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Member Run Boards >> Coronavirus >> Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Message started by The Mechanic on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 7:52pm |
Title: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by The Mechanic on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 7:52pm
The lying front bottom said that he never received offers from the federal government to supply trained ADF members to assist with quarantine...
Stop what you are doing.. WATCH |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by John Smith on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:03pm
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
![]() |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:06pm
yeah, he's one creepy dude.
he stared straight into the camera the night after they handcuffed the pregnant girl and said with a straight face "i have not seen the footage". it had screened on international media and was seen by every other victorian but dan said he had not seen it. obviously a lie . are you telling me a premier doesnt watch something like that with all the implications it brings so not just a liar but a pathological liar. his belt and road ties are concerning. my contacts in victoria say that he has it in for the abbatoirs down there. he stated in a media release that there is a special problme with covid in meatworks :o :o :o, almost implying the virus can be caught off cattle. :o :o :o :o :o. these meatworks will not be able to supply the christmas market, not running at 1/2 capacity. he has an intention to demolish them , first with the dearest electricity in the world and now a singling out for shutdown. he has already sold the diary industry to china. tick of approval to the $600 million purchase of Lion Dairy and Drinks by China's Mengniu Dairy Company, rejecting concerns about reduced milk market competition in Victoria's Gippsland region beef will be it is crippled. a letter from dan The Chinese community has been a part of our community even before Victoria was a State. In 1901, a traditional Chinese dragon marched through the streets of Melbourne in the official parade that marked the formation of our country. And every year since, the sheer ingenuity and integrity of Chinese migrants and visitors has helped make our state a prouder, more prosperous place. It’s always been this way – and it always will. More Chinese students are studying at our universities, and we are honoured to host them. More Chinese tourists are visiting the beautiful reaches of our state. More Chinese businesses are investing here in Victoria: Australia’s industrial heartland and its capital of new ideas. It’s a special partnership that’s built not on transactions, but on trust and tradition. We can’t take it for granted. We want to refine and perfect this partnership so it is even stronger in the future. That’s what our New China Strategy is all about. I travelled to China in September 2015, in my first official overseas visit as Premier of Victoria. And I pledge to visit China every subsequent year that I am privileged to hold this office. While I was there, I had many conversations with our Chinese friends about how we can work together as partners. I’m proud to tell you that Victoria and Jiangsu Province – our oldest and most enduring sister state relationship – have joined forces under a new innovation and technological agreement. We’ll be converting our best ideas into shared commercial interests that will support the next generation of Chinese and Victorian growth. I can also tell you that Victoria and China’s booming Sichuan Province will work towards becoming sister states in 2016. This is a big deal. This new relationship will be Victoria’s anchor in China’s fastest growing region and our gateway to its people. Our cooperation will centre on the liveability of our cities. We’ll be working together to build smart and sustainable cities for the next century – sharing our ideas in design, environmental protection, education and health. Businesses here in Victoria tell me they want more assistance to reach into Asian markets. They want a louder voice. And our new China Strategy sets a target to make Victoria the nation’s Asian gateway – the place to go if you want to gain insight and get the deal done. There’s so much China and Victoria can achieve together. We both have our economic challenges, but our combined potential is greater than all of them. On behalf of the Victorian Government, I am so proud to hand down our new China Strategy. Ours is a powerful partnership. And it will only get stronger from here. The Hon Daniel Andrews MP Premier of Victoria and the chinese feel just as warmly towards dan The Andrews Government of Victoria has seized this historic opportunity in developing a new China Strategy. Outlining a practical plan for Victoria’s cooperation with China, the Strategy reflects the profound thinking and far-sighted vision of Premier Andrews and his government on the China-Victoria relationship. In the process of developing this Strategy, the Andrews Government reached out to Jiangsu and Sichuan and embraced their ideas, making sure the Strategy is a well-targeted and effective one. What’s more impressive is that a Chinese version of the Strategy is to be released together with the English version. I warmly congratulate the introduction of this Strategy, and am convinced that the Strategy will live up to expectations. As Consul-General of China in Melbourne, I am delighted to witness that China-Victoria cooperation bears rich fruit. It is my duty and my will to continue to spare no efforts in promoting this mutually beneficial relationship. Mr Song Yumin Chinese Consul General in Melbourne |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:10pm John Smith wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:03pm:
lol the trouble with polls like that are that they are subject to algorhthyms and AI which you can tweak so a yes vote gets shared to all the responders contacts or vice versa. meaning they mean nothing. its like a poll saying do you approve of trump which the algorhythm shares to everyone wearing a maga hat. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bias_2012 on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:25pm
Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians
Chairman Dan has killed 768 Victorians so far, with a little help from the virus |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Dnarever on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:30pm
80% of the complaint about Andrews is that he has been too harsh ?
So should he have taken more ADF and been more harsh or do you want to stick with the opposite complaint ? |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by John Smith on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:32pm aquascoot wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:10pm:
that was a poll run by Murdick and the Herald Sun, who have spent the last few months trying to get Dan thrown out .... any algorithms would have been geared AGAINST Dan... and still he kicked arse How embarrassing for the herald and Murdick ;D ;D ;D ;D |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Gordon on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:33pm Dnarever wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:30pm:
Or just run the quarantine hotels properly, like all the other states have done. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:38pm
Sky News host Peta Credlin says the only explanation for Daniel Andrews’ positive Newspoll numbers is “Stockholm syndrome”. According to The Australian’s Newspoll, 62 per cent of Victorian voters believe Premier Daniel Andrews has handled the ongoing COVID-19 crisis well. Stockholm syndrome is a psychological response. It occurs when hostages or abuse victims bond with their captors or abusers. This psychological connection develops over the course of the days, weeks, months, or even years of captivity or abuse. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by greggerypeccary on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 9:10pm aquascoot wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:06pm:
How is the pregnancy relevant? |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Ye Grappler on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 9:23pm
Dan De Nong.....
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 9:28pm Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 9:23pm:
The dear one - |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Dnarever on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 9:41pm Gordon wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:33pm:
The story is saying that they were to lock down suburbs working with police, there is no indication that the plan would have changed how Hotels were done ? |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 24th, 2020 at 5:34am greggerypeccary wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 9:10pm:
the pregnancy is relevant because most "normal' members of society and indeed most societies from an anthropological point of view give pregnant women a 'special status" so it is more likely that a normal person would see the physical arrest of a pregnant woman as something where the pregnancy mattered. but we are talking here about normal civil members of society. an abnormal person (for example one who fetishly posted pictures of a politicians daughter all over the internet) would be ostracised by civil society and rightly so. one can only imagine the consequences for a pervert who drew sexualised pictures of the daughters of henry VIII or chief sitting bull or an aboriginal elder and then smugly displayed them for the village to gawk at. can you imagine the repercussions of this sort of perversion through 1000's of generations of our history. to think that now some deviants think it is ok tio post sexuallly suggestive pictures of the daughter of donald trump for instance. its quite disturbing i cannot recall anyone from the noble right posting a picture of chelsea clinton for example. a person who would post pictures of trumps daughter , for example, would be seen as a monster and outcast probably brutally tortued and murdered , and probably with some justification in any of our historical societies |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 5:39am
hear hear sir Aqua, Vic Pol have gone too far. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 24th, 2020 at 6:24am Bobby. wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 5:39am:
It is hard for society to deal with people who are trolling online It would have been so much easier 200 years ago when you are dealing with them face to face But just as a thought experiment Imagine a middle aged Indian warrior Path of chief sitting bulls tribe Imagine that he sees a pregnant woman being rough handled by other men And sitting Bull ask him what he saw And he questions sitting bulls concern with the fact that the woman was pregnant Then imagine this same middle aged tribal member Starts rumours about setting bull and his 12 year old daughter He starts drawing pictures of sitting bulls daughter And circulates these around other tribal members Implying that there is an inappropriate relationship between the chief and his daughter how do you think that the other members of The tribe would react How do you think the chief sitting bull would react The Sioux were a noble respectful and harmonious society But they could be brutal when they needed to be It is highly likely in fact I would consider it a certainty That anyone behaving in such a deviant way in such a society Would be buried in an ant Hill With their eyelids removed What happens today in our modern society Virtually nothing This would seem to be the major contributor To the lack of cohesion Polarization and tribal infighting we now see Interesting that tribes 200 years ago were cohesive And now we think we are so superior And yet we are tribal And completely uncivil And deviancy and bad faith go unpunished |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 6:32am
The Vic police have no idea of how angry some
husband could become to see his pregnant wife being abused by cops in his own house. That sort of behaviour will go badly one day for the cops. Imagine if the husband was like Hulk Hogan and they did that? |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by The_Barnacle on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:04am President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 7:52pm:
But Mechanic, you've been telling us that the virus is a hoax How can a hoax kill people? |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:13am President Elect, The Mechanic wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 7:52pm:
I watched that video. How will Dan worm his way out of that? Also - all those public servants at the inquiry with amnesia? Have their emails been searched by anyone investigating it? ( that would include any emails hastily deleted) They are like the Keystone cops - totally incompetent. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by cods on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:30am
he will pass the buck to his secretary or someone its absurd to pretend he was never offered the support...
labor would never have stopped shouting the Libs support NSW liberal State but not a Labor State.. from what I have seen he hasnt accepted any responsibility for the mess and the damage he has done not only to Victorians bobby.... >:( >:( >:( |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:39am cods wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:30am:
Hi Cods, From what I can gather there was no clear command and control structure. No one person was in charge. It was always some other Dept. that had to approve something. No one could do or say anything as it wasn't their responsibility. I've seen that in the public service before and in private industry. There are are so many rules and regulations that no one understands it. They also give the man at the top plausible deniability by deliberately not informing him or her. Everyone is arse covering. People like that couldn't run a milk bar yet alone a state. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by cods on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:43am Bobby. wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:39am:
if someone is admitting to that shamoz then they should all be sacked for incompetence.......that isnt what we expect from any isnt what we pay for... the longer this goes on the worst they all look.....someone must have issued a directive.....could have even been a janitor. for all we know.... its all there somewhere... I find the whole thing deplorable.. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:57am cods wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:43am:
Hi Cods, That's what the public service is like everywhere. Every decision is ultimately a political decision. Everyone is doing whatever it takes to keep their own job not what is good for the Dept. they work for. People like me - with a big mouth - who point out the obvious flaws don't last long or get very far. It's all about - say as little as possible and keep your lucrative job. You need to watch episodes of "Yes Minister" |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by cods on Sep 24th, 2020 at 8:02am Bobby. wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 7:57am:
this isnt amusing though bobby......god knows we look 3rd world...I agree to a certain extent about the PS.....the culture is ancient and set in cement..... add stoopid to the list and its not hard to form a picture... |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 8:11am cods wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 8:02am:
It's the same problem everywhere in the entire world. Keep your mouth shut and keep your job. Especially - make sure that the man at the top doesn't know about what is really going on. If you tell him you're a whistleblower but he's then under pressure too. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by cods on Sep 24th, 2020 at 8:15am Bobby. wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 8:11am:
well I dont know about that....all I am thinking is if Dan thinks anyone is sucking up his silly responses he has another think coming.....these people are responsible to US the voters.....not each other....its time this was brought home to all of them |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 8:27am cods wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 8:15am:
I watched some excerpts from the inquiry. A nurse found unbelievable wrong doings with PPE and no training of the guards. Of course that was never passed on to Daniel Andrews. She did her best to solve it but nothing could be done - the guards either wouldn't listen or were too stupid to follow basic instructions. The whole thing should have been stopped right there and the cops called in - but then again - what do the cops know about medical procedures? It never happened. Then - guards were found sleeping on the floor. Other guards were bribed with a root from females locked up who needed a cigarette outside. People need to go to jail for life as over 650 people have died from that incompetence. It also cost 100s of 1000s of jobs. Peoples financial lives have been destroyed by it. Mental illness is everywhere. What's the bet that no one gets punished? |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 1:27pm
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Lols on Sep 24th, 2020 at 1:35pm
Take a ringside seat folks, pass the popcorn while we watch them play “pass the buck”... the show is about to start...
(I wonder how many suddenly will have amnesia ::)) |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 1:43pm Sophia wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 1:35pm:
Don't worry Lols, the Lord will punish the wicked: Psalm 9 KJV 14 That I may shew forth all thy praise in the gates of the daughter of Zion: I will rejoice in thy salvation. 15 The heathen are sunk down in the pit that they made: in the net which they hid is their own foot taken. 16 The LORD is known by the judgment which he executeth: the wicked is snared in the work of his own hands. Higgaion. Selah. 17 The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. 18 For the needy shall not alway be forgotten: the expectation of the poor shall not perish for ever. 19 Arise, O LORD; let not man prevail: let the heathen be judged in thy sight. 20 Put them in fear, O LORD: that the nations may know themselves to be but men. Selah. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Lols on Sep 24th, 2020 at 1:54pm Bobby. wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 1:43pm:
Bobby... the “Lord” may do so... in the afterlife, but it’s the “Law” that does so during life ... that’s all we have for now... let’s hope it’s a good trial with truths, revelations, exposures, and remorse?... and not much in the way of cover ups, lies, blame game, forgetfulness etc ::) |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 2:55pm Sophia wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 1:54pm:
Somehow I feel this inquiry will be like so many others - no one will receive even the slightest punishment. Most are victims of a useless command and control structure. Study the fall of France in 1940 - the French army and air force were stronger than the Germans but decisions that should have taken 1 minute took 3 days. No one was in command. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Dnarever on Sep 24th, 2020 at 3:05pm Bobby. wrote on Sep 23rd, 2020 at 8:38pm:
There's your problem. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by cods on Sep 24th, 2020 at 3:33pm Dnarever wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 3:05pm:
;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D good old Head buried in the Sand.... dna... |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 24th, 2020 at 3:38pm Dnarever wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 3:05pm:
Peta Credlin has a good show. You should watch it sometimes. Again - people here attack the messenger not the message. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 24th, 2020 at 3:50pm Dnarever wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 3:05pm:
i wouldnt call it 'stockholm syndrome" but i would say that people are buying a false narrative. people are scared and so they should be. when victoria demolishes maybe 10 to 20 thousand small businesses when it demolishes its tourism when it demolishes it higher education when it sells its dairy and fruit businesses to foreign interests when its car industry is gone when it starts to rely on renewable energy and pays worlds highest prices for energy when it doesnt have the mining industry of some states, then where will employment come from once job keeper expires? people like Dan are feeding people fear of this virus which , for MOST victorians (maybe 99 %) is not a threat. sure if you are a 95 yo in aged care, its a bad thing, but the level of fear of disease for a healthy 35 yo should be close to zero. but lets say you are a 35 yo with a wife and 2 kids and a mortgage , then come 12 months you are FAAAARKED. and i mean seriously FAAAARKED to a degree from which you probably wont recover. because there will be a surge in unemployment in victoria like we have never seen (elsewhere as well). and melbourne in particular has sky high house prices. many people probably NEED both adults working just to meet the mortgage. for literally 100,000 couples that will not be possible. not when you have NO prospect of a job. the only employment left would seem to be in dans public service but that will have to be radically cut and victoria has rakced up such debt they will probably lose their credit rating. so well will see a housing decline and many people now jobless who have a debt they cannot service and they will basicly need to move to antoher state , or move back with grandparents. the social strain, the pain of unemployment will create a downward spiral and melbourne may end up like detroit in the states. with no jobs, bad weather, no small business, a glut of houses and no investors to buy them, no migrants wanting to go there except the rabble. it will be catastrophic. my daughters both sell real estate here in brisbane i have been surprised prices havent come off (though i think they will). but they have sold 2 properties each on small acreage on the outskirts of brisbane to victorians. thats 4 properties. they havent sold an acreage property to a victorian for the last 5 years they tell me. victorians are done with big cities and the ones with liquidity are getting out. it will be towers of housing commision and ruined suburbs and no jobs. tell me where the jobs will come from. tell me what industries melbourne can attract. i'm all ears. people dont want to face this reality so they have joined the premier in a huge distraction based on watching the daily count on a virus which is the catalyst for their personal catastrophe but they will look back in 5 years and see covid as the least of their worries. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Dnarever on Sep 24th, 2020 at 10:57pm Bobby. wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 3:38pm:
Credlin is no messenger - just an extremist biased hack. She was the one who coached our lowest quality PM on how to perform worse. Quote:
Technically there is a good reason for that result, it is because Premier Daniel Andrews has handled the ongoing COVID-19 crisis well. All of Australia's state and federal leaders have - all of them. They all followed the science, they all acted quickly to locked down when they needed to. They all made some mistakes and they all had varying amounts of luck. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 25th, 2020 at 5:34am Dnarever wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 10:57pm:
Technically there is a good reason for that result, it is because Premier Daniel Andrews has handled the ongoing COVID-19 crisis well. All of Australia's state and federal leaders have - all of them. They all followed the science, they all acted quickly to locked down when they needed to. They all made some mistakes and they all had varying amounts of luck. [/quote] certainly if you are an obese diabetic 85 yo , they have handled this crisis very well. for the cluster of 16 senior students in sydeny who have suicided and for their families, maybe some questions need to be raised. my impression is that the membership of oz politics is made up of the former cohort and they see themselves as a priority over the later cohort. they can decide for themselves whether this is a moral stance. for me, its disgraceful |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Neferti on Sep 25th, 2020 at 5:49am aquascoot wrote on Sep 25th, 2020 at 5:34am:
16 kids in Sydney have suicided because of CoVid? You are having me on, aren't you? |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 25th, 2020 at 6:34am
It's impossible to say that it is because of covod
Google Claudia Neale North shore cluster Have a read of what her parents have to say |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Neferti on Sep 25th, 2020 at 7:01am aquascoot wrote on Sep 25th, 2020 at 6:34am:
Everything came up as a paywall. I don't do Facebook either. ;) |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 25th, 2020 at 8:03am
I'll see if I can copy and paste some of it later
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Neferti on Sep 25th, 2020 at 8:34am aquascoot wrote on Sep 25th, 2020 at 8:03am:
Thanks. I know where the PLC is. |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by cods on Sep 25th, 2020 at 8:36am Dnarever wrote on Sep 24th, 2020 at 10:57pm:
who made the BIGGEST MISTAKES thats the point.. I think we all know which STATE has the most deaths recorded...and the next State isnt even close.. I think the country as a whole has done pretty well and we will come though this better than most... |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bias_2012 on Sep 25th, 2020 at 10:27am |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bojack Horseman on Sep 25th, 2020 at 11:00am aquascoot wrote on Sep 25th, 2020 at 6:34am:
So why bring it up? |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Ye Grappler on Sep 25th, 2020 at 11:20am
Dan Dong Il Stalin Hitler Pot.....
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by aquascoot on Sep 25th, 2020 at 12:36pm Prime Minister for Canyons wrote on Sep 25th, 2020 at 11:00am:
geesus you are more brain dead then i thought. 16 high school students are no longer with us. they tell their parents they are having difficulty dealing with the lack of school sports , of being with their friends in big groups , of going to schoolies. they are bombarded with FOOLS like YOU telling them that covid kills kids (an out and out lie). and then when they top themselves, you say its not worth our spending time examining. FFS how faaarking selfish are you old blokes. as long as you can go to tassie for your holiday, the deaths of 16 schoolkids from mental health is just "acceptable collaterla damage" |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Lols on Sep 25th, 2020 at 1:16pm cods wrote on Sep 25th, 2020 at 8:36am:
Basically yes, Australia on the whole has done better than eg: other countries. But we aren’t as crowded (except capital cities) and our population is not so high with the amount of land space around us. But I ask, how could anyone think Dan Andrews has done a good job? Victoria had the highest infections and highest deaths out of all the rest of Australia and New Zealand combined! Back in April the stats for Victoria were the lowest to virtually nil, out of all Australia while every other state spiked! And then.... all other states came under control of ADF and every other state got right down and some to nil infections. But what happened to Victoria... well ... returned people from OS had covid... put into hotels for quarantine but not under ADF’s guard. That help was refused... because dear Dan thought our low stats meant we were all right Jack... don’t need the ADF... we are cool... we are better than other states etc coz our stats are lower blah blah And that... is the turning point to Melbourne’s horror story .... |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by cods on Sep 25th, 2020 at 1:55pm Sophia wrote on Sep 25th, 2020 at 1:16pm:
I have noticed the lefties here tend to sweep the facts under the carpet and act as if he has just saved the world..... ;D ;D thats what Dan is banking on lefty short memories.... :D :D Location Cases Recovered Deaths Victoria 20,105 18,738 773 New South Wales 4,213 2,992 53 Queensland 1,153 1,125 6 Western Australia 668 650 9 South Australia 468 462 4 if you look at all the figures for AUstralia Victoria is certainly the stand out for letting us down....and its a shame they cannot admit to that... |
Title: Re: Dictator Dan Andrews Killing Victorians.... Post by Bobby. on Sep 25th, 2020 at 2:04pm
ABC 2 Dan on trial now.
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