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Message started by Yadda on Nov 14th, 2020 at 10:50am

Title: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 14th, 2020 at 10:50am

Arab advice to WEST - 'Stop appeasing the ISLAMISTS !!!'


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"The recent terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims in France and Austria should serve as a warning to Europeans who have long been appeasing and endorsing extremist Muslim politicians and organizations."



Arabs: "Westerners Must Stop Appeasing Islamists"

by Khaled Abu Toameh
November 13, 2020

    "Political Islamic organizations are the reason for perpetuating terrorism and hatred. These organizations are banned in most of the Islamic countries, while Europe, especially Britain, embraces them and allows them to operate freely. Europeans can only blame themselves." — Mohammed al-Sheikh, Saudi writer, Twitter, October 29, 2020.

    "There is no doubt that France's previous policies, lenient with [Muslim] extremists, contributed to the current wave of terrorism, as well as legislation that guarantees the right to asylum and immigration to every expatriate on its soil." — Hailah al-Mashouh, Saudi columnist and political analyst, Elaph, November 5, 2020.

    The group [Muslim World League] warned that Islamists have succeeded in implementing their political projects in non-Muslim countries under the umbrella of training mosque preachers and funding Islamic charities.

    We are now seeing a large number of Arabs and Muslims warning about the clear and present danger Islamism poses to many different societies. These individuals are demonstrating courage and conviction in taking this public stance. Their advice, that Western states must eradicate Islamist organizations in Europe, is vitally important.


appease = = placate (someone) by acceding to their demands.

The Arab 'homelands' advice to us is very clear: "Westerners Must Stop Appeasing Islamists"

With the private [political] agendas ** of [WOKE/LEFTIST] government policy advisers remaining unchanged,
will their policy advice to our national governments change ???

under all of their desired 'umbrella policies' of fostering 'multiculturalism' within the West, and with their support of 'AN OPEN BORDER, MASS MIGRATION' policy, to the West.


The ARGUMENT against surrendering to [appeasing] every 'multiculturalism' demand by the followers of ISLAM, ISLAMISTS, who  are living in the West.

Yadda said on OzPol...


IMO, ppl like yourself seem to want a 'peace' at any cost.

But, imo morality, or life, doesn't work like that.

Peace comes from defending open truth.

But your logic seems to be;
'Wanting' something, will produce it.

'If we give bullies what they want, surely, they will be satisfied, and leave us alone.'

They won't.

If you give a bully/thug, what he wants, he will come back again, and again.

And eventually he will take from you, everything that you own.

And the last thing the bully/the thug, will take from you, is your life.

The appeasement of evil men, does not lead to peace.

IMO, this generation has lost the ability to discern between good and evil, between truth and falsehood.

And as individuals, we all know, or as adults, we should know by now!, that if we walk away from truth, we will [always!] reap confusion in our lives.


Yadda said.....


Avoiding conflict by appeasing bullies is NOT a path to peace.

Avoiding conflict by surrendering ourselves to evil and violent men, is NOT a path to peace.

Refusing to DISCRIMINATE in favour of virtue and against what we know is evil, is NOT a path to peace.

Being unwilling to defend virtue is NOT a path to peace.

Promoting INDISCRIMINATE UNCRITICAL pacifism when we are confronted by evil and violent men, is NOT a path to peace.

Seeking to avoid making personal sacrifices for virtue and truth, is NOT a path to peace.

Kneeling before evil and violent men [as cowering slaves do], SO AS TO AVOID CONFLICT, is NOT a path to peace.


Regarding the followers of ISLAM living in our midst, in Australia, we ought to do what is right, morally.

We ought to judge THEIR BEHAVIOUR, according to our own cultural values and laws - NOT THEIRS !!
....unless we are happy to inexorably, make Australia, a nation which is tolerant of ISLAMIC values.

Psalms 12:8
The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted.

Proverbs 14:34
Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.

"Glory follows virtue as if it were its shadow."
- Marcus Tullius Cicero, Roman Statesman

Exodus 12:49
One law shall be to him that is homeborn, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:19pm
Appeasement means I suppose that they first must break the law and be found guilty of doing so, Yadda?  I suppose we should just demand all Muslims must wear a Green Crescent on their clothing and lock them in concentration camps?  Tsk, tsk, typical fascist response.  We fought a war against that sort of thinking...   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by freediver on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:30pm
You can't spinelessly apologise for them until after they chop someone's head off, right Brian?

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by JaSin. on Nov 14th, 2020 at 1:17pm
Arabs advise the American people to have a blonde aryan Lawrence as their President and they will follow his wishes.

If its Car Salesman Media 'Satan' as a President...
- well don't expect much progress.  :-X

zzzlawrence.jpg (18 KB | 9 )

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 14th, 2020 at 1:47pm

freediver wrote on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:30pm:
You can't spinelessly apologise for them until after they chop someone's head off, right Brian?

You answer my questions, and I might answer yours, Freediver.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 14th, 2020 at 6:07pm

freediver wrote on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:30pm:

You can't spinelessly apologise for them until after they chop someone's head off, right Brian?

Man Haron Monis was a     mostly     innocent follower of ISLAM, until he killed Tori Johnson.

And Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar was a     mostly     innocent follower of ISLAM, until he killed Curtis Cheng.

What 'set off' follower of ISLAM Man Haron Monis and follower of ISLAM Farhad Khalil Mohammad Jabar,
when they, individually, decide to murder Australians - who were not followers of ISLAM ???



Moslem = = a follower of ISLAM.

Yadda said.....


1/ Every moslem is a follower of ISLAM.

2/ And ISLAM is a philosophy which mandates that its followers must fight and kill people, who reject ISLAM, and the primacy of ISLAMIC law.

And, a new attack is going to occur whenever      any individual moslem [living among us, in Australia] decides that 'now' is a good moment for him to prove his devotion to ISLAM and to Allah.


Yadda said....


"every moslem in Australia is a latent, wanna-be homicidal maniac"

- Yadda

What about the innocent moslems ?

IMO, [logically] there are no innocent moslems [among persons who have come to the age of consent], and yet still declare themselves to be moslems.

How so [logically] ?

How credible is it that a person who is devout enough to insist that he is a moslem, is unaware of what ISLAM promotes, and is unaware of what the principle tenets of ISLAM are ?

How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'], a philosophy which transforms human beings, into homicidal maniacs ?

How 'innocent' is a person who agrees to give aid and comfort [and to give their own 'power'], a philosophy which claims that murdering, in the cause of religious bigotry, is a religious virtue ?


Yadda said....


This is the solution which i favour, and i outline the reasons why i do.....


The argument for administrative detention, for all 'Aussie' followers of ISLAM

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 14th, 2020 at 7:26pm

Yadda wrote on Nov 14th, 2020 at 10:50am:

The Arab 'homelands' advice to us is very clear: "Westerners Must Stop Appeasing Islamists"

With the private [political] agendas ** of [WOKE/LEFTIST] government policy advisers remaining unchanged,
will their policy advice to our national governments change ???

under all of their desired 'umbrella policies' of fostering 'multiculturalism' within the West, and with their support of 'AN OPEN BORDER, MASS MIGRATION' policy, to the West.

Muslims in US want Biden to change refugee limits to allow more migrants into the country
Nov 13, 2020
By Robert Spencer             27 Comments

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by JaSin. on Nov 16th, 2020 at 12:06pm
Terrorists won't stop until you offer them a French Messiah sacrifice.

You must pay the price for your colonisations of other people's lands.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 16th, 2020 at 2:05pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:19pm:
Appeasement means I suppose that they first must break the law and be found guilty of doing so, Yadda?  I suppose we should just demand all Muslims must wear a Green Crescent on their clothing and lock them in concentration camps?  Tsk, tsk, typical fascist response.  We fought a war against that sort of thinking...   ::) ::)

Seems like Yadda has the contextual meaning of appeasement right. Why should you think that we need a "softly, softly" approach to people willing to kill those who do not share the same values as them?

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 16th, 2020 at 2:08pm

Jasin wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 12:06pm:
Terrorists won't stop until you offer them a French Messiah sacrifice.

You must pay the price for your colonisations of other people's lands.

Is that what the French are doing? 40 years after the decolonisation of French colonies and the French are reaping the problems of Islamic immigration.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by moses on Nov 16th, 2020 at 2:18pm

Terrorists won't stop until you offer them a French Messiah sacrifice.

You must pay the price for your colonisations of other people's lands.

Making excuses for / trying to justify, the depraved actions of muslims, today the 21st century?

Trying to say it's all the whiteys fault?

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 16th, 2020 at 3:51pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 2:05pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:19pm:
Appeasement means I suppose that they first must break the law and be found guilty of doing so, Yadda?  I suppose we should just demand all Muslims must wear a Green Crescent on their clothing and lock them in concentration camps?  Tsk, tsk, typical fascist response.  We fought a war against that sort of thinking...   ::) ::)

Seems like Yadda has the contextual meaning of appeasement right. Why should you think that we need a "softly, softly" approach to people willing to kill those who do not share the same values as them?

Cause he and the other Islamophobes are suggesting that merely being a Muslim makes a person guilty,  before they have committed any criminal act.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 16th, 2020 at 5:15pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 3:51pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 2:05pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:19pm:

Appeasement means I suppose that they first must break the law and be found guilty of doing so, Yadda?  I suppose we should just demand all Muslims must wear a Green Crescent on their clothing and lock them in concentration camps?  Tsk, tsk, typical fascist response.  We fought a war against that sort of thinking...   ::) ::)

Seems like Yadda has the contextual meaning of appeasement right. Why should you think that we need a "softly, softly" approach to people willing to kill those who do not share the same values as them?

Cause he and the other Islamophobes are suggesting that merely being a Muslim makes a person guilty,  before they have committed any criminal act.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

"...Islamophobes are suggesting that merely being a Muslim makes a person guilty..."

Whereas followers of ISLAM insist,       ...that merely being a moslem makes an individual an innocent person.

AND, that non-moslems are guilty people [deserving of attacks] - because they have rejected ISLAM.

And that is one of the principle tenets of ISLAM.

The hatred of non-moslems, because they are not followers of ISLAM.

It is 'an article of faith' for every moslem.

WWW search....
".....loving and hating for the sake of Allah."



“Muslim gang rampaged through Liverpool attacking strangers because they were white ‘non-Muslims,’” by Neil Docking, Liverpool Echo,


--------- >

Yadda said....


".....loving and hating for the sake of Allah."

".....It means to love all that is good and permissible in the Quran and Sunnah."

"Hating for the sake of Allah signifies showing anger towards those who oppose Allah, His Messenger, His deen, and the believers.

It is to struggle and fight against them in order to uphold and spread the way of Allah and His Messenger."

It means, being a moslem.

.....learn it, 'infidel' !

Pure Al-wala' wa-l-bara' in the Koran....

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred...."
Koran 58.22

"O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers."
Koran 9.23

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves....."
Koran 48.29

"There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"....."
Koran 60:4



"We are motivated by our religion, by our Qur’an and Sunnah and we are not ashamed of that,..."


By Nicolai Sennels on May 31, 2017 09:02 am

The real cause of Islamic terrorism: “We are motivated by our religion, by our Qur’an and Sunnah”

Every time a new jihad attack strikes innocents in the West, media and politicians get busy blaming “bad integration,” “poverty,” “marginalization,” “racism,” etc.

For some reason, it never occurs to them to ask if Islamic terrorism has anything to do with Islam and the increasing number of followers of this particular religion in our countries......

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 16th, 2020 at 5:26pm

Yadda wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 5:15pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 3:51pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 2:05pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:19pm:

Appeasement means I suppose that they first must break the law and be found guilty of doing so, Yadda?  I suppose we should just demand all Muslims must wear a Green Crescent on their clothing and lock them in concentration camps?  Tsk, tsk, typical fascist response.  We fought a war against that sort of thinking...   ::) ::)

Seems like Yadda has the contextual meaning of appeasement right. Why should you think that we need a "softly, softly" approach to people willing to kill those who do not share the same values as them?

Cause he and the other Islamophobes are suggesting that merely being a Muslim makes a person guilty,  before they have committed any criminal act.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

"...Islamophobes are suggesting that merely being a Muslim makes a person guilty..."

Whereas followers of ISLAM insist,       ...that merely being a moslem makes an individual an innocent person.

AND, that non-moslems are guilty people [deserving of attacks] - because they have rejected ISLAM.

I can hear Moses saying exactly the same thing about Christians, Yadda.  Funny that, hey?  According to him, people who claim they are Christians, who are recognised as Christians, are not Christians merely because they are committing atrocities in the Lord's name. Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 16th, 2020 at 5:38pm


I can here brian saying exactly the same thing about moslems.

Funny that, hey?

According to brian, people who claim they are moslems, who are recognised as moslems, are not moslems merely because they are committing atrocities in the Allah's name.

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 16th, 2020 at 8:35pm
"Stop appeasing Islamists" was what I read. Was it not you, Brian, that said Islamists are the ones committing the violence?

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 16th, 2020 at 9:42pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 8:35pm:
"Stop appeasing Islamists" was what I read. Was it not you, Brian, that said Islamists are the ones committing the violence?

Indeed they are and yes I alerted you to this fact.  Problem is Yadda continues with his usual Islamophobic rant...   ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 16th, 2020 at 9:56pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 8:35pm:

"Stop appeasing Islamists" was what I read.

Was it not you, Brian, that said Islamists are the ones committing the violence?


No, it was not !

It was brian who said.....

"I have no right or ability to criticise them."  ....ISLAMISTS

Brian_Ross said.....

----- >

Brian Ross wrote on Sep 15th, 2013 at 5:39pm:

I merely recognise that it is their right to create and unfortunately impose those punishments.

It is terrible but I also recognise

I have no right or ability to criticise them.

I am neither a member of their religion or a citizen of any of those nations.

".....their right to create and unfortunately impose those punishments."

Which punishments ????

He means the punishment of DEATH, for not being a follower of ISLAM.


Every moslem supports his ISLAMIC human right to practice his religious right, to kill those persons who offend the religion of the moslems. per the PRIMARY ISLAMIC precepts, which are set out in ISLAMIC law, and in the holy and inerrant Koran.

Whenever the moslem kills an infidel, the moslem is exercising his human right,
to practice his religious right to kill the enemy of Allah.


THAT, is the religious right, which the moslem insists, that no one can deprive him of.

"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,..."
Koran 60.1

"...And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah...Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan:.."
Koran 4.74-76

Koran 8:20-22
Koran 5:59-60
Koran 47:33-35

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."  <-------
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"......the curse of Allah is on those without Faith."
Koran 2.089

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"Fighting [against disbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123



"Ibn 'Umar related that the Messenger of Allah, upon whom be peace, said, "I have been ordered to kill the people until they testify that there is no god except Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and they establish prayer and pay the zakah. If they do that, their blood and wealth are protected from me save by the rights of Islam. Their reckoning will be with Allah." (Related by al-Bukhari and Muslim.) "


"Ibn 'Abbas reported that the Prophet said: "The bare essence of Islam and the basics of the religion are three [acts], upon which Islam has been established. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [The acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allah, the obligatory prayers, and the fast of Ramadan."...."

"Whoever......becomes an unbeliever.....his blood may legally be spilled."


Please watch this YT...
A UK moslem community leader, speaking in the wake of the London 7/7 bombing;



"...when we say innocent people, we mean moslems."

"....[not accepting ISLAM] is a crime against God."
"...If you are a non-moslem, then you are guilty of not believing in God."
" a moslem....i must have hatred towards everything which is non-ISLAM."
"...[moslems] allegiance is always with the moslems, so i will never condemn a moslem for what he does."
"...Britain has always been Dar al Harb [the Land of War]"
", i could never condemn a moslem brother, i would never condemn a moslem brother. I will always stand with my moslem brother....whether he is an oppresser or the oppressed."

Hello !   This is a new, functioning YT link, 2019-10-27

04 min
updated YT link

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 16th, 2020 at 10:07pm

JIHAD 'OPERATIONS', in the cause of Allah's HOLY and PERFECT religion.

Yadda wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 9:56pm:

Every moslem supports his ISLAMIC human right to practice his religious right, to kill those persons who offend the religion of the moslems. per the PRIMARY ISLAMIC precepts, which are set out in ISLAMIC law, and in the holy and inerrant Koran.

Whenever the moslem kills an infidel, the moslem is exercising his human right,
to practice his religious right to kill the enemy of Allah.


THAT, is the religious right, which the moslem insists, that no one can deprive him of.


JIHAD 'OPERATIONS', in the cause of Allah's HOLY and PERFECT religion.

AS PER.....

------- >


'Aussie' EX-moslem, Mohamed Elomar, doing 'good works' in Syria/Iraq.


'Whosoever dies without participating in an expedition (jihad) nor having the intention to do so, dies on a branch of hypocrisy,'

- 'Aussie' EX-moslem, Mohamed Elomar, quoting ISLAMIC scripture.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 17th, 2020 at 2:29am

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 9:42pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 8:35pm:
"Stop appeasing Islamists" was what I read. Was it not you, Brian, that said Islamists are the ones committing the violence?

Indeed they are and yes I alerted you to this fact.  Problem is Yadda continues with his usual Islamophobic rant...   ::)

Soooo.... we can rightly and morally soundly say it is correct that we should not be "appeasing the Islamists"?

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by freediver on Nov 17th, 2020 at 7:29am
The only person I have seen on here advise that the Australian government should start closing down Mosques is Gandalf.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Bobby. on Nov 17th, 2020 at 7:41am

freediver wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 7:29am:
The only person I have seen on here advise that the Australian government
should start closing down Mosques is Gandalf.

The preachers in all those mosques should be forced
to speak publicly against all terrorist attacks by Muslims.
Every Friday they should list all the terrorist attacks
for that week and openly criticise it and say that it
was against the teachings of the Koran and that the perpetrators will burn forever in hell.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 17th, 2020 at 1:42pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 2:29am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 9:42pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 8:35pm:
"Stop appeasing Islamists" was what I read. Was it not you, Brian, that said Islamists are the ones committing the violence?

Indeed they are and yes I alerted you to this fact.  Problem is Yadda continues with his usual Islamophobic rant...   ::)

Soooo.... we can rightly and morally soundly say it is correct that we should not be "appeasing the Islamists"?

Yes.  Unless of course it spills over to blanket condemnation of all Muslims, as Yadda has done. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 17th, 2020 at 1:49pm

Bobby. wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 7:41am:

freediver wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 7:29am:
The only person I have seen on here advise that the Australian government
should start closing down Mosques is Gandalf.

The preachers in all those mosques should be forced
to speak publicly against all terrorist attacks by Muslims.
Every Friday they should list all the terrorist attacks
for that week and openly criticise it and say that it
was against the teachings of the Koran and that the perpetrators will burn forever in hell.

Just because you are ignorant of it does not mean it does not happen, Bobby. ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by moses on Nov 17th, 2020 at 2:56pm
The muslim islamists who commit human rights atrocities, all claim they are following the qur'an to the letter.

They pray to allah, just before perpetrating their heinous atrocities against innocent men women and children.

They commit unspeakably depraved and evil acts, against innocent men women and children, with absolutely no sign of a conscience.

They 100% believe that they are obeying the will of allah as instructed in the qur'an.

This means that the qur'an is the sole cause and motivation for their degenerate atrocities.

All muslims revere the qur'an as the infallible perfect and unchangeable words of allah.

It stands to reason, that if muslims revere and support the qur'an as being perfect and unchangeable, they also support the engendered human rights atrocities.


If they didn't, they would renounce and purge the innumerable verses of evil in the qur'an, which cause and motivate all the islamic human rights atrocities.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 17th, 2020 at 3:15pm
The Christian extremists who commit human rights atrocities, all claim they are following the Bible to the letter.

They pray to Christ, just before perpetrating their heinous atrocities against innocent men women and children.

They commit unspeakably depraved and evil acts, against innocent men women and children, with absolutely no sign of a conscience.

They 100% believe that they are obeying the will of Yahweh or his sone, Christ, as instructed in the Bible.

This means that the Bible is the sole cause and motivation for their degenerate atrocities.

All Christians revere the Bible as the infallible perfect and unchangeable words of Yahweh or his son Jesus.

It stands to reason, that if Christians revere and support the Bible as being perfect and unchangeable, they also support the engendered human rights atrocities.


If they didn't, they would renounce and purge the innumerable verses of evil in the Bible, which cause and motivate all the Christian human rights atrocities.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by issuevoter on Nov 17th, 2020 at 4:27pm
OK. When was the last time Christians beheaded 50+ because they were not Christians? The atrocity occasions are not remotely comparable as Brian tries to claim. But then he is a Doctor of Divinity and once claimed that his opinions should be respected for that reason.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Bobby. on Nov 17th, 2020 at 4:59pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 1:49pm:

Bobby. wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 7:41am:

freediver wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 7:29am:
The only person I have seen on here advise that the Australian government
should start closing down Mosques is Gandalf.

The preachers in all those mosques should be forced
to speak publicly against all terrorist attacks by Muslims.
Every Friday they should list all the terrorist attacks
for that week and openly criticise it and say that it
was against the teachings of the Koran and that the perpetrators will burn forever in hell.

Just because you are ignorant of it does not mean it does not happen, Bobby. ::) ::)

The latest crimes must be all listed and condemned
every Friday at every Mosque as the first order of business.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by moses on Nov 17th, 2020 at 5:25pm
All imams commit Taqiyya every Friday?

How will that help?

They are told to lie to us in order to infiltrate and create the muslim caliphate.

The answer is for every body to start telling the truth about islam and denouncing, jeering at and condemning the filth and depravity in the qur'an. The verses of evil must be renounced and removed from the qur'an.

The lunatic leftards must stop their sick perverted support for the death cult.

All excusing and supporting islam and the qur'an as it now stands must stop.

TRUTH is the only answer to the problem.

While ever the qur'an remains as it is now, there will always be islamic jihadists perpetrating rape torture and mass slaughter as taught in the qur'an.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Agatha on Nov 17th, 2020 at 5:56pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 3:15pm:
The Christian extremists who commit human rights atrocities, all claim they are following the Bible to the letter.

They pray to Christ, just before perpetrating their heinous atrocities against innocent men women and children.

They commit unspeakably depraved and evil acts, against innocent men women and children, with absolutely no sign of a conscience.

They 100% believe that they are obeying the will of Yahweh or his sone, Christ, as instructed in the Bible.

This means that the Bible is the sole cause and motivation for their degenerate atrocities.

All Christians revere the Bible as the infallible perfect and unchangeable words of Yahweh or his son Jesus.

It stands to reason, that if Christians revere and support the Bible as being perfect and unchangeable, they also support the engendered human rights atrocities.


If they didn't, they would renounce and purge the innumerable verses of evil in the Bible, which cause and motivate all the Christian human rights atrocities.   ::) ::)

Changing 'Muslim' to 'Christian' in someone else's post and then reposting it is not really an argument or a point a grown up would make, is it. Yet you can't seem to help yourself, you keep doing it.

If someone else did that to your posts and arguments, would you say A) it's childish or B) well-considered?   As an old Mary Poppins type, I am sensing unresolved nursery school issues, Brian. You seem to go back to your 6 year old self when you are caught wetting your bed. You go all hedgehog and 'nah, nah nah' when put on the spot with no idea about what to think or say. 

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Agatha on Nov 17th, 2020 at 6:11pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 3:51pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 2:05pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 14th, 2020 at 12:19pm:
Appeasement means I suppose that they first must break the law and be found guilty of doing so, Yadda?  I suppose we should just demand all Muslims must wear a Green Crescent on their clothing and lock them in concentration camps?  Tsk, tsk, typical fascist response.  We fought a war against that sort of thinking...   ::) ::)

Seems like Yadda has the contextual meaning of appeasement right. Why should you think that we need a "softly, softly" approach to people willing to kill those who do not share the same values as them?

Cause he and the other Islamophobes are suggesting that merely being a Muslim makes a person guilty,  before they have committed any criminal act.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Being merely Muslim connects you to Muslim terrorists Jihadis. Islamists.  Yu share one of the most significant self-identifications with murderers for Allah - your belief in Allah and Mohammed.  So called 'mainstream' Muslims have failed miserably and unforgivably in the last 40 years. If the murderers ere were really such a small and unrepresentative minority, the majority of Muslims would have had no problem reigning them in.

They haven't.  Islam is Islam is Islam.  It is militant, expansionist, conquering, subjugating. It will never take a backward step, it doen not compromise. unless it is beaten back by force.  It is exploiting the very essence of Western democracy - compromise, give and take. Islam only takes, it never gives.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 17th, 2020 at 6:50pm

Funny how the Christians get a let off from their Terrorists in your view, Agatha.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by moses on Nov 18th, 2020 at 3:23pm
List of Killings in the Name of Islam:

Last 30 Days: During this time period, there were 97 Islamic attacks in 19 countries, in which 603 people were killed and 586 injured.

Jihad Report Nov 07 2020 - Nov 13 2020: Attacks      35 - Killed 185 - Injured 140 - Suicide Blasts 3 - Countries 12.

Jihad Report October 2020: Attacks 180 - Killed 890 - Injured 782 - Suicide Blasts 5 - Countries 27.

So far for 2020: During this time period, there were 1870 Islamic attacks in 49 countries, in which 9076 people were killed and 6754 injured.

There has been over 38103 deadly muslim terrorist attacks since September 11 2001.

All of the above atrocities were carried out by muslims who were obeying the teachings of muhammad in the qur'an.

Anybody got any figures for terrorist attacks caused and motivated by the teachings of Christ?

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 19th, 2020 at 7:16pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 1:42pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 2:29am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 9:42pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 8:35pm:
"Stop appeasing Islamists" was what I read. Was it not you, Brian, that said Islamists are the ones committing the violence?

Indeed they are and yes I alerted you to this fact.  Problem is Yadda continues with his usual Islamophobic rant...   ::)

Soooo.... we can rightly and morally soundly say it is correct that we should not be "appeasing the Islamists"?

Yes.  Unless of course it spills over to blanket condemnation of all Muslims, as Yadda has done. ::) ::)

The implication is that Muslims have not condemned the Islamists who have been creating all the violence. There are plenty of Christians who condemn paedophile priests. Plenty of Australians have condemned the killing of Afghani civilians and unarmed combatants. Plenty of people have condemned the abuse of children by rapists in Australia. But, Muslims have generally been quiet about Islamists committing atrocities.

Imagine Fraser Anning not getting any condemnation (at least in some considerable amount) in the public and the media after his comments about the Christchurch mosque shooting. Middle Eastern societies condemned media outlets in Europe for publishing Mohammed cartoons, instead of condemning the violence that lead to the publishing of the cartoons.

It is not about a "blanket condemnation of all Muslims" that is the problem. It is the condemnation of Muslims that condone the violent actions of Islamists that is implied in this subject.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 19th, 2020 at 10:47pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 19th, 2020 at 7:16pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 1:42pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 2:29am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 9:42pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 8:35pm:
"Stop appeasing Islamists" was what I read. Was it not you, Brian, that said Islamists are the ones committing the violence?

Indeed they are and yes I alerted you to this fact.  Problem is Yadda continues with his usual Islamophobic rant...   ::)

Soooo.... we can rightly and morally soundly say it is correct that we should not be "appeasing the Islamists"?

Yes.  Unless of course it spills over to blanket condemnation of all Muslims, as Yadda has done. ::) ::)

The implication is that Muslims have not condemned the Islamists who have been creating all the violence....

It is not about a "blanket condemnation of all Muslims" that is the problem.

It is the condemnation of Muslims that condone the violent actions of Islamists that is implied in this subject.


That is a salient point.


When was the last time  - ANYONE -  saw a street protest, in the capital of any Western nation,
WITH LARGE NUMBERS OF FOLLOWERS OF ISLAM, carrying placards which declared;

"Stop killing non-moslems!"


"You killer moslems are bringing our religion into disrepute!  STOP IT!!!!"


"We are moslems! And we stand with the victims of ISLAMIC terrorists!"



Instead, we see the example of followers of ISLAM     -- living here, in Australia --    AND, in street protests,
who are encouraging acts of violence against individuals or groups of people, who belong to a different culture, AND, express opinions, which they [moslems] disagree with.



Sydney, 2012, moslem street protests.

'Aussie' moslems on a Sydney street, openly demonstrating and exposing to public view, the violent religious bigotry which ISLAM, has put into their hearts.

'Aussie' moslems on a Sydney street, openly declaring their right to exercise their 'freedom of religion'.

Demanding the 'religious freedom', to kill people who offend them, because someone does not believe as they [moslems] believe.

Which is what ISLAM teaches, is their LAWFUL religious right, as followers of ISLAM.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 19th, 2020 at 11:03pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 19th, 2020 at 7:16pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 1:42pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 17th, 2020 at 2:29am:

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 9:42pm:

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 16th, 2020 at 8:35pm:
"Stop appeasing Islamists" was what I read. Was it not you, Brian, that said Islamists are the ones committing the violence?

Indeed they are and yes I alerted you to this fact.  Problem is Yadda continues with his usual Islamophobic rant...   ::)

Soooo.... we can rightly and morally soundly say it is correct that we should not be "appeasing the Islamists"?

Yes.  Unless of course it spills over to blanket condemnation of all Muslims, as Yadda has done. ::) ::)

The implication is that Muslims have not condemned the Islamists who have been creating all the violence. There are plenty of Christians who condemn paedophile priests. Plenty of Australians have condemned the killing of Afghani civilians and unarmed combatants. Plenty of people have condemned the abuse of children by rapists in Australia. But, Muslims have generally been quiet about Islamists committing atrocities.

Imagine Fraser Anning not getting any condemnation (at least in some considerable amount) in the public and the media after his comments about the Christchurch mosque shooting. Middle Eastern societies condemned media outlets in Europe for publishing Mohammed cartoons, instead of condemning the violence that lead to the publishing of the cartoons.

It is not about a "blanket condemnation of all Muslims" that is the problem. It is the condemnation of Muslims that condone the violent actions of Islamists that is implied in this subject.

How often have you attended your local Mosque?  You know what the Imam talks about during his friday service?  You know what Muslims as a body say about Terrorism?   No, I didn't think so.  When 11 September occurred, there were claims there were no Muslims who condemned the Terrorism.  That was cause western people don't speak Arabic and don't read what Muslims actually say.  They take that there was silence when there was a great deal of condemnation.  The same has occurred after each Terrorist act.   You have a few loons who speak in support of it but a lot of condemnation occurs behind the scenes, out of earshot of reporters who don't understand Arabic or other languages.   I get fed up with the constant claim there is no condemnation of Terrorism from Muslims, where there is oodles and oodles.  You just need to know where to look and where you don't look is in the Western MSM.  Tsk, tsk.   ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 19th, 2020 at 11:33pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 19th, 2020 at 11:03pm:

How often have you attended your local Mosque?  You know what the Imam talks about during his friday service?  You know what Muslims as a body say about Terrorism?   No, I didn't think so.  When 11 September occurred, there were claims there were no Muslims who condemned the Terrorism.  That was cause western people don't speak Arabic and don't read what Muslims actually say.  They take that there was silence when there was a great deal of condemnation.  The same has occurred after each Terrorist act.   You have a few loons who speak in support of it but a lot of condemnation occurs behind the scenes, out of earshot of reporters who don't understand Arabic or other languages.

I get fed up with the constant claim there is no condemnation of Terrorism from Muslims, where there is oodles and oodles.  You just need to know where to look and where you don't look is in the Western MSM.  Tsk, tsk.   ::)

I get fed up too.

With your lies.


WWW search....
AL WALAA WAL BARAA, "Islamic jurists"

Essentially, it translates as;

".....loving and hating for the sake of Allah."

It means, LOVING your moslem brothers. per ISLAMIC religious precepts.

It means, HATING the non-moslem. per ISLAMIC religious precepts.

It means, being a moslem.


Pure Al-wala' wa-l-bara' in the Koran....

"Thou wilt not find any people who believe in Allah and the Last Day, loving those who resist Allah and His Messenger, even though they were their fathers or their sons, or their brothers, or their kindred...."
Koran 58.22

"O ye who believe! Choose not your fathers nor your brethren for friends if they take pleasure in disbelief rather than faith. Whoso of you taketh them for friends, such are wrong-doers."
Koran 9.23

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"Muhammad is the messenger of Allah. And those with him are hard against the disbelievers and merciful among themselves....."
Koran 48.29

"There is for you an excellent example (to follow) in Abraham and those with him, when they said to their people: "We are clear of you and of whatever ye worship besides Allah: we have rejected you, and there has arisen, between us and you, enmity and hatred for ever,- unless ye believe in Allah and Him alone"....."
Koran 60:4

"...enmity and hatred for ever."

This is not hatred out of Yadda's mouth.

This hatred comes directly from ISLAM, and from ISLAM's most holy and inerrant religious text.

And it is a never-ending and unquenchable hatred, directed toward every disbeliever.



"....Lo! Allah is an enemy to those who reject Faith."
Koran 2.98

"O ye who believe! Take not my enemies and yours as friends (or protectors),- offering them (your) love,..."
Koran 60.1

"...And why should ye not fight in the cause of Allah...Those who believe fight in the cause of Allah, and those who reject Faith Fight in the cause of Evil: So fight ye against the friends of Satan:.."
Koran 4.74-76

Koran 8:20-22
Koran 5:59-60
Koran 47:33-35

"....those who reject Allah have no protector."  <-------
Koran 47.008
v. 8-11

"......the curse of Allah is on those without Faith."
Koran 2.089

"....take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends....
......he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them."
Koran 5.51

"Fighting [against disbelievers] is prescribed for you, and [if] ye dislike it.....Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
Koran 2.216

"O ye who believe! Fight those of the disbelievers who are near to you, and let them find harshness in you, and know that Allah is with those who keep their duty (unto Him)."
Koran 9.123

"Allah hath purchased of the believers their persons and their goods; for theirs (in return) is the garden (of Paradise): they fight in His cause, and slay and are slain:...."
Koran 9.111

"Fight them, and Allah will punish them by your hands, cover them with shame, help you (to victory) over them, heal the breasts of Believers,"
Koran 9.14

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 19th, 2020 at 11:57pm
Brian, out of 80,000 people in my town, about 1000 of the residents are Muslim. We do not have the numbers to see a mosque being built in this town. We do have community centres for the purpose of Islamic prayer. But, you miss the point of my post.

When the September 11 attacks occurred, there were media reports of people in the Middle East celebrating. Guys came out of their homes with thumbs up signals for their friends. People were partaking in lollies, etc. A woman was shown to be cheering in celebration. But then, it was revealed that the people were celebrating a soccer game win. When these people found out that the September 11 attacks had occurred, the mood really changed. The uvulating woman felt very embarrassed by what had happened and was sorry that she was cheering at the time when something else serious had happened around the world.

The thing about these instances is that there seems to be a dark element in society that would try and trick people into thinking one thing happened, and then use it for something else. I doubt that the western media was using the story for their own agenda. And the media conceded that it was the trickery of some people in the Middle East who tricked the civilians into thinking a sporting event was won so that the fraudsters could use it for propaganda purposes. It is those evil elements of Islamic society that we need to stop.

Brian, there are plenty of people who have had their languages translated into English for Westerners and Americans to understand. Muslim majority countries were near universal in the condemnation of the September 11 attacks. But, I do not see the same kind of condemnation of an individual who shot up a mosque in Christchurch. The Turkish leader Erdogan used the video to incite his followers into demeaning New Zealanders and Australians.

And whilst I do not believe that most Muslims are violent people, I do find it surprising that there is a general sense of justification by Muslims towards committing violence whenever someone criticises Islam.

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Brian Ross on Nov 20th, 2020 at 12:54pm

UnSubRocky wrote on Nov 19th, 2020 at 11:57pm:
Brian, out of 80,000 people in my town, about 1000 of the residents are Muslim. We do not have the numbers to see a mosque being built in this town. We do have community centres for the purpose of Islamic prayer. But, you miss the point of my post.

When the September 11 attacks occurred, there were media reports of people in the Middle East celebrating. Guys came out of their homes with thumbs up signals for their friends. People were partaking in lollies, etc. A woman was shown to be cheering in celebration. But then, it was revealed that the people were celebrating a soccer game win. When these people found out that the September 11 attacks had occurred, the mood really changed. The uvulating woman felt very embarrassed by what had happened and was sorry that she was cheering at the time when something else serious had happened around the world.

The thing about these instances is that there seems to be a dark element in society that would try and trick people into thinking one thing happened, and then use it for something else. I doubt that the western media was using the story for their own agenda. And the media conceded that it was the trickery of some people in the Middle East who tricked the civilians into thinking a sporting event was won so that the fraudsters could use it for propaganda purposes. It is those evil elements of Islamic society that we need to stop.

Brian, there are plenty of people who have had their languages translated into English for Westerners and Americans to understand. Muslim majority countries were near universal in the condemnation of the September 11 attacks. But, I do not see the same kind of condemnation of an individual who shot up a mosque in Christchurch. The Turkish leader Erdogan used the video to incite his followers into demeaning New Zealanders and Australians.

And whilst I do not believe that most Muslims are violent people, I do find it surprising that there is a general sense of justification by Muslims towards committing violence whenever someone criticises Islam.

There is one main source for the translation of Arabic in the MSM.  It is the Israeli owned and operated "Middle East Media Research Institute".  Guess how it "colours" it's translations?  It is as bad as a bunch of Islamophobes as here.   Most people read the MSM and the MSM uses the "Middle East Media Research Institute" services.  It is blatantly pro-Israeli and anti-Muslim.  It has been caught many times mistranslating what was said for it's own ends.  The worst case was that of the comments by the Iranian President where it was claimed he suggest that Israel would need to be "obliterated".  In reality, he had merely used the word "removed".

The point is, there are loons on both sides of this argument.  It is usually the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.  In the case of Islam it is the outspoken Islamists who get media time, not the mild moderate ones.  All too often their word is taken as being representative of what all Muslims think.  It is as if Muslims are believed to be like the Borg.   Muslims vary in their opinions as much as any group in society.   Yet that is never considered by Islamophobes.  Tsk, tsk.   ::)

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by Yadda on Nov 20th, 2020 at 1:33pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 20th, 2020 at 12:54pm:

There is one main source for the translation of Arabic in the MSM.  It is the Israeli owned and operated "Middle East Media Research Institute".  Guess how it "colours" it's translations?  It is as bad as a bunch of Islamophobes as here.   Most people read the MSM and the MSM uses the "Middle East Media Research Institute" services.  It is blatantly pro-Israeli and anti-Muslim.  It has been caught many times mistranslating what was said for it's own ends.  The worst case was that of the comments by the Iranian President where it was claimed he suggest that Israel would need to be "obliterated".  In reality, he had merely used the word "removed".

The point is, there are loons on both sides of this argument.  It is usually the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.  In the case of Islam it is the outspoken Islamists who get media time, not the mild moderate ones.  All too often their word is taken as being representative of what all Muslims think.  It is as if Muslims are believed to be like the Borg.

Muslims vary in their opinions as much as any group in society.

Yet that is never considered by Islamophobes.

'No moslem, can be on friendly terms with an infidel.
To contradict that position, transforms the moslem, into an infidel.'

- Allah [paraphrased] - Koran 5.51

WWW search.....
Erdogan, "There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. There is only one Islam."

Every single moslem, in declaring himself to be a moslem, declaring himself to be a follower of ISLAM.



Al-Wala’ wa al-Bara’: Islam’s Doctrine of Contempt for the Other

Apr 3, 2020
By Darrell Pack


Take, for example, al-Jaza’iri, a Salafi commentator on the Quran, who explains the basic idea behind the doctrine we are considering. He says, “Those who support the enemies of Allah and his prophet have abandoned their patronage of Allah, Muhammed and the Muslims (…) You will see in the hearts of those who support them a sickness.”

Al-Jaza’iri defines that sickness as doubt, hypocrisy and Shirk (associating an idol with Allah in worship).

Al-Jaza’iri concludes, “It is generally agreed that lack of active support for the Muslim cause is an abandoning of a major precept of true faith.”

In addition, al-Qurtubi, in his commentary, identifies this phenomenon (al-Wala’ wa al-Bara’) with the Battle of Uhud (624 A.D), when early Muslims were defeated by the Meccan pagans, and hypocrites among the Muslims who had secret deals to support the Jews while proclaiming themselves to be with the Muslims. This idea has planted in a belief in many Muslims that one is obeying this Quranic precept only through overt support for Muslim victory in conflicts with non-Muslims.

Another commentator, al-Bayḍāwī, says that Muslims must not rely upon Non-Muslims or associate with them as if they are dear.

But as-Samarqandī gives a harsher verdict and says that the Muslim who takes this kind of patronage and friendship with Jews and Christians is actually in their false religions, and will join them in hellfire.




July 28, 2006
Islamic Dictionary for Infidels

...Robert Spencer, ..."Religious deception of unbelievers is indeed taught by the Qur'an itself:

"Let not the believers take for friends or helpers unbelievers rather than believers. If any do that, in nothing will there be help from Allah; except by way of precaution, that ye may guard yourselves from them"
(Qur'an 3:28).

In other words, don't make friends with unbelievers except to "guard yourselves from them": pretend to be their friends so that you can strengthen yourself against them. The distinguished Qur'anic commentator Ibn Kathir explains that this verse teaches that if "believers who in some areas or times fear for their safety from the disbelievers," they may "show friendship to the disbelievers outwardly, but never inwardly."

- WWW search




A Study in Muslim Doctrine

"...while sincere friendship with non-Muslims is forbidden,

insincere friendship - whenever beneficial to Muslims - is not."


WWW search....
we smile to the face "while our hearts curse them"

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by moses on Nov 20th, 2020 at 3:23pm
A islamic terror apologist wrote Yesterday at 11:03pm:
You just need to know where to look

He was admitting that muslim abhorrence of islamic terrorism was not something that was out in the open, it was hidden away, *you had to know where to look*.

For goodness sake the people *have to know where to look*, to see the minority of muslims who are against islamic terrorism.

You certainly don't *have to know where to look* to see the daily bloodshed of the muslims, it's right in front of us.

You don't *have to know where to look*, to see the muslim protesters holding the placards and threats of violence and bloodshed against the non believers, they are out there in full force.

Yet we have to *know where to look* to find any muslim condemnation of islamic beheadings, rapes, torturing and mass murder.

How do we know this proven liar is actually telling the truth?

Maybe muslim loathing of islamic religious terrorism doesn't exist.

If it does exist why is it hidden away, out of sight?

Is this apologist simply lying to us again?

Title: Re: Arab advice to WEST - Stop appeasing ISLAMISTS !!!
Post by UnSubRocky on Nov 20th, 2020 at 3:47pm

Brian Ross wrote on Nov 20th, 2020 at 12:54pm:
There is one main source for the translation of Arabic in the MSM.  It is the Israeli owned and operated "Middle East Media Research Institute".  Guess how it "colours" it's translations?  It is as bad as a bunch of Islamophobes as here.   Most people read the MSM and the MSM uses the "Middle East Media Research Institute" services.  It is blatantly pro-Israeli and anti-Muslim.  It has been caught many times mistranslating what was said for it's own ends.  The worst case was that of the comments by the Iranian President where it was claimed he suggest that Israel would need to be "obliterated".  In reality, he had merely used the word "removed".

Brian, there are people all around the world that can translate Arabic languages into English. The trouble is that the content of the Arabic being translated could be so objectionable that the translator could either refuse to translate the words, or lie about translating what was said. "Someone I knew" was wanting to translate a Farsi recording into English. A translator listened to the recording and then decided against translating for the people. Another translator, this time a white guy from the university, came and listened to the recording. He translated for the people concerned about what was said. Then he commented that the recording included a death threat at the end, for people who translated the recording into a non-Arabic language.

That is basically the problem with the language barrier. Arabic people, who are largely among the poorest people in the world, having to fight to survive more than Western and American people can ever generally imagine, have this "us vs them" idea of their existence. It is not a surprise that the spokesperson for the Middle Eastern societies have an issue about suppressing what is told to the media. What is heard and translated (or mistranslated) in public media is probably a sanitised version of what is thought in general in the Middle East.

The point is, there are loons on both sides of this argument.  It is usually the squeaky wheel that gets the oil.  In the case of Islam it is the outspoken Islamists who get media time, not the mild moderate ones.  All too often their word is taken as being representative of what all Muslims think.  It is as if Muslims are believed to be like the Borg.   Muslims vary in their opinions as much as any group in society.   Yet that is never considered by Islamophobes.  Tsk, tsk.   ::)

As I have pointed out to you, if there is not an outright condemnation of these Islamists by their own countrymen, then there is an appeasement of the Islamists by the general public.

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