that trump card

My interest rate went from 1.3 to 1.6%, just gotta ask

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Rider on Jan 4th, 2020 at 7:58pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 5:51pm:

Rider wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:36pm:
Wow I concur with ky....

Come on, name the financier or its bullschiff.

Why concur with a potential scammer?

No it's not bullschiff, it's fair dinkum, but you'll probably need to be a long term customer, as I am, before you can use that trump card

My interest rate went from 1.3 to 1.6%, just gotta ask

No sweat. Good luck to ya  :)

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 5th, 2020 at 12:39pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 5:51pm:

Rider wrote on Jan 4th, 2020 at 3:36pm:
Wow I concur with ky....

Come on, name the financier or its bullschiff.

Why concur with a potential scammer?

No it's not bullschiff, it's fair dinkum, but you'll probably need to be a long term customer, as I am, before you can use that trump card

My interest rate went from 1.3 to 1.6%, just gotta ask

I'm with St George, dear. You'll need a password to access my account.

If it's that easy to get into your Bias_2012 account, you should ask your bank to improve their security.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 6th, 2020 at 1:10am

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Australia is the lucky country, or was.  You could be a dumb arse and earn huge bank.  That's a lot harder these days.

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.

Yes, you've been nicely brainwashed Sad.

Tax is theft.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul (and parasites on the way) is still theft.

During the 2008 financial crises Obama bailed out the banks a total of 10 trillion. Thats 10 million million! Total yearly tax take/theft is roughly 2 trillion. So where did the money come from?

The Fed created the money out of thin air, at the same time creating a 10 trillion extra debt for this and succeeding generations. RORT!

So why do we pay income tax when money can be created out of nothing? Answer - we don't!

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by SadKangaroo on Jan 6th, 2020 at 9:57am

Richdude wrote on Jan 6th, 2020 at 1:10am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Australia is the lucky country, or was.  You could be a dumb arse and earn huge bank.  That's a lot harder these days.

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.

Yes, you've been nicely brainwashed Sad.

Tax is theft.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul (and parasites on the way) is still theft.

During the 2008 financial crises Obama bailed out the banks a total of 10 trillion. Thats 10 million million! Total yearly tax take/theft is roughly 2 trillion. So where did the money come from?

The Fed created the money out of thin air, at the same time creating a 10 trillion extra debt for this and succeeding generations. RORT!

So why do we pay income tax when money can be created out of nothing? Answer - we don't!

Jeez talk about brainwashed...

Next time you need to see a doctor, go to a hospital, use a road or need the help of Police/Fire/Ambulance you can PM me a Thank You for actually paying my taxes.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 6th, 2020 at 11:30am

Richdude wrote on Jan 6th, 2020 at 1:10am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Australia is the lucky country, or was.  You could be a dumb arse and earn huge bank.  That's a lot harder these days.

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.

Yes, you've been nicely brainwashed Sad.

Tax is theft.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul (and parasites on the way) is still theft.

During the 2008 financial crises Obama bailed out the banks a total of 10 trillion. Thats 10 million million! Total yearly tax take/theft is roughly 2 trillion. So where did the money come from?

That was a government guarantee, dear, not a bailout.

The bailouts were loans.

Of these banks, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, American Express Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., U.S. Bancorp, Capital One Financial Corp., Bank of New York Mellon Corp., State Street Corp., BB&T Corp, Wells Fargo & Co. and Bank of America repaid TARP money.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 7th, 2020 at 1:00am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 6th, 2020 at 11:30am:

Richdude wrote on Jan 6th, 2020 at 1:10am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Australia is the lucky country, or was.  You could be a dumb arse and earn huge bank.  That's a lot harder these days.

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.

Yes, you've been nicely brainwashed Sad.

Tax is theft.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul (and parasites on the way) is still theft.

During the 2008 financial crises Obama bailed out the banks a total of 10 trillion. Thats 10 million million! Total yearly tax take/theft is roughly 2 trillion. So where did the money come from?

That was a government guarantee, dear, not a bailout.

The bailouts were loans.

Of these banks, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, American Express Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., U.S. Bancorp, Capital One Financial Corp., Bank of New York Mellon Corp., State Street Corp., BB&T Corp, Wells Fargo & Co. and Bank of America repaid TARP money.

Not all were loans!

The Federal debt grew by the same amount!

And what I said is true! If money can be created simply by using keystrokes or printing within a fiat monetary system. Why can't gov spending be met using the same method? (Our system fattens the usurer while the public is reduced to being slaves).

Of course it can. If bonds can be created and loaned out so can dollar bills - barring the danger of Wiemar style inflation by irresponsible pollies. You can imagine how dangerous that would be with a Democrat Gov.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 7th, 2020 at 12:09pm

Richdude wrote on Jan 7th, 2020 at 1:00am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 6th, 2020 at 11:30am:

Richdude wrote on Jan 6th, 2020 at 1:10am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 9:06am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 8:39am:

SadKangaroo wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 7:51am:

Captain Caveman wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:52am:

President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Jan 3rd, 2020 at 6:22am:
The central banks have forced themselves into nearly every country in the world..

Those who resisted got invaded..

How does this happen?

It shows you who is "REALLY" running the world..

Trump and his administration know that they have to take down the Central Bank Gangsters and to go back to the gold standard..

The modern day slaves don't wear chains.. they wear debt..

Remember in the 60s and 70s whereby you only needed one person in the household working?

To pay off the house
To bring up a family of 5
To pay for all of your food and education
To pay for your private health cover

Look at today..

If you have't got 2 people working in your household you are living in poverty and can barely raise your children...

but with both mum and dad working these days just to make ends meat who's looking after and bring up your children?

So now from a very young age the STATE is looking after and bring up YOUR children they way THEY want them to be brought up...

and this is why you see a large shift in the curriculum towards social issues, pushing GW, pushing LGBTABCDW... all of the Leftie insanity..  :D

Better wake up people...

Funny how you're not allowed to walk around with cash in this day and age. All designed to keep control over YOU and YOUR (apparently) money. Digital currency....and look at us fight to move the decimal place in our account....well not me but a lot do.

Schools are there to keep people poor and stupid. That's all.

Most people who think that didn't do very well in school.

I remember being taught critical thinking in school, at least thanks to the Maths, Chemistry and Physics classes I took.

I guess those who did PE and Woodwork might have got a different experience (although, I did take "Manual Arts" as woodwork was called too).

And who says you're not allowed to walk around with cash?  I use cash as the primary form of payment...  Most places prefer it.

Classic brainwashed crap.....keep on keeping it on though dude.....someone has to.

I know heaps of people that did well at school. They're still working and paying HUGE taxes.
I know one bloke who dropped out in yr 9....multi squilionare.

So your point is not applicable to these people.

Australia is the lucky country, or was.  You could be a dumb arse and earn huge bank.  That's a lot harder these days.

But it also sounds like you think paying taxes is for chumps?

We live in a society, we have to pay our taxed.  I won't pay any more than I'm meant to, but I'm not going to rort the system either.

That said, I have a good accountant but still operate within the law.

Yes, you've been nicely brainwashed Sad.

Tax is theft.

Robbing Peter to pay Paul (and parasites on the way) is still theft.

During the 2008 financial crises Obama bailed out the banks a total of 10 trillion. Thats 10 million million! Total yearly tax take/theft is roughly 2 trillion. So where did the money come from?

That was a government guarantee, dear, not a bailout.

The bailouts were loans.

Of these banks, JPMorgan Chase & Co., Morgan Stanley, American Express Co., Goldman Sachs Group Inc., U.S. Bancorp, Capital One Financial Corp., Bank of New York Mellon Corp., State Street Corp., BB&T Corp, Wells Fargo & Co. and Bank of America repaid TARP money.

Not all were loans!

The Federal debt grew by the same amount!

And what I said is true! If money can be created simply by using keystrokes or printing within a fiat monetary system. Why can't gov spending be met using the same method? (Our system fattens the usurer while the public is reduced to being slaves).

Of course it can. If bonds can be created and loaned out so can dollar bills - barring the danger of Wiemar style inflation by irresponsible pollies. You can imagine how dangerous that would be with a Democrat Gov.

Bonds are loans too, dear. If a country issued useless bonds, no one would buy them. Indeed, the price of US bonds fluctuates, according to interest rates and government debt.

If the US just printed money to buy more stuff, the dollar would lose value, which would result in inflation.

With reserve banks run independently, governments don't have a lot of say over the value of their currency. The only real way governments can create value out of nothing is to lowering the threshold for banking reserves. I.e, the amount banks must keep on hand before they loan money out.

Ultimately, a currency's value reflects a country's GDP. This is why the US rails against China for "artificially" pegging the Yuan to the US dollar.

The White House, through the US Treasury, has the power to declare a country a "currency manipulator", which it did in August last year. This can influence the value of a currency too.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 7th, 2020 at 2:12pm
Karnal you just repeated what I said.

And yes bonds are loans and so is the dollar bills in your pocket. All currency is loaned into circulation - IOU's.

This is why we are in a hopeless situation - it's impossible to pay off our debts. Monetary reform is needed.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 7th, 2020 at 9:49pm

Richdude wrote on Jan 7th, 2020 at 2:12pm:
Karnal you just repeated what I said.

And yes bonds are loans and so is the dollar bills in your pocket. All currency is loaned into circulation - IOU's.

This is why we are in a hopeless situation - it's impossible to pay off our debts. Monetary reform is needed.

Who's debts, Rich?

And what do you mean by monetary reform?


Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 8th, 2020 at 12:25am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 7th, 2020 at 9:49pm:

Richdude wrote on Jan 7th, 2020 at 2:12pm:
Karnal you just repeated what I said.

And yes bonds are loans and so is the dollar bills in your pocket. All currency is loaned into circulation - IOU's.

This is why we are in a hopeless situation - it's impossible to pay off our debts. Monetary reform is needed.

Who's debts, Rich?

And what do you mean by monetary reform?


Never heard of the Austrian School of Economics? Or Social Credit - CH Douglas? You should study these.

This system benefits a handful of power crazed psychos at the expense of everyone else. Other much better monetary systems are available. You being a card carrying commo should embrace such ideas but of course ..............

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 11th, 2020 at 8:49am

Richdude wrote on Jan 8th, 2020 at 12:25am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 7th, 2020 at 9:49pm:

Richdude wrote on Jan 7th, 2020 at 2:12pm:
Karnal you just repeated what I said.

And yes bonds are loans and so is the dollar bills in your pocket. All currency is loaned into circulation - IOU's.

This is why we are in a hopeless situation - it's impossible to pay off our debts. Monetary reform is needed.

Who's debts, Rich?

And what do you mean by monetary reform?


Never heard of the Austrian School of Economics? Or Social Credit - CH Douglas? You should study these.

This system benefits a handful of power crazed psychos at the expense of everyone else. Other much better monetary systems are available. You being a card carrying commo should embrace such ideas but of course ..............

Thanks, Rich. No, I had never heard of Douglas. Thanks. Hayek, yes, of course. He was a big influence on Thatcher.

How do these theorists relate to your argument?


Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Bias_2012 on Jan 11th, 2020 at 10:37am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 8:49am:
How do these theorists relate to your argument?

Of course you already know don't you? - A fairer monetary system controlled by the representatives of the people ...... not by the shady representatives of the representatives

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 11th, 2020 at 1:34pm

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 10:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 8:49am:
How do these theorists relate to your argument?

Of course you already know don't you - A fairer monetary system controlled by the representatives of the people ...... not by the shady representatives of the representatives

How do Hayek and Douglas propose to do that, Bias?

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 12th, 2020 at 5:37am

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 1:34pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 10:37am:
[quote author=Karnal link=1577975891/41#41 date=1578696545]How do these theorists relate to your argument?[/q

Of course you already know don't you - A fairer monetary system controlled by the representatives of the people ...... not by the shady representatives of the representatives

How do Hayek and Douglas propose to do that, Bias?

CH Douglas did indeed propose a fairer system and it has been implemented on a small scale for a short time - it works!

Money can be created in a fiat system as debt or credit. the problem being with the latter are politicians buying votes and resultant runaway inflation. However if money is spent carefully on infrastructure, education, research and building business - the result is no or little inflation. You're building the economy - larger cake........

How do you think Australia built the rail system, roads etc early 20th century? The Commonwealth Bank was a national bank that worked for government. Look up Dennis Miller. He was the head of the bank and boasted that "any scheme or enterprise Australians could envisage he could fund at no cost to the taxpayer".

All money is backed by the "full faith and credit of the Australian people". You're the creditors!  ;D ;D

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Karnal on Jan 12th, 2020 at 12:02pm

Richdude wrote on Jan 12th, 2020 at 5:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 1:34pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 10:37am:
[quote author=Karnal link=1577975891/41#41 date=1578696545]How do these theorists relate to your argument?[/q

Of course you already know don't you - A fairer monetary system controlled by the representatives of the people ...... not by the shady representatives of the representatives

How do Hayek and Douglas propose to do that, Bias?

CH Douglas did indeed propose a fairer system and it has been implemented on a small scale for a short time - it works!

Money can be created in a fiat system as debt or credit. the problem being with the latter are politicians buying votes and resultant runaway inflation. However if money is spent carefully on infrastructure, education, research and building business - the result is no or little inflation. You're building the economy - larger cake........

How do you think Australia built the rail system, roads etc early 20th century? The Commonwealth Bank was a national bank that worked for government. Look up Dennis Miller. He was the head of the bank and boasted that "any scheme or enterprise Australians could envisage he could fund at no cost to the taxpayer".

All money is backed by the "full faith and credit of the Australian people". You're the creditors!  ;D ;D

You've just described the policy of the Australian Greens, Rich.

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by aquascoot on Jan 12th, 2020 at 12:35pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 12th, 2020 at 12:02pm:

Richdude wrote on Jan 12th, 2020 at 5:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 1:34pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 10:37am:
[quote author=Karnal link=1577975891/41#41 date=1578696545]How do these theorists relate to your argument?[/q

Of course you already know don't you - A fairer monetary system controlled by the representatives of the people ...... not by the shady representatives of the representatives

How do Hayek and Douglas propose to do that, Bias?

CH Douglas did indeed propose a fairer system and it has been implemented on a small scale for a short time - it works!

Money can be created in a fiat system as debt or credit. the problem being with the latter are politicians buying votes and resultant runaway inflation. However if money is spent carefully on infrastructure, education, research and building business - the result is no or little inflation. You're building the economy - larger cake........

How do you think Australia built the rail system, roads etc early 20th century? The Commonwealth Bank was a national bank that worked for government. Look up Dennis Miller. He was the head of the bank and boasted that "any scheme or enterprise Australians could envisage he could fund at no cost to the taxpayer".

All money is backed by the "full faith and credit of the Australian people". You're the creditors!  ;D ;D

You've just described the policy of the Australian Greens, Rich.

That may be their official policy but their ideology is that humans are a plague on the planet and the quicker they go away the better.
More closely aligned to the position of the Columbine school shooters.
Nihilistic resentful bitter lost

Title: Re: Who Controls Money!
Post by Richdude on Jan 12th, 2020 at 1:12pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 12th, 2020 at 12:02pm:

Richdude wrote on Jan 12th, 2020 at 5:37am:

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 1:34pm:

Bias_2012 wrote on Jan 11th, 2020 at 10:37am:
[quote author=Karnal link=1577975891/41#41 date=1578696545]How do these theorists relate to your argument?[/q

Of course you already know don't you - A fairer monetary system controlled by the representatives of the people ...... not by the shady representatives of the representatives

How do Hayek and Douglas propose to do that, Bias?

CH Douglas did indeed propose a fairer system and it has been implemented on a small scale for a short time - it works!

Money can be created in a fiat system as debt or credit. the problem being with the latter are politicians buying votes and resultant runaway inflation. However if money is spent carefully on infrastructure, education, research and building business - the result is no or little inflation. You're building the economy - larger cake........

How do you think Australia built the rail system, roads etc early 20th century? The Commonwealth Bank was a national bank that worked for government. Look up Dennis Miller. He was the head of the bank and boasted that "any scheme or enterprise Australians could envisage he could fund at no cost to the taxpayer".

All money is backed by the "full faith and credit of the Australian people". You're the creditors!  ;D ;D

You've just described the policy of the Australian Greens, Rich.

The Greens are a blight on humanity. What used to be a party for the betterment of the people has become a political lever for the radical left.

The 5th plank of the communist manifesto calls for a central bank. Central banks are a privately owned cartel of bankers. The very worst kind of capitalists.

Communism is a fraud! But then as Bias says - you know that.

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