Title: CHAZ - latest lefty socialist experiment
Post by Sprintcyclist on Jun 17th, 2020 at 9:31pm
Quote:........ So how is unfettered Anarchic Socialism working out in the ‘Free’ Society of CHAZ? Some hard lessons are hitting the new-born republic early on.
Food, for example, ran out in less than 48. Just a blip in central planning.
In a telling revelation about our newest nation’s indigenous people, requests went out to political handlers, funders and activists for supplies- ‘preferably soy products, gluten-free foods, and non-meat proteins’.
Not joking, folks. I read the texts.
The first thing they did was build border walls for CHAZ! Last year they were against walls & borders—but border wall protests are sooooooo 2019! Oh – and the ‘peaceful’ guys with guns and clubs are extracting ‘retribution’ tribute of $10.00 from all white people. Nothing racist about that, of course.
Six pathetic city blocks and the Socialists can’t even feed themselves – for two days – yet they’ve found weapons and thugs galore to ‘shake down’ local businesses for money in exchange for not burning them down – and to enforce disorder amongst their fellow disorderlies.
So, like in the movies – we’re getting a ‘glimpse’ Jimmy Stewart saw what life would have been without him in “It’s a Wonderful Life” – and Nicolas Cage in “Family Man” experienced his life had he made different choices – and now America is getting a preview…a glimpse…which should be considered a gift from God.
We see what Democrat’s post-constitutional America will be, like George Bailey saw Bedford Falls without himself
Few are lucky enough to get a ‘glimpse’—and we must learn from it We’ve now seen what Democrats with absolute control do with such concentrated power in the microcosms of Minneapolis, Washington, Seattle, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Baltimore, Portland and New York .
They abuse it – seeking only more power and control, to the complete detriment of those they swore to serve.
Now they’re taking their freak show national
Democrat mayors and governors allowed their cities and states to be starved economically under harsh ‘lockdowns’ – which ended overnight it seems, when immersed into co-ordinated, sponsored terror attacks including invited rioters, complete with bused-in paid Antifa thugs to burn and loot their cities.
Make no mistake about the planning – as previously reported – it was with strategically pre-planted projectiles and incendiary devices creating chaos and death across America, with little or no authority provided to the police by Democrat officials to stop it.
They were, in fact, told to stand down in most cases and let it burn.
So Democrat-run cities across the nation burned while Republican cities did not – and these same thuggish leaders are now calling for their own police to be ‘defunded’ as if it were their fault they were told to stand down and watch it burn.
Black neighbourhoods and businesses were destroyed – by bused-in white kids from the suburbs paid $15/hour by George Soros’ Open Society-funded groups, an admitted fact on released undercover tapes (Project Veritas).
Just today, Project Veritas released more video proving former Democrat billionaire presidential candidate/Oligarch, Tom Steyer, also funded the looter/rioters via a private trust during a secretly recorded meeting with Antifa organisers.
By burning Black neighbourhoods and businesses, Democrats think they will keep this constituency dependent on their government-handout Plantation for another generation – and continue getting their votes. The damage done may be too great this time.
Thanks to Democrat ‘lockdowns’ and staged ‘burndowns’, there as been “a 41% decline of black [small business] owners from February to April, a new study from the National Bureau of Economic Research shows.”
Democrat Nirvana. Got it – but many Blacks are waking up to the scam
Smart Blacks see what’s going on and are starting to call out White Democrat Billionaire Oligarchs who are literally Ubering White kids from the Suburbs to play dress up in thug-wear and wreak havoc on Black communities.
These aren’t natural acts or even spontaneous ones, of course, but Massa Soros doesn’t get it. He believes all of us mere humans to be stupid, which will ultimately lead to his own downfall.
Almost exclusively White kids are being paid to riot, beat people; burn Black homes, schools, businesses and places of worship – then go back home to Mommy’s basement in the burbs and order pizza – while getting their electronic payment from Daddy Soros for their wild night on the town.
Meanwhile, guess who’s left to clean up this billionaire-funded destruction sponsored by America’s leading political party? Do you think those 41% of Black businesses don’t see who did this to them?
No help from Democrats. They wanted it that way.
Had to shut down the ‘uppity’ Blacks trying for the American Dream rather than just taking the handouts.
No Soros/Steyer-funded help either – they pay for ‘burn down’ but don’t do ‘build-up’.
That leaves just the poor Blacks who live there and lost everything to do it themselves.
They will have to rebuild their homes and businesses, thanks to billionaire thugs and Democrat officials – the two parties behind their destruction.......... |