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General Discussion >> America >> USA's first FAKE PRESIDENT

Message started by JaSin. on Apr 21st, 2021 at 1:28pm

Post by JaSin. on Apr 21st, 2021 at 1:28pm
If Trump was considered by the Left/Media as 'Dumb' because of his lack of Political 'experience'.
Then Biden is surely 'Dumber' and that's saying with a guy who has all this 'institutional experience' compared to Trump.

Is 'Dopey Joe' America's first FAKE PRESIDENT?
Is he the most blatant 'Shop-Front' dummy President ever?
No wonder the American natives stormed the Capitol Building!
It's not like they took their anger out on the American People like the BLM did for their 'Junkie Matyr' Floyd.

The USA People have been 'Conned' by the Media.

Title: Re: USA's first FAKE PRESIDENT
Post by JaSin. on Apr 21st, 2021 at 1:32pm
...I told you Trump was the Lightning Rod, that would draw out the Corruption and bring it out into the open for the World to see. Now that Corruption is in power and its called the Media.

Title: Re: USA's first FAKE PRESIDENT
Post by greggerypeccary on Apr 21st, 2021 at 1:56pm

Jasin wrote on Apr 21st, 2021 at 1:28pm:
If Trump was considered by the Left/Media as 'Dumb' because of his lack of Political 'experience'.

It wasn't just his lack of political experience.

It was his astounding ignorance in regards to everything.

He has never read a book in his life.

Until he became President, he had never travelled.

His father paid people to do his school work.

He didn't know how many countries there are in the world.

He thinks drinking bleach is perfectly okay.

He's probably the dumbest person I have ever seen in public life.

But let's hear it from one of his professors, William T. Kelly:

“Donald Trump was the dumbest goddamn student I ever had.”

"He had a stunning level of superficial knowledge and plain ignorance.”

Title: Re: USA's first FAKE PRESIDENT
Post by Dnarever on Apr 21st, 2021 at 1:59pm
Trump was the US's first non president.

Trump wasn't a real President for one single day.

Title: Re: USA's first FAKE PRESIDENT
Post by Dnarever on Apr 21st, 2021 at 2:01pm

Jasin wrote on Apr 21st, 2021 at 1:32pm:
...I told you Trump was the Lightning Rod, that would draw out the Corruption and bring it out into the open for the World to see. Now that Corruption is in power and its called the Media.

Trump was responsible for 10X more corruption than he was ever going to find elsewhere.

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