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Member Run Boards >> Islam >> THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Message started by Yadda on Oct 13th, 2020 at 11:02am |
Title: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Yadda on Oct 13th, 2020 at 11:02am THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological material "the use of murder and terror as ISLAM's legitimate tactic against disbelievers" This info source [and link to a PDF document], was in the COMMENTS, in a JIHADWATCH article.... here.... Quote:
"....acts of terror committed to frighten non-Muslims." ISLAM [in many mosques in the West] promotes [to believers] the use of murder and terror as ISLAM's legitimate tactic and weapon against disbelievers everywhere. Click the PDF link. The document should load in your browser. If you would like to, you can now save this PDF document to your hard drive.... This "booklet....was written only for Muslims fundamentalists but was later discover by non-Muslims. This booklet’s title is THE NEGLECTED DUTY." ABOUT.... "The Philos Project is a dynamic leadership community dedicated to promoting positive Christian engagement in the Near East." . Yadda said.... Quote:
NOTE WELL, my query above; "QUESTION; Where do moslem children living in Australia get these ideas from ?" THE ANSWER; From ISLAM, and from mainstream ISLAMIC doctrines. ISLAM promotes precepts of hatred, and hostility and killing, against ALL disbelievers who reject ISLAM and who [locally] reject the PRIMACY of ISLAMIC law. And, mainstream ISLAMIC doctrine promotes these precepts of hatred, and hostility and killing, as being wholly lawful to the follower of ISLAM. THAT IS WHY; Followers of ISLAM come into 'host nations', and will then murder and terrorise, local non-moslems. . Allah's Apostle said, "I have been made victorious with terror (cast in the hearts of the enemy)...." hadith/bukhari #004.052.220 Allah's Apostle said, ".....I have been given superiority......; I have been helped by terror (in the hearts of enemies):....." hadithsunnah/muslim/ #004.1062 . ISLAMIC LAW TEXT.... "Ibn 'Umar related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "I have been ordered to kill the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay the zakah. If they do that, their blood and wealth are protected from me save by the rights of Islam. Their reckoning will be with Allah." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) " fiqhussunnah/fus1_06 ISLAMIC LAW TEXT.... "Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."...." fiqhussunnah/#3.110 n.b. "Whoever......becomes an unbeliever.....his blood may legally be spilled." . Yadda said..... Quote:
. Yadda said..... Quote:
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 4:08pm
Jihad watch? WOFTAM site. Tsk, tsk. Islamophobia writ large. ::) ::)
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:30pm
Well everybody knows exposing the depraved nature of islam equals islamophobia.
islam is wonderful, white Judaeo Christian based society is evil, we all know that. Oh well there are going to be some very bad times ahead, if the left wins the coming political battles in America, Australia etc.. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 5:42pm
All religions contain evil elements, Moses. Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, etc. all have people who can be construed to be "evil" at one time or another. They also contain good people as well. Usually, the good people outweigh the bad. Christianity has a sorry history of persecuting non-believers and heretics. Time you admitted that was all undertaken by people who called themselves, "Christian" and were accepted as such by their fellow Christians. How many heretics were massacred? How many "witches" were burned? How many non-believers were murdered? Tsk, tsk. ::)
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:19pm
Leftards always sniveling around trying to create smokescreens to hide the utter depravity of islam right now the 21st century.
Right now muslims are the global terrorism problem, they are practicing genocide against Christians in some places, today the 21st century. Why the sneaking around trying to hide the utterly evil depravity of islam? Why have muslims totally destroyed the ancient homelands of islam into piles of uninhabitable rubble? Why are muslims fleeing the homelands of islam in countless millions, then becoming a mammoth crime and refugee problem, for the rest of the globe? Why are muslims the only people on this planet who are constantly at war with their non muslim neighbours? Why don't you tell the truth about what is happening right now the 21st century, as far as the problems muslims are for the rest of the globe? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:29pm
Keep avoiding the truth, Moses, keep running to your "safe place". The rest of the world knows the reality which you keep avoiding. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm
Why don't you tell the truth about what is happening right now the 21st century, as far as the problems muslims are for the rest of the globe?
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:37pm moses wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:36pm:
The majority of Muslims are peaceful, industrious people, Moses, despite all the bullshit you love to spread. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:52pm
Yeah sure the homelands of islam are testimony to the lies you keep telling about how peaceful islam really is.
Why don't you tell the truth about what is happening right now the 21st century, as far as the problems muslims are for the rest of the globe? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:45pm The majority of Muslims are peaceful, industrious people, Moses, despite all the bullshit you love to spread. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 14th, 2020 at 5:46pm
Kenya: Muslims open fire on bus, try to separate passengers by religion but discover they’re all Muslims
OCT 13, 2020 NAIROBI, Kenya, Oct 6 – Al Shabaab attackers opened fire on a bus in Mandera Tuesday injuring seven passengers, police said. & France: Muslima ransacks supermarket liquor department, is arrested and released, does it again OCT 13, 2020. & India: Muslim offers to discuss marriage with daughter’s Hindu boyfriend, murders him OCT 12, 2020. muslims are devotees of a death cult islam. They are a major crime problem globally. Until the *moderates* and their sniveling, cowardly loony leftard supporters tell the truth, about the filth and depravity in islam, these types of things will always be part and parcel of islam. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Yadda on Oct 14th, 2020 at 6:39pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:29pm:
"Keep avoiding the truth,..." "The rest of the world knows the reality...." 'the truth', 'the reality' ??? Come on, brian, why won't you state explicitly, what you are inferring ? Is it because, if you explicitly make your ['naked'] arguments, everyone will be able to see, that they are really.... barefaced LIES. Dictionary; infer = = deduce from evidence and reasoning rather than from explicit statements. . IMAGE... Sheikh Yassir al-Burhami Quote: . Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 6:37pm:
brian, Your statement/assertion is a ruse, a falsehood, a lie, an intentional deceit. But if what you have stated is really true, ...THEN EXPLAIN TO US ALL, why does a follower of ISLAM choose to give his [religious] allegiance to a philosophy which [he, the moslem, knows], EXPLICITLY declares, that 1/ he must hate people who are disbelievers, and 2/ fight and kill people, who reject ISLAM, and the primacy of ISLAMIC law ? brian, Do the 'peaceful' moslems, read a different Koran, and pray to a different Allah, and revere a different Mohammed, than those traditional and authoritative icons in ISLAM, who/which call for warfare against disbelievers ? . Yadda said..... Quote:
. "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued. " Koran 9.29 "Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred...." Koran 58.22 "O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers." Koran 9.23 "....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends.... ......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them." Koran 5.51 "Fighting [against disbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not." Koran 2.216 "O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)." Koran 9.123 "Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...." Koran 9.111 "Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves....." Koran 48.29 "There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"....." Koran 60:4 |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 14th, 2020 at 8:16pm
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 14th, 2020 at 8:55pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 8:45pm:
It's the jihadist among them that are a worry. You dont need all the muslims to be bin ladens. But you wouldn't have bin ladens without muslims. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 14th, 2020 at 11:00pm Frank wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 8:55pm:
[img][/img] Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Yadda on Oct 15th, 2020 at 1:25pm Frank wrote on Oct 14th, 2020 at 8:55pm:
The moslem communities around the world are the 'ponds' in which the Bin Ladens [active militant ISLAMISTS] swim. The 1st, harbour the 2nd. The moslem communities around the world sustain and resource the active militant ISLAMISTS [in their midst], while portraying their community as being benign. "The majority of Muslims are peaceful, industrious people,...." . IMAGE..... Ali Kadri - Islamic Council of Queensland vice-president, features in The Mosque Next Door on SBS. Quote:
------- > . Quote:
. IMAGE... Sheikh Yassir al-Burhami Quote: . Yadda said..... Quote:
. Yadda said.... Quote:
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 15th, 2020 at 2:03pm Boring, read it all before... ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 15th, 2020 at 5:43pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 15th, 2020 at 2:03pm:
And still have no answer other than avoiding with a yawn. Your yawn is the equivalent of your head in the sand. You project yawn, we see your head in the sand (or up your arse). Semiotics in practice, innit. The sign and the signified. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 15th, 2020 at 7:19pm Frank wrote on Oct 15th, 2020 at 5:43pm:
Nothing original there, Soren. Boring, read it all before... ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Agatha on Oct 20th, 2020 at 8:58pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 13th, 2020 at 4:08pm:
Muslim Migrant Who Refused Woman’s Handshake Denied Citizenship by German Judge A good thing. (It will likely be overturned on appeal, sadly) Stilll, Muslims' 'infidelophobia' must be confronted and eradicated in the West. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 20th, 2020 at 9:54pm Bertie wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 8:58pm:
What makes you think that the "infidels" (a fine Western European word BTW) are correct in their thinking? I find it interesting that you assume, automatically, it appears, that Muslim thinking is wrong. Why? Where do you intend stopping? Why not eradicate the Western rejection of people of differing religions such as Islam? ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Yadda on Oct 20th, 2020 at 10:21pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 9:54pm:
"I find it interesting that you assume, automatically, it appears, that Muslim thinking is wrong." brian, Why is 'moslem thinking' wrong ? Because 'moslem thinking' accepts ISLAM and ISLAMIC totalitarianism and ISLAMIC exclusivity [enforced with genocide of those who resist the spread of the influence of ISLAM]. SUPPORTING EVIDENCES..... ------- > "....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith." Koran 2.98 "O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,..." Koran 60.1 "...And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah...Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan:.." Koran 4.74-76 Koran 8:20-22 Koran 5:59-60 Koran 47:33-35 "....those who reject Allah have no protector." Koran 47.008 v. 8-11 "......the curse of Allah is on those without Faith." Koran 2.089 . ARGUMENT; Wherever in the world ISLAM is permitted to spread, ISLAM 'produces' conflict, and dead people, AND POVERTY [where there are no natural resources, like oil]. ISLAM, is the 'causation', of conflict, and of many, many 'dead people', AND POVERTY. i.e. Death 'proceeds', ....from the 'cause' of coming into close proximity with moslems and choosing to reject the PRIMACY of ISLAMIC law. ----- > THE HADITH.... "...the Prophet said, 'If somebody (a Muslim) discards his religion, kill him." - DEAD. hadithsunnah/bukhari/ #004.052.260 . ISLAMIC LAW TEXT.... "Ibn 'Umar related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "I have been ordered to kill the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay the zakah. If they do that, their blood and wealth are protected from me save by the rights of Islam. Their reckoning will be with Allah." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) " fiqhussunnah/fus1_06 ISLAMIC LAW TEXT.... "Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."...." fiqhussunnah/#3.110 n.b. "Whoever......becomes an unbeliever.....his blood may legally be spilled." |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Yadda on Oct 20th, 2020 at 10:26pm MORE SUPPORTING EVIDENCE..... ------- > Quote:
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Agatha on Oct 21st, 2020 at 5:57pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 20th, 2020 at 9:54pm:
Why are you fetishising 'acceptance'? Muslims do not accept non-Muslim as equal. Why admit them into a polity that doesn't require its members to set aside sectarianism and treat people on merit? Muslim behead Western natives even though they have been given protection. Why give protection t people who kill you for wh you are? Why tolerate and accept as equal the intolerant Muslims, in short? You seem to be hung up on 'tolerance', no matter how much those people you tolerate are killing you. Looks crazy/ideological/self-hating to me. I don't know what your culture or values are but you look to be in an unseemly haste to surrender them all to Islam.i |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 21st, 2020 at 6:35pm Bertie wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 5:57pm:
Because it is what all of us crave? ::) ::) Quote:
Funny, all the Muslims I have served with/studied with/worked with have accepted me as their "equal". How many Muslims do you know? How many have you met? Zero? It appears so. ::) Quote:
No society treats it's people merely on "merit". Other factors are allowed to intervene, even in Australia. Money, education, employment/unemployment/etc. ::) Quote:
Some do, most do not. Why should we allow the actions of a tiny minority colour our perceptions of the overwhelming majority? ::) Quote:
I'd suggest the same for Islamophobes like you. You appear to know no Muslims at all but you allow yourself to let your attitudes to be coloured by prejudice. Quote:
And you seem to be in an unseemly haste to illustrate all that is wrong headed about Islamophobia. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Agatha on Oct 24th, 2020 at 6:12pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 21st, 2020 at 6:35pm:
No society treats it's people merely on "merit". Other factors are allowed to intervene, even in Australia. Money, education, employment/unemployment/etc. ::) Quote:
Some do, most do not. Why should we allow the actions of a tiny minority colour our perceptions of the overwhelming majority? ::) Quote:
I'd suggest the same for Islamophobes like you. You appear to know no Muslims at all but you allow yourself to let your attitudes to be coloured by prejudice. Quote:
And you seem to be in an unseemly haste to illustrate all that is wrong headed about Islamophobia. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)[/quote] A French teacher in France is beheaded by a Muslim in 2020 for showing a cartoon to a class of middle schoolers when discussing freedom of speech in the Republic that prides itself in secularism - the republic that was the Most Catholic Kingdom in Christendom until 1789. But you do not see anything but 'Islamophobia' when people point out just how outrageous and intolerable it is. I don't think you have a serious bone in your body. What is special about Muslim sensibilities that you are so keen to defend, even in the face of gruesome murders? For you to sally forth and defend such Muslim atrocities just because not every single one of them is doing it is sick and cynical and despicable. You ask me how many Muslims I know. I ask you - if M Paty was your brother or father or teacher or friend, would you be so flippant and dismissive of his murder How many victims of Muslim violence DO YOU KNOW??i |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 24th, 2020 at 7:27pm
I have many "serious bones" in my body, Agatha. You appear to subscribe to Islamophobia. You have failed to answer the key question I asked.
"How many Muslims have you met?" Well, any at all? I have served with/studies with/worked with many Muslims. I understand they are people, the same as myself. None of them have been scimitar wielding maniacs. None have been Islamists. They have been peaceful, moderate people. You appear not to have encountered any Muslims. Funny that, hey? ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Agatha on Oct 24th, 2020 at 9:33pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 24th, 2020 at 7:27pm:
And yet - Muslims behead Western school teachers, off-duty soldiers, kill cartoonists, concert goers, Christmas market shoppers, Bastille Day celebrators, police accountants, commuters. Is that because of the number of Muslims I know or don't know? No. It happens REGARDLESS of me and how many I or you know or don't know. Not funny at all, 'hey'. You excuse any evil-doing as long as you can label others 'islamophobic'. You don't seem to have any other moral imperative.i |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Yadda on Oct 24th, 2020 at 9:59pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 24th, 2020 at 7:27pm:
. Bertie wrote on Oct 24th, 2020 at 9:33pm:
Agatha, It is just wrong, to subject ISLAM, or the follower of ISLAM, to any legitimate criticism. Moslems insist, that to do so is a CAPITAL crime. ....that is why it was a righteous act to kill the criminal, Samuel Paty. brian ross, on moslems and the moslem community. ------ > Brian Ross wrote on Sep 15th, 2013 at 5:39pm:
We shouldn't criticise ISLAM nor any moslem. It just isn't fair to do that ! :P |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 24th, 2020 at 10:33pm Bertie wrote on Oct 24th, 2020 at 9:33pm:
Thank you, Agatha. You have confirmed my suspicions of you. You have no personal experience of interacting with Muslims. You regard for them is therefore based purely upon your Islamophobia. When you get out and actually meet some, you might have a more realistic idea of what they are like. Run along, now dear, I'm sure you can hide under the blankets and the terrible, 'orrible, Islamists won't catch you. Do you even know what the Muslim population of Australia is? No, I don't think so, considering the way you're reacting. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Yadda on Oct 24th, 2020 at 10:54pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 24th, 2020 at 10:33pm:
Moslems are such deceitful people. So much evidence attests to that TRUTH. . WWW search.... we smile to the face "while our hearts curse them" . "ISLAM ES PAZ" IMAGE..... . Quote:
CITED... . IMAGE..... Ali Kadri - Islamic Council of Queensland vice-president, features in The Mosque Next Door on SBS. Quote:
------- > . Quote:
. IMAGE... Sheikh Yassir al-Burhami Quote: . Quote:
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by freediver on Oct 25th, 2020 at 8:27am Brian Ross wrote on Oct 24th, 2020 at 10:33pm:
Brian found out what Muslims really think by going to Malaysia and not getting his head chopped off. Now he tells everyone about Islam. He never actually asked them of course. He was too scared to do that. He absorbed the knowledge through some kind of osmotic process. Have you tried touching a Muslim Agatha? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by JaSin. on Oct 25th, 2020 at 8:49am
Are you really a Jehovah's Witness FD? :-?
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Agatha on Oct 26th, 2020 at 3:06pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 24th, 2020 at 10:33pm:
Samuel Paty did have a personal experience. Look what happened to him. And he is one of hundreds and thousands of Western victims, in their own countries, with first hand experience of interacting with Muslims. Samuel Paty and the others met Muslims, were not afraid of them - yet had a shocking lesson about just what they are like. And you are completely immoral. You are very keen to talk about islamophobia - so that you do not have to talk about why they are beheading, raping, maiming Westerners in their own countries that, by the way, took them in and gave them asylum and a chance for a better life. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 26th, 2020 at 3:41pm Bertie wrote on Oct 26th, 2020 at 3:06pm:
I suppose that was why he warned all his Muslim students and allowed them to leave the classroom before his class began? My, my, really? All except one. Appears it was that student that got upset. Funny that. How are you going to guard against the one who tells their parents/friends about their experiences and it is someone else who kills you, Mmmm? ::) Quote:
I am not afraid of Muslims because I have met many of them. Does that make me like Samuel Paty? I suppose it does. As I have said, it is the tiny handful of Islamists that you need to be alarmed about. Applying a scattergun approach to Muslims and Islam will only make more Muslims become Islamists in their views. Is that some you desire, Agatha? Really? ::) ::) Quote:
But you mistake my viewpoint, Agatha. I believe we should be alarmed by Islamists. Islamists are a tiny minority of Muslims. You just keep using the word, "Muslim" which applies to all followers of Islam. You seem to be putting an alarmist view that all Muslims are Terrorists. I wonder why? How do you come to that conclusion when you've never, by your own admission, met any? Don't you think you should emerse yourself in Muslim society and meet a few Muslims, before you condemn them all? Instead, you merely lump them all together, no matter how young, how old, how educated or ill educated they are. You're like Tail Gunner Joe McCarthy, you use lies and innuendo to condemn people you have no knowledge or experience of. Tsk, tsk. ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 26th, 2020 at 4:29pm
When will the leftards and *moderates* have the guts to be *alarmed* by the cause and motivation for islamic human rights atrocities, (the qur'an the infallible words of the moon god allah)?
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 26th, 2020 at 7:39pm
When will the Rightards and *extremist* have the guts to be *alarmed* by the cause and motivation for Christian human rights atrocities, (the Bible the infallible words of the moon god Yahweh)? ::) ::)
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by freediver on Oct 26th, 2020 at 9:33pm Quote:
If so, why are you afraid to explain the distinction between Islamist and Muslim? And why are you unable to back up your claim about them being a tiny minority? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 26th, 2020 at 11:00pm freediver wrote on Oct 26th, 2020 at 9:33pm:
You answer my questions, Freediver and I might answer yours. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 27th, 2020 at 4:10pm Quote:
O.K. can you please give us one single teaching of Christ, which a terrorist can cite as cause and motivation, for his / her human rights atrocities? Or are you lying once again snakemouth? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 27th, 2020 at 4:47pm
O.K. can you please give us one single teaching of the Bible, which a terrorist can cite as cause and motivation, for his / her human rights atrocities, Moses or does your knowledge start and end with the New Testament? Mmmm? ::) ::)
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 27th, 2020 at 5:52pm
Why are you lying again snakemouth.
The barbarity of the O.T. is contained in what is called The Law. Christianity was founded on the doctrine of: 1/.The Law was superseded by the death of the Messiah on the cross. 2/. Man can not be justified by the Law but by faith in Christ alone. Why do you lie all the time snakemouth? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by freediver on Oct 27th, 2020 at 6:14pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 26th, 2020 at 11:00pm:
With what? You can never explain your mindless gibberish. Even you don't understand what you are saying. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 27th, 2020 at 7:57pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 27th, 2020 at 4:47pm:
There!!!! Bwian is (ahem!!) thinking...... Trained 'istorian and Ddoctor of the Ology. Stand back, stand by and admire the bulging intellect. It's all the fish he is eating.... |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 27th, 2020 at 8:44pm freediver wrote on Oct 27th, 2020 at 6:14pm:
You answer my questions, Freediver and I might answer yours. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 27th, 2020 at 8:46pm Frank wrote on Oct 27th, 2020 at 7:57pm:
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Anything of value to add to the thread, Soren? No, it doesn't appears so, just more senseless ad himinem debate. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 27th, 2020 at 8:49pm moses wrote on Oct 27th, 2020 at 5:52pm:
I think you mean, "lore", Moses. Fumbles strikes again, hey? Quote:
Well, I am buggered then, aren't I? I don't have any faith in Christ. I am an agnostic. I require proof. There isn't any about Christ or the events in the Bible. Shame really, appears we are at an impasse, Moses. You have your faith and it shows you that should be persecuting people from other religions 'cause they don't have any faith in Christ, either. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 28th, 2020 at 9:17pm
How does Christianity show that it's followers should be persecuting people from other religions, because they don't have faith in Christ?
We know islam teaches its' followers to rape, torture and mass slaughter non believers, as a sacred duty and an appeasement offering to allah. Are you just lying for the sake of it again? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 29th, 2020 at 1:04pm moses wrote on Oct 28th, 2020 at 9:17pm:
Cause it is what Christians have done and continue to do, Moses. It is what you do. Tsk,tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 29th, 2020 at 2:50pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 29th, 2020 at 1:04pm:
Are they cutting heads off? Weally, Bbwian? Dismissing Islam is now the same as cutting a teacher's head off? Can you be really so spineless and sniveling and obsequious towards Islam. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 29th, 2020 at 3:08pm Frank wrote on Oct 29th, 2020 at 2:50pm:
Persecution can take many forms, Soren. In domestic violence for example, partners can be tormented until they reach the level of killing. In religious persecution, attacking Muslim women and ripping their Hijabs or Burkas away can lead to suicide or even the taking off someone's head. Your continued persecution can cause someone to react quite violently. Time you forsook your narcissistic attitude and allowed people to live the lives, they choose over what you demand of them. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 29th, 2020 at 4:19pm Quote:
Why the lies again snakemouth? I asked you: "How does Christianity show that it's followers should be persecuting people from other religions, because they don't have faith in Christ?" You merely referred to what people who disobey the teachings of Christ have done. Once again: "How does Christianity show that it's followers should be persecuting people from other religions, because they don't have faith in Christ?" |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 29th, 2020 at 8:08pm moses wrote on Oct 29th, 2020 at 4:19pm:
Show me a Christian church that has excommunicated a Genocidist, Moses. Show me a Church that has excommunicated a murderer, a paedophile, a thief, anything that is counter to what the 10 commandments decree and I might be willing to recognise what you are saying. Until then, you're just whistling Dixie. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 29th, 2020 at 8:22pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 29th, 2020 at 3:08pm: Three dead as woman beheaded in knife attack at French church By Eric Gaillard 2 Min Read NICE, France (Reuters) - A woman was beheaded by an attacker with a knife who also killed two other people at a church in the French city of Nice on Thursday, police said, in an incident the city’s mayor described as terrorism. Mayor Christian Estrosi said on Twitter the knife attack had happened in or near the city’s Notre Dame church and that police had detained the attacker. Police said three people were confirmed to have died in the attack and several were injured. A police source said a woman was decapitated. Speak to that, despicable spineless worm. Speak to that. You know many Muslims. So??? Speak to this, snivelling, abhorrent, despicable enabler. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 31st, 2020 at 11:54am Brian Ross wrote on Oct 29th, 2020 at 3:08pm:
Muslims are not persecuted by anyone in the West. Disagreement, rejection of views, criticism are NOT persecution. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 31st, 2020 at 12:20pm Frank wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 11:54am:
But shooting and blowing people up, is? Really? Funny, all the stories about Muslim women being heckled, having their Hijabs forcibly removed by yobs, of Muslim children being beaten up, of Muslim men being attacked, of Mosques being attacked and having Pigs heads and blood splattered all over them, are just fantasy stories, hey, Soren? ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 31st, 2020 at 12:32pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 12:20pm:
Muslims are not persecuted in the West. Is heckling and cartoons explain to your mind why Musllims behead church-goers and teachers? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 31st, 2020 at 1:47pm Frank wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 12:32pm:
According to, you, Soren. We have seen where all your opinions are nearly always wrong, though. Tsk, tsk. ::) Quote:
Explains why Islamists attack Westerners and their fellow Muslims, Soren. Far more than your usual bullshit, or Moses' or Yadda's ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 31st, 2020 at 2:26pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 1:47pm:
So muslims beheading westerners for heckling and cartoons is explained adequatly for you, Bbwian. What is then the adequate western response to muslim violence? Submission? How do you explain pre-brevik, pre-tarrant islamic jihadi murders of Westerners, Bbwian? Satanic Verses? If only we didnt publish books? No cartoons, not in Denmark, not in France? Would that stop Islamic |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by moses on Oct 31st, 2020 at 2:26pm
The qur'an is the cause and motivation for the depraved behaviour of muslims.
The muslims who commit the human rights atrocities can and do quote the qur'an, as their cause and motivation. All muslims revere the qur'an as being the infallible and unchangeable words of allah. If you revere a cause you automatically revere the engendered atrocities. Until the muslims decide to denounce and purge all the evil verses in the qur'an, which cause and motivate islamic human rights atrocities, all muslims are guilty of supporting the beheadings etc., perpetrated by fundamentalist muslims as they follow the evil teachings of the qur'an. All muslims are guilty, until they reform islam and the qur'an. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 31st, 2020 at 2:42pm Frank wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 2:26pm:
Sure. Cause and effect, Soren. Remember what I just said about your bullshit? tsk, tsk. ::) Quote:
No. Nor is violence an adequate response, Soren. Remember, according to you, the West is the epitome of cultural civilisation? How is reacting violently, to a violent act, something that a higher civilisation can condone? You've been trapped once more in your own bullshit... ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 31st, 2020 at 4:23pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 2:42pm:
No. Nor is violence an adequate response, Soren. [/quote] In your own words: violence is only adequate when Muslims do it. For anyone else, not an adequate response. Thanks you, spineless old evil-enabler and excuser. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by freediver on Oct 31st, 2020 at 4:24pm Quote:
What is the cause? |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 31st, 2020 at 4:31pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 2:42pm:
SO a higher civilisation is not permitted to defend itself from barbarians. Muslim violence must not be resisted, opposed, punished or otherwise fought because only lower civilisation like Islam are permitted to be violent. They are encouraged by the likes of you to remain unable to control their base instincts and impulses. A principled resistance to Islam is verboten by the Doctors of The Ology of this world, in the name of multicultural tolerance and because anything else is 'islamophobia'. Thanks you, despicable old evil-peddler. You are so full of gweggy substances, Bbwian, that the stink reaches to Sydney. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:16pm Frank wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 4:23pm:
In your own words: violence is only adequate when Muslims do it. For anyone else, not an adequate response.[/quote] Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Erecting a strawman argument, really? Such a silly man you are proving to be, Soren. Supply a quote where I said that or apologise. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) Quote: Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Resorting to argument ad hominen? Really? Tsk, tsk. ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:17pm freediver wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 4:24pm:
When you answer my questions, FD, I might answer yours. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:29pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:16pm:
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Erecting a strawman argument, really? Such a silly man you are proving to be, Soren. Supply a quote where I said that or apologise. Tsk, tsk. ::) ::) Quote: Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Resorting to argument ad hominen? Really? Tsk, tsk. ::)[/quote] You are a voice of evil, Bbwian. You are not just wrong, you are actively on the side of evil. You know it, we know it. You use disguises like multiculturalism, tolerance, vast majority. But you are an agent of evil. You are against EVERYTHING the West stands for in a contest with Islam. You are NEVER on the West's side in any argument with Jskam. You are an evil jihadist, Bbwian. Despicable and spineless and dishonest to the end. In a word? Vile. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:43pm Brian Ross wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:17pm:
The answer to all your questions, Bbwian is: Yes, you ARE an utter c vnt (with apologies to all the lovely vaginas). I hope this clears thing up for you, Bbwian. Let me know if you have any qustions. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Brian Ross on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:51pm Frank wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:29pm:
Oh, dearie, dearie, me. Resorting to argument ad hominen? Really? Tsk, tsk. ::)[/quote] You know it, we know it. You use disguises like multiculturalism, tolerance, vast majority. But you are an agent of evil. You are against EVERYTHING the West stands for in a contest with Islam. You are NEVER on the West's side in any argument with Jskam. You are an evil jihadist, Bbwian. Despicable and spineless and dishonest to the end. In a word? Vile. [/quote] Oh, dearie, dearie, me. No apology for an outright lie that you made up in your own imagination, Soren? Tsk, tsk. Run along, Soren, go and hide your head under your bed covers where you'll be safe from the boogeyman. You enjoy using ad hominem argument what you don't realise is that you have ceded the argument to me before your fingers touch the keypad. ::) ::) |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Frank on Nov 3rd, 2020 at 11:23am Brian Ross wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 9:51pm:
No apology fo exposing you as a vile, two-faced jihadi, bbwian: Brian Ross wrote on Oct 31st, 2020 at 2:42pm:
As always, it is your own words that show what a spineless evil-enabler you are, Bbwian. |
Title: Re: THE NEGLECTED DUTY - contains all the ideological Post by Valkie on Nov 3rd, 2020 at 12:58pm Frank wrote on Nov 3rd, 2020 at 11:23am:
Bwyannnmnnn is an apologist sychophant or a muzzo pretending to be other than he is. He is also a child pretending to be a man in a made up persona. Apparently he has multiple educational qualifications, none of which he appears to understand. He has stated that he is a religious preacher or Some such. He has stated that he has travelled to many places, and yet has little knowledge of those places. He has stated that he was a soldier, but exhibits none of the characteristics of a soldier. His never ending support of a CULT that he has never really been exposed to is simply another of his fantasies in his made up world. Finally, his reaction to any criticism or should he be proven wrong ( frequently) Is to revert back to childish comments and the same old tired emoji. He has no idea of how to debate or even put a logical argument together. Therefore, I believe bwyannnmnnn is nothing more than a child playing adult through this forum. Everything he posts is suspect, pointless and pathetic. Go away bwyannnnnnnnn mommy is calling |
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