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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> Jews are horrible, horrible people....

Message started by Yadda on Oct 10th, 2020 at 2:22pm

Title: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 10th, 2020 at 2:22pm

Jews are horrible, horrible people....

according to the Koran,
according to Allah,
according to ISLAMIC teachers [in mosques],
and according to the followers of ISLAM.



Islamic scholar: ‘The Quran has raised us to be the enemies of the Jews.
They are the most evil of creatures.’

Oct 8, 2020
By Robert Spencer                22 Comments

What negotiated settlement do you think can be reached with the likes of Mohamed Ould Khattari? And he is no “extremist”: the Qur’an depicts the Jews as inveterately evil and bent on destroying the well-being of the Muslims. The Jews in the Qur’an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82); they fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181); they claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64); they love to listen to lies (5:41); they disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). They are disputing and quarreling (2:247); hiding the truth and misleading people (3:78); staging rebellion against the prophets and rejecting their guidance (2:55); being hypocritical (2:14, 2:44); giving preference to their own interests over the teachings of Muhammad (2:87); wishing evil for people and trying to mislead them (2:109); feeling pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120); being arrogant about their being Allah’s beloved people (5:18); devouring people’s wealth by subterfuge (4:161); slandering the true religion and being cursed by Allah (4:46); killing the prophets (2:61); being merciless and heartless (2:74); never keeping their promises or fulfilling their words (2:100); being unrestrained in committing sins (5:79); being cowardly (59:13-14); being miserly (4:53); being transformed into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166); and more. They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29).

Jews are horrible, horrible people....
according to the Koran,
according to Allah,
according to ISLAMIC teachers [in mosques],
and according to the followers of ISLAM.

Why is it do you think, that Western governments and the Western MSM never [i.e. refuse to] acknowledge those very HATEFUL attributions, made towards the Jewish person [towards EVERY Jewish person],
attributions which are found in the Koran, and in the PRIMARY religious precepts of mainstream ISLAM, and which are wholly accepted by the majority of the followers of ISLAM who are living today, within Western nations ?

The words of the bible, particularly as stated by king David [O.T.] in many of the Psalms, confirm that the Jewish people are 'a peculiar people' and are a people especially BLESSED, by the God of Israel.


Psalms 87:2
The LORD loveth the gates of Zion more than all the dwellings of Jacob.

Psalms 129:5
Let them all be confounded and turned back that hate Zion.

But i know, that the followers of ISLAM 'march to the beat of a different drum'.

And i know, that there is no argument in my mouth, which is able to stand, against the will of any man who is a follower of ISLAM.  !!!


Psalms 105:6
O ye seed of Abraham his servant, ye children of Jacob his chosen.

Isaiah 41:8
But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.
9  Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.
10  Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
11  Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.

Isaiah 44:1
Yet now hear, O Jacob my servant; and Israel, whom I have chosen:

Isaiah 54:15
Behold, they shall surely gather together, but not by me: whosoever shall gather together against thee shall fall for thy sake.
16  Behold, I have created the smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and that bringeth forth an instrument for his work; and I have created the waster to destroy.
17  No weapon that is formed against thee shall prosper; and every tongue that shall rise against thee in judgment thou shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.

"...I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee..."

That, is a stark warning.

In the world today, who is being blessed by the God of Israel, and who is being cursed by him ?

Any Western nation ?

Really ?

Psalms 9:17
The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.

Acts 10:34
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35  But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Redmond Neck on Oct 10th, 2020 at 2:41pm
Oi Dickhead!

Freediver doesnt like anti Jewish crap!

STFU or be banned!


Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 10th, 2020 at 2:42pm

Islamic scholar: ‘The Quran has raised us to be the enemies of the Jews.
They are the most evil of creatures.’

See, even he blames Islam.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by JaSin. on Oct 10th, 2020 at 3:02pm
And the Jews of the New Empire of Israel will be the only ones in the world that come to the aid of the fleeing hordes of Moslems - now disarmed and dispossessed of all things empire and land, from the Genocide upon them by the Mafia/Vatican of Italy and the Messiah out of the ruination of France that died for their Moslem sins during the last great Jihad of the old empire that was Islam.
(American citizens were also dispossessed of their 'right to bear arms' too around this time due to their reason being 'non-politically' tuned to the Governing bodies and Military.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 10th, 2020 at 7:15pm
islam is a very evil, primitive death cult.

islam is a muslim supremacy death cult.

islam preaches hatred against a lot of different people.

islam is cited as the cause and motivation of muslim terrorism, by muslims themselves.

The sick leftwing supports this evil primitive death cult.

The sick leftwing wants to force all people to bow down, accept and embrace islam, as being a part of our 21st century civilization.

The leftwing has been brainwashing our children from preschool to university, with their psychotic social engineering programme.

We are in a very precarious position at the moment.

The leftwing is very close to destroying the west from within, as the Marxist Leninist movement gains a foothold around the globe.

Unless the lunatic leftards suddenly decide to be honest about just how depraved islam actually is, it will be very bad in the future, for our kids / grandkids etc..

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 10th, 2020 at 7:24pm

Jasin wrote on Oct 10th, 2020 at 3:02pm:

And the Jews of the New Empire of Israel will be the only ones in the world that come to the aid of the fleeing hordes of Moslems - now disarmed and dispossessed of all things empire and land, from the Genocide upon them by the Mafia/Vatican of Italy and the Messiah out of the ruination of France that died for their Moslem sins during the last great Jihad of the old empire that was Islam.
(American citizens were also dispossessed of their 'right to bear arms' too around this time due to their reason being 'non-politically' tuned to the Governing bodies and Military.


But all that came back was a screen with a box, and inside the box, it said;
"Sorry, this service cannot translate gibberish."

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Setanta on Oct 10th, 2020 at 7:57pm

Yadda wrote on Oct 10th, 2020 at 7:24pm:

Jasin wrote on Oct 10th, 2020 at 3:02pm:

And the Jews of the New Empire of Israel will be the only ones in the world that come to the aid of the fleeing hordes of Moslems - now disarmed and dispossessed of all things empire and land, from the Genocide upon them by the Mafia/Vatican of Italy and the Messiah out of the ruination of France that died for their Moslem sins during the last great Jihad of the old empire that was Islam.
(American citizens were also dispossessed of their 'right to bear arms' too around this time due to their reason being 'non-politically' tuned to the Governing bodies and Military.


But all that came back was a screen with a box, and inside the box, it said;
"Sorry, this service cannot translate gibberish."

That's a bit harsh Yadda!

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 10th, 2020 at 9:23pm

Setanta wrote on Oct 10th, 2020 at 7:57pm:

Yadda wrote on Oct 10th, 2020 at 7:24pm:

Jasin wrote on Oct 10th, 2020 at 3:02pm:

And the Jews of the New Empire of Israel will be the only ones in the world that come to the aid of the fleeing hordes of Moslems - now disarmed and dispossessed of all things empire and land, from the Genocide upon them by the Mafia/Vatican of Italy and the Messiah out of the ruination of France that died for their Moslem sins during the last great Jihad of the old empire that was Islam.
(American citizens were also dispossessed of their 'right to bear arms' too around this time due to their reason being 'non-politically' tuned to the Governing bodies and Military.


But all that came back was a screen with a box, and inside the box, it said;
"Sorry, this service cannot translate gibberish."

That's a bit harsh Yadda!


Its all Chinese to me !

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Mr Hammer on Oct 11th, 2020 at 2:57am
Where do Jews send their kids with ADHD?
Concentration camp.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:11pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 2:57am:
Where do Jews send their kids with ADHD?
Concentration camp.

Har, har, har, Hammer.

It is to laugh.

One day, an Aboriginal [who was converted to Christianity] complained to God,
"Why couldn't the messiah of mankind, have been born as an Aboriginal, in this beautiful, desert land of Australia, instead of a that piddly little desert country, Israel?

God replied,
"Well, the truth is, that i spent weeks and weeks searching all over Australia. But in the end, i couldn't find three wise men and a virgin, in the whole land."

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Gordon on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:47pm
The autism is strong today.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:04pm
Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 791:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
I heard Allah's Apostle [Muhammad] saying, "The Jews will fight with you, and you will be given victory over them so that a stone will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!' "

Sahih Muslim, Book 041, Number 6981:
Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger [Muhammad] (may peace be upon him) as saying: You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me); kill him.

Islamic scholar: ‘The Quran has raised us to be the enemies of the Jews. They are the most evil of creatures.’ OCT 8, 2020

The muzzies don't really want to slaughter the Jews, the infallible qur'an has been *misinterpreted* *misunderstood*, cos islams' not like that.

O.K. right gotcha.

five six seven eight:

pigs are going to fly tomorrow

cows are gunna jump over the moon

dishes will run away with all the spoons

the sun will rise in the west

cos allah knows best

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:10pm
Run, Moses, run, keep hiding in your safe place.  Now, why did Muslims hide and shelter Jews against the Holocaust?  Unable to answer 'cause it destroys your Islamophobia?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:20pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

Multireligious like Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:52pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

Multireligious like Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 11th, 2020 at 5:06pm

did Muslims hide and shelter Jews against the Holocaust?

muslim Waffen-SS 13th division
How Nazis courted the Islamic world during WWII

Tens of thousands of Muslims fought for the Nazis in World War Two.

Hitler & Islam

by 1938, the membership of Muslim Brotherhood topped 200,000.

During World War II, members of the Muslim Brotherhood spied for Hitler's Nazis in the Middle East and fought for Hitler as Nazi troops in two specially formed Muslim Waffen-SS Handschar Divisions

The Muslim Nazi troops of the Waffen-SS Handschar Divisions:

Due to their large number of volunteers, Handschar Divisions were the largest of Hitler's 38 Waffen-SS Divisions.

Now I know that a few muslims did help some Jewish people in world-war 2.

But somehow I still get the feeling that the islamic hatred for Jewish people far outweighs any love and respect for the Jews.

The facts still are that today the 21st century, islam is a gigantic threat to the Jewish people.   
Hatred and slaughter of the Jews is a core teaching in islam.

Why do the snivelling leftards continually try and downplay the evil islam represents to non muslims, Jews and Christians in particular?

Is it because they themselves have a deep abiding hatred of the Jews and Christians and see muslims - islam as their ally, in their quest to destroy the Judaeo - Christian based west?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 11th, 2020 at 5:32pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

How different are the periods of time Brian?

Where did you get this idiotic fantasy about the Muslims achieving their ethnic cleansing of middle eastern countries then following it up with an attempt to create a "true Multi-religious state"?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Gordon on Oct 11th, 2020 at 5:39pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:10pm:
Run, Moses, run, keep hiding in your safe place.  Now, why did Muslims hide and shelter Jews against the Holocaust?  Unable to answer 'cause it destroys your Islamophobia?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Left wing autistic nutjobs like you are actually the most antisemitic lot at the moment.  Yes Bwian, SOME mozwums were just there to help Jews escape the Nazis, but how many? 5? 10? Muslims on the whole joined Hitler to wipe them off the face of the earth.

The autism is strong today, eh?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 11th, 2020 at 7:26pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:52pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

Multireligious like Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc?


I think that 'our' brian saw your post.

He's prolly retreated to compose a reply which he is certain, will soundly denounce the structure of your logic.
....[re ISLAMIC jurisdictions being haven's of tolerance for people of other faiths.]


Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 11th, 2020 at 7:30pm

Gordon wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 5:39pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:10pm:
Run, Moses, run, keep hiding in your safe place.  Now, why did Muslims hide and shelter Jews against the Holocaust?  Unable to answer 'cause it destroys your Islamophobia?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Left wing autistic nutjobs like you are actually the most antisemitic lot at the moment.  Yes Bwian, SOME mozwums were just there to help Jews escape the Nazis, but how many? 5? 10? Muslims on the whole joined Hitler to wipe them off the face of the earth.

The autism is strong today, eh?

That's right, folks - Gordon is making fun of people with autism.

What does he do for an encore?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 11th, 2020 at 8:22pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:52pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

Multireligious like Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc?

Iran is actually a multi religious state there is substantial Jewish population there. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Gordon on Oct 11th, 2020 at 8:30pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 8:22pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:52pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

Multireligious like Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc?

Iran is actually a multi religious state there is substantial Jewish population there. ::) ::)

You know Brian, shooting down the utter shyte you post is about as sporting as shooting a dairy cow with a sniper rifle. Friken hell you're a tard.

As of 2018, only 8,500 Jews still live in Iran[67] and they constitute 0.01% of Iranian population

Arab residents in Israel increased to 1,617,000 people, about 21% of Israel's population. The Arab population in 2019 was estimated at 1,890,000 people, representing 20.95% of the country's population.

Exodus of Iran's Jews[1] refers to the emigration of Persian Jews from Iran in the 1950s and the later migration wave from the country during and after the Iranian Revolution of 1979, during which the community of 80,000 dropped to less than 20,000.[1] The migration of Persian Jews after the Iranian Revolution is mostly attributed to fear of religious persecution

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by greggerypeccary on Oct 11th, 2020 at 8:31pm

greggerypeccary wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 7:30pm:

Gordon wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 5:39pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:10pm:
Run, Moses, run, keep hiding in your safe place.  Now, why did Muslims hide and shelter Jews against the Holocaust?  Unable to answer 'cause it destroys your Islamophobia?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Left wing autistic nutjobs like you are actually the most antisemitic lot at the moment.  Yes Bwian, SOME mozwums were just there to help Jews escape the Nazis, but how many? 5? 10? Muslims on the whole joined Hitler to wipe them off the face of the earth.

The autism is strong today, eh?

That's right, folks - Gordon is making fun of people with autism.

What does he do for an encore?

Just a reminder.

Do you know anyone as low as this front bottom?

What will Gordon do next - tease kids in wheelchairs?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 11th, 2020 at 8:31pm

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 5:32pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

How different are the periods of time Brian?

Where did you get this idiotic fantasy about the Muslims achieving their ethnic cleansing of middle eastern countries then following it up with an attempt to create a "true Multi-religious state"?

Answer my questions and I might answer yours, Freediver.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 11th, 2020 at 8:44pm

Yadda wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 7:26pm:


I think that 'our' brian saw your post.

He's prolly retreated to compose a reply which he is certain, will soundly denounce the structure of your logic.
....[re ISLAMIC jurisdictions being haven's of tolerance for people of other faiths.]



See !!!!!

I was correct.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 11th, 2020 at 9:14pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 8:22pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:52pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

Multireligious like Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc?

Iran is actually a multi religious state there is substantial Jewish population there. ::) ::)

Really? Do the Jews know?
Substantial. Interesting word. Why dont you show what that means in Iran?

There are more muslims in the knesset than there are Jews in Iran's islamic parliament (zero Jews). Zero is not a substantial number.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Gordon on Oct 11th, 2020 at 9:24pm
I'm low for calling Brian a tard.

Lucky I didn't stomp around a school yard in front of special needs kids, yell WHICH RETARD then pin one to a tree.

What kind of a sick schit would do something like that?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Gordon on Oct 11th, 2020 at 9:24pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 9:14pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 8:22pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:52pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Different periods of time, FD.   In 1940-45 there were numerous Jews saved by Muslims from the Holocaust.  Once Israel was established, Jews were expelled, not murdered and forced to migrate to Israel (or the USA).   Muslims don't want to kill all the Jews for religious reasons.  Their reasons are anti-Israel and it's policies towards the Palestinians and aren't designed to kill them rather to make Israel a true Multi-religious state, rather than a Jewish one.

Multireligious like Iran, Saudi, Pakistan, Afghanistan etc?

Iran is actually a multi religious state there is substantial Jewish population there. ::) ::)

Really? Do the Jews know?
Substantial. Interesting word. Why dont you show what that means in Iran?

There are more muslims in the knesset than there are Jews in Iran's islamic parliament (zero Jews). Zero is not a substantial number.

As of 2018, only 8,500 Jews still live in Iran[67] and they constitute 0.01% of Iranian population

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 11th, 2020 at 9:42pm

Gordon wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 5:39pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 4:10pm:
Run, Moses, run, keep hiding in your safe place.  Now, why did Muslims hide and shelter Jews against the Holocaust?  Unable to answer 'cause it destroys your Islamophobia?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Left wing autistic nutjobs like you are actually the most antisemitic lot at the moment.  Yes Bwian, SOME mozwums were just there to help Jews escape the Nazis, but how many? 5? 10? Muslims on the whole joined Hitler to wipe them off the face of the earth.

The autism is strong today, eh?

I think it might be fairer to say that Hitler joined the Muslims, seeing as they had been at it for 1400 years already.

Hitler's views on Islam are a matter of controversy. On the one hand, Hitler privately demeaned ethnic groups he associated with Islam, notably Arabs, as racially inferior. On the other hand, he also made private and public statements expressing admiration for what he perceived to be the militaristic nature of Islam and the political sharpness of the Prophet Muhammad.

One thing Muhammad did better than Hitler is getting spineless apologists to defend the ethnic cleansing of Jews. Tough titties, off with their heads....

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 12th, 2020 at 1:04pm

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

If the 'final solution' was to get rid of jews from their respective lands, I'd say the muslims were far more successful than the nazis wouldn't you say FD?

Also, Hitler used gas chambers, while the muslims loaded them on planes. But I can see how the two might seem the same. Maybe they turned the air conditioning off on the planes?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Mr Hammer on Oct 12th, 2020 at 1:10pm
How was the Grand Canyon created? A Jew dropped a penny in a crack.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 12th, 2020 at 1:30pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 1:04pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:56pm:
This would explain all the Jews who were saved from the Holocaust by Muslims, would it?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such foolishness.    ::) ::)

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

If the 'final solution' was to get rid of jews from their respective lands, I'd say the muslims were far more successful than the nazis wouldn't you say FD?

Also, Hitler used gas chambers, while the muslims loaded them on planes. But I can see how the two might seem the same. Maybe they turned the air conditioning off on the planes?

Yes Gandalf. Even Hitler could have learned from the Muslims about getting rid of Jews.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:25pm
I think Hitler had more in common with Muhammad than modern Muslims. Even though he lost WWII he was far more successful than the several attempts by middle eastern countries to drive the Jews into the sea. And they both slaughtered Jews.

Do you agree with Brian that the Muslims were just trying to create a true multi religious society in Israel?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:51pm

freediver wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:25pm:
Do you agree with Brian that the Muslims were just trying to create a true multi religious society in Israel?

I believe they were trying to stop the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 12th, 2020 at 3:03pm
So much crapola about the how the muslims treat the Jews with love and respect.

The Noble Qur'an 5:51: "O you who believe! Take not the Jews and the Christians as Auliya' (friends, protectors, helpers, etc.), they are but Auliya' to one another. And if any amongst you takes them as Auliya', then surely he is one of them. Verily, Allah guides not those people who are the Zalimun (polytheists and wrong­doers and unjust)."
The Dhimmi is the Arabic term that refers to its non-Islamic embracing population that has the ignominious dishonor of living in Islamic conquered lands. In a similar manner to the Jewish reference to a non-Jew as being a goy, so too the term dhimmi refers to non-Muslims. However unlike the Jewish term, goy, and much more important, the dhimmi is a distinctly subjugated second class non-citizen almost slave who is subjected to dictatorial deprivation of any legal and human rights since he is a non-Muslim permanent resident in a Muslim state.

Bbbuuuttt ge whiz while ever the wife and two daughters of allah are under the lote tree in paradise (qur'an 53: 11 - 20), never never never ever, will muslims want to rape torture and kill Jews.

Yeah right gotcha.

----- and a one two three four:

pigs are going to fly tomorrow

cows are gunna jump over the moon

dishes will run away with all the spoons

the sun will rise in the west

cos allah knows best [/quote]

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 12th, 2020 at 3:19pm

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:
More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Good point FD. They must have preferred to jump into the gas chambers.

Would you like to compare the numbers of jews who fled from muslim countries to the number of jews who fled... err life - under the nazis?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Mr Hammer on Oct 12th, 2020 at 4:47pm
What's the difference between a Jew and a pie? A pie doesn't winge when you stuff it in an oven.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by cods on Oct 12th, 2020 at 5:16pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 4:47pm:
What's the difference between a Jew and a pie? A pie doesn't winge when you stuff it in an oven.

hammer that is terrible....really bad...can this be removed??????

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 12th, 2020 at 5:46pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 3:19pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:
More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Good point FD. They must have preferred to jump into the gas chambers.

Would you like to compare the numbers of jews who fled from muslim countries to the number of jews who fled... err life - under the nazis?

Sure Gandalf. Comparisons between Islam and Nazism are always enlightening.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 12th, 2020 at 7:08pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 4:47pm:

What's the difference between a Jew and a pie? A pie doesn't winge when you stuff it in an oven.


cods wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 5:16pm:

hammer that is terrible....really bad...can this be removed??????

Yes, nasty stuff.


But as bad as what he posts [sometimes] is, i would say;

Let Hammer reveal himself.

I'm all in favour of people telling, openly, what their opinion is, if they want to do that.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Mr Hammer on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:13pm
Well, the Jews are horrible, horrible people...

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:26pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:13pm:
Well, the Jews are horrible, horrible people...

According to anti-Semites...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:33pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:26pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:13pm:
Well, the Jews are horrible, horrible people...

According to anti-Semites...   ::) ::)

Who Brian is eager to spinelessly apologise for.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 12th, 2020 at 9:14pm

freediver wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:33pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:26pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 8:13pm:
Well, the Jews are horrible, horrible people...

According to anti-Semites...   ::) ::)

Who Brian is eager to spinelessly apologise for.

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk, you of course have evidence of that, don't you, Freediver?  Don't answer that, it's a question and we know you just like to fling mud and not answer any questions, right?   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 12th, 2020 at 9:21pm
To all you people putting Israel down -
hypothetical -
if you lived in the Middle East and
a war broke out between Israel & the Muslims -
whose side would you want to be on?

I certainly wouldn't want to fight for any Muslims.
I'd be there with Israel giving the Muslims some justice.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Mr Hammer on Oct 12th, 2020 at 9:53pm
I would side with my Moslem brothers. Inshallah!

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 12th, 2020 at 10:04pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 9:53pm:
I would side with my Moslem brothers. Inshallah!


Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 12th, 2020 at 10:41pm

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 9:53pm:

I would side with my Moslem brothers. Inshallah!

Well good on you Hammer !

Isaiah 41:8
But thou, Israel, art my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the seed of Abraham my friend.
9  Thou whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called thee from the chief men thereof, and said unto thee, Thou art my servant; I have chosen thee, and not cast thee away.
10  Fear thou not; for I am with thee: be not dismayed; for I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
11  Behold, all they that were incensed against thee shall be ashamed and confounded: they shall be as nothing; and they that strive with thee shall perish.

Isaiah 43:3
For I am the LORD thy God, the Holy One of Israel, thy Saviour: I gave Egypt for thy ransom, Ethiopia and Seba for thee.
4  Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life.
5  Fear not: for I am with thee: I will bring thy seed from the east, and gather thee from the west;
6  I will say to the north, Give up; and to the south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my daughters from the ends of the earth;
7  Even every one that is called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I have formed him; yea, I have made him.

Isaiah 43:8
Bring forth the blind people that have eyes, and the deaf that have ears.
9  Let all the nations be gathered together, and let the people be assembled: who among them can declare this, and shew us former things? let them bring forth their witnesses, that they may be justified: or let them hear, and say, It is truth.
10  Ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may know and believe me, and understand that I am he: before me there was no God formed, neither shall there be after me.
11  I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.
12  I have declared, and have saved, and I have shewed, when there was no strange god among you: therefore ye are my witnesses, saith the LORD, that I am God.
13  Yea, before the day was I am he; and there is none that can deliver out of my hand: I will work, and who shall let it?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Mr Hammer on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:30am

Bobby. wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 10:04pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 9:53pm:
I would side with my Moslem brothers. Inshallah!


In which way are we loyal to the rogue state, Israel?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:54am

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:30am:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 10:04pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 9:53pm:
I would side with my Moslem brothers. Inshallah!


In which way are we loyal to the rogue state, Israel?

We are both fighting Muslim terrorists.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Mr Hammer on Oct 13th, 2020 at 10:54am
The Moslems are fighting Jewish and American terrorists. What's your point?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 13th, 2020 at 11:43am

freediver wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 5:46pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 3:19pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:
More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Good point FD. They must have preferred to jump into the gas chambers.

Would you like to compare the numbers of jews who fled from muslim countries to the number of jews who fled... err life - under the nazis?

Sure Gandalf. Comparisons between Islam and Nazism are always enlightening.

Indeed they are - as is pointing out the dishonesty of comparing the number of jews who fled muslims was greater than the number of jews who fled the nazis - and using that comparison to suggest the muslims were at least as bad as the nazis.

I mean it does conveniently leave out the fact that most jews couldn't flee the nazis and were instead slaughtered by them doesn't it?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 13th, 2020 at 4:36pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 11:43am:

freediver wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 5:46pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 3:19pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:
More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Good point FD. They must have preferred to jump into the gas chambers.

Would you like to compare the numbers of jews who fled from muslim countries to the number of jews who fled... err life - under the nazis?

Sure Gandalf. Comparisons between Islam and Nazism are always enlightening.

Indeed they are - as is pointing out the dishonesty of comparing the number of jews who fled muslims was greater than the number of jews who fled the nazis - and using that comparison to suggest the muslims were at least as bad as the nazis.

I mean it does conveniently leave out the fact that most jews couldn't flee the nazis and were instead slaughtered by them doesn't it?

I suggested they were inferior to the Nazis in many ways Gandalf. It's hard to find a clearer demonstration of the vast chasm in basic competence that separates Muslim nations from those that have their poo together. The Nazis achieved their holocaust. The Muslims achieved a beacon of freedom and democracy in one of the most backwards corners of the earth. They are however more successful at propaganda, despite the brilliance of Goebbels. You don't see the spineless apologists making excuses for the Nazis the way they do when given examples of ethnic cleansing of Jews by Muslims. Can you give us a tough titties, off with their heads?

Is that a fair comparison?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?
What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything? Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:48pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?
What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything? Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??

They lost, or rather the majority of Jews lost all claims to ownership of their "ancestral lands" when they left them in 63 BCE.   They were ejected by the Romans.   When the remainder converted to Islam they became Islamic lands.

Israel, as defined in 1948 has a right to exist.  However, since then they have been expanding their borders and expelling the Palestinians.  It appears the Jews have learnt little from their experiences throughout history when they were expelled from various lands...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:00pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?

What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything?

Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??


"Abdullah my brother, the Jews have take our land, and we are a homeless people.

Those dastardly Zionists!!

We want our land back."

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:07pm
Sweden: Muslim-dominated Malmö ‘was once a safe haven for Jews, but today only 200 remain and are being harassed’ OCT 11, 2020.

Jewish institutions are under attack. Children in Jewish kindergartens have to play behind bulletproof windows,” Neuding pointed out.

Well you know they are just *misinterpreting* and *misunderstanding* the verses in the qur'an which cause and motivate this type of degenerate behaviour, *islam just isn't like that*.

O.K. right gotcha.

and a five six seven eight.

pigs are going to fly tomorrow

cows are gunna jump over the moon

dishes will run away with all the spoons

the sun will rise in the west

cos allah knows best

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:17pm
This map shows it all:

The Jews have taken a micro dot of land
which was theirs anyway.
The Muslims would never be happy until they gassed every last Jew
just like Hitler tried to do.
The Muslims have enough land - plenty of land -
they are just greedy, belligerent, religious nutcases.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:48pm:

They [Jewish people] lost, or rather the majority of Jews lost all claims to ownership of their "ancestral lands" when they left them in 63 BCE.   They were ejected by the Romans.   When the remainder converted to Islam they became Islamic lands.

Israel, as defined in 1948 has a right to exist.  However, since then they have been expanding their borders and expelling the Palestinians.  It appears the Jews have learnt little from their experiences throughout history when they were expelled from various lands...   ::) ::)


When moslems steal [invade and conquer] another peoples land, it becomes moslem land, forever ?

Well, sorry,      NO!

Prior to 1918 [i.e. the end of WWI], the Ottoman territories lawfully belonged to Turkey.

Post 1918, the Ottoman territories did NOT lawfully belong to Turkey.

War has always been a 'reset button', as far as property rights are concerned.

Because the Ottomans entered WWI on the side of the Germans,     moslems [Ottomans] lost sovereignty over their territories in the M.E. after WWI.

Those who gained sovereignty over the Ottomans territories in the M.E. after WWI,      eventually set aside, a small portion of those Ottomans territories in the M.E. to form a Jewish homeland, on their [the Jewish] ancient homeland, land.

And then, the local moslems, WENT BERSERKO.    < ---- that is a technical term.

And the poor dears are still crying in their coffee, to this day!


And today, the Jewish people do retain, and live in, their own ancient homeland.

And with God's help, that circumstance is bound to continue.


Andy Williams Sings "The Exodus Song (This Land Is Mine)"

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm

The reality of Israeli expansion, explain so simply that even Yadda could, if he opened his mind, understand.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:38pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Hitler was a humanist.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:42pm

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:38pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Hitler was a humanist.

Hitler happened when the Nazis came to power.  I distinctly disallowed him and his crazies.  Funny how you've forgotten how to read, FD.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:54pm
Islam Has Massacred Over 669+ Million Non-Muslims Since 622AD In fact, no ideology has been as genocidal as Islam…

Islam has killed more than 5 times the number of people killed by communism.

over 80 million Christians killed by Muslims in 500 years in the Balkan states, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia.
Then we have India. The official estimate number of Muslim slaughters of Hindus is 80 million. However, Muslim historian Firistha (b. 1570) wrote (in either Tarikh-i Firishta or  the Gulshan-i Ibrahim) that Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus up to the peak of Islamic rule of India, bringing the Hindu population down from 600 mil to 200 million at the time.

With these new additions the Muslim genocide of non-Muslims since the birth of Mohammed would be over 669 million murders.

Islamic terrorists murder more people every day than the Ku Klux Klan has in the last 50 years
Islamists killed more Buddhists in Thailand since 9/11 than the KKK killed in the 100 YEARS from 1865 to 9165.
More civilians were killed by Muslim extremists in two hours on September 11th than in the 36 years of sectarian conflict in Northern Ireland

Why do the sick leftards always lie snivel and sneak, desperately trying to hide the truth about the filth and depravity in islam?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:54pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion, explain so simply that even Yadda could, if he opened his mind, understand.   ::) ::)

The reality that a 'Palestinian nation' has NEVER EXISTED.

So simple that even Brian could understand, if he opened his mind.

Yadda wrote on Feb 18th, 2014 at 12:08am:

Palestine - a nation with a prestigious history

Could you answer some basic questions about the country of Palestine ? :

1. When was it founded and by whom?
2. What language did the Palestinians speak?
3. What writing [script] did they use?
4. What manuscripts did they leave?
5. What was their religion?
6. Where are their temples?
7. What monuments attest to their existence?
8. What were its borders?
9. What was the name of its capital?
10. What were its major cities?
11. What constituted the basis of its economy?
12. What was the name of the currency that they used?
13. What was its form of government?
14. What achievements have they accomplished?
15. What other peoples did Palestine interact with?
16. Where can one find any [historic] records, wherein the country of Palestine and its people are mentioned?
17. What archaeological sites can one name?
18. Where can one find the recorded history of these people?
19. Whom did they conquer?, or, were conquered by?
20. Was Palestine ever recognized by a country whose existence, at that time or now, leaves no room for interpretation [or doubt]?
21. What was the prevalent religion of the country of Palestine?
22. Can anyone name at least five Palestinian leaders before Arafat?
23. Finally, since there is no such recognised country today, what caused its demise and when did it occur?

Further, why did these proud 'Palestinians' between 1948 and 1967, passively, allow themselves to be occupied by the Jordanians in the 'West Bank', and by the Egyptians in Gaza?

Those Q's  [above] are taken from;

Part 142 - Palestine and Palestinians


'The Palestinian State', is a national entity that has never existed, and which can never exist, except within the borders of Jordan [the nation which is the ancient homeland of all of the 'Palestinian' people].

Palestine - a nation with a prestigious history

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 13th, 2020 at 7:00pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The Jews have taken a micro dot of land in the ME
which was theirs anyway.
The Muslims would never be happy until they gassed every last Jew
just like Hitler tried to do.
The Muslims have enough land - plenty of land -
they are just greedy, belligerent, religious nutcases.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:41pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:42pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:38pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Hitler was a humanist.

Hitler happened when the Nazis came to power.  I distinctly disallowed him and his crazies.  Funny how you've forgotten how to read, FD.   ::) ::)

You disallowed the Nazis? How did you do that Bwian?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:43pm

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:41pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:42pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:38pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Hitler was a humanist.

Hitler happened when the Nazis came to power.  I distinctly disallowed him and his crazies.  Funny how you've forgotten how to read, FD.   ::) ::)

You disallowed the Nazis? How did you do that Bwian?

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:
Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?
  ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:46pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:43pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:41pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:42pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:38pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Hitler was a humanist.

Hitler happened when the Nazis came to power.  I distinctly disallowed him and his crazies.  Funny how you've forgotten how to read, FD.   ::) ::)

You disallowed the Nazis? How did you do that Bwian?

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:
Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?
  ::) ::)

How did you disallow the Nazis Bwian? Is this some kind of hero fantasy where you win WWII by spinelessly apologising on internet forums, or a spelling mistake?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Dnarever on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:48pm

Jews are horrible, horrible people....

No most Jewish people are just like people from anywhere else.

However they are not always in the right and they do have the same percentage of bad people as every other race.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:53pm

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:46pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:43pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:41pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:42pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:38pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Hitler was a humanist.

Hitler happened when the Nazis came to power.  I distinctly disallowed him and his crazies.  Funny how you've forgotten how to read, FD.   ::) ::)

You disallowed the Nazis? How did you do that Bwian?

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:
Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?
  ::) ::)

How did you disallow the Nazis Bwian? Is this some kind of hero fantasy where you win WWII by spinelessly apologising on internet forums, or a spelling mistake?

You do understand English, don't you, FD?  If English is your second language that is OK as well.  Now, you do understand what the word "before" means, don't you? ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 13th, 2020 at 9:42pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:53pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:46pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:43pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:41pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:42pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:38pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Hitler was a humanist.

Hitler happened when the Nazis came to power.  I distinctly disallowed him and his crazies.  Funny how you've forgotten how to read, FD.   ::) ::)

You disallowed the Nazis? How did you do that Bwian?

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:
Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?
  ::) ::)

How did you disallow the Nazis Bwian? Is this some kind of hero fantasy where you win WWII by spinelessly apologising on internet forums, or a spelling mistake?

You do understand English, don't you, FD?  If English is your second language that is OK as well.  Now, you do understand what the word "before" means, don't you? ::) ::)

Sure. Thanks for the lesson.

How did you disallow the Nazis Bwian?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 10:33pm

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 9:42pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:53pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:46pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:43pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:41pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:42pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:38pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:34pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:31pm:

The reality of Israeli expansion explained so simply, even Bobby can understand it.   ::) ::)

The entire middle east was Jewish, Christian and Pagan land until Muhammad had the brilliant idea of using rape and murder as a means to achieve social harmony.

Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?   The Christians of course.  How bloody inconvenient, hey, FD? 

Hitler was a humanist.

Hitler happened when the Nazis came to power.  I distinctly disallowed him and his crazies.  Funny how you've forgotten how to read, FD.   ::) ::)

You disallowed the Nazis? How did you do that Bwian?

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:
Before the Nazis who killed more Jews?
  ::) ::)

How did you disallow the Nazis Bwian? Is this some kind of hero fantasy where you win WWII by spinelessly apologising on internet forums, or a spelling mistake?

You do understand English, don't you, FD?  If English is your second language that is OK as well.  Now, you do understand what the word "before" means, don't you? ::) ::)

Sure. Thanks for the lesson.

How did you disallow the Nazis Bwian?

Obviously, English is your second language, FD.  Tsk, tsk, you don't understand the mean of the word, "before".  Run along.  Stop wasting our time.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 13th, 2020 at 10:36pm

Dnarever wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:48pm:

Jews are horrible, horrible people....

No most Jewish people are just like people from anywhere else.

However they are not always in the right and they do have the same percentage of bad people as every other race.


That is just not correct.

Everyone knows,     ....that moslems are the most innocent and the most virtuous of people.

And that the Jews and Christians [and all 'pagans'], are really, horrible, horrible people....


Allah declared it.


"Ye [moslems] are the best of peoples, evolved for mankind, enjoining what is right, forbidding what is wrong, and believing in Allah. If only the People of the Book had faith, it were best for them: among them are some who have faith, but most of them are perverted transgressors."
Koran 3.110


Whereas, my faith declares something different....

Acts 10:34
Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons:
35  But in every nation he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.


1 John 1:8
If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.
9  If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
10  If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.

Psalms 32:1
Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered.
2  Blessed is the man unto whom the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 14th, 2020 at 11:49am

freediver wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 4:36pm:
I suggested they were inferior to the Nazis in many ways Gandalf. It's hard to find a clearer demonstration of the vast chasm in basic competence that separates Muslim nations from those that have their poo together. The Nazis achieved their holocaust. The Muslims achieved a beacon of freedom and democracy in one of the most backwards corners of the earth. They are however more successful at propaganda, despite the brilliance of Goebbels. You don't see the spineless apologists making excuses for the Nazis the way they do when given examples of ethnic cleansing of Jews by Muslims. Can you give us a tough titties, off with their heads?

Is that a fair comparison?

This is the strawman you always resort to: confating competence with intent.

You clearly set out out to depict the evil intent of muslims as being on par with the nazis. When pulled up on this, you pretend its really about competence.

I also never said the muslim world was or is a beacon of democracy. Another strawman. There is, however something in between "as evil as the nazis" and "beacon of democracy". The muslim world in their treatment of jews clearly sits somewhere in this space.

So, you see, the only point I am making is that your obvious attempts to equate the evil intentions of the muslims with the intent of the nazis - is complete BS - when you look at actual history:

- the jews lived and prospered under the muslims for 1400 years, while the nazis set out to eliminate them from the very beginning
- the muslims when they did eventually seek to rid them from their lands, sent them on planes, while the nazis sent them into gas chambers.

No comparison. But please, regale us once again, as I know you will, with the tale about how Muhammad executed ~800 of them and tell us how that is the be-all and end-all of the entire ~1400 year history of jews living under Islam.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 14th, 2020 at 11:57am

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:48pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?
What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything? Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??

They lost, or rather the majority of Jews lost all claims to ownership of their "ancestral lands" when they left them in 63 BCE.   They were ejected by the Romans.   When the remainder converted to Islam they became Islamic lands.

And how/why is that irreversible?

Is the Kingdom of Spain illegitimate because half of it was re-conquered from the Muslims?
Is Greece illegitimate because it shook off the Ottoman domination in the early 1800s?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:03pm

This is the strawman you always resort to: confating competence with intent.

So Muslim nations from the middle east did not try to destroy Israel, after helping to create it by expelling the few remaining Jews?

Or are you saying the Nazis accidentally exterminated Jews in their efforts to make the trains run on time?

You clearly set out out to depict

So you are once again responding to things I did not actually say? After accusing me of using strawmen in the same post? Do you ever get tired of this hypocrisy Gandalf?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:06pm
The Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolf Hitler in 1941. According to Motadel, some of Hitler's Muslim allies shared the Nazi leader's hatred of Jews.

How Nazis courted the Islamic world during WWII

Tens of thousands of Muslims fought for the Nazis in World War Two. DW spoke with historian David Motadel about whether pragmatism or anti-Semitism drove Adolf Hitler's overtures and why some Muslim leaders backed him.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:41pm

freediver wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:03pm:

So Muslim nations from the middle east did not try to destroy Israel, after helping to create it by expelling the few remaining Jews?

They tried to destroy a racist, apartheid political entity called Israel that was already in the process of ethnically cleansing Palestinians before any arab army arrived. That is not the same as committing genocide, like say rounding up people and throwing them in gas chambers. And no, that doesn't mean they wanted to create a multicultural, democratic paradise in its place.

And I'm pretty sure the jewish exodus of muslims lands mostly happened after the arab invasions.

So you are once again responding to things I did not actually say? After accusing me of using strawmen in the same post? Do you ever get tired of this hypocrisy Gandalf?

I am accusing you of equating muslims and nazis as morally the same (or worse) in their attitude towards jews. You do this Godwin's Law game all the time when the morality of muslims come up. Oh look, it was you who first brought up nazis in this very thread. Fancy that. If you actually think muslims are morally superior to nazis, here's your chance to set the record straight.

yes, thought not.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:45pm
FD, as the first person here to bring up the nazis:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:
More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Also FD:

oh but I'm not trying to say the muslims were at least as bad as the nazis!!

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:20pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:48pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?
What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything? Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??

They lost, or rather the majority of Jews lost all claims to ownership of their "ancestral lands" when they left them in 63 BCE.   They were ejected by the Romans.   When the remainder converted to Islam they became Islamic lands.

And how/why is that irreversible?

Well, considering it occurred just three years after the end of the second world war, you would think that the victims of that war would think twice about enacting policies similar to what the Nazis did.  The Jews went around to all the Palestinian houses and demanded that the Palestineans leave.  This meant 3/4 of a million Palestinians fled Palestine.  They carried out the same policies, plus others just as bad and more and more Palestinians heeded them.  They depopulated over 400 Palestinian villages.  They massacred the inhabitants of several them.  Hardly a "de-populated land" which is what the Zionists claimed.   The Zionists are hardly innocent.

Is the Kingdom of Spain illegitimate because half of it was re-conquered from the Muslims?
Is Greece illegitimate because it shook off the Ottoman domination in the early 1800s?

Different circumstances.  In neither Spain or Greece were the majority of the population Muslim.  The majority of the population in Palestine was originally Muslim.  So, you have a majority Christian population ruled by Muslims versus a majority Muslim population ruled by Jews.   See the difference? ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:23pm

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:06pm:
The Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolf Hitler in 1941. According to Motadel, some of Hitler's Muslim allies shared the Nazi leader's hatred of Jews.

"Some"?  That implies, Bobby that an equal or greater number didn't hate the Jews...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:26pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:23pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:06pm:
The Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolf Hitler in 1941. According to Motadel, some of Hitler's Muslim allies shared the Nazi leader's hatred of Jews.

"Some"?  That implies, Bobby that an equal or greater number didn't hate the Jews...   ::) ::)

I don't ever see Muslims kissing Jewish bums -
have you?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:34pm

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:06pm:
How Nazis courted the Islamic world during WWII

Tens of thousands of Muslims fought for the Nazis in World War Two. DW spoke with historian David Motadel about whether pragmatism or anti-Semitism drove Adolf Hitler's overtures and why some Muslim leaders backed him.

Yes, what did David Motadel say about Muslims and the Nazis, Bobby?

On the Muslim side one cannot generalize. Some of the Muslim allies of the Nazi regime — most importantly the famous Mufti of Jerusalem — shared the Nazis' Jew-hatred. In the war zones, in the Balkans, in North Africa, and in the Eastern territories, the picture is more complicated. In many of these regions, Muslims and Jews had lived together for centuries. And in some cases, Muslims would now help their Jewish neighbors, for example hiding them from the Germans.
Many of those Muslims who worked with the Nazi regime had pragmatic reasons. They believed that Nazi Germany in 1941-1942 would be victorious and that it would determine the future world order and that the Nazis could help them become liberated from, for example, British imperial rule. 

The motives of these soldiers varied considerably. Of course some recruits were driven by religious hatred and anti-Bolshevist, ideological fervor. Overall, however, Muslims often had rather profane motives for enlisting.

Appears it was a top driven anti-Semitism, rather than something most Muslims felt about Jews...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:36pm

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:23pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:06pm:
The Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolf Hitler in 1941. According to Motadel, some of Hitler's Muslim allies shared the Nazi leader's hatred of Jews.

"Some"?  That implies, Bobby that an equal or greater number didn't hate the Jews...   ::) ::)

I don't ever see Muslims kissing Jewish bums -
have you?

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  That would explain the many Muslims who hid Jews from the Holocaust, right, Bobby?   ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 14th, 2020 at 4:36pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:36pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:23pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:06pm:
The Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolf Hitler in 1941. According to Motadel, some of Hitler's Muslim allies shared the Nazi leader's hatred of Jews.

"Some"?  That implies, Bobby that an equal or greater number didn't hate the Jews...   ::) ::)

I don't ever see Muslims kissing Jewish bums -
have you?

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  That would explain the many Muslims who hid Jews from the Holocaust, right, Bobby?   ::)

Could you count them on one hand?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:17pm

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 4:36pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:36pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:23pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:06pm:
The Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolf Hitler in 1941. According to Motadel, some of Hitler's Muslim allies shared the Nazi leader's hatred of Jews.

"Some"?  That implies, Bobby that an equal or greater number didn't hate the Jews...   ::) ::)

I don't ever see Muslims kissing Jewish bums -
have you?

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  That would explain the many Muslims who hid Jews from the Holocaust, right, Bobby?   ::)

Could you count them on one hand?

Yes.  There are entire books devoted to their efforts. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:22pm
PA mufti: Jihad against ‘thieving Jews’ is ‘a personal religious commandment for everyone who is capable of it’ OCT 13, 2020.

Well gee whiz, another one done got it wrong and *misinterpreted* the qur'an.

So what's new?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:27pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:17pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 4:36pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:36pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:23pm:

Bobby. wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:06pm:
The Mufti of Jerusalem met with Adolf Hitler in 1941. According to Motadel, some of Hitler's Muslim allies shared the Nazi leader's hatred of Jews.

"Some"?  That implies, Bobby that an equal or greater number didn't hate the Jews...   ::) ::)

I don't ever see Muslims kissing Jewish bums -
have you?

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  That would explain the many Muslims who hid Jews from the Holocaust, right, Bobby?   ::)

Could you count them on one hand?

Yes.  There are entire books devoted to their efforts. ::) ::)


I'm guessing there was 11 of them.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:31pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 12:45pm:
FD, as the first person here to bring up the nazis:

freediver wrote on Oct 11th, 2020 at 1:59pm:
More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

Also FD:

oh but I'm not trying to say the muslims were at least as bad as the nazis!!

Thanks Gandalf. This is a good example. One is a quote of what I actually said. One isn't. See if you can pick which is which.

I said they were less successful.

They tried to destroy a racist, apartheid political entity called Israel that was already in the process of ethnically cleansing Palestinians before any arab army arrived. That is not the same as committing genocide, like say rounding up people and throwing them in gas chambers. And no, that doesn't mean they wanted to create a multicultural, democratic paradise in its place.

The Jews must have gotten sidetracked with the ethnic cleansing and accidentally created an inclusive liberal democracy, in the middle of several wars waged by Muslims on them.

I am accusing you of equating muslims and nazis as morally the same (or worse) in their attitude towards jews.

Tough titties, off with their heads eh?

You do this Godwin's Law game all the time when the morality of muslims come up. Oh look, it was you who first brought up nazis in this very thread. Fancy that.

Would you prefer me to bump one of the many previous threads discussing the similarities between Islam and Nazism?

If you actually think muslims are morally superior to nazis, here's your chance to set the record straight.

Thanks Gandalf. I appreciate the opportunity.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 16th, 2020 at 8:26pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:20pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:48pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?
What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything? Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??

They lost, or rather the majority of Jews lost all claims to ownership of their "ancestral lands" when they left them in 63 BCE.   They were ejected by the Romans.   When the remainder converted to Islam they became Islamic lands.

And how/why is that irreversible?

Well, considering it occurred just three years after the end of the second world war, you would think that the victims of that war would think twice about enacting policies similar to what the Nazis did.  The Jews went around to all the Palestinian houses and demanded that the Palestineans leave.  This meant 3/4 of a million Palestinians fled Palestine.  They carried out the same policies, plus others just as bad and more and more Palestinians heeded them.  They depopulated over 400 Palestinian villages.  They massacred the inhabitants of several them.  Hardly a "de-populated land" which is what the Zionists claimed.   The Zionists are hardly innocent.

Is the Kingdom of Spain illegitimate because half of it was re-conquered from the Muslims?
Is Greece illegitimate because it shook off the Ottoman domination in the early 1800s?

Different circumstances.  In neither Spain or Greece were the majority of the population Muslim.  The majority of the population in Palestine was originally Muslim.  So, you have a majority Christian population ruled by Muslims versus a majority Muslim population ruled by Jews.   See the difference? ::) ::)

Not quite. Judea and Samaria were conquered by the Jews. Then the Romans conquered them. Then the Arabs conquered them. Then the Jews conquered them.

Why is the muslim conquest of the area any more valid than the jewish RE-conquest of it?  In any case, there are more jews there now than arabs.
All sorts of ethic  Germans were booted out from various parts of Europe at the same time. Do they have the right to return? Give east prussia back to germany? Give Cyprus to Turkey? 
Should we have regarded the Soviet conquest of eastern europe as immurable? Japan's conquest of china and korea?

Different circumstances - aren't ALL circumstances different? How is that an argument, 'different circumstances'?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 16th, 2020 at 9:18pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 16th, 2020 at 8:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:20pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:48pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?
What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything? Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??

They lost, or rather the majority of Jews lost all claims to ownership of their "ancestral lands" when they left them in 63 BCE.   They were ejected by the Romans.   When the remainder converted to Islam they became Islamic lands.

And how/why is that irreversible?

Well, considering it occurred just three years after the end of the second world war, you would think that the victims of that war would think twice about enacting policies similar to what the Nazis did.  The Jews went around to all the Palestinian houses and demanded that the Palestineans leave.  This meant 3/4 of a million Palestinians fled Palestine.  They carried out the same policies, plus others just as bad and more and more Palestinians heeded them.  They depopulated over 400 Palestinian villages.  They massacred the inhabitants of several them.  Hardly a "de-populated land" which is what the Zionists claimed.   The Zionists are hardly innocent.

Is the Kingdom of Spain illegitimate because half of it was re-conquered from the Muslims?
Is Greece illegitimate because it shook off the Ottoman domination in the early 1800s?

Different circumstances.  In neither Spain or Greece were the majority of the population Muslim.  The majority of the population in Palestine was originally Muslim.  So, you have a majority Christian population ruled by Muslims versus a majority Muslim population ruled by Jews.   See the difference? ::) ::)

Not quite. Judea and Samaria were conquered by the Jews. Then the Romans conquered them. Then the Arabs conquered them. Then the Jews conquered them.

Why is the muslim conquest of the area any more valid than the jewish RE-conquest of it?  In any case, there are more jews there now than arabs.
All sorts of ethic  Germans were booted out from various parts of Europe at the same time. Do they have the right to return? Give east prussia back to germany? Give Cyprus to Turkey? 
Should we have regarded the Soviet conquest of eastern europe as immurable? Japan's conquest of china and korea?

Different circumstances - aren't ALL circumstances different? How is that an argument, 'different circumstances'?

Well, Israel came into pre-existence as the consequence of UN fiat.  One of the principles of the UN is that aggressors should not profit from their aggression.  Aggressors should not be allowed to engage in "ethnic cleansing".  Israel was guilty of both of those acts and it was allowed to profit from them.   The Palestinians are merely attempting to prevent that from occurring.  The Zionists believe that Israel should be returned to its biblical size as "Eretz Israel" - greater Israel.   You appear to believe that the Palestinians, despite being in occupation of Palestine for over a millennia should have their property rights ignored.  How noble of you, Agatha.  Tsk, tsk.   ::)

Now, as I have said before, Israel has a right to exist as defined by the borders established in 1948.  It has decided to expand itself to it's present size through conquest.    ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 16th, 2020 at 9:25pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 16th, 2020 at 9:18pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 16th, 2020 at 8:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:20pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:48pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?
What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything? Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??

They lost, or rather the majority of Jews lost all claims to ownership of their "ancestral lands" when they left them in 63 BCE.   They were ejected by the Romans.   When the remainder converted to Islam they became Islamic lands.

And how/why is that irreversible?

Well, considering it occurred just three years after the end of the second world war, you would think that the victims of that war would think twice about enacting policies similar to what the Nazis did.  The Jews went around to all the Palestinian houses and demanded that the Palestineans leave.  This meant 3/4 of a million Palestinians fled Palestine.  They carried out the same policies, plus others just as bad and more and more Palestinians heeded them.  They depopulated over 400 Palestinian villages.  They massacred the inhabitants of several them.  Hardly a "de-populated land" which is what the Zionists claimed.   The Zionists are hardly innocent.

Is the Kingdom of Spain illegitimate because half of it was re-conquered from the Muslims?
Is Greece illegitimate because it shook off the Ottoman domination in the early 1800s?

Different circumstances.  In neither Spain or Greece were the majority of the population Muslim.  The majority of the population in Palestine was originally Muslim.  So, you have a majority Christian population ruled by Muslims versus a majority Muslim population ruled by Jews.   See the difference? ::) ::)

Not quite. Judea and Samaria were conquered by the Jews. Then the Romans conquered them. Then the Arabs conquered them. Then the Jews conquered them.

Why is the muslim conquest of the area any more valid than the jewish RE-conquest of it?  In any case, there are more jews there now than arabs.
All sorts of ethic  Germans were booted out from various parts of Europe at the same time. Do they have the right to return? Give east prussia back to germany? Give Cyprus to Turkey? 
Should we have regarded the Soviet conquest of eastern europe as immurable? Japan's conquest of china and korea?

Different circumstances - aren't ALL circumstances different? How is that an argument, 'different circumstances'?

Well, Israel came into pre-existence as the consequence of UN fiat.  One of the principles of the UN is that aggressors should not profit from their aggression.  Aggressors should not be allowed to engage in "ethnic cleansing".  Israel was guilty of both of those acts and it was allowed to profit from them.   The Palestinians are merely attempting to prevent that from occurring.  The Zionists believe that Israel should be returned to its biblical size as "Eretz Israel" - greater Israel.   You appear to believe that the Palestinians, despite being in occupation of Palestine for over a millennia should have their property rights ignored.  How noble of you, Agatha.  Tsk, tsk.   ::)

Now, as I have said before, Israel has a right to exist as defined by the borders established in 1948.  It has decided to expand itself to it's present size through conquest.    ::)

So it is an agressor bought into being by a fiat - but has the right to exist.
You are trying to be as contradictory as possible.

Usurpers are usurpers, even if they are usurping for 1400 years.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 17th, 2020 at 12:49pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 16th, 2020 at 9:25pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 16th, 2020 at 9:18pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 16th, 2020 at 8:26pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 1:20pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:48pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:43pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 12th, 2020 at 2:16pm:
And what lesson is that exactly FD?

wait 1400 years, let them thrive culturally and contribute to a scientific golden age, - and then load them on planes and send them off next door to build nuclear weapons?

If so - why not let them have their ancestral lands back and continue to contribute and thrive?
What have the 'Palestinians' ever done for humanity, for Muslim learning, for anything? Why don't the vast arab lands absorb the 'Palestinians' and let the Jews, on land the THIRD of the size of Tasmania, strive and contribute to humanity??

They lost, or rather the majority of Jews lost all claims to ownership of their "ancestral lands" when they left them in 63 BCE.   They were ejected by the Romans.   When the remainder converted to Islam they became Islamic lands.

And how/why is that irreversible?

Well, considering it occurred just three years after the end of the second world war, you would think that the victims of that war would think twice about enacting policies similar to what the Nazis did.  The Jews went around to all the Palestinian houses and demanded that the Palestineans leave.  This meant 3/4 of a million Palestinians fled Palestine.  They carried out the same policies, plus others just as bad and more and more Palestinians heeded them.  They depopulated over 400 Palestinian villages.  They massacred the inhabitants of several them.  Hardly a "de-populated land" which is what the Zionists claimed.   The Zionists are hardly innocent.

Is the Kingdom of Spain illegitimate because half of it was re-conquered from the Muslims?
Is Greece illegitimate because it shook off the Ottoman domination in the early 1800s?

Different circumstances.  In neither Spain or Greece were the majority of the population Muslim.  The majority of the population in Palestine was originally Muslim.  So, you have a majority Christian population ruled by Muslims versus a majority Muslim population ruled by Jews.   See the difference? ::) ::)

Not quite. Judea and Samaria were conquered by the Jews. Then the Romans conquered them. Then the Arabs conquered them. Then the Jews conquered them.

Why is the muslim conquest of the area any more valid than the jewish RE-conquest of it?  In any case, there are more jews there now than arabs.
All sorts of ethic  Germans were booted out from various parts of Europe at the same time. Do they have the right to return? Give east prussia back to germany? Give Cyprus to Turkey? 
Should we have regarded the Soviet conquest of eastern europe as immurable? Japan's conquest of china and korea?

Different circumstances - aren't ALL circumstances different? How is that an argument, 'different circumstances'?

Well, Israel came into pre-existence as the consequence of UN fiat.  One of the principles of the UN is that aggressors should not profit from their aggression.  Aggressors should not be allowed to engage in "ethnic cleansing".  Israel was guilty of both of those acts and it was allowed to profit from them.   The Palestinians are merely attempting to prevent that from occurring.  The Zionists believe that Israel should be returned to its biblical size as "Eretz Israel" - greater Israel.   You appear to believe that the Palestinians, despite being in occupation of Palestine for over a millennia should have their property rights ignored.  How noble of you, Agatha.  Tsk, tsk.   ::)

Now, as I have said before, Israel has a right to exist as defined by the borders established in 1948.  It has decided to expand itself to it's present size through conquest.    ::)

So it is an agressor bought into being by a fiat - but has the right to exist.
You are trying to be as contradictory as possible.

Usurpers are usurpers, even if they are usurping for 1400 years.

Why are not the Zionists considered usurpers in your view?  I find it interesting that according to you, the Palestinians who have lived in Palestine for over a thousand years (not 1400) and legally had title to the land are to be considered "usurpers" and the Zionists are free of guilt in this regard.  Talk about favouritism.  The Jews left Palestine (well the majority of them did) 2000 years ago.   Surely they have lost their right to the land as a consequence?

I take it that you are quite prepared to give up your house and your land to Indigenous Australians who's right to them predates the arrival of European settlers by 70,000 years?   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 17th, 2020 at 6:00pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 17th, 2020 at 12:49pm:
  The Jews left Palestine (well the majority of them did) 2000 years ago.   Surely they have lost their right to the land as a consequence?

I take it that you are quite prepared to give up your house and your land to Indigenous Australians who's right to them predates the arrival of European settlers by 70,000 years?   ::) ::)

That 'surely' indicated that you don't really have an argument.

Your second attempt at analogy doesn't work. There were no Europeans here before the Aborigines so that's a completely different situation.

If the Jews are not at home in Jewdea - where ARE they at home?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 17th, 2020 at 6:35pm
They are "at home" anywhere where Muslims do not get psychotic at their presence, thus forcing Brian into a fit of apologetics.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 17th, 2020 at 8:27pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 16th, 2020 at 9:18pm:

Well, Israel came into pre-existence as the consequence of UN fiat.

One of the principles of the UN is that aggressors should not profit from their aggression.

Aggressors should not be allowed to engage in "ethnic cleansing".

Israel was guilty of both of those acts and it was allowed to profit from them.

The Palestinians are merely attempting to prevent that from occurring.

The Zionists believe that Israel should be returned to its biblical size as "Eretz Israel" - greater Israel.

You appear to believe that the Palestinians, despite being in occupation of Palestine for over a millennia should have their property rights ignored.

How noble of you, Agatha.

Now, as I have said before, Israel has a right to exist as defined by the borders established in 1948.

It has decided to expand itself to it's present size through conquest.

No !

You are engaging in historic revisionism [i.e. rewriting of history].

In 1948 after the Jews declared the new nation of Israel,       ....neighbouring Arab countries broadcast messages, ordering/advising Arabs [moslems] living within the newly declared nation of Israel, to temporarily flee for safety to neighbouring Arab states, because conflict was coming.

The neighbouring Arab countries declared their intentions, and said that they were going to push the Jews into the Mediterranean sea.

Many of the Arabs [moslems] within the newly declared nation of Israel did flee, as they were ordered/advised to do, in order to save themselves from the Arab attack/war upon Israel.
[...and they became, the 'Palestinian refugees', WHO FLED ISRAELI LANDS IN 1948, at the urging of their brother Arabs.]

Shortly thereafter,  six Arab armies attacked Israel.

But the Arab forces were routed, by the meager forces of the nascent Israeli nation.

Boo hoo!!!!!

Boo hoo!!!!!

Boo hoo!!!!!



Who, is the aggressor ???

islam and jews

Quote: laws does not prohibit a state which was attacked [e.g. the state of Israel, 1948], from occupying and annexing the lands of an aggressor, so as to prevent further attacks.

"...the effect of such (a) prohibition would be to guarantee to all potential aggressors that, even if their aggression failed, all territory lost in the attempt would be automatically returned to them. Such a rule would be absurd to the point of lunacy."

"ISRAEL AND INTERNATIONAL LAW....Israel’s presence in all these areas pending negotiation of new borders is entirely lawful, since Israel entered them lawfully in self-defence. International law forbids acquisition by unlawful force, but not where, as in the case of Israel’s self-defence in 1967, the entry on the territory was lawful. It does not so forbid it,....for the effect of such prohibition would be to guarantee to all potential aggressors that, even if their aggression failed, all territory lost in the attempt would be automatically returned to them. Such a rule would be absurd to the point of lunacy. There is no such rule..."

WWW search.....
Israel and international law by Melanie Phillips

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 17th, 2020 at 8:56pm

Post-ipso-facto justification, Yadda.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 17th, 2020 at 9:02pm

Did you all notice what brian does,        .....when he's lost an argument ?

Its a 'tell'.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 17th, 2020 at 10:04pm

Yadda wrote on Oct 17th, 2020 at 9:02pm:

Did you all notice what brian does,        .....when he's lost an argument ?

Its a 'tell'.

You noticed that too eh?

He does little else these days.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 17th, 2020 at 10:42pm

Yadda wrote on Oct 17th, 2020 at 9:02pm:

Did you all notice what brian does,        .....when he's lost an argument ?

Its a 'tell'.

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  I see little point in arguing against a closed mind, Yadda and your mind is decidedly closed.    ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 19th, 2020 at 11:25am

freediver wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:31pm:
Thanks Gandalf. This is a good example. One is a quote of what I actually said. One isn't. See if you can pick which is which.

I said they were less successful.

You seem to be confused yourself as to what your views are.

Let me clarify for you. Here is you blatantly implying that muslims are as morally bad as nazis:

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

The rest of your post consists of you not denying it.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 19th, 2020 at 11:38am

freediver wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:31pm:
The Jews must have gotten sidetracked with the ethnic cleansing and accidentally created an inclusive liberal democracy, in the middle of several wars waged by Muslims on them.

Brainless memes don't make the facts any less what they are - facts.

Complete expulsion of Palestinians was always the plan of the early zionists. Just read any of the many quotes by Ben-Gurion on the subject.

However it was assumed that the Palestinians would be happily accepted by their arab neighbours, the Palestinians not too unhappy, and the whole show would be rather smooth and painless.

1948 proved that mass expulsion was rather problematic since the arab neighbours weren't the willing hosts the zionists assumed they would be.

So the Israelis had to adjust their plans.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Oct 19th, 2020 at 1:02pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2020 at 11:38am:

freediver wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:31pm:
The Jews must have gotten sidetracked with the ethnic cleansing and accidentally created an inclusive liberal democracy, in the middle of several wars waged by Muslims on them.

Brainless memes don't make the facts any less what they are - facts.

Complete expulsion of Palestinians was always the plan of the early zionists. Just read any of the many quotes by Ben-Gurion on the subject.

However it was assumed that the Palestinians would be happily accepted by their arab neighbours, the Palestinians not too unhappy, and the whole show would be rather smooth and painless.

1948 proved that mass expulsion was rather problematic since the arab neighbours weren't the willing hosts the zionists assumed they would be.

So the Israelis had to adjust their plans.

Bassam Hamzy’s brother Medjid Hamzy gunned down

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 19th, 2020 at 1:54pm

Frank wrote on Oct 19th, 2020 at 1:02pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2020 at 11:38am:

freediver wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:31pm:

The Jews must have gotten sidetracked with the ethnic cleansing and accidentally created an inclusive liberal democracy, in the middle of several wars waged by Muslims on them.

Brainless memes don't make the facts any less what they are - facts.

Complete expulsion of Palestinians was always the plan of the early zionists. Just read any of the many quotes by Ben-Gurion on the subject.

However it was assumed that the Palestinians would be happily accepted by their arab neighbours, the Palestinians not too unhappy, and the whole show would be rather smooth and painless.

1948 proved that mass expulsion was rather problematic since the arab neighbours weren't the willing hosts the zionists assumed they would be.

So the Israelis had to adjust their plans.

Bassam Hamzy’s brother Medjid Hamzy gunned down

Wherever in the world moslems have local influence and are [allowed] local political power, local ISLAMIC 'culture' invariably becomes 'the author' of local human poverty, local injustice, local corruption and conflict, IN THAT LOCALE.
[e.g. beheading of school teacher in France, a few days ago by a follower of ISLAM with a religious 'grievance' ]


Yadda said....


ISLAM is a corrupt and a corrupting criminal philosophy [by our laws].

ISLAM creates 'moslems'.

moslems = = human sewage

ISLAMIC 'culture' produces only [political] corruption, [political] oppression, injustice, human poverty, and, dead bodies.

The truth is that ISLAM is an evil philosophy, which, imo, 'creates' a mental pathology [a 'sickness'] in the psyche of those human beings who choose to embrace it.

And ISLAM is spread by moslems.


And yet, when asked, almost all moslems seem to reject,     ....the reasoned proposition, that the influence of ISLAM and ISLAMIC laws and values, must be, the primary source of poverty, injustice, corruption and conflict,
within ISLAMIC jurisdictions.


Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 19th, 2020 at 6:30pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 19th, 2020 at 11:25am:

freediver wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:31pm:
Thanks Gandalf. This is a good example. One is a quote of what I actually said. One isn't. See if you can pick which is which.

I said they were less successful.

You seem to be confused yourself as to what your views are.

Let me clarify for you. Here is you blatantly implying that muslims are as morally bad as nazis:

More Jews fled to Israel from Muslim countries than from the Nazis. The only real difference was that the Muslims were less successful with their final solution, though not for want of trying.

The rest of your post consists of you not denying it.

Blatantly implying eh? Now there's a phrase you don't hear everyday. Did you here your Imam using it?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 20th, 2020 at 9:22am
and another post of FD not denying he is morally equating muslims with nazis. He instead is once again reduced to incoherent personal attacks.

"blatantly implying", by the way, is not an oxymoron. It is perhaps in this instance though, far too generous - forget implying, you really are morally equating muslims with nazis.

But besides being a troll, what exactly is the point you are trying to make FD? It doesn't seem to be that you disagree with my assessment.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:22pm

freediver wrote on Oct 17th, 2020 at 6:35pm:
They are "at home" anywhere where Muslims do not get psychotic at their presence, thus forcing Brian into a fit of apologetics.

So not in Paris, Sydney, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Malmo, then either.

Because the Jews are not at home anywhere with increasing Muslim populations.

They all want to kill their Jews to get the reward from Allah. More Muslims - less social peace. Anywhere, everywhere.
Muslim majority countries are the most fractious and fraught. That, and sand and dates, are their main exports.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:24pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:22pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 17th, 2020 at 6:35pm:
They are "at home" anywhere where Muslims do not get psychotic at their presence, thus forcing Brian into a fit of apologetics.

So not in Paris, Sydney, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Malmo, then either.

Because the Jews are not at home anywhere with increasing Muslim populations.

They all want to kill their Jews to get the reward from Allah. More Muslims - less social peace. Anywhere, everywhere.
Muslim majority countries are the most fractious and fraught. That, and sand and dates, are their main exports.

Is this all Muslims, Agatha?  Really?  Gee, I wonder how all those Jews and Muslims in Melbourne or Sydney live happily, cheek by jowl?   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:26pm
muslims and nazi's?

muslims believe in absolute muslim supremacy over the non believers.

Jihad is sanctioned and urged against the non muslims.

Dhimmis' are the second class citizens of islamic countries, they are not allowed to employ muslims, they must pay higher taxes, they are not to have houses that outmatch muslims houses, they must step aside for a muslim to pass them, they can not hold any positions of importance and leadership over muslims, their word is worth less than the muslims etc. etc..

Nazis and muslims are a replica of each other.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:32pm

In a word, bullshit, Moses.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:45pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:24pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:22pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 17th, 2020 at 6:35pm:
They are "at home" anywhere where Muslims do not get psychotic at their presence, thus forcing Brian into a fit of apologetics.

So not in Paris, Sydney, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Malmo, then either.

Because the Jews are not at home anywhere with increasing Muslim populations.

They all want to kill their Jews to get the reward from Allah. More Muslims - less social peace. Anywhere, everywhere.
Muslim majority countries are the most fractious and fraught. That, and sand and dates, are their main exports.

Is this all Muslims, Agatha?  Really?  Gee, I wonder how all those Jews and Muslims in Melbourne or Sydney live happily, cheek by jowl?   ::) ::)

Yes, potentially all Muslims. The French teacher was beheaded by the 18 year old fake refugee, with the help of a 13 year old girl and an elderly imam. Beheaders are not alone - they are deeply rooted in their Muslim communities. For every killer there would be dozens if not hundreds of Muslims who keep schtum.

The man who beheaded a teacher in a street in France waited outside the school and asked pupils to identify his target, anti-terrorism officials say.

The man then posted images on social media of dead victim Samuel Paty, 47, who had shown controversial cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad to his students.

The attacker later fired at police with an airgun before being shot dead.

The number arrested rose to 10 on Saturday, with police investigating possible links to Islamic extremism.

They are NOT 'lone wolf' unusuals.

Not sure how Dover Heights and Auburn are cheek by jowl.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:49pm
If putting Muslims under surveillance and watching them for terrorist tendencies is islamophobic, and if Muslim communities themselves do nit bring islamic terrorists under control themselves  - what IS to be done?

Muslims are not doing it, non-Muslims doing it is islamophobic - what option is left?  (Submission to Islamic demands not being an option, I assume. Am I naive, Brian?)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:59pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:49pm:
If putting Muslims under surveillance and watching them for terrorist tendencies is islamophobic, and if Muslim communities themselves do nit bring islamic terrorists under control themselves  - what IS to be done?

Muslims are not doing it, non-Muslims doing it is islamophobic - what option is left?  (Submission to Islamic demands not being an option, I assume. Am I naive, Brian?)

Naive.  All of the Australian Islamist Terrorist plots that were revealed were revealed because Muslims revealed them to ASIO or Special Branch or simply the Police.  Not all Muslims support Terrorism.    ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:01pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:45pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:24pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:22pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 17th, 2020 at 6:35pm:
They are "at home" anywhere where Muslims do not get psychotic at their presence, thus forcing Brian into a fit of apologetics.

So not in Paris, Sydney, London, Berlin, Stockholm, Malmo, then either.

Because the Jews are not at home anywhere with increasing Muslim populations.

They all want to kill their Jews to get the reward from Allah. More Muslims - less social peace. Anywhere, everywhere.
Muslim majority countries are the most fractious and fraught. That, and sand and dates, are their main exports.

Is this all Muslims, Agatha?  Really?  Gee, I wonder how all those Jews and Muslims in Melbourne or Sydney live happily, cheek by jowl?   ::) ::)

Yes, potentially all Muslims. The French teacher was beheaded by the 18 year old fake refugee, with the help of a 13 year old girl and an elderly imam. Beheaders are not alone - they are deeply rooted in their Muslim communities. For every killer there would be dozens if not hundreds of Muslims who keep schtum.

Really?  Appears the reverse is true, Agatha.  Downunder it appears that very few Muslims support the Terrorists/Jihadis.    ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:13pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:59pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:49pm:
If putting Muslims under surveillance and watching them for terrorist tendencies is islamophobic, and if Muslim communities themselves do nit bring islamic terrorists under control themselves  - what IS to be done?

Muslims are not doing it, non-Muslims doing it is islamophobic - what option is left?  (Submission to Islamic demands not being an option, I assume. Am I naive, Brian?)

Naive.  All of the Australian Islamist Terrorist plots that were revealed were revealed because Muslims revealed them to ASIO or Special Branch or simply the Police.  Not all Muslims support Terrorism.    ::) ::)

How do you know this?

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 9:22am:
and another post of FD not denying he is morally equating muslims with nazis. He instead is once again reduced to incoherent personal attacks.

"blatantly implying", by the way, is not an oxymoron. It is perhaps in this instance though, far too generous - forget implying, you really are morally equating muslims with nazis.

No I'm not.

This is just your typical hysterical Muslim over-reaction to rational argument in an attempt to emotionally manipulate their critics and their audience.

When you say things like "tough titties, off with their heads" are you implying that those horrible Jews deserved to die?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:20pm

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2020 at 7:20pm

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:13pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:59pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:49pm:
If putting Muslims under surveillance and watching them for terrorist tendencies is islamophobic, and if Muslim communities themselves do nit bring islamic terrorists under control themselves  - what IS to be done?

Muslims are not doing it, non-Muslims doing it is islamophobic - what option is left?  (Submission to Islamic demands not being an option, I assume. Am I naive, Brian?)

Naive.  All of the Australian Islamist Terrorist plots that were revealed were revealed because Muslims revealed them to ASIO or Special Branch or simply the Police.  Not all Muslims support Terrorism.    ::) ::)

How do you know this?

Trust me.  I know, FD.  Now unless you have a really serious matter worth discussing, just run back under your bridge.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 20th, 2020 at 7:21pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 7:20pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:13pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:59pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:49pm:
If putting Muslims under surveillance and watching them for terrorist tendencies is islamophobic, and if Muslim communities themselves do nit bring islamic terrorists under control themselves  - what IS to be done?

Muslims are not doing it, non-Muslims doing it is islamophobic - what option is left?  (Submission to Islamic demands not being an option, I assume. Am I naive, Brian?)

Naive.  All of the Australian Islamist Terrorist plots that were revealed were revealed because Muslims revealed them to ASIO or Special Branch or simply the Police.  Not all Muslims support Terrorism.    ::) ::)

How do you know this?

Trust me.  I know, FD.  Now unless you have a really serious matter worth discussing, just run back under your bridge.   ::) ::)

Do you have any evidence, or is this like the time you absorbed the opinions of Malaysian Muslims through osmosis?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 20th, 2020 at 8:46pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:59pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:49pm:
If putting Muslims under surveillance and watching them for terrorist tendencies is islamophobic, and if Muslim communities themselves do nit bring islamic terrorists under control themselves  - what IS to be done?

Muslims are not doing it, non-Muslims doing it is islamophobic - what option is left?  (Submission to Islamic demands not being an option, I assume. Am I naive, Brian?)

Naive.  All of the Australian Islamist Terrorist plots that were revealed were revealed because Muslims revealed them to ASIO or Special Branch or simply the Police.  Not all Muslims support Terrorism.    ::) ::)

That is simply not true.  There would be no need for middle eastern - muslim - crime squads if you were right.

That not all muslims support terrorism does NOT mean that most of them dont. I'd say most of them do support it tacitly - it wouldn't  be an ongoing problem otherwise - with a few evidently ineffectual ones opposing it.

If Muslims wanted to end Muslim terrorism, they would. They could end the publications of cartoons by non-muslims. How much greater is their influence among their own Muslim communities?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Agatha on Oct 20th, 2020 at 9:05pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 7:20pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:13pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:59pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:49pm:
If putting Muslims under surveillance and watching them for terrorist tendencies is islamophobic, and if Muslim communities themselves do nit bring islamic terrorists under control themselves  - what IS to be done?

Muslims are not doing it, non-Muslims doing it is islamophobic - what option is left?  (Submission to Islamic demands not being an option, I assume. Am I naive, Brian?)

Naive.  All of the Australian Islamist Terrorist plots that were revealed were revealed because Muslims revealed them to ASIO or Special Branch or simply the Police.  Not all Muslims support Terrorism.    ::) ::)

How do you know this?

Trust me.  I know, FD.  Now unless you have a really serious matter worth discussing, just run back under your bridge.   ::) ::)

'Trust me or run under a bridge'??

Is that your intellectually considered, mature position??? 'Trust me or go away'?? Is that where the discussion ends with you?

There must be some impairment here. You can't  be the full quid.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 20th, 2020 at 10:02pm

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 9:05pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 7:20pm:

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:13pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:59pm:

Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 5:49pm:
If putting Muslims under surveillance and watching them for terrorist tendencies is islamophobic, and if Muslim communities themselves do nit bring islamic terrorists under control themselves  - what IS to be done?

Muslims are not doing it, non-Muslims doing it is islamophobic - what option is left?  (Submission to Islamic demands not being an option, I assume. Am I naive, Brian?)

Naive.  All of the Australian Islamist Terrorist plots that were revealed were revealed because Muslims revealed them to ASIO or Special Branch or simply the Police.  Not all Muslims support Terrorism.    ::) ::)

How do you know this?

Trust me.  I know, FD.  Now unless you have a really serious matter worth discussing, just run back under your bridge.   ::) ::)

'Trust me or run under a bridge'??

Is that your intellectually considered, mature position??? 'Trust me or go away'?? Is that where the discussion ends with you?

There must be some impairment here. You can't  be the full quid.

This is good by Brian's standards. He hasn't strayed this far from gibberish in years.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Oct 21st, 2020 at 10:17am

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:13pm:
No I'm not.

This is just your typical hysterical Muslim over-reaction to rational argument in an attempt to emotionally manipulate their critics and their audience.

FD when you point out that more jews fled muslims than fled the nazis, then describe as the "only difference" between them was in their ability to implement their "final solution" - how is that not morally equating muslims with nazis, or as worse?

Would you like to state for the record that you don't believe muslims are as morally bad as nazis? Thought not.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 21st, 2020 at 3:50pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 10:17am:

freediver wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 6:13pm:
No I'm not.

This is just your typical hysterical Muslim over-reaction to rational argument in an attempt to emotionally manipulate their critics and their audience.

FD when you point out that more jews fled muslims than fled the nazis, then describe as the "only difference" between them was in their ability to implement their "final solution" - how is that not morally equating muslims with nazis, or as worse?

Would you like to state for the record that you don't believe muslims are as morally bad as nazis? Thought not.

There are many ways to compare Muslims and Nazis on moral grounds. Jew slaughtering is just one of them. I did not claim that that was the only difference between Nazis and Muslims, just that it was the main difference in their Jew slaughtering performance last century. There are obviously plenty of other differences. I even have a page on the wiki that lists many of the differences. Not sure by which logic you leap from pointing out the differences to saying they are the same.

Another example - I have never heard a Nazi say anything like "tough titties, off with their heads" to justify Jew slaughtering.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 21st, 2020 at 4:48pm
muslims = nazi's.

muslims believe in absolute muslim supremacy over the non believers.

Jihad is sanctioned and urged against the non muslims.

Dhimmis' are the non muslim second class citizens of islamic countries, they are not allowed to employ muslims, they must pay higher taxes, they are not to have houses that outmatch muslims houses, they must step aside for a muslim to pass them on the street, they can not hold any positions of importance and leadership over muslims, their word is worth less than the muslims etc. etc..

Dhimmitude is the absolute subjugation of non muslim people in all walks of life in muslim countries.

Nazis and muslims are synonymous with each other.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 21st, 2020 at 7:15pm
Christians were nazi's.

Christians believe in absolute Christians supremacy over the non believers.

Holy War is sanctioned and urged against the non Christians.

Infidels are the non Christian second class citizens of Christian countries, they are not allowed to employ Christians, they must pay higher taxes, they are not to have houses that outmatch Christians' houses, they must step aside for a Christian to pass them on the street, they can not hold any positions of importance and leadership over Christians, their word is worth less than the Christian etc. etc..

Infidelhood is the absolute subjugation of non Christian people in all walks of life in Christian countries.

Nazis and Christians are synonymous with each other. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Oct 21st, 2020 at 9:22pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 7:15pm:
Christians were nazi's.

Christians believe in absolute Christians supremacy over the non believers.

Holy War is sanctioned and urged against the non Christians.

Infidels are the non Christian second class citizens of Christian countries, they are not allowed to employ Christians, they must pay higher taxes, they are not to have houses that outmatch Christians' houses, they must step aside for a Christian to pass them on the street, they can not hold any positions of importance and leadership over Christians, their word is worth less than the Christian etc. etc..

Infidelhood is the absolute subjugation of non Christian people in all walks of life in Christian countries.

Nazis and Christians are synonymous with each other. ::) ::)

You are an idiot. Inarticulate,  bewildered, incoherent, unable to think. 

Yawn,  Bbwian, that's  all you have. Yawn and roll those rheumatic, unfocused eyes.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 21st, 2020 at 10:30pm

Frank wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 9:22pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 7:15pm:
Christians were nazi's.

Christians believe in absolute Christians supremacy over the non believers.

Holy War is sanctioned and urged against the non Christians.

Infidels are the non Christian second class citizens of Christian countries, they are not allowed to employ Christians, they must pay higher taxes, they are not to have houses that outmatch Christians' houses, they must step aside for a Christian to pass them on the street, they can not hold any positions of importance and leadership over Christians, their word is worth less than the Christian etc. etc..

Infidelhood is the absolute subjugation of non Christian people in all walks of life in Christian countries.

Nazis and Christians are synonymous with each other. ::) ::)

You are an idiot. Inarticulate,  bewildered, incoherent, unable to think. 

Yawn,  Bbwian, that's  all you have. Yawn and roll those rheumatic, unfocused eyes.

What's wrong, Soren?   Are you offended by my words?  Does the reality hurt you?   You do know who's they are, don't you?  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Oct 22nd, 2020 at 1:30pm

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 10:30pm:

Frank wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 9:22pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 7:15pm:
Christians were nazi's.

Christians believe in absolute Christians supremacy over the non believers.

Holy War is sanctioned and urged against the non Christians.

Infidels are the non Christian second class citizens of Christian countries, they are not allowed to employ Christians, they must pay higher taxes, they are not to have houses that outmatch Christians' houses, they must step aside for a Christian to pass them on the street, they can not hold any positions of importance and leadership over Christians, their word is worth less than the Christian etc. etc..

Infidelhood is the absolute subjugation of non Christian people in all walks of life in Christian countries.

Nazis and Christians are synonymous with each other. ::) ::)

You are an idiot. Inarticulate,  bewildered, incoherent, unable to think. 

Yawn,  Bbwian, that's  all you have. Yawn and roll those rheumatic, unfocused eyes.

What's wrong, Soren?   Are you offended by my words?  Does the reality hurt you?   You do know who's they are, don't you?  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)::) ::)

I didn't say I was offended or hurt. I said you are an idiot. Inarticulate,  bewildered, incoherent, unable to think.  And I said that because you simply change a few words in others' posts and you think you have triumphed. You have the mental and emotional range of a 6 year old who cannot think of anything better than 'I know you are - but what am I". Pathetic for an old duffer like you.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 22nd, 2020 at 2:53pm

Frank wrote on Oct 22nd, 2020 at 1:30pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 10:30pm:

Frank wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 9:22pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 7:15pm:
Christians were nazi's.

Christians believe in absolute Christians supremacy over the non believers.

Holy War is sanctioned and urged against the non Christians.

Infidels are the non Christian second class citizens of Christian countries, they are not allowed to employ Christians, they must pay higher taxes, they are not to have houses that outmatch Christians' houses, they must step aside for a Christian to pass them on the street, they can not hold any positions of importance and leadership over Christians, their word is worth less than the Christian etc. etc..

Infidelhood is the absolute subjugation of non Christian people in all walks of life in Christian countries.

Nazis and Christians are synonymous with each other. ::) ::)

You are an idiot. Inarticulate,  bewildered, incoherent, unable to think. 

Yawn,  Bbwian, that's  all you have. Yawn and roll those rheumatic, unfocused eyes.

What's wrong, Soren?   Are you offended by my words?  Does the reality hurt you?   You do know who's they are, don't you?  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)::) ::)

I didn't say I was offended or hurt. I said you are an idiot. Inarticulate,  bewildered, incoherent, unable to think.  And I said that because you simply change a few words in others' posts and you think you have triumphed. You have the mental and emotional range of a 6 year old who cannot think of anything better than 'I know you are - but what am I". Pathetic for an old duffer like you.

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Soren, we shall I suspect, never see eye to eye.  You are too far gone in your intolerance of other people and their practices.  Your thinking is that of a six year old.  When you can't get your way you resort to argument ad hominem, call your opponent every name under the sun, rather than actually addressing what they are saying.  I admit I am not perfect but I act far more adult than you do.  I rarely insult in crude terms my opponent.  I rarely bother resorting to argument ad hominem.  Time for you admit that it is you who acts like a pre-adolescent child.  I'm sure you feel better for letting fly with your vehement inarticulate nonsense but really?  Does it fulfil any other function than satisfy your narcissism?    Time to grow up and actually think of an articulate, sensible argument...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 22nd, 2020 at 3:22pm
islam was spawned in bloodshed and violence.

muhammad decided to push his moon god allah as the monotheistic god of the world.

This reinvented moon god allah became a god of hate rape torture and bloodshed.

The qur'an focused on these inhumanities as being the sanctified religious duties of muslims, in the quest to install the islamic caliphate on a global basis.

Kill taught 35213 in *holy books* of islam
Fight/ Kill/ Murder:       

In the English language, Fight can mean to : Combat, Struggle, Resist, Strife, War, do battle.

In the Arabic language, one word QATL with its DERIVATIVES can mean all of the following:

Fight: Qital, Kifah, 'Airak, Harb, etc

Kill: Qatl, Thabh, Jazr

Murder: Qatl

Slaughter: Thabh, Jazr

Slay: Qatl


Invariably, the interpreters of the Quran use the more 'sanitised' terms to convey a more moderate connotation. This word Qital, Qatl, Qatala, Yaqtulu, Youqatilou,  is usually used against all those who do not believe in Muhammad and his Quran.

KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC. are taught 35,213 times in the holy books.

then this site tells us
164 Jihad Verses in the Koran

The Koran’s 164 Jihad Verses: K 002:178-179, 190-191, 193-194, 216-218, 244; 003:121-126, 140-143, 146, 152-158, 165-167,169, 172-173, 195; 004:071-072, 074-077, 084, 089-091, 094-095,100-104; 005:033, 035, 082; 008:001, 005, 007, 009-010, 012, 015-017, 039-048,057-060, 065-075; 009:005, 012-014, 016, 019-020, 024-026, 029,036, 038-039, 041, 044, 052, 073, 081, 083,086, 088, 092, 111, 120, 122-123; 016:110; 022:039, 058, 078; 024:053, 055; 025:052; 029:006, 069; 033:015, 018, 020, 023, 025-027, 050; 042:039; 047:004, 020, 035; 048:015-024; 049:015; 059:002, 005-008, 014; 060:009; 061:004, 011, 013; 063:004; 064:014; 066:009; 073:020; 076:008

164 verses of jihad in the quran plus the words [b]KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC. are taught 35,213 times in the holy books.

How many time is the word love used in the qur'an?

this site tells us

The word love, hubb in its various grammatical forms, is used 69 times in the Qur'an. The writer has divided these into five categories:

(1) Man's Love of Things (15 times)
(2) Human Love (15 Times)
(3) Man's Love for God (7 times)
(4) Negative - God Does Not Love The ... (22 times)
(5) God's love for Man (20 times)

A mere 79 times love is mentioned and 22 times this teaches that allah does not love certain people.

So we have over 35,000 times the muslims are told to slaughter etc., 164 verses of jihad and 79 verses where the word love is used, 22 times it is actually used to tell muslims allah does not love something.

The world wide problem we face right now is the depravity in the qur'an.

In the last 1400 odd years, millions upon millions of innocent people have deliberately been subjected to the most degenerate forms of human rights atrocities, by muslims who are told to commit them by the filth in the qur'an.

The problem is that islam is a death cult, muslims are performing the foulest of deeds imaginable, because their qur'an tells them to do it.

islam is not about compassion love and peace, the teachings of islam use the words KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC., about 700 times more than the word love is used.

The answer to our problems is not with guns bombs and bullets, we must tell the truth about the putridly evil teachings of muhammad, islam is the problem, truth is the peaceful solution (with the added benefit that islam will also be destroyed by truth).

Amount of Text Devoted to the Kafir

The Koran says that the Kafir may be deceived, plotted against, hated, enslaved, mocked, tortured and worse
. The word is usually translated as “unbeliever” but this translation is wrong. The word “unbeliever” is logically and emotionally neutral, whereas, Kafir is the most abusive, prejudiced and hateful word in any language.

Islam devotes a great amount of energy to the Kafir. The majority (64%) of the Koran is devoted to the Kafir, and nearly all of the Sira (81%) deals with Mohammed’s struggle with them. The Hadith (Traditions) devotes 32% of the text to Kafirs1. Overall, the Trilogy devotes 60% of its content to the Kafir.

Hadith 37%
Sira 81%
Koran 64%
Total 60%

[b]Hatred for the sake of Allah and love for the sake of Allah is called Al Walaa wa al Baraa
, a fundamental principle of Islamic ethics and Sharia. A Muslim is to hate what Allah hates and love what Allah loves. Allah hates the Kafir, therefore, a Muslim is to act accordingly

islam is a death cult based on hatred of non muslims and muslim supremacy.

Nazism is the mirror image of islam.

muslims have been practicing Nazism for 1400 odd years.

Hitler only came into power in the 1930s islam in the 600s, Hitler actually followed the example set by muslims over a thousand years before he was spawned.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 22nd, 2020 at 4:26pm
Christianity was spawned in bloodshed and violence.

Jesus decided to push his moon god Yahweh as the monotheistic god of the world.

This reinvented moon god Yahweh became a god of hate rape torture and bloodshed.

The Bible focused on these inhumanities as being the sanctified religious duties of Christians, in the quest to install the Christianityic caliphate on a global basis.

The world wide problem we face right now is the depravity in the Bible.

In the last 2020 odd years, millions upon millions of innocent people have deliberately been subjected to the most degenerate forms of human rights atrocities, by Christians who are told to commit them by the filth in the Bible.

The problem is that Christianity is a death cult, Christians are performing the foulest of deeds imaginable, because [b]their Bible tells them to do it.

Christianity is not about compassion love and peace, the teachings of Christianity use the words KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC., about 700 times more than the word love is used.

The answer to our problems is not with guns bombs and bullets, we must tell the truth about the putridly evil teachings of Jesus, Christianity is the problem, truth is the peaceful solution (with the added benefit that Christianity will also be destroyed by truth).

Amount of Text Devoted to the infidel

The Bible says that the infidel may be deceived, plotted against, hated, enslaved, mocked, tortured and worse. The word is usually translated as “unbeliever” but this translation is wrong. The word “unbeliever” is logically and emotionally neutral, whereas, infidel is the most abusive, prejudiced and hateful word in any language.

Christianity devotes a great amount of energy to the infidel. The majority (64%) of the Bible is devoted to the infidel, and nearly all of the testaments (81%) deals with Jesus’s struggle with them. The Hadith (Traditions) devotes 32% of the text to infidels1. Overall, the Trilogy devotes 60% of its content to the infidel.

Hatred for the sake of Yahweh and love for the sake of Yahweh is wonderful, a fundamental principle of Christianity ethics and the Bible. A Christian is to hate what Yahweh hates and love what Yahweh loves. Yahweh hates the infidel, therefore, a Christian is to act accordingly

Christianity is a death cult based on hatred of non Christians and Christian supremacy.

Naziism is the mirror image of Christianity.

Christians have been practicing Naziism for 2020 odd years.

Hitler only came into power in the 1930s Christianity in the 0s, Hitler actually followed the example set by Christians over a thousand years before he was spawned.

::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Oct 22nd, 2020 at 7:37pm

@ Reply #137,


Your post and its content, is a representation of your own intellect.

It is a reflection of your own intellect.

And you are exposing your own reputation [in this forum] to the judgment, of anyone who comes to this forum, and reads YOUR post.

It is yours.

You 'own' that post.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 22nd, 2020 at 9:10pm

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk.  Do I look worried, Yadda?  Really?   ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 23rd, 2020 at 3:12pm
So I take it the claim, islam and Nazism are synonymous, stands as an irrefutable fact?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 23rd, 2020 at 5:10pm

moses wrote on Oct 23rd, 2020 at 3:12pm:
So I take it the claim, islam and Nazism are synonymous, stands as an irrefutable fact?

They are completely different belief systems.  Naziism (please note the correct spelling) is basically humanistic if not stemming in part from belief in the "occult" which is complete anathema to Islam.  Stop telling lies, Moses.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Oct 23rd, 2020 at 7:29pm

moses wrote on Oct 23rd, 2020 at 3:12pm:
So I take it the claim, islam and Nazism are synonymous, stands as an irrefutable fact?

I don't see Gandalf disagreeing with you.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Oct 24th, 2020 at 3:16pm

What were the ideals of Nazism?

NSDAP or National Socialist German Workers’ Party was organized by Drexler. Later on, Hitler joined it and both Drexler and Hitler changed its name to Nazi Party.

In the beginning the Nazi ideals remained vague. But in course of time the ideals became clear.

The following may be stated to be the ideals of Nazis:

(1) the individual to be subservient to the state and the state being subservient to the Party.

(2) The dream of a vast German empire and supremacy of the German nation.

(3) Hatred towards the Jews, and opposition to democracy and communism.

(4) Besides, anti-Semitism and racialism, etc. remained as the ideals of the Nazis.

O.K. what is the difference to islamic ideology?

Which is:

(1) islam demands that the individual be subservient to islam / sharia law.

(2) The dream of a global muslim caliphate, with the caliphate being subservient to islam.

(3)  muslims are commanded to hate subdue and slaughter Jews and Christians in the qur'an.

(4) muslims are anti - Semitic and practice racialism with their teachings of dhimmitude and the non believers are second class citizens.

There is absolutely no difference between the ideology of the Nazis and muslims.

Nazism and  islam are the synonymity of each other.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Oct 24th, 2020 at 3:29pm

Nothing like a closed mind.  Seems pointless replying to you Moses 'cause you've already made your mind up.  You refuse to listen to alternatives which was true...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Nov 20th, 2020 at 9:33am

freediver wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 3:50pm:
Not sure by which logic you leap from pointing out the differences to saying they are the same.

The logic of you using the specific words "the only real difference" in your historical interpretation of how the nazis treated jews compared to how the muslims treated jews. And when you said the muslims were "less successful" than the nazis in implementing their final solution - how else is this to be interpreted other than suggesting the muslims really wanted to kill (at least) as many jews as the nazis, but couldn't? Because an objective interpretation of the history is that the muslims were actually more "successful" - if the measure is getting rid of their jewish populations permanently. Its just that they did it bloodlessly, which you tellingly label as "less successful". Why is that FD?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Nov 20th, 2020 at 6:50pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 20th, 2020 at 9:33am:

freediver wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 3:50pm:
Not sure by which logic you leap from pointing out the differences to saying they are the same.

The logic of you using the specific words "the only real difference" in your historical interpretation of how the nazis treated jews compared to how the muslims treated jews. And when you said the muslims were "less successful" than the nazis in implementing their final solution - how else is this to be interpreted other than suggesting the muslims really wanted to kill (at least) as many jews as the nazis, but couldn't? Because an objective interpretation of the history is that the muslims were actually more "successful" - if the measure is getting rid of their jewish populations permanently. Its just that they did it bloodlessly, which you tellingly label as "less successful". Why is that FD?

How many Jews do you think the Muslims wanted to kill?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Nov 24th, 2020 at 2:43pm
Its your story FD. I'm not the one claiming they wanted to kill any.

Now back on topic, is there any other way of interpreting your words "the only real difference" in your historical interpretation between muslim and nazi treatment of jews - as saying they were both morally (as opposed to competently) "the same" in this respect?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Nov 24th, 2020 at 7:26pm

Its your story FD.

No, it's yours. You made this up:

And when you said the muslims were "less successful" than the nazis in implementing their final solution - how else is this to be interpreted other than suggesting the muslims really wanted to kill (at least) as many jews as the nazis, but couldn't?

How many Jews do you think the Muslims wanted to kill?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Nov 25th, 2020 at 8:09am
Good point FD, I "made up" a question. Feel free to answer it.

I'm asking how else to interpret your words. If you think its the wrong interpretation, just say so. Preferably with an explanation of why.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Nov 25th, 2020 at 8:44pm
I would interpret it as me saying that the Muslims were less successful at slaughtering Jews.

They got their asses kicked.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Nov 25th, 2020 at 10:37pm

Deuteronomy 32:8
When the most High divided to the nations their inheritance, when he separated the sons of Adam, he set the bounds of the people according to the number of the children of Israel.
9  For the LORD'S portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
10  He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.

Jeremiah 31:37
Thus saith the LORD; If heaven above can be measured, and the foundations of the earth searched out beneath, I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done, saith the LORD.


The LORD didn't say that, about the seed of Ishmael.

That is why.                  .....ISLAM hates, Israel, and Jews.


Proverbs 27:4
Wrath is cruel, and anger is outrageous; but who is able to stand before envy?


'Get with the program.'    ....or burn.     ....kufr.

kufr = = infidel = = 'a person who hides, denies, or covers the truth' = = a liar
= = i.e. A MOSLEM

"Dear muslim, YOU are the kuffar"


You who embrace ISLAM, your own lies and deception, have become a witness against you, before God......

"kuffar" = = " an Arabic word meaning.....[an unbeliever] a person....who hides, denies, or covers the truth."

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Nov 26th, 2020 at 10:11am

freediver wrote on Nov 25th, 2020 at 8:44pm:
I would interpret it as me saying that the Muslims were less successful at slaughtering Jews.

They got their asses kicked.

So they were having a competition?

Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority in their own countries, they instead went to the trouble of loading them up on planes to be sent into the arms of their well trained and heavilly armed paramilitary brothers in Israel.

Strange behaviour indeed for countries apparently hell bent on nazi-esque jew slaughtering.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ye Grappler on Nov 26th, 2020 at 6:45pm
It could be loosely stated that I am a Jew, given that one set of my great-great grandparents were.... personally I've never met a horrible Jew... all those I've met are pretty OK with me.

"Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority"..... you mean the Arab armies???

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Nov 27th, 2020 at 9:16am

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Nov 26th, 2020 at 6:45pm:
"Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority"..... you mean the Arab armies???

When jews were a minority living in arab/muslim nations, the muslims could have easily rounded them all up and slaughtered them there and then. Not even FD could argue the muslims were too incompetent to manage that. (and besides he'll never tire of explaining to you how competent they otherwise were at slaughtering non-muslims who lay in their path).

Instead what is the scenario FD is alluding to here? It is that the arabs rounded them all up, loaded them on to planes and sent them to Israel. Why? Because having them all there in the one small place made them an easier target - apparently. The arabs then invaded Israel with the intention of slaughtering every man woman and child jew.

Thats the meme. There are however two problems with it:

1. the vast majority of the evictions/migration of jews from muslim countries happened after the 1948 invasion of Israel by the Arabs.

2. if your end goal is for mass genocide of the entire jewish population in the middle east, how does it make sense to first send them off to a country that was already heavilly defended with well trained militia that was already honing their skills against the Palestinians - instead of just slaughtering them before you load them up on planes and sending them to this well defended country?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Nov 28th, 2020 at 7:31am

polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 26th, 2020 at 10:11am:

freediver wrote on Nov 25th, 2020 at 8:44pm:
I would interpret it as me saying that the Muslims were less successful at slaughtering Jews.

They got their asses kicked.

So they were having a competition?

Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority in their own countries, they instead went to the trouble of loading them up on planes to be sent into the arms of their well trained and heavilly armed paramilitary brothers in Israel.

Strange behaviour indeed for countries apparently hell bent on nazi-esque jew slaughtering.

I don't think they anticipated getting their asses kicked. We once had Abu on here telling us that a glorious Muslim victory over the Jews of Israel was inevitable.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ayn Marx on Dec 1st, 2020 at 9:32am

polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 27th, 2020 at 9:16am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Nov 26th, 2020 at 6:45pm:
"Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority"..... you mean the Arab armies???

When jews were a minority living in arab/muslim nations, the muslims could have easily rounded them all up and slaughtered them there and then. Not even FD could argue the muslims were too incompetent to manage that. (and besides he'll never tire of explaining to you how competent they otherwise were at slaughtering non-muslims who lay in their path).

Instead what is the scenario FD is alluding to here? It is that the arabs rounded them all up, loaded them on to planes and sent them to Israel. Why? Because having them all there in the one small place made them an easier target - apparently. The arabs then invaded Israel with the intention of slaughtering every man woman and child jew.

Thats the meme. There are however two problems with it:

1. the vast majority of the evictions/migration of jews from muslim countries happened after the 1948 invasion of Israel by the Arabs.

2. if your end goal is for mass genocide of the entire jewish population in the middle east, how does it make sense to first send them off to a country that was already heavilly defended with well trained militia that was already honing their skills against the Palestinians - instead of just slaughtering them before you load them up on planes and sending them to this well defended country?

All of these discussions are pointless unless we face the fact any group believing God is on their side, and only their’s, is a threat to everyone else. Infidels and the ungodly beware.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by JaSin. on Dec 1st, 2020 at 9:37am
The Jews wandered with their Torahs, among the lands of others. Lost and without a nation of their own.
Germany kicked em out Europe.
Israel was set up and the Jews became very 'Military', putting down the Book and picking up the Gun.

The Moslems on the other hand, carried the sword and gun higher over their Book and became an Empire based on attacking Christianity in a genocide like the Germans did on the Jews.

So we have a failing old Moslem Empire and a new rising Israeli Empire.

What the Moslems don't see coming, while they fight the Christians - is the Jews coming in from the back door and getting them.

Once the Moslems get their 'Messiah' out of France to die for their sins. The Moslems will put down the Gun of their Empire lost and pick up the Book to go a wandering like a Jew of old.

The Italians will get 'those' Moslems and no-one will come to their aid except the Jews as a Super Power Israel and attack those Mafia Italians.

...Military and Religion belong to the Jew and the Moslem.
Not the Christian Europeans.  ;)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ayn Marx on Dec 1st, 2020 at 10:04am

Jasin wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 9:37am:
The Jews wandered with their Torahs, among the lands of others. Lost and without a nation of their own.
Germany kicked em out Europe.
Israel was set up and the Jews became very 'Military', putting down the Book and picking up the Gun.

Became? If we can take the Old Testament (Torah?)as having any historic accuracy the people of Israel have always been blood thirsty. Putting down the Book and picking up the gun?

Hosea Ch 9: V 14 -17 (amongst many other passages!) tends to indicate otherwise.
Give them O Lord: what wilt thou give? Give them a miscarrying womb and dry breasts.
All their wickedness is if Gilgal: for there I hated them: for the wickedness of their doings I will drive them out of mine house, I will love them no more: all their princes are revolters.
Ephraim is smitten, their root is dried up, they shall bear no fruit: yea, though they bring forth, yet will I slay even the beloved fruit of their womb.
My God will cast them away, because they did not harken to him: and they shall be wanderers among the nations.

"..Military and Religion belong to the Jew and the Moslem.?" Can I politely suggest you acquaint yourself more thoroughly with human history? Possibly go further and read Arthur Koestler’s “The Ghost in The Machine”?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by The Credible Poster on Dec 1st, 2020 at 10:26am
I was recently advised that lefties don't like Jews.
Not all lefties are that way... but the greater majority feel that way...

Now I understand why Jews and Muslims don't like each other, but for the 'so called Progressives hating on a group of peoples is the antithesis of progressive.

How on earth can we take the left seriously, when they are racist against Jews?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ayn Marx on Dec 1st, 2020 at 12:56pm

Nom de Plume wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 10:26am:
I was recently advised that lefties don't like Jews.
Not all lefties are that way... but the greater majority feel that way...

Now I understand why Jews and Muslims don't like each other, but for the 'so called Progressives hating on a group of peoples is the antithesis of progressive.

How on earth can we take the left seriously, when they are racist against Jews?

That’s so confused I’m not sure where to start.
Just one thing you need to consider. There’s a long tradition of leftist thought within a large section of the Jewish community both in Israel and here in Oz. Who invented the Kibbutz?
You don’t understand why Jews and Muslims don’t like each other? Simple, religion is one of the most virulent tribal forces our species has ever been cursed with. A brief reading of so called holy books might illuminate your view.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 1st, 2020 at 1:07pm

freediver wrote on Nov 28th, 2020 at 7:31am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 26th, 2020 at 10:11am:

freediver wrote on Nov 25th, 2020 at 8:44pm:
I would interpret it as me saying that the Muslims were less successful at slaughtering Jews.

They got their asses kicked.

So they were having a competition?

Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority in their own countries, they instead went to the trouble of loading them up on planes to be sent into the arms of their well trained and heavilly armed paramilitary brothers in Israel.

Strange behaviour indeed for countries apparently hell bent on nazi-esque jew slaughtering.

I don't think they anticipated getting their asses kicked.

Nor do I.

Has absolutely nothing to do with my point though.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 1st, 2020 at 1:15pm

Ayn Marx wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 9:32am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 27th, 2020 at 9:16am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Nov 26th, 2020 at 6:45pm:
"Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority"..... you mean the Arab armies???

When jews were a minority living in arab/muslim nations, the muslims could have easily rounded them all up and slaughtered them there and then. Not even FD could argue the muslims were too incompetent to manage that. (and besides he'll never tire of explaining to you how competent they otherwise were at slaughtering non-muslims who lay in their path).

Instead what is the scenario FD is alluding to here? It is that the arabs rounded them all up, loaded them on to planes and sent them to Israel. Why? Because having them all there in the one small place made them an easier target - apparently. The arabs then invaded Israel with the intention of slaughtering every man woman and child jew.

Thats the meme. There are however two problems with it:

1. the vast majority of the evictions/migration of jews from muslim countries happened after the 1948 invasion of Israel by the Arabs.

2. if your end goal is for mass genocide of the entire jewish population in the middle east, how does it make sense to first send them off to a country that was already heavilly defended with well trained militia that was already honing their skills against the Palestinians - instead of just slaughtering them before you load them up on planes and sending them to this well defended country?

All of these discussions are pointless unless we face the fact any group believing God is on their side, and only their’s, is a threat to everyone else. Infidels and the ungodly beware.

They are extremely relevant to countering sinister attempts to demonize an entire ethno/religious group as morally on-par with the nazis. We all should be standing up against such attempts - irrespective of what we think of the religion of those people.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by The Credible Poster on Dec 1st, 2020 at 2:19pm

Ayn Marx wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 12:56pm:

Nom de Plume wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 10:26am:
I was recently advised that lefties don't like Jews.
Not all lefties are that way... but the greater majority feel that way...

Now I understand why Jews and Muslims don't like each other, but for the 'so called Progressives hating on a group of peoples is the antithesis of progressive.

How on earth can we take the left seriously, when they are racist against Jews?

That’s so confused I’m not sure where to start.
Just one thing you need to consider. There’s a long tradition of leftist thought within a large section of the Jewish community both in Israel and here in Oz. Who invented the Kibbutz?
You don’t understand why Jews and Muslims don’t like each other? Simple, religion is one of the most virulent tribal forces our species has ever been cursed with. A brief reading of so called holy books might illuminate your view.

Hi there, I think you misread... which anyone can do, so I've reposted my main point.  :)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:37pm
Lunatic leftard thinking is:

Anyone who hates islam, because it causes thousands of islamic human rights atrocities every single year, is a racist islamophobe. 

All people must be forced to accept and embrace islam and all its' associated rape, torture and mass murder.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:43pm
Lunatic Rightard thinking is:

Anyone who hates Christianity, because it causes thousands of Christian human rights atrocities every single year, is a Christophobe. Christianity, being a religion, isn't a "race".

All people must be forced to accept and embrace Christianity and all its' associated rape, torture and mass murder.  Christians are Borg.  They are unthinking and irrational about what they believe and what they do.  Moses is a perfect example of a Christian zealot. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by The Credible Poster on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:52pm

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:43pm:
Lunatic Rightard thinking is:

Anyone who hates Christianity, because it causes thousands of Christian human rights atrocities every single year, is a Christophobe. Christianity, being a religion, isn't a "race".

All people must be forced to accept and embrace Christianity and all its' associated rape, torture and mass murder.  Christians are Borg.  They are unthinking and irrational about what they believe and what they do.  Moses is a perfect example of a Christian zealot. ::) ::)

That is extreme prejudice.
And to my way of thinking any kind of extremism is unhealthy for the person and society!

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:53pm

Nom de Plume wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:52pm:
That is extreme prejudice.
And to my way of thinking any kind of extremism is unhealthy for the person and society!

Talk to Moses about it, Nom.  He wrote it first...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by The Credible Poster on Dec 1st, 2020 at 5:07pm

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:53pm:

Nom de Plume wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:52pm:
That is extreme prejudice.
And to my way of thinking any kind of extremism is unhealthy for the person and society!

Talk to Moses about it, Nom.  He wrote it first...   ::) ::)

'But, but, but... He started it Mummy!' He exclaimed.

That doesn't make the extremism any less extreme.
That doesn't make it any less unhealthy for the person or society

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Brian Ross on Dec 1st, 2020 at 5:27pm

Nom de Plume wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 5:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:53pm:

Nom de Plume wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 4:52pm:
That is extreme prejudice.
And to my way of thinking any kind of extremism is unhealthy for the person and society!

Talk to Moses about it, Nom.  He wrote it first...   ::) ::)

'But, but, but... He started it Mummy!' He exclaimed.

That doesn't make the extremism any less extreme.
That doesn't make it any less unhealthy for the person or society

It demonstrates how ridiculous his "extremism" is, though, Nom.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 1st, 2020 at 7:23pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 1:07pm:

freediver wrote on Nov 28th, 2020 at 7:31am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 26th, 2020 at 10:11am:

freediver wrote on Nov 25th, 2020 at 8:44pm:
I would interpret it as me saying that the Muslims were less successful at slaughtering Jews.

They got their asses kicked.

So they were having a competition?

Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority in their own countries, they instead went to the trouble of loading them up on planes to be sent into the arms of their well trained and heavilly armed paramilitary brothers in Israel.

Strange behaviour indeed for countries apparently hell bent on nazi-esque jew slaughtering.

I don't think they anticipated getting their asses kicked.

Nor do I.

Has absolutely nothing to do with my point though.

Your point is meaningless if they expected they would be able to slaughter the lot of them in a glorious military victory over the infidel.

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 1:15pm:

Ayn Marx wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 9:32am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Nov 27th, 2020 at 9:16am:

Grappler Truth Teller Feller wrote on Nov 26th, 2020 at 6:45pm:
"Its funny how instead of just slaughtering what would have been a pretty defenceless and helpless minority"..... you mean the Arab armies???

When jews were a minority living in arab/muslim nations, the muslims could have easily rounded them all up and slaughtered them there and then. Not even FD could argue the muslims were too incompetent to manage that. (and besides he'll never tire of explaining to you how competent they otherwise were at slaughtering non-muslims who lay in their path).

Instead what is the scenario FD is alluding to here? It is that the arabs rounded them all up, loaded them on to planes and sent them to Israel. Why? Because having them all there in the one small place made them an easier target - apparently. The arabs then invaded Israel with the intention of slaughtering every man woman and child jew.

Thats the meme. There are however two problems with it:

1. the vast majority of the evictions/migration of jews from muslim countries happened after the 1948 invasion of Israel by the Arabs.

2. if your end goal is for mass genocide of the entire jewish population in the middle east, how does it make sense to first send them off to a country that was already heavilly defended with well trained militia that was already honing their skills against the Palestinians - instead of just slaughtering them before you load them up on planes and sending them to this well defended country?

All of these discussions are pointless unless we face the fact any group believing God is on their side, and only their’s, is a threat to everyone else. Infidels and the ungodly beware.

They are extremely relevant to countering sinister attempts to demonize an entire ethno/religious group as morally on-par with the nazis. We all should be standing up against such attempts - irrespective of what we think of the religion of those people.

If Hitler had established his thousand year Caliphate and coerced northern Europe to convert to Nazism in a program of rape and pillage, would you now be defending Nazis as an ethno religious minority that we are not allowed to compare to Muslims?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 8:50am

freediver wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 7:23pm:
Your point is meaningless if they expected they would be able to slaughter the lot of them in a glorious military victory over the infidel.

Methinks you downplay the significance of the word "if" in that sentence.

Countries invade other countries all the time - without having any intention to "slaughter the lot of them". 1400 years of mostly peaceful coexistence would suggest their endgame was not genocide. But I have no doubt you'll once again cite the 1400 year old Banu Qurayza alleged episode as some sort of slam dunk proof.

freediver wrote on Dec 1st, 2020 at 7:23pm:
If Hitler had established his thousand year Caliphate and coerced northern Europe to convert to Nazism in a program of rape and pillage, would you now be defending Nazis as an ethno religious minority that we are not allowed to compare to Muslims?

Why is it that whenever this topic is raised you are always, without fail, reduced to making these meaningless hypotheticals? Why not, instead of resorting to pathetic "what-iferies", you simply acknowledge the fact that in the actual real world that we live in, the attempted thousand year reich ended up having zero resemblence to the enduring musim world today?

And besides, we are talking about their respective treatment of jews, not their respective rise to power - so don't try and shift the goalposts.

If Hitler and his descendants had spend 1400 years *NOT* trying to wipe out the entire jewish population, and instead allowed and encouraged them to prosper culturally, and play a prominent role in the advancement of his Reich's scientific advancements - you might have a point.

Or did I miss the concentration camps and gas chambers in the caliphate?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 8:55am

Methinks you downplay the significance of the word "if" in that sentence.

You are underestimating the ability of Muslims to use Islam to delude themselves. Abu for example often told us about the glorious military victory over the Jews of Israel that is "inevitable".

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 9:03am
um ok...

So your argument is now that the arab invading armies definitely wanted to slaughter all the jews because.... what?


Would you mind rephrasing your argument into grown-up talk?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 4:46pm
What were the ideals of Nazism?

NSDAP or National Socialist German Workers’ Party was organised by Drexler. Later on, Hitler joined it and both Drexler and Hitler changed its name to Nazi Party.

In the beginning the Nazi ideals remained vague. But in course of time the ideals became clear.

The following may be stated to be the ideals of Nazis:

(1) the individual to be subservient to the state and the state being subservient to the Party.

(2) The dream of a vast German empire and supremacy of the German nation.

(3) Hatred towards the Jews, and opposition to democracy and communism.

(4) Besides, anti-Semitism and racialism, etc. remained as the ideals of the Nazis.

O.K. what is the difference to islamic ideology?

Which is:

(1) islam demands that the individual be subservient to islam / sharia law.

(2) The dream of a global muslim caliphate, with the entire caliphate being subservient to islam.

(3)  muslims are commanded to hate subdue and slaughter Jews and Christians in the qur'an.

(4) muslims are anti - Semitic and practice racialism with their teachings of dhimmitude and the non believers are second class citizens.

There is absolutely no difference between the ideology of the nazis and muslims.

Nazism and  islam are the synonymity of each other.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by JaSin. on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 5:15pm
And Jesus said from upon his Cross down to his Jewish People.
"Wait till me little brother Hitler gets yas!"  >:(

Jews: Messiah - Jesus. Prophet - Hitler.
Moslems: Prophet - Mohommed. Messiah - soon to emerge from France...

...when the Moslems do to the French
what the Germans did to the Jews.
France will burn like the Notre Dame Cathedral.
This will be the stripping away of Religious (Christian) empowerment from France. France makes it's sacrifice.

What goes around, comes around.
Now that the New Worlds are found, the Old World Religions now fold back upon themselves.

One day the wandering Moslems will come under the Banner of the Empire and Super Power of Israel. Islam and Israel will 'Unite' - but can only do so by the 'Unification' sacrifice of the United Kingdom.

IstarI (i-star-i : the star between the two pillars of Heaven)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 7:09pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 9:03am:
um ok...

So your argument is now that the arab invading armies definitely wanted to slaughter all the jews because.... what?


Would you mind rephrasing your argument into grown-up talk?

My argument is that your point about the "well armed militia" in Israel is moot. You are assuming Muslims are rational.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 3rd, 2020 at 8:34am

freediver wrote on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 7:09pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 2nd, 2020 at 9:03am:
um ok...

So your argument is now that the arab invading armies definitely wanted to slaughter all the jews because.... what?


Would you mind rephrasing your argument into grown-up talk?

My argument is that your point about the "well armed militia" in Israel is moot. You are assuming Muslims are rational.

Hillarious. You bend over backwards explaining to us how muslims act with cold calculated rationality when its sinister behaviour. Like the succesful plot to rid all the jews and polytheists from the arab peninsular. Or more recently their devious (and according to you successful) world-wide plot to force cartoonists to self censor. But of course any non-sinister/non-genocidal behaviour by muslims can simply be dismissed as actually sinister and genocidal - only irrationally so.

I suppose you think coexisting mostly peacefully with the jews for 1400 years and allowing them to prosper both culturally and scientifically can just be dismissed as more "irrational" behaviour?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 3rd, 2020 at 7:08pm

Hillarious. You bend over backwards explaining to us how muslims act with cold calculated rationality when its sinister behaviour.

I still think they are idiots shitting on their own plate.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 4th, 2020 at 12:52pm

freediver wrote on Dec 3rd, 2020 at 7:08pm:

Hillarious. You bend over backwards explaining to us how muslims act with cold calculated rationality when its sinister behaviour.

I still think they are idiots shitting on their own plate.

Its surprising that idiots shitting on their own plates all day have managed to endure for 1400 years as the dominant civilization in the region.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 4th, 2020 at 2:31pm
gandi wrote:
Its surprising that idiots shitting on their own plates all day have managed to endure for 1400 years as the dominant civilization in the region.

They don't dominate by example, love, tolerance and peace do they?

muslims dominate by rape, torture and death.

muslims forbid thinking for yourself, questioning, freedom of religion, thought, expression  etc..

muslims / islam are just as evil or worse than the communist regimes of Russia, China, Nth Korea.

islam / muslims dominates with pure unadulterated evil.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 12:52pm:

freediver wrote on Dec 3rd, 2020 at 7:08pm:

Hillarious. You bend over backwards explaining to us how muslims act with cold calculated rationality when its sinister behaviour.

I still think they are idiots shitting on their own plate.

Its surprising that idiots shitting on their own plates all day have managed to endure for 1400 years as the dominant civilization in the region.

They raped and pillaged their way to the shithole that is the middle east today. What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam? That imposing your beliefs on people as an article of faith is a virtue?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Take nazism - your favourite comparison. It only lasted just over a decade because they were simply too vile, and inherently too unstable to endure.

Nazism is the most extreme case, but history has proven that uncompromisingly cruel and violent ideologies (like nazism) invariably fail to endure for very long as political and legal frameworks that rule over societies. Certainly not for 1400 years and counting. They either evolve into a more benign ideology, or are overthrown. Like ISIS and other versions of extremist Islam - overwhelmingly rejected by the majority of muslims, and invariably overthrown in short order when they emerge.

Now I could go into the theology of Islam and cite once again all the passages commanding acceptance and freedom of differing views and cultures - but really, the facts of Islamic history speaks for itself. As I keep saying (which you continue to ignore), muslim-jewish coexistence has a 1400 year history: jews were not only granted religious and cultural freedoms, they thrived, and were instrumental to propelling Islamic science during the golden age. Jews even found sanctuary with the muslims when the Spanish ethnically cleansed them during the inquisition.
Comparing this long history of coexistence with 12 years of mass internment and genocide - is a joke.

And that is just the most extreme example of why Islam doesn't compare to other "plate shitter" nazi-like ideologies. Islam didn't merely survive for 1400 years, it came to dominate the vast area and the huge number of people it encompassed. And you simply can't do that by being an irrational, and uncompromisingly intolerant and violent ideology comparable to nazism.

They raped and pillaged their way to the shithole that is the middle east today.

The largest muslim country in the world today became muslim entirely peacefully.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Valkie on Dec 7th, 2020 at 12:31pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Take nazism - your favourite comparison. It only lasted just over a decade because they were simply too vile, and inherently too unstable to endure.

Nazism is the most extreme case, but history has proven that uncompromisingly cruel and violent ideologies (like nazism) invariably fail to endure for very long as political and legal frameworks that rule over societies. Certainly not for 1400 years and counting. They either evolve into a more benign ideology, or are overthrown. Like ISIS and other versions of extremist Islam - overwhelmingly rejected by the majority of muslims, and invariably overthrown in short order when they emerge.

Now I could go into the theology of Islam and cite once again all the passages commanding acceptance and freedom of differing views and cultures - but really, the facts of Islamic history speaks for itself. As I keep saying (which you continue to ignore), muslim-jewish coexistence has a 1400 year history: jews were not only granted religious and cultural freedoms, they thrived, and were instrumental to propelling Islamic science during the golden age. Jews even found sanctuary with the muslims when the Spanish ethnically cleansed them during the inquisition.
Comparing this long history of coexistence with 12 years of mass internment and genocide - is a joke.

And that is just the most extreme example of why Islam doesn't compare to other "plate shitter" nazi-like ideologies. Islam didn't merely survive for 1400 years, it came to dominate the vast area and the huge number of people it encompassed. And you simply can't do that by being an irrational, and uncompromisingly intolerant and violent ideology comparable to nazism.

They raped and pillaged their way to the shithole that is the middle east today.

The largest muslim country in the world today became muslim entirely peacefully.

No, because they use women as nothing more than breeding machines,

Churning out more and more children making up a nation of devil worshipping drones

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 7th, 2020 at 1:45pm
Another deep, thought-provoking contribution by Valkie

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 7th, 2020 at 3:59pm

Islam didn't merely survive for 1400 years, it came to dominate the vast area and the huge number of people it encompassed. And you simply can't do that by being an irrational, and uncompromisingly intolerant and violent ideology comparable to nazism.

islam rules by the one value: there is no god but allah.

Everyone in islamic lands are ruled by that one core theme.

muslims today still practice pedophilia (child marriage), killing apostates and blasphemers, raping captive women, killing non believers, because they believe allah wants them to.

muslims have slaughtered non believers, because they have no logical answer to non believers who jeer and sneer at a prophet who was a thief, liar, pedophile, rapist, torturer and mass murderer.

muslims have slaughtered innocent children at a kids concert, because they believe they are obeying allah and have killed these kids as human sacrifices to the reinvented moon god allah.

muslims have driven cars and trucks into crowds of innocent non believers, with one intention, to slaughter as many as possible of the non believing men women and children, because once again they believe the dead are offerings to allah.

islam can't use logic and truth to maintain its' grip on power, you submit or you are killed, it's as simple as that.

It's almost as bad today the 21st century as it was back in the 7th century when muhammad was leading the muslims in the establishment of the caliphate.

If muslim lands are such shining examples of peace love and tolerance:

Why are muslims the worlds' almost insurmountable refugee problem as they flee their own homelands?

The truth is, islamic societies are the sewerage of man-kind civilization.

The one big problem is, they are fleeing their own crap homelands, they are too stupid to see their religion is the cause of all their problems, so muslims in their stupidity, flee from the fruits of 1400 odd years of islam to another land, then demand we all bow down to the very thing that has them where they are today, (at the very bottom of the societal ladder).

How long before we all start telling the truth about islam, allah, muhammad and the qur'an?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by JaSin. on Dec 7th, 2020 at 4:45pm
Islam operates on the next step on the Stairway to Heaven that is Religion. Before Islam was the Christianity step, before that was Judaism, before that was Zoroastrianism, before that was Babylonian and before that was the original 'writers' of mythology - the Sumerians. There will be another 'step' after Islam - a New Religion from a New World and another after that. Each one a reinterpretation and modernisation of the previous one. Each one with its phase between Messiah and Prophet in the passing onto the next new Religion to take power. Just like Politics.

If you're going to consider Religion, then you should consider it all as 'One' and the same - as the Fish tale gets bigger in the telling. God now created the Dinosaurs they now claim.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by JaSin. on Dec 7th, 2020 at 4:45pm
Islam operates on the next step on the Stairway to Heaven that is Religion. Before Islam was the Christianity step, before that was Judaism, before that was Zoroastrianism, before that was Babylonian and before that was the original 'writers' of mythology - the Sumerians. There will be another 'step' after Islam - a New Religion from a New World and another after that. Each one a reinterpretation and modernisation of the previous one. Each one with its phase between Messiah and Prophet in the passing onto the next new Religion to take power. Just like Politics.

If you're going to consider Religion, then you should consider it all as 'One' and the same - as the Fish tale gets bigger in the telling. Satan now created the Dinosaurs they now claim.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 7th, 2020 at 5:35pm
All religions are the same?

Well spit three times and call me allah.

How far from the facts is such a thought?

islam is a religion which took the moon god allah (whom muhammads' family were the earthly custodians of) and reinvented him into a monotheist god who transferred his three daughters from his moon god days into the qur'an, then became the god of muslim supremacy, thieving, lying, hate, rape, torture and mass murder of non muslims.

islam does not encourage muslims to be peaceful citizens of non muslim lands, it teaches muslims they are to rule the non believer, they are to make non believers 2nd class citizens, who pay extra taxes, have lower status in all aspects of islamic society.

Conversely Christ taught an entirely different concept:

Matthew 22:21 They say unto him, Caesar's. Then saith he unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar's; and unto God the things that are God's.

Mark 12:17 And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. And they marvelled at him.

Luke 20:25 And he said unto them, Render therefore unto Caesar the things which be Caesar's, and unto God the things which be God's.

Romans 13:7 Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.

Romans 13:8 Owe no man any thing, but to love one another: for he that loveth another hath fulfilled the law.

Christ taught that mankind should live peacefully on the land, obey the laws of the land, love one another.

So the only thing in common between islam and Christianity is: they are denoted as religions.

They are the anti-thesis of each other, they are dissimilar in every aspect, having the same title for your activities does not entail you all have the one and the same criteria.

Does a communist govt. in China have the exact same aspects as a republican govt. in America?

Does a Python reptile have the exact same aspects as a Black Mamba reptile?

Does a child murdering pedophile have the same aspects as a committed aide worker for the disadvantaged?

No of course not.

islam and Christianity are the polar opposites of each other.

If we ever are going to rid the world of the evils of islam, first we should all tell the truth about islam, allah, muhammad and the qur'an, not try and excuse the filth and depravity of the satanical qur'an.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Shifting the goal-posts by resorting to your favourite ploy of historical revisionism doesn't address the fact that jews endured and prospered under Islamic rule for 1400 years - whereas the Nazis all but wiped them out of their lands in a decade. Yet you would have us believe that the two ideologies are identical in their intent towards jews.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 8th, 2020 at 5:00pm
They got on with following the reinvented moon god allah for about 1400 years.

Now muslims are laughed at by everybody, their homelands are piles of worthless rubble, they are refugees from their own stupidity in the lands of the infidels.

They are demanding the infidels house shelter and feed them.

A long cry from the islamic caliphate.

islam has been a catastrophic disaster, it will never be anything else, it may rule but will always fail as truth and honesty are not the criteria, islam uses lies and oppression by death as the tools to rule, as such it will never ever be a shining beacon of peace and love, a utopia.

No islam will always be exactly what it is now, an evil depraved failure.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 8th, 2020 at 5:52pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am:

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Are you inventing some kind of theory that rationality and political moderation is some kind of pre-requisite for survival?

Or just inventing a strawman?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 9th, 2020 at 9:15am

freediver wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 5:52pm:
Are you inventing some kind of theory that rationality and political moderation is some kind of pre-requisite for survival?

I'm not inventing it, its undeniable historical fact.

Movements that have the rationality and moderation level of the nazis or ISIS get wiped out within a decade or so. Always have, always will.

But getting back to the actual topic, I see you've given up on arguing that the muslims' intentions towards the jews were morally equivalent to the Nazi's intentions - after repeatedly refusing to address my point about the jews enduring - and thriving - under the muslims for 1400 years.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:40pm

But getting back to the actual topic, I see you've given up on arguing that the muslims' intentions towards the jews were morally equivalent to the Nazi's intentions

What is the Muslims intentions towards the Jews?

after repeatedly refusing to address my point about the jews enduring - and thriving - under the muslims for 1400 years.

How many Jews are currently alive in the Hejaz?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:44pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am:

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Shifting the goal-posts by resorting to your favourite ploy of historical revisionism doesn't address the fact that jews endured and prospered under Islamic rule for 1400 years - whereas the Nazis all but wiped them out of their lands in a decade. Yet you would have us believe that the two ideologies are identical in their intent towards jews.

Where are the Jews of Iran, Saudi, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia etc?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 16th, 2020 at 11:55am

freediver wrote on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:40pm:

But getting back to the actual topic, I see you've given up on arguing that the muslims' intentions towards the jews were morally equivalent to the Nazi's intentions

What is the Muslims intentions towards the Jews?

There are nearly 2 billion of us FD. Would you like me to conduct a survey?

More useful though, would you agree that 1400 years of coexistence and cultural thriving gives a pretty good historical clue?

How many Jews are currently alive in the Hejaz?

none. They are also absent from most of the arab world, sadly. Has nothing to do with my point though, or the idea that they wanted to enact mass genocide of them like the nazis.

For one thing, the nazis actively prevented jews from leaving the areas they controlled. Bit different to the mass evacuation of the jews from muslim lands after 1948, wouldn't you say?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 16th, 2020 at 11:56am

Frank wrote on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am:

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Shifting the goal-posts by resorting to your favourite ploy of historical revisionism doesn't address the fact that jews endured and prospered under Islamic rule for 1400 years - whereas the Nazis all but wiped them out of their lands in a decade. Yet you would have us believe that the two ideologies are identical in their intent towards jews.

Where are the Jews of Iran, Saudi, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia etc?

Fun fact: the jews have a minimum quota in the Iranian parliament.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 16th, 2020 at 6:11pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 11:55am:

freediver wrote on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:40pm:

But getting back to the actual topic, I see you've given up on arguing that the muslims' intentions towards the jews were morally equivalent to the Nazi's intentions

What is the Muslims intentions towards the Jews?

There are nearly 2 billion of us FD. Would you like me to conduct a survey?

You could always refer to the Quran. What does it tell you is in store for the Jews?

More useful though, would you agree that 1400 years of coexistence and cultural thriving gives a pretty good historical clue?

Slaughtering Jews is not coexistence Gandalf.

How many Jews are currently alive in the Hejaz?

none. They are also absent from most of the arab world, sadly. Has nothing to do with my point though, [/quote]

Sure it does. Muhammad himself slaughtered Jews. And the Quran instructs Muslims to wipe them out from the Hejaz. And that's what Muslims did.

For one thing, the nazis actively prevented jews from leaving the areas they controlled. Bit different to the mass evacuation of the jews from muslim lands after 1948, wouldn't you say?

So Muslims have a different method to achieve their final solution?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 17th, 2020 at 9:15am
FD you are out of your depth when you start referencing the Quran.

Lets start with that quote commanding to "wipe them out from the Hejaz"

Chapter and verse if you could please.

freediver wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 6:11pm:
Slaughtering Jews is not coexistence Gandalf.

boring inane obtuseness is boring and inane.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ayn Marx on Dec 17th, 2020 at 10:33am
I’ve said this before but I’ll say it again. Can we all stop for a moment and reflect upon what it is about innate features of our species that induces mindless, vicious tribalism no matter which ideology or religion is used as an excuse? This ‘Your tribe is nastier than mine’ has never been anything more than delusional propaganda.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 17th, 2020 at 7:45pm
You honestly can't see the difference between the teachings and life of muhammad, versus the teachings and life of Christ?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ayn Marx on Dec 17th, 2020 at 8:18pm

moses wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 7:45pm:
You honestly can't see the difference between the teachings and life of muhammad, versus the teachings and life of Christ?

Not sure if that question is addressed to me but  - - - - The differences aren’t as significant as are the human weaknesses that induce collective delusions of any kind, religious, ideological or simply tribal. Until and unless we face the real dangers of groupthink our species will hurtle towards it’s own self induced extinction.
And do tell me, when are you going to dump the entirity of the Old Testament?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Dec 18th, 2020 at 8:56am

Ayn Marx wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 8:18pm:

moses wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 7:45pm:
You honestly can't see the difference between the teachings and life of muhammad, versus the teachings and life of Christ?

Not sure if that question is addressed to me but  - - - - The differences aren’t as significant as are the human weaknesses that induce collective delusions of any kind, religious, ideological or simply tribal. Until and unless we face the real dangers of groupthink our species will hurtle towards it’s own self induced extinction.

The particular differences of particular teachings and examples aren't as significant as the sweeping abstractions of no place and time or particularity!?!?  And you think you have given a sharp insight when you have only fudged and avoided!!

Ideals, principals, coherence are important. Realising yourself along the ideals of Christ will make you a radically different man than trying the same with Mohammed as a guide.
It is not group think to read and incorporate into your life the best of your civilisation and to look at it critically and to look at all of human history. But you can only look, or begin to look, from your own civilisational perspective. You cannot look from nowhere.  It's no good and not smart to not look at ideals and principals.

Who would be a better man - one who followed Hume's teachings and example or one following Rousseau?
Same sort of question and blathering about group think and extinction in response just shows you to be a fool who reflexively switches to such safe banalities when asked concrete question.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 18th, 2020 at 2:40pm
Ayn Marx wrote: Reply #202 - Yesterday at 8:18pm

The differences aren’t as significant as are the human weaknesses that induce collective delusions of any kind, religious, ideological or simply tribal.

It's because of islamic ideology that thousands of innocent men women and children, are raped tortured and slaughtered by muslims as they strive to obey the qur'an, every single year.

The fact is that islam is a satanic ideology and the truth must be told about islam allah muhammad and the qur'an, if we are ever to have any semblance of peace on earth.

People always bring up the atrocities committed by men who were disobeying the teachings of Christ, as some sort of equation between the two beliefs.

Why do these people always try to hide the fact that the muslims committing atrocities are 100% obeying the teachings of muhammad in the qur'an.

Why do these people always try to hide the fact that anyone committing atrocities are 100% disobeying the teachings of Christ in the Bible?

The two beliefs are the anti-thesis of each other

There is a global problem of islamic terrorism, it in no way has anything to do with Christianity or any other belief, it is caused and motivated by the satanic teachings in the qur'an only.

Why try to step around this problem of islamic terrorism? Because that's the problem right now.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 18th, 2020 at 7:11pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 9:15am:

freediver wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 6:11pm:
Slaughtering Jews is not coexistence Gandalf.

boring inane obtuseness is boring and inane.

Especially if it gets in the way of the BS you are trying to spin about Muslims peacefully co-existing with Jews?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ayn Marx on Dec 18th, 2020 at 10:02pm

Frank wrote on Dec 18th, 2020 at 8:56am:

Ayn Marx wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 8:18pm:

moses wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 7:45pm:
You honestly can't see the difference between the teachings and life of muhammad, versus the teachings and life of Christ?

Not sure if that question is addressed to me but  - - - - The differences aren’t as significant as are the human weaknesses that induce collective delusions of any kind, religious, ideological or simply tribal. Until and unless we face the real dangers of groupthink our species will hurtle towards it’s own self induced extinction.

The particular differences of particular teachings and examples aren't as significant as the sweeping abstractions of no place and time or particularity!?!?  And you think you have given a sharp insight when you have only fudged and avoided!!

Ideals, principals, coherence are important. Realising yourself along the ideals of Christ will make you a radically different man than trying the same with Mohammed as a guide.
It is not group think to read and incorporate into your life the best of your civilisation and to look at it critically and to look at all of human history. But you can only look, or begin to look, from your own civilisational perspective. You cannot look from nowhere.  It's no good and not smart to not look at ideals and principals.

Who would be a better man - one who followed Hume's teachings and example or one following Rousseau?
Same sort of question and blathering about group think and extinction in response just shows you to be a fool who reflexively switches to such safe banalities when asked concrete question.

First, where did I make specific reference to the differences, or lack of such, between Christ’s teachings (as reported in the New Testament) and those of the teachings and life of Muhammad?
Secondly, if you imagine you’re going to impress anybody by dragging in Hume and Rousseau think again.
Thirdly this isn’t the place to discuss either Rousseau’s novels, essays, theories of social freedom, education, societal rights and religious thought nor Hume’s neo-skepticism.
Maybe you’d like to really wander off topic and discuss Descart & Locke’s philospophical Trojan horse and how some claim they led to this philosophical despair?  But hey, if we do take Hume at his word and attempt to apply his peculiar notions to this discussion, such as impressions arising from the senses and their ultimate cause (in his opinion) being inexplicable by human reason, we’ll unleash more absurd gibberish than I can be bothered with. You’re scating in thin ice.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 18th, 2020 at 10:18pm

First, where did I make specific reference to the differences, or lack of such, between Christ’s teachings (as reported in the New Testament) and those of the teachings and life of Muhammad?

Would you like to have a go?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ayn Marx on Dec 19th, 2020 at 10:07am

freediver wrote on Dec 18th, 2020 at 10:18pm:

First, where did I make specific reference to the differences, or lack of such, between Christ’s teachings (as reported in the New Testament) and those of the teachings and life of Muhammad?

Would you like to have a go?

Long ago I learnt there’s little if any point in debating theology with mindless true believers of any faith persuasion.
You might be well advised in cleaving to Romans Ch16 :V 17.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 19th, 2020 at 10:47am

Ayn Marx wrote on Dec 19th, 2020 at 10:07am:

freediver wrote on Dec 18th, 2020 at 10:18pm:

First, where did I make specific reference to the differences, or lack of such, between Christ’s teachings (as reported in the New Testament) and those of the teachings and life of Muhammad?

Would you like to have a go?

Long ago I learnt there’s little if any point in debating theology with mindless true believers of any faith persuasion.
You might be well advised in cleaving to Romans Ch16 :V 17.

You are halfway there.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Dec 19th, 2020 at 10:18pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 11:56am:

Frank wrote on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am:

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Shifting the goal-posts by resorting to your favourite ploy of historical revisionism doesn't address the fact that jews endured and prospered under Islamic rule for 1400 years - whereas the Nazis all but wiped them out of their lands in a decade. Yet you would have us believe that the two ideologies are identical in their intent towards jews.

Where are the Jews of Iran, Saudi, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia etc?

Fun fact: the jews have a minimum quota in the Iranian parliament.

Yeah, the token of one proves the point.
Where have all the jews from muslim countries gone? And why?

The jews are leaving even france as more muslims food in and kill and harrass them.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 9:52am

freediver wrote on Dec 18th, 2020 at 7:11pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 9:15am:

freediver wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 6:11pm:
Slaughtering Jews is not coexistence Gandalf.

boring inane obtuseness is boring and inane.

Especially if it gets in the way of the BS you are trying to spin about Muslims peacefully co-existing with Jews?

Is that a bit like the BS you are spinning about 1400 years of rocky, but enduring existence under muslim rule being somehow morally equivalent to 12 years of actual attempt at complete annhialation of the jewish race?

Do you think jewish culture would have endured under 1400 years of Nazi occupation?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 10:15am
Against the backdrop of the persecution of Christians in the Middle East in general and in the Palestinian Authority-controlled territories in particular, it is worth recalling a saying that many Muslims have voiced down through the generations: “First we’ll take care of the Saturday people, then the Sunday people.”

A look at developments in the Middle East over the past decades gives the clear impression that the region is becoming “cleansed” of minorities, especially the Christians who have inhabited it for millennia. The process is reminiscent of what happened to the Jews of the Arab countries, who had to flee their homes amid pogroms and persecutions they suffered throughout the 20th century, especially after the establishment of the state of Israel and its victories over its Arab enemies.

It was in fact in Morocco, where several thousand Jews have remained, that the first massacre of Jews in the 20th century occurred – in Fez, on April 17, 1912, after Sultan Mulai Abd al-Hafid signed a treaty that turned Morocco into a French protectorate. For the people of the country, this handing of the reins of authority to a Christian ruler was an act of betrayal. Unable to attack French people, the Arab mob opted to attack Jews and their properties. Fifty-one Jews were murdered and many homes were looted.

On August 3, 1934, a Jewish tailor in the Algerian town of Constantine cursed the Muslims and insulted Islam while drunk. The result: pogroms against the local Jews that killed 25 and wounded 38.

In June 1941, the Farhoud broke out in Baghdad. About 200 Jews were murdered and thousands wounded by their Arab neighbors. Jewish property was looted and many homes set ablaze.

Four years later, on the anniversary of the 1917 Balfour Declaration, large numbers of Arabs took out their frustration over Nazi Germany’s defeat by perpetrating pogroms in several Arab countries. In Egypt, 10 Jews were killed and about 350 wounded during Muslim Brotherhood riots against the declaration. Synagogues, the Jewish hospital, and old-age homes were burned and more than 100 Jewish shops ransacked. In Libya some 140 Jews were murdered, synagogues were burned, and homes were looted.

On the day after the adoption of the UN partition resolution on November 29, 1947, pogroms against Jews erupted in several Arab countries. These were not coordinated but, rather, spontaneous. The Muslims could not understand how the Jews, who had lived among them for 1,300 years as legally and institutionally inferior “protected persons” (dhimmis), were to be granted a state in which they would rule over, among others, a sizable Muslim minority. This chagrin sparked a number of pogroms. In Aleppo, Syria, 75 Jews were murdered. In Aden, Yemen, about 80 Jews were slaughtered, Jewish shops were looted, and synagogues were set ablaze. Thousands of Jews fled Aden and were held in detention camps in inhuman conditions. This led to Operation Wings of Eagles in which tens of thousands of Yemenite Jews were flown to Israel.

Some three weeks after Israel’s establishment, on June 7-8, 1948, pogroms occurred in the Moroccan towns of Oujda and Jerada. Forty-two Jews were murdered and hundreds wounded. Several days later, 14 Jews were murdered in Tripoli in Libya. In June and July 1948, in response to the Egyptian army’s failure to destroy the newly arisen Jewish state, the Jewish areas of Cairo were beset by Muslim Brotherhood bombings, acts of sabotage, and attacks; tens of Jews were killed and wounded.

The story recurred yet again after Israel’s victory in the Six-Day War, when leaders of Arab countries took revenge on the depleted Jewish communities still under their rule. Thousands of Jews were forced to emigrate as a result of harassment, imprisonment (in Egypt about 600 Jews were put in prison for one to three years), acts of murder (in Libya and Morocco), cancellation of citizenship (Iraq and Egypt), expulsion, and confiscation of property (Iraq, Libya, Egypt, and Syria). Two years later, on January 27, 1969, nine Jews, some of them minors, were hanged in the Baghdad city square on the concocted charge of collaboration with Israel. Eventually the Israeli government recognized them as harugei malchut, a designation for Jews killed by a foreign government usually on account of being Jewish.

In the mid-1980s, 11 Lebanese Jews were kidnapped by Hezbollah and executed after several months. The reason: Israel’s refusal to conduct negotiations for the release of Shiite operatives it had imprisoned. The Jews were accused of collaborating with Israel and were called “Mossad agents.”

Is the fate of the Middle East’s Christians likely to resemble that of the Jews of Arab countries? The data currently indicate that the Christians have been in large-scale flight from the region since 2014, when ISIS rose to power in Syria and Iraq. Many Western embassies have been ordered to grant entry visas immediately to Christians who wish to leave these places, and the process is yet to reach its peak.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 10:27am

Frank wrote on Dec 19th, 2020 at 10:18pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 11:56am:

Frank wrote on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am:

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Shifting the goal-posts by resorting to your favourite ploy of historical revisionism doesn't address the fact that jews endured and prospered under Islamic rule for 1400 years - whereas the Nazis all but wiped them out of their lands in a decade. Yet you would have us believe that the two ideologies are identical in their intent towards jews.

Where are the Jews of Iran, Saudi, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia etc?

Fun fact: the jews have a minimum quota in the Iranian parliament.

Yeah, the token of one proves the point.
Where have all the jews from muslim countries gone? And why?

The jews are leaving even france as more muslims food in and kill and harrass them.

They left mostly because they were no longer welcome in muslim countries.

That muslims were bad to jews throughout history is not in dispute.

What is in dispute is that muslims had the exact same genocidal intentions against jews as the nazis did - but were only thwarted by their own incompetence and irrationality.

It is obvious to anyone with even a glancing understanding of history that the survival and endurance of jewish culture throughout 1400 years of muslim occupation was absoulutely deliberate and a perfectly rational choice by the muslim rulers - which reaped enormous mutual benefits. If the difference between this and 12 years of Nazi genocide and annhialation needs to be explained, then I am wasting my breath.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 6:41pm

muslims had the exact same genocidal intentions against jews as the nazis did

Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 4, Book 56, Number 791:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
I heard Allah's Apostle [Muhammad] saying, "The Jews will fight with you, and you will be given victory over them so that a stone will say, 'O Muslim! There is a Jew behind me; kill him!' "

Sahih Muslim, Book 041, Number 6981:
Ibn 'Umar reported Allah's Messenger [Muhammad] (may peace be upon him) as saying: You will fight against the Jews and you will kill them until even a stone would say: Come here, Muslim, there is a Jew (hiding himself behind me); kill him.[/quote]

Genocidal intentions?

No no no no no no, of course not the holy books have been misinterpreted.

Yeah right gotcha.

And a 5 - 6 - 7 & 8

pigs are going to fly tomorrow

cows are gunna jump over the moon

dishes will run away with all the spoons

the sun will rise in the west

cos allah knows best

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Laugh till you cry on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 6:59pm
Polite_Gandalf is a stooge of FleaDriver's as the victim in FleaDriver's Punch and Judy show.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 8:27pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 9:52am:

freediver wrote on Dec 18th, 2020 at 7:11pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 9:15am:

freediver wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 6:11pm:
Slaughtering Jews is not coexistence Gandalf.

boring inane obtuseness is boring and inane.

Especially if it gets in the way of the BS you are trying to spin about Muslims peacefully co-existing with Jews?

Is that a bit like the BS you are spinning about 1400 years of rocky, but enduring existence under muslim rule being somehow morally equivalent to 12 years of actual attempt at complete annhialation of the jewish race?

Do you think jewish culture would have endured under 1400 years of Nazi occupation?

How long did it take the Muslims to ethnically cleanse the Hejaz of Jews?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 9:53pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 10:27am:

Frank wrote on Dec 19th, 2020 at 10:18pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 11:56am:

Frank wrote on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am:

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Shifting the goal-posts by resorting to your favourite ploy of historical revisionism doesn't address the fact that jews endured and prospered under Islamic rule for 1400 years - whereas the Nazis all but wiped them out of their lands in a decade. Yet you would have us believe that the two ideologies are identical in their intent towards jews.

Where are the Jews of Iran, Saudi, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia etc?

Fun fact: the jews have a minimum quota in the Iranian parliament.

Yeah, the token of one proves the point.
Where have all the jews from muslim countries gone? And why?

The jews are leaving even france as more muslims food in and kill and harrass them.

They left mostly because they were no longer welcome in muslim countries.

That muslims were bad to jews throughout history is not in dispute.

What is in dispute is that muslims had the exact same genocidal intentions against jews as the nazis did - but were only thwarted by their own incompetence and irrationality.

It is obvious to anyone with even a glancing understanding of history that the survival and endurance of jewish culture throughout 1400 years of muslim occupation was absoulutely deliberate and a perfectly rational choice by the muslim rulers - which reaped enormous mutual benefits. If the difference between this and 12 years of Nazi genocide and annhialation needs to be explained, then I am wasting my breath.

So you are proud to be not quite Nazis.

We should clap?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:01am

freediver wrote on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 8:27pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 9:52am:

freediver wrote on Dec 18th, 2020 at 7:11pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 17th, 2020 at 9:15am:

freediver wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 6:11pm:
Slaughtering Jews is not coexistence Gandalf.

boring inane obtuseness is boring and inane.

Especially if it gets in the way of the BS you are trying to spin about Muslims peacefully co-existing with Jews?

Is that a bit like the BS you are spinning about 1400 years of rocky, but enduring existence under muslim rule being somehow morally equivalent to 12 years of actual attempt at complete annhialation of the jewish race?

Do you think jewish culture would have endured under 1400 years of Nazi occupation?

How long did it take the Muslims to ethnically cleanse the Hejaz of Jews?

Your pathetic attempt at goalpost shifting oozes desparation FD.

Can you explain why jews in Spain during the inquisition fled to the muslims in the Ottoman empire - if they really were as badly intentioned as the nazis?

Feel free to answer by way of rhetorical question about an incident nearly 1000 years prior.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:23am

Frank wrote on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 9:53pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 10:27am:

Frank wrote on Dec 19th, 2020 at 10:18pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 11:56am:

Frank wrote on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am:

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Shifting the goal-posts by resorting to your favourite ploy of historical revisionism doesn't address the fact that jews endured and prospered under Islamic rule for 1400 years - whereas the Nazis all but wiped them out of their lands in a decade. Yet you would have us believe that the two ideologies are identical in their intent towards jews.

Where are the Jews of Iran, Saudi, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia etc?

Fun fact: the jews have a minimum quota in the Iranian parliament.

Yeah, the token of one proves the point.
Where have all the jews from muslim countries gone? And why?

The jews are leaving even france as more muslims food in and kill and harrass them.

They left mostly because they were no longer welcome in muslim countries.

That muslims were bad to jews throughout history is not in dispute.

What is in dispute is that muslims had the exact same genocidal intentions against jews as the nazis did - but were only thwarted by their own incompetence and irrationality.

It is obvious to anyone with even a glancing understanding of history that the survival and endurance of jewish culture throughout 1400 years of muslim occupation was absoulutely deliberate and a perfectly rational choice by the muslim rulers - which reaped enormous mutual benefits. If the difference between this and 12 years of Nazi genocide and annhialation needs to be explained, then I am wasting my breath.

So you are proud to be not quite Nazis.

We should clap?

Muslims are morally equated with Nazis just about every day on this forum.

There is a crude, but relentless campaign to dehumanise muslim people here.

Any muslim who ventures here and tries to defend against the attacks is hounded with vicious personal attacks.

But thats all fine.

I don't have to be here, I choose to stay and answer your ill-intentioned questions. This isn't a discussion forum, its a hunting ground for trolls.

Yet here I am. Why? Its difficult to say - perhaps deep down I hope that somewhere, in some small way, I am getting through.

For that effort, and without once stooping to your level by engaging in any personal attacks whatsoever, I actually do think I deserve your applause.

If nothing else, for providing you with your punching bag.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Valkie on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:36am

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:23am:

Frank wrote on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 9:53pm:
polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 23rd, 2020 at 10:27am:

Frank wrote on Dec 19th, 2020 at 10:18pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 16th, 2020 at 11:56am:

Frank wrote on Dec 10th, 2020 at 3:44pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 8th, 2020 at 9:42am:

freediver wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 6:54pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 7th, 2020 at 9:40am:

freediver wrote on Dec 4th, 2020 at 6:59pm:
What exactly is your argument here Gandalf? That not dying reflects well on Islam?

I would say so, yes.

Islam took the most advanced civilisation on earth. A population that had lead the world in human development for about 10000 years. It turned it into the most backwards and oppressive society on earth.

But they didn't wipe themselves out, so you polish the turd. Next you will be telling us how wonderful AIDS is because it won't go away.

If they were as irrational and extreme as you make out, they would have either wiped themselves out, or been wiped out by someone else. Thats my point FD.

Shifting the goal-posts by resorting to your favourite ploy of historical revisionism doesn't address the fact that jews endured and prospered under Islamic rule for 1400 years - whereas the Nazis all but wiped them out of their lands in a decade. Yet you would have us believe that the two ideologies are identical in their intent towards jews.

Where are the Jews of Iran, Saudi, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia etc?

Fun fact: the jews have a minimum quota in the Iranian parliament.

Yeah, the token of one proves the point.
Where have all the jews from muslim countries gone? And why?

The jews are leaving even france as more muslims food in and kill and harrass them.

They left mostly because they were no longer welcome in muslim countries.

That muslims were bad to jews throughout history is not in dispute.

What is in dispute is that muslims had the exact same genocidal intentions against jews as the nazis did - but were only thwarted by their own incompetence and irrationality.

It is obvious to anyone with even a glancing understanding of history that the survival and endurance of jewish culture throughout 1400 years of muslim occupation was absoulutely deliberate and a perfectly rational choice by the muslim rulers - which reaped enormous mutual benefits. If the difference between this and 12 years of Nazi genocide and annhialation needs to be explained, then I am wasting my breath.

So you are proud to be not quite Nazis.

We should clap?

Muslims are morally equated with Nazis just about every day on this forum.

There is a crude, but relentless campaign to dehumanise muslim people here.

Any muslim who ventures here and tries to defend against the attacks is hounded with vicious personal attacks.

But thats all fine.

I don't have to be here, I choose to stay and answer your ill-intentioned questions. This isn't a discussion forum, its a hunting ground for trolls.

Yet here I am. Why? Its difficult to say - perhaps deep down I hope that somewhere, in some small way, I am getting through.

For that effort, and without once stooping to your level by engaging in any personal attacks whatsoever, I actually do think I deserve your applause.

If nothing else, for providing you with your punching bag.

There is a good reason for the comparison, except that Hitler was a moral saint in comparison.

Muzzos murder, hunt down, hound and destroy any religion that is not of the cult of death.

They insult, denigrate and mock any religion not of the cult of death.

Muzzos are living in a barbaric, primitive depraved and brutal mindset of murder and punishment.

Mo the mad was a sociopath, self confessed pedophile, liar, nutcase, traitor, liar and a prophet of Satan.

There is nothing more obvious of these facts than simply reading the toilet paper booklet they all revere.

And by following in the teachings of Satans spawn, all muzzos are of the same ilk, just as Satan envisaged.

When Islamic countries allow other religions to peacefully and openly practice and promote their religions.

Then, and only then will I accept that islam has grown beyond the brutality of Mad Mos doctrine of hatred.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:04am

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:23am:

Muslims are morally equated with Nazis just about every day on this forum.

There is a crude, but relentless campaign to dehumanise muslim people here.

Any muslim who ventures here and tries to defend against the attacks is hounded with vicious personal attacks.

But thats all fine.

I don't have to be here, I choose to stay and answer your ill-intentioned questions.

This isn't a discussion forum, its a hunting ground for trolls.

Yet here I am.


Its difficult to say - perhaps deep down I hope that somewhere, in some small way, I am getting through.

For that effort, and without once stooping to your level by engaging in any personal attacks whatsoever, I actually do think I deserve your applause.

If nothing else, for providing you with your punching bag.

We are not merciless TROLLS gandalf.

And ISLAM and its followers are not innocent victims.


Aaaaw, moslems [as followers of ISLAM] are being criticised.

Everyone say; Aaaaaaw!!!!


The precepts, tenets and laws of ISLAM don't help you to defend ISLAM.

1/ When those precepts, tenets and laws of ISLAM, establish the 'legitimate' hatred of [and encourge murderous violence towards] non-moslem authority.

2/ And when ISLAMIC law legitimises, the abduction and forced conversion, and rape of non-moslem women and girls - in jurisdictions where the followers of ISLAM see that opportunity.



Pakistan: Muslim kidnaps 12-year old Christian girl, forces her to convert to Islam, and marries her

India: Police make first arrest for ‘love jihad’ under new law

Pakistan: Muslim death squads hunt for 14-year-old Christian girl who fled forced marriage to her Muslim kidnapper

‘Non-Muslim women are being kidnapped, raped, lured, converted to Islam, punished and brainwashed’

India: Muslim murders 21-year-old Hindu girl because she refused to convert and marry him

India: Islamic State jihadis target Christian women via ‘love jihad,’ entice 21 to join the jihad terror group

Pakistan: Christian teen flees after court returns her to custody of her Muslim abductor



Many other examples of the 'Lawful' ISLAMIC inspired murderous violence towards non-moslems,

------ >

The universality of moslem intimidation and violence, AND MURDER....


Why do you keep complaining, and pretending in this forum, that criticism of ISLAM [and that criticism of the nefarious behaviour of the followers of ISLAM] is meritless, and 'uncalled for' ?

And pretending, that the followers of ISLAM [who are at this moment not actually killing a disbeliever] are 'innocents',
even though they freely choose to be followers of a philosophy, which encourages such murderous behaviour.



EVIDENCES of ISLAM's malevolence towards   ALL   non-moslems....

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,..."
Koran 60.1

"...And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah...Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan:.."
Koran 4.74-76

Koran 8:20-22
Koran 5:59-60
Koran 47:33-35

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."  <-------
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"......the curse of Allah is on those without Faith."
Koran 2.089

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"Fighting [against disbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers,"
Koran 9.14

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:23am

Valkie wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:36am:
There is a good reason for the comparison, except that Hitler was a moral saint in comparison.

Muzzos murder, hunt down, hound and destroy any religion that is not of the cult of death.

They insult, denigrate and mock any religion not of the cult of death.

I am one of those "muzzos", yet my record speaks for itself. Needless to say I don't hunt down, hound or destroy anyone - least of all someone from a different religion. Nor do I insult or denigrate or mock anyone.

Yet I see insults and denigration on a daily basis. Right here on this forum. By people who think they are making some grand moral stand against hate! Oh the irony!!

So when you say "there is good reason for the comparison", you are really saying its ok to dehumanise all muslims, including the ones (the vast majority that is) who have not done a thing wrong - to you, or anyone else.

Isn't that just a big cop out Valkie? Doesn't it just give you an excuse to not do the right thing and make the effort to acknowledge, know and maybe understand the muslims who have done no wrong, and listen to their point of view? At least acknowledge that by blanket smearing all muslims and putting them in the "don't need to bother with" basket, you are opting for the easy way out.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:40am


The precepts, tenets and laws of ISLAM don't help you to defend ISLAM.

But you won't even gve me a chance Yadda.

I have tried many times to reason with you, and get you to understand my point of view. That, shock horror, those idiots you quote ad nauseum in your posts I don't actually agree with, that there are other points of view amongst muslims.

To your credit, you do respond to my arguments, but only to simply sweep them aside and launch into another of your lectures on what Islam really is - usually by quoting some nutjob who I obviously don't agree with, and away you go with the crayons.

Wouldn't it be nice if just once you actually acknowledged my sincerity and express some hint of respect for my genuine desire for engage and find solutions - even while vehemently disagreeing with my views. And yet, in reality, are our views really that different? I believe you, as I, really only strive for peace and security and harmony throughout mankind. If only we could acknowledge those shared objectives. Where we fail, is when we start insisting that the intentions of the other is entirely sinister, and therefore we must hold each other in deep suspicion.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:23am:

Valkie wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:36am:

There is a good reason for the comparison, except that Hitler was a moral saint in comparison.

Muzzos murder, hunt down, hound and destroy any religion that is not of the cult of death.

They insult, denigrate and mock any religion not of the cult of death.

I am one of those "muzzos", yet my record speaks for itself.

Needless to say I don't hunt down, hound or destroy anyone - least of all someone from a different religion.

Nor do I insult or denigrate or mock anyone.

Yet I see insults and denigration on a daily basis.

Right here on this forum.

By people who think they are making some grand moral stand against hate!

Oh the irony!!

So when you say "there is good reason for the comparison", you are really saying its ok to dehumanise all muslims, including the ones (the vast majority that is) who have not done a thing wrong - to you, or anyone else.

Isn't that just a big cop out Valkie?

Doesn't it just give you an excuse to not do the right thing and make the effort to acknowledge, know and maybe understand the muslims who have done no wrong, and listen to their point of view?

At least acknowledge that by blanket smearing all muslims and putting them in the "don't need to bother with" basket, you are opting for the easy way out.


My response to your post, AND MY RESPONSE TO YOUR ARGUMENTS......

Yadda said....


"every moslem in Australia is a latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac"

- Yadda

What about the innocent moslems ?

IMO, [logically] there are no innocent moslems [among persons who have come to the age of consent], and yet still declare themselves to be moslems.

How so [logically] ?

How credible is it that a person who is devout enough to insist that he is a moslem, is unaware of what ISLAM promotes, and is unaware of what the principle tenets of ISLAM are ?

How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'], a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'], a philosophy which claims that murdering, in the cause of religious bigotry, is a religious virtue ?



I repeat;

Why do you keep complaining, and pretending in this forum, that criticism of ISLAM [and that criticism of the nefarious behaviour of the followers of ISLAM] is meritless, and 'uncalled for' ?

And keep pretending, that the followers of ISLAM [who are at this moment not actually killing a disbeliever] are 'innocents',
even though they freely choose to be followers of a philosophy, which encourages such murderous behaviour ?

And keep pretending [WITH YOUR SILENCE], that the precepts, tenets and laws of ISLAM, do not place upon every follower of ISLAM, the religious obligation, to assist [all other followers of ISLAM] in the RELIGIOUS WAR [of ISLAM] against all non-ISLAMIC influence,
wherever that non-ISLAMIC influence is ?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:58am

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:

a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

First pillar: Shahada (Profession of Faith)
Second Pillar: Salat (Prayer)
Third Pillar: Zakat (Almsgiving)
Fourth Pillar: Sawm (Fasting)
Fifth Pillar: Hajj (Pilgrimage)

I will reply in more depth.

Other matters right now, have a call on my immediate attention.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Dec 24th, 2020 at 12:18pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:23am:
Muslims are morally equated with Nazis just about every day on this forum.

:'( :'(

Well, their parallel totalitarianism is inescapable. The parallel jew hate ditto. The relentless control of every aspect of life ditto. The division into first and second class citizens ditto.

Nazism, Maoism, Stalinism - Islam has a lot in common with them. With liberal democracy, not so much.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 24th, 2020 at 5:48pm

There is a crude, but relentless campaign to dehumanise muslim people here.

Oh gee the poor poor muzzie is the never ending victim.

A few from the hundreds in the qur'an which promote islamic rape torture hatred and murder.

qur'an 8.67: It is not for any prophet to have captives until he hath made a great slaughter in the land. Ye desire the lure of this world and Allah desireth (for you) the Hereafter, and Allah is Mighty, Wise.

qur'an 3.28: Let not the believers take disbelievers for their friends in preference to believers. Whoso doeth that hath no connection with Allah unless (it be) that ye but guard yourselves against them, taking (as it were) security. Allah biddeth you beware (only) of Himself. Unto Allah is the journeying.

qur'an 5.51: O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.

qur'an 9.23: O ye who believe! take not for protectors your fathers and your brothers if they love infidelity above Faith: if any of you do so, they do wrong.

qur'an 98.6: Those who reject (Truth), among the People of the Book and among the Polytheists, will be in Hell-Fire, to dwell therein (for aye). They are the worst of creatures

qur'an 8.55: For the vilest of beasts in the sight of Allah are those who reject Him: They will not believe.

qur'an 66.9: O Prophet, strive against the disbelievers and the hypocrites and be harsh upon them. And their refuge is Hell, and wretched is the destination.

Well gee I dunno but it appears that allah certainly doesn't want the muslims to fit in with us, allah wants the muslims to be supremacists, who lord it over us.

This doctrine is having the required effect, as we see the never ending human rights atrocities being committed by muslims globally, on a daily scale.

When are muslims going to be honest about islam allah muhammad and the qur'an?

Until that day comes, there will always be muslims committing human rights atrocities against the non believers, in 100% obedience to islam allah muhammad and the qur'an.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Karnal on Dec 24th, 2020 at 11:38pm

Frank wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 12:18pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 8:23am:

Muslims are morally equated with Nazis just about every day on this forum.

:'( :'(

Well, their parallel totalitarianism is inescapable. The parallel jew hate ditto. The relentless control of every aspect of life ditto. The division into first and second class citizens ditto.

Nazism, Maoism, Stalinism - Islam has a lot in common with them. With liberal democracy, not so much.

Oh, dear. The old boy just used the L word.

Do you want to tell him, or shall I?

FD? Do you have a quote, dear?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ajax on Dec 25th, 2020 at 7:37am

Jews are horrible, horrible people....

Well if you look at it from the towelheads perspective from Abraham to Moses and beyond, the Jews in search of their promised land killed all before them, men women and children and in some cases the animals that belonged to the people they slaughtered.

So I can understand why towelheads would say such things about the Jews in the past.

Fast forward to 2020 with the Palestinians, Iranians etc relations don't seem to be any better.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Dec 26th, 2020 at 9:41am

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Here is an example of a Muslim trying to hide the Quran.

Very sneaky Gandalf.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Karnal on Dec 26th, 2020 at 9:53am

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 26th, 2020 at 2:03pm

the Jews in search of their promised land killed all before them, men women and children and in some cases the animals that belonged to the people they slaughtered.

The Hebrews certainly did do some depraved things about 1410 years B.C..

At that time there were multiple pagan gods who demanded human sacrifice, animal sex, pornographic human sexual activity, skinning people alive, stoning people to death, amputations etc. were everywhere, across all cultures and gods.

People always quote the various commands to the Hebrews which told them to ruthlessly exterminate these people and their animals, they never quote:

Deuteronomy 12:8 Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes.

Deuteronomy 12:9 For ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance, which the LORD your God giveth you.

So the Jews were told to stop when they gained the promised land.

Entirely different to the qur'an, which tells muslims to rape torture and slaughter for all times until the entire world, (all religion is for allah) is dominated by muslims.

Today the 21st century what matter the most is, the fact that muslims are on their satanical journey of rape torture and mass murder, right across the globe.

It's not the Jews, so why do people try and excuse todays (the 21st century A.D.) muslims, with the deeds of the Hebrews 1410 B.C.?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 26th, 2020 at 2:05pm

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Fight/ Kill/ Murder:-       

In the English language, Fight can mean to : Combat, Struggle, Resist, Strife, War, do battle.

In the Arabic language, one word QATL with its DERIVATIVES can mean all of the following:

Fight: Qital, Kifah, 'Airak, Harb, etc

Kill: Qatl, Thabh, Jazr

Murder: Qatl

Slaughter: Thabh, Jazr

Slay: Qatl


Invariably, the interpreters of the Quran use the more 'sanitised' terms to convey a more moderate connotation. This word Qital, Qatl, Qatala, Yaqtulu, Youqatilou,  is usually used against all those who do not believe in Muhammad and his Quran.

This word and its derivatives are repeated in the Quran and Ahadith at least 35,213 times.

So KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC. are taught 35,213 times in the holy books.

164 Jihad Verses in the Koran

The Koran’s 164 Jihad Verses: K 002:178-179, 190-191, 193-194, 216-218, 244; 003:121-126, 140-143, 146, 152-158, 165-167,169, 172-173, 195; 004:071-072, 074-077, 084, 089-091, 094-095,100-104; 005:033, 035, 082; 008:001, 005, 007, 009-010, 012, 015-017, 039-048,057-060, 065-075; 009:005, 012-014, 016, 019-020, 024-026, 029,036, 038-039, 041, 044, 052, 073, 081, 083,086, 088, 092, 111, 120, 122-123; 016:110; 022:039, 058, 078; 024:053, 055; 025:052; 029:006, 069; 033:015, 018, 020, 023, 025-027, 050; 042:039; 047:004, 020, 035; 048:015-024; 049:015; 059:002, 005-008, 014; 060:009; 061:004, 011, 013; 063:004; 064:014; 066:009; 073:020; 076:008

164 verses of jihad in the quran plus the words KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC. are taught 35,213 times in the holy books.

How many time is the word love used in the qur'an?

The word love, hubb in its various grammatical forms, is used 69 times in the Qur'an. The writer has divided these into five categories:

(1) Man's Love of Things (15 times)
(2) Human Love (15 Times)
(3) Man's Love for God (7 times)
(4) Negative - God Does Not Love The ... (22 times)
(5) God's love for Man (20 times)

A mere 79 times love is mentioned and 22 times this teaches that allah does not love certain people.

So we have over 35,000 times the muslims are told to slaughter etc., 164 verses of jihad and 79 verses where the word love is used, 22 times it is actually used to tell muslims allah does not love something.

Amount of Text Devoted to the Kafir

The Koran says that the Kafir may be deceived, plotted against, hated, enslaved, mocked, tortured and worse
. The word is usually translated as “unbeliever” but this translation is wrong. The word “unbeliever” is logically and emotionally neutral, whereas, Kafir is the most abusive, prejudiced and hateful word in any language.

Islam devotes a great amount of energy to the Kafir. The majority (64%) of the Koran is devoted to the Kafir, and nearly all of the Sira (81%) deals with Mohammed’s struggle with them. The Hadith (Traditions) devotes 32% of the text to Kafirs1. Overall, the Trilogy devotes 60% of its content to the Kafir.

Hadith 37%
Sira 81%
Koran 64%
Total 60%

[b]Hatred for the sake of Allah and love for the sake of Allah is called Al Walaa wa al Baraa
, a fundamental principle of Islamic ethics and Sharia. A Muslim is to hate what Allah hates and love what Allah loves. Allah hates the Kafir, therefore, a Muslim is to act accordingly

60% of the qur'an devoted to domineering and slaughtering the kufir.

164 verses of jihad in the quran plus the words KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC. are taught 35,213 times in the holy books.

The word love is used a lousy 79 times and 22 times it is actually used to say allah does not love something.

Yeah gee, I wonder just which part of islam causes muslims to be homicidal maniacs and why?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Laugh till you cry on Dec 26th, 2020 at 2:09pm

moses wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 2:03pm:
It's not the Jews, so why do people try and excuse todays (the 21st century A.D.) muslims, with the deeds of the Hebrews 1410 B.C.?

... because the killing and pillaging of Jews against the Palestinians has not stopped?

A former Prime Minister of Israel Ariel Sharon was involved in the genocide of the Shabra Shattila massacre of women, children, and olds.

If their leaders are mass murderers, what are the rest like?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 26th, 2020 at 2:16pm
Is that the reason the muslims are the worlds number one terrorist problem?

It's all the Jews fault?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ajax on Dec 26th, 2020 at 3:30pm

moses wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 2:03pm:

the Jews in search of their promised land killed all before them, men women and children and in some cases the animals that belonged to the people they slaughtered.

The Hebrews certainly did do some depraved things about 1410 years B.C..

At that time there were multiple pagan gods who demanded human sacrifice, animal sex, pornographic human sexual activity, skinning people alive, stoning people to death, amputations etc. were everywhere, across all cultures and gods.

People always quote the various commands to the Hebrews which told them to ruthlessly exterminate these people and their animals, they never quote:

Deuteronomy 12:8 Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes.

Deuteronomy 12:9 For ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance, which the LORD your God giveth you.

So the Jews were told to stop when they gained the promised land.

Entirely different to the qur'an, which tells muslims to rape torture and slaughter for all times until the entire world, (all religion is for allah) is dominated by muslims.

Today the 21st century what matter the most is, the fact that muslims are on their satanical journey of rape torture and mass murder, right across the globe.

It's not the Jews, so why do people try and excuse todays (the 21st century A.D.) muslims, with the deeds of the Hebrews 1410 B.C.?

As far as I’m concerned told straight from the horse’s mouth (a Jewish man), the Jews and what we call the Muslims today came from one father Abraham in that he had Isaac with Sarah and Ishmael with Hagar, brothers in arms from the same father.

The old testament is not only a holy book for some but also a history book of the Jews and in that history book, the Jews perform genocide on a number of occasions in search of that promised land.

Like for example the genocide of the Canaanites, Amalekites, Midianites but to name a few, , the old testament is written in blood, stoning people to death, cutting limbs off blinding people etc etc.

If it’s better than the Koran it must only be slightly better, because both these books would be in the same section of a library possibly side by side.

Why the Jews and the Arabs hate each other goes all the way to Abraham and maybe sooner than him but what is written is enough to get the picture.

The old testament god was certainly a blood thirsty god or was it written that way to justify the genocide, who knows, maybe god is blood thirsty and enjoys watching people spill each other’s blood.

But Jesus tells us otherwise in the new testament that God loves all people no matter nationality and some of the prophets tell us that even though the Jews are plentiful like grains of sand on a beach only a handful will be saved.

If Jesus had found milk and honey with the Pharisees (priests) and scribes (theologians) I would most likely not believe his story, the fact that the Pharisees and scribes put him on the cross through the romans was initially something that attracted me to look into JC.

You mean to tell me today if the Jews could do away with all the Palestinians they wouldn't, or the Iranians or Iraqis.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Yadda on Dec 26th, 2020 at 3:59pm

@ Reply #237,


You are mistaken.

Those things happened.

But not as a consequence of a blunt conquest.

But the bible states the killings of those people, were as a final punishment/judgement upon the inhabitants [in situ] of the land.

Those things happened ~3,400 years ago.

Harsh ?  Yes.

Cruel ?  Yes.

Any more harsh or cruel than what men are doing to each other today ?

We really 'haven't come very far' have we ?

Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
23  Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.
24  Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:
25  And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
26  Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:
27  (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)
28  That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you.
29  For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.
30  Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Dec 26th, 2020 at 7:03pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

An extremely and laughably dishonest - and knowingly so -  question, put knowingly dishonourably and lying by a discredited  propagandist for Mohammed.


Show us the Muslims who live solely and exclusively by only those 5 tenets of Islam. Your lives are micro-managed by Muslim dogma. You are drained of any individuality, freedom, creativity, you are like the worst orthodox jews and their mad rituals. Except you want impose it on others, by violence.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Valkie on Dec 27th, 2020 at 7:20am
There is one blatantly obvious difference between islam and the other religions of the world.

Islam is still brutal, primitive and murderous.
Willing to kill, maim and harm virtually anyone in support of their sick cult.
Still living in the barbaric past.

Whereas all other religions have left that brutality in the past and moved to more humane and peaceful practices.

Yes the Christian religion has been brutal in the past, but we have moved well beyond that since.

But islam cannot let go of the brutality.

And the reason for this is that if it did allow tolerance, if it did allow its followers to compare
If it did allow people to chose.

Islam would fall and become what it should be.

An embarrasing cult of death presided over by brutal uneducated war lords following the doctrines of a sociopath, self confessed pedophile, nut case liar coward Mo the mad

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ajax on Dec 27th, 2020 at 9:15am

Yadda wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 3:59pm:

@ Reply #237,


You are mistaken.

Those things happened.

But not as a consequence of a blunt conquest.

But the bible states the killings of those people, were as a final punishment/judgement upon the inhabitants [in situ] of the land.

Those things happened ~3,400 years ago.

Harsh ?  Yes.

Cruel ?  Yes.

Any more harsh or cruel than what men are doing to each other today ?

We really 'haven't come very far' have we ?

Leviticus 18:22
Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.
23  Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion.
24  Defile not ye yourselves in any of these things: for in all these the nations are defiled which I cast out before you:
25  And the land is defiled: therefore I do visit the iniquity thereof upon it, and the land itself vomiteth out her inhabitants.
26  Ye shall therefore keep my statutes and my judgments, and shall not commit any of these abominations; neither any of your own nation, nor any stranger that sojourneth among you:
27  (For all these abominations have the men of the land done, which were before you, and the land is defiled;)
28  That the land spue not you out also, when ye defile it, as it spued out the nations that were before you.
29  For whosoever shall commit any of these abominations, even the souls that commit them shall be cut off from among their people.
30  Therefore shall ye keep mine ordinance, that ye commit not any one of these abominable customs, which were committed before you, and that ye defile not yourselves therein: I am the LORD your God.

I certainly agree with your last few sentences we haven't learnt much and are at risk of exterminating each other.

If there was ever a way to get of the Earth and maybe explore other worlds it would take a sincere effort from all nations working together as one.

Unfortunately that will never happen imo.

Too many green ants, red ants, black ants, blue ants, yellow ants, purple ants...etc etc

We are all ants.......... :)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by JaSin. on Dec 27th, 2020 at 10:50am
Jewish girls, like Moslem girls - are good roots.
Have I told the one about me deflowering a 40 year old Moslem woman (hot) as a younger man? Here's to you Mrs Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you could know. Hey, hey, hey.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Ajax on Dec 27th, 2020 at 10:55am

Jasin wrote on Dec 27th, 2020 at 10:50am:
Jewish girls, like Moslem girls - are good roots.
Have I told the one about me deflowering a 40 year old Moslem woman (hot) as a younger man? Here's to you Mrs Robinson, Jesus loves you more than you could know. Hey, hey, hey.

LOL just don't get caught, you'll be a eunuch before you know it...... ;) :) :D

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by JaSin. on Dec 27th, 2020 at 11:43am
I have a young Jewish 20'something interested in me. I'm 50 and in a very celibate era of my life. She's a virgin too.  ;) She obviously wants the 'older guy' for her first special time. I can hear the creak of wood even now.  Should I do the deed like old Cecil the Goat in Footrot Flats? Nice young fresh meat.  :D
Alas, the Brotherhood of the Whistling Wood will deny me the life of the past.
Might have to tap one of you guys in for me?  ;)

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Bobby. on Dec 27th, 2020 at 11:53am

Jasin wrote on Dec 27th, 2020 at 11:43am:
I have a young Jewish 20'something interested in me. I'm 50 and in a very celibate era of my life. She's a virgin too.  ;) She obviously wants the 'older guy' for her first special time. I can hear the creak of wood even now.  Should I do the deed like old Cecil the Goat in Footrot Flats? Nice young fresh meat.  :D
Alas, the Brotherhood of the Whistling Wood will deny me the life of the past.
Might have to tap one of you guys in for me?  ;)

Watch out for her Jewish father.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Mr Hammer on Dec 27th, 2020 at 11:55am

Jasin wrote on Dec 27th, 2020 at 11:43am:
I have a young Jewish 20'something interested in me. I'm 50 and in a very celibate era of my life. She's a virgin too.  ;) She obviously wants the 'older guy' for her first special time. I can hear the creak of wood even now.  Should I do the deed like old Cecil the Goat in Footrot Flats? Nice young fresh meat.  :D
Alas, the Brotherhood of the Whistling Wood will deny me the life of the past.
Might have to tap one of you guys in for me?  ;)

Stop it! You'll make Cods jealous.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by JaSin. on Dec 27th, 2020 at 12:42pm
Don't tell me Cods is rubbing her legs like a cricket for me?
She'll come off second best if trying to get a root out of a celibate male. It might cost her $$$  ;) I don't dry dishes or sharpen knives for nothing.  :P


Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Dec 27th, 2020 at 3:00pm
Ajax wrote Reply #237 - Yesterday at 3:30pm:

As far as I’m concerned told straight from the horse’s mouth (a Jewish man), the Jews and what we call the Muslims today came from one father Abraham in that he had Isaac with Sarah and Ishmael with Hagar, brothers in arms from the same father.

The old testament is not only a holy book for some but also a history book of the Jews and in that history book, the Jews perform genocide on a number of occasions in search of that promised land.

Like for example the genocide of the Canaanites, Amalekites, Midianites but to name a few, , the old testament is written in blood, stoning people to death, cutting limbs off blinding people etc etc.

If it’s better than the Koran it must only be slightly better, because both these books would be in the same section of a library possibly side by side.

Why the Jews and the Arabs hate each other goes all the way to Abraham and maybe sooner than him but what is written is enough to get the picture.

The old testament god was certainly a blood thirsty god or was it written that way to justify the genocide, who knows, maybe god is blood thirsty and enjoys watching people spill each other’s blood.

But Jesus tells us otherwise in the new testament that God loves all people no matter nationality and some of the prophets tell us that even though the Jews are plentiful like grains of sand on a beach only a handful will be saved.

If Jesus had found milk and honey with the Pharisees (priests) and scribes (theologians) I would most likely not believe his story, the fact that the Pharisees and scribes put him on the cross through the romans was initially something that attracted me to look into JC.

You mean to tell me today if the Jews could do away with all the Palestinians they wouldn't, or the Iranians or Iraqis.

The Hebrews and the Arabs were from Abraham. The Hebrews went on to worship a monotheistic god Y.H.W.H.. The Arabs went on to worship an array of pagan gods of which the moon god allah was one. In the 7th century A.D. muhammad whose family were the earthly custodians of the moon god allah, decided to reinvent his moon god allah into a monotheistic god called allah.

There are huge differences between the Jewish doctrine and the doctrine of the reinvented pagan moon god allah.

The Hebrews certainly did commit atrocities when they were on the quest for the promised land.

They were told to not do it anymore after they gained the promised land.

Deuteronomy 12:8 Ye shall not do after all the things that we do here this day, every man whatsoever is right in his own eyes.

Deuteronomy 12:9 For ye are not as yet come to the rest and to the inheritance, which the LORD your God giveth you.

Also the O.T. is written in the past tense.

The Jews of today (the 21st century) have no religious authority to commit atrocities, they are disobeying their Torah if they do so today.(Deuteronomy 12:8 -9)

The qur'an is written in the present / future tense.

The commands of rape torture and mass slaughter etc. are still relevant today the 21st century.

There is absolutely religious requirements for the muslim of today the 21st century, to thieve, lie, rape, torture and mass slaughter innocent men women and children who are non believers.

The facts are that today:

1/. Jews who commit human rights atrocities are disobeying the O.T.. (Deuteronomy 12:8 -9)

2/. All men who commit human rights atrocities are 100% disobeying the teachings of Christ.

3/. All muslims who commit human rights atrocities against the non believer are 100% obeying the teachings of muhammad in the qur'an.

islam is the global problem right now the 21st century, why do people try and excuse it by fallaciously trying to equate islam with the Judaeo Christian doctrines?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Laugh till you cry on Dec 27th, 2020 at 3:14pm

Jasin wrote on Dec 27th, 2020 at 12:42pm:
Don't tell me Cods is rubbing her legs like a cricket for me?
She'll come off second best if trying to get a root out of a celibate male. It might cost her $$$  ;) I don't dry dishes or sharpen knives for nothing.  :P


The friction is so intense the hairs on the legs have burned off.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Jan 6th, 2021 at 11:22am

freediver wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 9:41am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Here is an example of a Muslim trying to hide the Quran.

Very sneaky Gandalf.

The 5 pillars are based on the Quran.

You pretend Islam is purely about killing jews and rape and pillage.

Yet, no one refutes the fact that the 5 pillars are universally agreed by muslims to be the best summation of the "essense" of Islam that we have. And not one of those 5 pillars mentions rape, pillage or slaughtering jews.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Jan 6th, 2021 at 12:46pm

Hatred for the sake of Allah and love for the sake of Allah is called Al Walaa wa al Baraa, a fundamental principle of Islamic ethics and Sharia. A Muslim is to hate what Allah hates and love what Allah loves. Allah hates the Kafir, therefore, a Muslim is to act accordingly.

Amount of Text Devoted to the Kafir

The Koran says that the Kafir may be deceived, plotted against, hated, enslaved, mocked, tortured and worse. The word is usually translated as “unbeliever” but this translation is wrong. The word “unbeliever” is logically and emotionally neutral, whereas, Kafir is the most abusive, prejudiced and hateful word in any language.

Islam devotes a great amount of energy to the Kafir. The majority (64%) of the Koran is devoted to the Kafir, and nearly all of the Sira (81%) deals with Mohammed’s struggle with them. The Hadith (Traditions) devotes 32% of the text to Kafirs1. Overall, the Trilogy devotes 60% of its content to the Kafir.

Hadith 37%
Sira 81%
Koran 64%
Total 60%

Fight/ Kill/ Murder:-     

In the English language, Fight can mean to : Combat, Struggle, Resist, Strife, War, do battle.

In the Arabic language, one word QATL with its DERIVATIVES can mean all of the following:

Fight: Qital, Kifah, 'Airak, Harb, etc

Kill: Qatl, Thabh, Jazr

Murder: Qatl

Slaughter: Thabh, Jazr

Slay: Qatl


Invariably, the interpreters of the Quran use the more 'sanitised' terms to convey a more moderate connotation. This word Qital, Qatl, Qatala, Yaqtulu, Youqatilou,  is usually used against all those who do not believe in Muhammad and his Quran.

This word and its derivatives are repeated in the Quran and Ahadith at least 35,213 times.

164 Jihad Verses in the Koran

The Koran’s 164 Jihad Verses: K 002:178-179, 190-191, 193-194, 216-218, 244; 003:121-126, 140-143, 146, 152-158, 165-167,169, 172-173, 195; 004:071-072, 074-077, 084, 089-091, 094-095,100-104; 005:033, 035, 082; 008:001, 005, 007, 009-010, 012, 015-017, 039-048,057-060, 065-075; 009:005, 012-014, 016, 019-020, 024-026, 029,036, 038-039, 041, 044, 052, 073, 081, 083,086, 088, 092, 111, 120, 122-123; 016:110; 022:039, 058, 078; 024:053, 055; 025:052; 029:006, 069; 033:015, 018, 020, 023, 025-027, 050; 042:039; 047:004, 020, 035; 048:015-024; 049:015; 059:002, 005-008, 014; 060:009; 061:004, 011, 013; 063:004; 064:014; 066:009; 073:020; 076:008

164 verses of jihad in the quran plus the words KILL, MURDER, FIGHT, COMBAT, SLAY, PUT TO DEATH, SLAUGHTER, ETC. are taught 35,213 times in the holy books.
The word love, hubb in its various grammatical forms, is used 69 times in the Qur'an. The writer has divided these into five categories:

(1) Man's Love of Things (15 times)
(2) Human Love (15 Times)
(3) Man's Love for God (7 times)
(4) Negative - God Does Not Love The ... (22 times)
(5) God's love for Man (20 times)

A mere 79 times love is mentioned and 22 times this teaches that allah does not love certain people.

So we have over 35,000 times the muslims are told to slaughter etc., 164 verses of jihad and 79 verses where the word love is used, 22 times it is actually used to tell muslims allah does not love something.

------ and people wonder why muslims perpetrate human rights atrocities against innocent men women and children?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Jan 6th, 2021 at 1:40pm

The word is usually translated as “unbeliever” but this translation is wrong. The word “unbeliever” is logically and emotionally neutral, whereas, Kafir is the most abusive, prejudiced and hateful word in any language.

your hate site inadvertantly scores an own goal.

a 'kafir' is indeed someone far worse than someone who merely disbelieves.

the arabic word is derived from the root word meaning 'to cover' or 'conceal'. The 'kafir' in the Quran is someone who goes out of their way to conceal the truth, to deceive others, for wholly sinister purposes. Far more than someone who merely chooses not to believe.

By its own admission then, your hate site acknowledges (even if inadvertantly) that the hostility the Quran expresses is actually not towards mere "unbelievers" - but to people who do far worse - go out of their way to conceal, trick and deceive others from the truth.

Quran 18:29 and 2:256 makes it clear that no hostility or sanction is justified against people who merely choose not to believe:

Whoever wills let them believe, and whoever wills let them disbelieve

There is no compulsion in religion

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Jan 6th, 2021 at 2:11pm
A couple of the many to kill the unbelievers:

qur'an 4.76: Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan: feeble indeed is the cunning of Satan.

qur'an 9.29: Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.

Why are non believers persecuted and discriminated against in muslim lands today?

Why are there thousands of instances of muslims, raping torturing and murdering innocent non believing men women and children, every year?

Why do muslims sing the praises of allah whenever they commit their thousands of human rights atrocities?

Why why why?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Jan 6th, 2021 at 2:25pm

polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 11:22am:

freediver wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 9:41am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Here is an example of a Muslim trying to hide the Quran.

Very sneaky Gandalf.

The 5 pillars are based on the Quran.

You pretend Islam is purely about killing jews and rape and pillage.

Yet, no one refutes the fact that the 5 pillars are universally agreed by muslims to be the best summation of the "essense" of Islam that we have. And not one of those 5 pillars mentions rape, pillage or slaughtering jews.

If all Muslims agreed on the recipe for goat curry, and it was based on something from the Quran and Hadiths, would that be like a magic wand you can wave over the Quran and remove all the rape and pillage bits?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Jan 6th, 2021 at 2:34pm

freediver wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 2:25pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 11:22am:

freediver wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 9:41am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Here is an example of a Muslim trying to hide the Quran.

Very sneaky Gandalf.

The 5 pillars are based on the Quran.

You pretend Islam is purely about killing jews and rape and pillage.

Yet, no one refutes the fact that the 5 pillars are universally agreed by muslims to be the best summation of the "essense" of Islam that we have. And not one of those 5 pillars mentions rape, pillage or slaughtering jews.

If all Muslims agreed on the recipe for goat curry, and it was based on something from the Quran and Hadiths, would that be like a magic wand you can wave over the Quran and remove all the rape and pillage bits?

That would be an excellent point FD - if goat curry recipes had anything to do with the core essence of Islam.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Jan 6th, 2021 at 3:13pm

That would be an excellent point FD - if goat curry recipes had anything to do with the core essence of Islam.

It is an act. Something you do. Just like each of the 5 pillars. It's actually very similar.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Karnal on Jan 6th, 2021 at 3:18pm

freediver wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 2:25pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 11:22am:

freediver wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 9:41am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Here is an example of a Muslim trying to hide the Quran.

Very sneaky Gandalf.

The 5 pillars are based on the Quran.

You pretend Islam is purely about killing jews and rape and pillage.

Yet, no one refutes the fact that the 5 pillars are universally agreed by muslims to be the best summation of the "essense" of Islam that we have. And not one of those 5 pillars mentions rape, pillage or slaughtering jews.

If all Muslims agreed on the recipe for goat curry, and it was based on something from the Quran and Hadiths, would that be like a magic wand you can wave over the Quran and remove all the rape and pillage bits?

Hard to say, FD. If the presumption of innocence was not a core aspect of liberal democracy, would advocates of Freeeeeedom be arguing that the Muselman was not GUILTY AS CHARGED, is a RETARDED INBRED SUB-BREED who SQUATS DOWN TO PEE, PLAYS WITH HIS DICK AFTERWARDS and needs to be rounded up and placed in indefinite ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION?

That's a question.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Jan 6th, 2021 at 5:10pm
polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 11:22am:

freediver wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 9:41am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Here is an example of a Muslim trying to hide the Quran.

Very sneaky Gandalf.

The 5 pillars are based on the Quran.

You pretend Islam is purely about killing jews and rape and pillage.

Yet, no one refutes the fact that the 5 pillars are universally agreed by muslims to be the best summation of the "essense" of Islam that we have. And not one of those 5 pillars mentions rape, pillage or slaughtering jews.

So where does jihad come from? The ritual (ahem... koranic) beheadings? The shouts of ' I have killed my Jew', the talk of unclean infidels who mustn't be truly befriended, the open oppression of women as worth only half what men are worth?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Karnal on Jan 6th, 2021 at 5:13pm
The old boy's got a shopping list, G.

Looks like the Five Pillars is off the menu, eh?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Jan 6th, 2021 at 5:17pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 3:18pm:

freediver wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 2:25pm:

polite_gandalf wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 11:22am:

freediver wrote on Dec 26th, 2020 at 9:41am:

polite_gandalf wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:51am:

Yadda wrote on Dec 24th, 2020 at 9:41am:
a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

I just have one question.

In Islam muslims universally agree that the religion consists of 5 core tenets. Basically, if a muslim is asked to summarise Islam as succintly as possible, they would invariably cite these 5 tenets as being the 'core' of the religion.

I know a learned man as yourself knows exactly what these 5 tenets are.

So my question is, which of these tenets specifically causes human beings to transform into homocidal maniacs - and why?

Here is an example of a Muslim trying to hide the Quran.

Very sneaky Gandalf.

The 5 pillars are based on the Quran.

You pretend Islam is purely about killing jews and rape and pillage.

Yet, no one refutes the fact that the 5 pillars are universally agreed by muslims to be the best summation of the "essense" of Islam that we have. And not one of those 5 pillars mentions rape, pillage or slaughtering jews.

If all Muslims agreed on the recipe for goat curry, and it was based on something from the Quran and Hadiths, would that be like a magic wand you can wave over the Quran and remove all the rape and pillage bits?

Hard to say, FD. If the presumption of innocence was not a core aspect of liberal democracy, would advocates of Freeeeeedom be arguing that the Muselman was not GUILTY AS CHARGED, is a RETARDED INBRED SUB-BREED who SQUATS DOWN TO PEE, PLAYS WITH HIS DICK AFTERWARDS and needs to be rounded up and placed in indefinite ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION?

That's a question.

It's ok to dislike and reject Islam, PB, no need to get neurotic.  Have a banana - vitamin B6, innit.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by Frank on Jan 6th, 2021 at 5:30pm

Mattyfisk wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 5:13pm:
The old boy's got a shopping list, G.

Looks like the Five Pillars is off the menu, eh?

That Muslims live just by the 5 pillars and that the 5 pillars are a concise summary of Islam is a deliberate - what's the Arabic for lying bullshit? Taqqiya.

What's the Scots-Paki word for your deliberate and furtive lies, Jim Delahunt?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Jan 6th, 2021 at 7:00pm
It's a recipe for being a Muslim. You could actually satisfy all 5 tenets without believing anything. Perhaps that's the point.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Jan 7th, 2021 at 11:14am

freediver wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 3:13pm:

That would be an excellent point FD - if goat curry recipes had anything to do with the core essence of Islam.

It is an act. Something you do. Just like each of the 5 pillars. It's actually very similar.

Lets pretend for arguments sake goat curry recipes exist in the Quran.

Would you agree that you could "wave a magic wand" to expunge the alleged rape and pillage bits using things that muslims universally agree consist the core tenets of Islam, and which are emphasised by an order of magnitude more than goat curry recipes (or the alleged rape and pillage bits for that matter)- with a little more legitimacy than using one or two obscure references to goat curry recipes?

Or put more simply, try and explain how things that literally make up the bulk of the entire Quran and is universally agreed by muslims to comprise the core of Islam itself - is "actually very similar" to any old random reference in the Quran - no matter how insignificant or unimportant it is deemed to be by muslims in the practice of their religion.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by freediver on Jan 7th, 2021 at 11:16am

and which are emphasised by an order of magnitude more

I notice you didn't respond on this point in the 5 pillars thread.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Jan 7th, 2021 at 11:17am

freediver wrote on Jan 6th, 2021 at 7:00pm:
It's a recipe for being a Muslim. You could actually satisfy all 5 tenets without believing anything. Perhaps that's the point.

Interesting idea FD.

Perhaps you could elaborate by explaining exactly how the first tenet - which is literally belief in not only the existence, but the oneness of God - can be achieved "without believing anything"?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by moses on Jan 7th, 2021 at 4:21pm

According to Dr. Zakir Naik – a noted Quranic scholar – there are several things the world needs to know about Islam.

a man can have sex with a sheep or goat as a way of dealing with his “lust.” Essentially, this allows the male Muslim to have sex with an animal (beastiality) if a woman is not available. There are a few conditions though.

1. The sheep or goat must be killed afterwards because it is now tainted, and
2. The meat cannot be eaten by the people in that particular village though it can be sold to a neighboring village

Goat Curry anyone?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Jan 8th, 2021 at 3:05pm

freediver wrote on Jan 7th, 2021 at 11:16am:

and which are emphasised by an order of magnitude more

I notice you didn't respond on this point in the 5 pillars thread.

Thats because there was nothing about goat recipes in the 5 pillars thread to respond to.

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by greggerypeccary on Jan 10th, 2021 at 2:10pm

Speaking of Jews, did you see the 'Auschwitz Camp' and '6MWE' t-shirts Trump's terrorists were wearing when they attacked the Capitol building?

Title: Re: Jews are horrible, horrible people....
Post by polite_gandalf on Jan 13th, 2021 at 10:18am

greggerypeccary wrote on Jan 10th, 2021 at 2:10pm:
Speaking of Jews, did you see the 'Auschwitz Camp' and '6MWE' t-shirts Trump's terrorists were wearing when they attacked the Capitol building?

Yes but, always remember, the increase in anti-semitism the west has been experiencing recently is *ENTIRELY* due to muslim immigration - mmmmkay?

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