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Message started by Brian Ross on Apr 26th, 2021 at 12:10pm

Title: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 26th, 2021 at 12:10pm

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 26th, 2021 at 12:16pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2021 at 12:10pm:

More Bruce Fakery Pascoe ;D

You, like he, have no credibility.

He's a charlatan & a racial appropriator.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 26th, 2021 at 12:28pm

Gnads wrote on Apr 26th, 2021 at 12:16pm:

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2021 at 12:10pm:

More Bruce Fakery Pascoe ;D

You, like he, have no credibility.

He's a charlatan & a racial appropriator.

Lies, lies and more lies.

This is what the abbo welfare industry lives on.
Gimme, gimme, gimme.

They to could be civilized and ha v e what white people have.
All they need to do is;

then, they too could be privileged.

But parasites find it hard to change 70000 years of doing nothing.
And it appears, while the abbo gene is recessive in colour
The lazy, parasite gene is strong and even 99% white abbos are just as lazy as full blood.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by JaSin. on Apr 26th, 2021 at 12:29pm
First Nation peoples around the world are still responsible for the Mass Extinction of Mega Fauna. People of Civilisations have just been following their lead.

To compare the sufferings of Aboriginal Australians to other peoples around the world and in history is still somewhat 'small' and lesser. The Neanderthals of Britain survived better than the indigenous Sapiens of the Isles who were wiped out but for a handful of concubines. Other peoples have suffered more horrible atrocities than Aboriginals.

Aboriginal people need to 'look outside' their own 40,000 years of imprisonment to see how lucky they are indeed. Especially when it was 'disease' that genocided them, not military or political action. 40,000 years of sterility was their own undoing.

Mind you, if Australia become a Republic - any Aboriginal or British (or others) who do not become a 'Republican' will probably be at the end of the queue. Wanna be Aboriginal - fine, what to be a black Republican Australian - even better!

I do support the preservation of Traditional Aboriginal culture. Humanity as a whole has a lot to learn and benefit from. So easily in this Galaxy, that we might not find any substantial 'life' to compare with us and be alone for 40,000 years too.  :o How would we deal with surviving for another 40,000 years - when if you look around, it looks like we won't survive another 100 years!

There is good and bad aspects of the Aboriginal Theme. Remember that 'spirituality' is a form of 'Fashion' - nothing more, nothing less.

I always say that a group of Aboriginals on a hill saw the White Sails in the Sunrise....
One yelled "Invasion!" >:(
Another yelled "Freedom!"  :)
Another yelled "We have Guests! Get the barbie lit!"  8-)
Another yelled "It's about time!"  ;D
Another yelled "The Water Spirits are here to let us dried out Land Spirits drink from the Holy Grail finally!"  :'(
Another yelled "Our Gene Pool is saved!"  :-*
...and so on.

Only Racists see only 'one' right answer and only in black or white.

Btw - Whites colonise their land, they colonise your superior technology (Media). It's a shared experience.  ;)

Suck it up!  :D

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 26th, 2021 at 1:02pm
I note the usual Racists have raised their voices in opposition to Bruce Pascoe's Thesis without any effort to produce proof his views are incorrect.  I wonder why they just as per usual resort to ad hominem insults?  Is it because they are ignorant of the facts?  I wonder why they love parading their ignorance around, waving it like a flag?  Does it reassure them they are right?  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 26th, 2021 at 1:31pm
Well - if Bruce would drop his ad homs against the culture that nurtured him so well and actually discuss something without trying to make out he's an Aboriginal - someone might listen to him.

Should have stuck with being an outsider commenting on Aboriginal history and such - then he wouldn't be in a corner.

I can comment on Maoris or Chinese or Russians or feminists or other aliens - doesn't mean I have to claim to be one.... views expressed stand or fall on their own merit.

As things stand - only those striving desperately to be True Believers actually listen to him - but, of course, they know better than everyone else... Educated Person's burden, innit?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by tickleandrose on Apr 26th, 2021 at 2:04pm
I have another perspective, from pandemic point of view.

Smallpox and Indigenous population decline

Prior to European settlement, the Kulin people of what came to be known as the Port Phillip region suffered little communicable disease. The Kulin lived in low numbers and without domesticated animals, conditions not conducive to the spread of infectious diseases. Paleopathologists have shown that indigenous peoples living in other parts of Victoria, such as the Murray region, did suffer diarrhoeal diseases resulting from their near-sedentary way of life in a food-rich environment.[footnote 9]

Smallpox is generally accepted as the earliest-known epidemic episode in settler-Australian history, decimating Indigenous Australian populations in the south-eastern parts of the continent. There are continuing debates among historians as to whether smallpox was brought to Australia by the Europeans who settled at Port Jackson in 1788 or by Macassans (from South Sulawesi) with whom Aboriginal peoples in northern Australia had been trading since the mid-eighteenth century.[footnote 10] Most historians accept the former argument, although the conventional account is complicated by the fact that there were no cases of smallpox recorded on the First Fleet or among early settlers. For similar reasons, some historians have argued the disease was in fact chickenpox, which is more infectious than smallpox and severe (even fatal) when contracted by adults, perhaps explaining its easy transmission over less densely populated parts of the continent.[footnote 11]

Two major 'pox' epidemics, one in 1789 and another in 1829–31, severely impacted Australia's Indigenous population. The first recorded outbreak, in April 1789, swept through the Sydney area, and may have reached as far south as the Port Phillip region.[footnote 12] A second outbreak spread along the Murray-Darling Basin from 1829, into eastern Australia reaching the south coast of what would later become Victoria. Records suggest the outbreak was 'universal' in 1830 and 1831 in the country west of Port Phillip, from the Murray River to the south coast. There is less evidence of the outbreak reaching Gippsland. Historian Judy Campbell estimates that the incidence of disease in the dwellings of closely related clans in semi-settled and well-endowed districts, from Portland across to Westernport, would have been high and would have seen severe mortalities rates.[footnote 13]

The two epidemics are estimated to have killed as many as three-quarters of Victoria's pre-colonial population. It is now thought that the Aboriginal population of Victoria was about 60,000 prior to 1788, which the epidemics halved twice, to a population of about 15,000. The Djadja Wurrung people living in the basins of the Loddon and Avoca rivers, for example, was probably halved from 4,000 to less than 2,000 by 1840.[footnote 14]

These losses were compounded by other diseases introduced from Europe. From the early nineteenth century, European whalers and sealers introduced venereal diseases, which not only killed people but rendered Aboriginal women sterile and infected babies, severely diminishing the possibility of an Aboriginal demographic recovery. As Attwood puts it, 'white men's lust killed many more Aboriginal people than did their guns'.[footnote 15] As settlement spread, a further fall occurred as Indigenous peoples came into increasing contact with Europeans. Colds, bronchitis, influenza, measles, scarlet fever, dysentery and tuberculosis—which can kill up to 50 per cent of those who become infected with the active bacteria—spread through Indigenous populations that had little if any immunity to these illnesses.[footnote 16]

Furthermore, as Hunter and Carmody note, the negative effect of these multiple epidemics is likely to have been compounded by declining nutrition associated with the colonial expansion onto lands that had provided their food source.[footnote 17]

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 26th, 2021 at 2:09pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2021 at 1:02pm:
I note the usual Racists have raised their voices in opposition to Bruce Pascoe's Thesis without any effort to produce proof his views are incorrect.  I wonder why they just as per usual resort to ad hominem insults?  Is it because they are ignorant of the facts?  I wonder why they love parading their ignorance around, waving it like a flag?  Does it reassure them they are right?  ::) ::)

How about you prove his thesis(fairytale) is correct?

Instead of blindly following what you think is a warm & fuzzy notion like the un-factual lefty you are.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 26th, 2021 at 4:09pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2021 at 1:02pm:
I note the usual Racists have raised their voices in opposition to Bruce Pascoe's Thesis without any effort to produce proof his views are incorrect.  I wonder why they just as per usual resort to ad hominem insults?  Is it because they are ignorant of the facts?  I wonder why they love parading their ignorance around, waving it like a flag?  Does it reassure them they are right?  ::) ::)

Bruce Pascoe is a proven liar.

He has lied about his ancestry.
He has lied about his family

And he has been caught out and called out many times.
He relies on the mantra of racism to allow him to continue his lies.

When Bruce speaks....he lies.

He lies for profit.
He lies for attention.
He lies for the ability to divide a nation.

He has done no research other than bastardising some information from journals of early settlers.

And we all know how accurate they are.

If these accounts were to be believed, Kangaroos would be 100 ft tall and jump hundreds of feet.
The wombats made underground cities and platypus were an mix of ducks and beavers.

Pascoe is a liar riding on the wave of lies and abbo wokeness.

Anyone who listens to him is an idiot.
Anyone who believes him is a brain dead moron.
Anyone who quotes him is an un-salvageable retard.

Pascoe should be charged with fraud and expelled back to England where he was probably expelled for being a lying moron.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 26th, 2021 at 5:26pm

Now they attack me, the messenger, rather than Pascoe's message.  Oh, dearie, dearie, me, just goes how empty they are of anything factual, preferring to attack rather than consider what he is saying.  He has quoted original explorers/settlers journals, where they wrong, describing what they describe?  If so, where is the counter arguments?  They appear non-existent.  It isn't I who made his points, it is Pascoe.  His points appear valid, until someone produces counter-points.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Apr 26th, 2021 at 6:48pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2021 at 5:26pm:

Now they attack me, the messenger, rather than Pascoe's message.  Oh, dearie, dearie, me, just goes how empty they are of anything factual, preferring to attack rather than consider what he is saying.  He has quoted original explorers/settlers journals, where they wrong, describing what they describe?  If so, where is the counter arguments?  They appear non-existent.  It isn't I who made his points, it is Pascoe.  His points appear valid, until someone produces counter-points.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Pull your head out of your ABC arse, Bbwian.

Your teachers would have said it but you, militantly resisting learning all your life, ignored them: read widely.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 27th, 2021 at 5:59pm
There appears to be a believe that what is being said applies to Indigenous Australians, throughout history.  I wonder why?  Pascoe makes the point that he is examining what the early explorers/settlers saw and wrote about.  Australia is a vast continent, Indigenous Australians in various places would have/could have been at different levels of development, dependent on what the environment could produce and sustain.  Yet it appears to the Racists that he is saying all Indigenous Australians were the same.  Seems very blanket and very narrow minded but hey, what else could we expect from the Racists?  Not much.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 27th, 2021 at 8:27pm
Yeee-uusssh - but his use of words to describe everyday artefacts and structures that were common to all non-advanced societies has made those seem to be thriving industries and metropolises.

Jesus - we've even got some 'heritage fish traps' around here that tourists can visit ... something so common throughout the world and signifying nothing about any advanced civilisation... rather the opposite.

We used to build 'fish traps' = aquaculture when we were kids playing at the beach and creeks - it's hardly rocket science, and we all built cubby houses and tree houses.... and we all knew our local bush and its trails and tracks and good spots to catch crawchies or find a swimming hole.

'aquaculture', agriculture, 'ancient traditional trade routes' - are not the words to describe such simple things as fish traps made of stones/sticks/sand, a few scattered plots of something or other - and the paths of least resistance that any wandering group with any knowledge of the layout of the land (not the layabouts of the land - that came later) are hardly 'traditional trade routes' - they're just known and worn paths for wanderers... sometimes 'sacred paths' which the locals down south used to follow to get from the Heeghland to the Coast and vice versa for their semi-annual pilgrimages - and partly as rites of passage for young people growing up, something the Elders down there wanted to bring back so the young people could learn what it is to be a man and a woman.

I'm sorry to break it to you, Brian - but Pascoe gilded the lily just a light year or so too much... A Bludge Too Far if you ask me.

BTW - in his 'houses of learning' - are there those who posit the opposing views to his monologue?  Or is this a case of 'only one side gets to speak so they must be right'?  So common these days, since we gave too much power and control to silly women, who broke everything down with no idea how to re-build it in their own image.

You could safely remove the -re- from de-construction..... there is no Reconstruction going on.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Anthony Claydon on Apr 27th, 2021 at 8:32pm
First Nations are the descendants of the first inhabitants of a land. Norfolk Island was uninhabited when the first settlers arrived. Therefore anyone descended from the first inhabitants of Norfolk Island are a First Nations people....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 27th, 2021 at 8:39pm

Anthony Claydon wrote on Apr 27th, 2021 at 8:32pm:
First Nations are the descendants of the first inhabitants of a land. Norfolk Island was uninhabited when the first settlers arrived. Therefore anyone descended from the first inhabitants of Norfolk Island are a First Nations people....

Actually - our First Nations were not the first nations here.  Norfolkers are descendants of - well - you read:-

"Norfolk Islanders also referred to as just Islanders are the inhabitants or citizens of Norfolk Island, an external territory of Australia. The Islanders have their own unique identity and are predominantly people of Pitcairn and English descent and to a lesser extent of Scottish and Irish.

The culture held in common by most native-born Norfolk Islanders is mainstream Norfolk culture, traditions primarily inherited from the 194 Pitcairn settlers in 1856. All of the people that claim Pitcairn ancestry are descended from the British HMS Bounty mutineers and the Tahitian companions, including the few who settled afterwards. In the 2016 census, there were 381 Norfolk Island-born residents out of a total of 1,748 inhabiting the island."

Always nice to see you young folk try out your pet theories at OzPol University.... you'll learn fast here...  8-)

It's the LAST nation that counts.. and we are ALL members of that .... get onboard or be left in the raging sea all alone... love it or leave it, and that includes First Nationers who don't want to be Last Nationers.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by J.D. on Apr 27th, 2021 at 8:42pm
63,700rys and they ended up with a stick, that is a very lazy culture by any standards and they need support now to deal with civilisation.

They were in the lucky country with plenty of food and water so why do anything.

They have embraced the VB culture speedily given the time frame.
VB_003.jpg (142 KB | 8 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 27th, 2021 at 10:51pm

Still nothing from the Racists.  Just their usual ad hominem attacks against Pascoe and myself.  Tsk, tsk, makes me really worried that this is what intellectual debate has become.  Where are the facts?  Where is the rhetoric?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 12:19am
Where are the facts?  Where is the rhetoric?  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Roll Eyes

That's what we keep asking... where are the facts?   All Pascoe has is a very flawed interpretation... and he rides on it so well.

There are many real histories of Aboriginal Australians... nothing that Pascoe discusses is earth-shaking or alters the fundamental state of their being pre-1788, so why was he created a celebrity?  Apart from the fact that no other view will be entertained now - they didn't have cities - like every other group in the history of man, they built temporary shelters from what was available where the food was available... as long as the food was there, they hung around mostly... they trapped fish and raised a very few crops which were very small plots... as befits the style of their existence. They did not have 'trade routes' - they had paths that they knew and followed and sometimes may have traded along the way.

So - why was Pascoe created a celebrity?  Because some wanted to hear what he had to say?  You get that with any flim-flam man....

I can get you a good used Harbour Bridge...

Why not honour our Kaffir for what they can do and welcome them into a New World that they can derive a better life from instead of the endless violence and disputing?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:36am

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2021 at 5:26pm:

Now they attack me, the messenger, rather than Pascoe's message.  Oh, dearie, dearie, me, just goes how empty they are of anything factual, preferring to attack rather than consider what he is saying.  He has quoted original explorers/settlers journals, where they wrong, describing what they describe?  If so, where is the counter arguments?  They appear non-existent.  It isn't I who made his points, it is Pascoe.  His points appear valid, until someone produces counter-points.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

You're no messenger.

You're a purveyor nonsense, fairytales

a promoter of frauds & liars.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:43am
and yet again for the braindead.

Bruce Pascoe is a proven liar.

He has lied about his ancestry.
He has lied about his family

And he has been caught out and called out many times.
He relies on the mantra of racism to allow him to continue his lies.

When Bruce speaks....he lies.

He lies for profit.
He lies for attention.
He lies for the ability to divide a nation.

He has done no research other than bastardising some information from journals of early settlers.

And we all know how accurate they are.

If these accounts were to be believed, Kangaroos would be 100 ft tall and jump hundreds of feet.
The wombats made underground cities and platypus were an mix of ducks and beavers.

Pascoe is a liar riding on the wave of lies and abbo wokeness.

Anyone who listens to him is an idiot.
Anyone who believes him is a brain dead moron.
Anyone who quotes him is an un-salvageable retard.

Pascoe should be charged with fraud and expelled back to England where he was probably expelled for being a lying moron.

Bwyannnnn, would you like a toaster?
FB_IMG_1612927863077.jpg (39 KB | 8 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 28th, 2021 at 11:27am

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Such childish attacks on myself and Bruce Pascoe, personally.  Makes me wonder how such foolishness can be sustained in the face of the facts that Pascoe has published...  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Fuzzball on Apr 28th, 2021 at 12:50pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 26th, 2021 at 1:02pm:
I note the usual Racists have raised their voices in opposition to Bruce Pascoe's Thesis without any effort to produce proof his views are incorrect.  I wonder why they just as per usual resort to ad hominem insults?  Is it because they are ignorant of the facts?  I wonder why they love parading their ignorance around, waving it like a flag?  Does it reassure them they are right?  ::) ::)

If you have no argument in a debate.....shout RACIST......well done confirm that you have NO argument........ ;D

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 28th, 2021 at 1:18pm
and yet again for the braindead.

Bruce Pascoe is a proven liar.

He has lied about his ancestry.
He has lied about his family

And he has been caught out and called out many times.
He relies on the mantra of racism to allow him to continue his lies.

When Bruce speaks....he lies.

He lies for profit.
He lies for attention.
He lies for the ability to divide a nation.

He has done no research other than bastardising some information from journals of early settlers.

And we all know how accurate they are.

If these accounts were to be believed, Kangaroos would be 100 ft tall and jump hundreds of feet.
The wombats made underground cities and platypus were an mix of ducks and beavers.

Pascoe is a liar riding on the wave of lies and abbo wokeness.

Anyone who listens to him is an idiot.
Anyone who believes him is a brain dead moron.
Anyone who quotes him is an un-salvageable retard.

Pascoe should be charged with fraud and expelled back to England where he was probably expelled for being a lying moron.
FB_IMG_1618973926980.jpg (35 KB | 6 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Fuzzball on Apr 28th, 2021 at 1:27pm
Because I brought up the question of Bwian's admittance to the Defence Force on his Defence forum, he removed my post with no reason. Says it all must have lied to get into the DF......that's if you really were/are in the DF???? ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 1:57pm

Valkie wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 1:18pm:
and yet again for the braindead.

Bruce Pascoe is a proven liar.

He has lied about his ancestry.
He has lied about his family

And he has been caught out and called out many times.
He relies on the mantra of racism to allow him to continue his lies.

When Bruce speaks....he lies.

He lies for profit.
He lies for attention.
He lies for the ability to divide a nation.

He has done no research other than bastardising some information from journals of early settlers.

And we all know how accurate they are.

If these accounts were to be believed, Kangaroos would be 100 ft tall and jump hundreds of feet.
The wombats made underground cities and platypus were an mix of ducks and beavers.

Pascoe is a liar riding on the wave of lies and abbo wokeness.

Anyone who listens to him is an idiot.
Anyone who believes him is a brain dead moron.
Anyone who quotes him is an un-salvageable retard.

Pascoe should be charged with fraud and expelled back to England where he was probably expelled for being a lying moron.

Where has this been proven, Matty?

Have you found a meme yet?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 28th, 2021 at 2:20pm
Oh come off it freak

I have posted so many times about Pascoe and his lies, go look for yourself.

He is a pom
He has no aboriginal blood in him
He falsely claimed that his grandmother was an abbo , but when the people he allegedly belonged to were spoken to they denied his claim.
He has roots in England and absolutely ZERO true knowledge of aboriginal culture.

The man is a chronic liar.

Any idiot who believes anything he states or says is even more stupid than stupid.

But I guess as long as its pro abbo, you can say anything and get away with it.

Tell the truth about their propensity for DV, pedophilia, laziness or chronic unemployment and you are called a liar despite all the available evidence.

It all depends on what you want to hear.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 2:43pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 27th, 2021 at 8:27pm:
Yeee-uusssh - but his use of words to describe everyday artefacts and structures that were common to all non-advanced societies has made those seem to be thriving industries and metropolises.

Jesus - we've even got some 'heritage fish traps' around here that tourists can visit ... something so common throughout the world and signifying nothing about any advanced civilisation... rather the opposite.

We used to build 'fish traps' = aquaculture when we were kids playing at the beach and creeks - it's hardly rocket science, and we all built cubby houses and tree houses.... and we all knew our local bush and its trails and tracks and good spots to catch crawchies or find a swimming hole.

'aquaculture', agriculture, 'ancient traditional trade routes' - are not the words to describe such simple things as fish traps made of stones/sticks/sand, a few scattered plots of something or other - and the paths of least resistance that any wandering group with any knowledge of the layout of the land (not the layabouts of the land - that came later) are hardly 'traditional trade routes' - they're just known and worn paths for wanderers... sometimes 'sacred paths' which the locals down south used to follow to get from the Heeghland to the Coast and vice versa for their semi-annual pilgrimages - and partly as rites of passage for young people growing up, something the Elders down there wanted to bring back so the young people could learn what it is to be a man and a woman.

I'm sorry to break it to you, Brian - but Pascoe gilded the lily just a light year or so too much... A Bludge Too Far if you ask me.

BTW - in his 'houses of learning' - are there those who posit the opposing views to his monologue?  Or is this a case of 'only one side gets to speak so they must be right'?  So common these days, since we gave too much power and control to silly women, who broke everything down with no idea how to re-build it in their own image.

You could safely remove the -re- from de-construction..... there is no Reconstruction going on.

You're free to speak, dear, but 'aquaculture', 'agriculture', 'ancient traditional trade routes' are exactly the words you use to describe these things.

Pascoe has never stated Aborigines were farmers, he merely highlights the use of these practices in a hunter-gatherer culture/economy.

You overestimate the cause. Pascoe is not trying to rewrite Aborigines as an agrarian society, he's uncovering the breadth of ancient land management practices. If you think these would not be relevant to modern farmers, LGAs, rural fire services, etc, you'd be seriously naive.

Many farmers are most interested in how their land was once run. So too are backburners and rural fire authorities. I imagine fisheries would be interested in what Aborigines knew about breeding cycles and fish stock preservation. We need to study these things now more than ever before. We are, to put it bluntly, running out.

Pascoe, however, is writing from a human interest perspective (he's not an historian). It's in everybody's interest to know how the land we live on was traditionally run. Aboriginal history is Australian history. There's over 50,000 years of stories, ideas, laws, customs and practices. Pascoe is just dipping his toe in the water.

The early settlers were most interested in Aboriginal language and culture. Officers like Tench and Dawes studied and left copious notes and drawings. Artefacts were collected and sold for a fortune back in England. 18th century England was curious. It was the age of exploration, after all.

This waned as our land was settled and Aborigines came to be seen as pests. Pascoe is simply returning to the task of the early colonisers: trying to understand traditional human life on this continent. The task now, apart from the simple human interest one, is how we can keep the continent going for another 50,000 years.

And yes, Pascoe has some distant Aboriginal heritage. His reflections on how this makes him "Aboriginal" are interesting, and can easily be downloaded and read. Pascoe is as Aboriginal as I'm Scottish - that is, we both had no connection with our ancestry until we went looking.

I'm curious. You?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by moses on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:03pm
Suicide affects 95% of Aboriginal people in Australia, and many are born into families where grief from suicide already exists, sometimes across two or three generations. [5] Suicide is the fifth leading cause of death for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (second for males and seventh for females). [1]

Worldwide Australia ranks 64th for suicide rates, while Aboriginal Australia ranks 12th. [16] The Aboriginal youth suicide rate is higher than every country in the world, except for Greenland.

This type of thing is caused by the stupid bloody brian ross / pascoe types of sick lying leftards.

The leftards should stop using the aboriginals as a tool in their *hate and blame the whiteman* campaign.

After decades of deliberate falsehood brainwashing the kids have got no chance in real life.

Their so called culture offers them nothing for the rigors of the 21st century.

Snakemouth ross, pascoe etc. etc. should shut their lying hate / blame the whiteman mouths, let the poor kids learn to be responsible for them selves, accept the truth that aboriginal culture is 10s of 1000s of years out of date, join whitey in the best country in the world and advance forward into the 21st century.

Shut up leftards, give the kids a chance today 2021.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:09pm

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:03pm:
Suicide affects 95% of Aboriginal people in Australia, and many are born into families where grief from suicide already exists, sometimes across two or three generations. [5] Suicide is the fifth leading cause of death for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people (second for males and seventh for females). [1]

Worldwide Australia ranks 64th for suicide rates, while Aboriginal Australia ranks 12th. [16] The Aboriginal youth suicide rate is higher than every country in the world, except for Greenland.

This type of thing is caused by the stupid bloody brian ross / pascoe types of sick lying leftards.

The leftards should stop using the aboriginals as a tool in their *hate and blame the whiteman* campaign.

After decades of deliberate falsehood brainwashing the kids have got no chance in real life.

Their so called culture offers them nothing for the rigors of the 21st century.

Snakemouth ross, pascoe etc. etc. should shut their lying hate / blame the whiteman mouths, let the poor kids learn to be responsible for them selves, accept the truth that aboriginal culture is 10s of 1000s of years out of date, join whitey in the best country in the world and advance forward into the 21st century.

Shut up leftards, give the kids a chance today 2021.

Its simply an industry.

They have nothing of worth to offer.

So they try to break down the truly successful white man.

We will endure, we always have, we have the skills, knowledge and fortitude to succeed.

The darkies have ..................................................stupidity.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by JaSin. on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:12pm
I'll be meeting with Mr Pascoe one day.

I will say, that the Black voice 'owns' the Media now.
It's not about right or wrong, its about POWER.

I know a lot of African, European, Asian and Oceanic Blacks who consider Australian, North American, South American and Middle-East Blacks as 'bitter losers'.  ;)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by moses on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:24pm
Valkie wrote:
Its simply an industry.

They have nothing of worth to offer.

So they try to break down the truly successful white man.

We will endure, we always have, we have the skills, knowledge and fortitude to succeed.

The darkies have ..................................................stupidity.

Their downhill run began with the perkins booze bus in the 70s.

Since that time they have gone through the booze and drugs phase, the kids were molested to such an extent that federal intervention was necessary etc. etc..

After the 7os there was massive hate the whiteman sentiment, fueled by the leftwing.

The pre 70s aboriginals were vastly different to todays people.

The thing is we can get along together if there is no bullshit involved.

The answer is to get rid of the leftwing agenda in the aboriginal communities, let the kids from both sides live in harmony, stop the white blame game.

It's the aboriginal kids who are suffering from the sick leftards of the world.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by JaSin. on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:28pm
Those Aboriginal Men who hold onto the past and keep 'traditional' culture alive will do well.
Those Aboriginal Women who embrace the 'future' and step outside their Land and into the rest of the world will also do well.

'Traditional' culture (Pre-1788 culture) should be preserved and it will serve 'all' Australians well.

Only have to look at the recent WildFires that 'Whitey' still has a lot to learn from Aboriginal 'Traditional' culture.

...the modern aboriginal  'American Rap' culture is a bit of a wank though.  ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:30pm

Valkie wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 2:20pm:
Oh come off it freak

I have posted so many times about Pascoe and his lies, go look for yourself.

He is a pom
He has no aboriginal blood in him
He falsely claimed that his grandmother was an abbo , but when the people he allegedly belonged to were spoken to they denied his claim.
He has roots in England and absolutely ZERO true knowledge of aboriginal culture.

The man is a chronic liar.

Any idiot who believes anything he states or says is even more stupid than stupid.

But I guess as long as its pro abbo, you can say anything and get away with it.

Tell the truth about their propensity for DV, pedophilia, laziness or chronic unemployment and you are called a liar despite all the available evidence.

It all depends on what you want to hear.

It doesn't matter what we want to hear, dear, it matters what Pascoe says:

Professor Pascoe has acknowledged his links are distant, writing in his latest essay collection Salt that “clinical analysis of genes says I’m more Cornish than Koori''.

“I am sure a lot of non-Aboriginal people think that pale-skinned Aboriginal people shouldn’t identify, especially when it goes back to great grandmothers and great grandfathers and I understand that,” Professor Pascoe told The Sunday Age.

“I think Australians have the right to know that Aboriginal people who claim to be Aboriginal are actually Aboriginal but I think that conversation needs to be a decent conversation.”

Professor Pascoe told The Sunday Age it seemed to be a “common ploy” to question the identity of Aboriginal people but the community he belonged to was “totally supportive”.

“If they decided you had to have a percentage of blood quantum to be declared an Aborigine or go on some sort of register (and) I wasn’t on it, my life wouldn't change at all because I am so deeply involved in the community and the community expect me to be involved,” he said.

But it also matters what the community says:

The widely accepted definition of Indigenous heritage in Australia comprises three parts: self-identification, evidence of descent and community recognition.

Yuin elder, Pastor Ossie Cruse, questioned why Professor Pascoe’s Aboriginality was being disputed when he was accepted by his community.

“It does concern me because I don’t think anybody needs that, what’s the gain in it, particularly a person who has really had a hard life and found out they were of Aboriginal descent,” Pastor Cruse told The Sunday Age.

But this is not the point. I don't care whether Pascoe's Aboriginal or not. The point is this, from the same article:

“I am not saying Aboriginal people were like white farmers, what I am saying is they were engaged in a form of food production which is unlike hunting and gathering. We did hunt, we did gather, we still do,” Professor Pascoe said.

As Marcia Langton says, Pascoe has shown his references, he's made his case. There are no lies going on, just read the citations.

Now you, Matty, choose not to read. You can't even be bothered to come up with a source to make your case. And that's okay.

But all this leaves you is posts full of frothing hyperbole: "freak, stupid, liar, DV, pedophilia, laziness or chronic unemployment."

That's just a whole lot of words. It's not constructive, and it tells where you're posting from; your point.

Your point here is just to vomit on Aborigines. You couldn't care less about the issues or the debate, you just want to launch bile - an endless, bigoted diatribe with no actual substance or any knowledge of what you're discussing.

Me? I dont know either. Pascoe's written a book about traditional Aboriginal land management practices, and I think it's time we started to take the time to learn.

Deforestation, irrigation and phosphate farming have caused most of our agricultural land to go barren. It's not just me saying this, it's farmers themselves. Add global warming and we have more droughts, more bushfires, erosion, rivers turned dry and the near destruction of the Great Barrier Reef.

I think it's time we listened to those who looked after the place for 50,000 years, and I'm not alone. Plenty of farmers, scientists, agricultural associations and rural organisations agree. We'd like a nice, safe, happy country we can all live in, nor the angry, fucked up, racist one you're all about.

Why would I care if Pascoe's a Boong?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by JaSin. on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:30pm the future, Whiteys will be the dumb primitive mass breeders. While the Darkies will have the responsibility of running the planet as a minority.

Media is a Black Nation now. They've colonised it like Whitey colonised their land. Now they can put on more TV series of Darkie Man seeding another Whitey Woman.  :D

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by moses on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:44pm

Only have to look at the recent WildFires that 'Whitey' still has a lot to learn from Aboriginal 'Traditional' culture.

The fires were caused by leftard / green bureaucracy stupidity, people were not allowed to burn off the undergrowth build up, resulting in massive bushfires.

Farmers are not allowed to run their own places, the stupid green left policy of bureaucracy will tell you when and how to burn is a failure.

Do you really think that the white man has learnt nothing in the last 10s of 1000s of years about farming, only the black man has?

Let the farmers do their job, piss the loony left bureaucrats off, they are the real dickheads in this scenario.

Colour doesn't discern who can and can't farm properly, obviously the white man must be fairly good, after all they are the worlds leaders in farming and feeding the world.

Get rid of the sicko lefties is the answer to so many problems the globe faces right now, not just the undergrowth buildup causing massive bushfires.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by JaSin. on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:48pm

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:44pm:

Only have to look at the recent WildFires that 'Whitey' still has a lot to learn from Aboriginal 'Traditional' culture.

The fires were caused by leftard / green bureaucracy stupidity, people were not allowed to burn off the undergrowth build up, resulting in massive bushfires.

Farmers are not allowed to run their own places, the stupid green left policy of bureaucracy will tell you when and how to burn is a failure.

Do you really think that the white man has learnt nothing in the last 10s of 1000s of years about farming, only the black man has?

Let the farmers do their job, piss the loony left bureaucrats off, they are the real dickheads in this scenario.

Colour doesn't discern who can and can't farm properly, obviously the white man must be fairly good, after all they are the worlds leaders in farming and feeding the world.

Get rid of the sicko lefties is the answer to so many problems the globe faces right now, not just the undergrowth buildup causing massive bushfires.

...still Whiteys - doesn't matter if they are left or right. Still 'Whitey'.  ;D

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:50pm

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:24pm:
Valkie wrote:
Its simply an industry.

They have nothing of worth to offer.

So they try to break down the truly successful white man.

We will endure, we always have, we have the skills, knowledge and fortitude to succeed.

The darkies have ..................................................stupidity.

Their downhill run began with the perkins booze bus in the 70s.

Since that time they have gone through the booze and drugs phase, the kids were molested to such an extent that federal intervention was necessary etc. etc..

After the 7os there was massive hate the whiteman sentiment, fueled by the leftwing.

The pre 70s aboriginals were vastly different to todays people.

The thing is we can get along together if there is no bullshit involved.

The answer is to get rid of the leftwing agenda in the aboriginal communities, let the kids from both sides live in harmony, stop the white blame game.

It's the aboriginal kids who are suffering from the sick leftards of the world.

Sorry, how does a book on traditional Aboriginal food gathering break down the truly successful white man?

Is this man so brittle and insecure he can't bear the thought of fish traps, native seed cultivation and backburning?

Does every discussion with the word Aboriginal in it have to be framed as an insidious leftard agenda, including books on indigenous land management?

When you say you want to let the kids on both sides live in harmony, do you mean by  preventing any mention of traditional hunter-gatherer practices?

Who exactly is playing the blame game here?

Matty's said what he thinks. You?


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by JaSin. on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:55pm
Valkie is insecure because he stole the Black Man's Land.

I'm a Water Spirit and I give thanks to the Land Spirits for the privilege of using 'their Land' while my world is slowly being made, discovered and to one day be lived in underwater... where even Black People are invited.  ;)
It's also why I've never 'owned' Land (or a House) .

Valkie invaded, killed and stole Black Lands like Cecil Rhodes. ;D

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:01pm

Jasin wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:30pm: the future, Whiteys will be the dumb primitive mass breeders. While the Darkies will have the responsibility of running the planet as a minority.

Media is a Black Nation now. They've colonised it like Whitey colonised their land. Now they can put on more TV series of Darkie Man seeding another Whitey Woman.  :D

Are you saying this book is part of Darkie's plan to take over the world and send Whitey back to where he came from?

You sound a bit offended. Was it the sight of one of them seeding a white woman on TV?

Or is the existence of a book on indigenous food cultivation?

Or is it the fact that the Boongs have been mentioned at all? Don't mention the Boongs, eh?

I'm afraid you'll have to blame Matty for that one, JaSin. He started it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by moses on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:11pm

fish traps, native seed cultivation and backburning?

For goodness sake from a people who had not yet invented the wheel, had no beast of burden, had no way of making anything other then chips of stone, a stone age people suddenly harvesting enough seeds from grass etc. to farm with, no tools of trade making fish traps etc. etc..

In a word:


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:12pm

Jasin wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:55pm:
Valkie is insecure because he stole the Black Man's Land.

I'm a Water Spirit and I give thanks to the Land Spirits for the privilege of using 'their Land' while my world is slowly being made, discovered and to one day be lived in underwater... where even Black People are invited.  ;)
It's also why I've never 'owned' Land (or a House) .

Valkie invaded, killed and stole Black Lands like Cecil Rhodes. ;D

I see. So you're now introducing the term invasion.

Here we were, having a harmless chat on fish traps and seed cultivation, and you've come along and dropped that one in.

Shame on you, JaSin. You might wish to reflect on Bruce Pascoe's thoughts on being a white man with distant Aboriginal anscestral connections.

After all, he's more English than Aboriginal. How can he blame the white man for anything? Which part of his DNA should he blame?

A search on Google or YouTube should uncover some of his thoughts on this, and more.

Don't mention invasion again, dear. It gets Moses and Matty ever so upset.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:14pm

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:11pm:

fish traps, native seed cultivation and backburning?

For goodness sake from a people who had not yet invented the wheel, had no beast of burden, had no way of making anything other then chips of stone, a stone age people suddenly harvesting enough seeds from grass etc. to farm with, no tools of trade making fish traps etc. etc..

In a word:


Which part's bullshit, Moses? We'll need a reference, dear.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by moses on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:24pm
Everything about stone age people suddenly building things and farming.

Stoneage hunter gatherers nothing more nothing less.

The moved to an area hunted it out, set it alight then moved on to the next area.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:37pm

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:44pm:

Only have to look at the recent WildFires that 'Whitey' still has a lot to learn from Aboriginal 'Traditional' culture.

The fires were caused by leftard / green bureaucracy stupidity, people were not allowed to burn off the undergrowth build up, resulting in massive bushfires.

I don't think fields of grass or crops are too prone to bushfires, Moses. Haystacks, sure, but nobody's backburning them.

Farmers are not employed to manage Crown land or national parks where bushfires normally spread, so I'm not sure what thousands of years of European agriculture has to do with our bushfire problem.

Tree-felling is managed under federal regulations. I think you'll find most rural councils around Australia are in the hands of the LNP or independents, but the local councils look to Australian standards on cutting down trees on private property. The lefties/Greens have nothing to do with this.

Some national park authorities have been interested in Aboriginal controlled burning practices and have met to discuss. As far as I'm aware, there is no ancient tradition of controlled burning in European forestry management.

Bushfires are not caused by Greens/leftie bureaucracy. Last year's bushfires were the worst in recorded history - same in California. The consensus is they're they've gotten this bad because of the drying effect of global warming.

That, by the way, is the consensus of thousands of years of European thought known as the scientific method, and nothing to do with Greens/lefties - or the Boongs - at all.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:40pm

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:24pm:
Everything about stone age people suddenly building things and farming.

Stoneage hunter gatherers nothing more nothing less.

The moved to an area hunted it out, set it alight then moved on to the next area.

Thanks for the insight, Moses, but which specific part of Dark Emu do you mean by "everything about stone age people suddenly building things and farming"?


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:58pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:30pm:
As Marcia Langton says, Pascoe has shown his references, he's made his case. There are no lies going on, just read the citations.

Now you, Matty, choose not to read. You can't even be bothered to come up with a source to make your case. And that's okay.

But all this leaves you is posts full of frothing hyperbole: "freak, stupid, liar, DV, pedophilia, laziness or chronic unemployment."

That's just a whole lot of words. It's not constructive, and it tells where you're posting from; your point.

Your point here is just to vomit on Aborigines. You couldn't care less about the issues or the debate, you just want to launch bile - an endless, bigoted diatribe with no actual substance or any knowledge of what you're discussing.

Me? I dont know either. Pascoe's written a book about traditional Aboriginal land management practices, and I think it's time we started to take the time to learn.

Deforestation, irrigation and phosphate farming have caused most of our agricultural land to go barren. It's not just me saying this, it's farmers themselves. Add global warming and we have more droughts, more bushfires, erosion, rivers turned dry and the near destruction of the Great Barrier Reef.

I think it's time we listened to those who looked after the place for 50,000 years, and I'm not alone. Plenty of farmers, scientists, agricultural associations and rural organisations agree. We'd like a nice, safe, happy country we can all live in, nor the angry, fucked up, racist one you're all about.

Why would I care if Pascoe's a Boong?

I'll go with what the tribal Elders say - Pascoe is not one hair of a Boong... you should be concerned over his claims to be a Boong, since he seeks to add validity to his outlandish claims by doing so, and is creating yet another problem for the disenchanted Blacks among us, rather than giving them anything to hope for.

By claiming this wonderful paradise lost, he is stirring them up - that is fomenting rebellion and violence, and is causing distress for countless innocent Australians of all colours.

I doubt any of our City Boongers want to go back to fish traps, native seed growing, and chasing kangaroos for lunch.

The Burgers Are Better At Hungry Jacks....

There is no Lost Paradise - fish traps and a few very basic seed crops are subsistence.

I once spoke to a Maori about the idyllic life catching fish and stuff - he said it was bloody hard work.

And it's not Pascoe's references we are concerned about here - it is what he made of those... a fantasy world.  Whatever it is - it is hardly worth a professorship, FCS - unless it is among the Truly Benighted among us.

HTF does anyone get to be a professor of professing exaggerated stories about fish traps?

Time to let it go, and then him out to find a real job.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by moses on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:58pm

Bushfires are not caused by Greens/leftie bureaucracy. Last year's bushfires were the worst in recorded history - same in California. The consensus is they're they've gotten this bad because of the drying effect of global warming.

That, by the way, is the consensus of thousands of years of European thought known as the scientific method, and nothing to do with Greens/lefties - or the Boongs - at all.

Fires can't burn without fuel.

The national parks run by green left bureaucracy allowed undergrowth to build up to such an extent that when it eventually did catch on fire it was unstopable.

The idiotic bureaucracy which allowed this fuel to build up to such an extent are guilty of mass slaughter of animals and murder of human beings.

Farmers going back to the dawn of time know when to burn to reduce the fuel load and prepare the land for the next lot of seasonal rain.

Today they are controlled by green left bureaucracy issuing them permits, bureaucracy are public servants it matters not which govt is in at the time, public servants see govts in and out.

Ask any body connected with the land they will all give the same answer.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:10pm
Well - there was massive drought and plenty of deadfall lying about and weather conditions were hot and dry and windy..... and despite warnings from learned souls for years the response mechanisms were archaic and totally inadequate... and there is still no follow-up on the promise to buy
CL415 water bombers...... and my letter to St Scotty got a response from a flunkey who said that water bombing was not the province of the Air Force - I suggested that basing at Fairbairn and having RAAF personnel flying them would give training and experience in low level 'attacks'....

Dumb as two planks nailed end to end....

Any Kaffir Burn would have galloped away and killed every tribe over the hill... all they could have done in a blaze crisis is run.... all this bullshit about their cunning burnoffs is just that...

When we were Down South, the complaint in the Snowies was that NPWS wouldn't allow burnoffs or cattle/sheep/goats into state forests to eat out - and were also killing off the brumbies and the deer that ate out some of it... so Moses might have a good point.

Every coupla years some moron comes up with all the eddicated reasons to murder the brumbies.... and every few years I oppose them...especially that Forkkwit Barilaro the NSW deputy premier, FCS.  How anyone out here could believe that the Nationals look after the bush after listening to that jerk is way beyond me.

Development first - fork the koala habitats...kill the brumbies again... no real jobs for the bush but plenty of trumpeting about how they did the Pacific Highway with all its death trap junctions all done wrong.. and still incomplete in major places.... first to lay claim to progress with the Forster PUblic Hospital, but not one spade has been stuck in the ground yet.... on the ball with more flowers to a big town roundabout while roads disintegrate after the big rains and traffic is backed up for miles at stop signs entering high speed zones when there should be roundabouts and passovers..... should've stuck to growing grapes and olives in the good for anything else, and yet we feed this idiot and his Nationals mates handsomely.

Then there's Gladysgate Mks I-VII and onward to infinity... if only Labor would stop stuffing about with social engineering that harms so very many...   :-/

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:22pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:58pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:30pm:
As Marcia Langton says, Pascoe has shown his references, he's made his case. There are no lies going on, just read the citations.

Now you, Matty, choose not to read. You can't even be bothered to come up with a source to make your case. And that's okay.

But all this leaves you is posts full of frothing hyperbole: "freak, stupid, liar, DV, pedophilia, laziness or chronic unemployment."

That's just a whole lot of words. It's not constructive, and it tells where you're posting from; your point.

Your point here is just to vomit on Aborigines. You couldn't care less about the issues or the debate, you just want to launch bile - an endless, bigoted diatribe with no actual substance or any knowledge of what you're discussing.

Me? I dont know either. Pascoe's written a book about traditional Aboriginal land management practices, and I think it's time we started to take the time to learn.

Deforestation, irrigation and phosphate farming have caused most of our agricultural land to go barren. It's not just me saying this, it's farmers themselves. Add global warming and we have more droughts, more bushfires, erosion, rivers turned dry and the near destruction of the Great Barrier Reef.

I think it's time we listened to those who looked after the place for 50,000 years, and I'm not alone. Plenty of farmers, scientists, agricultural associations and rural organisations agree. We'd like a nice, safe, happy country we can all live in, nor the angry, fucked up, racist one you're all about.

Why would I care if Pascoe's a Boong?

I'll go with what the tribal Elders say - Pascoe is not one hair of a Boong... you should be concerned over his claims to be a Boong, since he seeks to add validity to his outlandish claims by doing so, and is creating yet another problem for the disenchanted Blacks among us, rather than giving them anything to hope for.

By claiming this wonderful paradise lost, he is stirring them up - that is fomenting rebellion and violence, and is causing distress for countless innocent Australians of all colours.

I doubt any of our City Boongers want to go back to fish traps, native seed growing, and chasing kangaroos for lunch.

The Burgers Are Better At Hungry Jacks....

There is no Lost Paradise - fish traps and a few very basic seed crops are subsistence.

I once spoke to a Maori about the idyllic life catching fish and stuff - he said it was bloody hard work.

And it's not Pascoe's references we are concerned about here - it is what he made of those... a fantasy world.  Whatever it is - it is hardly worth a professorship, FCS - unless it is among the Truly Benighted among us.

HTF does anyone get to be a professor of professing exaggerated stories about fish traps?

Time to let it go, and then him out to find a real job.

Agreed. One should not make professor for writing one book.

I quoted an elder from the Yuin community, which acknowledges Pascoe. The Tasmanian side doesn't.

But I'm curious. How does a book like Dark Emu foment "rebellion and violence, and is causing distress for countless innocent Australians of all colours."

Not even Andrew Bolt would suggest something as extremist as this.

Is there something you haven't told us, dear? Hormonal imbalance, perhaps? Not going through menopause, are you?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:25pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:40pm:

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 4:24pm:
Everything about stone age people suddenly building things and farming.

Stoneage hunter gatherers nothing more nothing less.

The moved to an area hunted it out, set it alight then moved on to the next area.

Thanks for the insight, Moses, but which specific part of Dark Emu do you mean by "everything about stone age people suddenly building things and farming"?


Moses? Your other post's just puff, dear, but I'm still curious about this.

Please explain?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:31pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:10pm:
Well - there was massive drought and plenty of deadfall lying about and weather conditions were hot and dry and windy..... and despite warnings from learned souls for years the response mechanisms were archaic and totally inadequate... and there is still no follow-up on the promise to buy
CL415 water bombers...... and my letter to St Scotty got a response from a flunkey who said that water bombing was not the province of the Air Force - I suggested that basing at Fairbairn and having RAAF personnel flying them would give training and experience in low level 'attacks'....

Dumb as two planks nailed end to end....

Any Kaffir Burn would have galloped away and killed every tribe over the hill... all they could have done in a blaze crisis is run.... all this bullshit about their cunning burnoffs is just that...

When we were Down South, the complaint in the Snowies was that NPWS wouldn't allow burnoffs or cattle/sheep/goats into state forests to eat out - and were also killing off the brumbies and the deer that ate out some of it... so Moses might have a good point.

Every coupla years some moron comes up with all the eddicated reasons to murder the brumbies.... and every few years I oppose them...especially that Forkkwit Barilaro the NSW deputy premier, FCS.  How anyone out here could believe that the Nationals look after the bush after listening to that jerk is way beyond me.

Development first - fork the koala habitats...kill the brumbies again... no real jobs for the bush but plenty of trumpeting about how they did the Pacific Highway with all its death trap junctions all done wrong.. and still incomplete in major places.... first to lay claim to progress with the Forster PUblic Hospital, but not one spade has been stuck in the ground yet.... on the ball with more flowers to a big town roundabout while roads disintegrate after the big rains and traffic is backed up for miles at stop signs entering high speed zones when there should be roundabouts and passovers..... should've stuck to growing grapes and olives in the good for anything else, and yet we feed this idiot and his Nationals mates handsomely.

Then there's Gladysgate Mks I-VII and onward to infinity... if only Labor would stop stuffing about with social engineering that harms so very many...   :-/

That's a lot of complaining about St Scotty and Gladys' Lib henchmen, Moses.

Do you want to throw Moses a sweetener about all the leftists that got in your way?

Something about the Green/lefty bureaucracy would be great.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by moses on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:50pm

but I'm still curious about this.

Oh dear sorry.

Pretty simple really.

Aboriginals were never farmers, builders or whatever other stupidity you can bring up.

They were stone-age, never got past it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 28th, 2021 at 6:54pm

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:50pm:

but I'm still curious about this.

Oh dear sorry.

Pretty simple really.

Aboriginals were never farmers, builders or whatever other stupidity you can bring up.

They were stone-age, never got past it.

Again......PRE - STONE AGE.

They never got to the stage where they lashed sticks to the stones.

Spears were sharpened sticks.
Cutting was done with stones they found or shells that were sharp.

PRE-STONE AGE wandering hunter gatherers.

White man saved them from this primitive existence.

We are their saviors

They now have clothing (Nike gear and shoes paid for by our white taxes),
nice houses (until they destroy them)
Medicine (when they can be bothered to do anything but booze up and take drugs)
Education opportunity (I'm not even going to extrapolate on their wasted opportunity)
Mobile phones (paid for by good old benevolent, altruistic and generous whites)
Cars to get to the pub and centalink and back (until they write them off in drunken or drugged stupors)
         But then, there is always the stolen cars they favor, no petrol expenses.
Longer lives (even longer if they layed off the booze and drugs)
White mans paint (To paint their protest signs and sill dot art that they think is something special)
         Other painters have done a much better job with dot paintings, called Pointillism.
Free bus trips to protests and matches to start their plagiarized smoking ceremony.

Yes, White man saved the abbo.
There are more now than ever before.
We feed them, house them, educate (or try to) them, keep them from killing their own kids (they call this the stolen generation).

They have much to be thankful for.

I'm still waiting for the THAN A WHITE MAN DAY.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:05pm
Back in the 1990s when the sheep wool price collapsed and there were numerous cockies going starving, the Russians, who had no money but who wanted our wool offered Australia a deal. a dozen Il76 "Candid" transport aircraft for a load of wool.  They even suggested we might want them converted to be water-bombers in order to fight bushfires.  The Government acting on the advice of the RAAF turned their noses up on the idea.  Now, thirty years later we could use those aircraft.  They would have, in the winter time made ideal air transports for the ADF.  In the summer they could have functioned quite well as water-bombers.  Oh, well, that was a long time ago...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:08pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:05pm:
Back in the 1990s when the sheep wool price collapsed and there were numerous cockies going starving, the Russians, who had no money but who wanted our wool offered Australia a deal. a dozen Il76 "Candid" transport aircraft for a load of wool.  They even suggested we might want them converted to be water-bombers in order to fight bushfires.  The Government acting on the advice of the RAAF turned their noses up on the idea.  Now, thirty years later we could use those aircraft.  They would have, in the winter time made ideal air transports for the ADF.  In the summer they could have functioned quite well as water-bombers.  Oh, well, that was a long time ago...  ::) ::)

The Glory Days - accept the life of a feather duster..... hard but necessary...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:16pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:31pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:10pm:
Well - there was massive drought and plenty of deadfall lying about and weather conditions were hot and dry and windy..... and despite warnings from learned souls for years the response mechanisms were archaic and totally inadequate... and there is still no follow-up on the promise to buy
CL415 water bombers...... and my letter to St Scotty got a response from a flunkey who said that water bombing was not the province of the Air Force - I suggested that basing at Fairbairn and having RAAF personnel flying them would give training and experience in low level 'attacks'....

Dumb as two planks nailed end to end....

Any Kaffir Burn would have galloped away and killed every tribe over the hill... all they could have done in a blaze crisis is run.... all this bullshit about their cunning burnoffs is just that...

When we were Down South, the complaint in the Snowies was that NPWS wouldn't allow burnoffs or cattle/sheep/goats into state forests to eat out - and were also killing off the brumbies and the deer that ate out some of it... so Moses might have a good point.

Every coupla years some moron comes up with all the eddicated reasons to murder the brumbies.... and every few years I oppose them...especially that Forkkwit Barilaro the NSW deputy premier, FCS.  How anyone out here could believe that the Nationals look after the bush after listening to that jerk is way beyond me.

Development first - fork the koala habitats...kill the brumbies again... no real jobs for the bush but plenty of trumpeting about how they did the Pacific Highway with all its death trap junctions all done wrong.. and still incomplete in major places.... first to lay claim to progress with the Forster PUblic Hospital, but not one spade has been stuck in the ground yet.... on the ball with more flowers to a big town roundabout while roads disintegrate after the big rains and traffic is backed up for miles at stop signs entering high speed zones when there should be roundabouts and passovers..... should've stuck to growing grapes and olives in the good for anything else, and yet we feed this idiot and his Nationals mates handsomely.

Then there's Gladysgate Mks I-VII and onward to infinity... if only Labor would stop stuffing about with social engineering that harms so very many...   :-/

That's a lot of complaining about St Scotty and Gladys' Lib henchmen, Moses.

Do you want to throw Moses a sweetener about all the leftists that got in your way?

Something about the Green/lefty bureaucracy would be great.


I loathe them all equally - none 'scape the lash with me - each in his/her time and place... them green-mongers are among the first to want to kill off the brumbies and the deer in the Snowies and around Coffs Harbour .. comes around every couple of years as a major disaster that needs desperate measures such as shooting horses from helicopters and leaving them to die. 

And those bloody koalas best not move in where Barilaro's mates want a development to go through.. that means war on them, too, and buggar their running from bushfires - no excuse!!

Time for a dedicated native fauna forest network and left alone and protected forever ... dar Afrikaaners gould do it mit Kruger National Bark.. why can't we?

Besides - if they kill off the deer rampant in the forests these days, what are the poor people going to eat once the economy collapses... say WW III comes along and trade vanishes, and blokes will be running their utes on their ration coupons down the streets laden with fallen deer and calling out:- "Deer-O!"... and the housewives will pay a shilling a pound or more....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:37pm

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:50pm:

but I'm still curious about this.

Oh dear sorry.

Pretty simple really.

Aboriginals were never farmers, builders or whatever other stupidity you can bring up.

They were stone-age, never got past it.

You have no idea what's actually in the book, do you?

Look, Moses, let's make this nice and simple. You're complaining that someone had the gall to write about Boongs - anything at all. And you dread the idea that schoolkids (on both "sides", presumably meaning black and white) would ever get to read anything about Australian history other than the Boongs died out, the end.

Have I got this right, or have I missed something here?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Laugh till you cry on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:44pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:05pm:
Back in the 1990s when the sheep wool price collapsed and there were numerous cockies going starving, the Russians, who had no money but who wanted our wool offered Australia a deal. a dozen Il76 "Candid" transport aircraft for a load of wool.  They even suggested we might want them converted to be water-bombers in order to fight bushfires.  The Government acting on the advice of the RAAF turned their noses up on the idea.  Now, thirty years later we could use those aircraft.  They would have, in the winter time made ideal air transports for the ADF.  In the summer they could have functioned quite well as water-bombers.  Oh, well, that was a long time ago...  ::) ::)

Australia was obeying the commands of Uncle Sam as it always does except for a brief period under Gough Whitlam.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by aquascoot on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm
australian schoolkids should come to the territory and meet some "real' aborigines

athletic resilient cocky always smiling.

the poor schoolkids only get to meet those angry resentful bitter urban aborigines who are about 1/16 aborigine and hunt down a feed at maccas.  very mediocre

nyyyy.jpg (31 KB | 3 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm

Valkie wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 6:54pm:

moses wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 5:50pm:

but I'm still curious about this.

Oh dear sorry.

Pretty simple really.

Aboriginals were never farmers, builders or whatever other stupidity you can bring up.

They were stone-age, never got past it.

Again......PRE - STONE AGE.

They never got to the stage where they lashed sticks to the stones.

Spears were sharpened sticks.
Cutting was done with stones they found or shells that were sharp.

PRE-STONE AGE wandering hunter gatherers.

White man saved them from this primitive existence.

We are their saviors

They now have clothing (Nike gear and shoes paid for by our white taxes),
nice houses (until they destroy them)
Medicine (when they can be bothered to do anything but booze up and take drugs)
Education opportunity (I'm not even going to extrapolate on their wasted opportunity)
Mobile phones (paid for by good old benevolent, altruistic and generous whites)
Cars to get to the pub and centalink and back (until they write them off in drunken or drugged stupors)
         But then, there is always the stolen cars they favor, no petrol expenses.
Longer lives (even longer if they layed off the booze and drugs)
White mans paint (To paint their protest signs and sill dot art that they think is something special)
         Other painters have done a much better job with dot paintings, called Pointillism.
Free bus trips to protests and matches to start their plagiarized smoking ceremony.

Yes, White man saved the abbo.
There are more now than ever before.
We feed them, house them, educate (or try to) them, keep them from killing their own kids (they call this the stolen generation).

They have much to be thankful for.

I'm still waiting for the THAN A WHITE MAN DAY.

Do you feel better now, Matty?

Now that you've got that off your chest, what are you actually complaining about here?

You cant stand the idea of people sitting around discussing traditional land management practices?

Or, like Moses, you simply can't bear to have the Boongs mentioned at all?

Stupid question, really, isn't it? We know the answer to both those questions.

You can't stand any mention of the people who occupied this country for the past 60,000 years. Whitey good, Boongs bad.

In fact, you're so adverse to the topic you started a thread on it.

Cunning, no?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by aquascoot on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:56pm
you need to go up the territory karnal,

no one judges anyone by skin colour up there.

would be good for you to see how people can get along without "identity politics"

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:59pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm:
australian schoolkids should come to the territory and meet some "real' aborigines

athletic resilient cocky always smiling.

the poor schoolkids only get to meet those angry resentful bitter urban aborigines who are about 1/16 aborigine and hunt down a feed at maccas.  very mediocre

Well, you're in the right thread, Aquascoot. Here's a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country, fights fires and teaches kids about bush tucker.

He even wrote a book about it, like Wayne Dwyer and Norman Vincent Peale.

Think positive, no?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:03pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:56pm:
you need to go up the territory karnal,

no one judges anyone by skin colour up there.

would be good for you to see how people can get along without "identity politics"

Yes, but I could still come here and cop rants about superior white culture, couldn't I?

Sure, I could go out jackarooing or whatever, but I'd still be free to come here and read Moses and Matty complaining about the existence of Boongs, wouldn't I?

I don't know who I'd be without that, dear.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by aquascoot on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:05pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:59pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm:
australian schoolkids should come to the territory and meet some "real' aborigines

athletic resilient cocky always smiling.

the poor schoolkids only get to meet those angry resentful bitter urban aborigines who are about 1/16 aborigine and hunt down a feed at maccas.  very mediocre

Well, you're in the right thread, Aquascoot. Here's a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country, fights fires and teaches kids about bush tucker.

He even wrote a book about it, like Wayne Dwyer and Norman Vincent Peale.

Think positive, no?

norman vincent theres a blast from the past.

how to win friends and influence people.

a book almost as good as "the art of the deal"

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:14pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:59pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm:
australian schoolkids should come to the territory and meet some "real' aborigines

athletic resilient cocky always smiling.

the poor schoolkids only get to meet those angry resentful bitter urban aborigines who are about 1/16 aborigine and hunt down a feed at maccas.  very mediocre

Well, you're in the right thread, Aquascoot. Here's a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country, fights fires and teaches kids about bush tucker.

He even wrote a book about it, like Wayne Dwyer and Norman Vincent Peale.

Think positive, no?

Here's a Cornishman who claims to be a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country like thousands of others mostly Whites, fights fires along with thousands of others mostly White, and teaches kids about bush tucker lore that he has gathered from talking with real Aborigines.

What are the details of this bush tucker?

Catching crawchies?  Building a primitive fish trap with sand, stones and sticks?  Showing some edible things that grow on trees?  Jeez - we all knew that when we were kids....

So what's special about it?  How to catch a 'roo?  Skin a platypus?

Stop exaggerating... it makes you look shallow - as shallow as a fish trap ....

Stick to aqua's Real Boongs... they do know some stuff... the women Elders hold all the lore about the family histories and tribal relationships and who should and shouldn't have kids together and such, the men Elders know a lot about tracking, hunting, camping, navigating the land, good places to fish, and traditional rites for men.. and more...

The good ones are good to mix with.... you keep the Orange Roughies.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:16pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:05pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:59pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm:
australian schoolkids should come to the territory and meet some "real' aborigines

athletic resilient cocky always smiling.

the poor schoolkids only get to meet those angry resentful bitter urban aborigines who are about 1/16 aborigine and hunt down a feed at maccas.  very mediocre

Well, you're in the right thread, Aquascoot. Here's a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country, fights fires and teaches kids about bush tucker.

He even wrote a book about it, like Wayne Dwyer and Norman Vincent Peale.

Think positive, no?

norman vincent theres a blast from the past.

how to win friends and influence people.

a book almost as good as "the art of the deal"

That's Dale Carnegie. Norman Vincent Peale wrote the Power of Positive Thinking.

Fred Trump used to drag the big fella along to his motivational church services every Sunday. Peale's sermons inspired the "noble Donald's" schtick.

You need to study them, Aquascoot.

I would have thought you'd be into a book on traditional Australia too. You've always admired people who can survive adversity and beat the odds.

You never notice what race they are either. 

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:25pm
How to Make Fiends and Influence People Towards Killing You...

Did you know that the Original First Fleeters knew about fishing, agriculture, boat building and sailing, house building and city layouts (not layabouts) and a lot of other things... they might even have used fish traps..... an ancient tradition equating to aquaculture, innit?

Word for Today:-

(n) - too many fish traps in one place.... (alt) the confusion in aqua's mind ...  e.g. the manifold traps caused aquaclutter in the creek; the manifold traps in reasoning caused aquaclutter of aqua's thinking.... (see Pascoeclutter) ...

(v) to clutter up a fishing spot... e.g. the manifold traps eventually aquacluttered (past tense) the creek; the Aborigines did not intend to aquaclutter the stream...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:26pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:14pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:59pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm:
australian schoolkids should come to the territory and meet some "real' aborigines

athletic resilient cocky always smiling.

the poor schoolkids only get to meet those angry resentful bitter urban aborigines who are about 1/16 aborigine and hunt down a feed at maccas.  very mediocre

Well, you're in the right thread, Aquascoot. Here's a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country, fights fires and teaches kids about bush tucker.

He even wrote a book about it, like Wayne Dwyer and Norman Vincent Peale.

Think positive, no?

Here's a Cornishman who claims to be a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country like thousands of others mostly Whites, fights fires along with thousands of others mostly White, and teaches kids about bush tucker lore that he has gathered from talking with real Aborigines.

Not even. He researched the book largely from scholarly articles.

I'm quite happy to admit that he's white, dear. I dont know why this is such a sticking point.

Some might suggest there's a bit of reverse racism going on. I wouldn't know.

Like Aquascoot, I never notice race.

I'm just amazed people can talk themselves into a virulent, frothing hissy fit over a book they've never read and a subject they haven't even considered. Unadulterated, full strength identity politics. Culture wars on steroids. 

If you want to join in on that, good on you. I just thought the discussion needed a little balance.

But that's just me.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by aquascoot on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:28pm
youre right karnal

both excellent books

i must pull them up on audiobook and listen to them at work.

racism ends when we all treat skin colour as no different to hair colour.

no one would be interested in whether blondes or brunettes were the first to develop fish traps or dot paintings.

so we shouldnt  be interested either.

practice that for 5 years and you will lose your unconscious bias in the way the nobel aquascoot has lost his

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:33pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:14pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:59pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm:
australian schoolkids should come to the territory and meet some "real' aborigines

athletic resilient cocky always smiling.

the poor schoolkids only get to meet those angry resentful bitter urban aborigines who are about 1/16 aborigine and hunt down a feed at maccas.  very mediocre

Well, you're in the right thread, Aquascoot. Here's a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country, fights fires and teaches kids about bush tucker.

He even wrote a book about it, like Wayne Dwyer and Norman Vincent Peale.

Think positive, no?

Here's a Cornishman who claims to be a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country like thousands of others mostly Whites, fights fires along with thousands of others mostly White, and teaches kids about bush tucker lore that he has gathered from talking with real Aborigines.

Not even. He researched the book largely from scholarly articles.

I'm quite happy to admit that he's white, dear. I dont know why this is such a sticking point.

Some might suggest there's a bit of reverse racism going on. I wouldn't know.

Like Aquascoot, I never notice race.

I'm just amazed people can talk themselves into a virulent, frothing hissy fit over a book they've never read and a subject they haven't even considered. Unadulterated, full strength identity politics. Culture wars on steroids. 

If you want to join in on that, good on you. I just thought the discussion needed a little balance.

But that's just me.

It's his claim to some arcane 'inside innate knowledge' and seeking after credibility by claiming to be a Boong without any evidence that is the problem.  Otherwise he's be just another White Man (he is to the Boongs) trying to make a name for himself by exaggerating past records and turning them into some Paradise Lost... some modern day Wankri-La.

What possible academic value do his writing have?  To whom and for what reasons?  Why can he not just accept that the Noble Savage was fine with what he had and did a fair job with it... and not try to make out that this Paradise - this Wankri-La - was invaded and destroyed by Whites who brought the comforts of civilisation to it?

Would YOU accept a 'learned treatise' and offer a professorship to such a blatant fraud?  Any significance that his works were first accepted as gospel by the Sydney Tech College.. sorry Sydney University of Technology just down the road from Redfun?  And fed into classes there as gospel, just like countless other things have been?

You reckon these kinds of claims don't stir up aqua's town Boongs and make them every surlier and less amenable to reason and more 'active' about their own problems and stirring them to blame whitey for their lost idyllic lifestyle??

It's nonsense..... that's all there is to it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:14pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:05pm:
Back in the 1990s when the sheep wool price collapsed and there were numerous cockies going starving, the Russians, who had no money but who wanted our wool offered Australia a deal. a dozen Il76 "Candid" transport aircraft for a load of wool.  They even suggested we might want them converted to be water-bombers in order to fight bushfires.  The Government acting on the advice of the RAAF turned their noses up on the idea.  Now, thirty years later we could use those aircraft.  They would have, in the winter time made ideal air transports for the ADF.  In the summer they could have functioned quite well as water-bombers.  Oh, well, that was a long time ago...  ::) ::)

You are an idiot. And a liar.
A lying idiot.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:25pm

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:28pm:
youre right karnal

both excellent books

i must pull them up on audiobook and listen to them at work.

racism ends when we all treat skin colour as no different to hair colour.

no one would be interested in whether blondes or brunettes were the first to develop fish traps or dot paintings.

so we shouldnt  be interested either.

practice that for 5 years and you will lose your unconscious bias in the way the nobel aquascoot has lost his

Oh, I see. By ending racism, you mean ending race. You want to expunge every trace of the Boongs.

233 years of European civilisation, dropped on an empty continent. No Boongs, no racism. Problem solved. Just a bunch of suntanned jackaroos and AFL players, the odd Aborigine statue on the front lawn. A boomerang on the wall, a last token of a long, dead race - sorry!

Dead subpecies.

How cunning of you. The real views of people here never cease to amaze.

Don't bother with the Power of Positive Thinking - typical American hucksterism. Amway bullshit. So Trump.

How to Win Friends, on the other hand - a masterpiece.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:38pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:25pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:28pm:
youre right karnal

both excellent books

i must pull them up on audiobook and listen to them at work.

racism ends when we all treat skin colour as no different to hair colour.

no one would be interested in whether blondes or brunettes were the first to develop fish traps or dot paintings.

so we shouldnt  be interested either.

practice that for 5 years and you will lose your unconscious bias in the way the nobel aquascoot has lost his

Oh, I see. By ending racism, you mean ending race. You want to expunge every trace of the Boongs.

233 years of European civilisation, dropped on an empty continent. No Boongs, no racism. Problem solved. Just a bunch of suntanned jackaroos and AFL players, the odd Aborigine statue on the front lawn. A boomerang on the wall, a last token of a long, dead race - sorry!

Dead subpecies.

How cunning of you. The real views of people here never cease to amaze.

Don't bother with the Power of Positive Thinking - typical American hucksterism. Amway bullshit. So Trump.

How to Win Friends, on the other hand - a masterpiece.

You sound hurt, paki bvgger. I just don't get it. If you're such a proud member of the 'grew here'  superior race, why do you get ever so butt-hurt and offended? Why do you always play the victim every time you're caught with your fist up your arse?

We all loved the virgin princess routine for the first few goes, but like all good acts, it got stale. Everybody knows you're a flushed old paki, there's no need to play cute, just open up.

You're still going to be fucked, you know that. Why struggle?

;D ;D

You stupid bent bastard.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:52pm

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Just the same old ad hominem debate by the same old Racists.  No one can be bother actually going and finding out if Pascoe is telling the truth of not.  No one can muster a real argument against what he says.  Perhaps because it just might, might be the truth?  Perhaps some Indigenous Australians did practice primitive agriculture?  Well, the Racist won't accept it.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:55pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:33pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:26pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:14pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:59pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 7:52pm:
australian schoolkids should come to the territory and meet some "real' aborigines

athletic resilient cocky always smiling.

the poor schoolkids only get to meet those angry resentful bitter urban aborigines who are about 1/16 aborigine and hunt down a feed at maccas.  very mediocre

Well, you're in the right thread, Aquascoot. Here's a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country, fights fires and teaches kids about bush tucker.

He even wrote a book about it, like Wayne Dwyer and Norman Vincent Peale.

Think positive, no?

Here's a Cornishman who claims to be a Boong with a big white beard who lives on country like thousands of others mostly Whites, fights fires along with thousands of others mostly White, and teaches kids about bush tucker lore that he has gathered from talking with real Aborigines.

Not even. He researched the book largely from scholarly articles.

I'm quite happy to admit that he's white, dear. I dont know why this is such a sticking point.

Some might suggest there's a bit of reverse racism going on. I wouldn't know.

Like Aquascoot, I never notice race.

I'm just amazed people can talk themselves into a virulent, frothing hissy fit over a book they've never read and a subject they haven't even considered. Unadulterated, full strength identity politics. Culture wars on steroids. 

If you want to join in on that, good on you. I just thought the discussion needed a little balance.

But that's just me.

It's his claim to some arcane 'inside innate knowledge' and seeking after credibility by claiming to be a Boong without any evidence that is the problem.  Otherwise he's be just another White Man (he is to the Boongs) trying to make a name for himself by exaggerating past records and turning them into some Paradise Lost... some modern day Wankri-La.

What possible academic value do his writing have?  To whom and for what reasons?  Why can he not just accept that the Noble Savage was fine with what he had and did a fair job with it... and not try to make out that this Paradise - this Wankri-La - was invaded and destroyed by Whites who brought the comforts of civilisation to it?

Would YOU accept a 'learned treatise' and offer a professorship to such a blatant fraud?  Any significance that his works were first accepted as gospel by the Sydney Tech College.. sorry Sydney University of Technology just down the road from Redfun?  And fed into classes there as gospel, just like countless other things have been?

You reckon these kinds of claims don't stir up aqua's town Boongs and make them every surlier and less amenable to reason and more 'active' about their own problems and stirring them to blame whitey for their lost idyllic lifestyle??

It's nonsense..... that's all there is to it.

There's no "insider" knowledge - ask Marcia Langton in the link below. It's non-fiction. Genre: history/anthropology.

Sorry, Melbourne University, established 1853. Australia's second oldest uni.

It's all nonsense that's all there is to it doesn't cut it, dear. Nor does questioning somebody's race or culture. If you want to critique something, you need to pick it up, read it, read what others say, and come back and speak your mind. That's how you get to become a professor.

What possible value? Pascoe's been given a job in the Vetinary & Agriculture faculty. The practices he's unpacking are about conservation: working with the land, using traditional land-management practices. To put it it in layman's terms, been here 50,000 years, invented a stick.

What we've established thus far is people are complaining because Pascoe's writing about Boongs.

And that's all. For some reason, this makes your blood boil. You're so ideologically triggered, the mere mention of Boongs using fish traps offends you.

I think it's worth examining that instinct. It's not a conservative response. The Royals, for instance, would baulk at it. It's not a nationalist or Australian impulse. The majority of Australians voted to include Aborigines in the census and wanted an apology. It's not formed by any social or political thinking at all - you haven't read the book or anything about it. You actually have nothing to say, just it's-all-nonsense-that's-all-there-is-to-it.

It's just reactionary. Just wait for the old boy to offer me a banana.

He's sniffing Brian's bottom as we speak.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:56pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:52pm:

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Just the same old ad hominem debate by the same old Racists.  No one can be bother actually going and finding out if Pascoe is telling the truth of not.  No one can muster a real argument against what he says.  Perhaps because it just might, might be the truth?  Perhaps some Indigenous Australians did practice primitive agriculture?  Well, the Racist won't accept it.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Primitive being the operative word.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 10:18pm

Frank wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:38pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 9:25pm:

aquascoot wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 8:28pm:
youre right karnal

both excellent books

i must pull them up on audiobook and listen to them at work.

racism ends when we all treat skin colour as no different to hair colour.

no one would be interested in whether blondes or brunettes were the first to develop fish traps or dot paintings.

so we shouldnt  be interested either.

practice that for 5 years and you will lose your unconscious bias in the way the nobel aquascoot has lost his

Oh, I see. By ending racism, you mean ending race. You want to expunge every trace of the Boongs.

233 years of European civilisation, dropped on an empty continent. No Boongs, no racism. Problem solved. Just a bunch of suntanned jackaroos and AFL players, the odd Aborigine statue on the front lawn. A boomerang on the wall, a last token of a long, dead race - sorry!

Dead subpecies.

How cunning of you. The real views of people here never cease to amaze.

Don't bother with the Power of Positive Thinking - typical American hucksterism. Amway bullshit. So Trump.

How to Win Friends, on the other hand - a masterpiece.

You sound hurt, paki bvgger. I just don't get it. If you're such a proud member of the 'grew here'  superior race, why do you get ever so butt-hurt and offended? Why do you always play the victim every time you're caught with your fist up your arse?

We all loved the virgin princess routine for the first few goes, but like all good acts, it got stale. Everybody knows you're a flushed old paki, there's no need to play cute, just open up.

You're still going to be fucked, you know that. Why struggle?

;D ;D

You stupid bent bastard.

And here he is, right behind.

Excellent post, dear boy. It does, however, sound so much better in the original Pakistani.

Now we know you read the free Guide To Sydney that you picked up at the airport, but if you'd like some references on our proud local culture, do feel free to ask, okay?

You might find it helps with the citizenship test if you ever choose to give up your much-prized EU passporto.

You'll definitely get the odd question on Boongs.

I know, I know, so unfair, but offer me a banana again, it's always so cute.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 28th, 2021 at 10:55pm
"There's no "insider" knowledge - ask Marcia Langton in the link below. It's non-fiction. Genre: history/anthropology. "

Correct title:-  One man's history of Aboriginal Australians

It's a version of facts - it is not by any means conclusive and is not reflective of the whole truth, convenient as it may be for some to think so or say so for their own purposes.

It's overall effect is meaningless - hence the professorship and adulation are totally unwarranted and driven by nothing more than some hyped-up 'need' to try to bring down the people who built this into the nation these kinds can enjoy.

It's base may be non-fiction - it's conclusions are fiction... a kind of convenient truth.

It does not indicate any advanced civilisation and thus does not hinder the THEN interpretation of Terra Nullius... a concept which itself has long ceased to have any meaning - 233 years and minute population densities ..  ancient history is of no value in dealing with the issues of today.

Australia today is not Terra Nullius.... by the then definition it was in 1788.

There were no common laws, no written records, no legislatures, no houses of representation, no infrastructure to speak of, no economy beyond subsistence in small groups, pretty much nothing of very much... and nothing to indicate any advanced culture in need of restoration and glorification.

There lies the difference.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 28th, 2021 at 11:16pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 10:55pm:
"There's no "insider" knowledge - ask Marcia Langton in the link below. It's non-fiction. Genre: history/anthropology. "

Correct title:-  One man's history of Aboriginal Australians

It's a version of facts - it is not by any means conclusive and is not reflective of the whole truth, convenient as it may be for some to think so or say so for their own purposes.

It's overall effect is meaningless - hence the professorship and adulation are totally unwarranted and driven by nothing more than some hyped-up 'need' to try to bring down the people who built this into the nation these kinds can enjoy.

It's base may be non-fiction - it's conclusions are fiction... a kind of convenient truth.

It does not indicate any advanced civilisation and thus does not hinder the THEN interpretation of Terra Nullius... a concept which itself has long ceased to have any meaning - 233 years and minute population densities ..  ancient history is of no value in dealing with the issues of today.

Australia today is not Terra Nullius.... by the then definition it was in 1788.

There were no common laws, no written records, no legislatures, no houses of representation, no infrastructure to speak of, no economy beyond subsistence in small groups, pretty much nothing of very much... and nothing to indicate any advanced culture in need of restoration and glorification.

There lies the difference.

Thanks, Grappler. That took some time. I appreciate the effort.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 29th, 2021 at 1:02am

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 11:16pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 10:55pm:
"There's no "insider" knowledge - ask Marcia Langton in the link below. It's non-fiction. Genre: history/anthropology. "

Correct title:-  One man's history of Aboriginal Australians

It's a version of facts - it is not by any means conclusive and is not reflective of the whole truth, convenient as it may be for some to think so or say so for their own purposes.

It's overall effect is meaningless - hence the professorship and adulation are totally unwarranted and driven by nothing more than some hyped-up 'need' to try to bring down the people who built this into the nation these kinds can enjoy.

It's base may be non-fiction - it's conclusions are fiction... a kind of convenient truth.

It does not indicate any advanced civilisation and thus does not hinder the THEN interpretation of Terra Nullius... a concept which itself has long ceased to have any meaning - 233 years and minute population densities ..  ancient history is of no value in dealing with the issues of today.

Australia today is not Terra Nullius.... by the then definition it was in 1788.

There were no common laws, no written records, no legislatures, no houses of representation, no infrastructure to speak of, no economy beyond subsistence in small groups, pretty much nothing of very much... and nothing to indicate any advanced culture in need of restoration and glorification.

There lies the difference.

Thanks, Grappler. That took some time. I appreciate the effort.

Always said that in the manifold strands about Pascoe - frankly, I can't think of anything less worth talking about.  I speak from the top of my head - but I'm supposed to know things... wish I did sometimes... Major Smith's daughter, when I lived with her, said I was an absent-minded professor.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Lols on Apr 29th, 2021 at 1:20am
Bruce Pascoe may as well have been the author that wrote a book “How to lose friends and infuriate people”.....

My tuppence worth....
Why is it so hard to believe he has aboriginal blood in his ancestry somewhere?

Aboriginals did do trade with other nations, and even went on board those boats sailing away from Australia.....
interesting read below.

My point we have done our DNA in ancestry.... surprised to see my hubby has 1% aboriginal.
That’s low percentage you may think...but....if more aboriginals do their ancestry DNA....the percentage could become higher, or more connected to many people from other nations.
The more that do their DNA , whom have lived in an area hundreds, even thousands of years, the more ancestry connection will be discovered.

This could only mean not only visitors from other nations in Australis, but aboriginals also travelled far into Asia and Europe hundreds years before Cook came to discover Australia.

So I do not find it hard to believe Pascoe will have some aboriginal ancestry. He was probably just as surprised as we were. And.... just as surprised as very good Irish/Swedish friend found out they have aboriginal ancestry, his grandmother whom no one ever spoke about....for some reason....that’s a close relation....yet he does not look any part aboriginal.
They even discovered a photo of her, after their mum passed.

So really... who do you think you are?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on Apr 29th, 2021 at 1:46am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 1:02am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 11:16pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 10:55pm:
"There's no "insider" knowledge - ask Marcia Langton in the link below. It's non-fiction. Genre: history/anthropology. "

Correct title:-  One man's history of Aboriginal Australians

It's a version of facts - it is not by any means conclusive and is not reflective of the whole truth, convenient as it may be for some to think so or say so for their own purposes.

It's overall effect is meaningless - hence the professorship and adulation are totally unwarranted and driven by nothing more than some hyped-up 'need' to try to bring down the people who built this into the nation these kinds can enjoy.

It's base may be non-fiction - it's conclusions are fiction... a kind of convenient truth.

It does not indicate any advanced civilisation and thus does not hinder the THEN interpretation of Terra Nullius... a concept which itself has long ceased to have any meaning - 233 years and minute population densities ..  ancient history is of no value in dealing with the issues of today.

Australia today is not Terra Nullius.... by the then definition it was in 1788.

There were no common laws, no written records, no legislatures, no houses of representation, no infrastructure to speak of, no economy beyond subsistence in small groups, pretty much nothing of very much... and nothing to indicate any advanced culture in need of restoration and glorification.

There lies the difference.

Thanks, Grappler. That took some time. I appreciate the effort.

Always said that in the manifold strands about Pascoe - frankly, I can't think of anything less worth talking about.  I speak from the top of my head - but I'm supposed to know things... wish I did sometimes... Major Smith's daughter, when I lived with her, said I was an absent-minded professor.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 29th, 2021 at 3:18am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 1:02am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 11:16pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 10:55pm:
"There's no "insider" knowledge - ask Marcia Langton in the link below. It's non-fiction. Genre: history/anthropology. "

Correct title:-  One man's history of Aboriginal Australians

It's a version of facts - it is not by any means conclusive and is not reflective of the whole truth, convenient as it may be for some to think so or say so for their own purposes.

It's overall effect is meaningless - hence the professorship and adulation are totally unwarranted and driven by nothing more than some hyped-up 'need' to try to bring down the people who built this into the nation these kinds can enjoy.

It's base may be non-fiction - it's conclusions are fiction... a kind of convenient truth.

It does not indicate any advanced civilisation and thus does not hinder the THEN interpretation of Terra Nullius... a concept which itself has long ceased to have any meaning - 233 years and minute population densities ..  ancient history is of no value in dealing with the issues of today.

Australia today is not Terra Nullius.... by the then definition it was in 1788.

There were no common laws, no written records, no legislatures, no houses of representation, no infrastructure to speak of, no economy beyond subsistence in small groups, pretty much nothing of very much... and nothing to indicate any advanced culture in need of restoration and glorification.

There lies the difference.

Thanks, Grappler. That took some time. I appreciate the effort.

Always said that in the manifold strands about Pascoe - frankly, I can't think of anything less worth talking about.  I speak from the top of my head - but I'm supposed to know things... wish I did sometimes... Major Smith's daughter, when I lived with her, said I was an absent-minded professor.

Not until you take the time to find out, you're not. Until then, you're just it's-all-nonsense-that's-all-there-is-to-it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by mothra on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:38am
I don't get it. At least i can think of only one reason why there is so much resistance to Bruce Pascoe's work and that is the folks absolutely spitting chips about it resent having to respect the Aboriginal people for anything.

He's not claiming anything outrageous. Not some "Wank-riala" How stupid is that? I mean, jesus. He's not claiming that they built goddamn pyramids or town halls. He's merely saying that upon researching the history books and delving into things a little more deeply that has been routinely done, he's found that there was some aquacultural practices, some agricultural practices and evidence of permanent or at least semi permanent dwellings.

None, i repeat none, of this is new information to anyone with more than a cursory interest in this field. What Pascoe has done brilliantly is collate a tremendous amount of information into an accessible book. There are literally reams of this stuff. This is not new information. You idiots just haven't made yourselves available to it yet.

My dear friend did her PhD on the indigenous botanical medicine of the fiolks from whence she heralded, Blue Mountains, and she found incredible amounts of early settler recording of the intricacy of the bush lore and medicinal understanding of the Aboriginal people. Stuff that tracks with modern medical science. We are still learning what our first people knew.

And you lot gnash your horrible teeth and beat your barrel chests because you don't want to accept that the first people who lived here knew anything at all before we came and civilised them ... and nigh on destroyed the country. And you heap derision on poor old Pascoe, who is nothing more than a historian who affiliates with these people, less by blood and more by admiration and his acceptance into their fold.

And you hate it. Seethingly.

If i were you, i would seriously question myself. You're on the wrong side of history. A very deep, dark, nasty wrong side.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 29th, 2021 at 8:40am

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:38am:
I don't get it. At least i can think of only one reason why there is so much resistance to Bruce Pascoe's work and that is the folks absolutely spitting chips about it resent having to respect the Aboriginal people for anything.

He's not claiming anything outrageous. Not some "Wank-riala" How stupid is that? I mean, jesus. He's not claiming that they built goddamn pyramids or town halls. He's merely saying that upon researching the history books and delving into things a little more deeply that has been routinely done, he's found that there was some aquacultural practices, some agricultural practices and evidence of permanent or at least semi permanent dwellings.

None, i repeat none, of this is new information to anyone with more than a cursory interest in this field. What Pascoe has done brilliantly is collate a tremendous amount of information into an accessible book. There are literally reams of this stuff. This is not new information. You idiots just haven't made yourselves available to it yet.

My dear friend did her PhD on the indigenous botanical medicine of the fiolks from whence she heralded, Blue Mountains, and she found incredible amounts of early settler recording of the intricacy of the bush lore and medicinal understanding of the Aboriginal people. Stuff that tracks with modern medical science. We are still learning what our first people knew.

And you lot gnash your horrible teeth and beat your barrel chests because you don't want to accept that the first people who lived here knew anything at all before we came and civilised them ... and nigh on destroyed the country. And you heap derision on poor old Pascoe, who is nothing more than a historian who affiliates with these people, less by blood and more by admiration and his acceptance into their fold.

And you hate it. Seethingly.

If i were you, i would seriously question myself. You're on the wrong side of history. A very deep, dark, nasty wrong side.

No, its about lies....

About building a false and misleading picture that never was.

Do you think the abbos are happy with this fiction?
Do you think they feel happy about actually going backward from the picture painted by the liar?

Why not just simply tell the truth?
Why not simply accept that they were simply wandering nomadic hunter gatherers?

I see no advantage in telling lies and fabricating superior cultures that make the abbos of today look feeble in comparison.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by mothra on Apr 29th, 2021 at 8:45am

Valkie wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 8:40am:

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:38am:
I don't get it. At least i can think of only one reason why there is so much resistance to Bruce Pascoe's work and that is the folks absolutely spitting chips about it resent having to respect the Aboriginal people for anything.

He's not claiming anything outrageous. Not some "Wank-riala" How stupid is that? I mean, jesus. He's not claiming that they built goddamn pyramids or town halls. He's merely saying that upon researching the history books and delving into things a little more deeply that has been routinely done, he's found that there was some aquacultural practices, some agricultural practices and evidence of permanent or at least semi permanent dwellings.

None, i repeat none, of this is new information to anyone with more than a cursory interest in this field. What Pascoe has done brilliantly is collate a tremendous amount of information into an accessible book. There are literally reams of this stuff. This is not new information. You idiots just haven't made yourselves available to it yet.

My dear friend did her PhD on the indigenous botanical medicine of the fiolks from whence she heralded, Blue Mountains, and she found incredible amounts of early settler recording of the intricacy of the bush lore and medicinal understanding of the Aboriginal people. Stuff that tracks with modern medical science. We are still learning what our first people knew.

And you lot gnash your horrible teeth and beat your barrel chests because you don't want to accept that the first people who lived here knew anything at all before we came and civilised them ... and nigh on destroyed the country. And you heap derision on poor old Pascoe, who is nothing more than a historian who affiliates with these people, less by blood and more by admiration and his acceptance into their fold.

And you hate it. Seethingly.

If i were you, i would seriously question myself. You're on the wrong side of history. A very deep, dark, nasty wrong side.

No, its about lies....

About building a false and misleading picture that never was.

Do you think the abbos are happy with this fiction?
Do you think they feel happy about actually going backward from the picture painted by the liar?

Why not just simply tell the truth?
Why not simply accept that they were simply wandering nomadic hunter gatherers?

I see no advantage in telling lies and fabricating superior cultures that make the abbos of today look feeble in comparison.

So. I nailed it then.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 29th, 2021 at 9:00am
Oh come on moth, surely you can see how degrading it would be for an abbo to be told lies and know in their own minds that its a lie?

Surely you can see that this is as degrading as all men being told they are toxic and violent abusers?

The woke brigade is doing irreparable damage.

  In 2019 there were 88 suicide attempts in NSW schools, 215 incidents of self-harm and 196 reports of students with suicidal intentions during the four 10-week terms.

We preach to these young people that the older generation is destroying the planet. Former Australian of the Year Tim Flannery argued the dams would never be full, snow would never fall and, metaphorically, Bondi Beach would finish up at Bathurst.

On top of all that, children are being told that if they’re white, they’re racist, privileged oppressors.

Does anyone not understand the extent to which this destabilises young people to the point they feel that life is simply too difficult? 

This same mentality is affecting our indigenous population as well.

I love our "traditional" aborigines.
They are a proud and generous race.

But the white abbos are destroying Australia, destroying peoples opinion of them and their own self esteem.

Lies like this put even more pressure on these poor souls.

Show even 1 tiny bit of proof of the lies told by Pascoe.
They can find evidence of stone age occupation in fields that have been used for hundreds of years in England.

But they can find no real evidence of these false claims in untouched land in Australia.

Its sad when someone has to lie to secure his comfortable lifestyle on the lies.
Read about him, he has been handed everything he has without working, other than writing a fictional book.
He grows his hair and beard to look like an aboriginal elder, but he wears none of the tribal scars.
I doubt he could last a week in the bush.
The bush Tucker man would leave him for dead, and he was white.

You may even see I refer to two types of aboriginal, one as aboriginal (true aboriginals who are honest and strong in their culture) and abbo (who are white and looking for a free ride on the backs of aboriginality.

Thats because there are two separate cultures
Aboriginal, who I respect.
Abbo, who I despise for their laziness, greed and stupidity.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by mothra on Apr 29th, 2021 at 9:05am
Yeah, i nailed it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 29th, 2021 at 9:15am

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 9:05am:
Yeah, i nailed it.

None so blind, as they who will not see the truth.
Cash__246x250__001.jpg (72 KB | 5 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 29th, 2021 at 2:13pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 3:30pm:

Valkie wrote on Apr 28th, 2021 at 2:20pm:
Oh come off it freak

I have posted so many times about Pascoe and his lies, go look for yourself.

He is a pom
He has no aboriginal blood in him
He falsely claimed that his grandmother was an abbo , but when the people he allegedly belonged to were spoken to they denied his claim.
He has roots in England and absolutely ZERO true knowledge of aboriginal culture.

The man is a chronic liar.

Any idiot who believes anything he states or says is even more stupid than stupid.

But I guess as long as its pro abbo, you can say anything and get away with it.

Tell the truth about their propensity for DV, pedophilia, laziness or chronic unemployment and you are called a liar despite all the available evidence.

It all depends on what you want to hear.

It doesn't matter what we want to hear, dear, it matters what Pascoe says:

Professor Pascoe has acknowledged his links are distant, writing in his latest essay collection Salt that “clinical analysis of genes says I’m more Cornish than Koori''.

“I am sure a lot of non-Aboriginal people think that pale-skinned Aboriginal people shouldn’t identify, especially when it goes back to great grandmothers and great grandfathers and I understand that,” Professor Pascoe told The Sunday Age.

“I think Australians have the right to know that Aboriginal people who claim to be Aboriginal are actually Aboriginal but I think that conversation needs to be a decent conversation.”

Professor Pascoe told The Sunday Age it seemed to be a “common ploy” to question the identity of Aboriginal people but the community he belonged to was “totally supportive”.

“If they decided you had to have a percentage of blood quantum to be declared an Aborigine or go on some sort of register (and) I wasn’t on it, my life wouldn't change at all because I am so deeply involved in the community and the community expect me to be involved,” he said.

But it also matters what the community says:

[quote]The widely accepted definition of Indigenous heritage in Australia comprises three parts: self-identification, evidence of descent and community recognition.

Yuin elder, Pastor Ossie Cruse, questioned why Professor Pascoe’s Aboriginality was being disputed when he was accepted by his community.

“It does concern me because I don’t think anybody needs that, what’s the gain in it, particularly a person who has really had a hard life and found out they were of Aboriginal descent,” Pastor Cruse told The Sunday Age.

But this is not the point. I don't care whether Pascoe's Aboriginal or not. The point is this, from the same article:

“I am not saying Aboriginal people were like white farmers, what I am saying is they were engaged in a form of food production which is unlike hunting and gathering. We did hunt, we did gather, we still do,” Professor Pascoe said.

As Marcia Langton says, Pascoe has shown his references, he's made his case. There are no lies going on, just read the citations.

Now you, Matty, choose not to read. You can't even be bothered to come up with a source to make your case. And that's okay.

But all this leaves you is posts full of frothing hyperbole: "freak, stupid, liar, DV, pedophilia, laziness or chronic unemployment."

That's just a whole lot of words. It's not constructive, and it tells where you're posting from; your point.

Your point here is just to vomit on Aborigines. You couldn't care less about the issues or the debate, you just want to launch bile - an endless, bigoted diatribe with no actual substance or any knowledge of what you're discussing.

Me? I dont know either. Pascoe's written a book about traditional Aboriginal land management practices, and I think it's time we started to take the time to learn.

Deforestation, irrigation and phosphate farming have caused most of our agricultural land to go barren. It's not just me saying this, it's farmers themselves. Add global warming and we have more droughts, more bushfires, erosion, rivers turned dry and the near destruction of the Great Barrier Reef.

I think it's time we listened to those who looked after the place for 50,000 years, and I'm not alone. Plenty of farmers, scientists, agricultural associations and rural organisations agree. We'd like a nice, safe, happy country we can all live in, nor the angry, fucked up, racist one you're all about.

Why would I care if Pascoe's a Boong?


;D Marcia Langton? She like Charlie Perkins are all mouth & whitey bashers to make it look good.

But behind the scenes she is a sell out to big business .... in particular the resources sector.

There have been many before El Fakir Pascoe who studied Aboriginals & their societies all over the nation .... all have said that they were "Hunter Gatherers".

Only 2 - Pascoe & the bloke he plagiarized his ideas from say different.

And all you megatrendy urban lefty galoptics swallow it whole because it makes you feel good.

Pascoe is a fraud - in his thesis & in his claim of Aboriginality.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 29th, 2021 at 2:24pm

Matty once more shows his trolling.  He hates that someone or something is getting more attention than himself so he automatically attacks it.  He posts continual hatred of Indigenous Australians, of Immigrants, of Muslims, of anybody who has the spotlight fastened on them, rather than him.  I think he really has a deep-seated narcissistic disorder of some kind.  He just trolls all day long and expects us to swallow it.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 29th, 2021 at 2:26pm
Poll added

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 29th, 2021 at 3:23pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 27th, 2021 at 8:27pm:
Yeee-uusssh - but his use of words to describe everyday artefacts and structures that were common to all non-advanced societies has made those seem to be thriving industries and metropolises.

Jesus - we've even got some 'heritage fish traps' around here that tourists can visit ... something so common throughout the world and signifying nothing about any advanced civilisation... rather the opposite.

We used to build 'fish traps' = aquaculture when we were kids playing at the beach and creeks - it's hardly rocket science, and we all built cubby houses and tree houses.... and we all knew our local bush and its trails and tracks and good spots to catch crawchies or find a swimming hole.

'aquaculture', agriculture, 'ancient traditional trade routes' - are not the words to describe such simple things as fish traps made of stones/sticks/sand, a few scattered plots of something or other - and the paths of least resistance that any wandering group with any knowledge of the layout of the land (not the layabouts of the land - that came later) are hardly 'traditional trade routes' - they're just known and worn paths for wanderers... sometimes 'sacred paths' which the locals down south used to follow to get from the Heeghland to the Coast and vice versa for their semi-annual pilgrimages - and partly as rites of passage for young people growing up, something the Elders down there wanted to bring back so the young people could learn what it is to be a man and a woman.

I'm sorry to break it to you, Brian - but Pascoe gilded the lily just a light year or so too much... A Bludge Too Far if you ask me.

BTW - in his 'houses of learning' - are there those who posit the opposing views to his monologue?  Or is this a case of 'only one side gets to speak so they must be right'?  So common these days, since we gave too much power and control to silly women, who broke everything down with no idea how to re-build it in their own image.

You could safely remove the -re- from de-construction..... there is no Reconstruction going on.

You can see all the disputed lies of Pascoe on this website.

It thoroughly destroys each of his lies with FACTS and while totally abhorrent to the abbo industry, these are indisputable.

Scientist and scholars with immeasurably more knowledge, facts and experience tear Pascoe down in tiny little pieces.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 29th, 2021 at 3:41pm
What is disturbing about this nonsense is that it feeds some myth that there was this idyllic lifestyle going on in organised and orderly societies etc - and that somehow this was broken up by the 'white invasion' - the one that never was.

Even the likes of Marcia Langton pay lip service to this nonsense, in between speaking out against the very real issues facing Aborigines - the violence, the family disintegration, the lack of respect for property and for others, the killings, the substance abuse, the neglect and abuse of children, and so on and so on.  In doing so she seeks to have a foot in both camps, which is, so to speak, more than a little disingenuous.

You cannot blame the problems of remote communities relatively untouched by White society for their never-ending problems, those problems that go on from generation to generation... on white society and all of its benefits.  Even Professor Langton says that Aboriginal people have to take personal responsibility and personal sovereignty over these things at some point in their history.

You cannot blame white society for the problems of established reserve areas that  go on and on - the child sex abuse, selling of kids for sex in exchange for drugs and all the usual violence and abuse and neglect.  These people demanded and got their own 'place' - often in beautiful and hefty priced spots along the coast etc - they have nobody to blame but themselves for their behaviour.

It frankly disgusts me that some continue to preach about some mythical pre-1788 Shangri-La as if it was a reality.

Yes - it is POSSIBLE that small agriculture projects were used by Aboriginals... that doesn't make of it any more than my backyard garden beds, which are no more a community wide thing than some small plot of native seed.

In short - the poll is a loaded question - of course it's POSSIBLE - so what??

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 29th, 2021 at 4:30pm
Once more we see the usual Racist diatribes against the recognition of the real history of Indigenous Australians.  Tsk, tsk, so like an invader.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 29th, 2021 at 5:51pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 4:30pm:
Once more we see the usual Racist diatribes against the recognition of the real history of Indigenous Australians.  Tsk, tsk, so like an invader.  ::) ::)


Nothing to dispute the posts.

Nothing to debate

Nothing of any value.

I hate to tell you this, but simply calling people names and thinking that you are winning the argument is retarded.

To win an argument or debate, one must PROVE that the opposition is in error or that your opinion has a stronger basis in fact

Simply saying that someone is an invader (without proof or facts) is tantamount to poking your tongue out and blowing rasberries.

Your infantile Tsk, Tsk and silly emojie is simply proof that you are;

Too stupid
Too immature
Have absolutely no idea about anything adult.

Please either wake up and post something sensible.


Just leave the forum to the adults.
invented_the_stick.png (214 KB | 5 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:01pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 3:41pm:
What is disturbing about this nonsense is that it feeds some myth that there was this idyllic lifestyle going on in organised and orderly societies etc - and that somehow this was broken up by the 'white invasion' - the one that never was.

Even the likes of Marcia Langton pay lip service to this nonsense, in between speaking out against the very real issues facing Aborigines - the violence, the family disintegration, the lack of respect for property and for others, the killings, the substance abuse, the neglect and abuse of children, and so on and so on.  In doing so she seeks to have a foot in both camps, which is, so to speak, more than a little disingenuous.

You cannot blame the problems of remote communities relatively untouched by White society for their never-ending problems, those problems that go on from generation to generation... on white society and all of its benefits.  Even Professor Langton says that Aboriginal people have to take personal responsibility and personal sovereignty over these things at some point in their history.

You cannot blame white society for the problems of established reserve areas that  go on and on - the child sex abuse, selling of kids for sex in exchange for drugs and all the usual violence and abuse and neglect.  These people demanded and got their own 'place' - often in beautiful and hefty priced spots along the coast etc - they have nobody to blame but themselves for their behaviour.

It frankly disgusts me that some continue to preach about some mythical pre-1788 Shangri-La as if it was a reality.

Yes - it is POSSIBLE that small agriculture projects were used by Aboriginals... that doesn't make of it any more than my backyard garden beds, which are no more a community wide thing than some small plot of native seed.

In short - the poll is a loaded question - of course it's POSSIBLE - so what??

In the reading I have done about actual accounts of the Australian aboriginal.
Some written by actual aboriginals.

It was no shangri-la at all.
It was harsh, horrible living.

Without clothing living in the Sydney basin would have been a horror in winter
Without shelter the storms would have been terrifying.
Food, while available, was not very palatable at best.
Sickness was terminal, as was broken bones or infections.

That's without taking into account tribal warfare and inter-tribal rape and pedophilia.

White man was not wonderful at first, but now they get everything they need.

as for invaders.
Every single country on earth has been invaded, some several times.
Even the abbos invaded Australia committing genocide on the first Australians.
But every other culture blended and took advantage of the technology and improvements.

Living is a past that will never be again does nothing for the Aboriginal.
Its gone forever.
Its time to wake up or simply die out like neanderthal man.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:18am

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:38am:
I don't get it. At least i can think of only one reason why there is so much resistance to Bruce Pascoe's work and that is the folks absolutely spitting chips about it resent having to respect the Aboriginal people for anything.

He's not claiming anything outrageous. Not some "Wank-riala" How stupid is that? I mean, jesus. He's not claiming that they built goddamn pyramids or town halls. He's merely saying that upon researching the history books and delving into things a little more deeply that has been routinely done, he's found that there was some aquacultural practices, some agricultural practices and evidence of permanent or at least semi permanent dwellings.

None, i repeat none, of this is new information to anyone with more than a cursory interest in this field. What Pascoe has done brilliantly is collate a tremendous amount of information into an accessible book. There are literally reams of this stuff. This is not new information. You idiots just haven't made yourselves available to it yet.

My dear friend did her PhD on the indigenous botanical medicine of the fiolks from whence she heralded, Blue Mountains, and she found incredible amounts of early settler recording of the intricacy of the bush lore and medicinal understanding of the Aboriginal people. Stuff that tracks with modern medical science. We are still learning what our first people knew.

And you lot gnash your horrible teeth and beat your barrel chests because you don't want to accept that the first people who lived here knew anything at all before we came and civilised them ... and nigh on destroyed the country. And you heap derision on poor old Pascoe, who is nothing more than a historian who affiliates with these people, less by blood and more by admiration and his acceptance into their fold.

And you hate it. Seethingly.

If i were you, i would seriously question myself. You're on the wrong side of history. A very deep, dark, nasty wrong side.

Not respect, Mother. Grappler, Aquascoot, Moses, Fuzzball and Valkie (same poster) have all made it clear Pascoe should not be speaking at all.

That's the agenda here. They're so bored at the mention of all this Boong nonsense, they've kept the frothing going for 7 pages.


But they're not just content with silence, no. It's not enough for Aborigines to just quietly die out. They want bile. And they won't be happy until everybody agrees to hate - seethingly.

Identity politics 101, innit.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:21am

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 9:05am:
Yeah, i nailed it.

You most certainly did.

So unfair, no?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:40am

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:38am:
I don't get it. At least i can think of only one reason why there is so much resistance to Bruce Pascoe's work and that is the folks absolutely spitting chips about it resent having to respect the Aboriginal people for anything.

He's not claiming anything outrageous. Not some "Wank-riala" How stupid is that? I mean, jesus. He's not claiming that they built goddamn pyramids or town halls. He's merely saying that upon researching the history books and delving into things a little more deeply that has been routinely done, he's found that there was some aquacultural practices, some agricultural practices and evidence of permanent or at least semi permanent dwellings.

None, i repeat none, of this is new information to anyone with more than a cursory interest in this field. What Pascoe has done brilliantly is collate a tremendous amount of information into an accessible book. There are literally reams of this stuff. This is not new information. You idiots just haven't made yourselves available to it yet.

My dear friend did her PhD on the indigenous botanical medicine of the fiolks from whence she heralded, Blue Mountains, and she found incredible amounts of early settler recording of the intricacy of the bush lore and medicinal understanding of the Aboriginal people. Stuff that tracks with modern medical science. We are still learning what our first people knew.

And you lot gnash your horrible teeth and beat your barrel chests because you don't want to accept that the first people who lived here knew anything at all before we came and civilised them ... and nigh on destroyed the country. And you heap derision on poor old Pascoe, who is nothing more than a historian who affiliates with these people, less by blood and more by admiration and his acceptance into their fold.

And you hate it. Seethingly.

If i were you, i would seriously question myself. You're on the wrong side of history. A very deep, dark, nasty wrong side.

This is idiocy.  Deliberately ignorant idiocy.

If there is one thing that sets the West, and Britain in particular, apart from others is that it takes new, useful  knowledge wherever it finds it. The English language is an example available to all of you. It borrows, incorporates like no other.
So to say that 18-19th century  Europeans and the British in particular suppressed new knowledge about the world is idiotic, completely ignorant of history and is mostly a revisionist load of crap fuelled by resentment.
To say that running around naked with a bone through your nose or eating your enemy is primitive and stunted is not suppressing ancient wisdoms. It's being truthful.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:44am
We do not need to commit genocide.

We just need to give them some weapons and they will do it for themselves.

While the culture or ethnicity is not mentioned in the article.

Its a pretty good bet who was involved.

   Teen killed in axe fight
A TEENAGER has died from stab wounds during a massive brawl between dozens of people, some armed with axes, in a remote town in the Northern Territory.

Police were called to an oval in the coastal town of Yirrkala, in East Arnhem, just before 3pm on Wednesday after the enormous fight erupted.

Between 50 and 100 people were involved in the brawl, police said in a statement.

The 17-year-old boy was found dead at the scene.

It is believed he died from stab wounds. Three men, aged 18, 40 and 45, were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening stab wounds. Axes were drawn during the fight. 

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:08am

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:18am:

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:38am:
I don't get it. At least i can think of only one reason why there is so much resistance to Bruce Pascoe's work and that is the folks absolutely spitting chips about it resent having to respect the Aboriginal people for anything.

He's not claiming anything outrageous. Not some "Wank-riala" How stupid is that? I mean, jesus. He's not claiming that they built goddamn pyramids or town halls. He's merely saying that upon researching the history books and delving into things a little more deeply that has been routinely done, he's found that there was some aquacultural practices, some agricultural practices and evidence of permanent or at least semi permanent dwellings.

None, i repeat none, of this is new information to anyone with more than a cursory interest in this field. What Pascoe has done brilliantly is collate a tremendous amount of information into an accessible book. There are literally reams of this stuff. This is not new information. You idiots just haven't made yourselves available to it yet.

My dear friend did her PhD on the indigenous botanical medicine of the fiolks from whence she heralded, Blue Mountains, and she found incredible amounts of early settler recording of the intricacy of the bush lore and medicinal understanding of the Aboriginal people. Stuff that tracks with modern medical science. We are still learning what our first people knew.

And you lot gnash your horrible teeth and beat your barrel chests because you don't want to accept that the first people who lived here knew anything at all before we came and civilised them ... and nigh on destroyed the country. And you heap derision on poor old Pascoe, who is nothing more than a historian who affiliates with these people, less by blood and more by admiration and his acceptance into their fold.

And you hate it. Seethingly.

If i were you, i would seriously question myself. You're on the wrong side of history. A very deep, dark, nasty wrong side.

Not respect, Mother. Grappler, Aquascoot, Moses, Fuzzball and Valkie (same poster) have all made it clear Pascoe should not be speaking at all.

That's the agenda here. They're so bored at the mention of all this Boong nonsense, they've kept the frothing going for 7 pages.


But they're not just content with silence, no. It's not enough for Aborigines to just quietly die out. They want bile. And they won't be happy until everybody agrees to hate - seethingly.

Identity politics 101, innit.

No one said any such thing......

there are plenty of mouth offs - many who are nearly as Aboriginal as me - like Pascoe ;D

Are you suggesting Aboriginals are being forced to marry outside their race?  ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:17am
Karnal on his smoking pipe again... I can assure you I am one person and not any other account here.  Ask any mods who have access to ISP etc.

Now get off that stuff and get back into rehab.

So dear old Bruce was the sudden hero of the Aboriginal Industry coming out and declaring that they lived in a highly structured society with all these other things and that made his works worthy of deification and riches - then when he come sunder fire for his 'research' approach and his conclusions - his conclusions are nothing earth-shaking and why would anyone oppose his ideas?

And any who come to the same conclusions must somehow be one person trying to drag poor litle Bruce down?

Some of you people are frankly bizarre.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:17am

Valkie wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:44am:
We do not need to commit genocide.

We just need to give them some weapons and they will do it for themselves.

While the culture or ethnicity is not mentioned in the article.

Its a pretty good bet who was involved.

   Teen killed in axe fight
A TEENAGER has died from stab wounds during a massive brawl between dozens of people, some armed with axes, in a remote town in the Northern Territory.

Police were called to an oval in the coastal town of Yirrkala, in East Arnhem, just before 3pm on Wednesday after the enormous fight erupted.

Between 50 and 100 people were involved in the brawl, police said in a statement.

The 17-year-old boy was found dead at the scene.

It is believed he died from stab wounds. Three men, aged 18, 40 and 45, were taken to hospital with non-life-threatening stab wounds. Axes were drawn during the fight. 

Yeah read that - Yirrkala is the Aboriginal community of/near Nhulunbuy/Gove.

That's Galarrwuy Yunupingu, Mandawuy Yunipingu, Geoffrey Gurrumul Yunupingu country ey.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:18am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:17am:
Karnal on his smoking pipe again... I can assure you I am one person and not any other account here.  Ask any mods who have access to ISP etc.

Now get off that stuff and get back into rehab.

So dear old Bruce was the sudden hero of the Aboriginal Industry coming out and declaring that they lived in a highly structured society with all these other things and that made his works worthy of deification and riches - then when he come sunder fire for his 'research' approach and his conclusions - his conclusions are nothing earth-shaking and why would anyone oppose his ideas?

And any who come to the same conclusions must somehow be one person trying to drag poor litle Bruce down?

Some of you people are frankly bizarre.

Got that right.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:
You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever - the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Have you or any of your other socks thought for one moment what it means to those abos who don't have their little group 'owning' a piece of land, when others do?  Do any of these 'owned' pieces of land belong to any 'Aboriginal Nation' - or just to small groups, same as their traditional lands pre-1788 were held by a small group since there was no government, and that small group defended it from all outsiders?

How do you imagine our town Koons feel when their past enemy tribes get hold of a piece of land and they don't - which, BTW - given the alleged driving out of tribes from 'their lands' - most likely means they didn't live there at all until recently?  Suddenly they feel Entitled™ to 'own' Redfun and everything in it because they live there.  The Town Koons who've lived in Sydney Western Basin for centuries now think they can claim Sydney CBD since some ancient ancestor came from that area.

When was this kind of insanity any recipe for peace and mutual co-operation?

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:37am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

No no, that's legislation. The High Court ruled in favour of a chap called Eddie Mabo.

I'm asking you what they found about pre-European property rights.

You don't have to say. You're probably bored again.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:44am

Gnads wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:08am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:18am:

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:38am:
I don't get it. At least i can think of only one reason why there is so much resistance to Bruce Pascoe's work and that is the folks absolutely spitting chips about it resent having to respect the Aboriginal people for anything.

He's not claiming anything outrageous. Not some "Wank-riala" How stupid is that? I mean, jesus. He's not claiming that they built goddamn pyramids or town halls. He's merely saying that upon researching the history books and delving into things a little more deeply that has been routinely done, he's found that there was some aquacultural practices, some agricultural practices and evidence of permanent or at least semi permanent dwellings.

None, i repeat none, of this is new information to anyone with more than a cursory interest in this field. What Pascoe has done brilliantly is collate a tremendous amount of information into an accessible book. There are literally reams of this stuff. This is not new information. You idiots just haven't made yourselves available to it yet.

My dear friend did her PhD on the indigenous botanical medicine of the fiolks from whence she heralded, Blue Mountains, and she found incredible amounts of early settler recording of the intricacy of the bush lore and medicinal understanding of the Aboriginal people. Stuff that tracks with modern medical science. We are still learning what our first people knew.

And you lot gnash your horrible teeth and beat your barrel chests because you don't want to accept that the first people who lived here knew anything at all before we came and civilised them ... and nigh on destroyed the country. And you heap derision on poor old Pascoe, who is nothing more than a historian who affiliates with these people, less by blood and more by admiration and his acceptance into their fold.

And you hate it. Seethingly.

If i were you, i would seriously question myself. You're on the wrong side of history. A very deep, dark, nasty wrong side.

Not respect, Mother. Grappler, Aquascoot, Moses, Fuzzball and Valkie (same poster) have all made it clear Pascoe should not be speaking at all.

That's the agenda here. They're so bored at the mention of all this Boong nonsense, they've kept the frothing going for 7 pages.


But they're not just content with silence, no. It's not enough for Aborigines to just quietly die out. They want bile. And they won't be happy until everybody agrees to hate - seethingly.

Identity politics 101, innit.

No one said any such thing......

I know, Bias. Matty's just making a scientific observation.

You might have missed it. It's the post above yours.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:48am

Gnads wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:18am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:17am:
Karnal on his smoking pipe again... I can assure you I am one person and not any other account here.  Ask any mods who have access to ISP etc.

Now get off that stuff and get back into rehab.

So dear old Bruce was the sudden hero of the Aboriginal Industry coming out and declaring that they lived in a highly structured society with all these other things and that made his works worthy of deification and riches - then when he comes under fire for his 'research' approach and his conclusions - his conclusions are nothing earth-shaking and why would anyone oppose his ideas?

And any who come to the same conclusions must somehow be one person trying to drag poor little Bruce down?

Some of you people are frankly bizarre.

Got that right.

I forgot to add 'heroic bushfire fighter with White Man's gear, hippy living on the land like thousands of others, heroic teacher about bush tucker derived from books'.... did I miss anything?  Apart from 100% White Guy who the Aboriginal won't even claim as their own, but who insists on talking about Aboriginal issues as 'we' as if by some right... what an insult to tribes that have rejected his application...

Clearly borderline or too many years on the pipe... as George Patton said once - I may be old and I may be dumb, but that don't mean nothin' to me!

Down that way where we had the property, some of the local Aborigines are part of that Jimmy Little group down near Bermagui, there is that small group that had fish traps and a little 'agriculture' going on... they got a beaut claim right on the water and an entire village built with street lights and all - No Country For White Men ... so they could lead their traditional Pascoe peaceful and prosperous life...and it was nearly ruined by drugs and booze, violence, child abuse of all kinds including the most heinous of people giving their young children to the drug lords for sex to get drugs, and all the other evils prevalent in those communities.

It's about time some of you really woke up and stopped smelling the roses - those roses are long dead.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:51am

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

No no, that's legislation. The High Court ruled in favour of a chap called Eddie Mabo.

I'm asking you what they found about pre-European property rights.

You don't have to say. You're probably bored again.

Ask yourself how the High Court can make a decision that affects the whole of mainland Australia when Eddie Mabos claim to land was on Murray Island 187 klm north east of the Australian mainland at from the tip of Cape York.

There was never a major European occupation of Mer/Murray Island & the reason he bought his land rights claim to Australia was because he had spent so much of his life in Australia that his fellow Murray Islanders initially didn't believe he was entitled to the land he claimed.   

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:54am

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:44am:

Gnads wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:08am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:18am:

mothra wrote on Apr 29th, 2021 at 6:38am:
I don't get it. At least i can think of only one reason why there is so much resistance to Bruce Pascoe's work and that is the folks absolutely spitting chips about it resent having to respect the Aboriginal people for anything.

He's not claiming anything outrageous. Not some "Wank-riala" How stupid is that? I mean, jesus. He's not claiming that they built goddamn pyramids or town halls. He's merely saying that upon researching the history books and delving into things a little more deeply that has been routinely done, he's found that there was some aquacultural practices, some agricultural practices and evidence of permanent or at least semi permanent dwellings.

None, i repeat none, of this is new information to anyone with more than a cursory interest in this field. What Pascoe has done brilliantly is collate a tremendous amount of information into an accessible book. There are literally reams of this stuff. This is not new information. You idiots just haven't made yourselves available to it yet.

My dear friend did her PhD on the indigenous botanical medicine of the fiolks from whence she heralded, Blue Mountains, and she found incredible amounts of early settler recording of the intricacy of the bush lore and medicinal understanding of the Aboriginal people. Stuff that tracks with modern medical science. We are still learning what our first people knew.

And you lot gnash your horrible teeth and beat your barrel chests because you don't want to accept that the first people who lived here knew anything at all before we came and civilised them ... and nigh on destroyed the country. And you heap derision on poor old Pascoe, who is nothing more than a historian who affiliates with these people, less by blood and more by admiration and his acceptance into their fold.

And you hate it. Seethingly.

If i were you, i would seriously question myself. You're on the wrong side of history. A very deep, dark, nasty wrong side.

Not respect, Mother. Grappler, Aquascoot, Moses, Fuzzball and Valkie (same poster) have all made it clear Pascoe should not be speaking at all.

That's the agenda here. They're so bored at the mention of all this Boong nonsense, they've kept the frothing going for 7 pages.


But they're not just content with silence, no. It's not enough for Aborigines to just quietly die out. They want bile. And they won't be happy until everybody agrees to hate - seethingly.

Identity politics 101, innit.

No one said any such thing......

I know, Bias. Matty's just making a scientific observation.

You might have missed it. It's the post above yours.

Selectively editing ey?

Just like Peccarhead does. ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:03pm

Gnads wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:51am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

No no, that's legislation. The High Court ruled in favour of a chap called Eddie Mabo.

I'm asking you what they found about pre-European property rights.

You don't have to say. You're probably bored again.

Ask yourself how the High Court can make a decision that affects the whole of mainland Australia when Eddie Mabos claim to land was on Murray Island 187 klm north east of the Australian mainland at from the tip of Cape York.

There was never a major European occupation of Mer/Murray Island & the reason he bought his land rights claim to Australia was because he had spent so much of his life in Australia that his fellow Murray Islanders initially didn't believe he was entitled to the land he claimed.   

So what did the High Court find on pre-existing land title in Australia, Gonads?

You might need to look it up, dear.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:06pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:03pm:

Gnads wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:51am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

No no, that's legislation. The High Court ruled in favour of a chap called Eddie Mabo.

I'm asking you what they found about pre-European property rights.

You don't have to say. You're probably bored again.

Ask yourself how the High Court can make a decision that affects the whole of mainland Australia when Eddie Mabos claim to land was on Murray Island 187 klm north east of the Australian mainland at from the tip of Cape York.

There was never a major European occupation of Mer/Murray Island & the reason he bought his land rights claim to Australia was because he had spent so much of his life in Australia that his fellow Murray Islanders initially didn't believe he was entitled to the land he claimed.   

So what did the High Court find on pre-existing land title in Australia, Gonads?

You might need to look it up, dear.

The question should be why did they find on pre-existing land title in Australia & what relevance was Murray Island to that.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:26pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

No no, that's legislation. The High Court ruled in favour of a chap called Eddie Mabo.

I'm asking you what they found about pre-European property rights.

You don't have to say. You're probably bored again.

You do struggle on without addressing the issues raised - only under certain conditions..

Any answers to those questions I raised? 

Eddie Mabo's clan had a continuous unbroken residence on their land - does that mean the Redfun Koons can claim Redfun etc?  Where's their parcel of land?

And the Mabo claim clearly proves there was no 'Aboriginal Nation' across Australia, as Pascoe asserted, but that they were all small groups separate from one another.

As I said - and you tried to get around - if that land was ceded to some mythical Aboriginal Nation, it would belong to all, no?

It Doesn't!  So that's one pillar of Pascoe Dreamland demolished for ya... do you have an answer?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:27pm

   Eddie Mabo's clan had a continuous unbroken residence on their land - does that mean the Redfun Koons can claim Redfun etc?  Where's their parcel of land?

And the Mabo claim clearly proves there was no 'Aboriginal Nation' across Australia, as Pascoe asserted, but that they were all small groups separate from one another.

As I said - and you tried to get around - if that land was ceded to some mythical Aboriginal Nation, it would belong to all, no?

It Doesn't!  So that's one pillar of Pascoe Dreamland demolished for ya... do you have an answer? 

Small problem there.

Most of the abbos in Redfurn are whiter than an albino.

They have so little abbo blood in them they would have to give their full 8 pints to find a single DNA.

They are simply pretenders, as are all white abbos.

Looking to live off the aboriginal man.

Sadly, the aboriginals living in the outback have few if any of the benefits of the City Abbo, and the city abbo don't give a fig about it.

You think, with $32,000,000,000.00 being thrown about willy, nilly, that some would make its way to the true Aboriginals.

But then again  the white abbos would have to miss out on their mobile phones and nike gear.....not on bruvva!

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:42pm
Researchers demystify the secrets of ancient Aboriginal migration across Australia - I am sure the usual Racists will try and decry this research...  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by moses on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:48pm

Not respect, Mother. Grappler, Aquascoot, Moses, Fuzzball and Valkie (same poster) have all made it clear Pascoe should not be speaking at all

Do stick to the facts please.

pascoe should stop lying when he speaks.

That really applies to the entire aboriginal industry.

The lies you people tell are  not benefiting the aboriginals, the kids are committing suicide, the adults are drunks and killing each other in wild brawls.

None of this will stop until leftards leave the aboriginals alone and the aboriginals decide to accept responsibility for the fact that their *culture* is 10s of 1000s of years out dated.

Only then will we maybe see some improvement in the aboriginal crisis which exists now 2021.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:23pm

Gnads wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:06pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:03pm:

Gnads wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:51am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

No no, that's legislation. The High Court ruled in favour of a chap called Eddie Mabo.

I'm asking you what they found about pre-European property rights.

You don't have to say. You're probably bored again.

Ask yourself how the High Court can make a decision that affects the whole of mainland Australia when Eddie Mabos claim to land was on Murray Island 187 klm north east of the Australian mainland at from the tip of Cape York.

There was never a major European occupation of Mer/Murray Island & the reason he bought his land rights claim to Australia was because he had spent so much of his life in Australia that his fellow Murray Islanders initially didn't believe he was entitled to the land he claimed.   

So what did the High Court find on pre-existing land title in Australia, Gonads?

You might need to look it up, dear.

The question should be why did they find on pre-existing land title in Australia & what relevance was Murray Island to that.

Ah. Would you like to answer it?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:29pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:26pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

No no, that's legislation. The High Court ruled in favour of a chap called Eddie Mabo.

I'm asking you what they found about pre-European property rights.

You don't have to say. You're probably bored again.

You do struggle on without addressing the issues raised - only under certain conditions..

Any answers to those questions I raised? 

Eddie Mabo's clan had a continuous unbroken residence on their land - does that mean the Redfun Koons can claim Redfun etc?  Where's their parcel of land?

And the Mabo claim clearly proves there was no 'Aboriginal Nation' across Australia, as Pascoe asserted, but that they were all small groups separate from one another.

As I said - and you tried to get around - if that land was ceded to some mythical Aboriginal Nation, it would belong to all, no?

It Doesn't!  So that's one pillar of Pascoe Dreamland demolished for ya... do you have an answer?

Redfern Koons purchased their land through the Aboriginal Housing Trust. The Redfern Koons have since been sent to Campbelltown to make way for property developers.

Back to where they came from, no?

Where did Pascoe claim one nation for Aborigines? We'll need a reference for this one, dear.

Sorry to bore you.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:32pm

moses wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:48pm:

Not respect, Mother. Grappler, Aquascoot, Moses, Fuzzball and Valkie (same poster) have all made it clear Pascoe should not be speaking at all

Do stick to the facts please.

pascoe should stop lying when he speaks.

That really applies to the entire aboriginal industry.

The lies you people tell are  not benefiting the aboriginals, the kids are committing suicide, the adults are drunks and killing each other in wild brawls.

None of this will stop until leftards leave the aboriginals alone and the aboriginals decide to accept responsibility for the fact that their *culture* is 10s of 1000s of years out dated.

Only then will we maybe see some improvement in the aboriginal crisis which exists now 2021.

No worries. You post his lies and we'll check, shall we?

We'll do this the white man's way - epistemology, innit.

If you want to just make stuff up, no worries. Feel free to do that too, Moses.

Matty will post you a couple of chuckles as a reward.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:37pm

Valkie wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:27pm:

   Eddie Mabo's clan had a continuous unbroken residence on their land - does that mean the Redfun Koons can claim Redfun etc?  Where's their parcel of land?

And the Mabo claim clearly proves there was no 'Aboriginal Nation' across Australia, as Pascoe asserted, but that they were all small groups separate from one another.

As I said - and you tried to get around - if that land was ceded to some mythical Aboriginal Nation, it would belong to all, no?

It Doesn't!  So that's one pillar of Pascoe Dreamland demolished for ya... do you have an answer? 

Small problem there.

Most of the abbos in Redfurn are whiter than an albino.

They have so little abbo blood in them they would have to give their full 8 pints to find a single DNA.

They are simply pretenders, as are all white abbos.

Looking to live off the aboriginal man.

Sadly, the aboriginals living in the outback have few if any of the benefits of the City Abbo, and the city abbo don't give a fig about it.

You think, with $32,000,000,000.00 being thrown about willy, nilly, that some would make its way to the true Aboriginals.

But then again  the white abbos would have to miss out on their mobile phones and nike gear.....not on bruvva!

You heard it here first, gang.

8 pints per DNA.

Scientific, innit (not a race).

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by JaSin. on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:54pm
Anyone (of the 8 Races) can be 'Aboriginal', even if some pure-blood Aboriginals reject half-castes.

Anyone can be British: Black, Red, White, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Yellow. It's all about 'professional patriotism'.

So I too, can be Aboriginal, even though I have no 'blood' line to the race. But I have every right to belong to the 'culture' of Aboriginal if I deem myself dedicated to the cause. Many cultures considered the late great Mythologist Joseph Campbell (Canadian) as one of their own based  upon his cultural knowledge of their states of being.

So what are we talking about here?
So-called mixed race people claiming to be Aboriginal, but yet 'culturally' being 'Political' like some Brit or Yank? Rather than being more attuned to the orthodox culture of aboriginalism and working on the land like a Farmer, Ranger, Environmentalist, etc?

So I wouldn't really call the Redfern Mob aboriginal beyond some blood ties (despite the appearances) - more like 'city' people.

As for racial appearance in contrast to Race - well, lets have a look at these two sisters who come from the same (black) parents. Genetically they are both in tune, though as you can see, one of the 'blacks' have come out looking Red.
So never judge a book by its cover in this day and age where all the bloods are mixing as well as trying to stay pure.

Biracial-Twins1_009.jpg (59 KB | 5 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by JaSin. on Apr 30th, 2021 at 4:00pm
As for pre-1788 Aboriginal Australia: labelled a little later by Explorers and far reaching Settlers as a 'Parkland' to rival the great well-kept ones of Europe's rich and wealthy. A giant Farm that fed the locals easy with half the time spent in effort than the best 'civilised' nations had to achieve for a lesser variation of crop.
The fact that the incompetant Whites of the early Sydney colony 'needed' the visitation of passing Nantucket Whaling Ships to provide food for them because they hadn't a clue how to be self-sufficient like the Aboriginals (Eora) were.
The fact that a lot of Aboriginal grains and food sources were far more enriching in quality than the colonial cliche 'damper' and other colony foods.
White people must have looked a sickly malnourished lot to the aboriginals... sickly indeed as they brought in diseases from around the world to wipe out 79% of all the New World indigenous.
It wasn't an Invasion, it was an Infection that beat them down. China's got it right. Infect them before Invading them.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 4:08pm

Jasin wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 4:00pm:
As for pre-1788 Aboriginal Australia: labelled a little later by Explorers and far reaching Settlers as a 'Parkland' to rival the great well-kept ones of Europe's rich and wealthy. A giant Farm that fed the locals easy with half the time spent in effort than the best 'civilised' nations had to achieve for a lesser variation of crop.
The fact that the incompetant Whites of the early Sydney colony 'needed' the visitation of passing Nantucket Whaling Ships to provide food for them because they hadn't a clue how to be self-sufficient like the Aboriginals (Eora) were.
The fact that a lot of Aboriginal grains and food sources were far more enriching in quality than the colonial cliche 'damper' and other colony foods.
White people must have looked a sickly malnourished lot to the aboriginals... sickly indeed as they brought in diseases from around the world to wipe out 79% of all the New World indigenous.
It wasn't an Invasion, it was an Infection that beat them down. China's got it right. Infect them before Invading them.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Apr 30th, 2021 at 5:59pm

Redfern Koons purchased their land through the Aboriginal Housing Trust. The Redfern Koons have since been sent to Campbelltown to make way for property developers. 

Ahhhh, you mean the taxes we paid was being used to by land for them.

Rather than them actually working and buying the land like every other Australian.

Not one of them got off their arses and did a single thing ill bet......just held out their hands and begged like the parasites they always have been and always will be.

Bet they got it cheap too, with lots of extras.

But... they are just so hard done by, aren't they?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by J.D. on Apr 30th, 2021 at 7:46pm

Brian Ross wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:42pm:
Researchers demystify the secrets of ancient Aboriginal migration across Australia - I am sure the usual Racists will try and decry this research...  ::) ::)

Well that only shows that they had legs and that they could walk way back then   and its for that very reason that Woolworths were banned from building a Dan Murphy's in Darwin (Abbo city) yesterday within walking distance from a remote Abbo community, walking to get beer is good exercise and good for their culture.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:09pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:29pm:
Redfern Koons purchased their land through the Aboriginal Housing Trust. The Redfern Koons have since been sent to Campbelltown to make way for property developers.

Back to where they came from, no?

Where did Pascoe claim one nation for Aborigines? We'll need a reference for this one, dear.

Sorry to bore you.

Obfuscation will not help you.... we are not talking about legally acquired and paid for property .. we are talking about claiming an area without ownership and without paying for it.

The Mabo clan - as I said - had continuous possession of their land and thus held squatter's rights anyway... no big deal.

The issue at hand is that such a decision does not and can not apply to all claims of ownership, and especially when those making the claim are a mixed group of Aboriginals who just happened to land up where they are - such as many areas in New England and even Western Sydney.  Different groups...

Try it again until it sinks in - Eddi Mabo's mob held continuous ownership of their land ... they didn't just happen to light there and say - "Heeey.. dis plece look awright!  Ah tink ah git de Gu'ment declare 'im a Sacred Site!"

Buying through the wharte man's channels is not included... though Valkie has a point about where the money came from - and let us not forget - the heads of that land council were held up by their own people as thieves and liars and robbers, who took a huge share of that money for their own benefit.

Responsible fiscal management, innit?

As for Pascoe's claim - go look - I've got football to watch, including some very good Aboriginal players.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:52pm

Valkie wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 5:59pm:

Redfern Koons purchased their land through the Aboriginal Housing Trust. The Redfern Koons have since been sent to Campbelltown to make way for property developers. 

Ahhhh, you mean the taxes we paid was being used to by land for them.

Rather than them actually working and buying the land like every other Australian.

Not one of them got off their arses and did a single thing ill bet......just held out their hands and begged like the parasites they always have been and always will be.

Bet they got it cheap too, with lots of extras.

But... they are just so hard done by, aren't they?

They paid a thing called rent, dear. Some even owned their land under a thing called Torrens Title - that's where you have a thing called a deed.

Still, we've come a way since your Redfern sacred site claim.

The reason Koons were in Redfern had nothing to do with the Rainbow Serpent, it had to do with a thing called factory work.

But we know how this goes, right? You then say so why didn't they get off their arses and get better jobs? Then I point to the Koon lawyers or politicians, then you say it's all affirmative action, and I point out that we don't have that in Australia and the first Koon in parliament was a Lib, not a leftard, and you say they're all dumb and poor and drunk and I say what's wrong with that, and you pretend you're all smart and rich and sober, but have nothing left to say other than we don't want them here.

Look at all the time I've just saved you, dear. You can now go and complain about someone else.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:08pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:52pm:
They paid a thing called rent, dear. Some even owned their land under a thing called Torrens Title - that's where you have a thing called a deed.

Still, we've come a way since your Redfern sacred site claim.

The reason Koons were in Redfern had nothing to do with the Rainbow Serpent, it had to do with a thing called factory work.

But we know how this goes, right? You then say so why didn't they get off their arses and get better jobs? Then I point to the Koon lawyers or politicians, then you say it's all affirmative action, and I point out that we don't have that in Australia and the first Koon in parliament was a Lib, not a leftard, and you say they're all dumb and poor and drunk and I say what's wrong with that, and you pretend you're all smart and rich and sober, but have nothing left to say other than we don't want them here.

Look at all the time I've just saved you, dear. You can now go and complain about someone else.

So you agree on rent paid and legal title ownership as opposed to claiming the joint at any time?  That took some time...

At least it beats getting the gu-ment to declar 'im a secred site, eh?

Did Valkie say anything about sacred sites, real or imagined??

We don't want any bad-asses here - happy to ship out anyone who does not wish to be a productive member of Australian society, but who prefers, instead, to oppose our values, our cultures, and our society, as well as our laws.

You're not still stuck on that silly idea, are you, that some of us are the same person?  Am I speaking to Karnal, greg, mothra or John Smith here???  Careful or I'll sue you for defamation for bringing down my public standing by saying I'm others with different and sometimes more firm and angry views... drag you up before a People's Tribunal I will.

I got it!  You just can't read Austenglish proper.  And Valkie isn't as learned and erudite as I.... but he knows what he knows...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:11pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:09pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:29pm:
Redfern Koons purchased their land through the Aboriginal Housing Trust. The Redfern Koons have since been sent to Campbelltown to make way for property developers.

Back to where they came from, no?

Where did Pascoe claim one nation for Aborigines? We'll need a reference for this one, dear.

Sorry to bore you.

Obfuscation will not help you.... we are not talking about legally acquired and paid for property .. we are talking about claiming an area without ownership and without paying for it.

The Mabo clan - as I said - had continuous possession of their land and thus held squatter's rights anyway... no big deal.

The issue at hand is that such a decision does not and can not apply to all claims of ownership, and especially when those making the claim are a mixed group of Aboriginals who just happened to land up where they are - such as many areas in New England and even Western Sydney.  Different groups...

Try it again until it sinks in - Eddi Mabo's mob held continuous ownership of their land ... they didn't just happen to light there and say - "Heeey.. dis plece look awright!  Ah tink ah git de Gu'ment declare 'im a Sacred Site!"

Buying through the wharte man's channels is not included... though Valkie has a point about where the money came from - and let us not forget - the heads of that land council were held up by their own people as thieves and liars and robbers, who took a huge share of that money for their own benefit.

Responsible fiscal management, innit?

As for Pascoe's claim - go look - I've got football to watch, including some very good Aboriginal players.

You watch your football match, Grappler, and don't let that stop you coming back and making up something else Pascoe didn't say.

Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland.

The High Court recommended legislation because of its precedent: the voiding of terra nullius. The court found pre-existing forms of ownership Australia-wide, where the High Court has jurisdiction. It found that blackfellas had forms of land ownership that we today call title.

It's up to local groups to prove this under native title legislation. That's if they're not the lazy types who have a lease or a deed to a terrace house in Abercrombie Street.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:16pm

Jasin wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:54pm:
Anyone (of the 8 Races) can be 'Aboriginal', even if some pure-blood Aboriginals reject half-castes.

Anyone can be British: Black, Red, White, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Yellow. It's all about 'professional patriotism'.

So I too, can be Aboriginal, even though I have no 'blood' line to the race. But I have every right to belong to the 'culture' of Aboriginal if I deem myself dedicated to the cause. Many cultures considered the late great Mythologist Joseph Campbell (Canadian) as one of their own based  upon his cultural knowledge of their states of being.

So what are we talking about here?
So-called mixed race people claiming to be Aboriginal, but yet 'culturally' being 'Political' like some Brit or Yank? Rather than being more attuned to the orthodox culture of aboriginalism and working on the land like a Farmer, Ranger, Environmentalist, etc?

So I wouldn't really call the Redfern Mob aboriginal beyond some blood ties (despite the appearances) - more like 'city' people.

As for racial appearance in contrast to Race - well, lets have a look at these two sisters who come from the same (black) parents. Genetically they are both in tune, though as you can see, one of the 'blacks' have come out looking Red.
So never judge a book by its cover in this day and age where all the bloods are mixing as well as trying to stay pure.
My understanding is that this claim of the twins having come from the same genetic background is more tenuous than the much higher probability of them them having different fathers. I guess if I was the mother I would be claiming that its a miracle from God too,  DNA testing would show paternity . Until then, knowing human beings  I will believe in the much more plausible explanation.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:25pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:11pm:
You watch your football match, Grappler, and don't let that stop you coming back and making up something else Pascoe didn't say.

Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland.

The High Court recommended legislation because of its precedent: the voiding of terra nullius. The court found pre-existing forms of ownership Australia-wide, where the High Court has jurisdiction. It found that blackfellas had forms of land ownership that we today call title.

It's up to local groups to prove this under native title legislation. That's if they're not the lazy types who have a lease or a deed to a terrace house in Abercrombie Street.

That's why we now have end runs around legislation by dopey government bodies making regulations such as that unused national park can be handed to the Kaffir and such... that Ayers Rock can be closed to climbing for self-repair of damage reasons but the Kaffir will hold it in trust for us... and why we still have an endless series of claims after claims without any stop, new ones every year, and no sunset clause in sight.

If you doubt governments are not using toady words - go read some of their sites the discuss pre-settlement Aboriginal stuff - no idea in reality, but gee they make it sound sweet and they all make out that civilisation has harmed the Kaffir.

I make nothing up, boy-o - get out your Pascoe Bible and read it....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:32pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:08pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:52pm:
They paid a thing called rent, dear. Some even owned their land under a thing called Torrens Title - that's where you have a thing called a deed.

Still, we've come a way since your Redfern sacred site claim.

The reason Koons were in Redfern had nothing to do with the Rainbow Serpent, it had to do with a thing called factory work.

But we know how this goes, right? You then say so why didn't they get off their arses and get better jobs? Then I point to the Koon lawyers or politicians, then you say it's all affirmative action, and I point out that we don't have that in Australia and the first Koon in parliament was a Lib, not a leftard, and you say they're all dumb and poor and drunk and I say what's wrong with that, and you pretend you're all smart and rich and sober, but have nothing left to say other than we don't want them here.

Look at all the time I've just saved you, dear. You can now go and complain about someone else.

So you agree on rent paid and legal title ownership as opposed to claiming the joint at any time?  That took some time...

At least it beats getting the gu-ment to declar 'im a secred site, eh?

Did Valkie say anything about sacred sites, real or imagined??

He most certainly did not. That was you, dear, talking about Redfun Koons and their continuous unbroken residence and their Pascoe dreamland.

Matty cleverly retorted that Redfun Koons are actually white and you need eight pints of their blood to find one of their DNAs.

You know, he took the scientific angle.

Actually, the whole point of Redfern is that it has no traditional Aboriginal connections at all. Aborigines went there to meet Aborigines from all over NSW and Australia.

Most of them had been displaced from their parents and families through adoption, institutions and missions. They didn't know who their people or connections were.

Now before you shriek victim, imagine what it's like, not just to be poor and black, but have no family, no parents, no roots at all.

That's why Redfern was important. The only Rainbow Serpent there is the mural at the train station.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:47pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:25pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:11pm:
You watch your football match, Grappler, and don't let that stop you coming back and making up something else Pascoe didn't say.

Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland.

The High Court recommended legislation because of its precedent: the voiding of terra nullius. The court found pre-existing forms of ownership Australia-wide, where the High Court has jurisdiction. It found that blackfellas had forms of land ownership that we today call title.

It's up to local groups to prove this under native title legislation. That's if they're not the lazy types who have a lease or a deed to a terrace house in Abercrombie Street.

That's why we now have end runs around legislation by dopey government bodies making regulations such as that unused national park can be handed to the Kaffir and such... that Ayers Rock can be closed to climbing for self-repair of damage reasons but the Kaffir will hold it in trust for us... and why we still have an endless series of claims after claims without any stop, new ones every year, and no sunset clause in sight.

If you doubt governments are not using toady words - go read some of their sites the discuss pre-settlement Aboriginal stuff - no idea in reality, but gee they make it sound sweet and they all make out that civilisation has harmed the Kaffir.

I make nothing up, boy-o - get out your Pascoe Bible and read it....

You most certainly do, dear. You talk through your arse.

Uluru was given back to its people under Northern Territory Land Rights law, in 1985, well before Mabo and native title.

Native Title is a heavily diluted form of land use, not ownership. All you get is mixed use and access.

The Anangu people own Uluru as an organisation. They have been kind enough to let the tourists walk all over it for the past thirty years.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 1st, 2021 at 8:52am
so, as I read it.

The real history of Aboriginal australians is this.

70,000 years......invented the stick.

Invaded by a couple of boatloads of seasick malnourished Englishmen.

Spent the next 150 years sitting on their collective arses

Spent the next 50 years begging for scraps

Will spend the next 200 years begging .......oh yes.....and begging.

What a wonderful history.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 11:41am

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 8:52am:
so, as I read it.

The real history of Aboriginal australians is this.

70,000 years......invented the stick.

Invaded by a couple of boatloads of seasick malnourished Englishmen.

Spent the next 150 years sitting on their collective arses

Spent the next 50 years begging for scraps

Will spend the next 200 years begging .......oh yes.....and begging.

What a wonderful history.

Ah, So that's why you started this thread.

You didn't really want to discuss Pascoe's book at all, now did you?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 1st, 2021 at 11:44am

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:29pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 12:26pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 11:29am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:34am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 1:02am:
Well - he did say, for one, that they had an organised nationwide government and that this created an environment of law and prosperity and constituted a national body, so that any possession was false...

Blew the froth off my beer when I read that one... you don't think he's been on the dope for a lifetime or is just pure borderline, do you?

This has not a single iota to do with any 'respect' - respect is given where it is earned....  I've known some Aboriginal Elders who I consider worthy of respect - some have been through the prison system, others through the abuse, early motherhood/single motherhood etc -and their primary concern is the guidance of their young folk on the correct paths.

‘In the Uluru Statement the Aboriginal delegates declared that the 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander tribes were the first sovereign nations of the Australian continent' and they ‘possessed it under our own laws and customs'.

More to the point it had 'never been ceded or extinguished and co-exists with the sovereignty of the Crown'.

A clear statement of demand for Apartheid...

"As the facts presented themselves at the time, there appeared to be no political society to be dealt with; and in such conditions whatever 'rudiments of a regular government' subsequent research may have revealed among the Australian tribes, Occupation was the appropriate method of acquisition."

British House of Commons, 1837.

So - if Pascoe's rather shallowly researched and carefully cherry-picked research is so small and meaningless - why then has be become a cause celebre` for the raging wokers, why is his 'research' so widely accepted without question by many, why are those who offer alternative research lambasted as racists, why is it so important that it must be nationally broadcast, and why and how does that warrant his receiving a professorship in Aboriginal Agriculture - which did not exist in any meaningful form?  (FFS)...

You sound so bored with this, dear.

And why did the High Court recognise property rights pre-existing white settlement?

Rule of Law, is it?

Miam miam.

I am totally bored with this Pascoe nonsense... none of it has any merit whatsoever the High Court was probably drunk at the time and it wasn't unlimited right to own all of Australia though some seem to imagine it is...

Proven long term connection to a piece of land that nobody else owned .... the rest is outright theft by governments of national and state owned property held on behalf of ALL citizens.

Generally that kind of thing is called appeasement - and all it has done so far is raise the level of anger and violence within the Abo community, and has driven them to start demanding with menaces, insults, and name-calling, as if they have some right to everything.

Miam, mam.... tsk, tsk...

No no, that's legislation. The High Court ruled in favour of a chap called Eddie Mabo.

I'm asking you what they found about pre-European property rights.

You don't have to say. You're probably bored again.

You do struggle on without addressing the issues raised - only under certain conditions..

Any answers to those questions I raised? 

Eddie Mabo's clan had a continuous unbroken residence on their land - does that mean the Redfun Koons can claim Redfun etc?  Where's their parcel of land?

And the Mabo claim clearly proves there was no 'Aboriginal Nation' across Australia, as Pascoe asserted, but that they were all small groups separate from one another.

As I said - and you tried to get around - if that land was ceded to some mythical Aboriginal Nation, it would belong to all, no?

It Doesn't!  So that's one pillar of Pascoe Dreamland demolished for ya... do you have an answer?

Redfern Koons purchased their land through the Aboriginal Housing Trust. The Redfern Koons have since been sent to Campbelltown to make way for property developers.

Back to where they came from, no?

Where did Pascoe claim one nation for Aborigines? We'll need a reference for this one, dear.

Sorry to bore you.

And who funded that Trust?  ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 1st, 2021 at 11:50am

Jasin wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 3:54pm:
Anyone (of the 8 Races) can be 'Aboriginal', even if some pure-blood Aboriginals reject half-castes.

Anyone can be British: Black, Red, White, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Yellow. It's all about 'professional patriotism'.

So I too, can be Aboriginal, even though I have no 'blood' line to the race. But I have every right to belong to the 'culture' of Aboriginal if I deem myself dedicated to the cause. Many cultures considered the late great Mythologist Joseph Campbell (Canadian) as one of their own based  upon his cultural knowledge of their states of being.

So what are we talking about here?
So-called mixed race people claiming to be Aboriginal, but yet 'culturally' being 'Political' like some Brit or Yank? Rather than being more attuned to the orthodox culture of aboriginalism and working on the land like a Farmer, Ranger, Environmentalist, etc?

So I wouldn't really call the Redfern Mob aboriginal beyond some blood ties (despite the appearances) - more like 'city' people.

As for racial appearance in contrast to Race - well, lets have a look at these two sisters who come from the same (black) parents. Genetically they are both in tune, though as you can see, one of the 'blacks' have come out looking Red.
So never judge a book by its cover in this day and age where all the bloods are mixing as well as trying to stay pure.

That's at least 4 times you've posted that pic.

A rare genetic mutation ... doesn't happen often & is unrelated to racial inter-marriage & the dilution of one side by further marriage to one particular race .... until they all look say Caucasian .... it can happen the other way.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 1st, 2021 at 11:55am

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Valkie wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 5:59pm:

Redfern Koons purchased their land through the Aboriginal Housing Trust. The Redfern Koons have since been sent to Campbelltown to make way for property developers. 

Ahhhh, you mean the taxes we paid was being used to by land for them.

Rather than them actually working and buying the land like every other Australian.

Not one of them got off their arses and did a single thing ill bet......just held out their hands and begged like the parasites they always have been and always will be.

Bet they got it cheap too, with lots of extras.

But... they are just so hard done by, aren't they?

They paid a thing called rent, dear. Some even owned their land under a thing called Torrens Title - that's where you have a thing called a deed.

Still, we've come a way since your Redfern sacred site claim.

The reason Koons were in Redfern had nothing to do with the Rainbow Serpent, it had to do with a thing called factory work.

But we know how this goes, right? You then say so why didn't they get off their arses and get better jobs? Then I point to the Koon lawyers or politicians, then you say it's all affirmative action, and I point out that we don't have that in Australia and the first Koon in parliament was a Lib, not a leftard, and you say they're all dumb and poor and drunk and I say what's wrong with that, and you pretend you're all smart and rich and sober, but have nothing left to say other than we don't want them here.

Look at all the time I've just saved you, dear. You can now go and complain about someone else.

Some paid rent .... & who paid when others couldn't pay?

The very same Trust with the funds from the very same taxpayers.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 1st, 2021 at 12:25pm

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:47pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:25pm:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 9:11pm:
You watch your football match, Grappler, and don't let that stop you coming back and making up something else Pascoe didn't say.

Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland.

The High Court recommended legislation because of its precedent: the voiding of terra nullius. The court found pre-existing forms of ownership Australia-wide, where the High Court has jurisdiction. It found that blackfellas had forms of land ownership that we today call title.

It's up to local groups to prove this under native title legislation. That's if they're not the lazy types who have a lease or a deed to a terrace house in Abercrombie Street.

That's why we now have end runs around legislation by dopey government bodies making regulations such as that unused national park can be handed to the Kaffir and such... that Ayers Rock can be closed to climbing for self-repair of damage reasons but the Kaffir will hold it in trust for us... and why we still have an endless series of claims after claims without any stop, new ones every year, and no sunset clause in sight.

If you doubt governments are not using toady words - go read some of their sites the discuss pre-settlement Aboriginal stuff - no idea in reality, but gee they make it sound sweet and they all make out that civilisation has harmed the Kaffir.

I make nothing up, boy-o - get out your Pascoe Bible and read it....

You most certainly do, dear. You talk through your arse.

Uluru was given back to its people under Northern Territory Land Rights law, in 1985, well before Mabo and native title.

Native Title is a heavily diluted form of land use, not ownership. All you get is mixed use and access.

The Anangu people own Uluru as an organisation. They have been kind enough to let the tourists walk all over it for the past thirty years.

Well, buck-o - that's where you see the point of departure - a government acting without proper constraint and not in the interests of all... not an acceptable form of government.  A National Park and icon is just that - NATIONAL.

You mistake the voting on a subject without full consent of the people and without full information from all relevant parties makes it law.. sorry - that's why we are in such deep trouble in this country as we speak.

So - if your noble owners of Ayers Rock owned it - why did it take a government to impose from without to close down climbing, and not on reasons of 'ownership' at all?  If the noble Anangu owned it they could close it down any time, no?  Since it took the government, they didn't own it, did they? The government did and controlled it on their behalf.

Great way to live.

Utter crap ...

Now then - about that Mabo thing... continuous occupation of land under squatter's rights..... hardly an earth-shacking event and nothing whatsoever to do with this nonsense of 'Aboriginal land - always has been - always will be'.. meaning a demand for ownership and control over the lot... or at least to be paid their dimi for use of it regardless of how much of Whartey's stuff they us daily ....

Like everyone else - they can't have it both ways.

I notice you veered away from that one...... now stop dragging your arguments out of your arse...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 1st, 2021 at 12:32pm
"Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland. "

Notice the contradiction in your own argument there?

Why then is there a continuous avalanche of claims and Mabo is cited endlessly as justification for them?  Not to mention sneaky deals done by governments to hand over the prime pieces to the loudest voiced lots... without recourse to the people those government serve.

Reading 'official' blurbs about past Aboriginal history pre-1788, put out by various governments with zero ability to actually verify their statements -  these are filled with fabulous ideas of some mythical past, 'genocide' and all the other smarmy stuff - which has been refuted time and again, but has been repeated so many times now and force fed into the 'education' system, that it has become gospel.

Now you cling to your Paskoran there, read it daily - it has in it everything you need to know, so, abide by its words, and heretics and infidels must be extirpated from the land, no?

While White Australia sleeps on, your kind are launching a civil war... this picture is rather telling, no?

It's Sailors Grave Dark Emu Beer.....
sailors-grave-dark-emu-dark-lager-355ml.jpg (47 KB | 7 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 12:33pm

Gnads wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 11:55am:

Karnal wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Valkie wrote on Apr 30th, 2021 at 5:59pm:

Redfern Koons purchased their land through the Aboriginal Housing Trust. The Redfern Koons have since been sent to Campbelltown to make way for property developers. 

Ahhhh, you mean the taxes we paid was being used to by land for them.

Rather than them actually working and buying the land like every other Australian.

Not one of them got off their arses and did a single thing ill bet......just held out their hands and begged like the parasites they always have been and always will be.

Bet they got it cheap too, with lots of extras.

But... they are just so hard done by, aren't they?

They paid a thing called rent, dear. Some even owned their land under a thing called Torrens Title - that's where you have a thing called a deed.

Still, we've come a way since your Redfern sacred site claim.

The reason Koons were in Redfern had nothing to do with the Rainbow Serpent, it had to do with a thing called factory work.

But we know how this goes, right? You then say so why didn't they get off their arses and get better jobs? Then I point to the Koon lawyers or politicians, then you say it's all affirmative action, and I point out that we don't have that in Australia and the first Koon in parliament was a Lib, not a leftard, and you say they're all dumb and poor and drunk and I say what's wrong with that, and you pretend you're all smart and rich and sober, but have nothing left to say other than we don't want them here.

Look at all the time I've just saved you, dear. You can now go and complain about someone else.

Some paid rent .... & who paid when others couldn't pay?

The very same Trust with the funds from the very same taxpayers.

Hard to say, Gonads. You can have a look and report back.

Paying the rent

You can pay your rent:

*through the Rent Deduction Scheme
*at Australia Post
*at a Service NSW Centre
*by direct debit from your bank account.

How can we sleep when our beds are burning, no?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 1st, 2021 at 12:48pm
Let's just accept that the author of Dark Emu is a wondering soul, and that his books reflect that.

Continuous occupation doesn't mean camping around Ayers Rock - plenty of people have done that... now the tourist industry there is dying - who wants to sit and hear fireside stories several kilometres away when they cam to get a good look at Our National Icon?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 1st, 2021 at 12:51pm
The sad thing.

Like an alcoholic, before you can progress, you have to acknowledge you have a problem.

Building up a false history of our Aboriginals makes them feel that they are going backward, instead of moving forward.
No Aborigine believes that their tribe ever harvested food, lived in metropolises, or were more advanced than hunter gatherers.

This makes them feel like they were backward, compared to other aborigines.

When people feel shame or disrespect for their forefathers, they become disenchanted, disenfranchised and despondent.
They just don't care.

This is what we are seeing, they don't care, THEY HAVE LOST THEIR SELF AND PRIDE.

Get rid of the lies.
Show them that they were survivors in a harsh land and that its time to move forward.

Continually acquiescing to their demands, putting them on a false pedestal and treating them differently is not going to help them move into the 22nd Century.

Like children given too much, pampered and spoiled, they never grow to what they may be, but live to be parasites.

We need to stop the lies, tell it like it really was and is.

Cut all the pampering and excess.

Sure, be proud of your heritage, but don't use it as a crutch.

I know Aborigines who are engineers, mechanics and lecturers.
They are successful and all are full blood.

The ones that appear to be the laziest, most worthless and greedy are the white abbos.
These need to be reigned in, brought into the real world and made to contribute or starve.

One rule for all cultures, races, cults and religions.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:32pm:
"Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland. "

Notice the contradiction in your own argument there?

Why then is there a continuous avalanche of claims and Mabo is cited endlessly as justification for them?  Not to mention sneaky deals done by governments to hand over the prime pieces to the loudest voiced lots... without recourse to the people those government serve.

Reading 'official' blurbs about past Aboriginal history pre-1788, put out by various governments with zero ability to actually verify their statements -  these are filled with fabulous ideas of some mythical past, 'genocide' and all the other smarmy stuff - which has been refuted time and again, but has been repeated so many times now and force fed into the 'education' system, that it has become gospel.

Now you cling to your Paskoran there, read it daily - it has in it everything you need to know, so, abide by its words, and heretics and infidels must be extirpated from the land, no?

While White Australia sleeps on, your kind are launching a civil war...

My kind?

No, dear. The loudest voiced lots come from the mining sector, as every schoolboy knows.

You keep saying things are refuted, but I'm yet to read anyone here refuting anything in Bruce Pascoe's book.

Oh, Pascoe's blood type, his tenure, and any old thing about Boongs in general - dole bludgers, drunks, attract the flies, etc, etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

Now why do you think that is?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 1st, 2021 at 12:55pm

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:32pm:
"Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland. "

Notice the contradiction in your own argument there?

Why then is there a continuous avalanche of claims and Mabo is cited endlessly as justification for them?  Not to mention sneaky deals done by governments to hand over the prime pieces to the loudest voiced lots... without recourse to the people those government serve.

Reading 'official' blurbs about past Aboriginal history pre-1788, put out by various governments with zero ability to actually verify their statements -  these are filled with fabulous ideas of some mythical past, 'genocide' and all the other smarmy stuff - which has been refuted time and again, but has been repeated so many times now and force fed into the 'education' system, that it has become gospel.

Now you cling to your Paskoran there, read it daily - it has in it everything you need to know, so, abide by its words, and heretics and infidels must be extirpated from the land, no?

While White Australia sleeps on, your kind are launching a civil war...

My kind?

No, dear. The loudest voiced lots come from the mining sector, as every schoolboy knows.

You keep saying things are refuted, but I'm yet to read anyone here refuting anything in Bruce Pascoe's book.

Oh, Pascoe's blood type, his tenure, and any old thing about Boongs in general - dole bludgers, drunks, attract the flies, etc, etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

Now why do you think that is?


Go look at the website Dark Emu Exposed and see how it fall to pieces under scientific scrutiny.

Or are many legitimate and educated scientists and scholars less informed that a self made liar?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 12:59pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:48pm:
Let's just accept that the author of Dark Emu is a wondering soul, and that his books reflect that.

Continuous occupation doesn't mean camping around Ayers Rock - plenty of people have done that... now the tourist industry there is dying - who wants to sit and hear fireside stories several kilometres away when they cam to get a good look at Our National Icon?

Bolt asks this:

Why on earth are so many journalists on the ABC still defending Pascoe and not asking the most basic questions about his wildly improbable claims?

I agree. What are Pascoe's wildly impossible claims?

Bolt hasn't said. You?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 1st, 2021 at 1:01pm

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm:
etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

You need to pay more attention

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 1:04pm

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:55pm:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:32pm:
"Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland. "

Notice the contradiction in your own argument there?

Why then is there a continuous avalanche of claims and Mabo is cited endlessly as justification for them?  Not to mention sneaky deals done by governments to hand over the prime pieces to the loudest voiced lots... without recourse to the people those government serve.

Reading 'official' blurbs about past Aboriginal history pre-1788, put out by various governments with zero ability to actually verify their statements -  these are filled with fabulous ideas of some mythical past, 'genocide' and all the other smarmy stuff - which has been refuted time and again, but has been repeated so many times now and force fed into the 'education' system, that it has become gospel.

Now you cling to your Paskoran there, read it daily - it has in it everything you need to know, so, abide by its words, and heretics and infidels must be extirpated from the land, no?

While White Australia sleeps on, your kind are launching a civil war...

My kind?

No, dear. The loudest voiced lots come from the mining sector, as every schoolboy knows.

You keep saying things are refuted, but I'm yet to read anyone here refuting anything in Bruce Pascoe's book.

Oh, Pascoe's blood type, his tenure, and any old thing about Boongs in general - dole bludgers, drunks, attract the flies, etc, etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

Now why do you think that is?


Go look at the website Dark Emu Exposed and see how it fall to pieces under scientific scrutiny.

Or are many legitimate and educated scientists and scholars less informed that a self made liar?

Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 1:06pm

rhino wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 1:01pm:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm:
etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

You need to pay more attention

Thanks, Rhino. What, exactly, are you drawing my attention to, dear?

The fact that articles have been written on Dark Emu?

Thanks for that.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 1st, 2021 at 1:08pm
There has been a great deal written about star wars too.......was that history, fact or fiction?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 1:21pm

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 1:08pm:
There has been a great deal written about star wars too.......was that history, fact or fiction?

Sorry, I'm not virtue signalling that, you need to say something about Dark Emu.

Why don't you have a squiz at Rhino's article and pick something out of that?

It's all there for you. It couldn't be any easier.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 1st, 2021 at 1:35pm

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 1:06pm:

rhino wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 1:01pm:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm:
etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

You need to pay more attention

Thanks, Rhino. What, exactly, are you drawing my attention to, dear?

The fact that articles have been written on Dark Emu?

Thanks for that.

The article contains extensive rebuttal of Pascoes claims which you claim no one has posted, if you cant be bothered reading then why are you in this thread arguing?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 1st, 2021 at 1:39pm
Amazing what the dream-state induced by repetition and endless rhythmic rendition can do to the human psyche... under the influence of such things the mind begins to feel that it is absorbing some great and universal truth....

bomp...bomp...bomp... bomp.... how can we sleep when the earth is turning..... bomp.. bomp.. bomp.. bomp.. how can we sleep when our beds  are burning.......bomp... bomp....bomp... bomp...

.. with an admixture of the locally grown fanaticseed distillation.. such a reaction becomes overwhelming to the mind and overbears all rational thought while expanding itself to incor0orate that universal truth somehow inherent in the beat and the repetition...

bomp...bomp...bomp... bomp.... how can we sleep when the earth is turning..... bomp.. bomp.. bomp.. bomp.. how can we sleep when our beds  are burning.......bomp... bomp....bomp... bomp...

.. the true addict eventually can no longer distinguish between rational fact and the universal truth revealed in the primal thumping and droning..... and is doomed to a lifetime of navel gazing and self-censure.... bomp.... how can we sleep when the earth is turning..... bomp.. bomp.. bomp.. bomp.. how can we sleep when our bed  are burning.......bomp... bomp....bomp... bomp...

Personally I find it difficult not to sleep while the earth is turning.... and my bed hardly burns... I'm a cleanskin when it comes to oppressing arseholes, so have no bad dreams about it... no axe to grind, and no new truth about my own privileges and behaviour to discuss.... sure like to see my share of that privilege though....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 1st, 2021 at 5:13pm

  Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?   

There is no point.

I have read about 1/3 of Dark emu and had a good old laugh at the absurdity of his claims.
I could not read the rest of this trash as it was so poorly written and founded in hearsay and lies.

He presents fantasy (without verifiable evidence) and calls it fact.

He has done ZERO research of his own, never been to even 1 archaeological site and has not one shred of physical evidence to back up his ludicrous claims.

In short, Pascoe is a liar and an opportunist, playing on the woke stupidity ruining our country at the moment.


Because it has set him up nicely, thank you, and he will never have to ever do a real days work in his life.

If I presented a plethora of evidence to you, you would dismiss it out of hand.
Because you chose to believe this charlatan and anything said against his stupidity you will class as RACISM.

None is so blind as he who will not see.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 1st, 2021 at 6:13pm

Matty has never read a book, he has never entered a school, he has never been to University.  He is a troll of the lowest order.  He lives under his bridge and he comes out to utter his absurdities whenever he feels that the spotlight of attention has not been centred squarely on him.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 1st, 2021 at 6:51pm
"In his book, Dark Emu, Professor Pascoe tells us that,

‘Aboriginal people did construct a pan-continental government that generated peace and prosperity’."

Pray read your Paskoran and find that all is Written, and all that is Written is immaculate and immortal, and only a heretic or Infidel would say nay.... thus speaketh the Word...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 1st, 2021 at 7:03pm
Frankly, the more I read about the Prophet Pascoe the more disillusioned I become with anything he claims.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 1st, 2021 at 8:07pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 6:13pm:

Matty has never read a book, he has never entered a school, he has never been to University.  He is a troll of the lowest order.  He lives under his bridge and he comes out to utter his absurdities whenever he feels that the spotlight of attention has not been centred squarely on him.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Appears that bwyannnmnnn and Karnak are of the same twisted mind.

Who is this Matty fellow?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 10:38pm

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 5:13pm:

  Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?   

There is no point.

I have read about 1/3 of Dark emu and had a good old laugh at the absurdity of his claims.
I could not read the rest of this trash as it was so poorly written and founded in hearsay and lies.

He presents fantasy (without verifiable evidence) and calls it fact.

He has done ZERO research of his own, never been to even 1 archaeological site and has not one shred of physical evidence to back up his ludicrous claims.

In short, Pascoe is a liar and an opportunist, playing on the woke stupidity ruining our country at the moment.


Because it has set him up nicely, thank you, and he will never have to ever do a real days work in his life.

If I presented a plethora of evidence to you, you would dismiss it out of hand.
Because you chose to believe this charlatan and anything said against his stupidity you will class as RACISM.

None is so blind as he who will not see.

How could anyone read a third of a book and have nothing to say?

Impossible. Not even you could do that. You?

Yes, Matty, you.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 10:40pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 6:13pm:

Matty has never read a book, he has never entered a school, he has never been to University.  He is a troll of the lowest order.  He lives under his bridge and he comes out to utter his absurdities whenever he feels that the spotlight of attention has not been centred squarely on him.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Oh, he knows that. He even trolls you over his old name, the poor thing.

Tsk tsk tsk, no?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 10:42pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 6:51pm:
"In his book, Dark Emu, Professor Pascoe tells us that,

‘Aboriginal people did construct a pan-continental government that generated peace and prosperity’."

Pray read your Paskoran and find that all is Written, and all that is Written is immaculate and immortal, and only a heretic or Infidel would say nay.... thus speaketh the Word...

Well, how many Boongs went around shooting up mosques?

Can you think of any?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 1st, 2021 at 10:42pm

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 10:38pm:

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 5:13pm:

  Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?   

There is no point.

I have read about 1/3 of Dark emu and had a good old laugh at the absurdity of his claims.
I could not read the rest of this trash as it was so poorly written and founded in hearsay and lies.

He presents fantasy (without verifiable evidence) and calls it fact.

He has done ZERO research of his own, never been to even 1 archaeological site and has not one shred of physical evidence to back up his ludicrous claims.

In short, Pascoe is a liar and an opportunist, playing on the woke stupidity ruining our country at the moment.


Because it has set him up nicely, thank you, and he will never have to ever do a real days work in his life.

If I presented a plethora of evidence to you, you would dismiss it out of hand.
Because you chose to believe this charlatan and anything said against his stupidity you will class as RACISM.

None is so blind as he who will not see.

How could anyone read a third of a book and have nothing to say?

Impossible. Not even you could do that. You?

Yes, Matty, you.

You havent come across any political memoirs then?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 1st, 2021 at 10:45pm

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 10:38pm:

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 5:13pm:

  Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?   

There is no point.

I have read about 1/3 of Dark emu and had a good old laugh at the absurdity of his claims.
I could not read the rest of this trash as it was so poorly written and founded in hearsay and lies.

He presents fantasy (without verifiable evidence) and calls it fact.

He has done ZERO research of his own, never been to even 1 archaeological site and has not one shred of physical evidence to back up his ludicrous claims.

In short, Pascoe is a liar and an opportunist, playing on the woke stupidity ruining our country at the moment.


Because it has set him up nicely, thank you, and he will never have to ever do a real days work in his life.

If I presented a plethora of evidence to you, you would dismiss it out of hand.
Because you chose to believe this charlatan and anything said against his stupidity you will class as RACISM.

None is so blind as he who will not see.

How could anyone read a third of a book and have nothing to say?

Impossible. Not even you could do that. You?

Yes, Matty, you.

You havent come across any political memoirs then?

Or take Bbwian. He says he's read many books yet he never has anything more to say that a good old tut that and eyerolling. And he is trained in history and bought a doctorate online.

What are you trained in, wee buftie? Have you read anything?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 1st, 2021 at 10:46pm

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 10:38pm:

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 5:13pm:

  Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?   

There is no point.

I have read about 1/3 of Dark emu and had a good old laugh at the absurdity of his claims.
I could not read the rest of this trash as it was so poorly written and founded in hearsay and lies.

He presents fantasy (without verifiable evidence) and calls it fact.

He has done ZERO research of his own, never been to even 1 archaeological site and has not one shred of physical evidence to back up his ludicrous claims.

In short, Pascoe is a liar and an opportunist, playing on the woke stupidity ruining our country at the moment.


Because it has set him up nicely, thank you, and he will never have to ever do a real days work in his life.

If I presented a plethora of evidence to you, you would dismiss it out of hand.
Because you chose to believe this charlatan and anything said against his stupidity you will class as RACISM.

None is so blind as he who will not see.

How could anyone read a third of a book and have nothing to say?

Impossible. Not even you could do that. You?

Yes, Matty, you.

You havent come across any political memoirs then?

Or take Bbwian. He says he's read many books yet he never has anything more to say that a good old tut that and eyerolling. And he is trained in history and bought a doctorate online.

What are you trained in, wee buftie? Have you read anything?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 1st, 2021 at 11:32pm

Frank wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 10:45pm:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 10:38pm:

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 5:13pm:

  Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?   

There is no point.

I have read about 1/3 of Dark emu and had a good old laugh at the absurdity of his claims.
I could not read the rest of this trash as it was so poorly written and founded in hearsay and lies.

He presents fantasy (without verifiable evidence) and calls it fact.

He has done ZERO research of his own, never been to even 1 archaeological site and has not one shred of physical evidence to back up his ludicrous claims.

In short, Pascoe is a liar and an opportunist, playing on the woke stupidity ruining our country at the moment.


Because it has set him up nicely, thank you, and he will never have to ever do a real days work in his life.

If I presented a plethora of evidence to you, you would dismiss it out of hand.
Because you chose to believe this charlatan and anything said against his stupidity you will class as RACISM.

None is so blind as he who will not see.

How could anyone read a third of a book and have nothing to say?

Impossible. Not even you could do that. You?

Yes, Matty, you.

You havent come across any political memoirs then?

Or take Bbwian. He says he's read many books yet he never has anything more to say that a good old tut that and eyerolling. And he is trained in history and bought a doctorate online.

What are you trained in, wee buftie? Have you read anything?

Oh, I've read you. Lacan on Man's Stool, innit.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 2nd, 2021 at 12:50am

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 10:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 6:51pm:
"In his book, Dark Emu, Professor Pascoe tells us that,

‘Aboriginal people did construct a pan-continental government that generated peace and prosperity’."

Pray read your Paskoran and find that all is Written, and all that is Written is immaculate and immortal, and only a heretic or Infidel would say nay.... thus speaketh the Word...

Well, how many Boongs went around shooting up mosques?

Can you think of any?

Diversion of The Year Golden Oscar right there.... that you, Peccary?  Has the hallmark of one who identifies as a NZ South Island woman with a penchant for holding the Christchurch Massacre against all and using it as a lever to somehow implicate anyone who objects to Isl mist estremism...

Get some sleep...

How many White Australians went around shooting up mosques?  There's your question....

Then - How many Islamists go around daily shooting up mosques, blowing up market places, killing their own, shooting girls and women in the head for getting an education?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 2nd, 2021 at 1:45am
I don't know, dear, I asked for the Boongs.

You can.provide the sum total, the national average, the mean or the murders per 1000.

Over to you.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 2nd, 2021 at 2:03pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 12:50am:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 10:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 6:51pm:
"In his book, Dark Emu, Professor Pascoe tells us that,

‘Aboriginal people did construct a pan-continental government that generated peace and prosperity’."

Pray read your Paskoran and find that all is Written, and all that is Written is immaculate and immortal, and only a heretic or Infidel would say nay.... thus speaketh the Word...

Well, how many Boongs went around shooting up mosques?

Can you think of any?

Diversion of The Year Golden Oscar right there.... that you, Peccary?  Has the hallmark of one who identifies as a NZ South Island woman with a penchant for holding the Christchurch Massacre against all and using it as a lever to somehow implicate anyone who objects to Isl mist estremism...

Get some sleep...

How many White Australians went around shooting up mosques?  There's your question....

Then - How many Islamists go around daily shooting up mosques, blowing up market places, killing their own, shooting girls and women in the head for getting an education?

One white Australian shot up two Mosques in Christchurch in New Zealand.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 2nd, 2021 at 6:54pm

Karnal wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 1:45am:
I don't know, dear, I asked for the Boongs.

You can.provide the sum total, the national average, the mean or the murders per 1000.

Over to you.

I notice on one of those Dark Emu refuted things that the calculated Aboriginal death rate from violence per capita was far higher than war-torn Europe... just a little feuding between friendly clans, eh? The odd full tribe massacre and such from marauding tribes, you know, in a peaceful and governed by national law agrarian society that loved its bread and fish and a fine bit of kum-bai-yah* around the old fire...

Still goes on to this day.. primitive solution to any perceived problem... is no Aborigine - is no problem, eh?  Woman give you problem - is no woman - is no problem!

[url]*From the Afrikaans 'Kum By 'Ere' und we haff a big barty, eh?[/url]

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 2nd, 2021 at 6:58pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 2:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 12:50am:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 10:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 6:51pm:
"In his book, Dark Emu, Professor Pascoe tells us that,

‘Aboriginal people did construct a pan-continental government that generated peace and prosperity’."

Pray read your Paskoran and find that all is Written, and all that is Written is immaculate and immortal, and only a heretic or Infidel would say nay.... thus speaketh the Word...

Well, how many Boongs went around shooting up mosques?

Can you think of any?

Diversion of The Year Golden Oscar right there.... that you, Peccary?  Has the hallmark of one who identifies as a NZ South Island woman with a penchant for holding the Christchurch Massacre against all and using it as a lever to somehow implicate anyone who objects to Isl mist estremism...

Get some sleep...

How many White Australians went around shooting up mosques?  There's your question....

Then - How many Islamists go around daily shooting up mosques, blowing up market places, killing their own, shooting girls and women in the head for getting an education?

One white Australian shot up two Mosques in Christchurch in New Zealand.  Tsk, tsk.   ::) ::)

... and ten thousand Kamel Kaffirs shot up mosques, blew up market-places, murdered tourists by beheading, shot schoolgirls in the head, skinned captured prisoners or beheaded them, wage endless wars on one another resulting in countless deaths, and killed innocents by the thousands.... tsk, tsk....

Now then - the calculated per capita rate of death by violence in the Aboriginal community in the 1800's was far higher then war-torn Europe... peace and brotherhood to all... put two Kaffir from different tribes in a room together and within ten minutes one will emerge victorious...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 3rd, 2021 at 1:29am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 6:54pm:

Karnal wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 1:45am:
I don't know, dear, I asked for the Boongs.

You can.provide the sum total, the national average, the mean or the murders per 1000.

Over to you.

I notice on one of those Dark Emu refuted things that the calculated Aboriginal death rate from violence per capita was far higher than war-torn Europe... just a little feuding between friendly clans, eh? The odd full tribe massacre and such from marauding tribes, you know, in a peaceful and governed by national law agrarian society that loved its bread and fish and a fine bit of kum-bai-yah* around the old fire...

Still goes on to this day.. primitive solution to any perceived problem... is no Aborigine - is no problem, eh?  Woman give you problem - is no woman - is no problem!

[url]*From the Afrikaans 'Kum By 'Ere' und we haff a big barty, eh?[/url]

Does that have anything to do with Bruce Pascoe?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 3rd, 2021 at 8:04am

Bruce Pascoe is a lying opportunist who is using lies and the stupidity of woke parasites  to fund his retirement.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 3rd, 2021 at 9:37am

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 1:04pm:

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:55pm:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:32pm:
"Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland. "

Notice the contradiction in your own argument there?

Why then is there a continuous avalanche of claims and Mabo is cited endlessly as justification for them?  Not to mention sneaky deals done by governments to hand over the prime pieces to the loudest voiced lots... without recourse to the people those government serve.

Reading 'official' blurbs about past Aboriginal history pre-1788, put out by various governments with zero ability to actually verify their statements -  these are filled with fabulous ideas of some mythical past, 'genocide' and all the other smarmy stuff - which has been refuted time and again, but has been repeated so many times now and force fed into the 'education' system, that it has become gospel.

Now you cling to your Paskoran there, read it daily - it has in it everything you need to know, so, abide by its words, and heretics and infidels must be extirpated from the land, no?

While White Australia sleeps on, your kind are launching a civil war...

My kind?

No, dear. The loudest voiced lots come from the mining sector, as every schoolboy knows.

You keep saying things are refuted, but I'm yet to read anyone here refuting anything in Bruce Pascoe's book.

Oh, Pascoe's blood type, his tenure, and any old thing about Boongs in general - dole bludgers, drunks, attract the flies, etc, etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

Now why do you think that is?


Go look at the website Dark Emu Exposed and see how it fall to pieces under scientific scrutiny.

Or are many legitimate and educated scientists and scholars less informed that a self made liar?

Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?

You must have been on a bender when Dark Emu was first discussed on here.

There were many links posted from the "Dark Emu Exposed" site.

Do try to keep up in future dear .....yes?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 3rd, 2021 at 10:04am

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 1:29am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 6:54pm:

Karnal wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 1:45am:
I don't know, dear, I asked for the Boongs.

You can.provide the sum total, the national average, the mean or the murders per 1000.

Over to you.

I notice on one of those Dark Emu refuted things that the calculated Aboriginal death rate from violence per capita was far higher than war-torn Europe... just a little feuding between friendly clans, eh? The odd full tribe massacre and such from marauding tribes, you know, in a peaceful and governed by national law agrarian society that loved its bread and fish and a fine bit of kum-bai-yah* around the old fire...

Still goes on to this day.. primitive solution to any perceived problem... is no Aborigine - is no problem, eh?  Woman give you problem - is no woman - is no problem!

[url]*From the Afrikaans 'Kum By 'Ere' und we haff a big barty, eh?[/url]

Does that have anything to do with Bruce Pascoe?

Everything to do with "A real history of Aboriginal Australians"... you  just keep dancing on that hotplate...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 3rd, 2021 at 12:27pm

Gnads wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 9:37am:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 1:04pm:

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:55pm:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:32pm:
"Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland. "

Notice the contradiction in your own argument there?

Why then is there a continuous avalanche of claims and Mabo is cited endlessly as justification for them?  Not to mention sneaky deals done by governments to hand over the prime pieces to the loudest voiced lots... without recourse to the people those government serve.

Reading 'official' blurbs about past Aboriginal history pre-1788, put out by various governments with zero ability to actually verify their statements -  these are filled with fabulous ideas of some mythical past, 'genocide' and all the other smarmy stuff - which has been refuted time and again, but has been repeated so many times now and force fed into the 'education' system, that it has become gospel.

Now you cling to your Paskoran there, read it daily - it has in it everything you need to know, so, abide by its words, and heretics and infidels must be extirpated from the land, no?

While White Australia sleeps on, your kind are launching a civil war...

My kind?

No, dear. The loudest voiced lots come from the mining sector, as every schoolboy knows.

You keep saying things are refuted, but I'm yet to read anyone here refuting anything in Bruce Pascoe's book.

Oh, Pascoe's blood type, his tenure, and any old thing about Boongs in general - dole bludgers, drunks, attract the flies, etc, etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

Now why do you think that is?


Go look at the website Dark Emu Exposed and see how it fall to pieces under scientific scrutiny.

Or are many legitimate and educated scientists and scholars less informed that a self made liar?

Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?

You must have been on a bender when Dark Emu was first discussed on here.

There were many links posted from the "Dark Emu Exposed" site.

Do try to keep up in future dear .....yes?


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 3rd, 2021 at 10:55pm

Valkie wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 8:04am:

Bruce Pascoe is a lying opportunist who is using lies and the stupidity of woke parasites  to fund his retirement.


What lies?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 3rd, 2021 at 10:56pm

Gnads wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 9:37am:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 1:04pm:

Valkie wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:55pm:

Karnal wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 1st, 2021 at 12:32pm:
"Mabo and Wik legislation was written to prevent the courts getting an avalanche of cases from different Aboriginal individuals and groups around the country. The legislation prevents anyone rocking up and making a claim. The High Court only dealt with Mabo versus Queensland. "

Notice the contradiction in your own argument there?

Why then is there a continuous avalanche of claims and Mabo is cited endlessly as justification for them?  Not to mention sneaky deals done by governments to hand over the prime pieces to the loudest voiced lots... without recourse to the people those government serve.

Reading 'official' blurbs about past Aboriginal history pre-1788, put out by various governments with zero ability to actually verify their statements -  these are filled with fabulous ideas of some mythical past, 'genocide' and all the other smarmy stuff - which has been refuted time and again, but has been repeated so many times now and force fed into the 'education' system, that it has become gospel.

Now you cling to your Paskoran there, read it daily - it has in it everything you need to know, so, abide by its words, and heretics and infidels must be extirpated from the land, no?

While White Australia sleeps on, your kind are launching a civil war...

My kind?

No, dear. The loudest voiced lots come from the mining sector, as every schoolboy knows.

You keep saying things are refuted, but I'm yet to read anyone here refuting anything in Bruce Pascoe's book.

Oh, Pascoe's blood type, his tenure, and any old thing about Boongs in general - dole bludgers, drunks, attract the flies, etc, etc, etc. But no one here has mentioned anything contained in Pascoe's book.

Now why do you think that is?


Go look at the website Dark Emu Exposed and see how it fall to pieces under scientific scrutiny.

Or are many legitimate and educated scientists and scholars less informed that a self made liar?

Hard to say, dear, You haven't posted them.

Now you go off, do your research, post it here and we can have a nice chat, yes?

Convince me. Make me say ah. I'll even virtue signal you as a reward, okay?

You must have been on a bender when Dark Emu was first discussed on here.

There were many links posted from the "Dark Emu Exposed" site.

Do try to keep up in future dear .....yes?

You haven't quoted any.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 10:04am:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 1:29am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 6:54pm:

Karnal wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 1:45am:
I don't know, dear, I asked for the Boongs.

You can.provide the sum total, the national average, the mean or the murders per 1000.

Over to you.

I notice on one of those Dark Emu refuted things that the calculated Aboriginal death rate from violence per capita was far higher than war-torn Europe... just a little feuding between friendly clans, eh? The odd full tribe massacre and such from marauding tribes, you know, in a peaceful and governed by national law agrarian society that loved its bread and fish and a fine bit of kum-bai-yah* around the old fire...

Still goes on to this day.. primitive solution to any perceived problem... is no Aborigine - is no problem, eh?  Woman give you problem - is no woman - is no problem!

[url]*From the Afrikaans 'Kum By 'Ere' und we haff a big barty, eh?[/url]

Does that have anything to do with Bruce Pascoe?

Everything to do with "A real history of Aboriginal Australians"... you  just keep dancing on that hotplate...

And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:07pm

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 10:55pm:

Valkie wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 8:04am:

Bruce Pascoe is a lying opportunist who is using lies and the stupidity of woke parasites  to fund his retirement.


What lies?

When you extend the meaning of agriculture to insects then everyone is an agriculturalist.

The word agriculture is a late Middle English adaptation of Latin agricultūra, from ager, "field", and cultūra, "cultivation" or "growing".[3] While agriculture usually refers to human activities, certain species of ant,[4][5] termite and beetle have been cultivating crops for up to 60 million years.[6]

Just define away primitive stone age and everyone above molluscs is a sophisticared agriculturalist.  It's  easy.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:20pm

Frank wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 10:55pm:

Valkie wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 8:04am:

Bruce Pascoe is a lying opportunist who is using lies and the stupidity of woke parasites  to fund his retirement.


What lies?

When you extend the meaning of agriculture to insects then everyone is an agriculturalist.

The word agriculture is a late Middle English adaptation of Latin agricultūra, from ager, "field", and cultūra, "cultivation" or "growing".[3] While agriculture usually refers to human activities, certain species of ant,[4][5] termite and beetle have been cultivating crops for up to 60 million years.[6]

Just define away primitive stone age and everyone above molluscs is a sophisticared agriculturalist.  It's  easy.

Right. Now quote Pascoe on agriculture. In full.

Chop chop.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:22pm
Smell the desperation in the air.....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 1:59am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

No, you still haven't quoted one.

You're done.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 4th, 2021 at 6:50am

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 10:04am:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 1:29am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 6:54pm:

Karnal wrote on May 2nd, 2021 at 1:45am:
I don't know, dear, I asked for the Boongs.

You can.provide the sum total, the national average, the mean or the murders per 1000.

Over to you.

I notice on one of those Dark Emu refuted things that the calculated Aboriginal death rate from violence per capita was far higher than war-torn Europe... just a little feuding between friendly clans, eh? The odd full tribe massacre and such from marauding tribes, you know, in a peaceful and governed by national law agrarian society that loved its bread and fish and a fine bit of kum-bai-yah* around the old fire...

Still goes on to this day.. primitive solution to any perceived problem... is no Aborigine - is no problem, eh?  Woman give you problem - is no woman - is no problem!

[url]*From the Afrikaans 'Kum By 'Ere' und we haff a big barty, eh?[/url]

Does that have anything to do with Bruce Pascoe?

Everything to do with "A real history of Aboriginal Australians"... you  just keep dancing on that hotplate...

And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

Done? You certainly have been.

White flag accepted.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 4th, 2021 at 7:18am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

Come now.

Thats not fair to the Pascoe worshipers.

The trick is to make an outrageous bull shite statement and then demand that we whites prove it wrong.

Abbos had wireless technology before whites came and destroyed it.


No .....its up to you to prove it wasn't so.
You whites destroyed all the evidence etc etc etc.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 4th, 2021 at 10:47am

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:59am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

No, you still haven't quoted one.

You're done.

Knock yourself out, wee buftie:

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 1:01pm

Valkie wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 7:18am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

Come now.

Thats not fair to the Pascoe worshipers.

The trick is to make an outrageous bull shite statement and then demand that we whites prove it wrong.

Abbos had wireless technology before whites came and destroyed it.


No .....its up to you to prove it wasn't so.
You whites destroyed all the evidence etc etc etc.

Pascoe worshipper?

You told Brian you were going to read up on eel-trapping before you commented further. This showed intelligence and integrity.

Now you've regressed to being Matty again. Who's Matty?

Look at Gonads with his white flag accepted. He thinks he can just cite the name of a website to win an argument. How dumb is that?

Grappler thinks he can just whinge about Boongs.

Now, you know you have to go and do some reading, so go on. What are you waiting for?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 1:04pm

Frank wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 10:47am:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:59am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

No, you still haven't quoted one.

You're done.

Knock yourself out, wee buftie:

No, you knock me out. That's how this works. Intelligence and integrity, innit. Prestigious University of Balogney, all that.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 4th, 2021 at 1:17pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:01pm:

Valkie wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 7:18am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

Come now.

Thats not fair to the Pascoe worshipers.

The trick is to make an outrageous bull shite statement and then demand that we whites prove it wrong.

Abbos had wireless technology before whites came and destroyed it.


No .....its up to you to prove it wasn't so.
You whites destroyed all the evidence etc etc etc.

Pascoe worshipper?

You told Brian you were going to read up on eel-trapping before you commented further. This showed intelligence and integrity.

Now you've regressed to being Matty again. Who's Matty?

Look at Gonads with his white flag accepted. He thinks he can just cite the name of a website to win an argument. How dumb is that?

Grappler thinks he can just whinge about Boongs.

Now, you know you have to go and do some reading, so go on. What are you waiting for?

Did you make the grand effort to peruse the website? Dark Emu Exposed, Professor Geoffrey Blayney...even Pascoe himself; concede there are some liberties taken with the truth. That's a serious criticism to aim at an historian. He might be right. A work of non-fiction is not merely about being right; it's about systematically proving the facts behind your opinions. Pascoe would once have been frog-marched out of every university for his dishonesty in quoting and referencing. That's a sad indictment on the state of Australia's universities.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 1:24pm
Pascoe is not a historian. What claims are you talking about?

Of course I looked at the Dark Emu website. You?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 4th, 2021 at 1:36pm
I appreciate your honesty. If Pascoe's not an historian, I love his work.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 4th, 2021 at 1:55pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:01pm:

Valkie wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 7:18am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

Come now.

Thats not fair to the Pascoe worshipers.

The trick is to make an outrageous bull shite statement and then demand that we whites prove it wrong.

Abbos had wireless technology before whites came and destroyed it.


No .....its up to you to prove it wasn't so.
You whites destroyed all the evidence etc etc etc.

Pascoe worshipper?

You told Brian you were going to read up on eel-trapping before you commented further. This showed intelligence and integrity.

Now you've regressed to being Matty again. Who's Matty?

Look at Gonads with his white flag accepted. He thinks he can just cite the name of a website to win an argument. How dumb is that?

Grappler thinks he can just whinge about Boongs.

Now, you know you have to go and do some reading, so go on. What are you waiting for?

Oh, I read about it in several articles.
But I still have questions that I'm looking into

6000 years ago there is evidence of fish and eel traps.
But these were apparently "dug out of rock in some places" with What? No explanation.

Additionally, there is mention of stone "houses" but the actual type and assembly of these structures is unclear.

And another question, if they had been doing this 6000 years ago, why did it stop?
Where are all the people who did this?
Every single civilization on earth pass knowledge (especially beneficial knowledege) onto others and it is gradually disseminated through multiple cultures.
Why are there fish traps only in this one place?
Why are there stone houses only in one place?
Are they really 6000 years old or just a few hundred years old?

Until I have what I want, I'm still researching.
It seems just a little too convenient and timely, as well as being just a little smelly.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 2:25pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:36pm:
I appreciate your honesty. If Pascoe's not an historian, I love his work.

Well - what is he?  And why do his views receive such an avalanche of support without any solid evidence?

People want to hear it that way because it feeds into their own perceived victimhood in a society that is ambivalent to say the least and there is an easy road to be gained from being a victim ...... there ARE victims.. there are also many others who just float along and sometimes cop a hit ... and while I am the first to say that we live in a country filled with insane people of many kinds - that doesn't make of everyone who takes a hit a victim of some over-arching societal plot.

More likely the victim of some lunatic individual without much upstairs...

I tell you, Pharoah - let my people go!  Turn them loose from their victimhood even that self-imposed... they will be much freer that way...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 2:29pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:01pm:

Valkie wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 7:18am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

Come now.

Thats not fair to the Pascoe worshipers.

The trick is to make an outrageous bull shite statement and then demand that we whites prove it wrong.

Abbos had wireless technology before whites came and destroyed it.


No .....its up to you to prove it wasn't so.
You whites destroyed all the evidence etc etc etc.

Pascoe worshipper?

You told Brian you were going to read up on eel-trapping before you commented further. This showed intelligence and integrity.

Now you've regressed to being Matty again. Who's Matty?

Look at Gonads with his white flag accepted. He thinks he can just cite the name of a website to win an argument. How dumb is that?

Grappler thinks he can just whinge about Boongs.

Now, you know you have to go and do some reading, so go on. What are you waiting for?

Grow up - stating facts not in accord with your ideas, or those of the Bruce Pascoes of the world, is hardly whinging - in fact it is you whinging and carrying on without a leg to stand on that is the problem here.  You could stop whinging about those who look into it and say that dear old Pascoe is wrong or deluded, there's a start...

You cannot belittle me by the use of such shallow terms, Boy... I'm your better in every way without even trying...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 3:51pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:36pm:
I appreciate your honesty. If Pascoe's not an historian, I love his work.

Pascoe said he's not an historian, dear. He also said Boongs were not traditionally farmers, they did not have governments or nation states, and that he himself may or may not genetically be a Boong.

Pascoe has agreed with many of the critics on Dark Emu Exposed, including Andrew Bolt. I've quoted one of his interviews. No one here even acknowledged it.

Grappler said but... but.... Gonads said white flag accepted. Matty and the old boy just howled.

They keep referring me to this website, telling me it's all there, can't you see? See what? I ask. Everything, they say. Which bits? I ask. The bit about them being Boongs, woke, PC gone mad, wacist, etc, etc, etc.

You know the rest.

Now if someone comes up to me and says there's this really terrible book, you simply mustn't read it, I say, Oh? Why's that?

If they then say, well, if I knew I'd have to read it, I say ah. Cunning, no?

Grappler and Gonads and Matty and the old boy are just trying to do the right thing and not read this terrible book, but they don't actually know what it's about because they're not allowed to read it. And not just the book, they won't even read what Pascoe says about his book.

That's cunning. When I was a young student I did a philosophy course called Theories of the Right. I read Mein Kampf and Burke and Friedman and Hayek and all the classics - you know, everything from conservatism to fascism to freemarket anarchism, a jolly good course too. Now I don't necessarily agree with Hitler or Hayek - not everything they said, anyway - but I like to know what they said, and do you know why?

Because I'm curious. I'm keen to know what they think. I'm keen to know what everybody thinks.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm

Valkie wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:55pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:01pm:

Valkie wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 7:18am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

Come now.

Thats not fair to the Pascoe worshipers.

The trick is to make an outrageous bull shite statement and then demand that we whites prove it wrong.

Abbos had wireless technology before whites came and destroyed it.


No .....its up to you to prove it wasn't so.
You whites destroyed all the evidence etc etc etc.

Pascoe worshipper?

You told Brian you were going to read up on eel-trapping before you commented further. This showed intelligence and integrity.

Now you've regressed to being Matty again. Who's Matty?

Look at Gonads with his white flag accepted. He thinks he can just cite the name of a website to win an argument. How dumb is that?

Grappler thinks he can just whinge about Boongs.

Now, you know you have to go and do some reading, so go on. What are you waiting for?

Oh, I read about it in several articles.
But I still have questions that I'm looking into

6000 years ago there is evidence of fish and eel traps.
But these were apparently "dug out of rock in some places" with What? No explanation.

Additionally, there is mention of stone "houses" but the actual type and assembly of these structures is unclear.

And another question, if they had been doing this 6000 years ago, why did it stop?
Where are all the people who did this?
Every single civilization on earth pass knowledge (especially beneficial knowledege) onto others and it is gradually disseminated through multiple cultures.
Why are there fish traps only in this one place?
Why are there stone houses only in one place?
Are they really 6000 years old or just a few hundred years old?

Until I have what I want, I'm still researching.
It seems just a little too convenient and timely, as well as being just a little smelly.

Excellent. Do you see? You're curious. This discussion has encouraged you to go and have a read - like Pascoe. The research in his book comes from anthropological and archaeological sources - white Western sources. He's citing others, the sources are all there.

But do you know? It's going to be pretty hard to find answers. Evidence left by hunter-gatherer societies is notoriously hard to dig up. It's hard enough to know about great big empires, like the Aztecs, Incas or Khmers. Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

You're curious. Good to see.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 4th, 2021 at 4:12pm
Curious ......yes

Convinced......not yet.

But please do not ever compare me to the lying Pascoe.
I don't take things on face value, and one anomalie does not a fact make.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 4:17pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 2:29pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:01pm:

Valkie wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 7:18am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

Come now.

Thats not fair to the Pascoe worshipers.

The trick is to make an outrageous bull shite statement and then demand that we whites prove it wrong.

Abbos had wireless technology before whites came and destroyed it.


No .....its up to you to prove it wasn't so.
You whites destroyed all the evidence etc etc etc.

Pascoe worshipper?

You told Brian you were going to read up on eel-trapping before you commented further. This showed intelligence and integrity.

Now you've regressed to being Matty again. Who's Matty?

Look at Gonads with his white flag accepted. He thinks he can just cite the name of a website to win an argument. How dumb is that?

Grappler thinks he can just whinge about Boongs.

Now, you know you have to go and do some reading, so go on. What are you waiting for?

Grow up - stating facts not in accord with your ideas, or those of the Bruce Pascoes of the world, is hardly whinging - in fact it is you whinging and carrying on without a leg to stand on that is the problem here.  You could stop whinging about those who look into it and say that dear old Pascoe is wrong or deluded, there's a start...

You cannot belittle me by the use of such shallow terms, Boy... I'm your better in every way without even trying...

Oh, I see. You want me to say Pascoe is wrong or deluded.

No worries. You show me which facts are wrong or deluded, and I'll say it.

We'll forget the last 18 pages, Grappler. Starting from now.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 4th, 2021 at 7:57pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:04pm:

Frank wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 10:47am:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:59am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:21pm:

Karnal wrote on May 3rd, 2021 at 11:03pm:
And you keep deflecting to your own generalised hyperbole.

None of you are able to address a single fact. Not one.

You've all spent 12 pages talking krap.

Now, I'm not curious anymore, I know. You've had your 12 pages and you haven't been able to convince me.

Better luck next book, boys. You're done.

You have a strange idea of what constitutes facts..... there are thousands of tracts that say otherwise to Pascoe's assertions-without-proof - you refuse them - yet you demand that we convince you of the majority position, which you must have known, if you live in this country, for a very long time.

Amazing - simply amazing...

Carry on, sweetheart... convince US that your position is the correct one...

No, you still haven't quoted one.

You're done.

Knock yourself out, wee buftie:

No, you knock me out. That's how this works. Intelligence and integrity, innit. Prestigious University of Balogney, all that.

So what did you make of those refutations, paki?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 8:05pm
Hard to say, cheese-snorter. You'll have to put them up.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 4th, 2021 at 8:33pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:05pm:
Hard to say, cheese-snorter. You'll have to put them up.

You calling me Hunter Biden???

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 8:43pm
Look, you won't say, so here's one I went to all the trouble of cutting and pasting.

Windshuttle. Most of Windshuttle's rant focuses on Pascoe's whiteness - a claim Pascoe acknowledges. He is white, he is European. The only remotely substantial criticism Windshuttle is a plug for O'Brien, who's devoted a whole book to Pascoe:

O’Brien has now turned his review into a substantial 256-page book, Bitter Harvest: The Illusion of Aboriginal Agriculture in Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu, published this month by Quadrant Books and on sale on our website at It is a scholarly investigation of all the major claims Pascoe makes and whether they follow from the historical records he used.

O’Brien’s conclusions, outlined in his article in this edition, are not flattering. Dark Emu is a book of “egregious deception” and “a rich ragout of grievance”. “Almost every significant claim that Pascoe makes that is sourced, turns out to be either false or misrepresented.” O’Brien writes: “As purported history, Dark Emu is worthless. Even worse, it promotes a divisive, victim-based agenda that pits one Australian against another.”

A scholarly investigation, no? Notice there's no mention of any sources O'Brien refutes, just "a rich ragout of grievance", "victim-based", "worthless". Purported history? Pascoe says he's not a historian, but this doesn't stop O'Brien pretending he does.

"Almost every significant claim... false or misrepresented", but none of them listed here.

What is listed here is the point to all this:

Pascoe argues that, rather than being the most backward people on the planet, as ignorant Europeans have long thought, the Aborigines were among the most technologically and politically advanced societies of all time.

Windshuttle, O'Brien, Bolt, Quadrant, the Australian, none can handle it put into writing that Boongs may not have been the most backward people on the planet.

Worse - that schoolkids might get to read this.

And if this wasn't the case, tell me this: why has nobody been able to refute, or even easier, summarise, any of Pascoe's most egregious claims?

You haven't even been able to cut and paste this. How could you possibly refute that? You?

Yes you, you country-shopping, cheese-snorting, Boong-loathing blow-in.

After 18 pages, I'm happy to conclude that you've got nothing but a brittle, sneering inferiority complex, a thin veneer of civilisation that's so fragile you can't even bear to hear that Boongs used fish traps.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 9:05pm

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

There you go, Matty. Rhino has the evidence.

Did you dig the hole yourself, Rhino, or did you get the other guy to do it?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 9:08pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:43pm:
Look, you won't say, so here's one I went to all the trouble of cutting and pasting.

Windshuttle. Most of Windshuttle's rant focuses on Pascoe's whiteness - a claim Pascoe acknowledges. He is white, he is European. The only remotely substantial criticism Windshuttle is a plug for O'Brien, who's devoted a whole book to Pascoe:

O’Brien has now turned his review into a substantial 256-page book, Bitter Harvest: The Illusion of Aboriginal Agriculture in Bruce Pascoe’s Dark Emu, published this month by Quadrant Books and on sale on our website at It is a scholarly investigation of all the major claims Pascoe makes and whether they follow from the historical records he used.

O’Brien’s conclusions, outlined in his article in this edition, are not flattering. Dark Emu is a book of “egregious deception” and “a rich ragout of grievance”. “Almost every significant claim that Pascoe makes that is sourced, turns out to be either false or misrepresented.” O’Brien writes: “As purported history, Dark Emu is worthless. Even worse, it promotes a divisive, victim-based agenda that pits one Australian against another.”

A scholarly investigation, no? Notice there's no mention of any sources O'Brien refutes, just "a rich ragout of grievance", "victim-based", "worthless". Purported history? Pascoe says he's not a historian, but this doesn't stop O'Brien pretending he does.

"Almost every significant claim... false or misrepresented", but none of them listed here.

What is listed here is the point to all this:

[quote]Pascoe argues that, rather than being the most backward people on the planet, as ignorant Europeans have long thought, the Aborigines were among the most technologically and politically advanced societies of all time.

Windshuttle, O'Brien, Bolt, Quadrant, the Australian, none can handle it put into writing that Boongs may not have been the most backward people on the planet.

Worse - that schoolkids might get to read this.

And if this wasn't the case, tell me this: why has nobody been able to refute, or even easier, summarise, any of Pascoe's most egregious claims?

You haven't even been able to cut and paste this. How could you possibly refute that? You?

Yes you, you country-shopping, cheese-snorting, Boong-loathing blow-in.

After 18 pages, I'm happy to conclude that you've got nothing but a brittle, sneering inferiority complex, a thin veneer of civilisation that's so fragile you can't even bear to hear that Boongs used fish traps.


This is a REVIEW of O'Brien's book - not the actual book......

What DO you use for intellect, Boy?

Quote directly from O'Brien's book and from the others and then talk......   ::)  ::)  ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 9:13pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:17pm:
Oh, I see. You want me to say Pascoe is wrong or deluded.

No worries. You show me which facts are wrong or deluded, and I'll say it.

We'll forget the last 18 pages, Grappler. Starting from now.

I don't care what you say about Bruce Pascoe.... all I ask is that you accept the facts that refute what he stands for and by...

If you must comment on Windshuttle commenting on O'Brien's book and then make out that means Windshuttle's comments are not valid - then go ahead - comment on the content of O'Brien's book.... see how you go with that direct.

You reasoning is absurd.

YOU start from now and justify Bruce Pascoe's assertions.... nobody need do that - he is the one making them.  So far all you've done is sling off at anyone who says NO to Dear Brucey.

Frankly bizarre.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 4th, 2021 at 9:15pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:05pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

There you go, Matty. Rhino has the evidence.

Did you dig the hole yourself, Rhino, or did you get the other guy to do it?
you never heard of stone tools or fossils? 

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 9:17pm
You are a liar, sir!  Pascoe bent all reeds to try to assert he was Aboriginal and thus give credibility to his assertions (I use a kind word there) - now you say he is saying he is as White as the driven snow and nothing else....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 9:21pm

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:15pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:05pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

There you go, Matty. Rhino has the evidence.

Did you dig the hole yourself, Rhino, or did you get the other guy to do it?
you never heard of stone tools or fossils? 

I have. That's not racist, is it?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 4th, 2021 at 9:23pm
Floods by the way, thats what did Angkor Wat in.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 9:23pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:17pm:
You are a liar, sir!  Pascoe bent all reeds to try to assert he was Aboriginal and thus give credibility to his assertions (I use a kind word there) - now you say he is saying he is as White as the driven snow and nothing else....

I am. He says that in the article I provided you.

I'm not doing anymore cutting and pasting for you, dear. I nearly lost an arm trying to get into the old boy's paywalled links.

Not anymore.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 9:24pm

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:23pm:
Floods by the way, thats what did Angkor Wat in.

Yes, I just Googled that theory, you may be right.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 9:25pm

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:15pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:05pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

There you go, Matty. Rhino has the evidence.

Did you dig the hole yourself, Rhino, or did you get the other guy to do it?
you never heard of stone tools or fossils? 

He doesn't understand that the intent of archeology is to find fossils and remnants of things that might indicate the nature of the inhabitants of the time period under scrutiny, and that the consistent lack of any such results indicates that those things MOST LIKELY did not exist.... ESPECIALLY when the searches and 'digs' have been done in what were clearly promising sites..... yet still yielded nothing.

I suppose those dastardly White researchers buried the evidence, eh, so nobody would ever find the Golden Tablets of the Abos?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 9:32pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:23pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:17pm:
You are a liar, sir!  Pascoe bent all reeds to try to assert he was Aboriginal and thus give credibility to his assertions (I use a kind word there) - now you say he is saying he is as White as the driven snow and nothing else....

I am. He says that in the article I provided you.

I'm not doing anymore cutting and pasting for you, dear. I nearly lost an arm trying to get into the old boy's paywalled links.

Not anymore.

So all that effort to 'belong' to one tribe after another, having resulted in no connection, means that Pascoe must now abandon his 'spiritual links' and his 'feeling' that he had a sense of belonging once he 'determined' that he was of Indigenous ancestry?

Sounds dreadfully borderline to me.... that happy weed has a lot to answer for....

Anyway - the more I read the more disillusioned I am with him and his assertions.... a disaster from start to finish, and now, of course, several 'academic' institutions have painted THEMselves into a corner by accepting his nonsense and making it so good he deserves to be a Professor...

Jesus God..... how stupid must they be feeling right about now....

charlie_brown_1.jpg (29 KB | 6 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 9:33pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:24pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:23pm:
Floods by the way, thats what did Angkor Wat in.

Yes, I just Googled that theory, you may be right.

Interesting - my planned world tour of shaggable women started in Cambodia.... buggar this Covid...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 4th, 2021 at 9:41pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:33pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:24pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:23pm:
Floods by the way, thats what did Angkor Wat in.

Yes, I just Googled that theory, you may be right.

Interesting - my planned world tour of shaggable women started in Cambodia.... buggar this Covid...

An old fool and his superannuation are soon parted.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 4th, 2021 at 9:42pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:24pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:23pm:
Floods by the way, thats what did Angkor Wat in.

Yes, I just Googled that theory, you may be right.
yes, Google. Its the latest thing, you should try it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 9:59pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:13pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:17pm:
Oh, I see. You want me to say Pascoe is wrong or deluded.

No worries. You show me which facts are wrong or deluded, and I'll say it.

We'll forget the last 18 pages, Grappler. Starting from now.

I don't care what you say about Bruce Pascoe.... all I ask is that you accept the facts that refute what he stands for and by...

If you must comment on Windshuttle commenting on O'Brien's book and then make out that means Windshuttle's comments are not valid - then go ahead - comment on the content of O'Brien's book.... see how you go with that direct.

No, Windshuttle's comments aren't valid because he's not refuting any facts.

But you also miss the context. Windshuttle has form with this subject. He's a race-baiter. The term "history wars" was coined to describe his tiff with Robert Manne. Windshuttle claims there was no stolen generation, despite having met actual Aborigines who were stolen. Mann has edited a book of his own on Windshuttle's distortions.

Manne, who called Windschuttle's publication "one of the most implausible, ignorant and pitiless books about Australian history written for many years",[54] summed up the case against Windschuttle's book, noting that its assessment of Aboriginal deaths is based on Plomley, despite the fact that Plomley denied that any estimate regarding such deaths could be made from the documentary record.

That's just one. It's also what we mean by refuting. You'll note Mann doesn't just say Windshuttle's a silly old wacist and leave it at that, he shows where and how he's wrong.

Read the link. Learn how it's done. But remember, these are facts. Manne doesn't just like Boongs and go around making mean stuff up to get back at Windshuttle, he's researched and met thousands of Aborigines who were removed from their parents for being Aboriginal. They're facts. He knows Windshuttle's wrong.

Same with Bolt. Manne sent him reports and testimonials and Bolt still kept insisting there was no stolen generation, publishing and repeating lie after lie. He threatened to get Manne onto his show for a debate - Manne begged to get on his show, Bolt ignored him. In the end, Bolt was found guilty of racial discrimination, not just because he said a few nasty things, but because of the way he lied, repeatedly and systematically, as the judge ruled, in such bad faith with his readers and listeners. 

This is why O'Brien wrote his book about Pascoe, this is why Windshuttle's selling it, and this is why Bolt helped start Dark Emu Exposed. These guys are proven liars, and in Bolt's case, guilty of racial discrimination.

All you're doing is highlighting how weak their arguments really are.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 4th, 2021 at 10:07pm
1788, the animated summary....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 10:18pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:25pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:15pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:05pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

There you go, Matty. Rhino has the evidence.

Did you dig the hole yourself, Rhino, or did you get the other guy to do it?
you never heard of stone tools or fossils? 

He doesn't understand that the intent of archeology is to find fossils and remnants of things that might indicate the nature of the inhabitants of the time period under scrutiny, and that the consistent lack of any such results indicates that those things MOST LIKELY did not exist.... ESPECIALLY when the searches and 'digs' have been done in what were clearly promising sites..... yet still yielded nothing.

I suppose those dastardly White researchers buried the evidence, eh, so nobody would ever find the Golden Tablets of the Abos?

Oh? Pascoe's sources are largely archaeological. Grace Karskens, who calls herself an archaeological historian, is another writer in this vein, favouring empirical evidence for historical claims. She writes about historians getting their hands dirty and sifting through evidence in the soil. 

Both are coming from a "middle way" stance on Australian history, which is ironic, given Pascoe's treatment. This school is a reaction to the "black armband" or "Fatal Shore" view of Australian history. An emphasis is given to the connections between black and white people, how they influence each other. Sam Neil's recent documentary on Captain Cook is another example of middle way history.

Bruce Pascoe isn't coming at this subject from a victim mentality at all. He's not hostile and far from radical. Bolt and Windshuttle don't even notice that, but do you know?

If Pascoe hadn't said he was black, they wouldn't be treating him like a black activist. He'd just be another boring white history-writer. Bolt and Windshuttle might not think Pascoe's black, they just see him as a Boong.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 4th, 2021 at 11:03pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 3:51pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:36pm:
I appreciate your honesty. If Pascoe's not an historian, I love his work.

Pascoe said he's not an historian, dear. He also said Boongs were not traditionally farmers, they did not have governments or nation states, and that he himself may or may not genetically be a Boong.

Pascoe has agreed with many of the critics on Dark Emu Exposed, including Andrew Bolt. I've quoted one of his interviews. No one here even acknowledged it.

Grappler said but... but.... Gonads said white flag accepted. Matty and the old boy just howled.

They keep referring me to this website, telling me it's all there, can't you see? See what? I ask. Everything, they say. Which bits? I ask. The bit about them being Boongs, woke, PC gone mad, wacist, etc, etc, etc.

You know the rest.

Now if someone comes up to me and says there's this really terrible book, you simply mustn't read it, I say, Oh? Why's that?

If they then say, well, if I knew I'd have to read it, I say ah. Cunning, no?

Grappler and Gonads and Matty and the old boy are just trying to do the right thing and not read this terrible book, but they don't actually know what it's about because they're not allowed to read it. And not just the book, they won't even read what Pascoe says about his book.

That's cunning. When I was a young student I did a philosophy course called Theories of the Right. I read Mein Kampf and Burke and Friedman and Hayek and all the classics - you know, everything from conservatism to fascism to freemarket anarchism, a jolly good course too. Now I don't necessarily agree with Hitler or Hayek - not everything they said, anyway - but I like to know what they said, and do you know why?

Because I'm curious. I'm keen to know what they think. I'm keen to know what everybody thinks.


I have a nagging suspicion First Nations people did harvest/store seed and till. Pascoe has just done a really a.h.i.t.t.y job proving it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 11:33pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 10:18pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:25pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:15pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:05pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

There you go, Matty. Rhino has the evidence.

Did you dig the hole yourself, Rhino, or did you get the other guy to do it?
you never heard of stone tools or fossils? 

He doesn't understand that the intent of archeology is to find fossils and remnants of things that might indicate the nature of the inhabitants of the time period under scrutiny, and that the consistent lack of any such results indicates that those things MOST LIKELY did not exist.... ESPECIALLY when the searches and 'digs' have been done in what were clearly promising sites..... yet still yielded nothing.

I suppose those dastardly White researchers buried the evidence, eh, so nobody would ever find the Golden Tablets of the Abos?

Oh? Pascoe's sources are largely archaeological. Grace Karskens, who calls herself an archaeological historian, is another writer in this vein, favouring empirical evidence for historical claims. She writes about historians getting their hands dirty and sifting through evidence in the soil. 

Both are coming from a "middle way" stance on Australian history, which is ironic, given Pascoe's treatment. This school is a reaction to the "black armband" or "Fatal Shore" view of Australian history. An emphasis is given to the connections between black and white people, how they influence each other. Sam Neil's recent documentary on Captain Cook is another example of middle way history.

Bruce Pascoe isn't coming at this subject from a victim mentality at all. He's not hostile and far from radical. Bolt and Windshuttle don't even notice that, but do you know?

If Pascoe hadn't said he was black, they wouldn't be treating him like a black activist. He'd just be another boring white history-writer. Bolt and Windshuttle might not think Pascoe's black, they just see him as a Boong.


So there were leftover agricultural tools and such left in the ground and found?

These archeological finds - they are limited to one area of fish traps, no?

Where's the rest?

What is the empirical evidence of Grace Karskens?

You speak in generalities all the time while demanding specifics from others - do you actually understand the difference?

Speak to the point, Boy.... or continue to create division between Black and White for nothing of substance.... those days are long gone - get into the real world and accept that fish traps are nothing special, and agriculture is massively unproven... the weight of evidence and non-evidence shows that Aborigines did not farm apart from broadcast seed for a limited time, that they did not have a national government or common laws, and that they were a large number of separate groups who got by as best they could.

They moved on when the food supply ran low... got that?  So they didn't have farms... they had opportunist plots planted for short periods of time, and certainly did not have massive grain storages and stone houses and such.  If they did - where are the remnants?

There is nothing in Pascoe's assertions that is validated by fact, and his conclusions are bizarre and quite blatantly politically motivated to encourage a scenario of endless victimhood.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 11:35pm
You see? There's a learning opportunity, Homo. Read up, come back and tell us all how illiterate Pascoe is.

You could say, oh he uses too many words, so longwinded. Or why so many adjectives, hasn't he read Hemmingway? Strip it back, tell us the story, get to the point.

Before I read Hayek, I had a nagging suspicion he was really boring. Do you know?

Look, I never did read him, I just pretended I did.

I know, Pascoe's a dirty Boong, why bother? Soon, in classrooms all over Australia, teachers will be pulling his book out of a brown paper bag and saying, aha! All the students will think they're getting Lolita or Tropic of Capricorn or something terribly forbidden, and they'll get tricked into flicking through a book about fish traps and grass burning and wondering what all the fuss was about.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 11:38pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:33pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 10:18pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:25pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:15pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:05pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

There you go, Matty. Rhino has the evidence.

Did you dig the hole yourself, Rhino, or did you get the other guy to do it?
you never heard of stone tools or fossils? 

He doesn't understand that the intent of archeology is to find fossils and remnants of things that might indicate the nature of the inhabitants of the time period under scrutiny, and that the consistent lack of any such results indicates that those things MOST LIKELY did not exist.... ESPECIALLY when the searches and 'digs' have been done in what were clearly promising sites..... yet still yielded nothing.

I suppose those dastardly White researchers buried the evidence, eh, so nobody would ever find the Golden Tablets of the Abos?

Oh? Pascoe's sources are largely archaeological. Grace Karskens, who calls herself an archaeological historian, is another writer in this vein, favouring empirical evidence for historical claims. She writes about historians getting their hands dirty and sifting through evidence in the soil. 

Both are coming from a "middle way" stance on Australian history, which is ironic, given Pascoe's treatment. This school is a reaction to the "black armband" or "Fatal Shore" view of Australian history. An emphasis is given to the connections between black and white people, how they influence each other. Sam Neil's recent documentary on Captain Cook is another example of middle way history.

Bruce Pascoe isn't coming at this subject from a victim mentality at all. He's not hostile and far from radical. Bolt and Windshuttle don't even notice that, but do you know?

If Pascoe hadn't said he was black, they wouldn't be treating him like a black activist. He'd just be another boring white history-writer. Bolt and Windshuttle might not think Pascoe's black, they just see him as a Boong.


So there were leftover agricultural tools and such left in the ground and found?

These archeological finds - they are limited to one area of fish traps, no?

Where's the rest?

What is the empirical evidence of Grace Karskens?

You speak in generalities all the time while demanding specifics from others - do you actually understand the difference?

Speak to the point, Boy.... or continue to create division between Black and White for nothing of substance.... those days are long gone - get into the real world and accept that fish traps are nothing special, and agriculture is massively unproven... the weight of evidence and non-evidence shows that Aborigines did not farm apart from broadcast seed for a limited time, that they did not have a national government or common laws, and that they were a large number of separate groups who got by as best they could.

They moved on when the food supply ran low... got that?  So they didn't have farms... they had opportunist plots planted for short periods of time, and certainly did not have massive grain storages and stone houses and such.  If they did - where are the remnants?

There is nothing in Pascoe's assertions that is validated by fact, and his conclusions are bizarre and quite blatantly politically motivated to encourage a scenario of endless victimhood.

You're trying really hard not to read this book, aren't you?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 11:38pm
"Grappler and Gonads and Matty and the old boy are just trying to do the right thing and not read this terrible book, but they don't actually know what it's about because they're not allowed to read it. And not just the book, they won't even read what Pascoe says about his book.

That's cunning. When I was a young student I did a philosophy course called Theories of the Right. I read Mein Kampf and Burke and Friedman and Hayek and all the classics - you know, everything from conservatism to fascism to freemarket anarchism, a jolly good course too. Now I don't necessarily agree with Hitler or Hayek - not everything they said, anyway - but I like to know what they said, and do you know why?

Because I'm curious. I'm keen to know what they think. I'm keen to know what everybody thinks. "

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 4th, 2021 at 11:38pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:35pm:
You see? There's a learning opportunity, Homo. Read up, come back and tell us all how illiterate Pascoe is.

You could say, oh he uses too many words, so longwinded. Or why so many adjectives, hasn't he read Hemmingway? Strip it back, tell us the story, get to the point.

Before I read Hayek, I had a nagging suspicion he was really boring. Do you know?

Look, I never did read him, I just pretended I did.

I know, Pascoe's a dirty Boong, why bother? Soon, in classrooms all over Australia, teachers will be pulling his book out of a brown paper bag and saying, aha! All the students will think they're getting Lolita or Tropic of Capricorn or something terribly forbidden, and they'll get tricked into flicking through a book about fish traps and grass burning and wondering what all the fuss was about.

Obviously I'm not about to give him money. So, what chance do I have of finding it in a library in Blacktown among the Stephen Kings and Michael Chrictons?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 4th, 2021 at 11:39pm

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 4th, 2021 at 11:39pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:38pm:
You're trying really hard not to read this book, aren't you?

You're trying desperately hard to not see anything that refutes what that book says.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 4th, 2021 at 11:46pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:38pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:35pm:
You see? There's a learning opportunity, Homo. Read up, come back and tell us all how illiterate Pascoe is.

You could say, oh he uses too many words, so longwinded. Or why so many adjectives, hasn't he read Hemmingway? Strip it back, tell us the story, get to the point.

Before I read Hayek, I had a nagging suspicion he was really boring. Do you know?

Look, I never did read him, I just pretended I did.

I know, Pascoe's a dirty Boong, why bother? Soon, in classrooms all over Australia, teachers will be pulling his book out of a brown paper bag and saying, aha! All the students will think they're getting Lolita or Tropic of Capricorn or something terribly forbidden, and they'll get tricked into flicking through a book about fish traps and grass burning and wondering what all the fuss was about.

Obviously I'm not about to give him money. So, what chance do I have of finding it in a library in Blacktown among the Stephen Kings and Michael Chrictons?

Oh, look. On loan until May 6.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 4th, 2021 at 11:47pm
I'm surprised. When's Mein Kampf in?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 12:03am

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:47pm:
I'm surprised. When's Mein Kampf in?

That's on hold until 2026.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 12:36am

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:47pm:
I'm surprised. When's Mein Kampf in?

When all else fails, simply seek to infer that any opponent to your theme is a neo-Nazi nasty white oppressor with a closed mind... that's what a poor education in philosophy teaches you.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 5th, 2021 at 1:21am
It's sort of ironic that the Mein Kampf Library in St Mary"s doesn't have the book of the same name.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 5th, 2021 at 1:23am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 12:36am:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:47pm:
I'm surprised. When's Mein Kampf in?

When all else fails, simply seek to infer that any opponent to your theme is a neo-Nazi nasty white oppressor with a closed mind... that's what a poor education in philosophy teaches you.

Number three of  the OP Ten Commandments.
Thou shalt beware Karnal's Knowledge.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 1:27am

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:21am:
It's sort of ironic that the Mein Kampf Library in St Mary"s doesn't have the book of the same name.


Return it, Homo. That's theft.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by mothra on May 5th, 2021 at 1:56am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 12:36am:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:47pm:
I'm surprised. When's Mein Kampf in?

When all else fails, simply seek to infer that any opponent to your theme is a neo-Nazi nasty white oppressor with a closed mind... that's what a poor education in philosophy teaches you.

Well, if the shoe fits.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 5th, 2021 at 8:11am
losing an argument??????

Have nothing to argue with???????

Know that you are totally wrong?????

41957158515_e9d2f094ee_b_002.jpg (104 KB | 3 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 5th, 2021 at 10:37am
Aborigines were farmers.
Where's your proof?
My great grandmother was Aboriginal.
Where's your proof?
You're racist.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 11:11am

mothra wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:56am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 12:36am:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:47pm:
I'm surprised. When's Mein Kampf in?

When all else fails, simply seek to infer that any opponent to your theme is a neo-Nazi nasty white oppressor with a closed mind... that's what a poor education in philosophy teaches you.

Well, if the shoe fits.

That is, of course, a mighty big IF.  First we need to establish full and reasonable definitions that mean we are all on he same page.... it's like the concept that medicine uses Latin words, which means anyone with medical knowledge and training throughout the world can read and understand what is written.

Once we are all on the same page - the going is much easier.....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 11:25am

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 10:37am:
Aborigines were farmers.
Where's your proof?
My great grandmother was Aboriginal.
Where's your proof?
You're racist.

One of my great-grandmothers was something or other - not sure exactly what... Chinese or Indian I think.... but I can't claim it as so.... not yet.

Ergo - all Chinese and Indian great-grandmothers and similar were pub owners along with all of their clans..... Pascoe Rules - is no proof - is no problem!  8-)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 5th, 2021 at 12:09pm
I think the principal reason for rejecting Pascoe is the method of his revisionism. He applies cultural, historical concepts to aborigines that clearly do not apply to them as these concepts developed in societies radically different to Aboriginal societies and so MEAN things that never occured in aboriginal societies. They are projected onto them as if they could mean, either without loss or embelishment, what they ordinarily mean.
Concepts like agriculture, towns, farming and the like.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 1:03pm
I think the principal reason for rejecting your krap is you just make stuff up. It is the method of your revisionism. You apply cultural, historical concepts to his thesis that clearly do not apply to it as these concepts developed on the pages of hate sites without even bothering to read Pascoe's harmless book and so SAY things that he never said in the first place. They are projected onto Pascoe's book as if they could say, either without loss or embelishment, what they actually do say. Concepts like victimhood, leftardism, hating Whitey and the like.

That, and you still haven't even bothered to actually refute anything he's said.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 1:32pm

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 12:09pm:
I think the principal reason for rejecting Pascoe is the method of his revisionism. He applies cultural, historical concepts to aborigines that clearly do not apply to them as these concepts developed in societies radically different to Aboriginal societies and so MEAN things that never occured in aboriginal societies. They are projected onto them as if they could mean, either without loss or embelishment, what they ordinarily mean.
Concepts like agriculture, towns, farming and the like.

Someone said on one of those Dark Emu Exposed things that the problem was that Pascoe chose to apply labels to things such as agriculture, towns etc that did not apply, thereby giving far greater meaning to things that were mundane and essentially ephemeral rather than substantial and fixed on the land.

Caused on hell of a lot of trouble over nothing solid.... but it's a good little earner.  Everyone has to have their rice bowl, and if our politicians can feed so handsomely in return for their lack of real effort, why shouldn't Bruce and anyone else?  They're all frauds.... he's only getting his fair share by the same rules.....   8-)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 5th, 2021 at 1:32pm

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 10:18pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:25pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:15pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 9:05pm:

rhino wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 8:52pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 4:10pm:
  Imagine, Angkor Wat's only about 700 years old, but no one knows why an empire that size just disappeared. We have big stone temples and palaces and friezes showing scenes of everyday life, but we don't know how all that came to just came to be taken over by the jungle and buried until it was uncovered by French explorers in the 19th century.
yeah, we do. Floods.

You're talking 6000 years ago. Human life on this continent's been around for 60,000 years, and the only empirical evidence we have is the odd cave painting.

plenty of empirical evidence, stone tools, fossils, graves, etc etc. etc. You sure act like you know stuff when you dont.

There you go, Matty. Rhino has the evidence.

Did you dig the hole yourself, Rhino, or did you get the other guy to do it?
you never heard of stone tools or fossils? 

He doesn't understand that the intent of archeology is to find fossils and remnants of things that might indicate the nature of the inhabitants of the time period under scrutiny, and that the consistent lack of any such results indicates that those things MOST LIKELY did not exist.... ESPECIALLY when the searches and 'digs' have been done in what were clearly promising sites..... yet still yielded nothing.

I suppose those dastardly White researchers buried the evidence, eh, so nobody would ever find the Golden Tablets of the Abos?

Oh? Pascoe's sources are largely archaeological. Grace Karskens, who calls herself an archaeological historian, is another writer in this vein, favouring empirical evidence for historical claims. She writes about historians getting their hands dirty and sifting through evidence in the soil. 

Both are coming from a "middle way" stance on Australian history, which is ironic, given Pascoe's treatment. This school is a reaction to the "black armband" or "Fatal Shore" view of Australian history. An emphasis is given to the connections between black and white people, how they influence each other. Sam Neil's recent documentary on Captain Cook is another example of middle way history.

Bruce Pascoe isn't coming at this subject from a victim mentality at all. He's not hostile and far from radical. Bolt and Windshuttle don't even notice that, but do you know?

If Pascoe hadn't said he was black, they wouldn't be treating him like a black activist. He'd just be another boring white history-writer. Bolt and Windshuttle might not think Pascoe's black, they just see him as a Boong.


;D bollocks

He's seen as a fraud & a race appropriator.

We know he isn't black.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 5th, 2021 at 1:35pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 11:03pm:

Karnal wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 3:51pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 4th, 2021 at 1:36pm:
I appreciate your honesty. If Pascoe's not an historian, I love his work.

Pascoe said he's not an historian, dear. He also said Boongs were not traditionally farmers, they did not have governments or nation states, and that he himself may or may not genetically be a Boong.

Pascoe has agreed with many of the critics on Dark Emu Exposed, including Andrew Bolt. I've quoted one of his interviews. No one here even acknowledged it.

Grappler said but... but.... Gonads said white flag accepted. Matty and the old boy just howled.

They keep referring me to this website, telling me it's all there, can't you see? See what? I ask. Everything, they say. Which bits? I ask. The bit about them being Boongs, woke, PC gone mad, wacist, etc, etc, etc.

You know the rest.

Now if someone comes up to me and says there's this really terrible book, you simply mustn't read it, I say, Oh? Why's that?

If they then say, well, if I knew I'd have to read it, I say ah. Cunning, no?

Grappler and Gonads and Matty and the old boy are just trying to do the right thing and not read this terrible book, but they don't actually know what it's about because they're not allowed to read it. And not just the book, they won't even read what Pascoe says about his book.

That's cunning. When I was a young student I did a philosophy course called Theories of the Right. I read Mein Kampf and Burke and Friedman and Hayek and all the classics - you know, everything from conservatism to fascism to freemarket anarchism, a jolly good course too. Now I don't necessarily agree with Hitler or Hayek - not everything they said, anyway - but I like to know what they said, and do you know why?

Because I'm curious. I'm keen to know what they think. I'm keen to know what everybody thinks.


I have a nagging suspicion First Nations people did harvest/store seed and till. Pascoe has just done a really a.h.i.t.t.y job proving it.

Yes ... in Nth & Sth America.

There were no Nations here to be first of.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 1:38pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:03pm:
I think the principal reason for rejecting your krap is you just make stuff up. It is the method of your revisionism. You apply cultural, historical concepts to his thesis that clearly do not apply to it as these concepts developed on the pages of hate sites without even bothering to read Pascoe's harmless book and so SAY things that he never said in the first place. They are projected onto Pascoe's book as if they could say, either without loss or embelishment, what they actually do say. Concepts like victimhood, leftardism, hating Whitey and the like.

That, and you still haven't even bothered to actually refute anything he's said.

If this book is so harmless, why have some here, including yourself, made it into such a crusade against other views?  And why has he been lauded as the Great Saviour of the poor suffering Abo?

None here who reject his views started this - it was peccary from memory... followed by sock mothra and a few other Usual Suspects.... including you.  If it had not been for the clouds of fantasy bullshit thrown into the air over this meaningless tract of misrepresented facts, no argument would have followed, and that argument has only persisted because those on 'your' side chose to refuse to hear other Voices who simply said NO.

I accept zero responsibility for any such argument.  You??

What Pascoe said has been refuted so many times there is nothing left to discuss.... your total unwillingness to accept that is the problem here.

Smell the desperation... even the ABC has started to distance itself from the scholar Pascoe and his views..... oops.... now for the professorships that will not be renewed..... or if they are it is because those charlatans running them have painted themselves into a corner and nailed their colours to the mast........

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm
Lies aren't harmless.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 4:58pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:32pm:

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 12:09pm:
I think the principal reason for rejecting Pascoe is the method of his revisionism. He applies cultural, historical concepts to aborigines that clearly do not apply to them as these concepts developed in societies radically different to Aboriginal societies and so MEAN things that never occured in aboriginal societies. They are projected onto them as if they could mean, either without loss or embelishment, what they ordinarily mean.
Concepts like agriculture, towns, farming and the like.

Someone said on one of those Dark Emu Exposed things that the problem was that Pascoe chose to apply labels to things such as agriculture, towns etc that did not apply, thereby giving far greater meaning to things that were mundane and essentially ephemeral rather than substantial and fixed on the land.

Actually, I think your problem is that you choose to apply labels that are mundane and ephemeral rather than making an actual point. You don't actually know what you're describing, hence your use of terms like "someone said" and "those things".

Why don't you get the actual quote you're describing, post it here and let us see what you're talking about?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 5:23pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

If the savage infighting caused here is anything to go by - they certainly aren't harmless.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 5:26pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 4:58pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:32pm:

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 12:09pm:
I think the principal reason for rejecting Pascoe is the method of his revisionism. He applies cultural, historical concepts to aborigines that clearly do not apply to them as these concepts developed in societies radically different to Aboriginal societies and so MEAN things that never occured in aboriginal societies. They are projected onto them as if they could mean, either without loss or embelishment, what they ordinarily mean.
Concepts like agriculture, towns, farming and the like.

Someone said on one of those Dark Emu Exposed things that the problem was that Pascoe chose to apply labels to things such as agriculture, towns etc that did not apply, thereby giving far greater meaning to things that were mundane and essentially ephemeral rather than substantial and fixed on the land.

Actually, I think your problem is that you choose to apply labels that are mundane and ephemeral rather than making an actual point. You don't actually know what you're describing, hence your use of terms like "someone said" and "those things".

Why don't you get the actual quote you're describing, post it here and let us see what you're talking about?

So we shift from gregpecc demanding that Valkie prove his position, to one of demanding that I prove my position when I am merely rejecting an unproven position, and which position has been refuted time and again?

So if greg rejects Valkie's position, greg has no obligation to prove why, but if I reject Pascoism, you demand that I prove why?

So you want your cake and to eat it, too?  Pascoe's position has been disproven over and over.... by others...and it is up to him to show compelling proof that his assertions are valid... not up to me to show that my rejection of his assertions is valid.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 5:27pm
If, as you so blithely say now after creating WW III over this non-issue - Pascoe's assertions are essentially meaningless - why do you persist with your never-ending argument?

As Dr Kuzar said in The Keep - You Prove Yourself To ME!

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 5th, 2021 at 5:30pm
He talks a lot of tendentious, emotive and distorted crap, old Bruce.  Emotional Justice.  Bbwianesque.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 5:39pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

Good point, Homo. Andrew Bolt is one of the select few to go down in history as guilty of racial vilification, not because he said a few white Boongs are faking it, but because he lied so blatantly in the process.

Telling people who were taken from their parents that they're liars is harmful. David Irving said similar things to holocaust survivors. Rewriting this sort of history isn't noble or patriotic, it's cruel. These actions caused inter-generational trauma that can only be healed by acknowledging this history.

Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices.

Again, harmless. This doesn't hurt anybody. Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more. That's why Melbourne University has included Boong studies in its Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences.

So who's lying?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 5:42pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:26pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 4:58pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:32pm:

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 12:09pm:
I think the principal reason for rejecting Pascoe is the method of his revisionism. He applies cultural, historical concepts to aborigines that clearly do not apply to them as these concepts developed in societies radically different to Aboriginal societies and so MEAN things that never occured in aboriginal societies. They are projected onto them as if they could mean, either without loss or embelishment, what they ordinarily mean.
Concepts like agriculture, towns, farming and the like.

Someone said on one of those Dark Emu Exposed things that the problem was that Pascoe chose to apply labels to things such as agriculture, towns etc that did not apply, thereby giving far greater meaning to things that were mundane and essentially ephemeral rather than substantial and fixed on the land.

Actually, I think your problem is that you choose to apply labels that are mundane and ephemeral rather than making an actual point. You don't actually know what you're describing, hence your use of terms like "someone said" and "those things".

Why don't you get the actual quote you're describing, post it here and let us see what you're talking about?

So we shift from gregpecc demanding that Valkie prove his position, to one of demanding that I prove my position when I am merely rejecting an unproven position, and which position has been refuted time and again?

So if greg rejects Valkie's position, greg has no obligation to prove why, but if I reject Pascoism, you demand that I prove why?

Of course. Do you think you can just come here, say any old krap, and expect everyone to agree with you?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 5:56pm

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:30pm:
He talks a lot of tendentious, emotive and distorted crap, old Bruce.  Emotional Justice.  Bbwianesque.

Check out the old boy. He thinks he can just come here, say tendentious, emotive, distorted and Bwianesque and make his case. Good old white flag accepted.

Just think, he studied at the pwestigious University of Balogney, then flew down here to play emotional justice, but do you know?

There's really no need to go to so much trouble. I can say all that myself. No matter what the subject is, I have the old boy response all ready to go:

Tendentious - check. Mendacious - check. Agit-prop cadre propaganda - check. Yeah-but-no-but squishy writhing handwringing apologetic - check. Stilts - check check check.

Intelligence and integrity, innit.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 5:59pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

Good point, Homo. Andrew Bolt is one of the select few to go down in history as guilty of racial vilification, not because he said a few white Boongs are faking it, but because he lied so blatantly in the process.

Telling people who were taken from their parents that they're liars is harmful. David Irving said similar things to holocaust survivors. Rewriting this sort of history isn't noble or patriotic, it's cruel. These actions caused inter-generational trauma that can only be healed by acknowledging this history.

Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices.

Again, harmless. This doesn't hurt anybody. Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more. That's why Melbourne University has included Boong studies in its Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences.

So who's lying?

Well - it seems, on the record, that those taken from their 'families' were in peril one way or another or all...... so saying they were 'stolen' is the lie.  So it isn't calling those who say that liars - it is saying that the basis on which they've been sold their story is a lie.

Many need to learn the difference.....

"Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices. "

So - aspects - already covered many places elsewhere and shown to be insignificant, being part of an extended hunter/gatherer mode... what did they call it - complex hunter/gatherers who caught fish and tossed a few seeds sometimes....

Good to see you admitting that part of Pascoe's Pilgrimage - that long days' journey into intellectual darkness - was to destroy the concept of Terra Nullius - he did no such thing, it seems... instead her verified it by bringing to light the realities...

Clearly when there was a complex hunter/gatherer society with no established government and no common law and division between - what was it - 5000 tribes - there was Terra Nullius in accordance with the rules at that time... please move on... it's 2021... not 1721 ....

There was no government to make a treaty with - discussion ends.  Start living in the present...

Now then - which part of that style of hunter/gatherer land 'management' will suit the modern era, d'ya think?  Start by trotting out the old 'burnoffs' again... already dead and buried....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 6:26pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:42pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:26pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 4:58pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:32pm:

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 12:09pm:
I think the principal reason for rejecting Pascoe is the method of his revisionism. He applies cultural, historical concepts to aborigines that clearly do not apply to them as these concepts developed in societies radically different to Aboriginal societies and so MEAN things that never occured in aboriginal societies. They are projected onto them as if they could mean, either without loss or embelishment, what they ordinarily mean.
Concepts like agriculture, towns, farming and the like.

Someone said on one of those Dark Emu Exposed things that the problem was that Pascoe chose to apply labels to things such as agriculture, towns etc that did not apply, thereby giving far greater meaning to things that were mundane and essentially ephemeral rather than substantial and fixed on the land.

Actually, I think your problem is that you choose to apply labels that are mundane and ephemeral rather than making an actual point. You don't actually know what you're describing, hence your use of terms like "someone said" and "those things".

Why don't you get the actual quote you're describing, post it here and let us see what you're talking about?

So we shift from gregpecc demanding that Valkie prove his position, to one of demanding that I prove my position when I am merely rejecting an unproven position, and which position has been refuted time and again?

So if greg rejects Valkie's position, greg has no obligation to prove why, but if I reject Pascoism, you demand that I prove why?

Of course. Do you think you can just come here, say any old krap, and expect everyone to agree with you?

My, my - we are getting paranoid, aren't we?  Smell the desperation... I don't give a rat's ass if someone agrees with me or not... as long as the truth is out there somewhere......

As the man said - I know what I know....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 7:13pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:59pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

Good point, Homo. Andrew Bolt is one of the select few to go down in history as guilty of racial vilification, not because he said a few white Boongs are faking it, but because he lied so blatantly in the process.

Telling people who were taken from their parents that they're liars is harmful. David Irving said similar things to holocaust survivors. Rewriting this sort of history isn't noble or patriotic, it's cruel. These actions caused inter-generational trauma that can only be healed by acknowledging this history.

Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices.

Again, harmless. This doesn't hurt anybody. Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more. That's why Melbourne University has included Boong studies in its Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences.

So who's lying?

Well - it seems, on the record, that those taken from their 'families' were in peril one way or another or all...... so saying they were 'stolen' is the lie.  So it isn't calling those who say that liars - it is saying that the basis on which they've been sold their story is a lie.

Many need to learn the difference.....

They most certainly were stolen, by the definition of the law. After the 1967 referendum, Boongs were counted in the census. I have personally met Boongs who were taken from their mothers and adopted after Boongs were granted citizenship. The reason? They were half-castes and the policy was assimilation. No parental orders were made or consented to. They were literally taken from their cribs and their mothers sent home.

Prior to 67, Boongs were removed under the state protection acts. This was systematic, and not for any welfare reasons. In Queensland and Western Australia, Boongs were removed to train them as domestic and farm labourers. Boongs were seen as a blight on the land and were placed in missions to get them off the settlements, in most cases shanty camps near creeks, the only place they were permitted to live. I have also met those who were removed for these reasons.

All of this is official history, and the subject of a number of reports you've well aware of. Every major political party sees it as a historical stain on our nation. It's not ancient history, and children are being removed today as a result of the intergenerational trauma - children, families, communities, separated and destroyed.

We've had the apology, we've moved on from that, but Aboriginal history is Australian history. Some resist the truth. Their project is the systematic destruction of all Aboriginal life in Australia. The very mention of Boongs is unconscionable. Stolen generations, traditional land practices, the lot. They want a complete whitewash, and they will quite happily lie to achieve these ends.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 7:57pm
Can't take NO for an answer, eh?  What part of NO don't you understand?

Your conspiracy theory is amazing and totally paranoid, but totally untrue and unsupported by facts.  Nobody buried anything - it just wasn't there to bury...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 8:01pm
Children are being removed today and in the past because of neglect, abuse both physical and sexual, and for a better and safer life.

You cannot blame 'intergenerational' problems on White Australia - the Abos need to pick themselves up and stop their own rot instead of blaming everyone else...

Nobody forces them to do the things they do.... the intergenerational problems are that they suffer abuse and neglect and then pass it on, over and over... now who's to blame for that?  Anyone but themselves... acting like children...

First remove the log from your own eye....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 9:18pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 8:01pm:
Children are being removed today and in the past because of neglect, abuse both physical and sexual, and for a better and safer life.

You cannot blame 'intergenerational' problems on White Australia - the Abos need to pick themselves up and stop their own rot instead of blaming everyone else...

Nobody forces them to do the things they do.... the intergenerational problems are that they suffer abuse and neglect and then pass it on, over and over... now who's to blame for that?  Anyone but themselves... acting like children...

First remove the log from your own eye....

A significant number of babies are removed from children - young mothers in care themselves.

Most are indeed victims of abuse and neglect. We don't blame people who can't look after themselves, never mind their babies. We support them. This is what families and communities and nice people do.

We're not talking about "them", we're talking about us. Whitey, Boongs, mothers, fathers, they're one of us. 


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 5th, 2021 at 9:24pm
I find it remarkable that there have been no efforts to refute what Pascoe said about Indigenous Australians.  Even Valkie has to concede he was wrong, there was evidence to support Pascoe's thesis - Indigenous Australians did "farm the land".  Something the Racists are still denying.  Like Karnal I am waiting of the attempts to refute exactly what Pascoe said.  I am yet to see any such attempt.  Instead all we read are ad hominem insults directed at Pascoe, Karnal, myself and anybody who dares to put an oar into the water to back back his thesis.  We have seen no effort on their part to refute the claims he has made by citing and quoting the journals of the early Explorers or Settlers.   Were what they were describing as far as cultivation wrong?  If so, how so?  Or are we just going to on and endless circle of insults and screaming denials?  You know the sort we see all the time from the Racists.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 5th, 2021 at 9:25pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 7:13pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:59pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

Good point, Homo. Andrew Bolt is one of the select few to go down in history as guilty of racial vilification, not because he said a few white Boongs are faking it, but because he lied so blatantly in the process.

Telling people who were taken from their parents that they're liars is harmful. David Irving said similar things to holocaust survivors. Rewriting this sort of history isn't noble or patriotic, it's cruel. These actions caused inter-generational trauma that can only be healed by acknowledging this history.

Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices.

Again, harmless. This doesn't hurt anybody. Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more. That's why Melbourne University has included Boong studies in its Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences.

So who's lying?

Well - it seems, on the record, that those taken from their 'families' were in peril one way or another or all...... so saying they were 'stolen' is the lie.  So it isn't calling those who say that liars - it is saying that the basis on which they've been sold their story is a lie.

Many need to learn the difference.....

They most certainly were stolen, by the definition of the law. After the 1967 referendum, Boongs were counted in the census. I have personally met Boongs who were taken from their mothers and adopted after Boongs were granted citizenship. The reason? They were half-castes and the policy was assimilation. No parental orders were made or consented to. They were literally taken from their cribs and their mothers sent home.

Prior to 67, Boongs were removed under the state protection acts. This was systematic, and not for any welfare reasons. In Queensland and Western Australia, Boongs were removed to train them as domestic and farm labourers. Boongs were seen as a blight on the land and were placed in missions to get them off the settlements, in most cases shanty camps near creeks, the only place they were permitted to live. I have also met those who were removed for these reasons.

All of this is official history, and the subject of a number of reports you've well aware of. Every major political party sees it as a historical stain on our nation. It's not ancient history, and children are being removed today as a result of the intergenerational trauma - children, families, communities, separated and destroyed.

We've had the apology, we've moved on from that, but Aboriginal history is Australian history. Some resist the truth. Their project is the systematic destruction of all Aboriginal life in Australia. The very mention of Boongs is unconscionable. Stolen generations, traditional land practices, the lot. They want a complete whitewash, and they will quite happily lie to achieve these ends.


Why did half castes need protection from other abos, paki?
You forgot?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 5th, 2021 at 9:41pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:24pm:
I find it remarkable that there have been no efforts to refute what Pascoe said about Indigenous Australians.  Even Valkie has to concede he was wrong, there was evidence to support Pascoe's thesis - Indigenous Australians did "farm the land".  Something the Racists are still denying.  Like Karnal I am waiting of the attempts to refute exactly what Pascoe said.  I am yet to see any such attempt.  Instead all we read are ad hominem insults directed at Pascoe, Karnal, myself and anybody who dares to put an oar into the water to back back his thesis.  We have seen no effort on their part to refute the claims he has made by citing and quoting the journals of the early Explorers or Settlers.   Were what they were describing as far as cultivation wrong?  If so, how so?  Or are we just going to on and endless circle of insults and screaming denials?  You know the sort we see all the time from the Racists.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

They did not 'farm the land'.

Pascoe quotes selectively, then emotively skewers the quote and then calls primitive practices by names suitable for much more advanced practices.

He manipulates white written accounts and makes it out, repeatedly, that aboriginal 'sophustication' was either deliberately hidden or denied - or that Europeans were too primitive to recognise Aboriginal sophistication.

He has NO aboriginal sources - all he has is the selective, distorted misrepresentation of exclusively European sources.

His language is emotive, inflated. His thesis is that the vast, 60 thoysand year old  aboriginal civilisation of agriculture, large permanent towns, settled life was wiped out in a mere 60 years by Europeans who were curious about everything but aborigines. It's ridiculous. It's butthurt bs by someone who understands nothing about the people who came to Australia in the 18-19th centuries but who is making a name and a quid for himself by slandering those people.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 5th, 2021 at 9:42pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.



Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 5th, 2021 at 9:44pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.


Well, you are the spawn of hideous evil white  monsters, then, 'grew here' paki bvgger.

How does it feel?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 5th, 2021 at 9:56pm
I am untainted by your hideous sin, 'grew here' monstrous tormenter of abos. Repent, your blood is contaminated by your settler ancestors who murdered, exterminated and never did anything good, ever. You are the 'grew here' spawn of satan, hell bent on exterminating the abos.

Is that it, stupid bozo? You are owning the sins? Nuffin' to do with me, it all you and your daddies and mummies?  You 'grew here' from the seed of those monstrous genocidal maniacs, no?

Is that your mindset, ya stupid ijit?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 5th, 2021 at 10:05pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:24pm:
I find it remarkable that there have been no efforts to refute what Pascoe said about Indigenous Australians.  Even Valkie has to concede he was wrong, there was evidence to support Pascoe's thesis - Indigenous Australians did "farm the land".  Something the Racists are still denying.  Like Karnal I am waiting of the attempts to refute exactly what Pascoe said.  I am yet to see any such attempt.  Instead all we read are ad hominem insults directed at Pascoe, Karnal, myself and anybody who dares to put an oar into the water to back back his thesis.  We have seen no effort on their part to refute the claims he has made by citing and quoting the journals of the early Explorers or Settlers.   Were what they were describing as far as cultivation wrong?  If so, how so?  Or are we just going to on and endless circle of insults and screaming denials?  You know the sort we see all the time from the Racists.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Islamophobia.  Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Promoters of persecution of innocent people who have committed no crimes.  Their fear of Islam has driven them to this.  I am sure the Nazis promoted their persecution of Jews in a similar manner in the 1930s and 1940s... I'm sure that Moses, Valkie, and of course, Soren fear Muslims and Islam, afterall it is all they ever talk about - their fear.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 10:11pm

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:42pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.



In NSW. She was removed by the Welfare.

You would understand this perfectly well if you, you know, grew here. That's just how it went.

She later met her mother and family, after years of separation. Tears, laughs, the lot. She discovered an entire mob, her mob. Back then, they didn't give parents' details out to adoptees, and she spent years looking. She didn't even know she'd been adopted until she was 14. Didn't know she was a Boong, nothing.

It could never happen today, and it was even illegal then. We've learnt and changed, thank God.

If you think removing babies off black mothers because they're white and there are wealthy white parents willing to adopt, you're worse than I thought, but something tells me your incomprehension is just ignorance, not a defence of such practices.

Your just clueless. After all, you flew here. If I was in your shoes though, I'd keep an open mind and take some time to learn a bit about the place you flew to, our people, our history. You don't have all the answers, none of us do.

But if this story sounds unbelievable to you, you have a lot to learn.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 11:01pm
Well - endless repetition of the same old rubbish isn't going to persuade anyone to convert to Pascoism.

There is insufficient evidence to support Pascoe's contentions, and there is no requirement on anyone to 'refute' his claims - rather the onus is on him to prove them to a proper standard.

Now what evidence can you - Brian, Karnal, greg, or mothra actually produce that gives any credence to Pascoe's contentions?

What evidence do you have that anyone calculatedly destroyed or removed any evidence of such Aboriginal sophistication that even the Aboriginals say did not exist?

If it weren't for you fools coming back time and again with the same old rubbish - nobody would even bother with such nonsense, but let me make this clear - you sure know how to make enemies of people who might otherwise be more sympathetic to such things about Aboriginals.

You just love the argument, don't you?  And that's all it is for you, since there is nothing to be achieved at the end of the day but strife and disruption.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 11:04pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 10:11pm:

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:42pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.



In NSW. She was removed by the Welfare.

You would understand this perfectly well if you, you know, grew here. That's just how it went.

She later met her mother and family, after years of separation. Tears, laughs, the lot. She discovered an entire mob, her mob. Back then, they didn't give parents' details out to adoptees, and she spent years looking. She didn't even know she'd been adopted until she was 14. Didn't know she was a Boong, nothing.

It could never happen today, and it was even illegal then. We've learnt and changed, thank God.

If you think removing babies off black mothers because they're white and there are wealthy white parents willing to adopt, you're worse than I thought, but something tells me your incomprehension is just ignorance, not a defence of such practices.

Your just clueless. After all, you flew here. If I was in your shoes though, I'd keep an open mind and take some time to learn a bit about the place you flew to, our people, our history. You don't have all the answers, none of us do.

But if this story sounds unbelievable to you, you have a lot to learn.

Anecdotal or actual documented evidence?

She says - they say... oh, well..... got a copy of the report about this child's removal?  Under what circumstances did this fine lady discuss this with you??

It's not ignorance or a condemnation of past practices.... it is nothing but wanting to argue endlessly without any proof, and stir.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 5th, 2021 at 11:05pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

Good point, Homo. Andrew Bolt is one of the select few to go down in history as guilty of racial vilification, not because he said a few white Boongs are faking it, but because he lied so blatantly in the process.

Telling people who were taken from their parents that they're liars is harmful. David Irving said similar things to holocaust survivors. Rewriting this sort of history isn't noble or patriotic, it's cruel. These actions caused inter-generational trauma that can only be healed by acknowledging this history.

Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices.

Again, harmless. This doesn't hurt anybody. Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more. That's why Melbourne University has included Boong studies in its Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences.

So who's lying?

All of them. Two Wongs don't make a white. Do you care about the truth or consensus?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 11:15pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 11:05pm:
Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more.

OH?  and what do you imagine they're going to learn that will actually alter anything in the modern age?

How to broadcast a few native seeds?  How to 'farm' on such a low level that your impact on the land is no more than growing native grass?  How to feed millions on those practices?  How to prevent bushfires in a hot, dry long drought with high hot winds, by burning off, as has been done ever since I can remember, without any Aboriginal contribution?

What exactly are we supposed to learn?  How to build a fish trap?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 5th, 2021 at 11:17pm
" Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius,"

Again you admit that is what he is trying to do - and it doesn't wash... there was no government, no common law, no nothing  but 5000 separate and often warring tribes in a wide land... therefore Terra Nullius was appropriate....

Now then - when are your Boongs going to pay us for the services they enjoy?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 5th, 2021 at 11:52pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 11:05pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

Good point, Homo. Andrew Bolt is one of the select few to go down in history as guilty of racial vilification, not because he said a few white Boongs are faking it, but because he lied so blatantly in the process.

Telling people who were taken from their parents that they're liars is harmful. David Irving said similar things to holocaust survivors. Rewriting this sort of history isn't noble or patriotic, it's cruel. These actions caused inter-generational trauma that can only be healed by acknowledging this history.

Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices.

Again, harmless. This doesn't hurt anybody. Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more. That's why Melbourne University has included Boong studies in its Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences.

So who's lying?

All of them. Two Wongs don't make a white. Do you care about the truth or consensus?

That's not even a question. If you couldn't be bothered, perfectly normal, no worries.

Just say ah.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 6th, 2021 at 12:00am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 11:04pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 10:11pm:

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:42pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.



In NSW. She was removed by the Welfare.

You would understand this perfectly well if you, you know, grew here. That's just how it went.

She later met her mother and family, after years of separation. Tears, laughs, the lot. She discovered an entire mob, her mob. Back then, they didn't give parents' details out to adoptees, and she spent years looking. She didn't even know she'd been adopted until she was 14. Didn't know she was a Boong, nothing.

It could never happen today, and it was even illegal then. We've learnt and changed, thank God.

If you think removing babies off black mothers because they're white and there are wealthy white parents willing to adopt, you're worse than I thought, but something tells me your incomprehension is just ignorance, not a defence of such practices.

Your just clueless. After all, you flew here. If I was in your shoes though, I'd keep an open mind and take some time to learn a bit about the place you flew to, our people, our history. You don't have all the answers, none of us do.

But if this story sounds unbelievable to you, you have a lot to learn.

Anecdotal or actual documented evidence?

She says - they say... oh, well..... got a copy of the report about this child's removal?  Under what circumstances did this fine lady discuss this with you??

It's not ignorance or a condemnation of past practices.... it is nothing but wanting to argue endlessly without any proof, and stir.

Anecdotal. Can you imagine I would make this up?

I could give you pages of similar researched examples I didn't meet, and before you ask, I've already referenced the reports. Check out Bringing Them Home.

Yes, while I grew here, with nice white, loving parents, others were being stolen - for being Boongs, but not being tinted.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 6th, 2021 at 12:33am
Oh, well - we've heard that suggestion ... that rumour... of an Aboriginal History... a thousand times... seems to hold as much water in an eel trap as Gordon's picture shows the true state of the Aboriginals pre-1788 Settlement.... clean cut and so comfy with one another, no bruising or beating or child abuse... how much things have changed.... oh, well...

I think we can get past this one now....

What's next on the agenda?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 6th, 2021 at 12:40am

Karnal wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 12:00am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 11:04pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 10:11pm:

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:42pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.



In NSW. She was removed by the Welfare.

You would understand this perfectly well if you, you know, grew here. That's just how it went.

She later met her mother and family, after years of separation. Tears, laughs, the lot. She discovered an entire mob, her mob. Back then, they didn't give parents' details out to adoptees, and she spent years looking. She didn't even know she'd been adopted until she was 14. Didn't know she was a Boong, nothing.

It could never happen today, and it was even illegal then. We've learnt and changed, thank God.

If you think removing babies off black mothers because they're white and there are wealthy white parents willing to adopt, you're worse than I thought, but something tells me your incomprehension is just ignorance, not a defence of such practices.

Your just clueless. After all, you flew here. If I was in your shoes though, I'd keep an open mind and take some time to learn a bit about the place you flew to, our people, our history. You don't have all the answers, none of us do.

But if this story sounds unbelievable to you, you have a lot to learn.

Anecdotal or actual documented evidence?

She says - they say... oh, well..... got a copy of the report about this child's removal?  Under what circumstances did this fine lady discuss this with you??

It's not ignorance or a condemnation of past practices.... it is nothing but wanting to argue endlessly without any proof, and stir.

Anecdotal. Can you imagine I would make this up?

I could give you pages of similar researched examples I didn't meet, and before you ask, I've already referenced the reports. Check out Bringing Them Home.

Yes, while I grew here, with nice white, loving parents, others were being stolen - for being Boongs, but not being tinted.


.. and who 'owns' this site?  What are its standards and what are the reports made of?

Is this like one of those feminist 'rape culture' sites full of imagined flights of fancy and mirages of made up figures and based on 'expert' extrapolations of figures given for rigged questions?  Is it true to its calling of a 'social science' project.  All anecdotals one-sided and with an estimate of up to 90% unreported etc?  Is there a comparison between the official reports and the anecdotes?

I was just enjoying that final cello/violin duo from the end of Master and Commander and you've gone ahead and ruined it... damn your eyes, sir!!!

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 6th, 2021 at 12:53am

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 11:52pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 11:05pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

Good point, Homo. Andrew Bolt is one of the select few to go down in history as guilty of racial vilification, not because he said a few white Boongs are faking it, but because he lied so blatantly in the process.

Telling people who were taken from their parents that they're liars is harmful. David Irving said similar things to holocaust survivors. Rewriting this sort of history isn't noble or patriotic, it's cruel. These actions caused inter-generational trauma that can only be healed by acknowledging this history.

Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices.

Again, harmless. This doesn't hurt anybody. Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more. That's why Melbourne University has included Boong studies in its Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences.

So who's lying?

All of them. Two Wongs don't make a white. Do you care about the truth or consensus?

That's not even a question. If you couldn't be bothered, perfectly normal, no worries.

Just say ah.

It is a question. The little squiggle at the end of the sentence is a give away. There are popular opinions, heresies, myths, beliefs, constructs, traditions, opinions, good intentions, convictions...and then there is the truth. Poor truth; a dirty, unloved street urchin. Where does your heart lie, Carny?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 6th, 2021 at 9:53am

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.


Tit for tat

I met an halfcaste Aboriginal stockman who was black by any stretch ..... on a Gulf country station 35 years ago ....

he told us he lived on station even though the local Aboriginal township/community was not far away mainly because the full bloods there would single him out as being a "yella fella" & were none to fond.

This & worse happened to many half caste & lighter children in Aboriginal communities & i the main was why many were removed for their own safety.

It simply suits the agenda to drive it home as a deliberately racist motivated emotive "stolen children" perspective.

Children from all racial groups were & still are taken into state care everyday .... on the basis of child safety because of neglect.

Up to 130,000 British children from poor backgrounds who were orphans or deceived were sent to the UK dominions from 1869 to 1967.

Anywhere between 5,000 & 10,000 ended up in Australia...

& along with non indigenous Australian children were placed in institutions ....

stolen children too .... no doubt ::),New%20Zealand%2C%20and%20South%20Africa.&text=In%20February%202010%20UK%20Prime,families%20of%20children%20who%20suffered.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 6th, 2021 at 10:04am

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 5:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 1:43pm:
Lies aren't harmless.

Good point, Homo. Andrew Bolt is one of the select few to go down in history as guilty of racial vilification, not because he said a few white Boongs are faking it, but because he lied so blatantly in the process.

Telling people who were taken from their parents that they're liars is harmful. David Irving said similar things to holocaust survivors. Rewriting this sort of history isn't noble or patriotic, it's cruel. These actions caused inter-generational trauma that can only be healed by acknowledging this history.

Pascoe's suggestion that Boongs used aspects of agriculture in their hunting and gathering, transformed and in some senses cultivated the land they occupied is an entirely harmless argument. You acknowledge this yourself. Pascoe isn't just trying to disprove terra nullius, he's involved in the project of uncovering traditional Aboriginal land-management practices.

Again, harmless. This doesn't hurt anybody. Indeed, many farmers, LGAs, water-management and rural fire authorities want to learn more. That's why Melbourne University has included Boong studies in its Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences.

So who's lying?

;D the epitome of being woke. Melbourne  ::)

And tell me what Indigenes would be advising them in these matters?

And what would be applicable from their knowledge for use in current Vet & Agricultural science that wouldn't already be known?

And who would have instructed these Indigenes in these perhaps applicable ancient arts.  ;D 

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 6th, 2021 at 12:31pm
Using crushed-up Bardi grubs to fight infection. I'll stick to antibiotics.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 6th, 2021 at 12:31pm

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 6th, 2021 at 12:52pm

Gnads wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 9:53am:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.


Tit for tat

I met an halfcaste Aboriginal stockman who was black by any stretch ..... on a Gulf country station 35 years ago ....

he told us he lived on station even though the local Aboriginal township/community was not far away mainly because the full bloods there would single him out as being a "yella fella" & were none to fond.

This & worse happened to many half caste & lighter children in Aboriginal communities & i the main was why many were removed for their own safety.

It simply suits the agenda to drive it home as a deliberately racist motivated emotive "stolen children" perspective.

Children from all racial groups were & still are taken into state care everyday .... on the basis of child safety because of neglect.

Up to 130,000 British children from poor backgrounds who were orphans or deceived were sent to the UK dominions from 1869 to 1967.

Anywhere between 5,000 & 10,000 ended up in Australia...

& along with non indigenous Australian children were placed in institutions ....

stolen children too .... no doubt ::),New%20Zealand%2C%20and%20South%20Africa.&text=In%20February%202010%20UK%20Prime,families%20of%20children%20who%20suffered.

No doubt. They weren't removed because of any parental abuse or neglect. They were removed because there was a "kind, caring" network of churches and organisations to place them with infertile couples.

PC gone mad, no?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 6th, 2021 at 12:55pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 12:31pm:
Using crushed-up Bardi grubs to fight infection. I'll stick to antibiotics.

Not if it was pre-1940s, dear, no.

If you were a shipwrecked sailor or half-dead explorer, I'd say you'd be grateful for the crushed bugs.

You'll get what you're given, dear. You'll eat it and you'll like it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 6th, 2021 at 1:08pm
Never mind the history, the real present of Aboriginal Australia

In 2018–19, 51,500 Indigenous children received child protection services, a rate of 156 per 1,000 Indigenous children—an increase from 134 per 1,000 in 2014–15.
12,600 Indigenous children were the subject of a substantiation in 2018–19. The most common type of substantiated abuse was emotional abuse (47%) followed by neglect (31%).
At 30 June 2019, 21,900 Indigenous children were on care and protection orders. Of these children, 70% (15,300) were on guardianship or custody orders.
1 in 18 Indigenous children (around 18,000) were in out-of-home care at 30 June 2019, two-thirds (64%) of whom were living with relatives, kin or other Indigenous caregivers.
Indigenous children continue to be over-represented among children receiving child protection services, including for substantiated child abuse and neglect, children on care and protection orders and children in out-of-home care.
Based on data from 6 jurisdictions, 84% of Indigenous children who exited out-of-home care to a permanency outcome in 2017–18 did not return to care within 12 months.

Indigenous people are 15 to 20 times more likely to commit violent offences than non-Indigenous people according to research released today.
The Australian Institute of Criminology analysed police data from Western Australia and South Australia and national murder rates.
The Institute's Director, Dr Adam Tomison says the study found violent offending is linked to illicit drug use, childhood violence, exposure to pornography and socioeconomic disadvantage.
But he says alcohol is by far the biggest cause of violent offending by indigenous people.

"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are disproportionately affected by violence; they are 34 times more likely to be hospitalised due to family violence than other women, and they are 11 times more likely to die from violent assault," the organisation's executive officer, Sophie Trevitt, told the ABC.

Aborigines are responsible for their own behaviour.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 6th, 2021 at 2:02pm

Frank wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 1:08pm:
Never mind the history, the real present of Aboriginal Australia

In 2018–19, 51,500 Indigenous children received child protection services, a rate of 156 per 1,000 Indigenous children—an increase from 134 per 1,000 in 2014–15.
12,600 Indigenous children were the subject of a substantiation in 2018–19. The most common type of substantiated abuse was emotional abuse (47%) followed by neglect (31%).
At 30 June 2019, 21,900 Indigenous children were on care and protection orders. Of these children, 70% (15,300) were on guardianship or custody orders.
1 in 18 Indigenous children (around 18,000) were in out-of-home care at 30 June 2019, two-thirds (64%) of whom were living with relatives, kin or other Indigenous caregivers.
Indigenous children continue to be over-represented among children receiving child protection services, including for substantiated child abuse and neglect, children on care and protection orders and children in out-of-home care.
Based on data from 6 jurisdictions, 84% of Indigenous children who exited out-of-home care to a permanency outcome in 2017–18 did not return to care within 12 months.

Indigenous people are 15 to 20 times more likely to commit violent offences than non-Indigenous people according to research released today.
The Australian Institute of Criminology analysed police data from Western Australia and South Australia and national murder rates.
The Institute's Director, Dr Adam Tomison says the study found violent offending is linked to illicit drug use, childhood violence, exposure to pornography and socioeconomic disadvantage.
But he says alcohol is by far the biggest cause of violent offending by indigenous people.

"Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women are disproportionately affected by violence; they are 34 times more likely to be hospitalised due to family violence than other women, and they are 11 times more likely to die from violent assault," the organisation's executive officer, Sophie Trevitt, told the ABC.

Aborigines are responsible for their own behaviour.

And this is the great kultcha we are supposed to look up to.

A kultcha based on Pedophelia, child neglect, violence and parasitical behaviour.

All the opportunity in the world.....and too lazy to use it.

But beggars extraordinaire,  will beg for anything any time.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 6th, 2021 at 2:08pm

Karnal wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Gnads wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 9:53am:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.


Tit for tat

I met an halfcaste Aboriginal stockman who was black by any stretch ..... on a Gulf country station 35 years ago ....

he told us he lived on station even though the local Aboriginal township/community was not far away mainly because the full bloods there would single him out as being a "yella fella" & were none to fond.

This & worse happened to many half caste & lighter children in Aboriginal communities & i the main was why many were removed for their own safety.

It simply suits the agenda to drive it home as a deliberately racist motivated emotive "stolen children" perspective.

Children from all racial groups were & still are taken into state care everyday .... on the basis of child safety because of neglect.

Up to 130,000 British children from poor backgrounds who were orphans or deceived were sent to the UK dominions from 1869 to 1967.

Anywhere between 5,000 & 10,000 ended up in Australia...

& along with non indigenous Australian children were placed in institutions ....

stolen children too .... no doubt ::),New%20Zealand%2C%20and%20South%20Africa.&text=In%20February%202010%20UK%20Prime,families%20of%20children%20who%20suffered.

No doubt. They weren't removed because of any parental abuse or neglect. They were removed because there was a "kind, caring" network of churches and organisations to place them with infertile couples.

PC gone mad, no?
Absolute nonsense. The public record shows that the removal of part white children was altruistic in motive based on the prevailing views that the children would be neglected or worse by the full bloods because of their part white ancestry.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 7th, 2021 at 8:27am

After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia. 

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived. 

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.    

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.



Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.


To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers. 
Dr Ian Keen 

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 7th, 2021 at 11:41am

rhino wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 2:08pm:

Karnal wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Gnads wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 9:53am:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.


Tit for tat

I met an halfcaste Aboriginal stockman who was black by any stretch ..... on a Gulf country station 35 years ago ....

he told us he lived on station even though the local Aboriginal township/community was not far away mainly because the full bloods there would single him out as being a "yella fella" & were none to fond.

This & worse happened to many half caste & lighter children in Aboriginal communities & i the main was why many were removed for their own safety.

It simply suits the agenda to drive it home as a deliberately racist motivated emotive "stolen children" perspective.

Children from all racial groups were & still are taken into state care everyday .... on the basis of child safety because of neglect.

Up to 130,000 British children from poor backgrounds who were orphans or deceived were sent to the UK dominions from 1869 to 1967.

Anywhere between 5,000 & 10,000 ended up in Australia...

& along with non indigenous Australian children were placed in institutions ....

stolen children too .... no doubt ::),New%20Zealand%2C%20and%20South%20Africa.&text=In%20February%202010%20UK%20Prime,families%20of%20children%20who%20suffered.

No doubt. They weren't removed because of any parental abuse or neglect. They were removed because there was a "kind, caring" network of churches and organisations to place them with infertile couples.

PC gone mad, no?
Absolute nonsense. The public record shows that the removal of part white children was altruistic in motive based on the prevailing views that the children would be neglected or worse by the full bloods because of their part white ancestry.

How would you like your kids removed on a "prevailing view", son?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 7th, 2021 at 11:46am

Valkie wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 8:27am:

After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia. 

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived. 

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.    

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.

Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.


To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers. 
Dr Ian Keen 


What do you want, Matty, a kiss?

Pascoe acknowledges that.

They invented a stick.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 7th, 2021 at 11:49am

rhino wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 2:08pm:

Karnal wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Gnads wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 9:53am:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.


Tit for tat

I met an halfcaste Aboriginal stockman who was black by any stretch ..... on a Gulf country station 35 years ago ....

he told us he lived on station even though the local Aboriginal township/community was not far away mainly because the full bloods there would single him out as being a "yella fella" & were none to fond.

This & worse happened to many half caste & lighter children in Aboriginal communities & i the main was why many were removed for their own safety.

It simply suits the agenda to drive it home as a deliberately racist motivated emotive "stolen children" perspective.

Children from all racial groups were & still are taken into state care everyday .... on the basis of child safety because of neglect.

Up to 130,000 British children from poor backgrounds who were orphans or deceived were sent to the UK dominions from 1869 to 1967.

Anywhere between 5,000 & 10,000 ended up in Australia...

& along with non indigenous Australian children were placed in institutions ....

stolen children too .... no doubt ::),New%20Zealand%2C%20and%20South%20Africa.&text=In%20February%202010%20UK%20Prime,families%20of%20children%20who%20suffered.

No doubt. They weren't removed because of any parental abuse or neglect. They were removed because there was a "kind, caring" network of churches and organisations to place them with infertile couples.

PC gone mad, no?
Absolute nonsense. The public record shows that the removal of part white children was altruistic in motive based on the prevailing views that the children would be neglected or worse by the full bloods because of their part white ancestry.

Met me a part-Aboriginal bloke once, red hair and freckles - one of the Black Aboriginals said to him - "You think you're white - but they (the cops) think you're black, so it's the slammer for you, Boy."

Didn't fit in with either 'side' - not that there ever should be a side... Australians all, innit?

All this division - and for what?  What does anyone hope to gain from any 'treaty' that was never earned or applicable?  What does anyone expect to gain from even obtaining 'land rights'?  They never get richer or better off in any way - just stay the same..... so WTF is this all about?

What would happen if they 'went their own way' without any of whitey's conveniences?  You go your way on your terms, we'll go our way on ours?

I think it's time to STFU and get the idea into their heads that they need to take ownership of their own problems.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 7th, 2021 at 12:23pm
As I have said, time and time again.

The abbos have better opportunity, through special programs and free education, to be anything they want to be.

But, and this is the crux of the matter.
They appear to be totally incapable of getting off their collective arses and actually doing something for themselves.

They expect whites to do it all for them, to support them, to feed, cloth and give them houses.
This, they expect, for some arcane reason that they were born here with some genes of a culture of primitive hunter gatherers.

Many of these abbos are more white than I.
I have 4 possibly 5 generations of family born and raised here.
When can I be considered indiginious?
We even have the ridiculious concept of a parasite claiming aboriginality even though he wasn't born here.

It's time all this division, reverse racism and special treatment was abolished.

One rule for all
One law for all
One system for all.

Now watch as the racist abbos get all uptight and start frothing at the mouth.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 7th, 2021 at 1:40pm

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 10:11pm:

Frank wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:42pm:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.



In NSW. She was removed by the Welfare.

You would understand this perfectly well if you, you know, grew here. That's just how it went.

She later met her mother and family, after years of separation. Tears, laughs, the lot. She discovered an entire mob, her mob. Back then, they didn't give parents' details out to adoptees, and she spent years looking. She didn't even know she'd been adopted until she was 14. Didn't know she was a Boong, nothing.

It could never happen today, and it was even illegal then. We've learnt and changed, thank God.

If you think removing babies off black mothers because they're white and there are wealthy white parents willing to adopt, you're worse than I thought, but something tells me your incomprehension is just ignorance, not a defence of such practices.

Your just clueless. After all, you flew here. If I was in your shoes though, I'd keep an open mind and take some time to learn a bit about the place you flew to, our people, our history. You don't have all the answers, none of us do.

But if this story sounds unbelievable to you, you have a lot to learn.

So they just came & took her?

You say because "she wasn't tinted" .... I say BS.

There has to be more to it ......... too many siblings? Not enough resources to manage another child? High likelihood of neglect?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 7th, 2021 at 1:45pm

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 11:41am:

rhino wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 2:08pm:

Karnal wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 12:52pm:

Gnads wrote on May 6th, 2021 at 9:53am:

Karnal wrote on May 5th, 2021 at 9:34pm:
They didn't, dear boy. The person I met, removed in 1969, had siblings left in her mother's care.

She was removed - wait for it - because she wasn't tinted.


Tit for tat

I met an halfcaste Aboriginal stockman who was black by any stretch ..... on a Gulf country station 35 years ago ....

he told us he lived on station even though the local Aboriginal township/community was not far away mainly because the full bloods there would single him out as being a "yella fella" & were none to fond.

This & worse happened to many half caste & lighter children in Aboriginal communities & i the main was why many were removed for their own safety.

It simply suits the agenda to drive it home as a deliberately racist motivated emotive "stolen children" perspective.

Children from all racial groups were & still are taken into state care everyday .... on the basis of child safety because of neglect.

Up to 130,000 British children from poor backgrounds who were orphans or deceived were sent to the UK dominions from 1869 to 1967.

Anywhere between 5,000 & 10,000 ended up in Australia...

& along with non indigenous Australian children were placed in institutions ....

stolen children too .... no doubt ::),New%20Zealand%2C%20and%20South%20Africa.&text=In%20February%202010%20UK%20Prime,families%20of%20children%20who%20suffered.

No doubt. They weren't removed because of any parental abuse or neglect. They were removed because there was a "kind, caring" network of churches and organisations to place them with infertile couples.

PC gone mad, no?
Absolute nonsense. The public record shows that the removal of part white children was altruistic in motive based on the prevailing views that the children would be neglected or worse by the full bloods because of their part white ancestry.

How would you like your kids removed on a "prevailing view", son?
I dont live in the 18th century, son.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 7th, 2021 at 7:10pm
No, dear. As I've explained, the prevailing view in 1969 was that Boongs are citizens and have parental rights, as do you. You?

Yes, you. If the Welfare came and took your kids without any parental orders, you'd call the police to bring them back. You'd be most indignant. How dare the Welfare take my kids? You'd say. I want them returned immediately, thank you.

And do you know? The police would go and have a stern word with the Welfare and the caseworker would get the sack. That's rights.

Boongs in 1969? They had rights too, but how many Boongs went and did that? How many white unmarried mothers went and did that?

It's thanks to Boongs and unmarried mothers kicking up a stink that they don't get treated the same way today. If the Welfare came and took your kids I would not assume anything. I'd want to see a court order before I believed you were an evil child neglecter.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 7th, 2021 at 7:41pm

rhino wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 1:45pm:
I dont live in the 18th century, son.

Karnal thinks Australia is locked there.... just coddle him along - he might pass the grade some day - the first grade...

He's like that 30 year old midshipman in Master and Commander - he can't remain a midshipman all his life.... now hand him those cannon balls..... he needs some balls...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 7th, 2021 at 7:44pm

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 7:10pm:
No, dear. As I've explained, the prevailing view in 1969 was that Boongs are citizens and have parental rights, as do you.

Indeed - and are thus subject to the same standards and civil actions as taken against anyone who abuses, neglects and sells their children for drugs while wallowing in a torpor of alcohol and drug-fueled depravity, theft and violence .....

Are you there yet?

You are so behind in class you will have to repeat next year - and again... you can't remain a midshipman of social science REAL all your life...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 7th, 2021 at 8:09pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 7:44pm:

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 7:10pm:
No, dear. As I've explained, the prevailing view in 1969 was that Boongs are citizens and have parental rights, as do you.

Indeed - and are thus subject to the same standards and civil actions as taken against anyone who abuses, neglects and sells their children for drugs while wallowing in a torpor of alcohol and drug-fueled depravity, theft and violence .....

Are you there yet?

You are so behind in class you will have to repeat next year - and again... you can't remain a midshipman of social science REAL all your life...

Alas, you should heed Mothra's advice.

Preach, dear, and when necessary, use words.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 10th, 2021 at 12:59pm
I see the idiot squad has gone AWOL since I proved that agriculture, cities and domestication of animals was just another lie of the liar Pascoe.

Several, far far more qualified researchers have debunked Pascoe lies so easily that Pascoe should be sued for being so stupid.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 10th, 2021 at 1:03pm

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 8:09pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 7:44pm:

Karnal wrote on May 7th, 2021 at 7:10pm:
No, dear. As I've explained, the prevailing view in 1969 was that Boongs are citizens and have parental rights, as do you.

Indeed - and are thus subject to the same standards and civil actions as taken against anyone who abuses, neglects and sells their children for drugs while wallowing in a torpor of alcohol and drug-fueled depravity, theft and violence .....

Are you there yet?

You are so behind in class you will have to repeat next year - and again... you can't remain a midshipman of social science REAL all your life...

Alas, you should heed Mothra's advice.

Preach, dear, and when necessary, use words.

Jesus, son - you've reached a low point when you put mothra up as a fount of knowledge and intellect...

Now - which part would you like to argue with:-

"and are thus subject to the same standards and civil actions as taken against anyone who abuses, neglects and sells their children for drugs while wallowing in a torpor of alcohol and drug-fueled depravity, theft and violence ....."

ARE our Abos equal or not - or do they have some strange different interpretation of what equality means?  Apartheid (or is that Abartheid?).. if they want to be equal, like women, they'll need to let go of their dinosaur ideas..

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 10th, 2021 at 5:37pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 10th, 2021 at 7:00pm
BTW I said YES to the rigged question - on the basis that a little seed broadcasting might be construed as agriculture of some kind...

Next time give far more options in your survey.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 10th, 2021 at 7:01pm
No need to refute anything Pascoe said - it's all been refuted time and again by experts.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 10th, 2021 at 7:07pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 10th, 2021 at 7:01pm:
No need to refute anything Pascoe said - it's all been refuted time and again by experts.

Poll results 8 to 7 for yes.

More gullible loony leftist DHs here than I thought.

There were millions of years worth of seeds sown by the wind & other forces of mother nature before & for as long as the 60,000 years that Aboriginals have supposedly existed on this continent.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 10th, 2021 at 7:11pm
How stupid are you bwyannnmnnn?

I researched, I referenced experts and qualified archaeologists.

And I posted the truth

There was no farming
There were no houses
There were no cities
And there was no agriculture

In the simplest of terms for someone of your obviously very limited capacity for thought and morals.




Any fool believing him has not just a screw loose.
The whole bloody box of screws is gone.
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Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 10th, 2021 at 11:12pm
One can't claim to love Australia and not love her indigenous people.
Mr Hammer.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 11th, 2021 at 12:06am
A Brief History Of Aboriginal Australians

The proud custodians of the land who fished a bit and hunted and maybe broadcast some native seeds in the hope they would grow for when they came back through the same area, lost the lot when a sickly bunch of convicts arrived, and are now forced to live on Macca's and KFC and easy money from the gu'ment.  Now they are a small minority in the land and have no Voice - and rightly so given that this nation is now a democracy, even when some want to go back 230-odd years and make claims.

Time to pay the rent on all the White Man's goodies.  How can they sleep when their beds are burning?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 11th, 2021 at 12:08am

Gnads wrote on May 10th, 2021 at 7:07pm:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 10th, 2021 at 7:01pm:
No need to refute anything Pascoe said - it's all been refuted time and again by experts.

Poll results 8 to 7 for yes.

More gullible loony leftist DHs here than I thought.

There were millions of years worth of seeds sown by the wind & other forces of mother nature before & for as long as the 60,000 years that Aboriginals have supposedly existed on this continent.

I explained why I voted yes - the question was 'is it possible' - well - anything is possible..... it's not even remotely probable though, that Aborigines ran agriculture pre-1788....

It was a rigged question and I treated it accordingly... it IS possible - just highly unlikely and hardly within the realm of probability.

Honest answer to a dishonest question...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 11th, 2021 at 11:36am
The question relates to labelling. Scattering a few seeds, raising a Joey,  burning scrub and subsequently encouraging future growth,...these actions are clearly not related to hunting and gathering in the strictest sense.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 11th, 2021 at 12:18pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 11:36am:
The question relates to labelling. Scattering a few seeds, raising a Joey,  burning scrub and subsequently encouraging future growth,...these actions are clearly not related to hunting and gathering in the strictest sense.

Not quite agriculture or stock raising, though.  I'd suggest most hunter gatherers did the same things... it wasn't all beer and roo steaks ...  all this mumbo-jumbo about burning off - burning off a small patch isn't going to stop a huge fire as some are seeking, without any evidence, to claim these days.

Just tickle 'em on the cheek, give 'em a little 'respect', listen to their ideas, and then go on with the scheduled burnoffs.  It's all just sucking up to them, the trouble of which is that it doesn't settle them, - it encourages them.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 11th, 2021 at 1:43pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 11th, 2021 at 1:44pm
They failed as a culture and were rescued by the arrival of a few White Men who, after years of hard work, developed Macca's that saved the world from starvation.

The golden pyramids were, of course, torn down by the Invaders, and the evidence of an advanced society buried... though some evidence remains of the Faculty of Fish-Trapping in Victoria.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 11th, 2021 at 1:47pm
Even today, as a culture, they refuse to advance themselves but prefer to rely on a form of hunter-gathering at Centrelink, along with some distant hunting from home base with jobs... they also perform well in the loaded environment of 'jobs for the ABOs', and they continue their damned good job of broadcasting their seed.... a rough form of agriculture or farming of Aboriginal genes...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 11th, 2021 at 4:23pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 1:43pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said. 

You are an idiot, I proved (with information from far far more qualified archaeologists than the lying unqualified pascoe) that he was a liar.

They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate.

You are the ad hominem expert, illogical and stupid ad hominem statements at that.

They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate. 

Again, you are the most insulting of allpot -kettle- black....fool.

It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense. 

So, qualified and experienced archaeologist,  refuting the unqualified Pascoe, is not enough for you?

You are a fool.
Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

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Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 11th, 2021 at 5:00pm
... and then they farm their kids out to sleep in bins..........

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 11th, 2021 at 5:52pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 11th, 2021 at 6:29pm
Yes, yes bwyannnnnnn

We know your limited cerebral capacity cannot contribute more than the same old tired and stupid statement.

Do you honestly think that any person on this forum has any respect for you at all?????
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Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Walker on May 11th, 2021 at 7:01pm
Why is the Nullarbor treeless, it's because the Boongs burnt their way across there so many times that nothing survived but snakes and scorpions, their fire management skills leave a lot to be desired, they use kero to get their smoking ceremonies going.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 11th, 2021 at 7:22pm

Johnnie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 7:01pm:
Why is the Nullarbor treeless, it's because the Boongs burnt their way across there so many times that nothing survived but snakes and scorpions, their fire management skills leave a lot to be desired, they use kero to get their smoking ceremonies going.

And their smoking ceremonies were an adaption of the Indian ceremony, they even stole that.

So, let's see their contribution to the world
The stick.

Their flag was designed by a foreigner.
The smoking ceremony was stolen
The paint they use is bought at the hardware store.
They have no architecture
Their musical instruments consist of "sticks" and a hollow log.
( a child of 3 or 4 discovers this, without help)
Their cooking consists of throwing animals in a fire, or simply picking up dead animals after setting fire to the bush.

Bow's and arrows.......nup
Rocks attached to spears.......nup
Rifles.......ha ha
Intercontinental ballistic missile .......ha ha ha ha.
Aircraft................snicker, snicker

So, to sum it up.........they invented the........STICK......TA...DAAAAAA.

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Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by greggerypeccary on May 11th, 2021 at 8:08pm

Valkie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 7:22pm:

Johnnie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 7:01pm:
Why is the Nullarbor treeless, it's because the Boongs burnt their way across there so many times that nothing survived but snakes and scorpions, their fire management skills leave a lot to be desired, they use kero to get their smoking ceremonies going.

And their smoking ceremonies were an adaption of the Indian ceremony, they even stole that.

So, let's see their contribution to the world
The stick.

Let's see yours.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 11th, 2021 at 8:15pm
As amazing as I am, I'm not a culture.

But as a white man, I can tell you we have made many, many contributions to the world.

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Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Walker on May 11th, 2021 at 8:30pm

greggerypeccary wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 8:08pm:

Valkie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 7:22pm:

Johnnie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 7:01pm:
Why is the Nullarbor treeless, it's because the Boongs burnt their way across there so many times that nothing survived but snakes and scorpions, their fire management skills leave a lot to be desired, they use kero to get their smoking ceremonies going.

And their smoking ceremonies were an adaption of the Indian ceremony, they even stole that.

So, let's see their contribution to the world
The stick.

Let's see yours.

What have the Abbos contributed to this world apart from the boomerang.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Belgarion on May 11th, 2021 at 9:06pm
And here is an example of the outstanding work being done on behalf of the Aboriginal people by those who see it as their sacred duty to attack the evil white exploiters....

How may of the people this creature claims to represent have ever been invited into the Chairman's Lounge?  ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 11th, 2021 at 11:13pm

Belgarion wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 9:06pm:
And here is an example of the outstanding work being done on behalf of the Aboriginal people by those who see it as their sacred duty to attack the evil white exploiters....

How may of the people this creature claims to represent have ever been invited into the Chairman's Lounge?  ::)

Amazing... simply amazing.... so white you wouldn't pick her from any crowd in El Cydney or Melbidishu these days as anything but White....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 12th, 2021 at 8:00am

Belgarion wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 9:06pm:
And here is an example of the outstanding work being done on behalf of the Aboriginal people by those who see it as their sacred duty to attack the evil white exploiters....

How may of the people this creature claims to represent have ever been invited into the Chairman's Lounge?  ::)

A haiku.
Her butt hurt stems from being born white. Like Pascoe. Poor wannabes, eh?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 12th, 2021 at 8:01am

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 12th, 2021 at 11:15am

Belgarion wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 9:06pm:
And here is an example of the outstanding work being done on behalf of the Aboriginal people by those who see it as their sacred duty to attack the evil white exploiters....

How may of the people this creature claims to represent have ever been invited into the Chairman's Lounge?  ::)

Lydia Thorpe should be bought before a committee to decide whether she is fit to hold the position of Senator & collect a Govt salary of over $200,00 a year.

And to explain her disrespect to the Aust Govt & it's Coat of Arms by wearing that Tshirt.

Check out her white privilege in the Qantas Chairmans lounge .... because she certainly isn't black.

Further to that I hope the Mt. Isa mob tell her to piss off.
Lydia_Thorpe.jpg (71 KB | 12 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 13th, 2021 at 12:37pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 13th, 2021 at 12:45pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 12:37pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

You are retarded aren't you?

Seriously, how does that twisted little mind of your even function you f#$knead.
I proved, with direct quotes from qualified archaeologists who have more credibility than Pascoe could get in his wildest dreams.

They all refuted the ridiculious claims and exaggerations that the liar Pascoe published in order to live a life of worthlessness as an abbo expert.

He has
Zero qualifications
Zero abbo blood
Zero credibility
Zero morals

And you my sick, twisted and obviously retarded little friend.
Still won't accept the TRUTH.

I'll bet, if Pascoe were to admit being a lying plagiarist today.

You, in your infinite stupidity, woukd still back the bull shite he published.

Wake up to yourself freak.
Get a life and for God's sake, try to get some intellegent thought in that twisted, decaying, atrophied little brain of yours.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 13th, 2021 at 1:18pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 13th, 2021 at 2:49pm
Let's get the title right for a start - it's one history of Aboriginal Australians - there are countless others, and the use of the term 'real' is deliberately misleading and inflammatory.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 13th, 2021 at 6:57pm
You are retarded aren't you bwyannnnnnnn?

Seriously, how does that twisted little mind of your even function you f#$knead.
I proved, with direct quotes from qualified archaeologists who have more credibility than Pascoe could get in his wildest dreams.

They all refuted the ridiculious claims and exaggerations that the liar Pascoe published in order to live a life of worthlessness as an abbo expert.

He has
Zero qualifications
Zero abbo blood
Zero credibility
Zero morals

And you my sick, twisted and obviously retarded little friend.
Still won't accept the TRUTH.

I'll bet, if Pascoe were to admit being a lying plagiarist today.

You, in your infinite stupidity, woukd still back the bull shite he published.

Wake up to yourself freak.
Get a life and for God's sake, try to get some intellegent thought in that twisted, decaying, atrophied little brain of yours.
beating-a-dead-horse_001.gif (229 KB | 4 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 13th, 2021 at 7:03pm

Valkie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 8:15pm:
As amazing as I am, I'm not a culture.

Youve got the intelligence of one.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 13th, 2021 at 7:06pm

rhino wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:03pm:

Valkie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 8:15pm:
As amazing as I am, I'm not a culture.

Youve got the intelligence of one.

And you lack the manners of a cane toad.

FB_IMG_1610434865651_002.jpg (46 KB | 12 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 13th, 2021 at 7:07pm

Valkie wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:06pm:

rhino wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:03pm:

Valkie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 8:15pm:
As amazing as I am, I'm not a culture.

Youve got the intelligence of one.

And you lack the manners of a cane toad.

Cane Toads are useful - harvested and processed they are sold to visitors as Queensland Whiting...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by rhino on May 13th, 2021 at 7:14pm

Valkie wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:06pm:

rhino wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:03pm:

Valkie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 8:15pm:
As amazing as I am, I'm not a culture.

Youve got the intelligence of one.

And you lack the manners of a cane toad.
From someone who just called another  poster "sick, twisted and retarded, with a twisted, decaying, atrophied little brain."
Profanity is the domain of the semi literate.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 13th, 2021 at 7:30pm
Some indigenous peoples have brought many wonderful things to the world.

Not just a stick.

American natives had maize, popcorn and had many very effective farming practices.

They didn't just burn everything
That's why America was green
And Australia is mostly dead.

FB_IMG_1620803957414.jpg (81 KB | 2 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 13th, 2021 at 8:17pm

Valkie wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:30pm:
Some indigenous peoples have brought many wonderful things to the world.

Not just a stick.

American natives had maize, popcorn and had many very effective farming practices.

They didn't just burn everything
That's why America was green
And Australia is mostly dead.

Ah, so now you're saying Boongs did transform the landscape. Do you know what you are, dear?

You're a deconstructionist. From Boongs to Muzzos to agriculture to terrorism, your arguments inevitably unravel themselves. One just has to watch and wait.

Who's Matty?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 14th, 2021 at 3:04am

Karnal wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 8:17pm:

Valkie wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:30pm:
Some indigenous peoples have brought many wonderful things to the world.

Not just a stick.

American natives had maize, popcorn and had many very effective farming practices.

They didn't just burn everything
That's why America was green
And Australia is mostly dead.

Ah, so now you're saying Boongs did transform the landscape. Do you know what you are, dear?

You're a deconstructionist. From Boongs to Muzzos to agriculture to terrorism, your arguments inevitably unravel themselves. One just has to watch and wait.

Who's Matty?

That's not what 'deconstruction' means..... it means reducing an issue down to its basic components, analysing them, and then re-constructing them in your own image.....

It doesn't mean simple destruction..... that's a feminist and social science specialty...... destruction and bringing everything down to their intelligence level without any valid idea of how to re-build it ..... apart from giving themselves good incomes and such and feasting on the ruins ....

Who called the American Indians Boongs?  YOU?

You Deconstructionist, you.... you devil....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Belgarion on May 14th, 2021 at 10:16am
This idiot Thorpe is the gift that keeps on giving.....

;D ;D ;D ;D

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 14th, 2021 at 11:12am

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 14th, 2021 at 11:35am

Belgarion wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 10:16am:
This idiot Thorpe is the gift that keeps on giving.....

;D ;D ;D ;D

Yeah  Selena Uibo has more Aboriginal credibility than that divisive idiot Thorpe.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 14th, 2021 at 11:39am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:07pm:

Valkie wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:06pm:

rhino wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:03pm:

Valkie wrote on May 11th, 2021 at 8:15pm:
As amazing as I am, I'm not a culture.

Youve got the intelligence of one.

And you lack the manners of a cane toad.

Cane Toads are useful - harvested and processed they are sold to visitors as Queensland Whiting...

Southerners wouldn't know the difference ey?

Seeings they eat shyte like Flake(Shark) & Basa(Vietnamese Cat Fish).

But really nah .... we do them more as souvenirs.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 14th, 2021 at 12:07pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:12am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Oh dear oh me oh dearie dearie me tsk tsk tsk

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Belgarion on May 14th, 2021 at 12:33pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:12am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

OK then, here are some aboriginals who refute Pascoe's claims. Although it seems at least one was pressured into a change of heart  the original letter shows just what the real aboriginals think:

And there is this from historian Geoffrey Blainey

Or this:

When Aboriginal groups and noted historians and authors all get together to offer evidence to counter  Pascoe's opinions then I think we can safely say he is wrong.

As for his alleged source material from explorers journals, eems Pascoe was not above altering Sturts words to fit his claims.:

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 14th, 2021 at 2:56pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Clan chronicler has an oral history going back 4000 years or so of wandering.... further back for anyone who tried...  but at least they had the decency to start recorded history nearly 2000 years ago..

All well and good to talk about oral history - but there still needs to be some archaelogical proof of assertions... such as something more than fish traps to suggest aquaculture; something more than a few native seeds broadcast occasionally to suggest agriculture; something more than a few tracks following the path of least resistance to suggest trade routes; something better than 5000 tribal groups to suggest there may have been some common law and even possibly government....

Phrase For Today:-

'recoded history' - the revision of history to reflect things other than commonly known and accepted; see Pascoeism; revisionism; also propaganda ......

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 14th, 2021 at 3:02pm

Belgarion wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 12:33pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:12am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

OK then, here are some aboriginals who refute Pascoe's claims. Although it seems at least one was pressured into a change of heart  the original letter shows just what the real aboriginals think:

And there is this from historian Geoffrey Blainey

Or this:

When Aboriginal groups and noted historians and authors all get together to offer evidence to counter  Pascoe's opinions then I think we can safely say he is wrong.

As for his alleged source material from explorers journals, eems Pascoe was not above altering Sturts words to fit his claims.:

I think that Pascoe bin too close to dat Happy Weed for too long...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 14th, 2021 at 4:03pm
Hey bwyannnnnnnnnn

Tap, tap, tap.

Are you in there bwyannnnnnnn?

Did you even read my post where the qualified and experienced archaeologists refuted Pascoe lies?

What evidence do you want?

What would prove to you that Pascoe has no idea and is a liar?

When 4 qualified and very competent archiologists say
And you still believe him over said QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED archiologists.

You are either having a brain feet or an aneurysm.

You are somewhat stupid if this isn't enough.
FB_IMG_1617859960013_001.jpg (18 KB | 2 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 14th, 2021 at 4:47pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 3:04am:

Karnal wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 8:17pm:

Valkie wrote on May 13th, 2021 at 7:30pm:
Some indigenous peoples have brought many wonderful things to the world.

Not just a stick.

American natives had maize, popcorn and had many very effective farming practices.

They didn't just burn everything
That's why America was green
And Australia is mostly dead.

Ah, so now you're saying Boongs did transform the landscape. Do you know what you are, dear?

You're a deconstructionist. From Boongs to Muzzos to agriculture to terrorism, your arguments inevitably unravel themselves. One just has to watch and wait.

Who's Matty?

That's not what 'deconstruction' means..... it means reducing an issue down to its basic components, analysing them, and then re-constructing them in your own image.....

It doesn't mean simple destruction..... that's a feminist and social science specialty...... destruction and bringing everything down to their intelligence level without any valid idea of how to re-build it ..... apart from giving themselves good incomes and such and feasting on the ruins ....

Who called the American Indians Boongs?  YOU?

You Deconstructionist, you.... you devil....

Read your Derrida, dear. Inside every argument is its opposite. Matty exemplifies this perfectly.

Native Americans most certainly are not Boongs, they're Injuns. I myself am no fan of globalised First Nations doctrine, as I have said.

Boongs are Boongs, Injuns are Injuns, Golliwogs, Jigaboos, etc, etc, etc. There is no one indigenous or tinted subspecies, there are plenty.

Likewise, there is no one white colonist. Some were nice, some were complete bastards. Some even looked like Japs.


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 14th, 2021 at 4:51pm

Valkie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 4:03pm:
Hey bwyannnnnnnnnn

Tap, tap, tap.

Are you in there bwyannnnnnnn?

Did you even read my post where the qualified and experienced archaeologists refuted Pascoe lies?

What evidence do you want?

What would prove to you that Pascoe has no idea and is a liar?

When 4 qualified and very competent archiologists say
And you still believe him over said QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED archiologists.

You are either having a brain feet or an aneurysm.

You are somewhat stupid if this isn't enough.

Did you read the post where Pascoe never actually said that?


No worries. Who's Matty?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 14th, 2021 at 6:28pm
Hey bwyannnnnnnnnn

Tap, tap, tap.

Are you in there bwyannnnnnnn?

Did you even read my post where the qualified and experienced archaeologists refuted Pascoe lies?

What evidence do you want?

What would prove to you that Pascoe has no idea and is a liar?

When 4 qualified and very competent archiologists say
And you still believe him over said QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED archiologists.

You are either having a brain feet or an aneurysm.

You are somewhat stupid if this isn't enough.

Still nothing bwyannnnnnnnnnnn?????

Amazing how when you get caught out you run away and hide.

Must be the muzzo in you.
FB_IMG_1617859960013_002.jpg (18 KB | 2 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 14th, 2021 at 6:44pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 14th, 2021 at 10:37pm

Valkie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 6:28pm:
Hey bwyannnnnnnnnn

Tap, tap, tap.

Are you in there bwyannnnnnnn?

Did you even read my post where the qualified and experienced archaeologists refuted Pascoe lies?

What evidence do you want?

What would prove to you that Pascoe has no idea and is a liar?

When 4 qualified and very competent archiologists say
And you still believe him over said QUALIFIED AND EXPERIENCED archiologists.

You are either having a brain feet or an aneurysm.

You are somewhat stupid if this isn't enough.

Still nothing bwyannnnnnnnnnnn?????

Amazing how when you get caught out you run away and hide.

Must be the muzzo in you.

Yes, Brian, it's really important that you answer Matty's points in full. Don't fall asleep, please, kindly stay awake.

Matty has quoted an eminent professor who directly contradicts something. Matty's just not sure what that is.

Could you tell Matty what to say please, dear?


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 15th, 2021 at 12:38am
There is no real history of Aboriginal Australians... only anecdotes from people 232 years after the event...

Is that why the Wokeists want fifty year old rape clams to be upheld without question and evidence?  Same with Pascoitis.... any claim will do as long as it sounds good enough... and stuff the evidence.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 15th, 2021 at 6:18am
Brian, have you ever heard of the term, 'archealogical paleontology'?.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 15th, 2021 at 8:18am
Because bwyannnnnnn obviously didnt read the post.

HGere it is again,


After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale

Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived.

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.   

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.

To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 15th, 2021 at 8:25am
Some of that activitiy could be labelled advanced hunting and gathering/ early agriculture.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 15th, 2021 at 8:32am

Mr Hammer wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:25am:
Some of that activitiy could be labelled advanced hunting and gathering/ early agriculture.

But far from the cities and hundreds of acres of farming as described by the liar pascoe.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on May 15th, 2021 at 9:33am

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

Be your style, you'd know how good it is after many a time waking up on a park bench with a sore arse & 2 bob in your hand.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Belgarion on May 15th, 2021 at 10:53am

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 6:44pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Post 352 Brian.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by cods on May 15th, 2021 at 11:09am

Belgarion wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 12:33pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:12am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

OK then, here are some aboriginals who refute Pascoe's claims. Although it seems at least one was pressured into a change of heart  the original letter shows just what the real aboriginals think:

And there is this from historian Geoffrey Blainey

Or this:

When Aboriginal groups and noted historians and authors all get together to offer evidence to counter  Pascoe's opinions then I think we can safely say he is wrong.

As for his alleged source material from explorers journals, eems Pascoe was not above altering Sturts words to fit his claims.:

none so blind as those who will not see..

bri is rusted on and a true follower of Pascoe he doesnt live in the same reality as the rest of us sadly..I refuse to take him seriously  the same as  I do with most fools... :) :)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 15th, 2021 at 1:43pm

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:32am:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:25am:
Some of that activitiy could be labelled advanced hunting and gathering/ early agriculture.

But far from the cities and hundreds of acres of farming as described by the liar pascoe.

Lake George, Sudan 13000 BC. Not Sumer 3000 BC.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 15th, 2021 at 1:53pm

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:32am:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:25am:
Some of that activitiy could be labelled advanced hunting and gathering/ early agriculture.

But far from the cities and hundreds of acres of farming as described by the liar pascoe.

Where did he say that, Matty?

Oh, that's right. Not saying.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 15th, 2021 at 2:53pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 6:18am:
Brian, have you ever heard of the term, 'archealogical paleontology'?.

No.  Why?  They are different disciplines which have different approaches to the issue in question. ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 15th, 2021 at 2:55pm

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:32am:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:25am:
Some of that activitiy could be labelled advanced hunting and gathering/ early agriculture.

But far from the cities and hundreds of acres of farming as described by the liar pascoe.

You mean by the early explorers/settlers who Pascoe quotes, Matty?  Tsk, tsk.  So, what you going to do to refute the descriptions that he supplied?  Mmmm?  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 15th, 2021 at 2:56pm

Belgarion wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 10:53am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 6:44pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Post 352 Brian.

Still true now as it was then, Belgarion.  Your point is?  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 15th, 2021 at 3:12pm

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:18am:
Because bwyannnnnnn obviously didnt read the post.

HGere it is again,


After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale

Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived.

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.   

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.

To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 15th, 2021 at 8:18pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

You said

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory.

That is stupid and ignorant. And slimey.  I don't have to 'prove' that you said it, it's all there.

You probably said that, and much else you are posting, under the influence of several bottles of cheap red wine.  You score zero on consistency and coherence - don't tell me it's the sober, considered expression of your mind.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 15th, 2021 at 8:27pm

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Weaselling out of that I claimed, "Agatha"?  Tsk, tsk.  Run along back to your bridge.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 15th, 2021 at 8:52pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:27pm:

Oh, dearie, dearie, me.  Weaselling out of that I claimed, "Agatha"?  Tsk, tsk.  Run along back to your bridge.  ::) ::)

Be honest ( big ask, I know). And meaningful. (Huge ask): "Weaselling out of that I claimed, Agatha?" -  what the hell does THAT mean? 

Which of your claims am I weaselling out of?  (If that's your question). You are not going to be straight about it, are you? Of course not. You just want to keep saying 'weaselling' without ever honestly saying which of your statements is the subject here.

I have looked at your last 25 posts. About 20 are the same yawning and repetitious formulaic nonsense. A bit compulsively wanky, don't you feel? For a grownup? 

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 15th, 2021 at 9:12pm

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 3:12pm:

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:18am:
Because bwyannnnnnn obviously didnt read the post.

HGere it is again,


After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale

Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived.

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.   

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.

To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 16th, 2021 at 11:54am
I noticed that The Great Pascoe instantly made of 'cakes' something made from wheat etc... in the context of Sturt's time 'cake' can be anything made of smashed seed and water and cooked over a fire.

There is even cake for cows...

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 16th, 2021 at 11:57am

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 16th, 2021 at 12:00pm

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 9:12pm:

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 3:12pm:

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:18am:
Because bwyannnnnnn obviously didnt read the post.

HGere it is again,


After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale

Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived.

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.   

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.

To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 16th, 2021 at 1:17pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

What did you not say that I claimed you had?

I bet you will never clarify it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by BigP on May 16th, 2021 at 3:02pm

Bertie wrote on May 16th, 2021 at 1:17pm:
Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

What did you not say that I claimed you had?

I bet you will never clarify it.

Jesus Aggy you're lookin a little grumpy girl 

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 16th, 2021 at 3:19pm

BigP wrote on May 16th, 2021 at 3:02pm:
Jesus Aggy you're lookin a little grumpy girl

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 16th, 2021 at 3:32pm

BigP wrote on May 16th, 2021 at 3:02pm:

Bertie wrote on May 16th, 2021 at 1:17pm:
Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

What did you not say that I claimed you had?

I bet you will never clarify it.

Jesus Aggy you're lookin a little grumpy girl 

That might because "Agatha" is in reality Soren, a Danish immigrant who suffers badly from Xenophobia.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 16th, 2021 at 4:46pm

Valkie wrote on May 16th, 2021 at 12:00pm:

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 9:12pm:

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 3:12pm:

Valkie wrote on May 15th, 2021 at 8:18am:
Because bwyannnnnnn obviously didnt read the post.

HGere it is again,


After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale

Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived.

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.   

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.

To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 16th, 2021 at 10:48pm

"The ancient Egyptians believed that it was important to record and communicate information about religion and government. Thus, they invented written scripts that could be used to record this information"

Come back again - I'm just crazy 'bout your rave....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 16th, 2021 at 10:53pm
Note that none of these 'invented' written records - since the system was not spread around the globe but was kept pretty much 'in-house' so doesn't fit the bill, and there is no way of ascertaining who actually started it off.... could've been an Eskimo carving a walrus tusk to send to his girl ....

What a stupid argument....

"Ancient Greek people wrote on many things, Historians know that they wrote on parchment (dried animal skin), papyrus (closest thing to paper) and wax tablets (usually in two's)."

"Persian scripts have evolved over the last 3000 years, with three major historic stages of development, all on display in this exhibition. In ancient Persia (650 BCE–330 BCE), Old Persian was inscribed in the cuneiform script, adapted from the Mesopotamian cultures of the ancient Near East. During the pre-Islamic classical period of the Parthian and Sassanid Persian Empires (248 BCE–651), the Aramaic language gained prominence in many regions of the Persian Empire, influencing the language and writing system of Pahlavi, the middle Persian language. The script used for writing Pahlavi was adapted from the ancient Aramaic script. After the Islamization of Persia, (651–present), a modified Arabic script replaced the older scripts. "

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 17th, 2021 at 7:53am

  Where are the facts?

New exhibition playing with the truth and teaching our kids to despise their country

THE Australian Museum claims it’s putting on the most important show in its 194-year history. And it’s right: this proves that truth is now officially dead. That is a huge deal for a museum.

On Saturday, the Australian Museum will open Unsettled, an exhibition about the “devastation” of colonisation that it says “ illuminates the power of truth-telling”.

But truth-telling is the last thing to now expect in a museum we funded for generations to promote it. For one, this exhibition treats as true the “stolen generations” – the myth that “generations” of children were stolen from caring parents just because they were Aboriginal.

I’ve challenged activists for two decades to name even just 10 such children. Prove they were taken because they were Aboriginal, not because they were neglected, abandoned, abused or sent away to school. But worse is this museum’s fact-lite promotion of atrocity claims.

Its exhibition includes a huge map of Australia claiming to show where whites massacred Aborigines. We are asked to believe that in 1921 almost two-thirds of Australia was a massacre site.

Next to the map is a photograph of Poisoned Waterholes Creek, near Narrandera, which — as a Sydney Morning Herald preview of the exhibition lazily repeated — was “where Aboriginal people were slaughtered” by “white settlers … around 1820”.

No real museum would present such an inflammatory rumour as an unchallenged fact. Blame the creek’s name for firing the imaginations of activists looking for any hint — as one wrote on — that “like [Nazi] Germany, Australia has similarly massacred its own citizens”.

ABC journalist Stan Grant, who identifies as a member of the Wiradjuri tribe, wrote in 2015 that “the local homestead owner grew tired” of the Wiradjuri resting at Poisoned Waterholes Creek and poisoned their waterhole. Many “died agonising deaths”.

But wait: how would a farmer in 1821 get so much poison?

In fact, Peter Reed, the academic who invented the deceptive “stolen generations” label, talked in 1980 to Mary Lyons, an 83-yearold Aborigine from Narrandera who claimed the Aborigines actually died from poisoned flour.

But is even that true?

In 1941, the local Nerandera (sic) Argus complained of a “general belief” that early settlers had “resorted to poisoning the waterholes” around the 1840s but said early settlers it spoke to had no memory of any such killings, and the creek most likely got its name from poison bait left for dingoes.

In 1951, a George Gow wrote to the Argus to say he’d lived in the area for 57 years and had known people born there 100 years before, but none, he said, thought the poisoning story true. An Aboriginal storyteller he’d known more than 50 years earlier never mentioned it either.

Gow said John Bean, a rabbit inspector who’d worked on the station containing Poisoned Waterholes Creek in the 1880s, told him the name indeed came from dingo baits, although an old drover once said he’d lost cattle there to toxic weed.

Gow blamed Dame Mary Gilmore, a poet and writer for the Communist Party’s newspaper, for spreading the poisoning myth in the Sydney Morning Herald, claiming that a magistrate had investigated and “ordered that the holes be filled in up to a height of 12 feet above the surface”.

Gilmore said her uncle did that filling in, but, as Gow noted, the holes are still there. Gilmore’s claims were “rubbish”.

And see how Gilmore’s story has changed in the retelling. This happened seemingly around the second half of the 1800s. No, the 1840s. No, the 1820s.

And the water was poisoned, No, the flour. No, water.

No names given. No witnesses.

But who cares about facts at the Australian Museum, which even promotes Bruce Pascoe as “an Aboriginal writer”, and his book Dark Emu as an “excellent” history, when genealogical records show all Pascoe’s ancestors are of English descent, and when his claim that Aborigines were actually “farmers” living in “houses” in “towns” of “1000 people” is an obvious fantasy based on invented or misrepresented sources.

Don’t be surprised that even a museum now treats myths as true in the pursuit of race politics. After all, its director is the first in its long history who isn’t a scientist, but a public relations expert. She’s also been celebrated as the museum’s first female boss. So how natural that the museum now junks science to play instead in the identity politics that is so very marketable?

Never mind that it teaches children to despise their country. Only racists now care about facts, right?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 17th, 2021 at 8:29am

Brian Ross wrote on May 16th, 2021 at 3:32pm:

BigP wrote on May 16th, 2021 at 3:02pm:

Bertie wrote on May 16th, 2021 at 1:17pm:
Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

What did you not say that I claimed you had?

I bet you will never clarify it.

Jesus Aggy you're lookin a little grumpy girl 

That might because "Agatha" is in reality Soren, a Danish immigrant who suffers badly from Xenophobia.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

I'll remember this the next time you wet your panties because of personal criticism.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 17th, 2021 at 8:44am
"After all, its director is the first in its long history who isn’t a scientist, but a public relations expert. She’s also been celebrated as the museum’s first female boss."

That says it all.........

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 18th, 2021 at 11:08pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 19th, 2021 at 6:34am
Isn't this Pascoist Neo-revisionism dead and buried yet?

Got more legs than a horde of centipedes .......

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 19th, 2021 at 12:07pm

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 5:06pm:

Bertie wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:57am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:10am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 2:59am:
There is no history of Aboriginal Australians... just a lot of folk memory....

....not that there's anything wrong with that...or once the Chinese take over and free the Kaffir - not that there's anything Wong with that........

There was no history of ancient Egypt or ancient Greece or any society without writing like Medieval Europe.  Just an awful lot of "folk memory".  Verbal history has long been recognised as the storehouse of history for a society.  Tsk, tsk. ::) ::)

Egyptian, greek and other ancient histories are not based on oral story telling. They did have very extensive written records.
History writing did not start in medieval Europe.

Want a bet?  ::) ::)

Go on.

Let's see what twist you have.

So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

What did you not say that I claimed you had?

I bet you will never clarify it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 19th, 2021 at 7:35pm
Because bwyannnnnnn obviously didnt read the post.

HGere it is again,


After considerable reading of subject matter from several Qualified and Accredited academics.
There is nothing at all to back up Pascoes lies about Farming or cities of aboriginals pre-colonization.

Dr Christopher Lloyd , Emeritus Professor of Economic History in School of Business, University of New England, Armidale

Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.

There were areas of partially sedentary material culture where food sources were abundant, such as some river valleys and coastlines. There were, however, no permanent dwellings, no real villages and very few possessions.
Nomadic foraging was by far the dominant socioeconomic system.
As with foragers elsewhere, however, here there was a wide variety of activity, dependent to a large degree on the environment in which people lived.

Aboriginal people did a great deal to mould the landscape to their needs by, for example, firestick farming to improve grasslands for grazing animals, building fish traps in shallow riverbeds and coastal zones or building canoes for hunting marine mammals and fish. There was much local specialisation in food production depending on natural conditions, and the manufacture of tools was a matter of local specialisation—again, depending on resources.
Trade of tools and special materials with neighbouring peoples and over long distances across many language boundaries has been well studied (see Butlin 1993; Keen 2004). It seems clear that there was a continent-wide system of cultural diffusion and trading networks.   

Dr Ian Keen is Honorary Associate Professor, School of Archaeology and Anthropology, College Arts & Social Sciences at the Australia National University in Canberra. His distinguished academic career spans more than forty years.

Historian Professor Geoffrey Blainey

Academic, who specialised in covering research in history, anthropology and botany, Bill Gammage, in his 2011 book, The Biggest Estate on Earth.

Rhys Jones (archaeologist)

All of the above have stated professionally that Australian Aboriginals were not and have never been true farmers.
They use the term "Firestick" farming (setting fire to control growth).
Which was probably misinterpreted by the semi-literate lazy researcher Pascoe as farming in an agricultural term.

All state that Aborigines never lived in cities or even villages, but may have lived in collectives where food sources were plentyful.
And that housing structures did not nor ever have existed.

The "fish traps" so revered in myth and lore were the result of natural phenomenon and some opportunistic placement of rocks to make traps.
Not unheard of in primitive people and certainly not indicative of an established farming and coordinated enterprise.


Australian Aborigines were foragers or hunter/gatherers before European colonisation.
Neither agriculture in the sense of settled communities of cultivators nor pastoralism in the sense of settled or nomadic groups with domestic animals existed in Australia.   

My conclusion, which will be refuted by Pascoe's worshipers, is that Australian Aborigines were nothing more than Primitive hunter gatherers.
Sure, some took advantage of some natural elements and< as they do, Loved setting fires.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.

To amateurs like us, all this controversy over how to define the economies of pre-colonial Aboriginal societies just sounds like semantics.
Aboriginal people were quite happy with their lives as very skilled and successful hunter gatherers.
If 250 years later, politically motivated academics and activists want to engage in world play by calling Aboriginal people farmers, living in settled stone villages of 1000 people, so be it.
It won’t make any difference to the Aboriginal Sovereignty argument - When the British colonised New South Wales in 1788 they legally ‘settled’ here amongst nomadic, native hunter gatherers. It was not a  ‘conquest’ or ‘cession’ of settled farmers who had a recognisable social government, as understood by the legal definitions of the time, so no Treaty was required.

Academics can write as many papers as they like with ‘Farming’ in the title such as, ‘Food-getting, Domestication and Farming in Pre-colonial Australia’ and then have to admit that, ‘This paper argues that Australian Aboriginal economies do conform to the “complex” hunter gatherer archetype’. (ibid. p116). Which is what all us amateurs already know - Aboriginal people were brilliant and successful hunter gatherers and fishers with many complex tools and practices. They were not farmers.
Dr Ian Keen

invented_the_stick_jpg.jpg (48 KB | 7 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 20th, 2021 at 12:45am

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 20th, 2021 at 7:54am
You bwyannnnnnnn are a lying coward with the intelligence of a gnat.

I have proven pascoes lies clearly and with the evidence of true archaeologists and scholars.

You have an untrained, unqualified plagiarist pascoe.

But there is not one shred of true evidence that agriculture, aquaculture or building is/or has been found to date.

You lose, you sir are beyond stupid.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 20th, 2021 at 11:09am
Methinks the Pascoe doth protest too much... that Tibetan Loco Weed can do that to you.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Hammer on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 20th, 2021 at 11:37am

Brian Ross wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 12:45am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Example #543 of Brian's idea of 'reasoned debate'.

Your pants are on fire, Brian.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 20th, 2021 at 4:39pm

Mr Hammer wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am:
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

I proved, beyond a doubt, using fully qualified and experienced archaeologists statements.

That Agriculture as described by pasco the liar ......NEVER HAS EXISTED

That cities and buildings as described by pascoe the liar.....NEVER HAS EXISTED

This is fact.

But bwyannnnnnnn prefers to defer to an UNQUALIFIED, LYING , SELF SERVING WANNABE.

I guess it makes sense thinking about it.

Pascoe and bwyannnnnnn have so much in common in that area.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on May 20th, 2021 at 5:13pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on May 20th, 2021 at 5:17pm

Valkie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 4:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am:
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

I proved, beyond a doubt, using fully qualified and experienced archaeologists statements.

That Agriculture as described by pasco the liar ......NEVER HAS EXISTED

That cities and buildings as described by pascoe the liar.....NEVER HAS EXISTED

This is fact.

But bwyannnnnnnn prefers to defer to an UNQUALIFIED, LYING , SELF SERVING WANNABE.

I guess it makes sense thinking about it.

Pascoe and bwyannnnnnn have so much in common in that area.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 20th, 2021 at 5:37pm

Valkie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 4:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am:
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

I proved, beyond a doubt, using fully qualified and experienced archaeologists statements.

That Agriculture as described by pasco the liar ......NEVER HAS EXISTED

That cities and buildings as described by pascoe the liar.....NEVER HAS EXISTED

This is fact.

But bwyannnnnnnn prefers to defer to an UNQUALIFIED, LYING , SELF SERVING WANNABE.

I guess it makes sense thinking about it.

Pascoe and bwyannnnnnn have so much in common in that area.

Sorry, did you just say Pascoe said cities and buildings?

Where did he say that? In fact, where have you posted something that debunks anything Pascoe said?

We're waiting, dear.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 20th, 2021 at 5:40pm

Bertie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 12:45am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Example #543 of Brian's idea of 'reasoned debate'.

Your pants are on fire, Brian.

Brian thinks you're Frank in drag, dear.

Are you?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 24th, 2021 at 10:05am

Bertie wrote on May 19th, 2021 at 12:07pm:

Brian Ross wrote on May 14th, 2021 at 11:46pm:
So, what are you betting?  You've dismally failed to prove I have said what I have not.  How about a bottle of cheap red wine?   ::) ::)

What did you not say that I claimed you had?

I bet you will never clarify it.

How right I was.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on May 24th, 2021 at 10:06am

Karnal wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 5:40pm:

Bertie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 12:45am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Example #543 of Brian's idea of 'reasoned debate'.

Your pants are on fire, Brian.

Brian thinks you're Frank in drag, dear.

Are you?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on May 24th, 2021 at 7:30pm

Karnal wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 5:37pm:

Valkie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 4:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am:
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

I proved, beyond a doubt, using fully qualified and experienced archaeologists statements.

That Agriculture as described by pasco the liar ......NEVER HAS EXISTED

That cities and buildings as described by pascoe the liar.....NEVER HAS EXISTED

This is fact.

But bwyannnnnnnn prefers to defer to an UNQUALIFIED, LYING , SELF SERVING WANNABE.

I guess it makes sense thinking about it.

Pascoe and bwyannnnnnn have so much in common in that area.

Sorry, did you just say Pascoe said cities and buildings?

Where did he say that? In fact, where have you posted something that debunks anything Pascoe said?

We're waiting, dear.

Established towns in close enough... temporary rest points is more like it before moving on to build another easily constructed dwelling for however long.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 24th, 2021 at 8:23pm

Bertie wrote on May 24th, 2021 at 10:06am:

Karnal wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 5:40pm:

Bertie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 12:45am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Example #543 of Brian's idea of 'reasoned debate'.

Your pants are on fire, Brian.

Brian thinks you're Frank in drag, dear.

Are you?

Ah. That explains that then.

Frank's posting as we speak.

Couldn't possibly be the lovely Aunt Agatha, yes?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 24th, 2021 at 8:24pm

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on May 24th, 2021 at 7:30pm:

Karnal wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 5:37pm:

Valkie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 4:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am:
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

I proved, beyond a doubt, using fully qualified and experienced archaeologists statements.

That Agriculture as described by pasco the liar ......NEVER HAS EXISTED

That cities and buildings as described by pascoe the liar.....NEVER HAS EXISTED

This is fact.

But bwyannnnnnnn prefers to defer to an UNQUALIFIED, LYING , SELF SERVING WANNABE.

I guess it makes sense thinking about it.

Pascoe and bwyannnnnnn have so much in common in that area.

Sorry, did you just say Pascoe said cities and buildings?

Where did he say that? In fact, where have you posted something that debunks anything Pascoe said?

We're waiting, dear.

Established towns in close enough... temporary rest points is more like it before moving on to build another easily constructed dwelling for however long.

No worries, post that then. Show us what Pascoe said. We'll do a compare and contrast.

Over to you, dear.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on May 24th, 2021 at 8:33pm

Karnal wrote on May 24th, 2021 at 8:23pm:

Bertie wrote on May 24th, 2021 at 10:06am:

Karnal wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 5:40pm:

Bertie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:37am:

Brian Ross wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 12:45am:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Example #543 of Brian's idea of 'reasoned debate'.

Your pants are on fire, Brian.

Brian thinks you're Frank in drag, dear.

Are you?

Ah. That explains that then.

Frank's posting as we speak.

Couldn't possibly be the lovely Aunt Agatha, yes?

She must be a lady like you, paki.

Gold Member
Australian Politics


Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on May 24th, 2021 at 9:31pm
Oh, I know.

You're hardly denying it though, are you, Aunty?

Feel free, dear boy.

I'm free. You?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Jun 8th, 2021 at 1:59pm
Time for the lying to stop
Historians know that the Maori were not the first peoples of New Zealand

Far from being indigenous, Maori were immigrants, just like the later colonists. The names of their different canoes, still known, brought their settlers between roughly 1320 and 1350 AD. They were not even the first arrivals in this country. In fact, the term tangata whenua which today’s part-Maori now conveniently claim refers to themselves as ‘the first people’ is inaccurate. Early 19th century  Maoris freely admitted to historians, such as the eminent James Cowan, that they themselves used the term tangata whenua to refer to the original inhabitants of New Zealand – those they well recognised as here before them. Dr Ranganui Walker, former Professor of Maori Studies at Auckland University, wrote in the 1986 New Zealand Yearbook, ‘The traditions are quite clear on one point – whenever crew disembarked, there were already Tangata Whenua (prior inhabitants)’.

Because this fact is distinctly inconvenient for today’s activists – opportunistically claiming special rights as indigenous – they have long disputed it. However, on archaeological evidence, others also previously found their way to these shores, very possibly including the Moriori of the Chatham Islands. Peace-loving Polynesians, they were later barbarously killed and enslaved to the point of genocide by invading northern Maori tribes, with the result that the last full-blooded descendant of the Moriori died nearly a century ago. This historical fact is also now regarded as inconvenient, so it, too, is described as inaccurate by today’s activists.

This sort of activist revisionism is wide-spread. 

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 8th, 2021 at 5:03pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 8th, 2021 at 7:18pm

Valkie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 4:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am:
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

I proved, beyond a doubt, using fully qualified and experienced archaeologists statements.

That Agriculture as described by pasco the liar ......NEVER HAS EXISTED

That cities and buildings as described by pascoe the liar.....NEVER HAS EXISTED

This is fact.

But bwyannnnnnnn prefers to defer to an UNQUALIFIED, LYING , SELF SERVING WANNABE.

I guess it makes sense thinking about it.

Pascoe and bwyannnnnnn have so much in common in that area.

BWYANNN_EXACTLY_183_041.jpg (25 KB | 5 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Jun 8th, 2021 at 10:03pm

New Zealand has now descended into a rabbit hole of irrationality and actual menace – given the threat to our long-established values and freedoms by Prime Minister Ardern blatantly promoting divisive racism. This historically inaccurate claim of being indigenous to New Zealand is now the blueprint for radicalised activists claiming to be a superior people, with special spiritual insights which should take precedence over those of others who are by far the majority of New Zealanders.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 8th, 2021 at 11:27pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 9th, 2021 at 7:16am

Valkie wrote on Jun 8th, 2021 at 7:18pm:

Valkie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 4:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am:
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

I proved, beyond a doubt, using fully qualified and experienced archaeologists statements.

That Agriculture as described by pasco the liar ......NEVER HAS EXISTED

That cities and buildings as described by pascoe the liar.....NEVER HAS EXISTED

This is fact.

But bwyannnnnnnn prefers to defer to an UNQUALIFIED, LYING , SELF SERVING WANNABE.

I guess it makes sense thinking about it.

Pascoe and bwyannnnnnn have so much in common in that area.

BWYANNN_EXACTLY_229.jpg (25 KB | 8 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 9th, 2021 at 2:13pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 9th, 2021 at 5:24pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 9th, 2021 at 7:16am:

Valkie wrote on Jun 8th, 2021 at 7:18pm:

Valkie wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 4:39pm:

Mr Hammer wrote on May 20th, 2021 at 11:10am:
Bwian's a classic example of a gaslighter. He yawns and tsk tsks and refuses to acknowledge a. counter...then plays the innocent victim when people get frustrated with him. Don't waste your life debating Bwian.

I proved, beyond a doubt, using fully qualified and experienced archaeologists statements.

That Agriculture as described by pasco the liar ......NEVER HAS EXISTED

That cities and buildings as described by pascoe the liar.....NEVER HAS EXISTED

This is fact.

But bwyannnnnnnn prefers to defer to an UNQUALIFIED, LYING , SELF SERVING WANNABE.

I guess it makes sense thinking about it.

Pascoe and bwyannnnnnn have so much in common in that area.

BWYANNN_EXACTLY_183_052.jpg (25 KB | 7 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 9th, 2021 at 10:26pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Jun 9th, 2021 at 10:40pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 9th, 2021 at 2:13pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

You are ignoring any and all counter-arguments, moron.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 9th, 2021 at 11:04pm
Aboriginal heroes from early years of colonisation the focus of research project 8-)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Jun 9th, 2021 at 11:10pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 9th, 2021 at 11:04pm:
Aboriginal heroes from early years of colonisation the focus of research project 8-)

You are ignoring counter arguments, moron, because you are too thick to address them intelligently.

INTELLIGENTLY - there's an unfamiliar concept for you, Brian.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 10th, 2021 at 6:39am
I notice that, given the revelations about Pascoe's research and the refutations put out by learned others, he is slowly fading into the background and out of the public eyes... being quietly slipped aside so as not to make it too obvious that a bad mistake has been made in promoting his wacky ideas.

Just another passing fad that will fade into the herd memory of The Stolen Minds Generation and by osmosis become the reality that has been hidden away to keep the truth hidden  ::)  ::)  ::)  you know... like that final scene in Raiders of The Lost Ark where the boxed ark is stored away in a huge warehouse that holds everything worth knowing....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 10th, 2021 at 6:49am

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 9th, 2021 at 11:04pm:
Aboriginal heroes from early years of colonisation the focus of research project 8-)

More polishing of history?  You mean those stupid white men couldn't use boats or put out fires or work out a safe place during a fire - and had to rely exclusively on these local Aborigines?  Ol' DumbWhartey sailed the Seven Seas but didn't even have a boat or ten around to go fishing etc?

A third of the population saved by two Aboriginal men in a stringyback canoe?  How many people were there?  Ten?  what exactly does the original tract say??  "a third group was saved by two Aboriginal men in a stringybark canoe...".. not quite the same as 'one third of the population'.... am I correct?  That last defies credibility.

"This is Tokyo Rose... how you doing, GI?  This morning heroic Nippon fighter pilot, with engine on fire and wing shot off, swooped defiantly past bridge of US destroyer, and decapitated ship's captain with samurai sword before crash into aircraft carrier!  Nippon spirit stronger will triumph!!"

"In other news from Global Propaganda:- New reports have come to light about Aboriginal superiority in evrything and the utter stupidity of White people who somehow managed, while being too stupid to do anything, managed to steal the whole nation....."
   :o  :o  :o

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by mothra on Jun 10th, 2021 at 7:46am

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 6:39am:
I notice that, given the revelations about Pascoe's research and the refutations put out by learned others, he is slowly fading into the background and out of the public eyes... being quietly slipped aside so as not to make it too obvious that a bad mistake has been made in promoting his wacky ideas.

Just another passing fad that will fade into the herd memory of The Stolen Minds Generation and by osmosis become the reality that has been hidden away to keep the truth hidden  ::)  ::)  ::)  you know... like that final scene in Raiders of The Lost Ark where the boxed ark is stored away in a huge warehouse that holds everything worth knowing....

Nope. Pascoe's work will contribute to the collective of information we have about our First People. It will be on recommended reading lists and discussed in halls of learning from this day forward.

Pascoe, old boy, will leave a far bigger mark than you. And i know that stings.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 10th, 2021 at 8:54am

mothra wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 7:46am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 6:39am:
I notice that, given the revelations about Pascoe's research and the refutations put out by learned others, he is slowly fading into the background and out of the public eyes... being quietly slipped aside so as not to make it too obvious that a bad mistake has been made in promoting his wacky ideas.

Just another passing fad that will fade into the herd memory of The Stolen Minds Generation and by osmosis become the reality that has been hidden away to keep the truth hidden  ::)  ::)  ::)  you know... like that final scene in Raiders of The Lost Ark where the boxed ark is stored away in a huge warehouse that holds everything worth knowing....

Nope. Pascoe's work will contribute to the collective of information we have about our First People. It will be on recommended reading lists and discussed in halls of learning from this day forward.

Pascoe, old boy, will leave a far bigger mark than you. And i know that stings.

Sadly, its full of untruth, and outright lies.

He has used this book as a means to secure a nice comfortable life with ongoing income, for only a few lies.

I have posted refutations from true scholars and highly qualified archaeologists.
But sadly, these don't fit with the WOKE who would rather believe lies than the truth.

Pretty soon we will all hear how primitive hunter gatherers made their way to the moon and back using nothing but paperbark rocket ships and kangaroo skins.
Telling lies is how the WOKE work.
They demand proof that the lies are false, rather than, as normal academics do, with proof of their facts.

If any of Pascoes lies held water, they would be shouted on high by the WOKE mob.
But as there is no true proof, they resort to name calling and character assassination.

Show me proof of these "villages"
Show me proof of their "farming"

Better to simply believe lies than acknowledge that Australian aboriginals were the most primitive of any race on earth.

FB_IMG_1622618703753.jpg (52 KB | 11 )

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 10th, 2021 at 10:07am

mothra wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 7:46am:

Grappler Deep State Feller wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 6:39am:
I notice that, given the revelations about Pascoe's research and the refutations put out by learned others, he is slowly fading into the background and out of the public eyes... being quietly slipped aside so as not to make it too obvious that a bad mistake has been made in promoting his wacky ideas.

Just another passing fad that will fade into the herd memory of The Stolen Minds Generation and by osmosis become the reality that has been hidden away to keep the truth hidden  ::)  ::)  ::)  you know... like that final scene in Raiders of The Lost Ark where the boxed ark is stored away in a huge warehouse that holds everything worth knowing....

Nope. Pascoe's work will contribute to the collective of information we have about our First People. It will be on recommended reading lists and discussed in halls of learning from this day forward.

Pascoe, old boy, will leave a far bigger mark than you. And i know that stings.

It's one version of events - there are countless others - and the weight of evidence is clear that Pascoe is very much in the minority.  Hasn't been given a slot on national TV again.... what gives?

What mark will YOU leave?  I leave the mark of the common decent and honourable man who will not be hoodwinked... to future generations that is a far more important legacy than any number of re-written histories.

Love that term 'collective of information' - you DO understand the vast difference between information and established fact, don't you?  And 'collective' - whoops - sorry to rain on your state farm there....

Sorry, love, but information cannot supercede established fact, but must be graded according to an established system.... information may thus become intelligence which is graded to a system for reliability etc, and only the very best outcomes are considered relatively solid.

As I said - the weight of evidence is decidedly against Pascoe in your 'collective' (hive mind?).

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 10th, 2021 at 10:11am
WOKE?  I prefer the term Stolen Minds Generation....... this has many manifestations in modern society in the West.

BTW, mothra - you still haven't answered - WHY did you need to 'make peace' with your Aboriginal neighbours?  Were you at war with them or in some conflict with them by breathing their air etc?  Exactly who in your situation was making demands that needed 'peacemaking'?  YOU??

I, for one, don't need to 'make peace' with anyone - I AM at peace with everyone.... and thus far my neighbours haven't done anything to me nor I to them.  Sounds good to me.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:03pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by aquascoot on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:40pm
thats actually incorrect brain.

the only plant the aborigine could have used as a crop was the macadamia tree

and they had no domestic animals that could be farmed.

that doesnt mean they are not very intuitive and natural bushmen.

most cattlemen are in awe of their bush skills.

but, no, they never farmed because the country provided no opportunity to farm

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:57pm
You are a liar, a moron and have no honesty in your makeup at all.

I have given ample evidence to dispel the lies Pascoe has claimed.
I have presented archiologists and academic refutation of the claims
From far, far more qualified, experienced and knowledgeable persons than the unqualified and self serving Pascoe.

You, bwyannnnn, through either stupidity or design, refuse to accept the truth.
Prefering to continually post absolute crap and rediculiously infantile statements.

I have proven, PASCO IS A LIAR.

TO continue with this asinine stupidity of yours marks you as an imbecile of biblical proportions.
Wake up to yourself fool.

Go out and get a friggin job, work for a living
Get an education and see the world.
Perhaps the stupidity that you so firmly espouse will finally make it's way through your thick skull, and make room for some common sense.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:05pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:20pm

You have proven that you are a total moron.

I have no wish to pollute this part of the forum with repeated statements of your stupidity.

So I will no longer respond to you in any but the Islamic forum.

You are a worthless idiot.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:19pm

aquascoot wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:40pm:
thats actually incorrect brain.

the only plant the aborigine could have used as a crop was the macadamia tree

and they had no domestic animals that could be farmed.

that doesnt mean they are not very intuitive and natural bushmen.

most cattlemen are in awe of their bush skills.

but, no, they never farmed because the country provided no opportunity to farm

Excuse me, I'll have you know they manufactured chewing gum. I saw it on the Leyland Brothers.

Some Boong was showing them bush tucker and he said, see this one? Kids love it - tastes like chewie.

Apparently Wrigleys got the idea off the Boong. The rest is history.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:20pm

Valkie wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:20pm:

You have proven that you are a total moron.

I have no wish to pollute this part of the forum with repeated statements of your stupidity.

So I will no longer respond to you in any but the Islamic forum.

You are a worthless idiot.

You've done Valkie, Brian. Piece of cake, no?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gordon on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:25pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:19pm:

aquascoot wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:40pm:
thats actually incorrect brain.

the only plant the aborigine could have used as a crop was the macadamia tree

and they had no domestic animals that could be farmed.

that doesnt mean they are not very intuitive and natural bushmen.

most cattlemen are in awe of their bush skills.

but, no, they never farmed because the country provided no opportunity to farm

Excuse me, I'll have you know they manufactured chewing gum. I saw it on the Leyland Brothers.

Some Boong was showing them bush tucker and he said, see this one? Kids love it - tastes like chewie.

Apparently Wrigleys got the idea off the Boong. The rest is history.

And your great great uncle named a biscuit after a boong.

upload image

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 10th, 2021 at 9:33pm

Karnal wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:20pm:

Valkie wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:20pm:

You have proven that you are a total moron.

I have no wish to pollute this part of the forum with repeated statements of your stupidity.

So I will no longer respond to you in any but the Islamic forum.

You are a worthless idiot.

You've done Valkie, Brian. Piece of cake, no?

No.  If he wasn't so stubborn and less of Troll, things would have been easier. ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Jun 10th, 2021 at 9:54pm

Gordon wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:25pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:19pm:

aquascoot wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:40pm:
thats actually incorrect brain.

the only plant the aborigine could have used as a crop was the macadamia tree

and they had no domestic animals that could be farmed.

that doesnt mean they are not very intuitive and natural bushmen.

most cattlemen are in awe of their bush skills.

but, no, they never farmed because the country provided no opportunity to farm

Excuse me, I'll have you know they manufactured chewing gum. I saw it on the Leyland Brothers.

Some Boong was showing them bush tucker and he said, see this one? Kids love it - tastes like chewie.

Apparently Wrigleys got the idea off the Boong. The rest is history.

And your great great uncle named a biscuit after a boong.

upload image

We'll give one to Brian for doing Valkie, shall we?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Jun 10th, 2021 at 9:57pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 9:33pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:20pm:

Valkie wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 3:20pm:

You have proven that you are a total moron.

I have no wish to pollute this part of the forum with repeated statements of your stupidity.

So I will no longer respond to you in any but the Islamic forum.

You are a worthless idiot.

You've done Valkie, Brian. Piece of cake, no?

No.  If he wasn't so stubborn and less of Troll, things would have been easier. ::) ::)

True. Valkie was done as soon as he stepped in.

He can have a hundreds and thousands.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Jun 11th, 2021 at 12:39am

Gordon wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:25pm:

Karnal wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 4:19pm:

aquascoot wrote on Jun 10th, 2021 at 2:40pm:
thats actually incorrect brain.

the only plant the aborigine could have used as a crop was the macadamia tree

and they had no domestic animals that could be farmed.

that doesnt mean they are not very intuitive and natural bushmen.

most cattlemen are in awe of their bush skills.

but, no, they never farmed because the country provided no opportunity to farm

Excuse me, I'll have you know they manufactured chewing gum. I saw it on the Leyland Brothers.

Some Boong was showing them bush tucker and he said, see this one? Kids love it - tastes like chewie.

Apparently Wrigleys got the idea off the Boong. The rest is history.

And your great great uncle named a biscuit after a boong.

upload image

Good Golly, Miss Molly....

Never knew CCR did a cover of that....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 11th, 2021 at 7:57am

The morons think this is a win, well if thats what you think, it shows just how morally and intellectually retarded you are.

I looked at what was happening.
Playing shite head at his own game was not going to work, because with a mentally ill person like him, you can never beta any sense into them.

I was simply lowering myself to his juvenile level and it was a tortal waste of time and effort.

It was annoying to other posters and was as pointless as trying to talk sense to the idiots.

He can play his stupid little games, it simply proves he is a liar, an idiot and a traitor.

Im taking the moral high ground and simply ignoring the idiot.

Perhaps one day he and you lot will wake up to your own stupidity and actually learn to debate and put forward an argument of some sensible content.

But I seriously doubt it, you have insufficient cerebral capacity to walk and talk at the same time.
Expecting common sense is like expecting a snail to fly.
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Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 11th, 2021 at 2:18pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 11th, 2021 at 3:17pm
I accept your declaration of defeat Bwyannnnnnnn

You don't have to keep repeating it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 11th, 2021 at 3:20pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 11th, 2021 at 3:28pm
I accept your declaration of defeat Bwyannnnnnnn

You don't have to keep repeating it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jun 11th, 2021 at 11:40pm

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jun 12th, 2021 at 9:21am
I accept your declaration of defeat Bwyannnnnnnn

You don't have to keep repeating it.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Jun 12th, 2021 at 10:31am

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 11th, 2021 at 11:40pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

Gordon wrote on Jun 12th, 2021 at 8:55am:
It was only a matter of time

In page after page, Sutton and Walshe accuse Pascoe of a “lack of true scholarship”, ignoring Aboriginal voices, dragging respect for traditional Aboriginal culture back into the Eurocentric world of the colonial era, and “trimming” colonial observations to fit his argument. They write that while Dark Emu “purports to be factual” it is “littered with unsourced material, is poorly researched, distorts and exaggerates many points, selectively emphasises evidence to suit those opinions, and ignores large bodies of information that do not support the author’s opinions”.

“It is actually not, properly considered, a work of scholarship,” they write. “Its success as a narrative has been achieved in spite of its failure as an account of fact.”

The Sutton/Walshe book is not the first criticism of Dark Emu. Australian National University anthropologist Ian Keen has said that Pascoe’s evidence for Aboriginal farming is “deeply problematic”, although he also believes that some of the criticism has been used to support a racist agenda. Christophe Darmangeat, a lecturer in social anthropology at the Sorbonne in France, wrote that in Dark Emu Pascoe mixes “perfectly proven elements, others possible but more doubtful, others very improbable, and finally frank fabrications, firing on all cylinders by handling concepts and facts with a disarming casualness”. Quadrant published a polemical book, Bitter Harvest, against Pascoe’s claims. But Sutton and Walshe’s Farmers or Hunter-Gatherers? is the most forensic and best credentialled examination and repudiation of Dark Emu.

Another, very significant point debunking Pascoe:

And if Aboriginal people were farmers as Pascoe contends, Sutton asks, where is the evidence for it in Aboriginal languages, as there is evidence in Torres Strait languages? “If, as he says, they traditionally hoed and tilled and ploughed the earth, made gardens, selected and sowed seed or planted tubers, irrigated their crops, reaped the results and stored them, and thus were farmers on farms doing farming, should he not have tried to demonstrate that these categories and terms were present in at least some of the approximately 260 distinct languages of Australia in 1788?”

Aboriginal people knew about farmers, Sutton and Walshe write, from their trading interactions with Torres Strait gardeners and Macassans and Baijini from the Indies, but chose not to emulate them, for reasons that were cultural as well as practical. Economics without religion was “inconceivable” to the Old People, they write. “Gathering and hunting and fishing were not just economics: they were the Law.”

“In contrast to the picture conveyed by Dark Emu, the greater part of Aboriginal traditional methods of reproducing plant and animal species was not through physical cultivation or conservation but through spiritual propagation,” Sutton writes. “This included speaking to the spirits of ancestors at resource sites, carrying out ‘increase rituals’ at special species-related sites, singing resource species songs in ceremonies, maintaining rich systems of totems for various species that were found in the countries of the totem-holders, and handling food resources with reverence … A secularised notion of Aboriginal cultivation, devoid of spiritual dimensions, did not exist in Australia before conquest.”

The decision to not adopt horticulture and agriculture was not a failure of the imagination, Sutton writes, “but an active championing and protection of their own way of life and, when in contact with outsiders, a resistance to an alien economic pattern”.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Frank on Jun 12th, 2021 at 10:35am

Brian Ross wrote on Jun 11th, 2021 at 11:40pm:

Dear, oh, dear, still no effort by the Racists to actually refute what Pascoe has said.  They just prefer to engage in argumentum ad hominem debate. They just believe personal insults will replace reasoned debate.  It worked for them for generations so why would they stop now?  Tsk, tsk, still nothing that argues against Pascoe's quoting of the journals of the early explorers/settlers where they describe encountering fields of native foods.  Even when Valkie admits that he doesn't understand the argument, he still argues.  Typical Racist behaviour it seems, all passion, no sense.  Tsk, tsk.  ::) ::)

To Pascoe's credit, he is not as blindly stupid as Brian and does not see 'wacism, Islmamophobia' etc where merely disagreement exists.
Pascoe welcomes debate and disagreement. Brian can't handle it in any way.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on Jul 3rd, 2021 at 11:23am
Harmful: warning issued to ‘race shifters’

In the US they are known as “race-shifters”; in Canada they are “Pretendians”; and in Australia, they are more commonly known as “box-tickers” – people who discover, or else simply claim an Indigenous or First ­Nations heritage for themselves.

Some do so because they want to adopt a more exotic profile; others because being “just white” doesn’t have quite the cache it once did, especially in academia.

But the sheer number of ­people now laying claim to an ­Indigenous identity has begun to distort national statistics, at least according to Indigenous Australian academics and a group of international writers who took part in a lively roundtable on the topic of “race-shifting” at an anthropology conference in May.

The two Aboriginal academics, supported by colleagues from the US and Canada who have written books on the subject, say the trend toward adopting a new racial identity is causing real harm. The group plans to extend the discussion of the “self-­Indigenising” movement by presenting at the Australian Anth­ropology Society’s national conference in November.

Australian academic Victoria Grieve-Williams, a Warraimaay historian from the NSW mid-north coast, said: “In Australia the race shifting phenomenon is pervasive and well recognised by Aboriginal people. The statistics show that the increase is not natural, but it remains a difficult conversation for Australians to have. The race shifters hold the power, they stifle debate and ­resist scrutiny in various ways, including attacking Aboriginal people who ask who they are in our cultural terms.

“They tend to be urban-based, clustered in southeast Australia, and raised with all the privilege of being white.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Brian Ross on Jul 3rd, 2021 at 11:38am
Oh, look, it's Soren in Drag!!!!   ::) ::)

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Gnads on Jul 3rd, 2021 at 12:20pm

Brian Ross wrote on Jul 3rd, 2021 at 11:38am:
Oh, look, it's Soren in Drag!!!!   ::) ::)

Oh look Softcock as a Vahhhhgina.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Valkie on Jul 3rd, 2021 at 1:13pm

Bertie wrote on Jul 3rd, 2021 at 11:23am:
Harmful: warning issued to ‘race shifters’

In the US they are known as “race-shifters”; in Canada they are “Pretendians”; and in Australia, they are more commonly known as “box-tickers” – people who discover, or else simply claim an Indigenous or First ­Nations heritage for themselves.

Some do so because they want to adopt a more exotic profile; others because being “just white” doesn’t have quite the cache it once did, especially in academia.

But the sheer number of ­people now laying claim to an ­Indigenous identity has begun to distort national statistics, at least according to Indigenous Australian academics and a group of international writers who took part in a lively roundtable on the topic of “race-shifting” at an anthropology conference in May.

The two Aboriginal academics, supported by colleagues from the US and Canada who have written books on the subject, say the trend toward adopting a new racial identity is causing real harm. The group plans to extend the discussion of the “self-­Indigenising” movement by presenting at the Australian Anth­ropology Society’s national conference in November.

Australian academic Victoria Grieve-Williams, a Warraimaay historian from the NSW mid-north coast, said: “In Australia the race shifting phenomenon is pervasive and well recognised by Aboriginal people. The statistics show that the increase is not natural, but it remains a difficult conversation for Australians to have. The race shifters hold the power, they stifle debate and ­resist scrutiny in various ways, including attacking Aboriginal people who ask who they are in our cultural terms.

“They tend to be urban-based, clustered in southeast Australia, and raised with all the privilege of being white.

I know people who have done just that.
White as me , but suddenly they are abbo and getting all sorts of indigenous benefits.

One in particular was having problems getting housing
She and her two kids were on a waiting list and not getting anywhere.
Suddenly she "found out" she was part abo due to some long lost family (its bull shite because she never did)
Suddenly she was in a house and getting all sorts of help.
apparently, they are not allowed to ask for proof.

I think, to be fair.
You should have to prove your aboriginality and it should be no less than great grandparents.
Any less, you are white.

That would destroy there liars, wannabes and parasites pretending to be abbo for the benefits.

It would also be the end to 9 out of 10 so called indigenous groups around Australia and definitely on the central coast where they are nearly all white.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Agatha on Jul 3rd, 2021 at 9:50pm
“What interests me is not simply that race-shifting is happening and on such a vast scale, it is the ways in which it is happening. Box-ticking is a social movement. My analysis in health communication shows how it affects policy – it seems to have started in housing policy – but it has soared in the education sector, and the stats show, probably unsurprisingly, that the east coast of Australia is the epicentre.

“There is a performative element that these claims for legitimacy rely on, and Aboriginal people can clearly hear this. I have heard the most preposterous claims. How we recognise each other is up to mob locally, within our kinship networks. We are doing something about it now and I know mob elsewhere are, too, but the discussion is more open in North America than it is here.”

Dr Macdonald estimates that 5 per cent of people counted as ­Indigenous in Australia are actually white people, “self-identifying” as Indigenous.

“They are well-represented in the national Indigenous elite, many gain high-prestige jobs designed for Indigenous people, claiming insider knowledge they don’t possess,” she said. “Grassroots Aboriginal people resent having to deal with them but feel unable to counter this tidal wave.

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Ye Grappler on Jul 4th, 2021 at 1:23am
White-anting the Aboriginal movement?  Jesus God - how low can they stoop??

Ab Original - from the Latin - 'ab' meaning 'away from'... thus away from the original.....

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Karnal on Jul 4th, 2021 at 2:19am
I say, Agatha, you may well be a Boong yourself. How would you know?

How are you at the didgeridoo, dear?

Title: Re: A real history of Aboriginal Australians
Post by Mr Lager on Jul 4th, 2021 at 10:49am
Up until 230yrs ago every single Aboriginals life was exactly the the same as their forefathers life dating back 60,004yrs.

Recent studies at the Monash university have shown that some Abbos brains are beginning to become stimulated with the introduction of civilisation and they are becoming quite ingenious.

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